Description: The SLIC superpixels algorithm segments pixels in an image file to efficiently generate compact, nearly uniform superpixels.
1. image: the image to be segmented
2. n_segments: defines how many superpixel segments we want to generate (defaults to 100 segments)
3. sigma: the standard deviation for the smoothing Gaussian kernel applied before segmentation
4. max_iter: the maximum number of iterations for k-means clustering
1. The segmented image
In [14]:
import numpy as np
clusterGrid = np.zeros((100, 100, 100))
for i in range(4):
for j in range(4):
for k in range(4):
clusterGrid[20*(2*j): 20*(2*j + 1), 20*(2*i): 20*(2*i + 1), 20*(2*k): 20*(2*k + 1)] = 200
In [7]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
z, y, x = clusterGrid.nonzero()
ax.scatter(x, y, z, zdir='z', c='r')
In [11]:
all100Dat = np.zeros((100, 100, 100)) + 100
In [13]:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
z, y, x = all100Dat.nonzero()
ax.scatter(x, y, z, zdir='z', c='r')
i. Initialize cluster centers $C_{k} = [l_{k}, a_{k}, b_{k}, x_{k}, y_{k}]^T $ by sampling pixels at regular grid steps $S$.
ii. Based off of user-the input $n-segments$ and the total image size, compute the average segment-size, $ n = \frac{totalImSize}{n-segments}$
iii. Using the average segment-size, $n$, assign each voxel in an $nxn$ neighborhood around each cluster to a cluster center $C_k$
iv. repeat the following:
for each cluster center $C_k$:
Assign the best matching pixels from a $2S x 2S$ neighborhood around each center cluster $C_k$ according to the following
distance metric:
$D_s = d_{col} + \frac{m}{S}d_{dist}$, where $d_{col}$ = the L2 color-wise distance of the voxel from the center-voxel of $C_{k}$, $d_{dist}$ = the L2 Euclidian distance of the voxel
from the center-voxel of $C_{k}$, and $m$ is the compactness metric specified by the user for prefererence of color-wise clustering vs. distance-clustering
Compute new cluster centers and residual error $E$ = L1 distance between previous centers and recomputed centers
repeat until until $E < threshold$
In [ ]:
#import the proper files
from skimage.segmentation import slic
from skimage.segmentation import mark_boundaries
from skimage.util import img_as_float
# load the image and convert it to a floating point data type
image = img_as_float(io.imread(args["image"]))
#creates an image for the overlaying superpixels
segments = slic(image, n_segments = numSegments, sigma = 5)
#takes our original image and overlays our superpixel segments
displayIm = mark_boundaries(image, segments)
I believe the algorithm will perfectly segment the 27-cluster data into 125 clusters.
I believe the algorithm will segment the data in a grid-like pattern
see sections 4 and 5 of previous chapter
In [17]:
displayIm = np.zeros_like(clusterGrid)
for zindex in range(len(clusterGrid)):
#SLIC the slice
clusterGridSlice = clusterGrid[zindex]
#creates an image for the overlaying superpixels
segments = slic(clusterGridSlice, n_segments = 25)
#takes our original image and overlays our superpixel segments
segmentedSlice = mark_boundaries(clusterGridSlice, segments)[0: 100, 0: 100, 0]
#puts this overlapping image in the display image
displayIm[zindex] = segmentedSlice
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
z, y, x = displayIm.nonzero()
ax.scatter(x, y, z, zdir='z', c='r')
plt.title('3D Segmented Image')
plt.title('Slice of 3D Segmented Image at z=5 ')
In [20]:
displayIm = np.zeros_like(all100Dat)
for zindex in range(len(all100Dat)):
#SLIC the slice
all100DatSlice = all100Dat[zindex]
#creates an image for the overlaying superpixels
segments = slic(all100DatSlice, n_segments = 25)
#takes our original image and overlays our superpixel segments
segmentedSlice = mark_boundaries(all100DatSlice, segments)[0: 100, 0: 100, 0]
#puts this overlapping image in the display image
displayIm[zindex] = segmentedSlice
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
z, y, x = displayIm.nonzero()
ax.scatter(x, y, z, zdir='z', c='r')
plt.title('3D Segmented Image')
plt.title('Slice of 3D Segmented Image at z=5 ')
The 27-cluster data performed exactly as expected. It segmented the image into 125 clusters. To confirm, I visualized the 5th slice and, as expected, it had 25 segments.
The uniform data performed exactly as expected. It segmented the image into a grid-like pattern. To confirm, I visualized the 5th slice and, as expected, it was in a grid-like pattern. A bit of intuition behind this result: the SLIC algorithm first groups the image into cubes, and then re-assigns voxels to different clusters based on color and distance. Because this is a uniform data-set, the voxels were never re-assigned, and instead retained the initial cube-shape.
In [49]:
import pickle
realData = pickle.load(open('../code/tests/synthDat/realDataRaw_t0.synth'))
realDataSection = realData[0: 5]
In [60]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
import plosLib as pLib
plosDataSection = pLib.pipeline(realDataSection)
Realistic Simulated Data testing will be performed on a a 1024x1024x5 volume with a pixel intensity distribution of roughly 98% noise, 2% synapse.
Plotting the 3-dimensional image just returns a black box, as the data is 98% noise. Thus, I will plot a 2-dimensional slice at z=2 for better visualization.
In [108]:
import sys
import connectLib as cLib
plosDataSlice = plosDataSection[2]
otsuDataSlice = cLib.otsuVox(plosDataSlice)
rgbDataSlice = Image.fromarray(otsuDataSlice)
In [106]:
plt.imshow(rgbDataSlice, cmap='gray')
plt.title('Slice of Data Set at z = 2 at t = 0s')
I believe that the larger clusters will be segmented very well, and the smaller clusters will be segmented into groups. I also suspect that the background will be segmented in a grid-pattern, as the algorithm naturally tries to equalize the size of the segmented groups.
In [110]:
from skimage.segmentation import slic
from skimage.segmentation import mark_boundaries
displayIm = np.zeros_like(realData)
for zindex in range(len(realData)):
#SLIC the slice
imSlice = im[zindex]
#creates an image for the overlaying superpixels
segments = slic(imSlice, n_segments = 1500)
#takes our original image and overlays our superpixel segments
segmentedSlice = mark_boundaries(imSlice, segments)[0: 1024, 0: 1024, 0]
#puts this overlapping image in the display image
displayIm[zindex] = segmentedSlice
plt.title('Slice of 3D Segmented Image at z=2')
As predicted, the larger clusters were semgented very well, while the smaller, grouped clusters were segmented into groups rather than individually. The background was also segmented into a grid. In the future, an algorithm that allows segmentation with non-restrictive segmentation size would improve performance, as it could group the entire background into one segment, and segment each small cluster individually rather than group them together as to equalize the size of the segments.