In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import pandas as pd
idx = pd.IndexSlice

In [2]:
from IPython.core.display import HTML
css = open('style-table.css').read() + open('style-notebook.css').read()


In [3]:
cast = pd.DataFrame.from_csv('data/cast.csv', index_col=None)

CPU times: user 13.9 s, sys: 1.54 s, total: 15.4 s
Wall time: 16.1 s

In [4]:

title year name type character n
0 The Core 2003 Alejandro Abellan actor U.S.S. Soldier NaN
1 Il momento di uccidere 1968 Remo De Angelis actor Dago 9
2 Across the Divide 1921 Thomas Delmar actor Dago 4
3 Revan 2012 Diego James actor Dago NaN
4 Un homme marche dans la ville 1950 Fabien Loris actor Dago 12

In [5]:
release_dates = pd.read_csv('data/release_dates.csv', index_col=None,
                            parse_dates=['date'], infer_datetime_format=True)

CPU times: user 1.78 s, sys: 76.5 ms, total: 1.85 s
Wall time: 1.93 s

In [6]:

title year country date
0 0_1_0 2008 Poland 2008-11-14
1 Ai no Sanka 1967 Japan 1967-01-01
2 A Thousand to One 1920 USA 1920-12-05
3 A Prince of a King 1923 USA 1923-10-13
4 A Prince of a King 1923 Netherlands 1924-08-08

In [7]:
titles = cast[['title', 'year']].drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True)

title year
0 The Core 2003
1 Il momento di uccidere 1968
2 Across the Divide 1921
3 Revan 2012
4 Un homme marche dans la ville 1950


In [8]:
# 1. How many movies are listed in the `titles` dataframe?



In [9]:
# 1. What is the name and year of the very first movie ever made?


title year
100983 Miss Jerry 1894

In [10]:
# 1. How many years into the future does the IMDB database list movie titles?

titles.sort('year').tail(3)#.year - 2015

title year
208386 The Understander 2021
200027 Model Combat 2021
208929 Edge of Time 2021

In [11]:
# 1. How many movies listed in `titles` came out in 1950?

len(titles[titles.year == 1950])

# or: (titles.year == 1950).sum()


In [12]:
# 1. How many movies came out in 1960?

len(titles[titles.year == 1960])


In [13]:
# 1. How many movies came out in each year of the 1970s?
#    (Hint: try a Python "for" loop.)

for y in range(1970, 1980):
    print(y, (titles.year == y).sum())

1970 1876
1971 1774
1972 1840
1973 1813
1974 1795
1975 1704
1976 1716
1977 1686
1978 1679
1979 1757

In [14]:
# 1. How many movies came out during your own lifetime,
#    from the year of your birth through 2014?

len(titles[(titles.year >= 1974) & (titles.year <= 2014)])


In [15]:
# 2. Use "value_counts" to determine how many movies came out
#    in each year of the 1970s.

titles[titles.year // 10 == 197].year.value_counts().sort_index()

1970    1876
1971    1774
1972    1840
1973    1813
1974    1795
1975    1704
1976    1716
1977    1686
1978    1679
1979    1757
dtype: int64

In [16]:
# 3. Use "groupby" to determine how many movies came out in each year of the 1970s.


1970    1876
1971    1774
1972    1840
1973    1813
1974    1795
1975    1704
1976    1716
1977    1686
1978    1679
1979    1757
dtype: int64

In [ ]:


In [17]:
# 1. What are the names of the movies made through 1906?

titles[titles.year <= 1906][['title']]

100983 Miss Jerry
104766 Soldiers of the Cross
140912 Can Can
142404 The Story of the Kelly Gang
173490 Jeffries-Sharkey Contest
173746 Valsons
173859 The Joe Gans-Battling Nelson Fight
174032 Battle of Jeffries and Sharkey for Championshi...
174343 Sr. Wrangler Mr. R.P. Paranjpe
205246 Lika mot lika
211338 Eine Fliegenjagd oder Die Rache der Frau Schultze

In [18]:
# 1. What movies have titles that fall between Star Trek and Star Wars in the alphabet?

titles[(titles.title >= 'Star Trek') & (titles.title <= 'Star Wars')]

title year
2056 Star Wars 1977
9814 Star Trek 2009
9886 Star Trek Into Darkness 2013
27553 Star Trek III: The Search for Spock 1984
29784 Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan 1982
30814 Star Trek: The Motion Picture 1979
33378 Star Trek: Nemesis 2002
39810 Star Trek: First Contact 1996
39824 Star Trek: Generations 1994
59379 Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country 1991
60607 Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home 1986
70841 Star Trek V: The Final Frontier 1989
92631 Star Trip 2012
103945 Star Trek World Tour 1998
104399 Star Trek: Insurrection 1998
130495 Star Vehicle 2010
144886 Star Trek: Temporal Anomaly 2015
178385 Star Trek I: Specter of the Past 2010
180027 Star Trek: Horizon 2015
199493 Star Trek: Operation Beta Shield 2008
209496 Star Trek: USS PAN 2018

In [19]:
# 2. Use an index and .loc[] to find the movies whose titles fall between Star Trek
#    and Star Wars in the alphabet.

t = titles.copy()
t = t.set_index('title').sort_index()
t.loc['Star Trek':'Star Wars']

Star Trek 2009
Star Trek I: Specter of the Past 2010
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock 1984
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home 1986
Star Trek Into Darkness 2013
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier 1989
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country 1991
Star Trek World Tour 1998
Star Trek: First Contact 1996
Star Trek: Generations 1994
Star Trek: Horizon 2015
Star Trek: Insurrection 1998
Star Trek: Nemesis 2002
Star Trek: Operation Beta Shield 2008
Star Trek: Temporal Anomaly 2015
Star Trek: The Motion Picture 1979
Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan 1982
Star Trek: USS PAN 2018
Star Trip 2012
Star Vehicle 2010
Star Wars 1977

In [20]:
# 2. Use an index and .loc[] to retrieve the names of the movies made through 1906.


1894 Miss Jerry
1898 Can Can
1899 Jeffries-Sharkey Contest
1899 Battle of Jeffries and Sharkey for Championshi...
1900 Soldiers of the Cross
1902 Sr. Wrangler Mr. R.P. Paranjpe
1905 Valsons
1905 Eine Fliegenjagd oder Die Rache der Frau Schultze
1906 The Story of the Kelly Gang
1906 The Joe Gans-Battling Nelson Fight
1906 Lika mot lika

In [21]:
# 2. What are the 15 most common movie titles in film history?


Hamlet           17
Macbeth          14
Carmen           14
Anna Karenina    12
Maya             11
Underground      11
Anna             10
Revenge          10
Temptation       10
The Outsider     10
Jackpot          10
Othello          10
Blood Money      10
She              10
Rage              9
dtype: int64

In [22]:
# Use this for session 3?

i = cast.set_index('name').sort_index()

In [23]:
a = i.loc['Cary Grant',['year','n']].groupby('year').agg(['min', 'mean', 'max'])
a.loc[:1942].plot(kind='area', stacked=False)

min mean max
1932 1 5.125000 9
1933 1 3.166667 10
1934 1 1.500000 2
1935 1 1.750000 2
1936 1 1.750000 3
1937 2 2.000000 2
1938 2 2.000000 2
1939 1 1.333333 2
1940 1 1.250000 2
1941 1 1.500000 2
1942 1 1.000000 1
1943 1 1.000000 1
1944 1 1.000000 1
1945 NaN NaN NaN
1946 1 1.000000 1
1947 1 1.000000 1
1948 1 1.000000 1
1949 1 1.000000 1
1950 1 1.000000 1
1951 1 1.000000 1
1952 1 1.000000 1
1953 1 1.000000 1
1955 1 1.000000 1
1957 1 1.000000 1
1958 1 1.000000 1
1959 1 1.000000 1
1960 1 1.000000 1
1962 1 1.000000 1
1963 1 1.000000 1
1964 1 1.000000 1
1966 1 1.000000 1
1981 NaN NaN NaN
1987 NaN NaN NaN
1988 NaN NaN NaN
2002 NaN NaN NaN

In [24]:
# 5. What are the 5 longest movie titles ever?

pd.set_option('max_colwidth', 300)

t = titles.copy()
t['len'] = t.title.str.len()
t = t.sort('len', ascending=False)

title year len
163401 Night of the Day of the Dawn of the Son of the Bride of the Return of the Revenge of the Terror of the Attack of the Evil Mutant Hellbound Flesh Eating Crawling Alien Zombified Subhumanoid Living Dead, Part 5 2011 208
154042 Night of the Day of the Dawn of the Son of the Bride of the Return of the Revenge of the Terror of the Attack of the Evil, Mutant, Hellbound, Flesh-Eating Subhumanoid Zombified Living Dead, Part 3 2005 196
120466 Las poquianchis (De los pormenores y otros sucedidos del dominio público que acontecieron a las hermanas de triste memoria a quienes la maledicencia así las bautizó) 1976 165
40308 Entrei em Pânico ao Saber o que Vocês Fizeram na Sexta-feira 13 do Verão Passado Parte 2 - A Hora da Volta da Vingança dos Jogos Mortais de Halloween 2011 149
173052 Die Antigone des Sophokles nach der Hölderlinschen Übertragung für die Bühne bearbeitet von Brecht 1948 (Suhrkamp Verlag) 1992 121

In [25]:
# 5. What are the 15 most popular movie titles, if you strip off the suffixes like
#    (II) and (III) that the IMDB adds to distinguish movies shown in the same year?


Hamlet           17
Broken           15
Macbeth          14
Carmen           14
Anna Karenina    12
Underground      11
Maya             11
Alone            10
Othello          10
Revenge          10
Love             10
The Outsider     10
Blood Money      10
Temptation       10
dtype: int64

How many movies actors have been in

In [26]:
# 1. How many movies has Judi Dench acted in?

len(cast[ == 'Judi Dench'])


In [27]:
# 1. How many movies did Sidney Poitier appear in?

c = cast
c = c[ == 'Sidney Poitier']


In [28]:
# 1. In how many of his movies was Sidney Poitier the lead (`n==1`)?

c = cast
c = c[ == 'Sidney Poitier']
c = c[c.n == 1]


Pulling and displaying movie credits

In [29]:
# 1. List the movies, sorted by year, in which Judi Dench starred as lead actor.

c = cast
c = c[ == 'Judi Dench']
c = c[c.n == 1]

title year name type character n
1762207 Mrs Brown 1997 Judi Dench actress Queen Victoria 1
3110457 Ladies in Lavender 2004 Judi Dench actress Ursula 1
3407847 Mrs Henderson Presents 2005 Judi Dench actress Mrs. Laura Henderson 1
3363284 Notes on a Scandal 2006 Judi Dench actress Barbara Covett 1
3363282 The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel 2011 Judi Dench actress Evelyn Greenslade 1
2702221 Philomena 2013 Judi Dench actress Philomena 1

In [30]:
# 1. Who was credited in the 1972 version of Sleuth, in order by `n` rank?

c = cast
c = c[c.title == 'Sleuth']
c = c[c.year == 1972]

title year name type character n
2815436 Sleuth 1972 Laurence Olivier actor Andrew Wyke 1
1985454 Sleuth 1972 Michael Caine actor Milo Tindle 2
2004531 Sleuth 1972 Alec Cawthorne actor Inspector Doppler 3
2707118 Sleuth 1972 John Matthews (II) actor Detective Sergeant Tarrant 4
3292963 Sleuth 1972 Eve Channing (III) actress Marguerite Wyke 5
2693963 Sleuth 1972 Teddy Martin actor Police Constable Higgs 6

Common character names

In [31]:
# 2. What are the 11 most common character names in movie history?


Himself      24293
Dancer       11697
Extra         8865
Reporter      7792
Doctor        7666
Herself       7501
Policeman     7245
Student       6694
Nurse         6636
Bartender     6298
Zombie        5785
dtype: int64

In [32]:
# 3. Which actors have played the role “Zombie” the most times?

c = cast
c = c[c.character == 'Zombie']
c = c.groupby('name').size().order()

Richard Ricci         3
Colin Murtagh         3
Terry Gindele         3
Samuel R. Solito      3
John Migliore (II)    6
dtype: int64

In [33]:
# 3. Which ten people have appeared most often as “Herself” over the history of film?

c = cast
c = c[c.character == 'Herself']
c = c.groupby('name').size().order()

Mary Jo Pehl           7
Cosey Fanni Tutti      7
Brigitte Bardot        7
Petula Clark           7
Joan Rivers            8
Queen Mary             8
Margaret Thatcher      9
Denise Austin         10
Joyce Brothers        14
Queen Elizabeth II    14
dtype: int64

In [34]:
# 3. Which ten people have appeared most often as “Himself” over the history of film?

c = cast
c = c[c.character == 'Himself']
c = c.groupby('name').size().order()

Bill Clinton              22
Josip Broz Tito           23
Franklin D. Roosevelt     23
George W. Bush            24
Ron Jeremy                24
Amitabh Bachchan          25
Ronald Reagan             30
John F. Kennedy           33
Richard Nixon             43
Adolf Hitler             104
dtype: int64

In [35]:
# 4. Take the 50 most common character names in film.
#    Which are most often played by men?

c = cast
clist = c.character.value_counts().head(50)

Himself     24293
Dancer      11697
Extra        8865
Reporter     7792
Doctor       7666
dtype: int64

In [36]:

Frank      2355
Teacher    2313
Tom        2282
Mary       2278
Sarah      2251
dtype: int64

In [37]:
cast_by_character = cast.sort('character').set_index('character')

In [38]:
c = cast_by_character.loc[clist.index][['type']]
c = c.reset_index()
c = c.groupby(['character', 'type']).size()
c = c.unstack()
c['ratio'] = c.actress / ( + c.actress)
c = c.sort('ratio')

type actor actress ratio
Townsman 4963 3 0.000604
John 2628 2 0.000760
Henchman 4876 4 0.000820
Policeman 7233 12 0.001656
Himself 24251 42 0.001729

In [39]:
# 4. …which of those 50 characters are most often played by women?


type actor actress ratio
Anna 86 2868 0.970887
Mary 46 2232 0.979807
Girl 43 2513 0.983177
Maria 27 3080 0.991310
Herself 59 7442 0.992134

In [40]:
# 4. …which of those 50 characters have a ratio closest to 0.5?

c[(c.ratio > 0.4) & (c.ratio < 0.6)]

type actor actress ratio
Student 3845 2849 0.425605
Singer 1706 1811 0.514927
Teacher 1079 1234 0.533506

In [ ]:

Who has been in the most movies

In [41]:
# 2. Which actors or actresses appeared in the most movies in the year 1945?

cast[cast.year == 1945].name.value_counts().head(10)

Emmett Vogan       39
Sam Harris (II)    30
Harold Miller      28
Bess Flowers       28
Nolan Leary        27
Frank O'Connor     26
Edmund Cobb        24
Franklyn Farnum    24
Tom London         24
Pierre Watkin      24
dtype: int64

In [42]:
# 2. Which actors or actresses appeared in the most movies in the year 1985?

cast[cast.year == 1985].name.value_counts().head(10)

Mammootty           34
Shakti Kapoor       26
Mohanlal            22
Sukumari            19
Satyendra Kapoor    17
Kader Khan          16
Asrani              16
Rajesh Khanna       15
Aruna Irani         15
Raj Babbar          15
dtype: int64

In [43]:
# 2. Create a `cast_by_title_year` dataframe indexed by title and year
#    to use in the next few questions.

cast_by_title_year = cast.set_index(['title', 'year']).sort_index()

CPU times: user 15.8 s, sys: 2.68 s, total: 18.5 s
Wall time: 18.9 s

In [44]:
# 2. Use `cast_by_title_year` to find the stars of the film Inception
#    and order them by `n` before displaying the top 10.


CPU times: user 183 ms, sys: 4.19 ms, total: 187 ms
Wall time: 186 ms
name type character n
2010 Leonardo DiCaprio actor Cobb 1
2010 Joseph Gordon-Levitt actor Arthur 2
2010 Ellen Page actress Ariadne 3
2010 Tom Hardy actor Eames 4
2010 Ken Watanabe actor Saito 5
2010 Dileep Rao actor Yusuf 6
2010 Cillian Murphy actor Robert Fischer 7
2010 Tom Berenger actor Browning 8
2010 Marion Cotillard actress Mal 9
2010 Pete Postlethwaite actor Maurice Fischer 10

In [45]:
# 2. Use `cast_by_title_year` to find the first 10 stars in the 1996 film Hamlet,
#    and order them by `n`.


name type character n
title year
Hamlet 1996 Riz Abbasi actor Attendant to Claudius 1
1996 Richard Attenborough actor English Ambassador 2
1996 David Blair (V) actor Attendant to Claudius 3
1996 Brian Blessed actor Ghost of Hamlet's Father 4
1996 Kenneth Branagh actor Hamlet 5
1996 Richard Briers actor Polonius 6
1996 Michael Bryant actor Priest 7
1996 Peter Bygott actor Attendant to Claudius 8
1996 Julie Christie actress Gertrude 9
1996 Billy Crystal actor First Gravedigger 10

In [46]:
# 2. Write a `for` loop that, for the top 9 actors in the 1977 movie Star Wars,
#    determines how many movies they starred in after 1977.

names = cast_by_title_year.loc['Star Wars',1977].sort('n').head(9).name
for name in names:
    print(name, len(cast[( == name) & (cast.year > 1977)]))

Mark Hamill 42
Harrison Ford 44
Carrie Fisher 40
Peter Cushing 10
Alec Guinness 9
Anthony Daniels 11
Kenny Baker 18
Peter Mayhew (II) 7
David Prowse 5
CPU times: user 8.7 s, sys: 11.8 ms, total: 8.71 s
Wall time: 8.73 s

In [47]:
# 2. Create an indexed version of `cast` that, once built, lets you answer
#    the previous question with a `for` loop that finishes in under a second.

i = cast.set_index('name').sort_index()

In [48]:
for name in names:
    c = i.loc[name]
    c = c[c.year > 1977]
    #c = c[(c.character != 'Himself') & (c.character != 'Herself')]
    print(name, len(c))

Mark Hamill 42
Harrison Ford 44
Carrie Fisher 40
Peter Cushing 10
Alec Guinness 9
Anthony Daniels 11
Kenny Baker 18
Peter Mayhew (II) 7
David Prowse 5
CPU times: user 2.8 s, sys: 64.4 ms, total: 2.86 s
Wall time: 2.89 s

In [ ]:

In [49]:
# 3. How many people were cast in each of the movies named "Hamlet”?

c = cast
c = c[c.title == 'Hamlet']
c = c.groupby('year').size() 

1910     1
1911     6
1913    21
1921     9
1948    25
1954     1
1964    33
1969    24
1973     8
1976    11
1987     3
1990    29
1996    55
2000    38
2009    17
2011    12
2015     6
dtype: int64

In [ ]:

In [50]:
# 5. How many actors are in the cast of each version of Hamlet,
#    including Hamlets with IMDB name collisions like "Hamlet (II)"
#    and "Hamlet (III)"? [BAD]

c = cast_by_title_year
# c.loc['Hamlet':'Hamlet (Z'].index.value_counts()    - Drat
# c.loc['Hamlet':'Hamlet (Z'].groupby(level=0).size() - Drat
# c.loc['Hamlet':'Hamlet (Z'].groupby(level=1).size() - Drat
c.loc['Hamlet':'Hamlet (Z'].groupby(level=[0,1]).size()

# Or:
#c = cast[(cast.title >= 'Hamlet') & (cast.title < 'Hamlet (Z')]
#c.groupby(['title', 'year']).size()

title         year
Hamlet        1910     1
              1911     6
              1913    21
              1921     9
              1948    25
              1954     1
              1964    33
              1969    24
              1973     8
              1976    11
              1987     3
              1990    29
              1996    55
              2000    38
              2009    17
              2011    12
              2015     6
Hamlet (II)   1964    21
              2005    20
              2007    16
              2015    10
Hamlet (III)  2007     2
              2015    14
dtype: int64

In [ ]:

Actors and Actresses

In [51]:
# 4. Build a dataframe with a row for each year with two columns:
#    the number of roles for actors in that year's films,
#    and the number of roles for actresses.

aa = cast[['year', 'type']].groupby(['year', 'type']).size()
aa = aa.loc[:2014].unstack()

type actor actress
1894 2 1
1898 NaN 1
1899 6 NaN
1900 2 NaN
1902 1 NaN

In [52]:
# 4. Use that dataframe to make a kind='area' plot showing the total
#    number of roles available over the history of film.


<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f90bfb2d2e8>

In [53]:
f = / ( + aa.actress)
f.plot(ylim=[0,1], kind='area')

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f90bfcfba58>

In [54]:
c = cast
#c = c[c.year // 10 == 198]
c = c[c.n <= 3]
c = c.groupby(['year', 'type', 'n']).size()
c = c.unstack(1)
c.swaplevel(0,1).loc[1].plot(ylim=0, kind='area')
#f = / ( + c.actress)
#f = f.unstack()

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f90801ec0b8>

In [ ]:

Rank over time

In [55]:
# 2. Define “leading actor” as an actor or actress whose `n==1`
#    and “supporting actor” as `n==2` — what is the average year
#    of all the supporting roles Judi Dench has had?

c = cast
c = c[ == 'Judi Dench']
print(c[c.n == 2].year.mean())


In [56]:
# 2. What is the average year of Judi Dench’s leading roles —
#    is her career moving forwards toward leading roles
#    or backwards towards supporting ones?

print(c[c.n == 1].year.mean())


In [57]:
# 2. Did Sidney Poitier move forward or back over his career?

c = cast
c = c[ == 'Sidney Poitier']
print(c[c.n == 2].year.mean())
print(c[c.n == 1].year.mean())


In [58]:
# 2. What about Michael Caine?

c = cast
c = c[ == 'Michael Caine']
print(c[c.n == 2].year.mean())
print(c[c.n == 1].year.mean())


In [59]:
c = cast
#c = c[c.year // 10 == 195]
c = c[c.n.notnull()].groupby('name').n.agg(['size', 'mean'])

size mean
!Mystery Girl! 1 29
'Ace' Reitman 1 11
'Agent' Ava Hubbard 1 29
'Amarillo Slim' Preston 1 31
'Apple' Hamidu 1 71

In [60]:
c = c[c['size'] >= 10]
c = c.sort('mean')

size mean
Stanley Lupino 13 1.000000
Ferdi Tayfur (II) 11 1.000000
Harold Lloyd 19 1.000000
Orhan Gencebay 11 1.000000
Mohamad Ali Fardin 11 1.000000
Jeyam Ravi 16 1.000000
Amácio Mazzaropi 26 1.000000
Emmy Wehlen 18 1.000000
Edna Goodrich 11 1.000000
Prabhas 17 1.000000
Ganesh (XII) 18 1.000000
William S. Hart 50 1.000000
K.L. Saigal 19 1.000000
Dulquer Salmaan 10 1.000000
Olga Petrova 32 1.000000
Will Hay 19 1.000000
Evelyn Nesbit 10 1.000000
Emel Sayin 11 1.000000
Marie Doro 15 1.000000
Junior N.T.R. 20 1.000000
Scott Shaw 20 1.000000
Emily Stevens 16 1.000000
Nobuyo Ohyama 25 1.000000
Ed Skudder 13 1.000000
José Mojica 15 1.000000
Carl Brisson 12 1.000000
Upendra 13 1.000000
Fernand Raynaud 15 1.000000
Tristan Newcomb 10 1.000000
Joe Sears 10 1.000000
Stefan Kramer 18 1.000000
Valeska Suratt 11 1.000000
Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle 11 1.000000
Fannie Ward 26 1.000000
Billie Rhodes 10 1.000000
George Formby 22 1.000000
Mark Forest 17 1.000000
Earl Owensby 10 1.000000
Yilmaz Güney 74 1.013514
Vijay (XX) 37 1.027027
Mary Pickford 57 1.035088
Alberto Olmedo 25 1.040000
Pearl White 25 1.040000
June Caprice 21 1.047619
Türkan Soray 56 1.053571
Lito Lapid 54 1.055556
Sumanth 15 1.066667
Setsuko Ogawa 15 1.066667
Farid Al Atrache 14 1.071429
Dai Lin 14 1.071429
Vivian Martin 40 1.075000
Esa Pakarinen 13 1.076923
Dustin Farnum 39 1.076923
Suzzanna 12 1.083333
Hazel Dawn 12 1.083333
Momoe Yamaguchi 11 1.090909
Mary Miles Minter 53 1.094340
Grace Moore 10 1.100000
Rajkumar 20 1.100000
Vasilis Logothetidis 10 1.100000

In [ ]:

Release dates

In [61]:

title year country date
0 0_1_0 2008 Poland 2008-11-14
1 Ai no Sanka 1967 Japan 1967-01-01
2 A Thousand to One 1920 USA 1920-12-05
3 A Prince of a King 1923 USA 1923-10-13
4 A Prince of a King 1923 Netherlands 1924-08-08

In [166]:
# 5. In which month is a movie whose name starts with the text
#    "The Lord of the Rings" most likely to be released?

r = release_dates
r = r[r.title.str.startswith('The Lord of the Rings')]
r = r[ == 'USA']

12    3
11    1
dtype: int64

In [172]:
# 5. In which months is a movie whose name ends in the word "Christmas"
#    most likely to be released?

r = release_dates
r = r[r.title.str.endswith('Christmas')]
r = r[ == 'USA']

11    19
12    11
10     9
1      2
7      1
4      1
2      1
dtype: int64

In [62]:
rd = release_dates.set_index(['title', 'year']).sort_index()

country date
title year
#73, Shaanthi Nivaasa 2007 India 2007-06-15
#Beings 2015 Romania 2015-01-29
#Ewankosau saranghaeyo 2015 Philippines 2015-01-21
#Horror 2015 USA 2015-01-01
#Nerealnaya lyubov 2014 Russia 2014-02-13

In [117]:
rd.loc[[('#Beings', 2015), ('#Horror', 2015)]]

country date
title year
#Beings 2015 Romania 2015-01-29
#Horror 2015 USA 2015-01-01

In [124]:
c = cast
c = c[ == 'Tom Cruise'][['title', 'year']].drop_duplicates()
#c = c.join(rd, ['title', 'year'])
#c = c[ == 'USA']'bar')

array([['Top Gun', 1986],
       ['Legend', 1985],
       ['Oblivion', 2013],
       ['Collateral', 2004],
       ['Endless Love', 1981],
       ['Austin Powers in Goldmember', 2002],
       ['August', 2008],
       ['The Queen', 2006],
       ["Losin' It", 1983],
       ['Edge of Tomorrow', 2014],
       ['Mission: Impossible III', 2006],
       ['Mission: Impossible', 1996],
       ['Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation', 2015],
       ['Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol', 2011],
       ['Mission: Impossible II', 2000],
       ['War of the Worlds', 2005],
       ['Knight and Day', 2010],
       ['Minority Report', 2002],
       ['Cocktail', 1988],
       ['The Outsiders', 1983],
       ['Rock of Ages', 2012],
       ['All the Right Moves', 1983],
       ['Taps', 1981],
       ['Jerry Maguire', 1996],
       ['The Last Samurai', 2003],
       ['Born on the Fourth of July', 1989],
       ['Far and Away', 1992],
       ['Magnolia', 1999],
       ['Vanilla Sky', 2001],
       ['Tropic Thunder', 2008],
       ['Valkyrie', 2008],
       ['Days of Thunder', 1990],
       ['Eyes Wide Shut', 1999],
       ['Rain Man', 1988],
       ['Jack Reacher', 2012],
       ['The Color of Money', 1986],
       ['Lions for Lambs', 2007],
       ['Risky Business', 1983],
       ['A Few Good Men', 1992],
       ['Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles', 1994],
       ['The Firm', 1993]], dtype=object)

In [128]:
# rd.loc[c]
# rd.loc[c.values]
# rd.loc[list(c.values)]

In [138]:
# 5. In what months of the year have Helen Mirren movies been most often released?

c = cast
c = c[ == 'Helen Mirren'][['title', 'year']].drop_duplicates()
c = c.join(rd, ['title', 'year'])
c = c[ == 'USA']'bar')

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f90a42fb860>

In [139]:
# 5. …Jeff Bridges movies?

c = cast
c = c[ == 'Jeff Bridges'][['title', 'year']].drop_duplicates()
c = c.join(rd, ['title', 'year'])
c = c[ == 'USA']'bar')

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f90a42990b8>

In [141]:
# 5. …Tom Cruise movies?

c = cast
c = c[ == 'Tom Cruise'][['title', 'year']].drop_duplicates()
c = c.join(rd, ['title', 'year'])
c = c[ == 'USA']'bar')

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f90a4144ba8>

In [155]:
# 5. Use join() to build a table of release dates indexed by actor,
#    and use it to re-run the previous three questions efficiently.

c = cast
c = c[['name', 'title', 'year']]
c = c.join(rd, ['title', 'year'])
c = c[ == 'USA']
c = c.set_index('name').sort_index()
releases = c

CPU times: user 19.8 s, sys: 3.83 s, total: 23.6 s
Wall time: 23.7 s

In [178]:
releases.loc['Tom Cruise'].date.dt.month.value_counts().sort_index().plot(kind='bar')

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f90a3bcca90>

In [182]:
# pivot(self, index=None, columns=None, values=None)

In [183]:

title year name type character n
0 The Core 2003 Alejandro Abellan actor U.S.S. Soldier NaN
1 Il momento di uccidere 1968 Remo De Angelis actor Dago 9
2 Across the Divide 1921 Thomas Delmar actor Dago 4
3 Revan 2012 Diego James actor Dago NaN
4 Un homme marche dans la ville 1950 Fabien Loris actor Dago 12

In [205]:
c = cast
c = c[c.year >= 1990]
c = c[c.year <= 1993]
c = c[ == 'George Clooney']
#c = c[c.title == 'Inception']
#c = c[c.n.notnull()]
#c = c.pivot('name', 'year', 'title')

title year name type character n
1197089 Unbecoming Age 1992 George Clooney actor Mac 5
2023017 The Harvest 1992 George Clooney actor Lip Syncing Transvestite 23

In [ ]:

In [206]:

title year country date
0 0_1_0 2008 Poland 2008-11-14
1 Ai no Sanka 1967 Japan 1967-01-01
2 A Thousand to One 1920 USA 1920-12-05
3 A Prince of a King 1923 USA 1923-10-13
4 A Prince of a King 1923 Netherlands 1924-08-08

In [218]:
r = release_dates
r = r[r.title.str.startswith('Star Wars: Episode')]
r = r['U')]
r.pivot('title', 'country', 'date')
#r.pivot('country', 'title', 'date')

country UK USA Ukraine United Arab Emirates Uruguay
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace 1999-07-16 1999-05-19 NaT 1999-08-25 1999-07-02
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones 2002-05-16 2002-05-16 2002-06-08 2002-05-16 2002-07-05
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith 2005-05-19 2005-05-19 NaT 2005-05-19 NaT
Star Wars: Episode IX NaT 2019-01-01 NaT NaT NaT
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back 1980-05-21 1980-06-20 NaT NaT 1981-01-15
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi 1983-06-02 1983-05-25 NaT NaT NaT
Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens 2015-12-18 2015-12-18 2015-12-17 NaT NaT
Star Wars: Episode VIII 2017-05-26 2017-05-26 NaT NaT NaT

In [227]:
r = release_dates
r = r[r.title.str.startswith('Star Wars: Episode')]
r = r['U')]
r.set_index(['title', 'country'])[['date']].unstack()

country UK USA Ukraine United Arab Emirates Uruguay
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace 1999-07-16 1999-05-19 NaT 1999-08-25 1999-07-02
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones 2002-05-16 2002-05-16 2002-06-08 2002-05-16 2002-07-05
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith 2005-05-19 2005-05-19 NaT 2005-05-19 NaT
Star Wars: Episode IX NaT 2019-01-01 NaT NaT NaT
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back 1980-05-21 1980-06-20 NaT NaT 1981-01-15
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi 1983-06-02 1983-05-25 NaT NaT NaT
Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens 2015-12-18 2015-12-18 2015-12-17 NaT NaT
Star Wars: Episode VIII 2017-05-26 2017-05-26 NaT NaT NaT

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [228]:

title year name type character n
0 The Core 2003 Alejandro Abellan actor U.S.S. Soldier NaN
1 Il momento di uccidere 1968 Remo De Angelis actor Dago 9
2 Across the Divide 1921 Thomas Delmar actor Dago 4
3 Revan 2012 Diego James actor Dago NaN
4 Un homme marche dans la ville 1950 Fabien Loris actor Dago 12

In [243]:
t = titles


title year
0 The Core 2003
1 Il momento di uccidere 1968
2 Across the Divide 1921
3 Revan 2012
4 Un homme marche dans la ville 1950

In [246]:
c = cast
c = c[c.title == 'Hamlet']
c = c.set_index(['year', 'character'])#.unstack('type')

title name type n
year character
1964 Lady Hamlet Kate Beswick actress NaN
Lady Hamlet Carol Teitel actress NaN
2000 Special Guest Appearance Hamlet Paul Ferriter actor 23
Special Guest Appearance Hamlet Paul Graham (IV) actor 27
Special Guest Appearance Hamlet Henry Griffin (II) actor 28
Special Guest Appearance Hamlet Ayun Halliday actor 30
Special Guest Appearance Hamlet Greg Kotis actor 31
Special Guest Appearance Hamlet Barry Manasch actor 32
Special Guest Appearance Hamlet Philip McKenney actor 33
Special Guest Appearance Hamlet Colin Puth actor 35
Special Guest Appearance Hamlet Giancarlo Roma actor 37
Special Guest Appearance Hamlet Thomas Roma actor 38
Special Guest Appearance Hamlet D.J. Dara actress 21
Special Guest Appearance Hamlet Sinead Dolan actress 22
Special Guest Appearance Hamlet Sarah Fiol actress 25
Special Guest Appearance Hamlet Tanya Gingerich actress 26
Special Guest Appearance Hamlet Anne Nixon (II) actress 34
Special Guest Appearance Hamlet India Reed Kotis actress 29
1964 Gentleman Hamlet Richard Sterne actor NaN
1969 First Player Hamlet Roger Livesey actor 11
1996 First Player Hamlet Ben Thom actor 42
1948 First Player Hamlet Harcourt Williams actor 5
2009 Bernardo Hamlet Matt Hurley (II) actor 10
1948 Bernardo Hamlet Esmond Knight actor 2
1913 Bernardo Hamlet G. Richards (II) actor 12
1990 Bernardo Hamlet Richard Warwick actor 13
1964 Bernardo Hamlet Frederick Young actor NaN
2009 Laertes Hamlet Hayden Adams actor 7
1964 Laertes Hamlet John Cullum actor NaN
1921 Laertes Hamlet Anton De Verdier actor 7
... ... ... ... ... ...
1948 Lady of the Court Hamlet Patricia Davidson (II) actress NaN
1964 Fortinbras's Captain Hamlet Dillon Evans actor NaN
1996 Fortinbras's Captain Hamlet Jeffery Kissoon actor 27
Fortinbras's Captain Hamlet John Spencer-Churchill actor 32
2015 Polonia Hamlet Gillian Bevan actress 4
1969 Court Lady Hamlet Anjelica Huston actress 18
1996 Sailor One Hamlet David Yip actor 47
Young Hamlet Hamlet Thomas Szekeres actor 41
1990 Palace Nobleman Hamlet Barrie Holland actor NaN
1964 Player Prologue Hamlet John Hetherington actor NaN
1973 Claudius, King of Denmark Hamlet Dan Hennessey actor NaN
1948 Spear Carrier Hamlet Christopher Lee actor NaN
1996 Elsinore Courtier Hamlet Anthony Maddalena actor NaN
2000 Claudius' Bodyguard Hamlet John Wills Martin actor 18
1948 Laertes - His Son Hamlet Terence Morgan (II) actor 16
1996 Old Norway Hamlet John Mills actor 33
Sailor Two Hamlet Jimi Mistry actor 34
1948 Voice of Ghost Hamlet Laurence Olivier actor 13
1913 Rosencrants Hamlet Montagu Rutherford actor 8
1969 Court lady Hamlet Jennifer Tudor actress 23
1948 Claudius - The King Hamlet Basil Sydney actor 11
Horatio - His Friend Hamlet Norman Wooland actor 14
1996 Hecuba Hamlet Judi Dench actress 12
1921 Königin Gertrude Hamlet Mathilde Brandt actress 3
1996 Attendant to Gertrude Hamlet Angela Douglas actress 16
Attendant to Gertrude Hamlet Rowena King actress 26
Attendant to Gertrude Hamlet Sarah Lam actress 28
1948 Gertrude - The Queen Hamlet Eileen Herlie actress 12
1973 Gertrude, Queen of Denmark Hamlet Becke Keller actress NaN
1948 Ophelia - and Daughter Hamlet Jean Simmons actress 17

299 rows × 4 columns

In [239]:
c = cast
c = c[c.title == 'Hamlet']
c = c.set_index(['year', 'type'])#.unstack('type')

title name character n
year type
1964 actress Hamlet Kate Beswick Lady NaN
actress Hamlet Carol Teitel Lady NaN
2000 actor Hamlet Paul Ferriter Special Guest Appearance 23
actor Hamlet Paul Graham (IV) Special Guest Appearance 27
actor Hamlet Henry Griffin (II) Special Guest Appearance 28
actor Hamlet Ayun Halliday Special Guest Appearance 30
actor Hamlet Greg Kotis Special Guest Appearance 31
actor Hamlet Barry Manasch Special Guest Appearance 32
actor Hamlet Philip McKenney Special Guest Appearance 33
actor Hamlet Colin Puth Special Guest Appearance 35
actor Hamlet Giancarlo Roma Special Guest Appearance 37
actor Hamlet Thomas Roma Special Guest Appearance 38
actress Hamlet D.J. Dara Special Guest Appearance 21
actress Hamlet Sinead Dolan Special Guest Appearance 22
actress Hamlet Sarah Fiol Special Guest Appearance 25
actress Hamlet Tanya Gingerich Special Guest Appearance 26
actress Hamlet Anne Nixon (II) Special Guest Appearance 34
actress Hamlet India Reed Kotis Special Guest Appearance 29
1964 actor Hamlet Richard Sterne Gentleman NaN
1969 actor Hamlet Roger Livesey First Player 11
1996 actor Hamlet Ben Thom First Player 42
1948 actor Hamlet Harcourt Williams First Player 5
2009 actor Hamlet Matt Hurley (II) Bernardo 10
1948 actor Hamlet Esmond Knight Bernardo 2
1913 actor Hamlet G. Richards (II) Bernardo 12
1990 actor Hamlet Richard Warwick Bernardo 13
1964 actor Hamlet Frederick Young Bernardo NaN
2009 actor Hamlet Hayden Adams Laertes 7
1964 actor Hamlet John Cullum Laertes NaN
1921 actor Hamlet Anton De Verdier Laertes 7
... ... ... ... ... ...
1948 actress Hamlet Patricia Davidson (II) Lady of the Court NaN
1964 actor Hamlet Dillon Evans Fortinbras's Captain NaN
1996 actor Hamlet Jeffery Kissoon Fortinbras's Captain 27
actor Hamlet John Spencer-Churchill Fortinbras's Captain 32
2015 actress Hamlet Gillian Bevan Polonia 4
1969 actress Hamlet Anjelica Huston Court Lady 18
1996 actor Hamlet David Yip Sailor One 47
actor Hamlet Thomas Szekeres Young Hamlet 41
1990 actor Hamlet Barrie Holland Palace Nobleman NaN
1964 actor Hamlet John Hetherington Player Prologue NaN
1973 actor Hamlet Dan Hennessey Claudius, King of Denmark NaN
1948 actor Hamlet Christopher Lee Spear Carrier NaN
1996 actor Hamlet Anthony Maddalena Elsinore Courtier NaN
2000 actor Hamlet John Wills Martin Claudius' Bodyguard 18
1948 actor Hamlet Terence Morgan (II) Laertes - His Son 16
1996 actor Hamlet John Mills Old Norway 33
actor Hamlet Jimi Mistry Sailor Two 34
1948 actor Hamlet Laurence Olivier Voice of Ghost 13
1913 actor Hamlet Montagu Rutherford Rosencrants 8
1969 actress Hamlet Jennifer Tudor Court lady 23
1948 actor Hamlet Basil Sydney Claudius - The King 11
actor Hamlet Norman Wooland Horatio - His Friend 14
1996 actress Hamlet Judi Dench Hecuba 12
1921 actress Hamlet Mathilde Brandt Königin Gertrude 3
1996 actress Hamlet Angela Douglas Attendant to Gertrude 16
actress Hamlet Rowena King Attendant to Gertrude 26
actress Hamlet Sarah Lam Attendant to Gertrude 28
1948 actress Hamlet Eileen Herlie Gertrude - The Queen 12
1973 actress Hamlet Becke Keller Gertrude, Queen of Denmark NaN
1948 actress Hamlet Jean Simmons Ophelia - and Daughter 17

299 rows × 4 columns

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]: