Pairwise Distance Calculation on the GPU

In this Jupyter notebook we show how to use the GPU seamlessly in a scripting mode with Alea GPU V3. We calculate the pairwise distance of a large collection of points in different ways on the GPU and analyze the speedup of the different implementations.


Many machine learning algorithms require calculation of certain type of distances, because distance is a good measure for differences between data points. Distance matrices are used in Support Vector Machines, K-Nearest Neighbors, K-Means or Radial Basis Function Approximation. For instance the K-Nearest Neighbors problem can be solved by simply sorting the distance matrix.

Let us consider an $n$ by $m$ matrix $S$ where $n$ is the number of points and $m$ is the size of the feature space. We want to calculate all the pairwise distances between points $s_i = s_{i k}$, $s_j = s_{j k}$

$$ d_{ij} = d(s_i, s_j) \quad \forall i,j=1,\ldots,n $$

A standard distance measures is the weighted Euclidian distance

$$ d_{L_2}(s_i, s_j) = \sqrt{\left( w_k \sum_k (s_{i k} - s_{j k})^2 \right)}. $$

Other distance measures are the cosine similarity

$$ d_{\rho}(s_i, s_j) = \frac{\sum_k s_{i k} s_{j k}}{\sqrt{\sum_k s_{i k}^2}\sqrt{\sum_k s_{j k}^2}}, $$

which is a useful measure in documents comparison and text mining, or the weighted Manhattan resp. $L_1$ norm

$$ d_{L_1}(s_i, s_j) = \sum_k w_k |s_{i k} - s_{j k}|. $$

Also non-symmetric distance measures are useful, such as the Kullback-Leibler distance

$$ D(s_i \parallel s_j) = \sum_k s_{i k} \log \left( \frac{s_{i k}}{s_{j k}} \right). $$

The complexity of the pairwise distance calculation is $O(m n^2)$ which becomes prohibitively lrage for large number of points and high dimensional feature spaces.

Let's Get Started!

Before you continue you should install the F# kernel for Jupyter.

We use Paket to get version 3.0.3 beta2 NuGet packages of Alea GPU. You can run Alea GPU free on any CUDA capable GeForce or Quadro GPU. In case you want to run it on an enterprise GPU such as a Tesla K80 or the brand new NVIDIA P100 you need a license.

Unfortunately as of now (January 2017), it is not possible to run this notebook on Azure Notebooks with server side execution because the Azure Notebooks service does not yet provide GPU instances.

In [1]:
#load "Paket.fsx"
Paket.Version [ ("Alea", "3.0.3-beta2") ]
Paket.Package [ "NUnit" ]


In [2]:
#load "packages/Alea/Alea.fsx"
#r "packages/Alea/lib/net45/Alea.Parallel.dll"
#r "packages/NUnit/lib/net45/nunit.framework.dll"

In [3]:
#load "XPlot.Plotly.Paket.fsx"
#load "XPlot.Plotly.fsx"
open XPlot.Plotly

Inspect the GPU

We first check what GPU is available. As we only need one GPU for our computations, we select the default GPU.

In [4]:
open System
open System.Threading.Tasks;
open Alea
open Alea.FSharp
open Alea.Parallel

let gpu = Gpu.Default
let s = sprintf "GPU is %A, Number of Cores %A, GPU DRAM is %.3f GB, Process is %d bit"
           ((float) gpu.Device.TotalMemory / 1024. / 1024. / 1024.)
           (IntPtr.Size * 8)
{ Html = s }

GPU is [0|3.0|GeForce GT 750M], Number of Cores 384, GPU DRAM is 2.000 GB, Process is 64 bit

Some Utility Functions

In [5]:
let toArray2D numPoints pointDim (flat:float[]) =
    let matrix = Array2D.zeroCreate numPoints pointDim 
    for i = 0 to numPoints - 1 do
        for j = 0 to pointDim - 1 do
            matrix.[i, j] <- flat.[i * pointDim + j]
let symmetrizeUpperToLower (matrix:'T[,]) =
    let n = matrix.GetLength 0
    if n <> matrix.GetLength 1 then failwith "matrix has to be square"
    for i = 0 to n - 1 do
        for j = i + 1 to n - 1 do
            matrix.[j, i] <- matrix.[i, j]  

let inline diff (a:'T[]) (b:'T[]) = 
    Array.map2 (fun a b -> (a - b)) a b

let inline absError (a:'T[]) (b:'T[]) = 
    if a.Length <> b.Length then failwithf "arrays have different length %d, %d" a.Length b.Length
    Array.map2 (fun a b -> abs (a - b)) a b |> Array.max

let inline absError2D (a:'T[,]) (b:'T[,]) : 'T =
    if a.GetLength 0 <> b.GetLength 0 || a.GetLength 1 <> b.GetLength 1 then failwith "incompatible matrix size"
    Seq.map2 (fun a b -> abs (a - b)) (Seq.cast<'T> a) (Seq.cast<'T> b) |> Seq.max
let flatten (a:'T[,]) =
    a |> Seq.cast<'T> |> Seq.toArray
let random = new Random(42)

Single Data Set

We start with a single data set and calculate the pairwise distances between all points. Because the Euclidian distance is symmetric, the resulting matrix is symmetric. For $n$ points we have to process $n(n-1)/2$ pairs.

CPU Implementation

The first implementation is a serial implementation:

In [12]:
let pairwiseDistanceCPU (points:float[,]) =
    let numPoints = points.GetLength(0)
    let pointDim = points.GetLength(1)
    seq {
        for i = 0 to numPoints - 1 do
            for j = i + 1 to numPoints - 1 do
                let mutable dist = 0.0
                for k = 0 to pointDim - 1 do
                    let d = points.[i, k] - points.[j, k]
                    dist <- dist + d*d
                yield Math.Sqrt dist
    } |> Seq.toArray

To parallelize the calculation we map the index pair $(i, j)$ with $i < j$ to a linear index $k$ as follows:

In [13]:
let upperTriangularMatrixSize n =
    n*(n - 1)/2

let toIndex n (k:int) =
    let i = n - 2 - int(floor(0.5*sqrt(float(-8*k + 4*n*(n-1)-7)) - 0.5))
    let j = k + i + 1 - n*(n-1)/2 + (n-i)*((n-i)-1)/2
    i, j
let toLinear n i j = 
    (n*(n-1)/2) - (n-i)*((n-i)-1)/2 + j - i - 1
let toUpderTriangular n (array:'T[]) =
    let matrix = Array2D.zeroCreate<'T> n n
    array |> Array.iteri (fun l a -> let i, j = toIndex n l in matrix.[i, j] <- a) 

In [14]:
let n = 5
type data = {Linear:int; iExpected:int; jExpected:int; iCalculated:int; jCalculated:int}
seq {
    for i0 = 0 to n-1 do
        for j0 = i0+1 to n-1 do
            let k = toLinear n i0 j0
            let i, j = toIndex n k
            yield {Linear=k; iExpected=i0; jExpected=j0; iCalculated=i; jCalculated=j}
} |> Util.Table


The following function handles the distance calculation for a pair of points $(i, j)$ correspoinding to a linear index $k$.

In [15]:
let pairwiseDistance (points:float[,]) numPoints linear =
    let i, j = toIndex numPoints linear
    let mutable dist = 0.0
    for k = 0 to points.GetLength(1) - 1 do
        let d = points.[i, k] - points.[j, k]
        dist <- dist + d*d
    sqrt dist

In [16]:
let pairwiseDistanceParallelForCPU (points:float[,]) =
    let numPoints = points.GetLength(0);
    let n = upperTriangularMatrixSize numPoints
    let distances = Array.zeroCreate n;
    Parallel.For(0, n, (fun linear -> distances.[linear] <- pairwiseDistance points numPoints linear)) |> ignore

In [17]:
let randomMatrix numPoints pointDim =
    Array2D.init numPoints pointDim (fun i j -> random.NextDouble()) 

let numPoints = 5
let pointDim = 3
let points = randomMatrix numPoints pointDim

In [18]:
let distances = pairwiseDistanceParallelForCPU points
distances |> toUpderTriangular (points.GetLength 0) |> symmetrizeUpperToLower

[[0.0; 0.2016716913; 0.3793180792; 0.1866120069; 0.3518811629]
 [0.2016716913; 0.0; 0.4089539128; 0.2475477248; 0.1932628144]
 [0.3793180792; 0.4089539128; 0.0; 0.2929642559; 0.3577509883]
 [0.1866120069; 0.2475477248; 0.2929642559; 0.0; 0.2966130419]
 [0.3518811629; 0.1932628144; 0.3577509883; 0.2966130419; 0.0]]

In [19]:
absError distances (pairwiseDistanceCPU points)


Parallel-For GPU Implementation

We use the GPU parallel-for method and reuse the pairwiseDistance function doing the core numerical part.

