In [1]:
rolls a slightly biased (100-sided) die
import random
def win(x):
a simple win/loss: where win if (100 > x > 50)
return int(bool(100 > x > 50))
def die():
a simple win/loss: where win if (100 > random(1,100) > 50)
return win(random.randint(1,100))
In [2]:
usage testing of roll
import roll
def roll_dice(N):
"roll a biased 100-sided die N times"
rolls = []
for i in range(N):
return rolls
if __name__ == '__main__':
N = 25
In [3]:
In [4]:
betting strategies
forked from:
import roll
def simple(funds, initial_wager, wager_count, *args):
Simple bettor, betting the same amount each time.
value = funds
wager = initial_wager
history = [funds] + [0]*(wager_count)
currentWager = 1
while currentWager <= wager_count:
if roll.die():
value += wager
history[currentWager] = value
value -= wager
if value <= 0:
history[currentWager] = value
currentWager += 1
return history
def martingale(funds, initial_wager, wager_count, wscale=1, lscale=1):
'''martingale bettor, "doubling-down" (actually, "*scaling-down")'''
value = funds
wager = initial_wager
history = [funds] + [0]*(wager_count)
currentWager = 1
# since we'll be betting based on previous bet outcome #
previousWager = 'win'
# since we'll be doubling #
previousWagerAmount = initial_wager
while currentWager <= wager_count:
if previousWager == 'win':
if roll.die():
value += wager
history[currentWager] = value
value -= wager
if value <= 0:
history[currentWager] = value
previousWager = 'loss'
previousWagerAmount = wager
elif previousWager == 'loss':
if roll.die():
wager = previousWagerAmount * wscale
if (value - wager) < 0:
wager = value
value += wager
history[currentWager] = value
wager = initial_wager
previousWager = 'win'
wager = previousWagerAmount * lscale
if (value - wager) < 0:
wager = value
value -= wager
if value <= 0:
history[currentWager] = value
previousWager = 'loss'
previousWagerAmount = wager
currentWager += 1
return history
def dAlembert(funds, initial_wager, wager_count, *args):
'''d'Alembert bettor'''
value = funds
wager = initial_wager
history = [funds] + [0]*(wager_count)
currentWager = 1
# since we'll be betting based on previous bet outcome #
previousWager = 'win'
# since we'll be doubling #
previousWagerAmount = initial_wager
while currentWager <= wager_count:
if previousWager == 'win':
if wager == initial_wager:
wager -= initial_wager
if roll.die():
value += wager
history[currentWager] = value
value -= wager
if value <= 0:
history[currentWager] = value
previousWager = 'loss'
previousWagerAmount = wager
elif previousWager == 'loss':
wager = previousWagerAmount + initial_wager
if (value - wager) < 0:
wager = value
if roll.die():
value += wager
history[currentWager] = value
previousWager = 'win'
value -= wager
if value <= 0:
history[currentWager] = value
previousWager = 'loss'
previousWagerAmount = wager
currentWager += 1
return history
In [5]:
usage testing of strategy
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as mpl
import strategy
def plot_trajectory(initial_funds, initial_bets, number_bets, *args, **kwds):
"plot the rolls of a 100-sided die for all strategies"
bettors = (strategy.simple, strategy.martingale, strategy.dAlembert)
for bettor in bettors:
mpl.plot(bettor(initial_funds, initial_bets, number_bets, *args, **kwds))
# baseline
mpl.plot(initial_funds * np.ones(number_bets+1), lw=2)
if __name__ == '__main__':
initial_funds = 10000
initial_bet = 100
number_bets = 1000
W = L = 2
plot_trajectory(initial_funds, initial_bet, number_bets, W, L)
In [6]:
In [7]:
%matplotlib inline
In [8]:
import matplotlib.pylab as mpl
import use_strategy as use
initial_funds = 10000
initial_bet = 100
number_bets = 1000
W = L = 2
use.plot_trajectory(initial_funds, initial_bet, number_bets, W, L)
In [9]:
monte carlo trials for betting strategies, and measures of success
import numpy as np
from strategy import simple, martingale, dAlembert
def monte(bettor, initial_funds, initial_bet, number_bets, number_players, W,L):
"monte carlo run for a betting strategy"
history = []
while len(history) < number_players:
history.append(bettor(initial_funds, initial_bet, number_bets, W,L))
return np.array(history)
def alive(history, number_players):
"find the percentage of players that are not broke"
return 100. * sum(np.asarray(history, bool).T[-1])/number_players
def gains(history, number_players, initial_funds):
"find the percentage of players that have profited"
return 100. * sum(history.T[-1] > initial_funds)/number_players
def profit(history, number_players, initial_funds):
"find the total profit"
return np.max(history.T[-1]) - initial_funds
def margin(history, number_players, initial_funds):
"find the percentage the return on investment is over the initial funds"
initial = number_players * initial_funds
return 100.* (sum(history.T[-1]) - initial)/initial
In [25]:
usage testing of trials
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as mpl
import trials
def plot_trajectories(bettor, initial_funds, initial_bet, number_bets, number_players, W,L):
"plot the Monte Carlo trajectories of a 100-sided die for the selected strategy"
history = trials.monte(bettor, initial_funds, initial_bet, number_bets, number_players, W,L)
mpl.plot(initial_funds * np.ones(number_bets+1), lw=2)
print "survived: {}%".format(trials.alive(history, number_players))
print "profited: {}%".format(trials.gains(history, number_players, initial_funds))
funds = trials.margin(history, number_players, initial_funds)
funds = np.mean(funds)*initial_funds
win = funds >= 0
print "ave profit: {}${:.2f}".format('' if win else '-', funds if win else -funds)
funds = trials.profit(history, number_players, initial_funds)
win = funds >= 0
print "max profit: {}${:.2f}".format('' if win else '-', funds if win else -funds)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import strategy
initial_funds = 10000
initial_bet = 100
number_bets = 1000
number_players = 100
bettor = strategy.martingale
W = L = 2.0
plot_trajectories(bettor, initial_funds, initial_bet, number_bets, number_players, W,L)
In [11]:
import matplotlib.pylab as mpl
import use_trials as use
import strategy
initial_funds = 10000
initial_bet = 100
number_bets = 1000
number_players = 100
bettor = strategy.martingale
W = L = 2.0
use.plot_trajectories(bettor, initial_funds, initial_bet, number_bets, number_players, W,L)
In [12]:
import matplotlib.pylab as mpl
import use_trials as use
import strategy
initial_funds = 10000
initial_bet = 100
number_bets = 1000
number_players = 100
bettor = strategy.simple
W = L = 2.0
use.plot_trajectories(bettor, initial_funds, initial_bet, number_bets, number_players, W,L)
In [41]:
monte carlo optimization of betting strategies for a given quantitative measure
import numpy as np
from itertools import imap
import strategy
from trials import monte, alive, gains, profit, margin
def monte_stats(bettor, initial_funds, initial_bet, number_bets, number_players, W,L):
"get the desired stats from a monte carlo run"
settings = np.seterr(over='ignore', invalid='ignore')
history = monte(bettor, initial_funds, initial_bet, number_bets, number_players, W,L)
survived = alive(history, number_players)
profited = gains(history, number_players, initial_funds)
max_profit = profit(history, number_players, initial_funds)
ave_profit = margin(history, number_players, initial_funds)
return survived, profited, max_profit, ave_profit
def safety_metric(initial_funds, survived, profited, max_profit, ave_profit):
"we define optimality with (4*profited + survived)/5"
return (4*profited + survived)/5
def profit_metric(initial_funds, survived, profited, max_profit, ave_profit):
"we define optimality with (max_profit - ave_profit)"
return max_profit - (np.mean(ave_profit) * initial_funds)
def optimize_WL(metric, players=100, funds=None, bet=None, number_bets=None, symmetric=False):
"soewhat hacky Monte Carlo optimization of betting parameters for martingale strategy"
samples = int(np.random.uniform(100., 1000.)) if players is None else int(players)
if funds is None: funds = np.random.uniform(1000. ,1000000.)
if bet is None: bet = np.random.uniform(1. ,1000.)
number_bets = int(np.random.uniform(10.,10000.)) if number_bets is None else int(number_bets)
bettor = strategy.martingale
W = np.random.uniform(0.1, 10., samples)
L = W if symmetric else np.random.uniform(0.1, 10., samples)
def measure(W,L):
"let's hide this, because it's ugly (*groan*)" # good indicator a class should be built
return metric(funds, *monte_stats(bettor, funds, bet, number_bets, samples, W,L))
# use imap to run the monte carlo, because it's cool
results = imap(measure, W,L)
i = 0
best_result = 0.0
best_value = W[0],L[0]
for result in results:
if result > best_result:
best_result = result
best_value = W[i],L[i]
print "best: %s @ %s" % (best_result, best_value)
i += 1
if not i%np.floor_divide(samples, 10):
print "{:.2f}% done".format(100. * i / samples)
return best_value
if __name__ == '__main__':
initial_funds = 10000
initial_bet = 100
number_bets = 100
number_players = 300 # XXX: THIS SHOULD BE MUCH LARGER
metric = safety_metric
symmetric = True
print "optimizing W,L for symmetric=%s\n%s\n" % (symmetric, metric.__doc__)
optimize_WL(metric, number_players, initial_funds, initial_bet, number_bets, symmetric)
In [42]:
Now on to the tutorial...