In [1]:
using Dates, Optim
In [2]:
using Plots
default(fmt = :svg)
The CRRA utility function is $U(x) = \frac{x^{1-\gamma}}{1-\gamma}$
In [3]:
U(x,γ) = x^(1-γ)/(1-γ) #CRRA utility function, γ is the risk aversion
U_1(u,γ) = (u*(1-γ))^(1/(1-γ)) #inverse of utility function
In [4]:
x = range(0.8,stop=1.2,length=25)
plot( x,U.(x,2),
linecolor = :red,
linewidth = 2,
legend = false,
title = "Utility function, CRRA",
xlabel = "x" )
Recall: if $\pi_s$ is the probability of outcome ("state") $x_s$ and there are $S$ possible outcomes, then
$\text{E}U(x) = \sum\nolimits_{s=1}^{S} \pi_{s}U(x_s)$
In [5]:
EU(π,x,γ) = sum(π.*U.(x,γ)) #expected utility
In [6]:
x₁ = 0.85 #possible outcomes
x₂ = 1.15
π₁ = 0.5 #probabilities of outcomes
π₂ = 1 - π₁
state₁ = [x₁,U(x₁,2),π₁] #for printing
state₂ = [x₂,U(x₂,2),π₂]
printblue("Different states: wealth, utility and probability:")
printTable([state₁ state₂],["state 1","state 2"],["wealth","utility","probability"])
Ex = sum([π₁,π₂].*[x₁,x₂]) #or EU([π₁,π₂],[x₁,x₂],0)
printlnPs("Expected wealth: ",Ex)
ExpUtil = EU([π₁,π₂],[x₁,x₂],2)
printlnPs("Expected utility:",ExpUtil)
In [7]:
plot( x,U.(x,2),
linecolor = :red,
linewidth = 2,
label = "Utility fn",
ylim = (-1.3,-0.7),
legend = :topleft,
title = "Utility function, CRRA",
xlabel = "x" )
scatter!([x₁,x₂],U.([x₁,x₂],2),markercolor=:green,label="possible utility outcomes")
scatter!([Ex],[ExpUtil],markercolor=:blue,marker=:rect,label="Expected utility")
The certainty equivalent (here denoted $P$) is the sure (non-stochastic) value that solves
$U(P) = \text{E}U(x)$
The code below solves for $P$ by inverting the utility function. This is applied to different values of risk aversion.
Notice that the expected wealth level in this example is 1.
In [8]:
γ = [0;2;5;10;25;50;100] #different risk aversions
L = length(γ)
(ceq,ERx) = (fill(NaN,L),fill(NaN,L))
for i = 1:L
#local EU_i #only needed in REPL/script
EU_i = EU([π₁,π₂],[x₁,x₂],γ[i]) #expected utility with γ[i]
ceq[i] = U_1(EU_i,γ[i]) #inverting the utility fn
ERx[i] = Ex/ceq[i] - 1 #required net return
printblue("risk aversion and certainly equivalent (recall: E(wealth) = $Ex):")
printTable([γ ceq ERx],["γ","certainty eq","Risk premium"],fill("",L),width=15)
In the example below, the investor maximizes $\text{E}\ln (1+R_{p})\text{, with }R_{p}=vR_{1} + (1-v)R_{f}$ by choosing $v$. There are two possible outcomes for $R_{1}$ with equal probabilities.
This particular problem can be solved by pen and paper, but this becomes very difficult when the number of states increases - and even worse when there are many assets. To prepare for these tricker cases, we apply a numerical optimization algorithm.
In [9]:
Calculate expected utility (log(1+Rp)) from investing into one risky and one riskfree asset
v: scalar
π: S vector probabilities of the different states
R: S vector, return of the risky asset in different states
Rf: scalar, riskfree rate
function EUlog(v,π,Re,Rf) #expected utility, utility fn is logarithmic
R = Re .+ Rf
Rp = v*R .+ (1-v)*Rf #portfolio return
eu = sum(π .* log.(1.0.+Rp)) #expected utility
return eu
In [10]:
v = range(-1,stop=1.5,length=101) #try different weights on risky asset
L = length(v)
EUv = fill(NaN,L)
for i = 1:L
EUv[i] = EUlog(v[i],[0.5,0.5],[-0.10,0.12],0)
plot( v,EUv,
linecolor = :red,
linewidth = 2,
legend = false,
title = "Expected utility as a function of v",
xlabel = "weight (v) on risky asset" )
In [11]:
Sol = optimize(v->-EUlog(v,[0.5,0.5],[-0.10,0.12],0),-1,1) #minimize -EUlog
printlnPs("Optimum at: ",Optim.minimizer(Sol))
println("Compare with the figure")
This optimization problem has two risky assets and a general CRRA utility function. Numerical optimization is still straightforward.
In [12]:
Calculate expected utility from investing into n risky assets and one riskfree asset
v: n vector (weights on the n risky assets)
π: S vector (S possible "states")
R: nxS matrix, each column is the n vector of returns in one of the states
Rf: scalar, riskfree rate
γ: scalar, risk aversion
function EUcrra(v,π,R,Rf,γ)
S = length(π)
Rp = fill(NaN,S)
for i = 1:S #portfolio return in each state
Rp[i] = v'R[:,i] + (1-sum(v))*Rf
eu = EU(π,1.0.+Rp,γ) #expected utility when using portfolio v
return eu
In [13]:
ROutComes = [-0.03 0.08 0.20; #2 assets, 3 states
-0.04 0.22 0.15] #cell[i,j] is asset i in state j
π = [1/3,1/3,1/3] #probs of the states
Rf = 0.065
Sol = optimize(v->-EUcrra(v,π,ROutComes,Rf,5),[-0.6,1.2]) #minimize -EUcrra
printlnPs("optimal portfolio weights on the risky assets from max EUcrra(): ",Optim.minimizer(Sol))
Let $\mu$ be a vector of expected returns and $\Sigma$ be the covariance matrix of the investible assets.
The Telser criterion solves the problem
$\max_{v} \mu_{p} \: \text{ subject to} \: \text{VaR}_{95\%} < 0.1$,
where $\mu_{p} = v'\mu+(1-v)R_f$ is the expected portfolio return.
If the returns are normally distributed then
$\text{VaR}_{95\%} = -(\mu_p - 1.64\sigma_p)$,
where $\sigma_p = \sqrt{v'\Sigma v}$ is the standard deviation of the portfolio return.
The figure below illustrates that the optimal portfolio is on the CLM (when the returns are normally distributed)
In [14]:
include("jlFiles/MvCalculations.jl") #functions for traditional MV frontiers
In [15]:
μ = [9; 6]/100 #means
Σ = [ 256 0;
0 144]/10000
Rf = 1/100
mustar = range(Rf,stop=0.1,length=101)
L = length(mustar)
(StdRp,StdRpRf) = (fill(NaN,L),fill(NaN,L))
for i = 1:L
StdRp[i] = MVCalc(mustar[i],μ,Σ)[1]
StdRpRf[i] = MVCalcRf(mustar[i],μ,Σ,Rf)[1]
VaRRestr = -0.1 .+ 1.64*StdRpRf;
In [16]:
plot( [StdRpRf StdRp StdRpRf]*100,[mustar mustar VaRRestr]*100,
linestyle = [:dash :solid :dot],
linecolor = [:blue :red :black],
linewidth = 2,
label = ["CML" "MVF" "VaR restriction"],
xlim = (0,15),
ylim = (0,10),
legend = :topleft,
title = "Mean vs std",
xlabel = "Std(Rp), %",
ylabel = "ERp, %" )
In [ ]: