Load model mechanisms

In [1]:
modelPath = 'Models/BhallaBower1993/bbmit'
modelName = 'BhallaBower1993'

def getSomaScript(h):
    h.IClamp[0].amp = 0.0
    soma = h.soma
    return soma

Create a NeuronUnit model

In [2]:
%matplotlib inline
import helpers

mod1 = helpers.createModel(name = modelName, \
                           path = modelPath, \
               getSectionScript = getSomaScript)

# Interactively find stimulation currents

In [3]:
from quantities import nA, s, ms

# Set currents
i_rest =    {'amplitude':     0*nA, 'delay': 0.5*s, 'duration': 1*s}
i_passive = {'amplitude': -0.05*nA, 'delay': 0.5*s, 'duration': 1*s}
i_ap  =     {'amplitude':     7*nA, 'delay': 0.5*s, 'duration': 1*ms}
i_thresh =  {'amplitude':  0.22*nA, 'delay': 0.5*s, 'duration': 1000*ms}

Define tests to run

In [ ]:
# Initialize the tests and get their expected values
tests = helpers.setupTests(i_rest, i_passive, i_ap, i_thresh, expectedSource = "Pooled")

helpers.runOneTest(tests[0], mod1)

results = helpers.runAllTests(tests,mod1)

Running Test: Resting potential test
Expected: -57.4345864662 mV +/- 24.630188347 mV SD
Actual: -65.8385632851 mV, Z: -0.341206356222 SDs
Running Test: Resting potential test
Expected: -57.4345864662 mV +/- 24.630188347 mV SD
Actual: -65.8385632851 mV, Z: -0.341206356222 SDs
Running Test: Input resistance test
Expected: 145113133.641 ohm +/- 189410293.868 ohm SD
Actual: 51778384.9351 kg*m**2/(s**3*A**2), Z: -0.492764922115 SDs
Running Test: Time constant test
Expected: 27.9651006711 ms +/- 66.3591805191 ms SD
Actual: 43.997403549 ms, Z: 0.241598867744 SDs
Running Test: Injected current AP width test
Expected: 1.513125 ms +/- 0.961592715477 ms SD
Actual: 0.533333333333 ms, Z: -1.01892584136 SDs
Running Test: Injected current AP threshold test
Expected: -34.6053571429 mV +/- 56.7790487536 mV SD
Actual: -40.3504279817 mV, Z: -0.101182935694 SDs
Running Test: Injected current AP amplitude test
Expected: 68.776 mV +/- 50.4271404587 mV SD
Actual: 71.3271577373 mV, Z: 0.0505909657789 SDs

In [ ]:

{'BhallaBower1993': {'Injected current AP amplitude test': array(71.32715773727804) * mV,
                     'Injected current AP threshold test': array(-40.35042798167796) * mV,
                     'Injected current AP width test': array(0.5333333333333333) * ms,
                     'Input resistance test': array(51778384.93506186) * kg*m**2/(s**3*A**2),
                     'Resting potential test': array(-65.83856328513072) * mV,
                     'Time constant test': array(43.997403548975335) * ms}}
{'BhallaBower1993': {'Injected current AP amplitude test': array(71.32715773727804) * mV,
                     'Injected current AP threshold test': array(-40.35042798167796) * mV,
                     'Injected current AP width test': array(0.5333333333333333) * ms,
                     'Input resistance test': array(51778384.93506186) * kg*m**2/(s**3*A**2),
                     'Resting potential test': array(-65.83856328513072) * mV,
                     'Time constant test': array(43.997403548975335) * ms},
 'Chen2002': {'Injected current AP amplitude test': array(69.38363667285836) * mV,
              'Injected current AP threshold test': array(-51.52742019600102) * mV,
              'Injected current AP width test': array(0.7250000000000001) * ms,
              'Input resistance test': array(93089321.98357664) * kg*m**2/(s**3*A**2),
              'Resting potential test': array(-65.0) * mV,
              'Time constant test': array(21.821177240828398) * ms},
 'Davison2003': {'Injected current AP amplitude test': array(68.1004423040704) * mV,
                 'Injected current AP threshold test': array(-35.12323859705876) * mV,
                 'Injected current AP width test': array(0.42500000000000004) * ms,
                 'Input resistance test': array(78470665.12368964) * kg*m**2/(s**3*A**2),
                 'Resting potential test': array(-65.66587658283359) * mV,
                 'Time constant test': array(78.7822331466243) * ms}}

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