pyphysio tutorial

2. Algorithms

In this second tutorial we will see how to use the class Algorithm to create signal processing pipelines.

A signal processing step is a computational function $F$ that operates on input data (a signal) to produce a result. It is characterized by a set of parameters p which regulate its behavior.


Figure 1: Abstract representation of a processing step.

  1. In pyphysio each processing step is represented by an instance of a class derived from the generic class Algorithm.

  2. The type of function or algorithm is given by the class name (e.g. BeatFromECG extracts the heartbeats from an ECG signal, PeakDetection detects the peaks in the input signal).

  3. The parameters of the function/algorithm are the attributes of the created instance.

Therefore, a processing step is defined by creating a new instance of the Class, which is initialized with the given parameters:

processing_step = ph.BeatFromECG(parameters)

To execute the processing step we need to give as input an instance of the class Signal:

output = processing_step(input)

Algorithms in pyphysio are grouped in four categories (see also the tutorial '3-pipelines'):

  • Filters : deterministic algorithms that modify the values of the input signal without changing its nature;
  • Estimators : algorithms that aim at extracting information from the input signal which is given in output as a signal with a different nature;
  • Indicators : algorithms that operate on the signal to provide a scalar value (or metrics)
  • Tools : algorithms that can be useful for the signal processing and return as output one or more numpy arrays or scalars.

In [1]:
# import packages
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

%matplotlib inline

# import data from included examples
from pyphysio.tests import TestData
from pyphysio import EvenlySignal

ecg_data = TestData.ecg()
eda_data = TestData.eda()

# create two signals
fsamp = 2048
tstart_ecg = 15
tstart_eda = 5

ecg = EvenlySignal(values = ecg_data, 
                   sampling_freq = fsamp, 
                   signal_type = 'ecg', 
                   start_time = tstart_ecg)

eda = EvenlySignal(values = eda_data, 
                   sampling_freq = fsamp, 
                   signal_type = 'eda', 
                   start_time = tstart_eda)

Please cite:
Bizzego et al. (2019) 'pyphysio: A physiological signal processing library for data science approaches in physiology', SoftwareX

2.1 Filters

Filters return a signal which has the same signal_nature of the input signal.

The name Filters recalls the aim of this algorithms which is in general to increase the Signal/Noise ratio by filtering out the unwanted components in a signal (e.g high frequency noise).

In [2]:
# create a Filter
import pyphysio.filters.Filters as flt

lowpass_50 = flt.IIRFilter(fp=50, fs=75, ftype='ellip')

In [3]:
# help inline

In [4]:
# check parameters
# OR

IIRFilter{'fp': 50, 'fs': 75, 'loss': 0.1, 'att': 40, 'ftype': 'ellip'}
{'fp': 50, 'fs': 75, 'loss': 0.1, 'att': 40, 'ftype': 'ellip'}

In [5]:
# apply a Filter
ecg_filtered = lowpass_50(ecg)

In [6]:

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fb4c3232b38>]

In [7]:
# check output type


2.2 Estimators

Estimators are algorithms which aim at extracting the information of interest from the input signal, thus returning a new signal which has a different signal_nature.

The name Estimators recalls the fact that the information extraction depends on the value of the algorithm parameters which might not be known a-priori. Thus the result should be considered as an estimate of the real content of information of the input signal.

In [8]:
# create an Estimator
import pyphysio.estimators.Estimators as est

ibi_ecg = est.BeatFromECG()

In [9]:
# check parameters

BeatFromECG{'bpm_max': 120, 'delta': 0, 'k': 0.7}

In [10]:
# apply an Estimator
ibi = ibi_ecg(ecg_filtered)

In [11]:
# plot
ax1 = plt.subplot(211)

plt.subplot(212, sharex=ax1)

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fb492f27e80>]

In [12]:
# check output type


2.3 Indicators

Indicators are algorithm which extract a metrics (scalar value) from the input signal, for instance a statistic (average).

Three types of indicators are provided in pyphysio:

  • Time domain indicators: comprising simple statistical indicators and other metrics that can be computed on the signal values;
  • Frequency domain indicators: metrics that are computed on the Power Spectrum Density (PSD) of the signal;
  • Non-linear indicators: complex indicators that are computed on the signal values (e.g. Entropy).

In [13]:
# create an Indicator
import pyphysio.indicators.TimeDomain as td_ind
import pyphysio.indicators.FrequencyDomain as fd_ind

In [14]:
rmssd = td_ind.RMSSD()
HF = fd_ind.PowerInBand(interp_freq=4, freq_max=0.4, freq_min=0.15, method = 'ar')

In [15]:
# check parameters

PowerInBand{'freq_min': 0.15, 'freq_max': 0.4, 'method': 'ar', 'interp_freq': 4}

In [16]:
# apply an Indicator
rmssd_ = rmssd(ibi)
HF_ = HF(ibi.resample(4)) #resampling is needed to compute the Power Spectrum Density



In [17]:
# check output type

<class 'numpy.float64'>
<class 'numpy.float64'>

2.4 Tools

This is a collection of useful algorithms that can be used for signal processing.

These algorithms might return scalar values or numpy arrays.

In [18]:
# create a Tool
import as tll

compute_psd = tll.PSD(method='ar', interp_freq = 4)

In [19]:
# check parameters

PSD{'method': 'ar', 'nfft': 2048, 'window': 'hamming', 'min_order': 10, 'max_order': 30, 'normalize': False, 'remove_mean': True, 'interp_freq': 4}

In [20]:
# apply a Tool
frequencies, power = compute_psd(ibi.resample(4))

plt.plot(frequencies, power)

In [ ]: