This demo uses voila to render a notebook to a custom HTML page using gridstack.js for the layout of each output. In the cell metadata you can change the default cell with and height (in grid units between 1 and 12) by specifying.

  • grid_row
  • grid_columns

In [ ]:
import numpy as np
n = 200

x = np.linspace(0.0, 10.0, n)
y = np.cumsum(np.random.randn(n)*10).astype(int)

In [ ]:
import ipywidgets as widgets

In [ ]:
label_selected = widgets.Label(value="Selected: 0")

In [ ]:
import numpy as np
from bqplot import pyplot as plt
import bqplot

fig = plt.figure( title='Histogram')
hist = plt.hist(y, bins=25)
hist.scales['sample'].min = float(y.min())
hist.scales['sample'].max = float(y.max())
fig.layout.width = 'auto'
fig.layout.height = 'auto'
fig.layout.min_height = '300px' # so it shows nicely in the notebook
fig.layout.flex = '1'

In [ ]:
import numpy as np
from bqplot import pyplot as plt
import bqplot

fig = plt.figure( title='Line Chart')
n = 200
p = plt.plot(x, y)

In [ ]:
fig.layout.width = 'auto'
fig.layout.height = 'auto'
fig.layout.min_height = '300px' # so it shows nicely in the notebook
fig.layout.flex = '1'

In [ ]:
brushintsel = bqplot.interacts.BrushIntervalSelector(scale=p.scales['x'])

In [ ]:
def update_range(*args):
    label_selected.value = "Selected range {}".format(brushintsel.selected)
    mask = (x > brushintsel.selected[0]) & (x < brushintsel.selected[1])
    hist.sample = y[mask]
brushintsel.observe(update_range, 'selected')
fig.interaction = brushintsel