Player Yearly Total

In [1]:
import bs4 as bs
import urllib.request
import pandas as pd
import math
import csv

base_url = ""
header_names = []
table_number = 0
player_type = ['QB', 'RB', 'WR']
player_columns = [16, 11, 13]
player_file = ["qb.csv", "rb.csv", "wr.csv"]
output_file = ['qb_yearly.csv', 'rb_yearly.csv', 'wr_yearly.csv']

def get_header(top_row):
    header_names = []
    headers = top_row.find_all('th')
    for header in headers:

    return header_names     

def get_row_data(data_items, full_name, year, career_year, player_page_ind):
    data_counter = 0
    data_values = []
    # Get the Data Items in the row
    for data_item in data_items:
        if data_item.get_text() != 'NaN' and data_item.get_text() != 'NFL Totals':
    return data_values
POS = 0
df = pd.read_csv(player_file[POS])

player = df

Career_Year = 0
year_data = []
counter = 0
first_time = True

for ind, value in player.iterrows():
    Career_Year = 0
    name = str(value['NAME'])
    page = int(value['PAGE'])
    year = int(value['Year'])
    if len(str(page)) < 2:
        page_num = '0' + str(page) + "/"
        page_num = str(page) + "/"

    first = name.split()[0].lower()
    first = first.replace('.', '')
    last = name.split()[1].lower()

    full_name = last + ", " + first
    full_hyphen_name = first + "-" + last
    ab_first = first[:2]
    ab_last = last[:5]
    player_page = ab_last + ab_first + page_num
    career_year = 0
    player_page_ind = full_hyphen_name + '-' + ab_last + ab_first+ page_num
    current_url = base_url + player_page_ind

        sauce = urllib.request.urlopen(current_url).read()
        soup = bs.BeautifulSoup(sauce, 'lxml')
        stats = soup.find_all('table')
    table_row = 0
    header_rows = soup.find_all('thead')
    for header_row in header_rows:
        if 'Year' in header_row.get_text():
        table_row = table_row + 1

    top_row = header_rows[table_row]
    if first_time == True:
        header_val = get_header(top_row)
        first_time = False
    #top_row = stats[table_number]
    data_tables = stats[table_row]
    #data_rows = stat.find_all('tr')
    # Navigate Rows in Tables

    data_rows = data_tables.find_all('tr') 
    for data_row in data_rows:
        data_items = data_row.find_all('td')
        if len(data_items) == player_columns[POS]:
            if str(data_items).find('\xa0') == -1:
                Career_Year = Career_Year + 1
            if str(data_items).find('NFL Totals') == -1: 
                row_data = get_row_data(data_items, full_name, year, Career_Year, player_page_ind)
print("Finished with processing data")
with open(output_file[POS], 'w') as mycsvfile:
    thedatawriter = csv.writer(mycsvfile)
    for row in year_data:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
/Users/jph/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pandas/indexes/ in get_value(self, series, key)
   1985             try:
-> 1986                 return tslib.get_value_box(s, key)
   1987             except IndexError:

pandas/tslib.pyx in pandas.tslib.get_value_box (pandas/tslib.c:17017)()

pandas/tslib.pyx in pandas.tslib.get_value_box (pandas/tslib.c:16691)()

TypeError: 'str' object cannot be interpreted as an integer

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-26699d4b39b3> in <module>()
     59     name = str(value['NAME'])
     60     page = int(value['PAGE'])
---> 61     year = int(value['Year'])
     62     if len(str(page)) < 2:
     63         page_num = '0' + str(page) + "/"

/Users/jph/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pandas/core/ in __getitem__(self, key)
    581         key = com._apply_if_callable(key, self)
    582         try:
--> 583             result = self.index.get_value(self, key)
    585             if not lib.isscalar(result):

/Users/jph/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pandas/indexes/ in get_value(self, series, key)
   1992                     raise InvalidIndexError(key)
   1993                 else:
-> 1994                     raise e1
   1995             except Exception:  # pragma: no cover
   1996                 raise e1

/Users/jph/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pandas/indexes/ in get_value(self, series, key)
   1978         try:
   1979             return self._engine.get_value(s, k,
-> 1980                                           tz=getattr(series.dtype, 'tz', None))
   1981         except KeyError as e1:
   1982             if len(self) > 0 and self.inferred_type in ['integer', 'boolean']:

pandas/index.pyx in pandas.index.IndexEngine.get_value (pandas/index.c:3332)()

pandas/index.pyx in pandas.index.IndexEngine.get_value (pandas/index.c:3035)()

pandas/index.pyx in pandas.index.IndexEngine.get_loc (pandas/index.c:4018)()

pandas/hashtable.pyx in pandas.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item (pandas/hashtable.c:12368)()

pandas/hashtable.pyx in pandas.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item (pandas/hashtable.c:12322)()

KeyError: 'Year'

Player Game Totals

In [2]:
import bs4 as bs
import urllib.request
import pandas as pd
import math
import csv

base_url = ""
header_names = []
table_number = 0
player_type = ['QB', 'RB', 'WR']
player_columns = [16, 11, 11]
player_file = ["qb_yearly.csv", "rb_yearly.csv", "wr_yearly.csv"]
output_file = ['qb_games.csv', 'rb_games.csv', 'wr_games.csv']
#stat_type = 
stat_type = [['Pass ', 'Rush '],
            ['Rush ', 'Rec '],
            ['Rec ', 'Rush ']] 
pos_blanks = [[0,0,0,0,0,0],
POS = 0

def get_header(top_row, i):
    headers = top_row.find_all('th')
    if i == 0:
        header_names.append('Career Year')
    icounter = 0
    for header in headers:
        if i > 0:
            if icounter > 3:
                header_val = stat_type[POS][i] + header.get_text()
            if icounter > 3:
                header_val = stat_type[POS][i] + header.get_text()

        icounter = icounter + 1

    return header_names     

def get_row_data(data_items, full_name, year, career_year):
    data_counter = 0
    data_values = []
    # Get the Data Items in the row
    for data_item in data_items:
    return data_values

def get_row_data2(data_items):
    data_counter = 0
    data_values = []
    # Get the Data Items in the row
    counter = len(data_items)
    for i in range(counter):
        if i > 3:
    return data_values   

player = pd.read_csv(player_file[POS], encoding="utf-8")
#player = player.head(20)
year_data = []
counter = 0
first_time = True
row_data = []
row_data2 = []

for ind, value in player.iterrows():
    name = str(value['Name'])
    year = str(value['Year'])
    CareerYr = value['CareerYear']
    web_page_ind = str(value['Ind'])

    if year.isdigit() != True:
    current_url = base_url + web_page_ind + "gamelogs/" + year + "/"
        sauce = urllib.request.urlopen(current_url).read()
        soup = bs.BeautifulSoup(sauce, 'lxml')
        print("Broke for url error")

    alltables = soup.find_all('table')
    if len(alltables) == 0:
    header_rows = soup.find_all('thead')
    if len(header_rows) > 2:
        rows = 2
        rows = 1
    if first_time == True:
        header_names = []
        for i in range(rows):
            header_names = get_header(header_rows[i], i)
            first_time = False
    table = alltables[0]
    data_rows = table.find_all('tr')
    if rows > 1:
        table2 = alltables[1]
        data_rows2 = table2.find_all('tr')
    row_count = len(data_rows)

    for i in range(1, row_count):
        print('in row %d of %d total rows' % (i, row_count))
        data_items = data_rows[i].find_all('td')

        if len(data_items) > 1:
            row_data = get_row_data(data_items, name, year, CareerYr)
        if rows > 1:
            data_items2 = data_rows2[i].find_all('td')
            row_data2 = get_row_data2(data_items2)
            row_data2 = pos_blanks[POS]
        all_row_data = row_data + row_data2

# From right script         
print("Finished with processing data")
with open(output_file[POS], 'w') as mycsvfile:
    thedatawriter = csv.writer(mycsvfile)
    for row in year_data:

['Name', 'Year', 'Career Year', 'Date', 'Team', 'Opp', 'Result', 'Pass Att', 'Pass Cmp', 'Pass Pct', 'Pass Yds', 'Pass YPA', 'Pass TD', 'Pass Int', 'Pass Lg', 'Pass Sack', 'Pass Rate']
['Name', 'Year', 'Career Year', 'Date', 'Team', 'Opp', 'Result', 'Pass Att', 'Pass Cmp', 'Pass Pct', 'Pass Yds', 'Pass YPA', 'Pass TD', 'Pass Int', 'Pass Lg', 'Pass Sack', 'Pass Rate', 'Rush Att', 'Rush Yds', 'Rush Avg', 'Rush Lg', 'Rush TD', 'Rush FD']
in row 1 of 7 total rows
['feeley, aj', '2002', 2, '11/25/02', 'Phi', '@ SF', 'W, 38-17', '3', '3', '100.0', '17', '5.7', '1', '0', '8', '0/0', '129.9', '2', '-3', '-1.50', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 7 total rows
['feeley, aj', '2002', 2, '12/01/02', 'Phi', 'Stl', 'W, 10-3', '30', '14', '46.7', '181', '6.0', '0', '0', '41', '3/24', '66.1', '2', '3', '1.50', '4', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 7 total rows
['feeley, aj', '2002', 2, '12/08/02', 'Phi', '@ Sea', 'W, 27-20', '35', '21', '60.0', '190', '5.4', '2', '1', '22', '0/0', '81.8', '3', '0', '0.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 7 total rows
['feeley, aj', '2002', 2, '12/15/02', 'Phi', 'Was', 'W, 34-21', '28', '16', '57.1', '220', '7.9', '2', '1', '53', '2/10', '91.4', '2', '5', '2.50', '6', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 7 total rows
['feeley, aj', '2002', 2, '12/21/02', 'Phi', '@ Dal', 'W, 27-3', '33', '19', '57.6', '253', '7.7', '1', '2', '41', '1/8', '66.9', '2', '2', '1.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 7 total rows
['feeley, aj', '2002', 2, '12/28/02', 'Phi', '@ NYG', 'L, 10-7', '25', '13', '52.0', '150', '6.0', '0', '1', '35', '1/6', '53.8', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['feeley, aj', '2001', 1, '01/06/02', 'Phi', '@ TB', 'W, 17-13', '14', '10', '71.4', '143', '10.2', '2', '1', '27', '0/0', '114.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 12 total rows
['feeley, aj', '2004', 4, '09/11/04', 'Mia', 'Ten', 'L, 17-7', '31', '21', '67.7', '168', '5.4', '1', '1', '19', '2/11', '78.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 12 total rows
['feeley, aj', '2004', 4, '09/19/04', 'Mia', '@ Cin', 'L, 16-13', '39', '21', '53.8', '218', '5.6', '1', '2', '37', '2/17', '57.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 12 total rows
['feeley, aj', '2004', 4, '09/26/04', 'Mia', 'Pit', 'L, 13-3', '27', '13', '48.1', '137', '5.1', '0', '2', '36', '3/20', '32.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 12 total rows
['feeley, aj', '2004', 4, '10/10/04', 'Mia', '@ NE', 'L, 24-10', '2', '1', '50.0', '6', '3.0', '0', '0', '6', '0/0', '56.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 12 total rows
['feeley, aj', '2004', 4, '11/07/04', 'Mia', 'Ari', 'L, 24-23', '15', '6', '40.0', '129', '8.6', '0', '1', '38', '1/6', '43.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 12 total rows
['feeley, aj', '2004', 4, '11/21/04', 'Mia', '@ Sea', 'L, 24-17', '45', '23', '51.1', '229', '5.1', '1', '2', '28', '3/11', '54.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 12 total rows
['feeley, aj', '2004', 4, '11/28/04', 'Mia', '@ SF', 'W, 24-17', '33', '17', '51.5', '159', '4.8', '2', '1', '25t', '1/8', '72.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 12 total rows
['feeley, aj', '2004', 4, '12/05/04', 'Mia', 'Buf', 'L, 42-32', '51', '25', '49.0', '303', '5.9', '3', '5', '36', '1/6', '47.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 12 total rows
['feeley, aj', '2004', 4, '12/12/04', 'Mia', '@ Den', 'L, 20-17', '35', '17', '48.6', '170', '4.9', '1', '1', '21', '4/26', '60.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 12 total rows
['feeley, aj', '2004', 4, '12/20/04', 'Mia', 'NE', 'W, 29-28', '35', '22', '62.9', '198', '5.7', '1', '0', '21t', '4/19', '87.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 12 total rows
['feeley, aj', '2004', 4, '12/26/04', 'Mia', 'Cle', 'W, 10-7', '43', '25', '58.1', '176', '4.1', '1', '0', '18t', '2/12', '75.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['feeley, aj', '2006', 6, '11/26/06', 'Phi', '@ Ind', 'L, 45-21', '5', '4', '80.0', '21', '4.2', '0', '0', '8', '1/10', '84.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['feeley, aj', '2006', 6, '12/31/06', 'Phi', 'Atl', 'W, 24-17', '33', '22', '66.7', '321', '9.7', '3', '0', '89t', '0/0', '128.5', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['feeley, aj', '2007', 7, '11/18/07', 'Phi', 'Mia', 'W, 17-7', '19', '13', '68.4', '116', '6.1', '1', '1', '24', '0/0', '80.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['feeley, aj', '2007', 7, '11/25/07', 'Phi', '@ NE', 'L, 31-28', '42', '27', '64.3', '345', '8.2', '3', '3', '28t', '2/9', '83.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['feeley, aj', '2007', 7, '12/02/07', 'Phi', 'Sea', 'L, 28-24', '42', '19', '45.2', '220', '5.2', '1', '4', '47', '1/1', '30.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 5 total rows
['feeley, aj', '2011', 11, '09/11/11', 'Stl', 'Phi', 'L, 31-13', '5', '1', '20.0', '21', '4.2', '0', '0', '21', '1/6', '44.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 5 total rows
['feeley, aj', '2011', 11, '10/23/11', 'Stl', '@ Dal', 'L, 34-7', '33', '20', '60.6', '196', '5.9', '0', '1', '34', '1/1', '64.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 5 total rows
['feeley, aj', '2011', 11, '10/30/11', 'Stl', 'NO', 'W, 31-21', '37', '20', '54.1', '175', '4.7', '1', '0', '17', '4/35', '75.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 5 total rows
['feeley, aj', '2011', 11, '12/04/11', 'Stl', '@ SF', 'L, 26-0', '22', '12', '54.5', '156', '7.1', '0', '1', '34', '4/30', '58.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2005', 1, '10/09/05', 'GB', 'NO', 'W, 52-3', '1', '1', '100.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '79.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2005', 1, '12/19/05', 'GB', '@ Bal', 'L, 48-3', '15', '8', '53.3', '65', '4.3', '0', '1', '16', '3/28', '36.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2005', 1, '01/01/06', 'GB', 'Sea', 'W, 23-17', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2006', 2, '10/02/06', 'GB', '@ Phi', 'L, 31-9', '3', '2', '66.7', '14', '4.7', '0', '0', '11', '0/0', '77.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2006', 2, '11/19/06', 'GB', 'NE', 'L, 35-0', '12', '4', '33.3', '32', '2.7', '0', '0', '16', '3/18', '42.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2007', 3, '11/11/07', 'GB', 'Min', 'W, 34-0', '2', '2', '100.0', '17', '8.5', '0', '0', '15', '0/0', '102.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2007', 3, '11/29/07', 'GB', '@ Dal', 'L, 37-27', '26', '18', '69.2', '201', '7.7', '1', '0', '43', '3/24', '104.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2008', 4, '09/08/08', 'GB', 'Min', 'W, 24-19', '22', '18', '81.8', '178', '8.1', '1', '0', '56', '0/0', '115.5', '8', '35', '4.38', '21', '1', '4']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2008', 4, '09/14/08', 'GB', '@ Det', 'W, 48-25', '38', '24', '63.2', '328', '8.6', '3', '0', '62', '1/4', '117.0', '4', '25', '6.25', '13', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2008', 4, '09/21/08', 'GB', 'Dal', 'L, 27-16', '39', '22', '56.4', '290', '7.4', '0', '0', '50', '5/40', '80.1', '5', '10', '2.00', '5', '1', '1']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2008', 4, '09/28/08', 'GB', '@ TB', 'L, 30-21', '27', '14', '51.9', '165', '6.1', '2', '3', '48t', '3/18', '55.9', '2', '8', '4.00', '7', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2008', 4, '10/05/08', 'GB', 'Atl', 'L, 27-24', '37', '25', '67.6', '313', '8.5', '3', '1', '44t', '2/9', '109.4', '2', '4', '2.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2008', 4, '10/12/08', 'GB', '@ Sea', 'W, 27-17', '30', '21', '70.0', '208', '6.9', '2', '0', '45t', '2/8', '111.5', '6', '23', '3.83', '16', '1', '3']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2008', 4, '10/19/08', 'GB', 'Ind', 'W, 34-14', '28', '21', '75.0', '186', '6.6', '1', '0', '24', '0/0', '104.2', '3', '8', '2.67', '9', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2008', 4, '11/02/08', 'GB', '@ Ten', 'L, 19-16', '41', '22', '53.7', '314', '7.7', '1', '1', '52', '4/26', '76.7', '2', '11', '5.50', '6', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2008', 4, '11/09/08', 'GB', '@ Min', 'L, 28-27', '26', '15', '57.7', '142', '5.5', '0', '0', '19', '4/32', '72.9', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2008', 4, '11/16/08', 'GB', 'Chi', 'W, 37-3', '30', '23', '76.7', '227', '7.6', '2', '1', '29', '0/0', '105.8', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2008', 4, '11/24/08', 'GB', '@ NO', 'L, 51-29', '41', '23', '56.1', '248', '6.0', '2', '3', '29', '2/14', '59.8', '8', '36', '4.50', '10t', '1', '3']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2008', 4, '11/30/08', 'GB', 'Car', 'L, 35-31', '45', '29', '64.4', '298', '6.6', '3', '1', '46', '2/5', '96.3', '5', '26', '5.20', '16', '0', '3']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2008', 4, '12/07/08', 'GB', 'Hou', 'L, 24-21', '30', '19', '63.3', '295', '9.8', '2', '1', '63', '2/16', '104.2', '1', '4', '4.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2008', 4, '12/14/08', 'GB', '@ Jax', 'L, 20-16', '32', '20', '62.5', '278', '8.7', '1', '1', '46', '3/24', '87.8', '5', '22', '4.40', '7', '0', '2']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2008', 4, '12/22/08', 'GB', '@ Chi', 'L, 20-17', '39', '24', '61.5', '260', '6.7', '2', '1', '35', '0/0', '87.6', '2', '-6', '-3.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2008', 4, '12/28/08', 'GB', 'Det', 'W, 31-21', '31', '21', '67.7', '308', '9.9', '3', '0', '71t', '4/35', '132.2', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 18 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2009', 5, '09/13/09', 'GB', 'Chi', 'W, 21-15', '28', '17', '60.7', '184', '6.6', '1', '0', '50t', '4/34', '92.0', '3', '7', '2.33', '9', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 18 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2009', 5, '09/20/09', 'GB', 'Cin', 'L, 31-24', '39', '21', '53.8', '261', '6.7', '1', '0', '26', '6/39', '83.4', '4', '43', '10.75', '16', '0', '3']
in row 3 of 18 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2009', 5, '09/27/09', 'GB', '@ Stl', 'W, 36-17', '23', '13', '56.5', '269', '11.7', '2', '0', '53', '2/19', '126.9', '8', '38', '4.75', '12', '1', '3']
in row 4 of 18 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2009', 5, '10/05/09', 'GB', '@ Min', 'L, 30-23', '37', '26', '70.3', '384', '10.4', '2', '1', '62t', '8/42', '110.6', '2', '16', '8.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 18 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2009', 5, '10/18/09', 'GB', 'Det', 'W, 26-0', '37', '29', '78.4', '358', '9.7', '2', '1', '47t', '5/30', '113.7', '3', '9', '3.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 18 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2009', 5, '10/25/09', 'GB', '@ Cle', 'W, 31-3', '20', '15', '75.0', '246', '12.3', '3', '0', '71t', '0/0', '155.4', '4', '23', '5.75', '19', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 18 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2009', 5, '11/01/09', 'GB', 'Min', 'L, 38-26', '41', '26', '63.4', '287', '7.0', '3', '0', '42', '6/29', '108.5', '5', '52', '10.40', '35', '0', '2']
in row 8 of 18 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2009', 5, '11/08/09', 'GB', '@ TB', 'L, 38-28', '35', '17', '48.6', '266', '7.6', '2', '3', '74t', '6/32', '57.6', '3', '26', '8.67', '12t', '1', '2']
in row 9 of 18 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2009', 5, '11/15/09', 'GB', 'Dal', 'W, 17-7', '36', '25', '69.4', '189', '5.2', '1', '0', '24', '4/11', '91.1', '5', '15', '3.00', '11', '1', '2']
in row 10 of 18 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2009', 5, '11/22/09', 'GB', 'SF', 'W, 30-24', '45', '32', '71.1', '344', '7.6', '2', '0', '64t', '2/18', '108.0', '7', '13', '1.86', '11', '0', '2']
in row 11 of 18 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2009', 5, '11/26/09', 'GB', '@ Det', 'W, 34-12', '39', '28', '71.8', '348', '8.9', '3', '0', '68', '1/6', '124.7', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 18 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2009', 5, '12/07/09', 'GB', 'Bal', 'W, 27-14', '40', '26', '65.0', '263', '6.6', '3', '2', '29', '1/7', '87.8', '4', '30', '7.50', '23', '0', '2']
in row 13 of 18 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2009', 5, '12/13/09', 'GB', '@ Chi', 'W, 21-14', '24', '16', '66.7', '180', '7.5', '0', '0', '25', '3/23', '88.9', '3', '6', '2.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 18 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2009', 5, '12/20/09', 'GB', '@ Pit', 'L, 37-36', '48', '26', '54.2', '383', '8.0', '3', '0', '83t', '1/7', '101.3', '3', '22', '7.33', '14t', '1', '2']
in row 15 of 18 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2009', 5, '12/27/09', 'GB', 'Sea', 'W, 48-10', '23', '12', '52.2', '237', '10.3', '1', '0', '40', '1/9', '103.0', '1', '9', '9.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 16 of 18 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2009', 5, '01/03/10', 'GB', '@ Ari', 'W, 33-7', '26', '21', '80.8', '235', '9.0', '1', '0', '51', '0/0', '117.1', '2', '2', '1.00', '1t', '1', '2']
in row 17 of 18 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2009', 5, '01/10/10', 'GB', '@ Ari', 'L, 51-45', '42', '28', '66.7', '422', '10.0', '4', '1', '44', '5/19', '121.3', '3', '13', '4.33', '13', '1', '2']
in row 1 of 20 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2010', 6, '09/12/10', 'GB', '@ Phi', 'W, 27-20', '31', '19', '61.3', '188', '6.1', '2', '2', '32t', '3/21', '73.1', '5', '9', '1.80', '7', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 20 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2010', 6, '09/19/10', 'GB', 'Buf', 'W, 34-7', '29', '19', '65.5', '255', '8.8', '2', '0', '34', '0/0', '116.3', '5', '20', '4.00', '12', '1', '2']
in row 3 of 20 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2010', 6, '09/27/10', 'GB', '@ Chi', 'L, 20-17', '45', '34', '75.6', '316', '7.0', '1', '1', '28', '0/0', '92.5', '2', '20', '10.00', '17', '1', '2']
in row 4 of 20 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2010', 6, '10/03/10', 'GB', 'Det', 'W, 28-26', '17', '12', '70.6', '181', '10.6', '3', '2', '48', '2/12', '105.3', '3', '20', '6.67', '16', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 20 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2010', 6, '10/10/10', 'GB', '@ Was', 'L, 16-13', '46', '27', '58.7', '293', '6.4', '1', '1', '35', '4/23', '75.7', '4', '30', '7.50', '15', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 20 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2010', 6, '10/17/10', 'GB', 'Mia', 'L, 23-20', '33', '18', '54.5', '313', '9.5', '1', '1', '86t', '5/30', '84.5', '4', '14', '3.50', '8', '1', '1']
in row 7 of 20 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2010', 6, '10/24/10', 'GB', 'Min', 'W, 28-24', '34', '21', '61.8', '295', '8.7', '2', '2', '45', '0/0', '84.8', '3', '14', '4.67', '11', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 20 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2010', 6, '10/31/10', 'GB', '@ NYJ', 'W, 9-0', '34', '15', '44.1', '170', '5.0', '0', '0', '30', '2/14', '59.7', '3', '5', '1.67', '5', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 20 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2010', 6, '11/07/10', 'GB', 'Dal', 'W, 45-7', '34', '27', '79.4', '289', '8.5', '3', '0', '33', '1/12', '131.5', '5', '41', '8.20', '27', '0', '2']
in row 10 of 20 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2010', 6, '11/21/10', 'GB', '@ Min', 'W, 31-3', '31', '22', '71.0', '301', '9.7', '4', '0', '47', '3/23', '141.3', '3', '21', '7.00', '15', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 20 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2010', 6, '11/28/10', 'GB', '@ Atl', 'L, 20-17', '35', '26', '74.3', '344', '9.8', '1', '0', '35', '1/3', '114.5', '12', '51', '4.25', '11', '1', '4']
in row 12 of 20 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2010', 6, '12/05/10', 'GB', 'SF', 'W, 34-16', '30', '21', '70.0', '298', '9.9', '3', '0', '61t', '4/24', '135.1', '4', '39', '9.75', '12', '0', '2']
in row 13 of 20 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2010', 6, '12/12/10', 'GB', '@ Det', 'L, 7-3', '11', '7', '63.6', '46', '4.2', '0', '1', '12', '2/18', '34.7', '2', '25', '12.50', '18', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 20 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2010', 6, '12/26/10', 'GB', 'NYG', 'W, 45-17', '37', '25', '67.6', '404', '10.9', '4', '0', '80t', '2/8', '139.9', '2', '26', '13.00', '15', '0', '2']
in row 15 of 20 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2010', 6, '01/02/11', 'GB', 'Chi', 'W, 10-3', '28', '19', '67.9', '229', '8.2', '1', '1', '46', '2/5', '89.7', '7', '21', '3.00', '7', '0', '1']
in row 16 of 20 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2010', 6, '01/09/11', 'GB', '@ Phi', 'W, 21-16', '27', '18', '66.7', '180', '6.7', '3', '0', '20', '2/9', '122.5', '3', '4', '1.33', '8', '0', '1']
in row 17 of 20 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2010', 6, '01/15/11', 'GB', '@ Atl', 'W, 48-21', '36', '31', '86.1', '366', '10.2', '3', '0', '34', '2/20', '136.8', '2', '13', '6.50', '7t', '1', '1']
in row 18 of 20 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2010', 6, '01/23/11', 'GB', '@ Chi', 'W, 21-14', '30', '17', '56.7', '244', '8.1', '0', '2', '26', '1/8', '55.4', '7', '39', '5.57', '25', '1', '4']
in row 19 of 20 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2010', 6, '02/06/11', 'GB', 'Pit', 'W, 31-25', '39', '24', '61.5', '304', '7.8', '3', '0', '38', '3/16', '111.5', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2011', 7, '09/08/11', 'GB', 'NO', 'W, 42-34', '35', '27', '77.1', '312', '8.9', '3', '0', '36', '2/16', '132.1', '4', '1', '0.25', '2', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2011', 7, '09/18/11', 'GB', '@ Car', 'W, 30-23', '30', '19', '63.3', '308', '10.3', '2', '0', '84t', '1/13', '119.9', '5', '13', '2.60', '8', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2011', 7, '09/25/11', 'GB', '@ Chi', 'W, 27-17', '38', '28', '73.7', '297', '7.8', '3', '1', '25', '2/5', '111.4', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2011', 7, '10/02/11', 'GB', 'Den', 'W, 49-23', '38', '29', '76.3', '408', '10.7', '4', '1', '61', '2/12', '134.5', '9', '36', '4.00', '11t', '2', '3']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2011', 7, '10/09/11', 'GB', '@ Atl', 'W, 25-14', '39', '26', '66.7', '396', '10.2', '2', '0', '70t', '4/27', '117.0', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2011', 7, '10/16/11', 'GB', 'Stl', 'W, 24-3', '29', '18', '62.1', '316', '10.9', '3', '1', '93t', '1/7', '119.3', '7', '15', '2.14', '9', '0', '3']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2011', 7, '10/23/11', 'GB', '@ Min', 'W, 33-27', '30', '24', '80.0', '335', '11.2', '3', '0', '79t', '4/28', '146.5', '2', '8', '4.00', '9', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2011', 7, '11/06/11', 'GB', '@ SD', 'W, 45-38', '26', '21', '80.8', '247', '9.5', '4', '0', '64', '4/15', '145.8', '8', '52', '6.50', '25', '0', '3']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2011', 7, '11/14/11', 'GB', 'Min', 'W, 45-7', '30', '23', '76.7', '250', '8.3', '4', '0', '25', '3/22', '140.3', '6', '21', '3.50', '9', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2011', 7, '11/20/11', 'GB', 'TB', 'W, 35-26', '34', '23', '67.6', '299', '8.8', '3', '1', '40t', '2/12', '112.3', '5', '28', '5.60', '11', '0', '2']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2011', 7, '11/24/11', 'GB', '@ Det', 'W, 27-15', '33', '22', '66.7', '307', '9.3', '2', '0', '65t', '2/11', '116.6', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2011', 7, '12/04/11', 'GB', '@ NYG', 'W, 38-35', '46', '28', '60.9', '369', '8.0', '4', '1', '33', '2/9', '106.2', '4', '32', '8.00', '13', '0', '3']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2011', 7, '12/11/11', 'GB', 'Oak', 'W, 46-16', '30', '17', '56.7', '281', '9.4', '2', '1', '37t', '3/20', '96.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2011', 7, '12/18/11', 'GB', '@ KC', 'L, 19-14', '35', '17', '48.6', '235', '6.7', '1', '0', '41', '4/22', '80.1', '3', '32', '10.67', '19', '1', '2']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2011', 7, '12/25/11', 'GB', 'Chi', 'W, 35-21', '29', '21', '72.4', '283', '9.8', '5', '0', '55t', '0/0', '142.7', '4', '18', '4.50', '12', '0', '1']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2011', 7, '01/15/12', 'GB', 'NYG', 'L, 37-20', '46', '26', '56.5', '264', '5.7', '2', '1', '21', '4/23', '78.5', '7', '66', '9.43', '16', '0', '6']
in row 1 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2012', 8, '09/09/12', 'GB', 'SF', 'L, 30-22', '44', '30', '68.2', '303', '6.9', '2', '1', '49', '3/24', '93.3', '5', '27', '5.40', '9', '0', '2']
in row 2 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2012', 8, '09/13/12', 'GB', 'Chi', 'W, 23-10', '32', '22', '68.8', '219', '6.8', '1', '1', '26t', '5/31', '85.3', '3', '-6', '-2.00', '-2', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2012', 8, '09/24/12', 'GB', '@ Sea', 'L, 14-12', '39', '26', '66.7', '223', '5.7', '0', '0', '31', '8/39', '81.5', '2', '17', '8.50', '16', '0', '2']
in row 4 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2012', 8, '09/30/12', 'GB', 'NO', 'W, 28-27', '41', '31', '75.6', '319', '7.8', '4', '1', '20', '0/0', '119.9', '5', '13', '2.60', '10', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2012', 8, '10/07/12', 'GB', '@ Ind', 'L, 30-27', '32', '20', '62.5', '235', '7.3', '3', '1', '31t', '5/28', '103.0', '5', '57', '11.40', '19', '0', '2']
in row 6 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2012', 8, '10/14/12', 'GB', '@ Hou', 'W, 42-24', '37', '24', '64.9', '338', '9.1', '6', '0', '48t', '2/10', '133.8', '2', '17', '8.50', '15', '0', '2']
in row 7 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2012', 8, '10/21/12', 'GB', '@ Stl', 'W, 30-20', '37', '30', '81.1', '342', '9.2', '3', '0', '52', '3/10', '132.2', '2', '0', '0.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2012', 8, '10/28/12', 'GB', 'Jax', 'W, 24-15', '35', '22', '62.9', '186', '5.3', '2', '0', '31', '2/14', '95.7', '3', '4', '1.33', '4', '0', '2']
in row 9 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2012', 8, '11/04/12', 'GB', 'Ari', 'W, 31-17', '30', '14', '46.7', '218', '7.3', '4', '1', '72t', '1/10', '96.9', '8', '33', '4.12', '25', '0', '2']
in row 10 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2012', 8, '11/18/12', 'GB', '@ Det', 'W, 24-20', '27', '19', '70.4', '236', '8.7', '2', '1', '40', '3/17', '106.4', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2012', 8, '11/25/12', 'GB', '@ NYG', 'L, 38-10', '25', '14', '56.0', '219', '8.8', '1', '1', '61t', '5/29', '81.9', '3', '22', '7.33', '11', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2012', 8, '12/02/12', 'GB', 'Min', 'W, 23-14', '35', '27', '77.1', '286', '8.2', '1', '1', '33', '2/3', '98.0', '4', '15', '3.75', '8', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2012', 8, '12/09/12', 'GB', 'Det', 'W, 27-20', '24', '14', '58.3', '173', '7.2', '0', '0', '38', '3/25', '80.7', '3', '32', '10.67', '27t', '1', '2']
in row 14 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2012', 8, '12/16/12', 'GB', '@ Chi', 'W, 21-13', '36', '23', '63.9', '291', '8.1', '3', '0', '31', '3/13', '116.8', '4', '14', '3.50', '6', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2012', 8, '12/23/12', 'GB', 'Ten', 'W, 55-7', '38', '27', '71.1', '342', '9.0', '3', '0', '34', '1/8', '125.1', '4', '11', '2.75', '6t', '1', '1']
in row 16 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2012', 8, '12/30/12', 'GB', '@ Min', 'L, 37-34', '40', '28', '70.0', '365', '9.1', '4', '0', '73', '5/32', '131.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 17 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2012', 8, '01/05/13', 'GB', 'Min', 'W, 24-10', '33', '23', '69.7', '274', '8.3', '1', '0', '32', '3/24', '104.9', '2', '12', '6.00', '10', '0', '0']
in row 18 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2012', 8, '01/12/13', 'GB', '@ SF', 'L, 45-31', '39', '26', '66.7', '257', '6.6', '2', '1', '44', '1/9', '91.5', '3', '28', '9.33', '17', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 11 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2013', 9, '09/08/13', 'GB', '@ SF', 'L, 34-28', '37', '21', '56.8', '333', '9.0', '3', '1', '38', '2/11', '102.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 11 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2013', 9, '09/15/13', 'GB', 'Was', 'W, 38-20', '42', '34', '81.0', '480', '11.4', '4', '0', '57', '4/39', '146.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 11 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2013', 9, '09/22/13', 'GB', '@ Cin', 'L, 34-30', '43', '26', '60.5', '244', '5.7', '1', '2', '30', '4/27', '64.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 11 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2013', 9, '10/06/13', 'GB', 'Det', 'W, 22-9', '30', '20', '66.7', '274', '9.1', '1', '0', '83t', '1/5', '106.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 11 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2013', 9, '10/13/13', 'GB', '@ Bal', 'W, 19-17', '32', '17', '53.1', '315', '9.8', '1', '1', '64t', '3/17', '84.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 11 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2013', 9, '10/20/13', 'GB', 'Cle', 'W, 31-13', '36', '25', '69.4', '260', '7.2', '3', '0', '39', '1/7', '117.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 11 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2013', 9, '10/27/13', 'GB', '@ Min', 'W, 44-31', '29', '24', '82.8', '285', '9.8', '2', '0', '76t', '2/3', '130.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 11 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2013', 9, '11/04/13', 'GB', 'Chi', 'L, 27-20', '2', '1', '50.0', '27', '13.5', '0', '0', '27', '1/3', '95.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 11 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2013', 9, '12/29/13', 'GB', '@ Chi', 'W, 33-28', '39', '25', '64.1', '318', '8.2', '2', '2', '48t', '3/5', '85.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 11 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2013', 9, '01/05/14', 'GB', 'SF', 'L, 23-20', '26', '17', '65.4', '177', '6.8', '1', '0', '26', '4/20', '97.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2014', 10, '09/04/14', 'GB', '@ Sea', 'L, 36-16', '33', '23', '69.7', '189', '5.7', '1', '1', '23', '3/14', '81.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2014', 10, '09/14/14', 'GB', 'NYJ', 'W, 31-24', '42', '25', '59.5', '346', '8.2', '3', '0', '80t', '4/36', '109.8', '6', '28', '4.67', '11', '0', '3']
in row 3 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2014', 10, '09/21/14', 'GB', '@ Det', 'L, 19-7', '27', '16', '59.3', '162', '6.0', '1', '0', '18', '2/15', '88.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2014', 10, '09/28/14', 'GB', '@ Chi', 'W, 38-17', '28', '22', '78.6', '302', '10.8', '4', '0', '46', '1/0', '151.2', '1', '8', '8.00', '8', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2014', 10, '10/02/14', 'GB', 'Min', 'W, 42-10', '17', '12', '70.6', '156', '9.2', '3', '0', '66t', '2/14', '138.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2014', 10, '10/12/14', 'GB', '@ Mia', 'W, 27-24', '42', '24', '57.1', '264', '6.3', '3', '0', '28', '3/16', '99.7', '7', '34', '4.86', '9', '0', '2']
in row 7 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2014', 10, '10/19/14', 'GB', 'Car', 'W, 38-17', '22', '19', '86.4', '255', '11.6', '3', '0', '59t', '2/14', '154.5', '3', '21', '7.00', '16', '0', '2']
in row 8 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2014', 10, '10/26/14', 'GB', '@ NO', 'L, 44-23', '39', '28', '71.8', '418', '10.7', '1', '2', '70t', '3/19', '93.8', '2', '21', '10.50', '14t', '1', '2']
in row 9 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2014', 10, '11/09/14', 'GB', 'Chi', 'W, 55-14', '27', '18', '66.7', '315', '11.7', '6', '0', '73t', '0/0', '145.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2014', 10, '11/16/14', 'GB', 'Phi', 'W, 53-20', '36', '22', '61.1', '341', '9.5', '3', '0', '64', '1/2', '120.3', '3', '32', '10.67', '16', '0', '2']
in row 11 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2014', 10, '11/23/14', 'GB', '@ Min', 'W, 24-21', '29', '19', '65.5', '209', '7.2', '2', '0', '34', '1/2', '109.7', '6', '34', '5.67', '18', '0', '2']
in row 12 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2014', 10, '11/30/14', 'GB', 'NE', 'W, 26-21', '38', '24', '63.2', '368', '9.7', '2', '0', '45t', '3/20', '112.6', '5', '22', '4.40', '17', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2014', 10, '12/08/14', 'GB', 'Atl', 'W, 43-37', '36', '24', '66.7', '327', '9.1', '3', '0', '60t', '1/4', '123.3', '5', '28', '5.60', '12', '0', '2']
in row 14 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2014', 10, '12/14/14', 'GB', '@ Buf', 'L, 21-13', '42', '17', '40.5', '185', '4.4', '0', '2', '20', '1/10', '34.3', '3', '27', '9.00', '19', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2014', 10, '12/21/14', 'GB', '@ TB', 'W, 20-3', '40', '31', '77.5', '318', '8.0', '1', '0', '30', '1/8', '108.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2014', 10, '12/28/14', 'GB', 'Det', 'W, 30-20', '22', '17', '77.3', '226', '10.3', '2', '0', '34', '0/0', '139.6', '2', '14', '7.00', '13', '1', '2']
in row 17 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2014', 10, '01/11/15', 'GB', 'Dal', 'W, 26-21', '35', '24', '68.6', '316', '9.0', '3', '0', '46t', '2/19', '125.4', '3', '-4', '-1.33', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 18 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2014', 10, '01/18/15', 'GB', '@ Sea', 'L, 28-22', '34', '19', '55.9', '178', '5.2', '1', '2', '23', '1/7', '55.8', '1', '12', '12.00', '12', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2015', 11, '09/13/15', 'GB', '@ Chi', 'W, 31-23', '23', '18', '78.3', '189', '8.2', '3', '0', '34', '0/0', '140.5', '8', '35', '4.38', '15', '0', '3']
in row 2 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2015', 11, '09/20/15', 'GB', 'Sea', 'W, 27-17', '33', '25', '75.8', '249', '7.5', '2', '0', '29t', '2/15', '116.9', '6', '23', '3.83', '9', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2015', 11, '09/28/15', 'GB', 'KC', 'W, 38-28', '35', '24', '68.6', '333', '9.5', '5', '0', '52', '1/8', '138.5', '2', '16', '8.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2015', 11, '10/04/15', 'GB', '@ SF', 'W, 17-3', '32', '22', '68.8', '224', '7.0', '1', '0', '38', '3/24', '99.0', '3', '33', '11.00', '17', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2015', 11, '10/11/15', 'GB', 'Stl', 'W, 24-10', '30', '19', '63.3', '241', '8.0', '2', '2', '65t', '2/5', '82.8', '8', '39', '4.88', '18', '0', '3']
in row 6 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2015', 11, '10/18/15', 'GB', 'SD', 'W, 27-20', '29', '16', '55.2', '255', '8.8', '2', '0', '46', '3/18', '107.7', '2', '14', '7.00', '15', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2015', 11, '11/01/15', 'GB', '@ Den', 'L, 29-10', '22', '14', '63.6', '77', '3.5', '0', '0', '17', '3/27', '69.7', '2', '31', '15.50', '17', '0', '2']
in row 8 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2015', 11, '11/08/15', 'GB', '@ Car', 'L, 37-29', '48', '25', '52.1', '369', '7.7', '4', '1', '53t', '5/38', '96.6', '4', '22', '5.50', '8', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2015', 11, '11/15/15', 'GB', 'Det', 'L, 18-16', '61', '35', '57.4', '333', '5.5', '2', '0', '32', '3/8', '83.6', '2', '8', '4.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2015', 11, '11/22/15', 'GB', '@ Min', 'W, 30-13', '34', '16', '47.1', '212', '6.2', '2', '0', '37', '2/16', '86.9', '3', '6', '2.00', '8', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2015', 11, '11/26/15', 'GB', 'Chi', 'L, 17-13', '43', '22', '51.2', '202', '4.7', '1', '1', '32', '2/14', '62.4', '4', '33', '8.25', '18', '0', '2']
in row 12 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2015', 11, '12/03/15', 'GB', '@ Det', 'W, 27-23', '36', '24', '66.7', '273', '7.6', '2', '1', '61t', '3/27', '96.2', '4', '27', '6.75', '17t', '1', '1']
in row 13 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2015', 11, '12/13/15', 'GB', 'Dal', 'W, 28-7', '35', '22', '62.9', '218', '6.2', '2', '0', '24', '2/13', '99.5', '3', '27', '9.00', '16', '0', '2']
in row 14 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2015', 11, '12/20/15', 'GB', '@ Oak', 'W, 30-20', '39', '22', '56.4', '204', '5.2', '1', '1', '30t', '2/14', '68.8', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2015', 11, '12/27/15', 'GB', '@ Ari', 'L, 38-8', '28', '15', '53.6', '151', '5.4', '1', '1', '38', '8/70', '66.2', '3', '19', '6.33', '10', '0', '1']
in row 16 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2015', 11, '01/03/16', 'GB', 'Min', 'L, 20-13', '44', '28', '63.6', '291', '6.6', '1', '1', '37', '5/17', '80.8', '3', '12', '4.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 17 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2015', 11, '01/10/16', 'GB', '@ Was', 'W, 35-18', '36', '21', '58.3', '210', '5.8', '2', '0', '34', '1/5', '93.5', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 18 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2015', 11, '01/16/16', 'GB', '@ Ari', 'L, 26-20', '44', '24', '54.5', '261', '5.9', '2', '1', '60', '1/10', '77.9', '2', '21', '10.50', '19', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2016', 12, '09/11/16', 'GB', '@ Jax', 'W, 27-23', '34', '20', '58.8', '199', '5.9', '2', '0', '32', '1/0', '95.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2016', 12, '09/18/16', 'GB', '@ Min', 'L, 17-14', '36', '20', '55.6', '213', '5.9', '1', '1', '39', '5/33', '70.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2016', 12, '09/25/16', 'GB', 'Det', 'W, 34-27', '24', '15', '62.5', '205', '8.5', '4', '0', '49', '2/4', '129.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2016', 12, '10/09/16', 'GB', 'NYG', 'W, 23-16', '45', '23', '51.1', '259', '5.8', '2', '2', '29t', '0/0', '65.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2016', 12, '10/16/16', 'GB', 'Dal', 'L, 30-16', '42', '31', '73.8', '294', '7.0', '1', '1', '25', '1/0', '90.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2016', 12, '10/20/16', 'GB', 'Chi', 'W, 26-10', '56', '39', '69.6', '326', '5.8', '3', '0', '25', '2/23', '102.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2016', 12, '10/30/16', 'GB', '@ Atl', 'L, 33-32', '38', '28', '73.7', '246', '6.5', '4', '0', '58', '3/23', '125.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2016', 12, '11/06/16', 'GB', 'Ind', 'L, 31-26', '43', '26', '60.5', '297', '6.9', '3', '1', '40', '3/8', '94.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2016', 12, '11/13/16', 'GB', '@ Ten', 'L, 47-25', '51', '31', '60.8', '371', '7.3', '2', '2', '46', '5/46', '79.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2016', 12, '11/20/16', 'GB', '@ Was', 'L, 42-24', '41', '26', '63.4', '351', '8.6', '3', '0', '47', '2/20', '115.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2016', 12, '11/28/16', 'GB', '@ Phi', 'W, 27-13', '39', '30', '76.9', '313', '8.0', '2', '0', '50', '0/0', '116.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2016', 12, '12/04/16', 'GB', 'Hou', 'W, 21-13', '30', '20', '66.7', '209', '7.0', '2', '0', '32t', '1/9', '108.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2016', 12, '12/11/16', 'GB', 'Sea', 'W, 38-10', '23', '18', '78.3', '246', '10.7', '3', '0', '66t', '1/9', '150.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2016', 12, '12/18/16', 'GB', '@ Chi', 'W, 30-27', '31', '19', '61.3', '252', '8.1', '0', '0', '60', '4/27', '87.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2016', 12, '12/24/16', 'GB', 'Min', 'W, 38-25', '38', '28', '73.7', '347', '9.1', '4', '0', '48', '4/39', '136.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2016', 12, '01/01/17', 'GB', '@ Det', 'W, 31-24', '39', '27', '69.2', '300', '7.7', '4', '0', '39', '1/5', '126.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 17 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2016', 12, '01/08/17', 'GB', 'NYG', 'W, 38-13', '40', '25', '62.5', '362', '9.1', '4', '0', '42t', '5/31', '125.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 18 of 19 total rows
['rodgers, aaron', '2016', 12, '01/15/17', 'GB', '@ Dal', 'W, 34-31', '43', '28', '65.1', '356', '8.3', '2', '1', '36', '3/29', '96.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 10 total rows
['smith, alex', '2005', 1, '09/18/05', 'SF', '@ Phi', 'L, 42-3', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 10 total rows
['smith, alex', '2005', 1, '10/02/05', 'SF', '@ Ari', 'L, 31-14', '10', '6', '60.0', '34', '3.4', '0', '0', '16', '2/15', '66.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 10 total rows
['smith, alex', '2005', 1, '10/09/05', 'SF', 'Ind', 'L, 28-3', '23', '9', '39.1', '74', '3.2', '0', '4', '21', '5/30', '8.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 10 total rows
['smith, alex', '2005', 1, '10/23/05', 'SF', '@ Was', 'L, 52-17', '16', '8', '50.0', '92', '5.8', '0', '1', '43', '5/38', '41.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 10 total rows
['smith, alex', '2005', 1, '12/04/05', 'SF', 'Ari', 'L, 17-10', '24', '16', '66.7', '185', '7.7', '0', '3', '31', '3/16', '50.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 10 total rows
['smith, alex', '2005', 1, '12/11/05', 'SF', '@ Sea', 'L, 41-3', '22', '9', '40.9', '77', '3.5', '0', '1', '24', '4/26', '31.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 10 total rows
['smith, alex', '2005', 1, '12/18/05', 'SF', '@ Jax', 'L, 10-9', '24', '8', '33.3', '123', '5.1', '0', '1', '47', '2/16', '33.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 10 total rows
['smith, alex', '2005', 1, '12/24/05', 'SF', '@ Stl', 'W, 24-20', '16', '12', '75.0', '131', '8.2', '0', '0', '22', '5/27', '98.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 10 total rows
['smith, alex', '2005', 1, '01/01/06', 'SF', 'Hou', 'W, 20-17', '29', '16', '55.2', '159', '5.5', '1', '1', '39', '3/17', '68.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2006', 2, '09/10/06', 'SF', '@ Ari', 'L, 34-27', '40', '23', '57.5', '288', '7.2', '1', '0', '46', '1/2', '88.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2006', 2, '09/17/06', 'SF', 'Stl', 'W, 20-13', '22', '11', '50.0', '233', '10.6', '1', '0', '72t', '0/0', '103.0', '3', '-1', '-0.33', '1', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2006', 2, '09/24/06', 'SF', 'Phi', 'L, 38-24', '46', '27', '58.7', '293', '6.4', '1', '0', '75', '3/24', '84.8', '6', '39', '6.50', '22', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2006', 2, '10/01/06', 'SF', '@ KC', 'L, 41-0', '25', '13', '52.0', '92', '3.7', '0', '2', '22', '4/16', '27.4', '4', '11', '2.75', '11', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2006', 2, '10/08/06', 'SF', 'Oak', 'W, 34-20', '19', '15', '78.9', '165', '8.7', '3', '1', '33t', '0/0', '120.5', '2', '10', '5.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2006', 2, '10/15/06', 'SF', 'SD', 'L, 48-19', '31', '20', '64.5', '214', '6.9', '2', '1', '25', '5/32', '92.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2006', 2, '10/29/06', 'SF', '@ Chi', 'L, 41-10', '25', '14', '56.0', '135', '5.4', '1', '2', '25', '2/14', '51.3', '5', '23', '4.60', '9', '0', '2']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2006', 2, '11/05/06', 'SF', 'Min', 'W, 9-3', '21', '13', '61.9', '105', '5.0', '0', '1', '22', '3/14', '54.7', '3', '4', '1.33', '8', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2006', 2, '11/12/06', 'SF', '@ Det', 'W, 19-13', '20', '14', '70.0', '136', '6.8', '0', '0', '23', '3/19', '88.8', '8', '15', '1.88', '7', '0', '2']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2006', 2, '11/19/06', 'SF', 'Sea', 'W, 20-14', '25', '19', '76.0', '163', '6.5', '1', '0', '23', '1/9', '105.9', '1', '1', '1.00', '1t', '1', '1']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2006', 2, '11/26/06', 'SF', '@ Stl', 'L, 20-17', '25', '13', '52.0', '148', '5.9', '1', '2', '28', '0/0', '50.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2006', 2, '12/03/06', 'SF', '@ NO', 'L, 34-10', '28', '14', '50.0', '171', '6.1', '1', '3', '48t', '4/26', '41.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2006', 2, '12/10/06', 'SF', 'GB', 'L, 30-19', '29', '12', '41.4', '201', '6.9', '1', '2', '52t', '1/7', '48.2', '3', '4', '1.33', '5', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2006', 2, '12/14/06', 'SF', '@ Sea', 'W, 24-14', '25', '14', '56.0', '162', '6.5', '2', '0', '54', '0/0', '102.4', '6', '33', '5.50', '18t', '1', '2']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2006', 2, '12/24/06', 'SF', 'Ari', 'L, 26-20', '29', '18', '62.1', '190', '6.6', '0', '1', '44', '4/16', '66.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2006', 2, '12/31/06', 'SF', '@ Den', 'W, 26-23', '32', '17', '53.1', '194', '6.1', '1', '1', '35', '4/23', '69.0', '3', '8', '2.67', '5', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 8 total rows
['smith, alex', '2007', 3, '09/10/07', 'SF', 'Ari', 'W, 20-17', '31', '15', '48.4', '126', '4.1', '0', '0', '22', '3/24', '59.3', '3', '36', '12.00', '25', '0', '2']
in row 2 of 8 total rows
['smith, alex', '2007', 3, '09/16/07', 'SF', '@ Stl', 'W, 17-16', '17', '11', '64.7', '126', '7.4', '0', '0', '34', '4/29', '86.9', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 8 total rows
['smith, alex', '2007', 3, '09/23/07', 'SF', '@ Pit', 'L, 37-16', '35', '17', '48.6', '209', '6.0', '1', '1', '31', '2/11', '65.1', '3', '32', '10.67', '25', '0', '2']
in row 4 of 8 total rows
['smith, alex', '2007', 3, '09/30/07', 'SF', 'Sea', 'L, 23-3', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '1/10', '39.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 8 total rows
['smith, alex', '2007', 3, '10/28/07', 'SF', 'NO', 'L, 31-10', '43', '22', '51.2', '190', '4.4', '1', '0', '20', '2/13', '70.9', '4', '16', '4.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 8 total rows
['smith, alex', '2007', 3, '11/04/07', 'SF', '@ Atl', 'L, 20-16', '38', '17', '44.7', '149', '3.9', '0', '3', '21', '2/14', '22.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 8 total rows
['smith, alex', '2007', 3, '11/12/07', 'SF', '@ Sea', 'L, 24-0', '28', '12', '42.9', '114', '4.1', '0', '0', '45', '3/20', '54.8', '1', '6', '6.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 12 total rows
['smith, alex', '2009', 4, '10/25/09', 'SF', '@ Hou', 'L, 24-21', '22', '15', '68.2', '206', '9.4', '3', '1', '29t', '0/0', '118.6', '2', '16', '8.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 12 total rows
['smith, alex', '2009', 4, '11/01/09', 'SF', '@ Ind', 'L, 18-14', '32', '19', '59.4', '198', '6.2', '1', '1', '27', '4/16', '74.7', '1', '10', '10.00', '10', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 12 total rows
['smith, alex', '2009', 4, '11/08/09', 'SF', 'Ten', 'L, 34-27', '45', '29', '64.4', '286', '6.4', '2', '3', '40', '4/36', '69.3', '2', '11', '5.50', '8', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 12 total rows
['smith, alex', '2009', 4, '11/12/09', 'SF', 'Chi', 'W, 10-6', '23', '16', '69.6', '118', '5.1', '0', '1', '20', '2/12', '63.3', '2', '2', '1.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 12 total rows
['smith, alex', '2009', 4, '11/22/09', 'SF', '@ GB', 'L, 30-24', '33', '16', '48.5', '227', '6.9', '3', '1', '38t', '3/12', '88.8', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 12 total rows
['smith, alex', '2009', 4, '11/29/09', 'SF', 'Jax', 'W, 20-3', '41', '27', '65.9', '232', '5.7', '2', '0', '30', '0/0', '96.8', '3', '8', '2.67', '10', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 12 total rows
['smith, alex', '2009', 4, '12/06/09', 'SF', '@ Sea', 'L, 20-17', '45', '27', '60.0', '310', '6.9', '2', '0', '42', '1/7', '95.6', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 12 total rows
['smith, alex', '2009', 4, '12/14/09', 'SF', 'Ari', 'W, 24-9', '35', '19', '54.3', '144', '4.1', '2', '2', '35t', '1/6', '59.7', '4', '2', '0.50', '5', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 12 total rows
['smith, alex', '2009', 4, '12/20/09', 'SF', '@ Phi', 'L, 27-13', '37', '20', '54.1', '177', '4.8', '1', '3', '22', '3/23', '42.3', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 12 total rows
['smith, alex', '2009', 4, '12/27/09', 'SF', 'Det', 'W, 20-6', '31', '20', '64.5', '230', '7.4', '1', '0', '50', '1/4', '97.5', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 12 total rows
['smith, alex', '2009', 4, '01/03/10', 'SF', '@ Stl', 'W, 28-6', '28', '17', '60.7', '222', '7.9', '1', '0', '73t', '3/18', '97.6', '4', '1', '0.25', '4', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 12 total rows
['smith, alex', '2010', 5, '09/12/10', 'SF', '@ Sea', 'L, 31-6', '45', '26', '57.8', '225', '5.0', '0', '2', '23', '2/11', '52.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 12 total rows
['smith, alex', '2010', 5, '09/20/10', 'SF', 'NO', 'L, 25-22', '32', '23', '71.9', '275', '8.6', '1', '2', '41', '0/0', '82.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 12 total rows
['smith, alex', '2010', 5, '09/26/10', 'SF', '@ KC', 'L, 31-10', '42', '23', '54.8', '232', '5.5', '1', '1', '41', '5/24', '68.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 12 total rows
['smith, alex', '2010', 5, '10/03/10', 'SF', '@ Atl', 'L, 16-14', '32', '21', '65.6', '188', '5.9', '1', '2', '19', '1/7', '65.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 12 total rows
['smith, alex', '2010', 5, '10/10/10', 'SF', 'Phi', 'L, 27-24', '39', '25', '64.1', '309', '7.9', '3', '2', '36', '2/19', '92.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 12 total rows
['smith, alex', '2010', 5, '10/17/10', 'SF', 'Oak', 'W, 17-9', '33', '16', '48.5', '196', '5.9', '2', '0', '35', '2/5', '87.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 12 total rows
['smith, alex', '2010', 5, '10/24/10', 'SF', '@ Car', 'L, 23-20', '19', '9', '47.4', '129', '6.8', '1', '0', '53', '1/8', '87.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 12 total rows
['smith, alex', '2010', 5, '12/12/10', 'SF', 'Sea', 'W, 40-21', '27', '17', '63.0', '255', '9.4', '3', '0', '62t', '2/14', '130.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 12 total rows
['smith, alex', '2010', 5, '12/16/10', 'SF', '@ SD', 'L, 34-7', '29', '19', '65.5', '165', '5.7', '0', '1', '36', '6/34', '66.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 12 total rows
['smith, alex', '2010', 5, '12/26/10', 'SF', '@ Stl', 'L, 25-17', '15', '10', '66.7', '120', '8.0', '0', '0', '33', '2/4', '91.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 12 total rows
['smith, alex', '2010', 5, '01/02/11', 'SF', 'Ari', 'W, 38-7', '29', '15', '51.7', '276', '9.5', '2', '0', '59t', '2/14', '107.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2011', 6, '09/11/11', 'SF', 'Sea', 'W, 33-17', '20', '15', '75.0', '124', '6.2', '0', '0', '27', '0/0', '90.4', '7', '22', '3.14', '11', '1', '2']
in row 2 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2011', 6, '09/18/11', 'SF', 'Dal', 'L, 27-24', '24', '16', '66.7', '179', '7.5', '2', '1', '29t', '6/47', '99.1', '3', '21', '7.00', '12', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2011', 6, '09/25/11', 'SF', '@ Cin', 'W, 13-8', '30', '20', '66.7', '201', '6.7', '0', '0', '39', '5/25', '85.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2011', 6, '10/02/11', 'SF', '@ Phi', 'W, 24-23', '33', '21', '63.6', '291', '8.8', '2', '0', '44', '3/13', '112.1', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2011', 6, '10/09/11', 'SF', 'TB', 'W, 48-3', '19', '11', '57.9', '170', '8.9', '3', '0', '26t', '0/0', '127.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2011', 6, '10/16/11', 'SF', '@ Det', 'W, 25-19', '32', '17', '53.1', '125', '3.9', '1', '1', '27', '2/14', '60.0', '2', '5', '2.50', '3', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2011', 6, '10/30/11', 'SF', 'Cle', 'W, 20-10', '24', '15', '62.5', '177', '7.4', '1', '0', '41', '1/3', '98.8', '4', '22', '5.50', '9', '0', '2']
in row 8 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2011', 6, '11/06/11', 'SF', '@ Was', 'W, 19-11', '24', '17', '70.8', '200', '8.3', '1', '0', '30t', '2/12', '109.7', '4', '9', '2.25', '8', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2011', 6, '11/13/11', 'SF', 'NYG', 'W, 27-20', '30', '19', '63.3', '242', '8.1', '1', '1', '31t', '2/14', '85.7', '6', '27', '4.50', '14', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2011', 6, '11/20/11', 'SF', 'Ari', 'W, 23-7', '38', '20', '52.6', '267', '7.0', '2', '1', '38', '0/0', '81.8', '7', '17', '2.43', '11', '0', '2']
in row 11 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2011', 6, '11/24/11', 'SF', '@ Bal', 'L, 16-6', '24', '15', '62.5', '140', '5.8', '0', '1', '20', '9/44', '61.1', '2', '12', '6.00', '8', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2011', 6, '12/04/11', 'SF', 'Stl', 'W, 26-0', '23', '17', '73.9', '274', '11.9', '2', '0', '56t', '4/29', '142.3', '2', '10', '5.00', '8', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2011', 6, '12/11/11', 'SF', '@ Ari', 'L, 21-19', '37', '18', '48.6', '175', '4.7', '0', '0', '32', '5/32', '62.3', '1', '-3', '-3.00', '-3', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2011', 6, '12/19/11', 'SF', 'Pit', 'W, 20-3', '31', '18', '58.1', '187', '6.0', '1', '0', '31', '0/0', '86.4', '3', '12', '4.00', '14', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2011', 6, '12/24/11', 'SF', '@ Sea', 'W, 19-17', '26', '14', '53.8', '179', '6.9', '0', '0', '41', '2/8', '75.6', '5', '22', '4.40', '12', '0', '2']
in row 16 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2011', 6, '01/01/12', 'SF', '@ Stl', 'W, 34-27', '30', '20', '66.7', '213', '7.1', '1', '0', '44', '3/22', '98.3', '5', '4', '0.80', '8t', '1', '1']
in row 17 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2011', 6, '01/14/12', 'SF', 'NO', 'W, 36-32', '42', '24', '57.1', '299', '7.1', '3', '0', '49t', '4/35', '103.2', '1', '28', '28.00', '28t', '1', '1']
in row 18 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2011', 6, '01/22/12', 'SF', 'NYG', 'L, 20-17', '26', '12', '46.2', '196', '7.5', '2', '0', '73t', '3/18', '97.6', '6', '42', '7.00', '17', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 11 total rows
['smith, alex', '2012', 7, '09/09/12', 'SF', '@ GB', 'W, 30-22', '26', '20', '76.9', '211', '8.1', '2', '0', '29', '4/20', '125.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 11 total rows
['smith, alex', '2012', 7, '09/16/12', 'SF', 'Det', 'W, 27-19', '31', '20', '64.5', '226', '7.3', '2', '0', '23t', '3/25', '107.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 11 total rows
['smith, alex', '2012', 7, '09/23/12', 'SF', '@ Min', 'L, 24-13', '35', '24', '68.6', '204', '5.8', '1', '1', '22', '3/13', '81.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 11 total rows
['smith, alex', '2012', 7, '09/30/12', 'SF', '@ NYJ', 'W, 34-0', '21', '12', '57.1', '143', '6.8', '0', '0', '26', '2/9', '78.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 11 total rows
['smith, alex', '2012', 7, '10/07/12', 'SF', 'Buf', 'W, 45-3', '24', '18', '75.0', '303', '12.6', '3', '0', '53', '0/0', '156.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 11 total rows
['smith, alex', '2012', 7, '10/14/12', 'SF', 'NYG', 'L, 26-3', '30', '19', '63.3', '200', '6.7', '0', '3', '55', '4/31', '43.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 11 total rows
['smith, alex', '2012', 7, '10/18/12', 'SF', 'Sea', 'W, 13-6', '23', '14', '60.9', '140', '6.1', '1', '1', '18', '2/2', '74.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 11 total rows
['smith, alex', '2012', 7, '10/29/12', 'SF', '@ Ari', 'W, 24-3', '19', '18', '94.7', '232', '12.2', '3', '0', '47t', '4/28', '157.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 11 total rows
['smith, alex', '2012', 7, '11/11/12', 'SF', 'Stl', 'T, 24-24', '8', '7', '87.5', '72', '9.0', '1', '0', '19', '2/9', '143.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 11 total rows
['smith, alex', '2012', 7, '12/30/12', 'SF', 'Ari', 'W, 27-13', '1', '1', '100.0', '6', '6.0', '0', '0', '6', '0/0', '91.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2013', 8, '09/08/13', 'KC', '@ Jax', 'W, 28-2', '34', '21', '61.8', '173', '5.1', '2', '0', '26', '1/2', '94.4', '4', '25', '6.25', '13', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2013', 8, '09/15/13', 'KC', 'Dal', 'W, 17-16', '36', '21', '58.3', '223', '6.2', '2', '0', '31', '4/24', '95.0', '8', '57', '7.12', '17', '0', '3']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2013', 8, '09/19/13', 'KC', '@ Phi', 'W, 26-16', '35', '22', '62.9', '273', '7.8', '0', '0', '51', '5/25', '87.0', '11', '32', '2.91', '9', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2013', 8, '09/29/13', 'KC', 'NYG', 'W, 31-7', '41', '24', '58.5', '288', '7.0', '3', '2', '34t', '1/0', '84.2', '7', '37', '5.29', '11', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2013', 8, '10/06/13', 'KC', '@ Ten', 'W, 26-17', '39', '20', '51.3', '245', '6.3', '0', '1', '44', '2/12', '60.3', '3', '10', '3.33', '6', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2013', 8, '10/13/13', 'KC', 'Oak', 'W, 24-7', '31', '14', '45.2', '128', '4.1', '0', '0', '24', '3/23', '56.9', '4', '29', '7.25', '13', '0', '3']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2013', 8, '10/20/13', 'KC', 'Hou', 'W, 17-16', '34', '23', '67.6', '240', '7.1', '0', '1', '43', '2/9', '75.6', '6', '28', '4.67', '23', '1', '2']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2013', 8, '10/27/13', 'KC', 'Cle', 'W, 23-17', '36', '24', '66.7', '225', '6.2', '2', '0', '28t', '6/30', '102.2', '6', '40', '6.67', '23', '0', '2']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2013', 8, '11/03/13', 'KC', '@ Buf', 'W, 23-13', '29', '19', '65.5', '124', '4.3', '0', '0', '20', '2/9', '74.5', '4', '7', '1.75', '8', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2013', 8, '11/17/13', 'KC', '@ Den', 'L, 27-17', '45', '21', '46.7', '230', '5.1', '2', '0', '26', '3/30', '77.1', '5', '52', '10.40', '25', '0', '2']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2013', 8, '11/24/13', 'KC', 'SD', 'L, 41-38', '38', '26', '68.4', '294', '7.7', '3', '1', '36', '3/13', '106.7', '2', '-3', '-1.50', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2013', 8, '12/01/13', 'KC', 'Den', 'L, 35-28', '42', '26', '61.9', '293', '7.0', '2', '1', '28', '0/0', '88.7', '4', '46', '11.50', '26', '0', '2']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2013', 8, '12/08/13', 'KC', '@ Was', 'W, 45-10', '20', '14', '70.0', '137', '6.8', '2', '0', '22t', '0/0', '122.3', '2', '7', '3.50', '4', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2013', 8, '12/15/13', 'KC', '@ Oak', 'W, 56-31', '20', '17', '85.0', '287', '14.3', '5', '0', '71t', '2/12', '158.3', '4', '17', '4.25', '11', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2013', 8, '12/22/13', 'KC', 'Ind', 'L, 23-7', '28', '16', '57.1', '153', '5.5', '0', '1', '19', '5/21', '57.6', '6', '47', '7.83', '22', '0', '3']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2013', 8, '01/04/14', 'KC', '@ Ind', 'L, 45-44', '46', '30', '65.2', '378', '8.2', '4', '0', '79t', '2/15', '119.7', '8', '57', '7.12', '16', '0', '4']
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['smith, alex', '2014', 9, '09/07/14', 'KC', 'Ten', 'L, 26-10', '35', '19', '54.3', '202', '5.8', '1', '3', '27', '4/24', '45.2', '6', '36', '6.00', '17', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['smith, alex', '2014', 9, '09/14/14', 'KC', '@ Den', 'L, 24-17', '42', '26', '61.9', '255', '6.1', '0', '0', '24', '2/8', '79.0', '5', '42', '8.40', '25', '0', '2']
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['smith, alex', '2014', 9, '09/21/14', 'KC', '@ Mia', 'W, 34-15', '25', '19', '76.0', '186', '7.4', '3', '0', '26', '5/18', '136.0', '2', '17', '8.50', '13', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['smith, alex', '2014', 9, '09/29/14', 'KC', 'NE', 'W, 41-14', '26', '20', '76.9', '248', '9.5', '3', '0', '33', '2/12', '144.4', '4', '8', '2.00', '8', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['smith, alex', '2014', 9, '10/05/14', 'KC', '@ SF', 'L, 22-17', '30', '16', '53.3', '158', '5.3', '1', '1', '18', '0/0', '65.7', '1', '6', '6.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['smith, alex', '2014', 9, '10/19/14', 'KC', '@ SD', 'W, 23-20', '28', '19', '67.9', '221', '7.9', '1', '0', '26', '3/10', '103.4', '6', '29', '4.83', '9', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['smith, alex', '2014', 9, '10/26/14', 'KC', 'Stl', 'W, 34-7', '29', '25', '86.2', '223', '7.7', '0', '0', '30', '2/8', '98.7', '3', '24', '8.00', '15', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['smith, alex', '2014', 9, '11/02/14', 'KC', 'NYJ', 'W, 24-10', '31', '21', '67.7', '199', '6.4', '2', '0', '34', '1/3', '106.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['smith, alex', '2014', 9, '11/09/14', 'KC', '@ Buf', 'W, 17-13', '29', '17', '58.6', '177', '6.1', '0', '0', '27', '6/26', '76.4', '4', '25', '6.25', '12', '1', '3']
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['smith, alex', '2014', 9, '11/16/14', 'KC', 'Sea', 'W, 24-20', '16', '11', '68.8', '108', '6.8', '0', '0', '23', '0/0', '87.5', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['smith, alex', '2014', 9, '11/20/14', 'KC', '@ Oak', 'L, 24-20', '36', '20', '55.6', '234', '6.5', '2', '0', '30t', '2/17', '94.0', '2', '5', '2.50', '3', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['smith, alex', '2014', 9, '11/30/14', 'KC', 'Den', 'L, 29-16', '23', '15', '65.2', '153', '6.7', '2', '1', '20t', '6/43', '95.0', '5', '6', '1.20', '5', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['smith, alex', '2014', 9, '12/07/14', 'KC', '@ Ari', 'L, 17-14', '39', '26', '66.7', '293', '7.5', '1', '1', '41', '5/29', '86.8', '4', '26', '6.50', '21', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['smith, alex', '2014', 9, '12/14/14', 'KC', 'Oak', 'W, 31-13', '30', '18', '60.0', '297', '9.9', '2', '0', '70t', '1/2', '115.6', '3', '17', '5.67', '8', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['smith, alex', '2014', 9, '12/21/14', 'KC', '@ Pit', 'L, 20-12', '45', '31', '68.9', '311', '6.9', '0', '0', '33', '6/29', '88.3', '2', '14', '7.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2015', 10, '09/13/15', 'KC', '@ Hou', 'W, 27-20', '33', '22', '66.7', '243', '7.4', '3', '0', '42t', '2/10', '118.6', '9', '15', '1.67', '5', '0', '2']
in row 2 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2015', 10, '09/17/15', 'KC', 'Den', 'L, 31-24', '25', '16', '64.0', '191', '7.6', '0', '2', '30', '4/21', '53.9', '3', '15', '5.00', '11', '0', '2']
in row 3 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2015', 10, '09/28/15', 'KC', '@ GB', 'L, 38-28', '40', '24', '60.0', '290', '7.2', '1', '1', '61', '7/39', '80.2', '6', '33', '5.50', '19', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2015', 10, '10/04/15', 'KC', '@ Cin', 'L, 36-21', '45', '31', '68.9', '386', '8.6', '0', '0', '44', '5/38', '95.2', '5', '25', '5.00', '10', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2015', 10, '10/11/15', 'KC', 'Chi', 'L, 18-17', '30', '16', '53.3', '181', '6.0', '1', '0', '26', '3/11', '82.8', '3', '21', '7.00', '8', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2015', 10, '10/18/15', 'KC', '@ Min', 'L, 16-10', '37', '22', '59.5', '282', '7.6', '1', '0', '42t', '2/11', '92.4', '2', '10', '5.00', '7', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2015', 10, '10/25/15', 'KC', 'Pit', 'W, 23-13', '32', '21', '65.6', '251', '7.8', '1', '0', '40', '2/12', '99.9', '3', '5', '1.67', '7', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2015', 10, '11/01/15', 'KC', 'Det', 'W, 45-10', '26', '18', '69.2', '145', '5.6', '2', '0', '23', '3/15', '108.7', '5', '78', '15.60', '49', '1', '4']
in row 9 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2015', 10, '11/15/15', 'KC', '@ Den', 'W, 29-13', '31', '17', '54.8', '204', '6.6', '1', '0', '80t', '2/7', '86.0', '6', '33', '5.50', '17', '0', '2']
in row 10 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2015', 10, '11/22/15', 'KC', '@ SD', 'W, 33-3', '25', '20', '80.0', '253', '10.1', '0', '0', '47', '3/21', '108.8', '7', '33', '4.71', '10', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2015', 10, '11/29/15', 'KC', 'Buf', 'W, 30-22', '30', '19', '63.3', '255', '8.5', '2', '0', '41t', '1/0', '112.5', '6', '35', '5.83', '11', '0', '2']
in row 12 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2015', 10, '12/06/15', 'KC', '@ Oak', 'W, 34-20', '22', '16', '72.7', '162', '7.4', '2', '0', '26', '4/19', '123.7', '5', '23', '4.60', '19', '1', '2']
in row 13 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2015', 10, '12/13/15', 'KC', 'SD', 'W, 10-3', '23', '15', '65.2', '191', '8.3', '1', '1', '44t', '2/12', '87.4', '5', '40', '8.00', '18', '0', '3']
in row 14 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2015', 10, '12/20/15', 'KC', '@ Bal', 'W, 34-14', '25', '21', '84.0', '171', '6.8', '1', '0', '29', '3/7', '108.5', '4', '17', '4.25', '8', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2015', 10, '12/27/15', 'KC', 'Cle', 'W, 17-13', '22', '15', '68.2', '125', '5.7', '2', '1', '19', '1/3', '93.9', '6', '54', '9.00', '29', '0', '3']
in row 16 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2015', 10, '01/03/16', 'KC', 'Oak', 'W, 23-17', '24', '14', '58.3', '156', '6.5', '2', '2', '25t', '1/9', '70.8', '9', '61', '6.78', '22', '0', '4']
in row 17 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2015', 10, '01/09/16', 'KC', '@ Hou', 'W, 30-0', '22', '17', '77.3', '190', '8.6', '1', '1', '48', '3/17', '98.7', '5', '27', '5.40', '11', '0', '2']
in row 18 of 19 total rows
['smith, alex', '2015', 10, '01/16/16', 'KC', '@ NE', 'L, 27-20', '50', '29', '58.0', '246', '4.9', '1', '0', '26', '1/3', '77.6', '9', '44', '4.89', '15', '0', '4']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2016', 11, '09/11/16', 'KC', 'SD', 'W, 33-27', '48', '34', '70.8', '363', '7.6', '2', '1', '45', '3/33', '97.8', '4', '15', '3.75', '7', '1', '1']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2016', 11, '09/18/16', 'KC', '@ Hou', 'L, 19-12', '37', '20', '54.1', '186', '5.0', '0', '0', '34', '4/14', '68.1', '2', '2', '1.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2016', 11, '09/25/16', 'KC', 'NYJ', 'W, 24-3', '33', '25', '75.8', '237', '7.2', '1', '0', '42', '2/16', '105.2', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2016', 11, '10/02/16', 'KC', '@ Pit', 'L, 43-14', '50', '30', '60.0', '287', '5.7', '2', '1', '20', '4/17', '81.0', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2016', 11, '10/16/16', 'KC', '@ Oak', 'W, 26-10', '22', '19', '86.4', '224', '10.2', '0', '0', '38', '1/1', '109.1', '3', '-1', '-0.33', '1', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2016', 11, '10/23/16', 'KC', 'NO', 'W, 27-21', '24', '17', '70.8', '214', '8.9', '2', '0', '46t', '0/0', '126.0', '4', '7', '1.75', '6', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2016', 11, '10/30/16', 'KC', '@ Ind', 'W, 30-14', '19', '9', '47.4', '127', '6.7', '1', '0', '23', '1/0', '87.0', '2', '9', '4.50', '8', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2016', 11, '11/13/16', 'KC', '@ Car', 'W, 20-17', '38', '25', '65.8', '178', '4.7', '0', '1', '27', '3/13', '65.5', '4', '13', '3.25', '6', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2016', 11, '11/20/16', 'KC', 'TB', 'L, 19-17', '31', '24', '77.4', '261', '8.4', '1', '1', '44', '0/0', '99.0', '2', '10', '5.00', '11t', '1', '1']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2016', 11, '11/27/16', 'KC', '@ Den', 'W, 30-27', '44', '26', '59.1', '220', '5.0', '1', '0', '21', '6/30', '79.7', '2', '2', '1.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2016', 11, '12/04/16', 'KC', '@ Atl', 'W, 29-28', '25', '21', '84.0', '270', '10.8', '1', '0', '35', '1/4', '125.0', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2016', 11, '12/08/16', 'KC', 'Oak', 'W, 21-13', '26', '17', '65.4', '264', '10.2', '1', '1', '39', '1/6', '95.7', '4', '3', '0.75', '6', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2016', 11, '12/18/16', 'KC', 'Ten', 'L, 19-17', '28', '15', '53.6', '163', '5.8', '0', '1', '44', '1/4', '56.1', '4', '11', '2.75', '10t', '1', '1']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2016', 11, '12/25/16', 'KC', 'Den', 'W, 33-10', '36', '25', '69.4', '244', '6.8', '1', '1', '80t', '0/0', '85.9', '4', '46', '11.50', '24', '1', '3']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2016', 11, '01/01/17', 'KC', '@ SD', 'W, 37-27', '28', '21', '75.0', '264', '9.4', '2', '1', '42', '1/2', '112.8', '6', '21', '3.50', '9', '1', '1']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['smith, alex', '2016', 11, '01/15/17', 'KC', 'Pit', 'L, 18-16', '34', '20', '58.8', '172', '5.1', '1', '1', '24', '1/6', '69.7', '2', '9', '4.50', '5', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2011', 1, '09/11/11', 'Cin', '@ Cle', 'W, 27-17', '15', '10', '66.7', '81', '5.4', '1', '0', '22', '3/11', '102.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2011', 1, '09/18/11', 'Cin', '@ Den', 'L, 24-22', '41', '27', '65.9', '332', '8.1', '2', '0', '84', '2/22', '107.0', '2', '3', '1.50', '5', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2011', 1, '09/25/11', 'Cin', 'SF', 'L, 13-8', '32', '17', '53.1', '157', '4.9', '0', '2', '22', '1/8', '40.8', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2011', 1, '10/02/11', 'Cin', 'Buf', 'W, 23-20', '36', '18', '50.0', '298', '8.3', '1', '2', '58', '2/11', '64.4', '3', '12', '4.00', '6', '1', '2']
in row 5 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2011', 1, '10/09/11', 'Cin', '@ Jax', 'W, 30-20', '33', '21', '63.6', '179', '5.4', '2', '1', '37t', '2/17', '85.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2011', 1, '10/16/11', 'Cin', 'Ind', 'W, 27-17', '32', '25', '78.1', '264', '8.2', '1', '0', '32', '0/0', '111.5', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2011', 1, '10/30/11', 'Cin', '@ Sea', 'W, 34-12', '29', '18', '62.1', '168', '5.8', '2', '2', '43t', '1/8', '72.2', '2', '3', '1.50', '3', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2011', 1, '11/06/11', 'Cin', '@ Ten', 'W, 24-17', '39', '22', '56.4', '217', '5.6', '3', '0', '25', '1/7', '97.9', '3', '4', '1.33', '3', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2011', 1, '11/13/11', 'Cin', 'Pit', 'L, 24-17', '30', '15', '50.0', '170', '5.7', '2', '2', '36t', '0/0', '61.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2011', 1, '11/20/11', 'Cin', '@ Bal', 'L, 31-24', '45', '24', '53.3', '373', '8.3', '1', '3', '49t', '2/9', '60.7', '4', '32', '8.00', '11', '0', '2']
in row 11 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2011', 1, '11/27/11', 'Cin', 'Cle', 'W, 23-20', '31', '21', '67.7', '270', '8.7', '1', '0', '51', '2/13', '105.6', '6', '23', '3.83', '7', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2011', 1, '12/04/11', 'Cin', '@ Pit', 'L, 35-7', '24', '11', '45.8', '135', '5.6', '1', '0', '43', '3/24', '77.6', '2', '6', '3.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2011', 1, '12/11/11', 'Cin', 'Hou', 'L, 20-19', '28', '16', '57.1', '189', '6.8', '1', '0', '36', '1/5', '89.7', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2011', 1, '12/18/11', 'Cin', '@ Stl', 'W, 20-13', '26', '15', '57.7', '179', '6.9', '0', '1', '55', '1/6', '62.8', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2011', 1, '12/24/11', 'Cin', 'Ari', 'W, 23-16', '31', '18', '58.1', '154', '5.0', '2', '0', '19t', '2/18', '92.7', '5', '48', '9.60', '17', '0', '3']
in row 16 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2011', 1, '01/01/12', 'Cin', 'Bal', 'L, 24-16', '44', '22', '50.0', '232', '5.3', '0', '0', '31', '1/1', '65.7', '4', '17', '4.25', '13', '0', '1']
in row 17 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2011', 1, '01/07/12', 'Cin', '@ Hou', 'L, 31-10', '42', '27', '64.3', '257', '6.1', '0', '3', '36', '4/33', '51.4', '3', '17', '5.67', '15', '0', '2']
in row 1 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2012', 2, '09/10/12', 'Cin', '@ Bal', 'L, 44-13', '37', '22', '59.5', '221', '6.0', '0', '1', '27', '4/28', '65.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2012', 2, '09/16/12', 'Cin', 'Cle', 'W, 34-27', '31', '24', '77.4', '318', '10.3', '3', '1', '50t', '6/23', '128.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2012', 2, '09/23/12', 'Cin', '@ Was', 'W, 38-31', '27', '19', '70.4', '328', '12.1', '3', '1', '59t', '2/16', '132.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2012', 2, '09/30/12', 'Cin', '@ Jax', 'W, 27-10', '31', '20', '64.5', '244', '7.9', '2', '1', '42', '0/0', '96.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2012', 2, '10/07/12', 'Cin', 'Mia', 'L, 17-13', '43', '26', '60.5', '234', '5.4', '1', '2', '24', '3/16', '63.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2012', 2, '10/14/12', 'Cin', '@ Cle', 'L, 34-24', '46', '31', '67.4', '381', '8.3', '3', '3', '57t', '2/19', '87.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2012', 2, '10/21/12', 'Cin', 'Pit', 'L, 24-17', '28', '14', '50.0', '105', '3.8', '1', '1', '17', '0/0', '56.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2012', 2, '11/04/12', 'Cin', 'Den', 'L, 31-23', '42', '26', '61.9', '299', '7.1', '1', '1', '52', '5/24', '81.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2012', 2, '11/11/12', 'Cin', 'NYG', 'W, 31-13', '30', '21', '70.0', '199', '6.6', '4', '0', '56t', '0/0', '127.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2012', 2, '11/18/12', 'Cin', '@ KC', 'W, 28-6', '29', '18', '62.1', '230', '7.9', '2', '0', '40', '2/10', '109.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2012', 2, '11/25/12', 'Cin', 'Oak', 'W, 34-10', '30', '16', '53.3', '210', '7.0', '3', '0', '48', '2/16', '109.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2012', 2, '12/02/12', 'Cin', '@ SD', 'W, 20-13', '38', '25', '65.8', '211', '5.6', '1', '2', '19t', '1/0', '66.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2012', 2, '12/09/12', 'Cin', 'Dal', 'L, 20-19', '33', '20', '60.6', '206', '6.2', '1', '1', '25', '5/16', '76.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2012', 2, '12/13/12', 'Cin', '@ Phi', 'W, 34-13', '27', '13', '48.1', '127', '4.7', '1', '0', '19', '6/35', '74.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2012', 2, '12/23/12', 'Cin', '@ Pit', 'W, 13-10', '41', '24', '58.5', '278', '6.8', '0', '2', '25', '6/25', '58.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2012', 2, '12/30/12', 'Cin', 'Bal', 'W, 23-17', '15', '10', '66.7', '78', '5.2', '1', '0', '17', '2/1', '101.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 17 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2012', 2, '01/05/13', 'Cin', '@ Hou', 'L, 19-13', '30', '14', '46.7', '127', '4.2', '0', '1', '45', '2/9', '44.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2013', 3, '09/08/13', 'Cin', '@ Chi', 'L, 24-21', '33', '26', '78.8', '282', '8.5', '2', '2', '45t', '1/5', '97.2', '2', '2', '1.00', '3', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2013', 3, '09/16/13', 'Cin', 'Pit', 'W, 20-10', '45', '25', '55.6', '280', '6.2', '1', '0', '61', '0/0', '81.7', '3', '10', '3.33', '4', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2013', 3, '09/22/13', 'Cin', 'GB', 'W, 34-30', '28', '20', '71.4', '235', '8.4', '2', '1', '32', '4/20', '105.5', '4', '3', '0.75', '4', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2013', 3, '09/29/13', 'Cin', '@ Cle', 'L, 17-6', '42', '23', '54.8', '206', '4.9', '0', '1', '29', '2/3', '58.2', '4', '13', '3.25', '10', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2013', 3, '10/06/13', 'Cin', 'NE', 'W, 13-6', '27', '20', '74.1', '212', '7.9', '0', '1', '28', '4/33', '81.1', '6', '25', '4.17', '9', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2013', 3, '10/13/13', 'Cin', '@ Buf', 'W, 27-24', '40', '26', '65.0', '337', '8.4', '3', '1', '54', '3/19', '105.9', '7', '17', '2.43', '6', '0', '2']
in row 7 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2013', 3, '10/20/13', 'Cin', '@ Det', 'W, 27-24', '34', '24', '70.6', '372', '10.9', '3', '0', '82t', '1/8', '135.9', '1', '6', '6.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2013', 3, '10/27/13', 'Cin', 'NYJ', 'W, 49-9', '30', '19', '63.3', '325', '10.8', '5', '1', '53', '1/2', '125.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2013', 3, '10/31/13', 'Cin', '@ Mia', 'L, 22-20', '53', '32', '60.4', '338', '6.4', '0', '3', '26', '5/36', '55.4', '5', '12', '2.40', '10', '0', '2']
in row 10 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2013', 3, '11/10/13', 'Cin', '@ Bal', 'L, 20-17', '51', '24', '47.1', '274', '5.4', '2', '3', '51t', '5/30', '52.2', '6', '22', '3.67', '12', '0', '3']
in row 11 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2013', 3, '11/17/13', 'Cin', 'Cle', 'W, 41-20', '27', '13', '48.1', '93', '3.4', '3', '2', '25t', '0/0', '62.7', '4', '0', '0.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2013', 3, '12/01/13', 'Cin', '@ SD', 'W, 17-10', '23', '14', '60.9', '190', '8.3', '1', '1', '50', '0/0', '83.6', '3', '9', '3.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2013', 3, '12/08/13', 'Cin', 'Ind', 'W, 42-28', '35', '24', '68.6', '275', '7.9', '3', '0', '29t', '0/0', '120.5', '5', '11', '2.20', '8t', '1', '1']
in row 14 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2013', 3, '12/15/13', 'Cin', '@ Pit', 'L, 30-20', '44', '25', '56.8', '230', '5.2', '2', '0', '19', '1/8', '86.4', '4', '20', '5.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2013', 3, '12/22/13', 'Cin', 'Min', 'W, 42-14', '38', '27', '71.1', '363', '9.6', '4', '0', '41', '2/18', '136.2', '1', '10', '10.00', '10', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2013', 3, '12/29/13', 'Cin', 'Bal', 'W, 34-17', '36', '21', '58.3', '281', '7.8', '2', '4', '53t', '0/0', '62.2', '6', '23', '3.83', '9', '1', '1']
in row 17 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2013', 3, '01/05/14', 'Cin', 'SD', 'L, 27-10', '51', '29', '56.9', '334', '6.5', '1', '2', '49', '3/8', '67.0', '5', '26', '5.20', '12', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2014', 4, '09/07/14', 'Cin', '@ Bal', 'W, 23-16', '38', '25', '65.8', '301', '7.9', '1', '0', '77t', '0/0', '98.7', '6', '3', '0.50', '3', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2014', 4, '09/14/14', 'Cin', 'Atl', 'W, 24-10', '23', '15', '65.2', '252', '11.0', '1', '0', '76t', '0/0', '116.6', '3', '6', '2.00', '4', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2014', 4, '09/21/14', 'Cin', 'Ten', 'W, 33-7', '23', '15', '65.2', '169', '7.3', '0', '1', '29', '0/0', '68.9', '3', '3', '1.00', '3', '0', '2']
in row 4 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2014', 4, '10/05/14', 'Cin', '@ NE', 'L, 43-17', '24', '15', '62.5', '204', '8.5', '2', '0', '37t', '1/8', '117.4', '2', '16', '8.00', '12', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2014', 4, '10/12/14', 'Cin', 'Car', 'T, 37-37', '43', '33', '76.7', '323', '7.5', '2', '2', '34t', '1/3', '93.5', '4', '25', '6.25', '20', '0', '3']
in row 6 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2014', 4, '10/19/14', 'Cin', '@ Ind', 'L, 27-0', '38', '18', '47.4', '126', '3.3', '0', '0', '32', '3/17', '55.4', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2014', 4, '10/26/14', 'Cin', 'Bal', 'W, 27-24', '28', '21', '75.0', '266', '9.5', '0', '1', '53', '2/27', '89.3', '6', '14', '2.33', '5', '2', '4']
in row 8 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2014', 4, '11/02/14', 'Cin', 'Jax', 'W, 33-23', '31', '19', '61.3', '233', '7.5', '2', '2', '36', '2/1', '79.1', '2', '11', '5.50', '8', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2014', 4, '11/06/14', 'Cin', 'Cle', 'L, 24-3', '33', '10', '30.3', '86', '2.6', '0', '3', '18', '2/14', '2.0', '3', '8', '2.67', '4', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2014', 4, '11/16/14', 'Cin', '@ NO', 'W, 27-10', '22', '16', '72.7', '220', '10.0', '3', '0', '38', '1/1', '143.9', '5', '12', '2.40', '11', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2014', 4, '11/23/14', 'Cin', '@ Hou', 'W, 22-13', '35', '24', '68.6', '233', '6.7', '1', '1', '20', '0/0', '84.6', '7', '6', '0.86', '3', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2014', 4, '11/30/14', 'Cin', '@ TB', 'W, 14-13', '27', '19', '70.4', '176', '6.5', '1', '3', '30', '2/11', '60.6', '3', '7', '2.33', '5t', '1', '2']
in row 13 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2014', 4, '12/07/14', 'Cin', 'Pit', 'L, 42-21', '29', '21', '72.4', '302', '10.4', '2', '0', '81t', '2/5', '128.8', '4', '22', '5.50', '20t', '1', '1']
in row 14 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2014', 4, '12/14/14', 'Cin', '@ Cle', 'W, 30-0', '24', '14', '58.3', '117', '4.9', '0', '1', '15', '2/14', '53.6', '2', '3', '1.50', '2', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2014', 4, '12/22/14', 'Cin', 'Den', 'W, 37-28', '25', '17', '68.0', '146', '5.8', '2', '1', '22t', '0/0', '93.1', '6', '25', '4.17', '10', '0', '2']
in row 16 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2014', 4, '12/28/14', 'Cin', '@ Pit', 'L, 27-17', '38', '27', '71.1', '244', '6.4', '2', '2', '19', '3/23', '83.7', '3', '8', '2.67', '5', '0', '1']
in row 17 of 18 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2014', 4, '01/04/15', 'Cin', '@ Ind', 'L, 26-10', '35', '18', '51.4', '155', '4.4', '0', '0', '26', '3/11', '63.4', '4', '34', '8.50', '16', '0', '2']
in row 1 of 14 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2015', 5, '09/13/15', 'Cin', '@ Oak', 'W, 33-13', '34', '25', '73.5', '269', '7.9', '2', '0', '31', '0/0', '115.9', '4', '1', '0.25', '3', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 14 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2015', 5, '09/20/15', 'Cin', 'SD', 'W, 24-19', '26', '16', '61.5', '214', '8.2', '3', '0', '45t', '0/0', '126.1', '5', '10', '2.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 14 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2015', 5, '09/27/15', 'Cin', '@ Bal', 'W, 28-24', '32', '20', '62.5', '383', '12.0', '3', '1', '80t', '2/11', '122.3', '5', '10', '2.00', '7t', '1', '2']
in row 4 of 14 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2015', 5, '10/04/15', 'Cin', 'KC', 'W, 36-21', '24', '17', '70.8', '321', '13.4', '1', '0', '55t', '0/0', '127.1', '3', '16', '5.33', '8', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 14 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2015', 5, '10/11/15', 'Cin', 'Sea', 'W, 27-24', '44', '30', '68.2', '331', '7.5', '2', '1', '44', '4/21', '95.9', '7', '18', '2.57', '6', '1', '3']
in row 6 of 14 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2015', 5, '10/18/15', 'Cin', '@ Buf', 'W, 34-21', '33', '22', '66.7', '243', '7.4', '3', '0', '42', '0/0', '118.6', '3', '-2', '-0.67', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 14 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2015', 5, '11/01/15', 'Cin', '@ Pit', 'W, 16-10', '38', '23', '60.5', '231', '6.1', '1', '2', '38', '3/13', '64.7', '6', '4', '0.67', '5', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 14 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2015', 5, '11/05/15', 'Cin', 'Cle', 'W, 31-10', '27', '21', '77.8', '234', '8.7', '3', '0', '29', '2/15', '139.8', '6', '5', '0.83', '6', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 14 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2015', 5, '11/16/15', 'Cin', 'Hou', 'L, 10-6', '38', '22', '57.9', '197', '5.2', '0', '1', '26', '4/15', '61.0', '4', '31', '7.75', '11', '0', '2']
in row 10 of 14 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2015', 5, '11/22/15', 'Cin', '@ Ari', 'L, 34-31', '39', '22', '56.4', '315', '8.1', '2', '0', '42', '4/37', '99.8', '8', '34', '4.25', '12', '0', '2']
in row 11 of 14 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2015', 5, '11/29/15', 'Cin', 'Stl', 'W, 31-7', '27', '20', '74.1', '233', '8.6', '3', '1', '45', '0/0', '121.4', '2', '4', '2.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 14 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2015', 5, '12/06/15', 'Cin', '@ Cle', 'W, 37-3', '19', '14', '73.7', '220', '11.6', '2', '0', '57', '1/6', '146.8', '4', '11', '2.75', '4', '1', '2']
in row 13 of 14 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2015', 5, '12/13/15', 'Cin', 'Pit', 'L, 33-20', '5', '3', '60.0', '59', '11.8', '0', '1', '24', '0/0', '61.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2016', 6, '09/11/16', 'Cin', '@ NYJ', 'W, 23-22', '30', '23', '76.7', '366', '12.2', '1', '1', '54t', '7/42', '114.0', '3', '7', '2.33', '5', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2016', 6, '09/18/16', 'Cin', '@ Pit', 'L, 24-16', '54', '31', '57.4', '366', '6.8', '1', '0', '29', '1/0', '84.3', '2', '7', '3.50', '5', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2016', 6, '09/25/16', 'Cin', 'Den', 'L, 29-17', '31', '21', '67.7', '206', '6.6', '0', '1', '27', '4/17', '72.8', '6', '40', '6.67', '15', '0', '2']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2016', 6, '09/29/16', 'Cin', 'Mia', 'W, 22-7', '31', '22', '71.0', '296', '9.5', '1', '0', '51', '1/11', '111.8', '6', '-12', '-2.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2016', 6, '10/09/16', 'Cin', '@ Dal', 'L, 28-14', '41', '29', '70.7', '269', '6.6', '2', '0', '22', '4/20', '104.6', '6', '34', '5.67', '13', '0', '3']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2016', 6, '10/16/16', 'Cin', '@ NE', 'L, 35-17', '31', '21', '67.7', '254', '8.2', '1', '0', '32', '2/17', '103.4', '2', '17', '8.50', '15', '1', '2']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2016', 6, '10/23/16', 'Cin', 'Cle', 'W, 31-17', '28', '19', '67.9', '308', '11.0', '2', '0', '48t', '3/20', '128.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2016', 6, '10/30/16', 'Cin', 'Was', 'T, 27-27', '42', '27', '64.3', '284', '6.8', '1', '1', '40', '3/21', '81.8', '4', '21', '5.25', '14', '1', '3']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2016', 6, '11/14/16', 'Cin', '@ NYG', 'L, 21-20', '29', '16', '55.2', '204', '7.0', '1', '1', '71', '3/18', '74.5', '1', '15', '15.00', '15', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2016', 6, '11/20/16', 'Cin', 'Buf', 'L, 16-12', '43', '24', '55.8', '207', '4.8', '1', '2', '21', '1/0', '57.0', '4', '10', '2.50', '7', '1', '2']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2016', 6, '11/27/16', 'Cin', '@ Bal', 'L, 19-14', '48', '26', '54.2', '283', '5.9', '1', '0', '25', '3/22', '78.7', '3', '14', '4.67', '12', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2016', 6, '12/04/16', 'Cin', 'Phi', 'W, 32-14', '31', '23', '74.2', '332', '10.7', '2', '0', '50', '0/0', '130.0', '2', '9', '4.50', '10', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2016', 6, '12/11/16', 'Cin', '@ Cle', 'W, 23-10', '28', '20', '71.4', '180', '6.4', '2', '0', '18', '4/33', '112.2', '2', '17', '8.50', '9', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2016', 6, '12/18/16', 'Cin', 'Pit', 'L, 24-20', '27', '16', '59.3', '157', '5.8', '0', '1', '25', '1/11', '60.3', '1', '1', '1.00', '1t', '1', '1']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2016', 6, '12/24/16', 'Cin', '@ Hou', 'L, 12-10', '41', '28', '68.3', '268', '6.5', '1', '1', '86t', '3/24', '84.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['dalton, andy', '2016', 6, '01/01/17', 'Cin', 'Bal', 'W, 27-10', '28', '18', '64.3', '226', '8.1', '1', '0', '31', '1/8', '101.2', '4', '4', '1.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2004', 1, '09/19/04', 'Pit', '@ Bal', 'L, 30-13', '20', '12', '60.0', '176', '8.8', '2', '2', '58', '2/16', '82.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2004', 1, '09/26/04', 'Pit', '@ Mia', 'W, 13-3', '22', '12', '54.5', '163', '7.4', '1', '1', '42', '1/2', '74.6', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2004', 1, '10/03/04', 'Pit', 'Cin', 'W, 28-17', '25', '17', '68.0', '174', '7.0', '1', '0', '30', '1/6', '101.1', '4', '2', '0.50', '3', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2004', 1, '10/10/04', 'Pit', 'Cle', 'W, 34-23', '21', '16', '76.2', '231', '11.0', '1', '1', '48', '0/0', '107.4', '6', '13', '2.17', '9', '1', '1']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2004', 1, '10/17/04', 'Pit', '@ Dal', 'W, 24-20', '25', '21', '84.0', '193', '7.7', '2', '0', '32', '3/21', '125.5', '2', '8', '4.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2004', 1, '10/31/04', 'Pit', 'NE', 'W, 34-20', '24', '18', '75.0', '196', '8.2', '2', '0', '47t', '0/0', '126.4', '5', '3', '0.60', '5', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2004', 1, '11/07/04', 'Pit', 'Phi', 'W, 27-3', '18', '11', '61.1', '183', '10.2', '2', '1', '47', '2/15', '109.3', '6', '10', '1.67', '16', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2004', 1, '11/14/04', 'Pit', '@ Cle', 'W, 24-10', '16', '10', '62.5', '134', '8.4', '0', '1', '22', '2/14', '63.0', '7', '38', '5.43', '20', '0', '2']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2004', 1, '11/21/04', 'Pit', '@ Cin', 'W, 19-14', '21', '15', '71.4', '138', '6.6', '1', '0', '26', '7/54', '104.9', '9', '16', '1.78', '4', '0', '3']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2004', 1, '11/28/04', 'Pit', 'Was', 'W, 16-7', '20', '9', '45.0', '131', '6.5', '0', '0', '27', '4/31', '66.9', '6', '4', '0.67', '3', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2004', 1, '12/05/04', 'Pit', '@ Jax', 'W, 17-16', '17', '14', '82.4', '221', '13.0', '2', '0', '37t', '3/25', '158.0', '3', '40', '13.33', '20', '0', '2']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2004', 1, '12/12/04', 'Pit', 'NYJ', 'W, 17-6', '19', '9', '47.4', '144', '7.6', '0', '2', '46', '2/12', '33.6', '4', '-2', '-0.50', '1', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2004', 1, '12/18/04', 'Pit', '@ NYG', 'W, 33-30', '28', '18', '64.3', '316', '11.3', '1', '2', '40', '3/17', '84.8', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2004', 1, '12/26/04', 'Pit', 'Bal', 'W, 20-7', '19', '14', '73.7', '221', '11.6', '2', '1', '36t', '0/0', '125.1', '2', '11', '5.50', '9', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2004', 1, '01/15/05', 'Pit', 'NYJ', 'W, 20-17', '30', '17', '56.7', '181', '6.0', '1', '2', '21', '1/10', '57.8', '4', '30', '7.50', '20', '0', '1']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2004', 1, '01/23/05', 'Pit', 'NE', 'L, 41-27', '24', '14', '58.3', '226', '9.4', '2', '3', '34', '1/1', '78.1', '5', '45', '9.00', '13', '0', '4']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2005', 2, '09/11/05', 'Pit', 'Ten', 'W, 34-7', '11', '9', '81.8', '218', '19.8', '2', '0', '63t', '0/0', '158.3', '3', '5', '1.67', '5', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2005', 2, '09/18/05', 'Pit', '@ Hou', 'W, 27-7', '21', '14', '66.7', '254', '12.1', '2', '0', '54', '1/1', '139.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2005', 2, '09/25/05', 'Pit', 'NE', 'L, 23-20', '28', '12', '42.9', '216', '7.7', '2', '0', '85t', '4/26', '93.8', '3', '17', '5.67', '10', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2005', 2, '10/10/05', 'Pit', '@ SD', 'W, 24-22', '26', '17', '65.4', '225', '8.7', '1', '0', '33', '3/18', '105.4', '2', '15', '7.50', '8', '1', '2']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2005', 2, '10/23/05', 'Pit', '@ Cin', 'W, 27-13', '14', '9', '64.3', '93', '6.6', '2', '1', '21', '1/10', '93.2', '4', '-5', '-1.25', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2005', 2, '10/31/05', 'Pit', 'Bal', 'W, 20-19', '30', '18', '60.0', '177', '5.9', '2', '1', '23', '2/17', '85.0', '4', '4', '1.00', '3', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2005', 2, '11/28/05', 'Pit', '@ Ind', 'L, 26-7', '26', '17', '65.4', '133', '5.1', '1', '2', '35', '3/22', '58.7', '3', '21', '7.00', '13', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2005', 2, '12/04/05', 'Pit', 'Cin', 'L, 38-31', '41', '29', '70.7', '386', '9.4', '3', '3', '41', '2/7', '94.2', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2005', 2, '12/11/05', 'Pit', 'Chi', 'W, 21-9', '20', '13', '65.0', '173', '8.7', '1', '0', '45', '0/0', '109.0', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2005', 2, '12/18/05', 'Pit', '@ Min', 'W, 18-3', '15', '10', '66.7', '149', '9.9', '0', '0', '50', '4/16', '99.0', '6', '7', '1.17', '9', '1', '1']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2005', 2, '12/24/05', 'Pit', '@ Cle', 'W, 41-0', '20', '13', '65.0', '226', '11.3', '1', '0', '46', '2/9', '120.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2005', 2, '01/01/06', 'Pit', 'Det', 'W, 35-21', '16', '7', '43.8', '135', '8.4', '0', '2', '43', '1/3', '34.1', '3', '5', '1.67', '7t', '1', '1']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2005', 2, '01/08/06', 'Pit', '@ Cin', 'W, 31-17', '19', '14', '73.7', '208', '10.9', '3', '0', '54', '1/6', '148.7', '4', '3', '0.75', '6', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2005', 2, '01/15/06', 'Pit', '@ Ind', 'W, 21-18', '24', '14', '58.3', '197', '8.2', '2', '1', '45', '2/14', '95.3', '5', '-3', '-0.60', '1', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2005', 2, '01/22/06', 'Pit', '@ Den', 'W, 34-17', '29', '21', '72.4', '275', '9.5', '2', '0', '30', '2/7', '124.9', '3', '12', '4.00', '6', '1', '1']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2005', 2, '02/05/06', 'Pit', 'Sea', 'W, 21-10', '21', '9', '42.9', '123', '5.9', '0', '2', '37', '1/8', '22.6', '7', '25', '3.57', '10', '1', '3']
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2006', 3, '09/18/06', 'Pit', '@ Jax', 'L, 9-0', '32', '17', '53.1', '141', '4.4', '0', '2', '18', '2/14', '38.7', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2006', 3, '09/24/06', 'Pit', 'Cin', 'L, 28-20', '39', '18', '46.2', '208', '5.3', '0', '3', '36', '3/13', '30.7', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2006', 3, '10/08/06', 'Pit', '@ SD', 'L, 23-13', '31', '20', '64.5', '220', '7.1', '0', '2', '32', '5/23', '58.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2006', 3, '10/15/06', 'Pit', 'KC', 'W, 45-7', '19', '16', '84.2', '238', '12.5', '2', '0', '50', '1/6', '153.8', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2006', 3, '10/22/06', 'Pit', '@ Atl', 'L, 41-38', '22', '16', '72.7', '238', '10.8', '3', '0', '36', '3/15', '147.3', '3', '-2', '-0.67', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2006', 3, '10/29/06', 'Pit', '@ Oak', 'L, 20-13', '37', '25', '67.6', '301', '8.1', '1', '4', '49', '5/30', '61.7', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2006', 3, '11/05/06', 'Pit', 'Den', 'L, 31-20', '54', '38', '70.4', '433', '8.0', '1', '3', '63', '4/30', '77.2', '3', '9', '3.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2006', 3, '11/12/06', 'Pit', 'NO', 'W, 38-31', '28', '17', '60.7', '264', '9.4', '3', '0', '46', '2/14', '127.7', '2', '1', '0.50', '2', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2006', 3, '11/19/06', 'Pit', '@ Cle', 'W, 24-20', '44', '25', '56.8', '272', '6.2', '2', '3', '23', '2/11', '61.9', '2', '20', '10.00', '13', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2006', 3, '11/26/06', 'Pit', '@ Bal', 'L, 27-0', '41', '21', '51.2', '214', '5.2', '0', '2', '27', '9/73', '46.2', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2006', 3, '12/03/06', 'Pit', 'TB', 'W, 20-3', '25', '12', '48.0', '198', '7.9', '2', '1', '36', '1/7', '85.1', '2', '2', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2006', 3, '12/07/06', 'Pit', 'Cle', 'W, 27-7', '21', '11', '52.4', '225', '10.7', '1', '0', '49t', '0/0', '106.3', '3', '4', '1.33', '3', '1', '1']
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2006', 3, '12/17/06', 'Pit', '@ Car', 'W, 37-3', '17', '10', '58.8', '125', '7.4', '1', '0', '21', '3/22', '101.3', '5', '12', '2.40', '8', '1', '4']
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2006', 3, '12/24/06', 'Pit', 'Bal', 'L, 31-7', '31', '15', '48.4', '156', '5.0', '1', '2', '31', '5/17', '47.2', '4', '33', '8.25', '20', '0', '2']
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2006', 3, '12/31/06', 'Pit', '@ Cin', 'W, 23-17', '28', '19', '67.9', '280', '10.0', '1', '1', '67t', '1/5', '97.3', '3', '16', '5.33', '11', '0', '2']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2007', 4, '09/09/07', 'Pit', '@ Cle', 'W, 34-7', '23', '12', '52.2', '161', '7.0', '4', '0', '40t', '1/2', '114.3', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2007', 4, '09/16/07', 'Pit', 'Buf', 'W, 26-3', '34', '21', '61.8', '242', '7.1', '1', '1', '30', '1/6', '80.8', '1', '10', '10.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2007', 4, '09/23/07', 'Pit', 'SF', 'W, 37-16', '20', '13', '65.0', '160', '8.0', '1', '0', '29', '2/15', '106.3', '1', '18', '18.00', '18', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2007', 4, '09/30/07', 'Pit', '@ Ari', 'L, 21-14', '32', '17', '53.1', '244', '7.6', '2', '2', '43t', '4/39', '72.9', '4', '26', '6.50', '16', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2007', 4, '10/07/07', 'Pit', 'Sea', 'W, 21-0', '22', '18', '81.8', '206', '9.4', '1', '0', '25', '3/27', '120.8', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2007', 4, '10/21/07', 'Pit', '@ Den', 'L, 31-28', '35', '24', '68.6', '290', '8.3', '4', '2', '40', '4/30', '108.0', '3', '20', '6.67', '11', '0', '2']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2007', 4, '10/28/07', 'Pit', '@ Cin', 'W, 24-13', '26', '19', '73.1', '230', '8.8', '2', '1', '42', '1/0', '109.5', '2', '9', '4.50', '9', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2007', 4, '11/05/07', 'Pit', 'Bal', 'W, 38-7', '16', '13', '81.2', '209', '13.1', '5', '0', '45', '3/22', '158.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2007', 4, '11/11/07', 'Pit', 'Cle', 'W, 31-28', '34', '23', '67.6', '278', '8.2', '2', '1', '22', '4/36', '99.9', '5', '49', '9.80', '30t', '1', '3']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2007', 4, '11/18/07', 'Pit', '@ NYJ', 'L, 19-16', '25', '15', '60.0', '195', '7.8', '1', '1', '27', '7/44', '81.3', '2', '5', '2.50', '6', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2007', 4, '11/26/07', 'Pit', 'Mia', 'W, 3-0', '21', '18', '85.7', '165', '7.9', '0', '1', '21', '5/33', '79.6', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2007', 4, '12/02/07', 'Pit', 'Cin', 'W, 24-10', '32', '21', '65.6', '184', '5.8', '2', '2', '19', '0/0', '75.5', '6', '13', '2.17', '6t', '1', '1']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2007', 4, '12/09/07', 'Pit', '@ NE', 'L, 34-13', '32', '19', '59.4', '187', '5.8', '1', '0', '32t', '3/19', '86.3', '4', '24', '6.00', '9', '0', '2']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2007', 4, '12/16/07', 'Pit', 'Jax', 'L, 29-22', '32', '15', '46.9', '142', '4.4', '3', '0', '30t', '5/40', '90.9', '2', '15', '7.50', '11', '0', '2']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2007', 4, '12/20/07', 'Pit', '@ Stl', 'W, 41-24', '20', '16', '80.0', '261', '13.1', '3', '0', '83', '4/34', '158.3', '2', '11', '5.50', '9', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2007', 4, '01/05/08', 'Pit', 'Jax', 'L, 31-29', '42', '29', '69.0', '337', '8.0', '2', '3', '37t', '6/40', '79.2', '4', '13', '3.25', '6', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 20 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2008', 5, '09/07/08', 'Pit', 'Hou', 'W, 38-17', '14', '13', '92.9', '137', '9.8', '2', '0', '29', '2/15', '147.0', '2', '17', '8.50', '17', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 20 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2008', 5, '09/14/08', 'Pit', '@ Cle', 'W, 10-6', '20', '13', '65.0', '179', '8.9', '1', '0', '48', '2/15', '110.2', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 20 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2008', 5, '09/21/08', 'Pit', '@ Phi', 'L, 15-6', '25', '13', '52.0', '131', '5.2', '0', '1', '16', '8/35', '50.6', '4', '6', '1.50', '2', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 20 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2008', 5, '09/29/08', 'Pit', 'Bal', 'W, 23-20', '24', '14', '58.3', '191', '8.0', '1', '1', '49', '3/23', '80.4', '2', '3', '1.50', '4', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 20 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2008', 5, '10/05/08', 'Pit', '@ Jax', 'W, 26-21', '41', '26', '63.4', '309', '7.5', '3', '1', '48t', '3/23', '100.6', '2', '2', '1.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 20 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2008', 5, '10/19/08', 'Pit', '@ Cin', 'W, 38-10', '28', '17', '60.7', '216', '7.7', '2', '0', '50t', '0/0', '108.6', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 20 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2008', 5, '10/26/08', 'Pit', 'NYG', 'L, 21-14', '29', '13', '44.8', '189', '6.5', '1', '4', '65t', '5/35', '38.5', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 20 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2008', 5, '11/03/08', 'Pit', '@ Was', 'W, 23-6', '17', '5', '29.4', '50', '2.9', '0', '1', '14', '3/6', '15.1', '1', '1', '1.00', '1t', '1', '1']
in row 9 of 20 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2008', 5, '11/09/08', 'Pit', 'Ind', 'L, 24-20', '41', '29', '70.7', '280', '6.8', '0', '3', '41', '2/13', '59.0', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 20 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2008', 5, '11/16/08', 'Pit', 'SD', 'W, 11-10', '41', '31', '75.6', '308', '7.5', '0', '0', '30', '4/22', '96.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 20 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2008', 5, '11/20/08', 'Pit', 'Cin', 'W, 27-10', '30', '17', '56.7', '243', '8.1', '1', '0', '37', '0/0', '94.2', '3', '13', '4.33', '8t', '1', '2']
in row 12 of 20 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2008', 5, '11/30/08', 'Pit', '@ NE', 'W, 33-10', '33', '17', '51.5', '179', '5.4', '2', '1', '21', '1/7', '75.2', '3', '6', '2.00', '5', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 20 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2008', 5, '12/07/08', 'Pit', 'Dal', 'W, 20-13', '33', '17', '51.5', '204', '6.2', '1', '0', '47', '5/36', '80.9', '5', '17', '3.40', '9', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 20 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2008', 5, '12/14/08', 'Pit', '@ Bal', 'W, 13-9', '40', '22', '55.0', '246', '6.2', '1', '0', '30', '3/26', '81.9', '4', '21', '5.25', '9', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 20 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2008', 5, '12/21/08', 'Pit', '@ Ten', 'L, 31-14', '39', '25', '64.1', '329', '8.4', '2', '2', '31t', '5/28', '86.4', '3', '14', '4.67', '9', '0', '1']
in row 16 of 20 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2008', 5, '12/28/08', 'Pit', 'Cle', 'W, 31-0', '14', '9', '64.3', '110', '7.9', '0', '1', '24', '0/0', '58.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 17 of 20 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2008', 5, '01/11/09', 'Pit', 'SD', 'W, 35-24', '26', '17', '65.4', '181', '7.0', '1', '0', '41', '1/4', '98.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 18 of 20 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2008', 5, '01/18/09', 'Pit', 'Bal', 'W, 23-14', '33', '16', '48.5', '255', '7.7', '1', '0', '65t', '4/32', '84.8', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 19 of 20 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2008', 5, '02/01/09', 'Pit', '@ Ari', 'W, 27-23', '30', '21', '70.0', '256', '8.5', '1', '1', '40', '3/22', '93.2', '3', '2', '0.67', '4', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2009', 6, '09/10/09', 'Pit', 'Ten', 'W, 13-10', '43', '33', '76.7', '363', '8.4', '1', '2', '34t', '4/42', '89.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2009', 6, '09/20/09', 'Pit', '@ Chi', 'L, 17-14', '35', '23', '65.7', '221', '6.3', '1', '1', '24', '2/18', '80.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2009', 6, '09/27/09', 'Pit', '@ Cin', 'L, 23-20', '31', '22', '71.0', '276', '8.9', '1', '1', '51', '1/5', '95.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2009', 6, '10/04/09', 'Pit', 'SD', 'W, 38-28', '33', '26', '78.8', '333', '10.1', '2', '0', '35', '3/19', '128.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2009', 6, '10/11/09', 'Pit', '@ Det', 'W, 28-20', '30', '23', '76.7', '277', '9.2', '3', '1', '47t', '3/15', '123.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2009', 6, '10/18/09', 'Pit', 'Cle', 'W, 27-14', '35', '23', '65.7', '417', '11.9', '2', '1', '52t', '3/14', '113.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2009', 6, '10/25/09', 'Pit', 'Min', 'W, 27-17', '26', '14', '53.8', '175', '6.7', '1', '0', '45', '4/23', '87.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2009', 6, '11/09/09', 'Pit', '@ Den', 'W, 28-10', '29', '21', '72.4', '233', '8.0', '3', '1', '35', '3/31', '116.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2009', 6, '11/15/09', 'Pit', 'Cin', 'L, 18-12', '40', '20', '50.0', '174', '4.3', '0', '1', '21', '4/28', '51.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2009', 6, '11/22/09', 'Pit', '@ KC', 'L, 27-24', '42', '32', '76.2', '398', '9.5', '3', '2', '41', '2/13', '109.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2009', 6, '12/06/09', 'Pit', 'Oak', 'L, 27-24', '24', '18', '75.0', '278', '11.6', '2', '1', '57', '1/9', '123.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2009', 6, '12/10/09', 'Pit', '@ Cle', 'L, 13-6', '32', '18', '56.2', '201', '6.3', '0', '0', '24', '8/60', '75.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2009', 6, '12/20/09', 'Pit', 'GB', 'W, 37-36', '46', '29', '63.0', '503', '10.9', '3', '0', '60t', '5/31', '121.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2009', 6, '12/27/09', 'Pit', 'Bal', 'W, 23-20', '33', '17', '51.5', '259', '7.8', '1', '1', '45', '4/21', '75.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2009', 6, '01/03/10', 'Pit', '@ Mia', 'W, 30-24', '27', '18', '66.7', '220', '8.1', '3', '0', '54t', '3/19', '128.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2010', 7, '10/17/10', 'Pit', 'Cle', 'W, 28-10', '27', '16', '59.3', '257', '9.5', '3', '1', '50', '0/0', '112.7', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2010', 7, '10/24/10', 'Pit', '@ Mia', 'W, 23-22', '27', '19', '70.4', '302', '11.2', '2', '0', '53t', '3/12', '132.0', '5', '1', '0.20', '2', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2010', 7, '10/31/10', 'Pit', '@ NO', 'L, 20-10', '28', '17', '60.7', '195', '7.0', '0', '1', '25', '3/24', '66.8', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2010', 7, '11/08/10', 'Pit', '@ Cin', 'W, 27-21', '27', '17', '63.0', '163', '6.0', '1', '1', '35', '1/9', '76.6', '5', '13', '2.60', '12', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2010', 7, '11/14/10', 'Pit', 'NE', 'L, 39-26', '49', '30', '61.2', '387', '7.9', '3', '1', '33t', '5/38', '97.9', '1', '12', '12.00', '12', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2010', 7, '11/21/10', 'Pit', 'Oak', 'W, 35-3', '29', '18', '62.1', '275', '9.5', '3', '0', '52t', '2/6', '127.8', '3', '55', '18.33', '31', '1', '3']
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2010', 7, '11/28/10', 'Pit', '@ Buf', 'W, 19-16', '33', '20', '60.6', '246', '7.5', '0', '0', '26', '5/26', '83.6', '1', '18', '18.00', '18', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2010', 7, '12/05/10', 'Pit', '@ Bal', 'W, 13-10', '38', '22', '57.9', '253', '6.7', '1', '1', '28', '3/19', '75.9', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2010', 7, '12/12/10', 'Pit', 'Cin', 'W, 23-7', '33', '21', '63.6', '258', '7.8', '0', '0', '33', '4/27', '87.7', '3', '23', '7.67', '13', '0', '2']
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2010', 7, '12/19/10', 'Pit', 'NYJ', 'L, 22-17', '44', '23', '52.3', '264', '6.0', '1', '0', '29', '3/32', '78.2', '2', '25', '12.50', '22', '0', '2']
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2010', 7, '12/23/10', 'Pit', 'Car', 'W, 27-3', '32', '22', '68.8', '320', '10.0', '1', '0', '43t', '3/27', '111.5', '7', '2', '0.29', '3', '1', '1']
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2010', 7, '01/02/11', 'Pit', '@ Cle', 'W, 41-9', '22', '15', '68.2', '280', '12.7', '2', '0', '56t', '0/0', '141.3', '4', '24', '6.00', '10', '0', '3']
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2010', 7, '01/15/11', 'Pit', 'Bal', 'W, 31-24', '32', '19', '59.4', '226', '7.1', '2', '0', '58', '6/34', '101.8', '6', '11', '1.83', '6', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2010', 7, '01/23/11', 'Pit', 'NYJ', 'W, 24-19', '19', '10', '52.6', '133', '7.0', '0', '2', '24', '2/12', '35.5', '11', '21', '1.91', '12', '1', '4']
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2010', 7, '02/06/11', 'Pit', '@ GB', 'L, 31-25', '40', '25', '62.5', '263', '6.6', '2', '2', '37', '1/2', '77.4', '4', '31', '7.75', '18', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2011', 8, '09/11/11', 'Pit', '@ Bal', 'L, 35-7', '41', '22', '53.7', '280', '6.8', '1', '3', '31', '4/34', '52.9', '1', '9', '9.00', '9', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2011', 8, '09/18/11', 'Pit', 'Sea', 'W, 24-0', '30', '22', '73.3', '298', '9.9', '1', '0', '53', '2/16', '115.7', '5', '8', '1.60', '7', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2011', 8, '09/25/11', 'Pit', '@ Ind', 'W, 23-20', '37', '25', '67.6', '364', '9.8', '1', '1', '81t', '3/23', '97.1', '5', '15', '3.00', '11', '0', '2']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2011', 8, '10/02/11', 'Pit', '@ Hou', 'L, 17-10', '30', '16', '53.3', '206', '6.9', '0', '1', '40', '5/28', '61.3', '2', '11', '5.50', '8', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2011', 8, '10/09/11', 'Pit', 'Ten', 'W, 38-17', '34', '24', '70.6', '228', '6.7', '5', '1', '40t', '1/4', '116.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2011', 8, '10/16/11', 'Pit', 'Jax', 'W, 17-13', '23', '12', '52.2', '200', '8.7', '1', '0', '48', '3/15', '96.3', '3', '9', '3.00', '7', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2011', 8, '10/23/11', 'Pit', '@ Ari', 'W, 32-20', '39', '26', '66.7', '361', '9.3', '3', '0', '95t', '2/7', '121.8', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2011', 8, '10/30/11', 'Pit', 'NE', 'W, 25-17', '50', '36', '72.0', '365', '7.3', '2', '1', '26', '5/36', '97.5', '2', '1', '0.50', '2', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2011', 8, '11/06/11', 'Pit', 'Bal', 'L, 23-20', '37', '20', '54.1', '330', '8.9', '1', '1', '32', '1/8', '82.0', '3', '13', '4.33', '8', '0', '2']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2011', 8, '11/13/11', 'Pit', '@ Cin', 'W, 24-17', '33', '21', '63.6', '245', '7.4', '1', '1', '26', '5/22', '83.5', '3', '-2', '-0.67', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2011', 8, '11/27/11', 'Pit', '@ KC', 'W, 13-9', '31', '21', '67.7', '193', '6.2', '1', '1', '34', '1/11', '81.8', '4', '8', '2.00', '7', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2011', 8, '12/04/11', 'Pit', 'Cin', 'W, 35-7', '23', '15', '65.2', '176', '7.7', '2', '0', '45', '2/13', '117.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2011', 8, '12/08/11', 'Pit', 'Cle', 'W, 14-3', '21', '16', '76.2', '280', '13.3', '2', '1', '79t', '1/5', '129.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2011', 8, '12/19/11', 'Pit', '@ SF', 'L, 20-3', '44', '25', '56.8', '330', '7.5', '0', '3', '39', '3/25', '52.3', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2011', 8, '01/01/12', 'Pit', '@ Cle', 'W, 13-9', '40', '23', '57.5', '221', '5.5', '0', '0', '40', '2/22', '73.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2011', 8, '01/08/12', 'Pit', '@ Den', 'L, 29-23', '40', '22', '55.0', '289', '7.2', '1', '1', '33', '5/45', '75.9', '3', '15', '5.00', '9', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 14 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2012', 9, '09/09/12', 'Pit', '@ Den', 'L, 31-19', '40', '22', '55.0', '245', '6.1', '2', '1', '27', '5/36', '79.7', '2', '4', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 14 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2012', 9, '09/16/12', 'Pit', 'NYJ', 'W, 27-10', '31', '24', '77.4', '275', '8.9', '2', '0', '37t', '3/10', '125.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 14 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2012', 9, '09/23/12', 'Pit', '@ Oak', 'L, 34-31', '49', '36', '73.5', '384', '7.8', '4', '0', '22t', '1/5', '123.2', '1', '8', '8.00', '8', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 14 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2012', 9, '10/07/12', 'Pit', 'Phi', 'W, 16-14', '38', '22', '57.9', '220', '5.8', '1', '0', '20', '0/0', '83.2', '3', '14', '4.67', '9', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 14 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2012', 9, '10/11/12', 'Pit', '@ Ten', 'L, 26-23', '40', '24', '60.0', '363', '9.1', '1', '1', '82t', '1/7', '87.8', '1', '14', '14.00', '14', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 14 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2012', 9, '10/21/12', 'Pit', '@ Cin', 'W, 24-17', '37', '27', '73.0', '278', '7.5', '1', '1', '31', '3/14', '91.9', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 14 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2012', 9, '10/28/12', 'Pit', 'Was', 'W, 27-12', '33', '24', '72.7', '222', '6.7', '3', '0', '27', '0/0', '121.0', '2', '6', '3.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 14 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2012', 9, '11/04/12', 'Pit', '@ NYG', 'W, 24-20', '30', '21', '70.0', '216', '7.2', '2', '1', '51t', '4/25', '98.8', '4', '-1', '-0.25', '5', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 14 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2012', 9, '11/12/12', 'Pit', 'KC', 'W, 16-13', '18', '9', '50.0', '84', '4.7', '1', '0', '20', '1/3', '81.7', '1', '14', '14.00', '14', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 14 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2012', 9, '12/09/12', 'Pit', 'SD', 'L, 34-24', '42', '22', '52.4', '285', '6.8', '3', '1', '40t', '2/14', '87.9', '5', '31', '6.20', '10', '0', '2']
in row 11 of 14 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2012', 9, '12/16/12', 'Pit', '@ Dal', 'L, 27-24', '40', '24', '60.0', '339', '8.5', '2', '1', '60', '4/20', '93.6', '2', '2', '1.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 14 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2012', 9, '12/23/12', 'Pit', 'Cin', 'L, 13-10', '28', '14', '50.0', '220', '7.9', '1', '2', '60t', '4/35', '58.6', '2', '3', '1.50', '4', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 14 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2012', 9, '12/30/12', 'Pit', 'Cle', 'W, 24-10', '23', '15', '65.2', '134', '5.8', '3', '0', '16', '2/13', '120.3', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2013', 10, '09/08/13', 'Pit', 'Ten', 'L, 16-9', '33', '21', '63.6', '191', '5.8', '1', '1', '22', '5/28', '76.7', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2013', 10, '09/16/13', 'Pit', '@ Cin', 'L, 20-10', '37', '20', '54.1', '251', '6.8', '1', '1', '43', '2/17', '73.1', '1', '6', '6.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2013', 10, '09/22/13', 'Pit', 'Chi', 'L, 40-23', '41', '26', '63.4', '406', '9.9', '2', '2', '45', '3/27', '92.1', '2', '7', '3.50', '5', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2013', 10, '09/29/13', 'Pit', '@ Min', 'L, 34-27', '51', '36', '70.6', '383', '7.5', '1', '1', '36', '5/26', '90.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2013', 10, '10/13/13', 'Pit', '@ NYJ', 'W, 19-6', '30', '23', '76.7', '264', '8.8', '1', '0', '55t', '3/17', '113.8', '2', '11', '5.50', '10', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2013', 10, '10/20/13', 'Pit', 'Bal', 'W, 19-16', '23', '17', '73.9', '160', '7.0', '1', '0', '19', '3/15', '107.2', '3', '25', '8.33', '19', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2013', 10, '10/27/13', 'Pit', '@ Oak', 'L, 21-18', '45', '29', '64.4', '275', '6.1', '1', '2', '33', '5/34', '70.1', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2013', 10, '11/03/13', 'Pit', '@ NE', 'L, 55-31', '48', '28', '58.3', '400', '8.3', '4', '2', '42', '5/29', '95.8', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2013', 10, '11/10/13', 'Pit', 'Buf', 'W, 23-10', '30', '18', '60.0', '204', '6.8', '1', '1', '40', '4/40', '77.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2013', 10, '11/17/13', 'Pit', 'Det', 'W, 37-27', '45', '29', '64.4', '367', '8.2', '4', '0', '47t', '1/9', '119.4', '6', '12', '2.00', '10', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2013', 10, '11/24/13', 'Pit', '@ Cle', 'W, 27-11', '34', '22', '64.7', '217', '6.4', '2', '0', '41t', '0/0', '102.2', '2', '-3', '-1.50', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2013', 10, '11/28/13', 'Pit', '@ Bal', 'L, 22-20', '44', '28', '63.6', '257', '5.8', '2', '0', '29', '0/0', '94.6', '1', '11', '11.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2013', 10, '12/08/13', 'Pit', 'Mia', 'L, 34-28', '39', '23', '59.0', '349', '8.9', '3', '0', '67', '3/21', '114.2', '1', '8', '8.00', '8', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2013', 10, '12/15/13', 'Pit', 'Cin', 'W, 30-20', '25', '20', '80.0', '191', '7.6', '1', '1', '21', '1/7', '95.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2013', 10, '12/22/13', 'Pit', '@ GB', 'W, 38-31', '28', '16', '57.1', '167', '6.0', '2', '1', '36', '1/5', '83.5', '1', '13', '13.00', '13t', '1', '1']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2013', 10, '12/29/13', 'Pit', 'Cle', 'W, 20-7', '31', '19', '61.3', '179', '5.8', '1', '2', '24', '1/7', '61.1', '4', '9', '2.25', '9', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 18 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2014', 11, '09/07/14', 'Pit', 'Cle', 'W, 30-27', '34', '23', '67.6', '365', '10.7', '1', '1', '41', '3/14', '100.7', '3', '8', '2.67', '7', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 18 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2014', 11, '09/11/14', 'Pit', '@ Bal', 'L, 26-6', '37', '22', '59.5', '217', '5.9', '0', '1', '27', '2/15', '64.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 18 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2014', 11, '09/21/14', 'Pit', '@ Car', 'W, 37-19', '30', '22', '73.3', '196', '6.5', '2', '0', '30', '1/6', '112.6', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 18 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2014', 11, '09/28/14', 'Pit', 'TB', 'L, 27-24', '40', '29', '72.5', '314', '7.8', '3', '0', '31', '5/26', '120.2', '2', '4', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 18 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2014', 11, '10/05/14', 'Pit', '@ Jax', 'W, 17-9', '36', '26', '72.2', '273', '7.6', '1', '0', '30', '4/12', '103.1', '3', '-2', '-0.67', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 18 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2014', 11, '10/12/14', 'Pit', '@ Cle', 'L, 31-10', '42', '21', '50.0', '228', '5.4', '1', '1', '26t', '2/7', '64.4', '1', '7', '7.00', '7', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 18 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2014', 11, '10/20/14', 'Pit', 'Hou', 'W, 30-23', '33', '23', '69.7', '265', '8.0', '2', '0', '43', '3/16', '113.8', '4', '3', '0.75', '5', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 18 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2014', 11, '10/26/14', 'Pit', 'Ind', 'W, 51-34', '49', '40', '81.6', '522', '10.7', '6', '0', '52', '0/0', '150.6', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 18 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2014', 11, '11/02/14', 'Pit', 'Bal', 'W, 43-23', '37', '25', '67.6', '340', '9.2', '6', '0', '54t', '3/19', '136.3', '2', '1', '0.50', '1', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 18 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2014', 11, '11/09/14', 'Pit', '@ NYJ', 'L, 20-13', '43', '30', '69.8', '343', '8.0', '1', '2', '80t', '2/17', '81.8', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 18 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2014', 11, '11/17/14', 'Pit', '@ Ten', 'W, 27-24', '32', '21', '65.6', '207', '6.5', '1', '1', '23', '5/27', '81.1', '3', '2', '0.67', '4', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 18 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2014', 11, '11/30/14', 'Pit', 'NO', 'L, 35-32', '58', '32', '55.2', '435', '7.5', '2', '2', '48', '1/0', '76.4', '1', '8', '8.00', '8', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 18 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2014', 11, '12/07/14', 'Pit', '@ Cin', 'W, 42-21', '39', '25', '64.1', '350', '9.0', '3', '0', '94t', '0/0', '118.5', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 18 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2014', 11, '12/14/14', 'Pit', '@ Atl', 'W, 27-20', '35', '27', '77.1', '360', '10.3', '0', '0', '44', '1/7', '109.2', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 18 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2014', 11, '12/21/14', 'Pit', 'KC', 'W, 20-12', '25', '18', '72.0', '220', '8.8', '1', '0', '44', '1/6', '112.1', '4', '-4', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 18 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2014', 11, '12/28/14', 'Pit', 'Cin', 'W, 27-17', '38', '24', '63.2', '317', '8.3', '2', '1', '63t', '0/0', '96.1', '4', '3', '0.75', '4', '0', '0']
in row 17 of 18 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2014', 11, '01/03/15', 'Pit', 'Bal', 'L, 30-17', '45', '31', '68.9', '334', '7.4', '1', '2', '44', '5/37', '79.3', '2', '16', '8.00', '16', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 15 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2015', 12, '09/10/15', 'Pit', '@ NE', 'L, 28-21', '38', '26', '68.4', '351', '9.2', '1', '1', '43', '2/13', '95.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 15 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2015', 12, '09/20/15', 'Pit', 'SF', 'W, 43-18', '27', '21', '77.8', '369', '13.7', '3', '0', '59', '0/0', '155.8', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 15 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2015', 12, '09/27/15', 'Pit', '@ Stl', 'W, 12-6', '24', '20', '83.3', '192', '8.0', '0', '1', '20', '3/22', '82.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 15 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2015', 12, '11/01/15', 'Pit', 'Cin', 'L, 16-10', '45', '28', '62.2', '262', '5.8', '1', '3', '25', '3/22', '57.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 15 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2015', 12, '11/08/15', 'Pit', 'Oak', 'W, 38-35', '44', '24', '54.5', '334', '7.6', '2', '1', '59', '1/11', '84.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 15 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2015', 12, '11/15/15', 'Pit', 'Cle', 'W, 30-9', '33', '22', '66.7', '379', '11.5', '3', '1', '64', '1/3', '123.2', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 15 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2015', 12, '11/29/15', 'Pit', '@ Sea', 'L, 39-30', '55', '36', '65.5', '456', '8.3', '1', '2', '69t', '2/10', '82.1', '5', '18', '3.60', '8', '0', '2']
in row 8 of 15 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2015', 12, '12/06/15', 'Pit', 'Ind', 'W, 45-10', '39', '24', '61.5', '364', '9.3', '4', '0', '68t', '0/0', '126.4', '1', '13', '13.00', '13', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 15 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2015', 12, '12/13/15', 'Pit', '@ Cin', 'W, 33-20', '39', '30', '76.9', '282', '7.2', '0', '1', '31', '2/12', '85.6', '1', '6', '6.00', '6', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 15 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2015', 12, '12/20/15', 'Pit', 'Den', 'W, 34-27', '55', '40', '72.7', '380', '6.9', '3', '2', '23t', '3/26', '94.5', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 15 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2015', 12, '12/27/15', 'Pit', '@ Bal', 'L, 20-17', '34', '24', '70.6', '220', '6.5', '0', '2', '27', '3/22', '63.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 15 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2015', 12, '01/03/16', 'Pit', '@ Cle', 'W, 28-12', '36', '24', '66.7', '349', '9.7', '3', '2', '66', '0/0', '102.7', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 15 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2015', 12, '01/09/16', 'Pit', '@ Cin', 'W, 18-16', '31', '18', '58.1', '229', '7.4', '1', '0', '60', '3/27', '92.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 15 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2015', 12, '01/17/16', 'Pit', '@ Den', 'L, 23-16', '37', '24', '64.9', '339', '9.2', '0', '0', '58', '3/28', '94.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2016', 13, '09/12/16', 'Pit', '@ Was', 'W, 38-16', '37', '27', '73.0', '300', '8.1', '3', '1', '42', '1/10', '112.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2016', 13, '09/18/16', 'Pit', 'Cin', 'W, 24-16', '37', '19', '51.4', '259', '7.0', '3', '2', '53', '1/9', '78.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2016', 13, '09/25/16', 'Pit', '@ Phi', 'L, 34-3', '44', '24', '54.5', '257', '5.8', '0', '1', '41', '4/35', '62.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2016', 13, '10/02/16', 'Pit', 'KC', 'W, 43-14', '27', '22', '81.5', '300', '11.1', '5', '0', '47', '2/13', '152.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2016', 13, '10/09/16', 'Pit', 'NYJ', 'W, 31-13', '47', '34', '72.3', '380', '8.1', '4', '0', '72t', '1/5', '124.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2016', 13, '10/16/16', 'Pit', '@ Mia', 'L, 30-15', '34', '19', '55.9', '189', '5.6', '1', '2', '23t', '2/20', '57.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2016', 13, '11/06/16', 'Pit', '@ Bal', 'L, 21-14', '45', '23', '51.1', '264', '5.9', '1', '1', '30', '2/23', '67.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2016', 13, '11/13/16', 'Pit', 'Dal', 'L, 35-30', '46', '37', '80.4', '408', '8.9', '3', '0', '44', '1/8', '125.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2016', 13, '11/20/16', 'Pit', '@ Cle', 'W, 24-9', '36', '23', '63.9', '167', '4.6', '0', '0', '21', '0/0', '74.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2016', 13, '11/24/16', 'Pit', '@ Ind', 'W, 28-7', '20', '14', '70.0', '221', '11.1', '3', '0', '35', '0/0', '146.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2016', 13, '12/04/16', 'Pit', 'NYG', 'W, 24-14', '36', '24', '66.7', '289', '8.0', '2', '1', '37', '2/17', '98.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2016', 13, '12/11/16', 'Pit', '@ Buf', 'W, 27-20', '31', '17', '54.8', '220', '7.1', '0', '3', '40', '0/0', '37.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2016', 13, '12/18/16', 'Pit', '@ Cin', 'W, 24-20', '36', '21', '58.3', '286', '7.9', '1', '0', '32', '1/1', '93.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2016', 13, '12/25/16', 'Pit', 'Bal', 'W, 31-27', '33', '24', '72.7', '279', '8.5', '3', '2', '39', '0/0', '103.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2016', 13, '01/08/17', 'Pit', 'Mia', 'W, 30-12', '18', '13', '72.2', '197', '10.9', '2', '2', '62t', '1/9', '105.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['roethlisberger, ben', '2016', 13, '01/15/17', 'Pit', '@ KC', 'W, 18-16', '31', '20', '64.5', '224', '7.2', '0', '1', '52', '1/6', '72.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['volek, billy', '2001', 2, '12/09/01', 'Ten', '@ Min', 'L, 42-24', '3', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 7 total rows
['volek, billy', '2003', 3, '09/14/03', 'Ten', '@ Ind', 'L, 33-7', '9', '6', '66.7', '61', '6.8', '0', '1', '18', '2/13', '46.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 7 total rows
['volek, billy', '2003', 3, '10/12/03', 'Ten', 'Hou', 'W, 38-17', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 7 total rows
['volek, billy', '2003', 3, '10/19/03', 'Ten', '@ Car', 'W, 37-17', '2', '1', '50.0', '50', '25.0', '1', '0', '50t', '0/0', '135.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 7 total rows
['volek, billy', '2003', 3, '11/09/03', 'Ten', 'Mia', 'W, 31-7', '2', '2', '100.0', '22', '11.0', '0', '0', '18', '0/0', '112.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 7 total rows
['volek, billy', '2003', 3, '11/23/03', 'Ten', '@ Atl', 'W, 38-31', '15', '9', '60.0', '117', '7.8', '1', '0', '25', '0/0', '106.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 7 total rows
['volek, billy', '2003', 3, '12/14/03', 'Ten', 'Buf', 'W, 28-26', '41', '26', '63.4', '295', '7.2', '2', '0', '37', '4/32', '101.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 11 total rows
['volek, billy', '2004', 4, '09/26/04', 'Ten', 'Jax', 'L, 15-12', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 11 total rows
['volek, billy', '2004', 4, '10/03/04', 'Ten', '@ SD', 'L, 38-17', '58', '39', '67.2', '279', '4.8', '2', '0', '35', '3/21', '89.7', '3', '17', '5.67', '12', '0', '3']
in row 3 of 11 total rows
['volek, billy', '2004', 4, '10/24/04', 'Ten', '@ Min', 'L, 20-3', '36', '17', '47.2', '190', '5.3', '0', '3', '21', '2/10', '28.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 11 total rows
['volek, billy', '2004', 4, '10/31/04', 'Ten', 'Cin', 'W, 27-20', '32', '21', '65.6', '210', '6.6', '2', '1', '37', '2/15', '91.9', '3', '4', '1.33', '5', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 11 total rows
['volek, billy', '2004', 4, '11/14/04', 'Ten', 'Chi', 'L, 19-17', '44', '27', '61.4', '334', '7.6', '2', '1', '47t', '3/16', '90.5', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 11 total rows
['volek, billy', '2004', 4, '12/05/04', 'Ten', '@ Ind', 'L, 51-24', '35', '21', '60.0', '269', '7.7', '3', '2', '48t', '7/44', '88.9', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 11 total rows
['volek, billy', '2004', 4, '12/13/04', 'Ten', 'KC', 'L, 49-38', '43', '29', '67.4', '426', '9.9', '4', '0', '42t', '5/47', '130.6', '2', '24', '12.00', '14', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 11 total rows
['volek, billy', '2004', 4, '12/19/04', 'Ten', '@ Oak', 'L, 40-35', '60', '40', '66.7', '492', '8.2', '4', '1', '32', '3/26', '107.1', '1', '1', '1.00', '1t', '1', '1']
in row 9 of 11 total rows
['volek, billy', '2004', 4, '12/25/04', 'Ten', 'Den', 'L, 37-16', '20', '8', '40.0', '111', '5.5', '0', '2', '37', '5/37', '19.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 11 total rows
['volek, billy', '2004', 4, '01/02/05', 'Ten', 'Det', 'W, 24-19', '28', '16', '57.1', '175', '6.2', '1', '0', '32t', '0/0', '87.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 6 total rows
['volek, billy', '2005', 5, '09/11/05', 'Ten', '@ Pit', 'L, 34-7', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '1', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 6 total rows
['volek, billy', '2005', 5, '10/23/05', 'Ten', '@ Ari', 'L, 20-10', '32', '18', '56.2', '198', '6.2', '1', '1', '38t', '3/11', '72.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 6 total rows
['volek, billy', '2005', 5, '12/04/05', 'Ten', '@ Ind', 'L, 35-3', '6', '4', '66.7', '30', '5.0', '0', '0', '11', '2/10', '78.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 6 total rows
['volek, billy', '2005', 5, '12/24/05', 'Ten', '@ Mia', 'L, 24-10', '24', '14', '58.3', '132', '5.5', '1', '0', '55t', '4/24', '87.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 6 total rows
['volek, billy', '2005', 5, '01/01/06', 'Ten', '@ Jax', 'L, 40-13', '25', '14', '56.0', '114', '4.6', '2', '0', '15', '0/0', '94.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['volek, billy', '2006', 6, '12/31/06', 'SD', 'Ari', 'W, 27-20', '2', '1', '50.0', '4', '2.0', '0', '0', '4', '1/6', '56.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 7 total rows
['volek, billy', '2007', 7, '10/07/07', 'SD', '@ Den', 'W, 41-3', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 7 total rows
['volek, billy', '2007', 7, '12/09/07', 'SD', '@ Ten', 'W, 23-17', '2', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '1', '0', '1/7', '0.0', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 7 total rows
['volek, billy', '2007', 7, '12/16/07', 'SD', 'Det', 'W, 51-14', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', '3', '-2', '-0.67', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 7 total rows
['volek, billy', '2007', 7, '12/24/07', 'SD', 'Den', 'W, 23-3', '3', '1', '33.3', '1', '0.3', '0', '0', '1', '1/0', '42.4', '4', '-2', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 7 total rows
['volek, billy', '2007', 7, '12/30/07', 'SD', '@ Oak', 'W, 30-17', '4', '2', '50.0', '5', '1.2', '0', '0', '4', '0/0', '56.3', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 7 total rows
['volek, billy', '2007', 7, '01/13/08', 'SD', '@ Ind', 'W, 28-24', '4', '3', '75.0', '48', '12.0', '0', '0', '27', '0/0', '114.6', '3', '-1', '-0.33', '1t', '1', '1']
in row 1 of 5 total rows
['volek, billy', '2009', 9, '10/25/09', 'SD', '@ KC', 'W, 37-7', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 5 total rows
['volek, billy', '2009', 9, '11/29/09', 'SD', 'KC', 'W, 43-14', '1', '1', '100.0', '15', '15.0', '0', '0', '15', '0/0', '118.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 5 total rows
['volek, billy', '2009', 9, '12/25/09', 'SD', '@ Ten', 'W, 42-17', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 5 total rows
['volek, billy', '2009', 9, '01/03/10', 'SD', 'Was', 'W, 23-20', '30', '19', '63.3', '216', '7.2', '1', '1', '50', '1/1', '82.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['volek, billy', '2010', 10, '09/19/10', 'SD', 'Jax', 'W, 38-13', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['volek, billy', '2010', 10, '10/03/10', 'SD', 'Ari', 'W, 41-10', '1', '1', '100.0', '8', '8.0', '0', '0', '8', '0/0', '100.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['volek, billy', '2010', 10, '12/16/10', 'SD', 'SF', 'W, 34-7', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['volek, billy', '2011', 11, '12/05/11', 'SD', '@ Jax', 'W, 38-14', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['volek, billy', '2011', 11, '12/11/11', 'SD', 'Buf', 'W, 37-10', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2011', 1, '09/18/11', 'Jax', '@ NYJ', 'L, 32-3', '6', '5', '83.3', '52', '8.7', '0', '0', '14', '1/10', '102.8', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2011', 1, '09/25/11', 'Jax', '@ Car', 'L, 16-10', '21', '12', '57.1', '139', '6.6', '1', '1', '36t', '2/10', '73.3', '4', '2', '0.50', '2', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2011', 1, '10/02/11', 'Jax', 'NO', 'L, 23-10', '42', '16', '38.1', '196', '4.7', '1', '1', '47', '3/26', '51.3', '2', '14', '7.00', '12', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2011', 1, '10/09/11', 'Jax', 'Cin', 'L, 30-20', '28', '15', '53.6', '221', '7.9', '1', '0', '74t', '3/21', '91.5', '5', '11', '2.20', '6', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2011', 1, '10/16/11', 'Jax', '@ Pit', 'L, 17-13', '26', '12', '46.2', '109', '4.2', '1', '0', '21', '5/33', '70.8', '3', '16', '5.33', '10', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2011', 1, '10/24/11', 'Jax', 'Bal', 'W, 12-7', '20', '9', '45.0', '93', '4.7', '0', '0', '24', '4/20', '59.0', '5', '-1', '-0.20', '2', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2011', 1, '10/30/11', 'Jax', '@ Hou', 'L, 24-14', '30', '10', '33.3', '97', '3.2', '1', '2', '21', '1/7', '26.7', '4', '14', '3.50', '11', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2011', 1, '11/13/11', 'Jax', '@ Ind', 'W, 17-3', '21', '14', '66.7', '118', '5.6', '1', '1', '19', '2/8', '77.1', '6', '8', '1.33', '5', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2011', 1, '11/20/11', 'Jax', '@ Cle', 'L, 14-10', '41', '22', '53.7', '210', '5.1', '0', '0', '28', '1/15', '68.1', '2', '10', '5.00', '6', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2011', 1, '11/27/11', 'Jax', 'Hou', 'L, 20-13', '29', '13', '44.8', '136', '4.7', '0', '1', '31', '6/35', '44.6', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2011', 1, '12/05/11', 'Jax', 'SD', 'L, 38-14', '33', '19', '57.6', '195', '5.9', '2', '1', '48', '2/18', '82.3', '6', '19', '3.17', '5', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2011', 1, '12/11/11', 'Jax', 'TB', 'W, 41-14', '33', '19', '57.6', '217', '6.6', '2', '2', '62', '1/8', '72.4', '4', '-3', '-0.75', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2011', 1, '12/15/11', 'Jax', '@ Atl', 'L, 41-14', '22', '12', '54.5', '141', '6.4', '1', '1', '22', '5/50', '70.5', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2011', 1, '12/24/11', 'Jax', '@ Ten', 'L, 23-17', '42', '21', '50.0', '198', '4.7', '0', '1', '22', '1/11', '53.5', '1', '4', '4.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2011', 1, '01/01/12', 'Jax', 'Ind', 'W, 19-13', '19', '11', '57.9', '92', '4.8', '1', '0', '23t', '3/21', '88.0', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 11 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2012', 2, '09/09/12', 'Jax', '@ Min', 'L, 26-23', '39', '23', '59.0', '260', '6.7', '2', '0', '39t', '2/18', '96.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 11 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2012', 2, '09/16/12', 'Jax', 'Hou', 'L, 27-7', '19', '7', '36.8', '53', '2.8', '1', '0', '32', '3/24', '62.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 11 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2012', 2, '09/23/12', 'Jax', '@ Ind', 'W, 22-17', '21', '10', '47.6', '155', '7.4', '1', '0', '80t', '1/7', '88.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 11 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2012', 2, '09/30/12', 'Jax', 'Cin', 'L, 27-10', '34', '23', '67.6', '186', '5.5', '1', '1', '23', '6/43', '78.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 11 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2012', 2, '10/07/12', 'Jax', 'Chi', 'L, 41-3', '33', '17', '51.5', '142', '4.3', '0', '2', '34', '3/13', '37.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 11 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2012', 2, '10/21/12', 'Jax', '@ Oak', 'L, 26-23', '12', '8', '66.7', '110', '9.2', '1', '0', '42t', '0/0', '123.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 11 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2012', 2, '10/28/12', 'Jax', '@ GB', 'L, 24-15', '49', '27', '55.1', '303', '6.2', '1', '0', '36', '2/24', '80.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 11 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2012', 2, '11/04/12', 'Jax', 'Det', 'L, 31-14', '38', '27', '71.1', '220', '5.8', '2', '2', '25', '1/5', '81.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 11 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2012', 2, '11/08/12', 'Jax', 'Ind', 'L, 27-10', '31', '18', '58.1', '209', '6.7', '0', '1', '52', '3/24', '65.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 11 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2012', 2, '11/18/12', 'Jax', '@ Hou', 'L, 43-37', '2', '2', '100.0', '24', '12.0', '0', '0', '15', '1/0', '116.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2013', 3, '09/08/13', 'Jax', 'KC', 'L, 28-2', '35', '16', '45.7', '121', '3.5', '0', '2', '18', '6/50', '30.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2013', 3, '09/29/13', 'Jax', 'Ind', 'L, 37-3', '32', '17', '53.1', '179', '5.6', '0', '3', '31', '4/14', '30.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2013', 3, '10/06/13', 'Jax', '@ Stl', 'L, 34-20', '19', '9', '47.4', '181', '9.5', '1', '2', '67t', '2/3', '59.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2014', 4, '10/19/14', 'SF', '@ Den', 'L, 42-17', '7', '3', '42.9', '38', '5.4', '1', '0', '20t', '0/0', '100.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 9 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2015', 5, '11/08/15', 'SF', 'Atl', 'W, 17-16', '25', '15', '60.0', '185', '7.4', '2', '2', '41', '0/0', '76.2', '8', '32', '4.00', '10', '0', '2']
in row 2 of 9 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2015', 5, '11/22/15', 'SF', '@ Sea', 'L, 29-13', '34', '22', '64.7', '264', '7.8', '1', '0', '36', '2/17', '98.2', '4', '22', '5.50', '10', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 9 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2015', 5, '11/29/15', 'SF', 'Ari', 'L, 19-13', '36', '25', '69.4', '318', '8.8', '1', '1', '48', '2/17', '94.4', '1', '11', '11.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 9 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2015', 5, '12/06/15', 'SF', '@ Chi', 'W, 26-20', '32', '18', '56.2', '196', '6.1', '1', '0', '71t', '4/26', '84.9', '6', '75', '12.50', '44t', '1', '3']
in row 5 of 9 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2015', 5, '12/13/15', 'SF', '@ Cle', 'L, 24-10', '28', '18', '64.3', '194', '6.9', '1', '0', '24', '9/44', '96.4', '3', '19', '6.33', '11', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 9 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2015', 5, '12/20/15', 'SF', 'Cin', 'L, 24-14', '50', '30', '60.0', '295', '5.9', '1', '3', '29', '4/32', '58.3', '2', '10', '5.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 9 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2015', 5, '12/27/15', 'SF', '@ Det', 'L, 32-17', '33', '22', '66.7', '225', '6.8', '2', '0', '38', '3/24', '106.2', '1', '9', '9.00', '9', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 9 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2015', 5, '01/03/16', 'SF', 'Stl', 'W, 19-16', '44', '28', '63.6', '354', '8.0', '1', '1', '44', '1/4', '86.7', '7', '7', '1.00', '9', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 7 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2016', 6, '09/12/16', 'SF', 'LA', 'W, 28-0', '35', '22', '62.9', '170', '4.9', '1', '0', '35', '0/0', '84.2', '9', '43', '4.78', '11', '0', '4']
in row 2 of 7 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2016', 6, '09/18/16', 'SF', '@ Car', 'L, 46-27', '36', '17', '47.2', '243', '6.8', '2', '2', '75t', '2/6', '64.9', '3', '10', '3.33', '6', '1', '1']
in row 3 of 7 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2016', 6, '09/25/16', 'SF', '@ Sea', 'L, 37-18', '25', '14', '56.0', '119', '4.8', '0', '1', '20', '0/0', '51.9', '5', '22', '4.40', '10', '0', '2']
in row 4 of 7 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2016', 6, '10/02/16', 'SF', 'Dal', 'L, 24-17', '23', '16', '69.6', '196', '8.5', '1', '1', '33t', '1/7', '91.9', '12', '27', '2.25', '7', '0', '3']
in row 5 of 7 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2016', 6, '10/06/16', 'SF', 'Ari', 'L, 33-21', '31', '18', '58.1', '162', '5.2', '1', '2', '24', '7/27', '56.1', '10', '70', '7.00', '24', '1', '5']
in row 6 of 7 total rows
['gabbert, blaine', '2016', 6, '12/04/16', 'SF', '@ Chi', 'L, 26-6', '10', '4', '40.0', '35', '3.5', '0', '0', '18', '1/8', '50.0', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 5 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2009', 1, '10/18/09', 'NE', 'Ten', 'W, 59-0', '11', '9', '81.8', '52', '4.7', '0', '0', '16', '0/0', '86.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 5 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2009', 1, '10/25/09', 'NE', '@ TB', 'W, 35-7', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 5 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2009', 1, '11/30/09', 'NE', '@ NO', 'L, 38-17', '4', '2', '50.0', '19', '4.8', '0', '0', '14', '1/8', '63.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 5 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2009', 1, '01/03/10', 'NE', '@ Hou', 'L, 34-27', '12', '8', '66.7', '71', '5.9', '0', '0', '17', '1/10', '82.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 6 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2010', 2, '10/04/10', 'NE', '@ Mia', 'W, 41-14', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 6 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2010', 2, '11/07/10', 'NE', '@ Cle', 'L, 34-14', '2', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '1', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 6 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2010', 2, '12/12/10', 'NE', '@ Chi', 'W, 36-7', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 6 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2010', 2, '12/26/10', 'NE', '@ Buf', 'W, 34-3', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 6 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2010', 2, '01/02/11', 'NE', 'Mia', 'W, 38-7', '13', '7', '53.8', '122', '9.4', '1', '0', '42t', '0/0', '111.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2011', 3, '11/27/11', 'NE', '@ Phi', 'W, 38-20', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2011', 3, '01/01/12', 'NE', 'Buf', 'W, 49-21', '1', '1', '100.0', '22', '22.0', '0', '0', '22', '0/0', '118.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2012', 4, '12/23/12', 'Ari', 'Chi', 'L, 28-13', '19', '11', '57.9', '105', '5.5', '0', '1', '24', '2/12', '51.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2012', 4, '12/30/12', 'Ari', '@ SF', 'L, 27-13', '34', '19', '55.9', '225', '6.6', '1', '1', '53', '2/18', '73.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2013', 5, '09/22/13', 'Cle', '@ Min', 'W, 31-27', '54', '30', '55.6', '321', '5.9', '3', '3', '47t', '3/26', '68.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2013', 5, '09/29/13', 'Cle', 'Cin', 'W, 17-6', '38', '25', '65.8', '269', '7.1', '2', '0', '39', '3/22', '103.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2013', 5, '10/03/13', 'Cle', 'Buf', 'W, 37-24', '4', '2', '50.0', '25', '6.2', '0', '0', '13', '0/0', '69.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 15 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2014', 6, '09/07/14', 'Cle', '@ Pit', 'L, 30-27', '30', '18', '60.0', '222', '7.4', '1', '0', '47', '3/24', '94.0', '1', '-2', '-2.00', '-2', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 15 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2014', 6, '09/14/14', 'Cle', 'NO', 'W, 26-24', '40', '24', '60.0', '204', '5.1', '1', '0', '28', '1/2', '81.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 15 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2014', 6, '09/21/14', 'Cle', 'Bal', 'L, 23-21', '25', '19', '76.0', '290', '11.6', '1', '0', '70', '0/0', '127.1', '3', '-2', '-0.67', '3', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 15 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2014', 6, '10/05/14', 'Cle', '@ Ten', 'W, 29-28', '37', '21', '56.8', '291', '7.9', '3', '1', '49', '1/7', '97.9', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 15 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2014', 6, '10/12/14', 'Cle', 'Pit', 'W, 31-10', '17', '8', '47.1', '217', '12.8', '1', '0', '51t', '1/7', '113.0', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 15 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2014', 6, '10/19/14', 'Cle', '@ Jax', 'L, 24-6', '41', '16', '39.0', '215', '5.2', '0', '1', '65', '3/18', '46.3', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 15 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2014', 6, '10/26/14', 'Cle', 'Oak', 'W, 23-13', '28', '19', '67.9', '275', '9.8', '1', '0', '48', '1/8', '111.5', '2', '1', '0.50', '2', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 15 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2014', 6, '11/02/14', 'Cle', 'TB', 'W, 22-17', '34', '21', '61.8', '300', '8.8', '2', '2', '34t', '4/26', '85.4', '2', '5', '2.50', '3', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 15 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2014', 6, '11/06/14', 'Cle', '@ Cin', 'W, 24-3', '23', '15', '65.2', '198', '8.6', '0', '0', '28', '0/0', '92.3', '4', '1', '0.25', '3', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 15 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2014', 6, '11/16/14', 'Cle', 'Hou', 'L, 23-7', '50', '20', '40.0', '330', '6.6', '1', '1', '35', '3/20', '61.2', '2', '1', '0.50', '2', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 15 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2014', 6, '11/23/14', 'Cle', '@ Atl', 'W, 26-24', '40', '23', '57.5', '322', '8.1', '0', '3', '40', '1/9', '52.3', '3', '12', '4.00', '9', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 15 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2014', 6, '11/30/14', 'Cle', '@ Buf', 'L, 26-10', '30', '18', '60.0', '192', '6.4', '0', '2', '30', '2/14', '51.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 15 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2014', 6, '12/07/14', 'Cle', 'Ind', 'L, 25-24', '30', '13', '43.3', '136', '4.5', '0', '2', '27', '1/3', '29.3', '2', '3', '1.50', '4', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 15 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2014', 6, '12/21/14', 'Cle', '@ Car', 'L, 17-13', '13', '7', '53.8', '134', '10.3', '1', '1', '81t', '3/22', '83.5', '2', '19', '9.50', '11', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 13 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2015', 7, '09/13/15', 'Hou', 'KC', 'L, 27-20', '34', '18', '52.9', '236', '6.9', '1', '1', '32', '4/29', '72.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 13 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2015', 7, '10/04/15', 'Hou', '@ Atl', 'L, 48-21', '30', '17', '56.7', '232', '7.7', '2', '0', '42', '1/8', '103.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 13 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2015', 7, '10/08/15', 'Hou', 'Ind', 'L, 27-20', '31', '24', '77.4', '312', '10.1', '2', '1', '42t', '0/0', '116.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 13 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2015', 7, '10/18/15', 'Hou', '@ Jax', 'W, 31-20', '36', '24', '66.7', '293', '8.1', '3', '0', '31', '1/6', '119.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 13 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2015', 7, '10/25/15', 'Hou', '@ Mia', 'L, 44-26', '49', '23', '46.9', '273', '5.6', '3', '1', '27t', '4/22', '76.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 13 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2015', 7, '11/01/15', 'Hou', 'Ten', 'W, 20-6', '35', '23', '65.7', '235', '6.7', '2', '0', '42t', '3/21', '103.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 13 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2015', 7, '11/16/15', 'Hou', '@ Cin', 'W, 10-6', '22', '12', '54.5', '123', '5.6', '0', '1', '25', '2/10', '51.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 13 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2015', 7, '11/29/15', 'Hou', 'NO', 'W, 24-6', '27', '21', '77.8', '205', '7.6', '2', '1', '37', '1/10', '107.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 13 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2015', 7, '12/06/15', 'Hou', '@ Buf', 'L, 30-21', '43', '26', '60.5', '293', '6.8', '3', '1', '29', '2/18', '94.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 13 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2015', 7, '12/13/15', 'Hou', 'NE', 'L, 27-6', '22', '11', '50.0', '155', '7.0', '0', '0', '49', '5/54', '73.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 13 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2015', 7, '01/03/16', 'Hou', 'Jax', 'W, 30-6', '40', '25', '62.5', '249', '6.2', '1', '1', '27', '2/7', '78.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 13 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2015', 7, '01/09/16', 'Hou', 'KC', 'L, 30-0', '34', '15', '44.1', '136', '4.0', '0', '4', '17', '3/24', '15.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 7 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2016', 8, '09/19/16', 'Chi', 'Phi', 'L, 29-14', '12', '9', '75.0', '78', '6.5', '0', '0', '19', '0/0', '91.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 7 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2016', 8, '09/25/16', 'Chi', '@ Dal', 'L, 31-17', '49', '30', '61.2', '317', '6.5', '2', '0', '32', '1/5', '93.7', '2', '2', '1.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 7 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2016', 8, '10/02/16', 'Chi', 'Det', 'W, 17-14', '36', '28', '77.8', '302', '8.4', '2', '0', '64', '2/8', '120.1', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 7 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2016', 8, '10/09/16', 'Chi', '@ Ind', 'L, 29-23', '43', '33', '76.7', '397', '9.2', '2', '0', '38', '0/0', '120.0', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 7 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2016', 8, '10/16/16', 'Chi', 'Jax', 'L, 17-16', '49', '30', '61.2', '302', '6.2', '0', '0', '36', '1/5', '78.8', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 7 total rows
['hoyer, brian', '2016', 8, '10/20/16', 'Chi', '@ GB', 'L, 26-10', '11', '4', '36.4', '49', '4.5', '0', '0', '25', '0/0', '50.9', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 14 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2006', 1, '09/10/06', 'TB', 'Bal', 'L, 27-0', '5', '1', '20.0', '4', '0.8', '0', '0', '4', '1/1', '39.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 14 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2006', 1, '09/24/06', 'TB', 'Car', 'L, 26-24', '1', '1', '100.0', '16', '16.0', '0', '0', '16', '0/0', '118.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 14 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2006', 1, '10/08/06', 'TB', '@ NO', 'L, 24-21', '31', '20', '64.5', '225', '7.3', '2', '0', '52', '2/6', '107.6', '6', '19', '3.17', '6', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 14 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2006', 1, '10/15/06', 'TB', 'Cin', 'W, 14-13', '44', '25', '56.8', '184', '4.2', '2', '1', '18', '2/10', '72.5', '4', '19', '4.75', '7', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 14 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2006', 1, '10/22/06', 'TB', 'Phi', 'W, 23-21', '26', '13', '50.0', '104', '4.0', '0', '0', '26', '2/19', '60.4', '3', '11', '3.67', '9', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 14 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2006', 1, '10/29/06', 'TB', '@ NYG', 'L, 17-3', '48', '20', '41.7', '139', '2.9', '0', '0', '14', '2/5', '49.3', '3', '18', '6.00', '14', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 14 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2006', 1, '11/05/06', 'TB', 'NO', 'L, 31-14', '31', '18', '58.1', '185', '6.0', '2', '0', '44t', '4/27', '96.8', '2', '12', '6.00', '8', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 14 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2006', 1, '11/13/06', 'TB', '@ Car', 'L, 24-10', '32', '17', '53.1', '173', '5.4', '1', '2', '27', '3/20', '53.3', '5', '22', '4.40', '6', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 14 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2006', 1, '11/19/06', 'TB', 'Was', 'W, 20-17', '21', '14', '66.7', '178', '8.5', '2', '1', '34t', '0/0', '104.9', '6', '9', '1.50', '6', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 14 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2006', 1, '11/23/06', 'TB', '@ Dal', 'L, 38-10', '20', '10', '50.0', '120', '6.0', '0', '2', '53', '1/10', '29.2', '4', '17', '4.25', '8', '0', '2']
in row 11 of 14 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2006', 1, '12/03/06', 'TB', '@ Pit', 'L, 20-3', '34', '20', '58.8', '175', '5.1', '0', '3', '24', '5/31', '35.8', '6', '26', '4.33', '7', '0', '3']
in row 12 of 14 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2006', 1, '12/10/06', 'TB', 'Atl', 'L, 17-6', '24', '13', '54.2', '121', '5.0', '0', '0', '25', '1/12', '68.2', '2', '8', '4.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 14 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2006', 1, '12/17/06', 'TB', '@ Chi', 'L, 34-31', '11', '5', '45.5', '37', '3.4', '0', '0', '17', '2/5', '54.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 5 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2007', 2, '10/07/07', 'TB', '@ Ind', 'L, 33-14', '4', '3', '75.0', '22', '5.5', '0', '1', '11', '0/0', '47.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 5 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2007', 2, '11/18/07', 'TB', '@ Atl', 'W, 31-7', '1', '1', '100.0', '2', '2.0', '0', '0', '2', '0/0', '79.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 5 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2007', 2, '11/25/07', 'TB', 'Was', 'W, 19-13', '19', '9', '47.4', '106', '5.6', '0', '0', '20', '2/14', '64.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 5 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2007', 2, '12/16/07', 'TB', 'Atl', 'W, 37-3', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2008', 3, '12/21/08', 'Cle', 'Cin', 'L, 14-0', '5', '2', '40.0', '8', '1.6', '0', '1', '4', '1/12', '8.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2008', 3, '12/28/08', 'Cle', '@ Pit', 'L, 31-0', '16', '5', '31.2', '18', '1.1', '0', '2', '12', '3/6', '1.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 8 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2009', 4, '09/14/09', 'Oak', 'SD', 'L, 24-20', '2', '2', '100.0', '17', '8.5', '0', '0', '12', '0/0', '102.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 8 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2009', 4, '10/25/09', 'Oak', 'NYJ', 'L, 38-0', '19', '10', '52.6', '97', '5.1', '0', '0', '28', '2/8', '67.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 8 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2009', 4, '11/15/09', 'Oak', 'KC', 'L, 16-10', '9', '5', '55.6', '49', '5.4', '0', '2', '22', '1/10', '31.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 8 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2009', 4, '11/22/09', 'Oak', 'Cin', 'W, 20-17', '34', '17', '50.0', '183', '5.4', '2', '1', '29t', '0/0', '73.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 8 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2009', 4, '11/26/09', 'Oak', '@ Dal', 'L, 24-7', '35', '18', '51.4', '200', '5.7', '1', '0', '28', '3/19', '78.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 8 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2009', 4, '12/06/09', 'Oak', '@ Pit', 'W, 27-24', '33', '20', '60.6', '308', '9.3', '3', '0', '75t', '3/21', '121.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 8 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2009', 4, '12/13/09', 'Oak', 'Was', 'L, 34-13', '18', '10', '55.6', '153', '8.5', '0', '0', '48', '2/13', '83.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 7 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2010', 5, '09/19/10', 'Oak', 'Stl', 'W, 16-14', '21', '11', '52.4', '162', '7.7', '1', '1', '33', '0/0', '73.9', '4', '0', '0.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 7 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2010', 5, '09/26/10', 'Oak', '@ Ari', 'L, 24-23', '34', '17', '50.0', '255', '7.5', '1', '1', '70', '3/24', '72.5', '4', '13', '3.25', '8', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 7 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2010', 5, '10/03/10', 'Oak', 'Hou', 'L, 31-24', '39', '24', '61.5', '278', '7.1', '2', '2', '43', '4/33', '78.8', '3', '16', '5.33', '8', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 7 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2010', 5, '10/10/10', 'Oak', 'SD', 'W, 35-27', '7', '1', '14.3', '14', '2.0', '0', '0', '14', '0/0', '39.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 7 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2010', 5, '11/21/10', 'Oak', '@ Pit', 'L, 35-3', '24', '13', '54.2', '98', '4.1', '0', '1', '16', '2/15', '46.9', '1', '12', '12.00', '12', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 7 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2010', 5, '11/28/10', 'Oak', 'Mia', 'L, 33-17', '32', '17', '53.1', '252', '7.9', '1', '2', '52', '1/5', '63.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2011', 6, '09/11/11', 'Cin', '@ Cle', 'W, 27-17', '12', '5', '41.7', '92', '7.7', '1', '0', '41t', '1/7', '96.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2011', 6, '12/04/11', 'Cin', '@ Pit', 'L, 35-7', '6', '3', '50.0', '17', '2.8', '0', '1', '8', '0/0', '16.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2012', 7, '09/10/12', 'Cin', '@ Bal', 'L, 44-13', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2012', 7, '12/30/12', 'Cin', 'Bal', 'W, 23-17', '11', '5', '45.5', '65', '5.9', '0', '0', '44', '0/0', '64.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2014', 9, '09/21/14', 'Pit', '@ Car', 'W, 37-19', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['gradkowski, bruce', '2014', 9, '01/03/15', 'Pit', 'Bal', 'L, 30-17', '3', '2', '66.7', '22', '7.3', '0', '0', '18', '0/0', '88.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['hanie, caleb', '2009', 2, '10/25/09', 'Chi', '@ Cin', 'L, 45-10', '2', '1', '50.0', '3', '1.5', '0', '0', '3', '0/0', '56.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['hanie, caleb', '2009', 2, '12/20/09', 'Chi', '@ Bal', 'L, 31-7', '5', '2', '40.0', '8', '1.6', '0', '1', '5', '0/0', '8.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['hanie, caleb', '2010', 3, '10/03/10', 'Chi', '@ NYG', 'L, 17-3', '4', '3', '75.0', '36', '9.0', '0', '0', '26', '1/8', '102.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['hanie, caleb', '2010', 3, '10/10/10', 'Chi', '@ Car', 'W, 23-6', '3', '2', '66.7', '19', '6.3', '0', '0', '14', '1/7', '84.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['hanie, caleb', '2010', 3, '01/23/11', 'Chi', 'GB', 'L, 21-14', '20', '13', '65.0', '153', '7.7', '1', '2', '35t', '0/0', '65.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 5 total rows
['hanie, caleb', '2011', 4, '11/27/11', 'Chi', '@ Oak', 'L, 25-20', '36', '18', '50.0', '254', '7.1', '2', '3', '81', '4/25', '56.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 5 total rows
['hanie, caleb', '2011', 4, '12/04/11', 'Chi', 'KC', 'L, 10-3', '24', '11', '45.8', '133', '5.5', '0', '3', '28', '7/45', '23.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 5 total rows
['hanie, caleb', '2011', 4, '12/11/11', 'Chi', '@ Den', 'L, 13-10', '19', '12', '63.2', '115', '6.1', '0', '0', '19', '4/29', '79.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 5 total rows
['hanie, caleb', '2011', 4, '12/18/11', 'Chi', 'Sea', 'L, 38-14', '23', '10', '43.5', '111', '4.8', '1', '3', '25t', '4/34', '33.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2011', 1, '09/11/11', 'Car', '@ Ari', 'L, 28-21', '37', '24', '64.9', '422', '11.4', '2', '1', '77t', '4/19', '110.4', '8', '18', '2.25', '12', '1', '2']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2011', 1, '09/18/11', 'Car', 'GB', 'L, 30-23', '46', '28', '60.9', '432', '9.4', '1', '3', '62', '4/28', '72.0', '10', '53', '5.30', '12', '1', '4']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2011', 1, '09/25/11', 'Car', 'Jax', 'W, 16-10', '34', '18', '52.9', '158', '4.6', '1', '0', '18', '0/0', '75.4', '7', '27', '3.86', '7', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2011', 1, '10/02/11', 'Car', '@ Chi', 'L, 34-29', '46', '27', '58.7', '374', '8.1', '1', '1', '53', '0/0', '83.1', '8', '35', '4.38', '14', '2', '4']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2011', 1, '10/09/11', 'Car', 'NO', 'L, 30-27', '31', '16', '51.6', '224', '7.2', '2', '1', '54t', '1/5', '83.3', '7', '27', '3.86', '13', '1', '4']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2011', 1, '10/16/11', 'Car', '@ Atl', 'L, 31-17', '35', '21', '60.0', '237', '6.8', '0', '3', '29', '1/8', '44.6', '7', '47', '6.71', '14t', '1', '4']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2011', 1, '10/23/11', 'Car', 'Was', 'W, 33-20', '23', '18', '78.3', '256', '11.1', '1', '0', '37', '4/24', '127.5', '10', '59', '5.90', '25', '1', '3']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2011', 1, '10/30/11', 'Car', 'Min', 'L, 24-21', '35', '22', '62.9', '290', '8.3', '3', '0', '44', '3/25', '117.6', '6', '53', '8.83', '24', '0', '3']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2011', 1, '11/13/11', 'Car', 'Ten', 'L, 30-3', '40', '23', '57.5', '212', '5.3', '0', '1', '19', '5/46', '61.7', '7', '55', '7.86', '26', '0', '2']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2011', 1, '11/20/11', 'Car', '@ Det', 'L, 49-35', '38', '22', '57.9', '280', '7.4', '1', '4', '32', '1/8', '50.2', '7', '37', '5.29', '11t', '2', '2']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2011', 1, '11/27/11', 'Car', '@ Ind', 'W, 27-19', '27', '20', '74.1', '208', '7.7', '0', '0', '30', '3/32', '95.9', '9', '53', '5.89', '14t', '1', '3']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2011', 1, '12/04/11', 'Car', '@ TB', 'W, 38-19', '21', '12', '57.1', '204', '9.7', '1', '0', '31', '2/9', '106.1', '14', '54', '3.86', '22', '3', '7']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2011', 1, '12/11/11', 'Car', 'Atl', 'L, 31-23', '39', '19', '48.7', '276', '7.1', '2', '2', '48', '2/17', '67.9', '7', '36', '5.14', '12', '0', '4']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2011', 1, '12/18/11', 'Car', '@ Hou', 'W, 28-13', '23', '13', '56.5', '149', '6.5', '2', '0', '26t', '2/10', '105.2', '7', '55', '7.86', '17', '0', '4']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2011', 1, '12/24/11', 'Car', 'TB', 'W, 48-16', '17', '12', '70.6', '171', '10.1', '3', '0', '91t', '1/8', '142.4', '6', '65', '10.83', '49t', '1', '2']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2011', 1, '01/01/12', 'Car', '@ NO', 'L, 45-17', '25', '15', '60.0', '158', '6.3', '1', '1', '22', '2/21', '75.1', '6', '32', '5.33', '16', '0', '2']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2012', 2, '09/09/12', 'Car', '@ TB', 'L, 16-10', '33', '23', '69.7', '303', '9.2', '1', '2', '51', '3/12', '83.3', '5', '4', '0.80', '4', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2012', 2, '09/16/12', 'Car', 'NO', 'W, 35-27', '20', '14', '70.0', '253', '12.7', '1', '0', '66', '1/9', '129.2', '13', '71', '5.46', '40', '1', '4']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2012', 2, '09/20/12', 'Car', 'NYG', 'L, 36-7', '30', '16', '53.3', '242', '8.1', '0', '3', '33', '2/21', '40.6', '6', '6', '1.00', '3', '1', '2']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2012', 2, '09/30/12', 'Car', '@ Atl', 'L, 30-28', '24', '15', '62.5', '215', '9.0', '2', '0', '36t', '3/10', '119.3', '9', '86', '9.56', '32', '1', '5']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2012', 2, '10/07/12', 'Car', 'Sea', 'L, 16-12', '29', '12', '41.4', '141', '4.9', '0', '0', '24', '4/33', '56.8', '7', '42', '6.00', '15', '0', '3']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2012', 2, '10/21/12', 'Car', 'Dal', 'L, 19-14', '37', '21', '56.8', '233', '6.3', '1', '1', '32', '2/17', '73.4', '6', '64', '10.67', '24', '0', '4']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2012', 2, '10/28/12', 'Car', '@ Chi', 'L, 23-22', '39', '20', '51.3', '314', '8.1', '0', '2', '62', '2/17', '57.0', '5', '37', '7.40', '16', '0', '4']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2012', 2, '11/04/12', 'Car', '@ Was', 'W, 21-13', '23', '13', '56.5', '201', '8.7', '1', '0', '82', '0/0', '100.1', '8', '37', '4.62', '11', '1', '5']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2012', 2, '11/11/12', 'Car', 'Den', 'L, 36-14', '36', '21', '58.3', '241', '6.7', '2', '2', '26', '7/43', '74.0', '4', '7', '1.75', '6', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2012', 2, '11/18/12', 'Car', 'TB', 'L, 27-21', '29', '16', '55.2', '252', '8.7', '1', '0', '32', '2/18', '95.8', '11', '40', '3.64', '16', '0', '3']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2012', 2, '11/26/12', 'Car', '@ Phi', 'W, 30-22', '28', '18', '64.3', '306', '10.9', '2', '0', '55', '2/17', '125.0', '14', '52', '3.71', '14', '2', '7']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2012', 2, '12/02/12', 'Car', '@ KC', 'L, 27-21', '27', '15', '55.6', '232', '8.6', '3', '0', '53', '2/12', '121.2', '7', '78', '11.14', '28', '0', '3']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2012', 2, '12/09/12', 'Car', 'Atl', 'W, 30-20', '35', '23', '65.7', '287', '8.2', '2', '0', '53t', '1/7', '110.1', '9', '116', '12.89', '72t', '1', '4']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2012', 2, '12/16/12', 'Car', '@ SD', 'W, 31-7', '33', '19', '57.6', '231', '7.0', '2', '0', '45t', '2/14', '99.4', '4', '7', '1.75', '3', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2012', 2, '12/23/12', 'Car', 'Oak', 'W, 17-6', '29', '18', '62.1', '170', '5.9', '1', '1', '23t', '2/11', '75.4', '12', '60', '5.00', '29', '1', '4']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2012', 2, '12/30/12', 'Car', '@ NO', 'W, 44-38', '33', '16', '48.5', '248', '7.5', '0', '1', '34', '1/3', '61.2', '7', '34', '4.86', '16', '0', '2']
in row 1 of 18 total rows
['newton, cam', '2013', 3, '09/08/13', 'Car', 'Sea', 'L, 12-7', '23', '16', '69.6', '125', '5.4', '1', '0', '27', '1/6', '97.2', '5', '38', '7.60', '11', '0', '2']
in row 2 of 18 total rows
['newton, cam', '2013', 3, '09/15/13', 'Car', '@ Buf', 'L, 24-23', '38', '21', '55.3', '229', '6.0', '2', '1', '40t', '6/46', '79.8', '4', '15', '3.75', '6', '0', '2']
in row 3 of 18 total rows
['newton, cam', '2013', 3, '09/22/13', 'Car', 'NYG', 'W, 38-0', '27', '15', '55.6', '223', '8.3', '3', '1', '47t', '1/15', '104.4', '7', '45', '6.43', '15', '1', '5']
in row 4 of 18 total rows
['newton, cam', '2013', 3, '10/06/13', 'Car', '@ Ari', 'L, 22-6', '39', '21', '53.8', '308', '7.9', '0', '3', '32', '7/50', '47.8', '4', '25', '6.25', '11', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 18 total rows
['newton, cam', '2013', 3, '10/13/13', 'Car', '@ Min', 'W, 35-10', '26', '20', '76.9', '242', '9.3', '3', '0', '79t', '1/6', '143.4', '9', '30', '3.33', '9', '1', '3']
in row 6 of 18 total rows
['newton, cam', '2013', 3, '10/20/13', 'Car', 'Stl', 'W, 30-15', '17', '15', '88.2', '204', '12.0', '1', '0', '25', '2/24', '136.3', '10', '26', '2.60', '13', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 18 total rows
['newton, cam', '2013', 3, '10/24/13', 'Car', '@ TB', 'W, 31-13', '32', '23', '71.9', '221', '6.9', '2', '0', '35', '3/26', '111.6', '11', '50', '4.54', '19', '1', '4']
in row 8 of 18 total rows
['newton, cam', '2013', 3, '11/03/13', 'Car', 'Atl', 'W, 34-10', '37', '23', '62.2', '249', '6.7', '1', '2', '30', '1/7', '68.4', '5', '22', '4.40', '12', '1', '3']
in row 9 of 18 total rows
['newton, cam', '2013', 3, '11/10/13', 'Car', '@ SF', 'W, 10-9', '32', '16', '50.0', '169', '5.3', '0', '1', '19', '3/28', '52.7', '8', '15', '1.88', '6', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 18 total rows
['newton, cam', '2013', 3, '11/18/13', 'Car', 'NE', 'W, 24-20', '28', '19', '67.9', '209', '7.5', '3', '0', '42', '3/12', '125.4', '7', '62', '8.86', '24', '0', '4']
in row 11 of 18 total rows
['newton, cam', '2013', 3, '11/24/13', 'Car', '@ Mia', 'W, 20-16', '38', '19', '50.0', '174', '4.6', '1', '1', '29', '3/15', '60.6', '7', '51', '7.29', '14', '1', '4']
in row 12 of 18 total rows
['newton, cam', '2013', 3, '12/01/13', 'Car', 'TB', 'W, 27-6', '29', '18', '62.1', '263', '9.1', '2', '2', '36t', '0/0', '85.8', '5', '68', '13.60', '56', '1', '3']
in row 13 of 18 total rows
['newton, cam', '2013', 3, '12/08/13', 'Car', '@ NO', 'L, 31-13', '34', '22', '64.7', '160', '4.7', '1', '0', '17t', '5/49', '85.4', '6', '48', '8.00', '19', '0', '3']
in row 14 of 18 total rows
['newton, cam', '2013', 3, '12/15/13', 'Car', 'NYJ', 'W, 30-20', '24', '16', '66.7', '273', '11.4', '1', '0', '72t', '2/12', '118.9', '7', '12', '1.71', '7', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 18 total rows
['newton, cam', '2013', 3, '12/22/13', 'Car', 'NO', 'W, 17-13', '22', '13', '59.1', '181', '8.2', '1', '1', '44', '4/40', '81.8', '4', '6', '1.50', '5', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 18 total rows
['newton, cam', '2013', 3, '12/29/13', 'Car', '@ Atl', 'W, 21-20', '27', '15', '55.6', '149', '5.5', '2', '1', '56', '1/0', '80.6', '12', '72', '6.00', '16', '0', '7']
in row 17 of 18 total rows
['newton, cam', '2013', 3, '01/12/14', 'Car', 'SF', 'L, 23-10', '25', '16', '64.0', '267', '10.7', '1', '2', '59', '5/35', '79.9', '10', '54', '5.40', '11', '0', '4']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2014', 4, '09/14/14', 'Car', 'Det', 'W, 24-7', '34', '22', '64.7', '281', '8.3', '1', '0', '24', '4/30', '100.2', '4', '19', '4.75', '13', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2014', 4, '09/21/14', 'Car', 'Pit', 'L, 37-19', '35', '24', '68.6', '250', '7.1', '1', '0', '37t', '3/23', '98.5', '2', '7', '3.50', '5', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2014', 4, '09/28/14', 'Car', '@ Bal', 'L, 38-10', '25', '14', '56.0', '197', '7.9', '1', '0', '30', '2/20', '94.9', '2', '7', '3.50', '7', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2014', 4, '10/05/14', 'Car', 'Chi', 'W, 31-24', '35', '19', '54.3', '255', '7.3', '2', '1', '22', '2/24', '84.8', '6', '9', '1.50', '3', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2014', 4, '10/12/14', 'Car', '@ Cin', 'T, 37-37', '46', '29', '63.0', '284', '6.2', '2', '1', '26', '0/0', '85.8', '17', '107', '6.29', '12t', '1', '8']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2014', 4, '10/19/14', 'Car', '@ GB', 'L, 38-17', '31', '17', '54.8', '205', '6.6', '1', '1', '32', '3/25', '72.6', '7', '41', '5.86', '10', '0', '2']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2014', 4, '10/26/14', 'Car', 'Sea', 'L, 13-9', '22', '12', '54.5', '171', '7.8', '0', '1', '51', '3/19', '61.0', '12', '24', '2.00', '8', '0', '4']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2014', 4, '10/30/14', 'Car', 'NO', 'L, 28-10', '28', '10', '35.7', '151', '5.4', '0', '1', '47', '4/29', '39.4', '7', '43', '6.14', '14', '1', '4']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2014', 4, '11/10/14', 'Car', '@ Phi', 'L, 45-21', '40', '25', '62.5', '306', '7.7', '2', '3', '40t', '9/91', '71.5', '2', '6', '3.00', '4', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2014', 4, '11/16/14', 'Car', 'Atl', 'L, 19-17', '37', '23', '62.2', '292', '7.9', '2', '2', '47t', '2/7', '82.3', '5', '30', '6.00', '15', '0', '3']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2014', 4, '11/30/14', 'Car', '@ Min', 'L, 31-13', '35', '18', '51.4', '194', '5.5', '1', '1', '32t', '4/24', '65.7', '9', '49', '5.44', '10', '0', '5']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2014', 4, '12/07/14', 'Car', '@ NO', 'W, 41-10', '33', '21', '63.6', '226', '6.8', '3', '0', '26t', '0/0', '114.0', '12', '83', '6.92', '22', '1', '7']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2014', 4, '12/21/14', 'Car', 'Cle', 'W, 17-13', '31', '18', '58.1', '201', '6.5', '1', '1', '34', '1/6', '74.8', '12', '63', '5.25', '15', '1', '6']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2014', 4, '12/28/14', 'Car', '@ Atl', 'W, 34-3', '16', '10', '62.5', '114', '7.1', '1', '0', '28', '1/2', '104.7', '6', '51', '8.50', '13', '1', '3']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2014', 4, '01/03/15', 'Car', 'Ari', 'W, 27-16', '32', '18', '56.2', '198', '6.2', '2', '1', '39t', '1/0', '82.6', '7', '35', '5.00', '13', '0', '3']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['newton, cam', '2014', 4, '01/10/15', 'Car', '@ Sea', 'L, 31-17', '36', '23', '63.9', '246', '6.8', '2', '2', '31', '2/16', '79.2', '11', '37', '3.36', '9', '0', '2']
in row 1 of 20 total rows
['newton, cam', '2015', 5, '09/13/15', 'Car', '@ Jax', 'W, 20-9', '31', '18', '58.1', '175', '5.6', '1', '1', '37', '2/17', '71.3', '14', '35', '2.50', '10', '0', '3']
in row 2 of 20 total rows
['newton, cam', '2015', 5, '09/20/15', 'Car', 'Hou', 'W, 24-17', '37', '18', '48.6', '195', '5.3', '2', '1', '36t', '2/17', '71.3', '10', '76', '7.60', '19', '1', '6']
in row 3 of 20 total rows
['newton, cam', '2015', 5, '09/27/15', 'Car', 'NO', 'W, 27-22', '31', '20', '64.5', '315', '10.2', '2', '0', '55', '1/3', '119.7', '7', '33', '4.71', '13t', '1', '4']
in row 4 of 20 total rows
['newton, cam', '2015', 5, '10/04/15', 'Car', '@ TB', 'W, 37-23', '22', '11', '50.0', '124', '5.6', '2', '0', '30', '2/13', '97.5', '12', '51', '4.25', '12', '0', '4']
in row 5 of 20 total rows
['newton, cam', '2015', 5, '10/18/15', 'Car', '@ Sea', 'W, 27-23', '36', '20', '55.6', '269', '7.5', '1', '2', '32', '3/21', '65.6', '7', '30', '4.29', '9', '1', '1']
in row 6 of 20 total rows
['newton, cam', '2015', 5, '10/25/15', 'Car', 'Phi', 'W, 27-16', '24', '14', '58.3', '197', '8.2', '1', '3', '28', '1/7', '59.2', '4', '20', '5.00', '16', '1', '3']
in row 7 of 20 total rows
['newton, cam', '2015', 5, '11/02/15', 'Car', 'Ind', 'W, 29-26', '35', '16', '45.7', '248', '7.1', '2', '1', '48', '2/9', '76.8', '10', '41', '4.10', '11', '0', '2']
in row 8 of 20 total rows
['newton, cam', '2015', 5, '11/08/15', 'Car', 'GB', 'W, 37-29', '30', '15', '50.0', '297', '9.9', '3', '1', '59', '0/0', '104.4', '9', '57', '6.33', '23', '1', '4']
in row 9 of 20 total rows
['newton, cam', '2015', 5, '11/15/15', 'Car', '@ Ten', 'W, 27-10', '25', '21', '84.0', '217', '8.7', '1', '0', '27', '5/33', '116.2', '9', '23', '2.56', '7', '1', '5']
in row 10 of 20 total rows
['newton, cam', '2015', 5, '11/22/15', 'Car', 'Was', 'W, 44-16', '34', '21', '61.8', '246', '7.2', '5', '0', '35', '2/20', '123.3', '4', '16', '4.00', '9', '0', '2']
in row 11 of 20 total rows
['newton, cam', '2015', 5, '11/26/15', 'Car', '@ Dal', 'W, 33-14', '27', '16', '59.3', '183', '6.8', '0', '0', '31', '1/18', '79.7', '12', '45', '3.75', '11', '1', '4']
in row 12 of 20 total rows
['newton, cam', '2015', 5, '12/06/15', 'Car', '@ NO', 'W, 41-38', '41', '28', '68.3', '331', '8.1', '5', '1', '45t', '1/9', '122.1', '10', '49', '4.90', '30', '0', '3']
in row 13 of 20 total rows
['newton, cam', '2015', 5, '12/13/15', 'Car', 'Atl', 'W, 38-0', '21', '15', '71.4', '265', '12.6', '3', '0', '74t', '2/19', '153.3', '3', '4', '1.33', '3', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 20 total rows
['newton, cam', '2015', 5, '12/20/15', 'Car', '@ NYG', 'W, 38-35', '45', '25', '55.6', '340', '7.6', '5', '0', '37t', '3/31', '116.9', '8', '100', '12.50', '47', '0', '5']
in row 15 of 20 total rows
['newton, cam', '2015', 5, '12/27/15', 'Car', '@ Atl', 'L, 20-13', '30', '17', '56.7', '142', '4.7', '0', '0', '19', '2/29', '69.0', '7', '46', '6.57', '18', '1', '5']
in row 16 of 20 total rows
['newton, cam', '2015', 5, '01/03/16', 'Car', 'TB', 'W, 38-10', '26', '21', '80.8', '293', '11.3', '2', '0', '41', '4/38', '139.3', '6', '10', '1.67', '4', '2', '4']
in row 17 of 20 total rows
['newton, cam', '2015', 5, '01/17/16', 'Car', 'Sea', 'W, 31-24', '22', '16', '72.7', '161', '7.3', '1', '0', '27', '1/10', '108.3', '11', '3', '0.27', '5', '0', '2']
in row 18 of 20 total rows
['newton, cam', '2015', 5, '01/24/16', 'Car', 'Ari', 'W, 49-15', '28', '19', '67.9', '335', '12.0', '2', '1', '86t', '1/11', '117.4', '10', '47', '4.70', '14', '2', '4']
in row 19 of 20 total rows
['newton, cam', '2015', 5, '02/07/16', 'Car', '@ Den', 'L, 24-10', '41', '18', '43.9', '265', '6.5', '0', '1', '45', '6/64', '55.4', '6', '45', '7.50', '14', '0', '3']
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['newton, cam', '2016', 6, '09/08/16', 'Car', '@ Den', 'L, 21-20', '33', '18', '54.5', '194', '5.9', '1', '1', '18', '3/18', '69.5', '11', '54', '4.91', '12', '1', '2']
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['newton, cam', '2016', 6, '09/18/16', 'Car', 'SF', 'W, 46-27', '40', '24', '60.0', '353', '8.8', '4', '1', '78t', '1/0', '111.8', '6', '37', '6.17', '16', '0', '3']
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['newton, cam', '2016', 6, '09/25/16', 'Car', 'Min', 'L, 22-10', '35', '21', '60.0', '262', '7.5', '0', '3', '31', '8/64', '47.6', '7', '26', '3.71', '11', '1', '4']
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['newton, cam', '2016', 6, '10/02/16', 'Car', '@ Atl', 'L, 48-33', '25', '14', '56.0', '165', '6.6', '1', '0', '24', '1/8', '89.6', '5', '30', '6.00', '21', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['newton, cam', '2016', 6, '10/16/16', 'Car', '@ NO', 'L, 41-38', '47', '27', '57.4', '322', '6.9', '2', '1', '20', '2/19', '83.8', '2', '1', '0.50', '2t', '1', '1']
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['newton, cam', '2016', 6, '10/30/16', 'Car', 'Ari', 'W, 30-20', '27', '14', '51.9', '212', '7.9', '0', '0', '50', '1/4', '78.0', '7', '43', '6.14', '19', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['newton, cam', '2016', 6, '11/06/16', 'Car', '@ LA', 'W, 13-10', '32', '20', '62.5', '225', '7.0', '1', '0', '28', '5/40', '93.9', '7', '16', '2.29', '6', '0', '2']
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['newton, cam', '2016', 6, '11/13/16', 'Car', 'KC', 'L, 20-17', '38', '23', '60.5', '261', '6.9', '1', '1', '38t', '2/19', '78.9', '12', '54', '4.50', '28', '1', '4']
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['newton, cam', '2016', 6, '11/17/16', 'Car', 'NO', 'W, 23-20', '33', '14', '42.4', '192', '5.8', '1', '0', '40t', '2/19', '71.8', '5', '7', '1.40', '12', '0', '2']
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['newton, cam', '2016', 6, '11/27/16', 'Car', '@ Oak', 'L, 35-32', '29', '14', '48.3', '246', '8.5', '2', '1', '88t', '2/17', '86.3', '3', '6', '2.00', '3t', '1', '1']
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['newton, cam', '2016', 6, '12/04/16', 'Car', '@ Sea', 'L, 40-7', '32', '14', '43.8', '182', '5.7', '1', '0', '55t', '0/0', '72.7', '3', '12', '4.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['newton, cam', '2016', 6, '12/11/16', 'Car', 'SD', 'W, 28-16', '27', '10', '37.0', '160', '5.9', '1', '1', '36', '2/14', '54.6', '8', '31', '3.88', '8', '0', '2']
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['newton, cam', '2016', 6, '12/19/16', 'Car', '@ Was', 'W, 26-15', '37', '21', '56.8', '300', '8.1', '2', '0', '31', '2/10', '101.2', '3', '0', '0.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['newton, cam', '2016', 6, '12/24/16', 'Car', 'Atl', 'L, 33-16', '43', '18', '41.9', '198', '4.6', '1', '2', '26t', '2/15', '44.5', '8', '36', '4.50', '9', '0', '2']
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['newton, cam', '2016', 6, '01/01/17', 'Car', '@ TB', 'L, 17-16', '32', '18', '56.2', '237', '7.4', '1', '3', '47', '3/30', '51.2', '3', '6', '2.00', '5', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 14 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2004', 1, '09/12/04', 'Cin', '@ NYJ', 'L, 31-24', '27', '18', '66.7', '248', '9.2', '2', '1', '53t', '1/10', '105.2', '2', '10', '5.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 14 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2004', 1, '09/19/04', 'Cin', 'Mia', 'W, 16-13', '38', '21', '55.3', '147', '3.9', '0', '1', '20', '5/31', '53.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 14 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2004', 1, '09/26/04', 'Cin', 'Bal', 'L, 23-9', '52', '25', '48.1', '316', '6.1', '0', '3', '23', '4/27', '43.4', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 14 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2004', 1, '10/03/04', 'Cin', '@ Pit', 'L, 28-17', '37', '20', '54.1', '164', '4.4', '1', '2', '24', '1/8', '52.1', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 14 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2004', 1, '10/17/04', 'Cin', '@ Cle', 'L, 34-17', '36', '20', '55.6', '148', '4.1', '1', '1', '21', '3/17', '63.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 14 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2004', 1, '10/25/04', 'Cin', 'Den', 'W, 23-10', '21', '12', '57.1', '198', '9.4', '1', '1', '50t', '1/10', '85.0', '4', '0', '0.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 14 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2004', 1, '10/31/04', 'Cin', '@ Ten', 'L, 27-20', '36', '20', '55.6', '247', '6.9', '0', '1', '62', '4/30', '65.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 14 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2004', 1, '11/07/04', 'Cin', 'Dal', 'W, 26-3', '32', '21', '65.6', '212', '6.6', '1', '0', '76t', '0/0', '94.8', '2', '1', '0.50', '2t', '1', '1']
in row 9 of 14 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2004', 1, '11/14/04', 'Cin', '@ Was', 'W, 17-10', '39', '24', '61.5', '217', '5.6', '1', '2', '34', '0/0', '63.7', '2', '-3', '-1.50', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 14 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2004', 1, '11/21/04', 'Cin', 'Pit', 'L, 19-14', '25', '13', '52.0', '165', '6.6', '2', '1', '36t', '3/18', '82.9', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 14 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2004', 1, '11/28/04', 'Cin', 'Cle', 'W, 58-48', '29', '22', '75.9', '251', '8.7', '4', '3', '53t', '0/0', '101.4', '2', '10', '5.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 14 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2004', 1, '12/05/04', 'Cin', '@ Bal', 'W, 27-26', '36', '29', '80.6', '382', '10.6', '3', '1', '51', '3/27', '127.1', '2', '7', '3.50', '9', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 14 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2004', 1, '12/12/04', 'Cin', '@ NE', 'L, 35-28', '24', '18', '75.0', '202', '8.4', '2', '1', '33', '0/0', '110.1', '2', '19', '9.50', '14', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 18 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2005', 2, '09/11/05', 'Cin', '@ Cle', 'W, 27-13', '34', '26', '76.5', '280', '8.2', '2', '1', '35', '2/8', '107.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 18 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2005', 2, '09/18/05', 'Cin', 'Min', 'W, 37-8', '40', '27', '67.5', '337', '8.4', '3', '1', '70t', '0/0', '108.0', '4', '3', '0.75', '6', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 18 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2005', 2, '09/25/05', 'Cin', '@ Chi', 'W, 24-7', '23', '16', '69.6', '169', '7.3', '3', '0', '40t', '1/8', '130.3', '6', '-3', '-0.50', '2', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 18 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2005', 2, '10/02/05', 'Cin', 'Hou', 'W, 16-10', '34', '25', '73.5', '276', '8.1', '1', '0', '22', '2/3', '107.0', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 18 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2005', 2, '10/09/05', 'Cin', '@ Jax', 'L, 23-20', '33', '22', '66.7', '239', '7.2', '2', '0', '47', '2/7', '108.0', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 18 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2005', 2, '10/16/05', 'Cin', '@ Ten', 'W, 31-23', '33', '27', '81.8', '272', '8.2', '2', '0', '35', '1/4', '121.2', '3', '4', '1.33', '4', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 18 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2005', 2, '10/23/05', 'Cin', 'Pit', 'L, 27-13', '36', '21', '58.3', '227', '6.3', '0', '2', '47', '2/16', '53.8', '3', '8', '2.67', '4t', '1', '2']
in row 8 of 18 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2005', 2, '10/30/05', 'Cin', 'GB', 'W, 21-14', '34', '22', '64.7', '237', '7.0', '3', '1', '38', '2/15', '102.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 18 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2005', 2, '11/06/05', 'Cin', '@ Bal', 'W, 21-9', '26', '19', '73.1', '248', '9.5', '2', '0', '48', '2/14', '128.4', '5', '-6', '-1.20', '0', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 18 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2005', 2, '11/20/05', 'Cin', 'Ind', 'L, 45-37', '38', '25', '65.8', '335', '8.8', '2', '1', '68t', '1/7', '100.2', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 18 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2005', 2, '11/27/05', 'Cin', 'Bal', 'W, 42-29', '30', '22', '73.3', '302', '10.1', '3', '1', '54t', '0/0', '124.6', '1', '14', '14.00', '14', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 18 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2005', 2, '12/04/05', 'Cin', '@ Pit', 'W, 38-31', '38', '22', '57.9', '227', '6.0', '3', '0', '43t', '1/5', '101.5', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 18 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2005', 2, '12/11/05', 'Cin', 'Cle', 'W, 23-20', '27', '13', '48.1', '93', '3.4', '1', '1', '16', '0/0', '53.5', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 18 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2005', 2, '12/18/05', 'Cin', '@ Det', 'W, 41-17', '39', '28', '71.8', '274', '7.0', '3', '2', '20', '2/9', '95.5', '1', '8', '8.00', '8', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 18 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2005', 2, '12/24/05', 'Cin', 'Buf', 'L, 37-27', '36', '25', '69.4', '266', '7.4', '2', '2', '41t', '1/9', '86.1', '4', '14', '3.50', '6', '0', '1']
in row 16 of 18 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2005', 2, '01/01/06', 'Cin', '@ KC', 'L, 37-3', '8', '5', '62.5', '54', '6.8', '0', '0', '32', '0/0', '82.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 17 of 18 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2005', 2, '01/08/06', 'Cin', 'Pit', 'L, 31-17', '1', '1', '100.0', '66', '66.0', '0', '0', '66', '0/0', '118.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2006', 3, '09/10/06', 'Cin', '@ KC', 'W, 23-10', '19', '13', '68.4', '127', '6.7', '0', '0', '30', '1/7', '87.0', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2006', 3, '09/17/06', 'Cin', 'Cle', 'W, 34-17', '40', '24', '60.0', '352', '8.8', '2', '2', '43', '4/31', '84.6', '3', '1', '0.33', '2', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2006', 3, '09/24/06', 'Cin', '@ Pit', 'W, 28-20', '26', '18', '69.2', '193', '7.4', '4', '2', '30t', '6/34', '98.2', '3', '5', '1.67', '5', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2006', 3, '10/01/06', 'Cin', 'NE', 'L, 38-13', '35', '20', '57.1', '245', '7.0', '0', '0', '33', '4/37', '78.9', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2006', 3, '10/15/06', 'Cin', '@ TB', 'L, 14-13', '37', '24', '64.9', '261', '7.1', '1', '0', '51', '2/9', '94.5', '2', '1', '0.50', '1', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2006', 3, '10/22/06', 'Cin', 'Car', 'W, 17-14', '39', '23', '59.0', '240', '6.2', '2', '0', '32', '2/10', '94.0', '1', '6', '6.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2006', 3, '10/29/06', 'Cin', 'Atl', 'L, 29-27', '36', '24', '66.7', '266', '7.4', '2', '0', '55t', '2/8', '106.9', '1', '7', '7.00', '7', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2006', 3, '11/05/06', 'Cin', '@ Bal', 'L, 26-20', '26', '12', '46.2', '194', '7.5', '1', '2', '71', '2/12', '52.4', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2006', 3, '11/12/06', 'Cin', 'SD', 'L, 49-41', '42', '31', '73.8', '440', '10.5', '3', '0', '74t', '3/23', '131.1', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2006', 3, '11/19/06', 'Cin', '@ NO', 'W, 31-16', '22', '14', '63.6', '275', '12.5', '3', '1', '60t', '1/9', '127.8', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2006', 3, '11/26/06', 'Cin', '@ Cle', 'W, 30-0', '32', '25', '78.1', '275', '8.6', '3', '1', '43', '1/0', '120.7', '2', '0', '0.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2006', 3, '11/30/06', 'Cin', 'Bal', 'W, 13-7', '32', '21', '65.6', '234', '7.3', '1', '0', '40t', '2/7', '97.7', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2006', 3, '12/10/06', 'Cin', 'Oak', 'W, 27-10', '28', '20', '71.4', '297', '10.6', '2', '3', '42', '0/0', '90.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2006', 3, '12/18/06', 'Cin', '@ Ind', 'L, 34-16', '28', '14', '50.0', '176', '6.3', '0', '0', '46', '4/31', '69.9', '1', '11', '11.00', '11', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2006', 3, '12/24/06', 'Cin', '@ Den', 'L, 24-23', '40', '21', '52.5', '209', '5.2', '2', '2', '26', '2/15', '63.4', '2', '6', '3.00', '4', '0', '1']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2006', 3, '12/31/06', 'Cin', 'Pit', 'L, 23-17', '38', '20', '52.6', '251', '6.6', '2', '0', '66t', '0/0', '91.0', '2', '-3', '-1.50', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2007', 4, '09/10/07', 'Cin', 'Bal', 'W, 27-20', '32', '20', '62.5', '194', '6.1', '2', '0', '39t', '1/13', '100.3', '3', '0', '0.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2007', 4, '09/16/07', 'Cin', '@ Cle', 'L, 51-45', '50', '33', '66.0', '401', '8.0', '6', '2', '32', '1/7', '113.4', '2', '10', '5.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2007', 4, '09/23/07', 'Cin', '@ Sea', 'L, 24-21', '43', '27', '62.8', '342', '8.0', '1', '2', '35t', '2/14', '75.9', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2007', 4, '10/01/07', 'Cin', 'NE', 'L, 34-13', '35', '21', '60.0', '234', '6.7', '1', '2', '23', '1/8', '65.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2007', 4, '10/14/07', 'Cin', '@ KC', 'L, 27-20', '43', '26', '60.5', '320', '7.4', '2', '2', '42t', '4/25', '79.6', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2007', 4, '10/21/07', 'Cin', 'NYJ', 'W, 38-31', '21', '14', '66.7', '226', '10.8', '1', '1', '56', '1/8', '98.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2007', 4, '10/28/07', 'Cin', 'Pit', 'L, 24-13', '31', '23', '74.2', '205', '6.6', '1', '0', '28', '0/0', '102.2', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2007', 4, '11/04/07', 'Cin', '@ Buf', 'L, 33-21', '39', '26', '66.7', '271', '6.9', '2', '1', '43', '0/0', '93.0', '3', '5', '1.67', '7', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2007', 4, '11/11/07', 'Cin', '@ Bal', 'W, 21-7', '34', '23', '67.6', '271', '8.0', '0', '0', '50', '3/15', '91.7', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2007', 4, '11/18/07', 'Cin', 'Ari', 'L, 35-27', '52', '37', '71.2', '329', '6.3', '2', '4', '37t', '1/5', '68.5', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2007', 4, '11/25/07', 'Cin', 'Ten', 'W, 35-6', '38', '32', '84.2', '283', '7.4', '3', '1', '26', '1/5', '113.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2007', 4, '12/02/07', 'Cin', '@ Pit', 'L, 24-10', '44', '17', '38.6', '183', '4.2', '0', '0', '24', '1/8', '51.6', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2007', 4, '12/09/07', 'Cin', 'Stl', 'W, 19-10', '29', '21', '72.4', '189', '6.5', '0', '2', '52', '1/11', '60.8', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2007', 4, '12/15/07', 'Cin', '@ SF', 'L, 20-13', '31', '19', '61.3', '252', '8.1', '1', '0', '52t', '0/0', '97.8', '2', '1', '0.50', '2', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2007', 4, '12/23/07', 'Cin', 'Cle', 'W, 19-14', '21', '11', '52.4', '115', '5.5', '1', '2', '24', '0/0', '44.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2007', 4, '12/30/07', 'Cin', '@ Mia', 'W, 38-25', '32', '23', '71.9', '316', '9.9', '3', '1', '70t', '0/0', '121.4', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 5 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2008', 5, '09/07/08', 'Cin', '@ Bal', 'L, 17-10', '24', '9', '37.5', '94', '3.9', '0', '1', '24', '2/10', '32.3', '3', '15', '5.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 5 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2008', 5, '09/14/08', 'Cin', 'Ten', 'L, 24-7', '27', '16', '59.3', '134', '5.0', '0', '2', '36', '1/7', '41.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 5 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2008', 5, '09/21/08', 'Cin', '@ NYG', 'L, 26-23', '39', '27', '69.2', '286', '7.3', '1', '0', '26', '6/41', '98.9', '3', '23', '7.67', '15', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 5 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2008', 5, '10/05/08', 'Cin', '@ Dal', 'L, 31-22', '39', '23', '59.0', '217', '5.6', '2', '1', '25', '2/9', '80.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 18 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2009', 6, '09/13/09', 'Cin', 'Den', 'L, 12-7', '33', '21', '63.6', '247', '7.5', '0', '2', '34', '3/26', '61.0', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 18 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2009', 6, '09/20/09', 'Cin', '@ GB', 'W, 31-24', '23', '15', '65.2', '185', '8.0', '3', '2', '44', '2/17', '93.3', '2', '1', '0.50', '1t', '1', '1']
in row 3 of 18 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2009', 6, '09/27/09', 'Cin', 'Pit', 'W, 23-20', '37', '20', '54.1', '183', '4.9', '1', '0', '21', '2/10', '76.7', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 18 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2009', 6, '10/04/09', 'Cin', '@ Cle', 'W, 23-20', '44', '23', '52.3', '230', '5.2', '2', '1', '27', '2/9', '73.1', '3', '20', '6.67', '15', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 18 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2009', 6, '10/11/09', 'Cin', '@ Bal', 'W, 17-14', '31', '18', '58.1', '271', '8.7', '1', '1', '73', '1/10', '84.2', '5', '18', '3.60', '8', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 18 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2009', 6, '10/18/09', 'Cin', 'Hou', 'L, 28-17', '35', '23', '65.7', '259', '7.4', '1', '1', '50', '1/9', '85.3', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 18 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2009', 6, '10/25/09', 'Cin', 'Chi', 'W, 45-10', '24', '20', '83.3', '233', '9.7', '5', '0', '29', '0/0', '146.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 18 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2009', 6, '11/08/09', 'Cin', 'Bal', 'W, 17-7', '33', '20', '60.6', '224', '6.8', '1', '0', '32', '1/1', '91.0', '1', '10', '10.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 18 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2009', 6, '11/15/09', 'Cin', '@ Pit', 'W, 18-12', '30', '18', '60.0', '178', '5.9', '0', '0', '25', '2/21', '76.8', '5', '-2', '-0.40', '3', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 18 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2009', 6, '11/22/09', 'Cin', '@ Oak', 'L, 20-17', '22', '14', '63.6', '207', '9.4', '0', '1', '40', '3/36', '75.4', '4', '7', '1.75', '5', '2', '3']
in row 11 of 18 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2009', 6, '11/29/09', 'Cin', 'Cle', 'W, 16-7', '24', '13', '54.2', '110', '4.6', '1', '0', '19', '3/14', '80.2', '4', '15', '3.75', '12', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 18 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2009', 6, '12/06/09', 'Cin', 'Det', 'W, 23-13', '29', '17', '58.6', '220', '7.6', '1', '2', '36t', '2/18', '65.3', '5', '7', '1.40', '8', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 18 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2009', 6, '12/13/09', 'Cin', '@ Min', 'L, 30-10', '25', '15', '60.0', '94', '3.8', '1', '0', '15t', '1/12', '81.1', '4', '10', '2.50', '4', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 18 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2009', 6, '12/20/09', 'Cin', '@ SD', 'L, 27-24', '40', '27', '67.5', '314', '7.8', '2', '1', '49t', '2/21', '97.3', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 18 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2009', 6, '12/27/09', 'Cin', 'KC', 'W, 17-10', '25', '17', '68.0', '139', '5.6', '2', '1', '21', '1/9', '91.9', '2', '2', '1.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 16 of 18 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2009', 6, '01/03/10', 'Cin', '@ NYJ', 'L, 37-0', '11', '1', '9.1', '0', '0.0', '0', '1', '0', '0/0', '1.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 17 of 18 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2009', 6, '01/09/10', 'Cin', 'NYJ', 'L, 24-14', '36', '18', '50.0', '146', '4.1', '1', '1', '19', '3/36', '58.3', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2010', 7, '09/12/10', 'Cin', '@ NE', 'L, 38-24', '50', '34', '68.0', '345', '6.9', '2', '1', '51', '1/4', '92.5', '4', '9', '2.25', '7', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2010', 7, '09/19/10', 'Cin', 'Bal', 'W, 15-10', '35', '16', '45.7', '167', '4.8', '0', '0', '29', '1/8', '60.1', '3', '-1', '-0.33', '1', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2010', 7, '09/26/10', 'Cin', '@ Car', 'W, 20-7', '37', '19', '51.4', '195', '5.3', '1', '2', '27', '1/10', '53.3', '5', '8', '1.60', '9', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2010', 7, '10/03/10', 'Cin', '@ Cle', 'L, 23-20', '36', '25', '69.4', '371', '10.3', '2', '0', '78t', '4/25', '121.4', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2010', 7, '10/10/10', 'Cin', 'TB', 'L, 24-21', '36', '21', '58.3', '209', '5.8', '2', '3', '43t', '0/0', '58.7', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2010', 7, '10/24/10', 'Cin', '@ Atl', 'L, 39-32', '50', '36', '72.0', '412', '8.2', '3', '0', '64t', '3/27', '116.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2010', 7, '10/31/10', 'Cin', 'Mia', 'L, 22-14', '38', '17', '44.7', '156', '4.1', '2', '1', '37t', '0/0', '63.0', '3', '13', '4.33', '8', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2010', 7, '11/08/10', 'Cin', 'Pit', 'L, 27-21', '36', '22', '61.1', '248', '6.9', '2', '1', '27t', '4/30', '88.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2010', 7, '11/14/10', 'Cin', '@ Ind', 'L, 23-17', '42', '31', '73.8', '292', '7.0', '2', '3', '25', '3/23', '78.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2010', 7, '11/21/10', 'Cin', 'Buf', 'L, 49-31', '34', '19', '55.9', '230', '6.8', '2', '2', '48', '0/0', '71.9', '2', '12', '6.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2010', 7, '11/25/10', 'Cin', '@ NYJ', 'L, 26-10', '38', '17', '44.7', '135', '3.6', '1', '2', '25', '3/18', '41.0', '2', '5', '2.50', '6', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2010', 7, '12/05/10', 'Cin', 'NO', 'L, 34-30', '33', '23', '69.7', '249', '7.5', '1', '0', '33', '3/34', '101.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2010', 7, '12/12/10', 'Cin', '@ Pit', 'L, 23-7', '32', '20', '62.5', '178', '5.6', '1', '3', '24', '3/22', '48.7', '2', '0', '0.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2010', 7, '12/19/10', 'Cin', 'Cle', 'W, 19-17', '23', '14', '60.9', '209', '9.1', '0', '0', '53', '0/0', '90.7', '5', '-1', '-0.20', '2', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2010', 7, '12/26/10', 'Cin', 'SD', 'W, 34-20', '21', '16', '76.2', '269', '12.8', '4', '0', '59t', '0/0', '157.2', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2010', 7, '01/02/11', 'Cin', '@ Bal', 'L, 13-7', '45', '32', '71.1', '305', '6.8', '1', '2', '39', '0/0', '78.5', '2', '3', '1.50', '3', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 11 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2011', 8, '10/23/11', 'Oak', 'KC', 'L, 28-0', '21', '8', '38.1', '116', '5.5', '0', '3', '30', '0/0', '17.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 11 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2011', 8, '11/06/11', 'Oak', 'Den', 'L, 38-24', '35', '19', '54.3', '332', '9.5', '3', '3', '40t', '2/16', '79.7', '5', '3', '0.60', '3', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 11 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2011', 8, '11/10/11', 'Oak', '@ SD', 'W, 24-17', '20', '14', '70.0', '299', '14.9', '2', '1', '55', '1/1', '125.0', '3', '-8', '-2.67', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 11 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2011', 8, '11/20/11', 'Oak', '@ Min', 'W, 27-21', '23', '17', '73.9', '164', '7.1', '1', '0', '21', '4/25', '107.9', '3', '5', '1.67', '4', '1', '1']
in row 5 of 11 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2011', 8, '11/27/11', 'Oak', 'Chi', 'W, 25-20', '37', '21', '56.8', '301', '8.1', '0', '1', '47', '4/33', '72.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 11 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2011', 8, '12/04/11', 'Oak', '@ Mia', 'L, 34-14', '41', '20', '48.8', '273', '6.7', '2', '1', '40t', '2/15', '76.6', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 11 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2011', 8, '12/11/11', 'Oak', '@ GB', 'L, 46-16', '42', '24', '57.1', '247', '5.9', '1', '4', '34', '1/7', '42.6', '2', '12', '6.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 11 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2011', 8, '12/18/11', 'Oak', 'Det', 'L, 28-27', '40', '32', '80.0', '367', '9.2', '1', '0', '43t', '3/22', '113.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 11 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2011', 8, '12/24/11', 'Oak', '@ KC', 'W, 16-13', '26', '16', '61.5', '237', '9.1', '1', '2', '61t', '0/0', '72.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 11 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2011', 8, '01/01/12', 'Oak', 'SD', 'L, 38-26', '43', '28', '65.1', '417', '9.7', '2', '1', '78', '0/0', '102.6', '2', '6', '3.00', '4', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2012', 9, '09/10/12', 'Oak', 'SD', 'L, 22-14', '46', '32', '69.6', '297', '6.5', '1', '0', '26', '3/21', '94.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2012', 9, '09/16/12', 'Oak', '@ Mia', 'L, 35-13', '48', '24', '50.0', '373', '7.8', '1', '1', '64t', '0/0', '74.4', '2', '7', '3.50', '7', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2012', 9, '09/23/12', 'Oak', 'Pit', 'W, 34-31', '34', '24', '70.6', '209', '6.1', '3', '1', '18', '1/7', '103.7', '2', '5', '2.50', '6', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2012', 9, '09/30/12', 'Oak', '@ Den', 'L, 37-6', '34', '19', '55.9', '202', '5.9', '0', '0', '37', '3/21', '73.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2012', 9, '10/14/12', 'Oak', '@ Atl', 'L, 23-20', '33', '23', '69.7', '353', '10.7', '1', '1', '49', '3/28', '102.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2012', 9, '10/21/12', 'Oak', 'Jax', 'W, 26-23', '46', '26', '56.5', '298', '6.5', '1', '1', '59', '2/16', '74.4', '6', '14', '2.33', '9', '1', '2']
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2012', 9, '10/28/12', 'Oak', '@ KC', 'W, 26-16', '28', '14', '50.0', '209', '7.5', '2', '1', '58', '0/0', '83.8', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2012', 9, '11/04/12', 'Oak', 'TB', 'L, 42-32', '61', '39', '63.9', '414', '6.8', '4', '3', '46', '2/16', '85.0', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2012', 9, '11/11/12', 'Oak', '@ Bal', 'L, 55-20', '45', '29', '64.4', '368', '8.2', '2', '1', '55t', '3/18', '95.4', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2012', 9, '11/18/12', 'Oak', 'NO', 'L, 38-17', '40', '22', '55.0', '312', '7.8', '2', '2', '56', '3/28', '76.2', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2012', 9, '11/25/12', 'Oak', '@ Cin', 'L, 34-10', '34', '19', '55.9', '146', '4.3', '1', '1', '26', '4/27', '64.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2012', 9, '12/02/12', 'Oak', 'Cle', 'L, 20-17', '54', '34', '63.0', '351', '6.5', '2', '1', '64t', '1/7', '86.3', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2012', 9, '12/06/12', 'Oak', 'Den', 'L, 26-13', '30', '19', '63.3', '273', '9.1', '2', '1', '58', '1/10', '101.1', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2012', 9, '12/16/12', 'Oak', 'KC', 'W, 15-0', '29', '18', '62.1', '182', '6.3', '0', '0', '19', '0/0', '80.0', '2', '4', '2.00', '2', '0', '2']
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2012', 9, '12/23/12', 'Oak', '@ Car', 'L, 17-6', '3', '3', '100.0', '31', '10.3', '0', '0', '22', '0/0', '109.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2013', 10, '09/08/13', 'Ari', '@ Stl', 'L, 27-24', '40', '26', '65.0', '327', '8.2', '2', '1', '44', '4/23', '96.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2013', 10, '09/15/13', 'Ari', 'Det', 'W, 25-21', '39', '22', '56.4', '248', '6.4', '1', '1', '36t', '1/4', '73.5', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2013', 10, '09/22/13', 'Ari', '@ NO', 'L, 31-7', '35', '18', '51.4', '187', '5.3', '0', '2', '26', '4/26', '43.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2013', 10, '09/29/13', 'Ari', '@ TB', 'W, 13-10', '38', '21', '55.3', '248', '6.5', '1', '2', '27', '1/8', '62.2', '4', '6', '1.50', '10', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2013', 10, '10/06/13', 'Ari', 'Car', 'W, 22-6', '28', '19', '67.9', '175', '6.2', '1', '3', '22', '2/15', '57.0', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2013', 10, '10/13/13', 'Ari', '@ SF', 'L, 32-20', '41', '25', '61.0', '298', '7.3', '2', '2', '75t', '1/4', '79.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2013', 10, '10/17/13', 'Ari', 'Sea', 'L, 34-22', '45', '30', '66.7', '258', '5.7', '1', '2', '19', '7/54', '70.4', '2', '5', '2.50', '3', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2013', 10, '10/27/13', 'Ari', 'Atl', 'W, 27-13', '18', '13', '72.2', '172', '9.6', '2', '1', '51', '3/25', '116.0', '1', '9', '9.00', '9', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2013', 10, '11/10/13', 'Ari', 'Hou', 'W, 27-24', '32', '20', '62.5', '241', '7.5', '2', '1', '26', '1/6', '93.4', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2013', 10, '11/17/13', 'Ari', '@ Jax', 'W, 27-14', '42', '30', '71.4', '419', '10.0', '2', '0', '91t', '3/17', '119.0', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2013', 10, '11/24/13', 'Ari', 'Ind', 'W, 40-11', '37', '26', '70.3', '314', '8.5', '2', '0', '32', '3/24', '114.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2013', 10, '12/01/13', 'Ari', '@ Phi', 'L, 24-21', '41', '24', '58.5', '302', '7.4', '3', '2', '43t', '5/42', '85.6', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2013', 10, '12/08/13', 'Ari', 'Stl', 'W, 30-10', '32', '27', '84.4', '269', '8.4', '1', '0', '32', '1/7', '112.1', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2013', 10, '12/15/13', 'Ari', '@ Ten', 'W, 37-34', '30', '20', '66.7', '231', '7.7', '1', '0', '38', '2/16', '100.8', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2013', 10, '12/22/13', 'Ari', '@ Sea', 'W, 17-10', '25', '13', '52.0', '178', '7.1', '1', '4', '63', '2/10', '48.8', '5', '-3', '-0.60', '1', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2013', 10, '12/29/13', 'Ari', 'SF', 'L, 23-20', '49', '28', '57.1', '407', '8.3', '2', '1', '49', '1/8', '89.4', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 7 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2014', 11, '09/08/14', 'Ari', 'SD', 'W, 18-17', '37', '24', '64.9', '304', '8.2', '2', '0', '63', '2/10', '108.4', '4', '29', '7.25', '12', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 7 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2014', 11, '10/12/14', 'Ari', 'Was', 'W, 30-20', '44', '28', '63.6', '250', '5.7', '2', '0', '24t', '1/7', '93.9', '1', '-3', '-3.00', '-3', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 7 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2014', 11, '10/19/14', 'Ari', '@ Oak', 'W, 24-13', '31', '22', '71.0', '253', '8.2', '2', '1', '37', '1/11', '103.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 7 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2014', 11, '10/26/14', 'Ari', 'Phi', 'W, 24-20', '42', '20', '47.6', '329', '7.8', '2', '0', '80t', '0/0', '90.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 7 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2014', 11, '11/02/14', 'Ari', '@ Dal', 'W, 28-17', '34', '22', '64.7', '249', '7.3', '3', '1', '31', '2/12', '103.7', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 7 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2014', 11, '11/09/14', 'Ari', 'Stl', 'W, 31-14', '36', '25', '69.4', '241', '6.7', '0', '1', '18', '3/19', '76.3', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 19 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2015', 12, '09/13/15', 'Ari', 'NO', 'W, 31-19', '32', '19', '59.4', '307', '9.6', '3', '0', '55t', '0/0', '122.8', '3', '14', '4.67', '12', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 19 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2015', 12, '09/20/15', 'Ari', '@ Chi', 'W, 48-23', '24', '17', '70.8', '185', '7.7', '4', '1', '28t', '0/0', '115.5', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 19 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2015', 12, '09/27/15', 'Ari', 'SF', 'W, 47-7', '32', '20', '62.5', '311', '9.7', '2', '1', '40', '1/4', '102.5', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 19 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2015', 12, '10/04/15', 'Ari', 'Stl', 'L, 24-22', '46', '29', '63.0', '352', '7.7', '1', '1', '23t', '4/18', '84.7', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 19 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2015', 12, '10/11/15', 'Ari', '@ Det', 'W, 42-17', '14', '11', '78.6', '161', '11.5', '3', '0', '49', '2/13', '154.2', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 19 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2015', 12, '10/18/15', 'Ari', '@ Pit', 'L, 25-13', '45', '29', '64.4', '421', '9.4', '1', '2', '45', '1/7', '83.7', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 19 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2015', 12, '10/26/15', 'Ari', 'Bal', 'W, 26-18', '29', '20', '69.0', '275', '9.5', '2', '0', '35', '2/11', '122.1', '2', '2', '1.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 19 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2015', 12, '11/01/15', 'Ari', '@ Cle', 'W, 34-20', '38', '23', '60.5', '374', '9.8', '4', '1', '60t', '1/2', '117.7', '3', '6', '2.00', '8', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 19 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2015', 12, '11/15/15', 'Ari', '@ Sea', 'W, 39-32', '47', '29', '61.7', '363', '7.7', '3', '1', '35t', '3/29', '98.1', '3', '-2', '-0.67', '0', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 19 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2015', 12, '11/22/15', 'Ari', 'Cin', 'W, 34-31', '31', '20', '64.5', '317', '10.2', '4', '2', '64t', '2/16', '111.2', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 19 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2015', 12, '11/29/15', 'Ari', '@ SF', 'W, 19-13', '40', '24', '60.0', '271', '6.8', '0', '0', '48', '1/4', '80.3', '3', '6', '2.00', '8t', '1', '1']
in row 12 of 19 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2015', 12, '12/06/15', 'Ari', '@ Stl', 'W, 27-3', '40', '26', '65.0', '356', '8.9', '2', '0', '68', '2/13', '110.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 19 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2015', 12, '12/10/15', 'Ari', 'Min', 'W, 23-20', '35', '25', '71.4', '310', '8.9', '2', '0', '65t', '2/14', '117.6', '3', '3', '1.00', '5', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 19 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2015', 12, '12/20/15', 'Ari', '@ Phi', 'W, 40-17', '32', '20', '62.5', '274', '8.6', '1', '0', '36', '2/11', '100.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 19 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2015', 12, '12/27/15', 'Ari', 'GB', 'W, 38-8', '27', '18', '66.7', '265', '9.8', '2', '1', '47', '2/9', '107.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 19 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2015', 12, '01/03/16', 'Ari', 'Sea', 'L, 36-6', '25', '12', '48.0', '129', '5.2', '1', '1', '19', '0/0', '60.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 17 of 19 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2015', 12, '01/16/16', 'Ari', 'GB', 'W, 26-20', '41', '25', '61.0', '349', '8.5', '3', '2', '75', '3/21', '92.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 18 of 19 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2015', 12, '01/24/16', 'Ari', '@ Car', 'L, 49-15', '40', '23', '57.5', '235', '5.9', '1', '4', '21t', '3/8', '43.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2016', 13, '09/11/16', 'Ari', 'NE', 'L, 23-21', '37', '24', '64.9', '271', '7.3', '2', '0', '39', '3/19', '104.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2016', 13, '09/18/16', 'Ari', 'TB', 'W, 40-7', '30', '17', '56.7', '304', '10.1', '3', '0', '58', '1/4', '124.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2016', 13, '09/25/16', 'Ari', '@ Buf', 'L, 33-18', '50', '26', '52.0', '287', '5.7', '0', '4', '25', '5/27', '36.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2016', 13, '10/02/16', 'Ari', 'LA', 'L, 17-13', '36', '23', '63.9', '288', '8.0', '1', '1', '29', '3/23', '86.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2016', 13, '10/17/16', 'Ari', 'NYJ', 'W, 28-3', '34', '23', '67.6', '213', '6.3', '1', '0', '14', '0/0', '94.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2016', 13, '10/23/16', 'Ari', 'Sea', 'T, 6-6', '49', '29', '59.2', '342', '7.0', '0', '0', '40', '4/31', '80.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2016', 13, '10/30/16', 'Ari', '@ Car', 'L, 30-20', '46', '35', '76.1', '363', '7.9', '3', '1', '21', '8/47', '111.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2016', 13, '11/13/16', 'Ari', 'SF', 'W, 23-20', '49', '30', '61.2', '376', '7.7', '1', '2', '35', '2/13', '74.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2016', 13, '11/20/16', 'Ari', '@ Min', 'L, 30-24', '38', '20', '52.6', '198', '5.2', '2', '2', '29t', '4/43', '63.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2016', 13, '11/27/16', 'Ari', '@ Atl', 'L, 38-19', '45', '25', '55.6', '289', '6.4', '2', '1', '25', '2/15', '80.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2016', 13, '12/04/16', 'Ari', 'Was', 'W, 31-23', '46', '30', '65.2', '300', '6.5', '3', '0', '42t', '2/19', '105.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2016', 13, '12/11/16', 'Ari', '@ Mia', 'L, 26-23', '33', '18', '54.5', '145', '4.4', '2', '2', '15', '3/20', '60.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2016', 13, '12/18/16', 'Ari', 'NO', 'L, 48-41', '40', '28', '70.0', '318', '8.0', '2', '0', '30t', '1/9', '110.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2016', 13, '12/24/16', 'Ari', '@ Sea', 'W, 34-31', '26', '16', '61.5', '284', '10.9', '1', '0', '80t', '1/8', '111.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['palmer, carson', '2016', 13, '01/01/17', 'Ari', '@ LA', 'W, 44-6', '38', '20', '52.6', '255', '6.7', '3', '1', '37t', '1/3', '89.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['henne, chad', '2008', 1, '09/14/08', 'Mia', '@ Ari', 'L, 31-10', '12', '7', '58.3', '67', '5.6', '0', '0', '19', '0/0', '74.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 15 total rows
['henne, chad', '2009', 2, '09/27/09', 'Mia', '@ SD', 'L, 23-13', '19', '10', '52.6', '92', '4.8', '0', '1', '27', '1/6', '44.2', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 15 total rows
['henne, chad', '2009', 2, '10/04/09', 'Mia', 'Buf', 'W, 38-10', '22', '14', '63.6', '115', '5.2', '1', '0', '18', '6/29', '92.0', '2', '14', '7.00', '12', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 15 total rows
['henne, chad', '2009', 2, '10/12/09', 'Mia', 'NYJ', 'W, 31-27', '26', '20', '76.9', '241', '9.3', '2', '0', '59', '0/0', '130.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 15 total rows
['henne, chad', '2009', 2, '10/25/09', 'Mia', 'NO', 'L, 46-34', '36', '18', '50.0', '211', '5.9', '0', '2', '67', '2/14', '45.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 15 total rows
['henne, chad', '2009', 2, '11/01/09', 'Mia', '@ NYJ', 'W, 30-25', '21', '12', '57.1', '112', '5.3', '1', '0', '28', '5/51', '87.8', '3', '-5', '-1.67', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 15 total rows
['henne, chad', '2009', 2, '11/08/09', 'Mia', '@ NE', 'L, 27-17', '34', '19', '55.9', '219', '6.4', '0', '0', '23', '2/19', '75.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 15 total rows
['henne, chad', '2009', 2, '11/15/09', 'Mia', 'TB', 'W, 25-23', '31', '17', '54.8', '175', '5.6', '1', '1', '25', '0/0', '68.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 15 total rows
['henne, chad', '2009', 2, '11/19/09', 'Mia', '@ Car', 'W, 24-17', '29', '17', '58.6', '172', '5.9', '1', '0', '36', '0/0', '87.1', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 15 total rows
['henne, chad', '2009', 2, '11/29/09', 'Mia', '@ Buf', 'L, 31-14', '31', '17', '54.8', '175', '5.6', '1', '3', '20', '1/7', '42.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 15 total rows
['henne, chad', '2009', 2, '12/06/09', 'Mia', 'NE', 'W, 22-21', '52', '29', '55.8', '335', '6.4', '2', '1', '29', '1/7', '80.2', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 15 total rows
['henne, chad', '2009', 2, '12/13/09', 'Mia', '@ Jax', 'W, 14-10', '29', '21', '72.4', '220', '7.6', '0', '1', '25', '2/12', '79.7', '4', '1', '0.25', '3', '1', '1']
in row 12 of 15 total rows
['henne, chad', '2009', 2, '12/20/09', 'Mia', '@ Ten', 'L, 27-24', '46', '29', '63.0', '349', '7.6', '1', '3', '57', '1/2', '66.3', '2', '11', '5.50', '8', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 15 total rows
['henne, chad', '2009', 2, '12/27/09', 'Mia', 'Hou', 'L, 27-20', '55', '35', '63.6', '322', '5.9', '1', '1', '35', '3/19', '78.0', '1', '10', '10.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 15 total rows
['henne, chad', '2009', 2, '01/03/10', 'Mia', 'Pit', 'L, 30-24', '20', '16', '80.0', '140', '7.0', '1', '1', '24', '2/10', '91.7', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['henne, chad', '2010', 3, '09/12/10', 'Mia', '@ Buf', 'W, 15-10', '34', '21', '61.8', '182', '5.4', '0', '0', '21', '3/18', '75.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['henne, chad', '2010', 3, '09/19/10', 'Mia', '@ Min', 'W, 14-10', '15', '9', '60.0', '114', '7.6', '1', '0', '46', '2/8', '106.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['henne, chad', '2010', 3, '09/26/10', 'Mia', 'NYJ', 'L, 31-23', '44', '26', '59.1', '363', '8.2', '2', '1', '40', '2/11', '91.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['henne, chad', '2010', 3, '10/04/10', 'Mia', 'NE', 'L, 41-14', '38', '28', '73.7', '305', '8.0', '2', '3', '28t', '2/12', '81.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['henne, chad', '2010', 3, '10/17/10', 'Mia', '@ GB', 'W, 23-20', '39', '23', '59.0', '231', '5.9', '2', '1', '23', '0/0', '82.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['henne, chad', '2010', 3, '10/24/10', 'Mia', 'Pit', 'L, 23-22', '36', '23', '63.9', '257', '7.1', '1', '1', '26t', '1/8', '82.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['henne, chad', '2010', 3, '10/31/10', 'Mia', '@ Cin', 'W, 22-14', '37', '24', '64.9', '217', '5.9', '0', '1', '25', '0/0', '69.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['henne, chad', '2010', 3, '11/07/10', 'Mia', '@ Bal', 'L, 26-10', '34', '22', '64.7', '231', '6.8', '0', '3', '34', '2/15', '47.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['henne, chad', '2010', 3, '11/14/10', 'Mia', 'Ten', 'W, 29-17', '28', '19', '67.9', '240', '8.6', '1', '1', '54', '1/7', '91.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['henne, chad', '2010', 3, '11/28/10', 'Mia', '@ Oak', 'W, 33-17', '30', '17', '56.7', '307', '10.2', '2', '1', '57t', '3/22', '100.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['henne, chad', '2010', 3, '12/05/10', 'Mia', 'Cle', 'L, 13-10', '32', '16', '50.0', '174', '5.4', '1', '3', '24', '1/7', '37.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['henne, chad', '2010', 3, '12/12/10', 'Mia', '@ NYJ', 'W, 10-6', '18', '5', '27.8', '55', '3.1', '1', '0', '28', '5/25', '58.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['henne, chad', '2010', 3, '12/19/10', 'Mia', 'Buf', 'L, 17-14', '45', '33', '73.3', '276', '6.1', '1', '1', '23', '3/15', '86.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['henne, chad', '2010', 3, '12/26/10', 'Mia', 'Det', 'L, 34-27', '44', '29', '65.9', '278', '6.3', '1', '2', '28', '2/7', '72.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['henne, chad', '2010', 3, '01/02/11', 'Mia', '@ NE', 'L, 38-7', '16', '6', '37.5', '71', '4.4', '0', '1', '20', '3/23', '25.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 5 total rows
['henne, chad', '2011', 4, '09/12/11', 'Mia', 'NE', 'L, 38-24', '49', '30', '61.2', '416', '8.5', '2', '1', '31', '4/26', '93.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 5 total rows
['henne, chad', '2011', 4, '09/18/11', 'Mia', 'Hou', 'L, 23-13', '30', '12', '40.0', '170', '5.7', '1', '1', '41', '2/17', '56.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 5 total rows
['henne, chad', '2011', 4, '09/25/11', 'Mia', '@ Cle', 'L, 17-16', '29', '19', '65.5', '255', '8.8', '1', '1', '38', '5/24', '90.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 5 total rows
['henne, chad', '2011', 4, '10/02/11', 'Mia', '@ SD', 'L, 26-16', '4', '3', '75.0', '27', '6.8', '0', '1', '18', '0/0', '53.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 11 total rows
['henne, chad', '2012', 5, '09/16/12', 'Jax', 'Hou', 'L, 27-7', '2', '2', '100.0', '23', '11.5', '0', '0', '12', '0/0', '114.6', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 11 total rows
['henne, chad', '2012', 5, '10/21/12', 'Jax', '@ Oak', 'L, 26-23', '20', '9', '45.0', '71', '3.5', '0', '0', '26', '3/26', '54.4', '3', '4', '1.33', '3', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 11 total rows
['henne, chad', '2012', 5, '11/08/12', 'Jax', 'Ind', 'L, 27-10', '16', '10', '62.5', '121', '7.6', '1', '1', '26', '1/6', '80.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 11 total rows
['henne, chad', '2012', 5, '11/18/12', 'Jax', '@ Hou', 'L, 43-37', '33', '16', '48.5', '354', '10.7', '4', '0', '81t', '1/6', '126.8', '2', '7', '3.50', '4', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 11 total rows
['henne, chad', '2012', 5, '11/25/12', 'Jax', 'Ten', 'W, 24-19', '26', '17', '65.4', '261', '10.0', '2', '1', '59t', '7/40', '108.0', '2', '0', '0.00', '1', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 11 total rows
['henne, chad', '2012', 5, '12/02/12', 'Jax', '@ Buf', 'L, 34-18', '42', '19', '45.2', '202', '4.8', '1', '1', '24', '3/16', '57.8', '3', '1', '0.33', '1t', '1', '1']
in row 7 of 11 total rows
['henne, chad', '2012', 5, '12/09/12', 'Jax', 'NYJ', 'L, 17-10', '43', '21', '48.8', '185', '4.3', '0', '2', '28', '3/17', '41.3', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 11 total rows
['henne, chad', '2012', 5, '12/16/12', 'Jax', '@ Mia', 'L, 24-3', '34', '18', '52.9', '221', '6.5', '0', '0', '38', '2/8', '73.3', '3', '16', '5.33', '8', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 11 total rows
['henne, chad', '2012', 5, '12/23/12', 'Jax', 'NE', 'L, 23-16', '51', '29', '56.9', '348', '6.8', '1', '3', '53', '1/5', '59.9', '2', '22', '11.00', '15', '0', '2']
in row 10 of 11 total rows
['henne, chad', '2012', 5, '12/30/12', 'Jax', '@ Ten', 'L, 38-20', '41', '25', '61.0', '298', '7.3', '2', '3', '30t', '7/45', '69.0', '2', '13', '6.50', '9', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['henne, chad', '2013', 6, '09/08/13', 'Jax', 'KC', 'L, 28-2', '6', '3', '50.0', '36', '6.0', '0', '0', '24', '0/0', '68.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['henne, chad', '2013', 6, '09/15/13', 'Jax', '@ Oak', 'L, 19-9', '38', '25', '65.8', '241', '6.3', '1', '0', '30', '5/27', '92.1', '2', '9', '4.50', '9', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['henne, chad', '2013', 6, '09/22/13', 'Jax', '@ Sea', 'L, 45-17', '38', '18', '47.4', '235', '6.2', '0', '2', '59', '3/21', '45.4', '2', '5', '2.50', '5', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['henne, chad', '2013', 6, '10/06/13', 'Jax', '@ Stl', 'L, 34-20', '13', '7', '53.8', '89', '6.8', '1', '0', '39', '0/0', '101.1', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['henne, chad', '2013', 6, '10/13/13', 'Jax', '@ Den', 'L, 35-19', '42', '27', '64.3', '303', '7.2', '0', '2', '23', '2/12', '65.9', '2', '-3', '-1.50', '1', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['henne, chad', '2013', 6, '10/20/13', 'Jax', 'SD', 'L, 24-6', '36', '23', '63.9', '318', '8.8', '0', '1', '43', '6/43', '80.6', '4', '5', '1.25', '4', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['henne, chad', '2013', 6, '10/27/13', 'Jax', 'SF', 'L, 42-10', '45', '29', '64.4', '228', '5.1', '1', '0', '29t', '0/0', '84.3', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['henne, chad', '2013', 6, '11/10/13', 'Jax', '@ Ten', 'W, 29-27', '23', '14', '60.9', '180', '7.8', '0', '2', '27', '3/20', '49.2', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['henne, chad', '2013', 6, '11/17/13', 'Jax', 'Ari', 'L, 27-14', '42', '27', '64.3', '255', '6.1', '1', '2', '62t', '2/13', '69.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['henne, chad', '2013', 6, '11/24/13', 'Jax', '@ Hou', 'W, 13-6', '32', '23', '71.9', '239', '7.5', '0', '0', '51', '4/24', '93.1', '3', '3', '1.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['henne, chad', '2013', 6, '12/01/13', 'Jax', '@ Cle', 'W, 32-28', '40', '22', '55.0', '195', '4.9', '2', '1', '25', '2/1', '74.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['henne, chad', '2013', 6, '12/05/13', 'Jax', 'Hou', 'W, 27-20', '27', '12', '44.4', '117', '4.3', '2', '0', '41', '1/6', '81.9', '4', '33', '8.25', '14', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['henne, chad', '2013', 6, '12/15/13', 'Jax', 'Buf', 'L, 27-20', '36', '21', '58.3', '237', '6.6', '2', '2', '30', '5/42', '73.5', '4', '22', '5.50', '11', '0', '2']
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['henne, chad', '2013', 6, '12/22/13', 'Jax', 'Ten', 'L, 20-16', '34', '24', '70.6', '237', '7.0', '2', '1', '30', '2/11', '97.3', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['henne, chad', '2013', 6, '12/29/13', 'Jax', '@ Ind', 'L, 30-10', '51', '30', '58.8', '331', '6.5', '1', '1', '36', '3/23', '76.5', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['henne, chad', '2014', 7, '09/07/14', 'Jax', '@ Phi', 'L, 34-17', '43', '24', '55.8', '266', '6.2', '2', '0', '46', '3/24', '89.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['henne, chad', '2014', 7, '09/14/14', 'Jax', '@ Was', 'L, 41-10', '28', '14', '50.0', '193', '6.9', '1', '1', '63t', '10/70', '69.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['henne, chad', '2014', 7, '09/21/14', 'Jax', 'Ind', 'L, 44-17', '7', '4', '57.1', '33', '4.7', '0', '0', '14', '3/11', '69.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['henne, chad', '2016', 9, '11/20/16', 'Jax', '@ Det', 'L, 26-19', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 13 total rows
['batch, charlie', '1998', 1, '09/20/98', 'Det', '@ Min', 'L, 29-6', '40', '20', '50.0', '160', '4.0', '0', '2', '17', '5/18', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 13 total rows
['batch, charlie', '1998', 1, '09/28/98', 'Det', 'TB', 'W, 27-6', '23', '14', '60.9', '115', '5.0', '0', '0', '21', '1/7', '73.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 13 total rows
['batch, charlie', '1998', 1, '10/04/98', 'Det', '@ Chi', 'L, 31-27', '31', '16', '51.6', '268', '8.6', '2', '0', '98t', '4/22', '102.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 13 total rows
['batch, charlie', '1998', 1, '10/15/98', 'Det', 'GB', 'W, 27-20', '19', '16', '84.2', '218', '11.5', '2', '0', '68t', '3/19', '149.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 13 total rows
['batch, charlie', '1998', 1, '10/25/98', 'Det', 'Min', 'L, 34-13', '37', '20', '54.1', '231', '6.2', '1', '1', '33', '4/17', '70.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 13 total rows
['batch, charlie', '1998', 1, '11/01/98', 'Det', 'Ari', 'L, 17-15', '17', '10', '58.8', '71', '4.2', '0', '3', '15', '3/15', '28.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 13 total rows
['batch, charlie', '1998', 1, '11/08/98', 'Det', '@ Phi', 'L, 10-9', '27', '14', '51.9', '146', '5.4', '0', '0', '30', '5/35', '67.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 13 total rows
['batch, charlie', '1998', 1, '11/15/98', 'Det', 'Chi', 'W, 26-3', '21', '16', '76.2', '253', '12.0', '1', '0', '30', '1/7', '131.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 13 total rows
['batch, charlie', '1998', 1, '11/22/98', 'Det', '@ TB', 'W, 28-25', '23', '14', '60.9', '195', '8.5', '2', '0', '53t', '1/7', '117.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 13 total rows
['batch, charlie', '1998', 1, '11/26/98', 'Det', 'Pit', 'W, 19-16', '23', '16', '69.6', '236', '10.3', '1', '0', '36', '4/32', '117.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 13 total rows
['batch, charlie', '1998', 1, '12/06/98', 'Det', '@ Jax', 'L, 37-22', '33', '14', '42.4', '250', '7.6', '2', '0', '45', '5/38', '89.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 13 total rows
['batch, charlie', '1998', 1, '12/14/98', 'Det', '@ SF', 'L, 35-13', '9', '3', '33.3', '35', '3.9', '0', '0', '16', '1/5', '46.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 12 total rows
['batch, charlie', '1999', 2, '09/12/99', 'Det', '@ Sea', 'W, 28-20', '26', '16', '61.5', '216', '8.3', '3', '1', '41t', '5/14', '110.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 12 total rows
['batch, charlie', '1999', 2, '09/19/99', 'Det', 'GB', 'W, 23-15', '16', '9', '56.2', '219', '13.7', '2', '2', '74t', '4/23', '101.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 12 total rows
['batch, charlie', '1999', 2, '09/26/99', 'Det', '@ KC', 'L, 31-21', '34', '16', '47.1', '213', '6.3', '2', '2', '31t', '4/20', '62.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 12 total rows
['batch, charlie', '1999', 2, '10/10/99', 'Det', 'SD', 'L, 20-10', '38', '21', '55.3', '230', '6.1', '1', '1', '41t', '6/38', '71.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 12 total rows
['batch, charlie', '1999', 2, '10/17/99', 'Det', 'Min', 'W, 25-23', '16', '9', '56.2', '70', '4.4', '0', '0', '12', '1/1', '67.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 12 total rows
['batch, charlie', '1999', 2, '10/24/99', 'Det', '@ Car', 'W, 24-9', '27', '16', '59.3', '210', '7.8', '2', '1', '27', '0/0', '93.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 12 total rows
['batch, charlie', '1999', 2, '10/31/99', 'Det', 'TB', 'W, 20-3', '19', '10', '52.6', '128', '6.7', '0', '0', '30', '3/19', '74.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 12 total rows
['batch, charlie', '1999', 2, '11/07/99', 'Det', 'Stl', 'W, 31-27', '20', '10', '50.0', '148', '7.4', '1', '0', '42', '3/12', '91.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 12 total rows
['batch, charlie', '1999', 2, '12/19/99', 'Det', '@ Chi', 'L, 28-10', '10', '6', '60.0', '95', '9.5', '0', '0', '45', '2/14', '91.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 12 total rows
['batch, charlie', '1999', 2, '12/25/99', 'Det', 'Den', 'L, 17-7', '40', '21', '52.5', '267', '6.7', '1', '0', '27', '5/25', '82.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 12 total rows
['batch, charlie', '1999', 2, '01/02/00', 'Det', '@ Min', 'L, 24-17', '24', '17', '70.8', '161', '6.7', '1', '0', '29', '3/20', '103.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2000', 3, '09/10/00', 'Det', 'Was', 'W, 15-10', '31', '16', '51.6', '194', '6.3', '0', '2', '27', '2/12', '44.3', '2', '-3', '-1.50', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2000', 3, '09/17/00', 'Det', 'TB', 'L, 31-10', '36', '26', '72.2', '277', '7.7', '1', '2', '50t', '7/51', '80.4', '2', '4', '2.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2000', 3, '09/24/00', 'Det', '@ Chi', 'W, 21-14', '37', '20', '54.1', '207', '5.6', '2', '1', '36t', '3/13', '77.2', '4', '2', '0.50', '1', '0', '2']
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2000', 3, '10/01/00', 'Det', 'Min', 'L, 31-24', '44', '25', '56.8', '239', '5.4', '1', '1', '24', '2/13', '70.2', '1', '5', '5.00', '5t', '1', '1']
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2000', 3, '10/08/00', 'Det', 'GB', 'W, 31-24', '26', '13', '50.0', '199', '7.7', '3', '1', '42t', '3/20', '98.1', '2', '6', '3.00', '7', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2000', 3, '10/19/00', 'Det', '@ TB', 'W, 28-14', '31', '13', '41.9', '144', '4.6', '0', '0', '33', '7/37', '56.4', '3', '16', '5.33', '11', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2000', 3, '10/29/00', 'Det', '@ Ind', 'L, 30-18', '39', '18', '46.2', '190', '4.9', '1', '2', '30', '3/16', '48.0', '4', '62', '15.50', '19', '0', '4']
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2000', 3, '11/05/00', 'Det', 'Mia', 'L, 23-8', '16', '8', '50.0', '95', '5.9', '0', '0', '24', '3/8', '68.5', '2', '6', '3.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2000', 3, '11/12/00', 'Det', 'Atl', 'W, 13-10', '27', '12', '44.4', '128', '4.7', '0', '1', '29', '2/13', '43.4', '3', '4', '1.33', '6', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2000', 3, '11/19/00', 'Det', '@ NYG', 'W, 31-21', '32', '20', '62.5', '225', '7.0', '3', '1', '32t', '1/6', '101.7', '4', '30', '7.50', '11', '0', '2']
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2000', 3, '11/23/00', 'Det', 'NE', 'W, 34-9', '24', '16', '66.7', '194', '8.1', '1', '0', '59', '2/15', '105.2', '4', '17', '4.25', '10t', '1', '1']
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2000', 3, '11/30/00', 'Det', '@ Min', 'L, 24-17', '3', '2', '66.7', '16', '5.3', '0', '0', '12', '0/0', '79.9', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2000', 3, '12/10/00', 'Det', '@ GB', 'L, 26-13', '33', '17', '51.5', '190', '5.8', '0', '3', '39', '0/0', '31.1', '8', '35', '4.38', '10', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2000', 3, '12/17/00', 'Det', '@ NYJ', 'W, 10-7', '18', '8', '44.4', '110', '6.1', '0', '1', '32', '5/32', '41.4', '4', '12', '3.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2000', 3, '12/24/00', 'Det', 'Chi', 'L, 23-20', '15', '7', '46.7', '81', '5.4', '1', '0', '19', '1/6', '85.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 11 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2001', 4, '09/09/01', 'Det', '@ GB', 'L, 28-6', '39', '20', '51.3', '276', '7.1', '0', '2', '42', '7/44', '52.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 11 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2001', 4, '10/08/01', 'Det', 'Stl', 'L, 35-0', '16', '11', '68.8', '113', '7.1', '0', '1', '25', '3/16', '62.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 11 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2001', 4, '10/14/01', 'Det', '@ Min', 'L, 31-26', '41', '31', '75.6', '345', '8.4', '3', '0', '26', '4/17', '124.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 11 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2001', 4, '10/21/01', 'Det', 'Ten', 'L, 27-24', '42', '25', '59.5', '338', '8.0', '3', '1', '46t', '4/16', '99.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 11 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2001', 4, '10/28/01', 'Det', 'Cin', 'L, 31-27', '35', '20', '57.1', '239', '6.8', '2', '2', '27', '4/24', '73.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 11 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2001', 4, '11/04/01', 'Det', '@ SF', 'L, 21-13', '20', '8', '40.0', '74', '3.7', '0', '0', '22', '2/8', '50.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 11 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2001', 4, '11/11/01', 'Det', 'TB', 'L, 20-17', '39', '21', '53.8', '239', '6.1', '1', '2', '36', '5/21', '59.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 11 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2001', 4, '11/18/01', 'Det', '@ Ari', 'L, 45-38', '62', '36', '58.1', '436', '7.0', '3', '3', '76', '1/7', '75.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 11 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2001', 4, '11/22/01', 'Det', 'GB', 'L, 29-27', '19', '8', '42.1', '118', '6.2', '0', '1', '42', '1/7', '41.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 11 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2001', 4, '12/02/01', 'Det', '@ Chi', 'L, 13-10', '28', '18', '64.3', '214', '7.6', '0', '0', '56', '2/16', '87.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2003', 5, '10/05/03', 'Pit', 'Cle', 'L, 33-13', '6', '3', '50.0', '25', '4.2', '0', '0', '11', '0/0', '61.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2003', 5, '11/30/03', 'Pit', 'Cin', 'L, 24-20', '2', '1', '50.0', '22', '11.0', '0', '0', '22', '1/2', '89.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2005', 6, '11/06/05', 'Pit', '@ GB', 'W, 20-10', '16', '9', '56.2', '65', '4.1', '0', '1', '12', '1/6', '39.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2005', 6, '11/13/05', 'Pit', 'Cle', 'W, 34-21', '19', '13', '68.4', '150', '7.9', '0', '0', '43', '0/0', '92.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2005', 6, '12/24/05', 'Pit', '@ Cle', 'W, 41-0', '1', '1', '100.0', '31', '31.0', '1', '0', '31t', '0/0', '158.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 8 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2006', 7, '09/07/06', 'Pit', 'Mia', 'W, 28-17', '25', '15', '60.0', '209', '8.4', '3', '0', '87t', '3/13', '126.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 8 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2006', 7, '10/15/06', 'Pit', 'KC', 'W, 45-7', '1', '1', '100.0', '6', '6.0', '0', '0', '6', '0/0', '91.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 8 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2006', 7, '10/22/06', 'Pit', '@ Atl', 'L, 41-38', '13', '8', '61.5', '195', '15.0', '2', '0', '70t', '0/0', '145.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 8 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2006', 7, '11/26/06', 'Pit', '@ Bal', 'L, 27-0', '1', '1', '100.0', '10', '10.0', '0', '0', '10', '0/0', '108.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 8 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2006', 7, '12/07/06', 'Pit', 'Cle', 'W, 27-7', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 8 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2006', 7, '12/17/06', 'Pit', '@ Car', 'W, 37-3', '2', '2', '100.0', '23', '11.5', '0', '0', '15', '0/0', '114.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 8 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2006', 7, '12/24/06', 'Pit', 'Bal', 'L, 31-7', '11', '4', '36.4', '49', '4.5', '0', '0', '24', '0/0', '50.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 8 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2007', 8, '09/09/07', 'Pit', '@ Cle', 'W, 34-7', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 8 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2007', 8, '09/16/07', 'Pit', 'Buf', 'W, 26-3', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 8 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2007', 8, '09/23/07', 'Pit', 'SF', 'W, 37-16', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 8 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2007', 8, '10/07/07', 'Pit', 'Sea', 'W, 21-0', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 8 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2007', 8, '11/05/07', 'Pit', 'Bal', 'W, 38-7', '5', '1', '20.0', '14', '2.8', '0', '1', '14', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 8 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2007', 8, '12/20/07', 'Pit', '@ Stl', 'W, 41-24', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 8 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2007', 8, '12/30/07', 'Pit', '@ Bal', 'L, 27-21', '31', '16', '51.6', '218', '7.0', '2', '2', '59t', '0/0', '69.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2009', 9, '11/22/09', 'Pit', '@ KC', 'L, 27-24', '2', '1', '50.0', '17', '8.5', '0', '0', '17', '0/0', '79.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2010', 10, '09/19/10', 'Pit', '@ Ten', 'W, 19-11', '11', '5', '45.5', '25', '2.3', '0', '0', '15', '2/6', '52.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2010', 10, '09/26/10', 'Pit', '@ TB', 'W, 38-13', '17', '12', '70.6', '186', '10.9', '3', '2', '46t', '0/0', '106.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2010', 10, '10/03/10', 'Pit', 'Bal', 'L, 17-14', '21', '12', '57.1', '141', '6.7', '0', '1', '34', '2/15', '57.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2011', 11, '12/04/11', 'Pit', 'Cin', 'W, 35-7', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '1/4', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2011', 11, '12/08/11', 'Pit', 'Cle', 'W, 14-3', '2', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '1/6', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2011', 11, '12/24/11', 'Pit', 'Stl', 'W, 27-0', '22', '15', '68.2', '208', '9.5', '0', '1', '46', '0/0', '79.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2012', 12, '11/25/12', 'Pit', '@ Cle', 'L, 20-14', '34', '20', '58.8', '199', '5.9', '0', '3', '27', '1/6', '38.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['batch, charlie', '2012', 12, '12/02/12', 'Pit', '@ Bal', 'W, 23-20', '36', '25', '69.4', '276', '7.7', '1', '1', '43', '2/6', '89.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['whitehurst, charlie', '2006', 1, '09/17/06', 'SD', 'Ten', 'W, 40-7', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['whitehurst, charlie', '2006', 1, '10/15/06', 'SD', '@ SF', 'W, 48-19', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 6 total rows
['whitehurst, charlie', '2010', 5, '11/07/10', 'Sea', 'NYG', 'L, 41-7', '23', '12', '52.2', '113', '4.9', '1', '2', '36t', '0/0', '44.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 6 total rows
['whitehurst, charlie', '2010', 5, '11/14/10', 'Sea', '@ Ari', 'W, 36-18', '6', '4', '66.7', '53', '8.8', '0', '1', '22', '1/0', '54.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 6 total rows
['whitehurst, charlie', '2010', 5, '12/19/10', 'Sea', 'Atl', 'L, 34-18', '16', '8', '50.0', '83', '5.2', '0', '0', '31', '1/7', '65.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 6 total rows
['whitehurst, charlie', '2010', 5, '12/26/10', 'Sea', '@ TB', 'L, 38-15', '18', '11', '61.1', '66', '3.7', '0', '0', '14', '3/6', '68.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 6 total rows
['whitehurst, charlie', '2010', 5, '01/02/11', 'Sea', 'Stl', 'W, 16-6', '36', '22', '61.1', '192', '5.3', '1', '0', '61', '0/0', '84.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['whitehurst, charlie', '2011', 6, '10/09/11', 'Sea', '@ NYG', 'W, 36-25', '19', '11', '57.9', '149', '7.8', '1', '0', '27t', '2/12', '100.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['whitehurst, charlie', '2011', 6, '10/23/11', 'Sea', '@ Cle', 'L, 6-3', '30', '12', '40.0', '97', '3.2', '0', '1', '38', '4/28', '35.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['whitehurst, charlie', '2011', 6, '10/30/11', 'Sea', 'Cin', 'L, 34-12', '7', '4', '57.1', '52', '7.4', '0', '0', '17', '2/6', '80.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['whitehurst, charlie', '2013', 8, '10/20/13', 'SD', '@ Jax', 'W, 24-6', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['whitehurst, charlie', '2013', 8, '12/08/13', 'SD', 'NYG', 'W, 37-14', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 8 total rows
['whitehurst, charlie', '2014', 9, '09/28/14', 'Ten', '@ Ind', 'L, 41-17', '23', '12', '52.2', '177', '7.7', '1', '1', '31', '3/18', '74.0', '5', '40', '8.00', '23', '0', '2']
in row 2 of 8 total rows
['whitehurst, charlie', '2014', 9, '10/05/14', 'Ten', 'Cle', 'L, 29-28', '21', '13', '61.9', '194', '9.2', '2', '0', '75t', '2/11', '123.9', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 8 total rows
['whitehurst, charlie', '2014', 9, '10/12/14', 'Ten', 'Jax', 'W, 16-14', '28', '17', '60.7', '233', '8.3', '0', '0', '38', '3/13', '87.4', '2', '1', '0.50', '2', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 8 total rows
['whitehurst, charlie', '2014', 9, '10/19/14', 'Ten', '@ Was', 'L, 19-17', '26', '17', '65.4', '160', '6.2', '2', '1', '38t', '1/0', '91.8', '2', '10', '5.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 8 total rows
['whitehurst, charlie', '2014', 9, '12/14/14', 'Ten', 'NYJ', 'L, 16-11', '24', '10', '41.7', '203', '8.5', '0', '0', '49', '1/7', '72.0', '2', '9', '4.50', '10', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 8 total rows
['whitehurst, charlie', '2014', 9, '12/18/14', 'Ten', '@ Jax', 'L, 21-13', '35', '24', '68.6', '287', '8.2', '1', '0', '39', '4/25', '102.9', '3', '12', '4.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 8 total rows
['whitehurst, charlie', '2014', 9, '12/28/14', 'Ten', 'Ind', 'L, 27-10', '28', '12', '42.9', '72', '2.6', '1', '0', '10', '4/29', '62.2', '4', '19', '4.75', '13', '0', '2']
in row 1 of 5 total rows
['whitehurst, charlie', '2015', 10, '12/06/15', 'Ind', '@ Pit', 'L, 45-10', '8', '4', '50.0', '51', '6.4', '0', '0', '33', '3/20', '70.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 5 total rows
['whitehurst, charlie', '2015', 10, '12/13/15', 'Ind', '@ Jax', 'L, 51-16', '8', '2', '25.0', '8', '1.0', '0', '1', '7', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 5 total rows
['whitehurst, charlie', '2015', 10, '12/20/15', 'Ind', 'Hou', 'L, 16-10', '2', '1', '50.0', '13', '6.5', '0', '0', '13', '1/0', '70.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 5 total rows
['whitehurst, charlie', '2015', 10, '12/27/15', 'Ind', '@ Mia', 'W, 18-12', '14', '9', '64.3', '78', '5.6', '0', '0', '16', '1/8', '78.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['whitehurst, charlie', '2016', 11, '10/09/16', 'Cle', 'NE', 'L, 33-13', '24', '14', '58.3', '182', '7.6', '1', '1', '31', '2/14', '78.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['daniel, chase', '2010', 2, '11/07/10', 'NO', '@ Car', 'W, 34-3', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '1/10', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['daniel, chase', '2010', 2, '01/02/11', 'NO', 'TB', 'L, 23-13', '3', '2', '66.7', '16', '5.3', '0', '0', '9', '0/0', '79.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['daniel, chase', '2011', 3, '11/28/11', 'NO', 'NYG', 'W, 49-24', '1', '1', '100.0', '9', '9.0', '0', '0', '9', '0/0', '104.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['daniel, chase', '2011', 3, '12/18/11', 'NO', '@ Min', 'W, 42-20', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['daniel, chase', '2011', 3, '01/01/12', 'NO', 'Car', 'W, 45-17', '3', '3', '100.0', '20', '6.7', '0', '0', '14', '0/0', '94.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['daniel, chase', '2012', 4, '11/18/12', 'NO', '@ Oak', 'W, 38-17', '1', '1', '100.0', '10', '10.0', '0', '0', '10', '0/0', '108.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 6 total rows
['daniel, chase', '2013', 5, '09/08/13', 'KC', '@ Jax', 'W, 28-2', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 6 total rows
['daniel, chase', '2013', 5, '09/29/13', 'KC', 'NYG', 'W, 31-7', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 6 total rows
['daniel, chase', '2013', 5, '12/08/13', 'KC', '@ Was', 'W, 45-10', '3', '1', '33.3', '17', '5.7', '0', '1', '17', '0/0', '13.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 6 total rows
['daniel, chase', '2013', 5, '12/15/13', 'KC', '@ Oak', 'W, 56-31', '5', '3', '60.0', '31', '6.2', '0', '0', '18', '0/0', '77.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 6 total rows
['daniel, chase', '2013', 5, '12/29/13', 'KC', '@ SD', 'L, 27-24', '30', '21', '70.0', '200', '6.7', '1', '0', '48', '2/11', '99.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['daniel, chase', '2014', 6, '12/14/14', 'KC', 'Oak', 'W, 31-13', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['daniel, chase', '2014', 6, '12/28/14', 'KC', 'SD', 'W, 19-7', '27', '16', '59.3', '157', '5.8', '0', '0', '30', '4/17', '75.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['daniel, chase', '2015', 7, '11/01/15', 'KC', 'Det', 'W, 45-10', '2', '2', '100.0', '4', '2.0', '0', '0', '6', '0/0', '79.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['daniel, chase', '2015', 7, '12/20/15', 'KC', '@ Bal', 'W, 34-14', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['daniel, chase', '2015', 7, '01/09/16', 'KC', '@ Hou', 'W, 30-0', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['daniel, chase', '2016', 8, '12/22/16', 'Phi', 'NYG', 'W, 24-19', '1', '1', '100.0', '16', '16.0', '0', '0', '16', '0/0', '118.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['redman, chris', '2000', 1, '09/24/00', 'Bal', 'Cin', 'W, 37-0', '3', '2', '66.7', '19', '6.3', '0', '0', '12', '0/0', '84.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['redman, chris', '2001', 2, '01/13/02', 'Bal', '@ Mia', 'W, 20-3', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 7 total rows
['redman, chris', '2002', 3, '09/08/02', 'Bal', '@ Car', 'L, 10-7', '34', '20', '58.8', '218', '6.4', '1', '1', '36', '2/6', '75.4', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 7 total rows
['redman, chris', '2002', 3, '09/15/02', 'Bal', 'TB', 'L, 25-0', '38', '16', '42.1', '141', '3.7', '0', '1', '25', '3/23', '41.7', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 7 total rows
['redman, chris', '2002', 3, '09/30/02', 'Bal', 'Den', 'W, 34-23', '24', '13', '54.2', '152', '6.3', '2', '0', '33', '1/6', '101.4', '4', '0', '0.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 7 total rows
['redman, chris', '2002', 3, '10/06/02', 'Bal', '@ Cle', 'W, 26-21', '30', '19', '63.3', '208', '6.9', '2', '0', '35t', '0/0', '106.0', '2', '2', '1.00', '1', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 7 total rows
['redman, chris', '2002', 3, '10/13/02', 'Bal', '@ Ind', 'L, 22-20', '28', '15', '53.6', '163', '5.8', '0', '1', '31', '3/24', '56.1', '1', '6', '6.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 7 total rows
['redman, chris', '2002', 3, '10/20/02', 'Bal', 'Jax', 'W, 17-10', '28', '14', '50.0', '152', '5.4', '2', '0', '33', '2/9', '90.2', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['redman, chris', '2003', 4, '09/14/03', 'Bal', 'Cle', 'W, 33-13', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '1/7', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['redman, chris', '2003', 4, '11/09/03', 'Bal', '@ Stl', 'L, 33-22', '12', '7', '58.3', '58', '4.8', '0', '2', '16', '5/38', '31.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 7 total rows
['redman, chris', '2007', 5, '11/11/07', 'Atl', '@ Car', 'W, 20-13', '1', '1', '100.0', '9', '9.0', '0', '0', '9', '0/0', '104.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 7 total rows
['redman, chris', '2007', 5, '12/02/07', 'Atl', '@ Stl', 'L, 28-16', '24', '16', '66.7', '172', '7.2', '2', '1', '21', '1/9', '97.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 7 total rows
['redman, chris', '2007', 5, '12/10/07', 'Atl', 'NO', 'L, 34-14', '40', '23', '57.5', '298', '7.5', '2', '1', '46', '3/12', '87.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 7 total rows
['redman, chris', '2007', 5, '12/16/07', 'Atl', '@ TB', 'L, 37-3', '15', '4', '26.7', '34', '2.3', '0', '2', '18', '1/7', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 7 total rows
['redman, chris', '2007', 5, '12/23/07', 'Atl', '@ Ari', 'L, 30-27', '42', '28', '66.7', '315', '7.5', '2', '1', '74t', '2/12', '94.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 7 total rows
['redman, chris', '2007', 5, '12/30/07', 'Atl', 'Sea', 'W, 44-41', '27', '17', '63.0', '251', '9.3', '4', '0', '55t', '2/11', '132.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 6 total rows
['redman, chris', '2009', 7, '10/11/09', 'Atl', '@ SF', 'W, 45-10', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 6 total rows
['redman, chris', '2009', 7, '11/29/09', 'Atl', 'TB', 'W, 20-17', '41', '23', '56.1', '243', '5.9', '2', '0', '22t', '5/33', '89.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 6 total rows
['redman, chris', '2009', 7, '12/06/09', 'Atl', 'Phi', 'L, 34-7', '44', '23', '52.3', '235', '5.3', '1', '2', '35', '2/1', '56.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 6 total rows
['redman, chris', '2009', 7, '12/13/09', 'Atl', 'NO', 'L, 26-23', '34', '23', '67.6', '303', '8.9', '1', '1', '50t', '1/0', '93.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 6 total rows
['redman, chris', '2009', 7, '12/27/09', 'Atl', 'Buf', 'W, 31-3', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['redman, chris', '2010', 8, '01/02/11', 'Atl', 'Car', 'W, 31-10', '6', '4', '66.7', '20', '3.3', '0', '0', '14', '0/0', '71.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 5 total rows
['redman, chris', '2011', 9, '10/23/11', 'Atl', '@ Det', 'W, 23-16', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 5 total rows
['redman, chris', '2011', 9, '12/15/11', 'Atl', 'Jax', 'W, 41-14', '6', '5', '83.3', '56', '9.3', '0', '0', '22', '0/0', '105.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 5 total rows
['redman, chris', '2011', 9, '12/26/11', 'Atl', '@ NO', 'L, 45-16', '9', '6', '66.7', '61', '6.8', '0', '0', '18', '0/0', '85.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 5 total rows
['redman, chris', '2011', 9, '01/01/12', 'Atl', 'TB', 'W, 45-24', '12', '7', '58.3', '71', '5.9', '0', '1', '18', '0/0', '40.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 12 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2011', 1, '10/16/11', 'Min', '@ Chi', 'L, 39-10', '17', '9', '52.9', '99', '5.8', '0', '0', '23', '0/0', '70.5', '1', '8', '8.00', '8', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 12 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2011', 1, '10/23/11', 'Min', 'GB', 'L, 33-27', '32', '13', '40.6', '219', '6.8', '2', '2', '72', '2/2', '59.2', '4', '31', '7.75', '12', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 12 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2011', 1, '10/30/11', 'Min', '@ Car', 'W, 24-21', '28', '18', '64.3', '236', '8.4', '1', '0', '24', '4/7', '102.7', '4', '4', '1.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 12 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2011', 1, '11/14/11', 'Min', '@ GB', 'L, 45-7', '34', '16', '47.1', '190', '5.6', '0', '1', '33', '3/28', '52.3', '2', '17', '8.50', '13', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 12 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2011', 1, '11/20/11', 'Min', 'Oak', 'L, 27-21', '33', '19', '57.6', '211', '6.4', '2', '3', '42', '5/24', '59.0', '5', '71', '14.20', '28', '0', '3']
in row 6 of 12 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2011', 1, '11/27/11', 'Min', '@ Atl', 'L, 24-14', '25', '17', '68.0', '186', '7.4', '1', '0', '39t', '4/24', '103.1', '2', '9', '4.50', '5', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 12 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2011', 1, '12/04/11', 'Min', 'Den', 'L, 35-32', '47', '29', '61.7', '381', '8.1', '3', '2', '52t', '3/29', '90.8', '1', '12', '12.00', '12', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 12 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2011', 1, '12/11/11', 'Min', '@ Det', 'L, 34-28', '21', '11', '52.4', '115', '5.5', '2', '3', '28', '3/28', '60.7', '2', '13', '6.50', '14', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 12 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2011', 1, '12/18/11', 'Min', 'NO', 'L, 42-20', '31', '14', '45.2', '120', '3.9', '2', '1', '16t', '4/18', '63.9', '3', '34', '11.33', '15', '0', '2']
in row 10 of 12 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2011', 1, '12/24/11', 'Min', '@ Was', 'W, 33-26', '13', '8', '61.5', '68', '5.2', '0', '0', '14', '1/1', '75.2', '4', '20', '5.00', '8', '0', '2']
in row 11 of 12 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2011', 1, '01/01/12', 'Min', 'Chi', 'L, 17-13', '10', '4', '40.0', '28', '2.8', '0', '1', '11', '1/3', '8.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2012', 2, '09/09/12', 'Min', 'Jax', 'W, 26-23', '27', '20', '74.1', '270', '10.0', '0', '0', '29', '2/4', '105.5', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2012', 2, '09/16/12', 'Min', '@ Ind', 'L, 23-20', '35', '27', '77.1', '245', '7.0', '2', '0', '20', '4/13', '114.6', '3', '7', '2.33', '5', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2012', 2, '09/23/12', 'Min', 'SF', 'W, 24-13', '35', '21', '60.0', '198', '5.7', '2', '0', '24', '0/0', '94.7', '7', '33', '4.71', '23t', '1', '2']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2012', 2, '09/30/12', 'Min', '@ Det', 'W, 20-13', '26', '16', '61.5', '111', '4.3', '0', '0', '27', '2/11', '71.2', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2012', 2, '10/07/12', 'Min', 'Ten', 'W, 30-7', '35', '25', '71.4', '258', '7.4', '2', '2', '45', '1/0', '87.6', '3', '31', '10.33', '13', '0', '2']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2012', 2, '10/14/12', 'Min', '@ Was', 'L, 38-26', '52', '35', '67.3', '352', '6.8', '2', '2', '23', '4/25', '83.2', '4', '13', '3.25', '7', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2012', 2, '10/21/12', 'Min', 'Ari', 'W, 21-14', '17', '8', '47.1', '58', '3.4', '1', '2', '14', '3/15', '35.5', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2012', 2, '10/25/12', 'Min', 'TB', 'L, 36-17', '35', '19', '54.3', '251', '7.2', '1', '1', '33', '3/22', '74.8', '4', '12', '3.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2012', 2, '11/04/12', 'Min', '@ Sea', 'L, 30-20', '22', '11', '50.0', '63', '2.9', '0', '1', '14', '4/19', '37.3', '5', '23', '4.60', '8', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2012', 2, '11/11/12', 'Min', 'Det', 'W, 34-24', '32', '24', '75.0', '221', '6.9', '2', '0', '54', '2/14', '114.2', '6', '22', '3.67', '20', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2012', 2, '11/25/12', 'Min', '@ Chi', 'L, 28-10', '43', '22', '51.2', '159', '3.7', '1', '1', '25', '2/15', '58.2', '2', '6', '3.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2012', 2, '12/02/12', 'Min', '@ GB', 'L, 23-14', '25', '12', '48.0', '119', '4.8', '1', '2', '21', '0/0', '41.9', '6', '28', '4.67', '11', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2012', 2, '12/09/12', 'Min', 'Chi', 'W, 21-14', '17', '11', '64.7', '91', '5.4', '0', '1', '16', '1/14', '53.8', '4', '0', '0.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2012', 2, '12/16/12', 'Min', '@ Stl', 'W, 36-22', '24', '17', '70.8', '131', '5.5', '0', '0', '14', '2/22', '83.9', '4', '6', '1.50', '5t', '1', '2']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2012', 2, '12/23/12', 'Min', '@ Hou', 'W, 23-6', '30', '16', '53.3', '174', '5.8', '1', '0', '32', '1/3', '81.8', '7', '48', '6.86', '29', '0', '2']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2012', 2, '12/30/12', 'Min', 'GB', 'W, 37-34', '28', '16', '57.1', '234', '8.4', '3', '0', '65', '1/7', '120.2', '2', '16', '8.00', '8', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 10 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2013', 3, '09/08/13', 'Min', '@ Det', 'L, 34-24', '28', '18', '64.3', '236', '8.4', '1', '3', '47', '3/11', '63.1', '4', '12', '3.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 10 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2013', 3, '09/15/13', 'Min', '@ Chi', 'L, 31-30', '30', '16', '53.3', '227', '7.6', '1', '1', '37', '1/0', '75.3', '6', '18', '3.00', '5', '0', '2']
in row 3 of 10 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2013', 3, '09/22/13', 'Min', 'Cle', 'L, 31-27', '42', '25', '59.5', '228', '5.4', '0', '1', '37', '6/33', '64.4', '5', '46', '9.20', '14', '2', '5']
in row 4 of 10 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2013', 3, '10/27/13', 'Min', 'GB', 'L, 44-31', '21', '14', '66.7', '145', '6.9', '0', '0', '18', '3/13', '86.4', '5', '38', '7.60', '19t', '1', '1']
in row 5 of 10 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2013', 3, '11/03/13', 'Min', '@ Dal', 'L, 27-23', '37', '25', '67.6', '236', '6.4', '1', '1', '31t', '2/12', '82.7', '4', '29', '7.25', '16', '1', '2']
in row 6 of 10 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2013', 3, '11/07/13', 'Min', 'Was', 'W, 34-27', '21', '17', '81.0', '174', '8.3', '2', '1', '28t', '1/5', '113.1', '2', '13', '6.50', '14', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 10 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2013', 3, '11/17/13', 'Min', '@ Sea', 'L, 41-20', '22', '13', '59.1', '129', '5.9', '1', '2', '38t', '2/3', '53.0', '5', '0', '0.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 10 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2013', 3, '11/24/13', 'Min', '@ GB', 'T, 26-26', '30', '21', '70.0', '233', '7.8', '1', '0', '31', '6/18', '103.9', '3', '-5', '-1.67', '3', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 10 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2013', 3, '12/01/13', 'Min', 'Chi', 'W, 23-20', '8', '3', '37.5', '40', '5.0', '0', '0', '32', '3/24', '54.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2014', 4, '09/28/14', 'Min', 'Atl', 'W, 41-28', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['ponder, christian', '2014', 4, '10/02/14', 'Min', '@ GB', 'L, 42-10', '44', '22', '50.0', '222', '5.0', '0', '2', '18', '6/34', '45.8', '3', '15', '5.00', '8', '1', '2']
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2011', 1, '10/09/11', 'SF', 'TB', 'W, 48-3', '3', '3', '100.0', '35', '11.7', '0', '0', '19', '0/0', '115.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2011', 1, '12/04/11', 'SF', 'Stl', 'W, 26-0', '2', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2012', 2, '09/09/12', 'SF', '@ GB', 'W, 30-22', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2012', 2, '09/30/12', 'SF', '@ NYJ', 'W, 34-0', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2012', 2, '10/07/12', 'SF', 'Buf', 'W, 45-3', '1', '1', '100.0', '7', '7.0', '0', '0', '7', '0/0', '95.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2012', 2, '10/14/12', 'SF', 'NYG', 'L, 26-3', '7', '4', '57.1', '82', '11.7', '0', '0', '36', '2/17', '98.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2012', 2, '10/18/12', 'SF', 'Sea', 'W, 13-6', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2012', 2, '11/11/12', 'SF', 'Stl', 'T, 24-24', '17', '11', '64.7', '117', '6.9', '0', '0', '20', '3/22', '84.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2012', 2, '11/19/12', 'SF', 'Chi', 'W, 32-7', '23', '16', '69.6', '243', '10.6', '2', '0', '57', '1/7', '133.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2012', 2, '11/25/12', 'SF', '@ NO', 'W, 31-21', '25', '16', '64.0', '231', '9.2', '1', '1', '45', '0/0', '90.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2012', 2, '12/02/12', 'SF', '@ Stl', 'L, 16-13', '32', '21', '65.6', '208', '6.5', '0', '0', '30', '3/17', '83.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2012', 2, '12/09/12', 'SF', 'Mia', 'W, 27-13', '23', '18', '78.3', '185', '8.0', '0', '0', '25', '4/19', '100.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2012', 2, '12/16/12', 'SF', '@ NE', 'W, 41-34', '25', '14', '56.0', '221', '8.8', '4', '1', '38t', '1/13', '108.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2012', 2, '12/23/12', 'SF', '@ Sea', 'L, 42-13', '36', '19', '52.8', '244', '6.8', '1', '1', '35', '1/13', '72.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2012', 2, '12/30/12', 'SF', 'Ari', 'W, 27-13', '28', '16', '57.1', '276', '9.9', '2', '0', '49t', '1/4', '114.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2012', 2, '01/12/13', 'SF', 'GB', 'W, 45-31', '31', '17', '54.8', '263', '8.5', '2', '1', '45', '1/7', '91.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2012', 2, '01/20/13', 'SF', '@ Atl', 'W, 28-24', '21', '16', '76.2', '233', '11.1', '1', '0', '33', '1/9', '127.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2012', 2, '02/03/13', 'SF', 'Bal', 'L, 34-31', '28', '16', '57.1', '302', '10.8', '1', '1', '32', '3/16', '91.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 20 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2013', 3, '09/08/13', 'SF', 'GB', 'W, 34-28', '39', '27', '69.2', '412', '10.6', '3', '0', '43', '2/8', '129.4', '7', '22', '3.14', '15', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 20 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2013', 3, '09/15/13', 'SF', '@ Sea', 'L, 29-3', '28', '13', '46.4', '127', '4.5', '0', '3', '19', '3/20', '20.1', '9', '87', '9.67', '28', '0', '5']
in row 3 of 20 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2013', 3, '09/22/13', 'SF', 'Ind', 'L, 27-7', '27', '13', '48.1', '150', '5.6', '0', '1', '30', '3/11', '49.9', '7', '20', '2.86', '14', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 20 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2013', 3, '09/26/13', 'SF', '@ Stl', 'W, 35-11', '23', '15', '65.2', '167', '7.3', '2', '0', '42', '2/16', '115.7', '3', '11', '3.67', '7', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 20 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2013', 3, '10/06/13', 'SF', 'Hou', 'W, 34-3', '15', '6', '40.0', '113', '7.5', '1', '0', '64t', '1/6', '89.0', '1', '14', '14.00', '14', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 20 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2013', 3, '10/13/13', 'SF', 'Ari', 'W, 32-20', '29', '16', '55.2', '252', '8.7', '2', '1', '61t', '2/14', '92.9', '4', '18', '4.50', '17', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 20 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2013', 3, '10/20/13', 'SF', '@ Ten', 'W, 31-17', '21', '13', '61.9', '199', '9.5', '0', '0', '29', '2/3', '93.2', '11', '68', '6.18', '20t', '1', '4']
in row 8 of 20 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2013', 3, '10/27/13', 'SF', '@ Jax', 'W, 42-10', '16', '10', '62.5', '164', '10.2', '1', '0', '43', '0/0', '117.7', '7', '54', '7.71', '17', '2', '4']
in row 9 of 20 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2013', 3, '11/10/13', 'SF', 'Car', 'L, 10-9', '22', '11', '50.0', '91', '4.1', '0', '1', '14', '6/45', '42.0', '4', '16', '4.00', '16', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 20 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2013', 3, '11/17/13', 'SF', '@ NO', 'L, 23-20', '31', '17', '54.8', '127', '4.1', '2', '1', '17t', '3/12', '72.9', '3', '25', '8.33', '16', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 20 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2013', 3, '11/25/13', 'SF', '@ Was', 'W, 27-6', '24', '15', '62.5', '235', '9.8', '3', '0', '40', '2/7', '134.5', '9', '20', '2.22', '8', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 20 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2013', 3, '12/01/13', 'SF', 'Stl', 'W, 23-13', '28', '19', '67.9', '275', '9.8', '1', '0', '60', '4/20', '111.5', '4', '21', '5.25', '8', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 20 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2013', 3, '12/08/13', 'SF', 'Sea', 'W, 19-17', '29', '15', '51.7', '175', '6.0', '1', '1', '27', '2/20', '67.5', '9', '31', '3.44', '9', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 20 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2013', 3, '12/15/13', 'SF', '@ TB', 'W, 33-14', '29', '19', '65.5', '203', '7.0', '2', '0', '52t', '2/14', '108.8', '4', '42', '10.50', '17', '0', '3']
in row 15 of 20 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2013', 3, '12/23/13', 'SF', 'Atl', 'W, 34-24', '21', '13', '61.9', '197', '9.4', '1', '0', '47', '3/17', '108.6', '6', '51', '8.50', '22', '1', '3']
in row 16 of 20 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2013', 3, '12/29/13', 'SF', '@ Ari', 'W, 23-20', '34', '21', '61.8', '310', '9.1', '2', '0', '63', '2/18', '111.2', '4', '24', '6.00', '14', '0', '1']
in row 17 of 20 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2013', 3, '01/05/14', 'SF', '@ GB', 'W, 23-20', '30', '16', '53.3', '227', '7.6', '1', '1', '31', '3/13', '75.3', '7', '98', '14.00', '42', '0', '4']
in row 18 of 20 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2013', 3, '01/12/14', 'SF', '@ Car', 'W, 23-10', '28', '15', '53.6', '196', '7.0', '1', '0', '45', '1/7', '87.8', '8', '15', '1.88', '7', '1', '3']
in row 19 of 20 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2013', 3, '01/19/14', 'SF', '@ Sea', 'L, 23-17', '24', '14', '58.3', '153', '6.4', '1', '2', '26t', '2/6', '56.4', '11', '130', '11.82', '58', '0', '4']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2014', 4, '09/07/14', 'SF', '@ Dal', 'W, 28-17', '23', '16', '69.6', '201', '8.7', '2', '0', '37', '1/9', '125.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2014', 4, '09/14/14', 'SF', 'Chi', 'L, 28-20', '34', '21', '61.8', '248', '7.3', '1', '3', '24', '4/16', '57.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2014', 4, '09/21/14', 'SF', '@ Ari', 'L, 23-14', '37', '29', '78.4', '245', '6.6', '1', '0', '32', '1/9', '103.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2014', 4, '09/28/14', 'SF', 'Phi', 'W, 26-21', '30', '17', '56.7', '218', '7.3', '2', '1', '55t', '4/29', '87.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2014', 4, '10/05/14', 'SF', 'KC', 'W, 22-17', '26', '14', '53.8', '201', '7.7', '1', '0', '38', '3/15', '92.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2014', 4, '10/13/14', 'SF', '@ Stl', 'W, 31-17', '35', '22', '62.9', '343', '9.8', '3', '0', '80t', '0/0', '123.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2014', 4, '10/19/14', 'SF', '@ Den', 'L, 42-17', '39', '24', '61.5', '263', '6.7', '1', '1', '37', '6/53', '79.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2014', 4, '11/02/14', 'SF', 'Stl', 'L, 13-10', '33', '22', '66.7', '237', '7.2', '1', '0', '27t', '8/54', '97.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2014', 4, '11/09/14', 'SF', '@ NO', 'W, 27-24', '32', '14', '43.8', '210', '6.6', '1', '0', '51', '4/24', '76.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2014', 4, '11/16/14', 'SF', '@ NYG', 'W, 16-10', '29', '15', '51.7', '193', '6.7', '1', '0', '48t', '1/8', '84.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2014', 4, '11/23/14', 'SF', 'Was', 'W, 17-13', '29', '20', '69.0', '256', '8.8', '1', '1', '30t', '2/10', '93.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2014', 4, '11/27/14', 'SF', 'Sea', 'L, 19-3', '29', '16', '55.2', '121', '4.2', '0', '2', '16', '4/21', '36.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2014', 4, '12/07/14', 'SF', '@ Oak', 'L, 24-13', '33', '18', '54.5', '174', '5.3', '1', '2', '23', '5/23', '54.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2014', 4, '12/14/14', 'SF', '@ Sea', 'L, 17-7', '19', '11', '57.9', '141', '7.4', '0', '0', '31', '6/36', '81.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2014', 4, '12/20/14', 'SF', 'SD', 'L, 38-35', '24', '15', '62.5', '114', '4.8', '1', '0', '20', '2/22', '87.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2014', 4, '12/28/14', 'SF', 'Ari', 'W, 20-17', '26', '15', '57.7', '204', '7.8', '2', '0', '76t', '1/15', '108.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 10 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2015', 5, '09/14/15', 'SF', 'Min', 'W, 20-3', '26', '17', '65.4', '165', '6.3', '0', '0', '20', '1/0', '83.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 10 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2015', 5, '09/20/15', 'SF', '@ Pit', 'L, 43-18', '46', '33', '71.7', '335', '7.3', '2', '0', '75t', '5/37', '106.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 10 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2015', 5, '09/27/15', 'SF', '@ Ari', 'L, 47-7', '19', '9', '47.4', '67', '3.5', '0', '4', '14', '2/14', '16.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 10 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2015', 5, '10/04/15', 'SF', 'GB', 'L, 17-3', '25', '13', '52.0', '160', '6.4', '0', '1', '47', '6/41', '55.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 10 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2015', 5, '10/11/15', 'SF', '@ NYG', 'L, 30-27', '35', '23', '65.7', '262', '7.5', '2', '0', '37', '2/6', '107.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 10 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2015', 5, '10/18/15', 'SF', 'Bal', 'W, 25-20', '27', '16', '59.3', '340', '12.6', '2', '0', '76t', '3/14', '128.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 10 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2015', 5, '10/22/15', 'SF', 'Sea', 'L, 20-3', '24', '13', '54.2', '124', '5.2', '0', '0', '27', '6/43', '68.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 10 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2015', 5, '11/01/15', 'SF', '@ Stl', 'L, 27-6', '41', '20', '48.8', '162', '4.0', '0', '0', '33', '3/11', '59.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 10 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2015', 5, '11/08/15', 'SF', 'Atl', 'W, 17-16', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 12 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2016', 6, '10/16/16', 'SF', '@ Buf', 'L, 45-16', '29', '13', '44.8', '187', '6.4', '1', '0', '53t', '3/20', '77.8', '8', '66', '8.25', '29', '0', '5']
in row 2 of 12 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2016', 6, '10/23/16', 'SF', 'TB', 'L, 34-17', '34', '16', '47.1', '143', '4.2', '1', '1', '24', '4/30', '56.4', '9', '84', '9.33', '17', '0', '5']
in row 3 of 12 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2016', 6, '11/06/16', 'SF', 'NO', 'L, 41-23', '39', '24', '61.5', '398', '10.2', '2', '1', '65t', '1/5', '102.3', '5', '23', '4.60', '11', '0', '2']
in row 4 of 12 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2016', 6, '11/13/16', 'SF', '@ Ari', 'L, 23-20', '30', '17', '56.7', '210', '7.0', '1', '0', '45', '3/12', '89.6', '10', '55', '5.50', '19', '1', '3']
in row 5 of 12 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2016', 6, '11/20/16', 'SF', 'NE', 'L, 30-17', '30', '16', '53.3', '206', '6.9', '2', '0', '26', '5/29', '97.4', '4', '32', '8.00', '17', '0', '2']
in row 6 of 12 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2016', 6, '11/27/16', 'SF', '@ Mia', 'L, 31-24', '46', '29', '63.0', '296', '6.4', '3', '1', '35', '2/14', '94.1', '10', '113', '11.30', '30', '0', '6']
in row 7 of 12 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2016', 6, '12/04/16', 'SF', '@ Chi', 'L, 26-6', '5', '1', '20.0', '4', '0.8', '0', '0', '4', '5/25', '39.6', '6', '20', '3.33', '14', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 12 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2016', 6, '12/11/16', 'SF', 'NYJ', 'L, 23-17', '26', '15', '57.7', '133', '5.1', '1', '0', '30', '2/17', '84.3', '3', '23', '7.67', '13', '0', '2']
in row 9 of 12 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2016', 6, '12/18/16', 'SF', '@ Atl', 'L, 41-13', '33', '20', '60.6', '183', '5.5', '2', '0', '45', '2/18', '95.9', '3', '21', '7.00', '17', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 12 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2016', 6, '12/24/16', 'SF', '@ LA', 'W, 22-21', '37', '28', '75.7', '266', '7.2', '2', '1', '21', '4/13', '101.9', '6', '15', '2.50', '13t', '1', '1']
in row 11 of 12 total rows
['kaepernick, colin', '2016', 6, '01/01/17', 'SF', 'Sea', 'L, 25-23', '22', '17', '77.3', '215', '9.8', '1', '0', '29', '5/24', '122.3', '5', '16', '3.20', '11', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 9 total rows
['mccoy, colt', '2010', 1, '10/17/10', 'Cle', '@ Pit', 'L, 28-10', '33', '23', '69.7', '281', '8.5', '1', '2', '34', '5/23', '80.5', '4', '22', '5.50', '9', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 9 total rows
['mccoy, colt', '2010', 1, '10/24/10', 'Cle', '@ NO', 'W, 30-17', '16', '9', '56.2', '74', '4.6', '0', '0', '18', '1/2', '68.2', '5', '-5', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 9 total rows
['mccoy, colt', '2010', 1, '11/07/10', 'Cle', 'NE', 'W, 34-14', '19', '14', '73.7', '174', '9.2', '0', '0', '29', '0/0', '101.6', '3', '20', '6.67', '16t', '1', '2']
in row 4 of 9 total rows
['mccoy, colt', '2010', 1, '11/14/10', 'Cle', 'NYJ', 'L, 26-20', '31', '18', '58.1', '205', '6.6', '1', '0', '37', '3/9', '88.8', '4', '11', '2.75', '6', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 9 total rows
['mccoy, colt', '2010', 1, '11/21/10', 'Cle', '@ Jax', 'L, 24-20', '28', '17', '60.7', '241', '8.6', '1', '1', '47', '6/46', '85.6', '4', '39', '9.75', '18', '0', '2']
in row 6 of 9 total rows
['mccoy, colt', '2010', 1, '12/19/10', 'Cle', '@ Cin', 'L, 19-17', '25', '19', '76.0', '243', '9.7', '2', '0', '46t', '4/24', '132.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 9 total rows
['mccoy, colt', '2010', 1, '12/26/10', 'Cle', 'Bal', 'L, 20-10', '29', '15', '51.7', '149', '5.1', '0', '3', '28', '0/0', '27.0', '4', '30', '7.50', '15', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 9 total rows
['mccoy, colt', '2010', 1, '01/02/11', 'Cle', 'Pit', 'L, 41-9', '41', '20', '48.8', '209', '5.1', '1', '3', '31', '4/28', '41.6', '4', '19', '4.75', '9', '0', '4']
in row 1 of 14 total rows
['mccoy, colt', '2011', 2, '09/11/11', 'Cle', 'Cin', 'L, 27-17', '40', '19', '47.5', '213', '5.3', '2', '1', '56', '2/11', '70.1', '3', '11', '3.67', '9', '0', '2']
in row 2 of 14 total rows
['mccoy, colt', '2011', 2, '09/18/11', 'Cle', '@ Ind', 'W, 27-19', '32', '22', '68.8', '211', '6.6', '1', '0', '28', '1/14', '97.3', '3', '10', '3.33', '9', '0', '2']
in row 3 of 14 total rows
['mccoy, colt', '2011', 2, '09/25/11', 'Cle', 'Mia', 'W, 17-16', '39', '19', '48.7', '210', '5.4', '2', '1', '33t', '0/0', '71.5', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 14 total rows
['mccoy, colt', '2011', 2, '10/02/11', 'Cle', 'Ten', 'L, 31-13', '61', '40', '65.6', '350', '5.7', '1', '1', '27', '3/11', '79.3', '4', '16', '4.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 14 total rows
['mccoy, colt', '2011', 2, '10/16/11', 'Cle', '@ Oak', 'L, 24-17', '45', '21', '46.7', '215', '4.8', '2', '0', '23', '2/12', '75.7', '4', '16', '4.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 14 total rows
['mccoy, colt', '2011', 2, '10/23/11', 'Cle', 'Sea', 'W, 6-3', '35', '20', '57.1', '178', '5.1', '0', '1', '19', '4/19', '59.0', '9', '29', '3.22', '12', '0', '2']
in row 7 of 14 total rows
['mccoy, colt', '2011', 2, '10/30/11', 'Cle', '@ SF', 'L, 20-10', '34', '22', '64.7', '241', '7.1', '1', '1', '45t', '4/17', '83.1', '8', '30', '3.75', '9', '0', '5']
in row 8 of 14 total rows
['mccoy, colt', '2011', 2, '11/06/11', 'Cle', '@ Hou', 'L, 30-12', '22', '14', '63.6', '146', '6.6', '1', '1', '24', '4/18', '79.0', '3', '6', '2.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 14 total rows
['mccoy, colt', '2011', 2, '11/13/11', 'Cle', 'Stl', 'L, 13-12', '27', '20', '74.1', '218', '8.1', '0', '0', '52', '2/9', '97.5', '4', '4', '1.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 14 total rows
['mccoy, colt', '2011', 2, '11/20/11', 'Cle', 'Jax', 'W, 14-10', '24', '17', '70.8', '199', '8.3', '1', '1', '51', '2/13', '92.2', '5', '27', '5.40', '15', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 14 total rows
['mccoy, colt', '2011', 2, '11/27/11', 'Cle', '@ Cin', 'L, 23-20', '34', '16', '47.1', '151', '4.4', '2', '1', '36', '2/11', '67.2', '6', '38', '6.33', '20', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 14 total rows
['mccoy, colt', '2011', 2, '12/04/11', 'Cle', 'Bal', 'L, 24-10', '35', '17', '48.6', '192', '5.5', '1', '1', '52', '3/22', '63.0', '4', '12', '3.00', '8', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 14 total rows
['mccoy, colt', '2011', 2, '12/08/11', 'Cle', '@ Pit', 'L, 14-3', '35', '18', '51.4', '209', '6.0', '0', '2', '33', '3/16', '46.0', '6', '15', '2.50', '5', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['mccoy, colt', '2012', 3, '12/09/12', 'Cle', 'KC', 'W, 30-7', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['mccoy, colt', '2012', 3, '12/23/12', 'Cle', '@ Den', 'L, 34-12', '17', '9', '52.9', '79', '4.6', '1', '0', '21', '4/25', '85.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['mccoy, colt', '2013', 4, '10/06/13', 'SF', 'Hou', 'W, 34-3', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['mccoy, colt', '2013', 4, '10/27/13', 'SF', '@ Jax', 'W, 42-10', '1', '1', '100.0', '13', '13.0', '0', '0', '13', '0/0', '118.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['mccoy, colt', '2013', 4, '12/15/13', 'SF', '@ TB', 'W, 33-14', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 6 total rows
['mccoy, colt', '2014', 5, '10/19/14', 'Was', 'Ten', 'W, 19-17', '12', '11', '91.7', '128', '10.7', '1', '0', '70t', '2/8', '138.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 6 total rows
['mccoy, colt', '2014', 5, '10/27/14', 'Was', '@ Dal', 'W, 20-17', '30', '25', '83.3', '299', '10.0', '0', '1', '49', '3/13', '94.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 6 total rows
['mccoy, colt', '2014', 5, '11/30/14', 'Was', '@ Ind', 'L, 49-27', '47', '31', '66.0', '392', '8.3', '3', '0', '42t', '6/51', '113.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 6 total rows
['mccoy, colt', '2014', 5, '12/07/14', 'Was', 'Stl', 'L, 24-0', '32', '20', '62.5', '199', '6.2', '0', '2', '19', '6/45', '54.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 6 total rows
['mccoy, colt', '2014', 5, '12/14/14', 'Was', '@ NYG', 'L, 24-13', '7', '4', '57.1', '39', '5.6', '0', '0', '17', '0/0', '72.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['mccoy, colt', '2015', 6, '01/03/16', 'Was', '@ Dal', 'W, 34-23', '11', '7', '63.6', '128', '11.6', '1', '0', '71t', '1/13', '133.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['painter, curtis', '2009', 1, '12/27/09', 'Ind', 'NYJ', 'L, 29-15', '11', '4', '36.4', '44', '4.0', '0', '1', '22', '2/14', '11.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['painter, curtis', '2009', 1, '01/03/10', 'Ind', '@ Buf', 'L, 30-7', '17', '4', '23.5', '39', '2.3', '0', '1', '21', '1/2', '15.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 10 total rows
['painter, curtis', '2011', 3, '09/25/11', 'Ind', 'Pit', 'L, 23-20', '11', '5', '45.5', '60', '5.5', '0', '0', '27', '1/9', '62.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 10 total rows
['painter, curtis', '2011', 3, '10/03/11', 'Ind', '@ TB', 'L, 24-17', '30', '13', '43.3', '281', '9.4', '2', '0', '87t', '4/25', '99.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 10 total rows
['painter, curtis', '2011', 3, '10/09/11', 'Ind', 'KC', 'L, 28-24', '27', '15', '55.6', '277', '10.3', '2', '0', '67t', '0/0', '115.8', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 10 total rows
['painter, curtis', '2011', 3, '10/16/11', 'Ind', '@ Cin', 'L, 27-17', '34', '23', '67.6', '188', '5.5', '1', '1', '22', '1/9', '79.0', '4', '14', '3.50', '12', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 10 total rows
['painter, curtis', '2011', 3, '10/23/11', 'Ind', '@ NO', 'L, 62-7', '17', '9', '52.9', '67', '3.9', '0', '1', '15', '1/5', '38.1', '2', '11', '5.50', '11', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 10 total rows
['painter, curtis', '2011', 3, '10/30/11', 'Ind', '@ Ten', 'L, 27-10', '49', '26', '53.1', '250', '5.1', '0', '2', '23', '2/9', '50.6', '7', '79', '11.29', '24', '0', '5']
in row 7 of 10 total rows
['painter, curtis', '2011', 3, '11/06/11', 'Ind', 'Atl', 'L, 31-7', '27', '13', '48.1', '98', '3.6', '0', '1', '16', '2/15', '41.9', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 10 total rows
['painter, curtis', '2011', 3, '11/13/11', 'Ind', 'Jax', 'L, 17-3', '19', '13', '68.4', '94', '4.9', '0', '2', '29', '3/24', '40.1', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 10 total rows
['painter, curtis', '2011', 3, '11/27/11', 'Ind', 'Car', 'L, 27-19', '29', '15', '51.7', '226', '7.8', '1', '2', '56t', '2/8', '60.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['painter, curtis', '2013', 4, '09/22/13', 'NYG', '@ Car', 'L, 38-0', '4', '2', '50.0', '16', '4.0', '0', '1', '9', '0/0', '20.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['painter, curtis', '2013', 4, '12/15/13', 'NYG', 'Sea', 'L, 23-0', '4', '4', '100.0', '30', '7.5', '0', '0', '9', '1/6', '97.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['painter, curtis', '2013', 4, '12/29/13', 'NYG', 'Was', 'W, 20-6', '8', '2', '25.0', '11', '1.4', '0', '1', '8', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['orlovsky, dan', '2005', 1, '09/18/05', 'Det', '@ Chi', 'L, 38-6', '6', '2', '33.3', '20', '3.3', '0', '0', '10', '0/0', '43.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['orlovsky, dan', '2005', 1, '11/24/05', 'Det', 'Atl', 'L, 27-7', '11', '5', '45.5', '43', '3.9', '0', '0', '20', '1/3', '56.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 11 total rows
['orlovsky, dan', '2008', 4, '09/14/08', 'Det', 'GB', 'L, 48-25', '4', '2', '50.0', '6', '1.5', '0', '0', '3', '0/0', '56.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 11 total rows
['orlovsky, dan', '2008', 4, '09/21/08', 'Det', '@ SF', 'L, 31-13', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '1', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 11 total rows
['orlovsky, dan', '2008', 4, '10/05/08', 'Det', 'Chi', 'L, 34-7', '23', '13', '56.5', '97', '4.2', '0', '1', '25', '1/9', '48.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 11 total rows
['orlovsky, dan', '2008', 4, '10/12/08', 'Det', '@ Min', 'L, 12-10', '21', '12', '57.1', '150', '7.1', '1', '0', '37', '6/38', '95.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 11 total rows
['orlovsky, dan', '2008', 4, '10/19/08', 'Det', '@ Hou', 'L, 28-21', '25', '12', '48.0', '265', '10.6', '1', '0', '96t', '2/16', '99.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 11 total rows
['orlovsky, dan', '2008', 4, '10/26/08', 'Det', 'Was', 'L, 25-17', '35', '21', '60.0', '223', '6.4', '1', '0', '31', '1/6', '88.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 11 total rows
['orlovsky, dan', '2008', 4, '11/02/08', 'Det', '@ Chi', 'L, 27-23', '47', '28', '59.6', '292', '6.2', '2', '2', '22', '2/12', '74.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 11 total rows
['orlovsky, dan', '2008', 4, '12/14/08', 'Det', '@ Ind', 'L, 31-21', '34', '23', '67.6', '233', '6.9', '1', '0', '33t', '0/0', '96.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 11 total rows
['orlovsky, dan', '2008', 4, '12/21/08', 'Det', 'NO', 'L, 42-7', '23', '10', '43.5', '125', '5.4', '0', '2', '28', '1/9', '24.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 11 total rows
['orlovsky, dan', '2008', 4, '12/28/08', 'Det', '@ GB', 'L, 31-21', '42', '22', '52.4', '225', '5.4', '2', '2', '36', '1/5', '64.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 9 total rows
['orlovsky, dan', '2011', 7, '10/23/11', 'Ind', '@ NO', 'L, 62-7', '5', '3', '60.0', '35', '7.0', '0', '0', '19', '0/0', '81.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 9 total rows
['orlovsky, dan', '2011', 7, '11/06/11', 'Ind', 'Atl', 'L, 31-7', '6', '4', '66.7', '20', '3.3', '0', '0', '9', '0/0', '71.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 9 total rows
['orlovsky, dan', '2011', 7, '11/13/11', 'Ind', 'Jax', 'L, 17-3', '10', '7', '70.0', '67', '6.7', '0', '0', '13', '2/9', '88.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 9 total rows
['orlovsky, dan', '2011', 7, '12/04/11', 'Ind', '@ NE', 'L, 31-24', '37', '30', '81.1', '353', '9.5', '2', '1', '40', '2/15', '113.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 9 total rows
['orlovsky, dan', '2011', 7, '12/11/11', 'Ind', '@ Bal', 'L, 24-10', '37', '17', '45.9', '136', '3.7', '1', '1', '13t', '4/19', '53.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 9 total rows
['orlovsky, dan', '2011', 7, '12/18/11', 'Ind', 'Ten', 'W, 27-13', '17', '11', '64.7', '82', '4.8', '1', '0', '18t', '0/0', '95.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 9 total rows
['orlovsky, dan', '2011', 7, '12/22/11', 'Ind', 'Hou', 'W, 19-16', '41', '23', '56.1', '244', '6.0', '1', '0', '34', '3/19', '81.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 9 total rows
['orlovsky, dan', '2011', 7, '01/01/12', 'Ind', '@ Jax', 'L, 19-13', '40', '27', '67.5', '264', '6.6', '1', '2', '21', '3/22', '73.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['orlovsky, dan', '2012', 8, '12/16/12', 'TB', '@ NO', 'L, 41-0', '7', '4', '57.1', '51', '7.3', '0', '0', '24', '0/0', '80.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['orlovsky, dan', '2015', 11, '10/11/15', 'Det', 'Ari', 'L, 42-17', '38', '21', '55.3', '191', '5.0', '1', '1', '23', '0/0', '66.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['orlovsky, dan', '2015', 11, '11/01/15', 'Det', '@ KC', 'L, 45-10', '2', '1', '50.0', '10', '5.0', '0', '0', '10', '0/0', '64.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 5 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2006', 2, '12/03/06', 'Cle', 'KC', 'W, 31-28', '21', '12', '57.1', '171', '8.1', '2', '1', '54', '1/5', '95.5', '2', '44', '22.00', '33', '0', '2']
in row 2 of 5 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2006', 2, '12/07/06', 'Cle', '@ Pit', 'L, 27-7', '37', '21', '56.8', '276', '7.5', '1', '1', '45t', '0/0', '78.2', '1', '4', '4.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 5 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2006', 2, '12/17/06', 'Cle', '@ Bal', 'L, 27-17', '32', '23', '71.9', '223', '7.0', '2', '2', '36', '5/41', '85.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 5 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2006', 2, '12/24/06', 'Cle', 'TB', 'L, 22-7', '27', '10', '37.0', '123', '4.6', '0', '4', '25', '2/20', '12.3', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2007', 3, '09/09/07', 'Cle', 'Pit', 'L, 34-7', '28', '13', '46.4', '184', '6.6', '1', '1', '30', '1/12', '65.2', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2007', 3, '09/16/07', 'Cle', 'Cin', 'W, 51-45', '33', '20', '60.6', '328', '9.9', '5', '1', '37t', '0/0', '121.0', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2007', 3, '09/23/07', 'Cle', '@ Oak', 'L, 26-24', '37', '18', '48.6', '248', '6.7', '1', '2', '33', '1/24', '57.0', '2', '12', '6.00', '11', '1', '2']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2007', 3, '09/30/07', 'Cle', 'Bal', 'W, 27-13', '18', '10', '55.6', '204', '11.3', '2', '1', '78t', '0/0', '109.5', '3', '0', '0.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2007', 3, '10/07/07', 'Cle', '@ NE', 'L, 34-17', '43', '22', '51.2', '287', '6.7', '2', '3', '36', '3/26', '59.0', '3', '7', '2.33', '7', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2007', 3, '10/14/07', 'Cle', 'Mia', 'W, 41-31', '25', '18', '72.0', '245', '9.8', '3', '0', '33', '1/1', '142.5', '5', '13', '2.60', '8', '1', '2']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2007', 3, '10/28/07', 'Cle', '@ Stl', 'W, 27-20', '25', '18', '72.0', '248', '9.9', '3', '0', '29', '2/12', '143.0', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2007', 3, '11/04/07', 'Cle', 'Sea', 'W, 33-30', '48', '29', '60.4', '364', '7.6', '0', '1', '34', '0/0', '75.3', '2', '21', '10.50', '11', '0', '2']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2007', 3, '11/11/07', 'Cle', '@ Pit', 'L, 31-28', '35', '16', '45.7', '123', '3.5', '3', '0', '16t', '0/0', '83.4', '2', '5', '2.50', '6', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2007', 3, '11/18/07', 'Cle', '@ Bal', 'W, 33-30', '38', '24', '63.2', '274', '7.2', '0', '1', '50', '1/5', '73.8', '4', '-4', '-1.00', '2', '1', '2']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2007', 3, '11/25/07', 'Cle', 'Hou', 'W, 27-17', '35', '24', '68.6', '253', '7.2', '2', '1', '25', '1/4', '96.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2007', 3, '12/02/07', 'Cle', '@ Ari', 'L, 27-21', '41', '21', '51.2', '304', '7.4', '2', '2', '67t', '1/9', '71.6', '2', '10', '5.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2007', 3, '12/09/07', 'Cle', '@ NYJ', 'W, 24-18', '29', '16', '55.2', '185', '6.4', '2', '1', '45', '0/0', '83.3', '3', '3', '1.00', '5', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2007', 3, '12/16/07', 'Cle', 'Buf', 'W, 8-0', '24', '9', '37.5', '137', '5.7', '0', '0', '25', '1/7', '57.1', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2007', 3, '12/23/07', 'Cle', '@ Cin', 'L, 19-14', '48', '29', '60.4', '251', '5.2', '2', '4', '22', '1/7', '53.4', '1', '6', '6.00', '6', '0', '1']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2007', 3, '12/30/07', 'Cle', 'SF', 'W, 20-7', '20', '11', '55.0', '152', '7.6', '1', '1', '45t', '1/2', '75.4', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 11 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2008', 4, '09/07/08', 'Cle', 'Dal', 'L, 28-10', '24', '11', '45.8', '114', '4.8', '1', '0', '18', '1/0', '74.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 11 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2008', 4, '09/14/08', 'Cle', 'Pit', 'L, 10-6', '32', '18', '56.2', '166', '5.2', '0', '2', '23', '2/11', '44.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 11 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2008', 4, '09/21/08', 'Cle', '@ Bal', 'L, 28-10', '37', '14', '37.8', '125', '3.4', '1', '3', '19t', '4/26', '22.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 11 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2008', 4, '09/28/08', 'Cle', '@ Cin', 'W, 20-12', '24', '15', '62.5', '138', '5.8', '1', '1', '20', '1/11', '74.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 11 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2008', 4, '10/13/08', 'Cle', 'NYG', 'W, 35-14', '29', '18', '62.1', '310', '10.7', '2', '0', '70', '0/0', '121.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 11 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2008', 4, '10/19/08', 'Cle', '@ Was', 'L, 14-11', '37', '14', '37.8', '136', '3.7', '1', '0', '20', '1/2', '57.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 11 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2008', 4, '10/26/08', 'Cle', '@ Jax', 'W, 23-17', '27', '14', '51.9', '246', '9.1', '1', '0', '53', '1/10', '95.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 11 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2008', 4, '11/02/08', 'Cle', 'Bal', 'L, 37-27', '33', '17', '51.5', '219', '6.6', '2', '1', '28t', '1/9', '80.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 11 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2008', 4, '11/23/08', 'Cle', 'Hou', 'L, 16-6', '14', '5', '35.7', '51', '3.6', '0', '1', '18', '0/0', '17.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 11 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2008', 4, '11/30/08', 'Cle', 'Ind', 'L, 10-6', '26', '16', '61.5', '110', '4.2', '0', '0', '20', '3/18', '71.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 9 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2009', 5, '09/27/09', 'Cle', '@ Bal', 'L, 34-3', '19', '11', '57.9', '92', '4.8', '0', '3', '22', '1/6', '30.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 9 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2009', 5, '10/04/09', 'Cle', 'Cin', 'L, 23-20', '48', '26', '54.2', '269', '5.6', '1', '1', '30', '2/20', '68.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 9 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2009', 5, '10/11/09', 'Cle', '@ Buf', 'W, 6-3', '17', '2', '11.8', '23', '1.4', '0', '1', '16', '1/1', '15.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 9 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2009', 5, '10/18/09', 'Cle', '@ Pit', 'L, 27-14', '24', '9', '37.5', '122', '5.1', '1', '1', '43', '2/16', '51.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 9 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2009', 5, '10/25/09', 'Cle', 'GB', 'L, 31-3', '29', '12', '41.4', '99', '3.4', '0', '1', '22', '2/18', '36.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 9 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2009', 5, '11/01/09', 'Cle', '@ Chi', 'L, 30-6', '17', '6', '35.3', '76', '4.5', '0', '2', '23', '1/11', '10.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 9 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2009', 5, '12/27/09', 'Cle', 'Oak', 'W, 23-9', '17', '8', '47.1', '121', '7.1', '1', '0', '28', '2/3', '90.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 9 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2009', 5, '01/03/10', 'Cle', 'Jax', 'W, 23-17', '11', '7', '63.6', '86', '7.8', '0', '1', '29', '0/0', '49.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 13 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2010', 6, '09/12/10', 'Ari', '@ Stl', 'W, 17-13', '41', '22', '53.7', '297', '7.2', '1', '0', '35', '2/31', '85.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 13 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2010', 6, '09/19/10', 'Ari', '@ Atl', 'L, 41-7', '31', '17', '54.8', '161', '5.2', '0', '2', '29', '2/15', '42.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 13 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2010', 6, '09/26/10', 'Ari', 'Oak', 'W, 24-23', '26', '12', '46.2', '122', '4.7', '2', '1', '25', '2/14', '69.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 13 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2010', 6, '10/03/10', 'Ari', '@ SD', 'L, 41-10', '14', '7', '50.0', '64', '4.6', '0', '2', '16', '3/20', '23.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 13 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2010', 6, '10/10/10', 'Ari', 'NO', 'W, 30-20', '2', '1', '50.0', '6', '3.0', '0', '0', '6', '0/0', '56.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 13 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2010', 6, '10/24/10', 'Ari', '@ Sea', 'L, 22-10', '17', '8', '47.1', '96', '5.6', '0', '0', '29', '0/0', '64.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 13 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2010', 6, '10/31/10', 'Ari', 'TB', 'L, 38-35', '24', '16', '66.7', '234', '9.8', '1', '2', '37', '1/9', '77.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 13 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2010', 6, '11/07/10', 'Ari', '@ Min', 'L, 27-24', '26', '15', '57.7', '179', '6.9', '1', '0', '30t', '6/24', '91.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 13 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2010', 6, '11/14/10', 'Ari', 'Sea', 'L, 36-18', '45', '23', '51.1', '322', '7.2', '1', '1', '36', '5/36', '72.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 13 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2010', 6, '11/21/10', 'Ari', '@ KC', 'L, 31-13', '46', '25', '54.3', '295', '6.4', '1', '0', '27', '2/14', '81.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 13 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2010', 6, '11/29/10', 'Ari', 'SF', 'L, 27-6', '35', '16', '45.7', '196', '5.6', '0', '1', '43', '1/6', '51.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 13 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2010', 6, '12/05/10', 'Ari', 'Stl', 'L, 19-6', '20', '7', '35.0', '93', '4.7', '0', '1', '26', '1/7', '29.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2011', 7, '12/24/11', 'Car', 'TB', 'W, 48-16', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2011', 7, '01/01/12', 'Car', '@ NO', 'L, 45-17', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2012', 8, '09/20/12', 'Car', 'NYG', 'L, 36-7', '3', '3', '100.0', '46', '15.3', '0', '0', '23', '0/0', '118.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2012', 8, '12/30/12', 'Car', '@ NO', 'W, 44-38', '1', '1', '100.0', '12', '12.0', '0', '0', '12', '0/0', '116.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2013', 9, '09/22/13', 'Car', 'NYG', 'W, 38-0', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2013', 9, '10/13/13', 'Car', '@ Min', 'W, 35-10', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2013', 9, '12/01/13', 'Car', 'TB', 'W, 27-6', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 6 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2014', 10, '09/07/14', 'Car', '@ TB', 'W, 20-14', '34', '24', '70.6', '230', '6.8', '2', '0', '26t', '1/9', '108.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 6 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2014', 10, '09/21/14', 'Car', 'Pit', 'L, 37-19', '6', '5', '83.3', '80', '13.3', '1', '0', '35t', '0/0', '158.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 6 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2014', 10, '09/28/14', 'Car', '@ Bal', 'L, 38-10', '9', '6', '66.7', '71', '7.9', '0', '0', '18', '0/0', '90.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 6 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2014', 10, '10/19/14', 'Car', '@ GB', 'L, 38-17', '8', '5', '62.5', '43', '5.4', '1', '0', '12', '0/0', '116.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 6 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2014', 10, '12/14/14', 'Car', 'TB', 'W, 19-17', '40', '25', '62.5', '277', '6.9', '1', '0', '21', '3/8', '91.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 5 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2015', 11, '11/22/15', 'Car', 'Was', 'W, 44-16', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 5 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2015', 11, '12/13/15', 'Car', 'Atl', 'W, 38-0', '6', '4', '66.7', '36', '6.0', '0', '0', '24', '0/0', '82.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 5 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2015', 11, '01/03/16', 'Car', 'TB', 'W, 38-10', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 5 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2015', 11, '01/24/16', 'Car', 'Ari', 'W, 49-15', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 5 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2016', 12, '09/25/16', 'Car', 'Min', 'L, 22-10', '1', '1', '100.0', '3', '3.0', '0', '0', '3', '0/0', '79.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 5 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2016', 12, '10/02/16', 'Car', '@ Atl', 'L, 48-33', '23', '17', '73.9', '172', '7.5', '2', '2', '48', '0/0', '87.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 5 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2016', 12, '10/10/16', 'Car', 'TB', 'L, 17-14', '28', '18', '64.3', '278', '9.9', '0', '2', '34', '0/0', '67.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 5 total rows
['anderson, derek', '2016', 12, '12/04/16', 'Car', '@ Sea', 'L, 40-7', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '1', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 12 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '1999', 1, '09/19/99', 'Phi', 'TB', 'L, 19-5', '11', '4', '36.4', '26', '2.4', '0', '0', '9', '6/42', '44.9', '5', '38', '7.60', '21', '0', '--']
in row 2 of 12 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '1999', 1, '09/26/99', 'Phi', '@ Buf', 'L, 26-0', '11', '6', '54.5', '34', '3.1', '0', '0', '11', '0/0', '60.4', '1', '10', '10.00', '10', '0', '--']
in row 3 of 12 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '1999', 1, '10/03/99', 'Phi', '@ NYG', 'L, 16-15', '7', '3', '42.9', '38', '5.4', '0', '0', '14', '4/22', '60.4', '1', '13', '13.00', '13', '0', '--']
in row 4 of 12 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '1999', 1, '10/31/99', 'Phi', 'NYG', 'L, 23-17', '2', '1', '50.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '56.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '--']
in row 5 of 12 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '1999', 1, '11/07/99', 'Phi', '@ Car', 'L, 33-7', '20', '8', '40.0', '68', '3.4', '0', '1', '15', '2/9', '28.8', '3', '21', '7.00', '10', '0', '--']
in row 6 of 12 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '1999', 1, '11/14/99', 'Phi', 'Was', 'W, 35-28', '21', '8', '38.1', '60', '2.9', '0', '0', '12', '3/22', '46.3', '9', '49', '5.44', '27', '0', '--']
in row 7 of 12 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '1999', 1, '11/21/99', 'Phi', 'Ind', 'L, 44-17', '36', '19', '52.8', '165', '4.6', '1', '2', '33', '4/47', '51.3', '3', '13', '4.33', '7', '0', '--']
in row 8 of 12 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '1999', 1, '11/28/99', 'Phi', '@ Was', 'L, 20-17', '28', '16', '57.1', '172', '6.1', '2', '0', '28', '2/16', '99.1', '8', '71', '8.88', '26', '0', '--']
in row 9 of 12 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '1999', 1, '12/05/99', 'Phi', '@ Ari', 'L, 21-17', '31', '19', '61.3', '157', '5.1', '2', '1', '29t', '1/9', '82.3', '9', '67', '7.44', '12', '0', '--']
in row 10 of 12 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '1999', 1, '12/12/99', 'Phi', '@ Dal', 'L, 20-10', '17', '7', '41.2', '49', '2.9', '0', '1', '19', '3/14', '24.4', '3', '24', '8.00', '21', '0', '--']
in row 11 of 12 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '1999', 1, '01/02/00', 'Phi', 'Stl', 'W, 38-31', '32', '15', '46.9', '179', '5.6', '3', '2', '63t', '3/23', '69.7', '5', '7', '1.40', '10', '0', '--']
in row 1 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2000', 2, '09/03/00', 'Phi', '@ Dal', 'W, 41-14', '28', '16', '57.1', '130', '4.6', '1', '2', '26', '1/11', '51.2', '5', '29', '5.80', '11', '1', '2']
in row 2 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2000', 2, '09/10/00', 'Phi', 'NYG', 'L, 33-18', '33', '19', '57.6', '214', '6.5', '1', '0', '31', '3/33', '87.2', '5', '45', '9.00', '17', '1', '2']
in row 3 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2000', 2, '09/17/00', 'Phi', '@ GB', 'L, 6-3', '31', '15', '48.4', '118', '3.8', '0', '1', '20', '5/32', '44.8', '3', '20', '6.67', '12', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2000', 2, '09/24/00', 'Phi', '@ NO', 'W, 21-7', '32', '20', '62.5', '222', '6.9', '2', '0', '30', '3/21', '103.9', '7', '23', '3.29', '8', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2000', 2, '10/01/00', 'Phi', 'Atl', 'W, 38-10', '44', '30', '68.2', '311', '7.1', '2', '1', '70t', '1/4', '94.0', '6', '61', '10.17', '16', '0', '4']
in row 6 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2000', 2, '10/08/00', 'Phi', 'Was', 'L, 17-14', '34', '17', '50.0', '186', '5.5', '2', '2', '30t', '2/8', '61.6', '5', '39', '7.80', '22', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2000', 2, '10/15/00', 'Phi', '@ Ari', 'W, 33-14', '34', '24', '70.6', '226', '6.6', '1', '0', '59', '3/7', '98.4', '7', '35', '5.00', '27', '1', '3']
in row 8 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2000', 2, '10/22/00', 'Phi', 'Chi', 'W, 13-9', '35', '22', '62.9', '207', '5.9', '1', '1', '37', '1/6', '76.7', '5', '25', '5.00', '9', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2000', 2, '10/29/00', 'Phi', '@ NYG', 'L, 24-7', '31', '10', '32.3', '129', '4.2', '1', '1', '26', '4/9', '43.6', '3', '42', '14.00', '18', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2000', 2, '11/05/00', 'Phi', 'Dal', 'W, 16-13', '41', '23', '56.1', '228', '5.6', '1', '2', '23t', '0/0', '59.8', '5', '58', '11.60', '23', '0', '4']
in row 11 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2000', 2, '11/12/00', 'Phi', '@ Pit', 'W, 26-23', '55', '26', '47.3', '213', '3.9', '2', '0', '26', '3/11', '69.7', '5', '27', '5.40', '9', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2000', 2, '11/19/00', 'Phi', 'Ari', 'W, 34-9', '34', '25', '73.5', '217', '6.4', '1', '1', '30', '3/13', '87.5', '5', '29', '5.80', '7t', '1', '2']
in row 13 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2000', 2, '11/26/00', 'Phi', '@ Was', 'W, 23-20', '30', '19', '63.3', '137', '4.6', '1', '1', '27', '4/19', '71.1', '11', '125', '11.36', '54', '1', '4']
in row 14 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2000', 2, '12/03/00', 'Phi', 'Ten', 'L, 15-13', '31', '18', '58.1', '239', '7.7', '0', '0', '45', '5/33', '82.6', '7', '39', '5.57', '12', '1', '3']
in row 15 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2000', 2, '12/10/00', 'Phi', '@ Cle', 'W, 35-24', '36', '23', '63.9', '390', '10.8', '4', '0', '52', '5/40', '137.5', '3', '12', '4.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 16 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2000', 2, '12/24/00', 'Phi', 'Cin', 'W, 16-7', '40', '23', '57.5', '198', '5.0', '1', '1', '39t', '2/15', '68.5', '4', '20', '5.00', '8', '0', '1']
in row 17 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2000', 2, '12/31/00', 'Phi', 'TB', 'W, 21-3', '33', '24', '72.7', '161', '4.9', '2', '1', '25', '2/10', '90.6', '8', '32', '4.00', '11', '1', '5']
in row 18 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2000', 2, '01/07/01', 'Phi', '@ NYG', 'L, 20-10', '41', '20', '48.8', '181', '4.4', '1', '1', '21', '6/41', '59.1', '5', '17', '3.40', '7', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2001', 3, '09/09/01', 'Phi', 'Stl', 'L, 20-17', '48', '32', '66.7', '312', '6.5', '2', '1', '27', '5/35', '89.9', '9', '48', '5.33', '15', '0', '3']
in row 2 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2001', 3, '09/23/01', 'Phi', '@ Sea', 'W, 27-3', '37', '24', '64.9', '283', '7.6', '2', '0', '64t', '5/41', '106.0', '5', '16', '3.20', '15', '1', '2']
in row 3 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2001', 3, '09/30/01', 'Phi', 'Dal', 'W, 40-18', '28', '14', '50.0', '162', '5.8', '3', '0', '44', '2/17', '103.6', '4', '19', '4.75', '16', '0', '2']
in row 4 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2001', 3, '10/07/01', 'Phi', 'Ari', 'L, 21-20', '29', '19', '65.5', '280', '9.7', '2', '1', '56', '2/19', '105.5', '3', '24', '8.00', '9', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2001', 3, '10/22/01', 'Phi', '@ NYG', 'W, 10-9', '26', '15', '57.7', '154', '5.9', '1', '1', '23', '4/30', '71.6', '6', '35', '5.83', '21', '0', '2']
in row 6 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2001', 3, '10/28/01', 'Phi', 'Oak', 'L, 20-10', '27', '12', '44.4', '133', '4.9', '0', '0', '29', '4/16', '59.6', '6', '30', '5.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2001', 3, '11/04/01', 'Phi', '@ Ari', 'W, 21-7', '33', '19', '57.6', '238', '7.2', '2', '1', '54t', '3/19', '87.7', '4', '26', '6.50', '13', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2001', 3, '11/11/01', 'Phi', 'Min', 'W, 48-17', '29', '19', '65.5', '223', '7.7', '3', '0', '20', '1/8', '123.2', '3', '37', '12.33', '15', '1', '3']
in row 9 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2001', 3, '11/18/01', 'Phi', '@ Dal', 'W, 36-3', '32', '16', '50.0', '129', '4.0', '1', '1', '24', '0/0', '57.9', '4', '24', '6.00', '14', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2001', 3, '11/25/01', 'Phi', 'Was', 'L, 13-3', '27', '15', '55.6', '92', '3.4', '0', '0', '13', '0/0', '62.6', '3', '39', '13.00', '33', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2001', 3, '11/29/01', 'Phi', '@ KC', 'W, 23-10', '26', '18', '69.2', '269', '10.3', '2', '1', '46t', '2/18', '112.5', '9', '41', '4.56', '15', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2001', 3, '12/09/01', 'Phi', 'SD', 'W, 24-14', '44', '22', '50.0', '221', '5.0', '2', '1', '37', '2/11', '70.4', '7', '39', '5.57', '11', '0', '2']
in row 13 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2001', 3, '12/16/01', 'Phi', '@ Was', 'W, 20-6', '34', '16', '47.1', '235', '6.9', '2', '3', '62t', '2/11', '52.9', '7', '25', '3.57', '15', '0', '3']
in row 14 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2001', 3, '12/22/01', 'Phi', '@ SF', 'L, 13-3', '34', '23', '67.6', '232', '6.8', '0', '1', '46', '3/19', '74.6', '5', '31', '6.20', '10', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2001', 3, '12/30/01', 'Phi', 'NYG', 'W, 24-21', '39', '21', '53.8', '270', '6.9', '3', '1', '57t', '4/29', '90.8', '7', '48', '6.86', '18', '0', '3']
in row 16 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2001', 3, '01/12/02', 'Phi', 'TB', 'W, 31-9', '25', '16', '64.0', '194', '7.8', '2', '1', '41', '3/8', '97.8', '4', '57', '14.25', '39', '0', '2']
in row 17 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2001', 3, '01/19/02', 'Phi', '@ Chi', 'W, 33-19', '40', '26', '65.0', '262', '6.5', '2', '1', '43', '2/13', '89.8', '8', '37', '4.62', '14', '1', '3']
in row 18 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2001', 3, '01/27/02', 'Phi', '@ Stl', 'L, 29-24', '30', '18', '60.0', '171', '5.7', '1', '1', '17', '3/25', '73.1', '4', '26', '6.50', '10', '1', '3']
in row 1 of 13 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2002', 4, '09/08/02', 'Phi', '@ Ten', 'L, 27-24', '36', '18', '50.0', '212', '5.9', '3', '2', '31', '6/31', '72.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 13 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2002', 4, '09/16/02', 'Phi', '@ Was', 'W, 37-7', '38', '26', '68.4', '292', '7.7', '2', '0', '39t', '2/9', '108.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 13 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2002', 4, '09/22/02', 'Phi', 'Dal', 'W, 44-13', '37', '24', '64.9', '287', '7.8', '3', '0', '59t', '3/15', '115.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 13 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2002', 4, '09/29/02', 'Phi', 'Hou', 'W, 35-17', '42', '24', '57.1', '259', '6.2', '1', '1', '38t', '3/27', '73.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 13 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2002', 4, '10/06/02', 'Phi', '@ Jax', 'L, 28-25', '48', '28', '58.3', '230', '4.8', '2', '0', '22', '5/23', '84.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 13 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2002', 4, '10/20/02', 'Phi', 'TB', 'W, 20-10', '25', '12', '48.0', '127', '5.1', '1', '1', '42t', '2/17', '59.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 13 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2002', 4, '10/28/02', 'Phi', 'NYG', 'W, 17-3', '30', '14', '46.7', '137', '4.6', '0', '0', '32', '1/10', '60.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 13 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2002', 4, '11/03/02', 'Phi', '@ Chi', 'W, 19-13', '33', '18', '54.5', '209', '6.3', '0', '1', '39', '3/17', '61.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 13 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2002', 4, '11/10/02', 'Phi', 'Ind', 'L, 35-13', '47', '27', '57.4', '281', '6.0', '1', '0', '29', '2/12', '82.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 13 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2002', 4, '11/17/02', 'Phi', 'Ari', 'W, 38-14', '25', '20', '80.0', '255', '10.2', '4', '1', '45', '1/5', '132.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 13 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2002', 4, '01/11/03', 'Phi', 'Atl', 'W, 20-6', '30', '20', '66.7', '247', '8.2', '1', '0', '42', '2/20', '103.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 13 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2002', 4, '01/19/03', 'Phi', 'TB', 'L, 27-10', '49', '26', '53.1', '243', '5.0', '0', '1', '24', '2/11', '58.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2003', 5, '09/08/03', 'Phi', 'TB', 'L, 17-0', '36', '19', '52.8', '148', '4.1', '0', '1', '15', '3/24', '51.6', '5', '55', '11.00', '16', '0', '3']
in row 2 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2003', 5, '09/14/03', 'Phi', 'NE', 'L, 31-10', '46', '18', '39.1', '186', '4.0', '0', '2', '24', '8/43', '33.4', '5', '54', '10.80', '15', '0', '4']
in row 3 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2003', 5, '09/28/03', 'Phi', '@ Buf', 'W, 23-13', '29', '18', '62.1', '173', '6.0', '0', '0', '27', '2/14', '78.7', '9', '47', '5.22', '25', '0', '2']
in row 4 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2003', 5, '10/05/03', 'Phi', 'Was', 'W, 27-25', '30', '16', '53.3', '157', '5.2', '1', '2', '39', '3/17', '51.7', '7', '18', '2.57', '8', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2003', 5, '10/12/03', 'Phi', '@ Dal', 'L, 23-21', '26', '11', '42.3', '126', '4.8', '1', '0', '52t', '2/11', '70.4', '6', '0', '0.00', '3', '0', '3']
in row 6 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2003', 5, '10/19/03', 'Phi', '@ NYG', 'W, 14-10', '23', '9', '39.1', '64', '2.8', '0', '1', '25', '3/17', '29.1', '3', '-1', '-0.33', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2003', 5, '10/26/03', 'Phi', 'NYJ', 'W, 24-17', '23', '17', '73.9', '141', '6.1', '1', '1', '19', '5/29', '85.6', '2', '18', '9.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2003', 5, '11/02/03', 'Phi', '@ Atl', 'W, 23-16', '33', '21', '63.6', '312', '9.5', '1', '0', '41', '2/10', '104.6', '2', '22', '11.00', '11', '0', '2']
in row 9 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2003', 5, '11/10/03', 'Phi', '@ GB', 'W, 17-14', '31', '15', '48.4', '198', '6.4', '1', '0', '51', '1/8', '79.8', '5', '26', '5.20', '16', '1', '3']
in row 10 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2003', 5, '11/16/03', 'Phi', 'NYG', 'W, 28-10', '30', '24', '80.0', '314', '10.5', '2', '0', '38', '0/0', '132.5', '4', '0', '0.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2003', 5, '11/23/03', 'Phi', 'NO', 'W, 33-20', '25', '16', '64.0', '259', '10.4', '1', '0', '48', '3/12', '111.9', '7', '54', '7.71', '34', '0', '3']
in row 12 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2003', 5, '11/30/03', 'Phi', '@ Car', 'W, 25-16', '26', '18', '69.2', '182', '7.0', '1', '1', '29', '3/23', '85.7', '2', '6', '3.00', '7', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2003', 5, '12/07/03', 'Phi', 'Dal', 'W, 36-10', '34', '18', '52.9', '240', '7.1', '3', '0', '33', '2/12', '105.0', '1', '21', '21.00', '21', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2003', 5, '12/15/03', 'Phi', '@ Mia', 'W, 34-27', '27', '15', '55.6', '236', '8.7', '0', '1', '59', '1/0', '69.4', '8', '14', '1.75', '7', '1', '2']
in row 15 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2003', 5, '12/21/03', 'Phi', 'SF', 'L, 31-28', '27', '17', '63.0', '238', '8.8', '1', '2', '47', '5/33', '72.8', '2', '5', '2.50', '4', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2003', 5, '12/27/03', 'Phi', '@ Was', 'W, 31-7', '32', '23', '71.9', '242', '7.6', '3', '0', '40', '0/0', '124.7', '3', '16', '5.33', '13', '1', '2']
in row 17 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2003', 5, '01/11/04', 'Phi', 'GB', 'W, 20-17', '39', '21', '53.8', '248', '6.4', '2', '0', '45', '8/49', '90.5', '11', '107', '9.73', '41', '0', '5']
in row 18 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2003', 5, '01/18/04', 'Phi', 'Car', 'L, 14-3', '22', '10', '45.5', '100', '4.5', '0', '3', '23', '4/28', '19.3', '2', '10', '5.00', '7', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2004', 6, '09/12/04', 'Phi', 'NYG', 'W, 31-17', '36', '26', '72.2', '330', '9.2', '4', '0', '53', '2/17', '137.5', '4', '12', '3.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2004', 6, '09/20/04', 'Phi', 'Min', 'W, 27-16', '28', '19', '67.9', '245', '8.8', '2', '0', '45t', '2/19', '118.9', '3', '24', '8.00', '20t', '1', '1']
in row 3 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2004', 6, '09/26/04', 'Phi', '@ Det', 'W, 30-13', '42', '29', '69.0', '356', '8.5', '2', '0', '55', '2/13', '110.8', '5', '-2', '-0.40', '1t', '1', '1']
in row 4 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2004', 6, '10/03/04', 'Phi', '@ Chi', 'W, 19-9', '38', '24', '63.2', '237', '6.2', '1', '1', '44', '2/15', '78.5', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2004', 6, '10/17/04', 'Phi', 'Car', 'W, 30-8', '26', '14', '53.8', '209', '8.0', '0', '1', '53', '1/7', '64.4', '3', '6', '2.00', '8', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2004', 6, '10/24/04', 'Phi', '@ Cle', 'W, 34-31', '43', '28', '65.1', '376', '8.7', '4', '1', '65', '2/9', '114.1', '2', '28', '14.00', '28', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2004', 6, '10/31/04', 'Phi', 'Bal', 'W, 15-10', '33', '18', '54.5', '219', '6.6', '1', '0', '24', '2/19', '85.3', '6', '36', '6.00', '16', '0', '2']
in row 8 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2004', 6, '11/07/04', 'Phi', '@ Pit', 'L, 27-3', '24', '15', '62.5', '109', '4.5', '0', '1', '21', '4/19', '55.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2004', 6, '11/15/04', 'Phi', '@ Dal', 'W, 49-21', '27', '15', '55.6', '345', '12.8', '4', '0', '60', '1/9', '140.0', '2', '14', '7.00', '12', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2004', 6, '11/21/04', 'Phi', 'Was', 'W, 28-6', '26', '18', '69.2', '222', '8.5', '4', '1', '46', '4/14', '118.9', '4', '33', '8.25', '19', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2004', 6, '11/28/04', 'Phi', '@ NYG', 'W, 27-6', '27', '18', '66.7', '244', '9.0', '1', '0', '50', '2/6', '107.6', '5', '30', '6.00', '16', '1', '2']
in row 12 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2004', 6, '12/05/04', 'Phi', 'GB', 'W, 47-17', '43', '32', '74.4', '464', '10.8', '5', '0', '50', '4/15', '147.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2004', 6, '12/12/04', 'Phi', '@ Was', 'W, 17-14', '38', '21', '55.3', '260', '6.8', '1', '1', '80', '2/15', '74.5', '2', '8', '4.00', '9', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2004', 6, '12/19/04', 'Phi', 'Dal', 'W, 12-7', '35', '20', '57.1', '223', '6.4', '1', '2', '20', '2/15', '62.0', '4', '29', '7.25', '19', '0', '2']
in row 15 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2004', 6, '12/27/04', 'Phi', '@ Stl', 'L, 20-7', '3', '3', '100.0', '36', '12.0', '1', '0', '23', '0/0', '156.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2004', 6, '01/16/05', 'Phi', 'Min', 'W, 27-14', '33', '21', '63.6', '286', '8.7', '2', '0', '52', '1/0', '111.4', '3', '3', '1.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 17 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2004', 6, '01/23/05', 'Phi', 'Atl', 'W, 27-10', '26', '17', '65.4', '180', '6.9', '2', '0', '45', '2/13', '111.1', '10', '32', '3.20', '8', '0', '2']
in row 18 of 19 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2004', 6, '02/06/05', 'Phi', 'NE', 'L, 24-21', '51', '30', '58.8', '357', '7.0', '3', '3', '40', '4/33', '75.4', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 10 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2005', 7, '09/12/05', 'Phi', '@ Atl', 'L, 14-10', '45', '24', '53.3', '257', '5.7', '1', '1', '24', '2/7', '68.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 10 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2005', 7, '09/18/05', 'Phi', 'SF', 'W, 42-3', '29', '23', '79.3', '342', '11.8', '5', '0', '68t', '2/15', '155.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 10 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2005', 7, '09/25/05', 'Phi', 'Oak', 'W, 23-20', '52', '30', '57.7', '365', '7.0', '2', '1', '62', '1/0', '84.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 10 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2005', 7, '10/02/05', 'Phi', '@ KC', 'W, 37-31', '48', '33', '68.8', '369', '7.7', '3', '1', '34', '1/1', '103.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 10 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2005', 7, '10/09/05', 'Phi', '@ Dal', 'L, 33-10', '26', '13', '50.0', '131', '5.0', '0', '0', '23', '4/35', '64.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 10 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2005', 7, '10/23/05', 'Phi', 'SD', 'W, 20-17', '54', '35', '64.8', '287', '5.3', '1', '2', '36', '3/25', '69.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 10 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2005', 7, '10/30/05', 'Phi', '@ Den', 'L, 49-21', '34', '12', '35.3', '283', '8.3', '3', '2', '91t', '2/11', '71.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 10 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2005', 7, '11/06/05', 'Phi', '@ Was', 'L, 17-10', '35', '22', '62.9', '304', '8.7', '1', '1', '56t', '2/13', '88.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 10 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2005', 7, '11/14/05', 'Phi', 'Dal', 'L, 21-20', '34', '19', '55.9', '169', '5.0', '0', '1', '18', '2/5', '57.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 11 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2006', 8, '09/10/06', 'Phi', '@ Hou', 'W, 24-10', '35', '24', '68.6', '314', '9.0', '3', '1', '42t', '1/3', '113.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 11 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2006', 8, '09/17/06', 'Phi', 'NYG', 'L, 30-24', '45', '27', '60.0', '350', '7.8', '2', '0', '33', '1/6', '99.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 11 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2006', 8, '09/24/06', 'Phi', '@ SF', 'W, 38-24', '33', '18', '54.5', '296', '9.0', '2', '0', '60', '3/30', '105.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 11 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2006', 8, '10/02/06', 'Phi', 'GB', 'W, 31-9', '30', '16', '53.3', '288', '9.6', '2', '0', '45t', '4/32', '108.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 11 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2006', 8, '10/08/06', 'Phi', 'Dal', 'W, 38-24', '33', '18', '54.5', '354', '10.7', '2', '0', '87t', '3/23', '112.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 11 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2006', 8, '10/15/06', 'Phi', '@ NO', 'L, 27-24', '32', '19', '59.4', '247', '7.7', '2', '1', '60t', '3/21', '91.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 11 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2006', 8, '10/22/06', 'Phi', '@ TB', 'L, 23-21', '35', '22', '62.9', '302', '8.6', '3', '3', '52t', '1/4', '83.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 11 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2006', 8, '10/29/06', 'Phi', 'Jax', 'L, 13-6', '34', '18', '52.9', '161', '4.7', '0', '0', '29', '4/19', '65.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 11 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2006', 8, '11/12/06', 'Phi', 'Was', 'W, 27-3', '26', '12', '46.2', '257', '9.9', '2', '0', '84t', '1/2', '107.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 11 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2006', 8, '11/19/06', 'Phi', 'Ten', 'L, 31-13', '13', '6', '46.2', '78', '6.0', '0', '1', '40', '0/0', '33.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 15 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2007', 9, '09/09/07', 'Phi', '@ GB', 'L, 16-13', '33', '15', '45.5', '184', '5.6', '1', '1', '37', '1/4', '60.7', '4', '9', '2.25', '4', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 15 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2007', 9, '09/17/07', 'Phi', 'Was', 'L, 20-12', '46', '28', '60.9', '240', '5.2', '0', '0', '19', '3/14', '74.5', '2', '15', '7.50', '11', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 15 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2007', 9, '09/23/07', 'Phi', 'Det', 'W, 56-21', '26', '21', '80.8', '381', '14.7', '4', '0', '68t', '1/5', '158.3', '3', '7', '2.33', '6', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 15 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2007', 9, '09/30/07', 'Phi', '@ NYG', 'L, 16-3', '31', '15', '48.4', '138', '4.5', '0', '0', '15', '12/62', '61.0', '4', '4', '1.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 15 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2007', 9, '10/14/07', 'Phi', '@ NYJ', 'W, 16-9', '35', '22', '62.9', '278', '7.9', '1', '1', '75t', '3/16', '85.2', '2', '3', '1.50', '4', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 15 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2007', 9, '10/21/07', 'Phi', 'Chi', 'L, 19-16', '34', '21', '61.8', '226', '6.6', '1', '0', '25', '3/15', '91.1', '2', '18', '9.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 15 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2007', 9, '10/28/07', 'Phi', '@ Min', 'W, 23-16', '36', '23', '63.9', '333', '9.2', '1', '0', '50', '2/10', '103.1', '3', '13', '4.33', '6', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 15 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2007', 9, '11/04/07', 'Phi', 'Dal', 'L, 38-17', '46', '27', '58.7', '264', '5.7', '1', '2', '45', '3/14', '64.0', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 15 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2007', 9, '11/11/07', 'Phi', '@ Was', 'W, 33-25', '28', '20', '71.4', '251', '9.0', '4', '0', '57t', '2/11', '138.5', '7', '37', '5.29', '16', '0', '4']
in row 10 of 15 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2007', 9, '11/18/07', 'Phi', 'Mia', 'W, 17-7', '11', '3', '27.3', '34', '3.1', '0', '2', '23', '0/0', '0.4', '2', '28', '14.00', '26', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 15 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2007', 9, '12/09/07', 'Phi', 'NYG', 'L, 16-13', '30', '20', '66.7', '179', '6.0', '1', '0', '19', '3/14', '93.6', '4', '11', '2.75', '5', '0', '2']
in row 12 of 15 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2007', 9, '12/16/07', 'Phi', '@ Dal', 'W, 10-6', '41', '23', '56.1', '208', '5.1', '1', '0', '29', '4/27', '78.1', '9', '53', '5.89', '28', '0', '4']
in row 13 of 15 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2007', 9, '12/23/07', 'Phi', '@ NO', 'W, 38-23', '35', '24', '68.6', '263', '7.5', '3', '0', '31t', '3/12', '119.1', '6', '37', '6.17', '40', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 15 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2007', 9, '12/30/07', 'Phi', 'Buf', 'W, 17-9', '41', '29', '70.7', '345', '8.4', '1', '1', '40', '4/23', '94.1', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 20 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2008', 10, '09/07/08', 'Phi', 'Stl', 'W, 38-3', '33', '21', '63.6', '361', '10.9', '3', '0', '90t', '0/0', '131.0', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 20 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2008', 10, '09/15/08', 'Phi', '@ Dal', 'L, 41-37', '37', '25', '67.6', '281', '7.6', '1', '0', '60', '4/22', '99.0', '5', '20', '4.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 20 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2008', 10, '09/21/08', 'Phi', 'Pit', 'W, 15-6', '35', '24', '68.6', '196', '5.6', '1', '1', '20t', '3/19', '80.2', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 20 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2008', 10, '09/28/08', 'Phi', '@ Chi', 'L, 24-20', '41', '25', '61.0', '262', '6.4', '1', '1', '31', '3/25', '77.5', '2', '-5', '-2.50', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 20 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2008', 10, '10/05/08', 'Phi', 'Was', 'L, 23-17', '29', '17', '58.6', '196', '6.8', '0', '0', '40', '0/0', '79.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 20 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2008', 10, '10/12/08', 'Phi', '@ SF', 'W, 40-26', '36', '23', '63.9', '280', '7.8', '2', '1', '27', '0/0', '94.7', '1', '4', '4.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 20 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2008', 10, '10/26/08', 'Phi', 'Atl', 'W, 27-14', '34', '19', '55.9', '253', '7.4', '0', '0', '30', '2/13', '79.7', '6', '25', '4.17', '12', '1', '2']
in row 8 of 20 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2008', 10, '11/02/08', 'Phi', '@ Sea', 'W, 26-7', '43', '28', '65.1', '349', '8.1', '2', '1', '44', '1/2', '96.0', '2', '6', '3.00', '5', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 20 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2008', 10, '11/09/08', 'Phi', 'NYG', 'L, 36-31', '36', '17', '47.2', '194', '5.4', '3', '1', '32', '0/0', '80.1', '3', '35', '11.67', '17', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 20 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2008', 10, '11/16/08', 'Phi', '@ Cin', 'T, 13-13', '58', '28', '48.3', '339', '5.8', '1', '3', '57', '2/16', '50.9', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 20 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2008', 10, '11/23/08', 'Phi', '@ Bal', 'L, 36-7', '18', '8', '44.4', '59', '3.3', '0', '2', '15', '2/12', '13.2', '1', '7', '7.00', '7', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 20 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2008', 10, '11/27/08', 'Phi', 'Ari', 'W, 48-20', '39', '27', '69.2', '260', '6.7', '4', '0', '25', '1/8', '121.7', '4', '24', '6.00', '13', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 20 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2008', 10, '12/07/08', 'Phi', '@ NYG', 'W, 20-14', '30', '19', '63.3', '191', '6.4', '1', '0', '40t', '0/0', '92.5', '6', '16', '2.67', '11', '0', '3']
in row 14 of 20 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2008', 10, '12/15/08', 'Phi', 'Cle', 'W, 30-10', '35', '26', '74.3', '290', '8.3', '2', '1', '25', '2/6', '105.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 20 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2008', 10, '12/21/08', 'Phi', '@ Was', 'L, 10-3', '46', '26', '56.5', '230', '5.0', '0', '0', '47', '2/17', '70.0', '2', '8', '4.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 20 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2008', 10, '12/28/08', 'Phi', 'Dal', 'W, 44-6', '21', '12', '57.1', '175', '8.3', '2', '0', '59', '1/9', '116.2', '3', '4', '1.33', '3', '1', '1']
in row 17 of 20 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2008', 10, '01/04/09', 'Phi', '@ Min', 'W, 26-14', '34', '23', '67.6', '300', '8.8', '1', '1', '71t', '3/17', '92.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 18 of 20 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2008', 10, '01/11/09', 'Phi', '@ NYG', 'W, 23-11', '40', '22', '55.0', '217', '5.4', '1', '2', '48', '0/0', '58.0', '5', '16', '3.20', '9', '1', '1']
in row 19 of 20 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2008', 10, '01/18/09', 'Phi', '@ Ari', 'L, 32-25', '47', '28', '59.6', '375', '8.0', '3', '1', '62t', '2/18', '97.4', '2', '31', '15.50', '21', '0', '2']
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2009', 11, '09/13/09', 'Phi', '@ Car', 'W, 38-10', '18', '10', '55.6', '79', '4.4', '2', '1', '18', '0/0', '80.6', '4', '27', '6.75', '15', '1', '3']
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2009', 11, '10/11/09', 'Phi', 'TB', 'W, 33-14', '21', '16', '76.2', '264', '12.6', '3', '0', '51t', '3/16', '157.2', '2', '30', '15.00', '17', '0', '2']
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2009', 11, '10/18/09', 'Phi', '@ Oak', 'L, 13-9', '46', '22', '47.8', '269', '5.8', '0', '0', '51', '6/53', '66.3', '2', '8', '4.00', '6', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2009', 11, '10/26/09', 'Phi', '@ Was', 'W, 27-17', '25', '15', '60.0', '156', '6.2', '1', '0', '57t', '3/21', '91.4', '5', '-5', '-1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2009', 11, '11/01/09', 'Phi', 'NYG', 'W, 40-17', '23', '17', '73.9', '240', '10.4', '3', '0', '54t', '2/29', '146.7', '1', '14', '14.00', '14', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2009', 11, '11/08/09', 'Phi', 'Dal', 'L, 20-16', '30', '16', '53.3', '227', '7.6', '1', '2', '45', '3/18', '61.4', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2009', 11, '11/15/09', 'Phi', '@ SD', 'L, 31-23', '55', '35', '63.6', '450', '8.2', '2', '1', '58', '2/17', '93.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2009', 11, '11/22/09', 'Phi', '@ Chi', 'W, 24-20', '32', '23', '71.9', '244', '7.6', '2', '1', '48t', '3/24', '101.6', '4', '5', '1.25', '6', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2009', 11, '11/29/09', 'Phi', 'Was', 'W, 27-24', '35', '21', '60.0', '260', '7.4', '1', '1', '46', '2/2', '80.7', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2009', 11, '12/06/09', 'Phi', '@ Atl', 'W, 34-7', '25', '14', '56.0', '238', '9.5', '1', '0', '59', '2/9', '101.8', '2', '17', '8.50', '16', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2009', 11, '12/13/09', 'Phi', '@ NYG', 'W, 45-38', '26', '17', '65.4', '275', '10.6', '2', '1', '60t', '1/10', '110.3', '2', '5', '2.50', '6', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2009', 11, '12/20/09', 'Phi', 'SF', 'W, 27-13', '36', '21', '58.3', '306', '8.5', '1', '2', '59', '0/0', '72.2', '4', '5', '1.25', '8t', '1', '1']
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2009', 11, '12/27/09', 'Phi', 'Den', 'W, 30-27', '35', '20', '57.1', '322', '9.2', '3', '1', '47t', '4/33', '104.7', '5', '29', '5.80', '27', '0', '2']
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2009', 11, '01/03/10', 'Phi', '@ Dal', 'L, 24-0', '36', '20', '55.6', '223', '6.2', '0', '0', '32', '4/32', '74.2', '2', '8', '4.00', '8', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2009', 11, '01/09/10', 'Phi', '@ Dal', 'L, 34-14', '37', '19', '51.4', '230', '6.2', '1', '1', '27', '4/22', '68.5', '2', '13', '6.50', '8', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 14 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2010', 12, '09/12/10', 'Was', 'Dal', 'W, 13-7', '32', '15', '46.9', '171', '5.3', '0', '0', '24', '1/10', '63.4', '1', '17', '17.00', '17', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 14 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2010', 12, '09/19/10', 'Was', 'Hou', 'L, 30-27', '38', '28', '73.7', '426', '11.2', '1', '0', '62', '3/23', '119.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 14 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2010', 12, '09/26/10', 'Was', '@ Stl', 'L, 30-16', '32', '19', '59.4', '236', '7.4', '1', '1', '56', '1/3', '79.7', '2', '25', '12.50', '26', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 14 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2010', 12, '10/03/10', 'Was', '@ Phi', 'W, 17-12', '19', '8', '42.1', '125', '6.6', '1', '1', '57', '1/1', '60.2', '5', '39', '7.80', '18', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 14 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2010', 12, '10/10/10', 'Was', 'GB', 'W, 16-13', '49', '26', '53.1', '357', '7.3', '1', '1', '52', '5/35', '75.0', '4', '10', '2.50', '5', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 14 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2010', 12, '10/17/10', 'Was', 'Ind', 'L, 27-24', '45', '29', '64.4', '246', '5.5', '1', '2', '19', '3/24', '67.5', '2', '1', '0.50', '2', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 14 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2010', 12, '10/24/10', 'Was', '@ Chi', 'W, 17-14', '32', '17', '53.1', '200', '6.2', '1', '2', '24t', '2/13', '56.8', '5', '-2', '-0.40', '2', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 14 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2010', 12, '10/31/10', 'Was', '@ Det', 'L, 37-25', '30', '17', '56.7', '210', '7.0', '1', '1', '50', '6/46', '75.7', '4', '45', '11.25', '36', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 14 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2010', 12, '11/15/10', 'Was', 'Phi', 'L, 59-28', '31', '17', '54.8', '295', '9.5', '2', '3', '76', '2/25', '69.4', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 14 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2010', 12, '11/21/10', 'Was', '@ Ten', 'W, 19-16', '50', '30', '60.0', '376', '7.5', '1', '1', '48', '3/18', '81.7', '1', '4', '4.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 14 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2010', 12, '11/28/10', 'Was', 'Min', 'L, 17-13', '35', '21', '60.0', '211', '6.0', '1', '1', '45', '4/24', '74.8', '2', '7', '3.50', '4', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 14 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2010', 12, '12/05/10', 'Was', '@ NYG', 'L, 31-7', '44', '26', '59.1', '296', '6.7', '1', '2', '33t', '4/32', '68.0', '2', '5', '2.50', '3', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 14 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2010', 12, '12/12/10', 'Was', 'TB', 'L, 17-16', '35', '22', '62.9', '228', '6.5', '2', '0', '36', '2/17', '100.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 7 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2011', 13, '09/11/11', 'Min', '@ SD', 'L, 24-17', '15', '7', '46.7', '39', '2.6', '1', '1', '12', '2/11', '47.9', '3', '32', '10.67', '23', '0', '2']
in row 2 of 7 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2011', 13, '09/18/11', 'Min', 'TB', 'L, 24-20', '30', '18', '60.0', '228', '7.6', '0', '0', '42', '2/16', '83.8', '4', '12', '3.00', '13', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 7 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2011', 13, '09/25/11', 'Min', 'Det', 'L, 26-23', '36', '22', '61.1', '211', '5.9', '1', '0', '24', '4/22', '86.7', '2', '11', '5.50', '8', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 7 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2011', 13, '10/02/11', 'Min', '@ KC', 'L, 22-17', '30', '18', '60.0', '202', '6.7', '2', '1', '41', '2/12', '88.5', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 7 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2011', 13, '10/09/11', 'Min', 'Ari', 'W, 34-10', '21', '10', '47.6', '169', '8.0', '0', '0', '60', '1/9', '75.3', '4', '4', '1.00', '4t', '1', '1']
in row 6 of 7 total rows
['mcnabb, donovan', '2011', 13, '10/16/11', 'Min', '@ Chi', 'L, 39-10', '24', '19', '79.2', '177', '7.4', '0', '0', '30', '5/43', '97.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['brees, drew', '2001', 1, '11/04/01', 'SD', 'KC', 'L, 25-20', '27', '15', '55.6', '221', '8.2', '1', '0', '40', '2/12', '94.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2002', 2, '09/08/02', 'SD', '@ Cin', 'W, 34-6', '19', '15', '78.9', '160', '8.4', '2', '0', '30', '1/0', '136.8', '5', '13', '2.60', '15', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2002', 2, '09/15/02', 'SD', 'Hou', 'W, 24-3', '28', '15', '53.6', '163', '5.8', '1', '1', '35t', '2/20', '68.0', '3', '7', '2.33', '6', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2002', 2, '09/22/02', 'SD', '@ Ari', 'W, 23-15', '31', '17', '54.8', '181', '5.8', '0', '1', '21', '2/17', '58.7', '3', '21', '7.00', '14', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2002', 2, '09/29/02', 'SD', 'NE', 'W, 21-14', '18', '10', '55.6', '104', '5.8', '1', '0', '52t', '0/0', '91.0', '4', '4', '1.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2002', 2, '10/06/02', 'SD', '@ Den', 'L, 26-9', '42', '26', '61.9', '235', '5.6', '1', '2', '30', '0/0', '65.1', '1', '7', '7.00', '7', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2002', 2, '10/13/02', 'SD', 'KC', 'W, 35-34', '41', '28', '68.3', '319', '7.8', '2', '2', '29', '1/7', '87.3', '5', '27', '5.40', '10', '0', '2']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2002', 2, '10/20/02', 'SD', '@ Oak', 'W, 27-21', '25', '16', '64.0', '170', '6.8', '2', '0', '31', '2/9', '110.4', '2', '0', '0.00', '1t', '1', '1']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2002', 2, '11/03/02', 'SD', 'NYJ', 'L, 44-13', '35', '22', '62.9', '192', '5.5', '1', '2', '26', '2/22', '63.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2002', 2, '11/10/02', 'SD', '@ Stl', 'L, 28-24', '20', '12', '60.0', '139', '7.0', '0', '2', '26', '1/9', '41.5', '2', '3', '1.50', '4', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2002', 2, '11/17/02', 'SD', 'SF', 'W, 20-17', '50', '29', '58.0', '336', '6.7', '2', '1', '47', '0/0', '83.4', '2', '15', '7.50', '10', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2002', 2, '11/24/02', 'SD', '@ Mia', 'L, 30-3', '22', '15', '68.2', '107', '4.9', '0', '1', '23', '3/27', '60.2', '2', '1', '0.50', '2', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2002', 2, '12/01/02', 'SD', 'Den', 'W, 30-27', '41', '27', '65.9', '217', '5.3', '0', '0', '30', '1/3', '79.0', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2002', 2, '12/08/02', 'SD', 'Oak', 'L, 27-7', '41', '22', '53.7', '239', '5.8', '0', '3', '28', '2/13', '40.6', '5', '5', '1.00', '8', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2002', 2, '12/15/02', 'SD', '@ Buf', 'L, 20-13', '24', '13', '54.2', '148', '6.2', '0', '0', '42', '3/20', '72.9', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2002', 2, '12/22/02', 'SD', '@ KC', 'L, 24-22', '40', '26', '65.0', '242', '6.0', '2', '0', '32', '1/7', '98.1', '2', '17', '8.50', '15', '0', '1']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2002', 2, '12/29/02', 'SD', 'Sea', 'L, 31-28', '49', '27', '55.1', '332', '6.8', '3', '1', '31t', '3/26', '88.1', '1', '10', '10.00', '10', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 12 total rows
['brees, drew', '2003', 3, '09/07/03', 'SD', '@ KC', 'L, 27-14', '33', '18', '54.5', '202', '6.1', '2', '2', '23', '3/34', '68.0', '3', '15', '5.00', '10', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 12 total rows
['brees, drew', '2003', 3, '09/14/03', 'SD', 'Den', 'L, 37-13', '41', '20', '48.8', '182', '4.4', '1', '1', '23t', '0/0', '59.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 12 total rows
['brees, drew', '2003', 3, '09/21/03', 'SD', 'Bal', 'L, 24-10', '45', '28', '62.2', '270', '6.0', '0', '3', '40', '1/13', '51.2', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 12 total rows
['brees, drew', '2003', 3, '09/28/03', 'SD', '@ Oak', 'L, 34-31', '31', '21', '67.7', '187', '6.0', '1', '1', '37', '0/0', '81.0', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 12 total rows
['brees, drew', '2003', 3, '10/05/03', 'SD', '@ Jax', 'L, 27-21', '41', '24', '58.5', '296', '7.2', '3', '0', '46t', '4/19', '105.3', '1', '13', '13.00', '13', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 12 total rows
['brees, drew', '2003', 3, '10/19/03', 'SD', '@ Cle', 'W, 26-20', '18', '9', '50.0', '74', '4.1', '0', '1', '17', '1/13', '37.7', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 12 total rows
['brees, drew', '2003', 3, '10/27/03', 'SD', 'Mia', 'L, 26-10', '30', '19', '63.3', '190', '6.3', '0', '3', '28', '6/44', '41.7', '2', '23', '11.50', '18', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 12 total rows
['brees, drew', '2003', 3, '11/02/03', 'SD', '@ Chi', 'L, 20-7', '15', '7', '46.7', '49', '3.3', '0', '1', '10', '0/0', '26.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 12 total rows
['brees, drew', '2003', 3, '12/14/03', 'SD', 'GB', 'L, 38-21', '48', '28', '58.3', '363', '7.6', '2', '1', '68t', '2/27', '87.4', '6', '25', '4.17', '12', '0', '2']
in row 10 of 12 total rows
['brees, drew', '2003', 3, '12/21/03', 'SD', '@ Pit', 'L, 40-24', '26', '16', '61.5', '198', '7.6', '1', '2', '57t', '1/5', '65.9', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 12 total rows
['brees, drew', '2003', 3, '12/28/03', 'SD', 'Oak', 'W, 21-14', '28', '15', '53.6', '97', '3.5', '1', '0', '28', '3/23', '73.1', '5', '2', '0.40', '3', '0', '2']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2004', 4, '09/12/04', 'SD', '@ Hou', 'W, 27-20', '24', '17', '70.8', '209', '8.7', '2', '0', '36t', '1/7', '125.2', '5', '-2', '-0.40', '2', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2004', 4, '09/19/04', 'SD', 'NYJ', 'L, 34-28', '19', '8', '42.1', '146', '7.7', '1', '2', '59', '1/7', '47.1', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2004', 4, '09/26/04', 'SD', '@ Den', 'L, 23-13', '29', '14', '48.3', '121', '4.2', '0', '0', '17', '4/30', '59.7', '5', '16', '3.20', '9', '1', '3']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2004', 4, '10/03/04', 'SD', 'Ten', 'W, 38-17', '20', '16', '80.0', '206', '10.3', '3', '0', '58t', '1/8', '149.2', '3', '5', '1.67', '7', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2004', 4, '10/10/04', 'SD', 'Jax', 'W, 34-21', '26', '17', '65.4', '211', '8.1', '2', '0', '54', '0/0', '116.0', '2', '1', '0.50', '2', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2004', 4, '10/17/04', 'SD', '@ Atl', 'L, 21-20', '31', '23', '74.2', '227', '7.3', '1', '1', '23', '1/4', '91.7', '1', '4', '4.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2004', 4, '10/24/04', 'SD', '@ Car', 'W, 17-6', '32', '21', '65.6', '196', '6.1', '0', '0', '23', '1/8', '82.3', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2004', 4, '10/31/04', 'SD', 'Oak', 'W, 42-14', '25', '22', '88.0', '281', '11.2', '5', '0', '29', '1/8', '153.1', '2', '21', '10.50', '22', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2004', 4, '11/07/04', 'SD', 'NO', 'W, 43-17', '36', '22', '61.1', '257', '7.1', '4', '0', '31', '1/7', '119.8', '2', '4', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2004', 4, '11/21/04', 'SD', '@ Oak', 'W, 23-17', '34', '18', '52.9', '226', '6.6', '1', '0', '28', '0/0', '83.7', '5', '5', '1.00', '6t', '1', '2']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2004', 4, '11/28/04', 'SD', '@ KC', 'W, 34-31', '37', '28', '75.7', '378', '10.2', '2', '0', '65', '1/7', '125.7', '8', '23', '2.88', '14', '0', '4']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2004', 4, '12/05/04', 'SD', 'Den', 'W, 20-17', '27', '14', '51.9', '106', '3.9', '0', '1', '30', '2/20', '46.2', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2004', 4, '12/12/04', 'SD', 'TB', 'W, 31-24', '23', '17', '73.9', '220', '9.6', '2', '2', '79t', '2/14', '96.3', '4', '-3', '-0.75', '1', '0', '2']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2004', 4, '12/19/04', 'SD', '@ Cle', 'W, 21-0', '6', '4', '66.7', '85', '14.2', '1', '0', '72t', '1/2', '149.3', '6', '-1', '-0.17', '3', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2004', 4, '12/26/04', 'SD', '@ Ind', 'L, 34-31', '31', '21', '67.7', '290', '9.4', '3', '1', '74t', '1/9', '116.3', '6', '12', '2.00', '5', '0', '2']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2004', 4, '01/08/05', 'SD', 'NYJ', 'L, 20-17', '42', '31', '73.8', '319', '7.6', '2', '1', '44', '2/11', '101.2', '5', '17', '3.40', '7', '0', '3']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2005', 5, '09/11/05', 'SD', 'Dal', 'L, 28-24', '35', '18', '51.4', '209', '6.0', '2', '2', '33', '2/21', '65.1', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2005', 5, '09/18/05', 'SD', '@ Den', 'L, 20-17', '23', '15', '65.2', '175', '7.6', '0', '1', '24', '4/41', '70.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2005', 5, '09/25/05', 'SD', 'NYG', 'W, 45-23', '22', '19', '86.4', '191', '8.7', '2', '0', '27', '0/0', '133.1', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2005', 5, '10/02/05', 'SD', '@ NE', 'W, 41-17', '24', '19', '79.2', '248', '10.3', '2', '0', '38', '0/0', '137.5', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2005', 5, '10/10/05', 'SD', 'Pit', 'L, 24-22', '35', '20', '57.1', '219', '6.3', '1', '1', '41', '1/6', '73.4', '2', '3', '1.50', '7', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2005', 5, '10/16/05', 'SD', '@ Oak', 'W, 27-14', '20', '14', '70.0', '164', '8.2', '1', '0', '35t', '2/12', '111.3', '1', '-5', '-5.00', '-5', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2005', 5, '10/23/05', 'SD', '@ Phi', 'L, 20-17', '40', '23', '57.5', '299', '7.5', '2', '2', '43', '3/29', '77.0', '1', '9', '9.00', '9', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2005', 5, '10/30/05', 'SD', 'KC', 'W, 28-20', '43', '25', '58.1', '324', '7.5', '3', '1', '35t', '0/0', '95.5', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2005', 5, '11/06/05', 'SD', '@ NYJ', 'W, 31-26', '27', '20', '74.1', '270', '10.0', '1', '1', '29', '1/8', '102.4', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2005', 5, '11/20/05', 'SD', 'Buf', 'W, 48-10', '33', '28', '84.8', '339', '10.3', '4', '0', '39', '1/2', '149.1', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2005', 5, '11/27/05', 'SD', '@ Was', 'W, 23-17', '44', '22', '50.0', '215', '4.9', '0', '3', '24', '3/20', '35.7', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2005', 5, '12/04/05', 'SD', 'Oak', 'W, 34-10', '22', '17', '77.3', '160', '7.3', '2', '0', '27', '2/12', '127.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2005', 5, '12/11/05', 'SD', 'Mia', 'L, 23-21', '52', '35', '67.3', '279', '5.4', '2', '1', '25', '3/34', '85.3', '3', '11', '3.67', '5', '1', '2']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2005', 5, '12/18/05', 'SD', '@ Ind', 'W, 26-17', '33', '22', '66.7', '255', '7.7', '1', '2', '54', '1/8', '74.7', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2005', 5, '12/24/05', 'SD', '@ KC', 'L, 20-7', '33', '18', '54.5', '161', '4.9', '1', '1', '22', '1/8', '65.3', '5', '31', '6.20', '8', '0', '3']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2005', 5, '12/31/05', 'SD', 'Den', 'L, 23-7', '14', '8', '57.1', '68', '4.9', '0', '0', '15', '3/22', '69.9', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2006', 6, '09/10/06', 'NO', '@ Cle', 'W, 19-14', '30', '16', '53.3', '170', '5.7', '1', '1', '20', '0/0', '67.4', '3', '-2', '-0.67', '1', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2006', 6, '09/17/06', 'NO', '@ GB', 'W, 34-27', '41', '26', '63.4', '353', '8.6', '2', '1', '57', '4/21', '96.9', '4', '-4', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2006', 6, '09/25/06', 'NO', 'Atl', 'W, 23-3', '28', '20', '71.4', '191', '6.8', '0', '0', '29', '1/11', '90.0', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2006', 6, '10/01/06', 'NO', '@ Car', 'L, 21-18', '38', '28', '73.7', '349', '9.2', '1', '0', '86t', '1/5', '110.5', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2006', 6, '10/08/06', 'NO', 'TB', 'W, 24-21', '33', '21', '63.6', '171', '5.2', '1', '0', '18', '0/0', '86.8', '1', '-3', '-3.00', '-3', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2006', 6, '10/15/06', 'NO', 'Phi', 'W, 27-24', '37', '27', '73.0', '275', '7.4', '3', '2', '48t', '0/0', '98.4', '4', '-1', '-0.25', '3', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2006', 6, '10/29/06', 'NO', 'Bal', 'L, 35-22', '45', '24', '53.3', '383', '8.5', '3', '3', '53', '2/15', '76.4', '3', '6', '2.00', '7', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2006', 6, '11/05/06', 'NO', '@ TB', 'W, 31-14', '32', '24', '75.0', '314', '9.8', '3', '0', '52t', '0/0', '136.7', '6', '9', '1.50', '7', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2006', 6, '11/12/06', 'NO', '@ Pit', 'L, 38-31', '47', '31', '66.0', '398', '8.5', '1', '0', '48', '1/5', '99.4', '4', '14', '3.50', '6', '0', '2']
in row 10 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2006', 6, '11/19/06', 'NO', 'Cin', 'L, 31-16', '52', '37', '71.2', '510', '9.8', '2', '3', '72t', '2/6', '91.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2006', 6, '11/26/06', 'NO', '@ Atl', 'W, 31-13', '30', '21', '70.0', '349', '11.6', '2', '0', '76t', '2/17', '131.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2006', 6, '12/03/06', 'NO', 'SF', 'W, 34-10', '28', '17', '60.7', '186', '6.6', '1', '0', '74', '1/1', '92.3', '3', '14', '4.67', '16', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2006', 6, '12/10/06', 'NO', '@ Dal', 'W, 42-17', '38', '26', '68.4', '384', '10.1', '5', '0', '61t', '1/7', '140.8', '5', '-6', '-1.20', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2006', 6, '12/17/06', 'NO', 'Was', 'L, 16-10', '38', '21', '55.3', '207', '5.4', '0', '1', '24', '2/8', '59.9', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2006', 6, '12/24/06', 'NO', '@ NYG', 'W, 30-7', '32', '13', '40.6', '132', '4.1', '1', '0', '40', '1/9', '63.5', '5', '-1', '-0.20', '3', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2006', 6, '12/31/06', 'NO', 'Car', 'L, 31-21', '5', '4', '80.0', '46', '9.2', '0', '0', '25', '0/0', '105.0', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '1']
in row 17 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2006', 6, '01/13/07', 'NO', 'Phi', 'W, 27-24', '32', '20', '62.5', '243', '7.6', '1', '0', '35', '3/16', '96.2', '3', '-2', '-0.67', '0', '0', '0']
in row 18 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2006', 6, '01/21/07', 'NO', '@ Chi', 'L, 39-14', '49', '27', '55.1', '354', '7.2', '2', '1', '88t', '3/35', '83.2', '1', '8', '8.00', '8', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2007', 7, '09/06/07', 'NO', '@ Ind', 'L, 41-10', '41', '28', '68.3', '192', '4.7', '0', '2', '23', '1/5', '58.2', '1', '4', '4.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2007', 7, '09/16/07', 'NO', '@ TB', 'L, 31-14', '44', '26', '59.1', '260', '5.9', '1', '1', '58', '2/16', '74.1', '3', '10', '3.33', '7', '0', '2']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2007', 7, '09/24/07', 'NO', 'Ten', 'L, 31-14', '45', '29', '64.4', '225', '5.0', '0', '4', '37', '1/7', '39.6', '1', '9', '9.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2007', 7, '10/07/07', 'NO', 'Car', 'L, 16-13', '47', '29', '61.7', '252', '5.4', '0', '2', '54', '0/0', '58.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2007', 7, '10/14/07', 'NO', '@ Sea', 'W, 28-17', '36', '25', '69.4', '246', '6.8', '2', '0', '36', '0/0', '106.9', '4', '0', '0.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2007', 7, '10/21/07', 'NO', 'Atl', 'W, 22-16', '34', '22', '64.7', '219', '6.4', '2', '1', '37t', '0/0', '90.2', '2', '8', '4.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2007', 7, '10/28/07', 'NO', '@ SF', 'W, 31-10', '39', '31', '79.5', '336', '8.6', '4', '0', '43', '0/0', '136.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2007', 7, '11/04/07', 'NO', 'Jax', 'W, 41-24', '49', '35', '71.4', '445', '9.1', '3', '0', '57', '1/10', '119.9', '2', '7', '3.50', '8', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2007', 7, '11/11/07', 'NO', 'Stl', 'L, 37-29', '36', '25', '69.4', '272', '7.6', '2', '2', '36', '2/16', '86.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2007', 7, '11/18/07', 'NO', '@ Hou', 'L, 23-10', '49', '33', '67.3', '290', '5.9', '1', '2', '32', '1/10', '72.7', '1', '6', '6.00', '6', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2007', 7, '11/25/07', 'NO', '@ Car', 'W, 31-6', '36', '24', '66.7', '260', '7.2', '3', '1', '45', '0/0', '103.9', '1', '8', '8.00', '8t', '1', '1']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2007', 7, '12/02/07', 'NO', 'TB', 'L, 27-23', '23', '17', '73.9', '179', '7.8', '2', '0', '45t', '3/17', '125.1', '1', '4', '4.00', '4', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2007', 7, '12/10/07', 'NO', '@ Atl', 'W, 34-14', '41', '28', '68.3', '328', '8.0', '3', '0', '36', '0/0', '116.7', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2007', 7, '12/16/07', 'NO', 'Ari', 'W, 31-24', '30', '26', '86.7', '315', '10.5', '2', '0', '32t', '1/8', '132.6', '4', '-2', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2007', 7, '12/23/07', 'NO', 'Phi', 'L, 38-23', '42', '27', '64.3', '284', '6.8', '0', '1', '52', '1/8', '73.9', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2007', 7, '12/30/07', 'NO', '@ Chi', 'L, 33-25', '60', '35', '58.3', '320', '5.3', '3', '2', '21t', '3/12', '75.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2008', 8, '09/07/08', 'NO', 'TB', 'W, 24-20', '32', '23', '71.9', '343', '10.7', '3', '1', '84t', '1/6', '124.9', '3', '-2', '-0.67', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2008', 8, '09/14/08', 'NO', '@ Was', 'L, 29-24', '33', '22', '66.7', '216', '6.5', '1', '2', '22', '2/21', '69.8', '1', '9', '9.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2008', 8, '09/21/08', 'NO', '@ Den', 'L, 34-32', '48', '39', '81.2', '421', '8.8', '1', '0', '74', '1/7', '110.2', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2008', 8, '09/28/08', 'NO', 'SF', 'W, 31-17', '35', '23', '65.7', '363', '10.4', '3', '1', '81', '0/0', '116.7', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2008', 8, '10/06/08', 'NO', 'Min', 'L, 30-27', '46', '26', '56.5', '330', '7.2', '1', '2', '52', '1/10', '68.2', '3', '6', '2.00', '6', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2008', 8, '10/12/08', 'NO', 'Oak', 'W, 34-3', '30', '26', '86.7', '320', '10.7', '3', '0', '51', '1/1', '144.4', '1', '7', '7.00', '7', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2008', 8, '10/19/08', 'NO', '@ Car', 'L, 30-7', '39', '21', '53.8', '231', '5.9', '0', '1', '54', '1/3', '61.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2008', 8, '10/26/08', 'NO', 'SD', 'W, 37-32', '41', '30', '73.2', '339', '8.3', '3', '0', '49', '0/0', '121.9', '1', '-26', '-26.00', '-26', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2008', 8, '11/09/08', 'NO', '@ Atl', 'L, 34-20', '58', '31', '53.4', '422', '7.3', '2', '3', '48', '1/6', '66.9', '2', '10', '5.00', '6', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2008', 8, '11/16/08', 'NO', '@ KC', 'W, 30-20', '36', '25', '69.4', '266', '7.4', '1', '1', '47t', '0/0', '88.4', '3', '-2', '-0.67', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2008', 8, '11/24/08', 'NO', 'GB', 'W, 51-29', '26', '20', '76.9', '323', '12.4', '4', '0', '70t', '1/5', '157.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2008', 8, '11/30/08', 'NO', '@ TB', 'L, 23-20', '47', '25', '53.2', '296', '6.3', '2', '3', '37', '1/8', '60.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2008', 8, '12/07/08', 'NO', 'Atl', 'W, 29-25', '32', '18', '56.2', '230', '7.2', '2', '0', '36', '0/0', '99.7', '2', '0', '0.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2008', 8, '12/11/08', 'NO', '@ Chi', 'L, 27-24', '43', '24', '55.8', '232', '5.4', '2', '2', '24', '1/6', '67.2', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2008', 8, '12/21/08', 'NO', '@ Det', 'W, 42-7', '40', '30', '75.0', '351', '8.8', '2', '0', '64', '0/0', '117.8', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2008', 8, '12/28/08', 'NO', 'Car', 'L, 33-31', '49', '30', '61.2', '386', '7.9', '4', '1', '26t', '2/19', '104.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2009', 9, '09/13/09', 'NO', 'Det', 'W, 45-27', '34', '26', '76.5', '358', '10.5', '6', '1', '58t', '0/0', '137.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2009', 9, '09/20/09', 'NO', '@ Phi', 'W, 48-22', '34', '25', '73.5', '311', '9.1', '3', '1', '38', '2/23', '118.6', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2009', 9, '09/27/09', 'NO', '@ Buf', 'W, 27-7', '29', '16', '55.2', '172', '5.9', '0', '0', '32', '2/16', '72.8', '6', '8', '1.33', '10', '0', '2']
in row 4 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2009', 9, '10/04/09', 'NO', 'NYJ', 'W, 24-10', '32', '20', '62.5', '190', '5.9', '0', '0', '36', '0/0', '78.9', '3', '5', '1.67', '7', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2009', 9, '10/18/09', 'NO', 'NYG', 'W, 48-27', '30', '23', '76.7', '369', '12.3', '4', '0', '40', '0/0', '156.8', '1', '6', '6.00', '6', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2009', 9, '10/25/09', 'NO', '@ Mia', 'W, 46-34', '38', '22', '57.9', '298', '7.8', '1', '3', '66', '5/22', '58.9', '2', '3', '1.50', '2t', '2', '2']
in row 7 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2009', 9, '11/02/09', 'NO', 'Atl', 'W, 35-27', '33', '25', '75.8', '308', '9.3', '2', '1', '30', '2/17', '111.7', '2', '3', '1.50', '4', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2009', 9, '11/08/09', 'NO', 'Car', 'W, 30-20', '35', '24', '68.6', '330', '9.4', '1', '1', '63', '1/0', '96.1', '2', '4', '2.00', '5', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2009', 9, '11/15/09', 'NO', '@ Stl', 'W, 28-23', '26', '18', '69.2', '223', '8.6', '2', '2', '27t', '1/6', '89.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2009', 9, '11/22/09', 'NO', '@ TB', 'W, 38-7', '29', '19', '65.5', '187', '6.4', '3', '0', '37', '0/0', '118.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2009', 9, '11/30/09', 'NO', 'NE', 'W, 38-17', '23', '18', '78.3', '371', '16.1', '5', '0', '75t', '1/4', '158.3', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2009', 9, '12/06/09', 'NO', '@ Was', 'W, 33-30', '49', '35', '71.4', '419', '8.6', '2', '1', '53t', '1/11', '102.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2009', 9, '12/13/09', 'NO', '@ Atl', 'W, 26-23', '40', '31', '77.5', '296', '7.4', '3', '0', '42', '0/0', '122.5', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2009', 9, '12/19/09', 'NO', 'Dal', 'L, 24-17', '45', '29', '64.4', '298', '6.6', '1', '1', '35', '4/27', '81.5', '2', '8', '4.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2009', 9, '12/27/09', 'NO', 'TB', 'L, 20-17', '37', '32', '86.5', '258', '7.0', '1', '0', '30t', '1/9', '104.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2009', 9, '01/16/10', 'NO', 'Ari', 'W, 45-14', '32', '23', '71.9', '247', '7.7', '3', '0', '44t', '0/0', '125.4', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 17 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2009', 9, '01/24/10', 'NO', 'Min', 'W, 31-28', '31', '17', '54.8', '197', '6.4', '3', '0', '38t', '1/8', '106.5', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 18 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2009', 9, '02/07/10', 'NO', '@ Ind', 'W, 31-17', '39', '32', '82.1', '288', '7.4', '2', '0', '27', '1/7', '114.5', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 18 total rows
['brees, drew', '2010', 10, '09/09/10', 'NO', 'Min', 'W, 14-9', '36', '27', '75.0', '237', '6.6', '1', '0', '29t', '1/8', '101.3', '4', '-6', '-1.50', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 18 total rows
['brees, drew', '2010', 10, '09/20/10', 'NO', '@ SF', 'W, 25-22', '38', '28', '73.7', '254', '6.7', '2', '0', '30', '2/17', '108.9', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 18 total rows
['brees, drew', '2010', 10, '09/26/10', 'NO', 'Atl', 'L, 27-24', '38', '30', '78.9', '365', '9.6', '3', '2', '80t', '2/10', '111.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 18 total rows
['brees, drew', '2010', 10, '10/03/10', 'NO', 'Car', 'W, 16-14', '48', '33', '68.8', '275', '5.7', '1', '0', '20', '2/13', '90.2', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 18 total rows
['brees, drew', '2010', 10, '10/10/10', 'NO', '@ Ari', 'L, 30-20', '39', '24', '61.5', '279', '7.2', '2', '3', '39', '1/6', '68.2', '2', '2', '1.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 18 total rows
['brees, drew', '2010', 10, '10/17/10', 'NO', '@ TB', 'W, 31-6', '32', '21', '65.6', '263', '8.2', '3', '1', '42t', '0/0', '109.2', '2', '2', '1.00', '3', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 18 total rows
['brees, drew', '2010', 10, '10/24/10', 'NO', 'Cle', 'L, 30-17', '56', '37', '66.1', '356', '6.4', '2', '4', '29', '3/20', '65.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 18 total rows
['brees, drew', '2010', 10, '10/31/10', 'NO', 'Pit', 'W, 20-10', '44', '34', '77.3', '305', '6.9', '2', '1', '50', '2/17', '101.0', '3', '-2', '-0.67', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 18 total rows
['brees, drew', '2010', 10, '11/07/10', 'NO', '@ Car', 'W, 34-3', '43', '27', '62.8', '253', '5.9', '2', '1', '36', '0/0', '84.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 18 total rows
['brees, drew', '2010', 10, '11/21/10', 'NO', 'Sea', 'W, 34-19', '43', '29', '67.4', '382', '8.9', '4', '2', '32t', '0/0', '106.9', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 18 total rows
['brees, drew', '2010', 10, '11/25/10', 'NO', '@ Dal', 'W, 30-27', '39', '23', '59.0', '352', '9.0', '1', '1', '57', '2/19', '86.7', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 18 total rows
['brees, drew', '2010', 10, '12/05/10', 'NO', '@ Cin', 'W, 34-30', '29', '24', '82.8', '313', '10.8', '2', '1', '52t', '2/23', '120.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 18 total rows
['brees, drew', '2010', 10, '12/12/10', 'NO', 'Stl', 'W, 31-13', '40', '25', '62.5', '221', '5.5', '3', '2', '31t', '1/8', '81.4', '1', '7', '7.00', '7', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 18 total rows
['brees, drew', '2010', 10, '12/19/10', 'NO', '@ Bal', 'L, 30-24', '46', '29', '63.0', '267', '5.8', '3', '1', '27', '3/25', '91.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 18 total rows
['brees, drew', '2010', 10, '12/27/10', 'NO', '@ Atl', 'W, 17-14', '49', '35', '71.4', '302', '6.2', '1', '2', '25', '1/6', '77.1', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 18 total rows
['brees, drew', '2010', 10, '01/02/11', 'NO', 'TB', 'L, 23-13', '38', '22', '57.9', '196', '5.2', '1', '1', '21', '3/13', '69.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 17 of 18 total rows
['brees, drew', '2010', 10, '01/08/11', 'NO', '@ Sea', 'L, 41-36', '60', '39', '65.0', '404', '6.7', '2', '0', '40', '1/7', '95.4', '2', '6', '3.00', '6', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2011', 11, '09/08/11', 'NO', '@ GB', 'L, 42-34', '49', '32', '65.3', '419', '8.6', '3', '0', '36', '3/23', '112.5', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2011', 11, '09/18/11', 'NO', 'Chi', 'W, 30-13', '37', '26', '70.3', '270', '7.3', '3', '0', '79t', '1/6', '118.1', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2011', 11, '09/25/11', 'NO', 'Hou', 'W, 40-33', '44', '31', '70.5', '370', '8.4', '3', '2', '44', '2/16', '99.6', '4', '-1', '-0.25', '4', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2011', 11, '10/02/11', 'NO', '@ Jax', 'W, 23-10', '44', '31', '70.5', '351', '8.0', '1', '2', '59', '3/25', '82.7', '3', '10', '3.33', '6', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2011', 11, '10/09/11', 'NO', '@ Car', 'W, 30-27', '45', '32', '71.1', '359', '8.0', '2', '1', '30', '2/16', '100.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2011', 11, '10/16/11', 'NO', '@ TB', 'L, 26-20', '45', '29', '64.4', '383', '8.5', '1', '3', '43', '0/0', '70.9', '3', '21', '7.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2011', 11, '10/23/11', 'NO', 'Ind', 'W, 62-7', '35', '31', '88.6', '325', '9.3', '5', '0', '57', '2/4', '144.9', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2011', 11, '10/30/11', 'NO', '@ Stl', 'L, 31-21', '44', '30', '68.2', '269', '6.1', '1', '2', '25', '6/42', '73.0', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2011', 11, '11/06/11', 'NO', 'TB', 'W, 27-16', '36', '27', '75.0', '258', '7.2', '2', '1', '23', '0/0', '101.4', '1', '20', '20.00', '20', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2011', 11, '11/13/11', 'NO', '@ Atl', 'W, 26-23', '43', '30', '69.8', '322', '7.5', '2', '0', '36', '0/0', '106.9', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2011', 11, '11/28/11', 'NO', 'NYG', 'W, 49-24', '38', '24', '63.2', '363', '9.6', '4', '0', '50', '0/0', '129.6', '1', '8', '8.00', '8t', '1', '1']
in row 12 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2011', 11, '12/04/11', 'NO', 'Det', 'W, 31-17', '36', '26', '72.2', '342', '9.5', '3', '0', '67t', '2/4', '129.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2011', 11, '12/11/11', 'NO', '@ Ten', 'W, 22-17', '47', '36', '76.6', '337', '7.2', '2', '0', '35t', '2/14', '110.0', '2', '6', '3.00', '4', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2011', 11, '12/18/11', 'NO', '@ Min', 'W, 42-20', '40', '32', '80.0', '412', '10.3', '5', '0', '47t', '0/0', '149.2', '2', '4', '2.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2011', 11, '12/26/11', 'NO', 'Atl', 'W, 45-16', '39', '23', '59.0', '307', '7.9', '4', '2', '41', '1/8', '96.8', '1', '9', '9.00', '9', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2011', 11, '01/01/12', 'NO', 'Car', 'W, 45-17', '35', '28', '80.0', '389', '11.1', '5', '1', '42t', '0/0', '140.7', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '1']
in row 17 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2011', 11, '01/07/12', 'NO', 'Det', 'W, 45-28', '43', '33', '76.7', '466', '10.8', '3', '0', '56t', '2/7', '134.4', '4', '-1', '-0.25', '2', '0', '1']
in row 18 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2011', 11, '01/14/12', 'NO', '@ SF', 'L, 36-32', '63', '40', '63.5', '462', '7.3', '4', '2', '66t', '3/27', '93.5', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2012', 12, '09/09/12', 'NO', 'Was', 'L, 40-32', '52', '24', '46.2', '339', '6.5', '3', '2', '33t', '2/13', '70.9', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2012', 12, '09/16/12', 'NO', '@ Car', 'L, 35-27', '49', '31', '63.3', '325', '6.6', '1', '2', '29', '1/2', '72.2', '2', '0', '0.00', '1t', '1', '1']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2012', 12, '09/23/12', 'NO', 'KC', 'L, 27-24', '36', '20', '55.6', '240', '6.7', '3', '1', '36', '4/35', '92.4', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2012', 12, '09/30/12', 'NO', '@ GB', 'L, 28-27', '54', '35', '64.8', '446', '8.3', '3', '0', '80t', '2/17', '109.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2012', 12, '10/07/12', 'NO', 'SD', 'W, 31-24', '45', '29', '64.4', '370', '8.2', '4', '1', '41', '3/19', '110.4', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2012', 12, '10/21/12', 'NO', '@ TB', 'W, 35-28', '37', '27', '73.0', '377', '10.2', '4', '1', '48t', '0/0', '130.1', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2012', 12, '10/28/12', 'NO', '@ Den', 'L, 34-14', '42', '22', '52.4', '213', '5.1', '2', '1', '29t', '1/12', '72.8', '2', '2', '1.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2012', 12, '11/05/12', 'NO', 'Phi', 'W, 28-13', '27', '21', '77.8', '239', '8.9', '2', '0', '38', '2/8', '128.2', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2012', 12, '11/11/12', 'NO', 'Atl', 'W, 31-27', '32', '21', '65.6', '298', '9.3', '3', '1', '46', '1/6', '113.8', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2012', 12, '11/18/12', 'NO', '@ Oak', 'W, 38-17', '27', '20', '74.1', '219', '8.1', '3', '0', '38t', '0/0', '134.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2012', 12, '11/25/12', 'NO', 'SF', 'L, 31-21', '41', '26', '63.4', '267', '6.5', '3', '2', '43', '5/36', '86.1', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2012', 12, '11/29/12', 'NO', '@ Atl', 'L, 23-13', '50', '28', '56.0', '341', '6.8', '0', '5', '38', '1/6', '37.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2012', 12, '12/09/12', 'NO', '@ NYG', 'L, 52-27', '43', '26', '60.5', '354', '8.2', '1', '2', '62', '1/9', '75.1', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2012', 12, '12/16/12', 'NO', 'TB', 'W, 41-0', '39', '26', '66.7', '307', '7.9', '4', '0', '34t', '1/9', '124.6', '1', '11', '11.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2012', 12, '12/23/12', 'NO', '@ Dal', 'W, 34-31', '53', '37', '69.8', '446', '8.4', '3', '0', '60', '0/0', '114.2', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2012', 12, '12/30/12', 'NO', 'Car', 'L, 44-38', '43', '29', '67.4', '396', '9.2', '4', '1', '51', '2/18', '118.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2013', 13, '09/08/13', 'NO', 'Atl', 'W, 23-17', '35', '26', '74.3', '357', '10.2', '2', '1', '67', '2/16', '113.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2013', 13, '09/15/13', 'NO', '@ TB', 'W, 16-14', '46', '26', '56.5', '322', '7.0', '1', '2', '56t', '4/26', '67.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2013', 13, '09/22/13', 'NO', 'Ari', 'W, 31-7', '46', '29', '63.0', '342', '7.4', '3', '1', '29', '4/23', '98.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2013', 13, '09/30/13', 'NO', 'Mia', 'W, 38-17', '39', '30', '76.9', '413', '10.6', '4', '0', '48', '2/16', '144.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2013', 13, '10/06/13', 'NO', '@ Chi', 'W, 26-18', '35', '29', '82.9', '288', '8.2', '2', '0', '38', '1/5', '120.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2013', 13, '10/13/13', 'NO', '@ NE', 'L, 30-27', '36', '17', '47.2', '236', '6.6', '2', '1', '34t', '1/6', '75.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2013', 13, '10/27/13', 'NO', 'Buf', 'W, 35-17', '34', '26', '76.5', '332', '9.8', '5', '0', '69t', '4/23', '146.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2013', 13, '11/03/13', 'NO', '@ NYJ', 'L, 26-20', '51', '30', '58.8', '382', '7.5', '2', '2', '60', '2/16', '79.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2013', 13, '11/10/13', 'NO', 'Dal', 'W, 49-17', '41', '34', '82.9', '392', '9.6', '4', '0', '52t', '1/9', '139.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2013', 13, '11/17/13', 'NO', 'SF', 'W, 23-20', '43', '30', '69.8', '305', '7.1', '1', '1', '44', '1/10', '87.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2013', 13, '11/21/13', 'NO', '@ Atl', 'W, 17-13', '33', '23', '69.7', '278', '8.4', '2', '0', '44t', '1/7', '115.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2013', 13, '12/02/13', 'NO', '@ Sea', 'L, 34-7', '38', '23', '60.5', '147', '3.9', '1', '0', '20', '1/3', '77.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2013', 13, '12/08/13', 'NO', 'Car', 'W, 31-13', '42', '30', '71.4', '313', '7.5', '4', '0', '22', '2/9', '124.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2013', 13, '12/15/13', 'NO', '@ Stl', 'L, 27-16', '56', '39', '69.6', '393', '7.0', '1', '2', '30', '4/22', '80.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2013', 13, '12/22/13', 'NO', '@ Car', 'L, 17-13', '44', '30', '68.2', '281', '6.4', '1', '2', '46', '6/42', '74.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2013', 13, '12/29/13', 'NO', 'TB', 'W, 42-17', '31', '24', '77.4', '381', '12.3', '4', '0', '76t', '1/11', '157.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 17 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2013', 13, '01/04/14', 'NO', '@ Phi', 'W, 26-24', '30', '20', '66.7', '250', '8.3', '1', '2', '40', '2/1', '75.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 18 of 19 total rows
['brees, drew', '2013', 13, '01/11/14', 'NO', '@ Sea', 'L, 23-15', '43', '24', '55.8', '304', '7.1', '1', '0', '52', '1/8', '85.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2014', 14, '09/07/14', 'NO', '@ Atl', 'L, 37-34', '42', '29', '69.0', '333', '7.9', '1', '1', '57', '0/0', '90.7', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2014', 14, '09/14/14', 'NO', '@ Cle', 'L, 26-24', '40', '27', '67.5', '237', '5.9', '2', '1', '23', '2/14', '89.3', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2014', 14, '09/21/14', 'NO', 'Min', 'W, 20-9', '35', '27', '77.1', '293', '8.4', '2', '0', '34t', '1/5', '120.3', '3', '-2', '-0.67', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2014', 14, '09/28/14', 'NO', '@ Dal', 'L, 38-17', '44', '32', '72.7', '340', '7.7', '2', '1', '46', '1/4', '100.6', '1', '6', '6.00', '6', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2014', 14, '10/05/14', 'NO', 'TB', 'W, 37-31', '57', '35', '61.4', '371', '6.5', '2', '3', '37', '0/0', '70.1', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2014', 14, '10/19/14', 'NO', '@ Det', 'L, 24-23', '45', '28', '62.2', '342', '7.6', '2', '1', '46t', '1/7', '91.2', '1', '13', '13.00', '13', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2014', 14, '10/26/14', 'NO', 'GB', 'W, 44-23', '32', '27', '84.4', '311', '9.7', '3', '0', '50t', '2/9', '138.4', '1', '6', '6.00', '6', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2014', 14, '10/30/14', 'NO', '@ Car', 'W, 28-10', '34', '24', '70.6', '297', '8.7', '1', '1', '27', '4/27', '94.9', '4', '2', '0.50', '3', '1', '1']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2014', 14, '11/09/14', 'NO', 'SF', 'L, 27-24', '47', '28', '59.6', '292', '6.2', '3', '2', '40', '2/5', '81.2', '2', '7', '3.50', '5', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2014', 14, '11/16/14', 'NO', 'Cin', 'L, 27-10', '41', '33', '80.5', '255', '6.2', '1', '0', '17', '0/0', '100.7', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2014', 14, '11/24/14', 'NO', 'Bal', 'L, 34-27', '45', '35', '77.8', '420', '9.3', '3', '1', '62', '4/21', '118.5', '3', '15', '5.00', '9', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2014', 14, '11/30/14', 'NO', '@ Pit', 'W, 35-32', '27', '19', '70.4', '257', '9.5', '5', '0', '69t', '1/7', '140.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2014', 14, '12/07/14', 'NO', 'Car', 'L, 41-10', '49', '29', '59.2', '235', '4.8', '1', '1', '28', '2/17', '69.7', '1', '6', '6.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2014', 14, '12/15/14', 'NO', '@ Chi', 'W, 31-15', '36', '29', '80.6', '375', '10.4', '3', '0', '39', '2/15', '137.8', '3', '2', '0.67', '3', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2014', 14, '12/21/14', 'NO', 'Atl', 'L, 30-14', '47', '30', '63.8', '313', '6.7', '1', '2', '27', '5/42', '72.4', '2', '8', '4.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2014', 14, '12/28/14', 'NO', '@ TB', 'W, 23-20', '38', '24', '63.2', '281', '7.4', '1', '3', '44', '2/13', '61.4', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['brees, drew', '2015', 15, '09/13/15', 'NO', '@ Ari', 'L, 31-19', '48', '30', '62.5', '355', '7.4', '1', '1', '63', '2/1', '83.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['brees, drew', '2015', 15, '09/20/15', 'NO', 'TB', 'L, 26-19', '38', '24', '63.2', '255', '6.7', '1', '1', '24', '4/36', '80.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['brees, drew', '2015', 15, '10/04/15', 'NO', 'Dal', 'W, 26-20', '41', '33', '80.5', '359', '8.8', '2', '0', '80t', '3/24', '119.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['brees, drew', '2015', 15, '10/11/15', 'NO', '@ Phi', 'L, 39-17', '43', '26', '60.5', '335', '7.8', '2', '1', '59', '5/43', '90.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['brees, drew', '2015', 15, '10/15/15', 'NO', 'Atl', 'W, 31-21', '39', '30', '76.9', '312', '8.0', '1', '0', '28', '1/8', '108.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['brees, drew', '2015', 15, '10/25/15', 'NO', '@ Ind', 'W, 27-21', '44', '28', '63.6', '255', '5.8', '1', '1', '47', '2/14', '77.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['brees, drew', '2015', 15, '11/01/15', 'NO', 'NYG', 'W, 52-49', '50', '39', '78.0', '505', '10.1', '7', '2', '53t', '0/0', '131.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['brees, drew', '2015', 15, '11/08/15', 'NO', 'Ten', 'L, 34-28', '39', '28', '71.8', '387', '9.9', '3', '1', '38t', '4/32', '118.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['brees, drew', '2015', 15, '11/15/15', 'NO', '@ Was', 'L, 47-14', '28', '19', '67.9', '209', '7.5', '2', '2', '60t', '2/17', '83.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['brees, drew', '2015', 15, '11/29/15', 'NO', '@ Hou', 'L, 24-6', '44', '25', '56.8', '228', '5.2', '0', '1', '26', '2/10', '61.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['brees, drew', '2015', 15, '12/06/15', 'NO', 'Car', 'L, 41-38', '42', '24', '57.1', '282', '6.7', '3', '1', '54t', '2/18', '91.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['brees, drew', '2015', 15, '12/13/15', 'NO', '@ TB', 'W, 24-17', '41', '31', '75.6', '312', '7.6', '2', '0', '41', '2/11', '113.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['brees, drew', '2015', 15, '12/21/15', 'NO', 'Det', 'L, 35-27', '52', '34', '65.4', '341', '6.6', '3', '0', '28', '1/11', '103.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['brees, drew', '2015', 15, '12/27/15', 'NO', 'Jax', 'W, 38-27', '36', '25', '69.4', '412', '11.4', '3', '0', '71t', '1/10', '135.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['brees, drew', '2015', 15, '01/03/16', 'NO', '@ Atl', 'W, 20-17', '42', '32', '76.2', '323', '7.7', '1', '0', '36', '0/0', '105.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2016', 16, '09/11/16', 'NO', 'Oak', 'L, 35-34', '42', '28', '66.7', '423', '10.1', '4', '0', '98t', '1/4', '131.3', '2', '5', '2.50', '4', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2016', 16, '09/18/16', 'NO', '@ NYG', 'L, 16-13', '44', '29', '65.9', '263', '6.0', '1', '0', '23', '2/16', '89.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2016', 16, '09/26/16', 'NO', 'Atl', 'L, 45-32', '54', '36', '66.7', '376', '7.0', '3', '1', '36', '2/17', '97.5', '2', '9', '4.50', '7', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2016', 16, '10/02/16', 'NO', '@ SD', 'W, 35-34', '36', '23', '63.9', '207', '5.8', '2', '2', '23', '2/15', '74.7', '4', '-4', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2016', 16, '10/16/16', 'NO', 'Car', 'W, 41-38', '49', '34', '69.4', '465', '9.5', '4', '1', '87t', '1/5', '118.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2016', 16, '10/23/16', 'NO', '@ KC', 'L, 27-21', '48', '37', '77.1', '367', '7.6', '3', '1', '30', '1/8', '110.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2016', 16, '10/30/16', 'NO', 'Sea', 'W, 25-20', '35', '27', '77.1', '265', '7.6', '1', '0', '38', '2/13', '107.4', '1', '1', '1.00', '1t', '1', '1']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2016', 16, '11/06/16', 'NO', '@ SF', 'W, 41-23', '39', '28', '71.8', '323', '8.3', '3', '0', '32t', '1/0', '122.1', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2016', 16, '11/13/16', 'NO', 'Den', 'L, 25-23', '29', '21', '72.4', '303', '10.4', '3', '2', '37', '1/10', '111.7', '2', '9', '4.50', '5', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2016', 16, '11/17/16', 'NO', '@ Car', 'L, 23-20', '44', '35', '79.5', '285', '6.5', '2', '1', '22', '3/21', '99.3', '2', '0', '0.00', '1', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2016', 16, '11/27/16', 'NO', 'LA', 'W, 49-21', '36', '28', '77.8', '310', '8.6', '4', '0', '35', '2/14', '139.6', '1', '1', '1.00', '1t', '1', '1']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2016', 16, '12/04/16', 'NO', 'Det', 'L, 28-13', '44', '31', '70.5', '326', '7.4', '0', '3', '39', '1/7', '63.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2016', 16, '12/11/16', 'NO', '@ TB', 'L, 16-11', '41', '25', '61.0', '257', '6.3', '0', '3', '38', '1/9', '48.5', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2016', 16, '12/18/16', 'NO', '@ Ari', 'W, 48-41', '48', '37', '77.1', '389', '8.1', '4', '0', '65t', '3/31', '127.9', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2016', 16, '12/24/16', 'NO', 'TB', 'W, 31-24', '34', '23', '67.6', '299', '8.8', '1', '0', '46', '2/5', '104.9', '4', '1', '0.25', '4', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['brees, drew', '2016', 16, '01/01/17', 'NO', '@ Atl', 'L, 38-32', '50', '29', '58.0', '350', '7.0', '2', '1', '35', '2/9', '84.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 9 total rows
['manning, eli', '2004', 1, '09/12/04', 'NYG', '@ Phi', 'L, 31-17', '9', '3', '33.3', '66', '7.3', '0', '0', '34', '1/3', '60.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 9 total rows
['manning, eli', '2004', 1, '11/21/04', 'NYG', 'Atl', 'L, 14-10', '37', '17', '45.9', '162', '4.4', '1', '2', '18', '1/4', '45.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 9 total rows
['manning, eli', '2004', 1, '11/28/04', 'NYG', 'Phi', 'L, 27-6', '21', '6', '28.6', '148', '7.0', '0', '2', '52', '5/37', '16.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 9 total rows
['manning, eli', '2004', 1, '12/05/04', 'NYG', '@ Was', 'L, 31-7', '25', '12', '48.0', '113', '4.5', '0', '0', '48', '1/6', '60.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 9 total rows
['manning, eli', '2004', 1, '12/12/04', 'NYG', '@ Bal', 'L, 37-14', '18', '4', '22.2', '27', '1.5', '0', '2', '12', '2/9', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 9 total rows
['manning, eli', '2004', 1, '12/18/04', 'NYG', 'Pit', 'L, 33-30', '23', '16', '69.6', '182', '7.9', '2', '1', '49', '0/0', '103.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 9 total rows
['manning, eli', '2004', 1, '12/26/04', 'NYG', '@ Cin', 'L, 23-22', '37', '19', '51.4', '201', '5.4', '0', '1', '27', '2/17', '56.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 9 total rows
['manning, eli', '2004', 1, '01/02/05', 'NYG', 'Dal', 'W, 28-24', '27', '18', '66.7', '144', '5.3', '3', '1', '23', '1/7', '101.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2005', 2, '09/11/05', 'NYG', 'Ari', 'W, 42-19', '23', '10', '43.5', '172', '7.5', '2', '2', '44', '3/18', '62.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2005', 2, '09/19/05', 'NYG', '@ NO', 'W, 27-10', '24', '13', '54.2', '165', '6.9', '1', '0', '25', '0/0', '89.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2005', 2, '09/25/05', 'NYG', '@ SD', 'L, 45-23', '41', '24', '58.5', '352', '8.6', '2', '0', '44', '2/14', '102.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2005', 2, '10/02/05', 'NYG', 'Stl', 'W, 44-24', '35', '19', '54.3', '296', '8.5', '4', '0', '46', '1/4', '120.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2005', 2, '10/16/05', 'NYG', '@ Dal', 'L, 16-13', '29', '14', '48.3', '215', '7.4', '1', '1', '59', '4/36', '70.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2005', 2, '10/23/05', 'NYG', 'Den', 'W, 24-23', '42', '23', '54.8', '214', '5.1', '2', '1', '24', '0/0', '74.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2005', 2, '10/30/05', 'NYG', 'Was', 'W, 36-0', '31', '12', '38.7', '146', '4.7', '1', '1', '26', '2/22', '51.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2005', 2, '11/06/05', 'NYG', '@ SF', 'W, 24-6', '33', '18', '54.5', '251', '7.6', '1', '0', '50', '0/0', '89.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2005', 2, '11/13/05', 'NYG', 'Min', 'L, 24-21', '48', '23', '47.9', '291', '6.1', '1', '4', '48', '2/10', '39.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2005', 2, '11/20/05', 'NYG', 'Phi', 'W, 27-17', '26', '17', '65.4', '218', '8.4', '3', '0', '61t', '5/18', '130.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2005', 2, '11/27/05', 'NYG', '@ Sea', 'L, 24-21', '53', '29', '54.7', '344', '6.5', '2', '1', '24', '3/20', '79.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2005', 2, '12/04/05', 'NYG', 'Dal', 'W, 17-10', '31', '12', '38.7', '152', '4.9', '0', '2', '35', '1/2', '27.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2005', 2, '12/11/05', 'NYG', '@ Phi', 'W, 26-23', '44', '28', '63.6', '312', '7.1', '1', '3', '32', '1/13', '63.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2005', 2, '12/17/05', 'NYG', 'KC', 'W, 27-17', '32', '17', '53.1', '186', '5.8', '1', '1', '31t', '1/3', '68.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2005', 2, '12/24/05', 'NYG', '@ Was', 'L, 35-20', '41', '23', '56.1', '244', '6.0', '1', '1', '27', '1/11', '71.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2005', 2, '12/31/05', 'NYG', '@ Oak', 'W, 30-21', '24', '12', '50.0', '204', '8.5', '1', '0', '78t', '2/13', '93.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 17 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2005', 2, '01/08/06', 'NYG', 'Car', 'L, 23-0', '18', '10', '55.6', '113', '6.3', '0', '3', '25', '4/22', '35.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2006', 3, '09/10/06', 'NYG', 'Ind', 'L, 26-21', '34', '20', '58.8', '247', '7.3', '2', '1', '37', '0/0', '88.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2006', 3, '09/17/06', 'NYG', '@ Phi', 'W, 30-24', '43', '31', '72.1', '371', '8.6', '3', '1', '37t', '8/53', '111.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2006', 3, '09/24/06', 'NYG', '@ Sea', 'L, 42-30', '36', '24', '66.7', '275', '7.6', '3', '3', '33', '1/11', '82.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2006', 3, '10/08/06', 'NYG', 'Was', 'W, 19-3', '33', '23', '69.7', '256', '7.8', '1', '0', '46', '0/0', '102.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2006', 3, '10/15/06', 'NYG', '@ Atl', 'W, 27-14', '30', '17', '56.7', '180', '6.0', '2', '2', '19', '2/15', '68.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2006', 3, '10/23/06', 'NYG', '@ Dal', 'W, 36-22', '26', '12', '46.2', '189', '7.3', '2', '1', '50t', '2/16', '80.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2006', 3, '10/29/06', 'NYG', 'TB', 'W, 17-3', '31', '16', '51.6', '154', '5.0', '1', '0', '25', '2/11', '76.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2006', 3, '11/05/06', 'NYG', 'Hou', 'W, 14-10', '28', '17', '60.7', '179', '6.4', '1', '1', '21', '2/16', '76.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2006', 3, '11/12/06', 'NYG', 'Chi', 'L, 38-20', '32', '14', '43.8', '121', '3.8', '0', '2', '16', '2/22', '28.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2006', 3, '11/20/06', 'NYG', '@ Jax', 'L, 26-10', '41', '19', '46.3', '230', '5.6', '1', '2', '25t', '1/8', '51.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2006', 3, '11/26/06', 'NYG', '@ Ten', 'L, 24-21', '28', '18', '64.3', '143', '5.1', '1', '2', '20', '0/0', '59.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2006', 3, '12/03/06', 'NYG', 'Dal', 'L, 23-20', '36', '24', '66.7', '270', '7.5', '2', '0', '43', '0/0', '107.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2006', 3, '12/10/06', 'NYG', '@ Car', 'W, 27-13', '33', '17', '51.5', '172', '5.2', '3', '0', '45', '1/0', '97.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2006', 3, '12/17/06', 'NYG', 'Phi', 'L, 36-22', '40', '28', '70.0', '282', '7.0', '0', '2', '52', '1/12', '69.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2006', 3, '12/24/06', 'NYG', 'NO', 'L, 30-7', '25', '9', '36.0', '74', '3.0', '1', '1', '55t', '2/15', '41.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2006', 3, '12/30/06', 'NYG', '@ Was', 'W, 34-28', '26', '12', '46.2', '101', '3.9', '1', '0', '14', '1/7', '69.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 17 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2006', 3, '01/07/07', 'NYG', '@ Phi', 'L, 23-20', '27', '16', '59.3', '161', '6.0', '2', '1', '29', '1/7', '85.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2007', 4, '09/09/07', 'NYG', '@ Dal', 'L, 45-35', '41', '28', '68.3', '312', '7.6', '4', '1', '60t', '1/5', '113.1', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2007', 4, '09/16/07', 'NYG', 'GB', 'L, 35-13', '29', '16', '55.2', '211', '7.3', '1', '1', '40', '1/8', '75.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2007', 4, '09/23/07', 'NYG', '@ Was', 'W, 24-17', '36', '21', '58.3', '232', '6.4', '1', '2', '33t', '2/13', '63.7', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2007', 4, '09/30/07', 'NYG', 'Phi', 'W, 16-3', '26', '14', '53.8', '135', '5.2', '1', '1', '19', '1/6', '65.4', '3', '-5', '-1.67', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2007', 4, '10/07/07', 'NYG', 'NYJ', 'W, 35-24', '25', '13', '52.0', '186', '7.4', '2', '1', '53t', '0/0', '86.4', '4', '17', '4.25', '13', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2007', 4, '10/15/07', 'NYG', '@ Atl', 'W, 31-10', '39', '27', '69.2', '303', '7.8', '2', '2', '43t', '1/0', '87.9', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2007', 4, '10/21/07', 'NYG', 'SF', 'W, 33-15', '31', '18', '58.1', '146', '4.7', '2', '1', '24', '1/7', '78.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2007', 4, '10/28/07', 'NYG', '@ Mia', 'W, 13-10', '22', '8', '36.4', '59', '2.7', '0', '0', '21', '1/10', '44.9', '5', '25', '5.00', '18', '1', '2']
in row 9 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2007', 4, '11/11/07', 'NYG', 'Dal', 'L, 31-20', '34', '23', '67.6', '236', '6.9', '1', '2', '29', '5/42', '72.7', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2007', 4, '11/18/07', 'NYG', '@ Det', 'W, 16-10', '39', '28', '71.8', '283', '7.3', '1', '0', '34', '2/14', '100.7', '5', '5', '1.00', '9', '0', '2']
in row 11 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2007', 4, '11/25/07', 'NYG', 'Min', 'L, 41-17', '49', '21', '42.9', '273', '5.6', '1', '4', '32', '3/39', '33.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2007', 4, '12/02/07', 'NYG', '@ Chi', 'W, 21-16', '27', '16', '59.3', '195', '7.2', '1', '2', '24', '2/14', '63.0', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2007', 4, '12/09/07', 'NYG', '@ Phi', 'W, 16-13', '31', '17', '54.8', '219', '7.1', '1', '0', '41', '2/12', '88.0', '2', '7', '3.50', '8', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2007', 4, '12/16/07', 'NYG', 'Was', 'L, 22-10', '53', '18', '34.0', '184', '3.5', '1', '0', '19t', '2/16', '51.1', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2007', 4, '12/23/07', 'NYG', '@ Buf', 'W, 38-21', '15', '7', '46.7', '111', '7.4', '0', '2', '39', '2/17', '32.2', '2', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2007', 4, '12/29/07', 'NYG', 'NE', 'L, 38-35', '32', '22', '68.8', '251', '7.8', '4', '1', '52', '1/14', '118.6', '3', '13', '4.33', '11', '0', '2']
in row 17 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2007', 4, '01/06/08', 'NYG', '@ TB', 'W, 24-14', '27', '20', '74.1', '185', '6.9', '2', '0', '21', '1/8', '117.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 18 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2007', 4, '01/13/08', 'NYG', '@ Dal', 'W, 21-17', '18', '12', '66.7', '163', '9.1', '2', '0', '52t', '3/23', '132.4', '3', '2', '0.67', '2', '0', '1']
in row 19 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2007', 4, '01/20/08', 'NYG', '@ GB', 'W, 23-20', '40', '21', '52.5', '251', '6.3', '0', '0', '32', '2/8', '72.0', '2', '4', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 20 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2007', 4, '02/03/08', 'NYG', '@ NE', 'W, 17-14', '34', '19', '55.9', '255', '7.5', '2', '1', '45', '3/8', '87.3', '3', '4', '1.33', '5', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2008', 5, '09/04/08', 'NYG', 'Was', 'W, 16-7', '35', '19', '54.3', '216', '6.2', '0', '1', '30', '2/16', '61.1', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '1t', '1', '1']
in row 2 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2008', 5, '09/14/08', 'NYG', '@ Stl', 'W, 41-13', '29', '20', '69.0', '260', '9.0', '3', '0', '33t', '2/19', '131.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2008', 5, '09/21/08', 'NYG', 'Cin', 'W, 26-23', '43', '26', '60.5', '289', '6.7', '1', '0', '31', '0/0', '88.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2008', 5, '10/05/08', 'NYG', 'Sea', 'W, 44-6', '25', '19', '76.0', '267', '10.7', '2', '0', '41', '1/3', '136.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2008', 5, '10/13/08', 'NYG', '@ Cle', 'L, 35-14', '28', '18', '64.3', '196', '7.0', '1', '3', '25', '1/4', '57.1', '1', '13', '13.00', '13', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2008', 5, '10/19/08', 'NYG', 'SF', 'W, 29-17', '31', '16', '51.6', '161', '5.2', '1', '0', '35', '0/0', '77.5', '3', '-4', '-1.33', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2008', 5, '10/26/08', 'NYG', '@ Pit', 'W, 21-14', '32', '19', '59.4', '199', '6.2', '1', '0', '30', '0/0', '87.9', '4', '-1', '-0.25', '2', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2008', 5, '11/02/08', 'NYG', 'Dal', 'W, 35-14', '27', '16', '59.3', '147', '5.4', '3', '1', '22', '4/28', '95.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2008', 5, '11/09/08', 'NYG', '@ Phi', 'W, 36-31', '31', '17', '54.8', '191', '6.2', '2', '1', '22', '1/9', '81.5', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2008', 5, '11/16/08', 'NYG', 'Bal', 'W, 30-10', '23', '13', '56.5', '153', '6.7', '1', '1', '24', '1/7', '73.3', '2', '-3', '-1.50', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2008', 5, '11/23/08', 'NYG', '@ Ari', 'W, 37-29', '33', '26', '78.8', '240', '7.3', '3', '0', '30', '1/6', '127.3', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2008', 5, '11/30/08', 'NYG', '@ Was', 'W, 23-7', '34', '21', '61.8', '305', '9.0', '1', '1', '48', '2/9', '88.5', '4', '7', '1.75', '7', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2008', 5, '12/07/08', 'NYG', 'Phi', 'L, 20-14', '27', '13', '48.1', '123', '4.6', '1', '0', '19', '0/0', '73.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2008', 5, '12/14/08', 'NYG', '@ Dal', 'L, 20-8', '35', '18', '51.4', '191', '5.5', '0', '2', '23', '8/45', '43.9', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2008', 5, '12/21/08', 'NYG', 'Car', 'W, 34-28', '27', '17', '63.0', '181', '6.7', '1', '0', '40', '3/23', '94.8', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2008', 5, '12/28/08', 'NYG', '@ Min', 'L, 20-19', '19', '11', '57.9', '119', '6.3', '0', '0', '26', '1/5', '76.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 17 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2008', 5, '01/11/09', 'NYG', 'Phi', 'L, 23-11', '29', '15', '51.7', '169', '5.8', '0', '2', '34', '0/0', '40.7', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2009', 6, '09/13/09', 'NYG', 'Was', 'W, 23-17', '29', '20', '69.0', '256', '8.8', '1', '1', '30t', '1/8', '93.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2009', 6, '09/20/09', 'NYG', '@ Dal', 'W, 33-31', '38', '25', '65.8', '330', '8.7', '2', '0', '49', '0/0', '110.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2009', 6, '09/27/09', 'NYG', '@ TB', 'W, 24-0', '24', '14', '58.3', '161', '6.7', '2', '0', '24', '0/0', '106.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2009', 6, '10/04/09', 'NYG', '@ KC', 'W, 27-16', '34', '20', '58.8', '292', '8.6', '3', '1', '54t', '1/8', '104.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2009', 6, '10/11/09', 'NYG', 'Oak', 'W, 44-7', '10', '8', '80.0', '173', '17.3', '2', '0', '55', '0/0', '158.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2009', 6, '10/18/09', 'NYG', '@ NO', 'L, 48-27', '31', '14', '45.2', '178', '5.7', '1', '1', '58', '1/9', '61.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2009', 6, '10/25/09', 'NYG', 'Ari', 'L, 24-17', '37', '19', '51.4', '243', '6.6', '1', '3', '62t', '3/23', '47.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2009', 6, '11/01/09', 'NYG', '@ Phi', 'L, 40-17', '39', '20', '51.3', '222', '5.7', '1', '2', '35', '2/7', '55.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2009', 6, '11/08/09', 'NYG', 'SD', 'L, 21-20', '33', '25', '75.8', '215', '6.5', '2', '0', '29', '5/27', '112.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2009', 6, '11/22/09', 'NYG', 'Atl', 'W, 34-31', '39', '25', '64.1', '384', '9.8', '3', '1', '51', '1/16', '111.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2009', 6, '11/26/09', 'NYG', '@ Den', 'L, 26-6', '40', '24', '60.0', '230', '5.8', '0', '1', '36', '3/20', '65.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2009', 6, '12/06/09', 'NYG', 'Dal', 'W, 31-24', '25', '11', '44.0', '241', '9.6', '2', '1', '74t', '1/4', '88.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2009', 6, '12/13/09', 'NYG', 'Phi', 'L, 45-38', '38', '27', '71.1', '391', '10.3', '3', '0', '68t', '3/12', '130.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2009', 6, '12/21/09', 'NYG', '@ Was', 'W, 45-12', '26', '19', '73.1', '268', '10.3', '3', '0', '45', '2/22', '144.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2009', 6, '12/27/09', 'NYG', 'Car', 'L, 41-9', '43', '29', '67.4', '296', '6.9', '1', '2', '27', '4/39', '75.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2009', 6, '01/03/10', 'NYG', '@ Min', 'L, 44-7', '23', '17', '73.9', '141', '6.1', '0', '1', '26', '3/21', '71.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2010', 7, '09/12/10', 'NYG', 'Car', 'W, 31-18', '30', '20', '66.7', '263', '8.8', '3', '3', '31', '1/5', '87.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2010', 7, '09/19/10', 'NYG', '@ Ind', 'L, 38-14', '24', '13', '54.2', '161', '6.7', '2', '1', '54t', '4/24', '85.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2010', 7, '09/26/10', 'NYG', 'Ten', 'L, 29-10', '48', '34', '70.8', '386', '8.0', '0', '2', '54', '2/22', '77.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2010', 7, '10/03/10', 'NYG', 'Chi', 'W, 17-3', '30', '18', '60.0', '195', '6.5', '0', '0', '30', '2/12', '79.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2010', 7, '10/10/10', 'NYG', '@ Hou', 'W, 34-10', '42', '27', '64.3', '297', '7.1', '3', '2', '45', '0/0', '89.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2010', 7, '10/17/10', 'NYG', 'Det', 'W, 28-20', '30', '20', '66.7', '177', '5.9', '2', '0', '33t', '2/10', '104.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2010', 7, '10/25/10', 'NYG', '@ Dal', 'W, 41-35', '35', '25', '71.4', '306', '8.7', '4', '3', '32', '1/9', '100.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2010', 7, '11/07/10', 'NYG', '@ Sea', 'W, 41-7', '32', '21', '65.6', '290', '9.1', '3', '0', '46t', '0/0', '125.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2010', 7, '11/14/10', 'NYG', 'Dal', 'L, 33-20', '48', '33', '68.8', '373', '7.8', '2', '2', '44', '0/0', '88.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2010', 7, '11/21/10', 'NYG', '@ Phi', 'L, 27-17', '33', '20', '60.6', '147', '4.5', '2', '3', '22', '0/0', '53.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2010', 7, '11/28/10', 'NYG', 'Jax', 'W, 24-20', '24', '14', '58.3', '226', '9.4', '2', '0', '32t', '0/0', '117.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2010', 7, '12/05/10', 'NYG', 'Was', 'W, 31-7', '25', '15', '60.0', '161', '6.4', '0', '1', '23', '0/0', '62.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2010', 7, '12/13/10', 'NYG', '@ Min', 'W, 21-3', '37', '22', '59.5', '187', '5.1', '1', '2', '30', '1/5', '59.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2010', 7, '12/19/10', 'NYG', 'Phi', 'L, 38-31', '39', '23', '59.0', '289', '7.4', '4', '1', '36', '2/25', '105.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2010', 7, '12/26/10', 'NYG', '@ GB', 'L, 45-17', '33', '17', '51.5', '301', '9.1', '2', '4', '85t', '1/5', '63.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2010', 7, '01/02/11', 'NYG', '@ Was', 'W, 17-14', '29', '17', '58.6', '243', '8.4', '1', '1', '92t', '0/0', '83.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2011', 8, '09/11/11', 'NYG', '@ Was', 'L, 28-14', '32', '18', '56.2', '268', '8.4', '0', '1', '68', '4/28', '70.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2011', 8, '09/19/11', 'NYG', 'Stl', 'W, 28-16', '30', '19', '63.3', '223', '7.4', '2', '1', '31', '3/19', '94.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2011', 8, '09/25/11', 'NYG', '@ Phi', 'W, 29-16', '23', '16', '69.6', '254', '11.0', '4', '0', '74t', '3/22', '145.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2011', 8, '10/02/11', 'NYG', '@ Ari', 'W, 31-27', '40', '27', '67.5', '321', '8.0', '2', '0', '29t', '1/15', '108.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2011', 8, '10/09/11', 'NYG', 'Sea', 'L, 36-25', '39', '24', '61.5', '420', '10.8', '3', '3', '68t', '3/25', '91.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2011', 8, '10/16/11', 'NYG', 'Buf', 'W, 27-24', '32', '21', '65.6', '292', '9.1', '0', '0', '60', '0/0', '94.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2011', 8, '10/30/11', 'NYG', 'Mia', 'W, 20-17', '45', '31', '68.9', '349', '7.8', '2', '0', '26', '1/5', '106.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2011', 8, '11/06/11', 'NYG', '@ NE', 'W, 24-20', '39', '20', '51.3', '250', '6.4', '2', '1', '30', '0/0', '77.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2011', 8, '11/13/11', 'NYG', '@ SF', 'L, 27-20', '40', '26', '65.0', '311', '7.8', '2', '2', '36', '1/9', '84.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2011', 8, '11/20/11', 'NYG', 'Phi', 'L, 17-10', '35', '18', '51.4', '264', '7.5', '1', '1', '47', '3/15', '74.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2011', 8, '11/28/11', 'NYG', '@ NO', 'L, 49-24', '47', '33', '70.2', '406', '8.6', '2', '1', '72t', '1/14', '101.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2011', 8, '12/04/11', 'NYG', 'GB', 'L, 38-35', '40', '23', '57.5', '347', '8.7', '3', '1', '67t', '1/0', '100.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2011', 8, '12/11/11', 'NYG', '@ Dal', 'W, 37-34', '47', '27', '57.4', '400', '8.5', '2', '1', '64', '0/0', '90.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2011', 8, '12/18/11', 'NYG', 'Was', 'L, 23-10', '40', '23', '57.5', '257', '6.4', '0', '3', '34', '3/24', '45.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2011', 8, '12/24/11', 'NYG', '@ NYJ', 'W, 29-14', '27', '9', '33.3', '225', '8.3', '1', '1', '99t', '2/8', '61.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2011', 8, '01/01/12', 'NYG', 'Dal', 'W, 31-14', '33', '24', '72.7', '346', '10.5', '3', '0', '74t', '2/15', '136.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 17 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2011', 8, '01/08/12', 'NYG', 'Atl', 'W, 24-2', '32', '23', '71.9', '277', '8.7', '3', '0', '72t', '1/7', '129.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 18 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2011', 8, '01/15/12', 'NYG', '@ GB', 'W, 37-20', '33', '21', '63.6', '330', '10.0', '3', '1', '66t', '1/5', '114.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 19 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2011', 8, '01/22/12', 'NYG', '@ SF', 'W, 20-17', '58', '32', '55.2', '316', '5.4', '2', '0', '36', '6/49', '82.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 20 of 21 total rows
['manning, eli', '2011', 8, '02/05/12', 'NYG', '@ NE', 'W, 21-17', '40', '30', '75.0', '296', '7.4', '1', '0', '38', '3/14', '103.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2012', 9, '09/05/12', 'NYG', 'Dal', 'L, 24-17', '32', '21', '65.6', '213', '6.7', '1', '0', '39', '3/26', '94.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2012', 9, '09/16/12', 'NYG', 'TB', 'W, 41-34', '51', '31', '60.8', '510', '10.0', '3', '3', '80t', '0/0', '89.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2012', 9, '09/20/12', 'NYG', '@ Car', 'W, 36-7', '35', '27', '77.1', '288', '8.2', '1', '0', '29', '1/6', '110.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2012', 9, '09/30/12', 'NYG', '@ Phi', 'L, 19-17', '42', '24', '57.1', '309', '7.4', '2', '1', '41', '0/0', '86.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2012', 9, '10/07/12', 'NYG', 'Cle', 'W, 41-27', '37', '25', '67.6', '259', '7.0', '3', '1', '36', '0/0', '103.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2012', 9, '10/14/12', 'NYG', '@ SF', 'W, 26-3', '28', '15', '53.6', '193', '6.9', '1', '0', '39', '0/0', '87.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2012', 9, '10/21/12', 'NYG', 'Was', 'W, 27-23', '40', '26', '65.0', '337', '8.4', '1', '2', '77t', '1/8', '78.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2012', 9, '10/28/12', 'NYG', '@ Dal', 'W, 29-24', '29', '15', '51.7', '192', '6.6', '0', '1', '56', '1/2', '58.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2012', 9, '11/04/12', 'NYG', 'Pit', 'L, 24-20', '24', '10', '41.7', '125', '5.2', '0', '1', '33', '2/11', '41.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2012', 9, '11/11/12', 'NYG', '@ Cin', 'L, 31-13', '46', '29', '63.0', '215', '4.7', '0', '2', '16', '4/26', '56.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2012', 9, '11/25/12', 'NYG', 'GB', 'W, 38-10', '30', '16', '53.3', '249', '8.3', '3', '0', '59', '1/6', '114.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2012', 9, '12/03/12', 'NYG', '@ Was', 'L, 17-16', '33', '20', '60.6', '280', '8.5', '1', '0', '49', '1/7', '98.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2012', 9, '12/09/12', 'NYG', 'NO', 'W, 52-27', '35', '22', '62.9', '259', '7.4', '4', '2', '35', '0/0', '99.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2012', 9, '12/16/12', 'NYG', '@ Atl', 'L, 34-0', '25', '13', '52.0', '161', '6.4', '0', '2', '37', '1/2', '38.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2012', 9, '12/23/12', 'NYG', '@ Bal', 'L, 33-14', '28', '14', '50.0', '150', '5.4', '1', '0', '43', '3/31', '78.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2012', 9, '12/30/12', 'NYG', 'Phi', 'W, 42-7', '21', '13', '61.9', '208', '9.9', '5', '0', '41', '1/11', '134.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2013', 10, '09/08/13', 'NYG', '@ Dal', 'L, 36-31', '42', '27', '64.3', '450', '10.7', '4', '3', '70t', '3/22', '102.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2013', 10, '09/15/13', 'NYG', 'Den', 'L, 41-23', '49', '28', '57.1', '362', '7.4', '1', '4', '51', '1/9', '53.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2013', 10, '09/22/13', 'NYG', '@ Car', 'L, 38-0', '23', '12', '52.2', '119', '5.2', '0', '1', '24', '7/45', '49.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2013', 10, '09/29/13', 'NYG', '@ KC', 'L, 31-7', '37', '18', '48.6', '217', '5.9', '1', '1', '69t', '3/17', '64.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2013', 10, '10/06/13', 'NYG', 'Phi', 'L, 36-21', '52', '24', '46.2', '334', '6.4', '2', '3', '49', '1/4', '56.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2013', 10, '10/10/13', 'NYG', '@ Chi', 'L, 27-21', '26', '14', '53.8', '239', '9.2', '1', '3', '37t', '1/7', '58.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2013', 10, '10/21/13', 'NYG', 'Min', 'W, 23-7', '39', '23', '59.0', '200', '5.1', '1', '0', '24t', '2/7', '81.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2013', 10, '10/27/13', 'NYG', '@ Phi', 'W, 15-7', '39', '25', '64.1', '246', '6.3', '0', '0', '27', '1/9', '81.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2013', 10, '11/10/13', 'NYG', 'Oak', 'W, 24-20', '22', '12', '54.5', '140', '6.4', '1', '1', '25', '3/22', '70.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2013', 10, '11/17/13', 'NYG', 'GB', 'W, 27-13', '35', '25', '71.4', '279', '8.0', '1', '1', '35', '4/23', '92.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2013', 10, '11/24/13', 'NYG', 'Dal', 'L, 24-21', '30', '16', '53.3', '174', '5.8', '2', '0', '27t', '2/20', '92.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2013', 10, '12/01/13', 'NYG', '@ Was', 'W, 24-17', '28', '22', '78.6', '235', '8.4', '1', '1', '22t', '3/29', '98.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2013', 10, '12/08/13', 'NYG', '@ SD', 'L, 37-14', '32', '20', '62.5', '259', '8.1', '1', '2', '51', '2/18', '72.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2013', 10, '12/15/13', 'NYG', 'Sea', 'L, 23-0', '31', '18', '58.1', '156', '5.0', '0', '5', '20', '3/24', '31.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2013', 10, '12/22/13', 'NYG', '@ Det', 'W, 23-20', '42', '23', '54.8', '256', '6.1', '1', '1', '26', '2/18', '71.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2013', 10, '12/29/13', 'NYG', 'Was', 'W, 20-6', '24', '10', '41.7', '152', '6.3', '1', '1', '35', '1/7', '59.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2014', 11, '09/08/14', 'NYG', '@ Det', 'L, 35-14', '33', '18', '54.5', '163', '4.9', '1', '2', '21', '2/19', '53.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2014', 11, '09/14/14', 'NYG', 'Ari', 'L, 25-14', '39', '26', '66.7', '277', '7.1', '2', '2', '29', '2/17', '83.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2014', 11, '09/21/14', 'NYG', 'Hou', 'W, 30-17', '28', '21', '75.0', '234', '8.4', '2', '0', '61', '1/8', '123.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2014', 11, '09/25/14', 'NYG', '@ Was', 'W, 45-14', '39', '28', '71.8', '300', '7.7', '4', '1', '36', '1/5', '117.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2014', 11, '10/05/14', 'NYG', 'Atl', 'W, 30-20', '30', '19', '63.3', '200', '6.7', '2', '0', '42', '1/7', '104.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2014', 11, '10/12/14', 'NYG', '@ Phi', 'L, 27-0', '23', '13', '56.5', '151', '6.6', '0', '0', '20', '6/32', '76.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2014', 11, '10/19/14', 'NYG', '@ Dal', 'L, 31-21', '33', '21', '63.6', '248', '7.5', '3', '0', '27t', '0/0', '116.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2014', 11, '11/03/14', 'NYG', 'Ind', 'L, 40-24', '52', '27', '51.9', '359', '6.9', '2', '0', '59', '3/10', '86.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2014', 11, '11/09/14', 'NYG', '@ Sea', 'L, 38-17', '44', '29', '65.9', '283', '6.4', '1', '1', '44', '2/13', '81.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2014', 11, '11/16/14', 'NYG', 'SF', 'L, 16-10', '45', '22', '48.9', '280', '6.2', '1', '5', '37', '2/15', '36.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2014', 11, '11/23/14', 'NYG', 'Dal', 'L, 31-28', '40', '29', '72.5', '338', '8.4', '3', '1', '43t', '2/10', '112.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2014', 11, '11/30/14', 'NYG', '@ Jax', 'L, 25-24', '34', '24', '70.6', '247', '7.3', '1', '0', '32', '4/34', '101.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2014', 11, '12/07/14', 'NYG', '@ Ten', 'W, 36-7', '42', '26', '61.9', '260', '6.2', '1', '1', '50', '0/0', '77.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2014', 11, '12/14/14', 'NYG', 'Was', 'W, 24-13', '34', '23', '67.6', '250', '7.4', '3', '0', '35t', '1/12', '118.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2014', 11, '12/21/14', 'NYG', '@ Stl', 'W, 37-27', '32', '25', '78.1', '391', '12.2', '3', '0', '80t', '1/5', '148.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2014', 11, '12/28/14', 'NYG', 'Phi', 'L, 34-26', '53', '28', '52.8', '429', '8.1', '1', '1', '63t', '0/0', '78.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2015', 12, '09/13/15', 'NYG', '@ Dal', 'L, 27-26', '36', '20', '55.6', '189', '5.2', '0', '0', '18', '1/3', '70.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2015', 12, '09/20/15', 'NYG', 'Atl', 'L, 24-20', '40', '27', '67.5', '292', '7.3', '2', '0', '67t', '2/1', '105.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2015', 12, '09/24/15', 'NYG', 'Was', 'W, 32-21', '32', '23', '71.9', '279', '8.7', '2', '0', '41t', '0/0', '119.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2015', 12, '10/04/15', 'NYG', '@ Buf', 'W, 24-10', '35', '20', '57.1', '212', '6.1', '3', '1', '51t', '1/1', '91.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2015', 12, '10/11/15', 'NYG', 'SF', 'W, 30-27', '54', '41', '75.9', '441', '8.2', '3', '1', '49', '0/0', '110.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2015', 12, '10/19/15', 'NYG', '@ Phi', 'L, 27-7', '38', '24', '63.2', '189', '5.0', '1', '2', '17', '3/23', '62.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2015', 12, '10/25/15', 'NYG', 'Dal', 'W, 27-20', '24', '13', '54.2', '170', '7.1', '0', '0', '44', '2/13', '76.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2015', 12, '11/01/15', 'NYG', '@ NO', 'L, 52-49', '41', '30', '73.2', '350', '8.5', '6', '0', '50t', '3/21', '138.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2015', 12, '11/08/15', 'NYG', '@ TB', 'W, 32-18', '40', '26', '65.0', '213', '5.3', '2', '2', '24', '0/0', '74.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2015', 12, '11/15/15', 'NYG', 'NE', 'L, 27-26', '44', '24', '54.5', '361', '8.2', '2', '0', '87t', '3/19', '96.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2015', 12, '11/29/15', 'NYG', '@ Was', 'L, 20-14', '51', '26', '51.0', '321', '6.3', '2', '3', '40t', '3/22', '59.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2015', 12, '12/06/15', 'NYG', 'NYJ', 'L, 23-20', '34', '18', '52.9', '297', '8.7', '1', '1', '72t', '3/16', '80.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2015', 12, '12/14/15', 'NYG', '@ Mia', 'W, 31-24', '31', '27', '87.1', '337', '10.9', '4', '0', '84t', '0/0', '151.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2015', 12, '12/20/15', 'NYG', 'Car', 'L, 38-35', '46', '29', '63.0', '245', '5.3', '4', '1', '40', '0/0', '96.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2015', 12, '12/27/15', 'NYG', '@ Min', 'L, 49-17', '29', '15', '51.7', '234', '8.1', '1', '3', '72t', '4/30', '50.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['manning, eli', '2015', 12, '01/03/16', 'NYG', 'Phi', 'L, 35-30', '43', '24', '55.8', '302', '7.0', '2', '0', '45t', '2/8', '93.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2016', 13, '09/11/16', 'NYG', '@ Dal', 'W, 20-19', '28', '19', '67.9', '207', '7.4', '3', '1', '45', '2/4', '110.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2016', 13, '09/18/16', 'NYG', 'NO', 'W, 16-13', '41', '32', '78.0', '368', '9.0', '0', '0', '40', '2/15', '104.1', '4', '-4', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2016', 13, '09/25/16', 'NYG', 'Was', 'L, 29-27', '38', '25', '65.8', '350', '9.2', '1', '2', '37', '2/13', '82.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2016', 13, '10/03/16', 'NYG', '@ Min', 'L, 24-10', '45', '25', '55.6', '261', '5.8', '0', '1', '67', '0/0', '63.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2016', 13, '10/09/16', 'NYG', '@ GB', 'L, 23-16', '35', '18', '51.4', '199', '5.7', '1', '0', '27', '3/15', '78.2', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2016', 13, '10/16/16', 'NYG', 'Bal', 'W, 27-23', '46', '32', '69.6', '403', '8.8', '3', '2', '75t', '1/6', '100.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2016', 13, '10/23/16', 'NYG', '@ LA', 'W, 17-10', '37', '24', '64.9', '196', '5.3', '0', '0', '25', '0/0', '78.2', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2016', 13, '11/06/16', 'NYG', 'Phi', 'W, 28-23', '36', '22', '61.1', '257', '7.1', '4', '2', '46', '1/9', '96.6', '2', '-4', '-2.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2016', 13, '11/14/16', 'NYG', 'Cin', 'W, 21-20', '44', '28', '63.6', '240', '5.5', '3', '2', '25', '1/11', '81.6', '3', '4', '1.33', '6', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2016', 13, '11/20/16', 'NYG', 'Chi', 'W, 22-16', '36', '21', '58.3', '227', '6.3', '2', '0', '48', '0/0', '95.5', '4', '1', '0.25', '4', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2016', 13, '11/27/16', 'NYG', '@ Cle', 'W, 27-13', '27', '15', '55.6', '194', '7.2', '3', '0', '41', '1/2', '115.4', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2016', 13, '12/04/16', 'NYG', '@ Pit', 'L, 24-14', '39', '24', '61.5', '195', '5.0', '2', '2', '25', '2/17', '69.9', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2016', 13, '12/11/16', 'NYG', 'Dal', 'W, 10-7', '28', '17', '60.7', '193', '6.9', '1', '1', '61t', '3/26', '78.4', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2016', 13, '12/18/16', 'NYG', 'Det', 'W, 17-6', '28', '20', '71.4', '201', '7.2', '2', '0', '29', '2/15', '115.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2016', 13, '12/22/16', 'NYG', '@ Phi', 'L, 24-19', '63', '38', '60.3', '356', '5.7', '1', '3', '33', '0/0', '61.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2016', 13, '01/01/17', 'NYG', '@ Was', 'W, 19-10', '27', '17', '63.0', '180', '6.7', '0', '0', '44', '1/9', '82.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 17 of 18 total rows
['manning, eli', '2016', 13, '01/08/17', 'NYG', '@ GB', 'L, 38-13', '44', '23', '52.3', '299', '6.8', '1', '1', '51', '2/4', '72.1', '1', '11', '11.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['losman, jp', '2004', 1, '11/14/04', 'Buf', '@ NE', 'L, 29-6', '2', '1', '50.0', '5', '2.5', '0', '1', '5', '1/0', '16.7', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['losman, jp', '2004', 1, '11/28/04', 'Buf', '@ Sea', 'W, 38-9', '1', '1', '100.0', '17', '17.0', '0', '0', '17', '0/0', '118.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['losman, jp', '2004', 1, '12/12/04', 'Buf', 'Cle', 'W, 37-7', '2', '1', '50.0', '10', '5.0', '0', '0', '10', '0/0', '64.6', '1', '10', '10.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 10 total rows
['losman, jp', '2005', 2, '09/11/05', 'Buf', 'Hou', 'W, 22-7', '28', '17', '60.7', '170', '6.1', '1', '0', '42', '1/6', '89.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 10 total rows
['losman, jp', '2005', 2, '09/18/05', 'Buf', '@ TB', 'L, 19-3', '28', '11', '39.3', '113', '4.0', '0', '0', '30', '2/12', '51.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 10 total rows
['losman, jp', '2005', 2, '09/25/05', 'Buf', 'Atl', 'L, 24-16', '23', '10', '43.5', '75', '3.3', '0', '1', '17', '4/39', '33.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 10 total rows
['losman, jp', '2005', 2, '10/02/05', 'Buf', '@ NO', 'L, 19-7', '15', '7', '46.7', '75', '5.0', '0', '1', '19', '3/30', '34.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 10 total rows
['losman, jp', '2005', 2, '11/13/05', 'Buf', 'KC', 'W, 14-3', '16', '9', '56.2', '137', '8.6', '2', '0', '33t', '1/6', '124.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 10 total rows
['losman, jp', '2005', 2, '11/20/05', 'Buf', '@ SD', 'L, 48-10', '36', '20', '55.6', '168', '4.7', '1', '1', '42', '6/31', '65.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 10 total rows
['losman, jp', '2005', 2, '11/27/05', 'Buf', 'Car', 'L, 13-9', '29', '16', '55.2', '197', '6.8', '0', '1', '29', '5/36', '62.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 10 total rows
['losman, jp', '2005', 2, '12/04/05', 'Buf', '@ Mia', 'L, 24-23', '26', '13', '50.0', '224', '8.6', '3', '1', '56t', '2/25', '102.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 10 total rows
['losman, jp', '2005', 2, '12/11/05', 'Buf', 'NE', 'L, 35-7', '27', '10', '37.0', '181', '6.7', '1', '3', '58', '2/12', '33.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['losman, jp', '2006', 3, '09/10/06', 'Buf', '@ NE', 'L, 19-17', '23', '15', '65.2', '164', '7.1', '0', '0', '20', '3/23', '86.1', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['losman, jp', '2006', 3, '09/17/06', 'Buf', '@ Mia', 'W, 16-6', '18', '11', '61.1', '83', '4.6', '1', '0', '19', '2/17', '90.7', '2', '10', '5.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['losman, jp', '2006', 3, '09/24/06', 'Buf', 'NYJ', 'L, 28-20', '38', '22', '57.9', '328', '8.6', '1', '1', '51t', '3/22', '84.1', '3', '14', '4.67', '12t', '1', '2']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['losman, jp', '2006', 3, '10/01/06', 'Buf', 'Min', 'W, 17-12', '32', '23', '71.9', '224', '7.0', '1', '0', '23', '3/21', '101.6', '4', '17', '4.25', '15', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['losman, jp', '2006', 3, '10/08/06', 'Buf', '@ Chi', 'L, 40-7', '27', '14', '51.9', '115', '4.3', '1', '3', '19', '3/28', '35.8', '3', '8', '2.67', '7', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['losman, jp', '2006', 3, '10/15/06', 'Buf', '@ Det', 'L, 20-17', '34', '21', '61.8', '207', '6.1', '2', '1', '44t', '5/50', '86.3', '3', '16', '5.33', '8', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['losman, jp', '2006', 3, '10/22/06', 'Buf', 'NE', 'L, 28-6', '25', '16', '64.0', '192', '7.7', '0', '1', '56', '2/12', '70.8', '3', '13', '4.33', '7', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['losman, jp', '2006', 3, '11/05/06', 'Buf', 'GB', 'W, 24-10', '15', '8', '53.3', '102', '6.8', '1', '0', '43t', '5/38', '97.1', '3', '2', '0.67', '4', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['losman, jp', '2006', 3, '11/12/06', 'Buf', '@ Ind', 'L, 17-16', '12', '8', '66.7', '83', '6.9', '0', '0', '24', '4/32', '86.5', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['losman, jp', '2006', 3, '11/19/06', 'Buf', '@ Hou', 'W, 24-21', '38', '26', '68.4', '340', '8.9', '3', '1', '83t', '2/7', '111.7', '2', '14', '7.00', '11', '0', '2']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['losman, jp', '2006', 3, '11/26/06', 'Buf', 'Jax', 'W, 27-24', '28', '21', '75.0', '169', '6.0', '0', '1', '30', '0/0', '74.9', '3', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['losman, jp', '2006', 3, '12/03/06', 'Buf', 'SD', 'L, 24-21', '37', '21', '56.8', '184', '5.0', '2', '2', '23', '3/17', '65.6', '6', '26', '4.33', '10', '0', '4']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['losman, jp', '2006', 3, '12/10/06', 'Buf', '@ NYJ', 'W, 31-13', '15', '10', '66.7', '157', '10.5', '2', '0', '77t', '3/13', '140.8', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['losman, jp', '2006', 3, '12/17/06', 'Buf', 'Mia', 'W, 21-0', '19', '13', '68.4', '200', '10.5', '3', '0', '37', '3/14', '142.5', '2', '11', '5.50', '11', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['losman, jp', '2006', 3, '12/24/06', 'Buf', 'Ten', 'L, 30-29', '33', '19', '57.6', '266', '8.1', '1', '2', '52', '3/15', '68.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['losman, jp', '2006', 3, '12/31/06', 'Buf', '@ Bal', 'L, 19-7', '35', '20', '57.1', '237', '6.8', '1', '2', '52', '3/23', '63.6', '1', '10', '10.00', '10', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 9 total rows
['losman, jp', '2007', 4, '09/09/07', 'Buf', 'Den', 'L, 15-14', '21', '14', '66.7', '97', '4.6', '0', '1', '19', '2/25', '57.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 9 total rows
['losman, jp', '2007', 4, '09/16/07', 'Buf', '@ Pit', 'L, 26-3', '25', '15', '60.0', '154', '6.2', '0', '0', '22', '4/33', '77.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 9 total rows
['losman, jp', '2007', 4, '09/23/07', 'Buf', '@ NE', 'L, 38-7', '1', '1', '100.0', '4', '4.0', '0', '0', '4', '1/9', '83.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 9 total rows
['losman, jp', '2007', 4, '10/28/07', 'Buf', '@ NYJ', 'W, 13-3', '5', '3', '60.0', '113', '22.6', '1', '0', '85t', '0/0', '143.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 9 total rows
['losman, jp', '2007', 4, '11/04/07', 'Buf', 'Cin', 'W, 33-21', '34', '24', '70.6', '295', '8.7', '1', '1', '38', '0/0', '94.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 9 total rows
['losman, jp', '2007', 4, '11/11/07', 'Buf', '@ Mia', 'W, 13-10', '23', '12', '52.2', '157', '6.8', '0', '1', '21', '2/6', '55.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 9 total rows
['losman, jp', '2007', 4, '11/18/07', 'Buf', 'NE', 'L, 56-10', '26', '15', '57.7', '173', '6.7', '1', '1', '47t', '4/22', '74.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 9 total rows
['losman, jp', '2007', 4, '11/25/07', 'Buf', '@ Jax', 'L, 36-14', '40', '27', '67.5', '211', '5.3', '1', '2', '23', '1/8', '67.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 6 total rows
['losman, jp', '2008', 5, '10/05/08', 'Buf', '@ Ari', 'L, 41-17', '21', '15', '71.4', '220', '10.5', '1', '1', '87t', '5/35', '101.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 6 total rows
['losman, jp', '2008', 5, '11/23/08', 'Buf', '@ KC', 'W, 54-31', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 6 total rows
['losman, jp', '2008', 5, '11/30/08', 'Buf', 'SF', 'L, 10-3', '17', '11', '64.7', '93', '5.5', '0', '0', '17', '3/11', '78.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 6 total rows
['losman, jp', '2008', 5, '12/07/08', 'Buf', 'Mia', 'L, 16-3', '27', '13', '48.1', '123', '4.6', '0', '1', '23', '4/44', '45.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 6 total rows
['losman, jp', '2008', 5, '12/14/08', 'Buf', '@ NYJ', 'L, 31-27', '39', '24', '61.5', '148', '3.8', '1', '3', '14', '3/29', '45.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['losman, jp', '2009', 6, '12/20/09', 'Oak', '@ Den', 'W, 20-19', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['losman, jp', '2011', 8, '12/11/11', 'Mia', 'Phi', 'L, 26-10', '10', '6', '60.0', '60', '6.0', '0', '0', '25', '5/38', '77.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 6 total rows
['locker, jake', '2011', 1, '10/02/11', 'Ten', '@ Cle', 'W, 31-13', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 6 total rows
['locker, jake', '2011', 1, '10/23/11', 'Ten', 'Hou', 'L, 41-7', '1', '1', '100.0', '12', '12.0', '0', '0', '12', '1/9', '116.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 6 total rows
['locker, jake', '2011', 1, '11/20/11', 'Ten', '@ Atl', 'L, 23-17', '19', '9', '47.4', '140', '7.4', '2', '0', '40t', '1/7', '107.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 6 total rows
['locker, jake', '2011', 1, '12/11/11', 'Ten', 'NO', 'L, 22-17', '29', '13', '44.8', '282', '9.7', '1', '0', '54', '2/12', '91.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 6 total rows
['locker, jake', '2011', 1, '12/18/11', 'Ten', '@ Ind', 'L, 27-13', '16', '11', '68.8', '108', '6.8', '1', '0', '15', '1/9', '108.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 12 total rows
['locker, jake', '2012', 2, '09/09/12', 'Ten', 'NE', 'L, 34-13', '32', '23', '71.9', '229', '7.2', '1', '1', '35', '2/8', '89.2', '2', '11', '5.50', '9', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 12 total rows
['locker, jake', '2012', 2, '09/16/12', 'Ten', '@ SD', 'L, 38-10', '30', '15', '50.0', '174', '5.8', '1', '1', '46', '0/0', '65.1', '2', '21', '10.50', '20', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 12 total rows
['locker, jake', '2012', 2, '09/23/12', 'Ten', 'Det', 'W, 44-41', '42', '29', '69.0', '378', '9.0', '2', '0', '71t', '0/0', '113.0', '4', '35', '8.75', '31', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 12 total rows
['locker, jake', '2012', 2, '09/30/12', 'Ten', '@ Hou', 'L, 38-14', '2', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '1/8', '39.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 12 total rows
['locker, jake', '2012', 2, '11/11/12', 'Ten', '@ Mia', 'W, 37-3', '21', '9', '42.9', '122', '5.8', '2', '0', '28', '1/6', '93.8', '4', '36', '9.00', '20', '0', '3']
in row 6 of 12 total rows
['locker, jake', '2012', 2, '11/25/12', 'Ten', '@ Jax', 'L, 24-19', '40', '23', '57.5', '261', '6.5', '1', '2', '27', '1/11', '64.7', '5', '21', '4.20', '5', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 12 total rows
['locker, jake', '2012', 2, '12/02/12', 'Ten', 'Hou', 'L, 24-10', '45', '21', '46.7', '309', '6.9', '1', '3', '49', '6/44', '49.2', '4', '38', '9.50', '15', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 12 total rows
['locker, jake', '2012', 2, '12/09/12', 'Ten', '@ Ind', 'L, 27-23', '35', '22', '62.9', '262', '7.5', '1', '2', '46', '1/3', '71.4', '4', '51', '12.75', '32', '0', '2']
in row 9 of 12 total rows
['locker, jake', '2012', 2, '12/17/12', 'Ten', 'NYJ', 'W, 14-10', '22', '13', '59.1', '149', '6.8', '0', '0', '30', '4/22', '79.5', '7', '43', '6.14', '15', '1', '2']
in row 10 of 12 total rows
['locker, jake', '2012', 2, '12/23/12', 'Ten', '@ GB', 'L, 55-7', '30', '13', '43.3', '140', '4.7', '1', '2', '39', '7/39', '41.0', '4', '32', '8.00', '22', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 12 total rows
['locker, jake', '2012', 2, '12/30/12', 'Ten', 'Jax', 'W, 38-20', '15', '9', '60.0', '152', '10.1', '0', '0', '42', '2/10', '94.3', '5', '3', '0.60', '3', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 8 total rows
['locker, jake', '2013', 3, '09/08/13', 'Ten', '@ Pit', 'W, 16-9', '20', '11', '55.0', '125', '6.2', '0', '0', '25', '1/8', '74.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 8 total rows
['locker, jake', '2013', 3, '09/15/13', 'Ten', '@ Hou', 'L, 30-24', '30', '17', '56.7', '148', '4.9', '2', '0', '31', '4/19', '92.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 8 total rows
['locker, jake', '2013', 3, '09/22/13', 'Ten', 'SD', 'W, 20-17', '37', '23', '62.2', '299', '8.1', '1', '0', '35', '2/17', '96.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 8 total rows
['locker, jake', '2013', 3, '09/29/13', 'Ten', 'NYJ', 'W, 38-13', '24', '18', '75.0', '149', '6.2', '3', '0', '25', '2/13', '130.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 8 total rows
['locker, jake', '2013', 3, '10/20/13', 'Ten', 'SF', 'L, 31-17', '41', '25', '61.0', '326', '8.0', '2', '1', '66t', '3/28', '92.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 8 total rows
['locker, jake', '2013', 3, '11/03/13', 'Ten', '@ Stl', 'W, 28-21', '22', '13', '59.1', '185', '8.4', '0', '2', '45', '4/20', '48.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 8 total rows
['locker, jake', '2013', 3, '11/10/13', 'Ten', 'Jax', 'L, 29-27', '9', '4', '44.4', '24', '2.7', '0', '1', '15', '0/0', '12.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 8 total rows
['locker, jake', '2014', 4, '09/07/14', 'Ten', '@ KC', 'W, 26-10', '33', '22', '66.7', '266', '8.1', '2', '0', '39', '4/23', '111.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 8 total rows
['locker, jake', '2014', 4, '09/14/14', 'Ten', 'Dal', 'L, 26-10', '34', '18', '52.9', '234', '6.9', '1', '2', '61t', '2/2', '60.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 8 total rows
['locker, jake', '2014', 4, '09/21/14', 'Ten', '@ Cin', 'L, 33-7', '34', '17', '50.0', '185', '5.4', '0', '2', '28', '2/8', '41.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 8 total rows
['locker, jake', '2014', 4, '10/05/14', 'Ten', 'Cle', 'L, 29-28', '11', '8', '72.7', '79', '7.2', '1', '0', '21', '1/1', '122.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 8 total rows
['locker, jake', '2014', 4, '11/30/14', 'Ten', '@ Hou', 'L, 45-21', '12', '6', '50.0', '91', '7.6', '1', '2', '35', '2/24', '63.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 8 total rows
['locker, jake', '2014', 4, '12/07/14', 'Ten', 'NYG', 'L, 36-7', '11', '9', '81.8', '81', '7.4', '0', '1', '18', '3/27', '59.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 8 total rows
['locker, jake', '2014', 4, '12/14/14', 'Ten', 'NYJ', 'L, 16-11', '11', '6', '54.5', '57', '5.2', '0', '0', '26', '0/0', '69.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 8 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2006', 2, '11/19/06', 'Was', '@ TB', 'L, 20-17', '34', '19', '55.9', '196', '5.8', '2', '0', '26', '1/3', '92.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 8 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2006', 2, '11/26/06', 'Was', 'Car', 'W, 17-13', '23', '11', '47.8', '118', '5.1', '2', '1', '66t', '1/8', '74.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 8 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2006', 2, '12/03/06', 'Was', 'Atl', 'L, 24-14', '38', '18', '47.4', '217', '5.7', '1', '2', '42t', '1/13', '52.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 8 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2006', 2, '12/10/06', 'Was', 'Phi', 'L, 21-19', '27', '15', '55.6', '182', '6.7', '1', '2', '34t', '2/17', '57.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 8 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2006', 2, '12/17/06', 'Was', '@ NO', 'W, 16-10', '28', '13', '46.4', '204', '7.3', '1', '0', '44', '1/11', '83.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 8 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2006', 2, '12/24/06', 'Was', '@ Stl', 'L, 37-31', '26', '13', '50.0', '160', '6.2', '1', '0', '21', '0/0', '82.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 8 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2006', 2, '12/30/06', 'Was', 'NYG', 'L, 34-28', '31', '21', '67.7', '220', '7.1', '2', '1', '34', '1/3', '96.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 14 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2007', 3, '09/09/07', 'Was', 'Mia', 'W, 16-13', '21', '12', '57.1', '222', '10.6', '0', '2', '54', '2/13', '54.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 14 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2007', 3, '09/17/07', 'Was', '@ Phi', 'W, 20-12', '29', '16', '55.2', '209', '7.2', '1', '1', '48', '1/2', '75.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 14 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2007', 3, '09/23/07', 'Was', 'NYG', 'L, 24-17', '34', '16', '47.1', '190', '5.6', '1', '0', '49', '2/12', '74.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 14 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2007', 3, '10/07/07', 'Was', 'Det', 'W, 34-3', '29', '23', '79.3', '248', '8.6', '2', '0', '37', '0/0', '125.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 14 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2007', 3, '10/14/07', 'Was', '@ GB', 'L, 17-14', '37', '21', '56.8', '217', '5.9', '1', '1', '28', '3/7', '71.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 14 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2007', 3, '10/21/07', 'Was', 'Ari', 'W, 21-19', '18', '12', '66.7', '95', '5.3', '0', '1', '26', '1/8', '56.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 14 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2007', 3, '10/28/07', 'Was', '@ NE', 'L, 52-7', '36', '21', '58.3', '197', '5.5', '1', '1', '28', '3/20', '71.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 14 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2007', 3, '11/04/07', 'Was', '@ NYJ', 'W, 23-20', '23', '12', '52.2', '142', '6.2', '0', '1', '21', '1/7', '53.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 14 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2007', 3, '11/11/07', 'Was', 'Phi', 'L, 33-25', '34', '23', '67.6', '215', '6.3', '3', '0', '31', '1/12', '114.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 14 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2007', 3, '11/18/07', 'Was', '@ Dal', 'L, 28-23', '54', '33', '61.1', '348', '6.4', '2', '1', '32', '1/6', '84.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 14 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2007', 3, '11/25/07', 'Was', '@ TB', 'L, 19-13', '49', '30', '61.2', '301', '6.1', '1', '2', '39t', '2/9', '68.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 14 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2007', 3, '12/02/07', 'Was', 'Buf', 'L, 17-16', '37', '21', '56.8', '216', '5.8', '0', '1', '29', '4/14', '62.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 14 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2007', 3, '12/06/07', 'Was', 'Chi', 'W, 24-16', '16', '10', '62.5', '100', '6.2', '0', '0', '23', '0/0', '80.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2008', 4, '09/04/08', 'Was', '@ NYG', 'L, 16-7', '27', '15', '55.6', '133', '4.9', '1', '0', '26', '1/8', '81.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2008', 4, '09/14/08', 'Was', 'NO', 'W, 29-24', '36', '24', '66.7', '321', '8.9', '1', '0', '67t', '2/15', '104.1', '3', '1', '0.33', '3', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2008', 4, '09/21/08', 'Was', 'Ari', 'W, 24-17', '30', '22', '73.3', '193', '6.4', '2', '0', '26', '2/17', '112.2', '4', '26', '6.50', '16', '0', '2']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2008', 4, '09/28/08', 'Was', '@ Dal', 'W, 26-24', '31', '20', '64.5', '231', '7.5', '2', '0', '53', '2/11', '108.4', '4', '3', '0.75', '6', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2008', 4, '10/05/08', 'Was', '@ Phi', 'W, 23-17', '29', '16', '55.2', '176', '6.1', '0', '0', '26', '1/9', '73.3', '6', '14', '2.33', '15', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2008', 4, '10/12/08', 'Was', 'Stl', 'L, 19-17', '26', '18', '69.2', '208', '8.0', '0', '0', '29', '4/21', '93.1', '2', '19', '9.50', '19', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2008', 4, '10/19/08', 'Was', 'Cle', 'W, 14-11', '23', '14', '60.9', '164', '7.1', '1', '0', '35', '1/6', '97.0', '2', '1', '0.50', '2', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2008', 4, '10/26/08', 'Was', '@ Det', 'W, 25-17', '28', '23', '82.1', '328', '11.7', '1', '0', '50t', '3/24', '127.4', '3', '-2', '-0.67', '1', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2008', 4, '11/03/08', 'Was', 'Pit', 'L, 23-6', '43', '24', '55.8', '206', '4.8', '0', '2', '29', '7/45', '49.2', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2008', 4, '11/16/08', 'Was', 'Dal', 'L, 14-10', '34', '22', '64.7', '162', '4.8', '1', '1', '24', '3/26', '73.4', '1', '22', '22.00', '22', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2008', 4, '11/23/08', 'Was', '@ Sea', 'W, 20-17', '33', '20', '60.6', '206', '6.2', '1', '0', '24', '2/7', '88.7', '6', '32', '5.33', '17', '0', '2']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2008', 4, '11/30/08', 'Was', 'NYG', 'L, 23-7', '38', '23', '60.5', '232', '6.1', '0', '1', '23', '4/21', '67.0', '5', '38', '7.60', '16', '0', '2']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2008', 4, '12/07/08', 'Was', '@ Bal', 'L, 24-10', '37', '21', '56.8', '218', '5.9', '1', '2', '27', '2/26', '60.4', '2', '11', '5.50', '9', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2008', 4, '12/14/08', 'Was', '@ Cin', 'L, 20-13', '28', '17', '60.7', '167', '6.0', '1', '0', '20', '0/0', '89.4', '2', '21', '10.50', '17', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2008', 4, '12/21/08', 'Was', 'Phi', 'W, 10-3', '33', '18', '54.5', '144', '4.4', '0', '0', '17', '3/17', '65.7', '2', '28', '14.00', '19', '0', '1']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2008', 4, '12/28/08', 'Was', '@ SF', 'L, 27-24', '30', '18', '60.0', '156', '5.2', '1', '0', '17', '1/13', '84.9', '4', '39', '9.75', '23', '1', '4']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2009', 5, '09/13/09', 'Was', '@ NYG', 'L, 23-17', '26', '19', '73.1', '211', '8.1', '1', '1', '35', '2/13', '93.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2009', 5, '09/20/09', 'Was', 'Stl', 'W, 9-7', '35', '23', '65.7', '242', '6.9', '0', '0', '25', '1/5', '85.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2009', 5, '09/27/09', 'Was', '@ Det', 'L, 19-14', '41', '27', '65.9', '340', '8.3', '2', '1', '57t', '2/15', '97.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2009', 5, '10/04/09', 'Was', 'TB', 'W, 16-13', '22', '12', '54.5', '170', '7.7', '2', '3', '59t', '3/18', '70.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2009', 5, '10/11/09', 'Was', '@ Car', 'L, 20-17', '23', '17', '73.9', '145', '6.3', '1', '0', '23', '5/21', '104.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2009', 5, '10/18/09', 'Was', 'KC', 'L, 14-6', '16', '9', '56.2', '89', '5.6', '0', '1', '25', '1/6', '46.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2009', 5, '10/26/09', 'Was', 'Phi', 'L, 27-17', '43', '29', '67.4', '284', '6.6', '2', '1', '24', '6/38', '91.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2009', 5, '11/08/09', 'Was', '@ Atl', 'L, 31-17', '22', '15', '68.2', '196', '8.9', '1', '1', '47', '5/32', '92.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2009', 5, '11/15/09', 'Was', 'Den', 'W, 27-17', '26', '17', '65.4', '193', '7.4', '1', '0', '27', '3/14', '100.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2009', 5, '11/22/09', 'Was', '@ Dal', 'L, 7-6', '37', '24', '64.9', '256', '6.9', '0', '1', '36', '1/10', '73.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2009', 5, '11/29/09', 'Was', '@ Phi', 'L, 27-24', '37', '22', '59.5', '231', '6.2', '2', '2', '35', '1/10', '73.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2009', 5, '12/06/09', 'Was', 'NO', 'L, 33-30', '42', '30', '71.4', '367', '8.7', '3', '1', '44', '0/0', '111.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2009', 5, '12/13/09', 'Was', '@ Oak', 'W, 34-13', '28', '16', '57.1', '222', '7.9', '2', '0', '42', '3/27', '106.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2009', 5, '12/21/09', 'Was', 'NYG', 'L, 45-12', '28', '15', '53.6', '192', '6.9', '1', '2', '51', '5/36', '57.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2009', 5, '12/27/09', 'Was', 'Dal', 'L, 17-0', '39', '24', '61.5', '199', '5.1', '0', '1', '29', '4/34', '63.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2009', 5, '01/03/10', 'Was', '@ SD', 'L, 23-20', '42', '28', '66.7', '281', '6.7', '2', '0', '84', '1/6', '101.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 14 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2010', 6, '09/12/10', 'Oak', '@ Ten', 'L, 38-13', '37', '22', '59.5', '180', '4.9', '1', '1', '27', '4/30', '69.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 14 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2010', 6, '09/19/10', 'Oak', 'Stl', 'W, 16-14', '15', '8', '53.3', '87', '5.8', '0', '1', '27', '2/18', '42.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 14 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2010', 6, '10/10/10', 'Oak', 'SD', 'W, 35-27', '18', '13', '72.2', '159', '8.8', '1', '0', '58', '3/5', '117.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 14 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2010', 6, '10/17/10', 'Oak', '@ SF', 'L, 17-9', '21', '8', '38.1', '83', '4.0', '0', '2', '26', '2/14', '10.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 14 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2010', 6, '10/24/10', 'Oak', '@ Den', 'W, 59-14', '20', '12', '60.0', '204', '10.2', '2', '0', '43t', '2/24', '127.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 14 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2010', 6, '10/31/10', 'Oak', 'Sea', 'W, 33-3', '27', '15', '55.6', '310', '11.5', '2', '0', '69t', '2/4', '120.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 14 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2010', 6, '11/07/10', 'Oak', 'KC', 'W, 23-20', '33', '19', '57.6', '229', '6.9', '1', '1', '47', '4/20', '76.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 14 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2010', 6, '11/21/10', 'Oak', '@ Pit', 'L, 35-3', '19', '7', '36.8', '70', '3.7', '0', '1', '17', '4/32', '26.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 14 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2010', 6, '12/05/10', 'Oak', '@ SD', 'W, 28-13', '16', '10', '62.5', '117', '7.3', '1', '0', '37', '1/0', '105.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 14 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2010', 6, '12/12/10', 'Oak', '@ Jax', 'L, 38-31', '30', '21', '70.0', '324', '10.8', '2', '0', '67t', '3/21', '127.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 14 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2010', 6, '12/19/10', 'Oak', 'Den', 'W, 39-23', '26', '15', '57.7', '238', '9.2', '1', '2', '73t', '0/0', '69.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 14 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2010', 6, '12/26/10', 'Oak', 'Ind', 'L, 31-26', '42', '29', '69.0', '231', '5.5', '1', '0', '26', '3/21', '90.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 14 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2010', 6, '01/02/11', 'Oak', '@ KC', 'W, 31-10', '25', '15', '60.0', '155', '6.2', '1', '0', '35', '3/19', '91.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 7 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2011', 7, '09/12/11', 'Oak', '@ Den', 'W, 23-20', '22', '13', '59.1', '105', '4.8', '1', '0', '17', '1/6', '86.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 7 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2011', 7, '09/18/11', 'Oak', '@ Buf', 'L, 38-35', '33', '23', '69.7', '323', '9.8', '2', '1', '50t', '0/0', '108.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 7 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2011', 7, '09/25/11', 'Oak', 'NYJ', 'W, 34-24', '27', '18', '66.7', '156', '5.8', '0', '0', '28', '1/7', '81.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 7 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2011', 7, '10/02/11', 'Oak', 'NE', 'L, 31-19', '39', '25', '64.1', '344', '8.8', '1', '2', '58', '0/0', '79.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 7 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2011', 7, '10/09/11', 'Oak', '@ Hou', 'W, 25-20', '35', '15', '42.9', '190', '5.4', '2', '1', '34t', '3/6', '67.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 7 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2011', 7, '10/16/11', 'Oak', 'Cle', 'W, 24-17', '9', '6', '66.7', '52', '5.8', '0', '0', '21', '0/0', '81.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 6 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2012', 8, '10/22/12', 'Chi', 'Det', 'W, 13-7', '1', '1', '100.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '79.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 6 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2012', 8, '11/04/12', 'Chi', '@ Ten', 'W, 51-20', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 6 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2012', 8, '11/11/12', 'Chi', 'Hou', 'L, 13-6', '19', '11', '57.9', '94', '4.9', '0', '0', '45', '0/0', '70.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 6 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2012', 8, '11/19/12', 'Chi', '@ SF', 'L, 32-7', '22', '14', '63.6', '107', '4.9', '1', '2', '18', '6/49', '52.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 6 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2012', 8, '12/09/12', 'Chi', '@ Min', 'L, 21-14', '9', '6', '66.7', '64', '7.1', '1', '0', '18', '0/0', '124.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 10 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2013', 9, '09/15/13', 'Cle', '@ Bal', 'L, 14-6', '4', '1', '25.0', '6', '1.5', '0', '0', '6', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 10 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2013', 9, '10/27/13', 'Cle', '@ KC', 'L, 23-17', '36', '22', '61.1', '293', '8.1', '2', '0', '47', '1/10', '105.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 10 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2013', 9, '11/03/13', 'Cle', 'Bal', 'W, 24-18', '35', '23', '65.7', '262', '7.5', '3', '0', '46', '2/18', '116.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 10 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2013', 9, '11/17/13', 'Cle', '@ Cin', 'L, 41-20', '56', '27', '48.2', '248', '4.4', '1', '3', '74t', '4/20', '44.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 10 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2013', 9, '11/24/13', 'Cle', 'Pit', 'L, 27-11', '22', '14', '63.6', '124', '5.6', '0', '0', '24', '2/15', '78.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 10 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2013', 9, '12/08/13', 'Cle', '@ NE', 'L, 27-26', '44', '29', '65.9', '391', '8.9', '3', '0', '80t', '1/5', '116.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 10 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2013', 9, '12/15/13', 'Cle', 'Chi', 'L, 38-31', '39', '23', '59.0', '273', '7.0', '1', '2', '44', '0/0', '67.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 10 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2013', 9, '12/22/13', 'Cle', '@ NYJ', 'L, 24-13', '40', '18', '45.0', '178', '4.5', '0', '2', '24', '3/10', '37.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 10 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2013', 9, '12/29/13', 'Cle', '@ Pit', 'L, 20-7', '41', '23', '56.1', '240', '5.9', '1', '1', '35t', '3/19', '71.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 5 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2014', 10, '09/21/14', 'Cin', 'Ten', 'W, 33-7', '2', '1', '50.0', '-3', '-1.5', '0', '0', '-3', '0/0', '56.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 5 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2014', 10, '10/05/14', 'Cin', '@ NE', 'L, 43-17', '5', '3', '60.0', '45', '9.0', '0', '0', '38', '0/0', '89.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 5 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2014', 10, '11/06/14', 'Cin', 'Cle', 'L, 24-3', '6', '3', '50.0', '7', '1.2', '0', '0', '8', '0/0', '56.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 5 total rows
['campbell, jason', '2014', 10, '12/07/14', 'Cin', 'Pit', 'L, 42-21', '6', '4', '66.7', '25', '4.2', '0', '0', '10', '1/0', '75.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 6 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2006', 1, '12/03/06', 'Den', 'Sea', 'L, 23-20', '21', '10', '47.6', '143', '6.8', '2', '2', '71t', '3/22', '62.3', '4', '10', '2.50', '9', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 6 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2006', 1, '12/10/06', 'Den', '@ SD', 'L, 48-20', '30', '17', '56.7', '188', '6.3', '2', '0', '28t', '4/22', '97.6', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 6 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2006', 1, '12/17/06', 'Den', '@ Ari', 'W, 37-20', '31', '21', '67.7', '261', '8.4', '2', '1', '54t', '1/5', '101.7', '3', '10', '3.33', '8', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 6 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2006', 1, '12/24/06', 'Den', 'Cin', 'W, 24-23', '23', '12', '52.2', '179', '7.8', '2', '1', '39t', '3/19', '88.9', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 6 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2006', 1, '12/31/06', 'Den', 'SF', 'L, 26-23', '32', '21', '65.6', '230', '7.2', '1', '1', '29', '2/17', '84.1', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2007', 2, '09/09/07', 'Den', '@ Buf', 'W, 15-14', '39', '23', '59.0', '304', '7.8', '1', '1', '34', '1/5', '81.6', '4', '18', '4.50', '11', '0', '2']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2007', 2, '09/16/07', 'Den', 'Oak', 'W, 23-20', '33', '23', '69.7', '269', '8.2', '1', '2', '24', '2/9', '79.0', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2007', 2, '09/23/07', 'Den', 'Jax', 'L, 23-14', '23', '16', '69.6', '222', '9.7', '1', '1', '49', '1/4', '96.6', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2007', 2, '09/30/07', 'Den', '@ Ind', 'L, 38-20', '21', '13', '61.9', '131', '6.2', '1', '1', '24', '1/0', '75.7', '2', '11', '5.50', '9', '1', '1']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2007', 2, '10/07/07', 'Den', 'SD', 'L, 41-3', '36', '23', '63.9', '232', '6.4', '0', '1', '26', '1/8', '70.6', '3', '7', '2.33', '5', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2007', 2, '10/21/07', 'Den', 'Pit', 'W, 31-28', '29', '22', '75.9', '248', '8.6', '3', '2', '26', '2/14', '106.7', '3', '41', '13.67', '31', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2007', 2, '10/29/07', 'Den', 'GB', 'L, 19-13', '34', '21', '61.8', '264', '7.8', '1', '0', '35', '2/17', '95.7', '3', '7', '2.33', '7', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2007', 2, '11/04/07', 'Den', '@ Det', 'L, 44-7', '4', '3', '75.0', '20', '5.0', '0', '0', '9', '2/13', '85.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2007', 2, '11/11/07', 'Den', '@ KC', 'W, 27-11', '29', '17', '58.6', '192', '6.6', '1', '1', '38', '1/6', '75.6', '3', '21', '7.00', '13', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2007', 2, '11/19/07', 'Den', 'Ten', 'W, 34-20', '21', '16', '76.2', '200', '9.5', '2', '0', '48t', '1/7', '137.0', '4', '7', '1.75', '10', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2007', 2, '11/25/07', 'Den', '@ Chi', 'L, 37-34', '31', '17', '54.8', '302', '9.7', '2', '1', '68t', '2/10', '96.4', '2', '12', '6.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2007', 2, '12/02/07', 'Den', '@ Oak', 'L, 34-20', '32', '16', '50.0', '214', '6.7', '0', '2', '58', '1/8', '45.6', '6', '9', '1.50', '4', '0', '2']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2007', 2, '12/09/07', 'Den', 'KC', 'W, 41-7', '27', '20', '74.1', '244', '9.0', '4', '0', '28', '0/0', '141.0', '5', '22', '4.40', '21', '0', '2']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2007', 2, '12/13/07', 'Den', '@ Hou', 'L, 31-13', '39', '27', '69.2', '254', '6.5', '1', '0', '30', '5/18', '95.5', '2', '11', '5.50', '8', '0', '2']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2007', 2, '12/24/07', 'Den', '@ SD', 'L, 23-3', '32', '14', '43.8', '155', '4.8', '0', '2', '27', '4/22', '32.7', '3', '42', '14.00', '21', '0', '2']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2007', 2, '12/30/07', 'Den', 'Min', 'W, 22-19', '37', '26', '70.3', '246', '6.6', '2', '0', '27', '1/12', '106.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2008', 3, '09/08/08', 'Den', '@ Oak', 'W, 41-14', '24', '16', '66.7', '300', '12.5', '2', '0', '72', '0/0', '137.5', '5', '9', '1.80', '11', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2008', 3, '09/14/08', 'Den', 'SD', 'W, 39-38', '50', '36', '72.0', '350', '7.0', '4', '1', '34', '1/9', '109.6', '2', '6', '3.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2008', 3, '09/21/08', 'Den', 'NO', 'W, 34-32', '34', '21', '61.8', '264', '7.8', '2', '1', '35t', '0/0', '93.3', '1', '7', '7.00', '7', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2008', 3, '09/28/08', 'Den', '@ KC', 'L, 33-19', '49', '29', '59.2', '361', '7.4', '1', '2', '40', '1/9', '71.9', '2', '6', '3.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2008', 3, '10/05/08', 'Den', 'TB', 'W, 16-13', '34', '23', '67.6', '227', '6.7', '1', '0', '33', '0/0', '96.1', '5', '16', '3.20', '12', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2008', 3, '10/12/08', 'Den', 'Jax', 'L, 24-17', '37', '21', '56.8', '192', '5.2', '2', '1', '21', '0/0', '77.8', '3', '22', '7.33', '12', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2008', 3, '10/20/08', 'Den', '@ NE', 'L, 41-7', '26', '17', '65.4', '168', '6.5', '1', '2', '20', '2/13', '64.3', '3', '18', '6.00', '7', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2008', 3, '11/02/08', 'Den', 'Mia', 'L, 26-17', '46', '24', '52.2', '307', '6.7', '2', '3', '47', '1/2', '60.7', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2008', 3, '11/06/08', 'Den', '@ Cle', 'W, 34-30', '42', '24', '57.1', '447', '10.6', '3', '1', '93t', '1/6', '107.9', '7', '29', '4.14', '18', '0', '3']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2008', 3, '11/16/08', 'Den', '@ Atl', 'W, 24-20', '27', '19', '70.4', '216', '8.0', '1', '0', '47', '1/8', '106.4', '1', '4', '4.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2008', 3, '11/23/08', 'Den', 'Oak', 'L, 31-10', '37', '16', '43.2', '204', '5.5', '0', '1', '32', '0/0', '49.8', '4', '24', '6.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2008', 3, '11/30/08', 'Den', '@ NYJ', 'W, 34-17', '43', '27', '62.8', '357', '8.3', '2', '1', '59t', '0/0', '94.8', '3', '-2', '-0.67', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2008', 3, '12/07/08', 'Den', 'KC', 'W, 24-17', '40', '32', '80.0', '286', '7.2', '2', '1', '25', '0/0', '102.7', '8', '16', '2.00', '8', '0', '2']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2008', 3, '12/14/08', 'Den', '@ Car', 'L, 30-10', '33', '21', '63.6', '172', '5.2', '1', '1', '19', '3/14', '74.3', '2', '9', '4.50', '5', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2008', 3, '12/21/08', 'Den', 'Buf', 'L, 30-23', '45', '25', '55.6', '359', '8.0', '0', '1', '36', '1/8', '72.4', '8', '30', '3.75', '10', '2', '4']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2008', 3, '12/28/08', 'Den', '@ SD', 'L, 52-21', '49', '33', '67.3', '316', '6.4', '1', '2', '25t', '0/0', '74.9', '2', '4', '2.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2009', 4, '09/13/09', 'Chi', '@ GB', 'L, 21-15', '36', '17', '47.2', '277', '7.7', '1', '4', '68', '2/11', '43.2', '3', '16', '5.33', '10', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2009', 4, '09/20/09', 'Chi', 'Pit', 'W, 17-14', '38', '27', '71.1', '236', '6.2', '2', '0', '29', '2/5', '104.7', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2009', 4, '09/27/09', 'Chi', '@ Sea', 'W, 25-19', '27', '21', '77.8', '247', '9.1', '3', '1', '36t', '2/14', '126.4', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2009', 4, '10/04/09', 'Chi', 'Det', 'W, 48-24', '28', '18', '64.3', '141', '5.0', '2', '0', '25', '2/16', '100.4', '3', '8', '2.67', '6', '1', '1']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2009', 4, '10/18/09', 'Chi', '@ Atl', 'L, 21-14', '43', '27', '62.8', '300', '7.0', '2', '2', '41', '2/10', '79.6', '3', '34', '11.33', '30', '0', '3']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2009', 4, '10/25/09', 'Chi', '@ Cin', 'L, 45-10', '37', '26', '70.3', '251', '6.8', '1', '3', '26', '1/10', '64.1', '3', '4', '1.33', '2', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2009', 4, '11/01/09', 'Chi', 'Cle', 'W, 30-6', '30', '17', '56.7', '225', '7.5', '0', '1', '33', '4/26', '66.7', '5', '32', '6.40', '19', '0', '2']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2009', 4, '11/08/09', 'Chi', 'Ari', 'L, 41-21', '47', '29', '61.7', '369', '7.9', '3', '1', '42', '4/22', '98.6', '3', '17', '5.67', '11', '0', '2']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2009', 4, '11/12/09', 'Chi', '@ SF', 'L, 10-6', '52', '29', '55.8', '307', '5.9', '0', '5', '37', '0/0', '33.6', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2009', 4, '11/22/09', 'Chi', 'Phi', 'L, 24-20', '43', '24', '55.8', '171', '4.0', '1', '1', '23', '1/13', '63.2', '2', '11', '5.50', '9', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2009', 4, '11/29/09', 'Chi', '@ Min', 'L, 36-10', '23', '18', '78.3', '147', '6.4', '1', '2', '24t', '4/21', '71.6', '3', '16', '5.33', '8', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2009', 4, '12/06/09', 'Chi', 'Stl', 'W, 17-9', '17', '8', '47.1', '143', '8.4', '1', '0', '71', '2/15', '96.0', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2009', 4, '12/13/09', 'Chi', 'GB', 'L, 21-14', '36', '23', '63.9', '209', '5.8', '2', '2', '28', '3/14', '74.9', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2009', 4, '12/20/09', 'Chi', '@ Bal', 'L, 31-7', '27', '10', '37.0', '94', '3.5', '0', '3', '30', '2/4', '7.9', '4', '23', '5.75', '13', '0', '2']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2009', 4, '12/28/09', 'Chi', 'Min', 'W, 36-30', '35', '20', '57.1', '273', '7.8', '4', '1', '39t', '2/15', '108.4', '3', '10', '3.33', '8', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2009', 4, '01/03/10', 'Chi', '@ Det', 'W, 37-23', '36', '22', '61.1', '276', '7.7', '4', '0', '48', '2/8', '122.0', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 18 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2010', 5, '09/12/10', 'Chi', 'Det', 'W, 19-14', '35', '23', '65.7', '372', '10.6', '2', '1', '89t', '4/10', '108.3', '5', '22', '4.40', '11', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 18 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2010', 5, '09/19/10', 'Chi', '@ Dal', 'W, 27-20', '29', '21', '72.4', '277', '9.6', '3', '0', '59', '1/7', '136.7', '5', '3', '0.60', '4', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 18 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2010', 5, '09/27/10', 'Chi', 'GB', 'W, 20-17', '27', '16', '59.3', '221', '8.2', '1', '1', '35', '3/22', '82.5', '3', '37', '12.33', '16', '0', '2']
in row 4 of 18 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2010', 5, '10/03/10', 'Chi', '@ NYG', 'L, 17-3', '11', '8', '72.7', '42', '3.8', '0', '1', '9', '9/55', '40.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 18 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2010', 5, '10/17/10', 'Chi', 'Sea', 'L, 23-20', '39', '17', '43.6', '290', '7.4', '0', '0', '67', '6/44', '69.4', '2', '19', '9.50', '14', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 18 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2010', 5, '10/24/10', 'Chi', 'Was', 'L, 17-14', '40', '26', '65.0', '281', '7.0', '1', '4', '48', '4/25', '54.3', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 18 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2010', 5, '11/07/10', 'Chi', '@ Buf', 'W, 22-19', '30', '17', '56.7', '188', '6.3', '2', '0', '26', '1/10', '97.6', '5', '39', '7.80', '18', '0', '3']
in row 8 of 18 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2010', 5, '11/14/10', 'Chi', 'Min', 'W, 27-13', '35', '22', '62.9', '237', '6.8', '3', '2', '29', '2/7', '87.4', '4', '24', '6.00', '25', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 18 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2010', 5, '11/18/10', 'Chi', '@ Mia', 'W, 16-0', '25', '16', '64.0', '156', '6.2', '0', '1', '16', '3/23', '64.8', '4', '28', '7.00', '16', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 18 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2010', 5, '11/28/10', 'Chi', 'Phi', 'W, 31-26', '21', '14', '66.7', '247', '11.8', '4', '0', '39', '4/29', '146.2', '7', '17', '2.43', '12', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 18 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2010', 5, '12/05/10', 'Chi', '@ Det', 'W, 24-20', '26', '21', '80.8', '234', '9.0', '1', '0', '33', '4/37', '117.0', '5', '12', '2.40', '8', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 18 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2010', 5, '12/12/10', 'Chi', 'NE', 'L, 36-7', '26', '12', '46.2', '152', '5.8', '0', '2', '33', '2/14', '32.9', '2', '21', '10.50', '14', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 18 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2010', 5, '12/20/10', 'Chi', '@ Min', 'W, 40-14', '24', '14', '58.3', '194', '8.1', '3', '1', '67t', '1/5', '106.6', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 18 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2010', 5, '12/26/10', 'Chi', 'NYJ', 'W, 38-34', '25', '13', '52.0', '215', '8.6', '3', '1', '40t', '2/13', '104.2', '4', '3', '0.75', '3', '1', '1']
in row 15 of 18 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2010', 5, '01/02/11', 'Chi', '@ GB', 'L, 10-3', '39', '21', '53.8', '168', '4.3', '0', '2', '27', '6/51', '43.5', '2', '8', '4.00', '7', '0', '1']
in row 16 of 18 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2010', 5, '01/16/11', 'Chi', 'Sea', 'W, 35-24', '28', '15', '53.6', '274', '9.8', '2', '0', '58t', '3/13', '111.3', '8', '43', '5.38', '21', '2', '5']
in row 17 of 18 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2010', 5, '01/23/11', 'Chi', 'GB', 'L, 21-14', '14', '6', '42.9', '80', '5.7', '0', '1', '24', '2/15', '31.8', '2', '10', '5.00', '9', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 11 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2011', 6, '09/11/11', 'Chi', 'Atl', 'W, 30-12', '32', '22', '68.8', '312', '9.8', '2', '1', '56t', '5/23', '107.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 11 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2011', 6, '09/18/11', 'Chi', '@ NO', 'L, 30-13', '45', '19', '42.2', '244', '5.4', '1', '0', '30', '6/58', '67.3', '1', '12', '12.00', '12', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 11 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2011', 6, '09/25/11', 'Chi', 'GB', 'L, 27-17', '37', '21', '56.8', '302', '8.2', '2', '2', '40', '3/24', '78.9', '3', '11', '3.67', '9', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 11 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2011', 6, '10/02/11', 'Chi', 'Car', 'W, 34-29', '17', '9', '52.9', '102', '6.0', '0', '1', '22', '1/9', '46.7', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 11 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2011', 6, '10/10/11', 'Chi', '@ Det', 'L, 24-13', '38', '28', '73.7', '249', '6.6', '1', '0', '28', '3/12', '99.6', '2', '3', '1.50', '4', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 11 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2011', 6, '10/16/11', 'Chi', 'Min', 'W, 39-10', '31', '21', '67.7', '267', '8.6', '2', '0', '48t', '1/9', '115.9', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 11 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2011', 6, '10/23/11', 'Chi', '@ TB', 'W, 24-18', '32', '17', '53.1', '226', '7.1', '1', '2', '36', '2/8', '60.2', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 11 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2011', 6, '11/07/11', 'Chi', '@ Phi', 'W, 30-24', '32', '18', '56.2', '208', '6.5', '2', '0', '28', '0/0', '96.9', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 11 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2011', 6, '11/13/11', 'Chi', 'Det', 'W, 37-13', '19', '9', '47.4', '123', '6.5', '0', '0', '30', '2/16', '68.5', '4', '18', '4.50', '10', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 11 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2011', 6, '11/20/11', 'Chi', 'SD', 'W, 31-20', '31', '18', '58.1', '286', '9.2', '2', '1', '42', '0/0', '97.0', '5', '10', '2.00', '11', '1', '2']
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2012', 7, '09/09/12', 'Chi', 'Ind', 'W, 41-21', '35', '21', '60.0', '333', '9.5', '2', '1', '42t', '2/19', '98.9', '4', '-4', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2012', 7, '09/13/12', 'Chi', '@ GB', 'L, 23-10', '27', '11', '40.7', '126', '4.7', '1', '4', '22', '7/52', '28.2', '1', '12', '12.00', '12', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2012', 7, '09/23/12', 'Chi', 'Stl', 'W, 23-6', '31', '17', '54.8', '183', '5.9', '0', '1', '34', '2/12', '58.9', '4', '18', '4.50', '21', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2012', 7, '10/01/12', 'Chi', '@ Dal', 'W, 34-18', '24', '18', '75.0', '275', '11.5', '2', '0', '34t', '2/8', '140.1', '3', '0', '0.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2012', 7, '10/07/12', 'Chi', '@ Jax', 'W, 41-3', '39', '23', '59.0', '292', '7.5', '2', '1', '39', '1/5', '88.8', '2', '22', '11.00', '13', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2012', 7, '10/22/12', 'Chi', 'Det', 'W, 13-7', '31', '16', '51.6', '150', '4.8', '1', '0', '23', '5/25', '76.0', '3', '34', '11.33', '24', '0', '2']
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2012', 7, '10/28/12', 'Chi', 'Car', 'W, 23-22', '28', '19', '67.9', '186', '6.6', '1', '1', '24', '6/55', '83.3', '1', '4', '4.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2012', 7, '11/04/12', 'Chi', '@ Ten', 'W, 51-20', '26', '19', '73.1', '229', '8.8', '3', '0', '47', '3/24', '138.1', '1', '12', '12.00', '12', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2012', 7, '11/11/12', 'Chi', 'Hou', 'L, 13-6', '14', '7', '50.0', '40', '2.9', '0', '2', '14', '0/0', '16.7', '3', '37', '12.33', '19', '0', '2']
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2012', 7, '11/25/12', 'Chi', 'Min', 'W, 28-10', '31', '23', '74.2', '188', '6.1', '1', '1', '20', '1/5', '86.5', '3', '9', '3.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2012', 7, '12/02/12', 'Chi', 'Sea', 'L, 23-17', '26', '17', '65.4', '233', '9.0', '2', '0', '56', '0/0', '119.6', '5', '27', '5.40', '8', '0', '3']
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2012', 7, '12/09/12', 'Chi', '@ Min', 'L, 21-14', '44', '22', '50.0', '260', '5.9', '1', '2', '39', '2/4', '57.0', '2', '16', '8.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2012', 7, '12/16/12', 'Chi', 'GB', 'L, 21-13', '21', '12', '57.1', '135', '6.4', '1', '1', '18', '4/28', '72.5', '1', '9', '9.00', '9', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2012', 7, '12/23/12', 'Chi', '@ Ari', 'W, 28-13', '26', '12', '46.2', '146', '5.6', '1', '0', '35', '1/1', '76.8', '3', '8', '2.67', '10', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2012', 7, '12/30/12', 'Chi', '@ Det', 'W, 26-24', '31', '18', '58.1', '257', '8.3', '1', '0', '60t', '2/12', '95.8', '5', '29', '5.80', '19', '0', '2']
in row 1 of 12 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2013', 8, '09/08/13', 'Chi', 'Cin', 'W, 24-21', '33', '21', '63.6', '242', '7.3', '2', '1', '38', '0/0', '93.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 12 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2013', 8, '09/15/13', 'Chi', 'Min', 'W, 31-30', '38', '27', '71.1', '292', '7.7', '3', '2', '34t', '1/8', '97.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 12 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2013', 8, '09/22/13', 'Chi', '@ Pit', 'W, 40-23', '30', '20', '66.7', '159', '5.3', '1', '0', '41', '2/8', '90.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 12 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2013', 8, '09/29/13', 'Chi', '@ Det', 'L, 40-32', '47', '27', '57.4', '317', '6.7', '2', '3', '44', '3/31', '65.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 12 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2013', 8, '10/06/13', 'Chi', 'NO', 'L, 26-18', '33', '24', '72.7', '358', '10.8', '2', '0', '58', '3/18', '128.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 12 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2013', 8, '10/10/13', 'Chi', 'NYG', 'W, 27-21', '36', '24', '66.7', '262', '7.3', '2', '0', '30', '0/0', '106.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 12 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2013', 8, '10/20/13', 'Chi', '@ Was', 'L, 45-41', '8', '3', '37.5', '28', '3.5', '0', '1', '13', '1/6', '8.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 12 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2013', 8, '11/10/13', 'Chi', 'Det', 'L, 21-19', '40', '21', '52.5', '250', '6.2', '1', '1', '44', '1/9', '69.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 12 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2013', 8, '12/15/13', 'Chi', '@ Cle', 'W, 38-31', '31', '22', '71.0', '265', '8.5', '3', '2', '45t', '2/4', '102.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 12 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2013', 8, '12/22/13', 'Chi', '@ Phi', 'L, 54-11', '35', '20', '57.1', '222', '6.3', '1', '1', '30', '5/46', '73.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 12 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2013', 8, '12/29/13', 'Chi', 'GB', 'L, 33-28', '24', '15', '62.5', '226', '9.4', '2', '1', '67', '1/2', '103.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2014', 9, '09/07/14', 'Chi', 'Buf', 'L, 23-20', '49', '34', '69.4', '349', '7.1', '2', '2', '44', '2/8', '86.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2014', 9, '09/14/14', 'Chi', '@ SF', 'W, 28-20', '34', '23', '67.6', '176', '5.2', '4', '0', '29', '1/6', '119.2', '5', '25', '5.00', '25', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2014', 9, '09/22/14', 'Chi', '@ NYJ', 'W, 27-19', '38', '23', '60.5', '225', '5.9', '2', '0', '42', '4/28', '94.7', '5', '14', '2.80', '16', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2014', 9, '09/28/14', 'Chi', 'GB', 'L, 38-17', '34', '22', '64.7', '256', '7.5', '2', '2', '27', '1/4', '82.5', '3', '29', '9.67', '15', '0', '3']
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2014', 9, '10/05/14', 'Chi', '@ Car', 'L, 31-24', '36', '28', '77.8', '289', '8.0', '2', '2', '56', '4/27', '95.5', '3', '22', '7.33', '13', '1', '2']
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2014', 9, '10/12/14', 'Chi', '@ Atl', 'W, 27-13', '38', '26', '68.4', '381', '10.0', '1', '0', '74', '2/6', '109.6', '6', '4', '0.67', '9', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2014', 9, '10/19/14', 'Chi', 'Mia', 'L, 27-14', '34', '21', '61.8', '190', '5.6', '1', '1', '24', '3/18', '74.4', '2', '3', '1.50', '3', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2014', 9, '10/26/14', 'Chi', '@ NE', 'L, 51-23', '30', '20', '66.7', '227', '7.6', '3', '1', '34', '3/18', '108.6', '1', '6', '6.00', '6', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2014', 9, '11/09/14', 'Chi', '@ GB', 'L, 55-14', '37', '22', '59.5', '272', '7.4', '1', '2', '45t', '3/18', '68.8', '2', '0', '0.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2014', 9, '11/16/14', 'Chi', 'Min', 'W, 21-13', '43', '31', '72.1', '330', '7.7', '3', '2', '44t', '0/0', '98.0', '5', '21', '4.20', '11', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2014', 9, '11/23/14', 'Chi', 'TB', 'W, 21-13', '27', '17', '63.0', '130', '4.8', '1', '0', '26', '3/18', '87.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2014', 9, '11/27/14', 'Chi', '@ Det', 'L, 34-17', '48', '31', '64.6', '280', '5.8', '2', '2', '26', '3/24', '76.7', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2014', 9, '12/04/14', 'Chi', 'Dal', 'L, 41-28', '46', '32', '69.6', '341', '7.4', '2', '1', '42', '0/0', '96.4', '2', '9', '4.50', '10t', '1', '1']
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2014', 9, '12/15/14', 'Chi', 'NO', 'L, 31-15', '31', '17', '54.8', '194', '6.3', '2', '3', '35', '7/41', '55.8', '1', '20', '20.00', '20', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2014', 9, '12/28/14', 'Chi', '@ Min', 'L, 13-9', '36', '23', '63.9', '172', '4.8', '0', '0', '22', '2/7', '75.2', '3', '39', '13.00', '22', '0', '3']
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2015', 10, '09/13/15', 'Chi', 'GB', 'L, 31-23', '36', '18', '50.0', '225', '6.2', '1', '1', '50', '2/12', '67.5', '4', '31', '7.75', '12', '0', '2']
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2015', 10, '09/20/15', 'Chi', 'Ari', 'L, 48-23', '9', '8', '88.9', '120', '13.3', '1', '1', '48t', '0/0', '116.2', '3', '24', '8.00', '10', '0', '2']
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2015', 10, '10/04/15', 'Chi', 'Oak', 'W, 22-20', '43', '28', '65.1', '281', '6.5', '2', '1', '38', '3/8', '89.4', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2015', 10, '10/11/15', 'Chi', '@ KC', 'W, 18-17', '45', '26', '57.8', '252', '5.6', '2', '0', '33', '2/11', '88.4', '4', '15', '3.75', '7', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2015', 10, '10/18/15', 'Chi', '@ Det', 'L, 37-34', '41', '26', '63.4', '353', '8.6', '1', '1', '46', '1/0', '88.8', '2', '12', '6.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2015', 10, '11/01/15', 'Chi', 'Min', 'L, 23-20', '33', '22', '66.7', '211', '6.4', '1', '0', '28', '1/3', '94.4', '2', '11', '5.50', '7', '1', '2']
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2015', 10, '11/09/15', 'Chi', '@ SD', 'W, 22-19', '40', '27', '67.5', '345', '8.6', '2', '1', '47', '1/8', '100.5', '3', '-2', '-0.67', '0', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2015', 10, '11/15/15', 'Chi', '@ Stl', 'W, 37-13', '24', '19', '79.2', '258', '10.8', '3', '0', '87t', '2/14', '151.0', '3', '24', '8.00', '26', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2015', 10, '11/22/15', 'Chi', 'Den', 'L, 17-15', '32', '18', '56.2', '265', '8.3', '0', '1', '40', '2/4', '70.4', '3', '29', '9.67', '18', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2015', 10, '11/26/15', 'Chi', '@ GB', 'W, 17-13', '31', '19', '61.3', '200', '6.5', '1', '0', '22', '1/11', '90.8', '4', '9', '2.25', '6', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2015', 10, '12/06/15', 'Chi', 'SF', 'L, 26-20', '31', '18', '58.1', '202', '6.5', '0', '1', '31', '1/8', '64.2', '4', '10', '2.50', '9', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2015', 10, '12/13/15', 'Chi', 'Was', 'L, 24-21', '31', '19', '61.3', '315', '10.2', '2', '0', '50', '3/25', '117.0', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2015', 10, '12/20/15', 'Chi', '@ Min', 'L, 38-17', '37', '26', '70.3', '231', '6.2', '2', '1', '20', '5/32', '93.4', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2015', 10, '12/27/15', 'Chi', '@ TB', 'W, 26-21', '27', '20', '74.1', '156', '5.8', '1', '0', '25', '1/3', '100.2', '2', '21', '10.50', '16', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2015', 10, '01/03/16', 'Chi', 'Det', 'L, 24-20', '23', '17', '73.9', '245', '10.7', '2', '3', '45', '4/11', '97.5', '1', '11', '11.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 6 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2016', 11, '09/11/16', 'Chi', '@ Hou', 'L, 23-14', '29', '16', '55.2', '216', '7.4', '1', '1', '54', '5/31', '76.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 6 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2016', 11, '09/19/16', 'Chi', 'Phi', 'L, 29-14', '17', '12', '70.6', '157', '9.2', '0', '1', '49', '3/15', '74.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 6 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2016', 11, '10/31/16', 'Chi', 'Min', 'W, 20-10', '31', '20', '64.5', '252', '8.1', '1', '0', '34', '1/7', '100.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 6 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2016', 11, '11/13/16', 'Chi', '@ TB', 'L, 36-10', '30', '16', '53.3', '182', '6.1', '1', '2', '50t', '4/21', '55.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 6 total rows
['cutler, jay', '2016', 11, '11/20/16', 'Chi', '@ NYG', 'L, 22-16', '30', '17', '56.7', '252', '8.4', '1', '1', '35', '4/30', '81.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 20 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2008', 1, '09/07/08', 'Bal', 'Cin', 'W, 17-10', '29', '15', '51.7', '129', '4.4', '0', '0', '15', '0/0', '63.7', '4', '37', '9.25', '38t', '1', '2']
in row 2 of 20 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2008', 1, '09/21/08', 'Bal', 'Cle', 'W, 28-10', '19', '13', '68.4', '129', '6.8', '0', '2', '19', '1/7', '47.8', '6', '-2', '-0.33', '2', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 20 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2008', 1, '09/29/08', 'Bal', '@ Pit', 'L, 23-20', '31', '16', '51.6', '192', '6.2', '1', '0', '35', '5/52', '81.7', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 20 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2008', 1, '10/05/08', 'Bal', 'Ten', 'L, 13-10', '27', '18', '66.7', '153', '5.7', '0', '2', '22', '0/0', '50.4', '2', '4', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 20 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2008', 1, '10/12/08', 'Bal', '@ Ind', 'L, 31-3', '38', '28', '73.7', '241', '6.3', '0', '3', '54', '4/32', '57.0', '3', '12', '4.00', '11', '0', '2']
in row 6 of 20 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2008', 1, '10/19/08', 'Bal', '@ Mia', 'W, 27-13', '23', '17', '73.9', '232', '10.1', '1', '0', '40', '2/14', '120.2', '3', '2', '0.67', '2', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 20 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2008', 1, '10/26/08', 'Bal', 'Oak', 'W, 29-10', '24', '12', '50.0', '140', '5.8', '1', '0', '70t', '0/0', '81.9', '4', '23', '5.75', '13', '1', '2']
in row 8 of 20 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2008', 1, '11/02/08', 'Bal', '@ Cle', 'W, 37-27', '29', '17', '58.6', '248', '8.6', '2', '0', '47t', '2/12', '109.6', '4', '2', '0.50', '2', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 20 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2008', 1, '11/09/08', 'Bal', '@ Hou', 'W, 41-13', '23', '15', '65.2', '185', '8.0', '2', '0', '43t', '3/28', '118.9', '1', '8', '8.00', '8', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 20 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2008', 1, '11/16/08', 'Bal', '@ NYG', 'L, 30-10', '33', '20', '60.6', '164', '5.0', '1', '2', '16', '1/10', '58.1', '6', '57', '9.50', '30', '0', '3']
in row 11 of 20 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2008', 1, '11/23/08', 'Bal', 'Phi', 'W, 36-7', '26', '12', '46.2', '183', '7.0', '2', '0', '53t', '3/45', '95.5', '5', '3', '0.60', '5', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 20 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2008', 1, '11/30/08', 'Bal', '@ Cin', 'W, 34-3', '29', '19', '65.5', '280', '9.7', '2', '0', '70t', '2/8', '119.9', '3', '15', '5.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 20 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2008', 1, '12/07/08', 'Bal', 'Was', 'W, 24-10', '21', '10', '47.6', '134', '6.4', '1', '1', '30', '0/0', '64.4', '4', '11', '2.75', '9', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 20 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2008', 1, '12/14/08', 'Bal', 'Pit', 'L, 13-9', '28', '11', '39.3', '115', '4.1', '0', '2', '24', '2/25', '22.2', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 20 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2008', 1, '12/20/08', 'Bal', '@ Dal', 'W, 33-24', '25', '17', '68.0', '149', '6.0', '1', '0', '23', '5/26', '96.9', '4', '4', '1.00', '14', '0', '1']
in row 16 of 20 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2008', 1, '12/28/08', 'Bal', 'Jax', 'W, 27-7', '23', '17', '73.9', '297', '12.9', '0', '0', '48', '2/17', '115.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 17 of 20 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2008', 1, '01/04/09', 'Bal', '@ Mia', 'W, 27-9', '23', '9', '39.1', '135', '5.9', '0', '0', '31', '0/0', '59.1', '5', '8', '1.60', '5t', '1', '3']
in row 18 of 20 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2008', 1, '01/10/09', 'Bal', '@ Ten', 'W, 13-10', '22', '11', '50.0', '161', '7.3', '1', '0', '48t', '0/0', '89.4', '5', '5', '1.00', '3', '0', '1']
in row 19 of 20 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2008', 1, '01/18/09', 'Bal', '@ Pit', 'L, 23-14', '30', '13', '43.3', '141', '4.7', '0', '3', '22', '3/16', '18.2', '2', '-8', '-4.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2009', 2, '09/13/09', 'Bal', 'KC', 'W, 38-24', '43', '26', '60.5', '307', '7.1', '3', '1', '31t', '1/4', '95.8', '5', '18', '3.60', '6', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2009', 2, '09/20/09', 'Bal', '@ SD', 'W, 31-26', '26', '17', '65.4', '190', '7.3', '2', '1', '27t', '1/9', '96.6', '5', '3', '0.60', '3', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2009', 2, '09/27/09', 'Bal', 'Cle', 'W, 34-3', '35', '25', '71.4', '342', '9.8', '1', '0', '72t', '1/9', '111.8', '2', '5', '2.50', '3', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2009', 2, '10/04/09', 'Bal', '@ NE', 'L, 27-21', '47', '27', '57.4', '264', '5.6', '2', '1', '22', '2/17', '78.7', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2009', 2, '10/11/09', 'Bal', 'Cin', 'L, 17-14', '31', '22', '71.0', '186', '6.0', '1', '2', '48t', '2/11', '70.1', '1', '9', '9.00', '9', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2009', 2, '10/18/09', 'Bal', '@ Min', 'L, 33-31', '43', '28', '65.1', '385', '9.0', '2', '0', '63', '3/18', '109.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2009', 2, '11/01/09', 'Bal', 'Den', 'W, 30-7', '25', '20', '80.0', '175', '7.0', '1', '0', '21', '2/8', '109.2', '5', '5', '1.00', '2', '0', '2']
in row 8 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2009', 2, '11/08/09', 'Bal', '@ Cin', 'L, 17-7', '32', '18', '56.2', '195', '6.1', '0', '2', '35', '4/35', '48.3', '2', '3', '1.50', '2', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2009', 2, '11/16/09', 'Bal', '@ Cle', 'W, 16-0', '18', '13', '72.2', '155', '8.6', '0', '0', '41', '2/9', '98.1', '1', '-6', '-6.00', '-6', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2009', 2, '11/22/09', 'Bal', 'Ind', 'L, 17-15', '35', '23', '65.7', '256', '7.3', '0', '1', '45', '0/0', '75.4', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2009', 2, '11/29/09', 'Bal', 'Pit', 'W, 20-17', '35', '23', '65.7', '289', '8.3', '1', '0', '54', '5/28', '100.8', '1', '-2', '-2.00', '-2', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2009', 2, '12/07/09', 'Bal', '@ GB', 'L, 27-14', '36', '15', '41.7', '137', '3.8', '1', '3', '23', '3/18', '27.2', '3', '16', '5.33', '10', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2009', 2, '12/13/09', 'Bal', 'Det', 'W, 48-3', '20', '13', '65.0', '230', '11.5', '1', '0', '62t', '0/0', '120.8', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2009', 2, '12/20/09', 'Bal', 'Chi', 'W, 31-7', '29', '21', '72.4', '234', '8.1', '4', '0', '32t', '2/22', '135.6', '2', '5', '2.50', '3', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2009', 2, '12/27/09', 'Bal', '@ Pit', 'L, 23-20', '25', '13', '52.0', '166', '6.6', '2', '1', '30t', '4/18', '83.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2009', 2, '01/03/10', 'Bal', '@ Oak', 'W, 21-13', '19', '11', '57.9', '102', '5.4', '0', '0', '23', '4/12', '72.7', '4', '-2', '-0.50', '1', '0', '0']
in row 17 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2009', 2, '01/10/10', 'Bal', '@ NE', 'W, 33-14', '10', '4', '40.0', '34', '3.4', '0', '1', '17', '0/0', '10.0', '6', '5', '0.83', '7', '0', '2']
in row 18 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2009', 2, '01/16/10', 'Bal', '@ Ind', 'L, 20-3', '35', '20', '57.1', '189', '5.4', '0', '2', '27', '1/6', '48.4', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2010', 3, '09/13/10', 'Bal', '@ NYJ', 'W, 10-9', '38', '20', '52.6', '248', '6.5', '0', '1', '38', '2/15', '62.2', '4', '2', '0.50', '1', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2010', 3, '09/19/10', 'Bal', '@ Cin', 'L, 15-10', '39', '17', '43.6', '154', '3.9', '1', '4', '31t', '1/4', '23.8', '3', '9', '3.00', '8', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2010', 3, '09/26/10', 'Bal', 'Cle', 'W, 24-17', '31', '22', '71.0', '262', '8.5', '3', '0', '34', '0/0', '128.7', '4', '-4', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2010', 3, '10/03/10', 'Bal', '@ Pit', 'W, 17-14', '37', '24', '64.9', '256', '6.9', '1', '1', '40', '1/6', '82.7', '2', '1', '0.50', '2', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2010', 3, '10/10/10', 'Bal', 'Den', 'W, 31-17', '25', '14', '56.0', '196', '7.8', '0', '0', '58', '1/14', '81.4', '5', '20', '4.00', '9', '1', '2']
in row 6 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2010', 3, '10/17/10', 'Bal', '@ NE', 'L, 23-20', '35', '27', '77.1', '285', '8.1', '2', '0', '25t', '3/7', '119.3', '2', '5', '2.50', '5', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2010', 3, '10/24/10', 'Bal', 'Buf', 'W, 37-34', '31', '16', '51.6', '250', '8.1', '3', '0', '36', '2/21', '111.0', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2010', 3, '11/07/10', 'Bal', 'Mia', 'W, 26-10', '27', '20', '74.1', '266', '9.9', '2', '0', '34', '4/23', '129.6', '4', '7', '1.75', '7', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2010', 3, '11/11/10', 'Bal', '@ Atl', 'L, 26-21', '34', '22', '64.7', '215', '6.3', '3', '1', '24', '2/11', '99.5', '3', '13', '4.33', '13', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2010', 3, '11/21/10', 'Bal', '@ Car', 'W, 37-13', '33', '24', '72.7', '301', '9.1', '1', '0', '56t', '3/23', '110.8', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2010', 3, '11/28/10', 'Bal', 'TB', 'W, 17-10', '35', '25', '71.4', '289', '8.3', '2', '1', '65t', '4/32', '103.2', '3', '-2', '-0.67', '0', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2010', 3, '12/05/10', 'Bal', 'Pit', 'L, 13-10', '33', '17', '51.5', '266', '8.1', '1', '0', '67', '4/40', '88.7', '3', '15', '5.00', '14', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2010', 3, '12/13/10', 'Bal', '@ Hou', 'W, 34-28', '33', '22', '66.7', '235', '7.1', '2', '0', '26t', '5/45', '107.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2010', 3, '12/19/10', 'Bal', 'NO', 'W, 30-24', '20', '10', '50.0', '172', '8.6', '2', '0', '42', '3/24', '112.9', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2010', 3, '12/26/10', 'Bal', '@ Cle', 'W, 20-10', '19', '12', '63.2', '102', '5.4', '2', '1', '22t', '1/5', '90.2', '3', '16', '5.33', '13', '0', '2']
in row 16 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2010', 3, '01/02/11', 'Bal', 'Cin', 'W, 13-7', '19', '14', '73.7', '125', '6.6', '0', '1', '37', '4/24', '69.0', '3', '1', '0.33', '3', '0', '0']
in row 17 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2010', 3, '01/09/11', 'Bal', '@ KC', 'W, 30-7', '34', '25', '73.5', '265', '7.8', '2', '0', '28', '4/17', '115.4', '7', '26', '3.71', '13', '0', '1']
in row 18 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2010', 3, '01/15/11', 'Bal', '@ Pit', 'L, 31-24', '30', '16', '53.3', '125', '4.2', '1', '1', '21', '5/34', '61.1', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2011', 4, '09/11/11', 'Bal', 'Pit', 'W, 35-7', '29', '17', '58.6', '224', '7.7', '3', '0', '29', '1/9', '117.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2011', 4, '09/18/11', 'Bal', '@ Ten', 'L, 26-13', '32', '15', '46.9', '197', '6.2', '1', '2', '32', '3/13', '51.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2011', 4, '09/25/11', 'Bal', '@ Stl', 'W, 37-7', '48', '27', '56.2', '389', '8.1', '3', '0', '74t', '2/4', '103.6', '8', '27', '3.38', '9', '0', '3']
in row 4 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2011', 4, '10/02/11', 'Bal', 'NYJ', 'W, 34-17', '31', '10', '32.3', '163', '5.3', '0', '1', '52', '2/8', '37.4', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2011', 4, '10/16/11', 'Bal', 'Hou', 'W, 29-14', '33', '20', '60.6', '305', '9.2', '0', '1', '56', '2/16', '78.5', '3', '-1', '-0.33', '1t', '1', '1']
in row 6 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2011', 4, '10/24/11', 'Bal', '@ Jax', 'L, 12-7', '38', '21', '55.3', '137', '3.6', '1', '1', '20', '3/25', '61.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2011', 4, '10/30/11', 'Bal', 'Ari', 'W, 30-27', '51', '31', '60.8', '336', '6.6', '0', '1', '37', '3/38', '72.0', '4', '15', '3.75', '10', '0', '3']
in row 8 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2011', 4, '11/06/11', 'Bal', '@ Pit', 'W, 23-20', '47', '28', '59.6', '300', '6.4', '1', '0', '29', '3/11', '85.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2011', 4, '11/13/11', 'Bal', '@ Sea', 'L, 22-17', '52', '29', '55.8', '255', '4.9', '1', '1', '19', '1/8', '67.4', '2', '8', '4.00', '6', '0', '2']
in row 10 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2011', 4, '11/20/11', 'Bal', 'Cin', 'W, 31-24', '27', '17', '63.0', '270', '10.0', '2', '1', '49', '1/2', '105.5', '3', '-2', '-0.67', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2011', 4, '11/24/11', 'Bal', 'SF', 'W, 16-6', '23', '15', '65.2', '161', '7.0', '1', '0', '22', '0/0', '100.1', '6', '2', '0.33', '6', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2011', 4, '12/04/11', 'Bal', '@ Cle', 'W, 24-10', '23', '10', '43.5', '158', '6.9', '0', '0', '32', '1/0', '66.9', '4', '-1', '-0.25', '2', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2011', 4, '12/11/11', 'Bal', 'Ind', 'W, 24-10', '31', '23', '74.2', '227', '7.3', '2', '1', '26', '2/15', '102.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2011', 4, '12/18/11', 'Bal', '@ SD', 'L, 34-14', '34', '23', '67.6', '226', '6.6', '2', '2', '36t', '5/40', '81.2', '1', '12', '12.00', '12', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2011', 4, '12/24/11', 'Bal', 'Cle', 'W, 20-14', '24', '11', '45.8', '132', '5.5', '2', '1', '42t', '1/10', '73.6', '4', '30', '7.50', '33', '0', '1']
in row 16 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2011', 4, '01/01/12', 'Bal', '@ Cin', 'W, 24-16', '19', '15', '78.9', '130', '6.8', '1', '0', '39', '1/4', '112.7', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '1']
in row 17 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2011', 4, '01/15/12', 'Bal', 'Hou', 'W, 20-13', '27', '14', '51.9', '176', '6.5', '2', '0', '30', '5/36', '97.1', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 18 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2011', 4, '01/22/12', 'Bal', '@ NE', 'L, 23-20', '36', '22', '61.1', '306', '8.5', '2', '1', '42', '3/24', '95.4', '4', '27', '6.75', '14', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 21 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2012', 5, '09/10/12', 'Bal', 'Cin', 'W, 44-13', '29', '21', '72.4', '299', '10.3', '2', '0', '52', '3/21', '128.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 21 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2012', 5, '09/16/12', 'Bal', '@ Phi', 'L, 24-23', '42', '22', '52.4', '232', '5.5', '1', '1', '40', '2/18', '66.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 21 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2012', 5, '09/23/12', 'Bal', 'NE', 'W, 31-30', '39', '28', '71.8', '382', '9.8', '3', '1', '41', '0/0', '117.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 21 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2012', 5, '09/27/12', 'Bal', 'Cle', 'W, 23-16', '46', '28', '60.9', '356', '7.7', '1', '1', '39', '4/19', '83.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 21 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2012', 5, '10/07/12', 'Bal', '@ KC', 'W, 9-6', '27', '13', '48.1', '187', '6.9', '0', '1', '43', '4/22', '55.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 21 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2012', 5, '10/14/12', 'Bal', 'Dal', 'W, 31-29', '26', '17', '65.4', '234', '9.0', '1', '0', '43', '1/4', '106.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 21 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2012', 5, '10/21/12', 'Bal', '@ Hou', 'L, 43-13', '43', '21', '48.8', '147', '3.4', '1', '2', '15t', '4/26', '45.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 21 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2012', 5, '11/04/12', 'Bal', '@ Cle', 'W, 25-15', '24', '15', '62.5', '153', '6.4', '1', '0', '27', '1/8', '94.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 21 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2012', 5, '11/11/12', 'Bal', 'Oak', 'W, 55-20', '33', '21', '63.6', '341', '10.3', '3', '1', '47t', '0/0', '115.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 21 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2012', 5, '11/18/12', 'Bal', '@ Pit', 'W, 13-10', '32', '20', '62.5', '164', '5.1', '0', '0', '31', '2/11', '75.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 21 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2012', 5, '11/25/12', 'Bal', '@ SD', 'W, 16-13', '51', '30', '58.8', '355', '7.0', '1', '0', '54', '5/39', '86.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 21 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2012', 5, '12/02/12', 'Bal', 'Pit', 'L, 23-20', '34', '16', '47.1', '188', '5.5', '1', '1', '31', '3/11', '61.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 21 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2012', 5, '12/09/12', 'Bal', '@ Was', 'L, 31-28', '21', '16', '76.2', '182', '8.7', '3', '1', '31t', '2/9', '121.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 21 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2012', 5, '12/16/12', 'Bal', 'Den', 'L, 34-17', '40', '20', '50.0', '254', '6.3', '2', '1', '61t', '3/32', '76.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 21 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2012', 5, '12/23/12', 'Bal', 'NYG', 'W, 33-14', '36', '25', '69.4', '309', '8.6', '2', '0', '43', '0/0', '114.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 21 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2012', 5, '12/30/12', 'Bal', '@ Cin', 'L, 23-17', '8', '4', '50.0', '34', '4.2', '0', '0', '24', '1/7', '61.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 17 of 21 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2012', 5, '01/06/13', 'Bal', 'Ind', 'W, 24-9', '23', '12', '52.2', '282', '12.3', '2', '0', '50', '1/13', '125.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 18 of 21 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2012', 5, '01/12/13', 'Bal', '@ Den', 'W, 38-35', '34', '18', '52.9', '331', '9.7', '3', '0', '70t', '1/7', '116.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 19 of 21 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2012', 5, '01/20/13', 'Bal', '@ NE', 'W, 28-13', '36', '21', '58.3', '240', '6.7', '3', '0', '26', '2/5', '106.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 20 of 21 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2012', 5, '02/03/13', 'Bal', '@ SF', 'W, 34-31', '33', '22', '66.7', '287', '8.7', '3', '0', '56t', '2/13', '124.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2013', 6, '09/05/13', 'Bal', '@ Den', 'L, 49-27', '62', '34', '54.8', '362', '5.8', '2', '2', '34', '4/27', '69.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2013', 6, '09/15/13', 'Bal', 'Cle', 'W, 14-6', '33', '22', '66.7', '211', '6.4', '1', '0', '27', '2/14', '94.4', '4', '6', '1.50', '9', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2013', 6, '09/22/13', 'Bal', 'Hou', 'W, 30-9', '24', '16', '66.7', '171', '7.1', '0', '0', '48', '2/10', '87.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2013', 6, '09/29/13', 'Bal', '@ Buf', 'L, 23-20', '50', '25', '50.0', '347', '6.9', '2', '5', '74', '4/26', '46.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2013', 6, '10/06/13', 'Bal', '@ Mia', 'W, 26-23', '32', '19', '59.4', '269', '8.4', '0', '1', '43', '2/18', '73.6', '2', '13', '6.50', '14', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2013', 6, '10/13/13', 'Bal', 'GB', 'L, 19-17', '34', '20', '58.8', '342', '10.1', '2', '0', '63', '5/29', '112.6', '1', '6', '6.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2013', 6, '10/20/13', 'Bal', '@ Pit', 'L, 19-16', '34', '24', '70.6', '215', '6.3', '1', '0', '41', '1/10', '97.1', '2', '14', '7.00', '12', '0', '2']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2013', 6, '11/03/13', 'Bal', '@ Cle', 'L, 24-18', '41', '24', '58.5', '250', '6.1', '2', '1', '46', '5/27', '82.4', '3', '25', '8.33', '15', '0', '3']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2013', 6, '11/10/13', 'Bal', 'Cin', 'W, 20-17', '36', '20', '55.6', '140', '3.9', '2', '2', '18', '5/36', '60.0', '1', '4', '4.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2013', 6, '11/17/13', 'Bal', '@ Chi', 'L, 23-20', '31', '17', '54.8', '162', '5.2', '1', '2', '17', '3/19', '53.4', '4', '20', '5.00', '11', '0', '2']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2013', 6, '11/24/13', 'Bal', 'NYJ', 'W, 19-3', '26', '17', '65.4', '273', '10.5', '1', '1', '66t', '4/28', '97.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2013', 6, '11/28/13', 'Bal', 'Pit', 'W, 22-20', '35', '24', '68.6', '251', '7.2', '1', '0', '54', '2/14', '98.6', '4', '7', '1.75', '9', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2013', 6, '12/08/13', 'Bal', 'Min', 'W, 29-26', '50', '28', '56.0', '245', '4.9', '3', '3', '35', '2/17', '64.2', '1', '22', '22.00', '22', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2013', 6, '12/16/13', 'Bal', '@ Det', 'W, 18-16', '38', '20', '52.6', '222', '5.8', '0', '0', '27', '1/7', '70.3', '2', '13', '6.50', '7', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2013', 6, '12/22/13', 'Bal', 'NE', 'L, 41-7', '38', '22', '57.9', '260', '6.8', '0', '2', '42', '4/25', '56.9', '2', '0', '0.00', '1t', '1', '1']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2013', 6, '12/29/13', 'Bal', '@ Cin', 'L, 34-17', '50', '30', '60.0', '192', '3.8', '1', '3', '14', '2/17', '49.8', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2014', 7, '09/07/14', 'Bal', 'Cin', 'L, 23-16', '62', '35', '56.5', '345', '5.6', '1', '1', '80t', '3/16', '71.0', '3', '7', '2.33', '3', '0', '2']
in row 2 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2014', 7, '09/11/14', 'Bal', 'Pit', 'W, 26-6', '29', '21', '72.4', '166', '5.7', '2', '0', '24', '0/0', '109.3', '5', '3', '0.60', '3', '0', '2']
in row 3 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2014', 7, '09/21/14', 'Bal', '@ Cle', 'W, 23-21', '31', '19', '61.3', '217', '7.0', '1', '1', '33', '0/0', '79.6', '4', '6', '1.50', '7', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2014', 7, '09/28/14', 'Bal', 'Car', 'W, 38-10', '31', '22', '71.0', '327', '10.5', '3', '0', '61t', '0/0', '137.4', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2014', 7, '10/05/14', 'Bal', '@ Ind', 'L, 20-13', '38', '22', '57.9', '235', '6.2', '0', '1', '30', '4/38', '65.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2014', 7, '10/12/14', 'Bal', '@ TB', 'W, 48-17', '28', '21', '75.0', '306', '10.9', '5', '0', '56t', '0/0', '149.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2014', 7, '10/19/14', 'Bal', 'Atl', 'W, 29-7', '25', '16', '64.0', '258', '10.3', '2', '2', '49', '1/10', '91.8', '1', '4', '4.00', '4', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2014', 7, '10/26/14', 'Bal', '@ Cin', 'L, 27-24', '34', '17', '50.0', '195', '5.7', '0', '2', '29', '1/8', '43.1', '2', '12', '6.00', '13', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2014', 7, '11/02/14', 'Bal', '@ Pit', 'L, 43-23', '45', '30', '66.7', '303', '6.7', '2', '1', '35t', '4/34', '91.2', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2014', 7, '11/09/14', 'Bal', 'Ten', 'W, 21-7', '27', '16', '59.3', '169', '6.3', '1', '0', '32t', '1/8', '89.9', '3', '-2', '-0.67', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2014', 7, '11/24/14', 'Bal', '@ NO', 'W, 34-27', '24', '18', '75.0', '243', '10.1', '1', '0', '40', '1/9', '120.7', '2', '2', '1.00', '3', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2014', 7, '11/30/14', 'Bal', 'SD', 'L, 34-33', '31', '19', '61.3', '225', '7.3', '2', '0', '31', '0/0', '104.9', '2', '3', '1.50', '2', '1', '1']
in row 13 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2014', 7, '12/07/14', 'Bal', '@ Mia', 'W, 28-13', '33', '25', '75.8', '269', '8.2', '2', '1', '29', '1/5', '106.8', '7', '16', '2.29', '15', '1', '4']
in row 14 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2014', 7, '12/14/14', 'Bal', 'Jax', 'W, 20-12', '30', '20', '66.7', '221', '7.4', '1', '0', '29', '0/0', '99.4', '4', '8', '2.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2014', 7, '12/21/14', 'Bal', '@ Hou', 'L, 25-13', '50', '21', '42.0', '195', '3.9', '2', '3', '20t', '2/17', '41.7', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2014', 7, '12/28/14', 'Bal', 'Cle', 'W, 20-10', '36', '22', '61.1', '312', '8.7', '2', '0', '53', '1/22', '107.6', '3', '1', '0.33', '3', '0', '1']
in row 17 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2014', 7, '01/03/15', 'Bal', '@ Pit', 'W, 30-17', '29', '18', '62.1', '259', '8.9', '2', '0', '40', '1/13', '114.0', '8', '8', '1.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 18 of 19 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2014', 7, '01/10/15', 'Bal', '@ NE', 'L, 35-31', '45', '28', '62.2', '292', '6.5', '4', '2', '35', '0/0', '92.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 11 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2015', 8, '09/13/15', 'Bal', '@ Den', 'L, 19-13', '32', '18', '56.2', '117', '3.7', '0', '2', '22', '2/17', '38.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 11 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2015', 8, '09/20/15', 'Bal', '@ Oak', 'L, 37-33', '45', '32', '71.1', '384', '8.5', '2', '1', '38', '0/0', '102.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 11 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2015', 8, '09/27/15', 'Bal', 'Cin', 'L, 28-24', '49', '32', '65.3', '362', '7.4', '2', '1', '50t', '0/0', '92.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 11 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2015', 8, '10/01/15', 'Bal', '@ Pit', 'W, 23-20', '33', '20', '60.6', '189', '5.7', '1', '1', '20', '5/21', '73.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 11 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2015', 8, '10/11/15', 'Bal', 'Cle', 'L, 33-30', '35', '19', '54.3', '210', '6.0', '1', '0', '48', '1/14', '81.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 11 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2015', 8, '10/18/15', 'Bal', '@ SF', 'L, 25-20', '53', '33', '62.3', '343', '6.5', '2', '2', '34t', '0/0', '77.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 11 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2015', 8, '10/26/15', 'Bal', '@ Ari', 'L, 26-18', '40', '26', '65.0', '252', '6.3', '1', '1', '31', '3/31', '80.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 11 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2015', 8, '11/01/15', 'Bal', 'SD', 'W, 29-26', '37', '25', '67.6', '319', '8.6', '1', '0', '46', '3/26', '103.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 11 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2015', 8, '11/15/15', 'Bal', 'Jax', 'L, 22-20', '45', '34', '75.6', '316', '7.0', '3', '2', '29', '1/8', '98.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 11 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2015', 8, '11/22/15', 'Bal', 'Stl', 'W, 16-13', '44', '27', '61.4', '299', '6.8', '1', '2', '46', '1/7', '70.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2016', 9, '09/11/16', 'Bal', 'Buf', 'W, 13-7', '33', '22', '66.7', '258', '7.8', '1', '0', '66t', '4/33', '100.3', '4', '-3', '-0.75', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2016', 9, '09/18/16', 'Bal', '@ Cle', 'W, 25-20', '45', '25', '55.6', '302', '6.7', '2', '2', '31', '0/0', '72.6', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2016', 9, '09/25/16', 'Bal', '@ Jax', 'W, 19-17', '40', '29', '72.5', '214', '5.3', '0', '2', '23', '2/15', '64.0', '3', '12', '4.00', '7t', '1', '1']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2016', 9, '10/02/16', 'Bal', 'Oak', 'L, 28-27', '52', '32', '61.5', '298', '5.7', '1', '0', '52t', '2/16', '83.7', '1', '1', '1.00', '1t', '1', '1']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2016', 9, '10/09/16', 'Bal', 'Was', 'L, 16-10', '46', '30', '65.2', '210', '4.6', '1', '0', '15', '3/22', '82.7', '1', '6', '6.00', '6', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2016', 9, '10/16/16', 'Bal', '@ NYG', 'L, 27-23', '48', '26', '54.2', '307', '6.4', '0', '0', '70', '2/14', '73.9', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2016', 9, '10/23/16', 'Bal', '@ NYJ', 'L, 24-16', '44', '25', '56.8', '248', '5.6', '0', '2', '53', '2/14', '54.0', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2016', 9, '11/06/16', 'Bal', 'Pit', 'W, 21-14', '30', '18', '60.0', '241', '8.0', '1', '1', '95t', '3/26', '82.8', '3', '12', '4.00', '14', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2016', 9, '11/10/16', 'Bal', 'Cle', 'W, 28-7', '41', '30', '73.2', '296', '7.2', '3', '2', '27t', '2/19', '97.2', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2016', 9, '11/20/16', 'Bal', '@ Dal', 'L, 27-17', '35', '23', '65.7', '269', '7.7', '1', '0', '27', '1/2', '98.4', '1', '6', '6.00', '6', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2016', 9, '11/27/16', 'Bal', 'Cin', 'W, 19-14', '36', '25', '69.4', '234', '6.5', '1', '1', '31', '2/15', '84.7', '2', '19', '9.50', '16', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2016', 9, '12/04/16', 'Bal', 'Mia', 'W, 38-6', '47', '36', '76.6', '381', '8.1', '4', '1', '53t', '0/0', '119.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2016', 9, '12/12/16', 'Bal', '@ NE', 'L, 30-23', '52', '37', '71.2', '324', '6.2', '2', '1', '47', '2/18', '92.1', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2016', 9, '12/18/16', 'Bal', 'Phi', 'W, 27-26', '30', '16', '53.3', '206', '6.9', '2', '1', '54', '3/17', '83.5', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2016', 9, '12/25/16', 'Bal', '@ Pit', 'L, 31-27', '44', '30', '68.2', '262', '6.0', '1', '1', '44', '2/16', '81.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['flacco, joe', '2016', 9, '01/01/17', 'Bal', '@ Cin', 'L, 27-10', '49', '32', '65.3', '267', '5.4', '0', '1', '39', '3/16', '70.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 6 total rows
['webb, joe', '2010', 1, '12/05/10', 'Min', 'Buf', 'W, 38-14', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 6 total rows
['webb, joe', '2010', 1, '12/13/10', 'Min', 'NYG', 'L, 21-3', '5', '2', '40.0', '8', '1.6', '0', '0', '7', '0/0', '47.9', '1', '16', '16.00', '16', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 6 total rows
['webb, joe', '2010', 1, '12/20/10', 'Min', 'Chi', 'L, 40-14', '26', '15', '57.7', '129', '5.0', '0', '2', '18', '3/21', '38.8', '6', '38', '6.33', '13t', '1', '2']
in row 4 of 6 total rows
['webb, joe', '2010', 1, '12/28/10', 'Min', '@ Phi', 'W, 24-14', '26', '17', '65.4', '195', '7.5', '0', '0', '46', '2/19', '87.8', '6', '31', '5.17', '9t', '1', '2']
in row 5 of 6 total rows
['webb, joe', '2010', 1, '01/02/11', 'Min', '@ Det', 'L, 20-13', '32', '20', '62.5', '145', '4.5', '0', '1', '20', '3/8', '60.0', '5', '35', '7.00', '12', '0', '2']
in row 1 of 9 total rows
['webb, joe', '2011', 2, '09/11/11', 'Min', '@ SD', 'L, 24-17', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '1', '-2', '-2.00', '-2', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 9 total rows
['webb, joe', '2011', 2, '10/16/11', 'Min', '@ Chi', 'L, 39-10', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 9 total rows
['webb, joe', '2011', 2, '11/14/11', 'Min', '@ GB', 'L, 45-7', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '1', '6', '6.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 9 total rows
['webb, joe', '2011', 2, '12/04/11', 'Min', 'Den', 'L, 35-32', '1', '1', '100.0', '8', '8.0', '0', '0', '8', '0/0', '100.0', '1', '4', '4.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 9 total rows
['webb, joe', '2011', 2, '12/11/11', 'Min', '@ Det', 'L, 34-28', '23', '12', '52.2', '84', '3.7', '1', '0', '17', '1/15', '75.3', '7', '109', '15.57', '65t', '1', '6']
in row 6 of 9 total rows
['webb, joe', '2011', 2, '12/18/11', 'Min', 'NO', 'L, 42-20', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', '2', '0', '0.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 9 total rows
['webb, joe', '2011', 2, '12/24/11', 'Min', '@ Was', 'W, 33-26', '5', '4', '80.0', '84', '16.8', '2', '0', '36', '1/3', '158.3', '5', '34', '6.80', '16', '1', '2']
in row 8 of 9 total rows
['webb, joe', '2011', 2, '01/01/12', 'Min', 'Chi', 'L, 17-13', '32', '17', '53.1', '200', '6.2', '0', '2', '23', '1/3', '46.4', '4', '2', '0.50', '9', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['webb, joe', '2012', 3, '10/07/12', 'Min', 'Ten', 'W, 30-7', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['webb, joe', '2012', 3, '01/05/13', 'Min', '@ GB', 'L, 24-10', '30', '11', '36.7', '180', '6.0', '1', '1', '50t', '3/23', '54.9', '7', '68', '9.71', '17', '0', '4']
in row 1 of 8 total rows
['webb, joe', '2013', 4, '09/22/13', 'Min', 'Cle', 'L, 31-27', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 8 total rows
['webb, joe', '2013', 4, '09/29/13', 'Min', 'Pit', 'W, 34-27', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 8 total rows
['webb, joe', '2013', 4, '10/13/13', 'Min', 'Car', 'L, 35-10', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 8 total rows
['webb, joe', '2013', 4, '10/21/13', 'Min', '@ NYG', 'L, 23-7', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 8 total rows
['webb, joe', '2013', 4, '11/07/13', 'Min', 'Was', 'W, 34-27', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '1', '9', '9.00', '0', '9', '0']
in row 6 of 8 total rows
['webb, joe', '2013', 4, '11/17/13', 'Min', '@ Sea', 'L, 41-20', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 8 total rows
['webb, joe', '2013', 4, '12/15/13', 'Min', 'Phi', 'W, 48-30', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 6 total rows
['webb, joe', '2014', 5, '10/26/14', 'Car', 'Sea', 'L, 13-9', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0']
in row 2 of 6 total rows
['webb, joe', '2014', 5, '10/30/14', 'Car', 'NO', 'L, 28-10', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0.0', '0.0']
in row 3 of 6 total rows
['webb, joe', '2014', 5, '11/10/14', 'Car', '@ Phi', 'L, 45-21', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0.0', '0.0']
in row 4 of 6 total rows
['webb, joe', '2014', 5, '12/28/14', 'Car', '@ Atl', 'W, 34-3', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0.0', '0.0']
in row 5 of 6 total rows
['webb, joe', '2014', 5, '01/10/15', 'Car', '@ Sea', 'L, 31-17', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '1', '0', '1', '0.0', '0.0']
in row 1 of 13 total rows
['webb, joe', '2015', 6, '09/27/15', 'Car', 'NO', 'W, 27-22', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 13 total rows
['webb, joe', '2015', 6, '10/04/15', 'Car', '@ TB', 'W, 37-23', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 13 total rows
['webb, joe', '2015', 6, '11/02/15', 'Car', 'Ind', 'W, 29-26', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 13 total rows
['webb, joe', '2015', 6, '11/08/15', 'Car', 'GB', 'W, 37-29', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 13 total rows
['webb, joe', '2015', 6, '11/15/15', 'Car', '@ Ten', 'W, 27-10', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 13 total rows
['webb, joe', '2015', 6, '11/22/15', 'Car', 'Was', 'W, 44-16', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 13 total rows
['webb, joe', '2015', 6, '12/06/15', 'Car', '@ NO', 'W, 41-38', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 13 total rows
['webb, joe', '2015', 6, '12/20/15', 'Car', '@ NYG', 'W, 38-35', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 13 total rows
['webb, joe', '2015', 6, '01/03/16', 'Car', 'TB', 'W, 38-10', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 13 total rows
['webb, joe', '2015', 6, '01/17/16', 'Car', 'Sea', 'W, 31-24', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 13 total rows
['webb, joe', '2015', 6, '01/24/16', 'Car', 'Ari', 'W, 49-15', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 13 total rows
['webb, joe', '2015', 6, '02/07/16', 'Car', '@ Den', 'L, 24-10', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 10 total rows
['webb, joe', '2016', 7, '09/25/16', 'Car', 'Min', 'L, 22-10', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 10 total rows
['webb, joe', '2016', 7, '10/02/16', 'Car', '@ Atl', 'L, 48-33', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 10 total rows
['webb, joe', '2016', 7, '10/30/16', 'Car', 'Ari', 'W, 30-20', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '1', '37', '37.00', '0', '37', '0']
in row 4 of 10 total rows
['webb, joe', '2016', 7, '11/06/16', 'Car', '@ LA', 'W, 13-10', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '1', '8', '8.00', '0', '8', '0']
in row 5 of 10 total rows
['webb, joe', '2016', 7, '11/17/16', 'Car', 'NO', 'W, 23-20', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '2', '49', '24.50', '0', '34', '0']
in row 6 of 10 total rows
['webb, joe', '2016', 7, '12/04/16', 'Car', '@ Sea', 'L, 40-7', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 10 total rows
['webb, joe', '2016', 7, '12/11/16', 'Car', 'SD', 'W, 28-16', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '1', '21', '21.00', '0', '21', '0']
in row 8 of 10 total rows
['webb, joe', '2016', 7, '12/19/16', 'Car', '@ Was', 'W, 26-15', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '1', '16', '16.00', '0', '16', '0']
in row 9 of 10 total rows
['webb, joe', '2016', 7, '12/24/16', 'Car', 'Atl', 'L, 33-16', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 6 total rows
['beck, john', '2007', 1, '11/18/07', 'Mia', '@ Phi', 'L, 17-7', '22', '9', '40.9', '109', '5.0', '0', '0', '22', '0/0', '56.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 6 total rows
['beck, john', '2007', 1, '11/26/07', 'Mia', '@ Pit', 'L, 3-0', '23', '14', '60.9', '132', '5.7', '0', '0', '21', '4/22', '76.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 6 total rows
['beck, john', '2007', 1, '12/02/07', 'Mia', 'NYJ', 'L, 40-13', '39', '23', '59.0', '177', '4.5', '0', '3', '22', '3/27', '38.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 6 total rows
['beck, john', '2007', 1, '12/09/07', 'Mia', '@ Buf', 'L, 38-17', '2', '1', '50.0', '6', '3.0', '0', '0', '6', '3/20', '56.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 6 total rows
['beck, john', '2007', 1, '12/30/07', 'Mia', 'Cin', 'L, 38-25', '21', '13', '61.9', '135', '6.4', '1', '0', '22t', '0/0', '96.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 5 total rows
['beck, john', '2011', 5, '10/16/11', 'Was', 'Phi', 'L, 20-13', '15', '8', '53.3', '117', '7.8', '0', '0', '32', '1/7', '79.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 5 total rows
['beck, john', '2011', 5, '10/23/11', 'Was', '@ Car', 'L, 33-20', '37', '22', '59.5', '279', '7.5', '1', '1', '32', '3/18', '80.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 5 total rows
['beck, john', '2011', 5, '10/30/11', 'Was', '@ Buf', 'L, 23-0', '33', '20', '60.6', '208', '6.3', '0', '2', '24', '10/56', '53.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 5 total rows
['beck, john', '2011', 5, '11/06/11', 'Was', 'SF', 'L, 19-11', '47', '30', '63.8', '254', '5.4', '1', '1', '17', '2/3', '76.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 6 total rows
['skelton, john', '2010', 1, '12/05/10', 'Ari', 'Stl', 'L, 19-6', '6', '3', '50.0', '45', '7.5', '0', '0', '22', '1/10', '75.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 6 total rows
['skelton, john', '2010', 1, '12/12/10', 'Ari', 'Den', 'W, 43-13', '37', '15', '40.5', '146', '3.9', '0', '0', '25', '0/0', '52.3', '3', '9', '3.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 6 total rows
['skelton, john', '2010', 1, '12/19/10', 'Ari', '@ Car', 'L, 19-12', '33', '17', '51.5', '196', '5.9', '0', '1', '41', '3/21', '57.1', '2', '10', '5.00', '6', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 6 total rows
['skelton, john', '2010', 1, '12/25/10', 'Ari', 'Dal', 'W, 27-26', '25', '11', '44.0', '183', '7.3', '1', '0', '74t', '1/5', '82.6', '3', '21', '7.00', '16', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 6 total rows
['skelton, john', '2010', 1, '01/02/11', 'Ari', '@ SF', 'L, 38-7', '25', '14', '56.0', '92', '3.7', '1', '1', '18', '4/29', '60.8', '2', '9', '4.50', '6', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 9 total rows
['skelton, john', '2011', 2, '11/06/11', 'Ari', 'Stl', 'W, 19-13', '35', '20', '57.1', '222', '6.3', '1', '0', '27', '3/30', '85.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 9 total rows
['skelton, john', '2011', 2, '11/13/11', 'Ari', '@ Phi', 'W, 21-17', '40', '21', '52.5', '315', '7.9', '3', '2', '42', '4/33', '82.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 9 total rows
['skelton, john', '2011', 2, '11/20/11', 'Ari', '@ SF', 'L, 23-7', '19', '6', '31.6', '99', '5.2', '0', '3', '45', '1/8', '10.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 9 total rows
['skelton, john', '2011', 2, '11/27/11', 'Ari', '@ Stl', 'W, 23-20', '23', '12', '52.2', '114', '5.0', '0', '2', '41', '3/8', '30.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 9 total rows
['skelton, john', '2011', 2, '12/11/11', 'Ari', 'SF', 'W, 21-19', '28', '19', '67.9', '282', '10.1', '3', '2', '60t', '1/5', '106.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 9 total rows
['skelton, john', '2011', 2, '12/18/11', 'Ari', 'Cle', 'W, 20-17', '46', '28', '60.9', '313', '6.8', '1', '1', '32', '4/24', '79.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 9 total rows
['skelton, john', '2011', 2, '12/24/11', 'Ari', '@ Cin', 'L, 23-16', '44', '23', '52.3', '297', '6.8', '2', '3', '39', '5/40', '60.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 9 total rows
['skelton, john', '2011', 2, '01/01/12', 'Ari', 'Sea', 'W, 23-20', '40', '22', '55.0', '271', '6.8', '1', '1', '41', '2/14', '74.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 8 total rows
['skelton, john', '2012', 3, '09/09/12', 'Ari', 'Sea', 'W, 20-16', '28', '14', '50.0', '149', '5.3', '0', '1', '23', '1/5', '51.0', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 8 total rows
['skelton, john', '2012', 3, '10/14/12', 'Ari', 'Buf', 'L, 19-16', '10', '2', '20.0', '45', '4.5', '0', '1', '28', '0/0', '6.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 8 total rows
['skelton, john', '2012', 3, '10/21/12', 'Ari', '@ Min', 'L, 21-14', '36', '25', '69.4', '262', '7.3', '1', '1', '22', '7/32', '88.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 8 total rows
['skelton, john', '2012', 3, '10/29/12', 'Ari', 'SF', 'L, 24-3', '52', '32', '61.5', '290', '5.6', '0', '1', '27', '4/32', '68.6', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 8 total rows
['skelton, john', '2012', 3, '11/04/12', 'Ari', '@ GB', 'L, 31-17', '46', '23', '50.0', '306', '6.7', '1', '1', '40', '2/20', '69.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 8 total rows
['skelton, john', '2012', 3, '11/18/12', 'Ari', '@ Atl', 'L, 23-19', '7', '2', '28.6', '6', '0.9', '0', '0', '5', '0/0', '39.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 8 total rows
['skelton, john', '2012', 3, '12/09/12', 'Ari', '@ Sea', 'L, 58-0', '22', '11', '50.0', '74', '3.4', '0', '4', '24', '1/9', '18.2', '2', '2', '1.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['kitna, jon', '1997', 1, '09/14/97', 'Sea', '@ Ind', 'W, 31-3', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['kitna, jon', '1997', 1, '12/14/97', 'Sea', '@ Oak', 'W, 22-21', '37', '23', '62.2', '283', '7.6', '1', '2', '61', '2/5', '72.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['kitna, jon', '1997', 1, '12/21/97', 'Sea', 'SF', 'W, 38-9', '8', '8', '100.0', '88', '11.0', '0', '0', '19', '1/5', '112.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 7 total rows
['kitna, jon', '1998', 2, '10/04/98', 'Sea', '@ KC', 'L, 17-6', '12', '3', '25.0', '42', '3.5', '0', '1', '16', '0/0', '6.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 7 total rows
['kitna, jon', '1998', 2, '11/29/98', 'Sea', 'Ten', 'W, 20-18', '39', '24', '61.5', '298', '7.6', '2', '1', '59t', '1/2', '91.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 7 total rows
['kitna, jon', '1998', 2, '12/06/98', 'Sea', '@ NYJ', 'L, 32-31', '24', '17', '70.8', '278', '11.6', '2', '2', '70t', '1/7', '102.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 7 total rows
['kitna, jon', '1998', 2, '12/13/98', 'Sea', 'SD', 'W, 38-17', '31', '16', '51.6', '140', '4.5', '1', '3', '15', '2/10', '35.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 7 total rows
['kitna, jon', '1998', 2, '12/20/98', 'Sea', 'Ind', 'W, 27-23', '29', '16', '55.2', '177', '6.1', '1', '0', '22', '4/27', '85.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 7 total rows
['kitna, jon', '1998', 2, '12/27/98', 'Sea', '@ Den', 'L, 28-21', '37', '22', '59.5', '242', '6.5', '1', '1', '24', '3/26', '76.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '1999', 3, '09/12/99', 'Sea', 'Det', 'L, 28-20', '30', '20', '66.7', '202', '6.7', '2', '0', '26t', '6/28', '107.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '1999', 3, '09/26/99', 'Sea', '@ Pit', 'W, 29-10', '29', '18', '62.1', '265', '9.1', '0', '0', '51', '1/14', '91.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '1999', 3, '10/03/99', 'Sea', 'Oak', 'W, 22-21', '30', '15', '50.0', '213', '7.1', '2', '1', '29t', '2/12', '81.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '1999', 3, '10/17/99', 'Sea', '@ SD', 'L, 13-10', '29', '17', '58.6', '151', '5.2', '1', '1', '25', '3/11', '69.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '1999', 3, '10/24/99', 'Sea', 'Buf', 'W, 26-16', '30', '17', '56.7', '276', '9.2', '2', '0', '43t', '1/1', '109.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '1999', 3, '11/01/99', 'Sea', '@ GB', 'W, 27-7', '19', '12', '63.2', '109', '5.7', '2', '0', '21', '2/19', '113.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '1999', 3, '11/07/99', 'Sea', 'Cin', 'W, 37-20', '24', '14', '58.3', '202', '8.4', '3', '2', '32', '2/15', '90.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '1999', 3, '11/14/99', 'Sea', 'Den', 'W, 20-17', '31', '16', '51.6', '235', '7.6', '2', '1', '39', '1/5', '84.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '1999', 3, '11/21/99', 'Sea', '@ KC', 'W, 31-19', '33', '14', '42.4', '235', '7.1', '2', '1', '45t', '0/0', '74.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '1999', 3, '11/28/99', 'Sea', 'TB', 'L, 16-3', '44', '19', '43.2', '197', '4.5', '0', '5', '34', '3/27', '17.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '1999', 3, '12/05/99', 'Sea', '@ Oak', 'L, 30-21', '39', '22', '56.4', '245', '6.3', '2', '2', '31t', '1/11', '71.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '1999', 3, '12/12/99', 'Sea', 'SD', 'L, 19-16', '40', '25', '62.5', '285', '7.1', '1', '1', '48', '3/14', '81.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '1999', 3, '12/19/99', 'Sea', '@ Den', 'L, 36-30', '42', '22', '52.4', '278', '6.6', '2', '0', '36t', '3/28', '89.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '1999', 3, '12/26/99', 'Sea', 'KC', 'W, 23-14', '30', '18', '60.0', '216', '7.2', '2', '0', '20t', '3/9', '104.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '1999', 3, '01/02/00', 'Sea', '@ NYJ', 'L, 19-9', '45', '21', '46.7', '237', '5.3', '0', '2', '32', '1/4', '44.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '1999', 3, '01/09/00', 'Sea', 'Mia', 'L, 20-17', '30', '14', '46.7', '162', '5.4', '1', '2', '22', '6/32', '46.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2000', 4, '09/03/00', 'Sea', '@ Mia', 'L, 23-0', '15', '6', '40.0', '54', '3.6', '0', '4', '14', '1/0', '10.8', '2', '5', '2.50', '5', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2000', 4, '09/10/00', 'Sea', 'Stl', 'L, 37-34', '31', '20', '64.5', '245', '7.9', '1', '2', '34t', '3/8', '72.6', '3', '24', '8.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2000', 4, '09/17/00', 'Sea', 'NO', 'W, 20-10', '29', '22', '75.9', '193', '6.7', '1', '1', '25', '4/24', '90.2', '4', '2', '0.50', '5', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2000', 4, '09/24/00', 'Sea', '@ SD', 'W, 20-12', '21', '11', '52.4', '196', '9.3', '1', '0', '68t', '5/35', '100.5', '6', '22', '3.67', '10', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2000', 4, '10/02/00', 'Sea', '@ KC', 'L, 24-17', '28', '17', '60.7', '140', '5.0', '1', '1', '23', '5/37', '70.5', '7', '15', '2.14', '8', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2000', 4, '10/15/00', 'Sea', 'Ind', 'L, 37-24', '6', '5', '83.3', '57', '9.5', '0', '0', '18', '1/4', '106.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2000', 4, '10/22/00', 'Sea', '@ Oak', 'L, 31-3', '18', '11', '61.1', '85', '4.7', '0', '0', '14', '1/1', '72.7', '5', '9', '1.80', '5', '0', '2']
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2000', 4, '10/29/00', 'Sea', 'KC', 'L, 24-19', '42', '26', '61.9', '224', '5.3', '2', '3', '17', '3/16', '62.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2000', 4, '11/05/00', 'Sea', 'SD', 'W, 17-15', '19', '11', '57.9', '85', '4.5', '2', '1', '18', '1/7', '82.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2000', 4, '11/12/00', 'Sea', '@ Jax', 'W, 28-21', '33', '22', '66.7', '231', '7.0', '3', '0', '30', '1/1', '117.1', '5', '3', '0.60', '5', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2000', 4, '11/26/00', 'Sea', 'Den', 'L, 38-31', '42', '20', '47.6', '226', '5.4', '1', '2', '59', '0/0', '52.3', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2000', 4, '12/03/00', 'Sea', '@ Atl', 'W, 30-10', '34', '25', '73.5', '252', '7.4', '1', '0', '71', '0/0', '104.0', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2000', 4, '12/10/00', 'Sea', '@ Den', 'L, 31-24', '41', '26', '63.4', '298', '7.3', '3', '3', '37', '0/0', '79.1', '7', '27', '3.86', '6', '0', '3']
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2000', 4, '12/16/00', 'Sea', 'Oak', 'W, 27-24', '30', '19', '63.3', '177', '5.9', '2', '1', '21', '3/24', '87.8', '3', '1', '0.33', '2', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2000', 4, '12/23/00', 'Sea', 'Buf', 'L, 42-23', '29', '18', '62.1', '195', '6.7', '0', '1', '45', '5/9', '67.5', '4', '17', '4.25', '13', '1', '3']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2001', 5, '09/09/01', 'Cin', 'NE', 'W, 23-17', '27', '18', '66.7', '204', '7.6', '1', '0', '34', '1/8', '101.5', '2', '-3', '-1.50', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2001', 5, '09/23/01', 'Cin', 'Bal', 'W, 21-10', '30', '19', '63.3', '154', '5.1', '1', '0', '41', '2/18', '87.4', '1', '2', '2.00', '2t', '1', '1']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2001', 5, '09/30/01', 'Cin', '@ SD', 'L, 28-14', '32', '18', '56.2', '135', '4.2', '2', '3', '20', '2/9', '48.3', '5', '10', '2.00', '4', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2001', 5, '10/07/01', 'Cin', '@ Pit', 'L, 16-7', '34', '19', '55.9', '164', '4.8', '1', '1', '22', '2/15', '66.3', '2', '1', '0.50', '2', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2001', 5, '10/14/01', 'Cin', 'Cle', 'W, 24-14', '38', '20', '52.6', '201', '5.3', '1', '0', '33', '0/0', '76.8', '4', '18', '4.50', '11', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2001', 5, '10/21/01', 'Cin', 'Chi', 'L, 24-0', '46', '19', '41.3', '244', '5.3', '0', '1', '27', '2/15', '49.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2001', 5, '10/28/01', 'Cin', '@ Det', 'W, 31-27', '27', '17', '63.0', '204', '7.6', '2', '2', '30t', '1/16', '79.9', '3', '26', '8.67', '20', '0', '2']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2001', 5, '11/11/01', 'Cin', '@ Jax', 'L, 30-13', '48', '28', '58.3', '303', '6.3', '0', '1', '32', '4/24', '68.3', '2', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2001', 5, '11/18/01', 'Cin', 'Ten', 'L, 20-7', '41', '23', '56.1', '234', '5.7', '1', '2', '27', '1/10', '60.4', '1', '9', '9.00', '9', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2001', 5, '11/25/01', 'Cin', '@ Cle', 'L, 18-0', '19', '8', '42.1', '85', '4.5', '0', '2', '22', '0/0', '16.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2001', 5, '12/02/01', 'Cin', 'TB', 'L, 16-13', '38', '19', '50.0', '144', '3.8', '1', '1', '19', '3/29', '57.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2001', 5, '12/09/01', 'Cin', 'Jax', 'L, 14-10', '30', '16', '53.3', '147', '4.9', '0', '1', '17', '1/7', '53.1', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2001', 5, '12/16/01', 'Cin', '@ NYJ', 'L, 15-14', '17', '10', '58.8', '93', '5.5', '0', '3', '17', '0/0', '34.3', '1', '4', '4.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2001', 5, '12/23/01', 'Cin', '@ Bal', 'L, 16-0', '39', '16', '41.0', '153', '3.9', '0', '3', '20', '3/22', '20.6', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2001', 5, '12/30/01', 'Cin', 'Pit', 'W, 26-23', '68', '35', '51.5', '411', '6.0', '2', '1', '49', '2/8', '73.8', '2', '6', '3.00', '7', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2001', 5, '01/06/02', 'Cin', '@ Ten', 'W, 23-21', '47', '28', '59.6', '340', '7.2', '0', '1', '39', '1/4', '73.0', '2', '0', '0.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 14 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2002', 6, '09/22/02', 'Cin', '@ Atl', 'L, 30-3', '35', '18', '51.4', '136', '3.9', '0', '1', '20', '1/6', '49.2', '1', '-3', '-3.00', '-3', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 14 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2002', 6, '10/06/02', 'Cin', '@ Ind', 'L, 28-21', '43', '31', '72.1', '244', '5.7', '1', '3', '30t', '1/7', '64.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 14 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2002', 6, '10/13/02', 'Cin', 'Pit', 'L, 34-7', '35', '23', '65.7', '222', '6.3', '0', '3', '23', '5/32', '47.6', '4', '4', '1.00', '5', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 14 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2002', 6, '10/27/02', 'Cin', 'Ten', 'L, 30-24', '23', '17', '73.9', '193', '8.4', '2', '0', '24', '0/0', '127.6', '4', '21', '5.25', '8', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 14 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2002', 6, '11/03/02', 'Cin', '@ Hou', 'W, 38-3', '27', '22', '81.5', '263', '9.7', '4', '0', '33t', '0/0', '146.8', '2', '1', '0.50', '2', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 14 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2002', 6, '11/10/02', 'Cin', '@ Bal', 'L, 38-27', '41', '28', '68.3', '272', '6.6', '2', '3', '39t', '3/23', '72.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 14 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2002', 6, '11/17/02', 'Cin', 'Cle', 'L, 27-20', '30', '17', '56.7', '258', '8.6', '1', '0', '72t', '1/10', '96.2', '1', '3', '3.00', '3t', '1', '1']
in row 8 of 14 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2002', 6, '11/24/02', 'Cin', '@ Pit', 'L, 29-21', '39', '22', '56.4', '298', '7.6', '1', '0', '55', '1/0', '89.5', '1', '-6', '-6.00', '-6', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 14 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2002', 6, '12/01/02', 'Cin', 'Bal', 'L, 27-23', '46', '30', '65.2', '308', '6.7', '2', '1', '35t', '1/5', '89.8', '1', '9', '9.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 14 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2002', 6, '12/08/02', 'Cin', '@ Car', 'L, 52-31', '37', '25', '67.6', '295', '8.0', '2', '0', '37t', '4/38', '109.6', '5', '20', '4.00', '12t', '1', '2']
in row 11 of 14 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2002', 6, '12/15/02', 'Cin', 'Jax', 'L, 29-15', '42', '22', '52.4', '258', '6.1', '0', '1', '44', '3/23', '61.4', '2', '5', '2.50', '5t', '1', '1']
in row 12 of 14 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2002', 6, '12/22/02', 'Cin', 'NO', 'W, 20-13', '40', '20', '50.0', '190', '4.8', '1', '2', '30t', '2/7', '51.0', '2', '-3', '-1.50', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 14 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2002', 6, '12/29/02', 'Cin', '@ Buf', 'L, 27-9', '35', '19', '54.3', '241', '6.9', '0', '2', '50', '2/8', '52.2', '1', '6', '6.00', '6t', '1', '1']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2003', 7, '09/07/03', 'Cin', 'Den', 'L, 30-10', '37', '20', '54.1', '264', '7.1', '1', '2', '41t', '4/21', '63.3', '3', '5', '1.67', '6', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2003', 7, '09/14/03', 'Cin', '@ Oak', 'L, 23-20', '41', '25', '61.0', '303', '7.4', '1', '2', '34', '2/16', '71.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2003', 7, '09/21/03', 'Cin', 'Pit', 'L, 17-10', '24', '16', '66.7', '157', '6.5', '1', '1', '31', '4/32', '81.4', '2', '14', '7.00', '8', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2003', 7, '09/28/03', 'Cin', '@ Cle', 'W, 21-14', '31', '23', '74.2', '215', '6.9', '3', '0', '55t', '0/0', '125.1', '3', '-1', '-0.33', '1', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2003', 7, '10/05/03', 'Cin', '@ Buf', 'L, 22-16', '44', '26', '59.1', '225', '5.1', '0', '1', '20', '1/13', '63.2', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2003', 7, '10/19/03', 'Cin', 'Bal', 'W, 34-26', '27', '16', '59.3', '274', '10.1', '3', '0', '82t', '4/30', '130.8', '4', '7', '1.75', '11', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2003', 7, '10/26/03', 'Cin', 'Sea', 'W, 27-24', '30', '18', '60.0', '226', '7.5', '2', '0', '53t', '2/8', '105.7', '3', '27', '9.00', '14', '0', '2']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2003', 7, '11/02/03', 'Cin', '@ Ari', 'L, 17-14', '38', '21', '55.3', '218', '5.7', '1', '2', '41', '2/3', '58.9', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2003', 7, '11/09/03', 'Cin', 'Hou', 'W, 34-27', '26', '18', '69.2', '182', '7.0', '1', '1', '25', '0/0', '85.7', '5', '23', '4.60', '13', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2003', 7, '11/16/03', 'Cin', 'KC', 'W, 24-19', '32', '19', '59.4', '233', '7.3', '2', '0', '77t', '2/11', '102.7', '4', '3', '0.75', '6', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2003', 7, '11/23/03', 'Cin', '@ SD', 'W, 34-27', '38', '24', '63.2', '243', '6.4', '4', '0', '30', '1/9', '116.4', '5', '6', '1.20', '15', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2003', 7, '11/30/03', 'Cin', '@ Pit', 'W, 24-20', '32', '18', '56.2', '271', '8.5', '3', '0', '58', '1/5', '115.5', '3', '18', '6.00', '15', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2003', 7, '12/07/03', 'Cin', '@ Bal', 'L, 31-13', '31', '23', '74.2', '214', '6.9', '1', '2', '34', '6/46', '76.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2003', 7, '12/14/03', 'Cin', 'SF', 'W, 41-38', '25', '18', '72.0', '189', '7.6', '2', '0', '31t', '2/21', '120.2', '3', '1', '0.33', '3', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2003', 7, '12/21/03', 'Cin', '@ Stl', 'L, 27-10', '29', '16', '55.2', '202', '7.0', '1', '3', '47', '3/15', '49.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2003', 7, '12/28/03', 'Cin', 'Cle', 'L, 22-14', '35', '23', '65.7', '175', '5.0', '0', '1', '19', '3/19', '65.8', '1', '9', '9.00', '9', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 5 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2004', 8, '12/12/04', 'Cin', '@ NE', 'L, 35-28', '13', '9', '69.2', '126', '9.7', '1', '1', '30', '0/0', '93.7', '1', '9', '9.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 5 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2004', 8, '12/19/04', 'Cin', 'Buf', 'L, 33-17', '32', '16', '50.0', '151', '4.7', '1', '2', '24', '3/25', '47.8', '4', '8', '2.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 5 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2004', 8, '12/26/04', 'Cin', 'NYG', 'W, 23-22', '32', '20', '62.5', '186', '5.8', '2', '1', '21', '3/16', '86.2', '2', '14', '7.00', '15', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 5 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2004', 8, '01/02/05', 'Cin', '@ Phi', 'W, 38-10', '27', '16', '59.3', '160', '5.9', '1', '0', '27', '0/0', '88.5', '3', '11', '3.67', '9', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 5 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2005', 9, '12/18/05', 'Cin', '@ Det', 'W, 41-17', '3', '2', '66.7', '6', '2.0', '0', '0', '5', '0/0', '70.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 5 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2005', 9, '12/24/05', 'Cin', 'Buf', 'L, 37-27', '2', '2', '100.0', '17', '8.5', '0', '0', '13', '1/4', '102.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 5 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2005', 9, '01/01/06', 'Cin', '@ KC', 'L, 37-3', '24', '13', '54.2', '76', '3.2', '0', '2', '16', '1/6', '25.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 5 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2005', 9, '01/08/06', 'Cin', 'Pit', 'L, 31-17', '40', '24', '60.0', '197', '4.9', '1', '2', '24', '4/20', '60.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2006', 10, '09/10/06', 'Det', 'Sea', 'L, 9-6', '37', '21', '56.8', '229', '6.2', '0', '0', '30', '3/16', '75.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2006', 10, '09/17/06', 'Det', '@ Chi', 'L, 34-7', '30', '23', '76.7', '230', '7.7', '0', '0', '23', '6/31', '97.9', '1', '1', '1.00', '1t', '1', '1']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2006', 10, '09/24/06', 'Det', 'GB', 'L, 31-24', '40', '25', '62.5', '342', '8.6', '2', '1', '42t', '3/23', '96.0', '5', '18', '3.60', '13', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2006', 10, '10/01/06', 'Det', '@ Stl', 'L, 41-34', '43', '29', '67.4', '280', '6.5', '2', '2', '28', '2/3', '81.5', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2006', 10, '10/08/06', 'Det', '@ Min', 'L, 26-17', '42', '23', '54.8', '225', '5.4', '1', '3', '23', '5/24', '48.2', '1', '8', '8.00', '8t', '1', '1']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2006', 10, '10/15/06', 'Det', 'Buf', 'W, 20-17', '36', '24', '66.7', '278', '7.7', '1', '1', '28t', '3/16', '87.5', '2', '3', '1.50', '3', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2006', 10, '10/22/06', 'Det', '@ NYJ', 'L, 31-24', '36', '22', '61.1', '269', '7.5', '3', '2', '26', '1/8', '88.8', '3', '17', '5.67', '7', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2006', 10, '11/05/06', 'Det', 'Atl', 'W, 30-14', '32', '20', '62.5', '321', '10.0', '1', '1', '60t', '3/13', '93.4', '1', '17', '17.00', '17', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2006', 10, '11/12/06', 'Det', 'SF', 'L, 19-13', '30', '19', '63.3', '202', '6.7', '1', '1', '24', '3/22', '80.1', '4', '27', '6.75', '13', '0', '2']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2006', 10, '11/19/06', 'Det', '@ Ari', 'L, 17-10', '38', '23', '60.5', '248', '6.5', '0', '1', '23', '4/35', '68.8', '1', '-2', '-2.00', '-2', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2006', 10, '11/23/06', 'Det', 'Mia', 'L, 27-10', '40', '22', '55.0', '252', '6.3', '1', '1', '41', '8/53', '72.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2006', 10, '12/03/06', 'Det', '@ NE', 'L, 28-21', '38', '22', '57.9', '314', '8.3', '1', '3', '31', '5/30', '60.6', '2', '9', '4.50', '9', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2006', 10, '12/10/06', 'Det', 'Min', 'L, 30-20', '41', '28', '68.3', '294', '7.2', '1', '3', '23t', '3/11', '66.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2006', 10, '12/17/06', 'Det', '@ GB', 'L, 17-9', '26', '16', '61.5', '135', '5.2', '0', '2', '21', '6/51', '42.9', '7', '34', '4.86', '18', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2006', 10, '12/24/06', 'Det', 'Chi', 'L, 26-21', '45', '27', '60.0', '283', '6.3', '3', '0', '26', '3/23', '100.5', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2006', 10, '12/31/06', 'Det', '@ Dal', 'W, 39-31', '42', '28', '66.7', '306', '7.3', '4', '1', '24', '5/29', '109.8', '5', '25', '5.00', '12', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2007', 11, '09/09/07', 'Det', '@ Oak', 'W, 36-21', '36', '27', '75.0', '289', '8.0', '3', '2', '32t', '2/5', '102.7', '3', '17', '5.67', '11', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2007', 11, '09/16/07', 'Det', 'Min', 'W, 20-17', '32', '22', '68.8', '245', '7.7', '1', '1', '20', '1/16', '88.7', '3', '13', '4.33', '9', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2007', 11, '09/23/07', 'Det', '@ Phi', 'L, 56-21', '46', '29', '63.0', '446', '9.7', '2', '1', '91t', '10/53', '100.5', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2007', 11, '09/30/07', 'Det', 'Chi', 'W, 37-27', '24', '20', '83.3', '247', '10.3', '2', '0', '49', '6/32', '137.3', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2007', 11, '10/07/07', 'Det', '@ Was', 'L, 34-3', '29', '16', '55.2', '106', '3.7', '0', '2', '16', '6/30', '34.6', '3', '3', '1.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2007', 11, '10/21/07', 'Det', 'TB', 'W, 23-16', '20', '16', '80.0', '147', '7.3', '0', '0', '19', '3/16', '97.3', '4', '9', '2.25', '9', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2007', 11, '10/28/07', 'Det', '@ Chi', 'W, 16-7', '35', '24', '68.6', '268', '7.7', '0', '0', '29', '4/22', '91.1', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2007', 11, '11/04/07', 'Det', 'Den', 'W, 44-7', '31', '16', '51.6', '252', '8.1', '2', '0', '49t', '1/6', '100.5', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2007', 11, '11/11/07', 'Det', '@ Ari', 'L, 31-21', '45', '32', '71.1', '296', '6.6', '2', '2', '22', '4/31', '85.0', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2007', 11, '11/18/07', 'Det', 'NYG', 'L, 16-10', '43', '28', '65.1', '377', '8.8', '1', '3', '35t', '3/26', '71.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2007', 11, '11/22/07', 'Det', 'GB', 'L, 37-26', '40', '19', '47.5', '224', '5.6', '1', '1', '20', '4/27', '62.9', '2', '9', '4.50', '6', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2007', 11, '12/02/07', 'Det', '@ Min', 'L, 42-10', '35', '27', '77.1', '260', '7.4', '1', '0', '43', '4/30', '106.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2007', 11, '12/09/07', 'Det', 'Dal', 'L, 28-27', '36', '22', '61.1', '248', '6.9', '0', '0', '35', '1/10', '81.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2007', 11, '12/16/07', 'Det', '@ SD', 'L, 51-14', '45', '26', '57.8', '302', '6.7', '2', '5', '49', '0/0', '53.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2007', 11, '12/23/07', 'Det', 'KC', 'W, 25-20', '16', '9', '56.2', '115', '7.2', '0', '1', '26', '2/16', '52.9', '4', '8', '2.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2007', 11, '12/30/07', 'Det', '@ GB', 'L, 34-13', '48', '22', '45.8', '246', '5.1', '1', '2', '30t', '0/0', '51.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 5 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2008', 12, '09/07/08', 'Det', '@ Atl', 'L, 34-21', '33', '24', '72.7', '262', '7.9', '2', '1', '38', '3/16', '103.3', '2', '8', '4.00', '8', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 5 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2008', 12, '09/14/08', 'Det', 'GB', 'L, 48-25', '41', '21', '51.2', '276', '6.7', '2', '3', '47t', '5/20', '58.6', '1', '7', '7.00', '7', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 5 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2008', 12, '09/21/08', 'Det', '@ SF', 'L, 31-13', '30', '15', '50.0', '146', '4.9', '1', '1', '34t', '4/22', '61.2', '3', '19', '6.33', '10', '0', '2']
in row 4 of 5 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2008', 12, '10/05/08', 'Det', 'Chi', 'L, 34-7', '16', '8', '50.0', '74', '4.6', '0', '0', '13', '3/31', '63.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 11 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2010', 14, '10/25/10', 'Dal', 'NYG', 'L, 41-35', '33', '16', '48.5', '187', '5.7', '2', '0', '25', '3/13', '86.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 11 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2010', 14, '10/31/10', 'Dal', 'Jax', 'L, 35-17', '49', '34', '69.4', '379', '7.7', '1', '4', '35', '2/14', '64.9', '5', '12', '2.40', '8', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 11 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2010', 14, '11/07/10', 'Dal', '@ GB', 'L, 45-7', '30', '19', '63.3', '183', '6.1', '1', '2', '41', '4/17', '63.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 11 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2010', 14, '11/14/10', 'Dal', '@ NYG', 'W, 33-20', '22', '13', '59.1', '327', '14.9', '3', '1', '71t', '0/0', '124.1', '5', '2', '0.40', '5', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 11 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2010', 14, '11/21/10', 'Dal', 'Det', 'W, 35-19', '24', '18', '75.0', '147', '6.1', '3', '0', '24', '2/16', '129.7', '4', '40', '10.00', '29t', '1', '2']
in row 6 of 11 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2010', 14, '11/25/10', 'Dal', 'NO', 'L, 30-27', '42', '30', '71.4', '313', '7.5', '0', '1', '47', '1/0', '82.7', '5', '20', '4.00', '13', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 11 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2010', 14, '12/05/10', 'Dal', '@ Ind', 'W, 38-35', '26', '18', '69.2', '167', '6.4', '1', '0', '22', '2/16', '99.4', '4', '28', '7.00', '19', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 11 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2010', 14, '12/12/10', 'Dal', 'Phi', 'L, 30-27', '35', '24', '68.6', '242', '6.9', '2', '2', '35', '1/3', '83.3', '3', '27', '9.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 11 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2010', 14, '12/19/10', 'Dal', 'Was', 'W, 33-30', '37', '25', '67.6', '305', '8.2', '2', '0', '33', '2/5', '110.8', '4', '11', '2.75', '7', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 11 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2010', 14, '12/25/10', 'Dal', '@ Ari', 'L, 27-26', '20', '12', '60.0', '115', '5.8', '1', '2', '24', '4/16', '53.1', '1', '7', '7.00', '7', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2011', 15, '09/18/11', 'Dal', '@ SF', 'W, 27-24', '10', '6', '60.0', '87', '8.7', '1', '2', '33', '0/0', '82.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2011', 15, '10/23/11', 'Dal', 'Stl', 'W, 34-7', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['kitna, jon', '2011', 15, '11/13/11', 'Dal', 'Buf', 'W, 44-7', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 11 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2009', 1, '10/25/09', 'TB', 'NE', 'L, 35-7', '4', '2', '50.0', '16', '4.0', '0', '0', '13', '2/16', '60.4', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 11 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2009', 1, '11/08/09', 'TB', 'GB', 'W, 38-28', '31', '14', '45.2', '205', '6.6', '3', '1', '38', '1/7', '86.1', '4', '20', '5.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 11 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2009', 1, '11/15/09', 'TB', '@ Mia', 'L, 25-23', '28', '16', '57.1', '196', '7.0', '1', '1', '37', '4/16', '75.9', '6', '35', '5.83', '14', '0', '2']
in row 4 of 11 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2009', 1, '11/22/09', 'TB', 'NO', 'L, 38-7', '33', '17', '51.5', '126', '3.8', '1', '3', '21', '3/26', '33.1', '2', '30', '15.00', '15', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 11 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2009', 1, '11/29/09', 'TB', '@ Atl', 'L, 20-17', '29', '20', '69.0', '250', '8.6', '2', '0', '42t', '1/5', '118.5', '2', '14', '7.00', '8', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 11 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2009', 1, '12/06/09', 'TB', '@ Car', 'L, 16-6', '44', '23', '52.3', '321', '7.3', '0', '5', '40', '2/6', '36.5', '3', '30', '10.00', '20', '0', '2']
in row 7 of 11 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2009', 1, '12/13/09', 'TB', 'NYJ', 'L, 26-3', '33', '14', '42.4', '93', '2.8', '0', '3', '15', '3/12', '12.1', '4', '21', '5.25', '16', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 11 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2009', 1, '12/20/09', 'TB', '@ Sea', 'W, 24-7', '26', '16', '61.5', '205', '7.9', '2', '1', '22t', '0/0', '95.8', '3', '1', '0.33', '2', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 11 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2009', 1, '12/27/09', 'TB', '@ NO', 'W, 20-17', '31', '21', '67.7', '271', '8.7', '0', '2', '35', '3/8', '68.1', '2', '7', '3.50', '8', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 11 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2009', 1, '01/03/10', 'TB', 'Atl', 'L, 20-10', '31', '15', '48.4', '172', '5.5', '1', '2', '27', '1/6', '49.4', '3', '-2', '-0.67', '1', '0', '2']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2010', 2, '09/12/10', 'TB', 'Cle', 'W, 17-14', '28', '17', '60.7', '182', '6.5', '2', '1', '33t', '3/13', '88.7', '2', '34', '17.00', '33', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2010', 2, '09/19/10', 'TB', '@ Car', 'W, 20-7', '24', '12', '50.0', '178', '7.4', '2', '0', '40', '0/0', '102.4', '4', '43', '10.75', '17', '0', '3']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2010', 2, '09/26/10', 'TB', 'Pit', 'L, 38-13', '31', '20', '64.5', '184', '5.9', '0', '1', '46', '3/16', '67.1', '6', '15', '2.50', '11', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2010', 2, '10/10/10', 'TB', '@ Cin', 'W, 24-21', '33', '20', '60.6', '280', '8.5', '1', '1', '37', '3/18', '85.4', '3', '20', '6.67', '12', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2010', 2, '10/17/10', 'TB', 'NO', 'L, 31-6', '43', '25', '58.1', '219', '5.1', '1', '0', '27', '0/0', '79.5', '3', '2', '0.67', '3', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2010', 2, '10/24/10', 'TB', 'Stl', 'W, 18-17', '40', '23', '57.5', '212', '5.3', '1', '0', '21', '3/23', '80.4', '5', '40', '8.00', '16', '0', '3']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2010', 2, '10/31/10', 'TB', '@ Ari', 'W, 38-35', '25', '18', '72.0', '278', '11.1', '1', '0', '53', '2/25', '121.8', '2', '22', '11.00', '21', '0', '2']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2010', 2, '11/07/10', 'TB', '@ Atl', 'L, 27-21', '22', '11', '50.0', '189', '8.6', '2', '2', '58t', '1/7', '72.0', '4', '26', '6.50', '19', '0', '2']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2010', 2, '11/14/10', 'TB', 'Car', 'W, 31-16', '24', '18', '75.0', '241', '10.0', '2', '0', '29', '1/6', '134.2', '5', '19', '3.80', '10', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2010', 2, '11/21/10', 'TB', '@ SF', 'W, 21-0', '20', '13', '65.0', '136', '6.8', '2', '0', '33', '2/6', '117.9', '5', '15', '3.00', '8', '0', '3']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2010', 2, '11/28/10', 'TB', '@ Bal', 'L, 17-10', '37', '17', '45.9', '162', '4.4', '1', '0', '30', '0/0', '67.6', '6', '27', '4.50', '12', '0', '4']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2010', 2, '12/05/10', 'TB', 'Atl', 'L, 28-24', '38', '19', '50.0', '181', '4.8', '1', '1', '28', '1/9', '61.4', '4', '28', '7.00', '17', '0', '2']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2010', 2, '12/12/10', 'TB', '@ Was', 'W, 17-16', '25', '15', '60.0', '266', '10.6', '1', '0', '64', '1/4', '109.7', '6', '10', '1.67', '7', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2010', 2, '12/19/10', 'TB', 'Det', 'L, 23-20', '32', '21', '65.6', '251', '7.8', '1', '0', '26', '3/25', '99.9', '5', '29', '5.80', '14', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2010', 2, '12/26/10', 'TB', 'Sea', 'W, 38-15', '26', '21', '80.8', '237', '9.1', '5', '0', '29', '2/21', '144.2', '4', '23', '5.75', '11', '0', '2']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2010', 2, '01/02/11', 'TB', '@ NO', 'W, 23-13', '26', '21', '80.8', '255', '9.8', '2', '0', '54', '3/22', '133.2', '4', '11', '2.75', '11', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2011', 3, '09/11/11', 'TB', 'Det', 'L, 27-20', '43', '28', '65.1', '259', '6.0', '1', '1', '22', '2/7', '79.5', '4', '26', '6.50', '15', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2011', 3, '09/18/11', 'TB', '@ Min', 'W, 24-20', '31', '22', '71.0', '243', '7.8', '1', '1', '51', '2/13', '91.2', '3', '16', '5.33', '12', '0', '3']
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2011', 3, '09/25/11', 'TB', 'Atl', 'W, 16-13', '32', '22', '68.8', '180', '5.6', '0', '2', '24', '0/0', '56.8', '10', '35', '3.50', '14', '1', '4']
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2011', 3, '10/03/11', 'TB', 'Ind', 'W, 24-17', '39', '25', '64.1', '287', '7.4', '1', '0', '43', '2/13', '94.7', '6', '27', '4.50', '12', '1', '4']
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2011', 3, '10/09/11', 'TB', '@ SF', 'L, 48-3', '33', '17', '51.5', '187', '5.7', '0', '2', '33', '2/6', '43.4', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2011', 3, '10/16/11', 'TB', 'NO', 'W, 26-20', '41', '23', '56.1', '303', '7.4', '2', '0', '65t', '0/0', '95.9', '4', '3', '0.75', '3', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2011', 3, '10/23/11', 'TB', 'Chi', 'L, 24-18', '51', '29', '56.9', '264', '5.2', '2', '4', '24t', '1/14', '51.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2011', 3, '11/06/11', 'TB', '@ NO', 'L, 27-16', '37', '27', '73.0', '281', '7.6', '1', '0', '46', '1/0', '103.5', '3', '8', '2.67', '7', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2011', 3, '11/13/11', 'TB', 'Hou', 'L, 37-9', '33', '15', '45.5', '170', '5.2', '1', '3', '33', '4/29', '33.6', '3', '25', '8.33', '12', '0', '2']
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2011', 3, '11/20/11', 'TB', '@ GB', 'L, 35-26', '38', '28', '73.7', '342', '9.0', '2', '2', '37', '2/8', '96.6', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2011', 3, '11/27/11', 'TB', '@ Ten', 'L, 23-17', '33', '18', '54.5', '199', '6.0', '1', '1', '35', '2/13', '70.1', '3', '10', '3.33', '6', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2011', 3, '12/11/11', 'TB', '@ Jax', 'L, 41-14', '30', '16', '53.3', '181', '6.0', '0', '2', '28', '3/14', '43.9', '4', '26', '6.50', '13t', '1', '1']
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2011', 3, '12/17/11', 'TB', 'Dal', 'L, 31-15', '27', '17', '63.0', '148', '5.5', '1', '0', '17', '3/16', '89.7', '4', '37', '9.25', '25', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2011', 3, '12/24/11', 'TB', '@ Car', 'L, 48-16', '38', '28', '73.7', '274', '7.2', '1', '1', '29', '3/16', '91.3', '6', '4', '0.67', '2', '1', '3']
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2011', 3, '01/01/12', 'TB', '@ Atl', 'L, 45-24', '45', '31', '68.9', '274', '6.1', '2', '3', '48', '2/15', '71.9', '3', '14', '4.67', '12', '0', '2']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2012', 4, '09/09/12', 'TB', 'Car', 'W, 16-10', '24', '16', '66.7', '138', '5.8', '1', '0', '33', '2/10', '95.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2012', 4, '09/16/12', 'TB', '@ NYG', 'L, 41-34', '28', '15', '53.6', '243', '8.7', '2', '2', '41t', '2/15', '76.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2012', 4, '09/23/12', 'TB', '@ Dal', 'L, 16-10', '28', '10', '35.7', '110', '3.9', '1', '1', '29', '2/19', '45.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2012', 4, '09/30/12', 'TB', 'Was', 'L, 24-22', '39', '24', '61.5', '299', '7.7', '1', '1', '65', '1/6', '83.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2012', 4, '10/14/12', 'TB', 'KC', 'W, 38-10', '26', '15', '57.7', '328', '12.6', '3', '1', '62t', '1/10', '124.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2012', 4, '10/21/12', 'TB', 'NO', 'L, 35-28', '42', '24', '57.1', '420', '10.0', '3', '0', '95', '2/9', '115.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2012', 4, '10/25/12', 'TB', '@ Min', 'W, 36-17', '36', '19', '52.8', '262', '7.3', '3', '0', '64t', '1/5', '104.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2012', 4, '11/04/12', 'TB', '@ Oak', 'W, 42-32', '30', '18', '60.0', '247', '8.2', '2', '0', '64', '1/10', '108.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2012', 4, '11/11/12', 'TB', 'SD', 'W, 34-24', '20', '14', '70.0', '210', '10.5', '2', '0', '54', '1/5', '137.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2012', 4, '11/18/12', 'TB', '@ Car', 'W, 27-21', '46', '25', '54.3', '248', '5.4', '3', '2', '24t', '1/12', '73.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2012', 4, '11/25/12', 'TB', 'Atl', 'L, 24-23', '30', '19', '63.3', '256', '8.5', '0', '0', '39', '2/8', '90.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2012', 4, '12/02/12', 'TB', '@ Den', 'L, 31-23', '39', '18', '46.2', '242', '6.2', '2', '1', '40', '1/7', '72.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2012', 4, '12/09/12', 'TB', 'Phi', 'L, 23-21', '34', '14', '41.2', '189', '5.6', '2', '0', '40', '2/11', '79.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2012', 4, '12/16/12', 'TB', '@ NO', 'L, 41-0', '47', '26', '55.3', '279', '5.9', '0', '4', '24', '2/11', '37.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2012', 4, '12/23/12', 'TB', 'Stl', 'L, 28-13', '54', '30', '55.6', '372', '6.9', '1', '4', '61t', '5/23', '52.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2012', 4, '12/30/12', 'TB', '@ Atl', 'W, 22-17', '35', '19', '54.3', '222', '6.3', '1', '1', '27', '0/0', '71.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 5 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2013', 5, '09/08/13', 'TB', '@ NYJ', 'L, 18-17', '31', '15', '48.4', '210', '6.8', '1', '1', '39', '3/25', '67.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 5 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2013', 5, '09/15/13', 'TB', 'NO', 'L, 16-14', '22', '9', '40.9', '125', '5.7', '1', '1', '34', '1/12', '56.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 5 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2013', 5, '09/22/13', 'TB', '@ NE', 'L, 23-3', '41', '19', '46.3', '236', '5.8', '0', '1', '30', '3/10', '54.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 5 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2013', 5, '10/21/13', 'Min', '@ NYG', 'L, 23-7', '53', '20', '37.7', '190', '3.6', '0', '1', '22', '1/14', '40.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['freeman, josh', '2015', 6, '01/03/16', 'Ind', 'Ten', 'W, 30-24', '28', '15', '53.6', '149', '5.3', '1', '1', '57t', '1/7', '65.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 6 total rows
['johnson, josh', '2009', 2, '09/27/09', 'TB', 'NYG', 'L, 24-0', '10', '4', '40.0', '36', '3.6', '0', '0', '15', '0/0', '50.4', '1', '15', '15.00', '15', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 6 total rows
['johnson, josh', '2009', 2, '10/04/09', 'TB', '@ Was', 'L, 16-13', '22', '13', '59.1', '106', '4.8', '1', '1', '27', '3/6', '67.6', '7', '41', '5.86', '15', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 6 total rows
['johnson, josh', '2009', 2, '10/11/09', 'TB', '@ Phi', 'L, 33-14', '50', '26', '52.0', '240', '4.8', '2', '3', '31', '3/22', '53.8', '5', '40', '8.00', '29', '0', '2']
in row 4 of 6 total rows
['johnson, josh', '2009', 2, '10/18/09', 'TB', 'Car', 'L, 28-21', '17', '11', '64.7', '147', '8.6', '0', '1', '29', '4/26', '67.5', '8', '45', '5.62', '12', '0', '3']
in row 5 of 6 total rows
['johnson, josh', '2009', 2, '10/25/09', 'TB', 'NE', 'L, 35-7', '26', '9', '34.6', '156', '6.0', '1', '3', '35', '1/5', '29.2', '1', '7', '7.00', '7', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 9 total rows
['johnson, josh', '2010', 3, '09/26/10', 'TB', 'Pit', 'L, 38-13', '6', '6', '100.0', '67', '11.2', '0', '0', '22', '1/7', '113.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 9 total rows
['johnson, josh', '2010', 3, '10/10/10', 'TB', '@ Cin', 'W, 24-21', '2', '2', '100.0', '4', '2.0', '0', '0', '4', '0/0', '79.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 9 total rows
['johnson, josh', '2010', 3, '10/17/10', 'TB', 'NO', 'L, 31-6', '4', '2', '50.0', '17', '4.2', '0', '0', '15', '1/1', '61.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 9 total rows
['johnson, josh', '2010', 3, '11/14/10', 'TB', 'Car', 'W, 31-16', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 9 total rows
['johnson, josh', '2010', 3, '11/21/10', 'TB', '@ SF', 'W, 21-0', '1', '1', '100.0', '7', '7.0', '0', '0', '7', '0/0', '95.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 9 total rows
['johnson, josh', '2010', 3, '12/19/10', 'TB', 'Det', 'L, 23-20', '1', '1', '100.0', '1', '1.0', '0', '0', '1', '0/0', '79.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 9 total rows
['johnson, josh', '2010', 3, '12/26/10', 'TB', 'Sea', 'W, 38-15', '2', '2', '100.0', '15', '7.5', '0', '0', '15', '0/0', '97.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 9 total rows
['johnson, josh', '2010', 3, '01/02/11', 'TB', '@ NO', 'W, 23-13', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 10 total rows
['johnson, josh', '2011', 4, '09/11/11', 'TB', 'Det', 'L, 27-20', '3', '1', '33.3', '7', '2.3', '0', '0', '7', '0/0', '42.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 10 total rows
['johnson, josh', '2011', 4, '10/03/11', 'TB', 'Ind', 'W, 24-17', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 10 total rows
['johnson, josh', '2011', 4, '10/09/11', 'TB', '@ SF', 'L, 48-3', '2', '1', '50.0', '7', '3.5', '0', '0', '7', '1/2', '58.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 10 total rows
['johnson, josh', '2011', 4, '11/06/11', 'TB', '@ NO', 'L, 27-16', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 10 total rows
['johnson, josh', '2011', 4, '11/13/11', 'TB', 'Hou', 'L, 37-9', '2', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 10 total rows
['johnson, josh', '2011', 4, '11/27/11', 'TB', '@ Ten', 'L, 23-17', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 10 total rows
['johnson, josh', '2011', 4, '12/04/11', 'TB', 'Car', 'L, 38-19', '27', '16', '59.3', '229', '8.5', '1', '1', '42', '2/22', '83.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 10 total rows
['johnson, josh', '2011', 4, '12/11/11', 'TB', '@ Jax', 'L, 41-14', '2', '1', '50.0', '3', '1.5', '0', '1', '3', '0/0', '16.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 10 total rows
['johnson, josh', '2011', 4, '01/01/12', 'TB', '@ Atl', 'L, 45-24', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['johnson, josh', '2012', 5, '12/30/12', 'Cle', '@ Pit', 'L, 24-10', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '1/8', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['johnson, josh', '2013', 6, '10/27/13', 'Cin', 'NYJ', 'W, 49-9', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['johnson, josh', '2013', 6, '12/22/13', 'Cin', 'Min', 'W, 42-14', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2002', 1, '12/01/02', 'Ari', '@ KC', 'L, 49-0', '12', '4', '33.3', '45', '3.8', '0', '1', '26', '3/27', '10.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2002', 1, '12/29/02', 'Ari', '@ Den', 'L, 37-7', '6', '3', '50.0', '21', '3.5', '0', '1', '8', '2/23', '18.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 9 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2003', 2, '09/14/03', 'Ari', 'Sea', 'L, 38-0', '32', '18', '56.2', '150', '4.7', '0', '2', '14', '2/12', '42.4', '6', '33', '5.50', '9', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 9 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2003', 2, '09/28/03', 'Ari', '@ Stl', 'L, 37-13', '4', '3', '75.0', '47', '11.8', '0', '0', '31', '0/0', '113.5', '1', '8', '8.00', '8', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 9 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2003', 2, '11/16/03', 'Ari', '@ Cle', 'L, 44-6', '11', '4', '36.4', '31', '2.8', '0', '2', '12', '0/0', '5.3', '2', '9', '4.50', '5', '0', '2']
in row 4 of 9 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2003', 2, '11/23/03', 'Ari', 'Stl', 'L, 30-27', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 9 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2003', 2, '12/07/03', 'Ari', '@ SF', 'L, 50-14', '20', '11', '55.0', '120', '6.0', '2', '0', '35', '2/13', '106.2', '2', '-5', '-2.50', '2', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 9 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2003', 2, '12/14/03', 'Ari', 'Car', 'L, 20-17', '25', '14', '56.0', '172', '6.9', '0', '1', '24', '5/26', '60.8', '6', '48', '8.00', '16t', '1', '3']
in row 7 of 9 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2003', 2, '12/21/03', 'Ari', '@ Sea', 'L, 28-10', '40', '25', '62.5', '274', '6.8', '1', '0', '60t', '8/54', '91.0', '8', '38', '4.75', '13', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 9 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2003', 2, '12/28/03', 'Ari', 'Min', 'W, 18-17', '33', '20', '60.6', '224', '6.8', '2', '1', '37', '8/69', '88.4', '3', '27', '9.00', '15', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 15 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2004', 3, '09/12/04', 'Ari', '@ Stl', 'L, 17-10', '29', '18', '62.1', '181', '6.2', '0', '0', '37', '2/24', '79.8', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 15 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2004', 3, '09/19/04', 'Ari', 'NE', 'L, 23-12', '29', '13', '44.8', '160', '5.5', '0', '2', '42', '5/43', '33.7', '3', '19', '6.33', '12', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 15 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2004', 3, '09/26/04', 'Ari', '@ Atl', 'L, 6-3', '26', '20', '76.9', '198', '7.6', '0', '0', '33', '5/53', '97.9', '6', '10', '1.67', '12', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 15 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2004', 3, '10/03/04', 'Ari', 'NO', 'W, 34-10', '18', '12', '66.7', '157', '8.7', '0', '0', '29', '2/16', '94.0', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 15 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2004', 3, '10/10/04', 'Ari', '@ SF', 'L, 31-28', '34', '19', '55.9', '231', '6.8', '3', '1', '35', '2/14', '94.1', '3', '11', '3.67', '8', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 15 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2004', 3, '10/24/04', 'Ari', 'Sea', 'W, 25-17', '36', '22', '61.1', '212', '5.9', '1', '1', '39', '2/16', '75.2', '3', '3', '1.00', '7', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 15 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2004', 3, '10/31/04', 'Ari', '@ Buf', 'L, 38-14', '24', '9', '37.5', '101', '4.2', '1', '0', '28t', '3/16', '64.8', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 15 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2004', 3, '11/07/04', 'Ari', '@ Mia', 'W, 24-23', '31', '18', '58.1', '162', '5.2', '1', '0', '48', '1/13', '83.0', '1', '9', '9.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 15 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2004', 3, '11/14/04', 'Ari', 'NYG', 'W, 17-14', '24', '12', '50.0', '90', '3.8', '0', '0', '16', '2/16', '59.4', '3', '3', '1.00', '6', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 15 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2004', 3, '11/28/04', 'Ari', 'NYJ', 'L, 13-3', '10', '5', '50.0', '62', '6.2', '0', '2', '18', '0/0', '30.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 15 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2004', 3, '12/12/04', 'Ari', 'SF', 'L, 31-28', '44', '26', '59.1', '307', '7.0', '0', '1', '40', '1/8', '70.9', '1', '7', '7.00', '7', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 15 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2004', 3, '12/19/04', 'Ari', 'Stl', 'W, 31-7', '34', '22', '64.7', '287', '8.4', '2', '0', '36', '2/16', '110.8', '9', '33', '3.67', '9t', '2', '3']
in row 13 of 15 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2004', 3, '12/26/04', 'Ari', '@ Sea', 'L, 24-21', '33', '21', '63.6', '248', '7.5', '3', '2', '31t', '4/28', '91.5', '2', '10', '5.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 15 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2004', 3, '01/02/05', 'Ari', 'TB', 'W, 12-7', '36', '16', '44.4', '115', '3.2', '0', '1', '16', '0/0', '40.9', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 10 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2005', 4, '09/11/05', 'Ari', '@ NYG', 'L, 42-19', '10', '5', '50.0', '52', '5.2', '0', '1', '19', '0/0', '25.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 10 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2005', 4, '09/25/05', 'Ari', '@ Sea', 'L, 37-12', '23', '10', '43.5', '97', '4.2', '0', '1', '24', '2/17', '37.8', '1', '10', '10.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 10 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2005', 4, '10/02/05', 'Ari', 'SF', 'W, 31-14', '46', '32', '69.6', '385', '8.4', '2', '0', '41', '3/19', '109.4', '6', '32', '5.33', '12', '0', '3']
in row 4 of 10 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2005', 4, '10/09/05', 'Ari', 'Car', 'L, 24-20', '46', '29', '63.0', '398', '8.7', '2', '3', '49', '1/2', '78.0', '5', '29', '5.80', '9', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 10 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2005', 4, '10/23/05', 'Ari', 'Ten', 'W, 20-10', '28', '12', '42.9', '140', '5.0', '1', '1', '34t', '4/22', '55.7', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 10 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2005', 4, '10/30/05', 'Ari', '@ Dal', 'L, 34-13', '33', '16', '48.5', '161', '4.9', '1', '2', '44t', '3/19', '47.7', '4', '16', '4.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 10 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2005', 4, '12/18/05', 'Ari', '@ Hou', 'L, 30-19', '4', '1', '25.0', '12', '3.0', '0', '1', '12', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 10 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2005', 4, '12/24/05', 'Ari', 'Phi', 'W, 27-21', '38', '27', '71.1', '294', '7.7', '2', '1', '45', '2/9', '100.1', '4', '8', '2.00', '8', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 10 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2005', 4, '01/01/06', 'Ari', '@ Ind', 'L, 17-13', '42', '31', '73.8', '297', '7.1', '1', '1', '25t', '3/13', '91.1', '8', '42', '5.25', '9', '0', '2']
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2006', 5, '12/03/06', 'Det', '@ NE', 'L, 28-21', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 10 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2007', 6, '09/09/07', 'Oak', 'Det', 'L, 36-21', '40', '30', '75.0', '313', '7.8', '2', '2', '42', '3/30', '93.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 10 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2007', 6, '09/16/07', 'Oak', '@ Den', 'L, 23-20', '16', '8', '50.0', '73', '4.6', '1', '3', '46t', '4/20', '44.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 10 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2007', 6, '09/23/07', 'Oak', 'Cle', 'W, 26-24', '12', '6', '50.0', '108', '9.0', '1', '0', '41t', '1/5', '109.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 10 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2007', 6, '11/04/07', 'Oak', 'Hou', 'L, 24-17', '27', '13', '48.1', '158', '5.9', '1', '3', '32', '1/1', '39.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 10 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2007', 6, '11/11/07', 'Oak', 'Chi', 'L, 17-6', '27', '14', '51.9', '108', '4.0', '0', '1', '14', '3/22', '46.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 10 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2007', 6, '12/02/07', 'Oak', 'Den', 'W, 34-20', '21', '14', '66.7', '141', '6.7', '3', '0', '26', '0/0', '125.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 10 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2007', 6, '12/09/07', 'Oak', '@ GB', 'L, 38-7', '15', '7', '46.7', '110', '7.3', '1', '2', '29', '0/0', '54.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 10 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2007', 6, '12/16/07', 'Oak', 'Ind', 'L, 21-14', '24', '13', '54.2', '94', '3.9', '1', '0', '12', '0/0', '77.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 10 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2007', 6, '12/23/07', 'Oak', '@ Jax', 'L, 49-11', '8', '6', '75.0', '46', '5.8', '0', '0', '11', '2/14', '88.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2008', 7, '09/28/08', 'Car', 'Atl', 'W, 24-9', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2008', 7, '10/05/08', 'Car', 'KC', 'W, 34-0', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2009', 8, '09/13/09', 'Car', 'Phi', 'L, 38-10', '6', '1', '16.7', '2', '0.3', '0', '0', '2', '1/6', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2011', 9, '12/18/11', 'Chi', 'Sea', 'L, 38-14', '2', '1', '50.0', '12', '6.0', '0', '1', '12', '0/0', '29.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2011', 9, '12/25/11', 'Chi', '@ GB', 'L, 35-21', '28', '19', '67.9', '242', '8.6', '1', '2', '49', '0/0', '76.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2011', 9, '01/01/12', 'Chi', '@ Min', 'W, 17-13', '25', '15', '60.0', '160', '6.4', '1', '1', '22t', '7/43', '75.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 9 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2013', 11, '10/20/13', 'Chi', '@ Was', 'L, 45-41', '20', '14', '70.0', '204', '10.2', '1', '0', '35', '1/7', '119.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 9 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2013', 11, '11/04/13', 'Chi', '@ GB', 'W, 27-20', '41', '22', '53.7', '272', '6.6', '2', '0', '33', '1/1', '90.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 9 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2013', 11, '11/10/13', 'Chi', 'Det', 'L, 21-19', '9', '6', '66.7', '62', '6.9', '1', '0', '14', '1/3', '123.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 9 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2013', 11, '11/17/13', 'Chi', 'Bal', 'W, 23-20', '31', '19', '61.3', '216', '7.0', '1', '0', '43', '2/1', '92.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 9 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2013', 11, '11/24/13', 'Chi', '@ Stl', 'L, 42-21', '47', '36', '76.6', '352', '7.5', '2', '1', '37', '1/8', '102.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 9 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2013', 11, '12/01/13', 'Chi', '@ Min', 'L, 23-20', '36', '23', '63.9', '355', '9.9', '2', '0', '80t', '4/10', '114.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 9 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2013', 11, '12/09/13', 'Chi', 'Dal', 'W, 45-28', '36', '27', '75.0', '348', '9.7', '4', '0', '34', '1/7', '141.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 9 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2013', 11, '12/22/13', 'Chi', '@ Phi', 'L, 54-11', '4', '2', '50.0', '20', '5.0', '0', '0', '12', '0/0', '64.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 12 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2014', 12, '09/07/14', 'TB', 'Car', 'L, 20-14', '35', '22', '62.9', '183', '5.2', '2', '2', '26', '3/21', '71.5', '3', '27', '9.00', '13', '0', '3']
in row 2 of 12 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2014', 12, '09/14/14', 'TB', 'Stl', 'L, 19-17', '21', '16', '76.2', '179', '8.5', '0', '1', '29', '1/4', '81.2', '2', '6', '3.00', '5t', '2', '2']
in row 3 of 12 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2014', 12, '09/18/14', 'TB', '@ Atl', 'L, 56-14', '12', '5', '41.7', '58', '4.8', '0', '1', '36', '1/8', '22.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 12 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2014', 12, '11/09/14', 'TB', 'Atl', 'L, 27-17', '43', '27', '62.8', '301', '7.0', '2', '2', '34', '4/20', '79.7', '5', '39', '7.80', '15', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 12 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2014', 12, '11/16/14', 'TB', '@ Was', 'W, 27-7', '23', '15', '65.2', '288', '12.5', '2', '0', '56t', '2/7', '137.5', '3', '8', '2.67', '5', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 12 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2014', 12, '11/23/14', 'TB', '@ Chi', 'L, 21-13', '48', '25', '52.1', '341', '7.1', '1', '2', '54', '5/40', '64.7', '3', '12', '4.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 12 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2014', 12, '11/30/14', 'TB', 'Cin', 'L, 14-13', '29', '15', '51.7', '190', '6.6', '0', '1', '29', '1/2', '58.1', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 12 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2014', 12, '12/07/14', 'TB', '@ Det', 'L, 34-17', '39', '20', '51.3', '250', '6.4', '2', '2', '50', '6/43', '67.3', '4', '8', '2.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 12 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2014', 12, '12/14/14', 'TB', '@ Car', 'L, 19-17', '28', '13', '46.4', '154', '5.5', '1', '1', '23', '3/18', '60.7', '2', '21', '10.50', '16t', '1', '1']
in row 10 of 12 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2014', 12, '12/21/14', 'TB', 'GB', 'L, 20-3', '26', '12', '46.2', '147', '5.7', '0', '1', '40', '7/54', '48.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 12 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2014', 12, '12/28/14', 'TB', 'NO', 'L, 23-20', '23', '14', '60.9', '115', '5.0', '1', '1', '18', '3/18', '70.0', '2', '6', '3.00', '4', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 9 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2015', 13, '09/13/15', 'Cle', '@ NYJ', 'L, 31-10', '8', '5', '62.5', '49', '6.1', '0', '0', '22', '0/0', '79.7', '3', '23', '7.67', '13', '0', '2']
in row 2 of 9 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2015', 13, '09/27/15', 'Cle', 'Oak', 'L, 27-20', '49', '28', '57.1', '341', '7.0', '2', '1', '41', '5/25', '83.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 9 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2015', 13, '10/04/15', 'Cle', '@ SD', 'L, 30-27', '41', '32', '78.0', '356', '8.7', '2', '0', '53', '4/24', '119.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 9 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2015', 13, '10/11/15', 'Cle', '@ Bal', 'W, 33-30', '51', '36', '70.6', '457', '9.0', '2', '0', '56', '4/35', '111.3', '3', '12', '4.00', '10t', '1', '1']
in row 5 of 9 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2015', 13, '10/18/15', 'Cle', 'Den', 'L, 26-23', '39', '20', '51.3', '213', '5.5', '2', '2', '47', '4/24', '63.3', '3', '12', '4.00', '11', '0', '2']
in row 6 of 9 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2015', 13, '10/25/15', 'Cle', '@ Stl', 'L, 24-6', '32', '26', '81.2', '270', '8.4', '0', '0', '28', '4/15', '101.8', '4', '21', '5.25', '9', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 9 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2015', 13, '11/01/15', 'Cle', 'Ari', 'L, 34-20', '34', '18', '52.9', '211', '6.2', '3', '1', '52', '1/8', '89.2', '5', '18', '3.60', '10', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 9 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2015', 13, '11/30/15', 'Cle', 'Bal', 'L, 33-27', '38', '21', '55.3', '212', '5.6', '1', '0', '30', '1/6', '80.2', '2', '12', '6.00', '8', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 6 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2016', 14, '09/18/16', 'Cle', 'Bal', 'L, 25-20', '33', '20', '60.6', '260', '7.9', '2', '2', '47', '3/18', '80.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 6 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2016', 14, '10/30/16', 'Cle', 'NYJ', 'L, 31-28', '49', '25', '51.0', '341', '7.0', '2', '2', '35', '1/6', '70.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 6 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2016', 14, '11/10/16', 'Cle', '@ Bal', 'L, 28-7', '13', '6', '46.2', '59', '4.5', '0', '2', '18', '3/29', '19.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 6 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2016', 14, '11/20/16', 'Cle', 'Pit', 'L, 24-9', '27', '14', '51.9', '118', '4.4', '1', '0', '20', '4/36', '75.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 6 total rows
['mccown, josh', '2016', 14, '11/27/16', 'Cle', 'NYG', 'L, 27-13', '43', '25', '58.1', '322', '7.5', '1', '0', '54', '7/37', '89.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2006', 1, '10/08/06', 'NYJ', '@ Jax', 'L, 41-0', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '2/6', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2006', 1, '12/10/06', 'NYJ', 'Buf', 'L, 31-13', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '2/21', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 11 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2007', 2, '09/09/07', 'NYJ', 'NE', 'L, 38-14', '10', '5', '50.0', '35', '3.5', '0', '0', '11', '1/5', '58.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 11 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2007', 2, '09/16/07', 'NYJ', '@ Bal', 'L, 20-13', '37', '19', '51.4', '260', '7.0', '1', '2', '50', '4/25', '60.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 11 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2007', 2, '10/28/07', 'NYJ', 'Buf', 'L, 13-3', '12', '5', '41.7', '67', '5.6', '0', '2', '20', '0/0', '20.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 11 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2007', 2, '11/04/07', 'NYJ', 'Was', 'L, 23-20', '42', '23', '54.8', '226', '5.4', '1', '0', '39', '3/12', '78.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 11 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2007', 2, '11/18/07', 'NYJ', 'Pit', 'W, 19-16', '31', '14', '45.2', '162', '5.2', '1', '1', '56', '3/16', '58.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 11 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2007', 2, '11/22/07', 'NYJ', '@ Dal', 'L, 34-3', '27', '12', '44.4', '142', '5.3', '0', '1', '31', '3/22', '45.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 11 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2007', 2, '12/02/07', 'NYJ', '@ Mia', 'W, 40-13', '24', '15', '62.5', '236', '9.8', '1', '1', '51', '6/27', '91.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 11 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2007', 2, '12/09/07', 'NYJ', 'Cle', 'L, 24-18', '41', '24', '58.5', '286', '7.0', '0', '2', '32', '4/18', '59.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 11 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2007', 2, '12/16/07', 'NYJ', '@ NE', 'L, 20-10', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '1', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 11 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2007', 2, '12/30/07', 'NYJ', 'KC', 'W, 13-10', '25', '13', '52.0', '115', '4.6', '1', '0', '19', '3/13', '77.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2008', 3, '09/22/08', 'NYJ', '@ SD', 'L, 48-29', '5', '3', '60.0', '26', '5.2', '0', '1', '11', '0/0', '34.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2008', 3, '11/09/08', 'NYJ', 'Stl', 'W, 47-3', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 7 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2009', 4, '10/25/09', 'NYJ', '@ Oak', 'W, 38-0', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 7 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2009', 4, '11/29/09', 'NYJ', 'Car', 'W, 17-6', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 7 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2009', 4, '12/03/09', 'NYJ', '@ Buf', 'W, 19-13', '2', '1', '50.0', '14', '7.0', '0', '0', '14', '3/18', '72.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 7 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2009', 4, '12/13/09', 'NYJ', '@ TB', 'W, 26-3', '23', '12', '52.2', '111', '4.8', '0', '0', '26', '1/3', '65.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 7 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2009', 4, '12/20/09', 'NYJ', 'Atl', 'L, 10-7', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 7 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2009', 4, '01/03/10', 'NYJ', 'Cin', 'W, 37-0', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2010', 5, '01/02/11', 'NYJ', 'Buf', 'W, 38-7', '2', '1', '50.0', '6', '3.0', '0', '0', '6', '0/0', '56.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2011', 6, '12/18/11', 'Stl', 'Cin', 'L, 20-13', '36', '25', '69.4', '229', '6.4', '1', '0', '25t', '3/19', '95.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2011', 6, '12/24/11', 'Stl', '@ Pit', 'L, 27-0', '24', '9', '37.5', '91', '3.8', '0', '0', '17', '3/23', '49.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2011', 6, '01/01/12', 'Stl', 'SF', 'L, 34-27', '31', '14', '45.2', '226', '7.3', '1', '1', '36t', '3/26', '67.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2012', 7, '10/28/12', 'Stl', 'NE', 'L, 45-7', '2', '1', '50.0', '39', '19.5', '0', '1', '39', '0/0', '56.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2012', 7, '11/25/12', 'Stl', '@ Ari', 'W, 31-17', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 11 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2013', 8, '10/20/13', 'Stl', '@ Car', 'L, 30-15', '4', '2', '50.0', '19', '4.8', '0', '0', '10', '2/12', '63.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 11 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2013', 8, '10/28/13', 'Stl', 'Sea', 'L, 14-9', '31', '15', '48.4', '158', '5.1', '0', '2', '26', '3/19', '36.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 11 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2013', 8, '11/03/13', 'Stl', 'Ten', 'L, 28-21', '35', '20', '57.1', '210', '6.0', '1', '0', '25', '2/7', '84.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 11 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2013', 8, '11/10/13', 'Stl', '@ Ind', 'W, 38-8', '16', '9', '56.2', '247', '15.4', '2', '0', '81t', '2/15', '140.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 11 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2013', 8, '11/24/13', 'Stl', 'Chi', 'W, 42-21', '22', '10', '45.5', '167', '7.6', '1', '0', '32', '2/19', '86.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 11 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2013', 8, '12/01/13', 'Stl', '@ SF', 'L, 23-13', '37', '19', '51.4', '218', '5.9', '1', '1', '29', '3/20', '67.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 11 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2013', 8, '12/08/13', 'Stl', '@ Ari', 'L, 30-10', '27', '16', '59.3', '181', '6.7', '0', '2', '31', '4/24', '48.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 11 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2013', 8, '12/15/13', 'Stl', 'NO', 'W, 27-16', '20', '14', '70.0', '158', '7.9', '2', '0', '31t', '0/0', '126.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 11 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2013', 8, '12/22/13', 'Stl', 'TB', 'W, 23-13', '20', '16', '80.0', '158', '7.9', '0', '0', '28', '1/10', '99.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 11 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2013', 8, '12/29/13', 'Stl', '@ Sea', 'L, 27-9', '30', '21', '70.0', '157', '5.2', '1', '2', '21', '2/12', '65.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2014', 9, '11/02/14', 'SD', '@ Mia', 'L, 37-0', '3', '1', '33.3', '10', '3.3', '0', '0', '10', '1/9', '43.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2015', 10, '09/27/15', 'SD', '@ Min', 'L, 31-14', '6', '5', '83.3', '63', '10.5', '1', '0', '19t', '0/0', '150.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2015', 10, '12/20/15', 'SD', 'Mia', 'W, 30-14', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['clemens, kellen', '2016', 11, '09/18/16', 'SD', 'Jax', 'W, 38-14', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1996', 2, '09/01/96', 'Car', 'Atl', 'W, 29-6', '31', '17', '54.8', '198', '6.4', '2', '0', '30', '4/12', '95.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1996', 2, '09/08/96', 'Car', '@ NO', 'W, 22-20', '21', '13', '61.9', '171', '8.1', '0', '1', '39', '3/29', '67.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1996', 2, '09/29/96', 'Car', '@ Jax', 'L, 24-14', '7', '2', '28.6', '42', '6.0', '1', '0', '39', '0/0', '98.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1996', 2, '10/06/96', 'Car', '@ Min', 'L, 14-12', '30', '15', '50.0', '155', '5.2', '0', '4', '19', '1/0', '25.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1996', 2, '10/13/96', 'Car', 'Stl', 'W, 45-13', '18', '11', '61.1', '196', '10.9', '3', '1', '54t', '2/19', '114.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1996', 2, '10/20/96', 'Car', 'NO', 'W, 19-7', '30', '14', '46.7', '176', '5.9', '1', '0', '31', '3/21', '76.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1996', 2, '10/27/96', 'Car', '@ Phi', 'L, 20-9', '34', '16', '47.1', '248', '7.3', '0', '0', '55', '1/9', '71.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1996', 2, '11/03/96', 'Car', '@ Atl', 'L, 20-17', '21', '14', '66.7', '222', '10.6', '0', '0', '51', '1/3', '101.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1996', 2, '11/10/96', 'Car', 'NYG', 'W, 27-17', '33', '19', '57.6', '202', '6.1', '1', '1', '30', '0/0', '73.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1996', 2, '12/01/96', 'Car', 'TB', 'W, 24-0', '24', '14', '58.3', '83', '3.5', '0', '0', '13', '0/0', '65.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1996', 2, '12/08/96', 'Car', '@ SF', 'W, 30-24', '37', '22', '59.5', '327', '8.8', '3', '0', '50', '1/3', '115.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1996', 2, '12/15/96', 'Car', 'Bal', 'W, 27-16', '39', '26', '66.7', '268', '6.9', '2', '2', '26', '0/0', '82.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1996', 2, '12/22/96', 'Car', 'Pit', 'W, 18-14', '39', '21', '53.8', '166', '4.3', '1', '0', '24', '2/18', '73.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1996', 2, '01/05/97', 'Car', 'Dal', 'W, 26-17', '22', '12', '54.5', '100', '4.5', '2', '1', '22', '0/0', '77.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1996', 2, '01/12/97', 'Car', '@ GB', 'L, 30-13', '37', '19', '51.4', '215', '5.8', '1', '2', '27', '2/9', '55.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 14 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1997', 3, '09/14/97', 'Car', '@ SD', 'W, 26-7', '36', '17', '47.2', '138', '3.8', '2', '1', '25', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 14 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1997', 3, '09/21/97', 'Car', 'KC', 'L, 35-14', '47', '24', '51.1', '328', '7.0', '1', '4', '36', '5/50', '45.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 14 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1997', 3, '09/29/97', 'Car', 'SF', 'L, 34-21', '24', '11', '45.8', '126', '5.2', '1', '3', '19', '2/10', '36.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 14 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1997', 3, '10/19/97', 'Car', '@ NO', 'W, 13-0', '31', '23', '74.2', '204', '6.6', '1', '1', '23', '1/8', '88.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 14 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1997', 3, '10/26/97', 'Car', 'Atl', 'W, 21-12', '25', '12', '48.0', '107', '4.3', '1', '1', '16t', '3/16', '56.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 14 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1997', 3, '11/02/97', 'Car', 'Oak', 'W, 38-14', '32', '18', '56.2', '198', '6.2', '0', '0', '25', '1/6', '74.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 14 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1997', 3, '11/09/97', 'Car', '@ Den', 'L, 34-0', '29', '13', '44.8', '141', '4.9', '0', '3', '24', '4/28', '20.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 14 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1997', 3, '11/16/97', 'Car', '@ SF', 'L, 27-19', '33', '18', '54.5', '190', '5.8', '1', '3', '26', '3/21', '43.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 14 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1997', 3, '11/23/97', 'Car', '@ Stl', 'W, 16-10', '30', '23', '76.7', '286', '9.5', '1', '0', '59t', '4/32', '116.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 14 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1997', 3, '11/30/97', 'Car', 'NO', 'L, 16-13', '15', '7', '46.7', '82', '5.5', '0', '2', '29', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 14 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1997', 3, '12/08/97', 'Car', '@ Dal', 'W, 23-13', '28', '16', '57.1', '136', '4.9', '2', '0', '21', '1/5', '93.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 14 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1997', 3, '12/14/97', 'Car', 'GB', 'L, 31-10', '26', '7', '26.9', '56', '2.2', '0', '0', '22', '3/24', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 14 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1997', 3, '12/20/97', 'Car', 'Stl', 'L, 30-18', '25', '11', '44.0', '132', '5.3', '1', '3', '35t', '0/0', '34.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 12 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1998', 4, '09/06/98', 'Car', 'Atl', 'L, 19-14', '37', '21', '56.8', '270', '7.3', '2', '1', '56t', '1/7', '86.5', '3', '12', '4.00', '9', '0', '--']
in row 2 of 12 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1998', 4, '09/13/98', 'Car', '@ NO', 'L, 19-14', '34', '15', '44.1', '251', '7.4', '1', '1', '59', '3/13', '67.2', '1', '16', '16.00', '16', '0', '--']
in row 3 of 12 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1998', 4, '09/27/98', 'Car', 'GB', 'L, 37-30', '53', '20', '37.7', '188', '3.5', '2', '1', '33', '4/18', '53.0', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '--']
in row 4 of 12 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1998', 4, '10/04/98', 'Car', '@ Atl', 'L, 51-23', '38', '20', '52.6', '302', '7.9', '3', '2', '72t', '2/13', '83.4', '2', '9', '4.50', '9', '0', '--']
in row 5 of 12 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1998', 4, '11/15/98', 'NO', 'Stl', 'W, 24-3', '26', '13', '50.0', '150', '5.8', '1', '0', '26', '2/15', '80.6', '7', '38', '5.43', '20', '0', '--']
in row 6 of 12 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1998', 4, '11/22/98', 'NO', '@ SF', 'L, 31-20', '44', '22', '50.0', '328', '7.5', '0', '2', '31', '4/17', '55.9', '6', '30', '5.00', '16', '1', '--']
in row 7 of 12 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1998', 4, '11/29/98', 'NO', '@ Mia', 'L, 30-10', '24', '9', '37.5', '110', '4.6', '0', '3', '29', '6/40', '12.8', '5', '35', '7.00', '12', '0', '--']
in row 8 of 12 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1998', 4, '12/06/98', 'NO', 'Dal', 'W, 22-3', '28', '16', '57.1', '239', '8.5', '2', '1', '89t', '2/24', '94.2', '4', '10', '2.50', '8', '0', '--']
in row 9 of 12 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1998', 4, '12/13/98', 'NO', 'Atl', 'L, 27-17', '14', '6', '42.9', '87', '6.2', '0', '3', '18', '1/5', '24.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '--']
in row 10 of 12 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1998', 4, '12/20/98', 'NO', '@ Ari', 'L, 19-17', '43', '25', '58.1', '265', '6.2', '1', '0', '23', '4/27', '84.0', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '--']
in row 11 of 12 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1998', 4, '12/27/98', 'NO', 'Buf', 'L, 45-33', '12', '3', '25.0', '23', '1.9', '0', '1', '12', '2/12', '4.9', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '--']
in row 1 of 11 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1999', 5, '09/19/99', 'NYG', 'Was', 'L, 50-21', '7', '3', '42.9', '44', '6.3', '0', '1', '16', '0/0', '24.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 11 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1999', 5, '10/03/99', 'NYG', 'Phi', 'W, 16-15', '12', '6', '50.0', '86', '7.2', '0', '0', '32', '1/11', '73.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 11 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1999', 5, '10/10/99', 'NYG', '@ Ari', 'L, 14-3', '38', '24', '63.2', '202', '5.3', '0', '1', '24', '3/24', '65.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 11 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1999', 5, '11/21/99', 'NYG', '@ Was', 'L, 23-13', '21', '13', '61.9', '221', '10.5', '0', '1', '46', '1/9', '77.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 11 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1999', 5, '11/28/99', 'NYG', 'Ari', 'L, 34-24', '45', '22', '48.9', '298', '6.6', '1', '3', '34t', '2/16', '50.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 11 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1999', 5, '12/05/99', 'NYG', 'NYJ', 'W, 41-28', '29', '17', '58.6', '341', '11.8', '3', '0', '80t', '1/3', '134.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 11 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1999', 5, '12/12/99', 'NYG', '@ Buf', 'W, 19-17', '44', '23', '52.3', '240', '5.5', '1', '1', '27', '0/0', '66.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 11 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1999', 5, '12/19/99', 'NYG', '@ Stl', 'L, 31-10', '37', '21', '56.8', '273', '7.4', '1', '2', '28', '2/12', '66.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 11 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1999', 5, '12/26/99', 'NYG', 'Min', 'L, 34-17', '51', '31', '60.8', '297', '5.8', '1', '1', '19', '5/29', '75.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 11 total rows
['collins, kerry', '1999', 5, '01/02/00', 'NYG', '@ Dal', 'L, 26-18', '47', '30', '63.8', '316', '6.7', '1', '1', '71', '1/8', '81.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 20 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2000', 6, '09/03/00', 'NYG', 'Ari', 'W, 21-16', '25', '17', '68.0', '172', '6.9', '0', '1', '29', '0/0', '70.8', '5', '1', '0.20', '4', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 20 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2000', 6, '09/10/00', 'NYG', '@ Phi', 'W, 33-18', '29', '21', '72.4', '220', '7.6', '2', '0', '30t', '1/0', '117.0', '5', '2', '0.40', '4', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 20 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2000', 6, '09/17/00', 'NYG', '@ Chi', 'W, 14-7', '33', '24', '72.7', '251', '7.6', '1', '0', '34t', '2/14', '104.5', '3', '1', '0.33', '1', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 20 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2000', 6, '09/24/00', 'NYG', 'Was', 'L, 16-6', '44', '21', '47.7', '210', '4.8', '1', '1', '20', '4/42', '59.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 20 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2000', 6, '10/01/00', 'NYG', '@ Ten', 'L, 28-14', '36', '17', '47.2', '197', '5.5', '2', '3', '40', '1/6', '48.0', '3', '19', '6.33', '13', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 20 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2000', 6, '10/08/00', 'NYG', '@ Atl', 'W, 13-6', '25', '14', '56.0', '151', '6.0', '0', '2', '22', '0/0', '40.6', '4', '5', '1.25', '7', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 20 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2000', 6, '10/15/00', 'NYG', 'Dal', 'W, 19-14', '25', '14', '56.0', '119', '4.8', '1', '0', '22', '2/11', '81.9', '3', '22', '7.33', '15', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 20 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2000', 6, '10/29/00', 'NYG', 'Phi', 'W, 24-7', '37', '22', '59.5', '253', '6.8', '1', '0', '36', '3/21', '89.1', '4', '3', '0.75', '6', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 20 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2000', 6, '11/05/00', 'NYG', '@ Cle', 'W, 24-3', '31', '19', '61.3', '257', '8.3', '3', '0', '32t', '2/36', '120.0', '5', '-5', '-1.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 20 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2000', 6, '11/12/00', 'NYG', 'Stl', 'L, 38-24', '34', '17', '50.0', '240', '7.1', '3', '2', '46t', '3/27', '78.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 20 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2000', 6, '11/19/00', 'NYG', 'Det', 'L, 31-21', '51', '29', '56.9', '350', '6.9', '2', '1', '27', '4/30', '83.0', '3', '18', '6.00', '12', '1', '2']
in row 12 of 20 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2000', 6, '11/26/00', 'NYG', '@ Ari', 'W, 31-7', '30', '20', '66.7', '232', '7.7', '1', '0', '21', '1/7', '101.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 20 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2000', 6, '12/03/00', 'NYG', '@ Was', 'W, 9-7', '29', '18', '62.1', '164', '5.7', '0', '1', '43', '0/0', '63.0', '3', '1', '0.33', '2', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 20 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2000', 6, '12/10/00', 'NYG', 'Pit', 'W, 30-10', '35', '24', '68.6', '333', '9.5', '2', '0', '59', '1/7', '117.9', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 20 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2000', 6, '12/17/00', 'NYG', '@ Dal', 'W, 17-13', '26', '12', '46.2', '140', '5.4', '1', '1', '33t', '1/14', '59.8', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '1', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 20 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2000', 6, '12/23/00', 'NYG', 'Jax', 'W, 28-25', '39', '22', '56.4', '321', '8.2', '2', '1', '54t', '3/28', '89.8', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 17 of 20 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2000', 6, '01/07/01', 'NYG', 'Phi', 'W, 20-10', '19', '12', '63.2', '125', '6.6', '0', '0', '33', '1/0', '82.1', '8', '17', '2.12', '9', '0', '1']
in row 18 of 20 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2000', 6, '01/14/01', 'NYG', 'Min', 'W, 41-0', '39', '28', '71.8', '381', '9.8', '5', '2', '46t', '0/0', '120.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 19 of 20 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2000', 6, '01/28/01', 'NYG', 'Bal', 'L, 34-7', '39', '15', '38.5', '112', '2.9', '0', '4', '19', '4/26', '7.1', '3', '12', '4.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2001', 7, '09/10/01', 'NYG', '@ Den', 'L, 31-20', '34', '19', '55.9', '258', '7.6', '3', '0', '44', '3/13', '109.7', '3', '5', '1.67', '3', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2001', 7, '09/23/01', 'NYG', '@ KC', 'W, 13-3', '34', '20', '58.8', '208', '6.1', '0', '3', '32', '1/7', '39.8', '3', '10', '3.33', '11', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2001', 7, '09/30/01', 'NYG', 'NO', 'W, 21-13', '18', '9', '50.0', '135', '7.5', '1', '0', '46t', '5/35', '93.5', '3', '10', '3.33', '6', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2001', 7, '10/07/01', 'NYG', 'Was', 'W, 23-9', '29', '15', '51.7', '177', '6.1', '1', '2', '23', '1/10', '53.4', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2001', 7, '10/14/01', 'NYG', '@ Stl', 'L, 15-14', '32', '17', '53.1', '242', '7.6', '1', '2', '42', '3/15', '62.2', '2', '11', '5.50', '8', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2001', 7, '10/22/01', 'NYG', 'Phi', 'L, 10-9', '33', '21', '63.6', '162', '4.9', '0', '0', '38', '3/20', '75.6', '2', '9', '4.50', '9', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2001', 7, '10/28/01', 'NYG', '@ Was', 'L, 35-21', '52', '32', '61.5', '346', '6.7', '3', '1', '33', '1/0', '92.3', '4', '9', '2.25', '4', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2001', 7, '11/04/01', 'NYG', 'Dal', 'W, 27-24', '34', '24', '70.6', '280', '8.2', '3', '2', '48', '4/15', '100.1', '2', '11', '5.50', '8', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2001', 7, '11/11/01', 'NYG', '@ Ari', 'W, 17-10', '24', '15', '62.5', '155', '6.5', '1', '1', '27t', '2/7', '77.6', '4', '-2', '-0.50', '3', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2001', 7, '11/19/01', 'NYG', '@ Min', 'L, 28-16', '37', '21', '56.8', '321', '8.7', '0', '2', '32', '4/24', '63.0', '3', '9', '3.00', '5', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2001', 7, '11/25/01', 'NYG', 'Oak', 'L, 28-10', '38', '19', '50.0', '184', '4.8', '0', '0', '29', '3/24', '63.9', '2', '3', '1.50', '3', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2001', 7, '12/09/01', 'NYG', '@ Dal', 'L, 20-13', '26', '13', '50.0', '122', '4.7', '1', '1', '36', '1/2', '60.1', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2001', 7, '12/15/01', 'NYG', 'Ari', 'W, 17-13', '32', '14', '43.8', '147', '4.6', '2', '0', '26t', '1/8', '78.5', '2', '2', '1.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2001', 7, '12/23/01', 'NYG', 'Sea', 'W, 27-24', '47', '30', '63.8', '338', '7.2', '1', '0', '28', '1/6', '92.3', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2001', 7, '12/30/01', 'NYG', '@ Phi', 'L, 24-21', '39', '22', '56.4', '303', '7.8', '1', '0', '76', '2/12', '90.0', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2001', 7, '01/06/02', 'NYG', 'GB', 'L, 34-25', '59', '36', '61.0', '386', '6.5', '1', '2', '29', '1/8', '71.7', '2', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 18 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2002', 8, '09/05/02', 'NYG', 'SF', 'L, 16-13', '45', '28', '62.2', '342', '7.6', '0', '3', '27', '3/24', '57.8', '1', '4', '4.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 18 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2002', 8, '09/15/02', 'NYG', '@ Stl', 'W, 26-21', '26', '22', '84.6', '307', '11.8', '1', '1', '38', '2/16', '112.7', '7', '3', '0.43', '4', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 18 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2002', 8, '09/22/02', 'NYG', 'Sea', 'W, 9-6', '38', '23', '60.5', '282', '7.4', '0', '0', '49', '3/25', '83.4', '3', '-4', '-1.33', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 18 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2002', 8, '09/29/02', 'NYG', '@ Ari', 'L, 21-7', '36', '19', '52.8', '199', '5.5', '0', '2', '23', '1/3', '45.9', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 18 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2002', 8, '10/06/02', 'NYG', '@ Dal', 'W, 21-17', '27', '18', '66.7', '228', '8.4', '3', '1', '56t', '2/16', '114.4', '5', '-4', '-0.80', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 18 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2002', 8, '10/13/02', 'NYG', 'Atl', 'L, 17-10', '31', '20', '64.5', '204', '6.6', '1', '1', '19', '3/14', '80.6', '2', '-3', '-1.50', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 18 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2002', 8, '10/28/02', 'NYG', '@ Phi', 'L, 17-3', '34', '20', '58.8', '251', '7.4', '0', '0', '38', '1/6', '81.9', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 18 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2002', 8, '11/03/02', 'NYG', 'Jax', 'W, 24-17', '28', '20', '71.4', '228', '8.1', '1', '0', '36', '3/11', '107.4', '2', '11', '5.50', '8', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 18 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2002', 8, '11/10/02', 'NYG', '@ Min', 'W, 27-20', '35', '25', '71.4', '300', '8.6', '2', '1', '46', '1/9', '104.5', '3', '-4', '-1.33', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 18 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2002', 8, '11/17/02', 'NYG', 'Was', 'W, 19-17', '46', '22', '47.8', '211', '4.6', '1', '2', '35t', '0/0', '50.2', '4', '-5', '-1.25', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 18 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2002', 8, '11/24/02', 'NYG', '@ Hou', 'L, 16-14', '41', '18', '43.9', '214', '5.2', '1', '2', '31t', '2/13', '48.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 18 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2002', 8, '12/01/02', 'NYG', 'Ten', 'L, 32-29', '36', '22', '61.1', '283', '7.9', '2', '0', '34', '1/0', '104.3', '2', '-4', '-2.00', '-2', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 18 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2002', 8, '12/08/02', 'NYG', '@ Was', 'W, 27-21', '31', '17', '54.8', '212', '6.8', '2', '0', '32', '1/7', '97.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 18 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2002', 8, '12/15/02', 'NYG', 'Dal', 'W, 37-7', '27', '13', '48.1', '190', '7.0', '0', '0', '33', '0/0', '71.5', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 18 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2002', 8, '12/22/02', 'NYG', '@ Ind', 'W, 44-27', '29', '23', '79.3', '366', '12.6', '4', '0', '82t', '0/0', '158.3', '5', '-3', '-0.60', '1', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 18 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2002', 8, '12/28/02', 'NYG', 'Phi', 'W, 10-7', '35', '25', '71.4', '256', '7.3', '1', '1', '33', '1/8', '89.7', '6', '8', '1.33', '8', '0', '0']
in row 17 of 18 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2002', 8, '01/05/03', 'NYG', '@ SF', 'L, 39-38', '43', '29', '67.4', '342', '8.0', '4', '1', '46', '2/15', '112.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 14 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2003', 9, '09/07/03', 'NYG', 'Stl', 'W, 23-13', '26', '14', '53.8', '202', '7.8', '0', '0', '77', '2/15', '79.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 14 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2003', 9, '09/15/03', 'NYG', 'Dal', 'L, 35-32', '51', '21', '41.2', '265', '5.2', '3', '2', '40', '2/9', '61.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 14 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2003', 9, '09/21/03', 'NYG', '@ Was', 'W, 24-21', '39', '24', '61.5', '276', '7.1', '3', '0', '54t', '1/6', '108.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 14 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2003', 9, '10/05/03', 'NYG', 'Mia', 'L, 23-10', '43', '31', '72.1', '276', '6.4', '0', '3', '22', '1/3', '59.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 14 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2003', 9, '10/12/03', 'NYG', '@ NE', 'L, 17-6', '59', '35', '59.3', '314', '5.3', '0', '4', '27', '2/8', '45.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 14 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2003', 9, '10/19/03', 'NYG', 'Phi', 'L, 14-10', '36', '22', '61.1', '174', '4.8', '1', '0', '20', '3/15', '82.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 14 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2003', 9, '10/26/03', 'NYG', '@ Min', 'W, 29-17', '39', '23', '59.0', '375', '9.6', '2', '1', '51', '1/8', '97.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 14 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2003', 9, '11/02/03', 'NYG', '@ NYJ', 'W, 31-28', '40', '24', '60.0', '303', '7.6', '2', '0', '39t', '1/5', '100.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 14 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2003', 9, '11/09/03', 'NYG', 'Atl', 'L, 27-7', '40', '25', '62.5', '202', '5.0', '0', '2', '28', '2/9', '54.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 14 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2003', 9, '11/16/03', 'NYG', '@ Phi', 'L, 28-10', '44', '25', '56.8', '268', '6.1', '1', '1', '48', '3/16', '72.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 14 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2003', 9, '11/24/03', 'NYG', '@ TB', 'L, 19-13', '34', '18', '52.9', '160', '4.7', '0', '2', '18', '3/27', '41.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 14 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2003', 9, '11/30/03', 'NYG', 'Buf', 'L, 24-7', '35', '17', '48.6', '233', '6.7', '1', '0', '77t', '6/35', '79.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 14 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2003', 9, '12/07/03', 'NYG', 'Was', 'L, 20-7', '14', '5', '35.7', '62', '4.4', '0', '1', '19', '1/8', '20.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 15 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2004', 10, '09/26/04', 'Oak', 'TB', 'W, 30-20', '27', '16', '59.3', '228', '8.4', '1', '1', '30', '1/12', '83.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 15 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2004', 10, '10/03/04', 'Oak', '@ Hou', 'L, 30-17', '38', '21', '55.3', '237', '6.2', '0', '3', '33', '1/13', '41.2', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 15 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2004', 10, '10/10/04', 'Oak', '@ Ind', 'L, 35-14', '44', '28', '63.6', '245', '5.6', '1', '3', '24', '4/29', '57.5', '1', '6', '6.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 15 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2004', 10, '10/17/04', 'Oak', 'Den', 'L, 31-3', '31', '15', '48.4', '136', '4.4', '0', '1', '25', '4/22', '47.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 15 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2004', 10, '10/24/04', 'Oak', 'NO', 'L, 31-26', '45', '26', '57.8', '350', '7.8', '2', '1', '34t', '0/0', '88.2', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 15 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2004', 10, '10/31/04', 'Oak', '@ SD', 'L, 42-14', '39', '24', '61.5', '263', '6.7', '1', '2', '28', '1/4', '68.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 15 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2004', 10, '11/07/04', 'Oak', '@ Car', 'W, 27-24', '32', '20', '62.5', '231', '7.2', '0', '1', '33', '2/3', '71.2', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 15 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2004', 10, '11/21/04', 'Oak', 'SD', 'L, 23-17', '30', '18', '60.0', '227', '7.6', '2', '0', '25', '1/7', '105.8', '2', '11', '5.50', '6', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 15 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2004', 10, '11/28/04', 'Oak', '@ Den', 'W, 25-24', '45', '26', '57.8', '339', '7.5', '4', '2', '63', '1/5', '85.3', '3', '7', '2.33', '8', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 15 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2004', 10, '12/05/04', 'Oak', 'KC', 'L, 34-27', '41', '27', '65.9', '343', '8.4', '3', '0', '51t', '3/10', '116.2', '2', '0', '0.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 15 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2004', 10, '12/12/04', 'Oak', '@ Atl', 'L, 35-10', '28', '14', '50.0', '166', '5.9', '0', '1', '55', '1/1', '53.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 15 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2004', 10, '12/19/04', 'Oak', 'Ten', 'W, 40-35', '37', '21', '56.8', '371', '10.0', '5', '1', '57', '2/13', '119.5', '4', '10', '2.50', '7', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 15 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2004', 10, '12/25/04', 'Oak', '@ KC', 'L, 31-30', '37', '18', '48.6', '217', '5.9', '2', '1', '43', '2/17', '73.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 15 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2004', 10, '01/02/05', 'Oak', 'Jax', 'L, 13-6', '39', '15', '38.5', '142', '3.6', '0', '3', '27', '2/8', '17.3', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2005', 11, '09/08/05', 'Oak', '@ NE', 'L, 30-20', '39', '18', '46.2', '265', '6.8', '3', '0', '73t', '2/19', '94.5', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2005', 11, '09/18/05', 'Oak', 'KC', 'L, 23-17', '35', '21', '60.0', '263', '7.5', '1', '0', '64t', '2/8', '92.9', '2', '11', '5.50', '8', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2005', 11, '09/25/05', 'Oak', '@ Phi', 'L, 23-20', '42', '24', '57.1', '345', '8.2', '2', '0', '36', '1/1', '99.8', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2005', 11, '10/02/05', 'Oak', 'Dal', 'W, 19-13', '23', '13', '56.5', '218', '9.5', '0', '0', '79', '3/14', '88.7', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2005', 11, '10/16/05', 'Oak', 'SD', 'L, 27-14', '48', '24', '50.0', '292', '6.1', '0', '1', '32', '4/21', '60.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2005', 11, '10/23/05', 'Oak', 'Buf', 'W, 38-17', '27', '19', '70.4', '261', '9.7', '1', '0', '38', '2/7', '113.3', '2', '7', '3.50', '7', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2005', 11, '10/30/05', 'Oak', '@ Ten', 'W, 34-25', '29', '17', '58.6', '238', '8.2', '3', '1', '44t', '2/6', '105.2', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2005', 11, '11/06/05', 'Oak', '@ KC', 'L, 27-23', '40', '21', '52.5', '175', '4.4', '2', '1', '21', '1/13', '70.3', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2005', 11, '11/13/05', 'Oak', 'Den', 'L, 31-17', '50', '26', '52.0', '310', '6.2', '2', '3', '29t', '4/35', '59.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2005', 11, '11/20/05', 'Oak', '@ Was', 'W, 16-13', '36', '19', '52.8', '289', '8.0', '1', '1', '49t', '1/3', '77.2', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2005', 11, '11/27/05', 'Oak', 'Mia', 'L, 33-21', '37', '21', '56.8', '226', '6.1', '0', '2', '31', '7/41', '52.3', '2', '23', '11.50', '18t', '1', '1']
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2005', 11, '12/04/05', 'Oak', '@ SD', 'L, 34-10', '40', '22', '55.0', '236', '5.9', '1', '1', '34', '3/26', '70.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2005', 11, '12/18/05', 'Oak', 'Cle', 'L, 9-7', '30', '14', '46.7', '132', '4.4', '1', '1', '28t', '3/19', '56.5', '2', '1', '0.50', '1', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2005', 11, '12/24/05', 'Oak', '@ Den', 'L, 22-3', '41', '17', '41.5', '178', '4.3', '0', '1', '24', '1/17', '44.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2005', 11, '12/31/05', 'Oak', 'NYG', 'L, 30-21', '48', '26', '54.2', '331', '6.9', '3', '0', '44t', '3/31', '96.8', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2006', 12, '09/10/06', 'Ten', 'NYJ', 'L, 23-16', '38', '17', '44.7', '223', '5.9', '0', '2', '25', '2/8', '41.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2006', 12, '09/17/06', 'Ten', '@ SD', 'L, 40-7', '19', '6', '31.6', '57', '3.0', '0', '2', '18', '0/0', '1.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2006', 12, '09/24/06', 'Ten', '@ Mia', 'L, 13-10', '33', '19', '57.6', '269', '8.2', '1', '2', '36', '2/15', '68.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 7 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2007', 13, '09/09/07', 'Ten', '@ Jax', 'W, 13-10', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '1/4', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 7 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2007', 13, '09/24/07', 'Ten', '@ NO', 'W, 31-14', '4', '4', '100.0', '22', '5.5', '0', '0', '8', '0/0', '89.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 7 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2007', 13, '10/14/07', 'Ten', '@ TB', 'L, 13-10', '20', '10', '50.0', '125', '6.2', '0', '0', '42', '2/20', '69.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 7 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2007', 13, '10/21/07', 'Ten', '@ Hou', 'W, 38-36', '42', '25', '59.5', '280', '6.7', '0', '0', '46', '1/13', '79.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 7 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2007', 13, '12/09/07', 'Ten', 'SD', 'L, 23-17', '3', '1', '33.3', '-2', '-0.7', '0', '0', '-2', '1/5', '42.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 7 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2007', 13, '12/30/07', 'Ten', '@ Ind', 'W, 16-10', '13', '10', '76.9', '106', '8.2', '0', '0', '19', '0/0', '100.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 18 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2008', 14, '09/07/08', 'Ten', 'Jax', 'W, 17-10', '2', '2', '100.0', '65', '32.5', '0', '0', '44', '0/0', '118.8', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 18 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2008', 14, '09/14/08', 'Ten', '@ Cin', 'W, 24-7', '21', '14', '66.7', '128', '6.1', '1', '0', '19', '1/10', '98.9', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 18 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2008', 14, '09/21/08', 'Ten', 'Hou', 'W, 31-12', '25', '13', '52.0', '185', '7.4', '1', '1', '37', '0/0', '72.9', '3', '30', '10.00', '17', '0', '2']
in row 4 of 18 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2008', 14, '09/28/08', 'Ten', 'Min', 'W, 30-17', '35', '18', '51.4', '199', '5.7', '0', '0', '28', '0/0', '68.6', '6', '2', '0.33', '5', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 18 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2008', 14, '10/05/08', 'Ten', '@ Bal', 'W, 13-10', '32', '17', '53.1', '163', '5.1', '1', '2', '26', '0/0', '52.0', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 18 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2008', 14, '10/19/08', 'Ten', '@ KC', 'W, 34-10', '18', '11', '61.1', '123', '6.8', '0', '0', '28', '0/0', '81.5', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 18 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2008', 14, '10/27/08', 'Ten', 'Ind', 'W, 31-21', '37', '24', '64.9', '193', '5.2', '0', '0', '23', '0/0', '77.9', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 18 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2008', 14, '11/02/08', 'Ten', 'GB', 'W, 19-16', '37', '18', '48.6', '180', '4.9', '0', '0', '25', '2/11', '62.9', '1', '8', '8.00', '8', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 18 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2008', 14, '11/09/08', 'Ten', '@ Chi', 'W, 21-14', '41', '30', '73.2', '289', '7.0', '2', '0', '25', '1/5', '108.7', '4', '-1', '-0.25', '0', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 18 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2008', 14, '11/16/08', 'Ten', '@ Jax', 'W, 24-14', '23', '13', '56.5', '230', '10.0', '3', '1', '56t', '1/0', '112.3', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 18 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2008', 14, '11/23/08', 'Ten', 'NYJ', 'L, 34-13', '39', '21', '53.8', '243', '6.2', '1', '0', '37', '1/7', '81.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 18 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2008', 14, '11/27/08', 'Ten', '@ Det', 'W, 47-10', '18', '11', '61.1', '127', '7.1', '0', '0', '26', '1/17', '82.4', '1', '12', '12.00', '12', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 18 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2008', 14, '12/07/08', 'Ten', 'Cle', 'W, 28-9', '23', '14', '60.9', '155', '6.7', '2', '2', '28t', '0/0', '73.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 18 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2008', 14, '12/14/08', 'Ten', '@ Hou', 'L, 13-12', '33', '15', '45.5', '181', '5.5', '0', '1', '40', '0/0', '50.2', '2', '5', '2.50', '6', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 18 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2008', 14, '12/21/08', 'Ten', 'Pit', 'W, 31-14', '29', '20', '69.0', '215', '7.4', '1', '0', '34t', '1/10', '101.9', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 18 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2008', 14, '12/28/08', 'Ten', '@ Ind', 'L, 23-0', '2', '1', '50.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '56.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 17 of 18 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2008', 14, '01/10/09', 'Ten', 'Bal', 'L, 13-10', '42', '26', '61.9', '281', '6.7', '0', '1', '28', '1/6', '71.6', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 8 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2009', 15, '09/10/09', 'Ten', '@ Pit', 'L, 13-10', '35', '22', '62.9', '244', '7.0', '1', '1', '57', '1/10', '81.1', '2', '1', '0.50', '1', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 8 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2009', 15, '09/20/09', 'Ten', 'Hou', 'L, 34-31', '33', '21', '63.6', '216', '6.5', '2', '1', '69t', '2/7', '90.0', '2', '4', '2.00', '3', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 8 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2009', 15, '09/27/09', 'Ten', '@ NYJ', 'L, 24-17', '37', '15', '40.5', '170', '4.6', '1', '2', '27', '2/11', '41.5', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 8 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2009', 15, '10/04/09', 'Ten', '@ Jax', 'L, 37-17', '48', '29', '60.4', '284', '5.9', '1', '2', '42', '0/0', '66.7', '1', '10', '10.00', '10t', '1', '1']
in row 5 of 8 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2009', 15, '10/11/09', 'Ten', 'Ind', 'L, 31-9', '32', '19', '59.4', '164', '5.1', '0', '1', '23', '1/9', '59.9', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 8 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2009', 15, '10/18/09', 'Ten', '@ NE', 'L, 59-0', '12', '2', '16.7', '-7', '-0.6', '0', '1', '15', '0/0', '4.9', '3', '-1', '-0.33', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 8 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2009', 15, '12/13/09', 'Ten', 'Stl', 'W, 47-7', '19', '11', '57.9', '154', '8.1', '1', '0', '44', '0/0', '101.6', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 11 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2010', 16, '09/19/10', 'Ten', 'Pit', 'L, 19-11', '25', '17', '68.0', '149', '6.0', '1', '1', '30', '2/5', '80.3', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 11 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2010', 16, '10/18/10', 'Ten', '@ Jax', 'W, 30-3', '16', '11', '68.8', '110', '6.9', '1', '0', '20', '0/0', '108.9', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 11 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2010', 16, '10/24/10', 'Ten', 'Phi', 'W, 37-19', '31', '17', '54.8', '276', '8.9', '3', '2', '80t', '3/23', '90.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 11 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2010', 16, '10/31/10', 'Ten', '@ SD', 'L, 33-25', '15', '8', '53.3', '52', '3.5', '0', '0', '17', '0/0', '61.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 11 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2010', 16, '11/14/10', 'Ten', '@ Mia', 'L, 29-17', '20', '9', '45.0', '51', '2.5', '0', '0', '11', '0/0', '52.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 11 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2010', 16, '12/05/10', 'Ten', 'Jax', 'L, 17-6', '32', '14', '43.8', '169', '5.3', '0', '2', '25', '1/6', '34.5', '1', '4', '4.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 11 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2010', 16, '12/09/10', 'Ten', 'Ind', 'L, 30-28', '39', '28', '71.8', '244', '6.3', '3', '0', '25', '0/0', '113.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 11 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2010', 16, '12/19/10', 'Ten', 'Hou', 'W, 31-17', '24', '14', '58.3', '237', '9.9', '2', '1', '59', '3/25', '102.3', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 11 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2010', 16, '12/26/10', 'Ten', '@ KC', 'L, 34-14', '37', '14', '37.8', '235', '6.4', '2', '2', '53t', '3/22', '55.6', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 11 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2010', 16, '01/02/11', 'Ten', '@ Ind', 'L, 23-20', '39', '28', '71.8', '300', '7.7', '2', '0', '38', '1/10', '111.1', '2', '2', '1.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2011', 17, '09/11/11', 'Ind', '@ Hou', 'L, 34-7', '31', '16', '51.6', '197', '6.4', '1', '0', '36', '3/25', '82.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2011', 17, '09/18/11', 'Ind', 'Cle', 'L, 27-19', '38', '19', '50.0', '191', '5.0', '1', '1', '20', '2/15', '62.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['collins, kerry', '2011', 17, '09/25/11', 'Ind', 'Pit', 'L, 23-20', '29', '13', '44.8', '93', '3.2', '0', '0', '29', '0/0', '52.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['kolb, kevin', '2007', 1, '09/23/07', 'Phi', 'Det', 'W, 56-21', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '2/13', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 7 total rows
['kolb, kevin', '2008', 2, '09/07/08', 'Phi', 'Stl', 'W, 38-3', '6', '5', '83.3', '53', '8.8', '0', '0', '16', '0/0', '103.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 7 total rows
['kolb, kevin', '2008', 2, '09/21/08', 'Phi', 'Pit', 'W, 15-6', '3', '2', '66.7', '18', '6.0', '0', '1', '12', '0/0', '43.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 7 total rows
['kolb, kevin', '2008', 2, '11/23/08', 'Phi', '@ Bal', 'L, 36-7', '23', '10', '43.5', '73', '3.2', '0', '2', '15', '0/0', '15.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 7 total rows
['kolb, kevin', '2008', 2, '11/27/08', 'Phi', 'Ari', 'W, 48-20', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 7 total rows
['kolb, kevin', '2008', 2, '12/15/08', 'Phi', 'Cle', 'W, 30-10', '2', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '1', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 7 total rows
['kolb, kevin', '2008', 2, '12/28/08', 'Phi', 'Dal', 'W, 44-6', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['kolb, kevin', '2009', 3, '09/13/09', 'Phi', '@ Car', 'W, 38-10', '11', '7', '63.6', '23', '2.1', '0', '0', '6', '2/20', '67.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['kolb, kevin', '2009', 3, '09/20/09', 'Phi', 'NO', 'L, 48-22', '51', '31', '60.8', '391', '7.7', '2', '3', '71t', '1/7', '73.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['kolb, kevin', '2009', 3, '09/27/09', 'Phi', 'KC', 'W, 34-14', '34', '24', '70.6', '327', '9.6', '2', '0', '64t', '0/0', '120.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 8 total rows
['kolb, kevin', '2010', 4, '09/12/10', 'Phi', 'GB', 'L, 27-20', '10', '5', '50.0', '24', '2.4', '0', '0', '6', '3/17', '56.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 8 total rows
['kolb, kevin', '2010', 4, '10/03/10', 'Phi', 'Was', 'L, 17-12', '35', '22', '62.9', '201', '5.7', '1', '1', '18', '1/7', '76.0', '2', '21', '10.50', '11', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 8 total rows
['kolb, kevin', '2010', 4, '10/10/10', 'Phi', '@ SF', 'W, 27-24', '31', '21', '67.7', '253', '8.2', '1', '0', '41', '4/26', '103.3', '3', '17', '5.67', '19', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 8 total rows
['kolb, kevin', '2010', 4, '10/17/10', 'Phi', 'Atl', 'W, 31-17', '29', '23', '79.3', '326', '11.2', '3', '1', '83t', '1/6', '133.6', '2', '1', '0.50', '2', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 8 total rows
['kolb, kevin', '2010', 4, '10/24/10', 'Phi', '@ Ten', 'L, 37-19', '48', '26', '54.2', '231', '4.8', '1', '2', '37', '1/4', '56.9', '3', '18', '6.00', '15', '0', '2']
in row 6 of 8 total rows
['kolb, kevin', '2010', 4, '11/15/10', 'Phi', '@ Was', 'W, 59-28', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 8 total rows
['kolb, kevin', '2010', 4, '01/02/11', 'Phi', 'Dal', 'L, 14-13', '36', '18', '50.0', '162', '4.5', '1', '3', '48', '5/39', '37.0', '4', '9', '2.25', '10', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 10 total rows
['kolb, kevin', '2011', 5, '09/11/11', 'Ari', 'Car', 'W, 28-21', '27', '18', '66.7', '309', '11.4', '2', '0', '70t', '2/14', '130.0', '4', '-1', '-0.25', '1', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 10 total rows
['kolb, kevin', '2011', 5, '09/18/11', 'Ari', '@ Was', 'L, 22-21', '30', '17', '56.7', '251', '8.4', '2', '1', '73t', '3/20', '92.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 10 total rows
['kolb, kevin', '2011', 5, '09/25/11', 'Ari', '@ Sea', 'L, 13-10', '39', '25', '64.1', '252', '6.5', '1', '2', '28', '3/18', '69.6', '3', '16', '5.33', '7', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 10 total rows
['kolb, kevin', '2011', 5, '10/02/11', 'Ari', 'NYG', 'L, 31-27', '34', '20', '58.8', '237', '7.0', '0', '1', '47', '4/25', '67.9', '2', '1', '0.50', '2', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 10 total rows
['kolb, kevin', '2011', 5, '10/09/11', 'Ari', '@ Min', 'L, 34-10', '42', '21', '50.0', '232', '5.5', '0', '2', '22', '4/40', '46.9', '2', '10', '5.00', '7', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 10 total rows
['kolb, kevin', '2011', 5, '10/23/11', 'Ari', 'Pit', 'L, 32-20', '34', '18', '52.9', '272', '8.0', '2', '1', '73t', '2/15', '86.9', '2', '14', '7.00', '11', '0', '2']
in row 7 of 10 total rows
['kolb, kevin', '2011', 5, '10/30/11', 'Ari', '@ Bal', 'L, 30-27', '21', '10', '47.6', '153', '7.3', '1', '1', '66', '6/55', '68.2', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 10 total rows
['kolb, kevin', '2011', 5, '12/04/11', 'Ari', 'Dal', 'W, 19-13', '25', '16', '64.0', '247', '9.9', '1', '0', '52t', '5/23', '109.9', '3', '20', '6.67', '17', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 10 total rows
['kolb, kevin', '2011', 5, '12/11/11', 'Ari', 'SF', 'W, 21-19', '1', '1', '100.0', '2', '2.0', '0', '0', '2', '1/9', '79.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 7 total rows
['kolb, kevin', '2012', 6, '09/09/12', 'Ari', 'Sea', 'W, 20-16', '8', '6', '75.0', '66', '8.2', '1', '0', '23', '0/0', '138.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 7 total rows
['kolb, kevin', '2012', 6, '09/16/12', 'Ari', '@ NE', 'W, 20-18', '27', '15', '55.6', '140', '5.2', '1', '0', '28', '2/0', '82.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 7 total rows
['kolb, kevin', '2012', 6, '09/23/12', 'Ari', 'Phi', 'W, 27-6', '24', '17', '70.8', '222', '9.2', '2', '0', '37t', '3/29', '127.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 7 total rows
['kolb, kevin', '2012', 6, '09/30/12', 'Ari', 'Mia', 'W, 24-21', '48', '29', '60.4', '324', '6.8', '3', '2', '46t', '8/55', '84.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 7 total rows
['kolb, kevin', '2012', 6, '10/04/12', 'Ari', '@ Stl', 'L, 17-3', '50', '28', '56.0', '289', '5.8', '0', '0', '29', '9/52', '72.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 7 total rows
['kolb, kevin', '2012', 6, '10/14/12', 'Ari', 'Buf', 'L, 19-16', '26', '14', '53.8', '128', '4.9', '1', '1', '24', '5/23', '64.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 12 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2003', 1, '09/07/03', 'Bal', '@ Pit', 'L, 34-15', '43', '22', '51.2', '152', '3.5', '1', '1', '14', '2/9', '57.5', '5', '14', '2.80', '4', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 12 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2003', 1, '09/14/03', 'Bal', 'Cle', 'W, 33-13', '17', '7', '41.2', '78', '4.6', '0', '1', '25', '3/21', '31.0', '3', '3', '1.00', '3', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 12 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2003', 1, '09/21/03', 'Bal', '@ SD', 'W, 24-10', '21', '12', '57.1', '98', '4.7', '1', '1', '25t', '1/1', '65.2', '3', '0', '0.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 12 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2003', 1, '09/28/03', 'Bal', 'KC', 'L, 17-10', '26', '15', '57.7', '140', '5.4', '0', '3', '32', '3/16', '33.0', '3', '15', '5.00', '15', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 12 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2003', 1, '10/12/03', 'Bal', '@ Ari', 'W, 26-18', '18', '9', '50.0', '75', '4.2', '0', '0', '17', '1/3', '61.1', '2', '5', '2.50', '4', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 12 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2003', 1, '10/19/03', 'Bal', '@ Cin', 'L, 34-26', '27', '15', '55.6', '302', '11.2', '2', '1', '73t', '3/21', '104.2', '4', '8', '2.00', '5', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 12 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2003', 1, '10/26/03', 'Bal', 'Den', 'W, 26-6', '27', '15', '55.6', '137', '5.1', '1', '0', '33', '2/11', '81.9', '3', '11', '3.67', '5', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 12 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2003', 1, '11/02/03', 'Bal', 'Jax', 'W, 24-17', '23', '10', '43.5', '156', '6.8', '1', '1', '47', '0/0', '63.0', '6', '4', '0.67', '3', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 12 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2003', 1, '11/09/03', 'Bal', '@ Stl', 'L, 33-22', '21', '10', '47.6', '112', '5.3', '1', '1', '40', '2/10', '60.0', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 12 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2003', 1, '12/21/03', 'Bal', '@ Cle', 'W, 35-0', '1', '1', '100.0', '10', '10.0', '0', '0', '10', '0/0', '108.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 12 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2003', 1, '12/28/03', 'Bal', 'Pit', 'W, 13-10', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2004', 2, '09/12/04', 'Bal', '@ Cle', 'L, 20-3', '38', '22', '57.9', '191', '5.0', '0', '2', '24', '3/25', '49.3', '2', '16', '8.00', '8', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2004', 2, '09/19/04', 'Bal', 'Pit', 'W, 30-13', '18', '10', '55.6', '98', '5.4', '0', '0', '23', '2/11', '71.1', '8', '34', '4.25', '17', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2004', 2, '09/26/04', 'Bal', '@ Cin', 'W, 23-9', '18', '11', '61.1', '126', '7.0', '1', '0', '46', '2/0', '100.7', '4', '24', '6.00', '19', '1', '1']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2004', 2, '10/04/04', 'Bal', 'KC', 'L, 27-24', '17', '10', '58.8', '154', '9.1', '1', '0', '57t', '4/27', '108.5', '3', '3', '1.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2004', 2, '10/10/04', 'Bal', '@ Was', 'W, 17-10', '18', '9', '50.0', '81', '4.5', '0', '3', '21', '2/5', '22.9', '7', '-6', '-0.86', '1', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2004', 2, '10/24/04', 'Bal', 'Buf', 'W, 20-6', '19', '10', '52.6', '86', '4.5', '0', '0', '47', '4/26', '64.8', '4', '5', '1.25', '4', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2004', 2, '10/31/04', 'Bal', '@ Phi', 'L, 15-10', '38', '24', '63.2', '223', '5.9', '1', '1', '52', '2/9', '77.0', '1', '7', '7.00', '7', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2004', 2, '11/07/04', 'Bal', 'Cle', 'W, 27-13', '30', '17', '56.7', '142', '4.7', '0', '0', '19', '1/8', '69.0', '2', '1', '0.50', '1', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2004', 2, '11/14/04', 'Bal', '@ NYJ', 'W, 20-17', '33', '19', '57.6', '213', '6.5', '2', '0', '25', '3/27', '97.2', '2', '5', '2.50', '4', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2004', 2, '11/21/04', 'Bal', 'Dal', 'W, 30-10', '34', '23', '67.6', '232', '6.8', '2', '0', '31t', '1/4', '106.5', '3', '9', '3.00', '7', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2004', 2, '11/28/04', 'Bal', '@ NE', 'L, 24-3', '35', '15', '42.9', '93', '2.7', '0', '1', '20', '4/46', '38.4', '2', '10', '5.00', '6', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2004', 2, '12/05/04', 'Bal', 'Cin', 'L, 27-26', '33', '19', '57.6', '172', '5.2', '0', '1', '24', '1/8', '59.2', '2', '10', '5.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2004', 2, '12/12/04', 'Bal', 'NYG', 'W, 37-14', '34', '18', '52.9', '219', '6.4', '4', '0', '37', '4/35', '112.3', '4', '19', '4.75', '6', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2004', 2, '12/19/04', 'Bal', '@ Ind', 'L, 20-10', '40', '19', '47.5', '210', '5.2', '1', '2', '33', '2/16', '51.0', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2004', 2, '12/26/04', 'Bal', '@ Pit', 'L, 20-7', '32', '18', '56.2', '177', '5.5', '0', '1', '22', '0/0', '59.0', '4', '28', '7.00', '15', '0', '1']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2004', 2, '01/02/05', 'Bal', 'Mia', 'W, 30-23', '27', '14', '51.9', '142', '5.3', '1', '0', '18', '0/0', '79.6', '4', '22', '5.50', '11', '0', '3']
in row 1 of 10 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2005', 3, '09/11/05', 'Bal', 'Ind', 'L, 24-7', '23', '15', '65.2', '141', '6.1', '0', '1', '28', '1/10', '63.9', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 10 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2005', 3, '11/13/05', 'Bal', '@ Jax', 'L, 30-3', '33', '19', '57.6', '142', '4.3', '0', '3', '35', '4/32', '30.1', '2', '9', '4.50', '7', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 10 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2005', 3, '11/20/05', 'Bal', 'Pit', 'W, 16-13', '36', '21', '58.3', '163', '4.5', '1', '1', '17', '5/26', '67.2', '6', '17', '2.83', '6', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 10 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2005', 3, '11/27/05', 'Bal', '@ Cin', 'L, 42-29', '32', '18', '56.2', '211', '6.6', '3', '2', '34t', '3/22', '81.6', '4', '10', '2.50', '6', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 10 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2005', 3, '12/04/05', 'Bal', 'Hou', 'W, 16-15', '33', '17', '51.5', '198', '6.0', '0', '0', '35', '4/33', '70.0', '3', '11', '3.67', '6t', '1', '1']
in row 6 of 10 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2005', 3, '12/11/05', 'Bal', '@ Den', 'L, 12-10', '39', '23', '59.0', '251', '6.4', '1', '2', '39t', '2/0', '65.2', '2', '3', '1.50', '2', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 10 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2005', 3, '12/19/05', 'Bal', 'GB', 'W, 48-3', '27', '19', '70.4', '253', '9.4', '3', '0', '34', '0/0', '136.8', '1', '9', '9.00', '9', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 10 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2005', 3, '12/25/05', 'Bal', 'Min', 'W, 30-23', '34', '24', '70.6', '289', '8.5', '3', '1', '47t', '2/10', '113.5', '2', '1', '0.50', '2', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 10 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2005', 3, '01/01/06', 'Bal', '@ Cle', 'L, 20-16', '36', '15', '41.7', '151', '4.2', '0', '2', '31', '2/13', '31.1', '2', '4', '2.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 5 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2006', 4, '09/10/06', 'Bal', '@ TB', 'W, 27-0', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 5 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2006', 4, '10/15/06', 'Bal', 'Car', 'L, 23-21', '31', '17', '54.8', '226', '7.3', '3', '1', '62t', '2/9', '97.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 5 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2006', 4, '11/26/06', 'Bal', 'Pit', 'W, 27-0', '3', '3', '100.0', '21', '7.0', '0', '0', '11', '0/0', '95.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 5 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2006', 4, '12/17/06', 'Bal', 'Cle', 'W, 27-17', '21', '13', '61.9', '238', '11.3', '2', '1', '77t', '1/7', '112.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 13 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2007', 5, '09/10/07', 'Bal', '@ Cin', 'L, 27-20', '6', '2', '33.3', '19', '3.2', '0', '1', '14', '0/0', '3.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 13 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2007', 5, '09/16/07', 'Bal', 'NYJ', 'W, 20-13', '35', '23', '65.7', '185', '5.3', '2', '0', '37', '0/0', '97.9', '3', '7', '2.33', '12', '0', '2']
in row 3 of 13 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2007', 5, '09/23/07', 'Bal', 'Ari', 'W, 26-23', '10', '8', '80.0', '83', '8.3', '0', '0', '24', '2/7', '101.3', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 13 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2007', 5, '10/14/07', 'Bal', 'Stl', 'W, 22-3', '30', '18', '60.0', '184', '6.1', '0', '1', '34', '2/13', '63.7', '2', '6', '3.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 13 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2007', 5, '10/21/07', 'Bal', '@ Buf', 'L, 19-14', '36', '21', '58.3', '191', '5.3', '1', '0', '27', '1/10', '82.1', '1', '7', '7.00', '7', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 13 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2007', 5, '11/05/07', 'Bal', '@ Pit', 'L, 38-7', '9', '3', '33.3', '21', '2.3', '0', '0', '9', '1/7', '42.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 13 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2007', 5, '11/11/07', 'Bal', 'Cin', 'L, 21-7', '8', '6', '75.0', '89', '11.1', '0', '1', '47', '0/0', '71.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 13 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2007', 5, '11/18/07', 'Bal', 'Cle', 'L, 33-30', '41', '22', '53.7', '279', '6.8', '1', '2', '42', '6/39', '63.0', '2', '19', '9.50', '15', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 13 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2007', 5, '11/25/07', 'Bal', '@ SD', 'L, 32-14', '33', '21', '63.6', '191', '5.8', '1', '0', '23', '4/37', '89.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 13 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2007', 5, '12/03/07', 'Bal', 'NE', 'L, 27-24', '23', '15', '65.2', '210', '9.1', '2', '1', '53', '0/0', '105.3', '1', '4', '4.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 13 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2007', 5, '12/09/07', 'Bal', 'Ind', 'L, 44-20', '25', '19', '76.0', '132', '5.3', '1', '3', '29', '4/20', '61.2', '8', '33', '4.12', '8', '0', '3']
in row 12 of 13 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2007', 5, '12/16/07', 'Bal', '@ Mia', 'L, 22-16', '19', '10', '52.6', '159', '8.4', '1', '1', '36', '4/26', '76.4', '1', '11', '11.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 8 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2009', 6, '09/27/09', 'Stl', 'GB', 'L, 36-17', '31', '16', '51.6', '164', '5.3', '2', '1', '20', '0/0', '75.2', '4', '31', '7.75', '13', '0', '3']
in row 2 of 8 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2009', 6, '10/04/09', 'Stl', '@ SF', 'L, 35-0', '24', '13', '54.2', '108', '4.5', '0', '1', '22', '5/26', '48.6', '2', '5', '2.50', '5', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 8 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2009', 6, '10/11/09', 'Stl', 'Min', 'L, 38-10', '31', '20', '64.5', '209', '6.7', '0', '1', '35', '2/19', '70.5', '3', '1', '0.33', '1', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 8 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2009', 6, '11/29/09', 'Stl', 'Sea', 'L, 27-17', '46', '28', '60.9', '282', '6.1', '1', '2', '33', '4/31', '67.5', '3', '26', '8.67', '16', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 8 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2009', 6, '12/06/09', 'Stl', '@ Chi', 'L, 17-9', '32', '17', '53.1', '113', '3.5', '0', '1', '21', '3/15', '48.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 8 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2009', 6, '12/27/09', 'Stl', '@ Ari', 'L, 31-10', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 8 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2009', 6, '01/03/10', 'Stl', 'SF', 'L, 28-6', '11', '4', '36.4', '23', '2.1', '0', '0', '9', '3/26', '44.9', '1', '13', '13.00', '13', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2010', 7, '10/24/10', 'Oak', '@ Den', 'W, 59-14', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2010', 7, '12/12/10', 'Oak', '@ Jax', 'L, 38-31', '3', '1', '33.3', '20', '6.7', '0', '1', '20', '0/0', '18.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2010', 7, '01/02/11', 'Oak', '@ KC', 'W, 31-10', '1', '1', '100.0', '5', '5.0', '0', '0', '5', '1/6', '87.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2011', 8, '10/16/11', 'Oak', 'Cle', 'W, 24-17', '14', '8', '57.1', '100', '7.1', '0', '0', '27', '2/9', '79.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['boller, kyle', '2011', 8, '10/23/11', 'Oak', 'KC', 'L, 28-0', '14', '7', '50.0', '61', '4.4', '0', '3', '21', '1/10', '22.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2005', 1, '09/11/05', 'Chi', '@ Was', 'L, 9-7', '28', '15', '53.6', '141', '5.0', '0', '1', '22', '3/16', '52.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2005', 1, '09/18/05', 'Chi', 'Det', 'W, 38-6', '21', '14', '66.7', '150', '7.1', '1', '0', '28t', '2/12', '103.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2005', 1, '09/25/05', 'Chi', 'Cin', 'L, 24-7', '39', '17', '43.6', '149', '3.8', '0', '5', '23', '0/0', '14.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2005', 1, '10/09/05', 'Chi', '@ Cle', 'L, 20-10', '26', '16', '61.5', '117', '4.5', '1', '0', '22', '4/27', '84.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2005', 1, '10/16/05', 'Chi', 'Min', 'W, 28-3', '25', '16', '64.0', '117', '4.7', '2', '1', '16', '3/20', '84.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2005', 1, '10/23/05', 'Chi', 'Bal', 'W, 10-6', '29', '15', '51.7', '145', '5.0', '1', '0', '26', '2/12', '77.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2005', 1, '10/30/05', 'Chi', '@ Det', 'W, 19-13', '31', '17', '54.8', '230', '7.4', '1', '0', '54', '2/12', '89.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2005', 1, '11/06/05', 'Chi', '@ NO', 'W, 20-17', '26', '12', '46.2', '137', '5.3', '1', '2', '33', '2/6', '43.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2005', 1, '11/13/05', 'Chi', 'SF', 'W, 17-9', '13', '8', '61.5', '67', '5.2', '0', '1', '31', '0/0', '42.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2005', 1, '11/20/05', 'Chi', 'Car', 'W, 13-3', '26', '15', '57.7', '136', '5.2', '1', '1', '18', '0/0', '68.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2005', 1, '11/27/05', 'Chi', '@ TB', 'W, 13-10', '28', '14', '50.0', '134', '4.8', '1', '1', '41', '2/13', '60.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2005', 1, '12/04/05', 'Chi', 'GB', 'W, 19-7', '17', '6', '35.3', '68', '4.0', '0', '1', '34', '3/19', '23.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2005', 1, '12/11/05', 'Chi', '@ Pit', 'L, 21-9', '35', '17', '48.6', '207', '5.9', '0', '0', '43', '3/22', '67.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2005', 1, '12/18/05', 'Chi', 'Atl', 'W, 16-3', '10', '2', '20.0', '12', '1.2', '0', '0', '12', '1/7', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2005', 1, '01/01/06', 'Chi', '@ Min', 'L, 34-10', '14', '6', '42.9', '59', '4.2', '0', '0', '21', '3/24', '55.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2007', 3, '12/17/07', 'Chi', '@ Min', 'L, 20-13', '38', '22', '57.9', '184', '4.8', '0', '1', '19', '1/7', '59.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2007', 3, '12/23/07', 'Chi', 'GB', 'W, 35-7', '15', '9', '60.0', '104', '6.9', '1', '0', '33', '0/0', '103.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2007', 3, '12/30/07', 'Chi', 'NO', 'W, 33-25', '27', '12', '44.4', '190', '7.0', '2', '1', '55t', '1/5', '77.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2008', 4, '09/07/08', 'Chi', '@ Ind', 'W, 29-13', '21', '13', '61.9', '150', '7.1', '0', '0', '29', '2/14', '83.4', '1', '10', '10.00', '10', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2008', 4, '09/14/08', 'Chi', '@ Car', 'L, 20-17', '32', '19', '59.4', '149', '4.7', '0', '0', '32', '1/8', '71.0', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2008', 4, '09/21/08', 'Chi', 'TB', 'L, 27-24', '34', '22', '64.7', '268', '7.9', '2', '2', '27', '3/21', '83.9', '6', '21', '3.50', '12', '0', '2']
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2008', 4, '09/28/08', 'Chi', 'Phi', 'W, 24-20', '34', '18', '52.9', '199', '5.9', '3', '2', '34', '4/21', '75.5', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2008', 4, '10/05/08', 'Chi', '@ Det', 'W, 34-7', '34', '24', '70.6', '334', '9.8', '2', '0', '52', '1/6', '121.4', '1', '10', '10.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2008', 4, '10/12/08', 'Chi', '@ Atl', 'L, 22-20', '43', '26', '60.5', '286', '6.7', '1', '0', '22', '1/4', '87.9', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2008', 4, '10/19/08', 'Chi', 'Min', 'W, 48-41', '32', '21', '65.6', '283', '8.8', '2', '0', '51t', '2/9', '114.5', '1', '-2', '-2.00', '-2', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2008', 4, '11/02/08', 'Chi', 'Det', 'W, 27-23', '14', '8', '57.1', '108', '7.7', '0', '0', '24', '1/0', '81.8', '2', '7', '3.50', '5t', '1', '1']
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2008', 4, '11/16/08', 'Chi', '@ GB', 'L, 37-3', '26', '13', '50.0', '133', '5.1', '0', '0', '36', '1/8', '65.1', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2008', 4, '11/23/08', 'Chi', '@ Stl', 'W, 27-3', '28', '17', '60.7', '132', '4.7', '1', '0', '27', '1/6', '84.2', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2008', 4, '11/30/08', 'Chi', '@ Min', 'L, 34-14', '29', '11', '37.9', '153', '5.3', '2', '3', '65t', '3/28', '39.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2008', 4, '12/07/08', 'Chi', 'Jax', 'W, 23-10', '34', '20', '58.8', '219', '6.4', '2', '1', '31', '1/9', '85.3', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2008', 4, '12/11/08', 'Chi', 'NO', 'W, 27-24', '40', '24', '60.0', '172', '4.3', '0', '2', '20', '1/1', '49.2', '4', '6', '1.50', '6t', '1', '2']
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2008', 4, '12/22/08', 'Chi', 'GB', 'W, 20-17', '27', '14', '51.9', '142', '5.3', '1', '2', '21', '3/6', '48.7', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2008', 4, '12/28/08', 'Chi', '@ Hou', 'L, 31-24', '37', '22', '59.5', '244', '6.6', '2', '0', '37', '2/19', '97.1', '2', '2', '1.00', '1t', '1', '2']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2009', 5, '09/13/09', 'Den', '@ Cin', 'W, 12-7', '28', '17', '60.7', '243', '8.7', '1', '0', '87t', '3/16', '100.7', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2009', 5, '09/20/09', 'Den', 'Cle', 'W, 27-6', '37', '19', '51.4', '263', '7.1', '1', '0', '49', '0/0', '83.5', '2', '0', '0.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2009', 5, '09/27/09', 'Den', '@ Oak', 'W, 23-3', '23', '13', '56.5', '157', '6.8', '1', '0', '24', '0/0', '92.1', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2009', 5, '10/04/09', 'Den', 'Dal', 'W, 17-10', '29', '20', '69.0', '243', '8.4', '2', '0', '51t', '3/22', '117.5', '3', '0', '0.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2009', 5, '10/11/09', 'Den', 'NE', 'W, 20-17', '48', '35', '72.9', '330', '6.9', '2', '1', '27', '2/9', '96.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2009', 5, '10/19/09', 'Den', '@ SD', 'W, 34-23', '29', '20', '69.0', '229', '7.9', '2', '0', '52', '1/2', '115.4', '5', '11', '2.20', '8', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2009', 5, '11/01/09', 'Den', '@ Bal', 'L, 30-7', '37', '23', '62.2', '152', '4.1', '0', '0', '23', '2/18', '71.0', '1', '11', '11.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2009', 5, '11/09/09', 'Den', 'Pit', 'L, 28-10', '38', '23', '60.5', '221', '5.8', '0', '3', '20', '2/6', '43.9', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2009', 5, '11/15/09', 'Den', '@ Was', 'L, 27-17', '18', '11', '61.1', '193', '10.7', '2', '0', '75t', '0/0', '134.7', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2009', 5, '11/22/09', 'Den', 'SD', 'L, 32-3', '29', '15', '51.7', '171', '5.9', '0', '1', '38', '1/7', '55.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2009', 5, '11/26/09', 'Den', 'NYG', 'W, 26-6', '28', '18', '64.3', '245', '8.8', '1', '1', '33', '1/10', '89.1', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2009', 5, '12/06/09', 'Den', '@ KC', 'W, 44-13', '25', '15', '60.0', '180', '7.2', '2', '1', '49', '3/12', '92.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2009', 5, '12/13/09', 'Den', '@ Ind', 'L, 28-16', '41', '29', '70.7', '277', '6.8', '2', '1', '23', '3/15', '95.3', '2', '11', '5.50', '9', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2009', 5, '12/20/09', 'Den', 'Oak', 'L, 20-19', '34', '19', '55.9', '278', '8.2', '1', '0', '63', '3/21', '92.5', '4', '11', '2.75', '9', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2009', 5, '12/27/09', 'Den', '@ Phi', 'L, 30-27', '41', '27', '65.9', '189', '4.6', '3', '1', '26', '3/18', '90.4', '1', '7', '7.00', '7', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2009', 5, '01/03/10', 'Den', 'KC', 'L, 44-24', '56', '32', '57.1', '431', '7.7', '1', '3', '44', '2/3', '65.4', '2', '16', '8.00', '13', '0', '2']
in row 1 of 14 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2010', 6, '09/12/10', 'Den', '@ Jax', 'L, 24-17', '33', '21', '63.6', '295', '8.9', '1', '1', '41', '3/21', '89.8', '2', '12', '6.00', '7', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 14 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2010', 6, '09/19/10', 'Den', 'Sea', 'W, 31-14', '35', '25', '71.4', '307', '8.8', '2', '0', '45', '1/3', '117.2', '3', '-5', '-1.67', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 14 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2010', 6, '09/26/10', 'Den', 'Ind', 'L, 27-13', '57', '37', '64.9', '476', '8.4', '1', '1', '61', '1/4', '89.5', '2', '11', '5.50', '9', '0', '2']
in row 4 of 14 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2010', 6, '10/03/10', 'Den', '@ Ten', 'W, 26-20', '50', '35', '70.0', '341', '6.8', '2', '1', '41', '6/33', '93.8', '3', '11', '3.67', '8', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 14 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2010', 6, '10/10/10', 'Den', '@ Bal', 'L, 31-17', '38', '23', '60.5', '314', '8.3', '2', '0', '44t', '1/7', '104.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 14 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2010', 6, '10/17/10', 'Den', 'NYJ', 'L, 24-20', '34', '14', '41.2', '209', '6.1', '1', '0', '29', '1/8', '71.8', '3', '22', '7.33', '13', '0', '2']
in row 7 of 14 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2010', 6, '10/24/10', 'Den', 'Oak', 'L, 59-14', '29', '12', '41.4', '198', '6.8', '2', '1', '46', '4/33', '73.6', '2', '21', '10.50', '14', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 14 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2010', 6, '10/31/10', 'Den', '@ SF', 'L, 24-16', '40', '28', '70.0', '370', '9.2', '1', '1', '71', '4/31', '96.9', '3', '18', '6.00', '8', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 14 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2010', 6, '11/14/10', 'Den', 'KC', 'W, 49-29', '34', '22', '64.7', '296', '8.7', '4', '0', '40t', '0/0', '131.5', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 14 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2010', 6, '11/22/10', 'Den', '@ SD', 'L, 35-14', '38', '24', '63.2', '217', '5.7', '1', '1', '21', '5/45', '76.3', '1', '4', '4.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 14 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2010', 6, '11/28/10', 'Den', 'Stl', 'L, 36-33', '41', '24', '58.5', '347', '8.5', '3', '0', '41t', '3/17', '110.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 14 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2010', 6, '12/05/10', 'Den', '@ KC', 'L, 10-6', '28', '9', '32.1', '117', '4.2', '0', '0', '28', '4/31', '46.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 14 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2010', 6, '12/12/10', 'Den', '@ Ari', 'L, 43-13', '41', '19', '46.3', '166', '4.0', '0', '3', '20', '1/10', '27.1', '2', '5', '2.50', '5', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 10 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2011', 7, '09/12/11', 'Den', 'Oak', 'L, 23-20', '46', '24', '52.2', '304', '6.6', '1', '1', '24', '5/32', '71.3', '1', '13', '13.00', '13', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 10 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2011', 7, '09/18/11', 'Den', 'Cin', 'W, 24-22', '25', '15', '60.0', '195', '7.8', '2', '0', '52t', '2/8', '111.2', '1', '-2', '-2.00', '-2', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 10 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2011', 7, '09/25/11', 'Den', '@ Ten', 'L, 17-14', '39', '24', '61.5', '173', '4.4', '2', '2', '32', '1/1', '67.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 10 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2011', 7, '10/02/11', 'Den', '@ GB', 'L, 49-23', '32', '22', '68.8', '273', '8.5', '3', '3', '44', '1/8', '87.1', '2', '7', '3.50', '8', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 10 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2011', 7, '10/09/11', 'Den', 'SD', 'L, 29-24', '13', '6', '46.2', '34', '2.6', '0', '1', '10', '0/0', '21.0', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 10 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2011', 7, '12/04/11', 'KC', '@ Chi', 'W, 10-3', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 10 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2011', 7, '12/18/11', 'KC', 'GB', 'W, 19-14', '31', '23', '74.2', '299', '9.6', '0', '0', '39', '0/0', '104.1', '4', '-5', '-1.25', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 10 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2011', 7, '12/24/11', 'KC', 'Oak', 'L, 16-13', '36', '21', '58.3', '300', '8.3', '1', '2', '49', '0/0', '71.5', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 10 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2011', 7, '01/01/12', 'KC', '@ Den', 'W, 7-3', '29', '15', '51.7', '180', '6.2', '0', '0', '22', '1/5', '71.0', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2012', 8, '10/01/12', 'Dal', 'Chi', 'L, 34-18', '10', '9', '90.0', '89', '8.9', '1', '0', '21', '0/0', '137.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2013', 9, '12/09/13', 'Dal', '@ Chi', 'L, 45-28', '5', '3', '60.0', '40', '8.0', '0', '0', '18', '0/0', '85.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2013', 9, '12/29/13', 'Dal', 'Phi', 'L, 24-22', '46', '30', '65.2', '358', '7.8', '2', '2', '39', '0/0', '85.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 13 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2014', 10, '10/05/14', 'Buf', '@ Det', 'W, 17-14', '43', '30', '69.8', '308', '7.2', '1', '1', '42', '2/14', '88.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 13 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2014', 10, '10/12/14', 'Buf', 'NE', 'L, 37-22', '38', '24', '63.2', '299', '7.9', '2', '1', '35', '5/31', '94.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 13 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2014', 10, '10/19/14', 'Buf', 'Min', 'W, 17-16', '43', '31', '72.1', '283', '6.6', '2', '1', '28', '6/28', '95.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 13 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2014', 10, '10/26/14', 'Buf', '@ NYJ', 'W, 43-23', '17', '10', '58.8', '238', '14.0', '4', '0', '84', '4/25', '142.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 13 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2014', 10, '11/09/14', 'Buf', 'KC', 'L, 17-13', '48', '29', '60.4', '259', '5.4', '1', '0', '25t', '1/6', '81.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 13 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2014', 10, '11/13/14', 'Buf', '@ Mia', 'L, 22-9', '39', '22', '56.4', '193', '4.9', '0', '0', '19', '2/10', '69.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 13 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2014', 10, '11/24/14', 'Buf', 'NYJ', 'W, 38-3', '32', '24', '75.0', '230', '7.2', '2', '0', '37', '1/10', '115.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 13 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2014', 10, '11/30/14', 'Buf', 'Cle', 'W, 26-10', '31', '17', '54.8', '190', '6.1', '1', '2', '41', '1/9', '57.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 13 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2014', 10, '12/07/14', 'Buf', '@ Den', 'L, 24-17', '57', '38', '66.7', '355', '6.2', '1', '2', '35', '4/14', '74.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 13 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2014', 10, '12/14/14', 'Buf', 'GB', 'W, 21-13', '27', '14', '51.9', '158', '5.9', '0', '1', '40', '3/18', '54.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 13 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2014', 10, '12/21/14', 'Buf', '@ Oak', 'L, 26-24', '49', '32', '65.3', '329', '6.7', '3', '2', '42t', '2/21', '87.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 13 total rows
['orton, kyle', '2014', 10, '12/28/14', 'Buf', '@ NE', 'W, 17-9', '23', '16', '69.6', '176', '7.7', '1', '0', '43', '2/12', '106.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 6 total rows
['mccown, luke', '2004', 1, '09/19/04', 'Cle', '@ Dal', 'L, 19-12', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 6 total rows
['mccown, luke', '2004', 1, '12/05/04', 'Cle', 'NE', 'L, 42-15', '34', '20', '58.8', '277', '8.1', '2', '2', '53', '3/36', '80.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 6 total rows
['mccown, luke', '2004', 1, '12/12/04', 'Cle', '@ Buf', 'L, 37-7', '20', '8', '40.0', '62', '3.1', '1', '2', '18', '6/65', '25.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 6 total rows
['mccown, luke', '2004', 1, '12/19/04', 'Cle', 'SD', 'L, 21-0', '27', '11', '40.7', '108', '4.0', '0', '1', '39', '1/3', '37.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 6 total rows
['mccown, luke', '2004', 1, '12/26/04', 'Cle', '@ Mia', 'L, 10-7', '16', '9', '56.2', '161', '10.1', '1', '2', '58t', '2/18', '72.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 6 total rows
['mccown, luke', '2007', 4, '09/09/07', 'TB', '@ Sea', 'L, 20-6', '4', '1', '25.0', '9', '2.2', '0', '0', '9', '2/5', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 6 total rows
['mccown, luke', '2007', 4, '12/02/07', 'TB', '@ NO', 'W, 27-23', '37', '29', '78.4', '313', '8.5', '2', '1', '60', '3/19', '108.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 6 total rows
['mccown, luke', '2007', 4, '12/09/07', 'TB', '@ Hou', 'L, 28-14', '38', '25', '65.8', '266', '7.0', '0', '0', '31', '4/32', '86.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 6 total rows
['mccown, luke', '2007', 4, '12/23/07', 'TB', '@ SF', 'L, 21-19', '32', '18', '56.2', '185', '5.8', '1', '1', '24t', '2/8', '70.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 6 total rows
['mccown, luke', '2007', 4, '12/30/07', 'TB', 'Car', 'L, 31-23', '28', '21', '75.0', '236', '8.4', '2', '1', '52', '4/40', '108.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['mccown, luke', '2008', 5, '10/12/08', 'TB', 'Car', 'W, 27-3', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['mccown, luke', '2008', 5, '12/21/08', 'TB', 'SD', 'L, 41-24', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['mccown, luke', '2009', 6, '10/11/09', 'Jax', '@ Sea', 'L, 41-0', '1', '1', '100.0', '2', '2.0', '0', '0', '2', '1/3', '79.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['mccown, luke', '2009', 6, '11/01/09', 'Jax', '@ Ten', 'L, 30-13', '2', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '1/4', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['mccown, luke', '2010', 7, '09/19/10', 'Jax', '@ SD', 'L, 38-13', '19', '11', '57.9', '120', '6.3', '0', '0', '25', '0/0', '76.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 5 total rows
['mccown, luke', '2011', 8, '09/11/11', 'Jax', 'Ten', 'W, 16-14', '24', '17', '70.8', '175', '7.3', '0', '0', '26', '2/15', '91.5', '5', '10', '2.00', '8', '0', '2']
in row 2 of 5 total rows
['mccown, luke', '2011', 8, '09/18/11', 'Jax', '@ NYJ', 'L, 32-3', '19', '6', '31.6', '59', '3.1', '0', '4', '25', '1/10', '1.8', '1', '4', '4.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 5 total rows
['mccown, luke', '2011', 8, '10/30/11', 'Jax', '@ Hou', 'L, 24-14', '2', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 5 total rows
['mccown, luke', '2011', 8, '11/27/11', 'Jax', 'Hou', 'L, 20-13', '11', '7', '63.6', '62', '5.6', '0', '0', '25', '1/13', '78.6', '1', '9', '9.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['mccown, luke', '2012', 9, '12/16/12', 'Atl', 'NYG', 'W, 34-0', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['mccown, luke', '2013', 10, '11/10/13', 'NO', 'Dal', 'W, 49-17', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['mccown, luke', '2013', 10, '12/22/13', 'NO', '@ Car', 'L, 17-13', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['mccown, luke', '2013', 10, '12/29/13', 'NO', 'TB', 'W, 42-17', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['mccown, luke', '2015', 12, '09/27/15', 'NO', '@ Car', 'L, 27-22', '38', '31', '81.6', '310', '8.2', '0', '1', '23', '1/0', '89.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['mccown, luke', '2015', 12, '10/25/15', 'NO', '@ Ind', 'W, 27-21', '1', '1', '100.0', '25', '25.0', '0', '0', '25', '0/0', '118.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 20 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1996', 3, '09/01/96', 'Jax', 'Pit', 'W, 24-9', '31', '20', '64.5', '212', '6.8', '2', '2', '38t', '4/18', '79.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 20 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1996', 3, '09/08/96', 'Jax', 'Hou', 'L, 34-27', '38', '27', '71.1', '302', '7.9', '2', '2', '33', '2/4', '90.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 20 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1996', 3, '09/15/96', 'Jax', '@ Oak', 'L, 17-3', '37', '18', '48.6', '217', '5.9', '0', '2', '46', '3/16', '44.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 20 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1996', 3, '09/22/96', 'Jax', '@ NE', 'L, 28-25', '39', '23', '59.0', '432', '11.1', '3', '1', '61t', '2/19', '112.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 20 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1996', 3, '09/29/96', 'Jax', 'Car', 'W, 24-14', '27', '15', '55.6', '214', '7.9', '1', '1', '49', '3/15', '78.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 20 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1996', 3, '10/06/96', 'Jax', '@ NO', 'L, 17-13', '35', '28', '80.0', '250', '7.1', '1', '0', '26', '1/9', '106.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 20 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1996', 3, '10/13/96', 'Jax', 'NYJ', 'W, 21-17', '23', '14', '60.9', '248', '10.8', '2', '0', '62', '5/31', '126.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 20 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1996', 3, '10/20/96', 'Jax', '@ Stl', 'L, 17-14', '52', '37', '71.2', '421', '8.1', '0', '5', '52', '2/1', '55.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 20 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1996', 3, '10/27/96', 'Jax', '@ Cin', 'L, 28-21', '31', '18', '58.1', '215', '6.9', '2', '2', '32', '4/26', '74.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 20 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1996', 3, '11/10/96', 'Jax', 'Bal', 'W, 30-27', '37', '24', '64.9', '354', '9.6', '1', '1', '37', '6/22', '93.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 20 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1996', 3, '11/17/96', 'Jax', '@ Pit', 'L, 28-3', '47', '28', '59.6', '215', '4.6', '0', '2', '17', '6/54', '53.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 20 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1996', 3, '11/24/96', 'Jax', '@ Bal', 'W, 28-25', '46', '28', '60.9', '306', '6.7', '2', '2', '39', '2/14', '76.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 20 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1996', 3, '12/01/96', 'Jax', 'Cin', 'W, 30-27', '34', '21', '61.8', '356', '10.5', '1', '0', '49', '1/0', '107.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 20 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1996', 3, '12/08/96', 'Jax', '@ Hou', 'W, 23-17', '25', '15', '60.0', '172', '6.9', '0', '0', '37', '3/7', '80.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 20 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1996', 3, '12/15/96', 'Jax', 'Sea', 'W, 20-13', '26', '19', '73.1', '231', '8.9', '2', '0', '39t', '3/13', '125.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 20 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1996', 3, '12/22/96', 'Jax', 'Atl', 'W, 19-17', '29', '18', '62.1', '222', '7.7', '0', '0', '29', '3/8', '85.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 17 of 20 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1996', 3, '12/28/96', 'Jax', '@ Buf', 'W, 30-27', '33', '18', '54.5', '239', '7.2', '1', '2', '47', '2/14', '62.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 18 of 20 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1996', 3, '01/04/97', 'Jax', '@ Den', 'W, 30-27', '29', '18', '62.1', '245', '8.4', '2', '0', '44', '2/5', '112.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 19 of 20 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1996', 3, '01/12/97', 'Jax', '@ NE', 'L, 20-6', '38', '20', '52.6', '190', '5.0', '0', '2', '22', '1/2', '44.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1997', 4, '09/22/97', 'Jax', 'Pit', 'W, 30-21', '42', '24', '57.1', '306', '7.3', '1', '0', '41', '3/25', '88.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1997', 4, '09/28/97', 'Jax', '@ Was', 'L, 24-12', '31', '16', '51.6', '153', '4.9', '0', '2', '22', '3/19', '38.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1997', 4, '10/05/97', 'Jax', 'Cin', 'W, 21-13', '27', '14', '51.9', '164', '6.1', '3', '0', '24', '3/16', '107.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1997', 4, '10/12/97', 'Jax', 'Phi', 'W, 38-21', '19', '14', '73.7', '153', '8.1', '0', '0', '22', '3/0', '97.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1997', 4, '10/19/97', 'Jax', '@ Dal', 'L, 26-22', '31', '21', '67.7', '242', '7.8', '3', '1', '39', '2/13', '109.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1997', 4, '10/26/97', 'Jax', '@ Pit', 'L, 23-17', '30', '15', '50.0', '214', '7.1', '2', '0', '45', '4/20', '95.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1997', 4, '11/02/97', 'Jax', '@ Ten', 'W, 30-24', '31', '17', '54.8', '169', '5.5', '1', '1', '40', '3/14', '67.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1997', 4, '11/09/97', 'Jax', 'KC', 'W, 24-10', '20', '9', '45.0', '199', '9.9', '1', '0', '75', '1/8', '97.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1997', 4, '11/16/97', 'Jax', 'Ten', 'W, 17-9', '30', '22', '73.3', '267', '8.9', '1', '0', '35', '2/18', '111.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1997', 4, '11/23/97', 'Jax', '@ Cin', 'L, 31-26', '33', '20', '60.6', '286', '8.7', '1', '1', '46', '1/6', '86.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1997', 4, '11/30/97', 'Jax', 'Bal', 'W, 29-27', '40', '25', '62.5', '317', '7.9', '1', '1', '44', '1/4', '85.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1997', 4, '12/07/97', 'Jax', 'NE', 'L, 26-20', '42', '25', '59.5', '251', '6.0', '2', '0', '34', '4/17', '92.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1997', 4, '12/14/97', 'Jax', '@ Buf', 'W, 20-14', '32', '24', '75.0', '317', '9.9', '0', '1', '60', '2/20', '92.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1997', 4, '12/21/97', 'Jax', '@ Oak', 'W, 20-9', '27', '18', '66.7', '243', '9.0', '2', '0', '35t', '1/9', '119.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1997', 4, '12/27/97', 'Jax', '@ Den', 'L, 42-17', '32', '18', '56.2', '203', '6.3', '0', '1', '37', '3/16', '62.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1998', 5, '09/06/98', 'Jax', '@ Chi', 'W, 24-23', '35', '22', '62.9', '207', '5.9', '2', '2', '21', '1/0', '74.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1998', 5, '09/13/98', 'Jax', 'KC', 'W, 21-16', '18', '11', '61.1', '126', '7.0', '1', '0', '22', '2/15', '100.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1998', 5, '09/20/98', 'Jax', 'Bal', 'W, 24-10', '34', '25', '73.5', '376', '11.1', '2', '0', '72t', '3/11', '129.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1998', 5, '09/27/98', 'Jax', '@ Ten', 'W, 27-22', '28', '17', '60.7', '155', '5.5', '2', '2', '30', '2/6', '69.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1998', 5, '10/12/98', 'Jax', 'Mia', 'W, 28-21', '18', '12', '66.7', '213', '11.8', '2', '1', '56t', '2/14', '120.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1998', 5, '10/18/98', 'Jax', '@ Buf', 'L, 17-16', '28', '16', '57.1', '119', '4.2', '0', '0', '14', '3/15', '67.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1998', 5, '10/25/98', 'Jax', '@ Den', 'L, 37-24', '46', '28', '60.9', '353', '7.7', '3', '0', '31t', '7/71', '106.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1998', 5, '11/01/98', 'Jax', '@ Bal', 'W, 45-19', '20', '13', '65.0', '237', '11.8', '2', '1', '78t', '2/5', '118.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1998', 5, '11/08/98', 'Jax', 'Cin', 'W, 24-11', '12', '5', '41.7', '111', '9.2', '1', '0', '55', '1/8', '103.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1998', 5, '11/15/98', 'Jax', 'TB', 'W, 29-24', '37', '22', '59.5', '248', '6.7', '0', '0', '30', '3/18', '79.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1998', 5, '11/22/98', 'Jax', '@ Pit', 'L, 30-15', '42', '18', '42.9', '212', '5.0', '1', '3', '33t', '1/8', '37.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1998', 5, '11/29/98', 'Jax', '@ Cin', 'W, 34-17', '35', '19', '54.3', '244', '7.0', '4', '0', '50', '1/1', '114.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1998', 5, '12/06/98', 'Jax', 'Det', 'W, 37-22', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1998', 5, '01/03/99', 'Jax', 'NE', 'W, 25-10', '34', '14', '41.2', '161', '4.7', '1', '0', '37t', '2/13', '65.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1998', 5, '01/10/99', 'Jax', '@ NYJ', 'L, 34-24', '31', '12', '38.7', '156', '5.0', '3', '3', '52t', '0/0', '48.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 18 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1999', 6, '09/12/99', 'Jax', 'SF', 'W, 41-3', '30', '22', '73.3', '265', '8.8', '1', '0', '57', '2/18', '111.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 18 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1999', 6, '09/19/99', 'Jax', '@ Car', 'W, 22-20', '32', '20', '62.5', '214', '6.7', '0', '0', '31', '2/14', '82.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 18 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1999', 6, '09/26/99', 'Jax', 'Ten', 'L, 20-19', '42', '22', '52.4', '232', '5.5', '1', '3', '28', '0/0', '46.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 18 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1999', 6, '10/03/99', 'Jax', '@ Pit', 'W, 17-3', '25', '10', '40.0', '85', '3.4', '1', '1', '15', '1/5', '46.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 18 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1999', 6, '10/11/99', 'Jax', '@ NYJ', 'W, 16-6', '35', '21', '60.0', '215', '6.1', '0', '0', '33', '2/18', '77.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 18 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1999', 6, '10/17/99', 'Jax', 'Cle', 'W, 24-7', '19', '12', '63.2', '109', '5.7', '0', '0', '14', '0/0', '78.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 18 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1999', 6, '10/31/99', 'Jax', '@ Cin', 'W, 41-10', '19', '11', '57.9', '145', '7.6', '2', '0', '38', '1/10', '117.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 18 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1999', 6, '11/07/99', 'Jax', '@ Atl', 'W, 30-7', '27', '14', '51.9', '203', '7.5', '3', '0', '44t', '2/16', '113.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 18 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1999', 6, '11/14/99', 'Jax', 'Bal', 'W, 6-3', '29', '20', '69.0', '118', '4.1', '0', '0', '12', '6/33', '76.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 18 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1999', 6, '11/21/99', 'Jax', 'NO', 'W, 41-23', '30', '19', '63.3', '351', '11.7', '2', '1', '57', '3/17', '111.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 18 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1999', 6, '11/28/99', 'Jax', '@ Bal', 'W, 30-23', '47', '27', '57.4', '338', '7.2', '2', '2', '24', '3/10', '76.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 18 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1999', 6, '12/02/99', 'Jax', 'Pit', 'W, 20-6', '37', '25', '67.6', '308', '8.3', '1', '0', '49', '2/10', '102.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 18 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1999', 6, '12/13/99', 'Jax', 'Den', 'W, 27-24', '25', '11', '44.0', '115', '4.6', '0', '0', '25', '3/11', '57.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 18 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1999', 6, '12/19/99', 'Jax', '@ Cle', 'W, 24-14', '33', '21', '63.6', '267', '8.1', '1', '1', '34', '1/6', '86.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 18 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1999', 6, '12/26/99', 'Jax', '@ Ten', 'L, 41-14', '11', '4', '36.4', '95', '8.6', '0', '1', '62', '1/6', '30.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 18 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1999', 6, '01/15/00', 'Jax', 'Mia', 'W, 62-7', '9', '5', '55.6', '105', '11.7', '2', '0', '41', '2/14', '136.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 17 of 18 total rows
['brunell, mark', '1999', 6, '01/23/00', 'Jax', 'Ten', 'L, 33-14', '38', '19', '50.0', '226', '5.9', '1', '2', '37', '3/15', '55.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2000', 7, '09/03/00', 'Jax', '@ Cle', 'W, 27-7', '34', '24', '70.6', '301', '8.9', '1', '0', '27', '4/22', '107.6', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2000', 7, '09/10/00', 'Jax', '@ Bal', 'L, 39-36', '50', '28', '56.0', '386', '7.7', '3', '2', '45t', '4/11', '84.2', '2', '3', '1.50', '3', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2000', 7, '09/17/00', 'Jax', 'Cin', 'W, 13-0', '32', '20', '62.5', '176', '5.5', '1', '1', '21t', '4/19', '74.5', '5', '25', '5.00', '13', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2000', 7, '09/25/00', 'Jax', '@ Ind', 'L, 43-14', '36', '21', '58.3', '229', '6.4', '2', '2', '31', '5/40', '72.6', '6', '35', '5.83', '13', '0', '3']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2000', 7, '10/01/00', 'Jax', 'Pit', 'L, 24-13', '32', '15', '46.9', '137', '4.3', '0', '1', '19', '7/45', '46.0', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2000', 7, '10/08/00', 'Jax', 'Bal', 'L, 15-10', '28', '18', '64.3', '167', '6.0', '0', '2', '18', '3/7', '50.7', '8', '32', '4.00', '14', '0', '2']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2000', 7, '10/16/00', 'Jax', '@ Ten', 'L, 27-13', '27', '18', '66.7', '196', '7.3', '0', '0', '48', '5/35', '87.9', '3', '18', '6.00', '9', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2000', 7, '10/22/00', 'Jax', 'Was', 'L, 35-16', '42', '21', '50.0', '271', '6.5', '1', '2', '33t', '6/32', '58.7', '2', '12', '6.00', '7', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2000', 7, '10/29/00', 'Jax', '@ Dal', 'W, 23-17', '24', '20', '83.3', '231', '9.6', '3', '0', '37t', '0/0', '146.4', '5', '41', '8.20', '16', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2000', 7, '11/12/00', 'Jax', 'Sea', 'L, 28-21', '33', '24', '72.7', '340', '10.3', '1', '0', '67t', '5/25', '115.7', '4', '15', '3.75', '8', '1', '1']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2000', 7, '11/19/00', 'Jax', '@ Pit', 'W, 34-24', '31', '17', '54.8', '190', '6.1', '1', '1', '30', '3/13', '70.6', '3', '1', '0.33', '3', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2000', 7, '11/26/00', 'Jax', 'Ten', 'W, 16-13', '25', '15', '60.0', '237', '9.5', '1', '2', '45', '3/14', '71.6', '3', '1', '0.33', '1', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2000', 7, '12/03/00', 'Jax', 'Cle', 'W, 48-0', '31', '15', '48.4', '165', '5.3', '1', '0', '22', '2/13', '75.3', '2', '14', '7.00', '8t', '1', '1']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2000', 7, '12/10/00', 'Jax', 'Ari', 'W, 44-10', '18', '13', '72.2', '182', '10.1', '2', '0', '37', '0/0', '141.4', '2', '30', '15.00', '16', '0', '2']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2000', 7, '12/17/00', 'Jax', '@ Cin', 'L, 17-14', '28', '19', '67.9', '170', '6.1', '1', '0', '20', '1/8', '95.8', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2000', 7, '12/23/00', 'Jax', '@ NYG', 'L, 28-25', '41', '23', '56.1', '262', '6.4', '2', '1', '50', '2/5', '81.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2001', 8, '09/09/01', 'Jax', 'Pit', 'W, 21-3', '26', '15', '57.7', '198', '7.6', '3', '0', '34t', '1/0', '120.4', '3', '7', '2.33', '6', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2001', 8, '09/23/01', 'Jax', 'Ten', 'W, 13-6', '27', '17', '63.0', '235', '8.7', '0', '0', '40', '3/25', '90.8', '6', '19', '3.17', '7', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2001', 8, '09/30/01', 'Jax', 'Cle', 'L, 23-14', '7', '4', '57.1', '34', '4.9', '0', '1', '14', '1/5', '30.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2001', 8, '10/07/01', 'Jax', '@ Sea', 'L, 24-15', '39', '21', '53.8', '233', '6.0', '1', '0', '24', '3/34', '80.4', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2001', 8, '10/18/01', 'Jax', 'Buf', 'L, 13-10', '26', '16', '61.5', '150', '5.8', '1', '2', '22', '4/18', '58.2', '4', '27', '6.75', '12', '0', '2']
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2001', 8, '10/28/01', 'Jax', '@ Bal', 'L, 18-17', '37', '25', '67.6', '306', '8.3', '2', '0', '35t', '3/22', '110.9', '4', '55', '13.75', '38', '0', '2']
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2001', 8, '11/04/01', 'Jax', '@ Ten', 'L, 28-24', '32', '21', '65.6', '261', '8.2', '1', '1', '30', '5/22', '88.2', '2', '21', '10.50', '15', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2001', 8, '11/11/01', 'Jax', 'Cin', 'W, 30-13', '32', '20', '62.5', '189', '5.9', '2', '0', '20t', '3/25', '99.6', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2001', 8, '11/25/01', 'Jax', 'Bal', 'L, 24-21', '38', '23', '60.5', '259', '6.8', '1', '0', '26', '4/29', '89.7', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2001', 8, '12/03/01', 'Jax', 'GB', 'L, 28-21', '45', '26', '57.8', '311', '6.9', '1', '2', '29t', '5/25', '67.9', '3', '23', '7.67', '10', '0', '2']
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2001', 8, '12/09/01', 'Jax', '@ Cin', 'W, 14-10', '32', '23', '71.9', '242', '7.6', '2', '1', '29', '8/49', '101.3', '5', '21', '4.20', '13', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2001', 8, '12/16/01', 'Jax', '@ Cle', 'W, 15-10', '35', '20', '57.1', '202', '5.8', '1', '2', '20', '8/48', '59.5', '5', '13', '2.60', '10', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2001', 8, '12/23/01', 'Jax', '@ Min', 'W, 33-3', '24', '17', '70.8', '217', '9.0', '1', '0', '34', '1/8', '112.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2001', 8, '12/30/01', 'Jax', 'KC', 'L, 30-26', '37', '22', '59.5', '283', '7.6', '1', '1', '44', '4/34', '81.2', '3', '27', '9.00', '18', '1', '2']
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2001', 8, '01/06/02', 'Jax', '@ Chi', 'L, 33-13', '36', '19', '52.8', '189', '5.2', '2', '3', '22', '4/43', '51.7', '1', '6', '6.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2002', 9, '09/08/02', 'Jax', 'Ind', 'L, 28-25', '36', '22', '61.1', '228', '6.3', '2', '1', '23', '1/3', '86.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2002', 9, '09/15/02', 'Jax', '@ KC', 'W, 23-16', '36', '25', '69.4', '320', '8.9', '2', '0', '79t', '0/0', '115.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2002', 9, '09/29/02', 'Jax', 'NYJ', 'W, 28-3', '15', '10', '66.7', '173', '11.5', '0', '0', '72', '1/6', '105.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2002', 9, '10/06/02', 'Jax', 'Phi', 'W, 28-25', '23', '13', '56.5', '197', '8.6', '1', '0', '47', '1/0', '99.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2002', 9, '10/13/02', 'Jax', '@ Ten', 'L, 23-14', '6', '3', '50.0', '31', '5.2', '0', '0', '15', '0/0', '65.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2002', 9, '10/20/02', 'Jax', '@ Bal', 'L, 17-10', '46', '24', '52.2', '231', '5.0', '0', '3', '33', '2/7', '39.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2002', 9, '10/27/02', 'Jax', 'Hou', 'L, 21-19', '34', '16', '47.1', '202', '5.9', '1', '0', '25t', '5/38', '75.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2002', 9, '11/03/02', 'Jax', '@ NYG', 'L, 24-17', '38', '23', '60.5', '230', '6.1', '2', '0', '32', '2/27', '95.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2002', 9, '11/10/02', 'Jax', 'Was', 'W, 26-7', '29', '19', '65.5', '194', '6.7', '0', '0', '48', '3/27', '84.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2002', 9, '11/17/02', 'Jax', '@ Hou', 'W, 24-21', '25', '15', '60.0', '224', '9.0', '2', '1', '45', '5/25', '99.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2002', 9, '11/24/02', 'Jax', '@ Dal', 'L, 21-19', '40', '22', '55.0', '202', '5.0', '1', '1', '26', '2/8', '66.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2002', 9, '12/01/02', 'Jax', 'Pit', 'L, 25-23', '23', '12', '52.2', '146', '6.3', '2', '0', '42t', '3/22', '101.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2002', 9, '12/08/02', 'Jax', 'Cle', 'L, 21-20', '14', '10', '71.4', '73', '5.2', '1', '0', '17', '3/19', '107.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2002', 9, '12/15/02', 'Jax', '@ Cin', 'W, 29-15', '28', '19', '67.9', '223', '8.0', '3', '0', '26t', '3/11', '127.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2002', 9, '12/22/02', 'Jax', 'Ten', 'L, 28-10', '23', '12', '52.2', '114', '5.0', '0', '1', '25', '3/17', '48.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2003', 10, '09/07/03', 'Jax', '@ Car', 'L, 24-23', '27', '23', '85.2', '272', '10.1', '2', '0', '65t', '4/16', '133.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2003', 10, '09/14/03', 'Jax', 'Buf', 'L, 38-17', '32', '19', '59.4', '122', '3.8', '0', '0', '26', '3/22', '67.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2003', 10, '09/21/03', 'Jax', '@ Ind', 'L, 23-13', '23', '12', '52.2', '90', '3.9', '0', '0', '17', '2/8', '61.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 10 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2004', 11, '09/12/04', 'Was', 'TB', 'W, 16-10', '24', '13', '54.2', '125', '5.2', '0', '0', '27', '0/0', '68.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 10 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2004', 11, '09/19/04', 'Was', '@ NYG', 'L, 20-14', '18', '10', '55.6', '92', '5.1', '1', '1', '16', '1/6', '65.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 10 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2004', 11, '09/27/04', 'Was', 'Dal', 'L, 21-18', '43', '25', '58.1', '325', '7.6', '2', '0', '49', '5/35', '97.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 10 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2004', 11, '10/03/04', 'Was', '@ Cle', 'L, 17-13', '32', '17', '53.1', '192', '6.0', '0', '0', '45', '0/0', '71.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 10 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2004', 11, '10/10/04', 'Was', 'Bal', 'L, 17-10', '29', '13', '44.8', '83', '2.9', '1', '1', '14', '3/28', '49.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 10 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2004', 11, '10/17/04', 'Was', '@ Chi', 'W, 13-10', '22', '8', '36.4', '95', '4.3', '1', '1', '21', '1/2', '46.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 10 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2004', 11, '10/31/04', 'Was', 'GB', 'L, 28-14', '44', '25', '56.8', '218', '5.0', '2', '2', '23', '4/27', '66.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 10 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2004', 11, '11/07/04', 'Was', '@ Det', 'W, 17-10', '17', '6', '35.3', '58', '3.4', '0', '0', '13', '0/0', '45.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 10 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2004', 11, '11/14/04', 'Was', 'Cin', 'L, 17-10', '8', '1', '12.5', '6', '0.8', '0', '1', '6', '1/7', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 19 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2005', 12, '09/11/05', 'Was', 'Chi', 'W, 9-7', '14', '8', '57.1', '70', '5.0', '0', '0', '23', '1/8', '70.5', '5', '-2', '-0.40', '1', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 19 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2005', 12, '09/19/05', 'Was', '@ Dal', 'W, 14-13', '34', '20', '58.8', '291', '8.6', '2', '1', '70t', '5/49', '94.1', '4', '35', '8.75', '25', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 19 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2005', 12, '10/02/05', 'Was', 'Sea', 'W, 20-17', '36', '20', '55.6', '226', '6.3', '2', '1', '30', '2/15', '81.5', '2', '16', '8.00', '18', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 19 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2005', 12, '10/09/05', 'Was', '@ Den', 'L, 21-19', '53', '30', '56.6', '322', '6.1', '2', '0', '32', '0/0', '87.1', '4', '17', '4.25', '14', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 19 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2005', 12, '10/16/05', 'Was', '@ KC', 'L, 28-21', '41', '25', '61.0', '331', '8.1', '3', '0', '78t', '4/34', '110.9', '2', '2', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 19 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2005', 12, '10/23/05', 'Was', 'SF', 'W, 52-17', '20', '13', '65.0', '252', '12.6', '3', '0', '43', '1/7', '147.9', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 19 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2005', 12, '10/30/05', 'Was', '@ NYG', 'L, 36-0', '28', '11', '39.3', '65', '2.3', '0', '1', '15', '3/21', '32.4', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 19 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2005', 12, '11/06/05', 'Was', 'Phi', 'W, 17-10', '29', '21', '72.4', '224', '7.7', '0', '0', '26', '2/9', '94.6', '4', '4', '1.00', '4', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 19 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2005', 12, '11/13/05', 'Was', '@ TB', 'L, 36-35', '35', '23', '65.7', '226', '6.5', '2', '2', '42', '2/22', '79.0', '3', '15', '5.00', '11', '0', '2']
in row 10 of 19 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2005', 12, '11/20/05', 'Was', 'Oak', 'L, 16-13', '32', '14', '43.8', '155', '4.8', '0', '0', '27', '2/17', '58.7', '2', '10', '5.00', '6', '0', '2']
in row 11 of 19 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2005', 12, '11/27/05', 'Was', 'SD', 'L, 23-17', '27', '17', '63.0', '194', '7.2', '1', '0', '23', '2/3', '96.8', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 19 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2005', 12, '12/04/05', 'Was', '@ Stl', 'W, 24-9', '21', '14', '66.7', '156', '7.4', '1', '0', '30', '1/6', '104.5', '3', '0', '0.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 19 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2005', 12, '12/11/05', 'Was', '@ Ari', 'W, 17-13', '28', '18', '64.3', '122', '4.4', '0', '3', '21', '0/0', '34.2', '3', '-2', '-0.67', '0', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 19 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2005', 12, '12/18/05', 'Was', 'Dal', 'W, 35-7', '20', '12', '60.0', '163', '8.2', '4', '0', '42', '0/0', '125.6', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 19 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2005', 12, '12/24/05', 'Was', 'NYG', 'W, 35-20', '11', '7', '63.6', '112', '10.2', '2', '1', '59t', '1/9', '99.2', '2', '8', '4.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 16 of 19 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2005', 12, '01/01/06', 'Was', '@ Phi', 'W, 31-20', '25', '9', '36.0', '141', '5.6', '1', '1', '54', '1/13', '52.3', '4', '9', '2.25', '12', '0', '1']
in row 17 of 19 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2005', 12, '01/07/06', 'Was', '@ TB', 'W, 17-10', '15', '7', '46.7', '41', '2.7', '0', '1', '15', '2/16', '25.7', '4', '6', '1.50', '9', '0', '1']
in row 18 of 19 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2005', 12, '01/14/06', 'Was', '@ Sea', 'L, 20-10', '37', '22', '59.5', '242', '6.5', '1', '0', '52', '2/12', '87.9', '4', '12', '3.00', '7', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 11 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2006', 13, '09/11/06', 'Was', 'Min', 'L, 19-16', '28', '17', '60.7', '163', '5.8', '0', '0', '37', '0/0', '76.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 11 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2006', 13, '09/17/06', 'Was', '@ Dal', 'L, 27-10', '32', '18', '56.2', '197', '6.2', '0', '1', '24', '6/45', '61.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 11 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2006', 13, '09/24/06', 'Was', '@ Hou', 'W, 31-15', '27', '24', '88.9', '261', '9.7', '1', '0', '74', '0/0', '119.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 11 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2006', 13, '10/01/06', 'Was', 'Jax', 'W, 36-30', '30', '18', '60.0', '329', '11.0', '3', '1', '68t', '0/0', '117.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 11 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2006', 13, '10/08/06', 'Was', '@ NYG', 'L, 19-3', '22', '12', '54.5', '109', '5.0', '0', '0', '17', '3/23', '68.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 11 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2006', 13, '10/15/06', 'Was', 'Ten', 'L, 25-22', '30', '16', '53.3', '180', '6.0', '1', '1', '52', '0/0', '68.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 11 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2006', 13, '10/22/06', 'Was', '@ Ind', 'L, 36-22', '37', '27', '73.0', '226', '6.1', '2', '0', '30', '2/15', '106.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 11 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2006', 13, '11/05/06', 'Was', 'Dal', 'W, 22-19', '23', '14', '60.9', '192', '8.3', '1', '0', '27', '1/9', '102.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 11 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2006', 13, '11/12/06', 'Was', '@ Phi', 'L, 27-3', '31', '16', '51.6', '132', '4.3', '0', '1', '43', '0/0', '49.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 11 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2006', 13, '12/30/06', 'Was', 'NYG', 'L, 34-28', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 5 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2009', 16, '10/18/09', 'NO', 'NYG', 'W, 48-27', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 5 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2009', 16, '11/22/09', 'NO', '@ TB', 'W, 38-7', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 5 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2009', 16, '12/13/09', 'NO', '@ Atl', 'W, 26-23', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 5 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2009', 16, '01/03/10', 'NO', '@ Car', 'L, 23-10', '29', '15', '51.7', '102', '3.5', '0', '1', '18', '0/0', '45.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2010', 17, '10/03/10', 'NYJ', '@ Buf', 'W, 38-14', '1', '1', '100.0', '7', '7.0', '0', '0', '7', '0/0', '95.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2010', 17, '01/02/11', 'NYJ', 'Buf', 'W, 38-7', '12', '6', '50.0', '110', '9.2', '2', '1', '52t', '1/7', '86.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['brunell, mark', '2011', 18, '12/18/11', 'NYJ', '@ Phi', 'L, 45-19', '3', '1', '33.3', '27', '9.0', '0', '0', '27', '0/0', '67.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2009', 1, '09/13/09', 'NYJ', '@ Hou', 'W, 24-7', '31', '18', '58.1', '272', '8.8', '1', '1', '40', '0/0', '84.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2009', 1, '09/20/09', 'NYJ', 'NE', 'W, 16-9', '22', '14', '63.6', '163', '7.4', '1', '0', '45', '2/26', '101.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2009', 1, '09/27/09', 'NYJ', 'Ten', 'W, 24-17', '30', '17', '56.7', '171', '5.7', '2', '1', '46', '3/25', '81.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2009', 1, '10/04/09', 'NYJ', '@ NO', 'L, 24-10', '27', '14', '51.9', '138', '5.1', '0', '3', '27', '4/26', '27.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2009', 1, '10/12/09', 'NYJ', '@ Mia', 'L, 31-27', '24', '12', '50.0', '172', '7.2', '1', '0', '53', '1/1', '87.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2009', 1, '10/18/09', 'NYJ', 'Buf', 'L, 16-13', '29', '10', '34.5', '119', '4.1', '0', '5', '33', '2/23', '8.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2009', 1, '10/25/09', 'NYJ', '@ Oak', 'W, 38-0', '16', '9', '56.2', '143', '8.9', '1', '0', '35t', '1/12', '107.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2009', 1, '11/01/09', 'NYJ', 'Mia', 'L, 30-25', '35', '20', '57.1', '265', '7.6', '2', '0', '53', '2/14', '100.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2009', 1, '11/15/09', 'NYJ', 'Jax', 'L, 24-22', '30', '16', '53.3', '212', '7.1', '1', '2', '41', '0/0', '59.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2009', 1, '11/22/09', 'NYJ', '@ NE', 'L, 31-14', '21', '8', '38.1', '136', '6.5', '1', '4', '33', '2/14', '37.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2009', 1, '11/29/09', 'NYJ', 'Car', 'W, 17-6', '17', '13', '76.5', '154', '9.1', '0', '1', '26', '3/10', '79.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2009', 1, '12/03/09', 'NYJ', '@ Buf', 'W, 19-13', '15', '7', '46.7', '104', '6.9', '1', '0', '45', '2/18', '92.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2009', 1, '12/20/09', 'NYJ', 'Atl', 'L, 10-7', '32', '18', '56.2', '226', '7.1', '1', '3', '65t', '2/11', '49.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2009', 1, '12/27/09', 'NYJ', '@ Ind', 'W, 29-15', '19', '12', '63.2', '106', '5.6', '0', '0', '16', '2/15', '78.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2009', 1, '01/03/10', 'NYJ', 'Cin', 'W, 37-0', '16', '8', '50.0', '63', '3.9', '0', '0', '14', '0/0', '60.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2009', 1, '01/09/10', 'NYJ', '@ Cin', 'W, 24-14', '15', '12', '80.0', '182', '12.1', '1', '0', '45t', '0/0', '139.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 17 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2009', 1, '01/17/10', 'NYJ', '@ SD', 'W, 17-14', '23', '12', '52.2', '100', '4.3', '1', '1', '21', '1/7', '60.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 18 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2009', 1, '01/24/10', 'NYJ', '@ Ind', 'L, 30-17', '30', '17', '56.7', '257', '8.6', '2', '1', '80t', '0/0', '93.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2010', 2, '09/13/10', 'NYJ', 'Bal', 'L, 10-9', '21', '10', '47.6', '74', '3.5', '0', '0', '13', '2/14', '56.4', '2', '5', '2.50', '6', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2010', 2, '09/19/10', 'NYJ', 'NE', 'W, 28-14', '30', '21', '70.0', '220', '7.3', '3', '0', '39', '3/20', '124.3', '4', '2', '0.50', '3', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2010', 2, '09/26/10', 'NYJ', '@ Mia', 'W, 31-23', '28', '15', '53.6', '256', '9.1', '3', '0', '67t', '0/0', '120.5', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2010', 2, '10/03/10', 'NYJ', '@ Buf', 'W, 38-14', '24', '14', '58.3', '161', '6.7', '2', '0', '41t', '0/0', '106.4', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2010', 2, '10/11/10', 'NYJ', 'Min', 'W, 29-20', '44', '21', '47.7', '191', '4.3', '0', '0', '31', '2/18', '59.9', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2010', 2, '10/17/10', 'NYJ', '@ Den', 'W, 24-20', '30', '17', '56.7', '198', '6.6', '1', '2', '41', '2/8', '60.1', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2010', 2, '10/31/10', 'NYJ', 'GB', 'L, 9-0', '38', '16', '42.1', '256', '6.7', '0', '2', '49', '2/15', '43.3', '2', '22', '11.00', '20', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2010', 2, '11/07/10', 'NYJ', '@ Det', 'W, 23-20', '39', '22', '56.4', '336', '8.6', '1', '1', '74t', '1/9', '82.9', '3', '1', '0.33', '1t', '1', '1']
in row 9 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2010', 2, '11/14/10', 'NYJ', '@ Cle', 'W, 26-20', '44', '27', '61.4', '299', '6.8', '2', '1', '37t', '2/15', '87.2', '2', '4', '2.00', '3', '1', '1']
in row 10 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2010', 2, '11/21/10', 'NYJ', 'Hou', 'W, 30-27', '38', '22', '57.9', '315', '8.3', '3', '1', '42', '3/17', '100.2', '2', '22', '11.00', '12', '0', '2']
in row 11 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2010', 2, '11/25/10', 'NYJ', 'Cin', 'W, 26-10', '28', '16', '57.1', '166', '5.9', '1', '1', '23', '2/17', '71.4', '3', '-4', '-1.33', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2010', 2, '12/06/10', 'NYJ', '@ NE', 'L, 45-3', '33', '17', '51.5', '164', '5.0', '0', '3', '24', '1/15', '27.8', '4', '20', '5.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2010', 2, '12/12/10', 'NYJ', 'Mia', 'L, 10-6', '44', '17', '38.6', '216', '4.9', '0', '1', '42', '6/23', '45.3', '2', '20', '10.00', '14', '0', '2']
in row 14 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2010', 2, '12/19/10', 'NYJ', '@ Pit', 'W, 22-17', '29', '19', '65.5', '170', '5.9', '0', '0', '38', '1/0', '81.1', '3', '15', '5.00', '7t', '1', '2']
in row 15 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2010', 2, '12/26/10', 'NYJ', '@ Chi', 'L, 38-34', '37', '24', '64.9', '269', '7.3', '1', '1', '26', '0/0', '84.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2010', 2, '01/08/11', 'NYJ', '@ Ind', 'W, 17-16', '31', '18', '58.1', '189', '6.1', '0', '1', '24', '1/5', '62.4', '1', '6', '6.00', '6', '0', '1']
in row 17 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2010', 2, '01/16/11', 'NYJ', '@ NE', 'W, 28-21', '25', '16', '64.0', '194', '7.8', '3', '0', '58', '0/0', '127.3', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 18 of 19 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2010', 2, '01/23/11', 'NYJ', '@ Pit', 'L, 24-19', '33', '20', '60.6', '233', '7.1', '2', '0', '45t', '2/14', '102.2', '3', '6', '2.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2011', 3, '09/11/11', 'NYJ', 'Dal', 'W, 27-24', '44', '26', '59.1', '335', '7.6', '2', '1', '33', '4/20', '88.7', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2011', 3, '09/18/11', 'NYJ', 'Jax', 'W, 32-3', '24', '17', '70.8', '182', '7.6', '2', '2', '37', '1/0', '85.8', '3', '29', '9.67', '17', '0', '2']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2011', 3, '09/25/11', 'NYJ', '@ Oak', 'L, 34-24', '44', '27', '61.4', '369', '8.4', '2', '1', '74', '4/30', '93.8', '2', '2', '1.00', '1t', '1', '1']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2011', 3, '10/02/11', 'NYJ', '@ Bal', 'L, 34-17', '35', '11', '31.4', '119', '3.4', '0', '1', '30', '2/7', '30.5', '3', '3', '1.00', '3', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2011', 3, '10/09/11', 'NYJ', '@ NE', 'L, 30-21', '26', '16', '61.5', '166', '6.4', '2', '0', '22', '2/8', '105.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2011', 3, '10/17/11', 'NYJ', 'Mia', 'W, 24-6', '25', '14', '56.0', '201', '8.0', '1', '0', '38t', '1/7', '95.6', '1', '5', '5.00', '5t', '1', '1']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2011', 3, '10/23/11', 'NYJ', 'SD', 'W, 27-21', '33', '18', '54.5', '173', '5.2', '3', '1', '34', '2/17', '87.1', '3', '25', '8.33', '25', '0', '2']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2011', 3, '11/06/11', 'NYJ', '@ Buf', 'W, 27-11', '28', '20', '71.4', '230', '8.2', '1', '1', '24', '1/8', '92.9', '4', '-3', '-0.75', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2011', 3, '11/13/11', 'NYJ', 'NE', 'L, 37-16', '39', '20', '51.3', '306', '7.8', '1', '2', '38', '5/38', '64.7', '5', '11', '2.20', '4', '1', '2']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2011', 3, '11/17/11', 'NYJ', '@ Den', 'L, 17-13', '40', '24', '60.0', '252', '6.3', '0', '1', '30', '3/17', '67.9', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2011', 3, '11/27/11', 'NYJ', 'Buf', 'W, 28-24', '35', '17', '48.6', '180', '5.1', '4', '1', '22', '0/0', '90.2', '2', '5', '2.50', '3', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2011', 3, '12/04/11', 'NYJ', '@ Was', 'W, 34-19', '32', '19', '59.4', '165', '5.2', '1', '0', '30t', '0/0', '83.5', '3', '1', '0.33', '3', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2011', 3, '12/11/11', 'NYJ', 'KC', 'W, 37-10', '21', '13', '61.9', '181', '8.6', '2', '0', '36', '3/26', '121.3', '2', '4', '2.00', '3t', '2', '2']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2011', 3, '12/18/11', 'NYJ', '@ Phi', 'L, 45-19', '26', '15', '57.7', '150', '5.8', '2', '2', '41', '4/30', '67.8', '2', '3', '1.50', '2', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2011', 3, '12/24/11', 'NYJ', 'NYG', 'L, 29-14', '59', '30', '50.8', '258', '4.4', '1', '2', '15', '5/32', '54.2', '4', '13', '3.25', '11', '1', '1']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2011', 3, '01/01/12', 'NYJ', '@ Mia', 'L, 19-17', '32', '21', '65.6', '207', '6.5', '2', '3', '30', '2/3', '65.5', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2012', 4, '09/09/12', 'NYJ', 'Buf', 'W, 48-28', '27', '19', '70.4', '266', '9.9', '3', '1', '33t', '0/0', '123.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2012', 4, '09/16/12', 'NYJ', '@ Pit', 'L, 27-10', '27', '10', '37.0', '138', '5.1', '1', '0', '45', '2/9', '66.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2012', 4, '09/23/12', 'NYJ', '@ Mia', 'W, 23-20', '45', '21', '46.7', '306', '6.8', '1', '2', '66', '1/6', '58.2', '1', '4', '4.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2012', 4, '09/30/12', 'NYJ', 'SF', 'L, 34-0', '29', '13', '44.8', '103', '3.6', '0', '1', '22', '3/12', '39.9', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2012', 4, '10/08/12', 'NYJ', 'Hou', 'L, 23-17', '31', '14', '45.2', '230', '7.4', '1', '2', '36', '3/13', '54.5', '2', '1', '0.50', '1', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2012', 4, '10/14/12', 'NYJ', 'Ind', 'W, 35-9', '18', '11', '61.1', '82', '4.6', '2', '0', '12', '1/6', '109.0', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2012', 4, '10/21/12', 'NYJ', '@ NE', 'L, 29-26', '41', '28', '68.3', '328', '8.0', '1', '1', '26', '4/31', '90.3', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2012', 4, '10/28/12', 'NYJ', 'Mia', 'L, 30-9', '54', '28', '51.9', '283', '5.2', '1', '1', '23', '4/25', '65.6', '1', '6', '6.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2012', 4, '11/11/12', 'NYJ', '@ Sea', 'L, 28-7', '22', '9', '40.9', '124', '5.6', '0', '1', '43', '3/31', '40.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2012', 4, '11/18/12', 'NYJ', '@ Stl', 'W, 27-13', '20', '15', '75.0', '178', '8.9', '1', '0', '32', '3/12', '118.3', '4', '-2', '-0.50', '8', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2012', 4, '11/22/12', 'NYJ', 'NE', 'L, 49-19', '36', '26', '72.2', '301', '8.4', '1', '1', '39', '2/15', '94.8', '2', '2', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2012', 4, '12/02/12', 'NYJ', 'Ari', 'W, 7-6', '21', '10', '47.6', '97', '4.6', '0', '3', '24', '3/14', '21.4', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2012', 4, '12/09/12', 'NYJ', '@ Jax', 'W, 17-10', '19', '12', '63.2', '111', '5.8', '0', '0', '37', '1/7', '79.1', '3', '11', '3.67', '8', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2012', 4, '12/17/12', 'NYJ', '@ Ten', 'L, 14-10', '28', '13', '46.4', '131', '4.7', '1', '4', '22', '3/22', '32.6', '4', '6', '1.50', '3', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2012', 4, '12/30/12', 'NYJ', '@ Buf', 'L, 28-9', '35', '17', '48.6', '205', '5.9', '0', '1', '40', '1/6', '55.1', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 10 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2014', 6, '11/02/14', 'Phi', '@ Hou', 'W, 31-21', '22', '15', '68.2', '202', '9.2', '2', '2', '52', '2/13', '89.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 10 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2014', 6, '11/10/14', 'Phi', 'Car', 'W, 45-21', '37', '20', '54.1', '332', '9.0', '2', '0', '37', '1/4', '102.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 10 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2014', 6, '11/16/14', 'Phi', '@ GB', 'L, 53-20', '44', '26', '59.1', '346', '7.9', '2', '2', '40', '3/26', '80.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 10 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2014', 6, '11/23/14', 'Phi', 'Ten', 'W, 43-24', '43', '30', '69.8', '307', '7.1', '1', '2', '24', '2/9', '78.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 10 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2014', 6, '11/27/14', 'Phi', '@ Dal', 'W, 33-10', '29', '20', '69.0', '217', '7.5', '1', '0', '58', '1/9', '102.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 10 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2014', 6, '12/07/14', 'Phi', 'Sea', 'L, 24-14', '20', '10', '50.0', '96', '4.8', '2', '1', '35t', '3/14', '76.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 10 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2014', 6, '12/14/14', 'Phi', 'Dal', 'L, 38-27', '28', '17', '60.7', '252', '9.0', '0', '2', '72', '4/33', '60.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 10 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2014', 6, '12/20/14', 'Phi', '@ Was', 'L, 27-24', '50', '37', '74.0', '374', '7.5', '2', '1', '26', '3/13', '99.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 10 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2014', 6, '12/28/14', 'Phi', '@ NYG', 'W, 34-26', '36', '23', '63.9', '292', '8.1', '2', '1', '44t', '4/30', '96.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2015', 7, '11/15/15', 'Phi', 'Mia', 'L, 20-19', '23', '14', '60.9', '156', '6.8', '0', '1', '20', '0/0', '63.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2015', 7, '11/22/15', 'Phi', 'TB', 'L, 45-17', '41', '26', '63.4', '261', '6.4', '2', '3', '39t', '3/14', '67.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2015', 7, '11/26/15', 'Phi', '@ Det', 'L, 45-14', '27', '19', '70.4', '199', '7.4', '2', '0', '43', '6/40', '116.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2016', 8, '11/06/16', 'Dal', '@ Cle', 'W, 35-10', '1', '1', '100.0', '8', '8.0', '0', '0', '8', '0/0', '100.0', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['sanchez, mark', '2016', 8, '01/01/17', 'Dal', '@ Phi', 'L, 27-13', '17', '9', '52.9', '85', '5.0', '0', '2', '33', '3/25', '27.5', '2', '0', '0.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2005', 1, '10/02/05', 'NE', 'SD', 'L, 41-17', '4', '2', '50.0', '15', '3.8', '0', '1', '12', '0/0', '19.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2005', 1, '01/01/06', 'NE', 'Mia', 'L, 28-26', '20', '11', '55.0', '168', '8.4', '2', '0', '36', '1/1', '116.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2005', 1, '01/07/06', 'NE', 'Jax', 'W, 28-3', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 6 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2006', 2, '10/30/06', 'NE', '@ Min', 'W, 31-7', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 6 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2006', 2, '11/19/06', 'NE', '@ GB', 'W, 35-0', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '1/5', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 6 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2006', 2, '12/10/06', 'NE', '@ Mia', 'L, 21-0', '3', '2', '66.7', '12', '4.0', '0', '0', '8', '1/4', '74.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 6 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2006', 2, '12/17/06', 'NE', 'Hou', 'W, 40-7', '4', '3', '75.0', '20', '5.0', '0', '0', '10', '0/0', '85.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 6 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2006', 2, '12/31/06', 'NE', '@ Ten', 'W, 40-23', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '1/6', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 6 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2007', 3, '09/09/07', 'NE', '@ NYJ', 'W, 38-14', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 6 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2007', 3, '10/01/07', 'NE', '@ Cin', 'W, 34-13', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 6 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2007', 3, '10/21/07', 'NE', '@ Mia', 'W, 49-28', '2', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '1', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 6 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2007', 3, '10/28/07', 'NE', 'Was', 'W, 52-7', '3', '2', '66.7', '28', '9.3', '0', '0', '21', '0/0', '96.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 6 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2007', 3, '11/18/07', 'NE', '@ Buf', 'W, 56-10', '2', '2', '100.0', '10', '5.0', '0', '0', '6', '0/0', '87.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2008', 4, '09/07/08', 'NE', 'KC', 'W, 17-10', '18', '13', '72.2', '152', '8.4', '1', '0', '51', '2/16', '116.0', '4', '13', '3.25', '9', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2008', 4, '09/14/08', 'NE', '@ NYJ', 'W, 19-10', '23', '16', '69.6', '165', '7.2', '0', '0', '26', '4/9', '89.9', '1', '7', '7.00', '7', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2008', 4, '09/21/08', 'NE', 'Mia', 'L, 38-13', '31', '19', '61.3', '131', '4.2', '1', '1', '21', '4/17', '68.1', '2', '4', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2008', 4, '10/05/08', 'NE', '@ SF', 'W, 30-21', '32', '22', '68.8', '259', '8.1', '1', '2', '66t', '5/26', '77.5', '4', '5', '1.25', '6', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2008', 4, '10/12/08', 'NE', '@ SD', 'L, 30-10', '38', '22', '57.9', '203', '5.3', '0', '1', '28', '4/10', '61.6', '7', '29', '4.14', '9', '0', '3']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2008', 4, '10/20/08', 'NE', 'Den', 'W, 41-7', '24', '18', '75.0', '185', '7.7', '3', '0', '29', '6/38', '136.3', '4', '1', '0.25', '4', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2008', 4, '10/26/08', 'NE', 'Stl', 'W, 23-16', '33', '21', '63.6', '267', '8.1', '1', '2', '30', '3/17', '73.7', '7', '22', '3.14', '11', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2008', 4, '11/02/08', 'NE', '@ Ind', 'L, 18-15', '34', '25', '73.5', '204', '6.0', '0', '1', '20', '0/0', '76.1', '5', '20', '4.00', '7', '0', '2']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2008', 4, '11/09/08', 'NE', 'Buf', 'W, 20-10', '32', '22', '68.8', '234', '7.3', '0', '0', '27', '1/8', '89.8', '9', '22', '2.44', '13t', '1', '2']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2008', 4, '11/13/08', 'NE', 'NYJ', 'L, 34-31', '51', '30', '58.8', '400', '7.8', '3', '0', '43', '3/14', '103.4', '8', '62', '7.75', '19', '0', '4']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2008', 4, '11/23/08', 'NE', '@ Mia', 'W, 48-28', '43', '30', '69.8', '415', '9.7', '3', '1', '64', '2/7', '114.0', '2', '14', '7.00', '8t', '1', '2']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2008', 4, '11/30/08', 'NE', 'Pit', 'L, 33-10', '39', '19', '48.7', '169', '4.3', '0', '2', '27', '5/24', '39.4', '2', '1', '0.50', '1', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2008', 4, '12/07/08', 'NE', '@ Sea', 'W, 24-21', '44', '26', '59.1', '268', '6.1', '1', '0', '33', '3/8', '84.3', '7', '14', '2.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2008', 4, '12/14/08', 'NE', '@ Oak', 'W, 49-26', '30', '18', '60.0', '218', '7.3', '4', '1', '30', '3/8', '108.1', '6', '18', '3.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2008', 4, '12/21/08', 'NE', 'Ari', 'W, 47-7', '36', '20', '55.6', '345', '9.6', '3', '0', '76t', '1/12', '116.1', '2', '19', '9.50', '16', '0', '2']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2008', 4, '12/28/08', 'NE', '@ Buf', 'W, 13-0', '8', '6', '75.0', '78', '9.8', '0', '0', '19', '1/5', '105.2', '3', '19', '6.33', '7', '0', '2']
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2009', 5, '09/20/09', 'KC', 'Oak', 'L, 13-10', '39', '24', '61.5', '241', '6.2', '1', '2', '29t', '2/5', '66.3', '5', '34', '6.80', '9', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2009', 5, '09/27/09', 'KC', '@ Phi', 'L, 34-14', '18', '14', '77.8', '90', '5.0', '2', '0', '13t', '3/19', '124.5', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2009', 5, '10/04/09', 'KC', 'NYG', 'L, 27-16', '32', '15', '46.9', '127', '4.0', '2', '0', '43', '5/39', '78.5', '4', '25', '6.25', '12', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2009', 5, '10/11/09', 'KC', 'Dal', 'L, 26-20', '41', '23', '56.1', '253', '6.2', '2', '0', '25', '4/21', '90.8', '4', '28', '7.00', '11', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2009', 5, '10/18/09', 'KC', '@ Was', 'W, 14-6', '31', '16', '51.6', '186', '6.0', '0', '0', '32', '5/28', '70.1', '6', '16', '2.67', '6', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2009', 5, '10/25/09', 'KC', 'SD', 'L, 37-7', '25', '10', '40.0', '97', '3.9', '1', '3', '24', '5/18', '25.3', '5', '24', '4.80', '9', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2009', 5, '11/08/09', 'KC', '@ Jax', 'L, 24-21', '39', '23', '59.0', '262', '6.7', '2', '0', '54t', '3/21', '96.3', '2', '3', '1.50', '3', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2009', 5, '11/15/09', 'KC', '@ Oak', 'W, 16-10', '34', '19', '55.9', '216', '6.4', '0', '1', '41', '2/10', '62.9', '4', '-3', '-0.75', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2009', 5, '11/22/09', 'KC', 'Pit', 'W, 27-24', '30', '15', '50.0', '248', '8.3', '2', '0', '61', '5/34', '100.4', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2009', 5, '11/29/09', 'KC', '@ SD', 'L, 43-14', '31', '19', '61.3', '178', '5.7', '1', '1', '49', '1/11', '74.4', '6', '22', '3.67', '9', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2009', 5, '12/06/09', 'KC', 'Den', 'L, 44-13', '29', '10', '34.5', '84', '2.9', '0', '2', '16', '2/6', '14.6', '3', '17', '5.67', '13', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2009', 5, '12/13/09', 'KC', 'Buf', 'L, 16-10', '43', '26', '60.5', '224', '5.2', '0', '4', '26', '3/15', '35.4', '2', '-6', '-3.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2009', 5, '12/20/09', 'KC', 'Cle', 'L, 41-34', '40', '22', '55.0', '331', '8.3', '2', '0', '39', '1/8', '99.1', '2', '10', '5.00', '5', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2009', 5, '12/27/09', 'KC', '@ Cin', 'L, 17-10', '37', '22', '59.5', '180', '4.9', '1', '2', '20t', '1/8', '58.4', '3', '21', '7.00', '9', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2009', 5, '01/03/10', 'KC', '@ Den', 'W, 44-24', '24', '13', '54.2', '207', '8.6', '0', '1', '50', '0/0', '65.8', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2010', 6, '09/13/10', 'KC', 'SD', 'W, 21-14', '22', '10', '45.5', '68', '3.1', '1', '0', '16', '1/6', '68.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2010', 6, '09/19/10', 'KC', '@ Cle', 'W, 16-14', '28', '16', '57.1', '176', '6.3', '0', '2', '27', '1/4', '46.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2010', 6, '09/26/10', 'KC', 'SF', 'W, 31-10', '27', '16', '59.3', '250', '9.3', '3', '1', '45t', '0/0', '111.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2010', 6, '10/10/10', 'KC', '@ Ind', 'L, 19-9', '29', '16', '55.2', '156', '5.4', '0', '0', '27', '1/8', '70.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2010', 6, '10/17/10', 'KC', '@ Hou', 'L, 35-31', '29', '20', '69.0', '201', '6.9', '3', '0', '42t', '1/12', '122.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2010', 6, '10/24/10', 'KC', 'Jax', 'W, 42-20', '18', '13', '72.2', '193', '10.7', '2', '0', '53t', '1/3', '144.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2010', 6, '10/31/10', 'KC', 'Buf', 'W, 13-10', '26', '14', '53.8', '152', '5.8', '1', '0', '31', '3/12', '84.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2010', 6, '11/07/10', 'KC', '@ Oak', 'L, 23-20', '35', '20', '57.1', '216', '6.2', '2', '1', '23', '3/16', '82.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2010', 6, '11/14/10', 'KC', '@ Den', 'L, 49-29', '53', '33', '62.3', '469', '8.8', '4', '0', '38', '4/36', '116.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2010', 6, '11/21/10', 'KC', 'Ari', 'W, 31-13', '24', '15', '62.5', '193', '8.0', '2', '0', '38t', '0/0', '115.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2010', 6, '11/28/10', 'KC', '@ Sea', 'W, 42-24', '32', '22', '68.8', '233', '7.3', '4', '0', '36t', '0/0', '129.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2010', 6, '12/05/10', 'KC', 'Den', 'W, 10-6', '31', '17', '54.8', '196', '6.3', '1', '0', '21', '2/22', '84.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2010', 6, '12/19/10', 'KC', '@ Stl', 'W, 27-13', '29', '15', '51.7', '184', '6.3', '1', '1', '28', '3/11', '68.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2010', 6, '12/26/10', 'KC', 'Ten', 'W, 34-14', '34', '24', '70.6', '314', '9.2', '3', '0', '75t', '1/6', '128.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2010', 6, '01/02/11', 'KC', 'Oak', 'L, 31-10', '33', '11', '33.3', '115', '3.5', '0', '2', '19', '5/46', '19.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2010', 6, '01/09/11', 'KC', 'Bal', 'L, 30-7', '18', '9', '50.0', '70', '3.9', '0', '3', '22', '3/17', '20.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 10 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2011', 7, '09/11/11', 'KC', 'Buf', 'L, 41-7', '36', '22', '61.1', '119', '3.3', '1', '1', '20', '2/14', '64.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 10 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2011', 7, '09/18/11', 'KC', '@ Det', 'L, 48-3', '22', '15', '68.2', '133', '6.0', '0', '3', '45', '2/17', '44.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 10 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2011', 7, '09/25/11', 'KC', '@ SD', 'L, 20-17', '24', '17', '70.8', '176', '7.3', '2', '1', '43', '1/5', '102.1', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 10 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2011', 7, '10/02/11', 'KC', 'Min', 'W, 22-17', '29', '18', '62.1', '260', '9.0', '1', '0', '52t', '3/13', '102.7', '4', '20', '5.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 10 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2011', 7, '10/09/11', 'KC', '@ Ind', 'W, 28-24', '29', '21', '72.4', '257', '8.9', '4', '0', '41t', '2/15', '138.9', '5', '12', '2.40', '8', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 10 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2011', 7, '10/23/11', 'KC', '@ Oak', 'W, 28-0', '30', '15', '50.0', '161', '5.4', '0', '2', '21', '0/0', '38.3', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 10 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2011', 7, '10/31/11', 'KC', 'SD', 'W, 23-20', '32', '19', '59.4', '261', '8.2', '1', '2', '39t', '3/14', '69.9', '2', '14', '7.00', '7', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 10 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2011', 7, '11/06/11', 'KC', 'Mia', 'L, 31-3', '39', '20', '51.3', '253', '6.5', '0', '0', '37', '5/26', '71.8', '9', '38', '4.22', '11', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 10 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2011', 7, '11/13/11', 'KC', 'Den', 'L, 17-10', '28', '13', '46.4', '93', '3.3', '1', '0', '15', '4/16', '66.5', '2', '16', '8.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 10 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2012', 8, '09/09/12', 'KC', 'Atl', 'L, 40-24', '33', '21', '63.6', '258', '7.8', '1', '2', '24', '3/17', '72.5', '4', '20', '5.00', '13', '1', '2']
in row 2 of 10 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2012', 8, '09/16/12', 'KC', '@ Buf', 'L, 35-17', '42', '23', '54.8', '301', '7.2', '2', '1', '33t', '5/29', '83.5', '2', '25', '12.50', '21', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 10 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2012', 8, '09/23/12', 'KC', '@ NO', 'W, 27-24', '44', '26', '59.1', '248', '5.6', '0', '1', '20', '3/11', '65.3', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 10 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2012', 8, '09/30/12', 'KC', 'SD', 'L, 37-20', '42', '24', '57.1', '251', '6.0', '2', '3', '29t', '2/17', '60.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 10 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2012', 8, '10/07/12', 'KC', 'Bal', 'L, 9-6', '15', '9', '60.0', '92', '6.1', '0', '2', '26', '0/0', '38.1', '4', '14', '3.50', '12', '0', '2']
in row 6 of 10 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2012', 8, '10/28/12', 'KC', 'Oak', 'L, 26-16', '30', '20', '66.7', '218', '7.3', '1', '1', '46', '2/15', '85.1', '7', '35', '5.00', '15', '0', '2']
in row 7 of 10 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2012', 8, '11/01/12', 'KC', '@ SD', 'L, 31-13', '29', '19', '65.5', '181', '6.2', '0', '1', '22', '1/5', '68.3', '6', '37', '6.17', '14', '0', '3']
in row 8 of 10 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2012', 8, '11/12/12', 'KC', '@ Pit', 'L, 16-13', '26', '11', '42.3', '154', '5.9', '0', '1', '38', '2/6', '46.0', '2', '12', '6.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 10 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2012', 8, '11/18/12', 'KC', 'Cin', 'L, 28-6', '16', '8', '50.0', '93', '5.8', '0', '0', '26', '1/1', '68.0', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 10 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2013', 9, '09/29/13', 'Min', 'Pit', 'W, 34-27', '25', '16', '64.0', '248', '9.9', '2', '0', '70t', '1/0', '123.4', '2', '5', '2.50', '7', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 10 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2013', 9, '10/13/13', 'Min', 'Car', 'L, 35-10', '44', '32', '72.7', '241', '5.5', '1', '2', '23t', '3/26', '74.1', '2', '7', '3.50', '6', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 10 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2013', 9, '11/07/13', 'Min', 'Was', 'W, 34-27', '6', '4', '66.7', '47', '7.8', '0', '0', '25', '0/0', '90.3', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 10 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2013', 9, '11/17/13', 'Min', '@ Sea', 'L, 41-20', '13', '5', '38.5', '78', '6.0', '1', '1', '30', '0/0', '52.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 10 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2013', 9, '12/01/13', 'Min', 'Chi', 'W, 23-20', '33', '20', '60.6', '243', '7.4', '1', '1', '24', '2/9', '80.7', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 10 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2013', 9, '12/08/13', 'Min', '@ Bal', 'L, 29-26', '38', '17', '44.7', '265', '7.0', '2', '0', '79t', '0/0', '86.0', '2', '6', '3.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 10 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2013', 9, '12/15/13', 'Min', 'Phi', 'W, 48-30', '35', '26', '74.3', '382', '10.9', '2', '1', '57t', '3/12', '116.6', '3', '19', '6.33', '12', '1', '2']
in row 8 of 10 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2013', 9, '12/22/13', 'Min', '@ Cin', 'L, 42-14', '27', '13', '48.1', '114', '4.2', '1', '3', '36t', '4/20', '32.6', '3', '16', '5.33', '13', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 10 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2013', 9, '12/29/13', 'Min', 'Det', 'W, 14-13', '33', '20', '60.6', '189', '5.7', '1', '1', '23', '3/18', '73.9', '4', '5', '1.25', '7', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2014', 10, '09/07/14', 'Min', '@ Stl', 'W, 34-6', '25', '17', '68.0', '170', '6.8', '2', '0', '22', '0/0', '113.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2014', 10, '09/14/14', 'Min', 'NE', 'L, 30-7', '36', '19', '52.8', '202', '5.6', '1', '4', '26', '6/39', '39.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2014', 10, '09/21/14', 'Min', '@ NO', 'L, 20-9', '10', '5', '50.0', '53', '5.3', '0', '0', '28', '0/0', '65.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 9 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2015', 11, '10/25/15', 'Dal', '@ NYG', 'L, 27-20', '27', '17', '63.0', '227', '8.4', '1', '3', '35', '1/0', '62.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 9 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2015', 11, '11/01/15', 'Dal', 'Sea', 'L, 13-12', '25', '13', '52.0', '97', '3.9', '0', '0', '15', '1/6', '61.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 9 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2015', 11, '11/08/15', 'Dal', 'Phi', 'L, 33-27', '38', '25', '65.8', '299', '7.9', '3', '1', '51', '4/22', '105.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 9 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2015', 11, '11/15/15', 'Dal', '@ TB', 'L, 10-6', '29', '19', '65.5', '186', '6.4', '0', '1', '24', '3/12', '69.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 9 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2015', 11, '11/26/15', 'Dal', 'Car', 'L, 33-14', '19', '13', '68.4', '93', '4.9', '1', '0', '14', '1/10', '97.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 9 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2015', 11, '12/07/15', 'Dal', '@ Was', 'W, 19-16', '29', '16', '55.2', '223', '7.7', '0', '0', '42', '1/2', '80.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 9 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2015', 11, '12/13/15', 'Dal', '@ GB', 'L, 28-7', '29', '13', '44.8', '114', '3.9', '0', '1', '19', '2/15', '41.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 9 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2015', 11, '12/19/15', 'Dal', 'NYJ', 'L, 19-16', '8', '3', '37.5', '37', '4.6', '0', '1', '17', '1/19', '13.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 5 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2016', 12, '09/18/16', 'Ten', '@ Det', 'W, 16-15', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 5 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2016', 12, '10/27/16', 'Ten', 'Jax', 'W, 36-22', '1', '1', '100.0', '10', '10.0', '0', '0', '10', '0/0', '108.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 5 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2016', 12, '12/24/16', 'Ten', '@ Jax', 'L, 38-17', '24', '13', '54.2', '124', '5.2', '1', '1', '24', '1/6', '65.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 5 total rows
['cassel, matt', '2016', 12, '01/01/17', 'Ten', 'Hou', 'W, 24-17', '26', '16', '61.5', '150', '5.8', '1', '1', '50', '4/17', '74.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 5 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2008', 1, '09/14/08', 'GB', '@ Det', 'W, 48-25', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 5 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2008', 1, '09/28/08', 'GB', '@ TB', 'L, 30-21', '5', '2', '40.0', '6', '1.2', '0', '0', '3', '0/0', '47.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 5 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2008', 1, '11/24/08', 'GB', '@ NO', 'L, 51-29', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 5 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2008', 1, '12/22/08', 'GB', '@ Chi', 'L, 20-17', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 5 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2009', 2, '10/25/09', 'GB', '@ Cle', 'W, 31-3', '2', '1', '50.0', '12', '6.0', '0', '0', '12', '0/0', '68.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 5 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2009', 2, '11/01/09', 'GB', 'Min', 'L, 38-26', '1', '1', '100.0', '3', '3.0', '0', '0', '3', '0/0', '79.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 5 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2009', 2, '12/27/09', 'GB', 'Sea', 'W, 48-10', '6', '4', '66.7', '36', '6.0', '0', '0', '17', '0/0', '82.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 5 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2009', 2, '01/03/10', 'GB', '@ Ari', 'W, 33-7', '3', '1', '33.3', '7', '2.3', '0', '1', '7', '1/6', '2.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 8 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2010', 3, '10/24/10', 'GB', 'Min', 'W, 28-24', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 8 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2010', 3, '11/07/10', 'GB', 'Dal', 'W, 45-7', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 8 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2010', 3, '11/21/10', 'GB', '@ Min', 'W, 31-3', '1', '1', '100.0', '5', '5.0', '0', '0', '5', '0/0', '87.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 8 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2010', 3, '12/05/10', 'GB', 'SF', 'W, 34-16', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 8 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2010', 3, '12/12/10', 'GB', '@ Det', 'L, 7-3', '26', '15', '57.7', '177', '6.8', '0', '1', '32', '2/13', '62.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 8 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2010', 3, '12/19/10', 'GB', '@ NE', 'L, 31-27', '37', '24', '64.9', '251', '6.8', '3', '1', '66t', '5/25', '100.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 8 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2010', 3, '01/15/11', 'GB', '@ Atl', 'W, 48-21', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 6 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2011', 4, '10/02/11', 'GB', 'Den', 'W, 49-23', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '1', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 6 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2011', 4, '11/14/11', 'GB', 'Min', 'W, 45-7', '2', '2', '100.0', '38', '19.0', '0', '0', '31', '0/0', '118.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 6 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2011', 4, '12/11/11', 'GB', 'Oak', 'W, 46-16', '2', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '1/6', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 6 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2011', 4, '12/25/11', 'GB', 'Chi', 'W, 35-21', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '1/1', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 6 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2011', 4, '01/01/12', 'GB', 'Det', 'W, 45-41', '44', '31', '70.5', '480', '10.9', '6', '1', '80t', '3/11', '136.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2012', 5, '12/09/12', 'Sea', 'Ari', 'W, 58-0', '9', '5', '55.6', '68', '7.6', '0', '0', '27', '0/0', '79.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2012', 5, '12/23/12', 'Sea', 'SF', 'W, 42-13', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 8 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2013', 6, '09/23/13', 'Oak', '@ Den', 'L, 37-21', '2', '1', '50.0', '19', '9.5', '0', '0', '19', '0/0', '83.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 8 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2013', 6, '09/29/13', 'Oak', 'Was', 'L, 24-14', '32', '21', '65.6', '227', '7.1', '1', '1', '34', '7/33', '83.7', '3', '4', '1.33', '2', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 8 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2013', 6, '11/24/13', 'GB', 'Min', 'T, 26-26', '36', '21', '58.3', '218', '6.1', '1', '0', '34', '0/0', '85.2', '4', '24', '6.00', '13', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 8 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2013', 6, '11/28/13', 'GB', '@ Det', 'L, 40-10', '20', '10', '50.0', '139', '7.0', '0', '1', '56', '7/37', '51.9', '2', '4', '2.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 8 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2013', 6, '12/08/13', 'GB', 'Atl', 'W, 22-21', '32', '24', '75.0', '258', '8.1', '1', '1', '46', '5/36', '95.6', '6', '28', '4.67', '17', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 8 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2013', 6, '12/15/13', 'GB', '@ Dal', 'W, 37-36', '39', '26', '66.7', '299', '7.7', '4', '1', '39', '2/16', '113.1', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 8 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2013', 6, '12/22/13', 'GB', 'Pit', 'L, 38-31', '39', '21', '53.8', '232', '5.9', '1', '1', '31', '3/13', '69.6', '2', '8', '4.00', '7', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 8 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2014', 7, '10/02/14', 'GB', 'Min', 'W, 42-10', '5', '3', '60.0', '22', '4.4', '0', '1', '9', '0/0', '30.8', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 8 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2014', 7, '10/19/14', 'GB', 'Car', 'W, 38-17', '2', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 8 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2014', 7, '10/26/14', 'GB', '@ NO', 'L, 44-23', '1', '1', '100.0', '8', '8.0', '0', '0', '8', '1/5', '100.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 8 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2014', 7, '11/09/14', 'GB', 'Chi', 'W, 55-14', '5', '1', '20.0', '4', '0.8', '0', '0', '4', '0/0', '39.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 8 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2014', 7, '11/16/14', 'GB', 'Phi', 'W, 53-20', '2', '2', '100.0', '26', '13.0', '0', '0', '14', '0/0', '118.8', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 8 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2014', 7, '12/21/14', 'GB', '@ TB', 'W, 20-3', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 8 total rows
['flynn, matt', '2014', 7, '12/28/14', 'GB', 'Det', 'W, 30-20', '1', '1', '100.0', '6', '6.0', '0', '0', '6', '1/7', '91.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 6 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '1999', 1, '10/24/99', 'GB', '@ SD', 'W, 31-3', '3', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 6 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '1999', 1, '11/01/99', 'GB', 'Sea', 'L, 27-7', '6', '2', '33.3', '32', '5.3', '0', '0', '19', '1/9', '52.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 6 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '1999', 1, '11/29/99', 'GB', '@ SF', 'W, 20-3', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 6 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '1999', 1, '12/20/99', 'GB', '@ Min', 'L, 24-20', '1', '1', '100.0', '9', '9.0', '1', '0', '9t', '0/0', '143.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 6 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '1999', 1, '01/02/00', 'GB', 'Ari', 'W, 49-24', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 5 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2000', 2, '09/24/00', 'GB', '@ Ari', 'W, 29-3', '1', '1', '100.0', '11', '11.0', '0', '0', '11', '0/0', '112.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 5 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2000', 2, '11/12/00', 'GB', '@ TB', 'L, 20-15', '18', '9', '50.0', '93', '5.2', '1', '0', '27t', '0/0', '83.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 5 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2000', 2, '12/03/00', 'GB', '@ Chi', 'W, 28-6', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '1/2', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 5 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2000', 2, '12/10/00', 'GB', 'Det', 'W, 26-13', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 14 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2001', 3, '09/09/01', 'Sea', '@ Cle', 'W, 9-6', '34', '20', '58.8', '178', '5.2', '0', '2', '34', '4/28', '48.4', '6', '1', '0.17', '7', '0', '3']
in row 2 of 14 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2001', 3, '09/23/01', 'Sea', 'Phi', 'L, 27-3', '24', '9', '37.5', '62', '2.6', '0', '0', '19', '7/41', '45.8', '4', '31', '7.75', '14', '0', '2']
in row 3 of 14 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2001', 3, '09/30/01', 'Sea', '@ Oak', 'L, 38-14', '28', '14', '50.0', '167', '6.0', '0', '1', '21', '6/32', '53.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 14 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2001', 3, '10/14/01', 'Sea', 'Den', 'W, 34-21', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '3', '-2', '-0.67', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 14 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2001', 3, '10/28/01', 'Sea', 'Mia', 'L, 24-20', '28', '16', '57.1', '230', '8.2', '2', '0', '64', '4/24', '107.7', '4', '9', '2.25', '3', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 14 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2001', 3, '11/04/01', 'Sea', '@ Was', 'L, 27-14', '12', '6', '50.0', '127', '10.6', '0', '2', '49', '2/17', '48.3', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 14 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2001', 3, '11/11/01', 'Sea', 'Oak', 'W, 34-27', '23', '15', '65.2', '181', '7.9', '1', '0', '31', '1/3', '103.7', '6', '34', '5.67', '15', '0', '4']
in row 8 of 14 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2001', 3, '11/18/01', 'Sea', '@ Buf', 'W, 23-20', '23', '16', '69.6', '134', '5.8', '1', '0', '21', '0/0', '98.8', '4', '3', '0.75', '6', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 14 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2001', 3, '11/25/01', 'Sea', '@ KC', 'L, 19-7', '26', '16', '61.5', '162', '6.2', '1', '0', '28t', '3/23', '92.1', '2', '8', '4.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 14 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2001', 3, '12/02/01', 'Sea', 'SD', 'W, 13-10', '35', '19', '54.3', '202', '5.8', '0', '0', '45', '2/10', '71.4', '4', '21', '5.25', '9', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 14 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2001', 3, '12/09/01', 'Sea', '@ Den', 'L, 20-7', '37', '17', '45.9', '243', '6.6', '1', '2', '39', '5/36', '54.2', '2', '17', '8.50', '10', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 14 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2001', 3, '12/16/01', 'Sea', 'Dal', 'W, 29-3', '25', '13', '52.0', '152', '6.1', '0', '0', '27', '1/13', '70.8', '3', '19', '6.33', '17', '0', '2']
in row 13 of 14 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2001', 3, '12/23/01', 'Sea', '@ NYG', 'L, 27-24', '26', '15', '57.7', '185', '7.1', '1', '1', '42', '3/24', '76.6', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 14 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2002', 4, '09/08/02', 'Sea', '@ Oak', 'L, 31-17', '32', '23', '71.9', '155', '4.8', '2', '0', '16', '3/12', '103.0', '2', '6', '3.00', '4', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 14 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2002', 4, '09/15/02', 'Sea', 'Ari', 'L, 24-13', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 14 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2002', 4, '10/20/02', 'Sea', '@ Stl', 'L, 37-20', '5', '2', '40.0', '23', '4.6', '0', '0', '12', '0/0', '54.6', '1', '4', '4.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 14 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2002', 4, '10/27/02', 'Sea', '@ Dal', 'W, 17-14', '19', '12', '63.2', '131', '6.9', '0', '1', '34', '1/7', '61.5', '3', '11', '3.67', '6', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 14 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2002', 4, '11/03/02', 'Sea', 'Was', 'L, 14-3', '44', '28', '63.6', '264', '6.0', '0', '0', '31', '4/24', '80.1', '4', '15', '3.75', '7', '0', '4']
in row 6 of 14 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2002', 4, '11/10/02', 'Sea', '@ Ari', 'W, 27-6', '31', '23', '74.2', '260', '8.4', '1', '0', '27', '1/5', '109.6', '4', '3', '0.75', '6', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 14 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2002', 4, '11/17/02', 'Sea', 'Den', 'L, 31-9', '36', '22', '61.1', '180', '5.0', '0', '2', '22', '5/27', '50.7', '2', '13', '6.50', '8', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 14 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2002', 4, '11/24/02', 'Sea', 'KC', 'W, 39-32', '36', '25', '69.4', '362', '10.1', '3', '0', '44', '1/8', '129.6', '3', '23', '7.67', '19', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 14 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2002', 4, '12/01/02', 'Sea', '@ SF', 'L, 31-24', '55', '30', '54.5', '427', '7.8', '3', '2', '39', '0/0', '82.9', '2', '8', '4.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 14 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2002', 4, '12/08/02', 'Sea', 'Phi', 'L, 27-20', '45', '24', '53.3', '223', '5.0', '2', '3', '20', '4/28', '54.2', '6', '62', '10.33', '15', '0', '4']
in row 11 of 14 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2002', 4, '12/15/02', 'Sea', '@ Atl', 'W, 30-24', '31', '22', '71.0', '298', '9.6', '1', '0', '35', '2/0', '112.0', '2', '6', '3.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 14 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2002', 4, '12/22/02', 'Sea', 'Stl', 'W, 30-10', '32', '20', '62.5', '303', '9.5', '1', '0', '44', '2/11', '104.0', '3', '8', '2.67', '7', '0', '2']
in row 13 of 14 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2002', 4, '12/29/02', 'Sea', '@ SD', 'W, 31-28', '53', '36', '67.9', '449', '8.5', '2', '2', '49', '3/21', '90.8', '7', '42', '6.00', '21', '1', '3']
in row 1 of 18 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2003', 5, '09/07/03', 'Sea', 'NO', 'W, 27-10', '23', '12', '52.2', '137', '6.0', '2', '0', '35t', '3/18', '99.4', '4', '11', '2.75', '11', '0', '2']
in row 2 of 18 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2003', 5, '09/14/03', 'Sea', '@ Ari', 'W, 38-0', '19', '8', '42.1', '175', '9.2', '2', '0', '66t', '1/2', '110.6', '1', '2', '2.00', '2t', '1', '1']
in row 3 of 18 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2003', 5, '09/21/03', 'Sea', 'Stl', 'W, 24-23', '39', '22', '56.4', '256', '6.6', '2', '1', '35', '4/36', '82.9', '5', '28', '5.60', '11', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 18 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2003', 5, '10/05/03', 'Sea', '@ GB', 'L, 35-13', '39', '23', '59.0', '225', '5.8', '0', '1', '24', '2/10', '64.6', '1', '7', '7.00', '7', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 18 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2003', 5, '10/12/03', 'Sea', 'SF', 'W, 20-19', '27', '17', '63.0', '207', '7.7', '1', '1', '27', '4/21', '83.4', '5', '17', '3.40', '17', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 18 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2003', 5, '10/19/03', 'Sea', 'Chi', 'W, 24-17', '27', '19', '70.4', '215', '8.0', '1', '1', '32', '2/4', '90.8', '4', '12', '3.00', '7', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 18 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2003', 5, '10/26/03', 'Sea', '@ Cin', 'L, 27-24', '43', '26', '60.5', '344', '8.0', '3', '3', '46t', '2/6', '80.0', '1', '11', '11.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 18 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2003', 5, '11/02/03', 'Sea', 'Pit', 'W, 23-16', '31', '18', '58.1', '215', '6.9', '1', '0', '43', '5/24', '90.1', '2', '3', '1.50', '4', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 18 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2003', 5, '11/09/03', 'Sea', '@ Was', 'L, 27-20', '29', '19', '65.5', '241', '8.3', '1', '1', '37', '3/20', '88.4', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 18 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2003', 5, '11/16/03', 'Sea', 'Det', 'W, 35-14', '28', '21', '75.0', '207', '7.4', '1', '0', '34t', '0/0', '107.3', '3', '15', '5.00', '8', '1', '2']
in row 11 of 18 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2003', 5, '11/23/03', 'Sea', '@ Bal', 'L, 44-41', '41', '23', '56.1', '333', '8.1', '5', '0', '80t', '6/40', '122.3', '3', '26', '8.67', '18', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 18 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2003', 5, '11/30/03', 'Sea', 'Cle', 'W, 34-7', '35', '26', '74.3', '328', '9.4', '3', '1', '32', '2/14', '119.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 18 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2003', 5, '12/07/03', 'Sea', '@ Min', 'L, 34-7', '34', '17', '50.0', '218', '6.4', '0', '2', '29', '3/16', '46.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 18 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2003', 5, '12/14/03', 'Sea', '@ Stl', 'L, 27-22', '37', '21', '56.8', '246', '6.6', '1', '1', '27', '2/15', '74.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 18 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2003', 5, '12/21/03', 'Sea', 'Ari', 'W, 28-10', '24', '17', '70.8', '179', '7.5', '1', '1', '28', '2/10', '88.7', '3', '-5', '-1.67', '1', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 18 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2003', 5, '12/27/03', 'Sea', '@ SF', 'W, 24-17', '37', '24', '64.9', '315', '8.5', '2', '2', '31t', '1/10', '87.1', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 17 of 18 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2003', 5, '01/04/04', 'Sea', '@ GB', 'L, 33-27', '45', '25', '55.6', '305', '6.8', '0', '1', '34', '2/14', '67.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2004', 6, '09/12/04', 'Sea', '@ NO', 'W, 21-7', '29', '19', '65.5', '246', '8.5', '1', '1', '38', '0/0', '89.2', '4', '-1', '-0.25', '1', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2004', 6, '09/19/04', 'Sea', '@ TB', 'W, 10-6', '26', '12', '46.2', '147', '5.7', '1', '1', '27t', '5/23', '60.9', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2004', 6, '09/26/04', 'Sea', 'SF', 'W, 34-0', '30', '21', '70.0', '254', '8.5', '2', '0', '60', '1/6', '117.9', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2004', 6, '10/10/04', 'Sea', 'Stl', 'L, 33-27', '35', '20', '57.1', '216', '6.2', '2', '0', '56t', '1/12', '94.5', '2', '13', '6.50', '14', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2004', 6, '10/17/04', 'Sea', '@ NE', 'L, 30-20', '50', '27', '54.0', '349', '7.0', '0', '2', '37', '3/8', '59.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2004', 6, '10/24/04', 'Sea', '@ Ari', 'L, 25-17', '41', '14', '34.1', '187', '4.6', '1', '4', '30', '1/7', '18.1', '1', '9', '9.00', '9', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2004', 6, '10/31/04', 'Sea', 'Car', 'W, 23-17', '30', '21', '70.0', '201', '6.7', '1', '1', '22', '1/5', '85.6', '7', '24', '3.43', '19', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2004', 6, '11/07/04', 'Sea', '@ SF', 'W, 42-27', '28', '17', '60.7', '285', '10.2', '3', '0', '39t', '3/16', '130.8', '3', '-1', '-0.33', '1', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2004', 6, '11/14/04', 'Sea', '@ Stl', 'L, 23-12', '36', '15', '41.7', '172', '4.8', '0', '1', '33', '0/0', '45.1', '2', '11', '5.50', '17', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2004', 6, '11/28/04', 'Sea', 'Buf', 'L, 38-9', '38', '19', '50.0', '185', '4.9', '1', '1', '23', '2/10', '61.8', '2', '6', '3.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2004', 6, '12/06/04', 'Sea', 'Dal', 'L, 43-39', '40', '28', '70.0', '414', '10.3', '3', '0', '35', '2/16', '128.5', '3', '16', '5.33', '9', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2004', 6, '12/12/04', 'Sea', '@ Min', 'W, 27-23', '34', '23', '67.6', '334', '9.8', '3', '2', '37', '3/17', '104.3', '1', '13', '13.00', '13', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2004', 6, '12/19/04', 'Sea', '@ NYJ', 'L, 37-14', '30', '22', '73.3', '201', '6.7', '2', '1', '20', '4/14', '99.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2004', 6, '01/02/05', 'Sea', 'Atl', 'W, 28-26', '27', '21', '77.8', '191', '7.1', '2', '1', '23', '4/21', '105.4', '1', '1', '1.00', '1t', '1', '1']
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2004', 6, '01/08/05', 'Sea', 'Stl', 'L, 27-20', '43', '27', '62.8', '341', '7.9', '2', '1', '25', '3/9', '93.3', '2', '26', '13.00', '17', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 20 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2005', 7, '09/11/05', 'Sea', '@ Jax', 'L, 26-14', '36', '21', '58.3', '246', '6.8', '2', '2', '33t', '3/21', '74.5', '2', '16', '8.00', '8', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 20 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2005', 7, '09/18/05', 'Sea', 'Atl', 'W, 21-18', '31', '20', '64.5', '281', '9.1', '2', '0', '41', '2/16', '115.1', '4', '9', '2.25', '8', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 20 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2005', 7, '09/25/05', 'Sea', 'Ari', 'W, 37-12', '31', '20', '64.5', '242', '7.8', '0', '0', '48', '0/0', '88.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 20 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2005', 7, '10/02/05', 'Sea', '@ Was', 'L, 20-17', '38', '26', '68.4', '242', '6.4', '1', '0', '26', '1/7', '94.4', '2', '16', '8.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 20 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2005', 7, '10/09/05', 'Sea', '@ Stl', 'W, 37-31', '38', '27', '71.1', '316', '8.3', '2', '0', '52', '4/17', '113.5', '4', '4', '1.00', '7', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 20 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2005', 7, '10/16/05', 'Sea', 'Hou', 'W, 42-10', '20', '14', '70.0', '168', '8.4', '1', '1', '27', '3/29', '91.3', '4', '40', '10.00', '23', '0', '2']
in row 7 of 20 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2005', 7, '10/23/05', 'Sea', 'Dal', 'W, 13-10', '42', '23', '54.8', '224', '5.3', '1', '2', '22', '1/7', '58.0', '1', '11', '11.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 20 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2005', 7, '11/06/05', 'Sea', '@ Ari', 'W, 33-19', '20', '13', '65.0', '162', '8.1', '1', '0', '46', '1/0', '106.7', '4', '2', '0.50', '3', '1', '1']
in row 9 of 20 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2005', 7, '11/13/05', 'Sea', 'Stl', 'W, 31-16', '29', '17', '58.6', '243', '8.4', '1', '2', '47', '0/0', '68.6', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 20 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2005', 7, '11/20/05', 'Sea', '@ SF', 'W, 27-25', '31', '19', '61.3', '233', '7.5', '1', '0', '28', '1/5', '95.2', '6', '7', '1.17', '8', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 20 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2005', 7, '11/27/05', 'Sea', 'NYG', 'W, 24-21', '37', '21', '56.8', '249', '6.7', '2', '1', '38', '3/21', '84.2', '2', '7', '3.50', '6', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 20 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2005', 7, '12/05/05', 'Sea', '@ Phi', 'W, 42-0', '15', '8', '53.3', '98', '6.5', '1', '0', '42', '0/0', '96.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 20 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2005', 7, '12/11/05', 'Sea', 'SF', 'W, 41-3', '25', '21', '84.0', '226', '9.0', '4', '1', '28t', '1/6', '127.3', '1', '9', '9.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 20 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2005', 7, '12/18/05', 'Sea', '@ Ten', 'W, 28-24', '27', '21', '77.8', '285', '10.6', '3', '0', '56', '1/9', '147.7', '5', '1', '0.20', '5', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 20 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2005', 7, '12/24/05', 'Sea', 'Ind', 'W, 28-13', '21', '17', '81.0', '168', '8.0', '2', '0', '17', '2/9', '131.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 20 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2005', 7, '01/01/06', 'Sea', '@ GB', 'L, 23-17', '8', '6', '75.0', '76', '9.5', '0', '0', '27', '1/7', '104.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 17 of 20 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2005', 7, '01/14/06', 'Sea', 'Was', 'W, 20-10', '26', '16', '61.5', '215', '8.3', '1', '0', '37', '0/0', '100.6', '6', '21', '3.50', '9', '1', '1']
in row 18 of 20 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2005', 7, '01/22/06', 'Sea', 'Car', 'W, 34-14', '28', '20', '71.4', '219', '7.8', '2', '0', '28', '2/16', '118.0', '6', '27', '4.50', '15', '0', '1']
in row 19 of 20 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2005', 7, '02/05/06', 'Sea', '@ Pit', 'L, 21-10', '49', '26', '53.1', '273', '5.6', '1', '1', '35', '3/14', '67.8', '3', '35', '11.67', '18', '0', '2']
in row 1 of 15 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2006', 8, '09/10/06', 'Sea', '@ Det', 'W, 9-6', '30', '25', '83.3', '210', '7.0', '0', '0', '36', '5/37', '95.8', '3', '15', '5.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 15 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2006', 8, '09/17/06', 'Sea', 'Ari', 'W, 21-10', '27', '12', '44.4', '221', '8.2', '1', '2', '49t', '3/26', '54.7', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 15 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2006', 8, '09/24/06', 'Sea', 'NYG', 'W, 42-30', '33', '24', '72.7', '227', '6.9', '5', '3', '22', '0/0', '93.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 15 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2006', 8, '10/01/06', 'Sea', '@ Chi', 'L, 37-6', '35', '16', '45.7', '196', '5.6', '0', '2', '31', '5/49', '39.7', '1', '19', '19.00', '19', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 15 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2006', 8, '10/15/06', 'Sea', '@ Stl', 'W, 30-28', '34', '19', '55.9', '268', '7.9', '3', '0', '42t', '4/29', '110.9', '2', '22', '11.00', '17', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 15 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2006', 8, '10/22/06', 'Sea', 'Min', 'L, 31-13', '17', '7', '41.2', '127', '7.5', '1', '0', '72t', '2/15', '87.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 15 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2006', 8, '11/27/06', 'Sea', 'GB', 'W, 34-24', '36', '17', '47.2', '157', '4.4', '3', '3', '23t', '1/10', '52.7', '2', '12', '6.00', '8', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 15 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2006', 8, '12/03/06', 'Sea', '@ Den', 'W, 23-20', '28', '16', '57.1', '168', '6.0', '0', '1', '33', '1/6', '59.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 15 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2006', 8, '12/10/06', 'Sea', '@ Ari', 'L, 27-21', '28', '20', '71.4', '243', '8.7', '3', '0', '47', '3/15', '133.5', '3', '32', '10.67', '18', '0', '2']
in row 10 of 15 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2006', 8, '12/14/06', 'Sea', 'SF', 'L, 24-14', '37', '20', '54.1', '220', '5.9', '1', '2', '22t', '3/10', '58.4', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 15 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2006', 8, '12/24/06', 'Sea', 'SD', 'L, 20-17', '37', '17', '45.9', '189', '5.1', '0', '2', '24', '6/28', '39.1', '1', '10', '10.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 15 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2006', 8, '12/31/06', 'Sea', '@ TB', 'W, 23-7', '29', '17', '58.6', '216', '7.4', '1', '0', '26', '1/4', '93.5', '3', '-1', '-0.33', '1', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 15 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2006', 8, '01/06/07', 'Sea', 'Dal', 'W, 21-20', '36', '18', '50.0', '240', '6.7', '2', '2', '37t', '0/0', '66.9', '2', '3', '1.50', '4', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 15 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2006', 8, '01/14/07', 'Sea', '@ Chi', 'L, 27-24', '33', '18', '54.5', '195', '5.9', '1', '1', '24', '3/16', '69.6', '1', '8', '8.00', '8', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 19 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2007', 9, '09/09/07', 'Sea', 'TB', 'W, 20-6', '24', '17', '70.8', '222', '9.2', '1', '0', '49', '2/18', '113.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 19 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2007', 9, '09/16/07', 'Sea', '@ Ari', 'L, 23-20', '36', '22', '61.1', '281', '7.8', '1', '0', '37', '1/3', '94.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 19 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2007', 9, '09/23/07', 'Sea', 'Cin', 'W, 24-21', '37', '24', '64.9', '248', '6.7', '3', '2', '42t', '2/10', '88.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 19 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2007', 9, '09/30/07', 'Sea', '@ SF', 'W, 23-3', '31', '23', '74.2', '281', '9.1', '2', '1', '65', '2/3', '109.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 19 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2007', 9, '10/07/07', 'Sea', '@ Pit', 'L, 21-0', '27', '13', '48.1', '116', '4.3', '0', '1', '30', '2/11', '44.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 19 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2007', 9, '10/14/07', 'Sea', 'NO', 'L, 28-17', '43', '26', '60.5', '362', '8.4', '2', '1', '29', '5/29', '93.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 19 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2007', 9, '10/21/07', 'Sea', 'Stl', 'W, 33-6', '35', '18', '51.4', '195', '5.6', '2', '1', '21', '1/6', '75.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 19 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2007', 9, '11/04/07', 'Sea', '@ Cle', 'L, 33-30', '47', '30', '63.8', '318', '6.8', '2', '1', '31', '0/0', '88.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 19 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2007', 9, '11/12/07', 'Sea', 'SF', 'W, 24-0', '40', '27', '67.5', '278', '7.0', '2', '1', '46', '1/4', '93.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 19 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2007', 9, '11/18/07', 'Sea', 'Chi', 'W, 30-23', '44', '30', '68.2', '337', '7.7', '2', '0', '59', '2/15', '106.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 19 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2007', 9, '11/25/07', 'Sea', '@ Stl', 'W, 24-19', '38', '21', '55.3', '249', '6.6', '1', '1', '29', '5/34', '73.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 19 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2007', 9, '12/02/07', 'Sea', '@ Phi', 'W, 28-24', '34', '19', '55.9', '187', '5.5', '2', '1', '43t', '2/11', '78.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 19 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2007', 9, '12/09/07', 'Sea', 'Ari', 'W, 42-21', '33', '22', '66.7', '272', '8.2', '4', '0', '46', '1/3', '131.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 19 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2007', 9, '12/16/07', 'Sea', '@ Car', 'L, 13-10', '41', '27', '65.9', '274', '6.7', '1', '0', '25', '3/36', '92.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 19 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2007', 9, '12/23/07', 'Sea', 'Bal', 'W, 27-6', '27', '18', '66.7', '199', '7.4', '2', '2', '23', '2/10', '82.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 19 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2007', 9, '12/30/07', 'Sea', '@ Atl', 'L, 44-41', '25', '15', '60.0', '147', '5.9', '1', '0', '30t', '2/11', '89.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 17 of 19 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2007', 9, '01/05/08', 'Sea', 'Was', 'W, 35-14', '32', '20', '62.5', '229', '7.2', '1', '2', '35', '1/2', '68.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 18 of 19 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2007', 9, '01/12/08', 'Sea', '@ GB', 'L, 42-20', '33', '19', '57.6', '194', '5.9', '1', '0', '22', '2/22', '84.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 8 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2008', 10, '09/07/08', 'Sea', '@ Buf', 'L, 34-10', '41', '17', '41.5', '190', '4.6', '1', '1', '22', '5/23', '53.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 8 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2008', 10, '09/14/08', 'Sea', 'SF', 'L, 33-30', '36', '18', '50.0', '189', '5.2', '0', '2', '31', '1/7', '42.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 8 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2008', 10, '09/21/08', 'Sea', 'Stl', 'W, 37-13', '20', '12', '60.0', '172', '8.6', '1', '0', '34', '1/10', '104.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 8 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2008', 10, '10/05/08', 'Sea', '@ NYG', 'L, 44-6', '21', '11', '52.4', '105', '5.0', '0', '1', '21', '1/3', '46.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 8 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2008', 10, '11/16/08', 'Sea', 'Ari', 'L, 26-20', '29', '17', '58.6', '170', '5.9', '1', '3', '33', '2/17', '47.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 8 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2008', 10, '11/23/08', 'Sea', 'Was', 'L, 20-17', '24', '12', '50.0', '103', '4.3', '2', '2', '21', '2/14', '54.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 8 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2008', 10, '11/27/08', 'Sea', '@ Dal', 'L, 34-9', '38', '22', '57.9', '287', '7.6', '0', '1', '33', '7/45', '70.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 15 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2009', 11, '09/13/09', 'Sea', 'Stl', 'W, 28-0', '36', '25', '69.4', '279', '7.8', '3', '2', '38', '0/0', '96.9', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 15 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2009', 11, '09/20/09', 'Sea', '@ SF', 'L, 23-10', '18', '10', '55.6', '97', '5.4', '0', '0', '21', '1/7', '70.8', '3', '12', '4.00', '7', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 15 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2009', 11, '10/11/09', 'Sea', 'Jax', 'W, 41-0', '30', '18', '60.0', '241', '8.0', '4', '0', '44t', '1/5', '125.1', '3', '23', '7.67', '12', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 15 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2009', 11, '10/18/09', 'Sea', 'Ari', 'L, 27-3', '29', '10', '34.5', '112', '3.9', '0', '1', '26', '5/40', '32.5', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 15 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2009', 11, '11/01/09', 'Sea', '@ Dal', 'L, 38-17', '39', '22', '56.4', '249', '6.4', '2', '0', '36', '3/20', '92.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 15 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2009', 11, '11/08/09', 'Sea', 'Det', 'W, 32-20', '51', '39', '76.5', '329', '6.5', '1', '1', '49', '1/2', '91.1', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 15 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2009', 11, '11/15/09', 'Sea', '@ Ari', 'L, 31-20', '52', '26', '50.0', '315', '6.1', '1', '2', '53', '4/23', '59.4', '2', '7', '3.50', '6', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 15 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2009', 11, '11/22/09', 'Sea', '@ Min', 'L, 35-9', '26', '19', '73.1', '231', '8.9', '0', '1', '47', '1/9', '84.0', '2', '4', '2.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 15 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2009', 11, '11/29/09', 'Sea', '@ Stl', 'W, 27-17', '25', '14', '56.0', '102', '4.1', '0', '0', '17', '1/7', '65.8', '3', '18', '6.00', '19', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 15 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2009', 11, '12/06/09', 'Sea', 'SF', 'W, 20-17', '34', '25', '73.5', '198', '5.8', '2', '0', '32', '5/20', '107.2', '4', '31', '7.75', '23', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 15 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2009', 11, '12/13/09', 'Sea', '@ Hou', 'L, 34-7', '35', '24', '68.6', '247', '7.1', '1', '1', '42', '3/27', '86.3', '2', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 15 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2009', 11, '12/20/09', 'Sea', 'TB', 'L, 24-7', '46', '27', '58.7', '256', '5.6', '1', '4', '29t', '1/4', '45.2', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 15 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2009', 11, '12/27/09', 'Sea', '@ GB', 'L, 48-10', '37', '19', '51.4', '198', '5.4', '1', '4', '31', '3/22', '36.6', '1', '6', '6.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 15 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2009', 11, '01/03/10', 'Sea', 'Ten', 'L, 17-13', '30', '15', '50.0', '175', '5.8', '1', '1', '35', '3/23', '65.3', '2', '5', '2.50', '6', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2010', 12, '09/12/10', 'Sea', 'SF', 'W, 31-6', '23', '18', '78.3', '170', '7.4', '2', '1', '35', '1/5', '108.3', '2', '4', '2.00', '3', '1', '1']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2010', 12, '09/19/10', 'Sea', '@ Den', 'L, 31-14', '35', '20', '57.1', '233', '6.7', '1', '3', '52', '1/3', '51.3', '3', '21', '7.00', '20t', '1', '2']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2010', 12, '09/26/10', 'Sea', 'SD', 'W, 27-20', '32', '19', '59.4', '220', '6.9', '1', '1', '41', '3/17', '77.6', '3', '5', '1.67', '5', '0', '2']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2010', 12, '10/03/10', 'Sea', '@ Stl', 'L, 20-3', '36', '20', '55.6', '191', '5.3', '0', '1', '36', '4/26', '58.9', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2010', 12, '10/17/10', 'Sea', '@ Chi', 'W, 23-20', '40', '25', '62.5', '242', '6.0', '1', '0', '24', '0/0', '87.7', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2010', 12, '10/24/10', 'Sea', 'Ari', 'W, 22-10', '38', '20', '52.6', '192', '5.1', '1', '0', '26', '5/34', '75.8', '2', '11', '5.50', '12', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2010', 12, '10/31/10', 'Sea', '@ Oak', 'L, 33-3', '32', '13', '40.6', '163', '5.1', '0', '1', '35', '8/46', '44.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2010', 12, '11/14/10', 'Sea', '@ Ari', 'W, 36-18', '34', '22', '64.7', '333', '9.8', '1', '0', '63t', '1/6', '106.6', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2010', 12, '11/21/10', 'Sea', '@ NO', 'L, 34-19', '44', '32', '72.7', '366', '8.3', '1', '0', '68', '0/0', '104.9', '1', '12', '12.00', '12', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2010', 12, '11/28/10', 'Sea', 'KC', 'L, 42-24', '37', '20', '54.1', '282', '7.6', '2', '2', '87t', '2/14', '74.4', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2010', 12, '12/05/10', 'Sea', 'Car', 'W, 31-14', '30', '17', '56.7', '229', '7.6', '0', '2', '36', '2/12', '53.3', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2010', 12, '12/12/10', 'Sea', '@ SF', 'L, 40-21', '42', '27', '64.3', '285', '6.8', '2', '4', '43', '1/8', '60.2', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2010', 12, '12/19/10', 'Sea', 'Atl', 'L, 34-18', '17', '10', '58.8', '71', '4.2', '0', '2', '17', '1/4', '28.9', '2', '4', '2.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2010', 12, '12/26/10', 'Sea', '@ TB', 'L, 38-15', '4', '3', '75.0', '24', '6.0', '0', '0', '9', '0/0', '89.6', '1', '1', '1.00', '1t', '1', '1']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2010', 12, '01/08/11', 'Sea', 'NO', 'W, 41-36', '35', '22', '62.9', '272', '7.8', '4', '1', '45t', '1/6', '113.0', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2010', 12, '01/16/11', 'Sea', '@ Chi', 'L, 35-24', '46', '26', '56.5', '258', '5.6', '3', '0', '46', '2/16', '94.3', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2011', 13, '09/11/11', 'Ten', '@ Jax', 'L, 16-14', '34', '21', '61.8', '263', '7.7', '2', '1', '80t', '2/14', '93.1', '1', '9', '9.00', '9', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2011', 13, '09/18/11', 'Ten', 'Bal', 'W, 26-13', '42', '30', '71.4', '358', '8.5', '1', '1', '42', '0/0', '95.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2011', 13, '09/25/11', 'Ten', 'Den', 'W, 17-14', '36', '27', '75.0', '311', '8.6', '2', '0', '58', '2/16', '119.1', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2011', 13, '10/02/11', 'Ten', '@ Cle', 'W, 31-13', '20', '10', '50.0', '220', '11.0', '3', '1', '80t', '0/0', '108.3', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2011', 13, '10/09/11', 'Ten', '@ Pit', 'L, 38-17', '49', '29', '59.2', '262', '5.3', '1', '1', '25', '3/22', '72.0', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2011', 13, '10/23/11', 'Ten', 'Hou', 'L, 41-7', '30', '14', '46.7', '104', '3.5', '1', '2', '17', '1/12', '38.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2011', 13, '10/30/11', 'Ten', 'Ind', 'W, 27-10', '33', '23', '69.7', '224', '6.8', '1', '0', '32', '1/9', '98.5', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2011', 13, '11/06/11', 'Ten', 'Cin', 'L, 24-17', '41', '24', '58.5', '272', '6.6', '2', '0', '30', '2/22', '94.8', '2', '3', '1.50', '2', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2011', 13, '11/13/11', 'Ten', '@ Car', 'W, 30-3', '27', '15', '55.6', '219', '8.1', '1', '1', '43t', '1/8', '79.1', '1', '21', '21.00', '21', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2011', 13, '11/20/11', 'Ten', '@ Atl', 'L, 23-17', '25', '13', '52.0', '124', '5.0', '0', '1', '20', '0/0', '49.4', '1', '17', '17.00', '17', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2011', 13, '11/27/11', 'Ten', 'TB', 'W, 23-17', '34', '19', '55.9', '160', '4.7', '1', '2', '20', '2/10', '53.6', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2011', 13, '12/04/11', 'Ten', '@ Buf', 'W, 23-17', '25', '16', '64.0', '140', '5.6', '0', '0', '21', '1/10', '78.8', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2011', 13, '12/11/11', 'Ten', 'NO', 'L, 22-17', '7', '5', '71.4', '44', '6.3', '0', '0', '14', '0/0', '87.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2011', 13, '12/18/11', 'Ten', '@ Ind', 'L, 27-13', '40', '27', '67.5', '223', '5.6', '0', '2', '27', '0/0', '60.7', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2011', 13, '12/24/11', 'Ten', 'Jax', 'W, 23-17', '40', '24', '60.0', '350', '8.8', '1', '2', '55t', '1/8', '76.0', '5', '2', '0.40', '7', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2011', 13, '01/01/12', 'Ten', '@ Hou', 'W, 23-22', '35', '22', '62.9', '297', '8.5', '2', '0', '55', '3/22', '108.9', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 9 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2012', 14, '09/09/12', 'Ten', 'NE', 'L, 34-13', '11', '6', '54.5', '43', '3.9', '0', '0', '14', '0/0', '63.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 9 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2012', 14, '09/30/12', 'Ten', '@ Hou', 'L, 38-14', '25', '17', '68.0', '193', '7.7', '2', '2', '25', '3/18', '84.2', '2', '3', '1.50', '4', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 9 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2012', 14, '10/07/12', 'Ten', '@ Min', 'L, 30-7', '43', '26', '60.5', '200', '4.7', '1', '1', '18', '2/19', '69.9', '2', '10', '5.00', '11', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 9 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2012', 14, '10/11/12', 'Ten', 'Pit', 'W, 26-23', '44', '25', '56.8', '290', '6.6', '1', '1', '37', '3/25', '75.0', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 9 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2012', 14, '10/21/12', 'Ten', '@ Buf', 'W, 35-34', '33', '22', '66.7', '205', '6.2', '1', '0', '29', '2/12', '93.6', '1', '-2', '-2.00', '-2', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 9 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2012', 14, '10/28/12', 'Ten', 'Ind', 'L, 19-13', '29', '22', '75.9', '236', '8.1', '1', '0', '29', '2/9', '110.7', '2', '10', '5.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 9 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2012', 14, '11/04/12', 'Ten', 'Chi', 'L, 51-20', '35', '20', '57.1', '200', '5.7', '1', '1', '30t', '2/20', '71.1', '2', '18', '9.00', '16', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 9 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2012', 14, '11/11/12', 'Ten', '@ Mia', 'W, 37-3', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2013', 15, '09/29/13', 'Ind', '@ Jax', 'W, 37-3', '3', '2', '66.7', '37', '12.3', '0', '0', '21', '0/0', '109.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2013', 15, '11/10/13', 'Ind', 'Stl', 'L, 38-8', '5', '2', '40.0', '68', '13.6', '0', '1', '57', '0/0', '47.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2013', 15, '12/29/13', 'Ind', 'Jax', 'W, 30-10', '4', '3', '75.0', '25', '6.2', '0', '0', '10', '0/0', '90.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 5 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2014', 16, '09/21/14', 'Ind', '@ Jax', 'W, 44-17', '4', '2', '50.0', '20', '5.0', '0', '0', '12', '0/0', '64.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 5 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2014', 16, '09/28/14', 'Ind', 'Ten', 'W, 41-17', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 5 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2014', 16, '12/21/14', 'Ind', '@ Dal', 'L, 42-7', '21', '15', '71.4', '126', '6.0', '1', '0', '21', '2/7', '102.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 5 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2014', 16, '12/28/14', 'Ind', '@ Ten', 'W, 27-10', '19', '13', '68.4', '155', '8.2', '1', '0', '32', '0/0', '110.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 9 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2015', 17, '10/04/15', 'Ind', 'Jax', 'W, 16-13', '47', '30', '63.8', '282', '6.0', '1', '0', '28', '3/16', '87.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 9 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2015', 17, '10/08/15', 'Ind', '@ Hou', 'W, 27-20', '29', '18', '62.1', '213', '7.3', '2', '0', '43', '0/0', '107.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 9 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2015', 17, '11/22/15', 'Ind', '@ Atl', 'W, 24-21', '32', '23', '71.9', '213', '6.7', '2', '2', '31', '2/11', '84.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 9 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2015', 17, '11/29/15', 'Ind', 'TB', 'W, 25-12', '42', '26', '61.9', '315', '7.5', '2', '0', '31', '3/6', '100.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 9 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2015', 17, '12/06/15', 'Ind', '@ Pit', 'L, 45-10', '26', '16', '61.5', '169', '6.5', '1', '2', '34', '2/14', '61.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 9 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2015', 17, '12/13/15', 'Ind', '@ Jax', 'L, 51-16', '35', '18', '51.4', '252', '7.2', '0', '0', '57', '3/33', '74.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 9 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2015', 17, '12/20/15', 'Ind', 'Hou', 'L, 16-10', '30', '17', '56.7', '147', '4.9', '1', '1', '21', '2/20', '66.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 9 total rows
['hasselbeck, matt', '2015', 17, '12/27/15', 'Ind', '@ Mia', 'W, 18-12', '15', '8', '53.3', '99', '6.6', '0', '0', '28', '1/1', '74.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 13 total rows
['leinart, matt', '2006', 1, '10/01/06', 'Ari', '@ Atl', 'L, 32-10', '9', '6', '66.7', '54', '6.0', '0', '1', '16', '1/4', '43.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 13 total rows
['leinart, matt', '2006', 1, '10/08/06', 'Ari', 'KC', 'L, 23-20', '35', '22', '62.9', '253', '7.2', '2', '1', '49t', '4/31', '91.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 13 total rows
['leinart, matt', '2006', 1, '10/16/06', 'Ari', 'Chi', 'L, 24-23', '42', '24', '57.1', '232', '5.5', '2', '0', '26t', '1/12', '88.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 13 total rows
['leinart, matt', '2006', 1, '10/22/06', 'Ari', '@ Oak', 'L, 22-9', '32', '13', '40.6', '203', '6.3', '0', '2', '58', '3/29', '36.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 13 total rows
['leinart, matt', '2006', 1, '10/29/06', 'Ari', '@ GB', 'L, 31-14', '35', '14', '40.0', '157', '4.5', '1', '1', '22', '4/25', '51.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 13 total rows
['leinart, matt', '2006', 1, '11/12/06', 'Ari', 'Dal', 'L, 27-10', '38', '20', '52.6', '216', '5.7', '0', '2', '43', '1/7', '47.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 13 total rows
['leinart, matt', '2006', 1, '11/19/06', 'Ari', 'Det', 'W, 17-10', '29', '19', '65.5', '233', '8.0', '1', '0', '44', '1/5', '101.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 13 total rows
['leinart, matt', '2006', 1, '11/26/06', 'Ari', '@ Min', 'L, 31-26', '51', '31', '60.8', '405', '7.9', '1', '2', '34', '1/10', '76.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 13 total rows
['leinart, matt', '2006', 1, '12/03/06', 'Ari', '@ Stl', 'W, 34-20', '24', '15', '62.5', '186', '7.8', '1', '0', '27', '1/7', '100.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 13 total rows
['leinart, matt', '2006', 1, '12/10/06', 'Ari', 'Sea', 'W, 27-21', '34', '21', '61.8', '232', '6.8', '2', '1', '56t', '0/0', '89.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 13 total rows
['leinart, matt', '2006', 1, '12/17/06', 'Ari', 'Den', 'L, 37-20', '35', '20', '57.1', '214', '6.1', '0', '2', '24', '3/19', '51.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 13 total rows
['leinart, matt', '2006', 1, '12/24/06', 'Ari', '@ SF', 'W, 26-20', '13', '9', '69.2', '162', '12.5', '1', '0', '57', '1/9', '137.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 6 total rows
['leinart, matt', '2007', 2, '09/10/07', 'Ari', '@ SF', 'L, 20-17', '28', '14', '50.0', '102', '3.6', '1', '2', '15', '1/2', '41.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 6 total rows
['leinart, matt', '2007', 2, '09/16/07', 'Ari', 'Sea', 'W, 23-20', '37', '23', '62.2', '299', '8.1', '1', '1', '40', '0/0', '85.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 6 total rows
['leinart, matt', '2007', 2, '09/23/07', 'Ari', '@ Bal', 'L, 26-23', '20', '9', '45.0', '53', '2.6', '0', '0', '10', '1/8', '52.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 6 total rows
['leinart, matt', '2007', 2, '09/30/07', 'Ari', 'Pit', 'W, 21-14', '14', '7', '50.0', '93', '6.6', '0', '0', '38', '1/4', '71.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 6 total rows
['leinart, matt', '2007', 2, '10/07/07', 'Ari', '@ Stl', 'W, 34-31', '13', '7', '53.8', '100', '7.7', '0', '1', '27', '1/9', '47.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 5 total rows
['leinart, matt', '2008', 3, '09/14/08', 'Ari', 'Mia', 'W, 31-10', '2', '1', '50.0', '15', '7.5', '0', '0', '15', '0/0', '75.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 5 total rows
['leinart, matt', '2008', 3, '12/14/08', 'Ari', 'Min', 'L, 35-14', '5', '3', '60.0', '28', '5.6', '0', '0', '12', '0/0', '75.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 5 total rows
['leinart, matt', '2008', 3, '12/21/08', 'Ari', '@ NE', 'L, 47-7', '14', '6', '42.9', '138', '9.9', '1', '1', '78t', '2/19', '72.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 5 total rows
['leinart, matt', '2008', 3, '12/28/08', 'Ari', 'Sea', 'W, 34-21', '8', '5', '62.5', '83', '10.4', '0', '0', '35', '0/0', '97.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 10 total rows
['leinart, matt', '2009', 4, '09/20/09', 'Ari', '@ Jax', 'W, 31-17', '6', '3', '50.0', '22', '3.7', '0', '0', '17', '0/0', '59.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 10 total rows
['leinart, matt', '2009', 4, '09/27/09', 'Ari', 'Ind', 'L, 31-10', '2', '2', '100.0', '7', '3.5', '0', '0', '5', '0/0', '81.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 10 total rows
['leinart, matt', '2009', 4, '10/18/09', 'Ari', '@ Sea', 'W, 27-3', '2', '2', '100.0', '16', '8.0', '0', '0', '11', '0/0', '100.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 10 total rows
['leinart, matt', '2009', 4, '11/08/09', 'Ari', '@ Chi', 'W, 41-21', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '1', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 10 total rows
['leinart, matt', '2009', 4, '11/22/09', 'Ari', '@ Stl', 'W, 21-13', '14', '10', '71.4', '74', '5.3', '0', '0', '20', '1/9', '83.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 10 total rows
['leinart, matt', '2009', 4, '11/29/09', 'Ari', '@ Ten', 'L, 20-17', '31', '21', '67.7', '220', '7.1', '0', '0', '28', '1/3', '88.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 10 total rows
['leinart, matt', '2009', 4, '12/27/09', 'Ari', 'Stl', 'W, 31-10', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 10 total rows
['leinart, matt', '2009', 4, '01/03/10', 'Ari', 'GB', 'L, 33-7', '21', '13', '61.9', '96', '4.6', '0', '2', '22', '0/0', '33.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 10 total rows
['leinart, matt', '2009', 4, '01/16/10', 'Ari', '@ NO', 'L, 45-14', '10', '7', '70.0', '61', '6.1', '0', '0', '16', '0/0', '85.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['leinart, matt', '2011', 6, '11/13/11', 'Hou', '@ TB', 'W, 37-9', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['leinart, matt', '2011', 6, '11/27/11', 'Hou', '@ Jax', 'W, 20-13', '13', '10', '76.9', '57', '4.4', '1', '0', '20t', '0/0', '110.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['leinart, matt', '2012', 7, '11/11/12', 'Oak', '@ Bal', 'L, 55-20', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['leinart, matt', '2012', 7, '12/23/12', 'Oak', '@ Car', 'L, 17-6', '32', '16', '50.0', '115', '3.6', '0', '1', '20', '1/9', '45.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 9 total rows
['moore, matt', '2007', 1, '10/07/07', 'Car', '@ NO', 'W, 16-13', '2', '1', '50.0', '43', '21.5', '0', '0', '43', '0/0', '95.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 9 total rows
['moore, matt', '2007', 1, '11/04/07', 'Car', '@ Ten', 'L, 20-7', '5', '2', '40.0', '36', '7.2', '0', '1', '30', '0/0', '25.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 9 total rows
['moore, matt', '2007', 1, '11/11/07', 'Car', 'Atl', 'L, 20-13', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '1', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 9 total rows
['moore, matt', '2007', 1, '11/25/07', 'Car', 'NO', 'L, 31-6', '14', '8', '57.1', '66', '4.7', '0', '1', '14', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 9 total rows
['moore, matt', '2007', 1, '12/09/07', 'Car', '@ Jax', 'L, 37-6', '10', '3', '30.0', '21', '2.1', '0', '0', '8', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 9 total rows
['moore, matt', '2007', 1, '12/16/07', 'Car', 'Sea', 'W, 13-10', '27', '19', '70.4', '208', '7.7', '0', '0', '54', '0/0', '92.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 9 total rows
['moore, matt', '2007', 1, '12/22/07', 'Car', 'Dal', 'L, 20-13', '28', '15', '53.6', '182', '6.5', '1', '1', '57', '5/35', '70.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 9 total rows
['moore, matt', '2007', 1, '12/30/07', 'Car', '@ TB', 'W, 31-23', '24', '15', '62.5', '174', '7.2', '2', '1', '46', '1/5', '94.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 8 total rows
['moore, matt', '2009', 3, '09/13/09', 'Car', 'Phi', 'L, 38-10', '11', '6', '54.5', '63', '5.7', '0', '1', '19', '1/10', '33.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 8 total rows
['moore, matt', '2009', 3, '11/01/09', 'Car', '@ Ari', 'W, 34-21', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 8 total rows
['moore, matt', '2009', 3, '12/06/09', 'Car', 'TB', 'W, 16-6', '20', '14', '70.0', '161', '8.1', '0', '1', '66', '1/9', '73.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 8 total rows
['moore, matt', '2009', 3, '12/13/09', 'Car', '@ NE', 'L, 20-10', '30', '15', '50.0', '197', '6.6', '1', '0', '44', '2/18', '82.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 8 total rows
['moore, matt', '2009', 3, '12/20/09', 'Car', 'Min', 'W, 26-7', '33', '21', '63.6', '299', '9.1', '3', '0', '55', '2/26', '123.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 8 total rows
['moore, matt', '2009', 3, '12/27/09', 'Car', '@ NYG', 'W, 41-9', '20', '15', '75.0', '171', '8.6', '3', '0', '27t', '1/2', '139.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 8 total rows
['moore, matt', '2009', 3, '01/03/10', 'Car', 'NO', 'W, 23-10', '23', '14', '60.9', '162', '7.0', '1', '0', '30t', '2/13', '96.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 7 total rows
['moore, matt', '2010', 4, '09/12/10', 'Car', '@ NYG', 'L, 31-18', '33', '14', '42.4', '182', '5.5', '1', '3', '27', '4/34', '32.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 7 total rows
['moore, matt', '2010', 4, '09/19/10', 'Car', 'TB', 'L, 20-7', '16', '6', '37.5', '125', '7.8', '1', '1', '37t', '4/25', '60.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 7 total rows
['moore, matt', '2010', 4, '10/10/10', 'Car', 'Chi', 'L, 23-6', '10', '5', '50.0', '35', '3.5', '0', '2', '14', '0/0', '18.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 7 total rows
['moore, matt', '2010', 4, '10/24/10', 'Car', 'SF', 'W, 23-20', '41', '28', '68.3', '308', '7.5', '2', '1', '39', '1/5', '96.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 7 total rows
['moore, matt', '2010', 4, '10/31/10', 'Car', '@ Stl', 'L, 20-10', '37', '23', '62.2', '194', '5.2', '1', '3', '20', '3/18', '51.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 7 total rows
['moore, matt', '2010', 4, '11/07/10', 'Car', 'NO', 'L, 34-3', '6', '3', '50.0', '13', '2.2', '0', '0', '6', '1/8', '56.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 14 total rows
['moore, matt', '2011', 5, '10/02/11', 'Mia', '@ SD', 'L, 26-16', '26', '17', '65.4', '167', '6.4', '0', '1', '31', '3/18', '67.3', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 14 total rows
['moore, matt', '2011', 5, '10/17/11', 'Mia', '@ NYJ', 'L, 24-6', '34', '16', '47.1', '204', '6.0', '0', '2', '46', '4/14', '41.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 14 total rows
['moore, matt', '2011', 5, '10/23/11', 'Mia', 'Den', 'L, 18-15', '33', '22', '66.7', '197', '6.0', '1', '0', '29', '4/24', '92.6', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 14 total rows
['moore, matt', '2011', 5, '10/30/11', 'Mia', '@ NYG', 'L, 20-17', '22', '13', '59.1', '138', '6.3', '0', '1', '24', '5/37', '58.5', '5', '31', '6.20', '16', '1', '3']
in row 5 of 14 total rows
['moore, matt', '2011', 5, '11/06/11', 'Mia', '@ KC', 'W, 31-3', '23', '17', '73.9', '244', '10.6', '3', '0', '35t', '0/0', '147.5', '4', '3', '0.75', '5', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 14 total rows
['moore, matt', '2011', 5, '11/13/11', 'Mia', 'Was', 'W, 20-9', '29', '20', '69.0', '209', '7.2', '0', '1', '28', '2/9', '75.2', '2', '14', '7.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 14 total rows
['moore, matt', '2011', 5, '11/20/11', 'Mia', 'Buf', 'W, 35-8', '20', '14', '70.0', '160', '8.0', '3', '0', '46', '1/13', '133.3', '3', '2', '0.67', '3', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 14 total rows
['moore, matt', '2011', 5, '11/24/11', 'Mia', '@ Dal', 'L, 20-19', '32', '19', '59.4', '288', '9.0', '1', '0', '41', '4/25', '99.5', '3', '3', '1.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 14 total rows
['moore, matt', '2011', 5, '12/04/11', 'Mia', 'Oak', 'W, 34-14', '25', '13', '52.0', '162', '6.5', '1', '0', '38', '1/9', '85.8', '5', '22', '4.40', '14', '1', '1']
in row 10 of 14 total rows
['moore, matt', '2011', 5, '12/11/11', 'Mia', 'Phi', 'L, 26-10', '19', '11', '57.9', '95', '5.0', '1', '1', '21', '4/22', '66.8', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 14 total rows
['moore, matt', '2011', 5, '12/18/11', 'Mia', '@ Buf', 'W, 30-23', '20', '10', '50.0', '217', '10.8', '2', '0', '65t', '2/23', '122.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 14 total rows
['moore, matt', '2011', 5, '12/24/11', 'Mia', '@ NE', 'L, 27-24', '32', '16', '50.0', '281', '8.8', '3', '1', '47', '5/28', '98.6', '3', '-8', '-2.67', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 14 total rows
['moore, matt', '2011', 5, '01/01/12', 'Mia', 'NYJ', 'W, 19-17', '32', '22', '68.8', '135', '4.2', '1', '2', '19', '1/7', '61.3', '3', '-1', '-0.33', '1', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['moore, matt', '2012', 6, '10/28/12', 'Mia', '@ NYJ', 'W, 30-9', '19', '11', '57.9', '131', '6.9', '1', '0', '37', '1/1', '96.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['moore, matt', '2012', 6, '11/11/12', 'Mia', 'Ten', 'L, 37-3', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '1/8', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['moore, matt', '2013', 7, '12/22/13', 'Mia', '@ Buf', 'L, 19-0', '6', '2', '33.3', '53', '8.8', '0', '2', '50', '0/0', '27.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['moore, matt', '2014', 8, '09/28/14', 'Mia', '@ Oak', 'W, 38-14', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['moore, matt', '2014', 8, '11/02/14', 'Mia', 'SD', 'W, 37-0', '4', '2', '50.0', '21', '5.2', '0', '0', '14', '0/0', '65.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['moore, matt', '2015', 9, '10/25/15', 'Mia', 'Hou', 'W, 44-26', '1', '1', '100.0', '14', '14.0', '0', '0', '14', '0/0', '118.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 6 total rows
['moore, matt', '2016', 10, '12/11/16', 'Mia', 'Ari', 'W, 26-23', '5', '3', '60.0', '47', '9.4', '0', '0', '29', '0/0', '91.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 6 total rows
['moore, matt', '2016', 10, '12/17/16', 'Mia', '@ NYJ', 'W, 34-13', '18', '12', '66.7', '236', '13.1', '4', '1', '66t', '1/0', '126.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 6 total rows
['moore, matt', '2016', 10, '12/24/16', 'Mia', '@ Buf', 'W, 34-31', '30', '16', '53.3', '233', '7.8', '2', '1', '56t', '0/0', '87.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 6 total rows
['moore, matt', '2016', 10, '01/01/17', 'Mia', 'NE', 'L, 35-14', '34', '24', '70.6', '205', '6.0', '2', '1', '25t', '0/0', '93.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 6 total rows
['moore, matt', '2016', 10, '01/08/17', 'Mia', '@ Pit', 'L, 30-12', '36', '29', '80.6', '289', '8.0', '1', '1', '37', '5/36', '97.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2008', 1, '09/07/08', 'Atl', 'Det', 'W, 34-21', '13', '9', '69.2', '161', '12.4', '1', '0', '62t', '1/5', '137.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2008', 1, '09/14/08', 'Atl', '@ TB', 'L, 24-9', '33', '13', '39.4', '158', '4.8', '0', '2', '23', '4/29', '29.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2008', 1, '09/21/08', 'Atl', 'KC', 'W, 38-14', '18', '12', '66.7', '192', '10.7', '1', '0', '70t', '0/0', '120.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2008', 1, '09/28/08', 'Atl', '@ Car', 'L, 24-9', '41', '21', '51.2', '158', '3.9', '0', '0', '23', '2/8', '60.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2008', 1, '10/05/08', 'Atl', '@ GB', 'W, 27-24', '26', '16', '61.5', '194', '7.5', '2', '1', '37', '0/0', '94.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2008', 1, '10/12/08', 'Atl', 'Chi', 'W, 22-20', '30', '22', '73.3', '301', '10.0', '1', '0', '47', '0/0', '116.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2008', 1, '10/26/08', 'Atl', '@ Phi', 'L, 27-14', '44', '23', '52.3', '277', '6.3', '2', '2', '55t', '2/19', '68.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2008', 1, '11/02/08', 'Atl', '@ Oak', 'W, 24-0', '22', '17', '77.3', '220', '10.0', '2', '0', '37t', '3/19', '138.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2008', 1, '11/09/08', 'Atl', 'NO', 'W, 34-20', '23', '16', '69.6', '248', '10.8', '2', '0', '67t', '0/0', '134.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2008', 1, '11/16/08', 'Atl', 'Den', 'L, 24-20', '33', '20', '60.6', '250', '7.6', '0', '1', '37', '0/0', '71.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2008', 1, '11/23/08', 'Atl', 'Car', 'W, 45-28', '27', '17', '63.0', '259', '9.6', '0', '0', '69', '1/0', '94.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2008', 1, '11/30/08', 'Atl', '@ SD', 'W, 22-16', '23', '17', '73.9', '207', '9.0', '2', '0', '38', '0/0', '130.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2008', 1, '12/07/08', 'Atl', '@ NO', 'L, 29-25', '33', '24', '72.7', '315', '9.5', '1', '1', '59', '0/0', '99.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2008', 1, '12/14/08', 'Atl', 'TB', 'W, 13-10', '23', '15', '65.2', '206', '9.0', '0', '2', '30', '1/8', '57.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2008', 1, '12/21/08', 'Atl', '@ Min', 'W, 24-17', '24', '13', '54.2', '134', '5.6', '1', '0', '22', '2/10', '84.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2008', 1, '12/28/08', 'Atl', 'Stl', 'W, 31-27', '21', '10', '47.6', '160', '7.6', '1', '2', '41', '1/6', '49.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 17 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2008', 1, '01/03/09', 'Atl', '@ Ari', 'L, 30-24', '40', '26', '65.0', '199', '5.0', '2', '2', '28', '3/9', '72.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 15 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2009', 2, '09/13/09', 'Atl', 'Mia', 'W, 19-7', '36', '22', '61.1', '229', '6.4', '2', '0', '22', '2/16', '98.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 15 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2009', 2, '09/20/09', 'Atl', 'Car', 'W, 28-20', '27', '21', '77.8', '220', '8.1', '3', '1', '27', '0/0', '122.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 15 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2009', 2, '09/27/09', 'Atl', '@ NE', 'L, 26-10', '28', '17', '60.7', '199', '7.1', '0', '0', '26', '0/0', '82.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 15 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2009', 2, '10/11/09', 'Atl', '@ SF', 'W, 45-10', '32', '22', '68.8', '329', '10.3', '2', '1', '90t', '0/0', '110.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 15 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2009', 2, '10/18/09', 'Atl', 'Chi', 'W, 21-14', '33', '19', '57.6', '185', '5.6', '2', '2', '40t', '0/0', '68.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 15 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2009', 2, '10/25/09', 'Atl', '@ Dal', 'L, 37-21', '35', '19', '54.3', '198', '5.7', '2', '2', '30t', '4/24', '66.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 15 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2009', 2, '11/02/09', 'Atl', '@ NO', 'L, 35-27', '42', '19', '45.2', '289', '6.9', '1', '3', '68t', '3/8', '46.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 15 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2009', 2, '11/08/09', 'Atl', 'Was', 'W, 31-17', '24', '17', '70.8', '135', '5.6', '1', '1', '14', '3/10', '81.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 15 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2009', 2, '11/15/09', 'Atl', '@ Car', 'L, 28-19', '41', '22', '53.7', '224', '5.5', '1', '2', '34', '0/0', '57.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 15 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2009', 2, '11/22/09', 'Atl', '@ NYG', 'L, 34-31', '46', '26', '56.5', '268', '5.8', '2', '0', '28', '2/6', '88.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 15 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2009', 2, '11/29/09', 'Atl', 'TB', 'W, 20-17', '3', '2', '66.7', '15', '5.0', '0', '0', '9', '1/3', '78.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 15 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2009', 2, '12/20/09', 'Atl', '@ NYJ', 'W, 10-7', '34', '16', '47.1', '152', '4.5', '1', '0', '38', '0/0', '69.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 15 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2009', 2, '12/27/09', 'Atl', 'Buf', 'W, 31-3', '35', '18', '51.4', '250', '7.1', '3', '0', '42t', '3/16', '103.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 15 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2009', 2, '01/03/10', 'Atl', '@ TB', 'W, 20-10', '35', '23', '65.7', '223', '6.4', '2', '2', '32', '1/9', '78.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2010', 3, '09/12/10', 'Atl', '@ Pit', 'L, 15-9', '44', '27', '61.4', '252', '5.7', '0', '1', '23', '2/15', '67.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2010', 3, '09/19/10', 'Atl', 'Ari', 'W, 41-7', '32', '21', '65.6', '225', '7.0', '3', '0', '24', '1/2', '117.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2010', 3, '09/26/10', 'Atl', '@ NO', 'W, 27-24', '30', '19', '63.3', '228', '7.6', '2', '0', '34', '2/13', '108.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2010', 3, '10/03/10', 'Atl', 'SF', 'W, 16-14', '43', '26', '60.5', '273', '6.3', '1', '2', '34', '3/14', '67.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2010', 3, '10/10/10', 'Atl', '@ Cle', 'W, 20-10', '28', '16', '57.1', '187', '6.7', '1', '0', '45t', '2/14', '89.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2010', 3, '10/17/10', 'Atl', '@ Phi', 'L, 31-17', '42', '23', '54.8', '250', '6.0', '2', '1', '42', '3/22', '78.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2010', 3, '10/24/10', 'Atl', 'Cin', 'W, 39-32', '33', '24', '72.7', '299', '9.1', '3', '1', '46', '0/0', '118.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2010', 3, '11/07/10', 'Atl', 'TB', 'W, 27-21', '36', '24', '66.7', '235', '6.5', '1', '0', '43', '0/0', '94.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2010', 3, '11/11/10', 'Atl', 'Bal', 'W, 26-21', '50', '32', '64.0', '316', '6.3', '3', '0', '33t', '2/14', '101.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2010', 3, '11/21/10', 'Atl', '@ Stl', 'W, 34-17', '39', '26', '66.7', '253', '6.5', '2', '0', '26', '0/0', '101.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2010', 3, '11/28/10', 'Atl', 'GB', 'W, 20-17', '28', '24', '85.7', '197', '7.0', '1', '0', '21', '2/20', '107.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2010', 3, '12/05/10', 'Atl', '@ TB', 'W, 28-24', '36', '18', '50.0', '205', '5.7', '2', '2', '25', '0/0', '62.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2010', 3, '12/12/10', 'Atl', '@ Car', 'W, 31-10', '34', '20', '58.8', '227', '6.7', '1', '1', '46', '3/27', '76.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2010', 3, '12/19/10', 'Atl', '@ Sea', 'W, 34-18', '35', '20', '57.1', '174', '5.0', '3', '1', '24t', '1/6', '87.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2010', 3, '12/27/10', 'Atl', 'NO', 'L, 17-14', '29', '15', '51.7', '148', '5.1', '1', '0', '19', '1/8', '77.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2010', 3, '01/02/11', 'Atl', 'Car', 'W, 31-10', '32', '22', '68.8', '236', '7.4', '2', '0', '22', '1/3', '110.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 17 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2010', 3, '01/15/11', 'Atl', 'GB', 'L, 48-21', '29', '20', '69.0', '186', '6.4', '1', '2', '22', '5/37', '69.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2011', 4, '09/11/11', 'Atl', '@ Chi', 'L, 30-12', '47', '31', '66.0', '319', '6.8', '0', '1', '32', '5/43', '76.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2011', 4, '09/18/11', 'Atl', 'Phi', 'W, 35-31', '28', '17', '60.7', '195', '7.0', '4', '2', '32', '4/15', '91.5', '4', '6', '1.50', '10', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2011', 4, '09/25/11', 'Atl', '@ TB', 'L, 16-13', '47', '26', '55.3', '330', '7.0', '1', '1', '49', '4/35', '75.7', '1', '12', '12.00', '12', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2011', 4, '10/02/11', 'Atl', '@ Sea', 'W, 30-28', '42', '28', '66.7', '291', '6.9', '1', '0', '45', '0/0', '94.4', '4', '26', '6.50', '10', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2011', 4, '10/09/11', 'Atl', 'GB', 'L, 25-14', '32', '18', '56.2', '167', '5.2', '1', '2', '23', '1/11', '55.1', '3', '9', '3.00', '9', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2011', 4, '10/16/11', 'Atl', 'Car', 'W, 31-17', '22', '14', '63.6', '163', '7.4', '1', '0', '34', '1/4', '101.1', '3', '7', '2.33', '4', '1', '2']
in row 7 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2011', 4, '10/23/11', 'Atl', '@ Det', 'W, 23-16', '34', '20', '58.8', '218', '6.4', '1', '2', '49', '3/19', '63.1', '3', '2', '0.67', '2', '1', '1']
in row 8 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2011', 4, '11/06/11', 'Atl', '@ Ind', 'W, 31-7', '24', '14', '58.3', '275', '11.5', '3', '1', '80t', '1/6', '120.7', '2', '0', '0.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2011', 4, '11/13/11', 'Atl', 'NO', 'L, 26-23', '52', '29', '55.8', '351', '6.8', '2', '1', '46', '1/8', '81.5', '1', '9', '9.00', '9', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2011', 4, '11/20/11', 'Atl', 'Ten', 'W, 23-17', '32', '22', '68.8', '316', '9.9', '1', '0', '43', '0/0', '110.9', '6', '3', '0.50', '7', '0', '2']
in row 11 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2011', 4, '11/27/11', 'Atl', 'Min', 'W, 24-14', '34', '27', '79.4', '262', '7.7', '3', '0', '27t', '2/16', '128.2', '4', '3', '0.75', '6', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2011', 4, '12/04/11', 'Atl', '@ Hou', 'L, 17-10', '47', '20', '42.6', '267', '5.7', '1', '2', '26', '0/0', '50.6', '1', '10', '10.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2011', 4, '12/11/11', 'Atl', '@ Car', 'W, 31-23', '38', '22', '57.9', '320', '8.4', '4', '0', '75t', '3/12', '120.5', '3', '0', '0.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2011', 4, '12/15/11', 'Atl', 'Jax', 'W, 41-14', '26', '19', '73.1', '224', '8.6', '3', '0', '29t', '1/4', '137.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2011', 4, '12/26/11', 'Atl', '@ NO', 'L, 45-16', '52', '34', '65.4', '373', '7.2', '1', '0', '40', '0/0', '92.9', '2', '-3', '-1.50', '2', '0', '1']
in row 16 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2011', 4, '01/01/12', 'Atl', 'TB', 'W, 45-24', '9', '6', '66.7', '106', '11.8', '2', '0', '48t', '0/0', '146.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 17 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2011', 4, '01/08/12', 'Atl', '@ NYG', 'L, 24-2', '41', '24', '58.5', '199', '4.9', '0', '0', '21', '2/16', '71.1', '3', '3', '1.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 19 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2012', 5, '09/09/12', 'Atl', '@ KC', 'W, 40-24', '31', '23', '74.2', '299', '9.6', '3', '0', '31', '1/7', '136.4', '3', '25', '8.33', '11', '1', '2']
in row 2 of 19 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2012', 5, '09/17/12', 'Atl', 'Den', 'W, 27-21', '36', '24', '66.7', '219', '6.1', '2', '0', '21', '1/11', '101.5', '6', '19', '3.17', '7', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 19 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2012', 5, '09/23/12', 'Atl', '@ SD', 'W, 27-3', '40', '30', '75.0', '275', '6.9', '3', '1', '29', '2/10', '107.8', '1', '4', '4.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 19 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2012', 5, '09/30/12', 'Atl', 'Car', 'W, 30-28', '40', '25', '62.5', '369', '9.2', '3', '1', '60t', '7/64', '107.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 19 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2012', 5, '10/07/12', 'Atl', '@ Was', 'W, 24-17', '52', '34', '65.4', '345', '6.6', '2', '1', '29', '1/7', '89.0', '5', '7', '1.40', '6', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 19 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2012', 5, '10/14/12', 'Atl', 'Oak', 'W, 23-20', '37', '24', '64.9', '249', '6.7', '1', '3', '26', '1/8', '59.4', '1', '15', '15.00', '15', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 19 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2012', 5, '10/28/12', 'Atl', '@ Phi', 'W, 30-17', '29', '22', '75.9', '262', '9.0', '3', '0', '63t', '2/16', '137.4', '3', '18', '6.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 19 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2012', 5, '11/04/12', 'Atl', 'Dal', 'W, 19-13', '34', '24', '70.6', '342', '10.1', '0', '0', '48', '3/12', '102.8', '1', '8', '8.00', '8', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 19 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2012', 5, '11/11/12', 'Atl', '@ NO', 'L, 31-27', '52', '34', '65.4', '411', '7.9', '3', '1', '52', '1/3', '100.7', '2', '2', '1.00', '1', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 19 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2012', 5, '11/18/12', 'Atl', 'Ari', 'W, 23-19', '46', '28', '60.9', '301', '6.5', '0', '5', '37', '1/5', '40.5', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 19 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2012', 5, '11/25/12', 'Atl', '@ TB', 'W, 24-23', '32', '26', '81.2', '353', '11.0', '1', '1', '80t', '1/8', '110.0', '1', '13', '13.00', '13', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 19 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2012', 5, '11/29/12', 'Atl', 'NO', 'W, 23-13', '33', '18', '54.5', '165', '5.0', '1', '0', '20', '1/6', '78.5', '3', '-2', '-0.67', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 19 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2012', 5, '12/09/12', 'Atl', '@ Car', 'L, 30-20', '49', '34', '69.4', '342', '7.0', '2', '1', '21', '2/15', '94.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 19 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2012', 5, '12/16/12', 'Atl', 'NYG', 'W, 34-0', '28', '23', '82.1', '270', '9.6', '3', '0', '40t', '1/5', '142.6', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 19 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2012', 5, '12/22/12', 'Atl', '@ Det', 'W, 31-18', '32', '25', '78.1', '279', '8.7', '4', '0', '44t', '1/8', '142.6', '2', '25', '12.50', '16', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 19 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2012', 5, '12/30/12', 'Atl', 'TB', 'L, 22-17', '44', '28', '63.6', '238', '5.4', '1', '0', '28', '2/25', '85.2', '2', '11', '5.50', '6', '0', '0']
in row 17 of 19 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2012', 5, '01/13/13', 'Atl', 'Sea', 'W, 30-28', '35', '24', '68.6', '250', '7.1', '3', '2', '47t', '0/0', '93.8', '1', '6', '6.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 18 of 19 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2012', 5, '01/20/13', 'Atl', 'SF', 'L, 28-24', '42', '30', '71.4', '396', '9.4', '3', '1', '46t', '1/0', '114.8', '2', '3', '1.50', '3', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2013', 6, '09/08/13', 'Atl', '@ NO', 'L, 23-17', '38', '25', '65.8', '304', '8.0', '2', '1', '50', '3/25', '96.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2013', 6, '09/15/13', 'Atl', 'Stl', 'W, 31-24', '43', '33', '76.7', '374', '8.7', '2', '0', '81t', '2/17', '117.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2013', 6, '09/22/13', 'Atl', '@ Mia', 'L, 27-23', '38', '23', '60.5', '231', '6.1', '2', '1', '34', '0/0', '84.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2013', 6, '09/29/13', 'Atl', 'NE', 'L, 30-23', '54', '34', '63.0', '421', '7.8', '2', '1', '49', '2/22', '91.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2013', 6, '10/07/13', 'Atl', 'NYJ', 'L, 30-28', '45', '36', '80.0', '319', '7.1', '2', '0', '46', '2/12', '111.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2013', 6, '10/20/13', 'Atl', 'TB', 'W, 31-23', '26', '20', '76.9', '273', '10.5', '3', '0', '54', '0/0', '148.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2013', 6, '10/27/13', 'Atl', '@ Ari', 'L, 27-13', '61', '34', '55.7', '301', '4.9', '1', '4', '25', '4/36', '47.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2013', 6, '11/03/13', 'Atl', '@ Car', 'L, 34-10', '27', '20', '74.1', '219', '8.1', '1', '3', '41', '1/8', '70.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2013', 6, '11/10/13', 'Atl', 'Sea', 'L, 33-10', '36', '23', '63.9', '172', '4.8', '1', '0', '31', '2/10', '84.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2013', 6, '11/17/13', 'Atl', '@ TB', 'L, 41-28', '36', '19', '52.8', '254', '7.1', '2', '2', '80t', '3/20', '70.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2013', 6, '11/21/13', 'Atl', 'NO', 'L, 17-13', '39', '30', '76.9', '292', '7.5', '0', '0', '22', '5/28', '97.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2013', 6, '12/01/13', 'Atl', '@ Buf', 'W, 34-31', '47', '28', '59.6', '311', '6.6', '1', '0', '29', '6/39', '86.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2013', 6, '12/08/13', 'Atl', '@ GB', 'L, 22-21', '35', '20', '57.1', '206', '5.9', '2', '1', '36t', '1/4', '81.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2013', 6, '12/15/13', 'Atl', 'Was', 'W, 27-26', '38', '29', '76.3', '210', '5.5', '1', '1', '19', '3/21', '86.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2013', 6, '12/23/13', 'Atl', '@ SF', 'L, 34-24', '48', '37', '77.1', '348', '7.2', '2', '2', '59', '1/7', '93.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2013', 6, '12/29/13', 'Atl', 'Car', 'L, 21-20', '40', '28', '70.0', '280', '7.0', '2', '1', '39t', '9/49', '95.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2014', 7, '09/07/14', 'Atl', 'NO', 'W, 37-34', '43', '31', '72.1', '448', '10.4', '3', '0', '54t', '1/3', '128.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2014', 7, '09/14/14', 'Atl', '@ Cin', 'L, 24-10', '44', '24', '54.5', '231', '5.2', '1', '3', '24', '2/19', '48.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2014', 7, '09/18/14', 'Atl', 'TB', 'W, 56-14', '24', '21', '87.5', '286', '11.9', '3', '0', '40t', '1/6', '155.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2014', 7, '09/28/14', 'Atl', '@ Min', 'L, 41-28', '41', '25', '61.0', '298', '7.3', '3', '2', '36t', '1/10', '87.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2014', 7, '10/05/14', 'Atl', '@ NYG', 'L, 30-20', '45', '29', '64.4', '316', '7.0', '1', '1', '74t', '1/9', '83.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2014', 7, '10/12/14', 'Atl', 'Chi', 'L, 27-13', '37', '19', '51.4', '271', '7.3', '1', '1', '41t', '4/26', '73.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2014', 7, '10/19/14', 'Atl', '@ Bal', 'L, 29-7', '44', '29', '65.9', '228', '5.2', '1', '0', '24', '5/42', '86.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2014', 7, '10/26/14', 'Atl', 'Det', 'L, 22-21', '27', '20', '74.1', '228', '8.4', '2', '1', '24', '2/15', '108.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2014', 7, '11/09/14', 'Atl', '@ TB', 'W, 27-17', '31', '20', '64.5', '219', '7.1', '1', '0', '39', '1/7', '96.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2014', 7, '11/16/14', 'Atl', '@ Car', 'W, 19-17', '45', '31', '68.9', '268', '6.0', '1', '0', '20', '2/8', '91.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2014', 7, '11/23/14', 'Atl', 'Cle', 'L, 26-24', '43', '27', '62.8', '273', '6.3', '2', '1', '32', '3/21', '86.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2014', 7, '11/30/14', 'Atl', 'Ari', 'W, 29-18', '41', '30', '73.2', '361', '8.8', '2', '1', '41', '1/3', '105.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2014', 7, '12/08/14', 'Atl', '@ GB', 'L, 43-37', '39', '24', '61.5', '375', '9.6', '4', '1', '79', '1/1', '116.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2014', 7, '12/14/14', 'Atl', 'Pit', 'L, 27-20', '37', '26', '70.3', '310', '8.4', '2', '1', '46', '0/0', '102.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2014', 7, '12/21/14', 'Atl', '@ NO', 'W, 30-14', '40', '30', '75.0', '322', '8.1', '1', '0', '36', '0/0', '106.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2014', 7, '12/28/14', 'Atl', 'Car', 'L, 34-3', '47', '29', '61.7', '260', '5.5', '0', '2', '20', '6/35', '58.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2015', 8, '09/14/15', 'Atl', 'Phi', 'W, 26-24', '34', '23', '67.6', '298', '8.8', '2', '2', '44', '1/8', '90.1', '5', '7', '1.40', '6', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2015', 8, '09/20/15', 'Atl', '@ NYG', 'W, 24-20', '46', '30', '65.2', '363', '7.9', '1', '0', '41', '2/17', '96.6', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2015', 8, '09/27/15', 'Atl', '@ Dal', 'W, 39-28', '36', '24', '66.7', '285', '7.9', '2', '0', '45t', '1/5', '109.1', '2', '17', '8.50', '18', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2015', 8, '10/04/15', 'Atl', 'Hou', 'W, 48-21', '27', '19', '70.4', '256', '9.5', '1', '0', '55', '2/13', '112.6', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2015', 8, '10/11/15', 'Atl', 'Was', 'W, 25-19', '42', '24', '57.1', '254', '6.0', '0', '2', '25', '3/12', '55.1', '3', '20', '6.67', '10', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2015', 8, '10/15/15', 'Atl', '@ NO', 'L, 31-21', '44', '30', '68.2', '295', '6.7', '2', '0', '30', '5/32', '102.0', '4', '10', '2.50', '5', '0', '2']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2015', 8, '10/25/15', 'Atl', '@ Ten', 'W, 10-7', '38', '22', '57.9', '251', '6.6', '1', '2', '24', '0/0', '64.7', '2', '-3', '-1.50', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2015', 8, '11/01/15', 'Atl', 'TB', 'L, 23-20', '45', '37', '82.2', '397', '8.8', '2', '1', '35', '1/2', '109.0', '3', '2', '0.67', '2', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2015', 8, '11/08/15', 'Atl', '@ SF', 'L, 17-16', '45', '30', '66.7', '303', '6.7', '1', '0', '54', '2/18', '93.1', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2015', 8, '11/22/15', 'Atl', 'Ind', 'L, 24-21', '46', '25', '54.3', '280', '6.1', '3', '3', '36', '1/5', '67.3', '2', '7', '3.50', '6', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2015', 8, '11/29/15', 'Atl', 'Min', 'L, 20-10', '31', '22', '71.0', '230', '7.4', '1', '2', '22', '2/20', '76.0', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2015', 8, '12/06/15', 'Atl', '@ TB', 'L, 23-19', '45', '30', '66.7', '269', '6.0', '1', '1', '25', '3/14', '80.7', '1', '4', '4.00', '4', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2015', 8, '12/13/15', 'Atl', '@ Car', 'L, 38-0', '34', '22', '64.7', '224', '6.6', '0', '1', '46', '3/42', '71.2', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2015', 8, '12/20/15', 'Atl', '@ Jax', 'W, 23-17', '35', '22', '62.9', '246', '7.0', '1', '1', '23', '1/1', '81.4', '3', '0', '0.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2015', 8, '12/27/15', 'Atl', 'Car', 'W, 20-13', '30', '23', '76.7', '306', '10.2', '1', '0', '70t', '2/10', '119.6', '6', '1', '0.17', '7', '0', '1']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2015', 8, '01/03/16', 'Atl', 'NO', 'L, 20-17', '36', '24', '66.7', '334', '9.3', '2', '1', '42t', '1/7', '103.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2016', 9, '09/11/16', 'Atl', 'TB', 'L, 31-24', '39', '27', '69.2', '334', '8.6', '2', '0', '59', '3/12', '112.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2016', 9, '09/18/16', 'Atl', '@ Oak', 'W, 35-28', '34', '26', '76.5', '396', '11.6', '3', '1', '48', '1/7', '131.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2016', 9, '09/26/16', 'Atl', '@ NO', 'W, 45-32', '30', '20', '66.7', '240', '8.0', '2', '0', '34', '2/15', '113.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2016', 9, '10/02/16', 'Atl', 'Car', 'W, 48-33', '37', '28', '75.7', '503', '13.6', '4', '1', '75t', '3/22', '142.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2016', 9, '10/09/16', 'Atl', '@ Den', 'W, 23-16', '28', '15', '53.6', '267', '9.5', '1', '0', '49', '2/17', '98.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2016', 9, '10/16/16', 'Atl', '@ Sea', 'L, 26-24', '42', '27', '64.3', '335', '8.0', '3', '1', '46t', '4/25', '102.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2016', 9, '10/23/16', 'Atl', 'SD', 'L, 33-30', '34', '22', '64.7', '273', '8.0', '1', '1', '50', '3/17', '87.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2016', 9, '10/30/16', 'Atl', 'GB', 'W, 33-32', '35', '28', '80.0', '288', '8.2', '3', '0', '47t', '2/11', '129.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2016', 9, '11/03/16', 'Atl', '@ TB', 'W, 43-28', '34', '25', '73.5', '344', '10.1', '4', '0', '32t', '2/19', '144.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2016', 9, '11/13/16', 'Atl', '@ Phi', 'L, 24-15', '33', '18', '54.5', '267', '8.1', '1', '1', '76t', '2/12', '78.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2016', 9, '11/27/16', 'Atl', 'Ari', 'W, 38-19', '34', '26', '76.5', '269', '7.9', '2', '1', '35t', '3/25', '106.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2016', 9, '12/04/16', 'Atl', 'KC', 'L, 29-28', '34', '22', '64.7', '297', '8.7', '1', '1', '42', '2/7', '90.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2016', 9, '12/11/16', 'Atl', '@ LA', 'W, 42-14', '28', '18', '64.3', '237', '8.5', '3', '0', '64t', '2/17', '126.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2016', 9, '12/18/16', 'Atl', 'SF', 'W, 41-13', '23', '17', '73.9', '286', '12.4', '2', '0', '59', '1/0', '144.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2016', 9, '12/24/16', 'Atl', '@ Car', 'W, 33-16', '33', '27', '81.8', '277', '8.4', '2', '0', '31', '4/21', '121.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2016', 9, '01/01/17', 'Atl', 'NO', 'W, 38-32', '36', '27', '75.0', '331', '9.2', '4', '0', '35', '1/8', '139.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 17 of 18 total rows
['ryan, matt', '2016', 9, '01/14/17', 'Atl', 'Sea', 'W, 36-20', '37', '26', '70.3', '338', '9.1', '3', '0', '53', '3/15', '125.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 7 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2004', 1, '10/03/04', 'Atl', '@ Car', 'W, 27-10', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 7 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2004', 1, '10/24/04', 'Atl', '@ KC', 'L, 56-10', '4', '2', '50.0', '9', '2.2', '0', '0', '7', '0/0', '56.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 7 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2004', 1, '12/05/04', 'Atl', '@ TB', 'L, 27-0', '2', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '1', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 7 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2004', 1, '12/12/04', 'Atl', 'Oak', 'W, 35-10', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 7 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2004', 1, '12/26/04', 'Atl', '@ NO', 'L, 26-13', '41', '17', '41.5', '188', '4.6', '0', '2', '59', '3/14', '35.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 7 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2004', 1, '01/02/05', 'Atl', '@ Sea', 'L, 28-26', '22', '14', '63.6', '133', '6.0', '1', '1', '26', '1/0', '76.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 8 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2005', 2, '09/18/05', 'Atl', '@ Sea', 'L, 21-18', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 8 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2005', 2, '10/02/05', 'Atl', 'Min', 'W, 30-10', '14', '5', '35.7', '39', '2.8', '0', '0', '15', '0/0', '44.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 8 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2005', 2, '10/09/05', 'Atl', 'NE', 'L, 31-28', '34', '18', '52.9', '298', '8.8', '3', '0', '53', '3/14', '112.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 8 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2005', 2, '11/20/05', 'Atl', 'TB', 'L, 30-27', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '1/1', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 8 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2005', 2, '11/24/05', 'Atl', '@ Det', 'W, 27-7', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 8 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2005', 2, '12/12/05', 'Atl', 'NO', 'W, 36-17', '2', '1', '50.0', '48', '24.0', '0', '0', '48', '0/0', '95.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 8 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2005', 2, '01/01/06', 'Atl', 'Car', 'L, 44-11', '13', '9', '69.2', '110', '8.5', '1', '0', '19', '2/12', '120.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 7 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2006', 3, '09/25/06', 'Atl', '@ NO', 'L, 23-3', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 7 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2006', 3, '10/01/06', 'Atl', 'Ari', 'W, 32-10', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '4', '0', '0.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 7 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2006', 3, '11/12/06', 'Atl', 'Cle', 'L, 17-13', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 7 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2006', 3, '12/10/06', 'Atl', '@ TB', 'W, 17-6', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 7 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2006', 3, '12/16/06', 'Atl', 'Dal', 'L, 38-28', '5', '3', '60.0', '33', '6.6', '0', '1', '13', '0/0', '40.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 7 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2006', 3, '12/31/06', 'Atl', '@ Phi', 'L, 24-17', '21', '15', '71.4', '175', '8.3', '1', '1', '47', '2/8', '92.4', '2', '21', '10.50', '19', '0', '2']
in row 1 of 12 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2007', 4, '09/09/07', 'Hou', 'KC', 'W, 20-3', '22', '16', '72.7', '225', '10.2', '1', '1', '77t', '2/19', '101.5', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 12 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2007', 4, '09/16/07', 'Hou', '@ Car', 'W, 34-21', '28', '20', '71.4', '227', '8.1', '2', '0', '33', '0/0', '119.2', '2', '3', '1.50', '4', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 12 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2007', 4, '09/23/07', 'Hou', 'Ind', 'L, 30-24', '33', '27', '81.8', '236', '7.2', '1', '2', '41', '3/22', '81.3', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 12 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2007', 4, '09/30/07', 'Hou', '@ Atl', 'L, 26-16', '40', '28', '70.0', '317', '7.9', '1', '0', '45', '1/6', '101.8', '5', '19', '3.80', '12', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 12 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2007', 4, '10/07/07', 'Hou', 'Mia', 'W, 22-19', '34', '20', '58.8', '294', '8.6', '0', '1', '49', '2/16', '74.9', '3', '6', '2.00', '3', '0', '2']
in row 6 of 12 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2007', 4, '10/14/07', 'Hou', '@ Jax', 'L, 37-17', '31', '19', '61.3', '259', '8.4', '0', '1', '46', '2/12', '74.5', '2', '6', '3.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 12 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2007', 4, '10/21/07', 'Hou', 'Ten', 'L, 38-36', '9', '5', '55.6', '23', '2.6', '0', '0', '12', '2/19', '60.9', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 12 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2007', 4, '10/28/07', 'Hou', '@ SD', 'L, 35-10', '18', '11', '61.1', '77', '4.3', '0', '2', '13', '0/0', '31.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 12 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2007', 4, '11/18/07', 'Hou', 'NO', 'W, 23-10', '33', '21', '63.6', '293', '8.9', '2', '0', '73t', '1/6', '112.3', '2', '7', '3.50', '4', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 12 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2007', 4, '11/25/07', 'Hou', '@ Cle', 'L, 27-17', '36', '22', '61.1', '256', '7.1', '2', '2', '29', '2/19', '78.0', '1', '7', '7.00', '7', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 12 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2007', 4, '12/02/07', 'Hou', '@ Ten', 'L, 28-20', '5', '3', '60.0', '34', '6.8', '0', '0', '19', '1/7', '80.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 12 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2008', 5, '09/07/08', 'Hou', '@ Pit', 'L, 38-17', '33', '25', '75.8', '202', '6.1', '1', '2', '24', '5/43', '75.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 12 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2008', 5, '09/21/08', 'Hou', '@ Ten', 'L, 31-12', '37', '17', '45.9', '188', '5.1', '0', '3', '49', '3/17', '27.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 12 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2008', 5, '09/28/08', 'Hou', '@ Jax', 'L, 30-27', '40', '29', '72.5', '307', '7.7', '3', '0', '34', '0/0', '119.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 12 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2008', 5, '10/12/08', 'Hou', 'Mia', 'W, 29-28', '42', '22', '52.4', '379', '9.0', '1', '2', '61', '1/8', '71.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 12 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2008', 5, '10/19/08', 'Hou', 'Det', 'W, 28-21', '31', '26', '83.9', '267', '8.6', '2', '0', '25', '3/13', '124.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 12 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2008', 5, '10/26/08', 'Hou', 'Cin', 'W, 35-6', '28', '24', '85.7', '280', '10.0', '3', '0', '39t', '1/5', '144.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 12 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2008', 5, '11/02/08', 'Hou', '@ Min', 'L, 28-21', '16', '11', '68.8', '139', '8.7', '0', '1', '31', '3/20', '69.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 12 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2008', 5, '12/07/08', 'Hou', '@ GB', 'W, 24-21', '42', '28', '66.7', '414', '9.9', '2', '1', '58t', '1/6', '104.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 12 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2008', 5, '12/14/08', 'Hou', 'Ten', 'W, 13-12', '39', '23', '59.0', '284', '7.3', '1', '0', '65', '3/16', '90.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 12 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2008', 5, '12/21/08', 'Hou', '@ Oak', 'L, 27-16', '36', '19', '52.8', '255', '7.1', '0', '1', '65', '3/21', '64.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 12 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2008', 5, '12/28/08', 'Hou', 'Chi', 'W, 31-24', '36', '27', '75.0', '328', '9.1', '2', '0', '43t', '0/0', '121.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2009', 6, '09/13/09', 'Hou', 'NYJ', 'L, 24-7', '33', '18', '54.5', '166', '5.0', '0', '1', '27', '2/21', '55.9', '1', '6', '6.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2009', 6, '09/20/09', 'Hou', '@ Ten', 'W, 34-31', '39', '25', '64.1', '357', '9.2', '4', '0', '72t', '0/0', '127.8', '4', '4', '1.00', '4', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2009', 6, '09/27/09', 'Hou', 'Jax', 'L, 31-24', '35', '26', '74.3', '300', '8.6', '3', '1', '25', '2/14', '116.4', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2009', 6, '10/04/09', 'Hou', 'Oak', 'W, 29-6', '22', '11', '50.0', '224', '10.2', '1', '1', '62', '4/15', '82.4', '5', '-1', '-0.20', '2', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2009', 6, '10/11/09', 'Hou', '@ Ari', 'L, 28-21', '50', '35', '70.0', '371', '7.4', '2', '1', '27', '0/0', '96.3', '3', '5', '1.67', '3', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2009', 6, '10/18/09', 'Hou', '@ Cin', 'W, 28-17', '40', '28', '70.0', '392', '9.8', '4', '1', '59', '2/7', '124.2', '3', '-1', '-0.33', '1', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2009', 6, '10/25/09', 'Hou', 'SF', 'W, 24-21', '30', '20', '66.7', '264', '8.8', '2', '0', '44', '2/18', '116.5', '5', '9', '1.80', '4', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2009', 6, '11/01/09', 'Hou', '@ Buf', 'W, 31-10', '34', '25', '73.5', '268', '7.9', '0', '2', '36', '1/11', '71.7', '8', '3', '0.38', '8', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2009', 6, '11/08/09', 'Hou', '@ Ind', 'L, 20-17', '43', '32', '74.4', '311', '7.2', '1', '2', '45', '2/10', '82.6', '3', '21', '7.00', '19', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2009', 6, '11/23/09', 'Hou', 'Ten', 'L, 20-17', '39', '25', '64.1', '305', '7.8', '2', '0', '49', '4/22', '105.2', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2009', 6, '11/29/09', 'Hou', 'Ind', 'L, 35-27', '42', '31', '73.8', '284', '6.8', '2', '2', '22', '2/10', '87.8', '2', '6', '3.00', '7', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2009', 6, '12/06/09', 'Hou', '@ Jax', 'L, 23-18', '27', '19', '70.4', '207', '7.7', '1', '1', '53', '2/7', '89.6', '1', '7', '7.00', '7', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2009', 6, '12/13/09', 'Hou', 'Sea', 'W, 34-7', '39', '29', '74.4', '365', '9.4', '2', '1', '64t', '0/0', '109.5', '1', '-2', '-2.00', '-2', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2009', 6, '12/20/09', 'Hou', '@ Stl', 'W, 16-13', '40', '28', '70.0', '367', '9.2', '1', '0', '49', '0/0', '107.0', '5', '-3', '-0.60', '1', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2009', 6, '12/27/09', 'Hou', '@ Mia', 'W, 27-20', '31', '20', '64.5', '286', '9.2', '2', '1', '44t', '1/6', '102.4', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2009', 6, '01/03/10', 'Hou', 'NE', 'W, 34-27', '39', '24', '61.5', '303', '7.8', '2', '1', '26', '1/8', '92.1', '2', '1', '0.50', '3', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2010', 7, '09/12/10', 'Hou', 'Ind', 'W, 34-24', '17', '9', '52.9', '107', '6.3', '1', '1', '23', '2/9', '67.5', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2010', 7, '09/19/10', 'Hou', '@ Was', 'W, 30-27', '52', '38', '73.1', '497', '9.6', '3', '1', '50', '5/29', '114.0', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2010', 7, '09/26/10', 'Hou', 'Dal', 'L, 27-13', '32', '23', '71.9', '241', '7.5', '1', '2', '26', '4/25', '77.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2010', 7, '10/03/10', 'Hou', '@ Oak', 'W, 31-24', '29', '16', '55.2', '192', '6.6', '2', '0', '31', '0/0', '98.6', '3', '1', '0.33', '2', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2010', 7, '10/10/10', 'Hou', 'NYG', 'L, 34-10', '34', '16', '47.1', '196', '5.8', '0', '1', '48', '3/25', '53.1', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2010', 7, '10/17/10', 'Hou', 'KC', 'W, 35-31', '33', '25', '75.8', '305', '9.2', '2', '0', '44', '2/16', '123.9', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2010', 7, '11/01/10', 'Hou', '@ Ind', 'L, 30-17', '38', '22', '57.9', '201', '5.3', '1', '1', '28t', '3/18', '70.2', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2010', 7, '11/07/10', 'Hou', 'SD', 'L, 29-23', '32', '21', '65.6', '267', '8.3', '0', '1', '33', '2/15', '78.5', '2', '1', '0.50', '1', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2010', 7, '11/14/10', 'Hou', '@ Jax', 'L, 31-24', '32', '22', '68.8', '314', '9.8', '2', '0', '60', '0/0', '121.1', '3', '14', '4.67', '8', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2010', 7, '11/21/10', 'Hou', '@ NYJ', 'L, 30-27', '33', '19', '57.6', '254', '7.7', '1', '0', '43t', '1/8', '92.2', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2010', 7, '11/28/10', 'Hou', 'Ten', 'W, 20-0', '35', '25', '71.4', '178', '5.1', '2', '0', '21', '2/20', '101.8', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2010', 7, '12/02/10', 'Hou', '@ Phi', 'L, 34-24', '36', '22', '61.1', '337', '9.4', '2', '1', '42', '2/14', '99.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2010', 7, '12/13/10', 'Hou', 'Bal', 'L, 34-28', '62', '31', '50.0', '393', '6.3', '3', '2', '46t', '2/15', '72.8', '1', '8', '8.00', '8', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2010', 7, '12/19/10', 'Hou', '@ Ten', 'L, 31-17', '54', '35', '64.8', '325', '6.0', '2', '1', '23', '4/32', '85.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2010', 7, '12/26/10', 'Hou', '@ Den', 'L, 24-23', '33', '23', '69.7', '310', '9.4', '1', '1', '47', '0/0', '96.8', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2010', 7, '01/02/11', 'Hou', 'Jax', 'W, 34-17', '22', '18', '81.8', '253', '11.5', '1', '0', '41', '0/0', '129.7', '2', '1', '0.50', '2', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 11 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2011', 8, '09/11/11', 'Hou', 'Ind', 'W, 34-7', '24', '17', '70.8', '220', '9.2', '1', '2', '25', '1/3', '78.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 11 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2011', 8, '09/18/11', 'Hou', '@ Mia', 'W, 23-13', '29', '21', '72.4', '230', '7.9', '2', '0', '43', '3/23', '118.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 11 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2011', 8, '09/25/11', 'Hou', '@ NO', 'L, 40-33', '39', '22', '56.4', '373', '9.6', '3', '1', '62', '2/9', '103.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 11 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2011', 8, '10/02/11', 'Hou', 'Pit', 'W, 17-10', '21', '14', '66.7', '138', '6.6', '1', '0', '30', '0/0', '100.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 11 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2011', 8, '10/09/11', 'Hou', 'Oak', 'L, 25-20', '51', '24', '47.1', '416', '8.2', '2', '2', '60', '3/13', '72.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 11 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2011', 8, '10/16/11', 'Hou', '@ Bal', 'L, 29-14', '37', '21', '56.8', '220', '5.9', '1', '0', '32t', '4/20', '83.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 11 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2011', 8, '10/23/11', 'Hou', '@ Ten', 'W, 41-7', '23', '18', '78.3', '296', '12.9', '2', '0', '78t', '0/0', '147.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 11 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2011', 8, '10/30/11', 'Hou', 'Jax', 'W, 24-14', '30', '16', '53.3', '225', '7.5', '1', '0', '30', '2/23', '88.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 11 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2011', 8, '11/06/11', 'Hou', 'Cle', 'W, 30-12', '23', '14', '60.9', '119', '5.2', '0', '1', '22', '0/0', '56.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 11 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2011', 8, '11/13/11', 'Hou', '@ TB', 'W, 37-9', '15', '11', '73.3', '242', '16.1', '2', '0', '80t', '1/7', '154.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 19 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2012', 9, '09/09/12', 'Hou', 'Mia', 'W, 30-10', '31', '20', '64.5', '266', '8.6', '1', '0', '29', '2/12', '102.4', '4', '-2', '-0.50', '2', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 19 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2012', 9, '09/16/12', 'Hou', '@ Jax', 'W, 27-7', '35', '26', '74.3', '195', '5.6', '0', '0', '18', '0/0', '87.2', '2', '-3', '-1.50', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 19 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2012', 9, '09/23/12', 'Hou', '@ Den', 'W, 31-25', '30', '17', '56.7', '290', '9.7', '4', '1', '60t', '1/6', '115.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 19 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2012', 9, '09/30/12', 'Hou', 'Ten', 'W, 38-14', '28', '20', '71.4', '202', '7.2', '2', '0', '33', '0/0', '115.5', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 19 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2012', 9, '10/08/12', 'Hou', '@ NYJ', 'W, 23-17', '28', '14', '50.0', '209', '7.5', '1', '1', '34t', '0/0', '71.9', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 19 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2012', 9, '10/14/12', 'Hou', 'GB', 'L, 42-24', '33', '20', '60.6', '232', '7.0', '0', '2', '27', '3/24', '56.6', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 19 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2012', 9, '10/21/12', 'Hou', 'Bal', 'W, 43-13', '37', '23', '62.2', '256', '6.9', '2', '0', '34', '2/17', '100.7', '1', '-2', '-2.00', '-2', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 19 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2012', 9, '11/04/12', 'Hou', 'Buf', 'W, 21-9', '27', '19', '70.4', '268', '9.9', '2', '0', '39t', '2/12', '126.8', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 19 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2012', 9, '11/11/12', 'Hou', '@ Chi', 'W, 13-6', '26', '14', '53.8', '95', '3.7', '1', '2', '23', '1/7', '42.9', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 19 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2012', 9, '11/18/12', 'Hou', 'Jax', 'W, 43-37', '55', '43', '78.2', '527', '9.6', '5', '2', '48t', '2/23', '121.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 19 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2012', 9, '11/22/12', 'Hou', '@ Det', 'W, 34-31', '48', '29', '60.4', '315', '6.6', '1', '1', '43', '2/19', '78.0', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 19 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2012', 9, '12/02/12', 'Hou', '@ Ten', 'W, 24-10', '35', '21', '60.0', '207', '5.9', '2', '0', '54t', '0/0', '95.8', '4', '5', '1.25', '8', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 19 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2012', 9, '12/10/12', 'Hou', '@ NE', 'L, 42-14', '32', '19', '59.4', '232', '7.2', '0', '1', '30', '2/24', '68.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 19 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2012', 9, '12/16/12', 'Hou', 'Ind', 'W, 29-17', '31', '23', '74.2', '261', '8.4', '1', '0', '52', '3/22', '109.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 19 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2012', 9, '12/23/12', 'Hou', 'Min', 'L, 23-6', '32', '18', '56.2', '178', '5.6', '0', '0', '19', '3/25', '72.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 19 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2012', 9, '12/30/12', 'Hou', '@ Ind', 'L, 28-16', '36', '24', '66.7', '275', '7.6', '0', '2', '39', '4/25', '66.3', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 17 of 19 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2012', 9, '01/05/13', 'Hou', 'Cin', 'W, 19-13', '38', '29', '76.3', '262', '6.9', '0', '1', '22', '0/0', '83.4', '4', '1', '0.25', '2', '0', '1']
in row 18 of 19 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2012', 9, '01/13/13', 'Hou', '@ NE', 'L, 41-28', '51', '34', '66.7', '343', '6.7', '2', '1', '28', '1/9', '90.6', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 11 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2013', 10, '09/09/13', 'Hou', '@ SD', 'W, 31-28', '45', '34', '75.6', '346', '7.7', '3', '1', '30', '2/17', '110.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 11 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2013', 10, '09/15/13', 'Hou', 'Ten', 'W, 30-24', '48', '26', '54.2', '298', '6.2', '3', '2', '32', '2/18', '76.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 11 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2013', 10, '09/22/13', 'Hou', '@ Bal', 'L, 30-9', '35', '25', '71.4', '194', '5.5', '0', '1', '18', '3/24', '72.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 11 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2013', 10, '09/29/13', 'Hou', 'Sea', 'L, 23-20', '49', '31', '63.3', '355', '7.2', '2', '2', '31t', '4/30', '81.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 11 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2013', 10, '10/06/13', 'Hou', '@ SF', 'L, 34-3', '35', '19', '54.3', '173', '4.9', '0', '3', '19', '1/6', '32.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 11 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2013', 10, '10/13/13', 'Hou', 'Stl', 'L, 38-13', '21', '15', '71.4', '186', '8.9', '0', '0', '41', '3/10', '98.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 11 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2013', 10, '11/17/13', 'Hou', 'Oak', 'L, 28-23', '25', '12', '48.0', '155', '6.2', '0', '0', '23', '0/0', '67.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 11 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2013', 10, '12/05/13', 'Hou', '@ Jax', 'L, 27-20', '29', '17', '58.6', '198', '6.8', '1', '1', '46', '2/28', '76.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 11 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2013', 10, '12/22/13', 'Hou', 'Den', 'L, 37-13', '37', '18', '48.6', '176', '4.8', '1', '2', '40', '3/23', '48.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 11 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2013', 10, '12/29/13', 'Hou', '@ Ten', 'L, 16-10', '34', '22', '64.7', '229', '6.7', '0', '2', '31', '1/6', '59.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2014', 11, '10/26/14', 'Oak', '@ Cle', 'L, 23-13', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '1', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2014', 11, '11/30/14', 'Oak', '@ Stl', 'L, 52-0', '9', '5', '55.6', '57', '6.3', '0', '1', '16', '3/24', '35.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2015', 12, '11/30/15', 'Bal', '@ Cle', 'W, 33-27', '34', '20', '58.8', '232', '6.8', '2', '2', '48', '0/0', '74.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2015', 12, '12/06/15', 'Bal', '@ Mia', 'L, 15-13', '46', '32', '69.6', '308', '6.7', '1', '2', '41t', '3/27', '77.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2016', 13, '11/03/16', 'Atl', '@ TB', 'W, 43-28', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2016', 13, '12/11/16', 'Atl', '@ LA', 'W, 42-14', '2', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['schaub, matt', '2016', 13, '12/18/16', 'Atl', 'SF', 'W, 41-13', '1', '1', '100.0', '16', '16.0', '0', '0', '16', '0/0', '118.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 11 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2009', 1, '09/13/09', 'Det', '@ NO', 'L, 45-27', '37', '16', '43.2', '205', '5.5', '0', '3', '64', '1/7', '27.4', '2', '0', '0.00', '1t', '1', '1']
in row 2 of 11 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2009', 1, '09/20/09', 'Det', 'Min', 'L, 27-13', '30', '18', '60.0', '152', '5.1', '1', '2', '22', '2/16', '56.5', '1', '7', '7.00', '7', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 11 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2009', 1, '09/27/09', 'Det', 'Was', 'W, 19-14', '36', '21', '58.3', '241', '6.7', '1', '0', '24', '2/14', '87.8', '2', '23', '11.50', '21', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 11 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2009', 1, '10/04/09', 'Det', '@ Chi', 'L, 48-24', '36', '24', '66.7', '296', '8.2', '1', '1', '45', '5/42', '89.6', '2', '20', '10.00', '17', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 11 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2009', 1, '11/01/09', 'Det', 'Stl', 'L, 17-10', '33', '14', '42.4', '168', '5.1', '0', '1', '36', '2/6', '46.0', '1', '4', '4.00', '4t', '1', '1']
in row 6 of 11 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2009', 1, '11/08/09', 'Det', '@ Sea', 'L, 32-20', '42', '22', '52.4', '203', '4.8', '2', '5', '29t', '2/17', '42.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 11 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2009', 1, '11/15/09', 'Det', '@ Min', 'L, 27-10', '51', '29', '56.9', '224', '4.4', '1', '0', '19', '3/20', '74.3', '4', '28', '7.00', '15', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 11 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2009', 1, '11/22/09', 'Det', 'Cle', 'W, 38-37', '43', '26', '60.5', '422', '9.8', '5', '2', '75t', '2/6', '112.7', '2', '7', '3.50', '6', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 11 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2009', 1, '11/26/09', 'Det', 'GB', 'L, 34-12', '43', '20', '46.5', '213', '5.0', '1', '4', '47', '2/14', '30.5', '3', '21', '7.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 11 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2009', 1, '12/06/09', 'Det', '@ Cin', 'L, 23-13', '26', '11', '42.3', '143', '5.5', '1', '2', '54t', '3/27', '41.0', '3', '-2', '-0.67', '4', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2010', 2, '09/12/10', 'Det', '@ Chi', 'L, 19-14', '15', '11', '73.3', '83', '5.5', '0', '0', '19', '1/14', '86.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2010', 2, '10/31/10', 'Det', 'Was', 'W, 37-25', '45', '26', '57.8', '212', '4.7', '4', '1', '25', '1/10', '90.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2010', 2, '11/07/10', 'Det', 'NYJ', 'L, 23-20', '36', '20', '55.6', '240', '6.7', '2', '0', '36', '2/12', '94.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2011', 3, '09/11/11', 'Det', '@ TB', 'W, 27-20', '33', '24', '72.7', '305', '9.2', '3', '1', '36t', '0/0', '118.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2011', 3, '09/18/11', 'Det', 'KC', 'W, 48-3', '39', '23', '59.0', '294', '7.5', '4', '1', '43', '0/0', '106.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2011', 3, '09/25/11', 'Det', '@ Min', 'W, 26-23', '46', '32', '69.6', '378', '8.2', '2', '0', '60', '5/40', '108.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2011', 3, '10/02/11', 'Det', '@ Dal', 'W, 34-30', '43', '21', '48.8', '240', '5.6', '2', '1', '24', '0/0', '71.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2011', 3, '10/10/11', 'Det', 'Chi', 'W, 24-13', '26', '19', '73.1', '219', '8.4', '2', '1', '73t', '1/5', '107.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2011', 3, '10/16/11', 'Det', 'SF', 'L, 25-19', '50', '28', '56.0', '293', '5.9', '2', '0', '41', '5/49', '86.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2011', 3, '10/23/11', 'Det', 'Atl', 'L, 23-16', '32', '15', '46.9', '183', '5.7', '1', '0', '57t', '3/24', '75.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2011', 3, '10/30/11', 'Det', '@ Den', 'W, 45-10', '30', '21', '70.0', '267', '8.9', '3', '0', '56t', '2/9', '130.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2011', 3, '11/13/11', 'Det', '@ Chi', 'L, 37-13', '63', '33', '52.4', '329', '5.2', '1', '4', '40', '2/16', '46.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2011', 3, '11/20/11', 'Det', 'Car', 'W, 49-35', '36', '28', '77.8', '335', '9.3', '5', '2', '30', '2/9', '121.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2011', 3, '11/24/11', 'Det', 'GB', 'L, 27-15', '45', '32', '71.1', '276', '6.1', '1', '3', '23', '1/3', '66.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2011', 3, '12/04/11', 'Det', '@ NO', 'L, 31-17', '44', '31', '70.5', '408', '9.3', '1', '1', '49', '3/29', '97.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2011', 3, '12/11/11', 'Det', 'Min', 'W, 34-28', '29', '20', '69.0', '227', '7.8', '2', '0', '57t', '5/19', '115.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2011', 3, '12/18/11', 'Det', '@ Oak', 'W, 28-27', '52', '29', '55.8', '391', '7.5', '4', '0', '51t', '2/16', '105.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2011', 3, '12/24/11', 'Det', 'SD', 'W, 38-10', '36', '29', '80.6', '373', '10.4', '3', '0', '46', '3/20', '137.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2011', 3, '01/01/12', 'Det', '@ GB', 'L, 45-41', '59', '36', '61.0', '520', '8.8', '5', '2', '41', '2/18', '103.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 17 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2011', 3, '01/07/12', 'Det', '@ NO', 'L, 45-28', '43', '28', '65.1', '380', '8.8', '3', '2', '42', '0/0', '97.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2012', 4, '09/09/12', 'Det', 'Stl', 'W, 27-23', '48', '32', '66.7', '355', '7.4', '1', '3', '51', '1/9', '69.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2012', 4, '09/16/12', 'Det', '@ SF', 'L, 27-19', '32', '19', '59.4', '230', '7.2', '1', '1', '50', '2/16', '78.9', '2', '10', '5.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2012', 4, '09/23/12', 'Det', '@ Ten', 'L, 44-41', '42', '33', '78.6', '278', '6.6', '1', '0', '28', '1/8', '102.2', '2', '12', '6.00', '7', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2012', 4, '09/30/12', 'Det', 'Min', 'L, 20-13', '51', '30', '58.8', '319', '6.3', '0', '0', '26', '5/33', '77.2', '4', '14', '3.50', '9', '1', '1']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2012', 4, '10/14/12', 'Det', '@ Phi', 'W, 26-23', '45', '22', '48.9', '311', '6.9', '1', '1', '57', '0/0', '69.8', '3', '7', '2.33', '3', '1', '1']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2012', 4, '10/22/12', 'Det', '@ Chi', 'L, 13-7', '46', '28', '60.9', '263', '5.7', '1', '1', '23', '3/20', '74.8', '3', '21', '7.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2012', 4, '10/28/12', 'Det', 'Sea', 'W, 28-24', '49', '34', '69.4', '352', '7.2', '3', '1', '46t', '2/21', '101.7', '4', '12', '3.00', '10', '1', '2']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2012', 4, '11/04/12', 'Det', '@ Jax', 'W, 31-14', '33', '22', '66.7', '285', '8.6', '0', '0', '38', '1/0', '93.6', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2012', 4, '11/11/12', 'Det', '@ Min', 'L, 34-24', '42', '28', '66.7', '329', '7.8', '3', '1', '50', '2/21', '104.2', '3', '13', '4.33', '9', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2012', 4, '11/18/12', 'Det', 'GB', 'L, 24-20', '39', '17', '43.6', '266', '6.8', '1', '2', '53', '5/14', '54.0', '2', '12', '6.00', '6', '0', '2']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2012', 4, '11/22/12', 'Det', 'Hou', 'L, 34-31', '61', '31', '50.8', '441', '7.2', '2', '0', '40', '3/22', '85.5', '2', '7', '3.50', '6', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2012', 4, '12/02/12', 'Det', 'Ind', 'L, 35-33', '46', '27', '58.7', '313', '6.8', '2', '1', '46t', '0/0', '84.8', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2012', 4, '12/09/12', 'Det', '@ GB', 'L, 27-20', '45', '27', '60.0', '264', '5.9', '1', '1', '27', '1/13', '74.7', '3', '9', '3.00', '6', '1', '1']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2012', 4, '12/16/12', 'Det', '@ Ari', 'L, 38-10', '50', '24', '48.0', '246', '4.9', '0', '3', '30', '2/18', '37.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2012', 4, '12/22/12', 'Det', 'Atl', 'L, 31-18', '56', '37', '66.1', '443', '7.9', '0', '1', '49', '0/0', '82.7', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2012', 4, '12/30/12', 'Det', 'Chi', 'L, 26-24', '42', '24', '57.1', '272', '6.5', '3', '1', '28', '1/17', '90.6', '3', '9', '3.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2013', 5, '09/08/13', 'Det', 'Min', 'W, 34-24', '43', '28', '65.1', '357', '8.3', '2', '1', '77t', '0/0', '96.8', '6', '-3', '-0.50', '5', '0', '2']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2013', 5, '09/15/13', 'Det', '@ Ari', 'L, 25-21', '36', '24', '66.7', '278', '7.7', '2', '0', '72t', '1/5', '108.3', '2', '1', '0.50', '1', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2013', 5, '09/22/13', 'Det', '@ Was', 'W, 27-20', '42', '25', '59.5', '385', '9.2', '2', '1', '47', '1/7', '95.8', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2013', 5, '09/29/13', 'Det', 'Chi', 'W, 40-32', '35', '23', '65.7', '242', '6.9', '1', '1', '24', '1/14', '83.3', '5', '8', '1.60', '9', '1', '1']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2013', 5, '10/06/13', 'Det', '@ GB', 'L, 22-9', '40', '25', '62.5', '262', '6.5', '1', '0', '25', '5/40', '89.8', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2013', 5, '10/13/13', 'Det', '@ Cle', 'W, 31-17', '43', '25', '58.1', '248', '5.8', '4', '1', '24', '1/0', '95.9', '2', '6', '3.00', '7', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2013', 5, '10/20/13', 'Det', 'Cin', 'L, 27-24', '51', '28', '54.9', '357', '7.0', '3', '0', '50t', '0/0', '96.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2013', 5, '10/27/13', 'Det', 'Dal', 'W, 31-30', '48', '33', '68.8', '488', '10.2', '1', '2', '87', '1/8', '91.3', '3', '12', '4.00', '8', '1', '3']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2013', 5, '11/10/13', 'Det', '@ Chi', 'W, 21-19', '35', '18', '51.4', '219', '6.3', '3', '1', '25', '0/0', '87.7', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2013', 5, '11/17/13', 'Det', '@ Pit', 'L, 37-27', '46', '19', '41.3', '362', '7.9', '2', '1', '79t', '2/18', '74.7', '3', '24', '8.00', '14', '0', '2']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2013', 5, '11/24/13', 'Det', 'TB', 'L, 24-21', '46', '26', '56.5', '297', '6.5', '3', '4', '28', '2/11', '61.6', '2', '6', '3.00', '4', '0', '2']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2013', 5, '11/28/13', 'Det', 'GB', 'W, 40-10', '35', '22', '62.9', '330', '9.4', '3', '2', '36', '1/10', '98.5', '1', '8', '8.00', '8', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2013', 5, '12/08/13', 'Det', '@ Phi', 'L, 34-20', '25', '10', '40.0', '151', '6.0', '0', '0', '33', '0/0', '60.6', '6', '-1', '-0.17', '1', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2013', 5, '12/16/13', 'Det', 'Bal', 'L, 18-16', '34', '18', '52.9', '235', '6.9', '1', '3', '37', '1/5', '48.0', '2', '9', '4.50', '5', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2013', 5, '12/22/13', 'Det', 'NYG', 'L, 23-20', '42', '25', '59.5', '222', '5.3', '0', '2', '17', '2/15', '53.9', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2013', 5, '12/29/13', 'Det', '@ Min', 'L, 14-13', '33', '22', '66.7', '217', '6.6', '1', '0', '32', '5/35', '95.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2014', 6, '09/08/14', 'Det', 'NYG', 'W, 35-14', '32', '22', '68.8', '346', '10.8', '2', '0', '67t', '1/5', '125.3', '4', '2', '0.50', '5t', '1', '1']
in row 2 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2014', 6, '09/14/14', 'Det', '@ Car', 'L, 24-7', '48', '27', '56.2', '291', '6.1', '1', '1', '25', '4/38', '72.5', '1', '8', '8.00', '8', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2014', 6, '09/21/14', 'Det', 'GB', 'W, 19-7', '34', '22', '64.7', '246', '7.2', '0', '2', '52', '2/8', '61.6', '6', '8', '1.33', '5', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2014', 6, '09/28/14', 'Det', '@ NYJ', 'W, 24-17', '34', '24', '70.6', '293', '8.6', '2', '0', '59t', '4/21', '116.4', '6', '8', '1.33', '7', '1', '3']
in row 5 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2014', 6, '10/05/14', 'Det', 'Buf', 'L, 17-14', '31', '18', '58.1', '231', '7.5', '1', '1', '55', '6/27', '78.8', '3', '8', '2.67', '8', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2014', 6, '10/12/14', 'Det', '@ Min', 'W, 17-3', '33', '19', '57.6', '185', '5.6', '1', '0', '41', '4/30', '83.5', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2014', 6, '10/19/14', 'Det', 'NO', 'W, 24-23', '40', '27', '67.5', '299', '7.5', '2', '2', '73t', '3/14', '85.3', '2', '1', '0.50', '2', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2014', 6, '10/26/14', 'Det', '@ Atl', 'W, 22-21', '47', '24', '51.1', '325', '6.9', '2', '1', '59t', '0/0', '78.8', '3', '9', '3.00', '10', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2014', 6, '11/09/14', 'Det', 'Mia', 'W, 20-16', '40', '25', '62.5', '280', '7.0', '2', '1', '49t', '3/19', '89.6', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2014', 6, '11/16/14', 'Det', '@ Ari', 'L, 14-6', '30', '18', '60.0', '183', '6.1', '0', '1', '30', '4/19', '63.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2014', 6, '11/23/14', 'Det', '@ NE', 'L, 34-9', '46', '18', '39.1', '264', '5.7', '0', '1', '42', '2/20', '49.5', '3', '18', '6.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2014', 6, '11/27/14', 'Det', 'Chi', 'W, 34-17', '45', '34', '75.6', '390', '8.7', '2', '0', '31', '2/7', '116.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2014', 6, '12/07/14', 'Det', 'TB', 'W, 34-17', '34', '26', '76.5', '311', '9.1', '3', '0', '53', '4/17', '133.3', '3', '-2', '-0.67', '0', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2014', 6, '12/14/14', 'Det', 'Min', 'W, 16-14', '28', '17', '60.7', '153', '5.5', '1', '0', '23', '0/0', '87.4', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2014', 6, '12/21/14', 'Det', '@ Chi', 'W, 20-14', '39', '22', '56.4', '243', '6.2', '0', '2', '34', '4/14', '53.7', '4', '2', '0.50', '5', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2014', 6, '12/28/14', 'Det', '@ GB', 'L, 30-20', '41', '20', '48.8', '217', '5.3', '3', '0', '22', '2/15', '89.2', '4', '29', '7.25', '18', '0', '3']
in row 17 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2014', 6, '01/04/15', 'Det', '@ Dal', 'L, 24-20', '42', '28', '66.7', '323', '7.7', '1', '1', '51t', '3/16', '87.7', '1', '9', '9.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2015', 7, '09/13/15', 'Det', '@ SD', 'L, 33-28', '30', '19', '63.3', '246', '8.2', '2', '2', '36', '1/13', '83.5', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2015', 7, '09/20/15', 'Det', '@ Min', 'L, 26-16', '53', '32', '60.4', '286', '5.4', '2', '1', '19', '1/1', '79.6', '4', '20', '5.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2015', 7, '09/27/15', 'Det', 'Den', 'L, 24-12', '45', '31', '68.9', '282', '6.3', '1', '2', '33', '4/20', '74.5', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2015', 7, '10/05/15', 'Det', '@ Sea', 'L, 13-10', '35', '24', '68.6', '203', '5.8', '0', '0', '26', '0/0', '83.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2015', 7, '10/11/15', 'Det', 'Ari', 'L, 42-17', '32', '20', '62.5', '188', '5.9', '1', '3', '48', '1/0', '50.0', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2015', 7, '10/18/15', 'Det', 'Chi', 'W, 37-34', '42', '27', '64.3', '405', '9.6', '4', '1', '57', '2/14', '117.7', '6', '37', '6.17', '11', '0', '2']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2015', 7, '10/25/15', 'Det', 'Min', 'L, 28-19', '26', '18', '69.2', '256', '9.8', '2', '0', '55', '7/59', '126.4', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2015', 7, '11/01/15', 'Det', '@ KC', 'L, 45-10', '36', '22', '61.1', '217', '6.0', '1', '2', '30', '6/32', '64.2', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2015', 7, '11/15/15', 'Det', '@ GB', 'W, 18-16', '38', '24', '63.2', '242', '6.4', '2', '1', '43', '0/0', '87.8', '2', '1', '0.50', '1', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2015', 7, '11/22/15', 'Det', 'Oak', 'W, 18-13', '35', '22', '62.9', '282', '8.1', '0', '0', '36', '4/16', '88.0', '6', '31', '5.17', '18', '1', '2']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2015', 7, '11/26/15', 'Det', 'Phi', 'W, 45-14', '38', '27', '71.1', '337', '8.9', '5', '0', '39', '2/15', '137.8', '2', '13', '6.50', '8', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2015', 7, '12/03/15', 'Det', 'GB', 'L, 27-23', '35', '23', '65.7', '220', '6.3', '2', '0', '29', '3/15', '102.1', '2', '22', '11.00', '12', '0', '2']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2015', 7, '12/13/15', 'Det', '@ Stl', 'L, 21-14', '46', '30', '65.2', '245', '5.3', '2', '1', '16', '4/25', '84.1', '2', '5', '2.50', '6', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2015', 7, '12/21/15', 'Det', '@ NO', 'W, 35-27', '25', '22', '88.0', '254', '10.2', '3', '0', '45', '3/8', '148.6', '4', '-1', '-0.25', '3', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2015', 7, '12/27/15', 'Det', 'SF', 'W, 32-17', '37', '29', '78.4', '301', '8.1', '2', '0', '36', '2/17', '118.6', '5', '11', '2.20', '9', '0', '1']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2015', 7, '01/03/16', 'Det', '@ Chi', 'W, 24-20', '39', '28', '71.8', '298', '7.6', '3', '0', '36t', '4/16', '119.4', '6', '10', '1.67', '12', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2016', 8, '09/11/16', 'Det', '@ Ind', 'W, 39-35', '39', '31', '79.5', '340', '8.7', '3', '0', '32', '1/8', '128.6', '2', '5', '2.50', '6', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2016', 8, '09/18/16', 'Det', 'Ten', 'L, 16-15', '40', '22', '55.0', '260', '6.5', '1', '1', '47', '4/22', '72.9', '2', '31', '15.50', '24', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2016', 8, '09/25/16', 'Det', '@ GB', 'L, 34-27', '41', '28', '68.3', '385', '9.4', '3', '1', '73t', '3/17', '112.3', '2', '11', '5.50', '7', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2016', 8, '10/02/16', 'Det', '@ Chi', 'L, 17-14', '36', '23', '63.9', '213', '5.9', '0', '2', '22', '2/16', '56.8', '2', '17', '8.50', '15', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2016', 8, '10/09/16', 'Det', 'Phi', 'W, 24-23', '25', '19', '76.0', '180', '7.2', '3', '0', '27', '4/16', '135.0', '6', '16', '2.67', '14', '0', '2']
in row 6 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2016', 8, '10/16/16', 'Det', 'LA', 'W, 31-28', '31', '23', '74.2', '270', '8.7', '4', '0', '61', '1/5', '139.8', '5', '14', '2.80', '7', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2016', 8, '10/23/16', 'Det', 'Was', 'W, 20-17', '29', '18', '62.1', '266', '9.2', '1', '0', '52', '3/16', '103.5', '2', '32', '16.00', '18', '0', '2']
in row 8 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2016', 8, '10/30/16', 'Det', '@ Hou', 'L, 20-13', '41', '27', '65.9', '240', '5.9', '1', '0', '34', '1/9', '89.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2016', 8, '11/06/16', 'Det', '@ Min', 'W, 22-16', '36', '23', '63.9', '219', '6.1', '2', '1', '28t', '1/5', '87.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2016', 8, '11/20/16', 'Det', 'Jax', 'W, 26-19', '33', '24', '72.7', '278', '8.4', '0', '0', '61', '3/15', '97.8', '2', '0', '0.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2016', 8, '11/24/16', 'Det', 'Min', 'W, 16-13', '40', '23', '57.5', '232', '5.8', '1', '0', '41', '2/18', '82.5', '4', '30', '7.50', '15', '0', '2']
in row 12 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2016', 8, '12/04/16', 'Det', '@ NO', 'W, 28-13', '42', '30', '71.4', '341', '8.1', '2', '0', '66t', '2/4', '111.3', '3', '22', '7.33', '11', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2016', 8, '12/11/16', 'Det', 'Chi', 'W, 20-17', '35', '21', '60.0', '223', '6.4', '1', '2', '48', '3/14', '64.3', '4', '15', '3.75', '7t', '1', '3']
in row 14 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2016', 8, '12/18/16', 'Det', '@ NYG', 'L, 17-6', '39', '24', '61.5', '273', '7.0', '0', '1', '67', '1/5', '71.8', '2', '13', '6.50', '8', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2016', 8, '12/26/16', 'Det', '@ Dal', 'L, 42-21', '46', '26', '56.5', '260', '5.7', '0', '1', '21', '4/31', '63.7', '1', '1', '1.00', '1t', '1', '1']
in row 16 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2016', 8, '01/01/17', 'Det', 'GB', 'L, 31-24', '41', '26', '63.4', '347', '8.5', '2', '1', '35t', '2/15', '96.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 17 of 18 total rows
['stafford, matthew', '2016', 8, '01/07/17', 'Det', '@ Sea', 'L, 26-6', '32', '18', '56.2', '205', '6.4', '0', '0', '30', '3/23', '75.7', '3', '15', '5.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 9 total rows
['vick, michael', '2001', 1, '09/09/01', 'Atl', '@ SF', 'L, 16-13', '4', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 9 total rows
['vick, michael', '2001', 1, '09/23/01', 'Atl', 'Car', 'W, 24-16', '2', '2', '100.0', '27', '13.5', '0', '0', '18', '1/11', '118.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 9 total rows
['vick, michael', '2001', 1, '10/07/01', 'Atl', 'Chi', 'L, 31-3', '18', '12', '66.7', '186', '10.3', '0', '0', '30', '5/28', '100.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 9 total rows
['vick, michael', '2001', 1, '11/04/01', 'Atl', 'NE', 'L, 24-10', '9', '2', '22.2', '56', '6.2', '0', '0', '50', '3/15', '53.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 9 total rows
['vick, michael', '2001', 1, '11/11/01', 'Atl', 'Dal', 'W, 20-13', '12', '4', '33.3', '32', '2.7', '1', '0', '11', '2/5', '70.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 9 total rows
['vick, michael', '2001', 1, '12/02/01', 'Atl', 'Stl', 'L, 35-6', '18', '7', '38.9', '94', '5.2', '0', '0', '20', '2/16', '56.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 9 total rows
['vick, michael', '2001', 1, '12/30/01', 'Atl', '@ Mia', 'L, 21-14', '20', '11', '55.0', '214', '10.7', '1', '2', '52', '3/21', '69.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 9 total rows
['vick, michael', '2001', 1, '01/06/02', 'Atl', '@ Stl', 'L, 31-13', '30', '12', '40.0', '176', '5.9', '0', '1', '45', '5/17', '46.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 18 total rows
['vick, michael', '2002', 2, '09/08/02', 'Atl', '@ GB', 'L, 37-34', '23', '15', '65.2', '209', '9.1', '1', '0', '55', '4/15', '108.8', '9', '72', '8.00', '18', '1', '6']
in row 2 of 18 total rows
['vick, michael', '2002', 2, '09/15/02', 'Atl', 'Chi', 'L, 14-13', '28', '17', '60.7', '166', '5.9', '1', '0', '21', '4/31', '89.3', '10', '56', '5.60', '17', '0', '2']
in row 3 of 18 total rows
['vick, michael', '2002', 2, '09/22/02', 'Atl', 'Cin', 'W, 30-3', '26', '16', '61.5', '174', '6.7', '2', '0', '20t', '1/11', '106.9', '5', '56', '11.20', '21', '0', '3']
in row 4 of 18 total rows
['vick, michael', '2002', 2, '10/06/02', 'Atl', 'TB', 'L, 20-6', '12', '4', '33.3', '37', '3.1', '0', '0', '16', '3/14', '42.7', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 18 total rows
['vick, michael', '2002', 2, '10/20/02', 'Atl', 'Car', 'W, 30-0', '22', '16', '72.7', '178', '8.1', '0', '0', '24', '1/8', '96.4', '6', '91', '15.17', '44t', '1', '3']
in row 6 of 18 total rows
['vick, michael', '2002', 2, '10/27/02', 'Atl', '@ NO', 'W, 37-35', '24', '16', '66.7', '195', '8.1', '0', '0', '33', '3/9', '91.5', '10', '91', '9.10', '32t', '2', '7']
in row 7 of 18 total rows
['vick, michael', '2002', 2, '11/03/02', 'Atl', 'Bal', 'W, 20-17', '24', '12', '50.0', '136', '5.7', '0', '1', '25', '3/21', '50.0', '7', '-5', '-0.71', '3', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 18 total rows
['vick, michael', '2002', 2, '11/10/02', 'Atl', '@ Pit', 'T, 34-34', '46', '24', '52.2', '294', '6.4', '1', '0', '43t', '3/15', '79.4', '10', '38', '3.80', '12', '1', '5']
in row 9 of 18 total rows
['vick, michael', '2002', 2, '11/17/02', 'Atl', 'NO', 'W, 24-17', '23', '11', '47.8', '160', '7.0', '2', '1', '74t', '3/23', '81.8', '7', '55', '7.86', '32', '1', '4']
in row 10 of 18 total rows
['vick, michael', '2002', 2, '11/24/02', 'Atl', '@ Car', 'W, 41-0', '24', '19', '79.2', '272', '11.3', '2', '0', '42', '0/0', '141.7', '5', '20', '4.00', '12', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 18 total rows
['vick, michael', '2002', 2, '12/01/02', 'Atl', '@ Min', 'W, 30-24', '28', '11', '39.3', '173', '6.2', '1', '1', '39t', '2/21', '57.6', '10', '173', '17.30', '46t', '2', '7']
in row 12 of 18 total rows
['vick, michael', '2002', 2, '12/08/02', 'Atl', '@ TB', 'L, 34-10', '25', '12', '48.0', '125', '5.0', '1', '1', '47', '1/6', '59.6', '6', '9', '1.50', '6', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 18 total rows
['vick, michael', '2002', 2, '12/15/02', 'Atl', 'Sea', 'L, 30-24', '38', '21', '55.3', '240', '6.3', '2', '2', '28', '2/17', '70.1', '13', '40', '3.08', '12', '0', '2']
in row 14 of 18 total rows
['vick, michael', '2002', 2, '12/22/02', 'Atl', 'Det', 'W, 36-15', '38', '20', '52.6', '337', '8.9', '2', '1', '60', '1/1', '89.5', '8', '42', '5.25', '20', '0', '2']
in row 15 of 18 total rows
['vick, michael', '2002', 2, '12/29/02', 'Atl', '@ Cle', 'L, 24-16', '40', '17', '42.5', '240', '6.0', '1', '1', '47', '2/14', '60.4', '6', '38', '6.33', '11', '0', '2']
in row 16 of 18 total rows
['vick, michael', '2002', 2, '01/04/03', 'Atl', '@ GB', 'W, 27-7', '25', '13', '52.0', '117', '4.7', '1', '0', '17', '0/0', '78.2', '10', '64', '6.40', '22', '0', '4']
in row 17 of 18 total rows
['vick, michael', '2002', 2, '01/11/03', 'Atl', '@ Phi', 'L, 20-6', '38', '22', '57.9', '274', '7.2', '0', '2', '28', '3/27', '58.4', '6', '30', '5.00', '12', '0', '2']
in row 1 of 6 total rows
['vick, michael', '2003', 3, '11/30/03', 'Atl', '@ Hou', 'L, 17-13', '11', '8', '72.7', '60', '5.5', '0', '0', '28', '1/2', '85.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 6 total rows
['vick, michael', '2003', 3, '12/07/03', 'Atl', 'Car', 'W, 20-14', '33', '16', '48.5', '179', '5.4', '0', '1', '32', '3/23', '52.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 6 total rows
['vick, michael', '2003', 3, '12/14/03', 'Atl', '@ Ind', 'L, 38-7', '19', '6', '31.6', '47', '2.5', '0', '1', '14', '4/37', '19.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 6 total rows
['vick, michael', '2003', 3, '12/20/03', 'Atl', '@ TB', 'W, 30-28', '15', '8', '53.3', '119', '7.9', '2', '0', '49', '0/0', '119.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 6 total rows
['vick, michael', '2003', 3, '12/28/03', 'Atl', 'Jax', 'W, 21-14', '22', '12', '54.5', '180', '8.2', '2', '1', '44t', '1/2', '93.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 18 total rows
['vick, michael', '2004', 4, '09/12/04', 'Atl', '@ SF', 'W, 21-19', '22', '13', '59.1', '163', '7.4', '1', '1', '22', '4/31', '78.4', '6', '10', '1.67', '8', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 18 total rows
['vick, michael', '2004', 4, '09/19/04', 'Atl', 'Stl', 'W, 34-17', '19', '14', '73.7', '179', '9.4', '1', '0', '62', '1/5', '120.3', '12', '109', '9.08', '20', '0', '8']
in row 3 of 18 total rows
['vick, michael', '2004', 4, '09/26/04', 'Atl', 'Ari', 'W, 6-3', '20', '10', '50.0', '115', '5.8', '0', '1', '22', '6/26', '46.9', '8', '68', '8.50', '58', '0', '2']
in row 4 of 18 total rows
['vick, michael', '2004', 4, '10/03/04', 'Atl', '@ Car', 'W, 27-10', '18', '10', '55.6', '148', '8.2', '0', '0', '29', '0/0', '82.6', '7', '35', '5.00', '17', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 18 total rows
['vick, michael', '2004', 4, '10/10/04', 'Atl', 'Det', 'L, 17-10', '29', '18', '62.1', '196', '6.8', '0', '1', '49', '6/35', '67.6', '5', '29', '5.80', '10', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 18 total rows
['vick, michael', '2004', 4, '10/17/04', 'Atl', 'SD', 'W, 21-20', '21', '12', '57.1', '218', '10.4', '2', '1', '50', '3/12', '104.9', '9', '35', '3.89', '14t', '1', '3']
in row 7 of 18 total rows
['vick, michael', '2004', 4, '10/24/04', 'Atl', '@ KC', 'L, 56-10', '21', '7', '33.3', '119', '5.7', '0', '2', '56', '4/25', '13.9', '6', '62', '10.33', '32', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 18 total rows
['vick, michael', '2004', 4, '10/31/04', 'Atl', '@ Den', 'W, 41-28', '24', '18', '75.0', '252', '10.5', '2', '0', '46', '1/5', '136.1', '12', '115', '9.58', '44', '0', '7']
in row 9 of 18 total rows
['vick, michael', '2004', 4, '11/14/04', 'Atl', 'TB', 'W, 24-14', '16', '8', '50.0', '147', '9.2', '1', '1', '49t', '5/27', '76.8', '9', '73', '8.11', '41', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 18 total rows
['vick, michael', '2004', 4, '11/21/04', 'Atl', '@ NYG', 'W, 14-10', '20', '12', '60.0', '115', '5.8', '2', '0', '21', '2/18', '109.4', '15', '104', '6.93', '24', '0', '5']
in row 11 of 18 total rows
['vick, michael', '2004', 4, '11/28/04', 'Atl', 'NO', 'W, 24-21', '29', '16', '55.2', '212', '7.3', '2', '1', '32', '2/2', '87.1', '10', '69', '6.90', '16t', '1', '4']
in row 12 of 18 total rows
['vick, michael', '2004', 4, '12/05/04', 'Atl', '@ TB', 'L, 27-0', '27', '13', '48.1', '115', '4.3', '0', '2', '23', '5/23', '29.1', '8', '81', '10.12', '26', '0', '5']
in row 13 of 18 total rows
['vick, michael', '2004', 4, '12/12/04', 'Atl', 'Oak', 'W, 35-10', '20', '13', '65.0', '145', '7.2', '0', '0', '22', '1/10', '86.5', '2', '31', '15.50', '19', '0', '2']
in row 14 of 18 total rows
['vick, michael', '2004', 4, '12/18/04', 'Atl', 'Car', 'W, 34-31', '28', '11', '39.3', '154', '5.5', '2', '2', '54', '4/29', '51.8', '8', '68', '8.50', '25', '1', '6']
in row 15 of 18 total rows
['vick, michael', '2004', 4, '01/02/05', 'Atl', '@ Sea', 'L, 28-26', '7', '6', '85.7', '35', '5.0', '1', '0', '11', '2/18', '127.1', '3', '13', '4.33', '11', '0', '2']
in row 16 of 18 total rows
['vick, michael', '2004', 4, '01/15/05', 'Atl', 'Stl', 'W, 47-17', '16', '12', '75.0', '82', '5.1', '2', '0', '18t', '1/14', '125.5', '8', '119', '14.88', '47', '0', '2']
in row 17 of 18 total rows
['vick, michael', '2004', 4, '01/23/05', 'Atl', '@ Phi', 'L, 27-10', '24', '11', '45.8', '136', '5.7', '0', '1', '31', '4/33', '46.5', '4', '26', '6.50', '13', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['vick, michael', '2005', 5, '09/12/05', 'Atl', 'Phi', 'W, 14-10', '23', '12', '52.2', '156', '6.8', '0', '1', '58', '4/37', '55.7', '11', '68', '6.18', '29', '1', '5']
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['vick, michael', '2005', 5, '09/18/05', 'Atl', '@ Sea', 'L, 21-18', '19', '11', '57.9', '123', '6.5', '1', '0', '30', '3/15', '94.8', '8', '43', '5.38', '32', '0', '2']
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['vick, michael', '2005', 5, '09/25/05', 'Atl', '@ Buf', 'W, 24-16', '27', '15', '55.6', '167', '6.2', '2', '1', '21', '0/0', '83.4', '9', '64', '7.11', '27', '0', '4']
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['vick, michael', '2005', 5, '10/02/05', 'Atl', 'Min', 'W, 30-10', '8', '6', '75.0', '49', '6.1', '1', '0', '13', '1/5', '129.7', '4', '58', '14.50', '24', '0', '3']
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['vick, michael', '2005', 5, '10/16/05', 'Atl', '@ NO', 'W, 34-31', '23', '11', '47.8', '112', '4.9', '1', '1', '21', '1/6', '58.6', '8', '51', '6.38', '12', '0', '4']
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['vick, michael', '2005', 5, '10/24/05', 'Atl', 'NYJ', 'W, 27-14', '26', '11', '42.3', '116', '4.5', '0', '3', '23', '3/11', '16.3', '9', '18', '2.00', '16', '2', '4']
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['vick, michael', '2005', 5, '11/06/05', 'Atl', '@ Mia', 'W, 17-10', '31', '22', '71.0', '228', '7.4', '1', '0', '24', '3/8', '102.6', '8', '38', '4.75', '18', '0', '3']
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['vick, michael', '2005', 5, '11/13/05', 'Atl', 'GB', 'L, 33-25', '30', '20', '66.7', '209', '7.0', '2', '0', '21t', '3/17', '108.9', '7', '20', '2.86', '7', '1', '2']
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['vick, michael', '2005', 5, '11/20/05', 'Atl', 'TB', 'L, 30-27', '38', '21', '55.3', '306', '8.1', '2', '0', '54', '2/12', '99.2', '4', '17', '4.25', '13', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['vick, michael', '2005', 5, '11/24/05', 'Atl', '@ Det', 'W, 27-7', '22', '12', '54.5', '146', '6.6', '2', '1', '32t', '0/0', '86.6', '6', '57', '9.50', '19', '0', '2']
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['vick, michael', '2005', 5, '12/04/05', 'Atl', '@ Car', 'L, 24-6', '35', '17', '48.6', '171', '4.9', '0', '2', '32', '4/23', '39.1', '4', '27', '6.75', '16', '0', '3']
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['vick, michael', '2005', 5, '12/12/05', 'Atl', 'NO', 'W, 36-17', '23', '12', '52.2', '231', '10.0', '1', '1', '54t', '0/0', '83.8', '6', '38', '6.33', '17t', '2', '3']
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['vick, michael', '2005', 5, '12/18/05', 'Atl', '@ Chi', 'L, 16-3', '32', '13', '40.6', '122', '3.8', '0', '2', '20', '2/5', '25.8', '6', '35', '5.83', '14', '0', '2']
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['vick, michael', '2005', 5, '12/24/05', 'Atl', '@ TB', 'L, 27-24', '26', '16', '61.5', '161', '6.2', '2', '0', '37', '4/34', '104.8', '11', '63', '5.73', '14', '0', '4']
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['vick, michael', '2005', 5, '01/01/06', 'Atl', 'Car', 'L, 44-11', '24', '15', '62.5', '115', '4.8', '0', '1', '16', '3/28', '56.8', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['vick, michael', '2006', 6, '09/10/06', 'Atl', '@ Car', 'W, 20-6', '22', '10', '45.5', '140', '6.4', '2', '0', '34t', '1/7', '96.8', '7', '48', '6.86', '24', '0', '3']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['vick, michael', '2006', 6, '09/17/06', 'Atl', 'TB', 'W, 14-3', '15', '10', '66.7', '92', '6.1', '1', '1', '22', '3/16', '77.6', '14', '127', '9.07', '22', '1', '9']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['vick, michael', '2006', 6, '09/25/06', 'Atl', '@ NO', 'L, 23-3', '31', '12', '38.7', '137', '4.4', '0', '0', '48', '5/25', '52.8', '6', '57', '9.50', '30', '0', '2']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['vick, michael', '2006', 6, '10/01/06', 'Atl', 'Ari', 'W, 32-10', '22', '13', '59.1', '153', '7.0', '0', '1', '51', '2/10', '61.4', '11', '101', '9.18', '34', '0', '6']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['vick, michael', '2006', 6, '10/15/06', 'Atl', 'NYG', 'L, 27-14', '27', '14', '51.9', '154', '5.7', '0', '1', '24', '7/48', '53.6', '8', '68', '8.50', '22t', '1', '5']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['vick, michael', '2006', 6, '10/22/06', 'Atl', 'Pit', 'W, 41-38', '30', '18', '60.0', '232', '7.7', '4', '2', '31t', '1/6', '96.1', '5', '40', '8.00', '14', '0', '3']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['vick, michael', '2006', 6, '10/29/06', 'Atl', '@ Cin', 'W, 29-27', '27', '19', '70.4', '291', '10.8', '3', '0', '32', '2/14', '142.7', '9', '55', '6.11', '14', '0', '3']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['vick, michael', '2006', 6, '11/05/06', 'Atl', '@ Det', 'L, 30-14', '32', '17', '53.1', '163', '5.1', '1', '2', '23', '2/9', '52.0', '10', '80', '8.00', '33', '0', '3']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['vick, michael', '2006', 6, '11/12/06', 'Atl', 'Cle', 'L, 17-13', '40', '16', '40.0', '197', '4.9', '1', '2', '55', '1/3', '43.4', '7', '74', '10.57', '30', '0', '2']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['vick, michael', '2006', 6, '11/19/06', 'Atl', '@ Bal', 'L, 24-10', '21', '11', '52.4', '127', '6.0', '1', '0', '49', '5/45', '86.8', '6', '54', '9.00', '18', '0', '4']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['vick, michael', '2006', 6, '11/26/06', 'Atl', 'NO', 'L, 31-13', '24', '9', '37.5', '84', '3.5', '0', '0', '43', '3/32', '47.9', '12', '166', '13.83', '51', '0', '6']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['vick, michael', '2006', 6, '12/03/06', 'Atl', '@ Was', 'W, 24-14', '16', '8', '50.0', '122', '7.6', '2', '0', '46', '1/9', '115.1', '10', '59', '5.90', '16', '0', '3']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['vick, michael', '2006', 6, '12/10/06', 'Atl', '@ TB', 'W, 17-6', '23', '14', '60.9', '155', '6.7', '0', '1', '19', '2/14', '62.8', '3', '5', '1.67', '3', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['vick, michael', '2006', 6, '12/16/06', 'Atl', 'Dal', 'L, 38-28', '24', '16', '66.7', '237', '9.9', '4', '1', '52', '4/21', '121.0', '8', '56', '7.00', '15', '0', '3']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['vick, michael', '2006', 6, '12/24/06', 'Atl', 'Car', 'L, 10-3', '20', '9', '45.0', '109', '5.5', '0', '2', '26', '3/15', '22.7', '4', '32', '8.00', '18', '0', '1']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['vick, michael', '2006', 6, '12/31/06', 'Atl', '@ Phi', 'L, 24-17', '14', '8', '57.1', '81', '5.8', '1', '0', '22', '3/29', '97.6', '3', '17', '5.67', '14', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2009', 7, '09/27/09', 'Phi', 'KC', 'W, 34-14', '2', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2009', 7, '10/11/09', 'Phi', 'TB', 'W, 33-14', '3', '1', '33.3', '1', '0.3', '0', '0', '1', '0/0', '42.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2009', 7, '10/18/09', 'Phi', '@ Oak', 'L, 13-9', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2009', 7, '10/26/09', 'Phi', '@ Was', 'W, 27-17', '1', '1', '100.0', '5', '5.0', '0', '0', '5', '0/0', '87.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2009', 7, '11/01/09', 'Phi', 'NYG', 'W, 40-17', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2009', 7, '11/08/09', 'Phi', 'Dal', 'L, 20-16', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2009', 7, '11/15/09', 'Phi', '@ SD', 'L, 31-23', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2009', 7, '11/22/09', 'Phi', '@ Chi', 'W, 24-20', '1', '1', '100.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '79.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2009', 7, '11/29/09', 'Phi', 'Was', 'W, 27-24', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2009', 7, '12/06/09', 'Phi', '@ Atl', 'W, 34-7', '2', '2', '100.0', '48', '24.0', '1', '0', '43', '0/0', '158.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2009', 7, '12/13/09', 'Phi', '@ NYG', 'W, 45-38', '2', '1', '50.0', '32', '16.0', '0', '0', '32', '0/0', '95.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2009', 7, '12/20/09', 'Phi', 'SF', 'W, 27-13', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2009', 7, '01/09/10', 'Phi', '@ Dal', 'L, 34-14', '2', '1', '50.0', '76', '38.0', '1', '0', '76t', '0/0', '135.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2010', 8, '09/12/10', 'Phi', 'GB', 'L, 27-20', '24', '16', '66.7', '175', '7.3', '1', '0', '27', '3/11', '101.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2010', 8, '09/19/10', 'Phi', '@ Det', 'W, 35-32', '34', '21', '61.8', '284', '8.4', '2', '0', '53', '5/36', '108.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2010', 8, '09/26/10', 'Phi', '@ Jax', 'W, 28-3', '31', '17', '54.8', '291', '9.4', '3', '0', '61t', '3/24', '119.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2010', 8, '10/03/10', 'Phi', 'Was', 'L, 17-12', '7', '5', '71.4', '49', '7.0', '0', '0', '31', '0/0', '90.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2010', 8, '11/07/10', 'Phi', 'Ind', 'W, 26-24', '29', '17', '58.6', '218', '7.5', '1', '0', '58', '3/11', '93.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2010', 8, '11/15/10', 'Phi', '@ Was', 'W, 59-28', '28', '20', '71.4', '333', '11.9', '4', '0', '88t', '1/1', '150.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2010', 8, '11/21/10', 'Phi', 'NYG', 'W, 27-17', '38', '24', '63.2', '258', '6.8', '0', '0', '35', '3/14', '83.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2010', 8, '11/28/10', 'Phi', '@ Chi', 'L, 31-26', '44', '29', '65.9', '333', '7.6', '2', '1', '30t', '4/40', '94.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2010', 8, '12/02/10', 'Phi', 'Hou', 'W, 34-24', '33', '22', '66.7', '302', '9.2', '2', '1', '40', '1/1', '103.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2010', 8, '12/12/10', 'Phi', '@ Dal', 'W, 30-27', '26', '16', '61.5', '270', '10.4', '2', '2', '91t', '2/12', '90.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2010', 8, '12/19/10', 'Phi', '@ NYG', 'W, 38-31', '35', '21', '60.0', '242', '6.9', '3', '1', '65t', '3/21', '97.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2010', 8, '12/28/10', 'Phi', 'Min', 'L, 24-14', '43', '25', '58.1', '263', '6.1', '1', '1', '28', '6/39', '74.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2010', 8, '01/09/11', 'Phi', 'GB', 'L, 21-16', '36', '20', '55.6', '292', '8.1', '1', '1', '44', '3/21', '79.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2011', 9, '09/11/11', 'Phi', '@ Stl', 'W, 31-13', '32', '14', '43.8', '187', '5.8', '2', '0', '41', '3/20', '83.7', '11', '97', '8.82', '19', '0', '5']
in row 2 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2011', 9, '09/18/11', 'Phi', '@ Atl', 'L, 35-31', '28', '19', '67.9', '242', '8.6', '2', '1', '36t', '0/0', '103.6', '6', '25', '4.17', '10', '0', '2']
in row 3 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2011', 9, '09/25/11', 'Phi', 'NYG', 'L, 29-16', '23', '16', '69.6', '176', '7.7', '0', '1', '24', '1/6', '73.8', '7', '31', '4.43', '10', '0', '2']
in row 4 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2011', 9, '10/02/11', 'Phi', 'SF', 'L, 24-23', '46', '30', '65.2', '416', '9.0', '2', '1', '61', '2/11', '99.5', '8', '75', '9.38', '24', '0', '3']
in row 5 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2011', 9, '10/09/11', 'Phi', '@ Buf', 'L, 31-24', '40', '26', '65.0', '315', '7.9', '2', '4', '35', '0/0', '66.1', '6', '90', '15.00', '53', '0', '3']
in row 6 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2011', 9, '10/16/11', 'Phi', '@ Was', 'W, 20-13', '31', '18', '58.1', '237', '7.6', '1', '1', '59', '2/7', '79.6', '7', '54', '7.71', '31', '0', '3']
in row 7 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2011', 9, '10/30/11', 'Phi', 'Dal', 'W, 34-7', '28', '21', '75.0', '279', '10.0', '2', '0', '24', '4/23', '129.9', '7', '50', '7.14', '15', '0', '3']
in row 8 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2011', 9, '11/07/11', 'Phi', 'Chi', 'L, 30-24', '38', '21', '55.3', '213', '5.6', '0', '1', '31', '1/2', '60.5', '5', '34', '6.80', '11', '0', '2']
in row 9 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2011', 9, '11/13/11', 'Phi', 'Ari', 'L, 21-17', '34', '16', '47.1', '128', '3.8', '0', '2', '20', '2/5', '32.5', '8', '79', '9.88', '16', '0', '3']
in row 10 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2011', 9, '12/11/11', 'Phi', '@ Mia', 'W, 26-10', '30', '15', '50.0', '208', '6.9', '1', '1', '34t', '4/20', '69.9', '2', '9', '4.50', '5', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2011', 9, '12/18/11', 'Phi', 'NYJ', 'W, 45-19', '22', '15', '68.2', '274', '12.5', '1', '1', '73', '0/0', '107.0', '5', '32', '6.40', '11t', '1', '2']
in row 12 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2011', 9, '12/24/11', 'Phi', '@ Dal', 'W, 20-7', '32', '18', '56.2', '293', '9.2', '2', '0', '39', '2/12', '107.9', '3', '10', '3.33', '10', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 14 total rows
['vick, michael', '2011', 9, '01/01/12', 'Phi', 'Was', 'W, 34-10', '39', '24', '61.5', '335', '8.6', '3', '1', '62t', '2/20', '104.1', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 11 total rows
['vick, michael', '2012', 10, '09/09/12', 'Phi', '@ Cle', 'W, 17-16', '56', '29', '51.8', '317', '5.7', '2', '4', '46', '2/11', '51.0', '7', '32', '4.57', '16', '0', '2']
in row 2 of 11 total rows
['vick, michael', '2012', 10, '09/16/12', 'Phi', 'Bal', 'W, 24-23', '32', '23', '71.9', '371', '11.6', '1', '2', '49', '2/14', '94.7', '10', '34', '3.40', '8', '1', '2']
in row 3 of 11 total rows
['vick, michael', '2012', 10, '09/23/12', 'Phi', '@ Ari', 'L, 27-6', '37', '17', '45.9', '217', '5.9', '0', '0', '34', '5/23', '64.8', '4', '15', '3.75', '20', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 11 total rows
['vick, michael', '2012', 10, '09/30/12', 'Phi', 'NYG', 'W, 19-17', '30', '19', '63.3', '241', '8.0', '1', '0', '32', '2/10', '99.4', '6', '49', '8.17', '18', '0', '3']
in row 5 of 11 total rows
['vick, michael', '2012', 10, '10/07/12', 'Phi', '@ Pit', 'L, 16-14', '30', '20', '66.7', '175', '5.8', '2', '0', '24', '3/7', '104.2', '5', '16', '3.20', '9', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 11 total rows
['vick, michael', '2012', 10, '10/14/12', 'Phi', 'Det', 'L, 26-23', '46', '28', '60.9', '311', '6.8', '2', '2', '70t', '3/25', '77.4', '9', '59', '6.56', '12', '0', '3']
in row 7 of 11 total rows
['vick, michael', '2012', 10, '10/28/12', 'Phi', 'Atl', 'L, 30-17', '35', '21', '60.0', '191', '5.5', '1', '0', '32', '3/13', '84.3', '7', '42', '6.00', '13', '0', '3']
in row 8 of 11 total rows
['vick, michael', '2012', 10, '11/05/12', 'Phi', '@ NO', 'L, 28-13', '41', '22', '53.7', '272', '6.6', '1', '1', '77t', '7/46', '72.4', '6', '53', '8.83', '15', '0', '5']
in row 9 of 11 total rows
['vick, michael', '2012', 10, '11/11/12', 'Phi', 'Dal', 'L, 38-23', '9', '6', '66.7', '70', '7.8', '1', '0', '31', '0/0', '127.1', '3', '7', '2.33', '4', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 11 total rows
['vick, michael', '2012', 10, '12/30/12', 'Phi', '@ NYG', 'L, 42-7', '35', '19', '54.3', '197', '5.6', '1', '1', '36', '1/4', '68.4', '5', '25', '5.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 8 total rows
['vick, michael', '2013', 11, '09/09/13', 'Phi', '@ Was', 'W, 33-27', '25', '15', '60.0', '203', '8.1', '2', '0', '28t', '3/23', '112.6', '9', '54', '6.00', '36', '1', '3']
in row 2 of 8 total rows
['vick, michael', '2013', 11, '09/15/13', 'Phi', 'SD', 'L, 33-30', '36', '23', '63.9', '428', '11.9', '2', '0', '70', '2/17', '123.4', '5', '34', '6.80', '11', '1', '3']
in row 3 of 8 total rows
['vick, michael', '2013', 11, '09/19/13', 'Phi', 'KC', 'L, 26-16', '30', '13', '43.3', '201', '6.7', '1', '2', '40', '6/34', '49.4', '4', '99', '24.75', '61', '0', '3']
in row 4 of 8 total rows
['vick, michael', '2013', 11, '09/29/13', 'Phi', '@ Den', 'L, 52-20', '27', '14', '51.9', '248', '9.2', '0', '0', '38', '3/13', '83.6', '8', '41', '5.12', '13', '0', '3']
in row 5 of 8 total rows
['vick, michael', '2013', 11, '10/06/13', 'Phi', '@ NYG', 'W, 36-21', '14', '6', '42.9', '105', '7.5', '0', '0', '56', '0/0', '69.0', '7', '79', '11.29', '34', '0', '5']
in row 6 of 8 total rows
['vick, michael', '2013', 11, '10/27/13', 'Phi', 'NYG', 'L, 15-7', '9', '6', '66.7', '30', '3.3', '0', '1', '11', '1/12', '31.9', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 8 total rows
['vick, michael', '2013', 11, '12/22/13', 'Phi', 'Chi', 'W, 54-11', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 10 total rows
['vick, michael', '2014', 12, '09/07/14', 'NYJ', 'Oak', 'W, 19-14', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 10 total rows
['vick, michael', '2014', 12, '09/14/14', 'NYJ', '@ GB', 'L, 31-24', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '1/3', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 10 total rows
['vick, michael', '2014', 12, '09/22/14', 'NYJ', 'Chi', 'L, 27-19', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 10 total rows
['vick, michael', '2014', 12, '10/05/14', 'NYJ', '@ SD', 'L, 31-0', '19', '8', '42.1', '47', '2.5', '0', '0', '11', '2/14', '49.7', '2', '14', '7.00', '13', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 10 total rows
['vick, michael', '2014', 12, '10/16/14', 'NYJ', '@ NE', 'L, 27-25', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '1', '6', '6.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 10 total rows
['vick, michael', '2014', 12, '10/26/14', 'NYJ', 'Buf', 'L, 43-23', '36', '18', '50.0', '153', '4.2', '0', '1', '20', '4/21', '49.9', '8', '69', '8.62', '24', '0', '4']
in row 7 of 10 total rows
['vick, michael', '2014', 12, '11/02/14', 'NYJ', '@ KC', 'L, 24-10', '28', '21', '75.0', '196', '7.0', '1', '0', '42', '3/10', '105.7', '4', '18', '4.50', '6', '0', '2']
in row 8 of 10 total rows
['vick, michael', '2014', 12, '11/09/14', 'NYJ', 'Pit', 'W, 20-13', '18', '10', '55.6', '132', '7.3', '2', '0', '67t', '4/7', '116.0', '8', '39', '4.88', '18', '0', '3']
in row 9 of 10 total rows
['vick, michael', '2014', 12, '11/24/14', 'NYJ', '@ Buf', 'L, 38-3', '19', '7', '36.8', '76', '4.0', '0', '1', '34', '5/30', '27.5', '2', '4', '2.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 6 total rows
['vick, michael', '2015', 13, '09/20/15', 'Pit', 'SF', 'W, 43-18', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 6 total rows
['vick, michael', '2015', 13, '09/27/15', 'Pit', '@ Stl', 'W, 12-6', '6', '5', '83.3', '38', '6.3', '0', '0', '20', '2/11', '93.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 6 total rows
['vick, michael', '2015', 13, '10/01/15', 'Pit', 'Bal', 'L, 23-20', '26', '19', '73.1', '124', '4.8', '1', '0', '18', '4/28', '95.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 6 total rows
['vick, michael', '2015', 13, '10/12/15', 'Pit', '@ SD', 'W, 24-20', '26', '13', '50.0', '203', '7.8', '1', '1', '72t', '3/9', '73.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 6 total rows
['vick, michael', '2015', 13, '10/18/15', 'Pit', 'Ari', 'W, 25-13', '8', '3', '37.5', '6', '0.8', '0', '0', '7', '1/5', '45.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['kafka, mike', '2011', 2, '09/18/11', 'Phi', '@ Atl', 'L, 35-31', '9', '7', '77.8', '72', '8.0', '0', '0', '43', '0/0', '100.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['kafka, mike', '2011', 2, '09/25/11', 'Phi', 'NYG', 'L, 29-16', '7', '4', '57.1', '35', '5.0', '0', '2', '19', '1/6', '31.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['kafka, mike', '2011', 2, '12/18/11', 'Phi', 'NYJ', 'W, 45-19', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2004', 1, '11/07/04', 'SD', 'NO', 'W, 43-17', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2004', 1, '01/02/05', 'SD', 'KC', 'W, 24-17', '8', '5', '62.5', '33', '4.1', '1', '0', '13t', '1/10', '110.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2005', 2, '11/20/05', 'SD', 'Buf', 'W, 48-10', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2005', 2, '12/31/05', 'SD', 'Den', 'L, 23-7', '22', '12', '54.5', '115', '5.2', '0', '1', '22', '3/16', '50.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 18 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2006', 3, '09/11/06', 'SD', '@ Oak', 'W, 27-0', '11', '8', '72.7', '108', '9.8', '1', '0', '38', '0/0', '133.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 18 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2006', 3, '09/17/06', 'SD', 'Ten', 'W, 40-7', '35', '25', '71.4', '235', '6.7', '1', '0', '28', '0/0', '99.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 18 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2006', 3, '10/01/06', 'SD', '@ Bal', 'L, 16-13', '22', '13', '59.1', '145', '6.6', '1', '1', '31t', '1/11', '75.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 18 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2006', 3, '10/08/06', 'SD', 'Pit', 'W, 23-13', '37', '24', '64.9', '242', '6.5', '2', '1', '25', '4/20', '90.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 18 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2006', 3, '10/15/06', 'SD', '@ SF', 'W, 48-19', '39', '29', '74.4', '334', '8.6', '2', '0', '57t', '0/0', '116.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 18 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2006', 3, '10/22/06', 'SD', '@ KC', 'L, 30-27', '43', '25', '58.1', '266', '6.2', '2', '1', '37t', '4/15', '82.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 18 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2006', 3, '10/29/06', 'SD', 'Stl', 'W, 38-24', '23', '15', '65.2', '206', '9.0', '1', '0', '27', '1/3', '108.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 18 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2006', 3, '11/05/06', 'SD', 'Cle', 'W, 32-25', '28', '19', '67.9', '211', '7.5', '0', '0', '28', '3/20', '90.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 18 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2006', 3, '11/12/06', 'SD', '@ Cin', 'W, 49-41', '36', '24', '66.7', '338', '9.4', '3', '0', '46t', '3/14', '124.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 18 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2006', 3, '11/19/06', 'SD', '@ Den', 'W, 35-27', '26', '19', '73.1', '222', '8.5', '2', '2', '51t', '1/5', '92.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 18 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2006', 3, '11/26/06', 'SD', 'Oak', 'W, 21-14', '31', '14', '45.2', '133', '4.3', '0', '1', '27', '1/2', '44.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 18 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2006', 3, '12/03/06', 'SD', '@ Buf', 'W, 24-21', '29', '17', '58.6', '160', '5.5', '1', '0', '26', '3/22', '85.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 18 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2006', 3, '12/10/06', 'SD', 'Den', 'W, 48-20', '23', '15', '65.2', '279', '12.1', '2', '0', '55', '1/3', '136.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 18 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2006', 3, '12/17/06', 'SD', 'KC', 'W, 20-9', '23', '8', '34.8', '97', '4.2', '0', '2', '46', '2/9', '12.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 18 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2006', 3, '12/24/06', 'SD', '@ Sea', 'W, 20-17', '30', '10', '33.3', '181', '6.0', '2', '0', '38', '1/9', '77.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 18 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2006', 3, '12/31/06', 'SD', 'Ari', 'W, 27-20', '24', '19', '79.2', '231', '9.6', '2', '1', '33t', '2/11', '117.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 17 of 18 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2006', 3, '01/14/07', 'SD', 'NE', 'L, 24-21', '32', '14', '43.8', '230', '7.2', '0', '1', '58', '3/26', '55.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 20 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2007', 4, '09/09/07', 'SD', 'Chi', 'W, 14-3', '31', '22', '71.0', '190', '6.1', '0', '1', '20', '3/21', '73.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 20 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2007', 4, '09/16/07', 'SD', '@ NE', 'L, 38-14', '30', '19', '63.3', '179', '6.0', '2', '2', '22', '3/30', '74.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 20 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2007', 4, '09/23/07', 'SD', '@ GB', 'L, 31-24', '36', '27', '75.0', '306', '8.5', '3', '1', '27t', '2/15', '116.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 20 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2007', 4, '09/30/07', 'SD', 'KC', 'L, 30-16', '42', '21', '50.0', '211', '5.0', '0', '2', '39', '1/11', '44.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 20 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2007', 4, '10/07/07', 'SD', '@ Den', 'W, 41-3', '18', '13', '72.2', '270', '15.0', '2', '0', '45', '0/0', '151.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 20 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2007', 4, '10/14/07', 'SD', 'Oak', 'W, 28-14', '21', '14', '66.7', '156', '7.4', '0', '1', '28', '0/0', '68.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 20 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2007', 4, '10/28/07', 'SD', 'Hou', 'W, 35-10', '11', '7', '63.6', '130', '11.8', '3', '0', '49t', '1/2', '143.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 20 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2007', 4, '11/04/07', 'SD', '@ Min', 'L, 35-17', '42', '19', '45.2', '197', '4.7', '0', '1', '22', '1/10', '49.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 20 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2007', 4, '11/11/07', 'SD', 'Ind', 'W, 23-21', '24', '13', '54.2', '104', '4.3', '0', '2', '19', '2/18', '30.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 20 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2007', 4, '11/18/07', 'SD', '@ Jax', 'L, 24-17', '40', '22', '55.0', '309', '7.7', '1', '2', '44', '0/0', '67.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 20 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2007', 4, '11/25/07', 'SD', 'Bal', 'W, 32-14', '35', '25', '71.4', '249', '7.1', '3', '0', '35t', '0/0', '119.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 20 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2007', 4, '12/02/07', 'SD', '@ KC', 'W, 24-10', '21', '10', '47.6', '157', '7.5', '1', '1', '40', '3/18', '68.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 20 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2007', 4, '12/09/07', 'SD', '@ Ten', 'W, 23-17', '40', '21', '52.5', '228', '5.7', '2', '2', '29', '4/28', '65.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 20 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2007', 4, '12/16/07', 'SD', 'Det', 'W, 51-14', '21', '14', '66.7', '142', '6.8', '1', '0', '28', '0/0', '101.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 20 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2007', 4, '12/24/07', 'SD', 'Den', 'W, 23-3', '25', '17', '68.0', '189', '7.6', '1', '0', '30', '1/3', '103.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 20 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2007', 4, '12/30/07', 'SD', '@ Oak', 'W, 30-17', '23', '13', '56.5', '135', '5.9', '2', '0', '21', '1/7', '102.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 17 of 20 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2007', 4, '01/06/08', 'SD', 'Ten', 'W, 17-6', '30', '19', '63.3', '292', '9.7', '1', '1', '39', '1/10', '92.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 18 of 20 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2007', 4, '01/13/08', 'SD', '@ Ind', 'W, 28-24', '19', '14', '73.7', '264', '13.9', '3', '1', '56t', '0/0', '133.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 19 of 20 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2007', 4, '01/20/08', 'SD', '@ NE', 'L, 21-12', '37', '19', '51.4', '211', '5.7', '0', '2', '21', '1/4', '46.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2008', 5, '09/07/08', 'SD', 'Car', 'L, 26-24', '27', '17', '63.0', '217', '8.0', '3', '0', '44t', '1/6', '125.1', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2008', 5, '09/14/08', 'SD', '@ Den', 'L, 39-38', '33', '21', '63.6', '377', '11.4', '3', '1', '67', '1/1', '120.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2008', 5, '09/22/08', 'SD', 'NYJ', 'W, 48-29', '25', '19', '76.0', '250', '10.0', '3', '1', '60', '0/0', '130.0', '3', '-1', '-0.33', '1', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2008', 5, '09/28/08', 'SD', '@ Oak', 'W, 28-18', '25', '14', '56.0', '180', '7.2', '1', '2', '26', '4/26', '58.8', '3', '12', '4.00', '9', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2008', 5, '10/05/08', 'SD', '@ Mia', 'L, 17-10', '28', '13', '46.4', '159', '5.7', '1', '0', '42', '2/17', '76.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2008', 5, '10/12/08', 'SD', 'NE', 'W, 30-10', '27', '18', '66.7', '306', '11.3', '3', '0', '59', '0/0', '141.9', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2008', 5, '10/19/08', 'SD', '@ Buf', 'L, 23-14', '29', '22', '75.9', '208', '7.2', '2', '1', '23', '2/17', '103.8', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2008', 5, '10/26/08', 'SD', '@ NO', 'L, 37-32', '40', '25', '62.5', '341', '8.5', '3', '1', '32', '0/0', '104.3', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2008', 5, '11/09/08', 'SD', 'KC', 'W, 20-19', '36', '27', '75.0', '316', '8.8', '2', '2', '31', '2/8', '96.5', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2008', 5, '11/16/08', 'SD', '@ Pit', 'L, 11-10', '26', '15', '57.7', '164', '6.3', '0', '2', '26', '2/12', '44.4', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2008', 5, '11/23/08', 'SD', 'Ind', 'L, 23-20', '31', '24', '77.4', '288', '9.3', '2', '0', '39t', '2/14', '126.8', '2', '15', '7.50', '9', '0', '2']
in row 12 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2008', 5, '11/30/08', 'SD', 'Atl', 'L, 22-16', '30', '17', '56.7', '149', '5.0', '0', '0', '18', '3/18', '70.0', '4', '18', '4.50', '10', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2008', 5, '12/04/08', 'SD', 'Oak', 'W, 34-7', '22', '10', '45.5', '214', '9.7', '3', '0', '59t', '0/0', '120.1', '5', '19', '3.80', '11', '0', '3']
in row 14 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2008', 5, '12/14/08', 'SD', '@ KC', 'W, 22-21', '48', '34', '70.8', '346', '7.2', '2', '1', '42', '3/20', '96.4', '2', '12', '6.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2008', 5, '12/21/08', 'SD', '@ TB', 'W, 41-24', '31', '21', '67.7', '287', '9.3', '4', '0', '32t', '1/7', '136.7', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2008', 5, '12/28/08', 'SD', 'Den', 'W, 52-21', '20', '15', '75.0', '207', '10.3', '2', '0', '37', '2/5', '141.0', '4', '11', '2.75', '4', '0', '2']
in row 17 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2008', 5, '01/03/09', 'SD', 'Ind', 'W, 23-17', '36', '20', '55.6', '217', '6.0', '0', '1', '30', '4/27', '61.9', '2', '13', '6.50', '12', '0', '1']
in row 18 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2008', 5, '01/11/09', 'SD', '@ Pit', 'L, 35-24', '35', '21', '60.0', '308', '8.8', '3', '1', '62t', '4/33', '105.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 18 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2009', 6, '09/14/09', 'SD', '@ Oak', 'W, 24-20', '36', '24', '66.7', '252', '7.0', '1', '1', '25', '3/12', '84.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 18 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2009', 6, '09/20/09', 'SD', 'Bal', 'L, 31-26', '45', '25', '55.6', '436', '9.7', '2', '2', '81t', '2/15', '85.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 18 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2009', 6, '09/27/09', 'SD', 'Mia', 'W, 23-13', '33', '18', '54.5', '303', '9.2', '0', '0', '55', '2/17', '85.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 18 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2009', 6, '10/04/09', 'SD', '@ Pit', 'L, 38-28', '36', '21', '58.3', '254', '7.1', '3', '0', '30t', '3/19', '107.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 18 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2009', 6, '10/19/09', 'SD', 'Den', 'L, 34-23', '33', '20', '60.6', '274', '8.3', '1', '0', '25', '5/36', '97.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 18 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2009', 6, '10/25/09', 'SD', '@ KC', 'W, 37-7', '30', '18', '60.0', '268', '8.9', '3', '0', '58t', '0/0', '122.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 18 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2009', 6, '11/01/09', 'SD', 'Oak', 'W, 24-16', '25', '16', '64.0', '249', '10.0', '1', '1', '53', '1/3', '93.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 18 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2009', 6, '11/08/09', 'SD', '@ NYG', 'W, 21-20', '36', '24', '66.7', '209', '5.8', '3', '2', '29', '2/17', '86.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 18 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2009', 6, '11/15/09', 'SD', 'Phi', 'W, 31-23', '25', '20', '80.0', '231', '9.2', '2', '0', '22', '2/19', '131.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 18 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2009', 6, '11/22/09', 'SD', '@ Den', 'W, 32-3', '22', '17', '77.3', '145', '6.6', '1', '0', '24', '0/0', '109.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 18 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2009', 6, '11/29/09', 'SD', 'KC', 'W, 43-14', '28', '21', '75.0', '317', '11.3', '2', '0', '53', '0/0', '135.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 18 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2009', 6, '12/06/09', 'SD', '@ Cle', 'W, 30-23', '25', '18', '72.0', '373', '14.9', '2', '0', '66t', '1/8', '140.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 18 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2009', 6, '12/13/09', 'SD', '@ Dal', 'W, 20-17', '32', '21', '65.6', '272', '8.5', '1', '1', '39', '1/4', '89.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 18 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2009', 6, '12/20/09', 'SD', 'Cin', 'W, 27-24', '38', '24', '63.2', '308', '8.1', '3', '2', '36', '2/12', '92.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 18 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2009', 6, '12/25/09', 'SD', '@ Ten', 'W, 42-17', '27', '21', '77.8', '264', '9.8', '2', '0', '36t', '1/5', '132.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 18 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2009', 6, '01/03/10', 'SD', 'Was', 'W, 23-20', '15', '9', '60.0', '99', '6.6', '1', '0', '25', '0/0', '101.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 17 of 18 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2009', 6, '01/17/10', 'SD', 'NYJ', 'L, 17-14', '40', '27', '67.5', '298', '7.5', '1', '2', '37', '2/15', '76.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2010', 7, '09/13/10', 'SD', '@ KC', 'L, 21-14', '39', '22', '56.4', '298', '7.6', '2', '0', '59t', '2/18', '98.0', '3', '5', '1.67', '6', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2010', 7, '09/19/10', 'SD', 'Jax', 'W, 38-13', '29', '22', '75.9', '334', '11.5', '3', '2', '54t', '1/8', '119.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2010', 7, '09/26/10', 'SD', '@ Sea', 'L, 27-20', '53', '29', '54.7', '455', '8.6', '2', '2', '49', '4/26', '80.3', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2010', 7, '10/03/10', 'SD', 'Ari', 'W, 41-10', '20', '15', '75.0', '241', '12.1', '2', '0', '33t', '1/10', '148.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2010', 7, '10/10/10', 'SD', '@ Oak', 'L, 35-27', '42', '27', '64.3', '431', '10.3', '2', '0', '55', '3/16', '114.3', '1', '14', '14.00', '14', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2010', 7, '10/17/10', 'SD', '@ Stl', 'L, 20-17', '37', '22', '59.5', '249', '6.7', '1', '1', '29', '7/41', '77.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2010', 7, '10/24/10', 'SD', 'NE', 'L, 23-20', '50', '34', '68.0', '336', '6.7', '1', '1', '26', '2/11', '85.1', '6', '9', '1.50', '5', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2010', 7, '10/31/10', 'SD', 'Ten', 'W, 33-25', '36', '27', '75.0', '305', '8.5', '2', '1', '48t', '1/5', '106.8', '2', '3', '1.50', '4', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2010', 7, '11/07/10', 'SD', '@ Hou', 'W, 29-23', '23', '17', '73.9', '295', '12.8', '4', '1', '55t', '1/5', '137.2', '4', '-7', '-1.75', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2010', 7, '11/22/10', 'SD', 'Den', 'W, 35-14', '24', '15', '62.5', '233', '9.7', '4', '1', '57t', '1/8', '116.8', '4', '6', '1.50', '9', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2010', 7, '11/28/10', 'SD', '@ Ind', 'W, 36-14', '23', '19', '82.6', '185', '8.0', '0', '0', '20', '2/13', '100.2', '3', '7', '2.33', '9', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2010', 7, '12/05/10', 'SD', 'Oak', 'L, 28-13', '39', '23', '59.0', '280', '7.2', '1', '1', '25', '4/15', '79.0', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2010', 7, '12/12/10', 'SD', 'KC', 'W, 31-0', '24', '18', '75.0', '226', '9.4', '2', '1', '20', '2/7', '114.2', '2', '5', '2.50', '4', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2010', 7, '12/16/10', 'SD', 'SF', 'W, 34-7', '25', '19', '76.0', '273', '10.9', '3', '0', '58t', '1/7', '150.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2010', 7, '12/26/10', 'SD', '@ Cin', 'L, 34-20', '40', '27', '67.5', '256', '6.4', '1', '1', '19', '1/7', '82.9', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2010', 7, '01/02/11', 'SD', '@ Den', 'W, 33-28', '37', '21', '56.8', '313', '8.5', '0', '1', '41', '5/30', '73.4', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2011', 8, '09/11/11', 'SD', 'Min', 'W, 24-17', '48', '33', '68.8', '335', '7.0', '2', '2', '37', '2/5', '85.0', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2011', 8, '09/18/11', 'SD', '@ NE', 'L, 35-21', '40', '29', '72.5', '378', '9.4', '2', '2', '36', '2/6', '97.7', '2', '12', '6.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2011', 8, '09/25/11', 'SD', 'KC', 'W, 20-17', '38', '24', '63.2', '266', '7.0', '0', '2', '26', '2/8', '62.0', '3', '-2', '-0.67', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2011', 8, '10/02/11', 'SD', 'Mia', 'W, 26-16', '31', '21', '67.7', '307', '9.9', '1', '0', '55t', '2/12', '110.6', '5', '18', '3.60', '15', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2011', 8, '10/09/11', 'SD', '@ Den', 'W, 29-24', '29', '18', '62.1', '250', '8.6', '1', '1', '42t', '5/38', '86.9', '3', '10', '3.33', '6', '1', '2']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2011', 8, '10/23/11', 'SD', '@ NYJ', 'L, 27-21', '32', '16', '50.0', '179', '5.6', '1', '2', '30', '1/7', '51.4', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2011', 8, '10/31/11', 'SD', '@ KC', 'L, 23-20', '41', '26', '63.4', '369', '9.0', '0', '2', '39', '3/24', '72.1', '3', '1', '0.33', '2', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2011', 8, '11/06/11', 'SD', 'GB', 'L, 45-38', '46', '26', '56.5', '385', '8.4', '4', '3', '38', '2/10', '85.9', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2011', 8, '11/10/11', 'SD', 'Oak', 'L, 24-17', '47', '23', '48.9', '274', '5.8', '2', '1', '30t', '6/35', '72.5', '1', '4', '4.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2011', 8, '11/20/11', 'SD', '@ Chi', 'L, 31-20', '31', '21', '67.7', '280', '9.0', '2', '2', '47', '0/0', '90.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2011', 8, '11/27/11', 'SD', 'Den', 'L, 16-13', '36', '19', '52.8', '188', '5.2', '1', '0', '30', '3/29', '77.1', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2011', 8, '12/05/11', 'SD', '@ Jax', 'W, 38-14', '28', '22', '78.6', '294', '10.5', '3', '0', '52t', '0/0', '146.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2011', 8, '12/11/11', 'SD', 'Buf', 'W, 37-10', '33', '24', '72.7', '240', '7.3', '3', '0', '26t', '2/24', '123.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2011', 8, '12/18/11', 'SD', 'Bal', 'W, 34-14', '23', '17', '73.9', '270', '11.7', '1', '0', '58', '0/0', '127.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2011', 8, '12/24/11', 'SD', '@ Det', 'L, 38-10', '53', '28', '52.8', '299', '5.6', '1', '2', '30', '0/0', '60.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2011', 8, '01/01/12', 'SD', '@ Oak', 'W, 38-26', '26', '19', '73.1', '310', '11.9', '3', '1', '43t', '0/0', '135.1', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2012', 9, '09/10/12', 'SD', '@ Oak', 'W, 22-14', '33', '24', '72.7', '231', '7.0', '1', '0', '46', '1/5', '102.0', '1', '-2', '-2.00', '-2', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2012', 9, '09/16/12', 'SD', 'Ten', 'W, 38-10', '32', '24', '75.0', '284', '8.9', '3', '1', '31', '4/16', '119.8', '1', '9', '9.00', '9', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2012', 9, '09/23/12', 'SD', 'Atl', 'L, 27-3', '38', '21', '55.3', '173', '4.6', '0', '2', '28', '1/9', '45.2', '2', '2', '1.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2012', 9, '09/30/12', 'SD', '@ KC', 'W, 37-20', '23', '18', '78.3', '209', '9.1', '2', '1', '33', '3/20', '115.4', '3', '0', '0.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2012', 9, '10/07/12', 'SD', '@ NO', 'L, 31-24', '42', '27', '64.3', '354', '8.4', '2', '1', '44t', '5/44', '96.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2012', 9, '10/15/12', 'SD', 'Den', 'L, 35-24', '41', '25', '61.0', '241', '5.9', '2', '4', '25', '4/24', '54.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2012', 9, '10/28/12', 'SD', '@ Cle', 'L, 7-6', '34', '18', '52.9', '154', '4.5', '0', '0', '25', '1/6', '65.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2012', 9, '11/01/12', 'SD', 'KC', 'W, 31-13', '20', '18', '90.0', '220', '11.0', '2', '1', '30', '1/4', '125.0', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2012', 9, '11/11/12', 'SD', '@ TB', 'L, 34-24', '37', '29', '78.4', '337', '9.1', '3', '2', '80t', '2/14', '109.1', '2', '5', '2.50', '4', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2012', 9, '11/18/12', 'SD', '@ Den', 'L, 30-23', '40', '24', '60.0', '258', '6.5', '2', '2', '38', '4/34', '74.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2012', 9, '11/25/12', 'SD', 'Bal', 'L, 16-13', '36', '23', '63.9', '228', '6.3', '1', '0', '26', '6/39', '91.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2012', 9, '12/02/12', 'SD', 'Cin', 'L, 20-13', '48', '26', '54.2', '280', '5.8', '0', '1', '28', '4/29', '62.8', '2', '20', '10.00', '11', '0', '2']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2012', 9, '12/09/12', 'SD', '@ Pit', 'W, 34-24', '41', '21', '51.2', '200', '4.9', '3', '0', '39t', '1/0', '89.5', '3', '3', '1.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2012', 9, '12/16/12', 'SD', 'Car', 'L, 31-7', '23', '16', '69.6', '121', '5.3', '1', '0', '30', '6/27', '96.5', '3', '4', '1.33', '3', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2012', 9, '12/23/12', 'SD', '@ NYJ', 'W, 27-17', '22', '11', '50.0', '165', '7.5', '2', '0', '37t', '4/29', '105.3', '5', '4', '0.80', '8', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2012', 9, '12/30/12', 'SD', 'Oak', 'W, 24-21', '17', '13', '76.5', '151', '8.9', '2', '0', '34t', '2/11', '142.0', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2013', 10, '09/09/13', 'SD', 'Hou', 'L, 31-28', '29', '14', '48.3', '195', '6.7', '4', '1', '47', '2/12', '95.5', '1', '18', '18.00', '18', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2013', 10, '09/15/13', 'SD', '@ Phi', 'W, 33-30', '47', '36', '76.6', '419', '8.9', '3', '0', '31', '1/6', '124.3', '3', '11', '3.67', '12', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2013', 10, '09/22/13', 'SD', '@ Ten', 'L, 20-17', '24', '20', '83.3', '184', '7.7', '1', '0', '34', '2/9', '112.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2013', 10, '09/29/13', 'SD', 'Dal', 'W, 30-21', '42', '35', '83.3', '401', '9.5', '3', '1', '56t', '1/7', '120.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2013', 10, '10/06/13', 'SD', '@ Oak', 'L, 27-17', '48', '35', '72.9', '411', '8.6', '2', '3', '51', '2/20', '86.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2013', 10, '10/14/13', 'SD', 'Ind', 'W, 19-9', '33', '22', '66.7', '237', '7.2', '1', '0', '25', '2/10', '97.7', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2013', 10, '10/20/13', 'SD', '@ Jax', 'W, 24-6', '26', '22', '84.6', '285', '11.0', '1', '0', '36', '1/9', '125.2', '2', '4', '2.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2013', 10, '11/03/13', 'SD', '@ Was', 'L, 30-24', '46', '29', '63.0', '341', '7.4', '2', '2', '22', '1/0', '81.9', '2', '14', '7.00', '9', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2013', 10, '11/10/13', 'SD', 'Den', 'L, 28-20', '29', '19', '65.5', '218', '7.5', '1', '0', '30', '4/20', '99.5', '5', '7', '1.40', '3', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2013', 10, '11/17/13', 'SD', '@ Mia', 'L, 20-16', '34', '22', '64.7', '298', '8.8', '1', '1', '35', '3/17', '90.1', '2', '6', '3.00', '5', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2013', 10, '11/24/13', 'SD', '@ KC', 'W, 41-38', '39', '27', '69.2', '392', '10.1', '3', '0', '60t', '1/5', '127.3', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2013', 10, '12/01/13', 'SD', 'Cin', 'L, 17-10', '37', '23', '62.2', '252', '6.8', '1', '1', '30t', '2/9', '80.0', '1', '4', '4.00', '4', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2013', 10, '12/08/13', 'SD', 'NYG', 'W, 37-14', '28', '21', '75.0', '249', '8.9', '3', '0', '43t', '2/5', '137.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2013', 10, '12/12/13', 'SD', '@ Den', 'W, 27-20', '20', '12', '60.0', '166', '8.3', '2', '0', '32', '2/6', '120.0', '3', '9', '3.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2013', 10, '12/22/13', 'SD', 'Oak', 'W, 26-13', '29', '19', '65.5', '201', '6.9', '1', '1', '24', '1/5', '82.7', '4', '-3', '-0.75', '0', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2013', 10, '12/29/13', 'SD', 'KC', 'W, 27-24', '33', '22', '66.7', '229', '6.9', '3', '1', '38', '3/10', '104.2', '3', '2', '0.67', '2', '0', '0']
in row 17 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2013', 10, '01/05/14', 'SD', '@ Cin', 'W, 27-10', '16', '12', '75.0', '128', '8.0', '1', '0', '33', '1/6', '118.8', '2', '4', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 18 of 19 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2013', 10, '01/12/14', 'SD', '@ Den', 'L, 24-17', '27', '18', '66.7', '217', '8.0', '2', '0', '49', '4/23', '115.8', '3', '10', '3.33', '6', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2014', 11, '09/08/14', 'SD', '@ Ari', 'L, 18-17', '36', '21', '58.3', '238', '6.6', '1', '1', '34', '0/0', '75.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2014', 11, '09/14/14', 'SD', 'Sea', 'W, 30-21', '37', '28', '75.7', '284', '7.7', '3', '0', '21t', '1/8', '124.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2014', 11, '09/21/14', 'SD', '@ Buf', 'W, 22-10', '25', '18', '72.0', '256', '10.2', '2', '0', '49', '2/6', '131.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2014', 11, '09/28/14', 'SD', 'Jax', 'W, 33-14', '39', '29', '74.4', '377', '9.7', '3', '0', '47t', '2/12', '130.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2014', 11, '10/05/14', 'SD', 'NYJ', 'W, 31-0', '28', '20', '71.4', '288', '10.3', '3', '1', '50', '3/11', '125.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2014', 11, '10/12/14', 'SD', '@ Oak', 'W, 31-28', '34', '22', '64.7', '313', '9.2', '3', '0', '44', '1/6', '123.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2014', 11, '10/19/14', 'SD', 'KC', 'L, 23-20', '31', '17', '54.8', '205', '6.6', '2', '1', '27t', '2/23', '83.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2014', 11, '10/23/14', 'SD', '@ Den', 'L, 35-21', '41', '30', '73.2', '252', '6.1', '3', '2', '31', '2/7', '92.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2014', 11, '11/02/14', 'SD', '@ Mia', 'L, 37-0', '23', '12', '52.2', '138', '6.0', '0', '3', '18', '3/11', '31.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2014', 11, '11/16/14', 'SD', 'Oak', 'W, 13-6', '34', '22', '64.7', '193', '5.7', '1', '0', '22t', '2/13', '89.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2014', 11, '11/23/14', 'SD', 'Stl', 'W, 27-24', '35', '29', '82.9', '291', '8.3', '1', '1', '35', '3/9', '98.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2014', 11, '11/30/14', 'SD', '@ Bal', 'W, 34-33', '45', '34', '75.6', '383', '8.5', '3', '1', '59', '2/7', '113.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2014', 11, '12/07/14', 'SD', 'NE', 'L, 23-14', '33', '20', '60.6', '189', '5.7', '1', '1', '28', '4/26', '73.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2014', 11, '12/14/14', 'SD', 'Den', 'L, 22-10', '41', '24', '58.5', '232', '5.7', '1', '2', '20', '0/0', '62.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2014', 11, '12/20/14', 'SD', '@ SF', 'W, 38-35', '54', '33', '61.1', '356', '6.6', '4', '3', '28', '2/8', '82.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2014', 11, '12/28/14', 'SD', '@ KC', 'L, 19-7', '34', '20', '58.8', '291', '8.6', '0', '2', '44', '7/42', '62.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2015', 12, '09/13/15', 'SD', 'Det', 'W, 33-28', '41', '34', '82.9', '403', '9.8', '2', '2', '34', '2/16', '103.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2015', 12, '09/20/15', 'SD', '@ Cin', 'L, 24-19', '27', '21', '77.8', '241', '8.9', '2', '1', '40t', '4/18', '113.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2015', 12, '09/27/15', 'SD', '@ Min', 'L, 31-14', '34', '21', '61.8', '246', '7.2', '1', '1', '39', '4/30', '81.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2015', 12, '10/04/15', 'SD', 'Cle', 'W, 30-27', '38', '23', '60.5', '358', '9.4', '3', '0', '68', '2/11', '118.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2015', 12, '10/12/15', 'SD', 'Pit', 'L, 24-20', '48', '35', '72.9', '365', '7.6', '2', '1', '32', '2/11', '99.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2015', 12, '10/18/15', 'SD', '@ GB', 'L, 27-20', '65', '43', '66.2', '503', '7.7', '2', '0', '50', '3/15', '99.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2015', 12, '10/25/15', 'SD', 'Oak', 'L, 37-29', '58', '38', '65.5', '336', '5.8', '3', '2', '31t', '1/9', '83.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2015', 12, '11/01/15', 'SD', '@ Bal', 'L, 29-26', '37', '28', '75.7', '301', '8.1', '3', '0', '70t', '1/11', '126.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2015', 12, '11/09/15', 'SD', 'Chi', 'L, 22-19', '42', '26', '61.9', '280', '6.7', '1', '0', '40', '2/18', '89.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2015', 12, '11/22/15', 'SD', 'KC', 'L, 33-3', '30', '19', '63.3', '178', '5.9', '0', '1', '27', '3/29', '65.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2015', 12, '11/29/15', 'SD', '@ Jax', 'W, 31-25', '43', '29', '67.4', '300', '7.0', '4', '0', '27', '2/10', '118.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2015', 12, '12/06/15', 'SD', 'Den', 'L, 17-3', '35', '18', '51.4', '202', '5.8', '0', '1', '31', '4/23', '57.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2015', 12, '12/13/15', 'SD', '@ KC', 'L, 10-3', '43', '24', '55.8', '263', '6.1', '0', '1', '41', '5/27', '64.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2015', 12, '12/20/15', 'SD', 'Mia', 'W, 30-14', '36', '26', '72.2', '311', '8.6', '3', '2', '31', '1/9', '102.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2015', 12, '12/24/15', 'SD', '@ Oak', 'L, 23-20', '49', '31', '63.3', '277', '5.7', '1', '0', '23', '1/6', '85.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2015', 12, '01/03/16', 'SD', '@ Den', 'L, 27-20', '35', '21', '60.0', '228', '6.5', '2', '1', '80t', '3/21', '86.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2016', 13, '09/11/16', 'SD', '@ KC', 'L, 33-27', '36', '25', '69.4', '243', '6.8', '1', '0', '38', '1/10', '97.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2016', 13, '09/18/16', 'SD', 'Jax', 'W, 38-14', '24', '17', '70.8', '220', '9.2', '4', '0', '45t', '3/13', '138.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2016', 13, '09/25/16', 'SD', '@ Ind', 'L, 26-22', '39', '26', '66.7', '326', '8.4', '0', '0', '43', '2/11', '92.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2016', 13, '10/02/16', 'SD', 'NO', 'L, 35-34', '43', '28', '65.1', '321', '7.5', '2', '1', '57t', '3/13', '93.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2016', 13, '10/09/16', 'SD', '@ Oak', 'L, 34-31', '30', '21', '70.0', '359', '12.0', '4', '2', '59', '2/8', '122.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2016', 13, '10/13/16', 'SD', 'Den', 'W, 21-13', '29', '18', '62.1', '178', '6.1', '1', '0', '27', '2/12', '90.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2016', 13, '10/23/16', 'SD', '@ Atl', 'W, 33-30', '44', '27', '61.4', '371', '8.4', '1', '1', '49', '4/23', '86.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2016', 13, '10/30/16', 'SD', '@ Den', 'L, 27-19', '47', '20', '42.6', '267', '5.7', '2', '3', '53', '4/21', '48.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2016', 13, '11/06/16', 'SD', 'Ten', 'W, 43-35', '33', '24', '72.7', '275', '8.3', '2', '0', '35', '1/7', '117.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2016', 13, '11/13/16', 'SD', 'Mia', 'L, 31-24', '44', '23', '52.3', '326', '7.4', '3', '4', '51t', '3/17', '61.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2016', 13, '11/27/16', 'SD', '@ Hou', 'W, 21-13', '30', '22', '73.3', '242', '8.1', '3', '1', '52t', '1/7', '116.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2016', 13, '12/04/16', 'SD', 'TB', 'L, 28-21', '26', '15', '57.7', '225', '8.7', '2', '2', '40t', '2/14', '79.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2016', 13, '12/11/16', 'SD', '@ Car', 'L, 28-16', '39', '21', '53.8', '236', '6.1', '2', '3', '46', '5/16', '57.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2016', 13, '12/18/16', 'SD', 'Oak', 'L, 19-16', '30', '17', '56.7', '206', '6.9', '2', '1', '47t', '3/16', '86.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2016', 13, '12/24/16', 'SD', '@ Cle', 'L, 20-17', '46', '23', '50.0', '322', '7.0', '2', '1', '50', '0/0', '78.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['rivers, philip', '2016', 13, '01/01/17', 'SD', 'KC', 'L, 37-27', '38', '22', '57.9', '269', '7.1', '2', '2', '23', '0/0', '75.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2003', 1, '12/14/03', 'Chi', 'Min', 'W, 13-10', '30', '13', '43.3', '157', '5.2', '0', '0', '39', '1/12', '60.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2003', 1, '12/21/03', 'Chi', 'Was', 'W, 27-24', '32', '19', '59.4', '249', '7.8', '2', '1', '59t', '2/11', '91.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2003', 1, '12/28/03', 'Chi', '@ KC', 'L, 31-3', '10', '6', '60.0', '31', '3.1', '0', '0', '10', '1/18', '65.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2004', 2, '09/12/04', 'Chi', 'Det', 'L, 20-16', '35', '16', '45.7', '227', '6.5', '0', '2', '35', '3/13', '43.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2004', 2, '09/19/04', 'Chi', '@ GB', 'W, 21-10', '18', '10', '55.6', '132', '7.3', '1', '1', '31', '1/7', '74.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2004', 2, '09/26/04', 'Chi', '@ Min', 'L, 27-22', '31', '21', '67.7', '248', '8.0', '0', '0', '40', '1/2', '91.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2005', 3, '12/18/05', 'Chi', 'Atl', 'W, 16-3', '16', '9', '56.2', '93', '5.8', '0', '1', '22', '0/0', '47.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2005', 3, '12/25/05', 'Chi', '@ GB', 'W, 24-17', '23', '11', '47.8', '166', '7.2', '1', '1', '54', '1/9', '68.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2005', 3, '01/15/06', 'Chi', 'Car', 'L, 29-21', '41', '17', '41.5', '192', '4.7', '1', '1', '27', '1/7', '54.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 20 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2006', 4, '09/10/06', 'Chi', '@ GB', 'W, 26-0', '26', '18', '69.2', '262', '10.1', '1', '1', '49t', '1/6', '98.6', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 20 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2006', 4, '09/17/06', 'Chi', 'Det', 'W, 34-7', '27', '20', '74.1', '289', '10.7', '4', '0', '41t', '0/0', '148.0', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 20 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2006', 4, '09/24/06', 'Chi', '@ Min', 'W, 19-16', '41', '23', '56.1', '278', '6.8', '1', '2', '24t', '1/4', '64.9', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 20 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2006', 4, '10/01/06', 'Chi', 'Sea', 'W, 37-6', '31', '17', '54.8', '232', '7.5', '2', '0', '46', '1/13', '100.5', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 20 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2006', 4, '10/08/06', 'Chi', 'Buf', 'W, 40-7', '27', '15', '55.6', '182', '6.7', '2', '0', '62', '1/7', '101.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 20 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2006', 4, '10/16/06', 'Chi', '@ Ari', 'W, 24-23', '37', '14', '37.8', '144', '3.9', '0', '4', '26', '2/14', '10.2', '3', '-7', '-2.33', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 20 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2006', 4, '10/29/06', 'Chi', 'SF', 'W, 41-10', '29', '23', '79.3', '252', '8.7', '3', '0', '27t', '0/0', '137.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 20 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2006', 4, '11/05/06', 'Chi', 'Mia', 'L, 31-13', '42', '18', '42.9', '210', '5.0', '1', '3', '34', '3/21', '36.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 20 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2006', 4, '11/12/06', 'Chi', '@ NYG', 'W, 38-20', '30', '18', '60.0', '246', '8.2', '3', '1', '38', '2/12', '105.7', '3', '-2', '-0.67', '0', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 20 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2006', 4, '11/19/06', 'Chi', '@ NYJ', 'W, 10-0', '22', '11', '50.0', '119', '5.4', '1', '0', '57t', '1/8', '81.4', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 20 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2006', 4, '11/26/06', 'Chi', '@ NE', 'L, 17-13', '34', '15', '44.1', '176', '5.2', '0', '3', '47', '1/5', '23.7', '2', '1', '0.50', '1', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 20 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2006', 4, '12/03/06', 'Chi', 'Min', 'W, 23-13', '19', '6', '31.6', '34', '1.8', '0', '3', '10', '1/10', '1.3', '4', '-9', '-2.25', '-2', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 20 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2006', 4, '12/11/06', 'Chi', '@ Stl', 'W, 42-27', '23', '13', '56.5', '200', '8.7', '2', '0', '34t', '0/0', '114.4', '3', '20', '6.67', '22', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 20 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2006', 4, '12/17/06', 'Chi', 'TB', 'W, 34-31', '44', '29', '65.9', '339', '7.7', '2', '0', '28', '4/27', '104.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 20 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2006', 4, '12/24/06', 'Chi', '@ Det', 'W, 26-21', '36', '20', '55.6', '197', '5.5', '1', '0', '40', '2/10', '80.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 20 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2006', 4, '12/31/06', 'Chi', 'GB', 'L, 26-7', '12', '2', '16.7', '33', '2.8', '0', '3', '27', '1/5', '0.0', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 17 of 20 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2006', 4, '01/14/07', 'Chi', 'Sea', 'W, 27-24', '38', '21', '55.3', '282', '7.4', '1', '1', '68t', '3/31', '76.9', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 18 of 20 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2006', 4, '01/21/07', 'Chi', 'NO', 'W, 39-14', '26', '11', '42.3', '144', '5.5', '1', '0', '33t', '0/0', '73.2', '2', '-3', '-1.50', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 19 of 20 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2006', 4, '02/04/07', 'Chi', 'Ind', 'L, 29-17', '28', '20', '71.4', '165', '5.9', '1', '2', '22', '1/11', '68.3', '2', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 9 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2007', 5, '09/09/07', 'Chi', '@ SD', 'L, 14-3', '23', '12', '52.2', '145', '6.3', '0', '1', '24', '3/23', '53.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 9 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2007', 5, '09/16/07', 'Chi', 'KC', 'W, 20-10', '34', '20', '58.8', '160', '4.7', '1', '2', '21', '3/28', '56.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 9 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2007', 5, '09/23/07', 'Chi', 'Dal', 'L, 34-10', '32', '15', '46.9', '195', '6.1', '0', '3', '52', '3/31', '27.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 9 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2007', 5, '11/11/07', 'Chi', '@ Oak', 'W, 17-6', '14', '7', '50.0', '142', '10.1', '1', '0', '59t', '2/14', '109.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 9 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2007', 5, '11/18/07', 'Chi', '@ Sea', 'L, 30-23', '37', '24', '64.9', '266', '7.2', '0', '0', '41', '5/28', '86.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 9 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2007', 5, '11/25/07', 'Chi', 'Den', 'W, 37-34', '33', '17', '51.5', '193', '5.8', '1', '1', '39', '3/22', '66.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 9 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2007', 5, '12/02/07', 'Chi', 'NYG', 'L, 21-16', '46', '25', '54.3', '296', '6.4', '1', '0', '50', '6/52', '81.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 9 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2007', 5, '12/06/07', 'Chi', '@ Was', 'L, 24-16', '6', '2', '33.3', '14', '2.3', '0', '0', '7', '0/0', '42.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2008', 6, '11/02/08', 'Chi', 'Det', 'W, 27-23', '18', '8', '44.4', '58', '3.2', '1', '1', '18', '0/0', '47.9', '2', '3', '1.50', '2', '1', '2']
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2008', 6, '11/09/08', 'Chi', 'Ten', 'L, 21-14', '37', '20', '54.1', '173', '4.7', '1', '1', '29', '2/8', '64.4', '1', '1', '1.00', '1t', '1', '1']
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2008', 6, '11/16/08', 'Chi', '@ GB', 'L, 37-3', '7', '4', '57.1', '26', '3.7', '0', '0', '9', '0/0', '65.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2009', 7, '12/06/09', 'Hou', '@ Jax', 'L, 23-18', '9', '3', '33.3', '33', '3.7', '0', '1', '21', '0/0', '5.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 5 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2010', 8, '10/31/10', 'Was', '@ Det', 'L, 37-25', '7', '4', '57.1', '44', '6.3', '0', '0', '18', '1/13', '75.9', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 5 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2010', 8, '12/19/10', 'Was', '@ Dal', 'L, 33-30', '43', '25', '58.1', '322', '7.5', '4', '2', '47', '5/36', '93.4', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 5 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2010', 8, '12/26/10', 'Was', '@ Jax', 'W, 20-17', '39', '19', '48.7', '182', '4.7', '1', '1', '38', '1/10', '60.0', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 5 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2010', 8, '01/02/11', 'Was', 'NYG', 'L, 17-14', '44', '26', '59.1', '336', '7.6', '2', '1', '64t', '2/18', '88.8', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 14 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2011', 9, '09/11/11', 'Was', 'NYG', 'W, 28-14', '34', '21', '61.8', '305', '9.0', '2', '0', '39', '4/47', '110.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 14 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2011', 9, '09/18/11', 'Was', 'Ari', 'W, 22-21', '43', '25', '58.1', '291', '6.8', '2', '2', '40', '1/8', '74.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 14 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2011', 9, '09/26/11', 'Was', '@ Dal', 'L, 18-16', '37', '22', '59.5', '250', '6.8', '1', '1', '36', '3/17', '77.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 14 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2011', 9, '10/02/11', 'Was', '@ Stl', 'W, 17-10', '29', '15', '51.7', '143', '4.9', '1', '2', '20', '0/0', '48.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 14 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2011', 9, '10/16/11', 'Was', 'Phi', 'L, 20-13', '22', '9', '40.9', '143', '6.5', '0', '4', '45', '1/8', '23.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 14 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2011', 9, '11/13/11', 'Was', '@ Mia', 'L, 20-9', '32', '21', '65.6', '215', '6.7', '0', '2', '22', '3/30', '58.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 14 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2011', 9, '11/20/11', 'Was', 'Dal', 'L, 27-24', '38', '25', '65.8', '292', '7.7', '2', '1', '28', '3/13', '95.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 14 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2011', 9, '11/27/11', 'Was', '@ Sea', 'W, 23-17', '35', '26', '74.3', '314', '9.0', '2', '2', '50t', '1/8', '96.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 14 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2011', 9, '12/04/11', 'Was', 'NYJ', 'L, 34-19', '46', '19', '41.3', '221', '4.8', '0', '1', '42', '2/17', '47.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 14 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2011', 9, '12/11/11', 'Was', 'NE', 'L, 34-27', '32', '19', '59.4', '252', '7.9', '2', '1', '51', '2/8', '92.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 14 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2011', 9, '12/18/11', 'Was', '@ NYG', 'W, 23-10', '24', '15', '62.5', '185', '7.7', '1', '2', '20t', '1/8', '65.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 14 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2011', 9, '12/24/11', 'Was', 'Min', 'L, 33-26', '41', '26', '63.4', '284', '6.9', '2', '1', '29', '3/28', '89.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 14 total rows
['grossman, rex', '2011', 9, '01/01/12', 'Was', '@ Phi', 'L, 34-10', '45', '22', '48.9', '256', '5.7', '1', '1', '47t', '1/9', '64.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['bartel, richard', '2010', 3, '01/02/11', 'Ari', '@ SF', 'L, 38-7', '28', '16', '57.1', '150', '5.4', '0', '1', '31', '2/12', '57.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['bartel, richard', '2011', 4, '10/09/11', 'Ari', '@ Min', 'L, 34-10', '6', '2', '33.3', '22', '3.7', '0', '1', '12', '0/0', '5.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['bartel, richard', '2011', 4, '11/20/11', 'Ari', '@ SF', 'L, 23-7', '16', '8', '50.0', '64', '4.0', '1', '0', '23t', '1/6', '81.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 5 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2005', 1, '11/27/05', 'Stl', '@ Hou', 'W, 33-27', '30', '19', '63.3', '310', '10.3', '3', '1', '56t', '5/22', '117.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 5 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2005', 1, '12/04/05', 'Stl', 'Was', 'L, 24-9', '36', '21', '58.3', '163', '4.5', '0', '1', '19', '3/21', '58.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 5 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2005', 1, '12/11/05', 'Stl', '@ Min', 'L, 27-13', '45', '26', '57.8', '235', '5.2', '0', '5', '20', '1/6', '32.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 5 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2005', 1, '12/18/05', 'Stl', 'Phi', 'L, 17-16', '24', '10', '41.7', '69', '2.9', '1', '1', '13', '0/0', '45.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2006', 2, '12/31/06', 'Stl', '@ Min', 'W, 41-21', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 13 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2008', 4, '09/28/08', 'Cin', 'Cle', 'L, 20-12', '35', '21', '60.0', '156', '4.5', '1', '3', '22', '3/14', '44.5', '4', '41', '10.25', '13', '0', '2']
in row 2 of 13 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2008', 4, '10/12/08', 'Cin', '@ NYJ', 'L, 26-14', '33', '20', '60.6', '152', '4.6', '0', '0', '16', '5/24', '71.8', '6', '23', '3.83', '10', '1', '3']
in row 3 of 13 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2008', 4, '10/19/08', 'Cin', 'Pit', 'L, 38-10', '35', '21', '60.0', '164', '4.7', '1', '0', '19', '7/47', '81.1', '4', '15', '3.75', '10', '0', '2']
in row 4 of 13 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2008', 4, '10/26/08', 'Cin', '@ Hou', 'L, 35-6', '32', '20', '62.5', '155', '4.8', '0', '2', '14', '2/7', '48.3', '7', '42', '6.00', '11', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 13 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2008', 4, '11/02/08', 'Cin', 'Jax', 'W, 21-19', '31', '21', '67.7', '162', '5.2', '2', '1', '22', '2/9', '88.4', '3', '52', '17.33', '22', '0', '3']
in row 6 of 13 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2008', 4, '11/16/08', 'Cin', 'Phi', 'T, 13-13', '44', '29', '65.9', '261', '5.9', '1', '0', '26t', '8/35', '89.3', '5', '9', '1.80', '5', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 13 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2008', 4, '11/20/08', 'Cin', '@ Pit', 'L, 27-10', '37', '20', '54.1', '168', '4.5', '1', '1', '31', '1/3', '63.8', '2', '8', '4.00', '9', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 13 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2008', 4, '11/30/08', 'Cin', 'Bal', 'L, 34-3', '31', '12', '38.7', '124', '4.0', '0', '0', '46', '3/22', '51.0', '3', '29', '9.67', '21', '0', '2']
in row 9 of 13 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2008', 4, '12/07/08', 'Cin', '@ Ind', 'L, 35-3', '26', '18', '69.2', '170', '6.5', '0', '2', '26', '4/23', '55.0', '3', '17', '5.67', '8', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 13 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2008', 4, '12/14/08', 'Cin', 'Was', 'W, 20-13', '29', '16', '55.2', '209', '7.2', '1', '0', '79', '2/5', '89.6', '11', '29', '2.64', '14', '1', '3']
in row 11 of 13 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2008', 4, '12/21/08', 'Cin', '@ Cle', 'W, 14-0', '9', '5', '55.6', '55', '6.1', '1', '0', '20t', '0/0', '110.9', '5', '10', '2.00', '7', '0', '2']
in row 12 of 13 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2008', 4, '12/28/08', 'Cin', 'KC', 'W, 16-6', '30', '18', '60.0', '129', '4.3', '0', '0', '16', '1/4', '70.0', '7', '29', '4.14', '13', '0', '4']
in row 1 of 11 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2009', 5, '10/18/09', 'Buf', '@ NYJ', 'W, 16-13', '25', '10', '40.0', '116', '4.6', '1', '1', '37t', '0/0', '51.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 11 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2009', 5, '10/25/09', 'Buf', '@ Car', 'W, 20-9', '22', '11', '50.0', '123', '5.6', '1', '0', '50', '2/9', '82.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 11 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2009', 5, '11/01/09', 'Buf', 'Hou', 'L, 31-10', '23', '15', '65.2', '117', '5.1', '0', '2', '24', '2/10', '41.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 11 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2009', 5, '11/15/09', 'Buf', '@ Ten', 'L, 41-17', '7', '2', '28.6', '6', '0.9', '0', '1', '5', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 11 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2009', 5, '11/22/09', 'Buf', '@ Jax', 'L, 18-15', '31', '18', '58.1', '297', '9.6', '1', '2', '98t', '2/7', '74.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 11 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2009', 5, '11/29/09', 'Buf', 'Mia', 'W, 31-14', '26', '17', '65.4', '246', '9.5', '1', '1', '51t', '6/39', '92.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 11 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2009', 5, '12/03/09', 'Buf', 'NYJ', 'L, 19-13', '23', '9', '39.1', '98', '4.3', '0', '1', '38', '3/27', '34.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 11 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2009', 5, '12/13/09', 'Buf', '@ KC', 'W, 16-10', '20', '12', '60.0', '86', '4.3', '1', '1', '17', '2/13', '65.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 11 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2009', 5, '12/20/09', 'Buf', 'NE', 'L, 17-10', '25', '17', '68.0', '178', '7.1', '1', '1', '29', '4/22', '85.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 11 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2009', 5, '01/03/10', 'Buf', 'Ind', 'W, 30-7', '25', '16', '64.0', '155', '6.2', '3', '0', '41t', '0/0', '120.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 14 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2010', 6, '09/26/10', 'Buf', '@ NE', 'L, 38-30', '28', '20', '71.4', '247', '8.8', '2', '2', '37t', '1/7', '92.4', '3', '18', '6.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 14 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2010', 6, '10/03/10', 'Buf', 'NYJ', 'L, 38-14', '27', '12', '44.4', '128', '4.7', '2', '0', '37', '3/19', '83.6', '7', '74', '10.57', '22', '0', '3']
in row 3 of 14 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2010', 6, '10/10/10', 'Buf', 'Jax', 'L, 36-26', '30', '20', '66.7', '220', '7.3', '3', '0', '45t', '3/24', '121.5', '2', '4', '2.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 14 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2010', 6, '10/24/10', 'Buf', '@ Bal', 'L, 37-34', '43', '29', '67.4', '382', '8.9', '4', '2', '43', '1/0', '106.9', '4', '20', '5.00', '11', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 14 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2010', 6, '10/31/10', 'Buf', '@ KC', 'L, 13-10', '48', '24', '50.0', '223', '4.6', '1', '1', '37', '3/32', '61.4', '6', '43', '7.17', '14', '0', '2']
in row 6 of 14 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2010', 6, '11/07/10', 'Buf', 'Chi', 'L, 22-19', '51', '31', '60.8', '299', '5.9', '1', '2', '45', '1/5', '67.4', '2', '9', '4.50', '7', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 14 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2010', 6, '11/14/10', 'Buf', 'Det', 'W, 14-12', '24', '12', '50.0', '146', '6.1', '1', '0', '43', '1/7', '83.0', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 14 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2010', 6, '11/21/10', 'Buf', '@ Cin', 'W, 49-31', '34', '21', '61.8', '316', '9.3', '4', '2', '54', '1/8', '107.0', '1', '11', '11.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 14 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2010', 6, '11/28/10', 'Buf', 'Pit', 'L, 19-16', '45', '23', '51.1', '265', '5.9', '1', '1', '65t', '2/10', '67.4', '2', '4', '2.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 14 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2010', 6, '12/05/10', 'Buf', '@ Min', 'L, 38-14', '25', '15', '60.0', '158', '6.3', '1', '1', '28', '1/3', '75.1', '4', '5', '1.25', '4', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 14 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2010', 6, '12/12/10', 'Buf', 'Cle', 'W, 13-6', '23', '14', '60.9', '142', '6.2', '1', '0', '35', '2/11', '93.0', '4', '49', '12.25', '18', '0', '3']
in row 12 of 14 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2010', 6, '12/19/10', 'Buf', '@ Mia', 'W, 17-14', '26', '16', '61.5', '223', '8.6', '2', '1', '29', '2/12', '98.7', '3', '19', '6.33', '9', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 14 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2010', 6, '12/26/10', 'Buf', 'NE', 'L, 34-3', '37', '18', '48.6', '251', '6.8', '0', '3', '41', '3/7', '37.1', '1', '14', '14.00', '14', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2011', 7, '09/11/11', 'Buf', '@ KC', 'W, 41-7', '25', '17', '68.0', '208', '8.3', '4', '0', '35', '1/7', '133.0', '3', '3', '1.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2011', 7, '09/18/11', 'Buf', 'Oak', 'W, 38-35', '46', '28', '60.9', '264', '5.7', '3', '1', '19', '0/0', '89.4', '3', '23', '7.67', '13', '0', '3']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2011', 7, '09/25/11', 'Buf', 'NE', 'W, 34-31', '40', '27', '67.5', '369', '9.2', '2', '2', '48', '0/0', '92.6', '4', '-6', '-1.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2011', 7, '10/02/11', 'Buf', '@ Cin', 'L, 23-20', '34', '20', '58.8', '199', '5.9', '0', '0', '44', '1/9', '75.5', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2011', 7, '10/09/11', 'Buf', 'Phi', 'W, 31-24', '27', '21', '77.8', '193', '7.1', '1', '1', '49', '1/5', '93.4', '3', '7', '2.33', '10', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2011', 7, '10/16/11', 'Buf', '@ NYG', 'L, 27-24', '30', '21', '70.0', '244', '8.1', '2', '2', '60t', '3/25', '88.8', '3', '8', '2.67', '4', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2011', 7, '10/30/11', 'Buf', 'Was', 'W, 23-0', '27', '21', '77.8', '262', '9.7', '2', '1', '46', '2/10', '116.4', '3', '4', '1.33', '5', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2011', 7, '11/06/11', 'Buf', 'NYJ', 'L, 27-11', '31', '15', '48.4', '191', '6.2', '1', '2', '52', '0/0', '51.9', '2', '9', '4.50', '9', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2011', 7, '11/13/11', 'Buf', '@ Dal', 'L, 44-7', '31', '20', '64.5', '146', '4.7', '1', '3', '21', '1/10', '46.6', '3', '20', '6.67', '12', '0', '2']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2011', 7, '11/20/11', 'Buf', '@ Mia', 'L, 35-8', '39', '20', '51.3', '209', '5.4', '0', '2', '31', '2/11', '45.8', '7', '16', '2.29', '8', '0', '2']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2011', 7, '11/27/11', 'Buf', '@ NYJ', 'L, 28-24', '39', '26', '66.7', '264', '6.8', '3', '0', '36t', '3/14', '111.5', '5', '34', '6.80', '15', '0', '2']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2011', 7, '12/04/11', 'Buf', 'Ten', 'L, 23-17', '46', '29', '63.0', '288', '6.3', '1', '0', '29', '1/6', '88.0', '4', '1', '0.25', '4', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2011', 7, '12/11/11', 'Buf', '@ SD', 'L, 37-10', '34', '13', '38.2', '176', '5.2', '0', '2', '53', '1/10', '31.0', '5', '26', '5.20', '18', '0', '2']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2011', 7, '12/18/11', 'Buf', 'Mia', 'L, 30-23', '47', '31', '66.0', '316', '6.7', '2', '3', '28', '3/25', '72.7', '2', '7', '3.50', '5', '0', '2']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2011', 7, '12/24/11', 'Buf', 'Den', 'W, 40-14', '27', '15', '55.6', '196', '7.3', '0', '0', '55', '1/5', '78.6', '3', '22', '7.33', '12', '0', '2']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2011', 7, '01/01/12', 'Buf', '@ NE', 'L, 49-21', '46', '29', '63.0', '307', '6.7', '2', '4', '29', '2/11', '60.7', '5', '36', '7.20', '16', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2012', 8, '09/09/12', 'Buf', '@ NYJ', 'L, 48-28', '32', '18', '56.2', '195', '6.1', '3', '3', '30', '0/0', '66.5', '2', '8', '4.00', '9', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2012', 8, '09/16/12', 'Buf', 'KC', 'W, 35-17', '19', '10', '52.6', '178', '9.4', '2', '0', '49t', '0/0', '120.1', '4', '34', '8.50', '20', '0', '2']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2012', 8, '09/23/12', 'Buf', '@ Cle', 'W, 24-14', '35', '22', '62.9', '208', '5.9', '3', '0', '32t', '1/2', '107.8', '6', '10', '1.67', '7', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2012', 8, '09/30/12', 'Buf', 'NE', 'L, 52-28', '39', '22', '56.4', '350', '9.0', '4', '4', '68t', '3/10', '81.1', '3', '14', '4.67', '7', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2012', 8, '10/07/12', 'Buf', '@ SF', 'L, 45-3', '26', '16', '61.5', '126', '4.8', '0', '1', '20', '1/11', '57.5', '2', '1', '0.50', '2', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2012', 8, '10/14/12', 'Buf', '@ Ari', 'W, 19-16', '32', '18', '56.2', '153', '4.8', '0', '0', '23', '2/12', '68.9', '3', '5', '1.67', '4', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2012', 8, '10/21/12', 'Buf', 'Ten', 'L, 35-34', '35', '27', '77.1', '225', '6.4', '3', '1', '27t', '1/9', '109.8', '2', '23', '11.50', '13', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2012', 8, '11/04/12', 'Buf', '@ Hou', 'L, 21-9', '38', '25', '65.8', '239', '6.3', '0', '0', '28', '4/9', '83.1', '2', '14', '7.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2012', 8, '11/11/12', 'Buf', '@ NE', 'L, 37-31', '40', '27', '67.5', '337', '8.4', '2', '1', '25', '3/18', '99.7', '3', '12', '4.00', '6', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2012', 8, '11/15/12', 'Buf', 'Mia', 'W, 19-14', '27', '17', '63.0', '168', '6.2', '0', '0', '24', '3/7', '80.5', '3', '15', '5.00', '13', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2012', 8, '11/25/12', 'Buf', '@ Ind', 'L, 20-13', '33', '17', '51.5', '180', '5.5', '1', '1', '63', '2/11', '65.2', '3', '12', '4.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2012', 8, '12/02/12', 'Buf', 'Jax', 'W, 34-18', '17', '9', '52.9', '112', '6.6', '2', '1', '51', '0/0', '88.4', '5', '18', '3.60', '11', '1', '2']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2012', 8, '12/09/12', 'Buf', 'Stl', 'L, 15-12', '33', '25', '75.8', '247', '7.5', '1', '1', '34', '5/27', '93.9', '3', '5', '1.67', '3', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2012', 8, '12/16/12', 'Buf', 'Sea', 'L, 50-17', '38', '21', '55.3', '217', '5.7', '1', '2', '25', '3/32', '58.8', '3', '8', '2.67', '4', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2012', 8, '12/23/12', 'Buf', '@ Mia', 'L, 24-10', '35', '20', '57.1', '240', '6.9', '1', '1', '41', '2/13', '75.9', '4', '18', '4.50', '9', '0', '2']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2012', 8, '12/30/12', 'Buf', 'NYJ', 'W, 28-9', '26', '12', '46.2', '225', '8.7', '1', '0', '66t', '0/0', '89.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 12 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2013', 9, '09/29/13', 'Ten', 'NYJ', 'W, 38-13', '8', '3', '37.5', '108', '13.5', '1', '0', '77t', '0/0', '125.0', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 12 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2013', 9, '10/06/13', 'Ten', 'KC', 'L, 26-17', '41', '21', '51.2', '247', '6.0', '1', '2', '49t', '3/13', '57.7', '6', '50', '8.33', '26', '1', '2']
in row 3 of 12 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2013', 9, '10/13/13', 'Ten', '@ Sea', 'L, 20-13', '29', '17', '58.6', '171', '5.9', '0', '2', '32', '3/14', '46.8', '6', '33', '5.50', '11', '0', '2']
in row 4 of 12 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2013', 9, '11/10/13', 'Ten', 'Jax', 'L, 29-27', '33', '22', '66.7', '264', '8.0', '2', '0', '40', '1/9', '111.2', '3', '13', '4.33', '8', '1', '1']
in row 5 of 12 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2013', 9, '11/14/13', 'Ten', 'Ind', 'L, 30-27', '28', '22', '78.6', '222', '7.9', '1', '0', '42', '2/4', '111.6', '4', '26', '6.50', '15', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 12 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2013', 9, '11/24/13', 'Ten', '@ Oak', 'W, 23-19', '42', '30', '71.4', '320', '7.6', '2', '0', '54t', '2/8', '109.2', '5', '26', '5.20', '10', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 12 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2013', 9, '12/01/13', 'Ten', '@ Ind', 'L, 22-14', '37', '21', '56.8', '201', '5.4', '1', '3', '35', '1/16', '47.2', '8', '54', '6.75', '16', '1', '5']
in row 8 of 12 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2013', 9, '12/08/13', 'Ten', '@ Den', 'L, 51-28', '24', '13', '54.2', '172', '7.2', '1', '1', '57', '2/14', '73.6', '1', '4', '4.00', '4', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 12 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2013', 9, '12/15/13', 'Ten', 'Ari', 'L, 37-34', '58', '36', '62.1', '402', '6.9', '4', '2', '33', '3/8', '91.3', '3', '22', '7.33', '17', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 12 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2013', 9, '12/22/13', 'Ten', '@ Jax', 'W, 20-16', '26', '17', '65.4', '181', '7.0', '1', '1', '30t', '3/17', '82.4', '3', '1', '0.33', '3', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 12 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2013', 9, '12/29/13', 'Ten', 'Hou', 'W, 16-10', '24', '15', '62.5', '166', '6.9', '0', '1', '34', '1/6', '65.6', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 13 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2014', 10, '09/07/14', 'Hou', 'Was', 'W, 17-6', '22', '14', '63.6', '206', '9.4', '1', '0', '76t', '0/0', '109.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 13 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2014', 10, '09/14/14', 'Hou', '@ Oak', 'W, 30-14', '19', '14', '73.7', '139', '7.3', '2', '0', '26', '0/0', '129.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 13 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2014', 10, '09/21/14', 'Hou', '@ NYG', 'L, 30-17', '34', '20', '58.8', '289', '8.5', '1', '3', '49', '2/7', '59.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 13 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2014', 10, '09/28/14', 'Hou', 'Buf', 'W, 23-17', '37', '25', '67.6', '268', '7.2', '1', '2', '35t', '3/4', '75.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 13 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2014', 10, '10/05/14', 'Hou', '@ Dal', 'L, 20-17', '25', '16', '64.0', '154', '6.2', '0', '1', '20', '0/0', '64.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 13 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2014', 10, '10/09/14', 'Hou', 'Ind', 'L, 33-28', '23', '15', '65.2', '212', '9.2', '1', '0', '40', '5/16', '109.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 13 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2014', 10, '10/20/14', 'Hou', '@ Pit', 'L, 30-23', '32', '21', '65.6', '262', '8.2', '2', '1', '32', '1/1', '98.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 13 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2014', 10, '10/26/14', 'Hou', '@ Ten', 'W, 30-16', '35', '19', '54.3', '227', '6.5', '1', '0', '23', '5/34', '83.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 13 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2014', 10, '11/02/14', 'Hou', 'Phi', 'L, 31-21', '27', '13', '48.1', '203', '7.5', '2', '1', '56t', '4/21', '82.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 13 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2014', 10, '11/30/14', 'Hou', 'Ten', 'W, 45-21', '33', '24', '72.7', '358', '10.8', '6', '0', '58t', '0/0', '147.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 13 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2014', 10, '12/07/14', 'Hou', '@ Jax', 'W, 27-13', '19', '13', '68.4', '135', '7.1', '0', '0', '28', '1/0', '88.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 13 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2014', 10, '12/14/14', 'Hou', '@ Ind', 'L, 17-10', '6', '3', '50.0', '30', '5.0', '0', '0', '16', '0/0', '64.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2015', 11, '09/13/15', 'NYJ', 'Cle', 'W, 31-10', '24', '15', '62.5', '179', '7.5', '2', '1', '43', '0/0', '95.7', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2015', 11, '09/21/15', 'NYJ', '@ Ind', 'W, 20-7', '34', '22', '64.7', '244', '7.2', '2', '1', '42', '1/1', '93.3', '1', '6', '6.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2015', 11, '09/27/15', 'NYJ', 'Phi', 'L, 24-17', '58', '35', '60.3', '283', '4.9', '2', '3', '26', '1/7', '62.6', '4', '13', '3.25', '5', '0', '3']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2015', 11, '10/04/15', 'NYJ', '@ Mia', 'W, 27-14', '29', '16', '55.2', '218', '7.5', '1', '1', '58', '0/0', '76.5', '9', '34', '3.78', '19', '0', '3']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2015', 11, '10/18/15', 'NYJ', 'Was', 'W, 34-20', '26', '19', '73.1', '253', '9.7', '2', '1', '35t', '0/0', '113.1', '4', '31', '7.75', '18t', '1', '2']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2015', 11, '10/25/15', 'NYJ', '@ NE', 'L, 30-23', '39', '22', '56.4', '295', '7.6', '2', '0', '29', '2/12', '97.7', '5', '29', '5.80', '11', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2015', 11, '11/01/15', 'NYJ', '@ Oak', 'L, 34-20', '5', '4', '80.0', '46', '9.2', '0', '0', '25', '0/0', '105.0', '1', '12', '12.00', '12', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2015', 11, '11/08/15', 'NYJ', 'Jax', 'W, 28-23', '34', '21', '61.8', '272', '8.0', '2', '0', '44', '2/11', '106.5', '4', '0', '0.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2015', 11, '11/12/15', 'NYJ', 'Buf', 'L, 22-17', '34', '15', '44.1', '193', '5.7', '2', '2', '36', '1/3', '57.6', '3', '30', '10.00', '16', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2015', 11, '11/22/15', 'NYJ', '@ Hou', 'L, 24-17', '39', '19', '48.7', '216', '5.5', '1', '2', '25', '3/19', '52.9', '5', '12', '2.40', '6t', '1', '2']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2015', 11, '11/29/15', 'NYJ', 'Mia', 'W, 38-20', '37', '22', '59.5', '277', '7.5', '4', '0', '47', '1/3', '118.9', '5', '21', '4.20', '10', '0', '2']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2015', 11, '12/06/15', 'NYJ', '@ NYG', 'W, 23-20', '50', '36', '72.0', '390', '7.8', '2', '0', '28', '3/17', '107.9', '5', '22', '4.40', '15', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2015', 11, '12/13/15', 'NYJ', 'Ten', 'W, 30-8', '36', '21', '58.3', '263', '7.3', '3', '0', '69t', '1/7', '108.9', '3', '23', '7.67', '19', '0', '2']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2015', 11, '12/19/15', 'NYJ', '@ Dal', 'W, 19-16', '39', '26', '66.7', '299', '7.7', '1', '1', '43', '2/0', '87.4', '5', '13', '2.60', '8', '0', '2']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2015', 11, '12/27/15', 'NYJ', 'NE', 'W, 26-20', '41', '26', '63.4', '296', '7.2', '3', '0', '48', '1/11', '109.4', '2', '13', '6.50', '7', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2015', 11, '01/03/16', 'NYJ', '@ Buf', 'L, 22-17', '37', '16', '43.2', '181', '4.9', '2', '3', '41', '1/3', '42.7', '2', '12', '6.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 15 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2016', 12, '09/11/16', 'NYJ', 'Cin', 'L, 23-22', '35', '19', '54.3', '189', '5.4', '2', '1', '24', '1/1', '77.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 15 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2016', 12, '09/15/16', 'NYJ', '@ Buf', 'W, 37-31', '34', '24', '70.6', '374', '11.0', '1', '0', '37', '1/4', '116.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 15 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2016', 12, '09/25/16', 'NYJ', '@ KC', 'L, 24-3', '44', '20', '45.5', '188', '4.3', '0', '6', '31', '0/0', '18.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 15 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2016', 12, '10/02/16', 'NYJ', 'Sea', 'L, 27-17', '41', '23', '56.1', '261', '6.4', '1', '3', '41', '4/14', '53.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 15 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2016', 12, '10/09/16', 'NYJ', '@ Pit', 'L, 31-13', '38', '25', '65.8', '255', '6.7', '1', '0', '19', '3/11', '93.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 15 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2016', 12, '10/17/16', 'NYJ', '@ Ari', 'L, 28-3', '31', '16', '51.6', '174', '5.6', '0', '1', '36', '0/0', '55.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 15 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2016', 12, '10/23/16', 'NYJ', 'Bal', 'W, 24-16', '14', '9', '64.3', '120', '8.6', '1', '0', '31', '3/15', '115.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 15 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2016', 12, '10/30/16', 'NYJ', '@ Cle', 'W, 31-28', '34', '16', '47.1', '228', '6.7', '1', '0', '57', '2/6', '79.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 15 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2016', 12, '11/06/16', 'NYJ', '@ Mia', 'L, 27-23', '27', '16', '59.3', '194', '7.2', '1', '2', '27', '3/22', '62.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 15 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2016', 12, '11/27/16', 'NYJ', 'NE', 'L, 22-17', '32', '22', '68.8', '269', '8.4', '2', '0', '40', '1/0', '115.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 15 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2016', 12, '12/05/16', 'NYJ', 'Ind', 'L, 41-10', '12', '5', '41.7', '81', '6.8', '0', '1', '40', '0/0', '30.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 15 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2016', 12, '12/17/16', 'NYJ', 'Mia', 'L, 34-13', '10', '5', '50.0', '31', '3.1', '0', '1', '13', '0/0', '17.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 15 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2016', 12, '12/24/16', 'NYJ', '@ NE', 'L, 41-3', '21', '8', '38.1', '136', '6.5', '0', '2', '30', '0/0', '21.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 15 total rows
['fitzpatrick, ryan', '2016', 12, '01/01/17', 'NYJ', 'Buf', 'W, 30-10', '30', '20', '66.7', '210', '7.0', '2', '0', '51', '1/8', '109.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2010', 1, '09/12/10', 'Stl', 'Ari', 'L, 17-13', '55', '32', '58.2', '253', '4.6', '1', '3', '39', '2/13', '53.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2010', 1, '09/19/10', 'Stl', '@ Oak', 'L, 16-14', '25', '14', '56.0', '167', '6.7', '2', '1', '36', '3/32', '86.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2010', 1, '09/26/10', 'Stl', 'Was', 'W, 30-16', '37', '23', '62.2', '235', '6.4', '1', '1', '30', '1/3', '78.1', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2010', 1, '10/03/10', 'Stl', 'Sea', 'W, 20-3', '41', '23', '56.1', '289', '7.0', '2', '1', '49', '4/28', '84.3', '2', '8', '4.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2010', 1, '10/10/10', 'Stl', '@ Det', 'L, 44-6', '45', '23', '51.1', '215', '4.8', '0', '2', '30', '1/2', '46.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2010', 1, '10/17/10', 'Stl', 'SD', 'W, 20-17', '31', '18', '58.1', '198', '6.4', '1', '0', '38t', '3/15', '87.8', '6', '8', '1.33', '11', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2010', 1, '10/24/10', 'Stl', '@ TB', 'L, 18-17', '26', '13', '50.0', '126', '4.8', '2', '0', '19', '1/2', '89.6', '2', '2', '1.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2010', 1, '10/31/10', 'Stl', 'Car', 'W, 20-10', '32', '25', '78.1', '191', '6.0', '2', '0', '33', '2/7', '112.4', '5', '2', '0.40', '3', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2010', 1, '11/14/10', 'Stl', '@ SF', 'L, 23-20', '42', '30', '71.4', '251', '6.0', '1', '0', '25', '3/23', '94.4', '2', '11', '5.50', '6', '0', '2']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2010', 1, '11/21/10', 'Stl', 'Atl', 'L, 34-17', '42', '27', '64.3', '233', '5.5', '2', '1', '25t', '0/0', '84.7', '1', '17', '17.00', '17', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2010', 1, '11/28/10', 'Stl', '@ Den', 'W, 36-33', '37', '22', '59.5', '308', '8.3', '3', '0', '45', '2/0', '113.3', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2010', 1, '12/05/10', 'Stl', '@ Ari', 'W, 19-6', '29', '18', '62.1', '187', '6.4', '0', '1', '26', '2/18', '66.3', '3', '7', '2.33', '4', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2010', 1, '12/12/10', 'Stl', '@ NO', 'L, 31-13', '32', '18', '56.2', '231', '7.2', '0', '2', '32', '3/40', '53.0', '2', '5', '2.50', '4', '1', '1']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2010', 1, '12/19/10', 'Stl', 'KC', 'L, 27-13', '43', '21', '48.8', '181', '4.2', '0', '2', '25', '3/26', '40.9', '2', '2', '1.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2010', 1, '12/26/10', 'Stl', 'SF', 'W, 25-17', '37', '28', '75.7', '292', '7.9', '1', '0', '46', '1/17', '107.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2010', 1, '01/02/11', 'Stl', '@ Sea', 'L, 16-6', '36', '19', '52.8', '155', '4.3', '0', '1', '20', '3/18', '52.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 11 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2011', 2, '09/11/11', 'Stl', 'Phi', 'L, 31-13', '30', '17', '56.7', '188', '6.3', '0', '0', '31', '4/22', '75.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 11 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2011', 2, '09/19/11', 'Stl', '@ NYG', 'L, 28-16', '46', '22', '47.8', '331', '7.2', '1', '0', '68', '2/23', '79.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 11 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2011', 2, '09/25/11', 'Stl', 'Bal', 'L, 37-7', '32', '16', '50.0', '166', '5.2', '1', '1', '34t', '5/34', '62.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 11 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2011', 2, '10/02/11', 'Stl', 'Was', 'L, 17-10', '43', '20', '46.5', '164', '3.8', '1', '0', '25', '7/37', '64.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 11 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2011', 2, '10/16/11', 'Stl', '@ GB', 'L, 24-3', '45', '29', '64.4', '328', '7.3', '0', '1', '45', '3/22', '76.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 11 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2011', 2, '11/06/11', 'Stl', '@ Ari', 'L, 19-13', '36', '23', '63.9', '255', '7.1', '0', '1', '26', '4/22', '73.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 11 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2011', 2, '11/13/11', 'Stl', '@ Cle', 'W, 13-12', '25', '15', '60.0', '155', '6.2', '1', '1', '24', '1/7', '74.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 11 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2011', 2, '11/20/11', 'Stl', 'Sea', 'L, 24-7', '40', '20', '50.0', '181', '4.5', '1', '1', '30t', '5/38', '60.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 11 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2011', 2, '11/27/11', 'Stl', 'Ari', 'L, 23-20', '31', '17', '54.8', '203', '6.5', '1', '0', '35', '2/17', '85.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 11 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2011', 2, '12/12/11', 'Stl', '@ Sea', 'L, 30-13', '29', '12', '41.4', '193', '6.7', '0', '1', '50', '3/26', '49.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2012', 3, '09/09/12', 'Stl', '@ Det', 'L, 27-23', '25', '17', '68.0', '198', '7.9', '1', '0', '23t', '4/25', '105.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2012', 3, '09/16/12', 'Stl', 'Was', 'W, 31-28', '35', '26', '74.3', '310', '8.9', '3', '1', '56', '2/9', '117.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2012', 3, '09/23/12', 'Stl', '@ Chi', 'L, 23-6', '35', '18', '51.4', '152', '4.3', '0', '2', '30', '6/51', '39.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2012', 3, '09/30/12', 'Stl', 'Sea', 'W, 19-13', '30', '16', '53.3', '221', '7.4', '0', '1', '52', '2/12', '63.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2012', 3, '10/04/12', 'Stl', 'Ari', 'W, 17-3', '21', '7', '33.3', '141', '6.7', '2', '1', '51t', '1/10', '69.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2012', 3, '10/14/12', 'Stl', '@ Mia', 'L, 17-14', '39', '26', '66.7', '315', '8.1', '0', '0', '65', '3/15', '91.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2012', 3, '10/21/12', 'Stl', 'GB', 'L, 30-20', '34', '21', '61.8', '255', '7.5', '1', '1', '56', '3/9', '82.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2012', 3, '10/28/12', 'Stl', 'NE', 'L, 45-7', '30', '22', '73.3', '205', '6.8', '1', '1', '50t', '2/25', '88.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2012', 3, '11/11/12', 'Stl', '@ SF', 'T, 24-24', '39', '26', '66.7', '275', '7.1', '2', '0', '36t', '2/16', '104.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2012', 3, '11/18/12', 'Stl', 'NYJ', 'L, 27-13', '44', '23', '52.3', '170', '3.9', '2', '1', '36', '1/3', '67.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2012', 3, '11/25/12', 'Stl', '@ Ari', 'W, 31-17', '17', '8', '47.1', '205', '12.1', '2', '1', '38', '2/11', '106.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2012', 3, '12/02/12', 'Stl', 'SF', 'W, 16-13', '39', '26', '66.7', '221', '5.7', '0', '0', '22', '2/13', '81.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2012', 3, '12/09/12', 'Stl', '@ Buf', 'W, 15-12', '39', '19', '48.7', '209', '5.4', '1', '1', '24', '1/2', '62.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2012', 3, '12/16/12', 'Stl', 'Min', 'L, 36-22', '55', '35', '63.6', '377', '6.9', '3', '1', '26', '4/32', '94.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2012', 3, '12/23/12', 'Stl', '@ TB', 'W, 28-13', '27', '13', '48.1', '196', '7.3', '2', '1', '80t', '0/0', '81.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2012', 3, '12/30/12', 'Stl', '@ Sea', 'L, 20-13', '42', '25', '59.5', '252', '6.0', '1', '1', '37', '0/0', '74.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 8 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2013', 4, '09/08/13', 'Stl', 'Ari', 'W, 27-24', '38', '27', '71.1', '299', '7.9', '2', '1', '47', '0/0', '100.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 8 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2013', 4, '09/15/13', 'Stl', '@ Atl', 'L, 31-24', '55', '32', '58.2', '352', '6.4', '3', '1', '47', '0/0', '87.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 8 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2013', 4, '09/22/13', 'Stl', '@ Dal', 'L, 31-7', '48', '29', '60.4', '240', '5.0', '1', '0', '29', '6/43', '80.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 8 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2013', 4, '09/26/13', 'Stl', 'SF', 'L, 35-11', '41', '19', '46.3', '202', '4.9', '1', '1', '27', '5/32', '59.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 8 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2013', 4, '10/06/13', 'Stl', 'Jax', 'W, 34-20', '34', '19', '55.9', '222', '6.5', '3', '0', '31t', '2/14', '105.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 8 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2013', 4, '10/13/13', 'Stl', '@ Hou', 'W, 38-13', '16', '12', '75.0', '117', '7.3', '3', '0', '34', '0/0', '134.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 8 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2013', 4, '10/20/13', 'Stl', '@ Car', 'L, 30-15', '30', '21', '70.0', '255', '8.5', '1', '1', '73', '2/8', '93.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 15 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2015', 5, '09/14/15', 'Phi', '@ Atl', 'L, 26-24', '52', '36', '69.2', '336', '6.5', '1', '2', '25', '0/0', '77.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 15 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2015', 5, '09/20/15', 'Phi', 'Dal', 'L, 20-10', '37', '23', '62.2', '224', '6.1', '1', '2', '32', '1/5', '65.6', '2', '9', '4.50', '9', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 15 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2015', 5, '09/27/15', 'Phi', '@ NYJ', 'W, 24-17', '28', '14', '50.0', '118', '4.2', '1', '0', '23t', '1/10', '73.2', '3', '-2', '-0.67', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 15 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2015', 5, '10/04/15', 'Phi', '@ Was', 'L, 23-20', '28', '15', '53.6', '270', '9.6', '3', '0', '62t', '5/37', '122.6', '1', '14', '14.00', '14', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 15 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2015', 5, '10/11/15', 'Phi', 'NO', 'W, 39-17', '45', '32', '71.1', '333', '7.4', '2', '2', '41t', '0/0', '88.5', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 15 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2015', 5, '10/19/15', 'Phi', 'NYG', 'W, 27-7', '38', '24', '63.2', '280', '7.4', '1', '3', '43', '1/10', '61.3', '5', '2', '0.40', '5', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 15 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2015', 5, '10/25/15', 'Phi', '@ Car', 'L, 27-16', '46', '26', '56.5', '205', '4.5', '0', '1', '24', '5/33', '58.7', '3', '6', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 15 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2015', 5, '11/08/15', 'Phi', '@ Dal', 'W, 33-27', '36', '25', '69.4', '295', '8.2', '1', '0', '44', '1/8', '103.4', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 15 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2015', 5, '11/15/15', 'Phi', 'Mia', 'L, 20-19', '25', '19', '76.0', '236', '9.4', '1', '0', '60', '4/39', '118.1', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 15 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2015', 5, '12/06/15', 'Phi', '@ NE', 'W, 35-28', '24', '14', '58.3', '120', '5.0', '2', '0', '20', '1/0', '99.3', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 15 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2015', 5, '12/13/15', 'Phi', 'Buf', 'W, 23-20', '38', '23', '60.5', '247', '6.5', '1', '1', '53t', '1/15', '77.4', '3', '3', '1.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 15 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2015', 5, '12/20/15', 'Phi', 'Ari', 'L, 40-17', '41', '28', '68.3', '361', '8.8', '2', '2', '78t', '2/11', '91.6', '1', '4', '4.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 15 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2015', 5, '12/26/15', 'Phi', 'Was', 'L, 38-24', '56', '37', '66.1', '380', '6.8', '1', '0', '43', '5/27', '91.4', '2', '4', '2.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 15 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2015', 5, '01/03/16', 'Phi', '@ NYG', 'W, 35-30', '38', '30', '78.9', '320', '8.4', '2', '1', '60', '1/5', '108.3', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2016', 6, '09/18/16', 'Min', 'GB', 'W, 17-14', '31', '22', '71.0', '286', '9.2', '2', '0', '46', '4/32', '121.2', '1', '-3', '-3.00', '-3', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2016', 6, '09/25/16', 'Min', '@ Car', 'W, 22-10', '28', '18', '64.3', '171', '6.1', '1', '0', '19', '2/18', '93.0', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2016', 6, '10/03/16', 'Min', 'NYG', 'W, 24-10', '36', '26', '72.2', '262', '7.3', '1', '0', '40', '0/0', '101.9', '4', '6', '1.50', '5', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2016', 6, '10/09/16', 'Min', 'Hou', 'W, 31-13', '30', '22', '73.3', '271', '9.0', '2', '0', '36t', '2/16', '123.1', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2016', 6, '10/23/16', 'Min', '@ Phi', 'L, 21-10', '41', '24', '58.5', '224', '5.5', '1', '1', '27', '6/35', '71.6', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2016', 6, '10/31/16', 'Min', '@ Chi', 'L, 20-10', '37', '23', '62.2', '228', '6.2', '1', '0', '31', '5/27', '88.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2016', 6, '11/06/16', 'Min', 'Det', 'L, 22-16', '40', '31', '77.5', '273', '6.8', '1', '0', '32', '2/14', '103.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2016', 6, '11/13/16', 'Min', '@ Was', 'L, 26-20', '40', '31', '77.5', '307', '7.7', '2', '1', '36', '3/23', '104.9', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2016', 6, '11/20/16', 'Min', 'Ari', 'W, 30-24', '28', '20', '71.4', '169', '6.0', '1', '0', '30', '2/24', '98.7', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2016', 6, '11/24/16', 'Min', '@ Det', 'L, 16-13', '37', '31', '83.8', '224', '6.1', '0', '1', '41', '0/0', '80.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2016', 6, '12/01/16', 'Min', 'Dal', 'L, 17-15', '45', '32', '71.1', '247', '5.5', '1', '0', '25', '2/15', '91.6', '2', '10', '5.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2016', 6, '12/11/16', 'Min', '@ Jax', 'W, 25-16', '34', '24', '70.6', '292', '8.6', '1', '0', '45', '0/0', '106.5', '4', '17', '4.25', '15', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2016', 6, '12/18/16', 'Min', 'Ind', 'L, 34-6', '42', '32', '76.2', '291', '6.9', '0', '1', '28', '5/43', '84.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2016', 6, '12/24/16', 'Min', '@ GB', 'L, 38-25', '50', '34', '68.0', '382', '7.6', '3', '0', '71t', '4/29', '110.6', '2', '5', '2.50', '5', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['bradford, sam', '2016', 6, '01/01/17', 'Min', 'Chi', 'W, 38-10', '33', '25', '75.8', '250', '7.6', '3', '1', '39', '0/0', '114.5', '1', '24', '24.00', '24', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 7 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2005', 2, '09/25/05', 'Sea', 'Ari', 'W, 37-12', '1', '1', '100.0', '42', '42.0', '0', '0', '42', '0/0', '118.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 7 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2005', 2, '10/16/05', 'Sea', 'Hou', 'W, 42-10', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 7 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2005', 2, '12/05/05', 'Sea', '@ Phi', 'W, 42-0', '2', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 7 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2005', 2, '12/11/05', 'Sea', 'SF', 'W, 41-3', '5', '3', '60.0', '33', '6.6', '0', '0', '14', '0/0', '79.6', '2', '-3', '-1.50', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 7 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2005', 2, '01/01/06', 'Sea', '@ GB', 'L, 23-17', '17', '9', '52.9', '98', '5.8', '1', '1', '33', '3/20', '65.3', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 7 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2005', 2, '01/22/06', 'Sea', 'Car', 'W, 34-14', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 8 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2006', 3, '10/01/06', 'Sea', '@ Chi', 'L, 37-6', '2', '1', '50.0', '6', '3.0', '0', '0', '6', '0/0', '56.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 8 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2006', 3, '10/22/06', 'Sea', 'Min', 'L, 31-13', '25', '14', '56.0', '134', '5.4', '0', '2', '23', '2/9', '37.8', '2', '1', '0.50', '1', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 8 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2006', 3, '10/29/06', 'Sea', '@ KC', 'L, 35-28', '30', '15', '50.0', '198', '6.6', '3', '2', '49t', '2/8', '76.8', '3', '21', '7.00', '12', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 8 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2006', 3, '11/06/06', 'Sea', 'Oak', 'W, 16-0', '30', '18', '60.0', '176', '5.9', '1', '0', '23', '3/12', '87.6', '3', '49', '16.33', '37', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 8 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2006', 3, '11/12/06', 'Sea', 'Stl', 'W, 24-22', '23', '15', '65.2', '161', '7.0', '2', '0', '30', '5/35', '114.6', '2', '30', '15.00', '31', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 8 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2006', 3, '11/19/06', 'Sea', '@ SF', 'L, 20-14', '31', '19', '61.3', '252', '8.1', '2', '3', '41t', '2/19', '69.0', '2', '21', '10.50', '12', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 8 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2006', 3, '01/06/07', 'Sea', 'Dal', 'W, 21-20', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 6 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2007', 4, '09/30/07', 'Sea', '@ SF', 'W, 23-3', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 6 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2007', 4, '10/07/07', 'Sea', '@ Pit', 'L, 21-0', '3', '1', '33.3', '6', '2.0', '0', '0', '6', '1/5', '42.4', '1', '11', '11.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 6 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2007', 4, '10/14/07', 'Sea', 'NO', 'L, 28-17', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 6 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2007', 4, '12/23/07', 'Sea', 'Bal', 'W, 27-6', '2', '1', '50.0', '3', '1.5', '0', '0', '3', '0/0', '56.3', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 6 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2007', 4, '12/30/07', 'Sea', '@ Atl', 'L, 44-41', '22', '17', '77.3', '206', '9.4', '2', '1', '45t', '2/8', '116.9', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 11 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2008', 5, '09/07/08', 'Sea', '@ Buf', 'L, 34-10', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 11 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2008', 5, '10/05/08', 'Sea', '@ NYG', 'L, 44-6', '6', '3', '50.0', '20', '3.3', '0', '0', '10', '1/9', '57.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 11 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2008', 5, '10/19/08', 'Sea', '@ TB', 'L, 20-10', '23', '12', '52.2', '73', '3.2', '1', '1', '17', '0/0', '55.2', '2', '6', '3.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 11 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2008', 5, '10/26/08', 'Sea', '@ SF', 'W, 34-13', '25', '15', '60.0', '222', '8.9', '2', '0', '62t', '1/0', '115.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 11 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2008', 5, '11/02/08', 'Sea', 'Phi', 'L, 26-7', '29', '13', '44.8', '169', '5.8', '1', '0', '90t', '4/22', '75.2', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 11 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2008', 5, '11/09/08', 'Sea', '@ Mia', 'L, 21-19', '38', '21', '55.3', '185', '4.9', '1', '0', '20', '3/13', '77.2', '2', '9', '4.50', '7', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 11 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2008', 5, '12/07/08', 'Sea', 'NE', 'L, 24-21', '28', '20', '71.4', '212', '7.6', '3', '0', '63', '1/7', '128.9', '3', '47', '15.67', '23', '0', '3']
in row 8 of 11 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2008', 5, '12/14/08', 'Sea', '@ Stl', 'W, 23-20', '25', '15', '60.0', '226', '9.0', '0', '0', '45', '3/18', '89.8', '2', '3', '1.50', '2', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 11 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2008', 5, '12/21/08', 'Sea', 'NYJ', 'W, 13-3', '25', '18', '72.0', '175', '7.0', '1', '0', '26', '0/0', '104.6', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 11 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2008', 5, '12/28/08', 'Sea', '@ Ari', 'L, 34-21', '43', '24', '55.8', '250', '5.8', '2', '2', '30t', '1/7', '68.9', '3', '14', '4.67', '12', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 14 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2009', 6, '09/13/09', 'Sea', 'Stl', 'W, 28-0', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 14 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2009', 6, '09/20/09', 'Sea', '@ SF', 'L, 23-10', '23', '15', '65.2', '127', '5.5', '1', '1', '22', '0/0', '75.8', '4', '1', '0.25', '1', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 14 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2009', 6, '09/27/09', 'Sea', 'Chi', 'L, 25-19', '44', '26', '59.1', '261', '5.9', '1', '1', '39t', '3/18', '74.1', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 14 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2009', 6, '10/04/09', 'Sea', '@ Ind', 'L, 34-17', '45', '33', '73.3', '257', '5.7', '1', '0', '22', '5/27', '94.4', '4', '8', '2.00', '7t', '1', '2']
in row 5 of 14 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2009', 6, '10/11/09', 'Sea', 'Jax', 'W, 41-0', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 14 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2009', 6, '11/01/09', 'Sea', '@ Dal', 'L, 38-17', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 14 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2009', 6, '11/08/09', 'Sea', 'Det', 'W, 32-20', '1', '1', '100.0', '15', '15.0', '0', '0', '15', '0/0', '118.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 14 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2009', 6, '11/15/09', 'Sea', '@ Ari', 'L, 31-20', '1', '1', '100.0', '16', '16.0', '0', '0', '16', '0/0', '118.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 14 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2009', 6, '11/22/09', 'Sea', '@ Min', 'L, 35-9', '3', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '1/14', '39.6', '1', '-9', '-9.00', '-9', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 14 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2009', 6, '11/29/09', 'Sea', '@ Stl', 'W, 27-17', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '1', '10', '10.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 14 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2009', 6, '12/06/09', 'Sea', 'SF', 'W, 20-17', '1', '1', '100.0', '7', '7.0', '0', '0', '7', '0/0', '95.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 14 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2009', 6, '12/13/09', 'Sea', '@ Hou', 'L, 34-7', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', '2', '-5', '-2.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 14 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2009', 6, '01/03/10', 'Sea', 'Ten', 'L, 17-13', '1', '1', '100.0', '17', '17.0', '0', '0', '17', '0/0', '118.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 7 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2010', 7, '09/12/10', 'Cle', '@ TB', 'L, 17-14', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 7 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2010', 7, '09/19/10', 'Cle', 'KC', 'L, 16-14', '31', '16', '51.6', '229', '7.4', '1', '1', '65t', '1/3', '73.2', '1', '4', '4.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 7 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2010', 7, '09/26/10', 'Cle', '@ Bal', 'L, 24-17', '24', '18', '75.0', '141', '5.9', '1', '0', '20', '2/10', '103.0', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 7 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2010', 7, '10/03/10', 'Cle', 'Cin', 'W, 23-20', '30', '18', '60.0', '184', '6.1', '1', '1', '24t', '1/5', '74.9', '5', '5', '1.00', '6', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 7 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2010', 7, '10/10/10', 'Cle', 'Atl', 'L, 20-10', '15', '11', '73.3', '139', '9.3', '1', '0', '19t', '2/15', '124.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 7 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2010', 7, '01/02/11', 'Cle', 'Pit', 'L, 41-9', '1', '1', '100.0', '1', '1.0', '0', '0', '1', '0/0', '79.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 7 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2011', 8, '11/13/11', 'Cle', 'Stl', 'L, 13-12', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 7 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2011', 8, '12/04/11', 'Cle', 'Bal', 'L, 24-10', '1', '1', '100.0', '4', '4.0', '0', '0', '4', '0/0', '83.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 7 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2011', 8, '12/08/11', 'Cle', '@ Pit', 'L, 14-3', '1', '1', '100.0', '13', '13.0', '0', '0', '13', '0/0', '118.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 7 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2011', 8, '12/18/11', 'Cle', '@ Ari', 'L, 20-17', '31', '18', '58.1', '226', '7.3', '1', '0', '76t', '2/13', '91.6', '3', '21', '7.00', '15', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 7 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2011', 8, '12/24/11', 'Cle', '@ Bal', 'L, 20-14', '33', '19', '57.6', '147', '4.5', '1', '1', '23', '2/8', '66.1', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 7 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2011', 8, '01/01/12', 'Cle', 'Pit', 'L, 13-9', '41', '16', '39.0', '177', '4.3', '0', '1', '23', '2/9', '42.4', '3', '44', '14.67', '27', '0', '2']
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2013', 9, '11/04/13', 'GB', 'Chi', 'L, 27-20', '19', '11', '57.9', '114', '6.0', '0', '1', '17', '4/25', '53.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['wallace, seneca', '2013', 9, '11/10/13', 'GB', 'Phi', 'L, 27-13', '5', '5', '100.0', '25', '5.0', '0', '0', '13', '0/0', '87.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2005', 3, '01/01/06', 'Min', 'Chi', 'W, 34-10', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2007', 5, '12/09/07', 'SF', 'Min', 'L, 27-7', '27', '22', '81.5', '181', '6.7', '1', '0', '26', '2/8', '106.9', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2007', 5, '12/15/07', 'SF', 'Cin', 'W, 20-13', '28', '21', '75.0', '197', '7.0', '1', '0', '19', '2/16', '105.8', '5', '12', '2.40', '12', '1', '2']
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2007', 5, '12/23/07', 'SF', 'TB', 'W, 21-19', '24', '11', '45.8', '123', '5.1', '3', '1', '23t', '2/7', '83.9', '6', '-1', '-0.17', '2', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 10 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2008', 6, '10/26/08', 'SF', 'Sea', 'L, 34-13', '23', '15', '65.2', '173', '7.5', '1', '0', '33', '2/11', '102.3', '2', '20', '10.00', '13', '0', '2']
in row 2 of 10 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2008', 6, '11/10/08', 'SF', '@ Ari', 'L, 29-24', '40', '19', '47.5', '217', '5.4', '2', '2', '31t', '0/0', '60.1', '2', '12', '6.00', '12', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 10 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2008', 6, '11/16/08', 'SF', 'Stl', 'W, 35-16', '20', '15', '75.0', '213', '10.7', '2', '0', '42', '2/14', '142.3', '3', '5', '1.67', '3', '1', '1']
in row 4 of 10 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2008', 6, '11/23/08', 'SF', '@ Dal', 'L, 35-22', '33', '21', '63.6', '303', '9.2', '2', '1', '47', '4/25', '100.9', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 10 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2008', 6, '11/30/08', 'SF', '@ Buf', 'W, 10-3', '23', '14', '60.9', '161', '7.0', '1', '0', '20', '3/28', '96.5', '4', '0', '0.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 10 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2008', 6, '12/07/08', 'SF', 'NYJ', 'W, 24-14', '39', '28', '71.8', '285', '7.3', '2', '1', '31', '2/10', '98.8', '1', '8', '8.00', '8', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 10 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2008', 6, '12/14/08', 'SF', '@ Mia', 'L, 14-9', '46', '30', '65.2', '233', '5.1', '0', '0', '20', '5/27', '77.5', '3', '17', '5.67', '13', '0', '2']
in row 8 of 10 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2008', 6, '12/21/08', 'SF', '@ Stl', 'W, 17-16', '34', '18', '52.9', '216', '6.4', '2', '3', '48t', '4/26', '55.5', '4', '45', '11.25', '24', '0', '3']
in row 9 of 10 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2008', 6, '12/28/08', 'SF', 'Was', 'W, 27-24', '30', '21', '70.0', '245', '8.2', '1', '1', '29', '1/7', '91.7', '4', '8', '2.00', '7', '1', '1']
in row 1 of 7 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2009', 7, '09/13/09', 'SF', '@ Ari', 'W, 20-16', '31', '18', '58.1', '209', '6.7', '1', '0', '50', '4/27', '89.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 7 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2009', 7, '09/20/09', 'SF', 'Sea', 'W, 23-10', '26', '19', '73.1', '144', '5.5', '0', '0', '17', '4/21', '86.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 7 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2009', 7, '09/27/09', 'SF', '@ Min', 'L, 27-24', '25', '15', '60.0', '195', '7.8', '2', '1', '31', '1/7', '94.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 7 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2009', 7, '10/04/09', 'SF', 'Stl', 'W, 35-0', '24', '14', '58.3', '152', '6.3', '2', '0', '24t', '4/20', '104.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 7 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2009', 7, '10/11/09', 'SF', 'Atl', 'L, 45-10', '38', '15', '39.5', '198', '5.2', '0', '1', '61', '3/19', '45.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 7 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2009', 7, '10/25/09', 'SF', '@ Hou', 'L, 24-21', '11', '6', '54.5', '45', '4.1', '0', '0', '18', '2/13', '64.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 12 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2010', 8, '09/12/10', 'Det', '@ Chi', 'L, 19-14', '19', '9', '47.4', '88', '4.6', '0', '1', '24', '1/9', '38.9', '3', '-4', '-1.33', '3', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 12 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2010', 8, '09/19/10', 'Det', 'Phi', 'L, 35-32', '45', '25', '55.6', '335', '7.4', '2', '2', '75t', '2/6', '75.7', '3', '16', '5.33', '13', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 12 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2010', 8, '09/26/10', 'Det', '@ Min', 'L, 24-10', '43', '29', '67.4', '237', '5.5', '1', '2', '24', '1/5', '69.6', '2', '4', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 12 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2010', 8, '10/03/10', 'Det', '@ GB', 'L, 28-26', '54', '34', '63.0', '331', '6.1', '2', '2', '25', '3/23', '77.0', '4', '53', '13.25', '40', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 12 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2010', 8, '10/10/10', 'Det', 'Stl', 'W, 44-6', '32', '21', '65.6', '227', '7.1', '3', '0', '29', '1/5', '117.6', '2', '9', '4.50', '8', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 12 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2010', 8, '10/17/10', 'Det', '@ NYG', 'L, 28-20', '15', '9', '60.0', '91', '6.1', '1', '0', '22', '0/0', '99.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 12 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2010', 8, '11/14/10', 'Det', '@ Buf', 'L, 14-12', '50', '29', '58.0', '323', '6.5', '1', '1', '29', '1/9', '75.7', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 12 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2010', 8, '11/21/10', 'Det', '@ Dal', 'L, 35-19', '47', '32', '68.1', '289', '6.1', '2', '1', '58', '3/26', '89.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 12 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2010', 8, '11/25/10', 'Det', 'NE', 'L, 45-24', '46', '27', '58.7', '285', '6.2', '1', '2', '34', '2/8', '65.9', '4', '23', '5.75', '13', '0', '3']
in row 10 of 12 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2010', 8, '12/26/10', 'Det', '@ Mia', 'W, 34-27', '26', '14', '53.8', '222', '8.5', '2', '0', '53t', '2/14', '108.2', '1', '10', '10.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 12 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2010', 8, '01/02/11', 'Det', 'Min', 'W, 20-13', '39', '28', '71.8', '258', '6.6', '1', '1', '33', '1/8', '87.3', '2', '11', '5.50', '7', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2011', 9, '09/18/11', 'Det', 'KC', 'W, 48-3', '1', '1', '100.0', '28', '28.0', '0', '0', '28', '0/0', '118.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2011', 9, '10/30/11', 'Det', '@ Den', 'W, 45-10', '2', '1', '50.0', '5', '2.5', '0', '0', '5', '0/0', '56.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2012', 10, '09/23/12', 'Det', '@ Ten', 'L, 44-41', '13', '10', '76.9', '172', '13.2', '2', '0', '46t', '0/0', '157.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2013', 11, '11/28/13', 'Det', 'GB', 'W, 40-10', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 9 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2014', 12, '09/07/14', 'Stl', 'Min', 'L, 34-6', '13', '8', '61.5', '81', '6.2', '0', '1', '23', '1/6', '47.3', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 9 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2014', 12, '11/16/14', 'Stl', 'Den', 'W, 22-7', '29', '20', '69.0', '220', '7.6', '1', '0', '63t', '3/14', '102.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 9 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2014', 12, '11/23/14', 'Stl', '@ SD', 'L, 27-24', '35', '18', '51.4', '198', '5.7', '1', '2', '27', '1/7', '54.2', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 9 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2014', 12, '11/30/14', 'Stl', 'Oak', 'W, 52-0', '22', '13', '59.1', '183', '8.3', '2', '0', '35t', '1/7', '116.3', '2', '1', '0.50', '2t', '1', '1']
in row 5 of 9 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2014', 12, '12/07/14', 'Stl', '@ Was', 'W, 24-0', '22', '16', '72.7', '213', '9.7', '2', '0', '41', '4/15', '133.3', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 9 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2014', 12, '12/11/14', 'Stl', 'Ari', 'L, 12-6', '39', '20', '51.3', '229', '5.9', '0', '1', '38', '2/18', '58.6', '3', '11', '3.67', '9', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 9 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2014', 12, '12/21/14', 'Stl', 'NYG', 'L, 37-27', '32', '24', '75.0', '290', '9.1', '2', '1', '47t', '2/9', '110.2', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 9 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2014', 12, '12/28/14', 'Stl', '@ Sea', 'L, 20-6', '37', '26', '70.3', '243', '6.6', '0', '2', '20', '4/40', '65.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2015', 13, '11/08/15', 'Min', 'Stl', 'W, 21-18', '6', '2', '33.3', '15', '2.5', '0', '0', '9', '1/11', '42.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2015', 13, '11/22/15', 'Min', 'GB', 'L, 30-13', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2015', 13, '12/27/15', 'Min', 'NYG', 'W, 49-17', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2016', 14, '09/11/16', 'Min', '@ Ten', 'W, 25-16', '33', '18', '54.5', '236', '7.2', '0', '0', '33', '0/0', '77.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2016', 14, '12/01/16', 'Min', 'Dal', 'L, 17-15', '1', '1', '100.0', '6', '6.0', '0', '0', '6', '1/7', '91.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['hill, shaun', '2016', 14, '01/01/17', 'Min', 'Chi', 'W, 38-10', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['mcgee, stephen', '2010', 2, '12/25/10', 'Dal', '@ Ari', 'L, 27-26', '17', '11', '64.7', '111', '6.5', '1', '0', '37t', '1/11', '102.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['mcgee, stephen', '2010', 2, '01/02/11', 'Dal', '@ Phi', 'W, 14-13', '27', '11', '40.7', '127', '4.7', '1', '0', '33', '2/14', '68.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['mcgee, stephen', '2011', 3, '12/24/11', 'Dal', 'Phi', 'L, 20-7', '38', '24', '63.2', '182', '4.8', '1', '0', '19', '3/25', '83.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 9 total rows
['yates, tj', '2011', 1, '11/27/11', 'Hou', '@ Jax', 'W, 20-13', '15', '8', '53.3', '70', '4.7', '0', '0', '24', '0/0', '66.0', '4', '-3', '-0.75', '3', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 9 total rows
['yates, tj', '2011', 1, '12/04/11', 'Hou', 'Atl', 'W, 17-10', '25', '12', '48.0', '188', '7.5', '1', '0', '50', '3/13', '86.8', '2', '10', '5.00', '8', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 9 total rows
['yates, tj', '2011', 1, '12/11/11', 'Hou', '@ Cin', 'W, 20-19', '44', '26', '59.1', '300', '6.8', '2', '1', '27', '5/32', '85.4', '5', '36', '7.20', '17', '0', '2']
in row 4 of 9 total rows
['yates, tj', '2011', 1, '12/18/11', 'Hou', 'Car', 'L, 28-13', '30', '19', '63.3', '212', '7.1', '0', '2', '25', '2/4', '56.5', '2', '15', '7.50', '15', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 9 total rows
['yates, tj', '2011', 1, '12/22/11', 'Hou', '@ Ind', 'L, 19-16', '16', '13', '81.2', '132', '8.2', '0', '0', '29', '4/20', '101.0', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 9 total rows
['yates, tj', '2011', 1, '01/01/12', 'Hou', 'Ten', 'L, 23-22', '4', '4', '100.0', '47', '11.8', '0', '0', '15', '1/5', '115.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 9 total rows
['yates, tj', '2011', 1, '01/07/12', 'Hou', 'Cin', 'W, 31-10', '20', '11', '55.0', '159', '8.0', '1', '0', '40t', '2/7', '97.7', '1', '-2', '-2.00', '-2', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 9 total rows
['yates, tj', '2011', 1, '01/15/12', 'Hou', '@ Bal', 'L, 20-13', '35', '17', '48.6', '184', '5.3', '0', '3', '19', '0/0', '28.8', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['yates, tj', '2012', 2, '10/14/12', 'Hou', 'GB', 'L, 42-24', '5', '2', '40.0', '23', '4.6', '0', '1', '12', '0/0', '15.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['yates, tj', '2012', 2, '12/10/12', 'Hou', '@ NE', 'L, 42-14', '4', '2', '50.0', '15', '3.8', '0', '0', '19', '0/0', '59.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['yates, tj', '2012', 2, '12/23/12', 'Hou', 'Min', 'L, 23-6', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '1/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['yates, tj', '2013', 3, '10/06/13', 'Hou', '@ SF', 'L, 34-3', '5', '3', '60.0', '15', '3.0', '0', '0', '5', '0/0', '64.6', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['yates, tj', '2013', 3, '10/13/13', 'Hou', 'Stl', 'L, 38-13', '17', '12', '70.6', '98', '5.8', '0', '2', '20', '2/7', '45.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['yates, tj', '2014', 4, '09/18/14', 'Atl', 'TB', 'W, 56-14', '4', '3', '75.0', '64', '16.0', '0', '1', '40', '0/0', '77.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 5 total rows
['yates, tj', '2015', 5, '11/16/15', 'Hou', '@ Cin', 'W, 10-6', '11', '5', '45.5', '69', '6.3', '1', '0', '22t', '1/8', '96.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 5 total rows
['yates, tj', '2015', 5, '11/22/15', 'Hou', 'NYJ', 'W, 24-17', '34', '16', '47.1', '229', '6.7', '2', '0', '61t', '1/9', '89.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 5 total rows
['yates, tj', '2015', 5, '12/13/15', 'Hou', 'NE', 'L, 27-6', '2', '1', '50.0', '4', '2.0', '0', '0', '4', '1/3', '56.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 5 total rows
['yates, tj', '2015', 5, '12/20/15', 'Hou', '@ Ind', 'W, 16-10', '10', '6', '60.0', '68', '6.8', '0', '1', '22', '2/13', '40.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 5 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2006', 1, '12/03/06', 'Min', '@ Chi', 'L, 23-13', '4', '3', '75.0', '35', '8.8', '0', '0', '24', '1/0', '101.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 5 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2006', 1, '12/17/06', 'Min', 'NYJ', 'L, 26-13', '23', '14', '60.9', '177', '7.7', '1', '1', '35t', '0/0', '81.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 5 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2006', 1, '12/21/06', 'Min', '@ GB', 'L, 9-7', '20', '10', '50.0', '50', '2.5', '0', '1', '12', '3/23', '35.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 5 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2006', 1, '12/31/06', 'Min', 'Stl', 'L, 41-21', '34', '20', '58.8', '213', '6.3', '1', '2', '50', '4/14', '62.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 13 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2007', 2, '09/09/07', 'Min', 'Atl', 'W, 24-3', '23', '13', '56.5', '163', '7.1', '1', '1', '60t', '0/0', '75.1', '2', '10', '5.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 13 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2007', 2, '09/16/07', 'Min', '@ Det', 'L, 20-17', '33', '17', '51.5', '166', '5.0', '0', '4', '24', '1/0', '26.4', '5', '16', '3.20', '7', '1', '1']
in row 3 of 13 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2007', 2, '10/14/07', 'Min', '@ Chi', 'W, 34-31', '23', '9', '39.1', '136', '5.9', '1', '0', '60t', '1/3', '73.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 13 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2007', 2, '10/21/07', 'Min', '@ Dal', 'L, 24-14', '19', '6', '31.6', '72', '3.8', '0', '0', '21', '3/7', '44.2', '4', '20', '5.00', '12', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 13 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2007', 2, '11/04/07', 'Min', 'SD', 'W, 35-17', '12', '6', '50.0', '63', '5.2', '0', '0', '19', '0/0', '65.6', '2', '19', '9.50', '10', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 13 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2007', 2, '11/18/07', 'Min', 'Oak', 'W, 29-22', '22', '17', '77.3', '171', '7.8', '0', '1', '16', '3/15', '79.9', '3', '19', '6.33', '12', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 13 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2007', 2, '11/25/07', 'Min', '@ NYG', 'W, 41-17', '12', '10', '83.3', '129', '10.8', '1', '0', '60t', '4/5', '139.2', '5', '38', '7.60', '19', '0', '2']
in row 8 of 13 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2007', 2, '12/02/07', 'Min', 'Det', 'W, 42-10', '24', '18', '75.0', '204', '8.5', '2', '1', '35', '1/4', '110.4', '5', '20', '4.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 13 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2007', 2, '12/09/07', 'Min', '@ SF', 'W, 27-7', '25', '16', '64.0', '163', '6.5', '1', '0', '23', '0/0', '95.9', '9', '13', '1.44', '12', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 13 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2007', 2, '12/17/07', 'Min', 'Chi', 'W, 20-13', '29', '18', '62.1', '249', '8.6', '0', '3', '71', '2/13', '50.0', '7', '25', '3.57', '18', '0', '3']
in row 11 of 13 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2007', 2, '12/23/07', 'Min', 'Was', 'L, 32-21', '41', '25', '61.0', '220', '5.4', '1', '2', '19', '1/8', '63.1', '8', '44', '5.50', '11', '2', '6']
in row 12 of 13 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2007', 2, '12/30/07', 'Min', '@ Den', 'L, 22-19', '31', '16', '51.6', '175', '5.6', '2', '0', '30', '3/15', '90.1', '4', '36', '9.00', '32', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 9 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2008', 3, '09/08/08', 'Min', '@ GB', 'L, 24-19', '35', '16', '45.7', '178', '5.1', '1', '1', '24', '1/10', '59.0', '9', '65', '7.22', '19', '0', '5']
in row 2 of 9 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2008', 3, '09/14/08', 'Min', 'Ind', 'L, 18-15', '24', '14', '58.3', '130', '5.4', '0', '0', '23', '2/10', '73.3', '2', '0', '0.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 9 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2008', 3, '09/28/08', 'Min', '@ Ten', 'L, 30-17', '1', '1', '100.0', '8', '8.0', '0', '0', '8', '2/12', '100.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 9 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2008', 3, '12/07/08', 'Min', '@ Det', 'W, 20-16', '10', '8', '80.0', '105', '10.5', '1', '0', '16', '1/0', '143.8', '3', '-1', '-0.33', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 9 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2008', 3, '12/14/08', 'Min', '@ Ari', 'W, 35-14', '17', '11', '64.7', '163', '9.6', '4', '0', '59t', '3/6', '135.5', '3', '3', '1.00', '1', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 9 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2008', 3, '12/21/08', 'Min', 'Atl', 'L, 24-17', '36', '22', '61.1', '233', '6.5', '2', '0', '31', '3/38', '98.5', '8', '82', '10.25', '29', '0', '4']
in row 7 of 9 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2008', 3, '12/28/08', 'Min', 'NYG', 'W, 20-19', '26', '16', '61.5', '239', '9.2', '1', '1', '54t', '2/21', '88.5', '1', '-4', '-4.00', '-4', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 9 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2008', 3, '01/04/09', 'Min', 'Phi', 'L, 26-14', '35', '15', '42.9', '164', '4.7', '0', '1', '27', '1/11', '45.4', '2', '17', '8.50', '17', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 9 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2009', 4, '09/13/09', 'Min', '@ Cle', 'W, 34-20', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 9 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2009', 4, '09/20/09', 'Min', '@ Det', 'W, 27-13', '1', '1', '100.0', '14', '14.0', '0', '0', '14', '0/0', '118.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 9 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2009', 4, '10/11/09', 'Min', '@ Stl', 'W, 38-10', '3', '3', '100.0', '68', '22.7', '0', '0', '33', '0/0', '118.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 9 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2009', 4, '11/15/09', 'Min', 'Det', 'W, 27-10', '2', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 9 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2009', 4, '11/22/09', 'Min', 'Sea', 'W, 35-9', '8', '6', '75.0', '77', '9.6', '1', '0', '34t', '0/0', '144.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 9 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2009', 4, '11/29/09', 'Min', 'Chi', 'W, 36-10', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 9 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2009', 4, '12/13/09', 'Min', 'Cin', 'W, 30-10', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 9 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2009', 4, '01/03/10', 'Min', 'NYG', 'W, 44-7', '6', '4', '66.7', '42', '7.0', '0', '0', '18', '0/0', '86.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2010', 5, '10/31/10', 'Min', '@ NE', 'L, 28-18', '6', '4', '66.7', '36', '6.0', '1', '0', '23', '1/10', '122.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2010', 5, '12/05/10', 'Min', 'Buf', 'W, 38-14', '22', '15', '68.2', '187', '8.5', '2', '3', '46', '1/10', '85.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2010', 5, '12/13/10', 'Min', 'NYG', 'L, 21-3', '30', '15', '50.0', '118', '3.9', '0', '1', '22', '4/23', '46.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2011', 6, '09/11/11', 'Sea', '@ SF', 'L, 33-17', '37', '21', '56.8', '197', '5.3', '2', '1', '55t', '5/42', '78.3', '4', '13', '3.25', '5', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2011', 6, '09/18/11', 'Sea', '@ Pit', 'L, 24-0', '29', '20', '69.0', '159', '5.5', '0', '0', '17', '5/26', '82.4', '3', '12', '4.00', '8', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2011', 6, '09/25/11', 'Sea', 'Ari', 'W, 13-10', '31', '18', '58.1', '171', '5.5', '0', '1', '32', '4/32', '60.0', '4', '20', '5.00', '11t', '1', '1']
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2011', 6, '10/02/11', 'Sea', 'Atl', 'L, 30-28', '38', '25', '65.8', '319', '8.4', '3', '2', '52t', '0/0', '96.3', '2', '16', '8.00', '13', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2011', 6, '10/09/11', 'Sea', '@ NYG', 'W, 36-25', '22', '15', '68.2', '166', '7.5', '1', '1', '25', '4/24', '86.6', '4', '17', '4.25', '11', '0', '2']
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2011', 6, '10/30/11', 'Sea', 'Cin', 'L, 34-12', '40', '21', '52.5', '323', '8.1', '0', '1', '55', '2/19', '69.1', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2011', 6, '11/06/11', 'Sea', '@ Dal', 'L, 23-13', '30', '17', '56.7', '221', '7.4', '0', '3', '43', '1/2', '40.4', '2', '3', '1.50', '4', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2011', 6, '11/13/11', 'Sea', 'Bal', 'W, 22-17', '27', '17', '63.0', '217', '8.0', '0', '0', '50', '1/9', '88.0', '5', '3', '0.60', '4', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2011', 6, '11/20/11', 'Sea', '@ Stl', 'W, 24-7', '24', '14', '58.3', '148', '6.2', '1', '2', '35', '4/40', '55.6', '2', '10', '5.00', '8', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2011', 6, '11/27/11', 'Sea', 'Was', 'L, 23-17', '30', '14', '46.7', '144', '4.8', '2', '1', '24', '2/18', '69.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2011', 6, '12/01/11', 'Sea', 'Phi', 'W, 31-14', '16', '13', '81.2', '190', '11.9', '1', '0', '28', '3/17', '137.0', '2', '4', '2.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2011', 6, '12/12/11', 'Sea', 'Stl', 'W, 30-13', '32', '21', '65.6', '224', '7.0', '1', '0', '29t', '2/10', '96.4', '5', '4', '0.80', '3', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2011', 6, '12/18/11', 'Sea', '@ Chi', 'W, 38-14', '31', '19', '61.3', '227', '7.3', '1', '0', '43', '1/1', '94.4', '3', '-2', '-0.67', '2', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2011', 6, '12/24/11', 'Sea', 'SF', 'L, 19-17', '28', '15', '53.6', '163', '5.8', '1', '0', '44', '4/22', '82.9', '2', '3', '1.50', '3', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2011', 6, '01/01/12', 'Sea', '@ Ari', 'L, 23-20', '35', '21', '60.0', '222', '6.3', '1', '1', '61t', '4/31', '76.1', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 5 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2013', 8, '09/22/13', 'Sea', 'Jax', 'W, 45-17', '8', '7', '87.5', '129', '16.1', '1', '0', '35t', '0/0', '158.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 5 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2013', 8, '11/17/13', 'Sea', 'Min', 'W, 41-20', '3', '1', '33.3', '6', '2.0', '0', '0', '6', '0/0', '42.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 5 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2013', 8, '12/15/13', 'Sea', '@ NYG', 'W, 23-0', '2', '2', '100.0', '16', '8.0', '0', '0', '15', '0/0', '100.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 5 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2013', 8, '02/02/14', 'Sea', '@ Den', 'W, 43-8', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2014', 9, '12/21/14', 'Sea', '@ Ari', 'W, 35-6', '1', '1', '100.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '79.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 5 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2015', 10, '12/06/15', 'Sea', '@ Min', 'W, 38-7', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '1/6', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 5 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2015', 10, '12/13/15', 'Sea', '@ Bal', 'W, 35-6', '1', '1', '100.0', '9', '9.0', '0', '0', '9', '0/0', '104.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 5 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2015', 10, '12/20/15', 'Sea', 'Cle', 'W, 30-13', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 5 total rows
['jackson, tarvaris', '2015', 10, '01/03/16', 'Sea', '@ Ari', 'W, 36-6', '4', '3', '75.0', '28', '7.0', '0', '0', '17', '0/0', '93.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 8 total rows
['tebow, tim', '2010', 1, '09/12/10', 'Den', '@ Jax', 'L, 24-17', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 8 total rows
['tebow, tim', '2010', 1, '10/17/10', 'Den', 'NYJ', 'L, 24-20', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 8 total rows
['tebow, tim', '2010', 1, '10/31/10', 'Den', '@ SF', 'L, 24-16', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 8 total rows
['tebow, tim', '2010', 1, '11/14/10', 'Den', 'KC', 'W, 49-29', '1', '1', '100.0', '3', '3.0', '1', '0', '3t', '0/0', '118.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 8 total rows
['tebow, tim', '2010', 1, '12/19/10', 'Den', '@ Oak', 'L, 39-23', '16', '8', '50.0', '138', '8.6', '1', '0', '33t', '2/9', '100.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 8 total rows
['tebow, tim', '2010', 1, '12/26/10', 'Den', 'Hou', 'W, 24-23', '29', '16', '55.2', '308', '10.6', '1', '1', '50', '1/3', '89.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 8 total rows
['tebow, tim', '2010', 1, '01/02/11', 'Den', 'SD', 'L, 33-28', '36', '16', '44.4', '205', '5.7', '2', '2', '25', '3/14', '58.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['tebow, tim', '2011', 2, '10/02/11', 'Den', '@ GB', 'L, 49-23', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['tebow, tim', '2011', 2, '10/09/11', 'Den', 'SD', 'L, 29-24', '10', '4', '40.0', '79', '7.9', '1', '0', '31', '0/0', '101.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['tebow, tim', '2011', 2, '10/23/11', 'Den', '@ Mia', 'W, 18-15', '27', '13', '48.1', '161', '6.0', '2', '0', '42', '6/30', '91.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['tebow, tim', '2011', 2, '10/30/11', 'Den', 'Det', 'L, 45-10', '39', '18', '46.2', '172', '4.4', '1', '1', '28', '7/55', '56.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['tebow, tim', '2011', 2, '11/06/11', 'Den', '@ Oak', 'W, 38-24', '21', '10', '47.6', '124', '5.9', '2', '0', '29', '1/11', '98.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['tebow, tim', '2011', 2, '11/13/11', 'Den', '@ KC', 'W, 17-10', '8', '2', '25.0', '69', '8.6', '1', '0', '56t', '0/0', '102.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['tebow, tim', '2011', 2, '11/17/11', 'Den', 'NYJ', 'W, 17-13', '20', '9', '45.0', '104', '5.2', '0', '0', '28', '1/0', '61.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['tebow, tim', '2011', 2, '11/27/11', 'Den', '@ SD', 'W, 16-13', '18', '9', '50.0', '143', '7.9', '1', '0', '39', '1/2', '95.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['tebow, tim', '2011', 2, '12/04/11', 'Den', '@ Min', 'W, 35-32', '15', '10', '66.7', '202', '13.5', '2', '0', '42', '2/16', '149.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['tebow, tim', '2011', 2, '12/11/11', 'Den', 'Chi', 'W, 13-10', '40', '21', '52.5', '236', '5.9', '1', '1', '23', '5/15', '68.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['tebow, tim', '2011', 2, '12/18/11', 'Den', 'NE', 'L, 41-23', '22', '11', '50.0', '194', '8.8', '0', '0', '39', '4/53', '80.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['tebow, tim', '2011', 2, '12/24/11', 'Den', '@ Buf', 'L, 40-14', '29', '13', '44.8', '185', '6.4', '1', '3', '47', '4/33', '37.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['tebow, tim', '2011', 2, '01/01/12', 'Den', 'KC', 'L, 7-3', '22', '6', '27.3', '60', '2.7', '0', '1', '17', '2/10', '20.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['tebow, tim', '2011', 2, '01/08/12', 'Den', 'Pit', 'W, 29-23', '21', '10', '47.6', '316', '15.0', '2', '0', '80t', '0/0', '125.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['tebow, tim', '2011', 2, '01/14/12', 'Den', '@ NE', 'L, 45-10', '26', '9', '34.6', '136', '5.2', '0', '0', '41', '5/28', '52.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 12 total rows
['tebow, tim', '2012', 3, '09/09/12', 'NYJ', 'Buf', 'W, 48-28', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '5', '11', '2.20', '4', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 12 total rows
['tebow, tim', '2012', 3, '09/16/12', 'NYJ', '@ Pit', 'L, 27-10', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '1', '22', '22.00', '22', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 12 total rows
['tebow, tim', '2012', 3, '09/23/12', 'NYJ', '@ Mia', 'W, 23-20', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '1/5', '0.0', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 12 total rows
['tebow, tim', '2012', 3, '09/30/12', 'NYJ', 'SF', 'L, 34-0', '1', '1', '100.0', '9', '9.0', '0', '0', '9', '0/0', '104.2', '2', '0', '0.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 12 total rows
['tebow, tim', '2012', 3, '10/08/12', 'NYJ', 'Hou', 'L, 23-17', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', '5', '19', '3.80', '13', '0', '2']
in row 6 of 12 total rows
['tebow, tim', '2012', 3, '10/14/12', 'NYJ', 'Ind', 'W, 35-9', '1', '1', '100.0', '23', '23.0', '0', '0', '23', '0/0', '118.8', '4', '7', '1.75', '3', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 12 total rows
['tebow, tim', '2012', 3, '10/21/12', 'NYJ', '@ NE', 'L, 29-26', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '4', '12', '3.00', '4', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 12 total rows
['tebow, tim', '2012', 3, '10/28/12', 'NYJ', 'Mia', 'L, 30-9', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 12 total rows
['tebow, tim', '2012', 3, '11/11/12', 'NYJ', '@ Sea', 'L, 28-7', '3', '3', '100.0', '8', '2.7', '0', '0', '5', '0/0', '79.2', '4', '14', '3.50', '6', '0', '2']
in row 10 of 12 total rows
['tebow, tim', '2012', 3, '11/18/12', 'NYJ', '@ Stl', 'W, 27-13', '1', '1', '100.0', '-1', '-1.0', '0', '0', '-1', '0/0', '79.2', '2', '-5', '-2.50', '1', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 12 total rows
['tebow, tim', '2012', 3, '12/17/12', 'NYJ', '@ Ten', 'L, 14-10', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '1/2', '39.6', '3', '15', '5.00', '12', '0', '2']
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['brady, tom', '2000', 1, '11/23/00', 'NE', '@ Det', 'L, 34-9', '3', '1', '33.3', '6', '2.0', '0', '0', '6', '0/0', '42.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2001', 2, '09/23/01', 'NE', 'NYJ', 'L, 10-3', '10', '5', '50.0', '46', '4.6', '0', '0', '21', '0/0', '62.9', '1', '9', '9.00', '9', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2001', 2, '09/30/01', 'NE', 'Ind', 'W, 44-13', '23', '13', '56.5', '168', '7.3', '0', '0', '38', '1/9', '79.6', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2001', 2, '10/07/01', 'NE', '@ Mia', 'L, 30-10', '24', '12', '50.0', '86', '3.6', '0', '0', '15', '4/17', '58.7', '2', '9', '4.50', '9', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2001', 2, '10/14/01', 'NE', 'SD', 'W, 29-26', '54', '33', '61.1', '364', '6.7', '2', '0', '26', '3/19', '93.4', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2001', 2, '10/21/01', 'NE', '@ Ind', 'W, 38-17', '20', '16', '80.0', '202', '10.1', '3', '0', '91t', '0/0', '148.3', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2001', 2, '10/28/01', 'NE', '@ Den', 'L, 31-20', '38', '25', '65.8', '203', '5.3', '2', '4', '30t', '2/20', '57.1', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2001', 2, '11/04/01', 'NE', '@ Atl', 'W, 24-10', '31', '21', '67.7', '250', '8.1', '3', '0', '44t', '3/14', '124.4', '3', '0', '0.00', '1', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2001', 2, '11/11/01', 'NE', 'Buf', 'W, 21-11', '21', '15', '71.4', '107', '5.1', '1', '1', '26', '7/36', '78.9', '4', '-1', '-0.25', '2', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2001', 2, '11/18/01', 'NE', 'Stl', 'L, 24-17', '27', '19', '70.4', '185', '6.9', '1', '2', '27', '2/6', '70.8', '2', '6', '3.00', '7', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2001', 2, '11/25/01', 'NE', 'NO', 'W, 34-17', '26', '19', '73.1', '258', '9.9', '4', '0', '41t', '4/17', '143.9', '4', '14', '3.50', '11', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2001', 2, '12/02/01', 'NE', '@ NYJ', 'W, 17-16', '28', '20', '71.4', '213', '7.6', '0', '0', '46', '3/22', '93.3', '3', '0', '0.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2001', 2, '12/09/01', 'NE', 'Cle', 'W, 27-16', '28', '19', '67.9', '218', '7.8', '0', '2', '23', '3/9', '61.3', '4', '-3', '-0.75', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2001', 2, '12/16/01', 'NE', '@ Buf', 'W, 12-9', '35', '19', '54.3', '237', '6.8', '0', '1', '40', '5/31', '63.6', '3', '13', '4.33', '12', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2001', 2, '12/22/01', 'NE', 'Mia', 'W, 20-13', '19', '11', '57.9', '108', '5.7', '1', '0', '23t', '3/14', '91.6', '3', '-5', '-1.67', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2001', 2, '01/06/02', 'NE', '@ Car', 'W, 38-6', '29', '17', '58.6', '198', '6.8', '1', '2', '31', '1/2', '62.1', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 16 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2001', 2, '01/19/02', 'NE', 'Oak', 'W, 16-13', '52', '32', '61.5', '312', '6.0', '0', '1', '29', '2/15', '70.4', '5', '16', '3.20', '6t', '1', '2']
in row 17 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2001', 2, '01/27/02', 'NE', '@ Pit', 'W, 24-17', '18', '12', '66.7', '115', '6.4', '0', '0', '28', '2/14', '84.3', '2', '3', '1.50', '2', '0', '1']
in row 18 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2001', 2, '02/03/02', 'NE', 'Stl', 'W, 20-17', '27', '16', '59.3', '145', '5.4', '1', '0', '23', '1/7', '86.2', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['brady, tom', '2002', 3, '09/09/02', 'NE', 'Pit', 'W, 30-14', '43', '29', '67.4', '294', '6.8', '3', '0', '40t', '2/14', '110.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['brady, tom', '2002', 3, '09/15/02', 'NE', '@ NYJ', 'W, 44-7', '35', '25', '71.4', '269', '7.7', '2', '1', '49t', '0/0', '100.8', '2', '5', '2.50', '4', '0', '2']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['brady, tom', '2002', 3, '09/22/02', 'NE', 'KC', 'W, 41-38', '54', '39', '72.2', '410', '7.6', '4', '1', '38t', '4/11', '110.9', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['brady, tom', '2002', 3, '09/29/02', 'NE', '@ SD', 'L, 21-14', '53', '36', '67.9', '353', '6.7', '2', '2', '26', '0/0', '83.3', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['brady, tom', '2002', 3, '10/06/02', 'NE', '@ Mia', 'L, 26-13', '31', '17', '54.8', '240', '7.7', '2', '2', '34t', '3/32', '74.7', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['brady, tom', '2002', 3, '10/13/02', 'NE', 'GB', 'L, 28-10', '44', '24', '54.5', '183', '4.2', '1', '3', '18', '2/17', '44.0', '5', '26', '5.20', '12', '0', '4']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['brady, tom', '2002', 3, '10/27/02', 'NE', 'Den', 'L, 24-16', '29', '15', '51.7', '130', '4.5', '1', '0', '17', '5/20', '75.4', '2', '5', '2.50', '4', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['brady, tom', '2002', 3, '11/03/02', 'NE', '@ Buf', 'W, 38-7', '26', '22', '84.6', '265', '10.2', '3', '0', '31', '1/2', '147.6', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['brady, tom', '2002', 3, '11/10/02', 'NE', '@ Chi', 'W, 33-30', '55', '36', '65.5', '328', '6.0', '3', '1', '36t', '2/13', '92.1', '3', '16', '5.33', '13', '0', '2']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['brady, tom', '2002', 3, '11/17/02', 'NE', '@ Oak', 'L, 27-20', '30', '18', '60.0', '172', '5.7', '0', '0', '33', '4/25', '76.0', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['brady, tom', '2002', 3, '11/24/02', 'NE', 'Min', 'W, 24-17', '34', '21', '61.8', '239', '7.0', '3', '0', '27', '2/20', '112.3', '6', '4', '0.67', '5', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['brady, tom', '2002', 3, '11/28/02', 'NE', '@ Det', 'W, 20-12', '30', '18', '60.0', '210', '7.0', '0', '1', '28', '0/0', '67.4', '4', '12', '3.00', '8', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['brady, tom', '2002', 3, '12/08/02', 'NE', 'Buf', 'W, 27-17', '27', '15', '55.6', '183', '6.8', '2', '0', '41', '0/0', '101.3', '5', '-5', '-1.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['brady, tom', '2002', 3, '12/16/02', 'NE', '@ Ten', 'L, 24-7', '29', '14', '48.3', '134', '4.6', '0', '1', '35', '3/17', '47.2', '2', '10', '5.00', '10t', '1', '1']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['brady, tom', '2002', 3, '12/22/02', 'NE', 'NYJ', 'L, 30-17', '37', '19', '51.4', '133', '3.6', '1', '1', '15', '2/14', '57.6', '4', '24', '6.00', '15', '0', '4']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['brady, tom', '2002', 3, '12/29/02', 'NE', 'Mia', 'W, 27-24', '44', '25', '56.8', '221', '5.0', '1', '1', '23', '1/5', '68.5', '4', '8', '2.00', '4', '0', '2']
in row 1 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2003', 4, '09/07/03', 'NE', '@ Buf', 'L, 31-0', '28', '14', '50.0', '123', '4.4', '0', '4', '42', '2/20', '22.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2003', 4, '09/14/03', 'NE', '@ Phi', 'W, 31-10', '44', '30', '68.2', '255', '5.8', '3', '0', '27', '2/8', '105.8', '6', '7', '1.17', '4', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2003', 4, '09/21/03', 'NE', 'NYJ', 'W, 23-16', '25', '15', '60.0', '181', '7.2', '0', '0', '31', '5/34', '82.2', '3', '-1', '-0.33', '1t', '1', '1']
in row 4 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2003', 4, '09/28/03', 'NE', '@ Was', 'L, 20-17', '38', '25', '65.8', '289', '7.6', '2', '3', '29t', '1/8', '73.2', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2003', 4, '10/05/03', 'NE', 'Ten', 'W, 38-30', '31', '17', '54.8', '219', '7.1', '1', '0', '58t', '3/26', '88.0', '3', '2', '0.67', '4', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2003', 4, '10/12/03', 'NE', 'NYG', 'W, 17-6', '21', '8', '38.1', '112', '5.3', '0', '0', '39', '2/21', '56.1', '3', '0', '0.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2003', 4, '10/19/03', 'NE', '@ Mia', 'W, 19-13', '34', '24', '70.6', '283', '8.3', '2', '0', '82t', '1/10', '115.2', '3', '10', '3.33', '5', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2003', 4, '10/26/03', 'NE', 'Cle', 'W, 9-3', '33', '20', '60.6', '259', '7.8', '0', '0', '45', '1/6', '85.3', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2003', 4, '11/03/03', 'NE', '@ Den', 'W, 30-26', '35', '20', '57.1', '350', '10.0', '3', '1', '66t', '0/0', '108.0', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2003', 4, '11/16/03', 'NE', 'Dal', 'W, 12-0', '34', '15', '44.1', '212', '6.2', '0', '0', '57', '2/9', '64.8', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2003', 4, '11/23/03', 'NE', '@ Hou', 'W, 23-20', '47', '29', '61.7', '368', '7.8', '2', '2', '33', '4/24', '82.6', '6', '15', '2.50', '6', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2003', 4, '11/30/03', 'NE', '@ Ind', 'W, 38-34', '35', '26', '74.3', '236', '6.7', '2', '2', '31t', '2/10', '87.3', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2003', 4, '12/07/03', 'NE', 'Mia', 'W, 12-0', '31', '16', '51.6', '163', '5.3', '0', '0', '25', '3/13', '67.0', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2003', 4, '12/14/03', 'NE', 'Jax', 'W, 27-13', '34', '22', '64.7', '228', '6.7', '2', '0', '32', '2/16', '103.6', '1', '7', '7.00', '7', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2003', 4, '12/20/03', 'NE', '@ NYJ', 'W, 21-16', '25', '15', '60.0', '138', '5.5', '2', '0', '35t', '0/0', '101.8', '2', '1', '0.50', '2', '0', '1']
in row 16 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2003', 4, '12/27/03', 'NE', 'Buf', 'W, 31-0', '32', '21', '65.6', '204', '6.4', '4', '0', '30', '2/14', '122.9', '5', '23', '4.60', '11', '0', '3']
in row 17 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2003', 4, '01/10/04', 'NE', 'Ten', 'W, 17-14', '41', '21', '51.2', '201', '4.9', '1', '0', '41t', '0/0', '73.3', '5', '5', '1.00', '5', '0', '2']
in row 18 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2003', 4, '01/18/04', 'NE', 'Ind', 'W, 24-14', '37', '22', '59.5', '237', '6.4', '1', '1', '28', '0/0', '76.1', '5', '1', '0.20', '2', '0', '2']
in row 19 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2003', 4, '02/01/04', 'NE', 'Car', 'W, 32-29', '48', '32', '66.7', '354', '7.4', '3', '1', '52', '0/0', '100.5', '2', '12', '6.00', '12', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2004', 5, '09/09/04', 'NE', 'Ind', 'W, 27-24', '38', '26', '68.4', '335', '8.8', '3', '1', '29', '2/15', '111.2', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2004', 5, '09/19/04', 'NE', '@ Ari', 'W, 23-12', '26', '15', '57.7', '219', '8.4', '2', '2', '27', '2/12', '78.8', '5', '3', '0.60', '3', '0', '2']
in row 3 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2004', 5, '10/03/04', 'NE', '@ Buf', 'W, 31-17', '30', '17', '56.7', '298', '9.9', '2', '0', '44', '0/0', '112.9', '2', '2', '1.00', '3', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2004', 5, '10/10/04', 'NE', 'Mia', 'W, 24-10', '19', '7', '36.8', '76', '4.0', '2', '1', '28', '1/7', '62.6', '4', '-1', '-0.25', '2', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2004', 5, '10/17/04', 'NE', 'Sea', 'W, 30-20', '30', '19', '63.3', '231', '7.7', '1', '1', '48', '1/7', '84.2', '3', '7', '2.33', '6', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2004', 5, '10/24/04', 'NE', 'NYJ', 'W, 13-7', '29', '20', '69.0', '230', '7.9', '1', '0', '42', '3/20', '104.1', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2004', 5, '10/31/04', 'NE', '@ Pit', 'L, 34-20', '43', '25', '58.1', '271', '6.3', '2', '2', '23t', '4/28', '72.9', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2004', 5, '11/07/04', 'NE', '@ Stl', 'W, 40-22', '31', '18', '58.1', '234', '7.5', '2', '0', '50', '2/9', '103.4', '3', '1', '0.33', '3', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2004', 5, '11/14/04', 'NE', 'Buf', 'W, 29-6', '35', '19', '54.3', '233', '6.7', '2', '1', '47', '2/13', '82.2', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2004', 5, '11/22/04', 'NE', '@ KC', 'W, 27-19', '26', '17', '65.4', '315', '12.1', '1', '0', '48', '1/6', '119.9', '5', '-1', '-0.20', '3', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2004', 5, '11/28/04', 'NE', 'Bal', 'W, 24-3', '30', '15', '50.0', '172', '5.7', '0', '0', '37', '1/2', '67.6', '3', '3', '1.00', '4', '0', '1']
in row 12 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2004', 5, '12/05/04', 'NE', '@ Cle', 'W, 42-15', '20', '11', '55.0', '157', '7.8', '1', '1', '44t', '2/14', '76.5', '1', '10', '10.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2004', 5, '12/12/04', 'NE', 'Cin', 'W, 35-28', '26', '18', '69.2', '260', '10.0', '2', '0', '48t', '1/3', '127.1', '5', '2', '0.40', '3', '0', '2']
in row 14 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2004', 5, '12/20/04', 'NE', '@ Mia', 'L, 29-28', '29', '18', '62.1', '171', '5.9', '3', '4', '31t', '2/15', '73.3', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2004', 5, '12/26/04', 'NE', '@ NYJ', 'W, 23-7', '32', '21', '65.6', '264', '8.2', '2', '0', '35', '1/6', '112.0', '4', '3', '0.75', '5', '0', '1']
in row 16 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2004', 5, '01/02/05', 'NE', 'SF', 'W, 21-7', '30', '22', '73.3', '226', '7.5', '2', '1', '25', '1/5', '102.9', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '1']
in row 17 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2004', 5, '01/16/05', 'NE', 'Ind', 'W, 20-3', '27', '18', '66.7', '144', '5.3', '1', '0', '17', '3/29', '92.2', '4', '6', '1.50', '3', '1', '2']
in row 18 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2004', 5, '01/23/05', 'NE', '@ Pit', 'W, 41-27', '21', '14', '66.7', '207', '9.9', '2', '0', '60t', '2/11', '130.5', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 19 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2004', 5, '02/06/05', 'NE', '@ Phi', 'W, 24-21', '33', '23', '69.7', '236', '7.2', '2', '0', '27', '2/17', '110.2', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2005', 6, '09/08/05', 'NE', 'Oak', 'W, 30-20', '38', '24', '63.2', '306', '8.1', '2', '0', '35', '0/0', '105.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2005', 6, '09/18/05', 'NE', '@ Car', 'L, 27-17', '44', '23', '52.3', '270', '6.1', '1', '1', '71', '2/21', '69.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2005', 6, '09/25/05', 'NE', '@ Pit', 'W, 23-20', '41', '31', '75.6', '372', '9.1', '0', '1', '30', '3/26', '92.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2005', 6, '10/02/05', 'NE', 'SD', 'L, 41-17', '32', '19', '59.4', '224', '7.0', '1', '1', '30t', '1/8', '78.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2005', 6, '10/09/05', 'NE', '@ Atl', 'W, 31-28', '27', '22', '81.5', '350', '13.0', '3', '1', '55t', '1/8', '140.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2005', 6, '10/16/05', 'NE', '@ Den', 'L, 28-20', '46', '24', '52.2', '299', '6.5', '1', '0', '49', '0/0', '79.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2005', 6, '10/30/05', 'NE', 'Buf', 'W, 21-16', '21', '14', '66.7', '199', '9.5', '1', '0', '37', '3/19', '113.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2005', 6, '11/07/05', 'NE', 'Ind', 'L, 40-21', '33', '22', '66.7', '265', '8.0', '3', '0', '35', '1/18', '121.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2005', 6, '11/13/05', 'NE', '@ Mia', 'W, 23-16', '36', '21', '58.3', '275', '7.6', '2', '2', '59', '2/1', '77.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2005', 6, '11/20/05', 'NE', 'NO', 'W, 24-17', '29', '15', '51.7', '222', '7.7', '3', '0', '60t', '3/28', '111.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2005', 6, '11/27/05', 'NE', '@ KC', 'L, 26-16', '40', '22', '55.0', '248', '6.2', '1', '4', '25', '3/16', '42.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2005', 6, '12/04/05', 'NE', 'NYJ', 'W, 16-3', '37', '27', '73.0', '271', '7.3', '0', '0', '25', '2/20', '93.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2005', 6, '12/11/05', 'NE', '@ Buf', 'W, 35-7', '38', '29', '76.3', '329', '8.7', '2', '2', '40', '1/1', '97.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2005', 6, '12/17/05', 'NE', 'TB', 'W, 28-0', '31', '20', '64.5', '258', '8.3', '3', '0', '37', '1/5', '122.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2005', 6, '12/26/05', 'NE', '@ NYJ', 'W, 31-21', '29', '18', '62.1', '185', '6.4', '2', '1', '23', '3/17', '89.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2005', 6, '01/01/06', 'NE', 'Mia', 'L, 28-26', '8', '3', '37.5', '37', '4.6', '1', '1', '18', '0/0', '52.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 17 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2005', 6, '01/07/06', 'NE', 'Jax', 'W, 28-3', '27', '15', '55.6', '201', '7.4', '3', '0', '63t', '4/12', '116.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 18 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2005', 6, '01/14/06', 'NE', '@ Den', 'L, 27-13', '36', '20', '55.6', '341', '9.5', '1', '2', '73', '0/0', '74.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2006', 7, '09/10/06', 'NE', 'Buf', 'W, 19-17', '23', '11', '47.8', '163', '7.1', '2', '1', '34', '3/27', '82.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2006', 7, '09/17/06', 'NE', '@ NYJ', 'W, 24-17', '29', '15', '51.7', '220', '7.6', '1', '1', '29', '1/9', '73.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2006', 7, '09/24/06', 'NE', 'Den', 'L, 17-7', '55', '31', '56.4', '320', '5.8', '1', '0', '31', '0/0', '79.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2006', 7, '10/01/06', 'NE', '@ Cin', 'W, 38-13', '26', '15', '57.7', '188', '7.2', '2', '1', '35', '0/0', '89.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2006', 7, '10/08/06', 'NE', 'Mia', 'W, 20-10', '29', '16', '55.2', '140', '4.8', '2', '0', '15', '1/6', '91.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2006', 7, '10/22/06', 'NE', '@ Buf', 'W, 28-6', '27', '18', '66.7', '195', '7.2', '2', '0', '35t', '4/24', '112.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2006', 7, '10/30/06', 'NE', '@ Min', 'W, 31-7', '43', '29', '67.4', '372', '8.7', '4', '1', '45', '3/27', '115.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2006', 7, '11/05/06', 'NE', 'Ind', 'L, 27-20', '35', '20', '57.1', '201', '5.7', '0', '4', '39', '0/0', '34.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2006', 7, '11/12/06', 'NE', 'NYJ', 'L, 17-14', '36', '24', '66.7', '253', '7.0', '1', '1', '33', '4/21', '84.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2006', 7, '11/19/06', 'NE', '@ GB', 'W, 35-0', '31', '20', '64.5', '244', '7.9', '4', '0', '54t', '1/4', '128.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2006', 7, '11/26/06', 'NE', 'Chi', 'W, 17-13', '33', '22', '66.7', '267', '8.1', '1', '2', '40', '0/0', '76.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2006', 7, '12/03/06', 'NE', 'Det', 'W, 28-21', '38', '27', '71.1', '305', '8.0', '0', '1', '28', '2/21', '83.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2006', 7, '12/10/06', 'NE', '@ Mia', 'L, 21-0', '25', '12', '48.0', '78', '3.1', '0', '0', '21', '4/20', '55.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2006', 7, '12/17/06', 'NE', 'Hou', 'W, 40-7', '23', '16', '69.6', '109', '4.7', '2', '0', '43t', '1/4', '108.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2006', 7, '12/24/06', 'NE', '@ Jax', 'W, 24-21', '39', '28', '71.8', '249', '6.4', '1', '0', '36', '1/7', '97.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2006', 7, '12/31/06', 'NE', '@ Ten', 'W, 40-23', '24', '15', '62.5', '225', '9.4', '1', '0', '62t', '1/5', '107.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 17 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2006', 7, '01/07/07', 'NE', 'NYJ', 'W, 37-16', '34', '22', '64.7', '212', '6.2', '2', '0', '31', '1/12', '101.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 18 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2006', 7, '01/14/07', 'NE', '@ SD', 'W, 24-21', '51', '27', '52.9', '280', '5.5', '2', '3', '49', '2/4', '57.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 19 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2006', 7, '01/21/07', 'NE', '@ Ind', 'L, 38-34', '34', '21', '61.8', '232', '6.8', '1', '1', '27', '1/6', '79.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2007', 8, '09/09/07', 'NE', '@ NYJ', 'W, 38-14', '28', '22', '78.6', '297', '10.6', '3', '0', '51t', '0/0', '146.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2007', 8, '09/16/07', 'NE', 'SD', 'W, 38-14', '31', '25', '80.6', '279', '9.0', '3', '1', '34', '2/16', '123.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2007', 8, '09/23/07', 'NE', 'Buf', 'W, 38-7', '29', '23', '79.3', '311', '10.7', '4', '0', '45t', '1/3', '150.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2007', 8, '10/01/07', 'NE', '@ Cin', 'W, 34-13', '32', '25', '78.1', '231', '7.2', '3', '1', '23', '0/0', '115.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2007', 8, '10/07/07', 'NE', 'Cle', 'W, 34-17', '38', '22', '57.9', '265', '7.0', '3', '0', '35', '0/0', '105.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2007', 8, '10/14/07', 'NE', '@ Dal', 'W, 48-27', '46', '31', '67.4', '388', '8.4', '5', '0', '69t', '3/15', '129.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2007', 8, '10/21/07', 'NE', '@ Mia', 'W, 49-28', '25', '21', '84.0', '354', '14.2', '6', '0', '50t', '1/10', '158.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2007', 8, '10/28/07', 'NE', 'Was', 'W, 52-7', '38', '29', '76.3', '306', '8.1', '3', '0', '35', '1/0', '125.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2007', 8, '11/04/07', 'NE', '@ Ind', 'W, 24-20', '32', '21', '65.6', '255', '8.0', '3', '2', '55', '2/18', '95.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2007', 8, '11/18/07', 'NE', '@ Buf', 'W, 56-10', '39', '31', '79.5', '373', '9.6', '5', '0', '43t', '0/0', '146.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2007', 8, '11/25/07', 'NE', 'Phi', 'W, 31-28', '54', '34', '63.0', '380', '7.0', '1', '0', '42', '3/18', '90.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2007', 8, '12/03/07', 'NE', '@ Bal', 'W, 27-24', '38', '18', '47.4', '257', '6.8', '2', '1', '43', '3/21', '76.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2007', 8, '12/09/07', 'NE', 'Pit', 'W, 34-13', '46', '32', '69.6', '399', '8.7', '4', '0', '63t', '0/0', '125.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2007', 8, '12/16/07', 'NE', 'NYJ', 'W, 20-10', '27', '14', '51.9', '140', '5.2', '0', '1', '46', '1/6', '51.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2007', 8, '12/23/07', 'NE', 'Mia', 'W, 28-7', '33', '18', '54.5', '215', '6.5', '3', '2', '48t', '3/11', '79.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2007', 8, '12/29/07', 'NE', '@ NYG', 'W, 38-35', '42', '32', '76.2', '356', '8.5', '2', '0', '65t', '1/10', '116.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 17 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2007', 8, '01/12/08', 'NE', 'Jax', 'W, 31-20', '28', '26', '92.9', '262', '9.4', '3', '0', '53', '1/4', '141.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 18 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2007', 8, '01/20/08', 'NE', 'SD', 'W, 21-12', '33', '22', '66.7', '209', '6.3', '2', '3', '18', '2/11', '66.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 19 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2007', 8, '02/03/08', 'NE', 'NYG', 'L, 17-14', '48', '29', '60.4', '266', '5.5', '1', '0', '19', '5/37', '82.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['brady, tom', '2008', 9, '09/07/08', 'NE', 'KC', 'W, 17-10', '11', '7', '63.6', '76', '6.9', '0', '0', '26', '0/0', '83.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 18 total rows
['brady, tom', '2009', 10, '09/14/09', 'NE', 'Buf', 'W, 25-24', '53', '39', '73.6', '378', '7.1', '2', '1', '31', '1/10', '97.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 18 total rows
['brady, tom', '2009', 10, '09/20/09', 'NE', '@ NYJ', 'L, 16-9', '47', '23', '48.9', '216', '4.6', '0', '1', '29', '0/0', '53.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 18 total rows
['brady, tom', '2009', 10, '09/27/09', 'NE', 'Atl', 'W, 26-10', '42', '25', '59.5', '277', '6.6', '1', '0', '36t', '0/0', '87.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 18 total rows
['brady, tom', '2009', 10, '10/04/09', 'NE', 'Bal', 'W, 27-21', '32', '21', '65.6', '258', '8.1', '1', '0', '34', '3/24', '100.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 18 total rows
['brady, tom', '2009', 10, '10/11/09', 'NE', '@ Den', 'L, 20-17', '33', '19', '57.6', '215', '6.5', '2', '0', '36', '1/6', '97.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 18 total rows
['brady, tom', '2009', 10, '10/18/09', 'NE', 'Ten', 'W, 59-0', '34', '29', '85.3', '380', '11.2', '6', '0', '48', '2/6', '152.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 18 total rows
['brady, tom', '2009', 10, '10/25/09', 'NE', '@ TB', 'W, 35-7', '32', '23', '71.9', '308', '9.6', '3', '2', '54t', '1/1', '107.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 18 total rows
['brady, tom', '2009', 10, '11/08/09', 'NE', 'Mia', 'W, 27-17', '37', '25', '67.6', '332', '9.0', '1', '1', '71t', '2/9', '93.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 18 total rows
['brady, tom', '2009', 10, '11/15/09', 'NE', '@ Ind', 'L, 35-34', '42', '29', '69.0', '375', '8.9', '3', '1', '63t', '2/11', '110.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 18 total rows
['brady, tom', '2009', 10, '11/22/09', 'NE', 'NYJ', 'W, 31-14', '41', '28', '68.3', '310', '7.6', '1', '0', '43', '2/11', '98.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 18 total rows
['brady, tom', '2009', 10, '11/30/09', 'NE', '@ NO', 'L, 38-17', '36', '21', '58.3', '237', '6.6', '0', '2', '47', '1/4', '55.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 18 total rows
['brady, tom', '2009', 10, '12/06/09', 'NE', '@ Mia', 'L, 22-21', '29', '19', '65.5', '352', '12.1', '2', '2', '81t', '0/0', '101.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 18 total rows
['brady, tom', '2009', 10, '12/13/09', 'NE', 'Car', 'W, 20-10', '32', '19', '59.4', '192', '6.0', '1', '1', '23', '0/0', '74.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 18 total rows
['brady, tom', '2009', 10, '12/20/09', 'NE', '@ Buf', 'W, 17-10', '23', '11', '47.8', '115', '5.0', '1', '1', '16', '0/0', '59.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 18 total rows
['brady, tom', '2009', 10, '12/27/09', 'NE', 'Jax', 'W, 35-7', '26', '23', '88.5', '267', '10.3', '4', '0', '29', '0/0', '149.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 18 total rows
['brady, tom', '2009', 10, '01/03/10', 'NE', '@ Hou', 'L, 34-27', '26', '17', '65.4', '186', '7.2', '0', '1', '41', '1/4', '70.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 17 of 18 total rows
['brady, tom', '2009', 10, '01/10/10', 'NE', 'Bal', 'L, 33-14', '42', '23', '54.8', '154', '3.7', '2', '3', '24', '3/22', '49.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 18 total rows
['brady, tom', '2010', 11, '09/12/10', 'NE', 'Cin', 'W, 38-24', '35', '25', '71.4', '258', '7.4', '3', '0', '45', '0/0', '120.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 18 total rows
['brady, tom', '2010', 11, '09/19/10', 'NE', '@ NYJ', 'L, 28-14', '36', '20', '55.6', '248', '6.9', '2', '2', '46', '1/9', '72.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 18 total rows
['brady, tom', '2010', 11, '09/26/10', 'NE', 'Buf', 'W, 38-30', '27', '21', '77.8', '252', '9.3', '3', '0', '35t', '1/7', '142.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 18 total rows
['brady, tom', '2010', 11, '10/04/10', 'NE', '@ Mia', 'W, 41-14', '24', '19', '79.2', '153', '6.4', '1', '0', '17', '3/7', '107.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 18 total rows
['brady, tom', '2010', 11, '10/17/10', 'NE', 'Bal', 'W, 23-20', '44', '27', '61.4', '292', '6.6', '1', '2', '30', '3/25', '69.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 18 total rows
['brady, tom', '2010', 11, '10/24/10', 'NE', '@ SD', 'W, 23-20', '32', '19', '59.4', '159', '5.0', '1', '0', '24', '4/31', '82.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 18 total rows
['brady, tom', '2010', 11, '10/31/10', 'NE', 'Min', 'W, 28-18', '27', '16', '59.3', '240', '8.9', '1', '0', '65t', '0/0', '100.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 18 total rows
['brady, tom', '2010', 11, '11/07/10', 'NE', '@ Cle', 'L, 34-14', '36', '19', '52.8', '224', '6.2', '2', '0', '26', '1/9', '90.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 18 total rows
['brady, tom', '2010', 11, '11/14/10', 'NE', '@ Pit', 'W, 39-26', '43', '30', '69.8', '350', '8.1', '3', '0', '45', '0/0', '117.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 18 total rows
['brady, tom', '2010', 11, '11/21/10', 'NE', 'Ind', 'W, 31-28', '25', '19', '76.0', '186', '7.4', '2', '0', '25', '1/8', '123.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 18 total rows
['brady, tom', '2010', 11, '11/25/10', 'NE', '@ Det', 'W, 45-24', '27', '21', '77.8', '341', '12.6', '4', '0', '79t', '1/3', '158.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 18 total rows
['brady, tom', '2010', 11, '12/06/10', 'NE', 'NYJ', 'W, 45-3', '29', '21', '72.4', '326', '11.2', '4', '0', '50', '3/22', '148.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 18 total rows
['brady, tom', '2010', 11, '12/12/10', 'NE', '@ Chi', 'W, 36-7', '40', '27', '67.5', '369', '9.2', '2', '0', '59t', '3/18', '113.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 18 total rows
['brady, tom', '2010', 11, '12/19/10', 'NE', 'GB', 'W, 31-27', '24', '15', '62.5', '163', '6.8', '2', '0', '35', '3/27', '110.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 18 total rows
['brady, tom', '2010', 11, '12/26/10', 'NE', '@ Buf', 'W, 34-3', '27', '15', '55.6', '140', '5.2', '3', '0', '23', '1/9', '107.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 18 total rows
['brady, tom', '2010', 11, '01/02/11', 'NE', 'Mia', 'W, 38-7', '16', '10', '62.5', '199', '12.4', '2', '0', '40', '0/0', '145.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 17 of 18 total rows
['brady, tom', '2010', 11, '01/16/11', 'NE', 'NYJ', 'L, 28-21', '45', '29', '64.4', '299', '6.6', '2', '1', '37', '5/40', '89.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2011', 12, '09/12/11', 'NE', '@ Mia', 'W, 38-24', '48', '32', '66.7', '517', '10.8', '4', '1', '99t', '1/1', '121.6', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2011', 12, '09/18/11', 'NE', 'SD', 'W, 35-21', '40', '31', '77.5', '423', '10.6', '3', '0', '33', '2/13', '135.7', '2', '3', '1.50', '4', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2011', 12, '09/25/11', 'NE', '@ Buf', 'L, 34-31', '45', '30', '66.7', '387', '8.6', '4', '4', '33', '0/0', '86.1', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2011', 12, '10/02/11', 'NE', '@ Oak', 'W, 31-19', '30', '16', '53.3', '226', '7.5', '2', '0', '32', '1/0', '100.1', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2011', 12, '10/09/11', 'NE', 'NYJ', 'W, 30-21', '33', '24', '72.7', '321', '9.7', '1', '1', '73', '4/27', '100.7', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2011', 12, '10/16/11', 'NE', 'Dal', 'W, 20-16', '41', '27', '65.9', '289', '7.0', '2', '2', '45', '3/19', '82.3', '4', '17', '4.25', '8', '0', '3']
in row 7 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2011', 12, '10/30/11', 'NE', '@ Pit', 'L, 25-17', '35', '24', '68.6', '198', '5.7', '2', '0', '23', '3/28', '101.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2011', 12, '11/06/11', 'NE', 'NYG', 'L, 24-20', '49', '28', '57.1', '342', '7.0', '2', '2', '28', '2/10', '75.4', '1', '5', '5.00', '5', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2011', 12, '11/13/11', 'NE', '@ NYJ', 'W, 37-16', '39', '26', '66.7', '329', '8.4', '3', '0', '53', '0/0', '118.4', '3', '2', '0.67', '3', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2011', 12, '11/21/11', 'NE', 'KC', 'W, 34-3', '27', '15', '55.6', '234', '8.7', '2', '0', '52t', '3/11', '109.2', '2', '10', '5.00', '8', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2011', 12, '11/27/11', 'NE', '@ Phi', 'W, 38-20', '34', '24', '70.6', '361', '10.6', '3', '0', '63', '1/8', '134.6', '5', '28', '5.60', '13', '0', '2']
in row 12 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2011', 12, '12/04/11', 'NE', 'Ind', 'W, 31-24', '38', '29', '76.3', '289', '7.6', '2', '0', '23', '1/0', '114.9', '3', '7', '2.33', '6', '0', '2']
in row 13 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2011', 12, '12/11/11', 'NE', '@ Was', 'W, 34-27', '37', '22', '59.5', '357', '9.6', '3', '1', '50', '1/5', '107.6', '4', '8', '2.00', '5', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2011', 12, '12/18/11', 'NE', '@ Den', 'W, 41-23', '34', '23', '67.6', '320', '9.4', '2', '0', '46', '2/10', '117.3', '6', '2', '0.33', '2', '1', '2']
in row 15 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2011', 12, '12/24/11', 'NE', 'Mia', 'W, 27-24', '46', '27', '58.7', '304', '6.6', '1', '0', '42', '4/23', '85.8', '9', '17', '1.89', '5', '2', '5']
in row 16 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2011', 12, '01/01/12', 'NE', 'Buf', 'W, 49-21', '35', '23', '65.7', '338', '9.7', '3', '1', '53', '4/18', '113.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 17 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2011', 12, '01/14/12', 'NE', 'Den', 'W, 45-10', '34', '26', '76.5', '363', '10.7', '6', '1', '61t', '0/0', '137.6', '3', '8', '2.67', '4', '0', '2']
in row 18 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2011', 12, '01/22/12', 'NE', 'Bal', 'W, 23-20', '36', '22', '61.1', '239', '6.6', '0', '2', '23', '1/5', '57.5', '6', '2', '0.33', '4', '1', '2']
in row 19 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2011', 12, '02/05/12', 'NE', 'NYG', 'L, 21-17', '41', '27', '65.9', '276', '6.7', '2', '1', '21', '2/10', '91.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2012', 13, '09/09/12', 'NE', '@ Ten', 'W, 34-13', '31', '23', '74.2', '236', '7.6', '2', '0', '28', '1/8', '117.1', '2', '1', '0.50', '2', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2012', 13, '09/16/12', 'NE', 'Ari', 'L, 20-18', '46', '28', '60.9', '316', '6.9', '1', '1', '36', '4/19', '79.6', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2012', 13, '09/23/12', 'NE', '@ Bal', 'L, 31-30', '41', '28', '68.3', '335', '8.2', '1', '0', '59', '2/16', '101.2', '2', '7', '3.50', '7', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2012', 13, '09/30/12', 'NE', '@ Buf', 'W, 52-28', '36', '22', '61.1', '340', '9.4', '3', '0', '41', '1/7', '120.1', '1', '4', '4.00', '4t', '1', '1']
in row 5 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2012', 13, '10/07/12', 'NE', 'Den', 'W, 31-21', '31', '23', '74.2', '223', '7.2', '1', '0', '25', '4/30', '104.6', '4', '-2', '-0.50', '1t', '1', '1']
in row 6 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2012', 13, '10/14/12', 'NE', '@ Sea', 'L, 24-23', '58', '36', '62.1', '395', '6.8', '2', '2', '46t', '1/7', '79.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2012', 13, '10/21/12', 'NE', 'NYJ', 'W, 29-26', '42', '26', '61.9', '259', '6.2', '2', '0', '21', '1/9', '95.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2012', 13, '10/28/12', 'NE', '@ Stl', 'W, 45-7', '35', '23', '65.7', '304', '8.7', '4', '0', '32', '0/0', '131.1', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2012', 13, '11/11/12', 'NE', 'Buf', 'W, 37-31', '38', '23', '60.5', '237', '6.2', '2', '0', '24', '1/7', '96.1', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2012', 13, '11/18/12', 'NE', 'Ind', 'W, 59-24', '35', '24', '68.6', '331', '9.5', '3', '0', '36', '0/0', '127.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2012', 13, '11/22/12', 'NE', '@ NYJ', 'W, 49-19', '27', '18', '66.7', '323', '12.0', '3', '0', '83t', '0/0', '144.5', '3', '5', '1.67', '2', '1', '3']
in row 12 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2012', 13, '12/02/12', 'NE', '@ Mia', 'W, 23-16', '40', '24', '60.0', '238', '6.0', '1', '1', '31', '4/25', '74.8', '4', '-1', '-0.25', '2', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2012', 13, '12/10/12', 'NE', 'Hou', 'W, 42-14', '35', '21', '60.0', '296', '8.5', '4', '0', '63t', '1/7', '125.4', '1', '6', '6.00', '6', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2012', 13, '12/16/12', 'NE', 'SF', 'L, 41-34', '65', '36', '55.4', '443', '6.8', '1', '2', '53', '3/18', '68.9', '3', '11', '3.67', '5', '1', '2']
in row 15 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2012', 13, '12/23/12', 'NE', '@ Jax', 'W, 23-16', '41', '24', '58.5', '267', '6.5', '2', '2', '32', '3/21', '73.9', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2012', 13, '12/30/12', 'NE', 'Mia', 'W, 28-0', '36', '22', '61.1', '284', '7.9', '2', '0', '25', '1/8', '104.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 17 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2012', 13, '01/13/13', 'NE', 'Hou', 'W, 41-28', '40', '25', '62.5', '344', '8.6', '3', '0', '47', '1/9', '115.0', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 18 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2012', 13, '01/20/13', 'NE', 'Bal', 'L, 28-13', '54', '29', '53.7', '320', '5.9', '1', '2', '36', '0/0', '62.3', '2', '5', '2.50', '3', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2013', 14, '09/08/13', 'NE', '@ Buf', 'W, 23-21', '52', '29', '55.8', '288', '5.5', '2', '1', '35', '3/15', '76.4', '4', '-4', '-1.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2013', 14, '09/12/13', 'NE', 'NYJ', 'W, 13-10', '39', '19', '48.7', '185', '4.7', '1', '0', '39t', '1/7', '71.0', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2013', 14, '09/22/13', 'NE', 'TB', 'W, 23-3', '36', '25', '69.4', '225', '6.2', '2', '1', '20', '3/23', '92.9', '5', '5', '1.00', '5', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2013', 14, '09/29/13', 'NE', '@ Atl', 'W, 30-23', '31', '20', '64.5', '316', '10.2', '2', '0', '49', '0/0', '119.8', '5', '-2', '-0.40', '1', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2013', 14, '10/06/13', 'NE', '@ Cin', 'L, 13-6', '38', '18', '47.4', '197', '5.2', '0', '1', '53', '4/31', '52.2', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2013', 14, '10/13/13', 'NE', 'NO', 'W, 30-27', '43', '25', '58.1', '269', '6.3', '1', '1', '23', '5/34', '74.7', '2', '16', '8.00', '11', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2013', 14, '10/20/13', 'NE', '@ NYJ', 'L, 30-27', '46', '22', '47.8', '228', '5.0', '0', '1', '30', '4/23', '53.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2013', 14, '10/27/13', 'NE', 'Mia', 'W, 27-17', '22', '13', '59.1', '116', '5.3', '1', '1', '26', '3/16', '69.5', '4', '5', '1.25', '8', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2013', 14, '11/03/13', 'NE', 'Pit', 'W, 55-31', '33', '23', '69.7', '432', '13.1', '4', '0', '81t', '3/19', '151.8', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2013', 14, '11/18/13', 'NE', '@ Car', 'L, 24-20', '40', '29', '72.5', '296', '7.4', '1', '1', '37', '2/13', '91.2', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2013', 14, '11/24/13', 'NE', 'Den', 'W, 34-31', '50', '34', '68.0', '344', '6.9', '3', '0', '43', '3/20', '107.4', '2', '0', '0.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2013', 14, '12/01/13', 'NE', '@ Hou', 'W, 34-31', '41', '29', '70.7', '371', '9.0', '2', '1', '50', '1/6', '104.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2013', 14, '12/08/13', 'NE', 'Cle', 'W, 27-26', '52', '32', '61.5', '418', '8.0', '2', '1', '50', '4/21', '91.7', '2', '1', '0.50', '2', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2013', 14, '12/15/13', 'NE', '@ Mia', 'L, 24-20', '55', '34', '61.8', '364', '6.6', '2', '1', '30', '1/7', '85.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2013', 14, '12/22/13', 'NE', '@ Bal', 'W, 41-7', '26', '14', '53.8', '172', '6.6', '1', '0', '34', '2/14', '87.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2013', 14, '12/29/13', 'NE', 'Buf', 'W, 34-20', '24', '14', '58.3', '122', '5.1', '1', '1', '22', '1/7', '68.4', '4', '-3', '-0.75', '0', '0', '0']
in row 17 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2013', 14, '01/11/14', 'NE', 'Ind', 'W, 43-22', '25', '13', '52.0', '198', '7.9', '0', '0', '53', '2/13', '78.4', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 18 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2013', 14, '01/19/14', 'NE', '@ Den', 'L, 26-16', '38', '24', '63.2', '277', '7.3', '1', '0', '27', '2/21', '93.9', '2', '7', '3.50', '5t', '1', '2']
in row 1 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2014', 15, '09/07/14', 'NE', '@ Mia', 'L, 33-20', '56', '29', '51.8', '249', '4.4', '1', '0', '44', '4/23', '69.7', '1', '3', '3.00', '3', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2014', 15, '09/14/14', 'NE', '@ Min', 'W, 30-7', '21', '14', '66.7', '149', '7.1', '1', '0', '44', '1/7', '103.1', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2014', 15, '09/21/14', 'NE', 'Oak', 'W, 16-9', '37', '24', '64.9', '234', '6.3', '1', '0', '22', '2/13', '91.5', '3', '-7', '-2.33', '-2', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2014', 15, '09/29/14', 'NE', '@ KC', 'L, 41-14', '23', '14', '60.9', '159', '6.9', '1', '2', '44t', '2/8', '59.9', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2014', 15, '10/05/14', 'NE', 'Cin', 'W, 43-17', '35', '23', '65.7', '292', '8.3', '2', '0', '30', '1/7', '110.7', '4', '13', '3.25', '6', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2014', 15, '10/12/14', 'NE', '@ Buf', 'W, 37-22', '37', '27', '73.0', '361', '9.8', '4', '0', '56t', '2/15', '139.6', '4', '3', '0.75', '4', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2014', 15, '10/16/14', 'NE', 'NYJ', 'W, 27-25', '37', '20', '54.1', '261', '7.1', '3', '0', '49t', '1/1', '103.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2014', 15, '10/26/14', 'NE', 'Chi', 'W, 51-23', '35', '30', '85.7', '354', '10.1', '5', '0', '46t', '0/0', '148.4', '2', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2014', 15, '11/02/14', 'NE', 'Den', 'W, 43-21', '53', '33', '62.3', '333', '6.3', '4', '1', '26', '1/1', '97.4', '2', '4', '2.00', '4', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2014', 15, '11/16/14', 'NE', '@ Ind', 'W, 42-20', '30', '19', '63.3', '257', '8.6', '2', '2', '39', '0/0', '85.0', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2014', 15, '11/23/14', 'NE', 'Det', 'W, 34-9', '53', '38', '71.7', '349', '6.6', '2', '1', '24', '0/0', '94.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2014', 15, '11/30/14', 'NE', '@ GB', 'L, 26-21', '35', '22', '62.9', '245', '7.0', '2', '0', '29', '1/9', '102.7', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2014', 15, '12/07/14', 'NE', '@ SD', 'W, 23-14', '44', '28', '63.6', '317', '7.2', '2', '1', '69t', '1/7', '90.8', '4', '7', '1.75', '5', '0', '2']
in row 14 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2014', 15, '12/14/14', 'NE', 'Mia', 'W, 41-13', '35', '21', '60.0', '287', '8.2', '2', '1', '35', '0/0', '93.4', '3', '18', '6.00', '17', '0', '2']
in row 15 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2014', 15, '12/21/14', 'NE', '@ NYJ', 'W, 17-16', '35', '23', '65.7', '182', '5.2', '1', '1', '14', '4/36', '76.1', '7', '10', '1.43', '11', '0', '2']
in row 16 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2014', 15, '12/28/14', 'NE', 'Buf', 'L, 17-9', '16', '8', '50.0', '80', '5.0', '0', '0', '27', '1/7', '64.6', '2', '9', '4.50', '7', '0', '1']
in row 17 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2014', 15, '01/10/15', 'NE', 'Bal', 'W, 35-31', '50', '33', '66.0', '367', '7.3', '3', '1', '46', '2/10', '99.3', '6', '0', '0.00', '4t', '1', '2']
in row 18 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2014', 15, '01/18/15', 'NE', 'Ind', 'W, 45-7', '35', '23', '65.7', '226', '6.5', '3', '1', '30', '1/6', '100.4', '3', '13', '4.33', '9', '0', '2']
in row 19 of 20 total rows
['brady, tom', '2014', 15, '02/01/15', 'NE', '@ Sea', 'W, 28-24', '50', '37', '74.0', '328', '6.6', '4', '2', '23', '1/8', '101.1', '2', '-3', '-1.50', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2015', 16, '09/10/15', 'NE', 'Pit', 'W, 28-21', '32', '25', '78.1', '288', '9.0', '4', '0', '52', '2/7', '143.8', '3', '1', '0.33', '2', '0', '2']
in row 2 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2015', 16, '09/20/15', 'NE', '@ Buf', 'W, 40-32', '59', '38', '64.4', '466', '7.9', '3', '0', '40', '2/15', '105.6', '3', '-4', '-1.33', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2015', 16, '09/27/15', 'NE', 'Jax', 'W, 51-17', '42', '33', '78.6', '358', '8.5', '2', '0', '43', '2/12', '118.1', '2', '4', '2.00', '2', '0', '2']
in row 4 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2015', 16, '10/11/15', 'NE', '@ Dal', 'W, 30-6', '27', '20', '74.1', '275', '10.2', '2', '0', '59t', '5/28', '130.9', '2', '3', '1.50', '2', '1', '1']
in row 5 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2015', 16, '10/18/15', 'NE', '@ Ind', 'W, 34-27', '37', '23', '62.2', '312', '8.4', '3', '1', '39', '2/11', '104.8', '4', '0', '0.00', '2', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2015', 16, '10/25/15', 'NE', 'NYJ', 'W, 30-23', '54', '34', '63.0', '355', '6.6', '2', '0', '27', '3/18', '94.3', '4', '15', '3.75', '11', '1', '2']
in row 7 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2015', 16, '10/29/15', 'NE', 'Mia', 'W, 36-7', '38', '26', '68.4', '356', '9.4', '4', '0', '47t', '2/14', '133.2', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2015', 16, '11/08/15', 'NE', 'Was', 'W, 27-10', '39', '26', '66.7', '299', '7.7', '2', '1', '48', '0/0', '96.0', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2015', 16, '11/15/15', 'NE', '@ NYG', 'W, 27-26', '42', '26', '61.9', '334', '8.0', '2', '1', '76t', '3/5', '92.8', '2', '9', '4.50', '10', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2015', 16, '11/23/15', 'NE', 'Buf', 'W, 20-13', '39', '20', '51.3', '277', '7.1', '1', '1', '41', '1/6', '72.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2015', 16, '11/29/15', 'NE', '@ Den', 'L, 30-24', '42', '23', '54.8', '280', '6.7', '3', '0', '63t', '3/18', '99.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2015', 16, '12/06/15', 'NE', 'Phi', 'L, 35-28', '56', '29', '51.8', '312', '5.6', '3', '2', '30', '4/24', '71.4', '6', '17', '2.83', '12', '1', '3']
in row 13 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2015', 16, '12/13/15', 'NE', '@ Hou', 'W, 27-6', '30', '22', '73.3', '226', '7.5', '2', '0', '45', '3/29', '116.8', '4', '10', '2.50', '13', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2015', 16, '12/20/15', 'NE', 'Ten', 'W, 33-16', '35', '23', '65.7', '267', '7.6', '2', '0', '31', '2/14', '107.7', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2015', 16, '12/27/15', 'NE', '@ NYJ', 'L, 26-20', '31', '22', '71.0', '231', '7.5', '1', '1', '30', '2/10', '89.6', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2015', 16, '01/03/16', 'NE', '@ Mia', 'L, 20-10', '21', '12', '57.1', '134', '6.4', '0', '0', '68', '2/14', '76.3', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 17 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2015', 16, '01/16/16', 'NE', 'KC', 'W, 27-20', '42', '28', '66.7', '302', '7.2', '2', '0', '42', '0/0', '103.5', '6', '6', '1.00', '10', '1', '1']
in row 18 of 19 total rows
['brady, tom', '2015', 16, '01/24/16', 'NE', '@ Den', 'L, 20-18', '56', '27', '48.2', '310', '5.5', '1', '2', '40', '4/18', '56.4', '3', '13', '4.33', '11', '0', '2']
in row 1 of 14 total rows
['brady, tom', '2016', 17, '10/09/16', 'NE', '@ Cle', 'W, 33-13', '40', '28', '70.0', '406', '10.2', '3', '0', '63', '1/3', '127.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 14 total rows
['brady, tom', '2016', 17, '10/16/16', 'NE', 'Cin', 'W, 35-17', '35', '29', '82.9', '376', '10.7', '3', '0', '39', '3/18', '140.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 14 total rows
['brady, tom', '2016', 17, '10/23/16', 'NE', '@ Pit', 'W, 27-16', '26', '19', '73.1', '222', '8.5', '2', '0', '37', '0/0', '124.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 14 total rows
['brady, tom', '2016', 17, '10/30/16', 'NE', '@ Buf', 'W, 41-25', '33', '22', '66.7', '315', '9.5', '4', '0', '53t', '4/22', '137.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 14 total rows
['brady, tom', '2016', 17, '11/13/16', 'NE', 'Sea', 'L, 31-24', '32', '23', '71.9', '316', '9.9', '0', '1', '36', '2/12', '90.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 14 total rows
['brady, tom', '2016', 17, '11/20/16', 'NE', '@ SF', 'W, 30-17', '40', '24', '60.0', '280', '7.0', '4', '0', '56t', '1/7', '114.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 14 total rows
['brady, tom', '2016', 17, '11/27/16', 'NE', '@ NYJ', 'W, 22-17', '50', '30', '60.0', '286', '5.7', '2', '0', '25', '0/0', '89.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 14 total rows
['brady, tom', '2016', 17, '12/04/16', 'NE', 'LA', 'W, 26-10', '46', '33', '71.7', '269', '5.8', '1', '0', '32', '0/0', '93.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 14 total rows
['brady, tom', '2016', 17, '12/12/16', 'NE', 'Bal', 'W, 30-23', '38', '25', '65.8', '406', '10.7', '3', '1', '79t', '1/5', '116.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 14 total rows
['brady, tom', '2016', 17, '12/18/16', 'NE', '@ Den', 'W, 16-3', '32', '16', '50.0', '188', '5.9', '0', '0', '34', '2/11', '68.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 14 total rows
['brady, tom', '2016', 17, '12/24/16', 'NE', 'NYJ', 'W, 41-3', '27', '17', '63.0', '214', '7.9', '3', '0', '35', '1/9', '124.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 14 total rows
['brady, tom', '2016', 17, '01/01/17', 'NE', '@ Mia', 'W, 35-14', '33', '25', '75.8', '276', '8.4', '3', '0', '77t', '0/0', '130.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 14 total rows
['brady, tom', '2016', 17, '01/14/17', 'NE', 'Hou', 'W, 34-16', '38', '18', '47.4', '287', '7.6', '2', '2', '48', '2/8', '68.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['brandstater, tom', '2011', 2, '01/01/12', 'Stl', 'SF', 'L, 34-27', '2', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['romo, tony', '2005', 2, '10/09/05', 'Dal', 'Phi', 'W, 33-10', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 15 total rows
['romo, tony', '2006', 3, '10/01/06', 'Dal', '@ Ten', 'W, 45-14', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '3', '0', '0.00', '4', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 15 total rows
['romo, tony', '2006', 3, '10/15/06', 'Dal', 'Hou', 'W, 34-6', '2', '2', '100.0', '35', '17.5', '1', '0', '33', '0/0', '158.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 15 total rows
['romo, tony', '2006', 3, '10/23/06', 'Dal', 'NYG', 'L, 36-22', '25', '14', '56.0', '227', '9.1', '2', '3', '53t', '2/8', '73.7', '1', '9', '9.00', '9', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 15 total rows
['romo, tony', '2006', 3, '10/29/06', 'Dal', '@ Car', 'W, 35-14', '36', '24', '66.7', '270', '7.5', '1', '1', '28', '2/12', '86.6', '4', '18', '4.50', '9', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 15 total rows
['romo, tony', '2006', 3, '11/05/06', 'Dal', '@ Was', 'L, 22-19', '36', '24', '66.7', '284', '7.9', '2', '0', '48', '2/17', '109.0', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 15 total rows
['romo, tony', '2006', 3, '11/12/06', 'Dal', '@ Ari', 'W, 27-10', '29', '20', '69.0', '308', '10.6', '2', '0', '51t', '0/0', '126.8', '2', '7', '3.50', '7', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 15 total rows
['romo, tony', '2006', 3, '11/19/06', 'Dal', 'Ind', 'W, 21-14', '23', '19', '82.6', '226', '9.8', '0', '1', '33', '1/1', '89.5', '5', '3', '0.60', '6', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 15 total rows
['romo, tony', '2006', 3, '11/23/06', 'Dal', 'TB', 'W, 38-10', '29', '22', '75.9', '306', '10.6', '5', '0', '45', '1/8', '148.9', '3', '-4', '-1.33', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 15 total rows
['romo, tony', '2006', 3, '12/03/06', 'Dal', '@ NYG', 'W, 23-20', '34', '20', '58.8', '257', '7.6', '0', '2', '42', '1/2', '58.1', '1', '10', '10.00', '10', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 15 total rows
['romo, tony', '2006', 3, '12/10/06', 'Dal', 'NO', 'L, 42-17', '33', '16', '48.5', '249', '7.5', '1', '2', '50', '2/18', '58.8', '4', '1', '0.25', '2', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 15 total rows
['romo, tony', '2006', 3, '12/16/06', 'Dal', '@ Atl', 'W, 38-28', '29', '22', '75.9', '278', '9.6', '2', '1', '51t', '3/20', '113.9', '3', '-1', '-0.33', '0', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 15 total rows
['romo, tony', '2006', 3, '12/25/06', 'Dal', 'Phi', 'L, 23-7', '29', '14', '48.3', '142', '4.9', '1', '2', '17', '3/24', '45.5', '3', '42', '14.00', '16', '0', '3']
in row 13 of 15 total rows
['romo, tony', '2006', 3, '12/31/06', 'Dal', 'Det', 'L, 39-31', '32', '23', '71.9', '321', '10.0', '2', '1', '56t', '4/14', '111.6', '4', '16', '4.00', '6', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 15 total rows
['romo, tony', '2006', 3, '01/06/07', 'Dal', '@ Sea', 'L, 21-20', '29', '17', '58.6', '189', '6.5', '1', '0', '32', '2/21', '89.6', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 18 total rows
['romo, tony', '2007', 4, '09/09/07', 'Dal', 'NYG', 'W, 45-35', '24', '15', '62.5', '345', '14.4', '4', '1', '51t', '1/9', '128.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 18 total rows
['romo, tony', '2007', 4, '09/16/07', 'Dal', '@ Mia', 'W, 37-20', '29', '14', '48.3', '186', '6.4', '2', '0', '34t', '1/0', '92.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 18 total rows
['romo, tony', '2007', 4, '09/23/07', 'Dal', '@ Chi', 'W, 34-10', '35', '22', '62.9', '329', '9.4', '2', '1', '35', '3/29', '100.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 18 total rows
['romo, tony', '2007', 4, '09/30/07', 'Dal', 'Stl', 'W, 35-7', '33', '21', '63.6', '339', '10.3', '3', '1', '59t', '1/8', '115.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 18 total rows
['romo, tony', '2007', 4, '10/08/07', 'Dal', '@ Buf', 'W, 25-24', '50', '29', '58.0', '309', '6.2', '2', '5', '31', '0/0', '49.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 18 total rows
['romo, tony', '2007', 4, '10/14/07', 'Dal', 'NE', 'L, 48-27', '29', '18', '62.1', '199', '6.9', '2', '1', '26', '2/13', '91.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 18 total rows
['romo, tony', '2007', 4, '10/21/07', 'Dal', 'Min', 'W, 24-14', '39', '31', '79.5', '277', '7.1', '1', '0', '24', '3/24', '104.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 18 total rows
['romo, tony', '2007', 4, '11/04/07', 'Dal', '@ Phi', 'W, 38-17', '25', '20', '80.0', '324', '13.0', '3', '1', '53', '0/0', '141.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 18 total rows
['romo, tony', '2007', 4, '11/11/07', 'Dal', '@ NYG', 'W, 31-20', '28', '20', '71.4', '247', '8.8', '4', '1', '50t', '1/4', '123.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 18 total rows
['romo, tony', '2007', 4, '11/18/07', 'Dal', 'Was', 'W, 28-23', '32', '22', '68.8', '293', '9.2', '4', '1', '52t', '1/6', '124.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 18 total rows
['romo, tony', '2007', 4, '11/22/07', 'Dal', 'NYJ', 'W, 34-3', '28', '21', '75.0', '195', '7.0', '2', '1', '25t', '3/25', '102.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 18 total rows
['romo, tony', '2007', 4, '11/29/07', 'Dal', 'GB', 'W, 37-27', '30', '19', '63.3', '309', '10.3', '4', '1', '48', '0/0', '123.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 18 total rows
['romo, tony', '2007', 4, '12/09/07', 'Dal', '@ Det', 'W, 28-27', '44', '35', '79.5', '302', '6.9', '2', '0', '30', '3/21', '110.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 18 total rows
['romo, tony', '2007', 4, '12/16/07', 'Dal', 'Phi', 'L, 10-6', '36', '13', '36.1', '214', '5.9', '0', '3', '53', '4/27', '22.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 18 total rows
['romo, tony', '2007', 4, '12/22/07', 'Dal', '@ Car', 'W, 20-13', '42', '28', '66.7', '257', '6.1', '1', '1', '24', '0/0', '81.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 18 total rows
['romo, tony', '2007', 4, '12/30/07', 'Dal', '@ Was', 'L, 27-6', '16', '7', '43.8', '86', '5.4', '0', '1', '36', '1/10', '34.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 17 of 18 total rows
['romo, tony', '2007', 4, '01/13/08', 'Dal', 'NYG', 'L, 21-17', '36', '18', '50.0', '201', '5.6', '1', '1', '20', '2/19', '64.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 14 total rows
['romo, tony', '2008', 5, '09/07/08', 'Dal', '@ Cle', 'W, 28-10', '32', '24', '75.0', '320', '10.0', '1', '1', '35t', '0/0', '103.6', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 14 total rows
['romo, tony', '2008', 5, '09/15/08', 'Dal', 'Phi', 'W, 41-37', '30', '21', '70.0', '312', '10.4', '3', '1', '72t', '0/0', '123.2', '3', '-5', '-1.67', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 14 total rows
['romo, tony', '2008', 5, '09/21/08', 'Dal', '@ GB', 'W, 27-16', '30', '17', '56.7', '260', '8.7', '1', '1', '63', '3/24', '82.6', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 14 total rows
['romo, tony', '2008', 5, '09/28/08', 'Dal', 'Was', 'L, 26-24', '47', '28', '59.6', '300', '6.4', '3', '1', '26', '0/0', '90.7', '1', '7', '7.00', '7', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 14 total rows
['romo, tony', '2008', 5, '10/05/08', 'Dal', 'Cin', 'W, 31-22', '23', '14', '60.9', '176', '7.7', '3', '1', '57t', '1/1', '106.2', '4', '7', '1.75', '6', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 14 total rows
['romo, tony', '2008', 5, '10/12/08', 'Dal', '@ Ari', 'L, 30-24', '38', '24', '63.2', '321', '8.4', '3', '0', '70t', '3/20', '116.2', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 14 total rows
['romo, tony', '2008', 5, '11/16/08', 'Dal', '@ Was', 'W, 14-10', '27', '19', '70.4', '198', '7.3', '1', '2', '28', '0/0', '72.8', '2', '-3', '-1.50', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 14 total rows
['romo, tony', '2008', 5, '11/23/08', 'Dal', 'SF', 'W, 35-22', '39', '23', '59.0', '341', '8.7', '3', '0', '75t', '1/7', '113.3', '4', '-3', '-0.75', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 14 total rows
['romo, tony', '2008', 5, '11/27/08', 'Dal', 'Sea', 'W, 34-9', '34', '22', '64.7', '331', '9.7', '3', '1', '38', '0/0', '113.7', '2', '14', '7.00', '15', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 14 total rows
['romo, tony', '2008', 5, '12/07/08', 'Dal', '@ Pit', 'L, 20-13', '36', '19', '52.8', '210', '5.8', '1', '3', '50', '3/16', '44.9', '1', '6', '6.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 14 total rows
['romo, tony', '2008', 5, '12/14/08', 'Dal', 'NYG', 'W, 20-8', '30', '20', '66.7', '244', '8.1', '2', '0', '34t', '4/23', '113.8', '4', '7', '1.75', '4', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 14 total rows
['romo, tony', '2008', 5, '12/20/08', 'Dal', 'Bal', 'L, 33-24', '45', '24', '53.3', '252', '5.6', '2', '2', '35', '2/17', '66.2', '2', '2', '1.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 14 total rows
['romo, tony', '2008', 5, '12/28/08', 'Dal', '@ Phi', 'L, 44-6', '39', '21', '53.8', '183', '4.7', '0', '1', '35', '3/15', '55.8', '2', '11', '5.50', '9', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 19 total rows
['romo, tony', '2009', 6, '09/13/09', 'Dal', '@ TB', 'W, 34-21', '27', '16', '59.3', '353', '13.1', '3', '0', '80t', '1/9', '140.6', '1', '2', '2.00', '2', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 19 total rows
['romo, tony', '2009', 6, '09/20/09', 'Dal', 'NYG', 'L, 33-31', '29', '13', '44.8', '127', '4.4', '1', '3', '26', '0/0', '29.6', '1', '3', '3.00', '3t', '1', '1']
in row 3 of 19 total rows
['romo, tony', '2009', 6, '09/28/09', 'Dal', 'Car', 'W, 21-7', '33', '22', '66.7', '255', '7.7', '0', '0', '26', '2/18', '89.8', '5', '22', '4.40', '10', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 19 total rows
['romo, tony', '2009', 6, '10/04/09', 'Dal', '@ Den', 'L, 17-10', '42', '25', '59.5', '255', '6.1', '0', '1', '53', '5/14', '67.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 19 total rows
['romo, tony', '2009', 6, '10/11/09', 'Dal', '@ KC', 'W, 26-20', '34', '20', '58.8', '351', '10.3', '2', '0', '60t', '1/3', '113.7', '3', '5', '1.67', '6', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 19 total rows
['romo, tony', '2009', 6, '10/25/09', 'Dal', 'Atl', 'W, 37-21', '29', '21', '72.4', '311', '10.7', '3', '0', '59t', '2/12', '141.6', '6', '31', '5.17', '17', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 19 total rows
['romo, tony', '2009', 6, '11/01/09', 'Dal', 'Sea', 'W, 38-17', '36', '21', '58.3', '256', '7.1', '3', '0', '36t', '2/7', '108.1', '1', '10', '10.00', '10', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 19 total rows
['romo, tony', '2009', 6, '11/08/09', 'Dal', '@ Phi', 'W, 20-16', '34', '21', '61.8', '307', '9.0', '1', '1', '64', '4/25', '88.7', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 19 total rows
['romo, tony', '2009', 6, '11/15/09', 'Dal', '@ GB', 'L, 17-7', '39', '24', '61.5', '251', '6.4', '1', '1', '41', '5/34', '78.0', '3', '16', '5.33', '14', '0', '2']
in row 10 of 19 total rows
['romo, tony', '2009', 6, '11/22/09', 'Dal', 'Was', 'W, 7-6', '27', '15', '55.6', '158', '5.9', '1', '1', '23', '1/6', '69.7', '2', '4', '2.00', '5', '0', '1']
in row 11 of 19 total rows
['romo, tony', '2009', 6, '11/26/09', 'Dal', 'Oak', 'W, 24-7', '29', '18', '62.1', '309', '10.7', '2', '0', '49', '2/10', '121.2', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 19 total rows
['romo, tony', '2009', 6, '12/06/09', 'Dal', '@ NYG', 'L, 31-24', '55', '41', '74.5', '392', '7.1', '3', '0', '32', '2/13', '112.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 19 total rows
['romo, tony', '2009', 6, '12/13/09', 'Dal', 'SD', 'L, 20-17', '30', '19', '63.3', '249', '8.3', '2', '0', '26', '1/10', '111.7', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 19 total rows
['romo, tony', '2009', 6, '12/19/09', 'Dal', '@ NO', 'W, 24-17', '34', '22', '64.7', '312', '9.2', '1', '0', '49t', '3/18', '104.0', '4', '21', '5.25', '10', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 19 total rows
['romo, tony', '2009', 6, '12/27/09', 'Dal', '@ Was', 'W, 17-0', '38', '25', '65.8', '286', '7.5', '1', '1', '69', '1/1', '86.1', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 19 total rows
['romo, tony', '2009', 6, '01/03/10', 'Dal', 'Phi', 'W, 24-0', '34', '24', '70.6', '311', '9.1', '2', '1', '40', '2/16', '106.4', '3', '-3', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 17 of 19 total rows
['romo, tony', '2009', 6, '01/09/10', 'Dal', 'Phi', 'W, 34-14', '35', '23', '65.7', '244', '7.0', '2', '0', '36', '2/16', '104.9', '2', '4', '2.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 18 of 19 total rows
['romo, tony', '2009', 6, '01/17/10', 'Dal', '@ Min', 'L, 34-3', '35', '22', '62.9', '198', '5.7', '0', '1', '22', '6/42', '66.1', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 7 total rows
['romo, tony', '2010', 7, '09/12/10', 'Dal', '@ Was', 'L, 13-7', '47', '31', '66.0', '282', '6.0', '1', '0', '30', '1/5', '89.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 7 total rows
['romo, tony', '2010', 7, '09/19/10', 'Dal', 'Chi', 'L, 27-20', '51', '34', '66.7', '374', '7.3', '1', '2', '28', '0/0', '78.4', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 7 total rows
['romo, tony', '2010', 7, '09/26/10', 'Dal', '@ Hou', 'W, 27-13', '30', '23', '76.7', '284', '9.5', '2', '0', '63t', '0/0', '127.6', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 7 total rows
['romo, tony', '2010', 7, '10/10/10', 'Dal', 'Ten', 'L, 34-27', '46', '31', '67.4', '406', '8.8', '3', '3', '69t', '6/36', '89.6', '1', '9', '9.00', '9', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 7 total rows
['romo, tony', '2010', 7, '10/17/10', 'Dal', '@ Min', 'L, 24-21', '32', '24', '75.0', '220', '6.9', '3', '2', '31t', '0/0', '98.4', '3', '31', '10.33', '14', '0', '2']
in row 6 of 7 total rows
['romo, tony', '2010', 7, '10/25/10', 'Dal', 'NYG', 'L, 41-35', '7', '5', '71.4', '39', '5.6', '1', '0', '14', '0/0', '124.4', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['romo, tony', '2011', 8, '09/11/11', 'Dal', '@ NYJ', 'L, 27-24', '36', '23', '63.9', '342', '9.5', '2', '1', '64', '4/16', '101.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['romo, tony', '2011', 8, '09/18/11', 'Dal', '@ SF', 'W, 27-24', '33', '20', '60.6', '345', '10.5', '2', '0', '77', '1/5', '116.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['romo, tony', '2011', 8, '09/26/11', 'Dal', 'Was', 'W, 18-16', '36', '22', '61.1', '255', '7.1', '0', '1', '30', '1/5', '70.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['romo, tony', '2011', 8, '10/02/11', 'Dal', 'Det', 'L, 34-30', '47', '34', '72.3', '331', '7.0', '3', '3', '44', '1/10', '86.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['romo, tony', '2011', 8, '10/16/11', 'Dal', '@ NE', 'L, 20-16', '41', '27', '65.9', '317', '7.7', '1', '1', '33', '2/17', '87.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['romo, tony', '2011', 8, '10/23/11', 'Dal', 'Stl', 'W, 34-7', '24', '14', '58.3', '166', '6.9', '2', '0', '34', '2/15', '107.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['romo, tony', '2011', 8, '10/30/11', 'Dal', '@ Phi', 'L, 34-7', '35', '18', '51.4', '203', '5.8', '1', '1', '70t', '4/21', '66.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['romo, tony', '2011', 8, '11/06/11', 'Dal', 'Sea', 'W, 23-13', '31', '19', '61.3', '279', '9.0', '2', '0', '39', '0/0', '112.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['romo, tony', '2011', 8, '11/13/11', 'Dal', 'Buf', 'W, 44-7', '26', '23', '88.5', '270', '10.4', '3', '0', '58t', '0/0', '148.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['romo, tony', '2011', 8, '11/20/11', 'Dal', '@ Was', 'W, 27-24', '37', '23', '62.2', '292', '7.9', '3', '0', '59t', '4/28', '113.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['romo, tony', '2011', 8, '11/24/11', 'Dal', 'Mia', 'W, 20-19', '34', '22', '64.7', '226', '6.6', '2', '2', '23', '1/8', '78.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['romo, tony', '2011', 8, '12/04/11', 'Dal', '@ Ari', 'L, 19-13', '42', '28', '66.7', '299', '7.1', '1', '0', '36', '5/38', '95.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['romo, tony', '2011', 8, '12/11/11', 'Dal', 'NYG', 'L, 37-34', '31', '21', '67.7', '321', '10.4', '4', '0', '74', '3/16', '141.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['romo, tony', '2011', 8, '12/17/11', 'Dal', '@ TB', 'W, 31-15', '30', '23', '76.7', '249', '8.3', '3', '0', '28', '2/10', '133.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['romo, tony', '2011', 8, '12/24/11', 'Dal', 'Phi', 'L, 20-7', '2', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['romo, tony', '2011', 8, '01/01/12', 'Dal', '@ NYG', 'L, 31-14', '37', '29', '78.4', '289', '7.8', '2', '1', '34t', '6/38', '106.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['romo, tony', '2012', 9, '09/05/12', 'Dal', '@ NYG', 'W, 24-17', '29', '22', '75.9', '307', '10.6', '3', '1', '40t', '2/17', '129.5', '5', '12', '2.40', '9', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['romo, tony', '2012', 9, '09/16/12', 'Dal', '@ Sea', 'L, 27-7', '40', '23', '57.5', '251', '6.3', '1', '1', '26', '1/4', '74.1', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['romo, tony', '2012', 9, '09/23/12', 'Dal', 'TB', 'W, 16-10', '39', '25', '64.1', '283', '7.3', '0', '1', '49', '4/24', '75.1', '4', '1', '0.25', '9', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['romo, tony', '2012', 9, '10/01/12', 'Dal', 'Chi', 'L, 34-18', '43', '31', '72.1', '307', '7.1', '1', '5', '25', '1/7', '60.1', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['romo, tony', '2012', 9, '10/14/12', 'Dal', '@ Bal', 'L, 31-29', '36', '25', '69.4', '261', '7.2', '2', '1', '35', '1/7', '97.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['romo, tony', '2012', 9, '10/21/12', 'Dal', '@ Car', 'W, 19-14', '34', '24', '70.6', '227', '6.7', '1', '0', '36', '0/0', '98.5', '3', '11', '3.67', '10', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['romo, tony', '2012', 9, '10/28/12', 'Dal', 'NYG', 'L, 29-24', '62', '36', '58.1', '437', '7.0', '1', '4', '55', '4/22', '58.3', '2', '0', '0.00', '1t', '1', '1']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['romo, tony', '2012', 9, '11/04/12', 'Dal', '@ Atl', 'L, 19-13', '35', '25', '71.4', '321', '9.2', '1', '0', '65', '1/9', '109.3', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['romo, tony', '2012', 9, '11/11/12', 'Dal', '@ Phi', 'W, 38-23', '26', '19', '73.1', '209', '8.0', '2', '0', '49', '3/16', '122.1', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['romo, tony', '2012', 9, '11/18/12', 'Dal', 'Cle', 'W, 23-20', '50', '35', '70.0', '313', '6.3', '1', '0', '30', '7/56', '93.2', '2', '10', '5.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['romo, tony', '2012', 9, '11/22/12', 'Dal', 'Was', 'L, 38-31', '62', '37', '59.7', '441', '7.1', '3', '2', '85t', '2/18', '84.1', '3', '7', '2.33', '6', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['romo, tony', '2012', 9, '12/02/12', 'Dal', 'Phi', 'W, 38-33', '27', '22', '81.5', '303', '11.2', '3', '0', '36', '2/9', '150.5', '3', '14', '4.67', '15', '0', '1']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['romo, tony', '2012', 9, '12/09/12', 'Dal', '@ Cin', 'W, 20-19', '43', '25', '58.1', '268', '6.2', '1', '1', '27t', '3/29', '74.6', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['romo, tony', '2012', 9, '12/16/12', 'Dal', 'Pit', 'W, 27-24', '42', '30', '71.4', '341', '8.1', '2', '0', '29', '1/13', '111.3', '4', '-4', '-1.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['romo, tony', '2012', 9, '12/23/12', 'Dal', 'NO', 'L, 34-31', '43', '26', '60.5', '416', '9.7', '4', '0', '58t', '2/10', '123.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['romo, tony', '2012', 9, '12/30/12', 'Dal', '@ Was', 'L, 28-18', '37', '20', '54.1', '218', '5.9', '2', '3', '25', '2/22', '55.9', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['romo, tony', '2013', 10, '09/08/13', 'Dal', 'NYG', 'W, 36-31', '49', '36', '73.5', '263', '5.4', '2', '1', '23', '2/19', '90.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['romo, tony', '2013', 10, '09/15/13', 'Dal', '@ KC', 'L, 17-16', '42', '30', '71.4', '298', '7.1', '1', '0', '53', '3/17', '99.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['romo, tony', '2013', 10, '09/22/13', 'Dal', 'Stl', 'W, 31-7', '24', '17', '70.8', '210', '8.8', '3', '0', '24t', '1/7', '137.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['romo, tony', '2013', 10, '09/29/13', 'Dal', '@ SD', 'L, 30-21', '37', '27', '73.0', '246', '6.6', '2', '0', '34t', '3/19', '108.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['romo, tony', '2013', 10, '10/06/13', 'Dal', 'Den', 'L, 51-48', '36', '25', '69.4', '506', '14.1', '5', '1', '82t', '4/36', '140.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['romo, tony', '2013', 10, '10/13/13', 'Dal', 'Was', 'W, 31-16', '30', '18', '60.0', '170', '5.7', '1', '1', '17', '1/5', '72.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['romo, tony', '2013', 10, '10/20/13', 'Dal', '@ Phi', 'W, 17-3', '47', '28', '59.6', '317', '6.7', '1', '2', '26', '2/23', '69.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['romo, tony', '2013', 10, '10/27/13', 'Dal', '@ Det', 'L, 31-30', '30', '14', '46.7', '206', '6.9', '3', '0', '60t', '0/0', '102.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['romo, tony', '2013', 10, '11/03/13', 'Dal', 'Min', 'W, 27-23', '51', '34', '66.7', '337', '6.6', '2', '1', '34', '3/23', '90.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['romo, tony', '2013', 10, '11/10/13', 'Dal', '@ NO', 'L, 49-17', '24', '10', '41.7', '128', '5.3', '1', '0', '44', '3/24', '72.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['romo, tony', '2013', 10, '11/24/13', 'Dal', '@ NYG', 'W, 24-21', '38', '23', '60.5', '234', '6.2', '2', '1', '24', '4/30', '84.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['romo, tony', '2013', 10, '11/28/13', 'Dal', 'Oak', 'W, 31-24', '32', '23', '71.9', '225', '7.0', '1', '0', '25', '2/17', '101.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['romo, tony', '2013', 10, '12/09/13', 'Dal', '@ Chi', 'L, 45-28', '20', '11', '55.0', '104', '5.2', '3', '0', '25', '2/14', '109.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['romo, tony', '2013', 10, '12/15/13', 'Dal', 'GB', 'L, 37-36', '48', '29', '60.4', '358', '7.5', '2', '2', '37', '3/26', '80.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['romo, tony', '2013', 10, '12/22/13', 'Dal', '@ Was', 'W, 24-23', '27', '17', '63.0', '226', '8.4', '2', '1', '51', '2/12', '98.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 18 total rows
['romo, tony', '2014', 11, '09/07/14', 'Dal', 'SF', 'L, 28-17', '37', '23', '62.2', '281', '7.6', '1', '3', '56', '3/26', '60.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 18 total rows
['romo, tony', '2014', 11, '09/14/14', 'Dal', '@ Ten', 'W, 26-10', '29', '19', '65.5', '176', '6.1', '1', '0', '22', '4/28', '93.5', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 18 total rows
['romo, tony', '2014', 11, '09/21/14', 'Dal', '@ Stl', 'W, 34-31', '23', '18', '78.3', '217', '9.4', '2', '1', '68t', '0/0', '116.8', '3', '14', '4.67', '16', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 18 total rows
['romo, tony', '2014', 11, '09/28/14', 'Dal', 'NO', 'W, 38-17', '29', '22', '75.9', '262', '9.0', '3', '0', '24', '1/7', '137.4', '6', '20', '3.33', '21', '0', '1']
in row 5 of 18 total rows
['romo, tony', '2014', 11, '10/05/14', 'Dal', 'Hou', 'W, 20-17', '41', '28', '68.3', '324', '7.9', '2', '1', '43t', '1/8', '98.0', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 18 total rows
['romo, tony', '2014', 11, '10/12/14', 'Dal', '@ Sea', 'W, 30-23', '32', '21', '65.6', '250', '7.8', '2', '0', '47', '1/11', '110.2', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 7 of 18 total rows
['romo, tony', '2014', 11, '10/19/14', 'Dal', 'NYG', 'W, 31-21', '23', '17', '73.9', '279', '12.1', '3', '1', '44', '2/12', '135.7', '2', '5', '2.50', '6', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 18 total rows
['romo, tony', '2014', 11, '10/27/14', 'Dal', 'Was', 'L, 20-17', '28', '17', '60.7', '209', '7.5', '1', '0', '34', '5/54', '95.7', '1', '1', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 9 of 18 total rows
['romo, tony', '2014', 11, '11/09/14', 'Dal', '@ Jax', 'W, 31-17', '27', '20', '74.1', '246', '9.1', '3', '0', '68t', '1/6', '138.8', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 10 of 18 total rows
['romo, tony', '2014', 11, '11/23/14', 'Dal', '@ NYG', 'W, 31-28', '26', '18', '69.2', '275', '10.6', '4', '0', '45t', '2/9', '143.4', '1', '-2', '-2.00', '-2', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 18 total rows
['romo, tony', '2014', 11, '11/27/14', 'Dal', 'Phi', 'L, 33-10', '29', '18', '62.1', '199', '6.9', '0', '2', '38', '4/25', '53.7', '1', '-1', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 12 of 18 total rows
['romo, tony', '2014', 11, '12/04/14', 'Dal', '@ Chi', 'W, 41-28', '26', '21', '80.8', '205', '7.9', '3', '0', '43', '1/2', '138.0', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 18 total rows
['romo, tony', '2014', 11, '12/14/14', 'Dal', '@ Phi', 'W, 38-27', '31', '22', '71.0', '265', '8.5', '3', '0', '26t', '3/16', '129.1', '4', '-1', '-0.25', '2', '0', '0']
in row 14 of 18 total rows
['romo, tony', '2014', 11, '12/21/14', 'Dal', 'Ind', 'W, 42-7', '20', '18', '90.0', '218', '10.9', '4', '0', '25t', '1/11', '151.7', '3', '28', '9.33', '13', '0', '1']
in row 15 of 18 total rows
['romo, tony', '2014', 11, '12/28/14', 'Dal', '@ Was', 'W, 44-17', '34', '22', '64.7', '299', '8.8', '2', '1', '65t', '0/0', '100.0', '1', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 16 of 18 total rows
['romo, tony', '2014', 11, '01/04/15', 'Dal', 'Det', 'W, 24-20', '31', '19', '61.3', '293', '9.5', '2', '0', '76t', '6/51', '114.0', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 17 of 18 total rows
['romo, tony', '2014', 11, '01/11/15', 'Dal', '@ GB', 'L, 26-21', '19', '15', '78.9', '191', '10.1', '2', '0', '38t', '4/21', '143.6', '1', '7', '7.00', '7', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 5 total rows
['romo, tony', '2015', 12, '09/13/15', 'Dal', 'NYG', 'W, 27-26', '45', '36', '80.0', '356', '7.9', '3', '2', '25', '0/0', '103.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 5 total rows
['romo, tony', '2015', 12, '09/20/15', 'Dal', '@ Phi', 'W, 20-10', '27', '18', '66.7', '195', '7.2', '0', '0', '39', '3/18', '87.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 5 total rows
['romo, tony', '2015', 12, '11/22/15', 'Dal', '@ Mia', 'W, 24-14', '28', '18', '64.3', '227', '8.1', '2', '2', '31t', '2/7', '83.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 5 total rows
['romo, tony', '2015', 12, '11/26/15', 'Dal', 'Car', 'L, 33-14', '21', '11', '52.4', '106', '5.0', '0', '3', '21', '1/10', '27.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['romo, tony', '2016', 13, '01/01/17', 'Dal', '@ Phi', 'L, 27-13', '4', '3', '75.0', '29', '7.2', '1', '0', '15', '0/0', '134.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['palko, tyler', '2010', 2, '12/12/10', 'KC', '@ SD', 'L, 31-0', '3', '2', '66.7', '8', '2.7', '0', '0', '10', '0/0', '70.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['palko, tyler', '2010', 2, '01/02/11', 'KC', 'Oak', 'L, 31-10', '3', '2', '66.7', '27', '9.0', '0', '0', '18', '2/10', '95.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 7 total rows
['palko, tyler', '2011', 3, '09/18/11', 'KC', '@ Det', 'L, 48-3', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 7 total rows
['palko, tyler', '2011', 3, '11/13/11', 'KC', 'Den', 'L, 17-10', '6', '5', '83.3', '47', '7.8', '0', '0', '17', '0/0', '99.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 7 total rows
['palko, tyler', '2011', 3, '11/21/11', 'KC', '@ NE', 'L, 34-3', '37', '24', '64.9', '230', '6.2', '0', '3', '28', '3/21', '48.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 7 total rows
['palko, tyler', '2011', 3, '11/27/11', 'KC', 'Pit', 'L, 13-9', '28', '18', '64.3', '167', '6.0', '0', '3', '25', '1/5', '40.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 7 total rows
['palko, tyler', '2011', 3, '12/04/11', 'KC', '@ Chi', 'W, 10-3', '30', '17', '56.7', '157', '5.2', '1', '0', '38t', '2/18', '82.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 7 total rows
['palko, tyler', '2011', 3, '12/11/11', 'KC', '@ NYJ', 'L, 37-10', '32', '16', '50.0', '195', '6.1', '1', '1', '24t', '5/39', '66.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['thigpen, tyler', '2007', 1, '12/02/07', 'KC', 'SD', 'L, 24-10', '6', '2', '33.3', '41', '6.8', '0', '1', '22', '1/9', '18.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 15 total rows
['thigpen, tyler', '2008', 2, '09/14/08', 'KC', 'Oak', 'L, 23-8', '33', '14', '42.4', '151', '4.6', '1', '1', '30', '3/29', '54.0', '1', '6', '6.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 15 total rows
['thigpen, tyler', '2008', 2, '09/21/08', 'KC', '@ Atl', 'L, 38-14', '36', '14', '38.9', '128', '3.6', '1', '3', '15t', '2/11', '23.8', '1', '18', '18.00', '18', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 15 total rows
['thigpen, tyler', '2008', 2, '10/05/08', 'KC', '@ Car', 'L, 34-0', '10', '5', '50.0', '37', '3.7', '0', '0', '20', '1/15', '59.2', '4', '16', '4.00', '6', '0', '2']
in row 4 of 15 total rows
['thigpen, tyler', '2008', 2, '10/19/08', 'KC', 'Ten', 'L, 34-10', '11', '5', '45.5', '76', '6.9', '0', '0', '27', '1/6', '68.8', '3', '21', '7.00', '14t', '1', '2']
in row 5 of 15 total rows
['thigpen, tyler', '2008', 2, '10/26/08', 'KC', '@ NYJ', 'L, 28-24', '36', '25', '69.4', '280', '7.8', '2', '0', '36', '4/30', '110.9', '4', '20', '5.00', '10', '0', '1']
in row 6 of 15 total rows
['thigpen, tyler', '2008', 2, '11/02/08', 'KC', 'TB', 'L, 30-27', '25', '14', '56.0', '164', '6.6', '1', '0', '56', '1/0', '89.4', '6', '22', '3.67', '13', '0', '2']
in row 7 of 15 total rows
['thigpen, tyler', '2008', 2, '11/09/08', 'KC', '@ SD', 'L, 20-19', '41', '27', '65.9', '266', '6.5', '3', '0', '34t', '1/3', '108.4', '2', '26', '13.00', '22', '0', '1']
in row 8 of 15 total rows
['thigpen, tyler', '2008', 2, '11/16/08', 'KC', 'NO', 'L, 30-20', '38', '19', '50.0', '235', '6.2', '2', '1', '42', '4/29', '76.1', '3', '45', '15.00', '32', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 15 total rows
['thigpen, tyler', '2008', 2, '11/23/08', 'KC', 'Buf', 'L, 54-31', '31', '17', '54.8', '240', '7.7', '3', '2', '45t', '3/13', '85.4', '3', '29', '9.67', '12', '0', '2']
in row 10 of 15 total rows
['thigpen, tyler', '2008', 2, '11/30/08', 'KC', '@ Oak', 'W, 20-13', '22', '15', '68.2', '162', '7.4', '0', '1', '23', '1/6', '70.6', '11', '48', '4.36', '25', '0', '2']
in row 11 of 15 total rows
['thigpen, tyler', '2008', 2, '12/07/08', 'KC', '@ Den', 'L, 24-17', '32', '17', '53.1', '187', '5.8', '1', '0', '34', '1/10', '81.1', '6', '34', '5.67', '12', '0', '2']
in row 12 of 15 total rows
['thigpen, tyler', '2008', 2, '12/14/08', 'KC', 'SD', 'L, 22-21', '28', '19', '67.9', '171', '6.1', '1', '1', '21', '0/0', '81.1', '10', '40', '4.00', '12', '1', '3']
in row 13 of 15 total rows
['thigpen, tyler', '2008', 2, '12/21/08', 'KC', 'Mia', 'L, 38-31', '41', '20', '48.8', '320', '7.8', '2', '3', '75', '3/8', '61.0', '6', '57', '9.50', '27', '1', '3']
in row 14 of 15 total rows
['thigpen, tyler', '2008', 2, '12/28/08', 'KC', '@ Cin', 'L, 16-6', '36', '19', '52.8', '191', '5.3', '1', '0', '32', '1/2', '77.4', '2', '4', '2.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['thigpen, tyler', '2009', 3, '09/13/09', 'KC', '@ Bal', 'L, 38-24', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['thigpen, tyler', '2009', 3, '01/03/10', 'Mia', 'Pit', 'L, 30-24', '8', '4', '50.0', '83', '10.4', '1', '2', '34t', '0/0', '87.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 6 total rows
['thigpen, tyler', '2010', 4, '10/04/10', 'Mia', 'NE', 'L, 41-14', '6', '2', '33.3', '15', '2.5', '0', '1', '11', '0/0', '2.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 6 total rows
['thigpen, tyler', '2010', 4, '11/14/10', 'Mia', 'Ten', 'W, 29-17', '6', '4', '66.7', '64', '10.7', '1', '0', '31', '0/0', '141.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 6 total rows
['thigpen, tyler', '2010', 4, '11/18/10', 'Mia', 'Chi', 'L, 16-0', '29', '17', '58.6', '187', '6.4', '0', '1', '24', '6/39', '63.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 6 total rows
['thigpen, tyler', '2010', 4, '11/28/10', 'Mia', '@ Oak', 'W, 33-17', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 6 total rows
['thigpen, tyler', '2010', 4, '01/02/11', 'Mia', '@ NE', 'L, 38-7', '21', '10', '47.6', '169', '8.0', '1', '0', '35', '2/11', '91.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['thigpen, tyler', '2011', 5, '11/20/11', 'Buf', '@ Mia', 'L, 35-8', '5', '1', '20.0', '6', '1.2', '0', '0', '6', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['thigpen, tyler', '2011', 5, '12/11/11', 'Buf', '@ SD', 'L, 37-10', '3', '2', '66.7', '19', '6.3', '0', '1', '13', '0/0', '44.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['thigpen, tyler', '2012', 6, '09/16/12', 'Buf', 'KC', 'W, 35-17', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['thigpen, tyler', '2012', 6, '12/16/12', 'Buf', 'Sea', 'L, 50-17', '5', '3', '60.0', '30', '6.0', '0', '0', '12', '0/0', '77.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 3 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2011', 1, '12/04/11', 'Bal', '@ Cle', 'W, 24-10', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 3 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2011', 1, '12/18/11', 'Bal', '@ SD', 'L, 34-14', '1', '1', '100.0', '18', '18.0', '0', '0', '18', '2/3', '118.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 6 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2012', 2, '09/10/12', 'Bal', 'Cin', 'W, 44-13', '3', '2', '66.7', '30', '10.0', '0', '0', '25', '0/0', '99.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 6 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2012', 2, '11/04/12', 'Bal', '@ Cle', 'W, 25-15', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 6 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2012', 2, '11/11/12', 'Bal', 'Oak', 'W, 55-20', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 6 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2012', 2, '12/23/12', 'Bal', 'NYG', 'W, 33-14', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 6 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2012', 2, '12/30/12', 'Bal', '@ Cin', 'L, 23-17', '25', '15', '60.0', '149', '6.0', '0', '1', '23', '3/30', '60.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2013', 3, '11/10/13', 'Bal', 'Cin', 'W, 20-17', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '1', '18', '18.00', '18', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2013', 3, '11/24/13', 'Bal', 'NYJ', 'W, 19-3', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', '4', '7', '1.75', '17', '0', '2']
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2013', 3, '12/22/13', 'Bal', 'NE', 'L, 41-7', '4', '1', '25.0', '2', '0.5', '0', '1', '2', '0/0', '0.0', '3', '39', '13.00', '25', '0', '2']
in row 1 of 2 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2014', 4, '10/12/14', 'Bal', '@ TB', 'W, 48-17', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '4', '-3', '-0.75', '0', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 15 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2015', 5, '09/13/15', 'Buf', 'Ind', 'W, 27-14', '19', '14', '73.7', '195', '10.3', '1', '0', '51t', '0/0', '123.8', '9', '41', '4.56', '31', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 15 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2015', 5, '09/20/15', 'Buf', 'NE', 'L, 40-32', '30', '23', '76.7', '242', '8.1', '3', '3', '32t', '8/53', '93.3', '5', '43', '8.60', '23', '1', '3']
in row 3 of 15 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2015', 5, '09/27/15', 'Buf', '@ Mia', 'W, 41-14', '29', '21', '72.4', '277', '9.6', '3', '0', '39', '0/0', '136.7', '3', '12', '4.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 4 of 15 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2015', 5, '10/04/15', 'Buf', 'NYG', 'L, 24-10', '42', '28', '66.7', '274', '6.5', '1', '1', '27', '2/16', '82.8', '6', '15', '2.50', '7', '0', '0']
in row 5 of 15 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2015', 5, '10/11/15', 'Buf', '@ Ten', 'W, 14-13', '17', '10', '58.8', '109', '6.4', '1', '0', '46', '4/31', '97.4', '8', '76', '9.50', '26', '1', '3']
in row 6 of 15 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2015', 5, '11/08/15', 'Buf', 'Mia', 'W, 33-17', '12', '11', '91.7', '181', '15.1', '1', '0', '63', '3/27', '146.5', '10', '44', '4.40', '14', '0', '3']
in row 7 of 15 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2015', 5, '11/12/15', 'Buf', '@ NYJ', 'W, 22-17', '27', '17', '63.0', '158', '5.9', '1', '0', '26t', '4/26', '91.3', '6', '12', '2.00', '8', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 15 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2015', 5, '11/23/15', 'Buf', '@ NE', 'L, 20-13', '36', '20', '55.6', '233', '6.5', '0', '0', '42', '2/8', '75.3', '4', '1', '0.25', '5', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 15 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2015', 5, '11/29/15', 'Buf', '@ KC', 'L, 30-22', '38', '21', '55.3', '291', '7.7', '3', '0', '48', '1/5', '106.4', '5', '46', '9.20', '15', '0', '3']
in row 10 of 15 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2015', 5, '12/06/15', 'Buf', 'Hou', 'W, 30-21', '21', '11', '52.4', '211', '10.0', '3', '0', '53', '1/8', '127.2', '7', '28', '4.00', '9', '1', '3']
in row 11 of 15 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2015', 5, '12/13/15', 'Buf', '@ Phi', 'L, 23-20', '36', '19', '52.8', '268', '7.4', '1', '1', '47t', '1/8', '74.8', '8', '53', '6.62', '14', '0', '3']
in row 12 of 15 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2015', 5, '12/20/15', 'Buf', '@ Was', 'L, 35-25', '27', '16', '59.3', '235', '8.7', '2', '0', '48t', '5/23', '112.4', '9', '79', '8.78', '18', '0', '4']
in row 13 of 15 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2015', 5, '12/27/15', 'Buf', 'Dal', 'W, 16-6', '18', '13', '72.2', '179', '9.9', '0', '1', '37', '3/7', '80.6', '14', '67', '4.79', '16', '0', '2']
in row 14 of 15 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2015', 5, '01/03/16', 'Buf', 'NYJ', 'W, 22-17', '28', '18', '64.3', '182', '6.5', '0', '0', '38', '2/0', '82.7', '10', '51', '5.10', '18t', '1', '2']
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2016', 6, '09/11/16', 'Buf', '@ Bal', 'L, 13-7', '22', '15', '68.2', '111', '5.0', '0', '0', '33', '2/16', '79.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2016', 6, '09/15/16', 'Buf', 'NYJ', 'L, 37-31', '30', '18', '60.0', '297', '9.9', '3', '1', '84t', '0/0', '112.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2016', 6, '09/25/16', 'Buf', 'Ari', 'W, 33-18', '25', '14', '56.0', '119', '4.8', '0', '1', '28', '4/30', '51.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2016', 6, '10/02/16', 'Buf', '@ NE', 'W, 16-0', '39', '27', '69.2', '246', '6.3', '1', '0', '23', '2/2', '94.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2016', 6, '10/09/16', 'Buf', '@ LA', 'W, 30-19', '23', '12', '52.2', '124', '5.4', '2', '0', '29', '2/12', '97.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2016', 6, '10/16/16', 'Buf', 'SF', 'W, 45-16', '25', '16', '64.0', '179', '7.2', '2', '0', '30t', '3/0', '111.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2016', 6, '10/23/16', 'Buf', '@ Mia', 'L, 28-25', '28', '14', '50.0', '221', '7.9', '1', '0', '67t', '4/21', '88.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2016', 6, '10/30/16', 'Buf', 'NE', 'L, 41-25', '38', '19', '50.0', '183', '4.8', '0', '0', '25', '1/7', '63.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2016', 6, '11/07/16', 'Buf', '@ Sea', 'L, 31-25', '38', '27', '71.1', '289', '7.6', '1', '1', '29', '5/26', '90.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2016', 6, '11/20/16', 'Buf', '@ Cin', 'W, 16-12', '27', '19', '70.4', '166', '6.1', '0', '1', '34', '2/7', '70.9', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2016', 6, '11/27/16', 'Buf', 'Jax', 'W, 28-21', '18', '12', '66.7', '166', '9.2', '1', '0', '62', '5/15', '114.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2016', 6, '12/04/16', 'Buf', '@ Oak', 'L, 38-24', '35', '18', '51.4', '191', '5.5', '0', '1', '22', '4/21', '55.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2016', 6, '12/11/16', 'Buf', 'Pit', 'L, 27-20', '25', '15', '60.0', '228', '9.1', '2', '1', '41', '5/20', '100.1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2016', 6, '12/18/16', 'Buf', 'Cle', 'W, 33-13', '24', '17', '70.8', '174', '7.2', '1', '0', '23', '1/3', '105.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['taylor, tyrod', '2016', 6, '12/24/16', 'Buf', 'Mia', 'L, 34-31', '39', '26', '66.7', '329', '8.4', '3', '0', '53', '2/12', '118.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 16 total rows
['young, vince', '2006', 1, '09/10/06', 'Ten', 'NYJ', 'L, 23-16', '4', '3', '75.0', '27', '6.8', '0', '1', '11', '0/0', '53.1', '0', '0', '0.00', '0', '0', '0']
in row 2 of 16 total rows
['young, vince', '2006', 1, '09/17/06', 'Ten', '@ SD', 'L, 40-7', '20', '7', '35.0', '106', '5.3', '1', '0', '28', '0/0', '70.0', '5', '24', '4.80', '12', '0', '1']
in row 3 of 16 total rows
['young, vince', '2006', 1, '10/01/06', 'Ten', 'Dal', 'L, 45-14', '29', '14', '48.3', '155', '5.3', '1', '2', '24', '2/4', '47.3', '5', '3', '0.60', '9', '0', '1']
in row 4 of 16 total rows
['young, vince', '2006', 1, '10/08/06', 'Ten', '@ Ind', 'L, 14-13', '21', '10', '47.6', '63', '3.0', '0', '1', '16', '0/0', '34.4', '4', '43', '10.75', '19t', '1', '2']
in row 5 of 16 total rows
['young, vince', '2006', 1, '10/15/06', 'Ten', '@ Was', 'W, 25-22', '25', '13', '52.0', '161', '6.4', '1', '0', '27', '3/10', '85.6', '7', '9', '1.29', '5', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 16 total rows
['young, vince', '2006', 1, '10/29/06', 'Ten', 'Hou', 'W, 28-22', '15', '7', '46.7', '87', '5.8', '1', '0', '23', '1/1', '87.4', '4', '44', '11.00', '20t', '1', '2']
in row 7 of 16 total rows
['young, vince', '2006', 1, '11/05/06', 'Ten', '@ Jax', 'L, 37-7', '36', '15', '41.7', '163', '4.5', '1', '3', '32t', '1/9', '30.2', '4', '14', '3.50', '7', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 16 total rows
['young, vince', '2006', 1, '11/12/06', 'Ten', 'Bal', 'L, 27-26', '25', '13', '52.0', '211', '8.4', '0', '1', '37', '2/6', '63.9', '8', '39', '4.88', '17', '1', '2']
in row 9 of 16 total rows
['young, vince', '2006', 1, '11/19/06', 'Ten', '@ Phi', 'W, 31-13', '22', '8', '36.4', '101', '4.6', '1', '0', '28', '3/17', '66.7', '6', '49', '8.17', '20', '0', '3']
in row 10 of 16 total rows
['young, vince', '2006', 1, '11/26/06', 'Ten', 'NYG', 'W, 24-21', '35', '24', '68.6', '249', '7.1', '2', '0', '25', '2/14', '107.9', '10', '69', '6.90', '19', '1', '4']
in row 11 of 16 total rows
['young, vince', '2006', 1, '12/03/06', 'Ten', 'Ind', 'W, 20-17', '25', '15', '60.0', '163', '6.5', '2', '2', '21', '0/0', '72.6', '9', '78', '8.67', '18', '0', '7']
in row 12 of 16 total rows
['young, vince', '2006', 1, '12/10/06', 'Ten', '@ Hou', 'W, 26-20', '29', '19', '65.5', '218', '7.5', '0', '1', '39', '2/18', '73.6', '7', '86', '12.29', '39t', '1', '4']
in row 13 of 16 total rows
['young, vince', '2006', 1, '12/17/06', 'Ten', 'Jax', 'W, 24-17', '15', '8', '53.3', '85', '5.7', '0', '0', '22', '3/28', '70.1', '4', '4', '1.00', '8', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 16 total rows
['young, vince', '2006', 1, '12/24/06', 'Ten', '@ Buf', 'W, 30-29', '20', '13', '65.0', '183', '9.2', '2', '0', '32', '1/2', '127.7', '8', '61', '7.62', '36t', '1', '3']
in row 15 of 16 total rows
['young, vince', '2006', 1, '12/31/06', 'Ten', 'NE', 'L, 40-23', '36', '15', '41.7', '227', '6.3', '0', '2', '53', '5/20', '39.9', '2', '29', '14.50', '28t', '1', '1']
in row 1 of 17 total rows
['young, vince', '2007', 2, '09/09/07', 'Ten', '@ Jax', 'W, 13-10', '18', '11', '61.1', '78', '4.3', '0', '1', '21', '1/6', '47.9', '11', '22', '2.00', '8', '1', '2']
in row 2 of 17 total rows
['young, vince', '2007', 2, '09/16/07', 'Ten', 'Ind', 'L, 22-20', '27', '17', '63.0', '184', '6.8', '1', '0', '48', '3/12', '95.3', '5', '53', '10.60', '21', '0', '2']
in row 3 of 17 total rows
['young, vince', '2007', 2, '09/24/07', 'Ten', '@ NO', 'W, 31-14', '22', '14', '63.6', '164', '7.5', '2', '1', '35t', '0/0', '97.5', '5', '21', '4.20', '12', '0', '2']
in row 4 of 17 total rows
['young, vince', '2007', 2, '10/07/07', 'Ten', 'Atl', 'W, 20-13', '33', '20', '60.6', '157', '4.8', '0', '3', '16', '0/0', '34.5', '8', '27', '3.38', '20', '0', '2']
in row 5 of 17 total rows
['young, vince', '2007', 2, '10/14/07', 'Ten', '@ TB', 'L, 13-10', '14', '11', '78.6', '120', '8.6', '0', '1', '23', '1/4', '72.6', '3', '6', '2.00', '4', '0', '0']
in row 6 of 17 total rows
['young, vince', '2007', 2, '10/28/07', 'Ten', 'Oak', 'W, 13-9', '14', '6', '42.9', '42', '3.0', '0', '0', '12', '2/16', '50.3', '7', '11', '1.57', '6', '0', '1']
in row 7 of 17 total rows
['young, vince', '2007', 2, '11/04/07', 'Ten', 'Car', 'W, 20-7', '23', '14', '60.9', '110', '4.8', '0', '2', '18', '3/14', '36.5', '8', '25', '3.12', '16', '1', '2']
in row 8 of 17 total rows
['young, vince', '2007', 2, '11/11/07', 'Ten', 'Jax', 'L, 28-13', '41', '24', '58.5', '257', '6.3', '1', '2', '28', '4/27', '64.8', '8', '52', '6.50', '13', '0', '2']
in row 9 of 17 total rows
['young, vince', '2007', 2, '11/19/07', 'Ten', '@ Den', 'L, 34-20', '41', '26', '63.4', '305', '7.4', '1', '2', '21t', '1/15', '73.7', '11', '74', '6.73', '19', '1', '6']
in row 10 of 17 total rows
['young, vince', '2007', 2, '11/25/07', 'Ten', '@ Cin', 'L, 35-6', '31', '19', '61.3', '246', '7.9', '0', '1', '73', '1/2', '72.8', '2', '6', '3.00', '5', '0', '0']
in row 11 of 17 total rows
['young, vince', '2007', 2, '12/02/07', 'Ten', 'Hou', 'W, 28-20', '31', '21', '67.7', '248', '8.0', '2', '1', '43t', '3/19', '99.9', '5', '44', '8.80', '14', '0', '3']
in row 12 of 17 total rows
['young, vince', '2007', 2, '12/09/07', 'Ten', 'SD', 'L, 23-17', '21', '13', '61.9', '121', '5.8', '0', '2', '17', '1/5', '38.1', '2', '2', '1.00', '1', '0', '0']
in row 13 of 17 total rows
['young, vince', '2007', 2, '12/16/07', 'Ten', '@ KC', 'W, 26-17', '26', '16', '61.5', '191', '7.3', '2', '0', '41t', '1/12', '109.6', '7', '32', '4.57', '14', '0', '1']
in row 14 of 17 total rows
['young, vince', '2007', 2, '12/23/07', 'Ten', 'NYJ', 'W, 10-6', '22', '12', '54.5', '166', '7.5', '0', '1', '29', '3/20', '60.0', '7', '1', '0.14', '2', '0', '0']
in row 15 of 17 total rows
['young, vince', '2007', 2, '12/30/07', 'Ten', '@ Ind', 'W, 16-10', '18', '14', '77.8', '157', '8.7', '0', '0', '21', '1/5', '103.0', '4', '19', '4.75', '9', '0', '1']
in row 16 of 17 total rows
['young, vince', '2007', 2, '01/06/08', 'Ten', '@ SD', 'L, 17-6', '29', '16', '55.2', '138', '4.8', '0', '1', '26', '3/9', '53.5', '2', '12', '6.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 1 of 4 total rows
['young, vince', '2008', 3, '09/07/08', 'Ten', 'Jax', 'W, 17-10', '22', '12', '54.5', '110', '5.0', '1', '2', '27', '1/3', '45.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 4 total rows
['young, vince', '2008', 3, '11/27/08', 'Ten', '@ Det', 'W, 47-10', '1', '1', '100.0', '54', '54.0', '0', '0', '54', '0/0', '118.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 4 total rows
['young, vince', '2008', 3, '12/28/08', 'Ten', '@ Ind', 'L, 23-0', '13', '9', '69.2', '55', '4.2', '0', '0', '13', '2/10', '77.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 13 total rows
['young, vince', '2009', 4, '10/11/09', 'Ten', 'Ind', 'L, 31-9', '3', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '0/0', '39.6', '1', '6', '6.00', '6', '0', '1']
in row 2 of 13 total rows
['young, vince', '2009', 4, '10/18/09', 'Ten', '@ NE', 'L, 59-0', '2', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '1', '0', '0/0', '0.0', '2', '-1', '-0.50', '0', '0', '0']
in row 3 of 13 total rows
['young, vince', '2009', 4, '11/01/09', 'Ten', 'Jax', 'W, 30-13', '18', '15', '83.3', '125', '6.9', '1', '0', '18', '0/0', '114.1', '12', '30', '2.50', '8', '0', '2']
in row 4 of 13 total rows
['young, vince', '2009', 4, '11/08/09', 'Ten', '@ SF', 'W, 34-27', '19', '12', '63.2', '172', '9.1', '0', '0', '49', '1/9', '92.4', '5', '14', '2.80', '7t', '1', '1']
in row 5 of 13 total rows
['young, vince', '2009', 4, '11/15/09', 'Ten', 'Buf', 'W, 41-17', '25', '17', '68.0', '210', '8.4', '1', '1', '38', '0/0', '90.4', '5', '29', '5.80', '14', '0', '3']
in row 6 of 13 total rows
['young, vince', '2009', 4, '11/23/09', 'Ten', '@ Hou', 'W, 20-17', '22', '12', '54.5', '116', '5.3', '1', '0', '27', '0/0', '84.7', '11', '73', '6.64', '12', '0', '6']
in row 7 of 13 total rows
['young, vince', '2009', 4, '11/29/09', 'Ten', 'Ari', 'W, 20-17', '43', '27', '62.8', '387', '9.0', '1', '0', '51', '4/18', '99.7', '4', '8', '2.00', '6', '0', '0']
in row 8 of 13 total rows
['young, vince', '2009', 4, '12/06/09', 'Ten', '@ Ind', 'L, 27-17', '43', '24', '55.8', '241', '5.6', '2', '1', '25', '1/8', '77.8', '4', '16', '4.00', '9', '0', '1']
in row 9 of 13 total rows
['young, vince', '2009', 4, '12/13/09', 'Ten', 'Stl', 'W, 47-7', '8', '6', '75.0', '132', '16.5', '1', '0', '66t', '0/0', '156.3', '1', '44', '44.00', '44', '0', '1']
in row 10 of 13 total rows
['young, vince', '2009', 4, '12/20/09', 'Ten', 'Mia', 'W, 27-24', '27', '14', '51.9', '236', '8.7', '3', '1', '41', '2/0', '103.3', '2', '24', '12.00', '17', '0', '2']
in row 11 of 13 total rows
['young, vince', '2009', 4, '12/25/09', 'Ten', 'SD', 'L, 42-17', '21', '8', '38.1', '89', '4.2', '0', '2', '15', '1/1', '11.9', '6', '40', '6.67', '14', '1', '3']
in row 12 of 13 total rows
['young, vince', '2009', 4, '01/03/10', 'Ten', '@ Sea', 'W, 17-13', '28', '17', '60.7', '171', '6.1', '0', '1', '29', '0/0', '63.2', '2', '-2', '-1.00', '-1', '0', '0']
in row 1 of 10 total rows
['young, vince', '2010', 5, '09/12/10', 'Ten', 'Oak', 'W, 38-13', '17', '13', '76.5', '154', '9.1', '2', '0', '56t', '2/14', '142.8', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 10 total rows
['young, vince', '2010', 5, '09/19/10', 'Ten', 'Pit', 'L, 19-11', '10', '7', '70.0', '66', '6.6', '0', '2', '17', '2/18', '48.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 10 total rows
['young, vince', '2010', 5, '09/26/10', 'Ten', '@ NYG', 'W, 29-10', '16', '10', '62.5', '118', '7.4', '1', '0', '17', '1/8', '105.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 10 total rows
['young, vince', '2010', 5, '10/03/10', 'Ten', 'Den', 'L, 26-20', '28', '17', '60.7', '173', '6.2', '1', '0', '25', '2/6', '90.3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 10 total rows
['young, vince', '2010', 5, '10/10/10', 'Ten', '@ Dal', 'W, 34-27', '25', '12', '48.0', '173', '6.9', '2', '0', '52', '3/10', '97.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 6 of 10 total rows
['young, vince', '2010', 5, '10/18/10', 'Ten', '@ Jax', 'W, 30-3', '5', '3', '60.0', '61', '12.2', '1', '0', '28', '0/0', '142.5', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 7 of 10 total rows
['young, vince', '2010', 5, '10/31/10', 'Ten', '@ SD', 'L, 33-25', '21', '10', '47.6', '253', '12.0', '2', '0', '71t', '0/0', '123.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 8 of 10 total rows
['young, vince', '2010', 5, '11/14/10', 'Ten', '@ Mia', 'L, 29-17', '18', '9', '50.0', '92', '5.1', '1', '1', '26', '2/19', '60.4', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 9 of 10 total rows
['young, vince', '2010', 5, '11/21/10', 'Ten', 'Was', 'L, 19-16', '16', '12', '75.0', '165', '10.3', '0', '0', '37', '1/5', '107.6', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 1 of 6 total rows
['young, vince', '2011', 6, '10/16/11', 'Phi', '@ Was', 'W, 20-13', '1', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '1', '0', '0/0', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 2 of 6 total rows
['young, vince', '2011', 6, '11/20/11', 'Phi', '@ NYG', 'W, 17-10', '36', '23', '63.9', '258', '7.2', '2', '3', '32', '1/3', '69.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 3 of 6 total rows
['young, vince', '2011', 6, '11/27/11', 'Phi', 'NE', 'L, 38-20', '48', '26', '54.2', '400', '8.3', '1', '1', '58', '2/7', '80.2', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 4 of 6 total rows
['young, vince', '2011', 6, '12/01/11', 'Phi', '@ Sea', 'L, 31-14', '29', '17', '58.6', '208', '7.2', '1', '4', '47', '2/10', '52.7', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
in row 5 of 6 total rows
['young, vince', '2011', 6, '12/18/11', 'Phi', 'NYJ', 'W, 45-19', '0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0.0', '0', '0', '0', '3/14', '0.0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Finished with processing data