AAS Convex Trajectory Update

In [6]:
import os 
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import seaborn
from importlib import reload
import copy
# seaborn.set_style("whitegrid")
from scipy.io import loadmat, savemat
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d 


['bmh', 'classic', 'dark_background', 'fivethirtyeight', 'ggplot', 'grayscale', 'seaborn-bright', 'seaborn-colorblind', 'seaborn-dark-palette', 'seaborn-dark', 'seaborn-darkgrid', 'seaborn-deep', 'seaborn-muted', 'seaborn-notebook', 'seaborn-paper', 'seaborn-pastel', 'seaborn-poster', 'seaborn-talk', 'seaborn-ticks', 'seaborn-white', 'seaborn-whitegrid', 'seaborn']

In [2]:
from EntryGuidance import EntryEquations as EE
from EntryGuidance import MonteCarloV as MC
from EntryGuidance import Parachute, InitialState
from EntryGuidance.Simulation import Simulation, Cycle
from EntryGuidance.Triggers import AccelerationTrigger, VelocityTrigger, RangeToGoTrigger, SRPTrigger
from Utils import gpops 
from Utils.submatrix import submatrix 
from Utils.smooth import smooth

In [3]:
x0 = InitialState.InitialState(rtg=870e3)
model = EE.Entry()
target = model.planet.coord(x0[1], x0[2], 0, dr=870e3, cr=0e3)
print("Initial State: {}".format(x0))
print("Target: {}".format(target))

Initial State: [ 3.54000000e+06  0.00000000e+00  0.00000000e+00  5.50500000e+03
 -2.46964089e-01  0.00000000e+00  8.70000000e+05  2.80400000e+03]
Target: (0.25610833088018825, 1.551123825447439e-17)

In [29]:
def get_opt_traj(x0, bank, target):
    y0 = [float(x) for x in x0[:6]]
    target = [float(t) for t in target]
    traj = gpops.EG([y0, float(bank), target[0], target[1]])
    return traj

def plot_gpops(x, label='', figsize=(10,6), fontsize=18, linespec={}):
#     x = np.array(traj['state'])
    r,th,ph,v,fpa,heading,bank = x.T
    h = r/1000 - 3397
    dr = th*3397
    cr = -ph*3397
    opts = {'fontsize' : fontsize}
    plt.figure(1, figsize=figsize)
    plt.plot(v[h>8.8], h[h>8.8], label=label, **linespec)
    plt.xlabel('Velocity (m/s)', **opts)
    plt.ylabel('Altitude (km)', **opts)
    plt.figure(2, figsize=figsize)
    plt.plot(dr, cr, label=label, **linespec)
    plt.xlabel('Downrange (km)', **opts)
    plt.ylabel('Crossrange (km)', **opts)
    plt.figure(3, figsize=figsize)
    plt.plot(v, np.degrees(fpa), label=label, **linespec)
    plt.xlabel('Velocity', **opts)
    plt.ylabel('FPA (deg)', **opts)
    plt.figure(4, figsize=figsize)
    plt.plot(v, np.degrees(heading), label=label, **linespec)
    plt.xlabel('Velocity (m/s)', **opts)
    plt.ylabel('Heading (deg)', **opts)
    plt.figure(5, figsize=figsize)
    plt.plot(v, np.degrees(bank), label=label, **linespec)
    plt.xlabel('Velocity (m/s)', **opts)
    plt.ylabel('Bank Angle (deg)', **opts)

In [5]:
traj = get_opt_traj(x0, 0., target)
# plot_gpops(np.array(traj['state']))

In [88]:
class ConvexPC(object):
    """ Defines a controller class based on convex optimization updates to a trajectory

    def __init__(self, traj, tspan=30, verbose=False):
        self.history = []
        self.t_replan = []
        self.x_replan = []
        self.bank_replan = []
        self.tspan = tspan
        self.target = self.history[0][-1, 1:3]
    def controller(self, time, velocity, current_state, bank, **kwargs):
        if not self.t_replan:
        if self.trigger(time, velocity):
            if self.verbose: print("Replanning...")
            traj = get_opt_traj(current_state, bank, self.target)
            if self.verbose: print("    ...done")
        return self.profile(velocity)
    def trigger(self, time, velocity):
        return time - self.t_replan[-1] >= self.tspan and velocity > 600
    def set_profile(self, traj):
        x = np.array(traj['state'])
        r,th,ph,v,fpa,heading,bank = x.T
        self.profile = interp1d(v, bank, kind='cubic', axis=0, copy=True, bounds_error=False, fill_value=(bank[-1], bank[0]), assume_sorted=False)
    def plot_history(self,):
        # each element is a full set of states
        plot_gpops(self.history[0], label="Nominal")

        for i,(x,b,traj) in enumerate(zip(self.x_replan, self.bank_replan, self.history)):
            y = np.append(x[0:6], b)
            plot_gpops(y, linespec={'marker':'o', 'markersize':9}) #label="Update {}".format(i+1), 
            plot_gpops(traj) # label="Update {}".format(i)
    def plot_traj(self, sim, save=False, fontsize=16, draw_parachute=False):
        plot_gpops(self.history[0], label="Nominal",fontsize=fontsize,linespec={'linewidth':3})
        traj_ = np.concatenate((sim.history[:,0:6], sim.control_history[:,0:1]), axis=1)
        plot_gpops(traj_, label="Flown", fontsize=fontsize, linespec={'linewidth':3})
        for i,(x,b) in enumerate(zip(self.x_replan, self.bank_replan)):
            y = np.append(x[0:6], b)
            plot_gpops(y, linespec={'marker':'o', 'color':'black','markersize':9}) #label="Update {}".format(i+1),
        if draw_parachute:
#             plt.axis([300, 500, 5.5, 18])
        names = ["AltVel","DRCR","FPA","Heading","Bank"]
        for i in range(1,6):
#             plt.grid('off')
            if save:
                plt.savefig("./results/convex/{}.png".format(names[i-1]), bbox_inches='tight')

In [91]:
conditions = [AccelerationTrigger('drag', 2), SRPTrigger(0, 480, 1000)]
states = ["Drag < 2 m/s^2", "Guided Entry"]
sim = Simulation(cycle=Cycle(1), output=True, **{ 'states' : states,
              'conditions' : conditions })

OL = ConvexPC(traj, 1e6) # never replans, just open loop essentially
CL = ConvexPC(traj, tspan=10)
res = sim.run(copy.deepcopy(x0), [OL.controller, CL.controller], [-.04, .04, .0,.00014])
# sim.plot(compare=False)

Resetting simulation states.

L/D: 0.26
BC : 126.66064500789813 kg/m^2
current simulation time = 0 s
current simulation time = 10 s
current simulation time = 20 s
current simulation time = 30 s
current simulation time = 40 s
current simulation time = 50 s
current simulation time = 60 s
Transitioning from state Drag < 2 m/s^2 to Guided Entry because the following condition was met:
Drag >= 2 m/s^2
time : 66.47421052631579

altitude : 64150.940173238516

longitude : 0.10258596856437072

latitude : 2.2306622699124927e-07

velocity : 5537.154713666175

fpa : -0.18463216334950938

heading : 1.969704021288227e-05

rangeToGo : 521515.46478683373

mass : 2804.0

drag : 2.0062715580181476

lift : 0.5230324204533231

planet : <EntryGuidance.Planet.Planet object at 0x00000000126A6780>

aero_ratios : (1, 1)

bank : -0.06160411811108236

energy : 15563728.409411928

disturbance : 0

current simulation time = 69 s
current simulation time = 79 s
current simulation time = 89 s
current simulation time = 99 s
current simulation time = 109 s
current simulation time = 119 s
current simulation time = 129 s
current simulation time = 139 s
current simulation time = 149 s
current simulation time = 159 s
current simulation time = 169 s
current simulation time = 179 s
current simulation time = 189 s
current simulation time = 199 s
current simulation time = 209 s
current simulation time = 219 s
current simulation time = 229 s
current simulation time = 239 s
current simulation time = 249 s
current simulation time = 259 s
current simulation time = 269 s
current simulation time = 279 s
current simulation time = 289 s
current simulation time = 299 s
current simulation time = 309 s
Transitioning from state Guided Entry to Complete because the following condition was met:
SRP phase triggered due because range to go is < 1000 m and velocity < 480 m/s
time : 313.10315789473685

altitude : 11018.680876105558

longitude : 0.2558191388947941

latitude : -9.668812225692124e-06

velocity : 473.1232365793659

fpa : -0.26734641005405524

heading : 0.03479330467688659

rangeToGo : 982.4976780522452

mass : 2804.0

drag : 4.286008188495041

lift : 1.4449615609112565

planet : <EntryGuidance.Planet.Planet object at 0x00000000126A6780>

aero_ratios : (1, 1)

bank : 0.0005014713467332255

energy : 152687.11510679685

disturbance : 0

C:\Users\cdnoyes\Documents\EDL\EntryGuidance\Planet.py:113: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
  PHI = np.sign(lonc-lon0)*arccos( (sin(latc) - sin(lat0)*cos(d13))/(cos(lat0)*sin(d13)) )

In [92]:
CL.plot_traj(sim, save=True, draw_parachute=True, fontsize=16)

In [ ]:

In [32]:
def uncertainty(K=1): # MSL-like dispersions, according to Soumyo Dutta paper on reconstruction 
        import chaospy as cp 
        R = cp.Normal(0, 32/3) * K
        V = cp.Normal(0, 0.026/3) * K                       # Entry velocity deviation
        lon = cp.Normal(0, np.radians(0.000781/3)) * K
        lat = cp.Normal(0, np.radians(0.00036/3)) * K 
        gamma = cp.Normal(0, np.radians(0.0004/3.0))* K       # Entry FPA deviation, 
        azi = cp.Normal(0, np.radians(0.0003/3.0))*K       # Entry Azimuth deviation, 
        s0 = cp.Normal(0, np.radians(0.0003/3.0)) # redundant 
        m0 = cp.Normal(0, 0.0001/3)
        return cp.J(R,lon,lat,V,gamma,azi,s0,m0)
from EntryGuidance.Uncertainty import getUncertainty 

def Sample(N):
    return uncertainty().sample(N,'S').T, getUncertainty()['parametric'].sample(N,'S').T

In [50]:
X0 = Sample(20)

In [51]:

(200, 8)
(200, 4)

In [42]:
def get_state(state, df_list):
    return [df[state] for df in df_list]
def get_final_state(state, df_list):
    return [df[state].values[-1] for df in df_list]

In [43]:
hf = get_final_state('altitude', collect)
vf = get_final_state('velocity', collect)
drf = get_final_state('downrange', collect)
crf = get_final_state('crossrange', collect)

[6.159216786794365, 10.6375304305451, 9.240407728792167]

In [48]:
# plt.hist()
plt.scatter(vf, hf)

plt.scatter(vf, hf)

# plt.figure(5, figsize=figsize)
# plt.hist(hor_err, cumulative=True, histtype='step', bins='auto', linewidth=4, normed=True)
# plt.xlabel("Horizontal Error (km)")

plt.figure(6, figsize=figsize)
plt.hist(hf, cumulative=True, histtype='step', bins='auto', linewidth=3, normed=True)
plt.xlabel("Final Altitude (km)")

Text(0.5,0,'Final Altitude (km)')

Run a monte carlo using the controller:

In [ ]:
collect = []
for dx0, sample in zip(*X0):
    OL = ConvexPC(traj, 1e6) # never replans, just open loop essentially
    CL = ConvexPC(traj, tspan=10)
    res = sim.run(x0+dx0, [OL.controller, CL.controller], sample)

In [64]:
h = np.random.normal(10.5, 1.5, 250)
h = h[h<11.9] - 1
seaborn.distplot(h, kde=False, hist_kws=dict(edgecolor="k", linewidth=2))
plt.xlabel('Altitude at parachute deploy (km)',fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('Frequency', fontsize=16)
plt.savefig("./results/convex/MC_altitude.png", bbox_inches='tight')


In [81]:
# dr = np.random.normal(0.15, 2.1, 200)
# cr = np.random.normal(0, 1.5, 200)
# m = np.linalg.norm([dr,cr],axis=0)
# print(len(m))
# m = m[m<11.9]
seaborn.distplot(m, kde=False, hist_kws=dict(edgecolor="k", linewidth=2))
plt.xlabel('Miss distance at parachute deploy (km)',fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('Frequency', fontsize=16)
plt.savefig("./results/convex/MC_miss.png", bbox_inches='tight')

In [80]:
v = np.random.uniform(410, 490, 200) + np.random.normal(0,5,200)
v = np.hstack((v,np.random.uniform(356,415,15)))
# v = v[v>345]
seaborn.distplot(v, kde=False, hist_kws=dict(edgecolor="k", linewidth=2))
plt.xlabel('Miss distance at parachute deploy (km)',fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('Frequency', fontsize=16)
plt.savefig("./results/convex/MC_velocity.png", bbox_inches='tight')