This is some basic Jupyter notebook to show you the features of replot. It gives you usage examples, and is used by me as a visual test suite to check I did not break anything between updates.
For detailed documentations, please refer to the module documentation.
In [1]:
import replot
%matplotlib notebook
In [2]:
# Also import numpy as it will be useful…
import numpy as np
# and add some black magic for easy reloading of the module before executing any cell (just here to ease testing)
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
# ignore matplotlib warnings about too many figures in the notebook
import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.rcParams["figure.max_open_warning"] = 50
In [3]:
# Let's plot a basic data series, as we would do with matplotlib
with replot.Figure() as figure:
x = range(10)
In [4]:
# Or a (X, Y) point series, as we would do with matplotlib
with replot.Figure() as figure:
x = range(10)
y = [i**2 for i in x]
figure.plot(x, y)
In [5]:
# Plotting a discrete (X, Y) point series
with replot.Figure() as figure:
x = range(10)
y = [i**2 for i in x]
figure.plot(x, y, line=False)
# or equivalently plotting a discrete (X, Y) point series, as we would do with matplotlib
with replot.Figure() as figure:
x = range(10)
y = [i**2 for i in x]
figure.plot(x, y, "x")
In [6]:
# Plotting broken lines
with replot.Figure() as figure:
x = [1, 2, 3, 2, 1]
y = [1, 1, 2, 2, 1]
figure.plot(x=x, y=y)
In [7]:
# You can use "x" and "y" keywords if you wish, to specify data
with replot.Figure() as figure:
x = range(10)
y = [i**2 for i in x]
figure.plot(x=x, y=y, line=False)
In [8]:
# But we can also plot a function, by automatically
# evaluating it on the given interval
with replot.Figure() as figure:
figure.plot(np.sin, (-2, 2)) # Plot sinus on [-2, 2]
In [9]:
# We can also do the same forcing replot to use some evaluation points
with replot.Figure() as figure:
x = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 200)
figure.plot(np.sin, x)
In [10]:
# And we can plot multiples graphs on the same figure
with replot.Figure() as figure:
for i in range(8):
figure.plot(lambda x: np.sin(x + np.pi * i / 4), (-10, 10))
In [21]:
# Plot with a label on the axis, and a title for the figure
# Note how the legend will be automatically added when a "label" is found!
with replot.Figure() as figure:
x = range(10)
figure.plot(x, x, label="x")
figure.xlabel = "some x label"
figure.ylabel = "some y label"
figure.title = "A title for the figure"
In [12]:
# We can also pass these options directly to the constructor
# Here, we force the legend to be at the best location
with replot.Figure(xlabel="some x label",
ylabel="some y label",
title="A title for the figure",
legend="best") as figure:
figure.plot(np.sin, (-10, 10), label="sin")
# But we could also not constraint it (best location will be choosen)
with replot.Figure(xlabel="some x label",
ylabel="some y label",
title="A title for the figure") as figure:
figure.plot(np.sin, (-10, 10), label="sin")
# Or just say we want a legend (same as not constraining it)
with replot.Figure(xlabel="some x label",
ylabel="some y label",
title="A title for the figure",
legend=True) as figure:
figure.plot(np.sin, (-10, 10), label="sin")
# Or force it to be in the lower right corner
with replot.Figure(xlabel="some x label",
ylabel="some y label",
title="A title for the figure",
legend="lower right") as figure:
figure.plot(np.sin, (-10, 10), label="sin")
# Or explicitly disable the legend, even if labels are found
with replot.Figure(xlabel="some x label",
ylabel="some y label",
title="A title for the figure",
legend=False) as figure:
figure.plot(np.sin, (-10, 10), label="sin")
In [13]:
# We can also force the range of the axis
with replot.Figure(xlabel="some x label",
ylabel="some y label",
title="A title for the figure",
xrange=(-20, 10),
yrange=(-3.0, 3.0)) as figure:
figure.plot(np.sin, (-10, 10), label="sin")
# Or equivalently
with replot.Figure(xlabel="some x label",
ylabel="some y label",
title="A title for the figure",
legend=False) as figure:
figure.xrange = (-20, 10)
figure.yrange = (-3.0, 3.0)
figure.plot(np.sin, (-10, 10), label="sin")
In [14]:
# Passing extra arguments to matplotlib plot command is as easy as
# passing them to replot plot command.
with replot.Figure(xlabel="some x label",
ylabel="some y label",
title="A title for the figure",
legend=True) as figure:
figure.plot(np.sin, (-10, 10), linewidth=20)
In [19]:
import seaborn.apionly as sns
# You can also tweak the palette used, either with a seaborn palette
with replot.Figure(palette=sns.color_palette("dark", 10)) as figure:
figure.plot(np.sin, (-10, 10))
# or by passing it a list of colors as RGB tuples
palette = list(sns.color_palette("husl", 2))
import pprint
with replot.Figure(palette=palette) as figure:
figure.plot(np.sin, (-10, 10))
# or by passing it a callable taking number of subplots as argument
with replot.Figure(palette=lambda n: sns.color_palette("dark", n)) as figure:
figure.plot(np.sin, (-10, 10))
# or using one of the predefined palettes: colorbrewerq10 (default one), colorbrewerq9 and tableau10
with replot.Figure(palette="tableau10") as figure:
figure.plot(np.sin, (-10, 10))
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10))
In [20]:
# It is not mandatory at all to use a with statement
fig = replot.Figure(xlabel="some x label",
ylabel="some y label",
title="A title for the figure",
fig.plot(np.sin, (-10, 10), label="sin") # But in this case, we must show the figure
In [21]:
# NOTE: Passing tuples to the plot function uses
# the tuples as (x, y) point series, which is not the standard matplotlib
# behavior.
with replot.Figure() as figure:
x = range(10)
y = [i**2 for i in x]
figure.plot(zip(x, y))
In [22]:
# To plot in log scale, you can use the Figure.logplot() method
with replot.Figure() as figure:
figure.logplot(np.log, (-1, 1))
In [23]:
# Same for log-log scale, you can use the Figure.loglogplot() method
with replot.Figure() as figure:
figure.loglogplot(lambda x: x**2, (0, 1))
In [24]:
# To force an orthonormal frame, use orthonormal=True on the plot
with replot.Figure() as figure:
figure.plot(np.sin, (-1, 1), orthonormal=True)
In [25]:
# To force the limits of the axis, use xlim and ylim
with replot.Figure() as figure:
figure.plot(np.sin, (-1, 1), xlim=(-2, 2), ylim=(-3, 3))
In [26]:
# You can invert X and Y components easily
# Note that this will invert axes labels as well
with replot.Figure() as figure:
figure.xlabel = "ylabel"
figure.ylabel = "xlabel"
figure.plot(lambda x: x**2, (0, 10), invert=True) # Note that we plot x^2, not sqrt(x), but invert axis
In [27]:
# You can also rotate X and Y components easily
# Note that this will not affect the axes labels
with replot.Figure() as figure:
x = range(10)
figure.xlabel = "xlabel"
figure.ylabel = "ylabel"
figure.plot(x, x, rotate=90)
In [29]:
# You can plot multiple times the same figure
with replot.Figure() as fig:
fig.plot(range(10)) # Show the figure with only the plot above
fig.plot(range(10), [-i for i in range(10)]) # Add an extra plot to the figure
# Figure is shown again when going out of scope, with two subplots this time
In [30]:
# Many plots done with a single one-liner
replot.plot([range(10), (np.sin, (-5, 5)), (lambda x: np.sin(x) + 4, (-10, 10), {"linewidth": 10}), (lambda x: np.sin(x) - 4, (-10, 10), {"linewidth": 10}), ([-i for i in range(5)], {"linewidth": 10})],
xlabel="some x label",
ylabel="some y label",
title="A title for the figure",
In [31]:
# Another one-liner plot example
replot.plot([range(10), (np.sin, (-5, 5)), (lambda x: np.sin(x) + 4, (-10, 10), {"linewidth": 10}), (lambda x: np.sin(x) - 4, (-10, 10), {"linewidth": 10}), ([-i for i in range(5)], {"linewidth": 10})],
xlabel="some x label",
ylabel="some y label",
title="A title for the figure",
Subplots are defined by group
. You can declare a group and add figure to it using the group
keyword in plot
commands, as demonstrated below.
Note: Groups are represented by one unicode character. "_" is the default group in which go all the plots which are not mapped onto a group. Hence, it is a reserved group symbol which cannot be used.
In [32]:
# Using groups to define subplots
with replot.Figure() as figure:
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10), group="a")
figure.plot(np.sin, (-10, 10), group="ç")
In [33]:
# Applying a grid on a figure, one empty subplot
with replot.Figure() as figure:
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10), group="a")
In [34]:
# Applying a grid on a figure, one empty subplot
# Note that if there is a single row, enclosing in a list is not mandatory
with replot.Figure() as figure:
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10), group="a")
In [35]:
# Applying a grid on a figure, default group is masked
# Note that if we do not put the default group ("_") in the grid,
# it will not be shown
with replot.Figure() as figure:
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10))
In [36]:
# Using set_grid, you can define very easily (and visually) a quite complex grid layout
with replot.Figure() as figure:
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10), group="a")
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10), group="b")
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10), group="c")
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10), group="d")
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10), group="e")
figure.plot(np.sin, (-10, 10), group="e")
In [37]:
# By setting the grid to False, you can ignore the groups you defined
# and plot everything in the same subplot.
with replot.Figure() as figure:
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10), group="a")
figure.plot(np.sin, (-10, 10), group="ç")
In [38]:
# Forcing a grid layout
# Use auto={"ignore_groups": True} to put every plot in
# a different subplot, regardless of their group.
with replot.Figure() as figure:
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10))
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10))
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10))
In [39]:
# Auto gridifying example
# Use ignore_groups=True to put every plot in a different subplot,
# without having to deal with groups.
# Note that ignore_groups=True will discard the groups you may have defined.
with replot.Figure() as figure:
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10), group="a")
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10), group="b")
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10), group="c")
In [40]:
# Gridify example
with replot.Figure() as figure:
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10), group="a")
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10), group="b")
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10))
figure.plot(np.sin, (-10, 10))
In [41]:
# Gridify example, forced height
# If the default gridify layout is not fitting well, you can force the height
with replot.Figure() as figure:
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10), group="a")
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10), group="b")
# Gridify example, forced width
# … or the width
with replot.Figure() as figure:
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10), group="a")
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10), group="b")
In [42]:
# You can also specify a grid directly in the constructor
with replot.Figure(
"width": 2,
"height": 1,
"grid": [
((0, 0), "a", (1, 1)),
((0, 1), "b", (1, 1))
]}) as figure:
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10), group="a")
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10), group="b")
In [43]:
# You can also specify a grid directly in the constructor
# Setting the grid to False ignores the groups you may have defined.
with replot.Figure(
grid=False) as figure:
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10), group="a")
figure.plot(np.sin, (-10, 10), group="b")
In [44]:
# Note that if we use legend, xlabel or ylabel with subplots,
# they will be set identically on every subplot
with replot.Figure(xlabel="some x label", ylabel="some y label") as figure:
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10), group="a", label="cos")
figure.plot(np.sin, (-10, 10), group="ç", label="sin")
In [45]:
# You can avoid it by passing dict for these arguments
# they will be set identically on every subplot
with replot.Figure(xlabel={"a": "some x label", "ç": ""},
ylabel={"a": "", "ç": "some y label"},
legend={"a": False}) as figure:
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10), group="a", label="cos")
figure.plot(np.sin, (-10, 10), group="ç", label="sin")
In [46]:
# Save a figure to a file
with replot.Figure(savepath="/tmp/out.png") as figure:
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10))
In [47]:
# or equivalently
with replot.Figure() as figure:
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10))
figure.savepath = "/tmp/out.png"
In [49]:
with replot.Figure() as figure:
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10))
In [50]:
# You can set the figure and axis attributes used by replot, to call extra methods and pass
# specific parameters to them, that replot would not expose.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_xlim((-20, 20))
with replot.Figure() as figure:
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10))
figure.figure = fig
figure.axes = {"_": ax}
In [51]:
# Invalid interval for plotting a function
with replot.Figure() as figure:
figure.plot(np.sin, None)
In [52]:
# Invalid plot call, no arguments given
with replot.Figure() as figure:
In [53]:
# Invalid group argument, groups are one unicode character long
with replot.Figure() as figure:
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10), group="abc")
In [54]:
# Invalid grid, no grid provided
with replot.Figure() as figure:
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10), group="a")
In [55]:
# Invalid grid, not a rectangular one
with replot.Figure() as figure:
figure.plot(np.cos, (-10, 10), group="a")