Description: Groups scalars into $k$ clusters. Initalizes centers as random selection of $k$ datapoints within the dataset, assigns data into cluster with nearest center. Recomputes cluster centers with current group membership. Reassigns data to clusters based on nearest center. Repeats last two steps until no changes are made between iterations.
Outputs: Vector of cluster assignments for each observation, $v \in [k]^n$.
function KMEANS1D ($A$,$k$)
Data will be sampled from a Uniform Distribution (generated by numpy) with a scale and offset determined by the generating class.
We expect k-means to do well in this situation because the means of the two classes are different.
We expect k-means to fail in this case because the means of the two classes are the same, though the distributions from which they're sampled has a different variance.
We will use a scatter plot in which the clusters are shown as the colour of the points belonging to them, with a legend identifying cluster ID. We will plot, next to this, the true cluster memberships.
We will use the truth function (i.e. sum of 0-1 loss divided by N), which returns the sum of 1s if values match and 0s if they do not, divided by the total number of points. Because cluster value is arbitrary, we will first sort the clusters to be in ascending order based on their center.
We will use a histogram of the performance (i.e. portion of the points labeled correctly) to summarize the quantitative performance over a series of simulations.
We will create a null distribution by running a permutation test (i.e. randomly assigning cluster labels to points and recording the distribution of performance as defined by the misclassification rate), and the p-value will be reported as 1 minus the fraction of times the algorithm performs better than points in the null distribution.
In [1]:
import numpy as np
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import warnings
# Fix random seed
In [2]:
def simulate_s(n):
Simulates data with different mean but same variance
@n: number of samples
@A: data vector
@y: true labels
A = np.random.random(n)
A[int(n/2):] += 4
y = np.repeat(0, n)
y[int(n/2):] += 1
return (A, y)
def simulate_f(n):
Simulates data with same mean but different variance
@n: number of samples
@A: data vector
@y: true labels
A = np.append(np.random.random(int(np.floor(n/2)))*10-5, np.random.random(int(np.ceil(n/2)))*2-1)
y = np.repeat(0, n)
y[int(np.ceil(n/2)):] += 1
return (A, y)
In [3]:
def plotsimdata(A, y):
Plots simulated data vector coloured by label
@A: data vector
@y: true labels
plt.figure(figsize=(4, 5))
plt.scatter(np.zeros(sum(y==0)), A[y==0], color='blue')
plt.scatter(np.zeros(sum(y==1)), A[y==1], color='red')
plt.title('Truth (Simulation 1)')
plt.yticks([np.floor(np.min(A)), np.ceil(np.max(A))])
plt.ylim([np.floor(np.min(A)), np.ceil(np.max(A))])
plt.legend(['Class 0', 'Class 1'], bbox_to_anchor=(1.5, 1))
In [4]:
def kmeans_1d(dat, k):
Clusters entries in A into k clusters
@dat: data matrix
@k: number of classes
@c: estimated labels
classif = KMeans(n_clusters=k, random_state=0).fit(dat.reshape(-1,1))
c = classif.labels_
cent = classif.cluster_centers_
a = sorted(range(len(cent)), key=lambda k: cent[k])
# Super janky, toggles labels if permutated in 2-class case
c = np.array([0 if a[0] == item else a[0] for item in c])
return c
In [5]:
def plotclusters(A, y, c):
Plots data coloured by both true and estimated label
@A: data vector
@y: true labels
@c: estimated labels
plt.figure(figsize=(4, 5))
plt.scatter(np.zeros(sum(y==0)), A[y==0], color='blue')
plt.scatter(np.zeros(sum(y==1)), A[y==1], color='red')
plt.yticks([np.floor(np.min(A)), np.ceil(np.max(A))])
plt.ylim([np.floor(np.min(A)), np.ceil(np.max(A))])
plt.scatter(np.ones(sum(c==0)), A[c==0], color='blue')
plt.scatter(np.ones(sum(c==1)), A[c==1], color='red')
plt.legend(['Class 0', 'Class 1'], bbox_to_anchor=(2, 1))
plt.title('Portion successfully labeled: %.3f' % truth(y,c))
plt.yticks([np.floor(np.min(A)), np.ceil(np.max(A))])
plt.xticks([0, 1], ['Truth', 'Estimated'])
plt.xlim([-.5, 1.5])
plt.ylim([np.floor(np.min(A)), np.ceil(np.max(A))])
In [6]:
def truth(y, c):
Computes the percent of successful label assignments
@y: true labels
@c: estimated labels
@p: percent corrent labels (ranging from [0, 1])
p = 1.0*(y == c)
p = np.sum(p)/len(y)
return p
In [7]:
def plotmeans(true, est):
Plots data coloured by both true and estimated label
@true: true cluster means from simulations as a list of lists
@estimated: estimated cluster means from simulations as a list of lists
plt.figure(figsize=(4, 5))
xs = [0, 0.5]
cols = ['blue', 'red']
for idx, sim in enumerate(true):
dat0 = [true[idx][0], est[idx][0]]
dat1 = [true[idx][1], est[idx][1]]
plt.plot(xs, dat0, 'bo--')
plt.plot(xs, dat1, 'ro--')
plt.title('Qualitative Evaluation')
plt.yticks([np.floor(np.min([true, est])), np.ceil(np.max([true, est]))])
plt.xlim([xs[0]-0.2, xs[1]+0.2])
plt.xticks(xs, ['Truth', 'Estimated'])
plt.ylim([np.floor(np.min([true, est])), np.ceil(np.max([true, est]))])
In [15]:
def plothist(score, n_score, pval, deg):
Plots the histogram of the null distribution and shows the estimation performance
@score: score of estimation
@n_score: scores from null distribution
@pval: calculated pvalue
@deg: degree of confidence
plt.hist(n_score, bins=15, color='black')
plt.vlines(score, 0, len(n_score)/4, color='red')
plt.xlim([-0.1, 1.1])
plt.title('P-value <= %.*f' % (abs(int(deg)), pval))
plt.legend(['estimation', 'null distribution'], bbox_to_anchor=(1.6, 1))
def get_pval(y, c, d=1000):
Samples null distribution given a true set of labels and computes pval
@y: true labels
@c: estimated labels
@d: number of times to sample from null
@pval: p value
@deg: degree of confidence in answer (in the form of 10^-${deg})
score = truth(y, c)
n_score = []
for i in range(d):
t = np.random.permutation(y)
n_score += [truth(y, t)]
sums = 1.0*(score < n_score)
pval = sum(sums)/len(sums)
deg = -np.log10(d)
plothist(score, n_score, pval, deg)
return pval, deg
# A, y = simulate_f(800)
# c = my_kmeans_1d(A, 2)
# pval, deg = get_pval(y, c, 1000)
In [9]:
A, y = simulate_s(50)
plotsimdata(A, y)
My simulation data looks as I expected it to.
In [10]:
A, y = simulate_f(50)
plotsimdata(A, y)
My simulation data looks as I expected it to.
In [11]:
clusters = []
true_centers = []
est_centers = []
for idx in range(10):
A, y = simulate_s(50)
c = kmeans_1d(A, 2)
plotclusters(A, y, c)
true_centers += [[np.mean(A[np.where(y==0)]), np.mean(A[np.where(y==1)])]]
est_centers += [[np.mean(A[np.where(c==0)]), np.mean(A[np.where(c==1)])]]
clusters += [[c]]
plotmeans(true_centers, est_centers)
med_c = np.median(clusters[0], 0)
pval, conf = get_pval(y, med_c)
Happily, I observe that my algorithm perfomed as expected on this data.
In [12]:
def replace_nans(est, val):
Replaces nan values with whatever value you want - necessary if a cluster is empty
@est: estimated clusters
@val: value to replace
for idx, cent in enumerate(est):
if np.isnan(cent[1]):
est[idx][1] = val
elif np.isnan(cent[1]):
est[idx][1] = val
return est
clusters = []
true_centers = []
est_centers = []
for idx in range(10):
A, y = simulate_f(50)
c = kmeans_1d(A, 2)
plotclusters(A, y, c)
true_centers += [[np.mean(A[np.where(y==0)]), np.mean(A[np.where(y==1)])]]
est_centers += [[np.mean(A[np.where(c==0)]), np.mean(A[np.where(c==1)])]]
clusters += [[c]]
replace_nans(est_centers, 6)
plotmeans(true_centers, est_centers)
mean_c = np.mean(clusters[0], 0)
pval, conf = get_pval(y, mean_c)
Not surprisingly, the k-means algorithm performed poorly in this scenario.
The data being processed is human subject height and weight data. All of the entries for both heigh and weight live in $\mathbb{R}^{1,+}$. The weight is being thresholded at the 50th percentile and it is being used as a label which we are trying to recover from clustering.
Previously tested data (and simulated data above) are similar in that real-valued numbers are being mapped to binary labels.
In [13]:
import csv
f = open('height_weight.csv')
A = []
y = []
reader = csv.reader(f)
for line in reader:
A += [float(line[0])]
y += [float(line[1])]
y = 1*(y > np.median(y))
A = np.array(A)
y = np.array(y)
plotsimdata(A, y)
In [14]:
c = kmeans_1d(A, 2)
plotclusters(A, y, c)
true_centers = [[np.mean(A[np.where(y==0)]), np.mean(A[np.where(y==1)])]]
est_centers = [[np.mean(A[np.where(c==0)]), np.mean(A[np.where(c==1)])]]
clusters = [[c]]
replace_nans(est_centers, 0)
plotmeans(true_centers, est_centers)
med_c = np.median(clusters[0], 0)
pval, conf = get_pval(y, med_c)