Important: you need to register for an apikey here: Put the key you obtain in the opengrid.cfg file as follows:
apikey: your_key
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import os
import sys
import inspect
import pandas as pd
import charts
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from opengrid.library import forecastwrapper
To get started, create a Weather object for a certain location and a period
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start = pd.Timestamp('20150813')
end = pd.Timestamp('20150816')
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Weather_Ukkel = forecastwrapper.Weather(location='Ukkel', start=start, end=end)
You can use the methods days()
and hours()
to get a dataframe in daily or hourly resolution
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Daily resolution has the option of adding degree days. By default, the temperature equivalent and heating degree days with a base temperature of 16.5°C are added.
Heating degree days are calculated as follows:
$$heatingDegreeDays = max(0 , baseTemp - 0.6 * T_{today} + 0.3 * T_{today-1} + 0.1 * T_{today-2} )$$Cooling degree days are calculated in an analog way:
$$coolingDegreeDays = max(0, 0.6 * T_{today} + 0.3 * T_{today-1} + 0.1 * T_{today-2} - baseTemp )$$Add degree days by supplying heating_base_temperatures
and/or cooling_base_temperatures
as a list (you can add multiple base temperatures, or just a list of 1 element)
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Weather_Ukkel.days(heating_base_temperatures = [15,18],
cooling_base_temperatures = [18,24]).filter(like='DegreeDays')
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Location can also be coördinates
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start = pd.Timestamp('20150916')
end = pd.Timestamp('20150918')
Weather_Brussel = forecastwrapper.Weather(location=[50.8503396, 4.3517103], start=start, end=end)
Weather_Boutersem = forecastwrapper.Weather(location='Kapelstraat 1, 3370 Boutersem', start=start, end=end)
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df_combined = pd.merge(Weather_Brussel.hours(), Weather_Boutersem.hours(), suffixes=('_Brussel', '_Boutersem'),
left_index=True, right_index=True)
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charts.plot(df_combined.filter(like='cloud'), stock=True, show='inline')
Caching is turned on by default, so when you try and get dataframes the first time it takes a long time...
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start = pd.Timestamp('20170131', tz='Europe/Brussels')
end = pd.Timestamp('20170201', tz='Europe/Brussels')
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Weather_Ukkel = forecastwrapper.Weather(location='Ukkel', start=start, end=end)
... but now try that again and it goes very fast
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Weather_Ukkel = forecastwrapper.Weather(location='Ukkel', start=start, end=end)
You can turn of the behaviour by setting the cache flag to false:
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Weather_Ukkel = forecastwrapper.Weather(location='Ukkel', start=start, end=end, cache=False)
Dark Sky has added Solar Irradiance data as a beta.
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Weather_Ukkel = forecastwrapper.Weather(location='Ukkel', start=start, end=end)
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The GHI is what you would use to benchmark PV-panels
Direct Normal Irradiance is the amount of solar irradiance that shines directly on a plane tilted towards the sun. In Wh/m2.
Diffuse Horizontal Irradiance is the amount of solar irradiance that is scattered in the atmosphere and by clouds. In Wh/m2.
Extra-Terrestrial Radiation is the GHI a point would receive if there was no atmosphere.
Altitude of the Sun is measured in degrees above the horizon.
Azimuth is the direction of the Sun in degrees, measured from the true north going clockwise.
At night, all values will be NaN
The daily sum of the GHI is included in the day
dataframe. Values are in Wh/m2
If you need other daily aggregates, give me a shout!
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Create a list with all the different irradiances you want
A surface is specified by the orientation and tilt
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# Lets get the vertical faces of a house
(0, 90), # north vertical
(90, 90), # east vertical
(180, 90), # south vertical
(270, 90), # west vertical
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The names of the columns reflect the orientation and the tilt
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The hourly wind speed and bearing is projected on an oriented building face.
We call this the windComponent for a given orientation. This value is also squared and called windComponentSquared. This can be equated with the force or pressure of the wind on a static surface, like a building face. The value is also cubed and called windComponentCubed. This can be correlated with the power output of a windturbine.
First, define some orientations you want the wind calculated for. Orientation in degrees starting from the north and going clockwise
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orientations = [0, 90, 180, 270]
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