Reference Light Curves of SN

The basic plan

The set of quantities related to supernovae used in Twinkles are in a table called TwinkSN on a computer at UW. This code in the Monitor package accesses this data to have a complete characterization of the SN truth parameters.

It then creates an instance of lsst.sims.catUtils.supernovae.SNObject using these values. Since SNObject has methods that estimate flux, and estimated flux uncertainty given parameters that characterize the observation, we can use this to find the light curves of the supernovae. The light curves have two main quantities, the measured flux and uncertainty on the measured flux. These quantities depend on the properties of the astrophysical objects, and the properties of the observation. By properties of observation, we mean site/Hardware properties and the properties of the sky at the time of the observation. The most important of these are the bandpasses (transmissions) and fivesigma depth (obtained from OpSim).

Thus, monitor.RefLightCuves must be passed these quantities in order to obtain the light curve. However, for analyzing the Twinkles run, where we have a clearer idea of both the bandpasses (LSST) and the properties of the observation (from a selection of OpSim visits), we have a simple method to set this up: monitor.RefLightCurve.fromTwinklesData.

Imports and Setup

In [1]:
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

In [2]:
import os

In [3]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

In [4]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/ ShimWarning: The `IPython.html` package has been deprecated. You should import from `notebook` instead. `IPython.html.widgets` has moved to `ipywidgets`.
  "`IPython.html.widgets` has moved to `ipywidgets`.", ShimWarning)

In [5]:
# Import from monitor
from desc.monitor import RefLightCurves
import desc.monitor as monitor

/Users/rbiswas/src/LSST_el_Capitan/sims_catalogs/python/lsst/sims/catalogs/db/ UserWarning: Duplicate object type id 25 specified: 
Output object ids may not be unique.
This may not be a problem if you do not want globally unique id values
  'want globally unique id values')
/Users/rbiswas/src/LSST_el_Capitan/sims_catalogs/python/lsst/sims/catalogs/db/ UserWarning: Duplicate object type id 40 specified: 
Output object ids may not be unique.
This may not be a problem if you do not want globally unique id values
  'want globally unique id values')


The quantities needed for the light curves are time (MJD), and fiveSigmaDepth. While this can come from various formats, right now, there is only one that has been implemented: a dataframe. The data directory of the package desc.Monitor contains a csv file which has the necessary pointings

In [6]:
data_dir = os.path.join(os.environ['MONITOR_DIR'], 'data')
opsimCsv = os.path.join(data_dir, 'SelectedKrakenVisits.csv')
opsimdf = pd.read_csv(opsimCsv, index_col='obsHistID')
df = opsimdf[['expMJD', 'filter', 'fiveSigmaDepth']]

Obtaining the parameters from the database

Setting up a connection to the CatSim DataBase which has parameters of the SN model.

In [7]:
import pymssql
from lsst.utils import getPackageDir
import lsst.sims.catUtils.baseCatalogModels as bcm
from lsst.daf.persistence import DbAuth

In [8]:
config = bcm.BaseCatalogConfig()
config.load(os.path.join(getPackageDir("sims_catUtils"), "config", ""))

In [9]:
username = DbAuth.username(, config.port)    
password = DbAuth.password(, config.port)
hostname =
DBConnection = pymssql.connect(user=username,
db = DBConnection.cursor()

The RefLightCurves Class

This is instantiated in the following way:

In [10]:
# The ids are obtained from Instance Catalogs
reflc = RefLightCurves(idSequence=(6144007055260714, 6144158471480362),

Find the number of objects in the table

In [11]:

<pymssql.Connection at 0x12118ee18>

In [12]:


In [13]:


Get all ids on the table

What are the IDs in the table (unique IDs)?

In [14]:
ids = reflc.allIdinTable(chunksize=None)

[6000000005002 6000000005001 6000000005000 ..., 6001742779700 6001742827001

The astrophysical object properties can be obtained by using the following function in the form of a pd.DataFrame

Or if the table is too large, and you only want to get a few of the IDs

In [15]:
ids = reflc.allIdinTable(chunksize=10)

[6000000005002 6000000005001 6000000005000 6000000013401 6000000013400
 6000000013403 6000000013402 6000000013700 6000000014902 6000000014903]

Get the parameters for an object

In [16]:

redshift snra sndec t0 x0 x1 c
6000006889903 0.0792 53.005626 -27.389538 3627.69276 0.0008 -0.286958 -0.086294

In [17]:
allParamsInIdSequence = reflc.get_params()

redshift snra sndec t0 x0 x1 c
6000006889903 0.0792 53.005626 -27.389538 3627.692760 0.000800 -0.286958 -0.086294
6000154757305 0.0882 53.051542 -27.414282 3565.558086 0.001018 0.607759 -0.261934

In [18]:
reflcAll = RefLightCurves(tableName='TwinkSN',

In [19]:
# Slow because all rows
allParams = reflcAll.get_params()

In [20]:

redshift snra sndec t0 x0 x1 c
6001163623700 0.3401 52.803079 -27.843361 1731.094090 0.000025 -1.981708 -0.043500
6000324908000 0.3249 52.797229 -27.843795 1664.942389 0.000037 0.697824 -0.140121
6000324908001 0.3249 52.797248 -27.843597 1608.347547 0.000025 -0.238670 0.053811
6000324908002 0.3249 52.797264 -27.843773 350.999770 0.000025 0.220203 0.061134
6000350930401 0.6747 52.798069 -27.846654 2128.934351 0.000005 0.052383 0.120673

The instance of the class representing the astrophysical object itself can be obtained by the following method for SN

In [21]:
sn = reflc.astro_object(idValue=6144007055260714)

Following the usual methods in sims.catUtils.supernovae.SNObject the properties of this SN can be seen using

Calculating Light Curves

In [22]:
from lsst.sims.photUtils import BandpassDict

In [23]:
# Get the `bandpassDict` instance from files using catsim methods
lsstBP = BandpassDict.loadBandpassesFromFiles()
# This is a tuple, the first component gives the total bandpass, while the second gives the hardware bandpass

In [24]:
# Pass the bandpass and get the lightcurve for the observations 
reflc.lightCurve(idValue=6144007055260714, observations=df, bandPassDict=lsstBP[0])

band flux fluxerr m5 time
2420278 u 7.199320e-12 8.797582e-11 23.364561 63187.066784
2421021 u 3.314851e-11 1.410967e-10 22.862402 63188.080403
2421812 u 7.690017e-11 1.404422e-10 22.868438 63189.117991
2423149 g 1.272596e-09 5.665873e-11 23.897282 63191.072483
2423169 i 2.148215e-09 9.308826e-11 23.357840 63191.082182
2423139 r 2.096949e-09 5.994450e-11 23.861980 63191.066950
2423215 y 9.526965e-10 4.722771e-10 21.564430 63191.104080
2423195 z 5.356918e-10 1.427617e-10 22.864327 63191.094381
2425238 g 9.330813e-09 9.346192e-11 23.423457 63194.058901
2425258 i 8.222144e-09 1.295306e-10 23.037736 63194.068600
2425228 r 8.633074e-09 8.818023e-11 23.509058 63194.053369
2425304 y 4.778328e-09 4.320610e-10 21.669652 63194.090498
2425284 z 4.359758e-09 1.922341e-10 22.561392 63194.080799
2431066 g 4.441919e-08 8.774692e-11 24.820795 63203.063235
2431086 i 2.902097e-08 1.074972e-10 23.709872 63203.072935
2431056 r 3.702634e-08 8.877849e-11 24.510950 63203.057703
2431132 y 1.974664e-08 3.496905e-10 21.959283 63203.094833
2431112 z 2.082493e-08 1.252500e-10 23.350828 63203.085134
2433151 g 4.932146e-08 9.240479e-11 24.774518 63206.067328
2433171 i 2.934033e-08 1.025594e-10 23.875005 63206.077027
2433141 r 4.211392e-08 9.445696e-11 24.463415 63206.061796
2433217 y 2.105396e-08 3.690927e-10 21.897697 63206.098925
2433197 z 2.150988e-08 1.253895e-10 23.364939 63206.089226
2435233 g 4.853480e-08 9.451542e-11 24.434006 63209.067435
2435253 i 2.963103e-08 1.144652e-10 23.556593 63209.077134
2435223 r 4.356894e-08 1.003223e-10 24.138431 63209.061903
2435299 y 2.170041e-08 4.799838e-10 21.585981 63209.099032
2435279 z 1.832180e-08 1.444717e-10 23.051477 63209.089333
2435922 u 2.136135e-08 1.654013e-10 23.328118 63211.062926
2436607 u 1.944430e-08 1.504605e-10 23.566237 63212.063334
2437301 u 1.765450e-08 1.575222e-10 23.281295 63213.063974
2438631 u 1.301931e-08 1.393553e-10 23.360341 63216.065405
2439331 u 1.168365e-08 1.589653e-10 23.018465 63217.065976
2440036 u 1.043666e-08 1.330928e-10 23.321099 63218.075410
2440831 g 2.727412e-08 7.127925e-11 24.692735 63219.127822
2440841 i 1.816667e-08 8.489062e-11 23.966934 63219.133354
2440811 r 3.098705e-08 8.168054e-11 24.557801 63219.118123
2440887 y 1.875830e-08 3.646762e-10 21.904341 63219.155253
2440861 z 1.218071e-08 1.071438e-10 23.427766 63219.143054
2442752 g 2.091153e-08 7.778658e-11 23.959153 63222.073362
2442772 i 1.667110e-08 1.055040e-10 23.444245 63222.083061
2442742 r 2.680369e-08 8.657722e-11 23.998963 63222.067830
2442799 y 1.938496e-08 3.933461e-10 21.815287 63222.111827
2442775 z 1.157850e-08 1.512941e-10 22.905166 63222.085677

Simpler methods for Twinkles

For the Twinkles Data Analysis, we can use a simpler method. The full API is shown below:

In [25]:
reflcTwink = RefLightCurves.fromTwinklesData(tableName='TwinkSN',
                                             columns=('id', 'redshift', 'snra', 'sndec', 't0',
                                                      'x0', 'x1', 'c'),

The tableName, idCol, objectTypeID, and columns will change from one astrophysical object to another. The defaults are currently correct for SN, so one could simply do

reflcTwink = RefLightCurves.fromTwinklesData(tableName='TwinkSN")

The light Curves can be accessed in the following way

In [26]:


In [27]:

band flux fluxerr m5 time
2420278 u 7.199320e-12 8.797582e-11 23.364561 63187.066784
2421021 u 3.314851e-11 1.410967e-10 22.862402 63188.080403
2421812 u 7.690017e-11 1.404422e-10 22.868438 63189.117991
2423149 g 1.272596e-09 5.665873e-11 23.897282 63191.072483
2423169 i 2.148215e-09 9.308826e-11 23.357840 63191.082182
2423139 r 2.096949e-09 5.994450e-11 23.861980 63191.066950
2423215 y 9.526965e-10 4.722771e-10 21.564430 63191.104080
2423195 z 5.356918e-10 1.427617e-10 22.864327 63191.094381
2425238 g 9.330813e-09 9.346192e-11 23.423457 63194.058901
2425258 i 8.222144e-09 1.295306e-10 23.037736 63194.068600
2425228 r 8.633074e-09 8.818023e-11 23.509058 63194.053369
2425304 y 4.778328e-09 4.320610e-10 21.669652 63194.090498
2425284 z 4.359758e-09 1.922341e-10 22.561392 63194.080799
2431066 g 4.441919e-08 8.774692e-11 24.820795 63203.063235
2431086 i 2.902097e-08 1.074972e-10 23.709872 63203.072935
2431056 r 3.702634e-08 8.877849e-11 24.510950 63203.057703
2431132 y 1.974664e-08 3.496905e-10 21.959283 63203.094833
2431112 z 2.082493e-08 1.252500e-10 23.350828 63203.085134
2433151 g 4.932146e-08 9.240479e-11 24.774518 63206.067328
2433171 i 2.934033e-08 1.025594e-10 23.875005 63206.077027
2433141 r 4.211392e-08 9.445696e-11 24.463415 63206.061796
2433217 y 2.105396e-08 3.690927e-10 21.897697 63206.098925
2433197 z 2.150988e-08 1.253895e-10 23.364939 63206.089226
2435233 g 4.853480e-08 9.451542e-11 24.434006 63209.067435
2435253 i 2.963103e-08 1.144652e-10 23.556593 63209.077134
2435223 r 4.356894e-08 1.003223e-10 24.138431 63209.061903
2435299 y 2.170041e-08 4.799838e-10 21.585981 63209.099032
2435279 z 1.832180e-08 1.444717e-10 23.051477 63209.089333
2435922 u 2.136135e-08 1.654013e-10 23.328118 63211.062926
2436607 u 1.944430e-08 1.504605e-10 23.566237 63212.063334
2437301 u 1.765450e-08 1.575222e-10 23.281295 63213.063974
2438631 u 1.301931e-08 1.393553e-10 23.360341 63216.065405
2439331 u 1.168365e-08 1.589653e-10 23.018465 63217.065976
2440036 u 1.043666e-08 1.330928e-10 23.321099 63218.075410
2440831 g 2.727412e-08 7.127925e-11 24.692735 63219.127822
2440841 i 1.816667e-08 8.489062e-11 23.966934 63219.133354
2440811 r 3.098705e-08 8.168054e-11 24.557801 63219.118123
2440887 y 1.875830e-08 3.646762e-10 21.904341 63219.155253
2440861 z 1.218071e-08 1.071438e-10 23.427766 63219.143054
2442752 g 2.091153e-08 7.778658e-11 23.959153 63222.073362
2442772 i 1.667110e-08 1.055040e-10 23.444245 63222.083061
2442742 r 2.680369e-08 8.657722e-11 23.998963 63222.067830
2442799 y 1.938496e-08 3.933461e-10 21.815287 63222.111827
2442775 z 1.157850e-08 1.512941e-10 22.905166 63222.085677

We can get the light curves for each band by

In [28]:
reflcTwink.lightCurve(idValue=6144007055260714, bandName='r')

band flux fluxerr m5 time
2423139 r 2.096949e-09 5.994450e-11 23.861980 63191.066950
2425228 r 8.633074e-09 8.818023e-11 23.509058 63194.053369
2431056 r 3.702634e-08 8.877849e-11 24.510950 63203.057703
2433141 r 4.211392e-08 9.445696e-11 24.463415 63206.061796
2435223 r 4.356894e-08 1.003223e-10 24.138431 63209.061903
2440811 r 3.098705e-08 8.168054e-11 24.557801 63219.118123
2442742 r 2.680369e-08 8.657722e-11 23.998963 63222.067830

In [ ]: