0. Setup

A. Imports

In [1]:
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '../../../ndreg/')

import ndreg
import math
import cv2
import pickle

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import plosLib as pLib
import connectLib as cLib
import hyperReg as hype
import igraph as ig

from cluster import Cluster
from matplotlib import cm
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from random import randrange
from random import uniform as floatRand
from PIL import Image
from scipy.ndimage.measurements import center_of_mass

from plotly.offline import download_plotlyjs, init_notebook_mode, plot, iplot
import plotly.graph_objs as go

B. Visualization Functions

In [2]:
def toDiff(imgA, imgB):
    ret = np.empty((imgA.shape[0], imgA.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8)
    for y in range(imgA.shape[0]):
        for x in range(imgA.shape[1]):
            if imgA[y][x] and not imgB[y][x]:
                ret[y][x][0] = 255
                ret[y][x][1] = 0
                ret[y][x][2] = 0
            elif not imgA[y][x] and imgB[y][x]:
                ret[y][x][0] = 0
                ret[y][x][1] = 255
                ret[y][x][2] = 0
            elif imgA[y][x] and imgB[y][x]:
                ret[y][x][0] = 255
                ret[y][x][1] = 0
                ret[y][x][2] = 255
                ret[y][x][0] = 255
                ret[y][x][1] = 255
                ret[y][x][2] = 255
    return ret

def visDiff(sliceA, sliceB):
    disp = toDiff(sliceA, sliceB)
    return disp

def visVolDiff(volumeA, volumeB):
    for i in range(volumeA.shape[0]):
        plt.title('Disperity at z=' + str(i))
        plt.imshow(visDiff(volumeA[i], volumeB[i]))

def visReg(clustersBase, clustersReg, pairing, title, origVolume):
    data = []
    subPairing = hype.randomSubset(pairing, 100)
    for baseIdx, regIdx in subPairing:
        this = [1, 2]
        trace = go.Scatter3d(
            x = [clustersBase[baseIdx].centroid[2], clustersReg[regIdx].centroid[2]],
            y = [clustersBase[baseIdx].centroid[1], clustersReg[regIdx].centroid[1]],
            z = [clustersBase[baseIdx].centroid[0], clustersReg[regIdx].centroid[0]],
            marker = dict(size=4, color=this, colorscale='Viridis'),
            line = dict(color='#1f77b4', width=1)
    layout = dict(
                gridcolor='rgb(255, 255, 255)',
                zerolinecolor='rgb(255, 255, 255)',
                backgroundcolor='rgb(230, 230,230)'
                gridcolor='rgb(255, 255, 255)',
                zerolinecolor='rgb(255, 255, 255)',
                backgroundcolor='rgb(230, 230,230)'
                gridcolor='rgb(255, 255, 255)',
                zerolinecolor='rgb(255, 255, 255)',
                backgroundcolor='rgb(230, 230,230)'
            aspectratio = dict( x=1, y=1, z=0.7 ),
            aspectmode = 'manual'
    fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout)
    volCentroid = [origVolume.shape[0], origVolume.shape[1], origVolume.shape[2]]
    plt.title('Error as a function of Radius')
    xList = []
    yList = []
    for elem in subPairing:
        centroidDev = math.sqrt(np.sum(np.subtract(volCentroid, clustersBase[elem[0]].centroid)**2))
        error = math.sqrt(np.sum(np.subtract(clustersBase[elem[0]].centroid, clustersReg[elem[1]].centroid)**2))
    plt.scatter(xList, yList)

C. Data

This data will be used to test all of the pairing functions. In this way, each functions' performance can be compaired against eachother in a meaningful way

I. Functionality Data

In [2]:
#A very simple registration problem where the data is the same, and is not offset at all
funcDat1A = [Cluster([[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 2]]), Cluster([[2, 2, 2], [2, 2, 3]])]
funcDat1B = [Cluster([[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 2]]), Cluster([[2, 2, 2], [2, 2, 3]])]
funcDat1Sol = [(0, 0), (1, 1)]

#A simple registration test set and its corresponding solution. Data has a linar shift of <1, 1, 1>.
funcDat2A = [Cluster([[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 2]]), Cluster([[2, 2, 2], [2, 2, 3]])]
funcDat2B = [Cluster([[2, 2, 2], [2, 2, 3]]), Cluster([[3, 3, 3], [3, 3, 4]])]
funcDat2Sol = [(0, 0), (1, 1)]

II. Validation Data

There will be 3 sets of synthetic validation data:

  • A small translation in the x direction
  • A small rotation on the yaw axis
  • A small rigid with an x translation and a yaw rotation

In addition to this, there will be the actual tp1 and tp2 data sets, though they will not have as straightforward error metrics

In [3]:
#Prepare validation data by first running real data through the pipeline
#import the pickled versions of the real data
tp1 = pickle.load(open('../code/tests/synthDat/realDataRaw_t0.io', 'r'))
tp2 = pickle.load(open('../code/tests/synthDat/realDataRaw_t1.io', 'r'))

In [4]:
#cut the data to a reasonable size for testing
tp1TestData = tp1[:7]
tp2TestData = tp2[:7]

#run the data through the pipeline
tp1PostPipe = cLib.otsuVox(pLib.pipeline(tp1TestData))
tp2PostPipe = cLib.otsuVox(pLib.pipeline(tp2TestData))

#cut out the ill defined sections
tp1PostPipe = tp1PostPipe[1:6]
tp2PostPipe = tp2PostPipe[1:6]

In [5]:
#Display the data to be used for testing
for i in range(tp1PostPipe.shape[0]):
    fig = plt.figure()
    plt.title('Time Point 1 Pipe Output at z='+str(i))
    plt.imshow(tp1PostPipe[i], cmap='gray')

In [6]:
#Display the data to be used for testing
for i in range(tp2PostPipe.shape[0]):
    fig = plt.figure()
    plt.title('Time Point 2 Pipe Output at z='+str(i))
    plt.imshow(tp2PostPipe[i], cmap='gray')

In [7]:
transform1 = hype.get3DRigid(pitch=0., yaw=0., roll=0., xT=5., yT=0., zT=0.)
transformVolume1 = hype.apply3DRigid(tp1PostPipe, transform1, True)

transform2 = hype.get3DRigid(pitch=0., yaw=.15, roll=0., xT=0., yT=0., zT=0.)
transformVolume2 = hype.apply3DRigid(tp1PostPipe, transform2, True)

transform3 = hype.get3DRigid(pitch=0., yaw=.15, roll=0., xT=5., yT=0., zT=0.)
transformVolume3 = hype.apply3DRigid(tp1PostPipe, transform3, True)

../code/functions/hyperReg.py:109: VisibleDeprecationWarning:

using a non-integer number instead of an integer will result in an error in the future

Out of bounds fraction:  0.0048828125
Non-0 Out of bounds fraction:  0.00487480163574
Out of bounds fraction:  0.0323238372803
Non-0 Out of bounds fraction:  0.0322603225708
Out of bounds fraction:  0.0346908569336
Non-0 Out of bounds fraction:  0.0346248626709

In [8]:
#get the cluster lists from both the base and the transformations
valDatA = cLib.thresholdByVolumeNaive(cLib.connectedComponents(tp1PostPipe), lowerLimit = 0, upperLimit = 50)
valDat1B = cLib.thresholdByVolumeNaive(cLib.connectedComponents(transformVolume1), lowerLimit = 0, upperLimit = 50)
valDat2B = cLib.thresholdByVolumeNaive(cLib.connectedComponents(transformVolume2), lowerLimit = 0, upperLimit = 50)
valDat3B = cLib.thresholdByVolumeNaive(cLib.connectedComponents(transformVolume3), lowerLimit = 0, upperLimit = 50)

In [10]:
#Display the base data
print 'Perfect Matching:'
visVolDiff(tp1PostPipe, tp1PostPipe)
print '\n\nSlight Translation:'
visVolDiff(tp1PostPipe, transformVolume1)
print '\n\nSlight Rotation:'
visVolDiff(tp1PostPipe, transformVolume2)
print '\n\nSlight Rigid:'
visVolDiff(tp1PostPipe, transformVolume3)

Perfect Matching:

Slight Translation:

Slight Rotation:

Slight Rigid:

1. The Simplest Approach

A. Pseudocode

INPUT SPACE: Two lists of data type Cluster, which may or may not be the same size

OUTPUT SPACE: A pairing between all elements in list 1 and some or all elements in list 2. This pairing is neither guaranteed to be one-to-one or onto

In [ ]:

def simpleRegister(clusters1, clusters2):
    for cluster in clusters1:
        find pair in clusters2 minimizing l2 norm of centroids
        pair the current cluster in its pair
        remove the pair from cluster 2

B. Algorithm Code

In [11]:
def simpleRegister(clusters1, clusters2, verbose=False):
    pairings = []
    this = len(clusters1)
    for clusterIdx in range(len(clusters1)):
        if verbose:
            print 'Progress: ', clusterIdx/float(this)
        lossList = [np.sum(abs(np.array(clusters1[clusterIdx].centroid) - np.array(elem.centroid))) for elem in clusters2]
        pairings.append((clusterIdx, np.argmin(lossList)))
    return pairings

C. Functionality Tests

I. Standard Tests

In [12]:
ftest1 = simpleRegister(funcDat1A, funcDat1B)
ftest2 = simpleRegister(funcDat2A, funcDat2B)

In [13]:
print 'Test1:', ftest1 == funcDat1Sol
print '\tExpected: ', funcDat1Sol
print '\tReturned:', ftest1
print '\n'

print 'Test2:', ftest2 == funcDat2Sol
print '\tExpected: ', funcDat2Sol
print '\tReturned:', ftest2
print '\n'

Test1: True
	Expected:  [(0, 0), (1, 1)]
	Returned: [(0, 0), (1, 1)]

Test2: False
	Expected:  [(0, 0), (1, 1)]
	Returned: [(0, 0), (1, 0)]

II. Analysis

  • The algorithm performed as expected on the first functionality test
  • Since the algorithm does not guarantee a one-to-one function, it mapped both transform clusters to the same base cluster in test 2. Herein lies the fundamental error in using a simple l2 based loss metric

D. Validation Tests

In [16]:
#comparison test
test0 = simpleRegister(valDatA, valDatA)

In [17]:
test1 = simpleRegister(valDatA, valDat1B)
test2 = simpleRegister(valDatA, valDat2B)
test3 = simpleRegister(valDatA, valDat3B)

In [60]:
visReg(valDatA, valDat1B, test1, 'Test 1 Registration Visualization', tp1PostPipe)
visReg(valDatA, valDat2B, test2, 'Test 2 Registration Visualization', tp1PostPipe)
visReg(valDatA, valDat3B, test3, 'Test 3 Registration Visualization', tp1PostPipe)

E. True Data Test

In [9]:
truDatA = valDatA
truDatB = cLib.thresholdByVolumeNaive(cLib.connectedComponents(tp2PostPipe), lowerLimit = 0, upperLimit = 50)

In [11]:
pickle.dump(truDatA, open('tp1_z1-5_clusters.io', 'w'))
pickle.dump(truDatB, open('tp2_z1-5_clusters.io', 'w'))

In [19]:
print '\n\nTrue Disp:'
visVolDiff(tp1PostPipe, tp2PostPipe)

True Disp:

In [20]:
truTest = simpleRegister(truDatA, truDatB)

In [61]:
visReg(truDatA, truDatB, truTest, 'True Data Registration', tp1PostPipe)

F. Conclusions and Iteration

Based on the real data, and the known propensity of the l2 matching algorithm to misclassify based on points that happen to be near together, I propose the following iterations:

-Basic center of mass alignment before registration

2. Center of Mass Pre-Processing

The point of this exploration is to determine the effects of preprocessing volumes with a center of mass alignment

A. Pseudocode

INPUT SPACE: One base volume, and one volume to be registered to the base

OUTPUT SPACE: A transformed registrtaion volume whose center of mass has been translated to match that of the base volume

In [ ]:

#get the centroids of both volumes
vol1CentList = []
for elem in volume1.nonzero():

vol2CentList = []
for elem in vol2.nonzero():
vol1Cent = average(vol1CentList)
vol2Cent = average(vol2CentList)

#get the shift required to align them
diff = vol1Cent - vol2Cent

#apply the translation
vol2 = vol2.nonzero() + diff
return vol2

B. Algorithm Code

In [48]:
def align3DCOM(npVolA, npVolB, verbose=False):
    #get the centers of mass
    comA = center_of_mass(npVolA)
    comB = center_of_mass(npVolB)
    if verbose:
        print 'comA', comA, '\t', 'comB: ', comB
    #find the disperity
    translationVector = np.subtract(comB, comA)
    #prep the vectorfor apply3DRigid
    translationVector = np.flipud(translationVector)
    translationVector = np.append(translationVector, 1.)
    transform = np.identity(4)
    if verbose:
        print 'transform: ', transform
    return hype.apply3DRigid(npVolA, transform, verbose=verbose)

C. Functionality Tests

In order to test the functionality of this method, I will attempt to perform a simple alignment of a synthetic volume

In [51]:
#Generate Synthetic Volume
comFTestVolA = np.zeros((3, 10, 10))
for i in range(4, 7):
    for j in range(4, 7):
        comFTestVolA[1][i][j] = 1.

#Generate volume that is offset by 1 in every dim
comFTestVolB = np.zeros((3, 10, 10))
for i in range(3, 6):
    for j in range(3, 6):
        comFTestVolB[2][i][j] = 1.
#Display the initial disperity
print 'Pre Alignment:'
visVolDiff(comFTestVolA, comFTestVolB)

#Perform the alignment, and display results
resVol = align3DCOM(comFTestVolB, comFTestVolA)
print 'Post Alignment:'
visVolDiff(comFTestVolA, resVol)

Pre Alignment:
Post Alignment:

D. Validation Tests

In [53]:
#get the cluster lists from both the base and the transformations
comValDatA = valDatA

#apply the preprocessing step
comPreVol1B = align3DCOM(transformVolume1, tp1PostPipe)
comPreVol2B = align3DCOM(transformVolume2, tp1PostPipe)
comPreVol3B = align3DCOM(transformVolume3, tp1PostPipe)

#get the cluster data from the volumes for registration
comValDat1B = cLib.thresholdByVolumeNaive(cLib.connectedComponents(comPreVol1B), lowerLimit = 0, upperLimit = 50)
comValDat2B = cLib.thresholdByVolumeNaive(cLib.connectedComponents(comPreVol2B), lowerLimit = 0, upperLimit = 50)
comValDat3B = cLib.thresholdByVolumeNaive(cLib.connectedComponents(comPreVol3B), lowerLimit = 0, upperLimit = 50)

In [54]:
comTest1 = simpleRegister(comValDatA, comValDat1B)
comTest2 = simpleRegister(comValDatA, comValDat2B)
comTest3 = simpleRegister(comValDatA, comValDat3B)

In [62]:
visReg(comValDatA, comValDat1B, comTest1, 'Test 1 Registration Visualization', tp1PostPipe)
visReg(comValDatA, comValDat2B, comTest2, 'Test 2 Registration Visualization', tp1PostPipe)
visReg(comValDatA, comValDat3B, comTest3, 'Test 3 Registration Visualization', tp1PostPipe)

E. True Data Test

In [56]:
comTruDatA = valDatA
comPreTruVolB = align3DCOM(tp2PostPipe, tp1PostPipe)
comTruDatB = cLib.thresholdByVolumeNaive(cLib.connectedComponents(comPreTruVolB), lowerLimit = 0, upperLimit = 50)

In [58]:
print '\n\nTrue Disp:'
visVolDiff(tp1PostPipe, comPreTruVolB)

True Disp:

In [59]:
comTruTest = simpleRegister(comTruDatA, comTruDatB)

In [63]:
visReg(comTruDatA, comTruDatB, comTruTest, 'True Data Registration', tp1PostPipe)

In [ ]: