In [211]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rc('figure', dpi=150)

Week 6: Geospatial Data Analysis

Tony Cannistra | UWSEDS Sp20

The purpose of this notebook is to work through the following questions:

  1. What is geospatial data really?
  2. What software packages exist to perform analysis on Geospatial data?
  3. How do I create geospatial data visualizations?

These topics will hopefully serve as a foundation for future work and practice with geospatial data analysis, an incredibly rich subfield in data science.

Note: the code presented in this notebook requires several package dependencies. These dependencies are presented in geo_basic.yml, and can be installed as follows:

    conda env create --file geo_basic.yml

Section 1: Geospatial Data 101

Before we dive into analysis, it's important to understand some important details about "geospatial data".

1.1: Geospatial data have "locations"

Simply put: for data to be "geospatial", it must have a concept of "location" associated with it. For example, consider the following "geospatial data":

In [2]:
nrows = 9
_d = pd.DataFrame(
        'X' : np.linspace(45000, 6600, nrows),
        'Y': np.linspace(160000, 150000, nrows),
        'abundance': np.random.randint(5e2, size=nrows)

X Y abundance
0 45000.0 160000.0 24
1 40200.0 158750.0 268
2 35400.0 157500.0 205
3 30600.0 156250.0 465
4 25800.0 155000.0 264
5 21000.0 153750.0 269
6 16200.0 152500.0 496
7 11400.0 151250.0 202
8 6600.0 150000.0 491

Here we have some measure of "abundance" paired with "X" and "Y" values. What's the first question that comes to mind here? Probably: "What do those coordinates mean?" Where are X and Y?

Another way to ask this question: what "coordinate system" or "projection" are these points given in?

So, what's a "projection"?

1.2: Earth is round

You've probably heard of "latitude" and "longitude" as ways to describe places on the Earth. These are measures that rely on the Earth being a sphere (well, actually, an ellipse), as follows:

  • Latitude describes the number of degrees on a sphere away from the earth's horizontal middle, what we call the equator.

  • Longitude describes the number of degrees on a sphere away from the earth's vertical middle, known as a prime meridian.


Latitude and Longitude are known as geographic or spherical coordinates. Because the units are "degrees", special care must be given when computing things like distances using these coordinates, for example (think back to high school geometry class...).

The "model" of the Earth's shape that's used to define a "spherical coordinate system" is called a datum. You may see two primary datums: WGS84, which is a "mean" estimate for the whole world, and NAD83, which is a datum that increases positional accuracy in North America.]

When you receive data in geographic/spherical coordinates, it's important to know which datum the data were recorded in. (9/10 times it'll be WGS84).

We also have projected coordinates. In fact, we'll always need to think about projected coordinates, because "projections" are the key to plotting spherical data onto a flat plane, like your computer screen or a piece of paper. To hammer this one home, think about this orange:


When we attempt to flatten our round planet [orange] to the two-dimensional screen [the table], we're forced to make certain assumptions. For example: perhaps being able to compare area across the globe is critical (i.e. a two-cm square anywhere on our paper map has the same surface area on the globe), or perhaps preserving the ‘real’ shapes of landmasses is important.

Each set of assumptions and tradeoffs we create is referred to as a “projection,” and consists of a set of equations which convert spherical (or, in the case of Earth, ellipsoidal) coordinates into planar coordinates. (The orange above is an example of this--and is actually a real projection known as the Goode Homolosine projection).

When we "project" spherical coordinates into a "projected coordinate system", we assign it an X/Y coordinate pair in a two-dimensional plane, whose purpose is to map geographic coordiantes to a flat surface, that's defined by the projection.

Some Examples (comic):

Mercator (web maps) Lambert Conformal Conic (weather maps) Winkel-Tripel (National Geographic maps)

Sometimes, instead of receiving data in a "geographic" format (like latitude/longitude, where your "coordinate reference system" is a datum), you might receive a projected data format (like UTM ("Universal Transverse Mercator").

GOOD NEWS: There are several packages in Python which take care of most of these details under the hood for you, so you don't have to think hard about it.

BOTTOM LINE: When you get some new data, you'll always want to ask: "what coordinate reference system/projection are these data given in?" Missing this step will result in inaccurate spatial calulations and inability to plot the data accurately.

Alright, let's step back from the nitty-gritty about projections and just remember that we always need to know what kinds of coordinates we're dealing with. Next let's talk about the different types of geospatial data.

1.3: The "Two Types" of Geospatial Data

There are two primary formats that you will encounter when dealing with geospatial data: vector and raster.

There's a very easy way to know the difference:

  • Vector data are points, lines, shapes, or squiggles.
  • Raster Data are grids (you can think of them as arrays).

Some Examples:

Description Data Type
The GPS Track you recorded on your run last night Vector
The radar map on your weather app Raster
The locations of all of your friends in the neighborhood Vector
A picture of Seattle on Google Satellite view Raster

Vector data usually refer to specific objects or areas, where Raster data usually represents a larger, contiguous, and fully-measured spatial extent.

This distinction is important because the tools we have to process easy type of data are different, and are optimized for the type of question you're interested in answering for your data. Each data type is better-suited to a specific set of tasks than the other.

For example:

  • You want to see if the Puget Sound has more frequent algae blooms. Do you want vector data (irregular measurements?) or raster data (gridded measurements). Raster Data.
  • You want to find the busiest road in Seattle. Do you want vector data (public travel data) or raster data (satellite pictures of roads?). Vector data.

Since these data types represent pretty different kinds of information, they accordingly have quite different file types and come in different formats. Here are some examples of on-disk represntations of each kind of data type that you might encounter:

Vector File Types:

  • ESRI Shapefiles (.shp)
  • GeoJSON files (.geojson/.json)
  • Google "Keyhole Markup Language" (.kml)
  • GPS eXchange Format (.gpx)
  • CSV files (.csv)

Vector file formats usually contain lists or "collections" of "spatial objects" like points, polygons, or lines (sometimes known as "geometries"), each of which can have "properties" or "attributes" associated with them (like names, descriptions, and other data). Well-formed files will contain useful metadata like the coordinate reference system.

Raster File Types:

  • GeoTIFFs (.tif)
  • ASCII Files (.asc)
  • JPEG2000 (.jp2)

Raster files represent a single "geographic extent" with a uniform "grid cell size", and these files store that information along with their coordinate reference systems and other useful metadata. Some formats can also store multi-dimensional data; for example, if a satellite measures different wavelengths of light over the same spatial extent, each of those sets of measurements could be different "dimension" in the file (these are somtimes known as "bands").

In the next section, we'll look at tools in Python that can make these file types easy to work with.

Section 2: Geospatial Analysis in Python

All of that information above might be pretty confusing without some good examples to focus in on, so let's do that here.

First, let's look at a few Vector datasets.

2.1: Vector Tools

Like many data scientists who use Python, you're likely now familiar with Pandas. Some clever folks decided that the powerful data manipulation tools in Pandas should be able to be applied to geospatial data. Behold: GeoPandas.

Let's see how geopandas works in the wild by examining a dataset of the United States National Parks.

In [3]:
import geopandas as gpd

In [4]:
## open 
parks = gpd.read_file("nps.geojson")

In [5]:

0 2006-03-09 None POC for this update: ... None None None GLAC Glacier National Park 1604373 None POLYGON ((-114.47552 49.00091, -114.46101 49.0...
1 None None Shifted 0.04 miles None None None CANY Canyonlands National Park 1604382 None MULTIPOLYGON (((-109.88562 38.48543, -109.8853...
2 None None Shifted 0.06 miles None None None NOCA North Cascades National Park 1604517 None MULTIPOLYGON (((-121.37761 48.63574, -121.3789...
3 2008-01-08 None Lands None None None KOVA Kobuk Valley National Park 1604524 None POLYGON ((-159.50279 67.80979, -159.50141 67.8...
4 2008-01-08 None Lands None None None LACL Lake Clark National Park 1604526 None MULTIPOLYGON (((-152.85083 60.23804, -152.8521...

The interesting thing to note here is that this looks just like a Pandas DataFrame--that's because it is!.

In [6]:
isinstance(parks, pd.DataFrame)


This powerful truth means that you can treat this geospatial data just like any Pandas DataFrame.

In [7]:

       'META_MIDF', 'UNIT_CODE', 'UNIT_NAME', 'UNIT_TYPE', 'id', 'observed',

In [8]:

28 None None Shift 0.03 mi. None None None ACAD Acadia National Park 6160626 None MULTIPOLYGON (((-68.22595 44.39584, -68.22766 ...
46 2006-06-19 None Lands None None None ARCH Arches National Park 7115839 None POLYGON ((-109.56204 38.60475, -109.56264 38.6...
9 2008-02-27 None Lands - None None None BADL Badlands National Park 1604633 None MULTIPOLYGON (((-102.27705 43.54490, -102.2770...
29 None None Shift 0.03 mi. None None None BIBE Big Bend National Park 6254449 None POLYGON ((-102.84985 29.35623, -102.85101 29.3...
30 None None Good None None None BISC Biscayne National Park 6274721 None POLYGON ((-80.34638 25.44840, -80.34631 25.449...

et cetera. However, an important difference is the geometry column.

In [9]:

0    POLYGON ((-114.47552 49.00091, -114.46101 49.0...
1    MULTIPOLYGON (((-109.88562 38.48543, -109.8853...
2    MULTIPOLYGON (((-121.37761 48.63574, -121.3789...
3    POLYGON ((-159.50279 67.80979, -159.50141 67.8...
4    MULTIPOLYGON (((-152.85083 60.23804, -152.8521...
Name: geometry, dtype: geometry

These are "geometries" from another "sister" library known as shapely. Shapely is a very powerful library for the manipulation of shapes in Python, and geopandas uses it.

If we look at one, we get an un-referenced view of the shape in this Jupyter notebook, e.g:

In [10]:


In [11]:
## referring to: 

DATE_EDIT                                            2006-03-09
GIS_LOC_ID                                                 None
GIS_NOTES     POC for this update: ...
GROUP_CODE                                                 None
LANDS_CODE                                                 None
META_MIDF                                                  None
UNIT_CODE                                                  GLAC
UNIT_NAME                                               Glacier
UNIT_TYPE                                         National Park
id                                                      1604373
observed                                                   None
geometry      POLYGON ((-114.4755159847537 49.0009136904987,...
Name: 0, dtype: object

So we've got some spatial data. What's the first thing we need to know? What CRS are we in?

In [12]:

<Geographic 2D CRS: EPSG:4326>
Name: WGS 84
Axis Info [ellipsoidal]:
- Lat[north]: Geodetic latitude (degree)
- Lon[east]: Geodetic longitude (degree)
Area of Use:
- name: World
- bounds: (-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0)
Datum: World Geodetic System 1984
- Ellipsoid: WGS 84
- Prime Meridian: Greenwich

This is telling us that we're in a "Geographic" CRS (so lat/lon) with the WGS84 datum. [Challenge Q: is this unprojected or projected?]

Here's a quick example of the power of Geopandas:

The spotted owl (Strix occidentalis) is a near-threatened species of owl with declining populations in North America. Let's say we wanted to determine where their natural range might co-occur with protected areas, like National parks? In other words, Which national parks contain Spotted Owl habitat?

We've got the national park boundaries above. Let's also grab the boundary of the owl habitat from the IUCN, and limit only to areas where the owl is likely to still exist:

In [13]:
owl_habitat = gpd.read_file("spotted_owl_iucn.geojson")

In [14]:

       'DIST_COMM', 'ISLAND', 'TAX_COMM', 'geometry'],

In [15]:

array(['Extant (resident)', 'Possibly Extinct'], dtype=object)

In [16]:
owl_habitat = owl_habitat[owl_habitat.LEGEND.str.contains("Extant")]

In [17]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x11e557588>

We can use the overlaps function in geopandas to determine whether any national parks overlap this range. BUT FIRST, we need to be sure the data are in the same CRS.

In [18]:

<Geographic 2D CRS: EPSG:4326>
Name: WGS 84
Axis Info [ellipsoidal]:
- Lat[north]: Geodetic latitude (degree)
- Lon[east]: Geodetic longitude (degree)
Area of Use:
- name: World
- bounds: (-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0)
Datum: World Geodetic System 1984
- Ellipsoid: WGS 84
- Prime Meridian: Greenwich

In [19]:

<Geographic 2D CRS: EPSG:4326>
Name: WGS 84
Axis Info [ellipsoidal]:
- Lat[north]: Geodetic latitude (degree)
- Lon[east]: Geodetic longitude (degree)
Area of Use:
- name: World
- bounds: (-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0)
Datum: World Geodetic System 1984
- Ellipsoid: WGS 84
- Prime Meridian: Greenwich

Looking good. Let's do the analysis.

In [20]:
owl_habitat_geometry = owl_habitat.geometry.iloc[0]
overlapping_parks = parks[parks.intersects(owl_habitat_geometry)]
overlapping_parks[['UNIT_NAME', 'UNIT_TYPE']]

2 North Cascades National Park
11 Redwood National Park
17 Yosemite National Park
18 Great Sand Dunes National Park
22 Petrified Forest National Park
24 Lassen Volcanic National Park
26 Kings Canyon National Park
27 Sequoia National Park
31 Capitol Reef National Park
32 Crater Lake National Park
35 Grand Canyon National Park
37 Guadalupe Mountains National Park
40 Mount Rainier National Park
42 Olympic National Park
43 Saguaro National Park
54 Bryce Canyon National Park
55 Carlsbad Caverns National Park


For a complete tutorial on Geopandas, check out these GeoHackWeek Resources:

We'll make a plot of these results later. Let's move on to a quick example of raster data.

2.2: Raster Tools

Remember earlier when I mentioned that rasters are basically like $N$-dimensional arrays? Well, fortunately we've got a really powerful library in Python to handle nD array computations--Numpy! Similarly to geopandas, some developers got together to build a geospatial package on top of Numpy that has the same great nD array performance but knows about the particulars of geospatial rasters. It's called rasterio (

For a quick demonstration, let's look at a two-dimensional raster of snow cover in an area near Mount Baker, as measured by a satellite:

In [21]:
import rasterio as rio

In [22]:
snow ="20180806_183316_1035_3B_AnalyticMS_SR_snow.tif")

Again: What's our CRS?

In [23]:


Rasterio returns an "EPSG" code, which you'll see around. It is a shorthand identifier for projections maintained by the European Petroleum Survey Group, and you can look up these identifiers online (

It just so happens that EPSG:4326 is the WGS84 geographic "projection".

Again, similar to Numpy, we have access to N-dimensional array abilities:

In [24]:

(7678, 15872)

However, there are some quirks. For example, snow.shape only returns the first two dimensions of the ND array's shape, unlike Numpy. To find out how many "bands" there are in the image, we use "count":

In [25]:


Here, we only have one. In addition, to get the data, we need to use theread method. This allows rasterio to open very huge datasets in pieces, so you can preserve your memory.

In [26]:
snowdata =

After using read we get a friendly numpy array

In [27]:
isinstance(snowdata, np.ndarray)


As such, you can manipulate these data just like a Numpy array. For example, we can compute the percentage of the array that's snow-covered:

In [28]:
snow_percentage = (snowdata[snowdata == 1].sum(axis=0) /*snowdata.shape)) * 100

In [29]:
print(f"Percent Snow: {snow_percentage:.2f}%")

Percent Snow: 6.19%

I won't get into too many details about the other possibilities that Rasterio can handle, but it's a very powerful tool. Here are some examples of what it can do:

  • Re-project raster data
  • Turn raster data into vector data (polygons)
  • Change raster file formats
  • filter + crop raster data using vector data (polygons)
  • and many more. Check out the documentation and tutorials:

There are also great rasterio example tutorials (from UW folks!) here:

As a taster, here's an example of a plot with rasterio (Yes, that simple):

In [30]:
from rasterio import plot

In [31]:
plt.figure(dpi=150), cmap='binary_r')

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x11e41e9b0>

For a more complete tutorial on Raster data check out these GeoHackWeek lessons:

Section 3: Geospatial Visualization in Python

Because it's most common to make visualizations with vector data, we'll stick with using that as our primary example. However, much of the material covered here is equally applicable to visualizations with raster data.

If you're familiar with making plots in Python, you're likely also familiar with the matplotlib package. This very powerful (though somewhat dense) package for plotting is the de-facto standard in Python (though that is changing).

Similar to the story with geopandas and rasterio, some smart developers got together and decided to build a geospatially-aware toolkit for matplotlib.

It's called cartopy. Though we will use cartopy primarily for its very convenient features in plotting, it is a general library for managing and switching-between various coordinate reference systems, which is a powerful thing.

To illustrate the capability of cartopy, let's make a plot where we higlight the national parks that overlap with spotted owl habitat, from above.

The "core principle" of cartopy-enabled maps is the "projected axes". Cartopy allows you to define matplotlib axes with a given projection assigned to them. Once assigned, these axes will automatically re-project any data onto them, so that we can use data with mutliple CRSs in a single plot.

To illustrate this, I'll use Geopandas' to_crs function to re-project our national parks data into the Mercator projection (EPSG:3857), as follows:

In [32]:
# import cartopy CRS and Feature modules
import as ccrs # contains information about coordinate reference systems + how to switch among them
import cartopy.feature as cf # contains helper functions for adding geospatial items to plots

In [33]:
# reproject using Geopandas 
owl_habitat_reprojected = owl_habitat.to_crs(epsg=3857)

Let's make a plot of just the owl habitat to illustrate Cartopy. We'll make a plot in the Lambert Conformal projection, good for the Continentinal US.

In [34]:
axes = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.LambertConformal())
# Plot owl habitat with add_geometries, which takes a LIST. 
# NOTICE: I specify the CRS of the data here. This is so Cartopy can re-project
# onto the projected-axes. 
axes.add_geometries(owl_habitat_reprojected.geometry, crs=ccrs.epsg(3857))
axes.add_feature(cf.COASTLINE, linewidth=0.5) # add built-in coastline feature from Cartopy

<cartopy.mpl.feature_artist.FeatureArtist at 0x14437b588>

There's our map! You can...sort of see the owl range. However, it isn't that satisfying to look at a map of the whole globe like this. We can use set_extent to change this:

In [212]:
axes = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.LambertConformal())
# Plot owl habitat with add_geometries, which takes a LIST. 
# NOTICE: I specify the CRS of the data here. This is so Cartopy can re-project
# onto the projected-axes. 
axes.add_geometries(owl_habitat_reprojected.geometry, crs=ccrs.epsg(3857))
axes.add_feature(cf.COASTLINE, linewidth=0.5) # add built-in coastline feature from Cartopy

owl_habitat_extent = owl_habitat_reprojected.bounds
], crs=ccrs.epsg(3857))

Neat! Now, let's do some styling to this using Matplotlib comands.

In [213]:
axes = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.LambertConformal())
# Plot owl habitat with add_geometries, which takes a LIST. 
# NOTICE: I specify the CRS of the data here. This is so Cartopy can re-project
# onto the projected-axes. 
axes.add_geometries(owl_habitat_reprojected.geometry, crs=ccrs.epsg(3857),
                    facecolor='none', edgecolor='red', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.5)
axes.add_feature(cf.COASTLINE, linewidth=0.5) # add built-in coastline feature from Cartopy

owl_habitat_extent = owl_habitat_reprojected.bounds
], crs=ccrs.epsg(3857))

Now the polygons of the area are see-through, so we can plot the parks that overlap, like this:

In [226]:
axes = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.LambertConformal())
# Plot owl habitat with add_geometries, which takes a LIST. 
# NOTICE: I specify the CRS of the data here. This is so Cartopy can re-project
# onto the projected-axes. 
axes.add_geometries(owl_habitat_reprojected.geometry, crs=ccrs.epsg(3857),
                    facecolor='none', edgecolor='red', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.5)
axes.add_feature(cf.COASTLINE, linewidth=0.5) # add built-in coastline feature from Cartopy

axes.add_geometries(overlapping_parks.geometry, crs=ccrs.PlateCarree())  ## Unprojected! We need to use the PlateCaree "projection", which simply maps lat/lon coordinates to a rectangular grid. 

owl_habitat_extent = owl_habitat_reprojected.bounds
], crs=ccrs.epsg(3857))

...oops! Looks like that didn't work. This is what it looks like when there's often an "invalid geometry" present in the dataset, e.g. a geometry that doens't follow the "rules". Lucky for us, Geopandas has a quick tip to fix that. We just add a "spatial buffer" of 0 to the data, and it will try to fix invalid geometries:

In [227]:
overlapping_parks_valid = overlapping_parks.buffer(0)

Let's try again:

In [229]:
axes = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.LambertConformal())
# Plot owl habitat with add_geometries, which takes a LIST. 
# NOTICE: I specify the CRS of the data here. This is so Cartopy can re-project
# onto the projected-axes. 
axes.add_geometries(owl_habitat_reprojected.geometry, crs=ccrs.epsg(3857),
                    facecolor='none', edgecolor='red', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.5)
axes.add_feature(cf.COASTLINE, linewidth=0.5) # add built-in coastline feature from Cartopy

axes.add_geometries(overlapping_parks_valid.geometry, crs=ccrs.PlateCarree()) ## Unprojected! We need to use the PlateCaree "projection", which simply maps lat/lon coordinates to a rectangular grid. 

owl_habitat_extent = owl_habitat_reprojected.bounds
], crs=ccrs.epsg(3857))

Notice that when we referred to the parks data, we gave a "Geodetic" CRS, because the data are in spherical or geographic coordiates.

To refine our plot, let's zoom in only to the area of the overlapping parks:

In [230]:

array([-124.73483637,   31.81486603, -104.37075763,   49.00026105])

In [231]:
axes = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.LambertConformal())
# Plot owl habitat with add_geometries, which takes a LIST. 
# NOTICE: I specify the CRS of the data here. This is so Cartopy can re-project
# onto the projected-axes.
axes.add_feature(cf.COASTLINE, linewidth=0.2) # add built-in coastline feature from Cartopy

axes.add_geometries(owl_habitat_reprojected.geometry, crs=ccrs.epsg(3857),
                    facecolor='none', edgecolor='red', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.5)

axes.add_geometries(overlapping_parks_valid.geometry, crs=ccrs.Geodetic()) ## Unprojected!

owl_habitat_extent = overlapping_parks.total_bounds
], crs=ccrs.Geodetic())

/Users/tony/miniconda3/envs/geo_basic/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cartopy/mpl/ UserWarning: Approximating coordinate system <cartopy._crs.Geodetic object at 0x14d820d58> with the PlateCarree projection.
  'PlateCarree projection.'.format(crs))

Perhaps it would be nice to have State boundaries? Cartopy has a great facility to utilize the free, open-source Natural Earth dataset which has lots of great open spatial data for use in plotting. Here we'll grab the states dataset and load it using the cartopy NaturalEarthFeature function:

In [232]:
states = cf.NaturalEarthFeature('cultural', 'admin_1_states_provinces_lines', '110m')

In [233]:
axes = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.LambertConformal())
# Plot owl habitat with add_geometries, which takes a LIST. 
# NOTICE: I specify the CRS of the data here. This is so Cartopy can re-project
# onto the projected-axes.
axes.add_feature(cf.COASTLINE, linewidth=0.2) # add built-in coastline feature from Cartopy
axes.add_feature(states, facecolor='none', edgecolor='k', linewidth=0.2)
axes.add_feature(cf.BORDERS, facecolor='none', edgecolor='k', linewidth=0.2)

axes.add_geometries(owl_habitat_reprojected.geometry, crs=ccrs.epsg(3857),
                    facecolor='none', edgecolor='red', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.5)

axes.add_geometries(overlapping_parks_valid.geometry, crs=ccrs.Geodetic()) ## Unprojected!

owl_habitat_extent = overlapping_parks.total_bounds
], crs=ccrs.Geodetic())

/Users/tony/miniconda3/envs/geo_basic/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cartopy/mpl/ UserWarning: Approximating coordinate system <cartopy._crs.Geodetic object at 0x14d820af0> with the PlateCarree projection.
  'PlateCarree projection.'.format(crs))

We can also add the national parks that aren't included, and dim them a bit?

In [234]:
other_parks = parks[~parks.index.isin(overlapping_parks.index)].buffer(0)

In [235]:
axes = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.LambertConformal())
# Plot owl habitat with add_geometries, which takes a LIST. 
# NOTICE: I specify the CRS of the data here. This is so Cartopy can re-project
# onto the projected-axes.
axes.add_feature(cf.COASTLINE, linewidth=0.2) # add built-in coastline feature from Cartopy
axes.add_feature(states, facecolor='none', edgecolor='k', linewidth=0.2)
axes.add_feature(cf.BORDERS, facecolor='none', edgecolor='k', linewidth=0.2)

axes.add_geometries(owl_habitat_reprojected.geometry, crs=ccrs.epsg(3857),
                    facecolor='none', edgecolor='red', linestyle='--', linewidth=0.5)

axes.add_geometries(overlapping_parks_valid.geometry, crs=ccrs.Geodetic(), ## Unprojected!

axes.add_geometries(other_parks.geometry.buffer(0), crs=ccrs.PlateCarree(), facecolor='xkcd:green', alpha=0.2)

owl_habitat_extent = overlapping_parks.total_bounds
], crs=ccrs.Geodetic())

/Users/tony/miniconda3/envs/geo_basic/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cartopy/mpl/ UserWarning: Approximating coordinate system <cartopy._crs.Geodetic object at 0x14d820db0> with the PlateCarree projection.
  'PlateCarree projection.'.format(crs))

3.2: Interactive Mapping

For the most part, a static map or plot is going to be the best way to communicate your geospatial results. However there will likely be times when you'll want an interactive map, like:

  • you are exploring a new dataset and want to check out the data
  • you want to share an interactive map with someone without python ability or GIS capabilities
  • you want to show additional data alongside your map

Here we'll briefly introduce the folium library, which uses the popular Leaflet javascript library to embed an interactive map within a Juypter notebook.

To illustrate this, I'll re-build the above map using Folium.

In [178]:
from folium import Map, GeoJson, GeoJsonTooltip, Figure

In [ ]:

In [198]:
# create a simple Leaflet map: 
ff = Figure(height=500)
m = Map(
    location = (40, -99),  # approximate Lat/Lon center of USA
    tiles='Stamen Toner'

In [199]:


As before, let's start by adding the owl boundary:

In [200]:
        style_function = lambda feature: {
            'fillColor': 'none',
            'color' : 'red',
            'weight' : 2,
            'fillOpacity' : 0,
            'dashArray': 9
        }, name='Owl Habitat'

<folium.features.GeoJson at 0x14a5c0860>

In [201]:


You should see the map updated above. Let's now add the parks:

In [202]:
parks_overlap = GeoJson(
    style_function= lambda feature: {
        'color': 'none', 'fillColor': 'green', 'weight':1, 'fillOpacity': 0.9},
    name='Overlapping Parks'

In [203]:


And the parks that don't overlap, this time with different opacity:

In [204]:
parks_overlap = GeoJson(
    style_function= lambda feature: {
        'color': 'none', 'fillColor': 'green', 'weight':1, 'fillOpacity': 0.2},
    name='Overlapping Parks'

In [205]:


You save this map as a self-contained HTML file to share with your friends:

In [207]:"owl_map.html")

In [210]:
!ls *.html


To learn more about what Folium can do, you can check out this other tutorial

For completeness, it's worth noting that there are two other libraries available for interactive geospatial visualization in Jupyter notebooks: ipyleaflet ( and GeoViews ( Both have different strengths, so I'd encourage you to check them out.