This notebook shows how to use the main functionality of the salientregions
package, namely the SalientDetector.
In [9]:
import numpy as np
import cv2
import sys
import os
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('..'))
import salientregions as sr
In [10]:
%pylab inline
First, we load the image and show it.
In [11]:
#Load the image
path_to_image = 'images/graffiti.jpg'
img = cv2.imread(path_to_image)
Now we create a SalientDetector object, with some parameters.
In [12]:
det = sr.SalientDetector(SE_size_factor=0.20,
We ask the SalientDetector to detect all types of regions:
In [13]:
regions = det.detect(img,
We can also output the regions as ellipses
In [14]:
num_regions, features_standard, features_poly = sr.binary_mask2ellipse_features(regions, min_square=False)
print("number of features per saliency type: ", num_regions)
sr.visualize_ellipses(regions["holes"], features_standard["holes"])
sr.visualize_ellipses(regions["islands"], features_standard["islands"])
sr.visualize_ellipses(regions["indentations"], features_standard["indentations"])
sr.visualize_ellipses(regions["protrusions"], features_standard["protrusions"])
#print "Elliptic polynomial features:", features_poly
sr.visualize_elements_ellipses(img, features_standard);
We can also save the elliptic parameters in text files. Below is an example of saving the polynomial coefficients of all regions represented as ellipses.
In [15]:
total_num_regions = sr.save_ellipse_features2file(num_regions, features_poly, 'poly_features.txt')
print("total_num_regions", total_num_regions)
To load the saved features from file, use the loading funciton:
In [16]:
import sys, os
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('..'))
import salientregions as sr
total_num_regions, num_regions, features = sr.load_ellipse_features_from_file('poly_features.txt')
print("total_num_regions: ", total_num_regions)
print("number of features per saliency type: ", num_regions)
#print "features: ", features