In [1]:
%run '../'

Importing commonly used libraries: 
            os, sys 
            numpy as np 
            scipy as sp 
            pandas as pd 
            matplotlib as mp 
            matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            datetime as dt 
            mclib_Python/flagging as fg

Creating project level variables: 
        MCLAB = /home/jfear/mclab 
        PROJ = /home/jfear/mclab/cegs_ase_paper 
        TODAY = 20160113

Adding ['scripts/mclib_Python', 'scripts/ase_Python'] to PYTHONPATH

In [2]:
# Import additional libraries
import sas7bdat as sas
from itertools import combinations
import seaborn

pjoin = os.path.join

/home/jfear/opt/miniconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: axes.color_cycle is deprecated and replaced with axes.prop_cycle; please use the latter.
  warnings.warn(self.msg_depr % (key, alt_key))

In [3]:
with sas.SAS7BDAT(pjoin(PROJ, 'sas_data/cis_eq.sas7bdat')) as FH:
    df = FH.to_data_frame()

[cis_eq.sas7bdat] header length 65536 != 8192
WARNING:/home/jfear/mclab/cegs_ase_paper/sas_data/cis_eq.sas7bdat:[cis_eq.sas7bdat] header length 65536 != 8192

In [7]:

line mating_status fusion_id q5_mean_theta flag_AI_combined mean_apn cis_tester mu cis_line trans_tester trans_line
0 r324 M F10001_SI 0.507 0 35.659574 11 0 14 -11 -20.4
1 r365 M F10001_SI 0.646 0 31.127660 11 0 -37 -11 1.6
2 r373 M F10001_SI 0.589 0 46.191489 11 0 -55 -11 265.6
3 r427 M F10001_SI 0.500 0 47.936170 11 0 17 -11 -52.4
4 r491 M F10001_SI 0.401 0 47.276596 11 0 39 -11 -136.4

In [90]:
mated = df[df['mating_status'] == 'M']
virgin = df[df['mating_status'] == 'V']

In [108]:
def loop(df, func):
    """ This is a general looping function. 
    Creates and iterates over all pairwise combinations. Filters 
    dataframe and passes it to the given function. This will make it 
    easy to run various distance metrics.
    # get list of lines
    lines = df['line'].factorize()[1]
    # Create matrix to store distance results
    dfResults = pd.DataFrame(np.eye(lines.shape[0], lines.shape[0]), columns=lines, index=lines)
    #Iterate over all pairwise combinations
    for combo in combinations(lines, 2):
        # Create dataframe for current combination
        dfCurr = df[(df['line'] == combo[0]) | (df['line'] == combo[1])]
        # Pass dataframe to my function of choice
        res = func(dfCurr)
        # Fill in results matrix
        dfResults.loc[combo[0], combo[1]] = res
        dfResults.loc[combo[1], combo[0]] = res

    return dfResults


Here I use flag_AI_combined from the Bayesian machine to determine pairwise distance. For this calculation I drop all fusions that are not in both datasets (i.e., drop NaN). I then normalize the sum by the number of non-missing fusions, trying to normalize for the number of fusions present in both datasets.

In [109]:
def AI_dist(df):
    # Create a 2 column side-by-side dataframe with fusion_id as rows and lines and columns.
    dfSbs = df[['line', 'fusion_id', 'flag_AI_combined']].set_index(['fusion_id', 'line']).unstack()
    # Sum flag_AI_combined across lines, if equals 2 then both lines had AI
    dfSum = dfSbs.sum(axis=1)
    # Number of fusions that both had AI
    num = dfSum[dfSum == 2].shape[0]
    # How many fusions did we test, after removing NaN
    total = dfSum.dropna().shape[0]
    return num / float(total)

In [121]:
aiMated = loop(mated, AI_dist)
aiVirgin = loop(virgin, AI_dist)

In [113]:

r324 r365 r373 r427 r491 r799 w47 w52 w55 w64 ... r362 r392 r810 r853 r907 w67 r443 r502 r857 r426
r324 1.000000 0.042489 0.059631 0.054994 0.052315 0.048092 0.077101 0.081869 0.086939 0.056840 ... 0.016511 0.017346 0.026632 0.027613 0.032829 0.036356 0.017920 0.025821 0.039140 0.020327
r365 0.042489 1.000000 0.031518 0.033045 0.032922 0.035348 0.042578 0.038778 0.044643 0.034603 ... 0.015880 0.011573 0.019426 0.025147 0.022611 0.020940 0.015132 0.016883 0.028390 0.019130
r373 0.059631 0.031518 1.000000 0.039458 0.050292 0.035234 0.056265 0.059614 0.052377 0.045418 ... 0.017552 0.018182 0.029703 0.030627 0.039137 0.035354 0.016566 0.028354 0.042352 0.025141
r427 0.054994 0.033045 0.039458 1.000000 0.042039 0.041808 0.058644 0.048723 0.052773 0.036224 ... 0.018541 0.014780 0.025769 0.025051 0.036287 0.022746 0.010998 0.023689 0.033806 0.021413
r491 0.052315 0.032922 0.050292 0.042039 1.000000 0.036925 0.054643 0.053045 0.054138 0.040541 ... 0.013147 0.012674 0.026072 0.022360 0.028656 0.024452 0.013514 0.019848 0.036044 0.019717

5 rows × 49 columns

In [139]:
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20, 10))
cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([.94, .2, .03, .5])

seaborn.heatmap(aiMated, vmax=0.1, square=True, ax=ax1, cbar=False)

seaborn.heatmap(aiVirgin, vmax=0.1, square=True, ax=ax2, cbar_ax=cbar_ax)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f1368527c50>

Cis Direction

Calculate distance based on direction of the cis-effect. If direction is them same then flag = 1, else = 0. Come up with my distance metric by dividing the sum by the total number of fusions tested (i.e., no missing).

In [152]:
def cis_direction_dist(df):
    # Create a 2 column side-by-side dataframe with fusion_id as rows and lines and columns.
    dfSbs = df[['line', 'fusion_id', 'cis_line']].set_index(['fusion_id', 'line']).unstack()
    # Drop missing
    noMiss = dfSbs.dropna()
    # If both have a positive or negative cis effects
    flag = ((noMiss.iloc[0] > 0) & (noMiss.iloc[1] > 0)) | ((noMiss.iloc[0] < 0) & (noMiss.iloc[1] < 0))
    # Number in same direction
    num = flag.sum()
    # How many fusions did we test, after removing NaN
    total = noMiss.shape[0]
    return num / float(total)

In [153]:
cis_direction_Mated = loop(mated, cis_direction_dist)
cis_direction_Virgin = loop(virgin, cis_direction_dist)

In [154]:

r324 r365 r373 r427 r491 r799 w47 w52 w55 w64 ... r362 r392 r810 r853 r907 w67 r443 r502 r857 r426
r324 1.000000 0.000602 0.000726 0.001205 0.001206 0.001283 0.000631 0.001337 0.001238 0.001302 ... 0.001715 0.000000 0.001908 0.000000 0.001934 0.003861 0.000000 0.002066 0.000000 0.005495
r365 0.000602 1.000000 0.000000 0.000583 0.000592 0.000627 0.000000 0.000670 0.000615 0.000641 ... 0.003344 0.002222 0.001887 0.001529 0.001873 0.001972 0.000000 0.001980 0.001597 0.002681
r373 0.000726 0.000000 1.000000 0.000702 0.000701 0.000752 0.000000 0.000772 0.000740 0.000770 ... 0.001751 0.002304 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.004016 0.000000 0.004246 0.001639 0.005634
r427 0.001205 0.000583 0.000702 1.000000 0.001170 0.001245 0.000611 0.001300 0.001217 0.001270 ... 0.001664 0.004425 0.001890 0.000000 0.001835 0.001961 0.000000 0.004098 0.000000 0.000000
r491 0.001206 0.000592 0.000701 0.001170 1.000000 0.001258 0.000614 0.001316 0.001222 0.001280 ... 0.001736 0.002299 0.000000 0.000000 0.003817 0.002024 0.001789 0.002146 0.000000 0.000000

5 rows × 49 columns

In [155]:
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20, 10))
cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([.94, .2, .03, .5])

seaborn.heatmap(cis_direction_Mated, vmax=0.01, square=True, ax=ax1, cbar=False)

seaborn.heatmap(cis_direction_Virgin, vmax=0.01, square=True, ax=ax2, cbar_ax=cbar_ax)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f136259b410>

In [ ]: