Staring Array Modelling - Visual low light

This notebook forms part of a series on computational optical radiometry. The notebooks can be downloaded from Github. These notebooks are constantly revised and updated, please revisit from time to time.

The date of this document and module versions used in this document are given at the end of the file.
Feedback is appreciated: neliswillers at gmail dot com.


The pyradi rystare module models the signal and noise in CCD and CMOS staring array sensors. The code is originally based on the Matlab code described in 'High-level numerical simulations of noise in solid-state photosensors: review and tutorial' by Mikhail Konnik and James Welsh, arXiv:1412.4031v1 [astro-ph.IM], available here.

An earlier version (20161020) of a Python version of the model was presented at the Fourth SMEOS conference and was published in SPIE Proc 10036 (2016). The PDF is available here:

Good additional references for this work include James R Janesick's books 'Photon Transfer' and 'Scientific Charge-Coupled Devices'

This notebook provides a description of the application of the model to a low light level visual sensor. Notebooks 09b and 09d provide an overview of the model and its application to infrared sensors.

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import pandas as pd
import re
import os.path
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import datetime

from matplotlib import cm as mcm
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
import scipy.constants as const
import collections

%matplotlib inline

# %reload_ext autoreload
# %autoreload 2

# import xlsxwriter

import pyradi.ryplot as ryplot
import pyradi.ryfiles as ryfiles
import pyradi.rystare as rystare
import pyradi.ryutils as ryutils
import pyradi.rypflux as rypflux
import pyradi.ryplanck as ryplanck

from IPython.display import HTML
from IPython.display import Image
from IPython.display import display
from IPython.display import FileLink, FileLinks

#make pngs at stated dpi
import matplotlib as mpl
plotdpi = 72
mpl.rc("savefig", dpi=plotdpi)
mpl.rc('figure', figsize=(10,8))
# %config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'

pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 80)
pd.set_option('display.width', 200)
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', 150)

Imager radiometry

Visual Sensor model data

The following code sets up the sensor model data for a visual sensor.

Files remaining open, not closed after use, poses a problem in the notebook context where cells may be executed indivdually. To limit the occurence of open files we open and close the file in each cell.

Two visual-band image files are available: (1) a 300 mlux maximum value [a little brighter than full moon] and (2) a 25 lux maximum value [dusk, before twilight]. Each image comprise a staircase from some non-zero low value to the maximum value in 40 steps. The 25 lux scenario uses an integration time of 10 ms, to achieve full well fill. The low light case uses a 35 ms integration time, to get maximum signal, but does not achieve full well fill.

In [2]:
#set up the parameters for this run and open the HDF5 file
outfilename = 'Output'
prefix = 'PA'
githubprefix = ''
# set this True to use the low light imput image (300 mlux)
if True:
    integrationtime = 0.035
    imagedatafilename = 'image-Stairslin-LowLight-40-100-520.hdf5'
    integrationtime = 0.0105
    magedatafilename = 'image-Stairslin-40-100-520.hdf5'
pathtoimage = ryfiles.downloadFileUrl('{}{}'.format(githubprefix,imagedatafilename),  

In [3]:
#open the file to create data structure and store the results, remove if exists
hdffilename = '{}{}.hdf5'.format(prefix, outfilename)
if os.path.isfile(hdffilename):


strh5 = ryfiles.open_HDF(hdffilename)

# Optics parameters to convert from radiance to irradiance in the image plane
strh5['rystare/fnumber'] = 3.2
#  solid angle = pi*sin^2(theta), sin(theta) = 1 / (2*fno)
# solid angle optics from detector
strh5['rystare/fnumberConeSr'] = np.pi / ((2. * strh5['rystare/fnumber'].value)**2.)  
strh5['rystare/pixelPitch'] = [5e-6,5e-6]

#sensor parameters
strh5['rystare/sensortype'] = 'CCD' # CMOS/CCD must be in capitals

# Light Noise parameters
strh5['rystare/photonshotnoise/activate'] = True #photon shot noise.

#detector parameters
strh5['rystare/photondetector/operatingtemperature'] = 300. # operating temperature, [K]
strh5['rystare/photondetector/geometry/fillfactor'] = 0.95 # Pixel Fill Factor for full-frame CCD photo sensors.
strh5['rystare/photondetector/integrationtime'] = integrationtime # Exposure/Integration time, [sec].
strh5['rystare/photondetector/externalquantumeff'] = 0.8  # external quantum efficiency, fraction not reflected.
strh5['rystare/photondetector/quantumyield'] = 1. # number of electrons absorbed per one photon into material bulk

# light photo response non-uniformity noise (PRNU), or also called light Fixed Pattern Noise (light FPN)
strh5['rystare/photondetector/lightPRNU/activate'] = True
strh5['rystare/photondetector/lightPRNU/seed'] = 362436069
strh5['rystare/photondetector/lightPRNU/model'] = 'Janesick-Gaussian' 
strh5['rystare/photondetector/lightPRNU/sigma'] = 0.01 # sigma [about 1\% for CCD and up to 5% for CMOS];

# detector material bandgap properties 
strh5['rystare/photondetector/varshni/Egap0'] = 1.166  #bandgap energy for 0 degrees of K. [For Silicon, eV]
strh5['rystare/photondetector/varshni/varA'] = 5.5e-04 #Si material parameter, [eV/K].
strh5['rystare/photondetector/varshni/varB'] = 636. #Si material parameter, [K].

# Dark Current Noise parameters
strh5['rystare/photondetector/darkcurrent/activate'] = True
strh5['rystare/photondetector/darkcurrent/densityAm2'] = 1. * 1e-9 * 1e4 # dark current density [A/m2].  
strh5['rystare/photondetector/darkcurrent/ca'] = 4.31e5 # for density in m2
strh5['rystare/photondetector/darkcurrent/ed'] = 2. 
# dark current shot noise
strh5['rystare/photondetector/darkcurrent/shotnoise/activate'] = True # dark current shot noise
strh5['rystare/photondetector/darkcurrent/shotnoise/seed'] = 6214069 
strh5['rystare/photondetector/darkcurrent/shotnoise/model'] = 'Gaussian' 

#dark current Fixed Pattern uniformity 
strh5['rystare/photondetector/darkcurrent/fixedPatternNoise/activate'] = True
strh5['rystare/photondetector/darkcurrent/fixedPatternNoise/seed'] = 362436128
strh5['rystare/photondetector/darkcurrent/fixedPatternNoise/model'] = 'LogNormal' #suitable for long exposures
strh5['rystare/photondetector/darkcurrent/fixedPatternNoise/sigma'] = 0.4 #lognorm_sigma.

#sense node charge to voltage
strh5['rystare/sensenode/gain'] = 50e-06 # Sense node gain, A_SN [V/e]
strh5['rystare/sensenode/vrefreset'] = 3.1 # Reference voltage to reset the sense node. [V] typically 3-10 V.
strh5['rystare/sensenode/vsnmin'] = 0.5 # Minimum voltage on sense node, max well charge [V] typically < 1 V.

strh5['rystare/sensenode/gainresponse/type'] = 'linear'
strh5['rystare/sensenode/gainresponse/k1'] = 1.090900000e-14 # nonlinear capacitance is given by C =  k1/V
if strh5['rystare/sensenode/gainresponse/type'] in ['nonlinear']:
    strh5['rystare/sensenode/fullwellelectronselection/fullwellelectrons'] = \
        -(strh5['rystare/sensenode/gainresponse/k1'].value/const.e) * \
    strh5['rystare/sensenode/fullwellelectronselection/fullwellelectrons'] = 2e4 # full well of the pixel (how many electrons can be stored in one pixel), [e]
strh5['rystare/sensenode/resetnoise/activate'] = True
strh5['rystare/sensenode/resetnoise/seed'] = 2154069 
strh5['rystare/sensenode/resetnoise/model'] = 'Gaussian' 
strh5['rystare/sensenode/resetnoise/factor'] = 0.8 #[0,1]the compensation factor of the Sense Node Reset Noise: 

#source follower
strh5['rystare/sourcefollower/gain'] = 1. # Source follower gain, [V/V], lower means amplify the noise.
strh5['rystare/sourcefollower/dataclockspeed'] = 20e6 #Hz data rate clocking speed.
strh5['rystare/sourcefollower/freqsamplingdelta'] = 10000. #Hz spectral sampling spacing
strh5['rystare/sourcefollower/nonlinearity/activate'] = True
strh5['rystare/sourcefollower/nonlinearity/ratio'] = 1.05 # > 1 for lower signal, < 1 for higher signal
strh5['rystare/sourcefollower/noise/activate'] = True
strh5['rystare/sourcefollower/noise/seed'] = 6724069
strh5['rystare/sourcefollower/noise/flickerCornerHz'] = 1e6 #flicker noise corner frequency $f_c$ in [Hz], where power spectrum of white and flicker noise are equal [Hz].
strh5['rystare/sourcefollower/noise/whitenoisedensity'] = 15e-9 #thermal white noise [\f$V/Hz^{1/2}\f$, typically \f$15 nV/Hz^{1/2}\f$ ]
strh5['rystare/sourcefollower/noise/deltaindmodulation'] = 1e-8 #[A] source follower current modulation induced by RTS [CMOS ONLY]
strh5['rystare/sourcefollower/fpoffset/activate'] = True
strh5['rystare/sourcefollower/fpoffset/model'] = 'Janesick-Gaussian'
strh5['rystare/sourcefollower/fpoffset/sigma'] = 0.0005 # percentage of (V_REF - V_SN)
strh5['rystare/sourcefollower/fpoffset/seed'] = 362436042
strh5['rystare/sourcefollower/CDS/gain'] = 1. # CDS gain, [V/V], lower means amplify the noise.
strh5['rystare/sourcefollower/CDS/sampletosamplingtime'] = 1e-6 #CDS sample-to-sampling time [sec].

# Analogue-to-Digital Converter (ADC)
strh5['rystare/ADC/num-bits'] = 12. # noise is more apparent on high Bits
strh5['rystare/ADC/offset'] = 0. # Offset of the ADC, in DN
strh5['rystare/ADC/nonlinearity/activate'] = False 
strh5['rystare/ADC/nonlinearity/ratio'] = 1.1

#For testing and measurements only:
strh5['rystare/darkframe'] = False # True if no signal, only dark



In [ ]:

Download the image file from the GitHub directory. Normally you will prepare this file for your specific application. The format for this file is described here.

In [4]:
if pathtoimage is not None:
    imghd5 = ryfiles.open_HDF(pathtoimage)
    imghd5 = None

The input data has been set up, now execute the model. To test the model performance at the limits, uncomment one of the two scaleInput lines. The first line provides a signal with small SNR whereas the second line provides a signal that saturates the well.

In [ ]:

In [5]:
# scaleInput = 0.01 # for low SNR for Disk image
# scaleInput = 5 # saturates the well to full capacity for Disk image
scaleInput = 1 

if imghd5 is not None:
    strh5 = ryfiles.open_HDF(hdffilename)
    #images must be in photon rate irradiance units q/(s.m2)
    strh5['rystare/equivalentSignal'] = scaleInput * imghd5['image/equivalentSignal'].value
    strh5['rystare/signal/photonRateRadianceNoNoise'] = scaleInput * imghd5['image/PhotonRateRadianceNoNoise'].value
    strh5['rystare/signal/photonRateRadiance'] = scaleInput * imghd5['image/PhotonRateRadiance'].value
    strh5['rystare/signal/photonRateIrradianceNoNoise'] = scaleInput * strh5['rystare/fnumberConeSr'].value * \
    strh5['rystare/signal/photonRateIrradiance'] = scaleInput * strh5['rystare/fnumberConeSr'].value * \
    if 'image/pixelPitch' in imghd5:
        strh5['rystare/pixelPitch'] = imghd5['image/pixelPitch'].value
    strh5['rystare/imageName'] = imghd5['image/imageName'].value
    strh5['rystare/imageFilename'] = imghd5['image/imageFilename'].value
    strh5['rystare/imageSizePixels'] = imghd5['image/imageSizePixels'].value
    strh5['rystare/wavelength'] = imghd5['image/wavelength'].value
    strh5['rystare/imageSizeRows'] = imghd5['image/imageSizeRows'].value
    strh5['rystare/imageSizeCols'] = imghd5['image/imageSizeCols'].value
    pixelPitch = strh5['rystare/pixelPitch'].value
    numPixels = imghd5['image/imageSizePixels']
    strh5['rystare/imageSizeDiagonal'] = np.sqrt((pixelPitch[0] * numPixels[0]) ** 2. + (pixelPitch[1] * numPixels[1]) ** 2)

#     strh5['rystare/imageSizeDiagonal'] = imghd5['image/imageSizeDiagonal'].value
    strh5['rystare/equivalentSignalUnit'] = imghd5['image/equivalentSignalUnit'].value
    strh5['rystare/equivalentSignalType'] = imghd5['image/equivalentSignalType'].value
    if 'image/EinUnits' in imghd5:
        strh5['rystare/EinUnits'] = imghd5['image/EinUnits'].value
        if 'W' in imghd5['image/EinUnits'].value:
            strh5['rystare/LinUnits'] = 'W/('
        elif 'q' in imghd5['image/EinUnits'].value:
            strh5['rystare/LinUnits'] = 'q/('
        strh5['rystare/LinUnits'] = imghd5['image/LinUnits'].value
        if 'W' in imghd5['image/LinUnits'].value:
            strh5['rystare/EinUnits'] = 'W/(m2)'
        elif 'q' in imghd5['image/LinUnits'].value:
            strh5['rystare/EinUnits'] = 'q/(s.m2)'
    #calculate the noise and final images
    strh5 = rystare.photosensor(strh5) # here the Photon-to-electron conversion occurred.

Print some statistics of the sensor, noise and image

In [6]:

Image file name             : image-Stairslin-LowLight-40-100-520.hdf5
Image name                  : Stairslin-LowLight-40
Input rystare/LinUnits      : W/(
Input rystare/EinUnit       : W/(m2)
Sensor type                 : CCD 
F-number                    : 3.2 
F-number cone               : 0.0766990393943 sr
Pixel pitch                 : [  5.00000000e-06   5.00000000e-06] m
Image size diagonal         : 2.648e-03 m
Image size pixels           : [100 520] 
Fill factor                 : 0.95
Full well electrons         : 20000.0 e
Integration time            : 0.035 s
Wavelength                  : 5.5e-07 m
Operating temperature       : 300.0 K
Max equivalent input signal : 3.28890889841 lux
Min equivalent input signal : 0.00656536677823 lux
PhotonRateRadianceNoNoise   : q/(m2.s) mean=4.43896e+15, var=2.03652e+31
PhotonRateIrradianceNoNoise : q/(m2.s) mean=3.40464e+14, var=1.19803e+29
SignalPhotonRateIrradiance  : q/(m2.s) mean=3.40464e+14, var=1.19803e+29
SignalPhotonsNU             : q/(m2.s) mean=3.40423e+14, var=1.19792e+29
signalLightNoShotNoise      : e mean=2.26252e+02, var=5.30327e+04
signalLight                 : e mean=2.26195e+02, var=5.32382e+04
signalDarkNoNoise           : e mean=5.46633e+01, var=0.00000e+00
signalDark                  : e mean=1.44650e+02, var=1.42801e+04
SignalElectrons             : e mean=3.70844e+02, var=6.73715e+04
source_follower_noise       : v mean=1.15177e-07, var=9.37838e-10
SignalVoltage               : v mean=3.08148e+00, var=1.68427e-04
SignalDN                    : DN mean=7.58523e+01, var=2.82573e+03
ADC gain                    : DN mean=4.09620e+03, var=8.27181e-25
ADC                         : DN/v bits=12.0 offset=0.0 DN
Dark current density        : 1e-05  A/m2
Dark current coeff ca       : 431000.0  (A)
Dark current coeff ed       : 2.0  (A)
Quantum external efficiency : 0.8 
Quantum yield               : 1.0 
Sense node gain             : 5e-05 v/e
Sense reset Vref            : 3.1 v
Source follower gain        : 1.0 
Dark offset model           : Janesick-Gaussian
Dark offset spread          : 0.0005 e
Dark response model         : LogNormal
Dark response seed          : 362436128
Dark response spread        : 0.4 
Dark response neg lim flag  : True
Detector response mode      : Janesick-Gaussian
Detector response seed      : 362436069
Detector response spread    : 0.01
Material Eg 0 K             : 1.16600 eV
Material Eg                 : 1.11312 eV
Material alpha              : 0.00055  
Material beta               : 636.0  
Sense node reset noise factr: 0.8  
Sense node reset kTC sigma  : 0.0 v
Sense node capacitance      : 3.20435e+00 fF
k1 constant, Csn =  k1/V    : 1.0909e-14 
Sense node signal full well : 1.0 V
Sense node signal minimum   : 5e-05 V
Sense node reset noise      : True 
CDS gain                    : 1.0 
CDS sample-to-sampling time : 1e-06 s
Delta induced modulation    : 1e-08 
Data clock speed            : 20000000.0 Hz
Frequency sampling delta    : 10000.0 Hz
White noise density         : 1.5e-08 V/rtHz
Flicker corner              : 1000000.0 Hz
Source follower sigma       : v mean=3.04649e-05, var=0.00000e+00

The source follower DCS noise is shown next.

In [7]:
#open the sensor data file
%matplotlib inline
strh5 = ryfiles.open_HDF(hdffilename)
p = ryplot.Plotter(1,1,1,figsize=(10,4))
p.logLog(1, strh5['rystare/sourcefollower/noise/spectralfreq'].value.T, 
         strh5['rystare/sourcefollower/noise/cdsgain'].value.T,'CDS Response',
        'Frequency Hz','Transfer function')
q = ryplot.Plotter(2,1,1,figsize=(10,4))
q.logLog(1, strh5['rystare/sourcefollower/noise/spectralfreq'].value.T, 
         np.sqrt(strh5['rystare/sourcefollower/noise/spectrumwhiteflicker'].value.T),label=['White and 1/f in'])
if strh5['rystare/sensortype'].value in ['CMOS']:
    q.logLog(1, strh5['rystare/sourcefollower/noise/spectralfreq'].value.T, 
         np.sqrt(strh5['rystare/sourcefollower/noise/spectrumRTN'].value.T), label=['Burst / RTN in'])
q.logLog(1, strh5['rystare/sourcefollower/noise/spectralfreq'].value.T, 
         np.sqrt(strh5['rystare/sourcefollower/noise/spectrumtotal'].value.T),label=['Total in'])
q.logLog(1, strh5['rystare/sourcefollower/noise/spectralfreq'].value.T, 
         np.sqrt(strh5['rystare/sourcefollower/noise/spectrumtotal'].value.T) * strh5['rystare/sourcefollower/noise/cdsgain'].value.T,'CDS Noise',
        'Frequency Hz','Spectral density V/rtHz',label=['Total out'])

In [8]:
def plotResults(imghd5, hdffilename, arrayname, units='xx', bins=50, plotscale=1.0, logscale=False):
    if imghd5 is not None and hdffilename is not None:
        mpl.rc("savefig", dpi=plotdpi)
        #open the sensor data file
        strh5 = ryfiles.open_HDF(hdffilename)
        #get the prescribed array
        arr = strh5['{}'.format(arrayname)].value 
        maxarr = np.max(arr)
        arr = strh5['{}'.format(arrayname)].value * plotscale
        arr = np.where(arr > maxarr, maxarr,arr) / plotscale
        if logscale:
            arr = np.log10(arr + 0.5)
            ptitle = "log('{}'+0.5)".format(arrayname.replace('rystare/',''))
            ptitle = "'{}'".format(arrayname.replace('rystare/',''))
        if np.max(arr) > 1000. or np.max(arr) < 1e-2:
            ptitle = '{} [{}] ({:.2e} : {:.2e})'.format(ptitle, units,np.min(arr),np.max(arr) )
            ptitle = '{} [{}] ({:.4f} : {:.4f})'.format(ptitle, units,np.min(arr),np.max(arr) )
        his, binh = np.histogram(arr,bins=bins)
        if np.min(arr) != np.max(arr):
            arrshift = arr - np.min(arr)
            arrshift = 255 * arrshift/np.max(arrshift)
            p = ryplot.Plotter(1,1,1,figsize=(8, 2))
            p.showImage(1, arr, ptitle=ptitle, cmap=mcm.jet, cbarshow=True);

            q = ryplot.Plotter(2,1,1,figsize=(8, 2))
            q.showImage(1, arrshift, ptitle=ptitle, cmap=mcm.gray, cbarshow=False);

        if not logscale:
            r = ryplot.Plotter(3,1,1,figsize=(4,4))
            r.plot(1, (binh[1:]+binh[:-1])/2, his, 
                   '{}, {} bins'.format(arrayname.replace('rystare/',''), bins), 
                   'Magnitude','Counts / bin',maxNX=5)


The graph in the rest of the document shows signals at the stations marked in the signal flow diagram shown below.

In [9]:
display(Image(filename='images/camerascheme-horiz.png', width=1000))

The following description follows the signal through the processing chain, step by step, showing the relevant signal or noise at that step.

Photon rate irradiance signal without photon noise [q/(m2.s)].\newline Variable: \url{rystare/signal/photonRateIrradianceNoNoise}.

In [10]:
plotResults(imghd5, hdffilename, 'rystare/signal/photonRateIrradianceNoNoise', units='q/(s.m2)', bins=120)

Location 1 in the diagram: photon rate irradiance signal with photon noise [q/(m2.s)].\newline Variable: \url{rystare/signal/photonRateIrradiance}.

In [11]:
plotResults(imghd5, hdffilename, 'rystare/signal/photonRateIrradiance', units='q/(s.m2)', bins=120)

Location 2 in the diagram: photoresponse nonuniformity (PRNU).\newline Variable: \url{rystare/photondetector/lightPRNU/value}. The Photo Response Non-Uniformity (PRNU) is the spatial variation in pixel conversion gain (from photons to electrons). When viewing a uniform scene the pixel signals will differ because of the PRNU, mainly due to variations in the individual pixel's characteristics such as detector area and spectral response. These variations occur during the manufacture of the substrate and the detector device. The PRNU is signal-dependent (proportional to the input signal) and is fixed-pattern (time-invariant). For visual (silicon) sensors the PRNU factor is typically $0.01\dots 0.05$ , but for HgCdTe sensors it can be as large as $0.02\dots 0.25$. It varies from sensor to sensor, even within the same manufacturing batch. The photo response non-uniformity (PRNU) is considered as a temporally-fixed light signal non-uniformity. The PRNU is modelled using a Gaussian distribution for each $(i,j)$-th pixel of the matrix $I_{e^-}$, as $I_{PRNU.e^-}=I_{e^-}(1+\mathcal{N}(0,\sigma_{PRNU}^2))$ where $\sigma_{PRNU}$ is the PRNU factor value.

In [12]:
plotResults(imghd5, hdffilename, 'rystare/photondetector/lightPRNU/value', units='-', bins=120)

Location 3 in the diagram: photon rate signal multplied with the photoresponse nonuniormity (PRNU).\newline Variable: \url{rystare/signal/photonRateIrradianceNU}.

In [13]:
plotResults(imghd5, hdffilename, 'rystare/signal/photonRateIrradianceNU', units='q/(s.m2)', bins=120)

Location 4 in the diagram: photon rate signal multiplied with the quantum efficiency to convert from photons rate to electron rte.\newline Variable: \url{rystare/signal/electronRateIrradiance}.

In [14]:
plotResults(imghd5, hdffilename, 'rystare/signal/electronRateIrradiance', units='e/(s.m2)', bins=120)

Location 5 in the diagram: electron rate irradiance multiplied with the detector area to convert from photons to electron rate.\newline Variable: \url{rystare/signal/electronRate}.

In [15]:
plotResults(imghd5, hdffilename, 'rystare/signal/electronRate', units='e/s', bins=120)

Location 6 in the diagram: electron rate multiplied with the integration time to convert from electron rate to to electrons during integration time, no detector shot noise yet.\newline Variable: \url{rystare/signal/lightelectronsnoshotnoise}.

In [16]:
plotResults(imghd5, hdffilename, 'rystare/signal/lightelectronsnoshotnoise', units='e', bins=120)

Location 7 in the diagram: light electrons with detector shot noise.\newline Variable: \url{rystare/signal/lightelectrons}.

In [17]:
plotResults(imghd5, hdffilename, 'rystare/signal/lightelectrons', units='e', bins=120)

Location 8 in the diagram: the dark current with no noise is the average dark over all pixels, a scalar value.\newline Variable: \url{rystare/darkcurrentelectronsnonoise}.

In [18]:
strh5 = ryfiles.open_HDF(hdffilename)
print('Average dark current {:.3e} electrons'.format(strh5['rystare/darkcurrentelectronsnonoise'].value))

Average dark current 5.466e+01 electrons
Location 9 in the diagram: dark current electron count with dark current noise.\newline Variable: \url{rystare/signal/darkcurrentelectrons}.

In [19]:
plotResults(imghd5, hdffilename, 'rystare/signal/darkcurrentelectrons', units='e',  bins=120) 

strh5 = ryfiles.open_HDF(hdffilename)
print('Before dark FPN:')
print('Minimum dark current {:.3e} electrons'.format(np.min(strh5['rystare/signal/darkcurrentelectronsnoDFPN'].value)))
print('Average dark current {:.3e} electrons'.format(np.mean(strh5['rystare/signal/darkcurrentelectronsnoDFPN'].value)))
print('Maximum dark current {:.3e} electrons'.format(np.max(strh5['rystare/signal/darkcurrentelectronsnoDFPN'].value)))
print('After dark FPN:')
print('Minimum dark current {:.3e} electrons'.format(np.min(strh5['rystare/signal/darkcurrentelectrons'].value)))
print('Average dark current {:.3e} electrons'.format(np.mean(strh5['rystare/signal/darkcurrentelectrons'].value)))
print('Maximum dark current {:.3e} electrons'.format(np.max(strh5['rystare/signal/darkcurrentelectrons'].value)))

Before dark FPN:
Minimum dark current 2.600e+01 electrons
Average dark current 5.466e+01 electrons
Maximum dark current 8.800e+01 electrons
After dark FPN:
Minimum dark current 3.583e+01 electrons
Average dark current 1.446e+02 electrons
Maximum dark current 2.885e+03 electrons
Location 10 in the diagram: dark current nonuniformity.\newline Variable: \url{rystare/darkresponse/NU/value}. The focal plane nonuniformity for dark noise generation for the advanced model follows a lognormal distribution. The relatively few high values are quite evident in these graphs.

In [20]:
plotResults(imghd5, hdffilename, 'rystare/photondetector/darkcurrent/fixedPatternNoise/value', units='-', bins=120)

Location 11 in the diagram: dark current with noise multiplied with the dark current nonuniformity.\newline Variable: \url{rystare/signal/darkcurrentelectrons}.

In [21]:
plotResults(imghd5, hdffilename, 'rystare/signal/darkcurrentelectrons', units='e',  bins=120)

Location 12 in the diagram: dark current electron count is added to the signal electron count.\newline Variable: \url{rystare/signal/electrons}.

In [22]:
plotResults(imghd5, hdffilename, 'rystare/signal/electrons', units='e',   bins=120)

Location 13 in the diagram: electron count is clipped to the well capacity and rounded to nearest integer.\newline Variable: \url{rystare/signal/electronsWell}.

In [23]:
plotResults(imghd5, hdffilename, 'rystare/signal/electronsWell', units='e',  bins=120)

Location 14 in the diagram: electron count in the charge well is converted to a signal voltage.\newline Variable: \url{rystare/signal/sensenodevoltageLinear}.

In [24]:
plotResults(imghd5, hdffilename, 'rystare/signal/sensenodevoltageLinear', units='V',  bins=120)

Location 15 in the diagram: kTC reset noise.\newline Variable: \url{rystare/noise/sn_reset/resetnoise}.

In [25]:
plotResults(imghd5, hdffilename, 'rystare/noise/sn_reset/resetnoise', units='V',  bins=120)

Location 15b in the diagram: Vref plus kTC reset noise.\newline Variable: \url{rystare/noise/sn_reset/vrefresetpluskTC}.

In [26]:
plotResults(imghd5, hdffilename, 'rystare/noise/sn_reset/vrefresetpluskTC', units='V',  bins=120)

Location 15c in the diagram: Vref.\newline Variable: \url{rystare/sensenode/vrefreset}.

In [27]:
plotResults(imghd5, hdffilename, 'rystare/sensenode/vrefreset', units='V',  bins=120)

Location 16 in the diagram: signal after conversion from electrons to voltage.\newline Variable: \url{rystare/signal/voltage}.

In [28]:
plotResults(imghd5, hdffilename, 'rystare/signal/voltage', units='V',  bins=120)

Location 17 in the diagram: source follower gain, including source follower nonlinearity.\newline Variable: \url{rystare/sourcefollower/gainA}.

In [29]:
plotResults(imghd5, hdffilename, 'rystare/sourcefollower/gainA', units='-',  bins=120)

Location 18 in the diagram: signal voltage after the source follower.\newline Variable: \url{rystare/signal/voltageAfterSF}.

In [30]:
plotResults(imghd5, hdffilename, 'rystare/signal/voltageAfterSF', units='V',   bins=120)

Location 19 in the diagram: source follower noise.\newline Variable: \url{rystare/sourcefollower/source_follower_noise}.

In [31]:
plotResults(imghd5, hdffilename, 'rystare/sourcefollower/source_follower_noise', units='V',  bins=120)

Location 20 in the diagram: signal voltage after the source follower including noise.\newline Variable: \url{rystare/signal/voltageAfterSFnoise}.

In [32]:
plotResults(imghd5, hdffilename, 'rystare/signal/voltageAfterSFnoise', units='V',  bins=120)

Location 21 in the diagram: dark offset nonuniformity.\newline Variable: \url{rystare/darkoffset/NU/value}.

In [33]:
plotResults(imghd5, hdffilename, 'rystare/sourcefollower/fpoffset/value', units='V',  bins=120)

Location 22 in the diagram: signal voltage at the input to th CDS.\newline Variable: \url{rystare/signal/voltagebeforecds}.

In [34]:
plotResults(imghd5, hdffilename, 'rystare/signal/voltagebeforecds', units='V',  bins=120)

Location 23 in the diagram: signal voltage after the CDS.\newline Variable: \url{rystare/signal/voltageaftercds}.

In [35]:
plotResults(imghd5, hdffilename, 'rystare/signal/voltageaftercds', units='V',  bins=120)

Location 24 in the diagram: ADC integral linearity error.\newline Variable: \url{rystare/ADC/gainILE}.

In [36]:
plotResults(imghd5, hdffilename, 'rystare/ADC/gainILE', units='-',  bins=120)

Location 24b in the diagram: ADC gain.\newline Variable: \url{rystare/ADC/gain}.

In [37]:
plotResults(imghd5, hdffilename, 'rystare/ADC/gain', units='DN/V',   bins=120)

Location 25 in the diagram: output signal in digital counts.\newline Variable: \url{rystare/signal/DN}. This is the full scale dynamic range present in the step-graded image. If the charge well is saturated, the value shown here should correspond with the full well capacity.

In [38]:
plotResults(imghd5, hdffilename, 'rystare/signal/DN', units='DN', bins=120)

Signal converted to digital counts (location 27 in the diagram). This graph shows the digital number values scaled up by a factor of 3.6, to fit the display dynamic range.

In [39]:
plotResults(imghd5, hdffilename, 'rystare/signal/DN', units='DN', bins=120, plotscale=3.6)

Signal converted to digital counts (location 27 in the diagram). This graph shows the log-base10 values in the image. The image is offset by half a digital count to prevent log(0) errors.

In [40]:
plotResults(imghd5, hdffilename, 'rystare/signal/DN', units='DN', bins=120, plotscale=1, logscale=True)

Next we will attempt to calculate the photon transfer function and signal to noise ratio for the various parts of the image.

In [41]:
tplZones = collections.namedtuple('tplZones', ['ein', 'count','mean','var','std','snr','stf'], verbose=False)
lstZones = []
if imghd5 is not None:
    strh5 = ryfiles.open_HDF(hdffilename)
    #get the list of unique zones in the image
    arrnn = strh5['rystare/equivalentSignal'].value
#     arrnn = strh5['rystare/PhotonRateIrradianceNoNoise'].value
    arr = strh5['rystare/signal/DN'].value
    uniqueZs, uCnts = np.unique(arrnn, return_counts=True)
#     print(uniqueZs, uCnts)
    for uniqueZ,ucnt in zip(uniqueZs,uCnts):
        zone = arr[arrnn==uniqueZ]
        mean = np.mean(zone)
        lstZones.append(tplZones(ein=uniqueZ, count=ucnt, mean=mean, 
                        var=np.var(zone-mean), std=np.std(zone-mean), 
    equivalentSignalLabel = '{} {}'.format(strh5['rystare/equivalentSignalType'].value,


# print(lstZones) 
#build numpy arrays of the results
ein = np.asarray([x.ein for x in lstZones])
mean = np.asarray([x.mean for x in lstZones])
var = np.asarray([x.var for x in lstZones])
std = np.asarray([x.std for x in lstZones])
snr = np.asarray([x.snr for x in lstZones])
stf = np.asarray([x.stf for x in lstZones])

figsize = (6,4)
p = ryplot.Plotter(1,1,1,figsize=figsize);
p.plot(1,ein,mean,'Signal DN vs irradiance',equivalentSignalLabel,'Digital count');
q = ryplot.Plotter(2,1,1,figsize=figsize);
q.plot(1,ein[2:],stf[2:],'Signal transfer function',equivalentSignalLabel,'STF [DN/lux]',maxNX=5);
r = ryplot.Plotter(3,1,1,figsize=figsize);
r.plot(1,ein,std,'Noise vs irradiance',equivalentSignalLabel,'RMS noise [DN]',maxNX=5);
s = ryplot.Plotter(4,1,1,figsize=figsize);
s.logLog(1,ein[:-1],snr[:-1],'Signal to noise ratio',equivalentSignalLabel,'Signal to noise ratio');
# s.logLog(1,mean[:-1],snr[:-1],'SNR [-] vs mean [DN]');

In [1]:
# to get software versions
# you only need to do this once
# pip install watermark

%load_ext watermark
# %watermark -v -m -p numpy,scipy,pyradi -g -d
%watermark -v -m -p numpy,scipy,pyradi,pandas -g -r -u -d -b -i

last updated: 2019-05-10 2019-05-10T13:57:34+02:00

CPython 3.7.1
IPython 7.2.0

numpy 1.15.4
scipy 1.1.0
pyradi 1.1.4
pandas 0.23.4

compiler   : MSC v.1915 64 bit (AMD64)
system     : Windows
release    : 7
machine    : AMD64
processor  : Intel64 Family 6 Model 94 Stepping 3, GenuineIntel
CPU cores  : 8
interpreter: 64bit
Git hash   : 1eb7510354a00cdbd431e9d1dd177ef07083956f
Git repo   :
Git branch : master

In [ ]: