
The following notebook demonstrates how to use NeuronUnit tests to obtain membrane property values of a simple NEURON cell. The test results are compared to data found in database

Import required packages

In [2]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as g

from neuronunit.neuron.models import *
from neuronunit.tests import *
import neuronunit.neuroelectro
from quantities import nA, pA, s, ms, mV

from neuron import h

#from importlib import *
#import neuronunit
#from neuronunit.neuron.models import *

Create a simple HH cell in NEURON

In [31]:
soma = h.Section()
soma.L = 100
soma.diam = 100 = 10
soma.Ra = 180

<nrn.Section at 0x11092ba80>

Create a NeuronUnit model using the cell

In [32]:
mod1 = SingleCellModel(hVar = h, \
                       section = soma, \
                       loc = 0.5, # Current and voltage injection and measurement location on the section \
                       name = "SimpleHHCellModel")

mod1.setIntegrationMethod("fixed")  # Or "variable"
mod1.setTimeStep(1/128.0 * ms) # 2^-n are preferable
#mod1.setTolerance(0.01) # Only needed if "variable"

Find desired stimulation current

In [33]:
from ipywidgets import interact

def inject(i):
    mod1.inject_square_current({'amplitude': float(i)*nA, 'delay': .5*s, 'duration': 5*ms})


<function __main__.inject>

Set the test currents

In [17]:
i_tau = {'amplitude': -1*nA, 'delay': 0.5*s, 'duration': 1*s}
i_ap  = {'amplitude': 20*nA, 'delay': 1*s, 'duration': 5*ms}

Create a suite of example tests with expected observations

In [34]:
t1 = neuronunit.tests.InjectedCurrentAPWidthTest({ 'mean': 1.5*ms, 'std': 0.5*ms }) # Example values
t1.params = {'injected_square_current': i_ap }

t2 = neuronunit.tests.RestingPotentialTest({ 'mean': -67*mV, 'std': 5*mV })

suite = sciunit.TestSuite("SimpleTestSuite",[t1,t2])

Evaluate the model with the test suite

In [35]:
score = suite.judge(mod1)

A Z score. A float indicating standardized difference from a reference mean.
The difference between the means of the observation and prediction divided by the standard deviation of the observation
A Z score. A float indicating standardized difference from a reference mean.
The difference between the means of the observation and prediction divided by the standard deviation of the observation
Injected current AP width Resting potential
SimpleHHCellModel Z = 1.02 Z = -0.11

Define tests that will use Data

In [37]:
# Load previously saved data
import pickle

# These are saved in ExperimentalObservations notebook
with open("observations.dat", "rb") as file: 
    observations = pickle.load(file)
# Define the tests to perform on the cell
testTypes = [ \
    [InputResistanceTest,            None],
    [RestingPotentialTest,           None],
    [TimeConstantTest,               {'injected_square_current': i_tau }],
    [InjectedCurrentAPWidthTest,     {'injected_square_current': i_ap }], \
    [InjectedCurrentAPThresholdTest, {'injected_square_current': i_ap }], \
    [InjectedCurrentAPAmplitudeTest, {'injected_square_current': i_ap }],

tests = []

# Fetch NeuroElectro property values for each test
for t in xrange(len(testTypes)):
    testType = testTypes[t][0]
    params = testTypes[t][1]
    # Create a test instance using the observations
    test = testType(observations["Pooled"][])
    if(params is not None):
        test.params = params
# Create a test suite    
suite = sciunit.TestSuite("Membrane Property Tests", tests)

Evaluate the model

In [38]:
score = suite.judge(mod1)

A Z score. A float indicating standardized difference from a reference mean.
The difference between the means of the observation and prediction divided by the standard deviation of the observation
A Z score. A float indicating standardized difference from a reference mean.
The difference between the means of the observation and prediction divided by the standard deviation of the observation
A Z score. A float indicating standardized difference from a reference mean.
The difference between the means of the observation and prediction divided by the standard deviation of the observation
A Z score. A float indicating standardized difference from a reference mean.
The difference between the means of the observation and prediction divided by the standard deviation of the observation
A Z score. A float indicating standardized difference from a reference mean.
The difference between the means of the observation and prediction divided by the standard deviation of the observation
A Z score. A float indicating standardized difference from a reference mean.
The difference between the means of the observation and prediction divided by the standard deviation of the observation
Input resistance Resting potential Time constant Injected current AP width Injected current AP threshold Injected current AP amplitude
SimpleHHCellModel Z = -0.72 Z = -0.38 Z = -1.35 Z = 0.51 Z = -0.31 Z = 0.01