National generation capacity: Check notebook
This Notebook is part of the National Generation Capacity Datapackage of Open Power System Data.

1. Introductory notes

The notebook extends the processing notebook to make visualisations.

2. Script setup

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import os.path
import math
import functions.plots as fp # predefined functions in extra file

import bokeh.plotting as plo
from import show, output_notebook
from bokeh.layouts import row, column
from bokeh.models import Panel, Tabs
from bokeh.models.widgets import RangeSlider, MultiSelect, Select

3. Data import

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data_file = 'national_generation_capacity_stacked.csv'
filepath = os.path.join('output', data_file)
data = fp.load_opsd_data(filepath)

4. Create interactive plot

Select individual width and height that fits your jupyter notebook settings.

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width = 1000
height = 500

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def comparison_plot(doc):
    # init of 5 plots for each energy level
    sources = []
    plots = []

    for level in fp.energy_levels:
        # init plots with the predfined function
        s, p = fp.init_plot(data, level, size=(width, height))

    # associate each plot with a tab of the interactive plot
    panels= []
    for p, level in zip(plots, fp.energy_levels):
        panels.append(Panel(child=p, title=level))

    tabs = Tabs(tabs=panels, tabs_location='below', active=2)

    # Range slider for available years
    oldest_year = min(data["year"])
    newest_year = max(data["year"])
    y_slider = RangeSlider(title="Years",

    # Select field for sources
    m_select = MultiSelect(title="Available Sources:", 
                           options=[(s,s) for s in fp.global_sources])

    # Select button for countries
    countries = list(data["country"].unique())
    c_select = Select(title="Country", options=countries, value='FR')

    # catch all widgets 
    wid = [c_select, y_slider, m_select]
    rows = row(wid)

    # update function for `on_change` trigger
    def update(attrname, old, new):

        y = y_slider.value
        y_range = [x for x in range(y[0],y[1]+1)]
        s_selected = m_select.value
        co = c_select.value

        # run update for each plot
        for p, s, l in zip(plots, sources, fp.energy_levels):
            df = fp.filter_data_set(data, co, y_range, s_selected, l)
            source_data, x_axis = fp.prepare_data(df)
   = source_data
            p.x_range.factors = x_axis

    # associate `update` function with each widget to apply updates for each change
    for w in wid:
        w.on_change('value', update)

    layout = column(rows, tabs)

After the bokeh plot is set up a bokeh server is started to make the plot interactive.

Possible options:

- Select a country from the dropdown menu in the top left
- Select a range of years from the range slider
- Multiselect the sources you want to compare in the top right
- Choose which "energy level" you want to investigate with the tabs below the plot

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