Import stuff
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%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import fitsio
import deblend
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fits = fitsio.FITS("/Users/josh/src/WeakLensingDeblending/LSST_i.fits")
img = fits[0].read()
data = fits[1].read()
rad = 2048*0.2
data['visible'] = ((abs(data['dx']) < rad) & (abs(data['dy']) < rad))
We'll access items by group, so make a uniqified group array. Also, get the group sizes so we can ignore the insanely large blends.
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grp_ids, grp_id_idx = np.unique(data['grp_id'][:], return_index=True)
grp_sizes = data['grp_size'][grp_id_idx]
Some functions to grab input parameters for the deblender given a group id.
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def get_obj_ids(grp_id, data):
return np.nonzero(data['grp_id']==grp_id)
def get_deblend_input(grp_id, data, img):
w = get_obj_ids(grp_id, data)
xmin = np.min(data['xmin'][w])
xmax = np.max(data['xmax'][w])
ymin = np.min(data['ymin'][w])
ymax = np.max(data['ymax'][w])
stamp = img[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax]
centroids = [(a['dx']/0.2+2048-xmin, a['dy']/0.2+2048-ymin) for a in data[w]]
return stamp, centroids
Plot a particularly blendy blend.
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stamp, centroids = get_deblend_input(grp_ids[7], data, img)
plt.scatter(*map(list, zip(*centroids)), marker='+', color='k', s=50)
plt.imshow(stamp, vmax=10000)
plt.scatter(*map(list, zip(*centroids)), marker='+', color='k', s=50)
Deblend by group.
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def deblend_group(grp_id, data, img, plot=False, log=True):
stamp, centroids = get_deblend_input(grp_id, data, img)
s = stamp.shape
db_centroids = [(c[0]-s[0]*0.5, c[1]-s[1]*0.5) for c in centroids]
_, _, children = deblend.deblend(stamp, db_centroids)
if plot:
nplots = len(children)+1
nx = 5
ny = np.ceil(1.*nplots/nx)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18,18))
ax = fig.add_subplot(ny, nx, 1)
if log:
vmax = np.log10(stamp.max())
vmin = vmax-4
im = ax.imshow(np.log10(stamp), vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
vmax = stamp.max()
vmin = 1e-4*vmax
im = ax.imshow(stamp, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
ax.scatter(*map(list, zip(*centroids)), marker='+', color='k', s=300)
for i, child in enumerate(children):
ax = fig.add_subplot(ny, nx, i+2)
if log:
ax.imshow(np.log10(child), vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
ax.imshow(child, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
ax.scatter(*centroids[i], marker='+', color='k', s=300)
return children
good = np.nonzero((grp_sizes>=2) & (grp_sizes<=4))[0]
for g in good[0:10]:
w = get_obj_ids(grp_ids[g], data)
if not data[w]['visible'].all():
deblend_group(grp_ids[g], data, img, plot=True, log=True)
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