Important: you need to register for an apikey here: Put the key you obtain in the opengrid.cfg file as follows:
apikey: your_key
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import os, sys, inspect
import pandas as pd
import charts
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# add the sccript path to opengrid to sys.path
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))
sys.path.append(os.path.join(script_dir, os.pardir, os.pardir))
from opengrid.library.config import Config
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config = Config()
#get API Key
api_key = config.get('', 'apikey')
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from opengrid.library import forecastwrapper
Daily resolution has the option of adding degree days. By default, heating degree days with a base temperature of 16.5°C are added.
Heating degree days are calculated as follows:
$$heatingDegreeDays = max(0 , baseTemp - 0.6 * T_{today} + 0.3 * T_{today-1} + 0.1 * T_{today-2} )$$Cooling degree days are calculated in an analog way:
$$coolingDegreeDays = max(0, 0.6 * T_{today} + 0.3 * T_{today-1} + 0.1 * T_{today-2} - baseTemp )$$Add degree days by setting the flag heatingDegreeDays or coolingDegreeDays and supplying heatingBaseTemps and/or coolingBaseTemps as a list (you can add multiple base temperatures, or just a list of 1 element)
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start = pd.Timestamp('20150813')
end = pd.Timestamp('20150816')
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WD = forecastwrapper.Weather_Days(api_key=api_key, location='Ukkel', start=start, end=end)
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WD2 = forecastwrapper.Weather_Days(api_key=api_key, location='Ukkel', start=start, end=end, heatingDegreeDays=True, heatingBaseTemps=[15,18], coolingDegreeDays=True, coolingBaseTemps=[18,24])
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In [ ]:
WHGent = forecastwrapper.Weather_Hours(api_key=api_key, location='Gent',
start=pd.Timestamp('20150916'), end=pd.Timestamp('20150918'))
WHBoutersem = forecastwrapper.Weather_Hours(api_key=api_key, location='Kapelstraat 1, 3370 Boutersem',
start=pd.Timestamp('20150916'), end=pd.Timestamp('20150918'))
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df_combined = pd.merge(WHGent.df, WHBoutersem.df, suffixes=('_Gent', '_Boutersem'),
left_index=True, right_index=True)
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charts.plot(df_combined.filter(like='cloud'), stock=True, show='inline')
By default, all dataframes are localized to the timezone of the specified location. If you want, you can specify the tz argument to get the dataframe localized to a specified timezone.
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start = pd.Timestamp('20150815')
end = pd.Timestamp('20150816')
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WDLondon = forecastwrapper.Weather_Days(api_key=api_key, location='London', start=start, end=end, tz='Asia/Singapore')
WDBrussels = forecastwrapper.Weather_Days(api_key=api_key, location='Brussels', start=start, end=end, tz='Asia/Singapore')
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