The modeling modules in MTPy are designed to support third party software. I.e. they assist with input file generation and then analysis and visualisation of the results. Here, we give examples the three more commonly used software packages. Occam 1d, Occam 2d and ModEM.
This first example demonstrates how to create input files for inversion of MT data using the Occam 1D code (Key 2009, Constable et al 1987) -
There are three input files.
In [1]:
# import required modules
import os
import mtpy.modeling.occam1d as mtoc1d
# full path to edi file and save path
edi_file = r'C:/mtpywin/mtpy/examples/data/edi_files_2/Synth00.edi'
savepath = r'C:/tmp/Occam1D_inv'
# make the save path if it doesn't exist
if not os.path.exists(savepath):
# create data file
ocd = mtoc1d.Data() #create an object and assign values to arguments
mode='det', # 'te', 'tm', or 'det'
save_path=savepath, # path to save to
res_errorfloor=4, # error floor in percentage
phase_errorfloor=2, # error floor in degrees
# create model file
ocm = mtoc1d.Model(n_layers = 100, # number of layers
target_depth = 40000,# target depth in metres,
# before padding
bottom_layer = 100000, # total depth of model
z1_layer=10 # first layer thickness in metres
# create startup file
ocs = mtoc1d.Startup(data_fn=ocd.data_fn, # basename of data file
model_fn=ocm.model_fn, # basename for model file
max_iter=200, # maximum number of iterations to run
Now that you have created the required inputs, you can run Occam1d on your files. Once you have done this, the following script can then be used to visualise the outputs as modelled and measured resistivity and phase, together with the 1D model. For this example below, we will use some example Occam 1D outputs from the mtpy examples directory.
In [2]:
import mtpy.modeling.occam1d as mtoc1d
import os.path as op
# working directory
wd = r'C:/mtpywin/mtpy/examples/model_files/Occam1d'
# model and data file names
iterfn = op.join(wd,'ITER_97.iter')
respfn = op.join(wd,'ITER_97.resp')
# read in the model, don't need these lines to view the model
# but useful if you want to analyse the data
oc1m = mtoc1d.Model(model_fn=modelfn)
# read in the data file
oc1d = mtoc1d.Data(data_fn=datafn)
# plot the model and response
pr = mtoc1d.Plot1DResponse(data_te_fn = datafn,
model_fn = modelfn,
resp_te_fn = respfn,
iter_te_fn = iterfn,
depth_limits = (0,20)
The example below shows how to set up input files for modelling using the Occam 2D software (Constable et al. 1987, deGroot-Hedlin and Constable, 1990,
For more details on the specifics of the Occam 2D inversion code and input options, please refer to the Occam 2D user manual (Occam2DMT_FilesAndOptions.pdf) contained in the zip file from the above website. The input files required for modelling are described below.
There are four input files that are created.
Data file - contains data for the inversions and relative station locations along the 2D profile used for the inversion
Mesh file - contains mesh geometry information and information on which parameters are fixed/free
Model file - details how mesh blocks are divided into model blocks (see Occam2D user manual)
Startup file - contains control parameters for the inversion and the Data, Mesh, and Model file names
In [3]:
import mtpy.modeling.occam2d_rewrite as occam2d
import os
import numpy as np
# path where edi files are located
edipath = r"C:/mtpywin/mtpy/examples/data/edi_files"
# path to save to
savepath = r'C:/tmp/Occam2D_inv'
# make the save path if it doesn't exist
if not os.path.exists(savepath):
# list of stations
slst=[edi[0:-4] for edi in os.listdir(edipath) if edi.find('.edi')>0]
# create an occam data object
ocd = occam2d.Data(edi_path=edipath,
interpolate_freq=True, # interpolate frequencies
freq=np.logspace(-3,3,37) # frequency list to invert for
ocd.save_path = savepath
#### make data file
# geoelectric strike for rotation
# if not specified will calculate from the data
ocd.geoelectric_strike = 0.1
# error floors
ocd.res_te_err = 10 # error floor
ocd.res_tm_err = 10
ocd.phase_te_err = 5
ocd.phase_tm_err = 5
ocd.model_mode = '1' # modes to invert for - see
# for options
# make model and mesh files
ocr = occam2d.Regularization(ocd.station_locations)
ocr.n_layers = 60 # number of layers
ocr.cell_width = 1250 # cell width to aim for, note this is the
# mesh size (2 mesh blocks across per model block)
ocr.x_pad_multiplier = 1.9 # controls size of padding
ocr.trigger= 0.25 # controls aspect ratio of blocks
ocr.z_bottom = 200000 # bottom of model
ocr.z1_layer = 50 # z1 layer and target depth in metres
ocr.z_target_depth = 80000 # target depth for inversion
#ocr.plot_mesh() # uncomment to plot the mesh
# make startup file
ocs.resistivity_start=2.0 # log10(starting resistivity)
ocs.target_misfit = 1.2
Now that you have created the required inputs, you can run Occam2d on your files. Once you have done this, the following script can then be used to visualise the outputs as modelled and measured resistivity and phase, together with the 2D model. For this example below, we use some example Occam 2D outputs from the mtpy examples directory.
In [4]:
# Import required modules
from mtpy.modeling.occam2d_rewrite import PlotModel
import os
# path to directory containing inversion files
idir = r'C:/mtpywin/mtpy/examples/model_files/Occam2d'
savepath = r'C:/tmp'
# iteration and response files
iterfile = 'ITER12.iter'
datafn = 'OccamDataFile.dat'
# define file paths
pltm = PlotModel(iter_fn=os.path.join(idir,iterfile),
station_font_pad = 2.5, # pad (in plot units) between station
# symbol and station label
station_font_size = 4, # station font size
station_font_rotation = 90, # rotation of the station font
font_size=4, # font size to use
climits=(0,4), # colour scale limits
cb_shrink= 0.3, # controls the size of the colorbar
xpad=0.5, # pad (in km) either side of profile
yscale = 'm', # 'm' or 'km'
yminorticks = 1.,
dpi=300, # resolution of figure
fig_aspect = 0.25, # aspect ratio between horizontal
# and vertical scale
ylimits = (-2,30), # depth limits
stationid=(-1,3)) # index of station name to plot
# save the model
Below is a simple example of plotting a response from a single station from an Occam 2D inversion. See the documentation pages for the Occam 2d mtpy modules for more details.
In [5]:
# Import required modules
from mtpy.modeling.occam2d_rewrite import PlotResponse
import os
# path to directory containing inversion files
idir = r'C:/mtpywin/mtpy/examples/model_files/Occam2d'
# data and response files
datafn = 'OccamDataFile.dat'
respfile = 'RESP12.resp'
# plot response
pr = PlotResponse(os.path.join(idir,datafn),
resp_fn = os.path.join(idir,respfile),
plot_type=['pb40'] # either a list of stations to plot
# or '1' to plot all stations
The example below demonstrates how to set up input files for 3D inversion using the ModEM inversion code (Egbert and Kelbert 2012; Kelbert et al. 2014;
The ModEM code has three compulsory input files:
Model file - contains information on the mesh size and starting resistivity
Data file - contains the impedance tensor and tipper data at each frequency and station locations
Covariance file - contains model covariance parameters, which control smoothing
The data file needs to be created before any of the other files can be made. This is because the data file reads the station locations, and these are then used to create a grid centred on the stations. There are a number of different parameters you can vary - see the comments next to each line when creating the data object. You need to check these are correct - MTPy assumes you know what you are doing and will not give you an error if you choose the wrong projection, for example.
In [6]:
import os
from mtpy.modeling.modem import Data
from mtpy.core.edi import Edi
from mtpy.utils.calculator import get_period_list
import numpy as np
# path to save to
workdir = r'C:/tmp/ModEM_inv'
# make the save path if it doesn't exist
if not os.path.exists(workdir):
# path containing edi files
edipath = r'C:/mtpywin/mtpy/examples/data/edi_files_2'
# find all files in edipath
edi_list = [os.path.join(edipath,ff) for ff in os.listdir(edipath) if \
# define period list to interpolate data onto
# MTPy will not extrapolate outside the data period range
# this code gets 4 periods per decade
period_list = get_period_list(1e-4,3e3,4)
# create a data object
do = Data(edi_list=edi_list,
inv_mode = '1', # invert for Z + tipper ('2' means Z only)
period_buffer=2., # buffer factor to determine how far to interpolate
# between points. 2 means interpolate by a factor of
# 2. e.g. if the data is at 10s the code will
# interpolate only from 5 to 20 s.
error_type_z='floor_egbert', # error type (egbert is % of sqrt(zxy*zyx))
error_value_z=5., # error floor in percent
error_type_tipper = 'floor_abs', # type of error to set in tipper,
# floor_abs is an absolute value set
# as a floor
model_epsg=28354 # model epsg, currently set to utm zone 54.
# See to
# find the epsg code for your projection
# write data file, setting elevation to zero as we haven't added topography
# save epsg code and centre position to a text file
Once the data file has been created, we now create the model file. MTPy creates a grid that covers the stations with the provided cell size. You can update parameters like cell size, target depth, padding parameters, and first layer thickness as described below.
Once the model is created, we then add topography. In the example below we will use etopo1 topography/bathymetry data downloaded from
After topography is added to the model, we then need to change the station elevations so that the stations sit on the topography.
In [7]:
from mtpy.modeling.modem import Model
# create a Model object
mo = Model(station_locations=do.station_locations,
pad_north=7, # number of padding cells N and S
pad_east=7,# number of padding cells E and W
pad_z=6, # number of vertical padding cells
pad_num=6, # number of cells outside station area before padding
pad_stretch_v=1.6, # increase factor in padding cells (vertical)
pad_stretch_h=1.9, # increase factor in padding cells (horizontal)
n_air_layers = 10, # number of air layers
res_initial_value=100, # halfspace resistivity value
# for reference model (ohm-m)
n_layers=100, # total number of z layers, including air
z1_layer=50, # first layer thickness
pad_method='stretch', # method for calculating padding
z_target_depth=300000 # approx. depth to bottom of core model
# (padding after this depth)
## add topography to the model and rewrite
topo_file = r'C:/mtpywin/mtpy/examples/data/AussieContinent_etopo1.asc'
# project the stations on the topography
The final step is to create a covariance file, which provides information on the location of free vs fixed parameters, and smoothing. The covariance file is created based on the model file we generated in the previous step.
In [8]:
from mtpy.modeling.modem import Covariance
# create a covariance file
co = Covariance()
co.smoothing_east = 0.6
co.smoothing_north = 0.6
co.smoothing_z = 0.6
Once you've run ModEM there are quite a few functions available to look at model outputs. Alternatively, you can use MTPy to write the model to a Gocad sgrid format and use Gocad to interrogate the model.
The first function we demonstrate is how to plot a ModEM depth slice. Note that this function has an option for interactive plotting if you run it as a script and set plot_yn to 'y'. Here we will just use static plotting.
In [9]:
import os
from mtpy.modeling.modem import PlotSlices
wd = r'C:/mtpywin/mtpy/examples/model_files/ModEM_2'
savepath = r'C:/tmp'
model_fn = os.path.join(wd,'Modular_MPI_NLCG_004.rho')
data_fn = os.path.join(wd,'ModEM_Data.dat')
pObj = PlotSlices(model_fn=model_fn,
# climits = [0,2], # log10(colour limits)
cmap='bwr_r', # colour map
plot_stations=True, # True/False - show station locations or not
station_id=[5,8], # indices (start,finish) of station label to plot
# ew_limits=[-220,220], # east-west limits, if not provided
# # will auto calculate from data
# ns_limits=[-170,170], # north-south limits, if not provided
# # will auto calculate from data
font_size=6, # font size on plots
fig_size=(6,3), # figure size
plot_yn='n', # whether to load interactive plotting
fig_dpi = 400 # change to your preferred file resolution
pObj.save_path = savepath
pObj.export_slices(plane='N-E', # options are 'N-Z', 'E-Z', and 'N-E'
indexlist=[32], # slice indices to plot
station_buffer=20e3, # distance threshold for plotting
# stations on vertical slice
The example below shows how to plot stations along an arbitrary profile, which is particularly useful in the case where you may have run a 3D model on 2D profile data. Please see the code below for parameters that can be varied.
In [10]:
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import colors
import numpy as np
from mtpy.modeling.modem import PlotSlices
# working directory and save path
wd = r'C:/mtpywin/mtpy/examples/model_files/ModEM_2'
savepath = r'C:/tmp'
# model and data file names
model_fn = os.path.join(wd,'Modular_MPI_NLCG_004.rho')
data_fn = os.path.join(wd,'ModEM_Data.dat')
fs = 8 # fontsize on plot
# create a PlotSlices object
ps = PlotSlices(model_fn=model_fn,
# create a new figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[6,3])
ax = plt.subplot(111)
# get resistivity data along a slice defined by the stations
gd, gz, gv = ps.get_slice("STA",
nsteps=200 # total number of cells across
## to get resistivity along an arbitrary profile
## (in this case stations 5 to 9)
## xy locations
#coords = np.vstack([ps.station_east[5:10],ps.station_north[5:10]]).T
#gd, gz, gv = ps.get_slice("XY", nsteps=50, coords=coords)
ci = ax.pcolormesh(gd, gz, gv,
vmin=1,vmax=1e4, # min & max resistivity on colour map
norm=colors.LogNorm(), # plot colours on a log scale
cmap='bwr_r', # colour map
# set some plot parameters and add labels
plt.xlabel('Distance, km',fontsize=fs)
plt.ylabel('Depth, km',fontsize=fs)
dpi=400) # change to your desired figure resolution
The example below shows how to plot the data together with the model response at one or more stations.
In [11]:
import os
from mtpy.modeling.modem import PlotResponse
# working directory and save path
wd = r'C:/mtpywin/mtpy/examples/model_files/ModEM_2'
savepath = r'C:/tmp'
# response and data files
respfn = 'Modular_MPI_NLCG_004.dat'
datafn = 'ModEM_Data.dat'
# make a plot object
ro = PlotResponse(data_fn=os.path.join(wd,datafn),
plot_type=['Synth02'], # provide a list of station names
# or '1' to plot all stations
plot_style=1, # 1 for 4-colums; 2 for 2-columns
fig_dpi=400) # change fig_dpi to your desired resolution
This example shows how to plot model and response phase tensors for a specified frequency, as a map. Depending on what inputs you provide, you can plot the data, model response, and the residual phase tensor, which is a measure of the difference between the data and model response.
In [5]:
import os
from mtpy.modeling.modem.phase_tensor_maps import PlotPTMaps
workdir = r'/mtpywin/mtpy/examples/model_files/ModEM_2'
savepath= r'C:/tmp'
ptmap = PlotPTMaps(data_fn=os.path.join(workdir, 'ModEM_Data.dat'),
resp_fn=os.path.join(workdir, 'Modular_MPI_NLCG_004.dat'),
cb_pt_pad=0.0, # y position of colorbar on plot
ellipse_dict = {'size': 20,
'ellipse_range':[0, 90],
for period_index in [16]: # customise which periods to plot
ptmap.plot(period=period_index, # index of period to plot
edgecolor='k', # colour for edge of ellipses
lw = 0.5 # linewidth of edge of ellipses
# save all plots to file
fig_dpi=400) # change to your desired resolution
These functions plot the (normalised) data-model misfit. You can choose an integer value for periodindex to plot a particular period, or just specify 'all' to plot the root-mean-square misfit over all periods. The plots are broken up according to component - $Z{XX}$, $Z{XY}$, $Z{YX}$, $Z{YY}$, $T{X}$, $T_{Y}$.
In [13]:
import os
import numpy as np
from mtpy.modeling.modem import PlotRMSMaps
wd = r'C:/mtpywin/mtpy/examples/model_files/ModEM_2'
savepath = r'C:/tmp'
resid_fn = os.path.join(wd,'Modular_MPI_NLCG_004.res')
# create a RMS plot object
probj = PlotRMSMaps(resid_fn,
rms_min=1, # min rms for colorbar
rms_max=10, # max rms for colorbar
period_index='all' # 'all' or integer value
# save figure
fig_close=False, # whether or not to close figure
save_fig_dpi = 400 # change to your preferred figure resolution
For advanced analysis, you may want to convert a ModEM model into a different format for analysis in another software package. In MTPy, we support export to Gocad sgrid format. The resulting sgrid has a resistivity property, which has a logarithmic colour stretch applied to it when it is imported into Gocad.
To export the model to Gocad you have the option of providing the centre position of your model in projected coordinates (metres). If this is not provided, your model will appear in relative grid coordinates when you bring it into Gocad.
In [14]:
from mtpy.modeling.modem import Model
import os
wd = r'C:/mtpywin/mtpy/examples/model_files/ModEM_2'
savepath = r'C:/tmp'
# filename of the model file to export
iterfn = os.path.join(wd,'Modular_MPI_NLCG_004.rho')
# if you like, provide centre position of model in real
# world coordinates (eastings/northings)
centre = np.array([0., 0., 0.])
# read the model in
mObj = Model(model_fn=op.join(wd,iterfn))
# write an sgrid file
clip=[0,0,0]) # number of cells to clip off the
# model in x (east-west), y (north-
# south) and z directions.