In [20]:
let pairwiseDistanceParallelForGPU (gpu:Gpu) (hostPoints:float[,]) =
    let numPoints = hostPoints.GetLength(0);
    let n = upperTriangularMatrixSize numPoints
    let points = gpu.Allocate(hostPoints);
    let distances = gpu.Allocate<double>(n);
    // use IL to catch closure, then call static a function which is compiled to GPU code from a quotation 
    gpu.For(0, n, (fun linear -> distances.[linear] <- pairwiseDistance points numPoints linear))
    let hostDistances = Gpu.CopyToHost(distances)

In [21]:
let distancesGpu = pairwiseDistanceParallelForGPU Gpu.Default points  
distancesGpu |> toUpderTriangular (points.GetLength 0) |> symmetrizeUpperToLower

[[0.0; 0.2016716913; 0.3793180792; 0.1866120069; 0.3518811629]
 [0.2016716913; 0.0; 0.4089539128; 0.2475477248; 0.1932628144]
 [0.3793180792; 0.4089539128; 0.0; 0.2929642559; 0.3577509883]
 [0.1866120069; 0.2475477248; 0.2929642559; 0.0; 0.2966130419]
 [0.3518811629; 0.1932628144; 0.3577509883; 0.2966130419; 0.0]]

In [22]:
absError distances distancesGpu


Alternative Parallel-For GPU Implementation

We provide a slightly different implementation, which uses int2 instead of tuples. Note that currently using tuples in IL to GPU compilation has some limitations, however int2 works fine.

In [38]:
let toIndexForGpu n (k:int) =
    let i = n - 2 - int(floor(0.5*sqrt(float(-8*k + 4*n*(n-1)-7)) - 0.5))
    let j = k + i + 1 - n*(n-1)/2 + (n-i)*((n-i)-1)/2
    int2(i, j)
let pairwiseDistanceGpu (points:float[,]) (index:int2) =
    let mutable dist = 0.0
    for k = 0 to points.GetLength(1) - 1 do
        let d = points.[index.x, k] - points.[index.y, k]
        dist <- dist + d*d
    sqrt dist    
let pairwiseDistanceParallelForGPU2(gpu:Gpu) (hostPoints:float[,]) =
    let numPoints = hostPoints.GetLength(0);
    let n = upperTriangularMatrixSize numPoints
    let points = gpu.Allocate(hostPoints);
    let distances = gpu.Allocate<float>(n);
    gpu.For(0, n, (fun linear -> distances.[linear] <- pairwiseDistanceGpu points (toIndexForGpu numPoints linear)))  
    let hostDistances = Gpu.CopyToHost(distances)

In [39]:
let distancesGpu = pairwiseDistanceParallelForGPU2 Gpu.Default points  
distancesGpu |> toUpderTriangular (points.GetLength 0) |> symmetrizeUpperToLower

[[0.0; 0.2016716913; 0.3793180792; 0.1866120069; 0.3518811629]
 [0.2016716913; 0.0; 0.4089539128; 0.2475477248; 0.1932628144]
 [0.3793180792; 0.4089539128; 0.0; 0.2929642559; 0.3577509883]
 [0.1866120069; 0.2475477248; 0.2929642559; 0.0; 0.2966130419]
 [0.3518811629; 0.1932628144; 0.3577509883; 0.2966130419; 0.0]]

In [40]:
absError distances distancesGpu


Custom GPU Kernel with Block Partitioning

We now write a specific GPU kernel that exploits shared memory to reduce the access to global GPU memory and reuse data more efficiently.

In [41]:
let blockSize = 16

let pairwiseDistanceGpuKernel =
    <@ fun (points:float[]) (distances:float[]) numPoints pointDim ->
        let Xs = __shared__.Array2D<double>(blockSize, blockSize)
        let Ys = __shared__.Array2D<double>(blockSize, blockSize)
        let bx = blockIdx.x
        let by = blockIdx.y
        let tx = threadIdx.x
        let ty = threadIdx.y

        let xBegin = bx*blockSize*pointDim
        let yBegin = by*blockSize*pointDim
        let yEnd = yBegin + pointDim - 1

        let mutable y = yBegin
        let mutable x = xBegin
        let mutable dist = 0.0

        while y <= yEnd do        
            Xs.[tx, ty] <- points.[x + ty*pointDim + tx]
            Ys.[ty, tx] <- points.[y + ty*pointDim + tx]


            for k = 0 to blockSize - 1 do
                let d = Ys.[ty, k] - Xs.[k, tx]
                dist <- dist + d*d


            x <- x + blockSize
            y <- y + blockSize

        let i = (by*blockSize + ty)*numPoints + bx*blockSize + tx
        distances.[i] <- sqrt dist @>
    |> Compiler.makeKernel

let divUp num den = (num + den - 1) / den

let pairwiseDistanceGpuBlocked (gpu:Gpu) (hostPoints:float[]) (numPoints:int) (pointDim:int) =
    let points = gpu.Allocate(hostPoints);
    let distances = gpu.Allocate<float>(numPoints*numPoints)
    let block = new dim3(blockSize, blockSize)
    let gridSize = divUp numPoints blockSize
    let grid = new dim3(gridSize, gridSize)
    let lp = LaunchParam(grid, block)

    gpu.Launch pairwiseDistanceGpuKernel lp points distances numPoints pointDim
    let hostDistances = Gpu.CopyToHost(distances)

In [42]:
let numPoints = 10*blockSize
let pointDim = blockSize
let points = randomMatrix numPoints pointDim

In [43]:
let distances = pairwiseDistanceGpuBlocked Gpu.Default (points |> flatten) numPoints pointDim
distances |> Array.take 5

[|0.0; 1.174415161; 1.802205941; 2.043153264; 1.484704979|]

In [44]:
let distances2 = 
    pairwiseDistanceParallelForGPU Gpu.Default points
    |> toUpderTriangular (points.GetLength 0) 
    |> symmetrizeUpperToLower 
    |> flatten
absError distances distances2



Let's now analyze and compare the performance of the differnt implementation.

In [45]:
type data = 
        NumPoints: int; PointDim: int; Implementation: string; Timing: string; Speedup: string 
    static member Create numPoints pointDim t0 impl t = 
             NumPoints = numPoints
             PointDim = pointDim
             Implementation = impl
             Timing = sprintf "%.4f s" (t / 1000.0)
             Speedup = sprintf "%.2f" (t0 / t)

let gpu = Gpu.Default

let timeIt (f : unit -> 'T) =
    let t = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
    f() |> ignore

let performance numPoints pointDim =
    let points = randomMatrix numPoints pointDim
    let pointsFlat = points |> flatten
    // jit warmup
    pairwiseDistanceParallelForGPU gpu points |> ignore
    pairwiseDistanceParallelForGPU2 gpu points |> ignore
    pairwiseDistanceGpuBlocked gpu pointsFlat numPoints pointDim |> ignore
    // reference 
    let t0 = timeIt (fun () -> pairwiseDistanceCPU points)    
    let create = data.Create numPoints pointDim t0
        create "cpu sequential" t0  
        create "cpu parallel for" (timeIt (fun () -> pairwiseDistanceParallelForCPU points))  
        create "gpu parallel for" (timeIt (fun () -> pairwiseDistanceParallelForGPU gpu points))  
        create "gpu parallel for with int2" (timeIt (fun () -> pairwiseDistanceParallelForGPU2 gpu points))  
        create "gpu custom kernel" (timeIt (fun () -> pairwiseDistanceGpuBlocked gpu pointsFlat numPoints pointDim))  

In [46]:
let results = 
    [10; 50; 100; 150; 200; 250; 300] 
    |> (fun s -> performance (s*blockSize) blockSize)
    |> List.concat
results |> Util.Table

16016cpu sequential0.0095 s1.00
16016cpu parallel for0.0007 s13.03
16016gpu parallel for0.0040 s2.37
16016gpu parallel for with int20.0040 s2.40
16016gpu custom kernel0.0041 s2.33
80016cpu sequential0.2346 s1.00
80016cpu parallel for0.0072 s32.61
80016gpu parallel for0.0048 s48.99
80016gpu parallel for with int20.0049 s48.16
80016gpu custom kernel0.0055 s42.97
160016cpu sequential0.9444 s1.00
160016cpu parallel for0.0145 s65.10
160016gpu parallel for0.0074 s127.96
160016gpu parallel for with int20.0072 s131.61
160016gpu custom kernel0.0105 s89.90
240016cpu sequential2.1164 s1.00
240016cpu parallel for0.0339 s62.47
240016gpu parallel for0.0114 s185.39
240016gpu parallel for with int20.0113 s187.70
240016gpu custom kernel0.0199 s106.53
320016cpu sequential3.7753 s1.00
320016cpu parallel for0.0459 s82.27
320016gpu parallel for0.0180 s209.99
320016gpu parallel for with int20.0179 s211.29
320016gpu custom kernel0.0428 s88.26
400016cpu sequential5.8981 s1.00
400016cpu parallel for0.0731 s80.63
400016gpu parallel for0.0265 s222.97
400016gpu parallel for with int20.0261 s226.33
400016gpu custom kernel0.0644 s91.65
480016cpu sequential8.5804 s1.00
480016cpu parallel for0.1042 s82.33
480016gpu parallel for0.0516 s166.23
480016gpu parallel for with int20.0520 s164.91
480016gpu custom kernel0.0905 s94.78

In [47]:
let layout = 
    Layout(title = "CPU / GPU Performance", 
           xaxis=Xaxis(title = "Numer of Points", showgrid = false, zeroline = false), 
           yaxis=Yaxis(title = "Speedup", showline = false), showlegend = true) 
let grouped = results |> List.groupBy (fun data -> data.Implementation)
let bars = 
    grouped |> (impl, s) -> 
        let x = s |> (fun data -> sprintf "%d" data.NumPoints)
        let y = s |> (fun data -> data.Speedup)
        Bar(x = x, y = y, name = impl))

|> Seq.toList 
|> Chart.Plot
|> Chart.WithLayout layout


In [ ]: