Note that the networks for this task could be pretrained on the classification task.


In [1]:
config = {
    # General
    'batchsize': 256,
    'shuffle': True,
    # Augmentations
    'flip': False,
    'ascale': True, 'as_min': 0.6667, 'as_max': 1.5,
    'rotate': False, 'r_positions': 12, 'test_pos': None,
    'translate': True, 't_rate': 0.1,
    # Point clouds and kd-trees generation
    'steps': 10, # also control the depth of the network
    'dim': 3,
    'lim': 1,
    'det': False,
    'gamma': 10.,
    # NN options
    'input_features': 'all', # 'all' for point coordinates, 'no' for feeding 1's as point features
    'n_f': [16, 
            32,  32,  
            64,  64,  
            128, 128, 
            256, 256, 
            512, 128], # representation sizes
    'n_groups': 32,  # -//-
    'min_cov': 1e-6, # parameters of histogram loss
    'bin_num': 256,  # -//-
    'l2': 1e-4,
    'lr': 1e-4,
    'n_ens': 16

Load Data

In [2]:
import h5py as h5
import numpy as np

In [3]:
path2data = "./shapenet_normal.h5"
hf = h5.File(path2data, 'r')
train_vertices = np.array(hf.get('train_vertices'))
train_faces = hf.get('train_faces')
train_nFaces = np.array(hf.get('train_nFaces'))
train_names = np.array(hf.get('train_names'))
train_labels = np.array(hf.get('train_labels'))

val_vertices = np.array(hf.get('val_vertices'))
val_faces = hf.get('val_faces')
val_nFaces = np.array(hf.get('val_nFaces'))
val_names = np.array(hf.get('val_names'))
val_labels = np.array(hf.get('val_labels'))

test_vertices = np.array(hf.get('test_vertices'))
test_faces = hf.get('test_faces')
test_nFaces = np.array(hf.get('test_nFaces'))
test_names = np.array(hf.get('test_names'))

Build Network

In [4]:
import theano.sandbox.cuda
import theano
import theano.tensor as T

from lasagne.layers import InputLayer, ReshapeLayer, NonlinearityLayer, ExpressionLayer
from lasagne.layers import ElemwiseSumLayer, ElemwiseMergeLayer
from lasagne.layers import DenseLayer
from lasagne.layers.dnn import BatchNormDNNLayer
from lasagne.nonlinearities import rectify, softmax

from lasagne.layers import get_output, get_all_params
from lasagne.regularization import regularize_network_params, l2
from lasagne.objectives import categorical_crossentropy, categorical_accuracy
from lasagne.updates import adam

from lib.nn.layers import SharedDotLayer, SPTNormReshapeLayer
from lib.nn.utils import dump_weights, load_weights, calc_hist_vals_vector, hist_loss

WARNING (theano.sandbox.cuda): The cuda backend is deprecated and will be removed in the next release (v0.10).  Please switch to the gpuarray backend. You can get more information about how to switch at this URL:

Using gpu device 0: GeForce GTX 970 (CNMeM is enabled with initial size: 90.0% of memory, cuDNN 5110)

In [5]:
clouds = T.tensor3(dtype='float32')
norms = [T.tensor3(dtype='float32') for step in xrange(config['steps'])]
target = T.vector(dtype='int32')

KDNet = {}
if config['input_features'] == 'no':
    KDNet['input'] = InputLayer((None, 1, 2**config['steps']), input_var=clouds)
    KDNet['input'] = InputLayer((None, 3, 2**config['steps']), input_var=clouds)
for i in xrange(config['steps']):
    KDNet['norm{}_r'.format(i+1)] = InputLayer((None, 3, 2**(config['steps']-1-i)), input_var=norms[i])
    KDNet['norm{}_l'.format(i+1)] = ExpressionLayer(KDNet['norm{}_r'.format(i+1)], lambda X: -X)

    KDNet['norm{}_l_X-'.format(i+1)] = SPTNormReshapeLayer(KDNet['norm{}_l'.format(i+1)], '-', 0, config['n_f'][i+1])
    KDNet['norm{}_l_Y-'.format(i+1)] = SPTNormReshapeLayer(KDNet['norm{}_l'.format(i+1)], '-', 1, config['n_f'][i+1])
    KDNet['norm{}_l_Z-'.format(i+1)] = SPTNormReshapeLayer(KDNet['norm{}_l'.format(i+1)], '-', 2, config['n_f'][i+1])
    KDNet['norm{}_l_X+'.format(i+1)] = SPTNormReshapeLayer(KDNet['norm{}_l'.format(i+1)], '+', 0, config['n_f'][i+1])
    KDNet['norm{}_l_Y+'.format(i+1)] = SPTNormReshapeLayer(KDNet['norm{}_l'.format(i+1)], '+', 1, config['n_f'][i+1])
    KDNet['norm{}_l_Z+'.format(i+1)] = SPTNormReshapeLayer(KDNet['norm{}_l'.format(i+1)], '+', 2, config['n_f'][i+1])
    KDNet['norm{}_r_X-'.format(i+1)] = SPTNormReshapeLayer(KDNet['norm{}_r'.format(i+1)], '-', 0, config['n_f'][i+1])
    KDNet['norm{}_r_Y-'.format(i+1)] = SPTNormReshapeLayer(KDNet['norm{}_r'.format(i+1)], '-', 1, config['n_f'][i+1])
    KDNet['norm{}_r_Z-'.format(i+1)] = SPTNormReshapeLayer(KDNet['norm{}_r'.format(i+1)], '-', 2, config['n_f'][i+1])
    KDNet['norm{}_r_X+'.format(i+1)] = SPTNormReshapeLayer(KDNet['norm{}_r'.format(i+1)], '+', 0, config['n_f'][i+1])
    KDNet['norm{}_r_Y+'.format(i+1)] = SPTNormReshapeLayer(KDNet['norm{}_r'.format(i+1)], '+', 1, config['n_f'][i+1])
    KDNet['norm{}_r_Z+'.format(i+1)] = SPTNormReshapeLayer(KDNet['norm{}_r'.format(i+1)], '+', 2, config['n_f'][i+1])

    KDNet['cloud{}'.format(i+1)] = SharedDotLayer(KDNet['input'], config['n_f'][i]) if i == 0 else \
    KDNet['cloud{}_bn'.format(i+1)] = BatchNormDNNLayer(KDNet['cloud{}'.format(i+1)])
    KDNet['cloud{}_relu'.format(i+1)] = NonlinearityLayer(KDNet['cloud{}_bn'.format(i+1)], rectify)

    KDNet['cloud{}_r'.format(i+1)] = ExpressionLayer(KDNet['cloud{}_relu'.format(i+1)],
                                                     lambda X: X[:, :, 1::2], 
                                                     (None, config['n_f'][i], 2**(config['steps']-i-1)))
    KDNet['cloud{}_l'.format(i+1)] = ExpressionLayer(KDNet['cloud{}_relu'.format(i+1)],
                                                     lambda X: X[:, :, ::2], 
                                                     (None, config['n_f'][i], 2**(config['steps']-i-1)))

    KDNet['cloud{}_l_X-'.format(i+1)] = SharedDotLayer(KDNet['cloud{}_l'.format(i+1)], config['n_f'][i+1])
    KDNet['cloud{}_l_Y-'.format(i+1)] = SharedDotLayer(KDNet['cloud{}_l'.format(i+1)], config['n_f'][i+1])
    KDNet['cloud{}_l_Z-'.format(i+1)] = SharedDotLayer(KDNet['cloud{}_l'.format(i+1)], config['n_f'][i+1])
    KDNet['cloud{}_l_X+'.format(i+1)] = SharedDotLayer(KDNet['cloud{}_l'.format(i+1)], config['n_f'][i+1])
    KDNet['cloud{}_l_Y+'.format(i+1)] = SharedDotLayer(KDNet['cloud{}_l'.format(i+1)], config['n_f'][i+1])
    KDNet['cloud{}_l_Z+'.format(i+1)] = SharedDotLayer(KDNet['cloud{}_l'.format(i+1)], config['n_f'][i+1])
    KDNet['cloud{}_r_X-'.format(i+1)] = SharedDotLayer(KDNet['cloud{}_r'.format(i+1)], config['n_f'][i+1],
    KDNet['cloud{}_r_Y-'.format(i+1)] = SharedDotLayer(KDNet['cloud{}_r'.format(i+1)], config['n_f'][i+1],
    KDNet['cloud{}_r_Z-'.format(i+1)] = SharedDotLayer(KDNet['cloud{}_r'.format(i+1)], config['n_f'][i+1],
    KDNet['cloud{}_r_X+'.format(i+1)] = SharedDotLayer(KDNet['cloud{}_r'.format(i+1)], config['n_f'][i+1],
    KDNet['cloud{}_r_Y+'.format(i+1)] = SharedDotLayer(KDNet['cloud{}_r'.format(i+1)], config['n_f'][i+1],
    KDNet['cloud{}_r_Z+'.format(i+1)] = SharedDotLayer(KDNet['cloud{}_r'.format(i+1)], config['n_f'][i+1],

    KDNet['cloud{}_l_X-_masked'.format(i+1)] = ElemwiseMergeLayer([KDNet['cloud{}_l_X-'.format(i+1)],
                                                                   KDNet['norm{}_l_X-'.format(i+1)]], T.mul)
    KDNet['cloud{}_l_Y-_masked'.format(i+1)] = ElemwiseMergeLayer([KDNet['cloud{}_l_Y-'.format(i+1)],
                                                                   KDNet['norm{}_l_Y-'.format(i+1)]], T.mul)
    KDNet['cloud{}_l_Z-_masked'.format(i+1)] = ElemwiseMergeLayer([KDNet['cloud{}_l_Z-'.format(i+1)],
                                                                   KDNet['norm{}_l_Z-'.format(i+1)]], T.mul)
    KDNet['cloud{}_l_X+_masked'.format(i+1)] = ElemwiseMergeLayer([KDNet['cloud{}_l_X+'.format(i+1)],
                                                                   KDNet['norm{}_l_X+'.format(i+1)]], T.mul)
    KDNet['cloud{}_l_Y+_masked'.format(i+1)] = ElemwiseMergeLayer([KDNet['cloud{}_l_Y+'.format(i+1)],
                                                                   KDNet['norm{}_l_Y+'.format(i+1)]], T.mul)
    KDNet['cloud{}_l_Z+_masked'.format(i+1)] = ElemwiseMergeLayer([KDNet['cloud{}_l_Z+'.format(i+1)],
                                                                   KDNet['norm{}_l_Z+'.format(i+1)]], T.mul)
    KDNet['cloud{}_r_X-_masked'.format(i+1)] = ElemwiseMergeLayer([KDNet['cloud{}_r_X-'.format(i+1)],
                                                                   KDNet['norm{}_r_X-'.format(i+1)]], T.mul)
    KDNet['cloud{}_r_Y-_masked'.format(i+1)] = ElemwiseMergeLayer([KDNet['cloud{}_r_Y-'.format(i+1)],
                                                                   KDNet['norm{}_r_Y-'.format(i+1)]], T.mul)
    KDNet['cloud{}_r_Z-_masked'.format(i+1)] = ElemwiseMergeLayer([KDNet['cloud{}_r_Z-'.format(i+1)],
                                                                   KDNet['norm{}_r_Z-'.format(i+1)]], T.mul)
    KDNet['cloud{}_r_X+_masked'.format(i+1)] = ElemwiseMergeLayer([KDNet['cloud{}_r_X+'.format(i+1)],
                                                                   KDNet['norm{}_r_X+'.format(i+1)]], T.mul)
    KDNet['cloud{}_r_Y+_masked'.format(i+1)] = ElemwiseMergeLayer([KDNet['cloud{}_r_Y+'.format(i+1)],
                                                                   KDNet['norm{}_r_Y+'.format(i+1)]], T.mul)
    KDNet['cloud{}_r_Z+_masked'.format(i+1)] = ElemwiseMergeLayer([KDNet['cloud{}_r_Z+'.format(i+1)],
                                                                   KDNet['norm{}_r_Z+'.format(i+1)]], T.mul)

KDNet['cloud_fin'] = ElemwiseSumLayer([KDNet['cloud{}_l_X-_masked'.format(config['steps'])],
KDNet['desc'] = ReshapeLayer(KDNet['cloud_fin'], (-1, config['n_f'][-1]))
KDNet['desc_norm'] = ExpressionLayer(KDNet['desc'], lambda X: X / X.norm(2, axis=1).dimshuffle(0, 'x'))

# Loading weights (optional)
# load_weights('./models/RT+AS+TR+1e-3_15.pkl', KDNet['desc_norm'])

desc_norm = get_output(KDNet['desc_norm'])
desc_det = get_output(KDNet['desc_norm'], deterministic=True)

weights = get_all_params(KDNet['desc_norm'], trainable=True)
l2_pen = regularize_network_params(KDNet['desc_norm'], l2)

pos_mask = T.eq(target.dimshuffle('x', 0), target.dimshuffle(0, 'x'))
neg_mask = 1. - pos_mask

pos_ind0, pos_ind1 = pos_mask.nonzero()
neg_ind0, neg_ind1 = neg_mask.nonzero()

sim =

sim_pos = sim[pos_ind0, pos_ind1]
sim_neg = sim[neg_ind0, neg_ind1]

hist_pos = calc_hist_vals_vector(sim_pos, 
                                 -1.0, 1.0, 
                                 config['bin_num'], config['min_cov'])
hist_pos /= hist_pos.sum()
hist_neg = calc_hist_vals_vector(sim_neg, 
                                 -1.0, 1.0, 
                                 (config['batchsize']**2)/config['n_groups']*(config['n_groups'] - 1),
                                 config['bin_num'], config['min_cov'])
hist_neg /= hist_neg.sum()

HL = hist_loss(hist_neg, hist_pos, config['bin_num']) + config['l2']*l2_pen

lr = theano.shared(np.float32(config['lr']))
updates = adam(HL, weights, learning_rate=lr)

train_fun = theano.function([clouds] + norms + [target], HL, updates=updates)
desc_fun = theano.function([clouds] + norms, desc_det)

Build Data Iterator

In [6]:
from lib.generators.meshgrid import generate_clouds
from lib.trees.kdtrees import KDTrees

In [45]:
def iterate_minibatches(*arrays, **kwargs):
    if kwargs['mode'] == 'train':
        _, p = np.unique(arrays[3], return_counts=True)
        p = np.float32(p)/p.sum()
        labels = np.empty((len(arrays[2]) - 1)/kwargs['batchsize']*kwargs['n_groups'], dtype=np.int32)
        for i in xrange((len(arrays[2]) - 1)/kwargs['batchsize']):
            labels[kwargs['n_groups']*i:kwargs['n_groups']*(i+1)] = \
                np.random.choice(np.arange(arrays[3].max() + 1),
                                 replace=False, p=p)
        indices = np.empty((len(arrays[2]) - 1)/kwargs['batchsize']*kwargs['batchsize'], dtype=np.int32)
        for i, label in enumerate(labels):
            indices[(kwargs['batchsize']/kwargs['n_groups'])*i:(kwargs['batchsize']/kwargs['n_groups'])*(i+1)] = \
                np.random.choice((arrays[3] == label).nonzero()[0], 
    elif kwargs['mode'] == 'test':
        indices = np.arange(len(arrays[2]) - 1)
        if kwargs['shuffle']:
    for start_idx in xrange(0, len(indices), kwargs['batchsize']):
        excerpt = indices[start_idx:start_idx + kwargs['batchsize']]
        tmp = generate_clouds(excerpt, kwargs['steps'], arrays[0], arrays[1], arrays[2])
        if kwargs['flip']:
            flip = np.random.random(size=(len(tmp), 2, 1))
            flip[flip >= 0.5] = 1.
            flip[flip < 0.5] = -1.
            tmp[:, :2] *= flip
        if kwargs['ascale']:
            tmp *= (kwargs['as_min'] + (kwargs['as_max'] - kwargs['as_min'])*np.random.random(size=(len(tmp), kwargs['dim'], 1)))
            tmp /= np.fabs(tmp).max(axis=(1, 2), keepdims=True)
        if kwargs['rotate']:
            r = np.sqrt((tmp[:, :2]**2).sum(axis=1))
            coss = tmp[:, 0]/r
            sins = tmp[:, 1]/r
            if kwargs['test_pos'] is not None:
                alpha = 2*np.pi*kwargs['test_pos']/kwargs['r_positions']
                alpha = 2*np.pi*np.random.randint(0, kwargs['r_positions'], (len(tmp), 1))/kwargs['positions']
            cosr = np.cos(alpha)
            sinr = np.sin(alpha)
            cos = coss*cosr - sins*sinr
            sin = sins*cosr + sinr*coss
            tmp[:, 0] = r*cos
            tmp[:, 1] = r*sin
        if kwargs['translate']:
            mins = tmp.min(axis=2, keepdims=True)
            maxs = tmp.max(axis=2, keepdims=True)
            rngs = maxs - mins
            tmp += kwargs['t_rate']*(np.random.random(size=(len(tmp), kwargs['dim'], 1)) - 0.5)*rngs
        trees_data = KDTrees(tmp, dim=kwargs['dim'], steps=kwargs['steps'], 
                             lim=kwargs['lim'], det=kwargs['det'], gamma=kwargs['gamma'])
        sortings, normals = trees_data['sortings'], trees_data['normals']
        if kwargs['input_features'] == 'all':
            clouds = np.empty((len(excerpt), kwargs['dim'], 2**kwargs['steps']), dtype=np.float32)
            for i, srt in enumerate(sortings):
                clouds[i] = tmp[i, :, srt].T
        elif kwargs['input_features'] == 'no':
            clouds = np.ones((len(excerpt), 1, 2**kwargs['steps']), dtype=np.float32)
        if kwargs['mode'] == 'train':
            yield [clouds] + normals[::-1] + [arrays[3][excerpt]]
        if kwargs['mode'] == 'test':
            yield [clouds] + normals[::-1] + [excerpt]

Prediction function

In [53]:
def sim_fun(vertices, faces, nFaces, **kwargs):
    sim_sum = np.zeros((len(nFaces)-1, len(nFaces)-1), dtype=np.float32)
    for ens in xrange(kwargs['n_ens']):
        descs = np.zeros((len(nFaces)-1, kwargs['n_f'][-1]), dtype=np.float32)    
        for i, batch in enumerate(iterate_minibatches(vertices, faces, nFaces, **kwargs)):
            descs[batch[-1]] = desc_fun(batch[0], 
                                        batch[1], batch[2], batch[3], batch[4], batch[5], 
                                        batch[6], batch[7], batch[8], batch[9], batch[10])
        sim_sum +=
    return sim_sum / kwargs['n_ens']

def calc_hist(sim, labels, bin_num=256):
    brd = np.linspace(-1., 1., bin_num+1)
    pos_mask = labels.reshape(1, -1) == labels.reshape(-1, 1)
    neg_mask = np.logical_not(pos_mask)
    pos_hist = np.empty(bin_num, dtype=np.float32)
    neg_hist = np.empty(bin_num, dtype=np.float32)
    for i in xrange(bin_num):
        left_cond = brd[i] <= sim
        right_cond = sim <= brd[i+1]
        buf_bin = np.logical_and(left_cond, right_cond)
        pos_hist[i] = np.float32(pos_mask*buf_bin).sum()
        neg_hist[i] = np.float32(neg_mask*buf_bin).sum()
    pos_hist /= pos_hist.sum()
    neg_hist /= neg_hist.sum()
    return neg_hist, pos_hist


In [48]:
from sys import stdout
from time import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

config['mode'] = 'train'

In [56]:
num_epochs = 50
num_save = 5

# lr.set_value(np.float32(1e-4))

for epoch in xrange(num_epochs):
    train_err = 0.
    start_time = time()
    for i, batch in enumerate(iterate_minibatches(train_vertices, train_faces, train_nFaces, train_labels, **config)):
        train_err_batch = train_fun(batch[0], 
                                    batch[1], batch[2], batch[3], batch[4], batch[5], 
                                    batch[6], batch[7], batch[8], batch[9], batch[10],
        train_err += train_err_batch*len(batch[0])

        stdout.write('\rEpoch progress: {}/{}\t\tLoss: {:.5f}'
    print("Epoch {} of {} took {:.3f}s".format(epoch + 1, num_epochs, time() - start_time))
    print("  training loss (in-iteration):\t\t{:.6f}".format(train_err/(config['batchsize']*(i+1))))

    if (epoch+1) % (num_epochs/num_save) == 0:
        config['mode'] = 'test'
        val_sims = sim_fun(val_vertices, val_faces, val_nFaces, **config)
        nh, ph = calc_hist(val_sims, val_labels, bin_num=config['bin_num'])
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
        plt.plot(np.linspace(-1., 1., config['bin_num']), ph, c='red', figure=fig)
        plt.plot(np.linspace(-1., 1., config['bin_num']), nh, c='blue', figure=fig)
        config['mode'] = 'train'
        dump_weights('./models/RT+AS+TR_1e-4_10.pkl', KDNet['desc_norm'])
        print '  Model saved!'

Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.13937
Epoch 1 of 50 took 262.979s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.139370
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.13624
Epoch 2 of 50 took 260.218s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.136243
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.13350
Epoch 3 of 50 took 260.458s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.133502
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.12974
Epoch 4 of 50 took 260.046s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.129744
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.12672
Epoch 5 of 50 took 261.382s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.126719
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.12341
Epoch 6 of 50 took 261.828s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.123410
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.12048
Epoch 7 of 50 took 261.168s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.120477
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.11852
Epoch 8 of 50 took 260.894s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.118517
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.11600
Epoch 9 of 50 took 261.410s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.115999
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.11351
Epoch 10 of 50 took 262.133s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.113512
  Model saved!
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.11080
Epoch 11 of 50 took 262.250s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.110798
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.10910
Epoch 12 of 50 took 260.677s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.109104
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.10626
Epoch 13 of 50 took 262.574s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.106264
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.10454
Epoch 14 of 50 took 264.322s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.104535
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.10315
Epoch 15 of 50 took 262.736s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.103153
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.10074
Epoch 16 of 50 took 259.802s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.100742
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.09802
Epoch 17 of 50 took 261.737s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.098021
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.09578
Epoch 18 of 50 took 264.610s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.095785
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.09404
Epoch 19 of 50 took 262.173s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.094044
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.09271
Epoch 20 of 50 took 262.710s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.092708
  Model saved!
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.08993
Epoch 21 of 50 took 264.399s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.089925
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.08912
Epoch 22 of 50 took 260.576s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.089121
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.08623
Epoch 23 of 50 took 262.021s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.086228
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.08505
Epoch 24 of 50 took 273.646s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.085048
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.08367
Epoch 25 of 50 took 263.011s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.083666
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.08085
Epoch 26 of 50 took 263.130s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.080850
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.08046
Epoch 27 of 50 took 260.674s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.080464
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.07879
Epoch 28 of 50 took 261.725s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.078787
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.07662
Epoch 29 of 50 took 262.336s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.076621
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.07590
Epoch 30 of 50 took 260.861s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.075899
  Model saved!
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.07428
Epoch 31 of 50 took 264.489s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.074278
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.07259
Epoch 32 of 50 took 263.513s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.072593
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.07217
Epoch 33 of 50 took 263.457s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.072167
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.07010
Epoch 34 of 50 took 263.391s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.070105
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.06930
Epoch 35 of 50 took 267.224s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.069296
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.06858
Epoch 36 of 50 took 268.775s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.068575
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.06628
Epoch 37 of 50 took 265.300s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.066275
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.06564
Epoch 38 of 50 took 259.849s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.065637
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.06516
Epoch 39 of 50 took 259.568s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.065158
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.06376
Epoch 40 of 50 took 264.789s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.063759
  Model saved!
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.06245
Epoch 41 of 50 took 258.294s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.062455
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.06131
Epoch 42 of 50 took 265.847s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.061309
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.06041
Epoch 43 of 50 took 265.237s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.060410
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.05890
Epoch 44 of 50 took 271.948s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.058900
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.05897
Epoch 45 of 50 took 259.976s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.058965
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.05771
Epoch 46 of 50 took 270.092s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.057712
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.05626
Epoch 47 of 50 took 275.642s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.056258
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.05613
Epoch 48 of 50 took 265.240s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.056125
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.05607
Epoch 49 of 50 took 260.114s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.056072
Epoch progress: 35584/35584		Loss: 0.05404
Epoch 50 of 50 took 270.797s
  training loss (in-iteration):		0.054043
  Model saved!

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