Utility Theory

This notebook summarizes basic utility theory and how it can be used in portfolio optimisation.

Load Packages and Extra Functions

In [1]:
using Dates, Optim



In [2]:
using Plots

default(fmt = :svg)

Utility Function

The CRRA utility function is $U(x) = \frac{x^{1-\gamma}}{1-\gamma}$

In [3]:
U(x,γ)   =  x^(1-γ)/(1-γ)      #CRRA utility function, γ is the risk aversion
U_1(u,γ) = (u*(1-γ))^(1/(1-γ)) #inverse of utility function

U_1 (generic function with 1 method)

In [4]:
x = range(0.8,stop=1.2,length=25)

plot( x,U.(x,2),
      linecolor = :red,
      linewidth = 2,
      legend = false,
      title = "Utility function, CRRA",
      xlabel = "x" )

0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 -1.2 -1.1 -1.0 -0.9 Utility function, CRRA x

Expected Utility

Recall: if $\pi_s$ is the probability of outcome ("state") $x_s$ and there are $S$ possible outcomes, then

$\text{E}U(x) = \sum\nolimits_{s=1}^{S} \pi_{s}U(x_s)$

In [5]:
EU(π,x,γ) = sum(π.*U.(x,γ))               #expected utility

EU (generic function with 1 method)

In [6]:
x₁ = 0.85               #possible outcomes
x₂ = 1.15
π₁ = 0.5                #probabilities of outcomes 
π₂ = 1 - π₁

state₁ = [x₁,U(x₁,2),π₁]     #for printing
state₂ = [x₂,U(x₂,2),π₂]

printblue("Different states: wealth, utility and probability:")
printTable([state₁ state₂],["state 1","state 2"],["wealth","utility","probability"])

Ex = sum([π₁,π₂].*[x₁,x₂])              #or EU([π₁,π₂],[x₁,x₂],0)
printlnPs("Expected wealth: ",Ex)

ExpUtil = EU([π₁,π₂],[x₁,x₂],2)
printlnPs("Expected utility:",ExpUtil)

Different states: wealth, utility and probability:
              state 1   state 2
wealth          0.850     1.150
utility        -1.176    -0.870
probability     0.500     0.500

Expected wealth:      1.000
Expected utility:    -1.023

In [7]:
plot( x,U.(x,2),
      linecolor = :red,
      linewidth = 2,
      label = "Utility fn",
      ylim = (-1.3,-0.7),
      legend = :topleft,
      title = "Utility function, CRRA",
      xlabel = "x" )

scatter!([x₁,x₂],U.([x₁,x₂],2),markercolor=:green,label="possible utility outcomes")
scatter!([Ex],[ExpUtil],markercolor=:blue,marker=:rect,label="Expected utility")

0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 -1.3 -1.2 -1.1 -1.0 -0.9 -0.8 -0.7 Utility function, CRRA x Utility fn possible utility outcomes Expected utility

Certainty Equivalent

The certainty equivalent (here denoted $P$) is the sure (non-stochastic) value that solves

$U(P) = \text{E}U(x)$

The code below solves for $P$ by inverting the utility function. This is applied to different values of risk aversion.

Notice that the expected wealth level in this example is 1.

In [8]:
γ  = [0;2;5;10;25;50;100]             #different risk aversions
L  = length(γ) 

(ceq,ERx) = (fill(NaN,L),fill(NaN,L))
for i = 1:L
    #local EU_i                         #only needed in REPL/script
    EU_i   = EU([π₁,π₂],[x₁,x₂],γ[i])     #expected utility with γ[i]
    ceq[i] = U_1(EU_i,γ[i])             #inverting the utility fn
    ERx[i] = Ex/ceq[i] - 1              #required net return

printblue("risk aversion and certainly equivalent (recall: E(wealth) = $Ex):")
printTable([γ ceq ERx],["γ","certainty eq","Risk premium"],fill("",L),width=15)

risk aversion and certainly equivalent (recall: E(wealth) = 1.0):
              γ   certainty eq   Risk premium
          0.000          1.000          0.000
          2.000          0.977          0.023
          5.000          0.947          0.056
         10.000          0.912          0.097
         25.000          0.875          0.143
         50.000          0.862          0.160
        100.000          0.856          0.168

Portfolio Choice with One Risky Asset

In the example below, the investor maximizes $\text{E}\ln (1+R_{p})\text{, with }R_{p}=vR_{1} + (1-v)R_{f}$ by choosing $v$. There are two possible outcomes for $R_{1}$ with equal probabilities.

This particular problem can be solved by pen and paper, but this becomes very difficult when the number of states increases - and even worse when there are many assets. To prepare for these tricker cases, we apply a numerical optimization algorithm.

In [9]:

Calculate expected utility (log(1+Rp)) from investing into one risky and one riskfree asset

v: scalar
π: S vector probabilities of the different states
R: S vector, return of the risky asset in different states
Rf: scalar, riskfree rate

function EUlog(v,π,Re,Rf)         #expected utility, utility fn is logarithmic
    R  = Re .+ Rf
    Rp = v*R .+ (1-v)*Rf          #portfolio return
    eu = sum(π .* log.(1.0.+Rp))  #expected utility
    return eu


In [10]:
v = range(-1,stop=1.5,length=101)    #try different weights on risky asset
L = length(v)
EUv = fill(NaN,L)
for i = 1:L
    EUv[i] = EUlog(v[i],[0.5,0.5],[-0.10,0.12],0)

plot( v,EUv,
      linecolor = :red,
      linewidth = 2,
      legend = false,
      title = "Expected utility as a function of v",
      xlabel = "weight (v) on risky asset" )

-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -0.015 -0.010 -0.005 0.000 Expected utility as a function of v weight (v) on risky asset

In [11]:
Sol = optimize(v->-EUlog(v,[0.5,0.5],[-0.10,0.12],0),-1,1)  #minimize -EUlog
printlnPs("Optimum at: ",Optim.minimizer(Sol))

println("Compare with the figure")

Optimum at:      0.833
Compare with the figure

Portfolio Choice with Several Risky Assets

This optimization problem has two risky assets and a general CRRA utility function. Numerical optimization is still straightforward.

In [12]:

Calculate expected utility from investing into n risky assets and one riskfree asset

v:  n vector (weights on the n risky assets)
π:  S vector (S possible "states")
R:  nxS matrix, each column is the n vector of returns in one of the states
Rf: scalar, riskfree rate
γ:  scalar, risk aversion
function EUcrra(v,π,R,Rf,γ)
    S = length(π)
    Rp = fill(NaN,S)
    for i = 1:S           #portfolio return in each state
        Rp[i] = v'R[:,i] + (1-sum(v))*Rf
    eu = EU(π,1.0.+Rp,γ)  #expected utility when using portfolio v
    return eu


In [13]:
ROutComes = [-0.03 0.08 0.20;           #2 assets, 3 states
             -0.04 0.22 0.15]           #cell[i,j] is asset i in state j
π = [1/3,1/3,1/3]                       #probs of the states
Rf = 0.065

Sol = optimize(v->-EUcrra(v,π,ROutComes,Rf,5),[-0.6,1.2])     #minimize -EUcrra
printlnPs("optimal portfolio weights on the risky assets from max EUcrra(): ",Optim.minimizer(Sol))

optimal portfolio weights on the risky assets from max EUcrra():     -0.726     1.317

Mean-Variance and the Telser Criterion

Let $\mu$ be a vector of expected returns and $\Sigma$ be the covariance matrix of the investible assets.

The Telser criterion solves the problem

$\max_{v} \mu_{p} \: \text{ subject to} \: \text{VaR}_{95\%} < 0.1$,

where $\mu_{p} = v'\mu+(1-v)R_f$ is the expected portfolio return.

If the returns are normally distributed then

$\text{VaR}_{95\%} = -(\mu_p - 1.64\sigma_p)$,

where $\sigma_p = \sqrt{v'\Sigma v}$ is the standard deviation of the portfolio return.

The figure below illustrates that the optimal portfolio is on the CLM (when the returns are normally distributed)

In [14]:
include("jlFiles/MvCalculations.jl")    #functions for traditional MV frontiers


In [15]:
μ = [9; 6]/100                     #means
Σ = [ 256  0;
      0    144]/10000
Rf = 1/100

mustar  = range(Rf,stop=0.1,length=101)
L       = length(mustar)

(StdRp,StdRpRf) = (fill(NaN,L),fill(NaN,L))
for i = 1:L
    StdRp[i]   = MVCalc(mustar[i],μ,Σ)[1]
    StdRpRf[i] = MVCalcRf(mustar[i],μ,Σ,Rf)[1]

VaRRestr = -0.1 .+ 1.64*StdRpRf;

In [16]:
plot( [StdRpRf StdRp StdRpRf]*100,[mustar mustar VaRRestr]*100,
      linestyle = [:dash :solid :dot],
      linecolor = [:blue :red :black],
      linewidth = 2,
      label = ["CML" "MVF" "VaR restriction"],
      xlim = (0,15),
      ylim = (0,10),
      legend = :topleft,
      title = "Mean vs std",
      xlabel = "Std(Rp), %",
      ylabel = "ERp, %" )

0 5 10 15 0 2 4 6 8 10 Mean vs std Std(Rp), % ERp, % CML MVF VaR restriction

In [ ]: