In [ ]:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
In [ ]:
# Load Part-of-Speech data
from lxmls.readers.pos_corpus import PostagCorpusData
data = PostagCorpusData()
Load and configure the NumpyRNN. Remember to use reload if you want to modify the code inside the rnns module
In [ ]:
from lxmls.deep_learning.numpy_models.rnn import NumpyRNN
model = NumpyRNN(
In [ ]:
print([x.shape for x in model.parameters])
In [ ]:
from lxmls.deep_learning.rnn import get_rnn_parameter_handlers, get_rnn_loss_range
# Get functions to get and set values of a particular weight of the model
get_parameter, set_parameter = get_rnn_parameter_handlers(
# Get batch of data
batch = data.batches('train', batch_size=1)[0]
# Get loss and weight value
current_loss = model.cross_entropy_loss(batch['input'], batch['output'])
current_weight = get_parameter(model.parameters)
# Get range of values of the weight and loss around current parameters values
weight_range, loss_range = get_rnn_loss_range(model, get_parameter, set_parameter, batch)
Then compute the desired gradient from your implementation
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# Get the gradient value for that weight
gradients = model.backpropagation(batch['input'], batch['output'])
current_gradient = get_parameter(gradients)
And finally call matlplotlib to plot the loss variation versus the gradient
In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Plot empirical
plt.plot(weight_range, loss_range)
plt.plot(current_weight, current_loss, 'xr')
plt.ylabel('loss value')
plt.xlabel('weight value')
# Plot real
h = plt.plot(
current_gradient*(weight_range - current_weight) + current_loss,
In [ ]:
# Hyper-parameters
num_epochs = 20
import numpy as np
# Get batch iterators for train and test
train_batches = data.batches('train', batch_size=1)
dev_set = data.batches('dev', batch_size=1)
test_set = data.batches('test', batch_size=1)
# Epoch loop
import time
start = time.time()
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
# Batch loop
for batch in train_batches:
model.update(input=batch['input'], output=batch['output'])
# Evaluation dev
is_hit = []
for batch in dev_set:
is_hit.extend(model.predict(input=batch['input']) == batch['output'])
accuracy = 100*np.mean(is_hit)
print("Epoch %d: dev accuracy %2.2f %%" % (epoch+1, accuracy))
print("Training took %2.2f seconds per epoch" % ((time.time() - start)/num_epochs))
# Evaluation test
is_hit = []
for batch in test_set:
is_hit.extend(model.predict(input=batch['input']) == batch['output'])
accuracy = 100*np.mean(is_hit)
# Inform user
print("Test accuracy %2.2f %%" % accuracy)