The maximum number obtained by multipliying two 3-digit numbers is:
In [40]:
N = 999 * 999
We should find a polindrome p that not exceed N The primer digit of this number is 9. So, we should find the a number < N with the last number a 9 Let's try with the number p1 = N - 2
In [41]:
p1 = N - 2
Almost a polindrome! Fist and last digit are equal and the bigests (9). Se second and fith are also equal and biggest (9) We should decrease the number by 200 so that it become a polindrome
In [42]:
p2 = p1 - 200
This is a palindrome!!!! Now it should be decomposed into two 3-digit number If not possible, then the next polindrome should be obtained and calculate the factors again
In [43]:
def factor(N):
for i in xrange(2,N):
if (N % i == 0):
return i
return 0
In [44]:
def decompose(N):
f = factor(N)
lf = []
while f > 0:
N = N / f
#print("Factor: {}, Rest: {}".format(f, N)) #-- Debuging
f = factor(N)
In [45]:
The problem is that many of these palindromes do not have two 3-digit factors. It is better to study another approach
Start by iterating over the two factors. Every factors should go from 100 (the minimul) to 999. Perform all the multiplications and get a list with all the palindroms. A function for knowing if a number is a palindrom should be implemented. Finally get the maximum number in that list
In [46]:
#-- Function for detecting if a 5-6 digit number is a palindrome
def is_palindrome(n):
#-- Convert the number into a string
s = str(n)
if s[0] != s[-1]:
return False #--- Not a palindrome for sure
if s[1] != s[-2]:
return False #--- Not a palindrome for sure
if len(s)==5:
return True #-- A palindrome!
if s[2]==s[3]:
return True
return False
In [47]:
Get a list with all the 3-digit factors palindromes
In [48]:
l = []
for i in range(100,1000):
for j in range(i, 1000):
n = i * j
if is_palindrome(n):
In [49]:
Calculate the maximum palindrome
In [54]:
sol = max(l)
Let's check
In [51]:
Let's group the factors:
In [52]:
f1 = 331 * 3
f2 = 83 * 11
In [55]:
print ("{} = {} * {}".format(sol, f1, f2))
In [ ]: