In [ ]:


Apache Spark

Spark Intro

What is Spark?

  • Spark is a framework for distributed processing.

  • It is a streamlined alternative to Map-Reduce.

  • Spark applications can be written in Python, Scala, or Java.

Why Spark

Why learn Spark?

  • Spark enables you to analyze petabytes of data.

  • Spark skills are in high demand--

  • Spark is signficantly faster than MapReduce.

  • Paradoxically, Spark's API is simpler than the MapReduce API.


By the end of this lecture, you will be able to:

  • Create RDDs to distribute data across a cluster

  • Use the Spark shell to compose and execute Spark commands

  • Use Spark to analyze stock market data

Spark Version History

Date Version Changes
May 30, 2014 Spark 1.0.0 APIs stabilized
September 11, 2014 Spark 1.1.0 New functions in MLlib, Spark SQL
December 18, 2014 Spark 1.2.0 Python Streaming API and better streaming fault tolerance
March 13, 2015 Spark 1.3.0 DataFrame API, Kafka integration in Streaming
April 17, 2015 Spark 1.3.1 Bug fixes, minor changes

Matei Zaharia

Essense of Spark

What is the basic idea of Spark?

  • Spark takes the Map-Reduce paradigm and changes it in some critical ways.

  • Instead of writing single Map-Reduce jobs a Spark job consists of a series of map and reduce functions.

  • However, the intermediate data is kept in memory instead of being written to disk or written to HDFS.

Pop Quiz

Q: Since Spark keeps intermediate data in memory to get speed, what does it make us give up? Where's the catch? 1. Spark does a trade-off between memory and performance.
2. While Spark apps are faster, they also consume more memory.
3. Spark outshines Map-Reduce in iterative algorithms where the overhead of saving the results of each step to HDFS slows down Map-Reduce.
4. For non-iterative algorithms Spark is comparable to Map-Reduce.

Spark Logging

Q: How can I make Spark logging less verbose?

  • By default Spark logs messages at the INFO level.

  • Here are the steps to make it only print out warnings and errors.

cd $SPARK_HOME/conf
  • Edit and replace rootCategory=INFO with rootCategory=ERROR

Spark Fundamentals

Spark Execution

Spark Terminology

Term Meaning
Driver Process that contains the Spark Context
Executor Process that executes one or more Spark tasks
Master Process which manages applications across the cluster
E.g. Spark Master
Worker Process which manages executors on a particular worker node
E.g. Spark Worker

Spark Job

Q: Flip a coin 100 times using Python's random() function. What fraction of the time do you get heads?

  • Initialize Spark.

In [ ]:
from pyspark import SparkContext
sc = SparkContext()
  • Import random.

In [ ]:
import random
flips = 1000000
heads = sc.parallelize(xrange(flips)) \
    .map(lambda i: random.random()) \
    .filter(lambda r: r < 0.51) \

ratio = float(heads)/float(flips)



  • sc.parallelize creates an RDD.

  • map and filter are transformations.

  • They create new RDDs from existing RDDs.

  • count is an action and brings the data from the RDDs back to the driver.

Spark Terminology

Term Meaning
RDD Resilient Distributed Dataset or a distributed sequence of records
Spark Job Sequence of transformations on data with a final action
Spark Application Sequence of Spark jobs and other code
Transformation Spark operation that produces an RDD
Action Spark operation that produces a local object
  • A Spark job consists of a series of transformations followed by an action.

  • It pushes the data to the cluster, all computation happens on the executors, then the result is sent back to the driver.

Pop Quiz

In this Spark job what is the transformation is what is the action? `sc.parallelize(xrange(10)).filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0).collect()` 1. `filter` is the transformation.
2. `collect` is the action.

Lambda vs Functions

  • Instead of lambda you can pass in fully defined functions into map, filter, and other RDD transformations.

  • Use lambda for short functions.

  • Use def for more substantial functions.

Finding Primes

Q: Find all the primes less than 100.

  • Define function to determine if a number is prime.

In [ ]:
def is_prime(number):
    factor_min = 2
    factor_max = int(number**0.5)+1
    for factor in xrange(factor_min,factor_max):
        if number % factor == 0:
            return False
    return True
  • Use this to filter out non-primes.

In [ ]:
numbers = xrange(2,100)
primes = sc.parallelize(numbers)\
print primes

Pop Quiz

Q: Where does `is_prime` execute? On the executors.
Q: Where does the RDD code execute? On the driver.

Transformations and Actions

Common RDD Constructors

Expression Meaning
sc.parallelize(list1) Create RDD of elements of list
sc.textFile(path) Create RDD of lines from file

Common Transformations

Expression Meaning
filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0) Discard non-even elements
map(lambda x: x * 2) Multiply each RDD element by 2
map(lambda x: x.split()) Split each string into words
flatMap(lambda x: x.split()) Split each string into words and flatten sequence
sample(withReplacement=True,0.25) Create sample of 25% of elements with replacement
union(rdd) Append rdd to existing RDD
distinct() Remove duplicates in RDD
sortBy(lambda x: x, ascending=False) Sort elements in descending order

Common Actions

Expression Meaning
collect() Convert RDD to in-memory list
take(3) First 3 elements of RDD
top(3) Top 3 elements of RDD
takeSample(withReplacement=True,3) Create sample of 3 elements with replacement
sum() Find element sum (assumes numeric elements)
mean() Find element mean (assumes numeric elements)
stdev() Find element deviation (assumes numeric elements)

Pop Quiz

Q: What will this output?

In [ ]:

Q: What will this output?

In [ ]:
sc.parallelize([1,3,2,2,1]).sortBy(lambda x: x).collect()

Q: What will this output?

  • Create this input file.

In [ ]:
%%writefile input.txt
hello world
another line
yet another line
yet another another line
  • What do you get when you run this code?

In [ ]:
sc.textFile('input.txt') \
    .map(lambda x: x.split()) \
  • What about this?

In [ ]:
sc.textFile('input.txt') \
    .flatMap(lambda x: x.split()) \

Map vs FlatMap

  • Here's the difference between map and flatMap.

  • Map:

In [ ]:
sc.textFile('input.txt') \
    .map(lambda x: x.split()) \
  • FlatMap:

In [ ]:
sc.textFile('input.txt') \
    .flatMap(lambda x: x.split()) \

Key Value Pairs


At this point we know how to aggregate values across an RDD. If we have an RDD containing sales transactions we can find the total revenue across all transactions.

Q: Using the following sales data find the total revenue across all transactions.

In [ ]:
%%writefile sales.txt
#ID    Date           Store   State  Product    Amount
101    11/13/2014     100     WA     331        300.00
104    11/18/2014     700     OR     329        450.00
102    11/15/2014     203     CA     321        200.00
106    11/19/2014     202     CA     331        330.00
103    11/17/2014     101     WA     373        750.00
105    11/19/2014     202     CA     321        200.00
  • Read the file.

In [ ]:
  • Split the lines.

In [ ]:
    .map(lambda x: x.split())\
  • Remove #.

In [ ]:
    .map(lambda x: x.split())\
    .filter(lambda x: x[0].startswith('#'))\
  • Try again.

In [ ]:
    .map(lambda x: x.split())\
    .filter(lambda x: not x[0].startswith('#'))\
  • Pick off last field.

In [ ]:
    .map(lambda x: x.split())\
    .filter(lambda x: not x[0].startswith('#'))\
    .map(lambda x: x[-1])\
  • Convert to float and then sum.

In [ ]:
    .map(lambda x: x.split())\
    .filter(lambda x: not x[0].startswith('#'))\
    .map(lambda x: float(x[-1]))\


Q: Calculate revenue per state?

  • Instead of creating a sequence of revenue numbers we can create tuples of states and revenue.

In [ ]:
    .map(lambda x: x.split())\
    .filter(lambda x: not x[0].startswith('#'))\
    .map(lambda x: (x[-3],float(x[-1])))\
  • Now use reduceByKey to add them up.

In [ ]:
    .map(lambda x: x.split())\
    .filter(lambda x: not x[0].startswith('#'))\
    .map(lambda x: (x[-3],float(x[-1])))\
    .reduceByKey(lambda amount1,amount2: amount1+amount2)\

Q: Find the state with the highest total revenue.

  • You can either use the action top or the transformation sortBy.

In [ ]:
    .map(lambda x: x.split())\
    .filter(lambda x: not x[0].startswith('#'))\
    .map(lambda x: (x[-3],float(x[-1])))\
    .reduceByKey(lambda amount1,amount2: amount1+amount2)\
    .sortBy(lambda state_amount:state_amount[1],ascending=False) \

Pop Quiz

Q: What does `reduceByKey` do? 1. It is like a reducer.
2. If the RDD is made up of key-value pairs, it combines the values across all tuples with the same key by using the function we pass to it.
3. It only works on RDDs made up of key-value pairs or 2-tuples.


  • reduceByKey only works on RDDs made up of 2-tuples.

  • reduceByKey works as both a reducer and a combiner.

  • It requires that the operation is associative.

Word Count

Q: Implement word count in Spark.

  • Create some input.

In [ ]:
%%writefile input.txt
hello world
another line
yet another line
yet another another line
  • Count the words.

In [ ]:
    .flatMap(lambda line: line.split())\
    .map(lambda word: (word,1))\
    .reduceByKey(lambda count1,count2: count1+count2)\

Making List Indexing Readable

  • While this code looks reasonable, the list indexes are cryptic and hard to read.

In [ ]:
    .map(lambda x: x.split())\
    .filter(lambda x: not x[0].startswith('#'))\
    .map(lambda x: (x[-3],float(x[-1])))\
    .reduceByKey(lambda amount1,amount2: amount1+amount2)\
    .sortBy(lambda state_amount:state_amount[1],ascending=False) \
  • We can make this more readable using Python's argument unpacking feature.

Argument Unpacking

Q: Which version of getCity is more readable and why?

  • Consider this code.

In [ ]:
client = ('Dmitri','Smith','SF')

def getCity1(client):
    return client[2]

def getCity2((first,last,city)):
    return city

print getCity1(client)

print getCity2(client)
  • What is the difference between getCity1 and getCity2?

  • Which is more readable?

  • What is the essence of argument unpacking?

Pop Quiz

Q: Can argument unpacking work for deeper nested structures? Yes. It can work for arbitrarily nested tuples and lists.
Q: How would you write `getCity` given `client = ('Dmitri','Smith',('123 Eddy','SF','CA'))` `def getCity((first,last,(street,city,state))): return city`

Argument Unpacking

  • Lets test this out.

In [ ]:
client = ('Dmitri','Smith',('123 Eddy','SF','CA'))

def getCity((first,last,(street,city,state))):
    return city

  • Whenever you find yourself indexing into a tuple consider using argument unpacking to make it more readable.

  • Here is what getCity looks like with tuple indexing.

In [ ]:
def badGetCity(client):
    return client[2][1]


Argument Unpacking In Spark

Q: Rewrite the last Spark job using argument unpacking.

  • Here is the original version of the code.

In [ ]:
    .map(lambda x: x.split())\
    .filter(lambda x: not x[0].startswith('#'))\
    .map(lambda x: (x[-3],float(x[-1])))\
    .reduceByKey(lambda amount1,amount2: amount1+amount2)\
    .sortBy(lambda state_amount:state_amount[1],ascending=False) \
  • Here is the code with argument unpacking.

In [ ]:
    .map(lambda x: x.split())\
    .filter(lambda x: not x[0].startswith('#'))\
    .map(lambda (id,date,store,state,product,amount): (state,float(amount)))\
    .reduceByKey(lambda amount1,amount2: amount1+amount2)\
    .sortBy(lambda (state,amount):amount,ascending=False) \
  • In this case because we have a long list or tuple argument unpacking is a judgement call.


reduceByKey lets us aggregate values using sum, max, min, and other associative operations. But what about non-associative operations like average? How can we calculate them?

  • There are several ways to do this.

  • The first approach is to change the RDD tuples so that the operation becomes associative.

  • Instead of (state, amount) use (state, (amount, count)).

  • The second approach is to use groupByKey, which is like reduceByKey except it gathers together all the values in an iterator.

  • The iterator can then be reduced in a map step immediately after the groupByKey.

Q: Calculate the average sales per state.

  • Approach 1: Restructure the tuples.

In [ ]:
    .map(lambda x: x.split())\
    .filter(lambda x: not x[0].startswith('#'))\
    .map(lambda x: (x[-3],(float(x[-1]),1)))\
    .reduceByKey(lambda (amount1,count1),(amount2,count2): \
        (amount1+amount2, count1+count2))\
  • Note the argument unpacking we are doing in reduceByKey to name the elements of the tuples.

  • Approach 2: Use groupByKey.

In [ ]:
def mean(iter):
    total = 0.0; count = 0
    for x in iter:
        total += x; count += 1
    return total/count

    .map(lambda x: x.split())\
    .filter(lambda x: not x[0].startswith('#'))\
    .map(lambda x: (x[-3],float(x[-1])))\
    .groupByKey() \
    .map(lambda (state,iter): mean(iter))\
  • Note that we are using unpacking again.

Pop Quiz

Q: What would be the disadvantage of not using unpacking? 1. We will need to drill down into the elements.
2. The code will be harder to read.
Q: What are the pros and cons of `reduceByKey` vs `groupByKey`? 1. `groupByKey` stores the values for particular key as an iterable.
2. This will take up space in memory or on disk.
3. `reduceByKey` therefore is more scalable.
4. However, `groupByKey` does not require associative reducer operation.
5. For this reason `groupByKey` can be easier to program with.


Q: Given a table of employees and locations find the cities that the employees live in.

  • The easiest way to do this is with a join.

In [ ]:
# Employees: emp_id, loc_id, name
employee_data = [
    (101, 14, 'Alice'),
    (102, 15, 'Bob'),
    (103, 14, 'Chad'),
    (104, 15, 'Jen'),
    (105, 13, 'Dee') ]

# Locations: loc_id, location
location_data = [
    (14, 'SF'),
    (15, 'Seattle'),
    (16, 'Portland')]

employees = sc.parallelize(employee_data)
locations = sc.parallelize(location_data)

# Re-key employee records with loc_id
employees2 = (emp_id,loc_id,name):(loc_id,name));

# Now join.

Pop Quiz

Q: How can we keep employees that don't have a valid location ID in the final result? 1. Use `leftOuterJoin` to keep employees without location IDs.
2. Use `rightOuterJoin` to keep locations without employees.
3. Use `fullOuterJoin` to keep both.

RDD Details

RDD Statistics

Q: How would you calculate the mean, variance, and standard deviation of a sample produced by Python's random() function?

  • Create an RDD and apply the statistical actions to it.

In [ ]:
count = 1000
list = [random.random() for _ in xrange(count)]
rdd = sc.parallelize(list)
print rdd.mean()
print rdd.variance()
print rdd.stdev()

Pop Quiz

Q: What requirement does an RDD have to satisfy before you can apply these statistical actions to it? The RDD must consist of numeric elements.
Q: What is the advantage of using Spark vs Numpy to calculate mean or standard deviation? The calculation is distributed across different machines and will be more scalable.

RDD Laziness

  • Q: What is this Spark job doing?

In [ ]:
max = 10000000
%time sc.parallelize(xrange(max)).map(lambda x:x+1).count()
  • Q: How is the following job different from the previous one? How long do you expect it to take?

In [ ]:
%time sc.parallelize(xrange(max)).map(lambda x:x+1)

Pop Quiz

Q: Why did the second job complete so much faster? 1. Because Spark is lazy.
2. Transformations produce new RDDs and do no operations on the data.
3. Nothing happens until an action is applied to an RDD.
4. An RDD is the *recipe* for a transformation, rather than the *result* of the transformation.
Q: What is the benefit of keeping the recipe instead of the result of the action? 1. It save memory.
2. It produces *resilience*.
3. If an RDD loses data on a machine, it always knows how to recompute it.

Writing Data

Besides reading data Spark and also write data out to a file system.

Q: Calculate the squares of integers from 1 to 100 and write them out to squares.txt.

  • Make sure squares.txt does not exist.

In [ ]:
!if [ -e squares.txt ] ; then rm -rf squares.txt ; fi
  • Create the RDD and then save it to squares.txt.

In [ ]:
rdd1 = sc.parallelize(xrange(10))
rdd2 = x: x*x)
  • Now look at the output.

In [ ]:
!cat squares.txt
  • Looks like the output is a directory.

In [ ]:
!ls -l squares.txt
  • Lets take a look at the files.

In [ ]:
!for i in squares.txt/part-*; do echo $i; cat $i; done

Pop Quiz

Q: What's going on? Why are there two files in the output directory? 1. There were two threads that were processing the RDD.
2. The RDD was split up in two partitions (by default).
3. Each partition was processed in a different task.


Q: Can we control the number of partitions/tasks that Spark uses for processing data? Solve the same problem as above but this time with 5 tasks.

  • Make sure squares.txt does not exist.

In [ ]:
!if [ -e squares.txt ] ; then rm -rf squares.txt ; fi
  • Create the RDD and then save it to squares.txt.

In [ ]:
partitions = 5
rdd1 = sc.parallelize(xrange(10), partitions)
rdd2 = x: x*x)
  • Now look at the output.

In [ ]:
!ls -l squares.txt
!for i in squares.txt/part-*; do echo $i; cat $i; done

Pop Quiz

Q: How many partitions does Spark use by default? 1. By default Spark uses 2 partitions.
2. If you read an HDFS file into an RDD Spark uses one partition per block.
3. If you read a file into an RDD from S3 or some other source Spark uses 1 partition per 32 MB of data.
Q: If I read a file that is 200 MB into an RDD, how many partitions will that have? 1. If the file is on HDFS that will produce 2 partitions (each is 128 MB).
2. If the file is on S3 or some other file system it will produce 7 partitions.
3. You can also control the number of partitions by passing in an additional argument into `textFile`.

Spark Terminology

Term Meaning
Task Single thread in an executor
Partition Data processed by a single task
Record Records make up a partition that is processed by a single task


  • Every Spark application gets executors when you create a new SparkContext.

  • You can specify how many cores to assign to each executor.

  • A core is equivalent to a thread.

  • The number of cores determine how many tasks can run concurrently on an executor.

  • Each task corresponds to one partition.

Pop Quiz

Q: Suppose you have 2 executors, each with 2 cores--so a total of 4 cores. And you start a Spark job with 8 partitions. How many tasks will run concurrently? 4 tasks will execute concurrently.
Q: What happens to the other partitions? 1. The other partitions wait in queue until a task thread becomes available.
2. Think of cores as turnstile gates at a train station, and partitions as people .
3. The number of turnstiles determine how many people can get through at once.
Q: How many Spark jobs can you have in a Spark application? As many as you want.
Q: How many Spark applications and Spark jobs are in this IPython Notebook? 1. There is one Spark application because there is one `SparkContext`.
2. There are as many Spark jobs as we have invoked actions on RDDs.

Stock Quotes

Q: Find the date on which AAPL's stock price was the highest.

Suppose you have stock market data from Yahoo! for AAPL from The data is in CSV format and has these values.

Date Open High Low Close Volume Adj Close
11-18-2014 113.94 115.69 113.89 115.47 44,200,300 115.47
11-17-2014 114.27 117.28 113.30 113.99 46,746,700 113.99

Here is what the CSV looks like:

csv = [
  "#Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume,Adj Close\n",

Lets find the date on which the price was the highest.

Q: What two fields do we need to extract? 1. *Date* and *Adj Close*.
2. We want to use *Adj Close* instead of *High* so our calculation is not affected by stock splits.
Q: What field should we sort on? *Adj Close*
Q: What sequence of operations would we need to perform? 1. Use `filter` to remove the header line.
2. Use `map` to split each row into fields.
3. Use `map` to extract *Adj Close* and *Date*.
4. Use `sortBy` to sort descending on *Adj Close*.
5. Use `take(1)` to get the highest value.
  • Here is full source.

In [ ]:
csv = [
  "#Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume,Adj Close\n",
sc.parallelize(csv) \
  .filter(lambda line: not line.startswith("#")) \
  .map(lambda line: line.split(",")) \
  .map(lambda fields: (float(fields[-1]),fields[0])) \
  .sortBy(lambda (close, date): close, ascending=False) \
  • Here is the program for finding the high of any stock that stores the data in memory.

In [ ]:
import urllib2
import re

def get_stock_high(symbol):
  url = '' + \
  csv = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
  csv_lines = csv.split('\n')
  stock_rdd = sc.parallelize(csv_lines) \
    .filter(lambda line: re.match(r'\d', line)) \
    .map(lambda line: line.split(",")) \
    .map(lambda fields: (float(fields[-1]),fields[0])) \
    .sortBy(lambda (close, date): close, ascending=False)
  return stock_rdd.take(1)



  • Spark is high-level like Hive and Pig.

  • At the same time it does not invent a new language.

  • This allows it to leverage the ecosystem of tools that Python, Scala, and Java provide.

Caching and Persistence

RDD Caching

  • Consider this Spark job.

In [ ]:
import random
num_count = 500*1000
num_list = [random.random() for i in xrange(num_count)]
rdd1 = sc.parallelize(num_list)
rdd2 = rdd1.sortBy(lambda num: num)
  • Lets time running count() on rdd2.

In [ ]:
%time rdd2.count()
%time rdd2.count()
%time rdd2.count()
  • The RDD does no work until an action is called. And then when an action is called it figures out the answer and then throws away all the data.

  • If you have an RDD that you are going to reuse in your computation you can use cache() to make Spark cache the RDD.

  • Lets cache it and try again.

In [ ]:
%time rdd2.count()
%time rdd2.count()
%time rdd2.count()
  • Caching the RDD speeds up the job because the RDD does not have to be computed from scratch again.


  • Calling cache() flips a flag on the RDD.

  • The data is not cached until an action is called.

  • You can uncache an RDD using unpersist().

Pop Quiz

Q: Will `unpersist` uncache the RDD immediately or does it wait for an action? It unpersists immediately.

Caching and Persistence

Q: Persist RDD to disk instead of caching it in memory.

  • You can cache RDDs at different levels.

  • Here is an example.

In [ ]:
import pyspark
rdd = sc.parallelize(xrange(100))

Pop Quiz

Q: Will the RDD be stored on disk at this point? No. It will get stored after we call an action.

Persistence Levels

Level Meaning
MEMORY_ONLY Same as cache()
MEMORY_AND_DISK Cache in memory then overflow to disk
MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER Like above; in cache keep objects serialized instead of live
DISK_ONLY Cache to disk not to memory


  • MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER is a good compromise between the levels.

  • Fast, but not too expensive.

  • Make sure you unpersist when you don't need the RDD any more.

Spark Performance

Narrow and Wide Transformations

  • Spark transformations are narrow if each RDD has one unique child past the transformation.

  • Spark transformations are wide if each RDD can have multiple children past the transformation.

  • Narrow transformations are map-like, while wide transformations are reduce-like.

  • Narrow transformations are faster because they do move data between executors, while wide transformations are slower.


  • Over time partitions can get skewed.

  • Or you might have less data or more data than you started with.

  • You can rebalance your partitions using repartition or coalesce.

  • coalesce is narrow while repartition is wide.

Pop Quiz

Between `coalesce` and `repartition` which one is faster? Which one is more effective? 1. `coalesce` is narrow so it is faster.
2. However, it only combines partitions and does not shuffle them.
3. `repartition` is wide but it partitions more effectively because it reshuffles the records.


Amazon S3