Oscilloskope utility – using Ethernet

In [6]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
import os
import time
import h5py
import numpy as np
import glob
import vxi11

# Step 0:
# Connect oscilloscope via direct Ethernet link
# Step 1:
# Run "Record" on the oscilloscope
# and wait for 508 frames to be acquired.
# Step 2:
# Run this cell to initialize grabbing.

# This will need a rewrite
class TmcDriver:

    def __init__(self, device):
        print("Initializing connection to: " + device)
        self.device = device
        self.instr = vxi11.Instrument(device)
    def write(self, command):

    def read(self, length = 500):
        return self.instr.read(length)

    def read_raw(self, length = 500):
        return self.instr.read_raw(length)
    def getName(self):
        return self.read(300)
    def ask(self, command):
        return self.instr.ask(command)
    def sendReset(self):
        self.write("*RST")  # Be carefull, this real resets an oscilloscope
# Default oscilloscope record timeout [s]
loop_sleep_time = 60
# For Ethernet
#osc = TmcDriver("TCPIP::")
osc = TmcDriver("TCPIP::")

Initializing connection to: TCPIP::
RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES,DS6104,DS6A192700022,00.02.00.SP5

Read repeatedly records from oscilloscope

In [7]:
filename = 1
if (filename == 1):
    for f in glob.iglob("./data/*.h5"): # delete all .h5 files 
        print 'Deleting', f
    print 'Not removing old files, as filename {0} is not 1.'.format(filename)

osc.write(':STOP') # start recording
while True:
    #print('  Enter to continue.')
    #raw_input() Wait for key press

    osc.write(':FUNC:WREC:OPER REC') # start recording
    run_start_time = time.time()
    print '  Capturing...'
    while True:
        osc.write(':FUNC:WREC:OPER?') # finish recording?
        reply = osc.read()
        if reply == 'STOP':
            run_time = round(time.time() - run_start_time, 2)
            print('  Subrun finished, capturing for %.2f seconds.' % run_time)

    osc.write(':WAV:SOUR CHAN1')
    osc.write(':WAV:MODE NORM')
    osc.write(':WAV:FORM BYTE')
    osc.write(':WAV:POIN 1400')

    xinc = float(osc.read(100))
    print 'XINC:', xinc,
    yinc = float(osc.read(100))
    print 'YINC:', yinc,
    trig = float(osc.read(100))
    print 'TRIG:', trig,
    yorig = float(osc.read(100))
    print 'YORIGIN:', yorig,
    xorig = float(osc.read(100))
    print 'XORIGIN:', xorig,

    osc.write(':FUNC:WREP:FEND?') # get number of last frame
    frames = int(osc.read(100))
    print 'FRAMES:', frames, 'SUBRUN', filename
    with h5py.File('./data/data'+'{:02.0f}'.format(filename)+'_'+str(int(round(time.time(),0)))+'.h5', 'w') as hf:       
        hf.create_dataset('FRAMES', data=(frames)) # write number of frames
        hf.create_dataset('XINC', data=(xinc)) # write axis parameters
        hf.create_dataset('YINC', data=(yinc))
        hf.create_dataset('TRIG', data=(trig))
        hf.create_dataset('YORIGIN', data=(yorig))
        hf.create_dataset('XORIGIN', data=(xorig))
        hf.create_dataset('CAPTURING', data=(run_time))
        osc.write(':FUNC:WREP:FCUR 1') # skip to n-th frame
        for n in range(1,frames+1):
            osc.write(':FUNC:WREP:FCUR ' + str(n)) # skip to n-th frame

            osc.write(':WAV:DATA?') # read data
            wave1 = bytearray(osc.read_raw(500))
            wave2 = bytearray(osc.read_raw(500))
            wave3 = bytearray(osc.read_raw(500))
            #wave4 = bytearray(osc.read(500))
            #wave = np.concatenate((wave1[11:],wave2[:(500-489)],wave3[:(700-489)]))
            wave = np.concatenate((wave1[11:],wave2,wave3[:-1]))
            hf.create_dataset(str(n), data=wave)
    filename = filename + 1

  Subrun finished, capturing for 591.87 seconds.
XINC: 2.5e-08 YINC: 0.0015625 TRIG: 0.00516 YORIGIN: -119.0 XORIGIN: -4.199998e-06 FRAMES: 1999 SUBRUN 1
  Subrun finished, capturing for 348.42 seconds.
XINC: 2.5e-08 YINC: 0.0015625 TRIG: 0.00516 YORIGIN: -119.0 XORIGIN: -4.199998e-06 FRAMES: 1999 SUBRUN 2
  Subrun finished, capturing for 341.41 seconds.
XINC: 2.5e-08 YINC: 0.0015625 TRIG: 0.00516 YORIGIN: -119.0 XORIGIN: -4.199998e-06 FRAMES: 1999 SUBRUN 3
  Subrun finished, capturing for 451.53 seconds.
XINC: 2.5e-08 YINC: 0.0015625 TRIG: 0.00516 YORIGIN: -119.0 XORIGIN: -4.199998e-06 FRAMES: 1999 SUBRUN 4
  Subrun finished, capturing for 389.34 seconds.
XINC: 2.5e-08 YINC: 0.0015625 TRIG: 0.00516 YORIGIN: -119.0 XORIGIN: -4.199998e-06 FRAMES: 1999 SUBRUN 5
  Subrun finished, capturing for 374.74 seconds.
XINC: 2.5e-08 YINC: 0.0015625 TRIG: 0.00516 YORIGIN: -119.0 XORIGIN: -4.199998e-06 FRAMES: 1999 SUBRUN 6
  Subrun finished, capturing for 336.54 seconds.
XINC: 2.5e-08 YINC: 0.0015625 TRIG: 0.00516 YORIGIN: -119.0 XORIGIN: -4.199998e-06 FRAMES: 1999 SUBRUN 7
  Subrun finished, capturing for 298.20 seconds.
XINC: 2.5e-08 YINC: 0.0015625 TRIG: 0.00516 YORIGIN: -119.0 XORIGIN: -4.199998e-06 FRAMES: 1999 SUBRUN 8
  Subrun finished, capturing for 316.99 seconds.
XINC: 2.5e-08 YINC: 0.0015625 TRIG: 0.00516 YORIGIN: -119.0 XORIGIN: -4.199998e-06 FRAMES: 1999 SUBRUN 9
  Subrun finished, capturing for 292.04 seconds.
XINC: 2.5e-08 YINC: 0.0015625 TRIG: 0.00516 YORIGIN: -119.0 XORIGIN: -4.199998e-06 FRAMES: 1999 SUBRUN 10
  Subrun finished, capturing for 286.81 seconds.
XINC: 2.5e-08 YINC: 0.0015625 TRIG: 0.00516 YORIGIN: -119.0 XORIGIN: -4.199998e-06 FRAMES: 1999 SUBRUN 11
  Subrun finished, capturing for 285.96 seconds.
XINC: 2.5e-08 YINC: 0.0015625 TRIG: 0.00516 YORIGIN: -119.0 XORIGIN: -4.199998e-06 FRAMES: 1999 SUBRUN 12
  Subrun finished, capturing for 265.95 seconds.
XINC: 2.5e-08 YINC: 0.0015625 TRIG: 0.00516 YORIGIN: -119.0 XORIGIN: -4.199998e-06 FRAMES: 1999 SUBRUN 13
  Subrun finished, capturing for 241.87 seconds.
XINC: 2.5e-08 YINC: 0.0015625 TRIG: 0.00516 YORIGIN: -119.0 XORIGIN: -4.199998e-06 FRAMES: 1999 SUBRUN 14
  Subrun finished, capturing for 229.23 seconds.
XINC: 2.5e-08 YINC: 0.0015625 TRIG: 0.00516 YORIGIN: -119.0 XORIGIN: -4.199998e-06 FRAMES: 1999 SUBRUN 15
  Subrun finished, capturing for 239.67 seconds.
XINC: 2.5e-08 YINC: 0.0015625 TRIG: 0.00516 YORIGIN: -119.0 XORIGIN: -4.199998e-06 FRAMES: 1999 SUBRUN 16
  Subrun finished, capturing for 232.44 seconds.
XINC: 2.5e-08 YINC: 0.0015625 TRIG: 0.00516 YORIGIN: -119.0 XORIGIN: -4.199998e-06 FRAMES: 1999 SUBRUN 17
  Subrun finished, capturing for 230.19 seconds.
XINC: 2.5e-08 YINC: 0.0015625 TRIG: 0.00516 YORIGIN: -119.0 XORIGIN: -4.199998e-06 FRAMES: 1999 SUBRUN 18
  Subrun finished, capturing for 218.72 seconds.
XINC: 2.5e-08 YINC: 0.0015625 TRIG: 0.00516 YORIGIN: -119.0 XORIGIN: -4.199998e-06 FRAMES: 1999 SUBRUN 19
  Subrun finished, capturing for 221.03 seconds.
XINC: 2.5e-08 YINC: 0.0015625 TRIG: 0.00516 YORIGIN: -119.0 XORIGIN: -4.199998e-06 FRAMES: 1999 SUBRUN 20
  Subrun finished, capturing for 210.50 seconds.
XINC: 2.5e-08 YINC: 0.0015625 TRIG: 0.00516 YORIGIN: -119.0 XORIGIN: -4.199998e-06 FRAMES: 1999 SUBRUN 21
  Subrun finished, capturing for 217.59 seconds.
XINC: 2.5e-08 YINC: 0.0015625 TRIG: 0.00516 YORIGIN: -119.0 XORIGIN: -4.199998e-06 FRAMES: 1999 SUBRUN 22
  Subrun finished, capturing for 226.18 seconds.
XINC: 2.5e-08 YINC: 0.0015625 TRIG: 0.00516 YORIGIN: -119.0 XORIGIN: -4.199998e-06 FRAMES: 1999 SUBRUN 23
  Subrun finished, capturing for 223.24 seconds.
XINC: 2.5e-08 YINC: 0.0015625 TRIG: 0.00516 YORIGIN: -119.0 XORIGIN: -4.199998e-06 FRAMES: 1999 SUBRUN 24
  Subrun finished, capturing for 230.08 seconds.
XINC: 2.5e-08 YINC: 0.0015625 TRIG: 0.00516 YORIGIN: -119.0 XORIGIN: -4.199998e-06 FRAMES: 1999 SUBRUN 25
  Subrun finished, capturing for 239.83 seconds.
XINC: 2.5e-08 YINC: 0.0015625 TRIG: 0.00516 YORIGIN: -119.0 XORIGIN: -4.199998e-06 FRAMES: 1999 SUBRUN 26
  Subrun finished, capturing for 290.55 seconds.
XINC: 2.5e-08 YINC: 0.0015625 TRIG: 0.00516 YORIGIN: -119.0 XORIGIN: -4.199998e-06 FRAMES: 1999 SUBRUN 27
  Subrun finished, capturing for 323.94 seconds.
XINC: 2.5e-08 YINC: 0.0015625 TRIG: 0.00516 YORIGIN: -119.0 XORIGIN: -4.199998e-06 FRAMES: 1999 SUBRUN 28
  Subrun finished, capturing for 381.20 seconds.
XINC: 2.5e-08 YINC: 0.0015625 TRIG: 0.00516 YORIGIN: -119.0 XORIGIN: -4.199998e-06 FRAMES: 1999 SUBRUN 29
  Subrun finished, capturing for 576.43 seconds.
XINC: 2.5e-08 YINC: 0.0015625 TRIG: 0.00516 YORIGIN: -119.0 XORIGIN: -4.199998e-06 FRAMES: 1999 SUBRUN 30
  Subrun finished, capturing for 252.35 seconds.
XINC: 2.5e-08 YINC: 0.0015625 TRIG: 0.00516 YORIGIN: -119.0 XORIGIN: -4.199998e-06 FRAMES: 870 SUBRUN 31
Exception socket.error: (22, 'Invalid argument') in <bound method Instrument.__del__ of <vxi11.vxi11.Instrument object at 0x7ff22805ddd0>> ignored
KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-0744ab7ec4a7> in <module>()
     67         time.sleep(0.5)
     68         for n in range(1,frames+1):
---> 69             osc.write(':FUNC:WREP:FCUR ' + str(n)) # skip to n-th frame
     70             time.sleep(0.001)

<ipython-input-6-676b3daf194f> in write(self, command)
     27     def write(self, command):
---> 28         self.instr.write(command);
     30     def read(self, length = 500):

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/python_vxi11-0.9-py2.7.egg/vxi11/vxi11.pyc in write(self, message, encoding)
    745             return
--> 747         self.write_raw(str(message).encode(encoding))
    749     def read(self, num=-1, encoding = 'utf-8'):

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/python_vxi11-0.9-py2.7.egg/vxi11/vxi11.pyc in write_raw(self, data)
    677                 self._lock_timeout_ms,
    678                 flags,
--> 679                 block
    680             )

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/python_vxi11-0.9-py2.7.egg/vxi11/vxi11.pyc in device_write(self, link, timeout, lock_timeout, flags, data)
    409         return self.make_call(DEVICE_WRITE, params,
    410                 self.packer.pack_device_write_parms,
--> 411                 self.unpacker.unpack_device_write_resp)
    413     def device_read(self, link, request_size, timeout, lock_timeout, flags, term_char):

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/python_vxi11-0.9-py2.7.egg/vxi11/rpc.pyc in make_call(self, proc, args, pack_func, unpack_func)
    176         if pack_func:
    177             pack_func(args)
--> 178         self.do_call()
    179         if unpack_func:
    180             result = unpack_func()

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/python_vxi11-0.9-py2.7.egg/vxi11/rpc.pyc in do_call(self)
    267         sendrecord(self.sock, call)
    268         while True:
--> 269             reply = recvrecord(self.sock)
    270             u = self.unpacker
    271             u.reset(reply)

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/python_vxi11-0.9-py2.7.egg/vxi11/rpc.pyc in recvrecord(sock)
    244     last = 0
    245     while not last:
--> 246         last, frag = recvfrag(sock)
    247         record.extend(frag)
    248     return bytes(record)

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/python_vxi11-0.9-py2.7.egg/vxi11/rpc.pyc in recvfrag(sock)
    228 def recvfrag(sock):
--> 229     header = sock.recv(4)
    230     if len(header) < 4:
    231         raise EOFError


Read repeatedly records from oscilloscope

This should be run after the initialization step. Timeout at the end should be enlarged if not all 508 frames are transferred.

In [18]:
filename = 1
run_start_time = time.time()
if (filename == 1):
    for f in glob.iglob("./data/*.h5"): # delete all .h5 files 
        print 'Deleting', f
    print 'Not removing old files, as filename {0} is not 1.'.format(filename)

while True:
    osc.write(':WAV:SOUR CHAN1')
    osc.write(':WAV:MODE NORM')
    osc.write(':WAV:FORM BYTE')
    osc.write(':WAV:POIN 1400')

    xinc = float(osc.read(100))
    print 'XINC:', xinc,
    yinc = float(osc.read(100))
    print 'YINC:', yinc,
    trig = float(osc.read(100))
    print 'TRIG:', trig,
    yorig = float(osc.read(100))
    print 'YORIGIN:', yorig,
    xorig = float(osc.read(100))
    print 'XORIGIN:', xorig,

    osc.write(':FUNC:WREP:FEND?') # get number of last frame
    frames = int(osc.read(100))
    print 'FRAMES:', frames, 'SUBRUN', filename
    # This is not good if the scaling is different and frames are for example just 254
    # if (frames < 508):
    #    loop_sleep_time += 10

    with h5py.File('./data/data'+'{:02.0f}'.format(filename)+'.h5', 'w') as hf:       
        hf.create_dataset('FRAMES', data=(frames)) # write number of frames
        hf.create_dataset('XINC', data=(xinc)) # write axis parameters
        hf.create_dataset('YINC', data=(yinc))
        hf.create_dataset('TRIG', data=(trig))
        hf.create_dataset('YORIGIN', data=(yorig))
        hf.create_dataset('XORIGIN', data=(xorig))
        osc.write(':FUNC:WREP:FCUR 1') # skip to n-th frame
        for n in range(1,frames+1):
            osc.write(':FUNC:WREP:FCUR ' + str(n)) # skip to n-th frame

            osc.write(':WAV:DATA?') # read data
            wave1 = bytearray(osc.read_raw(500))
            wave2 = bytearray(osc.read_raw(500))
            wave3 = bytearray(osc.read_raw(500))
            #wave4 = bytearray(osc.read(500))
            #wave = np.concatenate((wave1[11:],wave2[:(500-489)],wave3[:(700-489)]))
            wave = np.concatenate((wave1[11:],wave2,wave3[:-1]))
            hf.create_dataset(str(n), data=wave)
    filename = filename + 1
    osc.write(':FUNC:WREC:OPER REC') # start recording
    #print('  Subrun finished, sleeping for %.0f seconds.' % loop_sleep_time)
    run_start_time = time.time()
    #time.sleep(loop_sleep_time) # delay for capturing
    print('  Subrun finished, Enter to continue.')
    time.sleep(100) # delay for capturing
    #print(' We were waiting for ', time.time() - run_start_time())

Deleting ./data/data01.h5
XINC: 3e-08 YINC: 0.0008 TRIG: 0.00597 YORIGIN: -73.0 XORIGIN: -3.000001e-06 FRAMES: 1016 SUBRUN 1
  Subrun finished, Enter to continue.
XINC: 3e-08 YINC: 0.0008 TRIG: 0.00597 YORIGIN: -73.0 XORIGIN: -3.000001e-06 FRAMES: 1016 SUBRUN 2
  Subrun finished, Enter to continue.
XINC: 3e-08 YINC: 0.0008 TRIG: 0.00597 YORIGIN: -73.0 XORIGIN: -3.000001e-06 FRAMES: 1016 SUBRUN 3
  Subrun finished, Enter to continue.
XINC: 3e-08 YINC: 0.0008 TRIG: 0.00597 YORIGIN: -73.0 XORIGIN: -3.000001e-06 FRAMES: 1016 SUBRUN 4
  Subrun finished, Enter to continue.
XINC: 3e-08 YINC: 0.0008 TRIG: 0.00597 YORIGIN: -73.0 XORIGIN: -3.000001e-06 FRAMES: 1016 SUBRUN 5
  Subrun finished, Enter to continue.
XINC: 3e-08 YINC: 0.0008 TRIG: 0.00597 YORIGIN: -73.0 XORIGIN: -3.000001e-06 FRAMES: 1016 SUBRUN 6
  Subrun finished, Enter to continue.
XINC: 3e-08 YINC: 0.0008 TRIG: 0.00597 YORIGIN: -73.0 XORIGIN: -3.000001e-06 FRAMES: 1016 SUBRUN 7
  Subrun finished, Enter to continue.
XINC: 3e-08 YINC: 0.0008 TRIG: 0.00597 YORIGIN: -73.0 XORIGIN: -3.000001e-06 FRAMES: 1016 SUBRUN 8
  Subrun finished, Enter to continue.
XINC: 3e-08 YINC: 0.0008 TRIG: 0.00597 YORIGIN: -73.0 XORIGIN: -3.000001e-06 FRAMES: 1016 SUBRUN 9
  Subrun finished, Enter to continue.
XINC: 3e-08 YINC: 0.0008 TRIG: 0.00597 YORIGIN: -73.0 XORIGIN: -3.000001e-06 FRAMES: 1016 SUBRUN 10
  Subrun finished, Enter to continue.
XINC: 3e-08 YINC: 0.0008 TRIG: 0.00597 YORIGIN: -73.0 XORIGIN: -3.000001e-06 FRAMES: 1016 SUBRUN 11
  Subrun finished, Enter to continue.
KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-18-8b524669744f> in <module>()
     70     print('  Subrun finished, Enter to continue.')
     71     #raw_input()
---> 72     time.sleep(100) # delay for capturing
     73     #print(' We were waiting for ', time.time() - run_start_time())


Stopwatch for timing the first loop

In [ ]:
first_run_start_time = time.time()
loop_sleep_time = time.time() - first_run_start_time + 15
print loop_sleep_time

In [9]:

In [ ]: