In this tutorial, we will learn how to remove parts of a raster based on pixel values using a mask we create. As an example, we'll use the NEON TEAK CHM and Aspect LiDAR data products, and create a raster containing South Facing pixels where Canopy Height > 20m.
The graphic below illustrates raster masking.
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import gdal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import warnings
In [2]:
# Define the plot_band_array function from Day 1
def plot_band_array(band_array,refl_extent,colorlimit,ax=plt.gca(),title='',cbar ='on',cmap_title='',colormap='spectral'):
plot = plt.imshow(band_array,extent=refl_extent,clim=colorlimit);
if cbar == 'on':
cbar = plt.colorbar(plot,aspect=40); plt.set_cmap(colormap);
plt.title(title); ax = plt.gca();
ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False, style='plain'); #do not use scientific notation #
rotatexlabels = plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(),rotation=90); #rotate x tick labels 90 degrees
In [3]:
#%load raster2array
from osgeo import gdal
import numpy as np
def raster2array(geotif_file):
metadata = {}
dataset = gdal.Open(geotif_file)
metadata['array_rows'] = dataset.RasterYSize
metadata['array_cols'] = dataset.RasterXSize
metadata['bands'] = dataset.RasterCount
metadata['driver'] = dataset.GetDriver().LongName
metadata['projection'] = dataset.GetProjection()
metadata['geotransform'] = dataset.GetGeoTransform()
mapinfo = dataset.GetGeoTransform()
metadata['pixelWidth'] = mapinfo[1]
metadata['pixelHeight'] = mapinfo[5]
metadata['ext_dict'] = {}
metadata['ext_dict']['xMin'] = mapinfo[0]
metadata['ext_dict']['xMax'] = mapinfo[0] + dataset.RasterXSize/mapinfo[1]
metadata['ext_dict']['yMin'] = mapinfo[3] + dataset.RasterYSize/mapinfo[5]
metadata['ext_dict']['yMax'] = mapinfo[3]
metadata['extent'] = (metadata['ext_dict']['xMin'],metadata['ext_dict']['xMax'],
if metadata['bands'] == 1:
raster = dataset.GetRasterBand(1)
metadata['noDataValue'] = raster.GetNoDataValue()
metadata['scaleFactor'] = raster.GetScale()
# band statistics
metadata['bandstats'] = {} #make a nested dictionary to store band stats in same
stats = raster.GetStatistics(True,True)
metadata['bandstats']['min'] = round(stats[0],2)
metadata['bandstats']['max'] = round(stats[1],2)
metadata['bandstats']['mean'] = round(stats[2],2)
metadata['bandstats']['stdev'] = round(stats[3],2)
array = dataset.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray(0,0,metadata['array_cols'],metadata['array_rows']).astype(np.float)
array = array/metadata['scaleFactor']
array = array[::-1] #inverse array because Python is column major
return array, metadata
elif metadata['bands'] > 1:
print('More than one band ... need to modify function for case of multiple bands')
Let's use this function to read in the classified TEAK Aspect raster created in the previous lesson.
In [4]:
teak_ns_array,teak_ns_md = raster2array('./Outputs/TEAK_NS_Classification.tif')
Plot to check that it looks correct:
In [5]:
# Plot classified aspect (N-S) array
from matplotlib import colors
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
cmapNS = colors.ListedColormap(['white','blue','red'])
plt.title('TEAK North & South Facing Slopes')
ax=plt.gca(); ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False, style='plain') #do not use scientific notation
rotatexlabels = plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(),rotation=90) #rotate x tick labels 90 degrees
# Create custom legend to label N & S
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
white_box = mpatches.Patch(color='white',edgecolor='red',label='East, West, or NaN')
blue_box = mpatches.Patch(color='blue', label='North')
red_box = mpatches.Patch(color='red', label='South')
ax.legend(handles=[white_box,blue_box,red_box],handlelength=0.7,bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.45),
loc='lower left', borderaxespad=0.)
Now read in the TEAK CHM geotif array using the raster2array
function from the module:
In [6]:
#Read in TEAK CHM
teak_chm_array,teak_chm_md = raster2array('../data/TEAK/lidar/2013_TEAK_1_326000_4103000_pit_free_CHM.tif')
Display the metadata. To get an idea of the range of canopy height values, look at the bandstats.
In [7]:
for item in sorted(teak_chm_md):
print(item + ':', teak_chm_md[item])
To get a better idea of the distribution of the canopy heights, plot a histogram, first removing the zero and NaN values:
In [8]:
import copy
teak_chm_nonzero = copy.copy(teak_chm_array)
teak_chm_nonzero_nonan = teak_chm_nonzero[~np.isnan(teak_chm_nonzero)]
# Use weighting to plot relative frequency
# plt.hist(chm_nonzero_nonan_array.flatten(),50)
plt.title('Distribution of TEAK Non-Zero Canopy Height')
plt.xlabel('Canopy Height (m)'); plt.ylabel('Relative Frequency')
Now plot, setting the extent to 60m.
In [9]:
plot_band_array(teak_chm_array,teak_chm_md['extent'],(0,60), \
title='TEAK Canopy Height',cmap_title='Canopy Height, m',colormap='BuGn')
In [10]:
#Create a mask of pixels with CHM < 20m
import as ma
#first copy the chm array so we can further select a subset (need to use copy because arrays are mutable/changeable)
teak_chm_gt20 = copy.copy(teak_chm_array)
print(teak_chm_gt20) #display for
plot_band_array(teak_chm_gt20,teak_chm_md['extent'],(20,60), \
title='TEAK Canopy Height > 20m',cmap_title='Canopy Height, m',colormap='Greens')
Now include the additional requirement that slope is South-facing (i.e. aspectNS_array = class 2)
In [11]:
teak_chm_gt20_S = copy.copy(teak_chm_gt20)
teak_chm_gt20_S[teak_ns_array!=2]=np.nan #mask all classes other than 1 (South-facing)
plot_band_array(teak_chm_gt20_S,teak_chm_md['extent'],(20,60), \
title='TEAK Canopy Height > 20m \n South Facing',cmap_title='Canopy Height, m',colormap='Greens')
Use the array2raster function to export this masked raster to a geotiff. Pull it into QGIS to make sure it looks reasonable.
Choose thresholds for two (or more) of the TEAK LiDAR geotifs (DTM, DSM, CHM, Slope, Aspect) and create a masked raster based on the criteria you chose. First read in the geotifs as arrays and look at the statistics and histograms to choose reasonable threshold values.