Examples of Apache Spark SQL with user defined functions

Topic: Provide an original example of Spark SQL and the use of UDF.
The example has originally been developed for the command line (pyspark/spark-shell). It shows how to compute and display the Mandelbrot set using Spark SQL. The visualization uses ASCII graphics and a version with color is provided using ANSI escape codes.
Compatibility: this code has been tested with Spark 2.0 and 2.1
Author: @LucaCanaliDB, January 2017
How to run:

  • Copy-paste the code for UDF and SQL into a Spark session running with spark-shell or a Scala notebook
  • For the version "SQL with color", use a terminal/notebook that supports ANSI escape codes

This is the Scala (Toree kernen) notebook version, for more info see also https://github.com/LucaCanali/Miscellaneous/tree/master/Spark_Notes/Spark_SQL_UDF_examples_Mandelbrot

The vanilla ASCII version

UDF: The cell below defines a helper function. It implements the "escape time algorithm" for the Mandelbrot set visualization as a Spark user defined function.
Inputs: cR and cI represent the point in the set/image to evaluate (c is a complex number). maxIterations is maximum number of iterations.
Output: the function returns an integer representing the number of iterations to reach the "escape point" (|z|^2 = 4) or returns maxIterations if it did not reach it.

In [1]:
spark.udf.register("mandelbrot", (cR: Float, cI: Float, maxIterations: Int) => {
    var zR: Float = cR  
    var zI: Float = cI
    var newzR: Float = 0
    var newzI: Float = 0
    var i: Int = 1  
    // Iterative formula for Mandelbrot set: z => z^2 + c
    // Escape point: |z|^2 > 4. Note: z nd c are complex numbers
    while (zR*zR + zI*zI < 4.0 && i < maxIterations) {
      newzR = zR*zR - zI*zI +cR
      newzI = 2*zR*zI + cI
      zR = newzR
      zI = newzI
      i += 1

UserDefinedFunction(<function3>,IntegerType,Some(List(FloatType, FloatType, IntegerType)))

Compute and display the Mandelbrot set using Spark SQL using plain old-fashioned ASCII graphics for the output

In [10]:
    x as (select id, -2.0 + 0.027*cast(id as Float) cR from range(0,95)),
    y as (select id, -1.1 + 0.045*cast(id as Float) cI from range(0,50))
select translate(cast(collect_list(substring(' .:::-----++++%%%%@@@@#### ',
       mandelbrot(x.cR, y.cI, 27), 1)) as string), ',', '') as Mandelbrot_Set
from y cross join x 
group by y.id 
order by y.id desc""").show(200, false)

|Mandelbrot_Set                                                                                   |
|[             ............:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::----:::::::::::::::::........]|
|[            ..........:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::---+----:::::::::::::::::.....]|
|[           .........:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::---+ -----:::::::::::::::::...]|
|[          ........::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-----+@%+---::::::::::::::::::.]|
|[         .......:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::------+ +-----::::::::::::::::::]|
|[        ......::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::---@-+%   #----::::::::::::::::::]|
|[       ......::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-----%@%@    #+ +--:::::::::::::::::]|
|[       ....:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::---------%        @-----:::::::::::::::]|
|[      ....:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-----------+#         ---------:::::::::::]|
|[     ....:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::--------------++        ++-----------+-::::::]|
|[     ...::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::----%@ ++--+  +  @        @  ++ %------+--:::::]|
|[    ...::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::----%%%   %+@                    %+-+#@+%++-::::]|
|[    ..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-------+                            #%    @+#-::::]|
|[   ..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::---------++@                                 ---::::]|
|[   .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-------+% %%                                @+-----:::]|
|[  .:::::::::::::::::::::::-----------------------                                     @ ----:::]|
|[  .:::::::::::::::::::::----+-------+-----------+%                                      +++ -::]|
|[  ::::::::::::::::::::::----%+-----+++---------+                                           +-::]|
|[ .:::::::::::::::::::::------+  %+++% %+@+-----%                                        @+---::]|
|[ ::::::::::::::::::::::------+#          @ ++++                                          ++--::]|
|[ :::::::::::::::::::::------++%              +%                                            --::]|
|[ :::::::::::::::::::-------+                 @@                                         #+--:::]|
|[ ::::::::::::---------%++ +%                  #                                         +---:::]|
|[ ::::::::-------------+%   @                                                            ----:::]|
|[ ::------+----+----+++@#                                                              +----::::]|
|[ ::-----+@----+---++++@                                                               +----::::]|
|[ :::::----------------+%   #                                                            ---::::]|
|[ :::::::::::----------+++ +%                                                            %---:::]|
|[ ::::::::::::::::::--------+                 @@                                          +--:::]|
|[ :::::::::::::::::::::-----+++@             #%%                                           %-:::]|
|[ ::::::::::::::::::::::------              ++++                                           +--::]|
|[ .:::::::::::::::::::::------+@ %%++% #% +----+#                                         +---::]|
|[  ::::::::::::::::::::::----%+++---+%+---------+                                          @+-::]|
|[  .:::::::::::::::::::::----+-------%-----------%%                                      %%+%-::]|
|[  .::::::::::::::::::::::------------------------%                                    # ----:::]|
|[   .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-------# ##%                                @+-----:::]|
|[   ..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::---------++@                                 ---::::]|
|[   ...:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-------+                             %    #++-::::]|
|[    ..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-----+%   @%                     %+-+@%+%%#-::::]|
|[     ..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::----+# ++--% @%              %% %------+--:::::]|
|[     ....:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-----+--------++        ++-------------::::::]|
|[      ....::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::------------+%        @----------::::::::::]|
|[      .....::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::----------%        %-----:::::::::::::::]|
|[       ......::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-----+#@#     + +--:::::::::::::::::]|
|[        ......::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::---#+++   %----::::::::::::::::::]|
|[         .......:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::------+ +-----::::::::::::::::::]|
|[          ........::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-----+  +---::::::::::::::::::.]|
|[           .........:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::----#------::::::::::::::::...]|
|[            ..........:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::---+-----::::::::::::::::.....]|
|[             ............::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::--++-:::::::::::::::::........]|

Mandelbrot in SQL, displayed with color

This computes and displays the Mandelbrot set on the terminal using color, with a blue palette.
Note: it requires a terminal or notebook with support for ANSI escape codes.

In [11]:
    x as (select id, -2.0 + 0.027*cast(id as Float) cR from range(0,95)),
    y as (select id, -1.1 + 0.045*cast(id as Float) cI from range(0,50))
select translate(cast(collect_list(color) as String), ',' , '') as value
from y cross join x cross join values 
     (0, concat('\u001B','[48;5;0m ','\u001B','[0m')),  -- Black
     (1, concat('\u001B','[48;5;15m ','\u001B','[0m')), -- White
     (2, concat('\u001B','[48;5;51m ','\u001B','[0m')), -- Light blue
     (3, concat('\u001B','[48;5;45m ','\u001B','[0m')), 
     (4, concat('\u001B','[48;5;39m ','\u001B','[0m')),
     (5, concat('\u001B','[48;5;33m ','\u001B','[0m')),
     (6, concat('\u001B','[48;5;27m ','\u001B','[0m')), 
     (7, concat('\u001B','[48;5;21m ','\u001B','[0m'))  -- Dark blue
     as palette(id, color)
where  cast(substring('012223333344445555666677770', mandelbrot(x.cR, y.cI, 27), 1) as Int) = palette.id
group by y.id 
order by y.id desc""").collect().foreach(println)

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In [ ]: