This GSoC 2015 Idea will focus on the development of a set of digital notebooks to explore several open source solution for geospatial data analysis, with the aim of bridging together the several software libraries already installed on the live to perform complex geo-data-science workflows.
The notebooks are developed in the Jupyter notebook server environments which is heavly based on the IPython project, are written id different languages (bash, python, R) and are organized in a series of "topic-oriented" geospatial notebooks.
For a complete description of each projects installed on the OSGeo-Live refer to the OSGeo-Live documentation. This work will focus on the usage of several scientific python libraries like numpy, scipy, pandas, matplotlib on GFOSS (Geographic Free and Open Source Software) projects like GRASS, GDAL, OSSIM, maoserver and more specialized software like R for geostatistic workflow and postgis as geospatial relational database.
The geospatial notebook here developed will make use of the sample dataset pre-installed on the OSGeo-Live:
The geospatial notebok here developed are composed of 6 different sections with the aim of discover some of the several geospatial libraries installed on the OSGeo-Live. The geospatial notebooks developed here will walk the user from simple usage of command line tools such GDAL, PROJ and OSSIM to basic sql query on how to access database information to more complex geoprocessing including raw data parsing, numerical processing and the use of complete GIS platfom like GRASS GIS.
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