Oscilloskope USBTCM utility

In [2]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
import os
import time
import h5py
import numpy as np
import glob

# Step 1:
# Run "Record" on the oscilloscope
# and wait for 508 frames to be acquired.
# Step 2:
# Run this cell to initialize grabbing.
# This requires rw access to the /dev/usbtmc0 device.
# This can be granted by for example: 'sudo chmod a+rw /dev/usbtmc0'

class UsbTmcDriver:

    def __init__(self, device):
        self.device = device
        self.FILE = os.open(device, os.O_RDWR)
    def write(self, command):
        os.write(self.FILE, command);
    def read(self, length = 500):
        return os.read(self.FILE, length)
    def getName(self):
        return self.read(300)
    def sendReset(self):
        self.write("*RST")  # Be carefull, this real resets an oscilloscope

# Looking for USBTMC device
def getDeviceList(): 

    for fname in dirList:
            result.append("/dev/" + fname)

    return result

# looking for oscilloscope
devices =  getDeviceList()
# initiate oscilloscope
osc = UsbTmcDriver(devices[0])

ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-aa19e927260c> in <module>()
----> 1 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
      2 import sys
      3 import os
      4 import time
      5 import h5py

ImportError: No module named 'matplotlib'

Read repeatedly records from oscilloscope

This should be run after the initialization step. Timeout at the end should be enlarged if not all 508 frames are transferred.

In [5]:
for f in glob.iglob("./data/*.h5"): # delete all .h5 files 
    #print 'Deleting', f

filename = 1
while True:
    osc.write(':WAV:SOUR CHAN1')
    osc.write(':WAV:MODE NORM')
    osc.write(':WAV:FORM BYTE')
    osc.write(':WAV:POIN 1400')

    xinc = float(osc.read(100))
    print 'XINC:', xinc,
    yinc = float(osc.read(100))
    print 'YINC:', yinc,
    trig = float(osc.read(100))
    print 'TRIG:', trig,
    yorig = float(osc.read(100))
    print 'YORIGIN:', yorig,

    osc.write(':FUNC:WREP:FEND?') # get number of last frame
    frames = int(osc.read(100))
    print 'FRAMES:', frames, 'SUBRUN', filename

    with h5py.File('./data/data'+str(filename)+'.h5', 'w') as hf:       
        hf.create_dataset('FRAMES', data=(frames)) # write number of frames
        hf.create_dataset('XINC', data=(xinc)) # write axis parameters
        hf.create_dataset('YINC', data=(yinc))
        hf.create_dataset('TRIG', data=(trig))
        hf.create_dataset('YORIGIN', data=(yorig))
        osc.write(':FUNC:WREP:FCUR 1') # skip to n-th frame
        for n in range(1,frames+1):
            osc.write(':FUNC:WREP:FCUR ' + str(n)) # skip to n-th frame

            osc.write(':WAV:DATA?') # read data
            wave1 = bytearray(osc.read(500))
            wave2 = bytearray(osc.read(500))
            wave3 = bytearray(osc.read(500))
            #wave4 = bytearray(osc.read(500))
            #wave = np.concatenate((wave1[11:],wave2[:(500-489)],wave3[:(700-489)]))
            wave = np.concatenate((wave1[11:],wave2,wave3[:-1]))
            hf.create_dataset(str(n), data=wave)
    filename = filename + 1
    osc.write(':FUNC:WREC:OPER REC') # start recording
    time.sleep(30) # delay for capturing

XINC: 6.4e-08 YINC: 6.25e-05 TRIG: -0.00282 YORIGIN: 94.0 FRAMES: 999 SUBRUN 1
KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-5-6dc8909da751> in <module>()
     51     filename = filename + 1
     52     osc.write(':FUNC:WREC:OPER REC') # start recording
---> 53     time.sleep(30) # delay for capturing


In [ ]: