The data
folder can be found in the same folder as this notebook. Just drag and drop your NIfTI file into the data folder and press the upload button.
In [1]:
# Template to use for background
mnipath = '../scripts/templates/MNI152_T1_1mm_brain.nii.gz'
# Direction to make the cuts, can be x, y, z, xy, xz, yz, xyz
ortho = 'xyz'
# How many rows should the cuts be distributed over
nRows = 2
# How many cuts should be included in the figure
nCuts = 6
# Should left / right annotation be shown
showLRannot = 1
# What should be shown: Brain, Numbers, Both
figLayout = 'Both'
# Positive threshold for overlay
threshpos = 3
# Negative threshold for overlay
threshneg = 3
# Should optimal cut spacing be estimated or not (not means equal spacing)
findOptimalCut = 1
# File extension to use for figure
imageType = 'png'
In [2]:
%run ../scripts/ \
data \
$mnipath \
$ortho \
$nRows \
$nCuts \
$showLRannot \
$figLayout \
$threshpos \
$threshneg \
$findOptimalCut \
In [3]:
from IPython.display import Image, display
outputs = sorted(gg('data/figures/*.%s' % imageType))
for o in outputs:
a = Image(filename=o)