In [1]:
# Makes print and division act like Python 3
from __future__ import print_function, division
# Import the usual libraries
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
# Enable inline plotting
%matplotlib inline
from IPython.display import display, Latex, clear_output
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
In [2]:
import pynrc
from pynrc import nrc_utils
from pynrc.nrc_utils import S
from pynrc.obs_nircam import model_to_hdulist, obs_hci
from pynrc.obs_nircam import plot_contrasts, plot_contrasts_mjup, planet_mags, plot_planet_patches
pynrc.setup_logging('WARNING', verbose=False)
In [3]:
def make_key(filter, pupil=None, mask=None):
"""Create identification key (string) based on filter, pupil, and mask"""
mask_key = 'none' if mask is None else mask
pupil_key = 'none' if pupil is None else pupil
key = '{}_{}_{}'.format(filter,mask_key,pupil_key)
return key
In [4]:
def model_info(source, filt, dist):
base_dir = '/Volumes/NIRData/Andras_models_v2/'
model_dir = base_dir + source + '/'
# Match filters with model
filt_switch = {'F182M':'F210M', 'F210M':'F210M', 'F250M':'F250M',
'F300M':'F300M', 'F335M':'F335M', 'F444W':'F444W'}
filt_model = filt_switch.get(filt, filt)
fname = source + '_' + filt_model +'sc.fits'
bp = nrc_utils.read_filter(filt_model)
w0 = bp.avgwave() / 1e4
# Model pixels are 4x oversampled
detscale = (nrc_utils.channel_select(bp))[0]
model_scale = detscale / 4.
# File name, arcsec/pix, dist (pc), wavelength (um), flux units
args_model = (model_dir+fname, model_scale, dist, w0, 'Jy/pixel')
return args_model
In [5]:
def obs_wfe(wfe_drift, filt_list, sp_sci, dist, sp_ref=None, args_disk='auto',
wind_mode='WINDOW', subsize=None, fov_pix=None, verbose=False, narrow=False):
For a given WFE drift and series of filters, create a list of
NIRCam observations.
if sp_ref is None: sp_ref = sp_sci
obs_dict = {}
for filt, mask, pupil in filt_list:
# Create identification key
key = make_key(filt, mask=mask, pupil=pupil)
# Disk Model
if args_disk is None:
hdu_disk = None
elif 'auto' in args_disk:
# Convert to photons/sec in specified filter
args_disk = model_info(, filt, dist)
hdu_disk = model_to_hdulist(args_disk, sp_sci, filt, pupil=pupil, mask=mask)
hdu_disk = model_to_hdulist(args_disk, sp_sci, filt, pupil=pupil, mask=mask)
fov_pix_orig = fov_pix
# Define the subarray readout size
if 'FULL' in wind_mode: # Full frame
subuse = 2048
# Define PSF pixel size
if mask is None:
fov_pix = 400 if fov_pix is None else fov_pix
elif ('210R' in mask) or ('SWB' in mask):
fov_pix = 640 if fov_pix is None else fov_pix
fov_pix = 320 if fov_pix is None else fov_pix
elif subsize is None: # Window Mode defaults
if mask is None: # Direct Imaging
subuse = 400
elif ('210R' in mask) or ('SWB' in mask): # SW Coronagraphy
subuse = 640
else: # LW Coronagraphy
subuse = 320
else: # No effect if full frame
subuse = subsize
# Define PSF pixel size
fov_pix = subuse if fov_pix is None else fov_pix
# Make sure fov_pix is odd for direct imaging
if (mask is None) and (np.mod(fov_pix,2)==0):
fov_pix += 1
# Other coronagraph vs direct imaging settings
module, oversample = ('B', 4) if mask is None else ('A', 2)
if narrow and ('SWB' in mask):
elif narrow and ('LWB' in mask):
# Initialize and store the observation
# A reference observation is stored inside each parent obs_hci class.
obs_dict[key] = pynrc.obs_hci(sp_sci, sp_ref, dist, filter=filt, mask=mask, pupil=pupil,
wfe_ref_drift=wfe_drift, fov_pix=fov_pix, oversample=oversample,
wind_mode=wind_mode, xpix=subuse, ypix=subuse,
disk_hdu=hdu_disk, verbose=verbose, bar_offset=bar_offset)
fov_pix = fov_pix_orig
return obs_dict
In [6]:
def obs_optimize(obs_dict, sp_opt=None, well_levels=None, tacq_max=1800, **kwargs):
Perform ramp optimization on each science and reference observation
in a list of filter observations. Updates the detector MULTIACCUM
settings for each observation in the dictionary.
snr_goal = 5
snr_frac = 0.02
tacq_max = 1400
tacq_frac = 0.01
nint_min = 15
ng_max = 10
# A very faint bg object on which to maximize S/N
# If sp_opt is not set, then default to a 20th magnitude flat source
if sp_opt is None:
bp_k = S.ObsBandpass('k')
sp_opt = pynrc.stellar_spectrum('flat', 20, 'vegamag', bp_k)
# Some observations may saturate, so define a list of maximum well level
# values that we will incrementally check until a ramp setting is found
# that meets the contraints.
if well_levels is None:
well_levels = [0.8, 1.5, 3.0, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0, 100.0, 150.0, 300.0, 500.0]
filt_keys = list(obs_dict.keys())
print(['Pattern', 'NGRP', 'NINT', 't_int', 't_exp', 't_acq', 'SNR', 'Well', 'eff'])
for j, key in enumerate(filt_keys):
obs = obs_dict[key]
sp_sci, sp_ref = (obs.sp_sci, obs.sp_ref)
# SW filter piggy-back on two LW filters, so 2 x tacq
is_SW = obs.bandpass.avgwave()/1e4 < 2.5
sci = obs
ref = sci.nrc_ref
# Ramp optimization for both science and reference targets
for obs2, sp in zip([sci, ref], [sp_sci, sp_ref]):
i = nrow = 0
while nrow==0:
well_max = well_levels[i]
tbl = obs2.ramp_optimize(sp_opt, sp, well_frac_max=well_max, tacq_max=tacq_max, **kwargs)
nrow = len(tbl)
# Grab the highest ranked MULTIACCUM settings and update the detector readout
v1, v2, v3 = tbl['Pattern', 'NGRP', 'NINT'][0]
vals = tbl[0].as_void()
strout = ', '.join(map(str, vals))
# SW filter piggy-back on two LW filters, so 2 x tacq
is_SW = obs.bandpass.avgwave()/1e4 < 2.5
if is_SW: v3 *= 2
# Coronagraphic observations have two roll positions, so cut NINT by 2
if obs.mask is not None: v3 = int(v3/2)
obs2.update_detectors(read_mode=v1, ngroup=v2, nint=v3)
In [7]:
# Optimize observations
def do_opt(tacq_max, **kwargs):
sp_opt = pynrc.stellar_spectrum('flat', 20, 'vegamag', bp_k)
obs_optimize(obs_dict, sp_opt=sp_opt, tacq_max=tacq_max, **kwargs)
In [8]:
# For each filter setting, generate a series of contrast curves at different WFE values
def do_contrast(obs_dict, wfe_list, filt_keys, nsig=5, roll_angle=10, **kwargs):
kwargs to pass to calc_contrast() and their defaults:
no_ref = False
func_std = robust.medabsdev
exclude_disk = True
exclude_planets = True
exclude_noise = False
opt_diff = True
fix_sat = False
ref_scale_all = False
contrast_all = {}
for i, key in enumerate(filt_keys):
obs = obs_dict[key]
wfe_roll_temp = obs.wfe_roll_drift
wfe_ref_temp = obs.wfe_ref_drift
# Stores tuple of (Radial Distances, Contrast, and Sensitivity) for each WFE drift
curves = []
for wfe_drift in wfe_list:
if ('no_ref' in list(kwargs.keys())) and (kwargs['no_ref']==True):
obs.wfe_roll_drift = wfe_drift
obs.wfe_ref_drift = wfe_drift
result = obs.calc_contrast(roll_angle=roll_angle, nsig=nsig, **kwargs)
obs.wfe_roll_drift = wfe_roll_temp
obs.wfe_ref_drift = wfe_ref_temp
contrast_all[key] = curves
return contrast_all
In [9]:
def do_gen_hdus(obs_dict, wfe_ref_drift, verbose=False, **kwargs):
kwargs to pass to gen_roll_image() and their defaults:
PA1 = 0
PA2 = 10
zfact = None
oversample = None
exclude_disk = False
exclude_noise = False
opt_diff = True
use_cmask = False
hdulist_dict = {}
for key in filt_keys:
if verbose: print(key)
obs = obs_dict[key]
obs.wfe_ref_drift = wfe_ref_drift
hdulist = obs.gen_roll_image(**kwargs)
hdulist_dict[key] = hdulist
return hdulist_dict
In [10]:
from pynrc.nrc_utils import coron_ap_locs
def do_sat_levels(obs, satval=0.95, ng_min=2, ng_max=None, plot=True, xylim=2.5, verbose=True):
ng_max = obs.det_info['ngroup'] if ng_max is None else ng_max
# Well level of each pixel for science source
image = obs.gen_slope_image(exclude_noise=True, use_cmask=True, quick_PSF=True)
sci_levels1 = obs.saturation_levels(ngroup=ng_min, image=image)
sci_levels2 = obs.saturation_levels(ngroup=ng_max, image=image)
# Well level of each pixel for reference source
image = obs.gen_slope_image(exclude_noise=True, use_cmask=True, quick_PSF=True, do_ref=True)
ref_levels1 = obs.saturation_levels(ngroup=ng_min, image=image, do_ref=True)
ref_levels2 = obs.saturation_levels(ngroup=ng_max, image=image, do_ref=True)
# Which pixels are saturated?
sci_mask1 = sci_levels1 > satval
sci_mask2 = sci_levels2 > satval
# Which pixels are saturated?
ref_mask1 = ref_levels1 > satval
ref_mask2 = ref_levels2 > satval
# How many saturated pixels?
nsat1_sci = len(sci_levels1[sci_mask1])
nsat2_sci = len(sci_levels2[sci_mask2])
# How many saturated pixels?
nsat1_ref = len(ref_levels1[ref_mask1])
nsat2_ref = len(ref_levels2[ref_mask2])
if verbose:
print('{} saturated pixel at NGROUP=2'.format(nsat1_sci))
print('{} saturated pixel at NGROUP={}'.format(nsat2_sci,ng_max))
print('{} saturated pixel at NGROUP=2'.format(nsat1_ref))
print('{} saturated pixel at NGROUP={}'.format(nsat2_ref,ng_max))
if nsat2_sci==nsat2_ref==0:
if verbose:
print('No saturation detected.')
if plot:
fig, axes_all = plt.subplots(2,2, figsize=(8,8))
xlim = ylim = np.array([-1,1])*xylim
# Plot science source
nsat1, nsat2 = (nsat1_sci, nsat2_sci)
sat_mask1, sat_mask2 = (sci_mask1, sci_mask2)
sp = obs.sp_sci
nrc = obs
xpix, ypix = (nrc.det_info['xpix'], nrc.det_info['ypix'])
bar_offpix = nrc.bar_offset / nrc.pixelscale
if ('FULL' in nrc.det_info['wind_mode']) and (nrc.mask is not None):
cdict = coron_ap_locs(nrc.module,, nrc.mask, full=True)
xcen, ycen = cdict['cen_V23']
xcen += bar_offpix
xcen, ycen = (xpix/2 + bar_offpix, ypix/2)
delx, dely = (xcen - xpix/2, ycen - ypix/2)
extent_pix = np.array([-xpix/2-delx,xpix/2-delx,-ypix/2-dely,ypix/2-dely])
extent = extent_pix * nrc.pix_scale
axes = axes_all[0]
axes[0].imshow(sat_mask1, extent=extent)
axes[1].imshow(sat_mask2, extent=extent)
axes[0].set_title('{} Saturation (NGROUP=2)'.format(
axes[1].set_title('{} Saturation (NGROUP={})'.format(,ng_max))
for ax in axes:
ax.tick_params(axis='both', color='white', which='both')
for k in ax.spines.keys():
# Plot ref source sat mask
nsat1, nsat2 = (nsat1_ref, nsat2_ref)
sat_mask1, sat_mask2 = (ref_mask1, ref_mask2)
sp = obs.sp_ref
nrc = obs.nrc_ref
axes = axes_all[1]
axes[0].imshow(sat_mask1, extent=extent)
axes[1].imshow(sat_mask2, extent=extent)
axes[0].set_title('{} Saturation (NGROUP=2)'.format(
axes[1].set_title('{} Saturation (NGROUP={})'.format(,ng_max))
for ax in axes:
ax.tick_params(axis='both', color='white', which='both')
for k in ax.spines.keys():
#masks = [[sci_mask1,sci_mask2], [ref_mask1,ref_mask2]]
# Return saturation radius
if nsat1_sci == nsat1_ref == 0:
sat_rad = 0
sat_mask = sci_mask1 if nsat1_sci > nsat1_ref else ref_mask1
rho = nrc_utils.dist_image(sat_mask, center=(xcen,ycen))
sat_rad = rho[sat_mask].max() * obs.pixelscale
return sat_rad
In [11]:
from copy import deepcopy
from pynrc.nrc_utils import dist_image, pad_or_cut_to_size
def plot_images(obs_dict, hdu_dict, filt_keys, wfe_drift, fov=10, save_fig=False):
nfilt = len(filt_keys)
ext_name = ['Model', 'Sim Image (linear scale)', 'Sim Image ($r^2$ scale)']
nim = len(ext_name)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nfilt, nim, figsize=(8.5,6.5))
#axes = axes.transpose()
for j, k in enumerate(filt_keys):
obs = obs_dict[k]
hdu_mod = obs.disk_hdulist
hdu_sim = hdu_dict[k]
data = hdu_sim[0].data
data -= np.nanmedian(data)
# Make r^2 scaled version of data
hdu_sim_r2 = deepcopy(hdu_sim)
data = hdu_sim_r2[0].data
data -= np.nanmedian(data)
header = hdu_sim_r2[0].header
rho = dist_image(data, pixscale=header['PIXELSCL'])
data *= rho**2
# Max value for model
data_mod = hdu_mod[0].data
header_mod = hdu_mod[0].header
rho_mod = dist_image(data_mod, pixscale=header_mod['PIXELSCL'])
data_mod_r2 = data_mod*rho_mod**2
vmax = np.max(data_mod)
vmax2 = np.max(data_mod_r2)
# Scale value for data
im_temp = pad_or_cut_to_size(data_mod, hdu_sim[0].data.shape)
mask_good = im_temp>(0.1*vmax)
scl1 = np.nanmedian(hdu_sim[0].data[mask_good] / im_temp[mask_good])
scl1 = np.abs(scl1)
# Scale value for r^2 version
im_temp = pad_or_cut_to_size(data_mod_r2, hdu_sim_r2[0].data.shape)
mask_good = im_temp>(0.1*vmax2)
scl2 = np.nanmedian(hdu_sim_r2[0].data[mask_good] / im_temp[mask_good])
scl2 = np.abs(scl2)
vmax_vals = [vmax,vmax*scl1,vmax2*scl2]
hdus = [hdu_mod, hdu_sim, hdu_sim_r2]
for i, ax in enumerate(axes[j]):
hdulist = hdus[i]
data = hdulist[0].data
header = hdulist[0].header
pixscale = header['PIXELSCL']
rho = dist_image(data, pixscale=pixscale)
rad = data.shape[0] * pixscale / 2
extent = [-rad, rad, -rad, rad]
ax.imshow(data, vmin=0, vmax=0.9*vmax_vals[i], extent=extent)
if i > 0: ax.set_yticklabels([])
if j < nfilt-1: ax.set_xticklabels([])
if j==nfilt-1: ax.set_xlabel('Arcsec')
if j==0: ax.set_title(ext_name[i])
if i==0:
texp = obs.multiaccum_times['t_exp']
texp = round(2*texp/100)*100
exp_text = "{:.0f} sec".format(texp)
ax.set_title('{} ({})'.format(obs.filter, exp_text))
xlim = [-fov/2,fov/2]
ylim = [-fov/2,fov/2]
ax.xaxis.get_major_locator().set_params(nbins=10, steps=[1, 2, 5, 10])
ax.yaxis.get_major_locator().set_params(nbins=10, steps=[1, 2, 5, 10])
ax.tick_params(axis='both', color='white', which='both')
for k in ax.spines.keys():
texp = obs_dict[filt_keys[-1]].multiaccum_times['t_exp']
texp = round(2*texp/100)*100
wfe_text = "WFE Drift = {} nm".format(wfe_drift)
fig.suptitle('{} ({})'.format(name_sci, wfe_text), fontsize=16);
fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05, top=0.9, bottom=0.1)
#fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.1, hspace=0.1, top=0.9, bottom=0.07 , left=0.05, right=0.97)
fname = "{}_images_{}.pdf".format(name_sci.replace(" ", ""), obs.mask)
if save_fig:
In [12]:
from copy import deepcopy
from pynrc.nrc_utils import dist_image, pad_or_cut_to_size
def plot_images_swlw(obs_dict, hdu_dict, filt_keys, wfe_drift, fov=10, save_fig=False):
nfilt = len(filt_keys)
ext_name = ['Model', 'Sim Image (linear scale)', 'Sim Image ($r^2$ scale)']
nim = len(ext_name)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nim, nfilt, figsize=(14,7.5))
axes = axes.transpose()
for j, k in enumerate(filt_keys):
obs = obs_dict[k]
hdu_mod = obs.disk_hdulist
hdu_sim = hdu_dict[k]
data = hdu_sim[0].data
data -= np.nanmedian(data)
# Make r^2 scaled version of data
hdu_sim_r2 = deepcopy(hdu_sim)
data = hdu_sim_r2[0].data
data -= np.nanmedian(data)
header = hdu_sim_r2[0].header
rho = dist_image(data, pixscale=header['PIXELSCL'])
data *= rho**2
# Max value for model
data_mod = hdu_mod[0].data
header_mod = hdu_mod[0].header
rho_mod = dist_image(data_mod, pixscale=header_mod['PIXELSCL'])
data_mod_r2 = data_mod*rho_mod**2
vmax = np.max(data_mod)
vmax2 = np.max(data_mod_r2)
# Scale value for data
im_temp = pad_or_cut_to_size(data_mod, hdu_sim[0].data.shape)
mask_good = im_temp>(0.1*vmax)
scl1 = np.nanmedian(hdu_sim[0].data[mask_good] / im_temp[mask_good])
scl1 = np.abs(scl1)
# Scale value for r^2 version
im_temp = pad_or_cut_to_size(data_mod_r2, hdu_sim_r2[0].data.shape)
mask_good = im_temp>(0.1*vmax2)
scl2 = np.nanmedian(hdu_sim_r2[0].data[mask_good] / im_temp[mask_good])
scl2 = np.abs(scl2)
vmax_vals = [vmax,vmax*scl1,vmax2*scl2]
hdus = [hdu_mod, hdu_sim, hdu_sim_r2]
for i, ax in enumerate(axes[j]):
hdulist = hdus[i]
data = hdulist[0].data
header = hdulist[0].header
pixscale = header['PIXELSCL']
rho = dist_image(data, pixscale=pixscale)
rad = data.shape[0] * pixscale / 2
extent = [-rad, rad, -rad, rad]
ax.imshow(data, vmin=0, vmax=0.9*vmax_vals[i], extent=extent)
if j > 0: ax.set_yticklabels([])
if i < nim-1: ax.set_xticklabels([])
if i==nim-1: ax.set_xlabel('Arcsec')
if j==0: ax.set_ylabel(ext_name[i])
if i==0:
texp = obs.multiaccum_times['t_exp']
texp = round(2*texp/100)*100
exp_text = "{:.0f} sec".format(texp)
ax.set_title('{} ({})'.format(obs.filter, exp_text))
xlim = [-fov/2,fov/2]
ylim = [-fov/2,fov/2]
ax.xaxis.get_major_locator().set_params(nbins=9, steps=[1, 2, 5, 10])
ax.yaxis.get_major_locator().set_params(nbins=9, steps=[1, 2, 5, 10])
if fov<=2*rad:
ax.tick_params(axis='both', color='white', which='both')
for k in ax.spines.keys():
wfe_text = "WFE Drift = {} nm".format(wfe_drift)
fig.suptitle('{} ({})'.format(name_sci, wfe_text), fontsize=16);
fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.1, hspace=0.1, top=0.9, bottom=0.07 , left=0.05, right=0.97)
fname = "{}_images_{}.pdf".format(name_sci.replace(" ", ""), obs.mask)
if save_fig:
In [13]:
from pynrc.nrc_utils import jupiter_spec
def do_plot_contrasts(curves_roll, curves_ref, obs, age2=None, save_fig=False,
jup_mag=True, xr=[0,10], xr2=[0,10]):
lin_vals = np.linspace(0.2,0.8,len(wfe_list))
c2 =
c3 =
c4 =
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(14,4.5))
ax = axes[0]
plot_contrasts(curves_roll, nsig, wfe_list, obs=obs, ax=ax)
plot_contrasts(curves_ref, nsig, wfe_list, ax=ax, colors=c2, xr=xr)
#plot_planet_patches(ax, obs, age=age, av_vals=None, cond=True)
# Legend organization
nwfe = len(wfe_list)
handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
h1 = handles[0:nwfe]
h2 = handles[nwfe:]
h1_t = [mpatches.Patch(color='none', label='Ref Sub')]
h2_t = [mpatches.Patch(color='none', label='Roll Sub')]
handles_new = h1_t + h1 + h2_t + h2
ax.legend(ncol=2, handles=handles_new, loc='upper right')
# Magnitude of Jupiter at object's distance
jspec = jupiter_spec(dist=obs.distance)
jobs = S.Observation(jspec, obs.bandpass, binset=obs.bandpass.wave)
jmag = jobs.effstim('vegamag')
if jmag<np.max(ax.get_ylim()):
ax.plot(xr, [jmag,jmag], color='C2', ls='--')
txt = 'Jupiter at {:.1f} pc'.format(obs.distance)
ax.text(xr[0]+0.02*(xr[1]-xr[0]), jmag, txt, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='bottom')
# Plot in terms of Jupiter Masses
ax = axes[1]
age1 = age
plot_contrasts_mjup(curves_roll, nsig, wfe_list, obs=obs, age=age1, ax=ax, twin_ax=True, yr=None)
plot_contrasts_mjup(curves_ref, nsig, wfe_list, obs=obs, age=age1, ax=ax, colors=c2, xr=xr2, yr=None)
if age2 is not None:
plot_contrasts_mjup(curves_roll, nsig, wfe_list, obs=obs, age=age2, ax=ax, colors=c3, yr=None)
plot_contrasts_mjup(curves_ref, nsig, wfe_list, obs=obs, age=age2, ax=ax, colors=c4, xr=xr2, yr=None)
# Legend organization
handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
handles_new = [handles[i*nwfe] for i in range(4)]
labels_new = ['Ref Sub ({:.0f} Myr)'.format(age1),
'Roll Sub ({:.0f} Myr)'.format(age1),
'Ref Sub ({:.0f} Myr)'.format(age2),
'Roll Sub ({:.0f} Myr)'.format(age2),
handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
handles_new = [handles[i*nwfe] for i in range(2)]
labels_new = ['Ref Sub ({:.0f} Myr)'.format(age1),
'Roll Sub ({:.0f} Myr)'.format(age1),
ax.legend(handles=handles_new, labels=labels_new, loc='upper right', title='COND Models')
# Some fancy log+linear plotting
from matplotlib.ticker import FixedLocator, ScalarFormatter
yr = ax.get_ylim()
ax.set_yscale('symlog', linthreshy=10, linscaley=2)
ax.set_yticks(list(range(0,10)) + [10,100,1000])
minor_log = list(np.arange(20,100,10)) + list(np.arange(200,1000,100))
minorLocator = FixedLocator(minor_log)
# Saturation regions
if sat_rad > 0:
sat_rad_asec = sat_rad
for ax in axes:
ylim = ax.get_ylim()
rect = mpatches.Rectangle((0, ylim[0]), sat_rad, ylim[1]-ylim[0], alpha=0.2, color='k', zorder=2)
title_str = '{} (dist = {:.1f} pc; PSF Ref: {}) -- {} Contrast Curves'\
.format(name_sci, obs.distance, name_ref, obs.filter)
fig.suptitle(title_str, fontsize=16)
fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.85, bottom=0.1 , left=0.05, right=0.97)
fname = "{}_contrast_{}.pdf".format(name_sci.replace(" ", ""), obs.mask)
if save_fig:
In [14]:
# Various Bandpasses
bp_v = S.ObsBandpass('v')
bp_k = pynrc.bp_2mass('k')
bp_w1 = pynrc.bp_wise('w1')
bp_w2 = pynrc.bp_wise('w2')
In [15]:
# source, dist, age, sptype, Teff, [Fe/H], log_g, mag, band, fov
args_sources = [('HD10647', 17.34, 1400, 'F9V', 5954, +0.00, 4.7, 4.34, bp_k, 13),
('HD107146', 27.47, 200, 'G2V', 5850, +0.00, 4.5, 5.54, bp_k, 13),
('HD181327', 48.21, 12, 'F6V', 6449, +0.29, 4.4, 5.91, bp_k, 7),
('HD61005', 36.49, 100, 'G8V', 5500, +0.00, 4.5, 6.45, bp_k, 7),
('HD32297', 132.79, 30, 'A7V', 7800, -0.76, 3.8, 7.59, bp_k, 5),
ref_sources = [('iotHor', 'F8V', 6080, +0.15, 4.5, 4.14, bp_k),
('HD111398', 'G5V', 5689, +0.07, 4.5, 5.53, bp_k),
('HR7297', 'F7V', 6500, -0.10, 4.2, 5.10, bp_k),
('HD56161', 'G5IV', 5337, +0.00, 4.3, 4.91, bp_k),
('HD31411', 'A0V', 9500, +0.00, 4.0, 6.42, bp_k)]
In [16]:
# Directory housing VOTables
votdir = 'votables/'
# Directory to save plots and figures
outdir = 'DebrisDisks/'
In [17]:
# List of filters
args_filter = [('F182M', 'MASK210R', 'CIRCLYOT'),
('F210M', 'MASK210R', 'CIRCLYOT'),
('F250M', 'MASK210R', 'CIRCLYOT'),
('F300M', 'MASK210R', 'CIRCLYOT'),
('F335M', 'MASK210R', 'CIRCLYOT'),
('F444W', 'MASK210R', 'CIRCLYOT')]
subsize = 640
#args_filter = [('F335M', 'MASK335R', 'CIRCLYOT'),
# ('F444W', 'MASK335R', 'CIRCLYOT')]
filt_keys = []
for filt,mask,pupil in args_filter:
filt_keys.append(make_key(filt, mask=mask, pupil=pupil))
In [80]:
# Fit spectrum to SED photometry
from pynrc.nrc_utils import source_spectrum
name_sci, dist_sci, age, spt_sci, Teff_sci, feh_sci, logg_sci, mag_sci, bp_sci, fov = args_sources[i]
vot = votdir + name_sci.replace(' ' ,'') + '.vot'
args = (name_sci, spt_sci, mag_sci, bp_sci, vot)
kwargs = {'Teff':Teff_sci, 'metallicity':feh_sci, 'log_g':logg_sci}
src = source_spectrum(*args, **kwargs)
src.fit_SED(use_err=False, robust=True, wlim=[1,4])
# Final source spectrum
sp_sci = src.sp_model
In [81]:
# Do the same for the reference source
name_ref, spt_ref, Teff_ref, feh_ref, logg_ref, mag_ref, bp_ref = ref_sources[i]
vot = votdir + name_ref.replace(' ' ,'') + '.vot'
args = (name_ref, spt_ref, mag_ref, bp_ref, vot)
kwargs = {'Teff':Teff_ref, 'metallicity':feh_ref, 'log_g':logg_ref}
ref = nrc_utils.source_spectrum(*args, **kwargs)
ref.fit_SED(use_err=True, robust=True)
# Final reference spectrum
sp_ref = ref.sp_model
In [82]:
# Plot spectra
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(14,4.5))
src.plot_SED(ax=axes[0], xr=[0.5,30])
ref.plot_SED(ax=axes[1], xr=[0.5,30])
axes[0].set_title('Science Specta -- {} ({})'.format(, spt_sci))
axes[1].set_title('Refrence Specta -- {} ({})'.format(, spt_ref))
#for ax in axes:
# ax.set_xscale('linear')
# ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator())
fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.85, bottom=0.1 , left=0.05, right=0.97)
fig.savefig(outdir+'{}_SEDs.pdf'.format(name_sci.replace(' ','')))
In [83]:
# Plot the two spectra
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(8,5))
xr = [2.5,5.5]
for sp in [sp_sci, sp_ref]:
w = sp.wave / 1e4
ind = (w>=xr[0]) & (w<=xr[1])
ind2 = (w>=3.9) & (w<=4.1)
f = sp.flux / np.mean(sp.flux[ind2])
ax.plot(w[ind], f[ind], lw=1,
ax.set_ylabel('Flux (Jy) normalized at 4 $\mu m$')
ax.set_xlabel(r'Wavelength ($\mu m$)')
ax.set_title('{} Spectra'.format(
# Overplot Filter Bandpass
bp = pynrc.read_filter(*args_filter[-1])
ax2 = ax.twinx()
ax2.plot(bp.wave/1e4, bp.throughput, color='C2',' Bandpass')
ax2.set_ylabel('Bandpass Throughput')
ax.legend(loc='upper left')
ax2.legend(loc='upper right')
fig.savefig(outdir+'{}_2SEDs.pdf'.format(name_sci.replace(' ','')))
In [84]:
# Create a dictionary that holds the obs_coronagraphy class for each filter
wfe_drift = 0
obs_dict = obs_wfe(wfe_drift, args_filter, sp_sci, dist_sci, sp_ref=sp_ref,
wind_mode='WINDOW', subsize=subsize, verbose=False)
In [85]:
# Optimize readout parameters
tacq = 4200
# patterns=['BRIGHT2']
# do_opt(tacq, patterns=patterns, ng_min=5, ng_max=10, tacq_frac=0.1, well_levels=[2], even_nints=True)
In [92]:
for key in filt_keys:
obs = obs_dict[key]
ng, nint_sci, nint_ref = (8,28,32)
if obs.bandpass.avgwave()/1e4 < 2.5:
nint_sci *= 2
nint_ref *= 2
obs.update_detectors(read_mode=read_mode, ngroup=ng, nint=nint_sci)
obs.nrc_ref.update_detectors(read_mode=read_mode, ngroup=ng, nint=nint_ref)
_ = obs.sensitivity(nsig=5, units='vegamag', verbose=True)
In [25]:
# Saturation Levels
# Only want F444W
#obs = obs_dict[filt_keys[-1]]
#sat_rad = do_sat_levels(obs, plot=True)
# Max Saturation Values
dmax = []
for k in filt_keys:
obs = obs_dict[k]
imsci = obs.gen_slope_image(exclude_noise=True, quick_PSF=True)
imref = obs.gen_slope_image(exclude_noise=True, quick_PSF=True, do_ref=True)
ng1 = 2
ng2 = obs.multiaccum.ngroup
sci_sat1 = obs.saturation_levels(ngroup=ng1, image=imsci)
sci_sat2 = obs.saturation_levels(ngroup=ng2, image=imsci)
ref_sat1 = obs.saturation_levels(ngroup=ng1, image=imref, do_ref=True)
ref_sat2 = obs.saturation_levels(ngroup=ng2, image=imref, do_ref=True)
print('Max Well NG={}: {:.2f} {:.2f}; Max Well NG={}: {:.2f} {:.2f}'\
In [93]:
# Disk Images
wfe_drift = 5
hdu_dict = do_gen_hdus(obs_dict, wfe_drift, PA1=-5, PA2=-15, opt_diff=False, use_cmask=True)
In [94]:
save_fig = True
if len(obs_dict)==2:
plot_images(obs_dict, hdu_dict, filt_keys, wfe_drift, fov=fov, save_fig=save_fig)
plot_images_swlw(obs_dict, hdu_dict, filt_keys, wfe_drift, fov=fov, save_fig=save_fig)
In [95]:
# Determine contrast curves for various WFE drift values
wfe_list = [0,2,5,10]
nsig = 5
roll = 10
# (Roll1 - Ref) + (Roll2 - Ref)
curves_dict = do_contrast(obs_dict, wfe_list, filt_keys[-1:], nsig=nsig, roll_angle=roll, exclude_disk=False)
curves_F444W = curves_dict[filt_keys[-1]]
# Roll1 - Roll2
curves_dict = do_contrast(obs_dict, wfe_list, filt_keys[-1:], nsig=nsig, roll_angle=roll, exclude_disk=False,
curves_F444W2 = curves_dict[filt_keys[-1]]
In [96]:
sat_rad = 0
obs = obs_dict[filt_keys[-1]]
do_plot_contrasts(curves_F444W, curves_F444W2, obs, save_fig=True)
In [30]:
# Fit spectrum to SED photometry
from pynrc.nrc_utils import source_spectrum
name_sci, dist_sci, age, spt_sci, Teff_sci, feh_sci, logg_sci, mag_sci, bp_sci, fov = args_sources[i]
vot = votdir + name_sci.replace(' ' ,'') + '.vot'
args = (name_sci, spt_sci, mag_sci, bp_sci, vot)
kwargs = {'Teff':Teff_sci, 'metallicity':feh_sci, 'log_g':logg_sci}
src = source_spectrum(*args, **kwargs)
src.fit_SED(use_err=False, robust=True, wlim=[1,4])
# Final source spectrum
sp_sci = src.sp_model
In [31]:
# Do the same for the reference source
name_ref, spt_ref, Teff_ref, feh_ref, logg_ref, mag_ref, bp_ref = ref_sources[i]
vot = votdir + name_ref.replace(' ' ,'') + '.vot'
args = (name_ref, spt_ref, mag_ref, bp_ref, vot)
kwargs = {'Teff':Teff_ref, 'metallicity':feh_ref, 'log_g':logg_ref}
ref = nrc_utils.source_spectrum(*args, **kwargs)
ref.fit_SED(use_err=True, robust=True)
# Final reference spectrum
sp_ref = ref.sp_model
In [32]:
# Plot spectra
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(14,4.5))
src.plot_SED(ax=axes[0], xr=[0.5,30])
ref.plot_SED(ax=axes[1], xr=[0.5,30])
axes[0].set_title('Science Specta -- {} ({})'.format(, spt_sci))
axes[1].set_title('Refrence Specta -- {} ({})'.format(, spt_ref))
#for ax in axes:
# ax.set_xscale('linear')
# ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator())
fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.85, bottom=0.1 , left=0.05, right=0.97)
fig.savefig(outdir+'{}_SEDs.pdf'.format(name_sci.replace(' ','')))
In [33]:
# Plot the two spectra
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(8,5))
xr = [2.5,5.5]
for sp in [sp_sci, sp_ref]:
w = sp.wave / 1e4
ind = (w>=xr[0]) & (w<=xr[1])
ind2 = (w>=3.9) & (w<=4.1)
f = sp.flux / np.mean(sp.flux[ind2])
ax.plot(w[ind], f[ind], lw=1,
ax.set_ylabel('Flux (Jy) normalized at 4 $\mu m$')
ax.set_xlabel(r'Wavelength ($\mu m$)')
ax.set_title('{} Spectra'.format(
# Overplot Filter Bandpass
bp = pynrc.read_filter(*args_filter[-1])
ax2 = ax.twinx()
ax2.plot(bp.wave/1e4, bp.throughput, color='C2',' Bandpass')
ax2.set_ylabel('Bandpass Throughput')
ax.legend(loc='upper left')
ax2.legend(loc='upper right')
fig.savefig(outdir+'{}_2SEDs.pdf'.format(name_sci.replace(' ','')))
In [34]:
# Create a dictionary that holds the obs_coronagraphy class for each filter
wfe_drift = 0
obs_dict = obs_wfe(wfe_drift, args_filter, sp_sci, dist_sci, sp_ref=sp_ref,
wind_mode='WINDOW', subsize=subsize, verbose=False)
In [35]:
# Optimize readout parameters
tacq = 4200
#do_opt(tacq, patterns='MEDIUM8', ng_min=8, ng_max=8, tacq_frac=0.1, well_levels=[2], even_nints=True)
In [36]:
for key in filt_keys:
obs = obs_dict[key]
ng, nint_sci, nint_ref = (10,18,20)
if obs.bandpass.avgwave()/1e4 < 2.5:
nint_sci *= 2
nint_ref *= 2
obs.update_detectors(read_mode=read_mode, ngroup=ng, nint=nint_sci)
obs.nrc_ref.update_detectors(read_mode=read_mode, ngroup=ng, nint=nint_ref)
#_ = obs.sensitivity(nsig=5, units='vegamag', verbose=True)
In [37]:
# Saturation Levels
# Only want F444W
#obs = obs_dict[filt_keys[-1]]
#sat_rad = do_sat_levels(obs, plot=True)
# Max Saturation Values
dmax = []
for k in filt_keys:
obs = obs_dict[k]
imsci = obs.gen_slope_image(exclude_noise=True, quick_PSF=True)
imref = obs.gen_slope_image(exclude_noise=True, quick_PSF=True, do_ref=True)
ng1 = 2
ng2 = obs.multiaccum.ngroup
sci_sat1 = obs.saturation_levels(ngroup=ng1, image=imsci)
sci_sat2 = obs.saturation_levels(ngroup=ng2, image=imsci)
ref_sat1 = obs.saturation_levels(ngroup=ng1, image=imref, do_ref=True)
ref_sat2 = obs.saturation_levels(ngroup=ng2, image=imref, do_ref=True)
print('Max Sat NG={}: {:.2f} {:.2f}; Max Sat NG={}: {:.2f} {:.2f}'\
In [38]:
# Disk Images
wfe_drift = 5
hdu_dict = do_gen_hdus(obs_dict, wfe_drift, PA1=-5, PA2=5, use_cmask=True, opt_diff=False)
In [39]:
save_fig = True
if len(obs_dict)==2:
plot_images(obs_dict, hdu_dict, filt_keys, wfe_drift, fov=fov, save_fig=save_fig)
plot_images_swlw(obs_dict, hdu_dict, filt_keys, wfe_drift, fov=fov, save_fig=save_fig)
In [40]:
# Determine contrast curves for various WFE drift values
wfe_list = [0,2,5,10]
nsig = 5
roll = 10
# (Roll1 - Ref) + (Roll2 - Ref)
curves_dict = do_contrast(obs_dict, wfe_list, filt_keys[-1:], nsig=nsig, roll_angle=roll, exclude_disk=False)
curves_F444W = curves_dict[filt_keys[-1]]
# Roll1 - Roll2
curves_dict = do_contrast(obs_dict, wfe_list, filt_keys[-1:], nsig=nsig, roll_angle=roll, exclude_disk=False,
curves_F444W2 = curves_dict[filt_keys[-1]]
In [41]:
sat_rad = 0
obs = obs_dict[filt_keys[-1]]
do_plot_contrasts(curves_F444W, curves_F444W2, obs, save_fig=True)
In [42]:
# Fit spectrum to SED photometry
from pynrc.nrc_utils import source_spectrum
name_sci, dist_sci, age, spt_sci, Teff_sci, feh_sci, logg_sci, mag_sci, bp_sci, fov = args_sources[i]
vot = votdir + name_sci.replace(' ' ,'') + '.vot'
args = (name_sci, spt_sci, mag_sci, bp_sci, vot)
kwargs = {'Teff':Teff_sci, 'metallicity':feh_sci, 'log_g':logg_sci}
src = source_spectrum(*args, **kwargs)
src.fit_SED(use_err=False, robust=True, wlim=[1,4])
# Final source spectrum
sp_sci = src.sp_model
In [43]:
# Do the same for the reference source
name_ref, spt_ref, Teff_ref, feh_ref, logg_ref, mag_ref, bp_ref = ref_sources[i]
vot = votdir + name_ref.replace(' ' ,'') + '.vot'
args = (name_ref, spt_ref, mag_ref, bp_ref, vot)
kwargs = {'Teff':Teff_ref, 'metallicity':feh_ref, 'log_g':logg_ref}
ref = nrc_utils.source_spectrum(*args, **kwargs)
ref.fit_SED(use_err=True, robust=True)
# Final reference spectrum
sp_ref = ref.sp_model
In [44]:
# Plot spectra
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(14,4.5))
src.plot_SED(ax=axes[0], xr=[0.5,30])
ref.plot_SED(ax=axes[1], xr=[0.5,30])
axes[0].set_title('Science Specta -- {} ({})'.format(, spt_sci))
axes[1].set_title('Refrence Specta -- {} ({})'.format(, spt_ref))
#for ax in axes:
# ax.set_xscale('linear')
# ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator())
fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.85, bottom=0.1 , left=0.05, right=0.97)
fig.savefig(outdir+'{}_SEDs.pdf'.format(name_sci.replace(' ','')))
In [45]:
# Plot the two spectra
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(8,5))
xr = [2.5,5.5]
for sp in [sp_sci, sp_ref]:
w = sp.wave / 1e4
ind = (w>=xr[0]) & (w<=xr[1])
ind2 = (w>=3.9) & (w<=4.1)
f = sp.flux / np.mean(sp.flux[ind2])
ax.plot(w[ind], f[ind], lw=1,
ax.set_ylabel('Flux (Jy) normalized at 4 $\mu m$')
ax.set_xlabel(r'Wavelength ($\mu m$)')
ax.set_title('{} Spectra'.format(
# Overplot Filter Bandpass
bp = pynrc.read_filter(*args_filter[-1])
ax2 = ax.twinx()
ax2.plot(bp.wave/1e4, bp.throughput, color='C2',' Bandpass')
ax2.set_ylabel('Bandpass Throughput')
ax.legend(loc='upper left')
ax2.legend(loc='upper right')
fig.savefig(outdir+'{}_2SEDs.pdf'.format(name_sci.replace(' ','')))
In [46]:
# Create a dictionary that holds the obs_coronagraphy class for each filter
wfe_drift = 0
obs_dict = obs_wfe(wfe_drift, args_filter, sp_sci, dist_sci, sp_ref=sp_ref,
wind_mode='WINDOW', subsize=subsize, verbose=False)
In [47]:
# Optimize readout parameters
tacq = 4200
#do_opt(tacq, patterns='MEDIUM8', ng_min=8, ng_max=8, tacq_frac=0.1, well_levels=[2], even_nints=True)
In [48]:
for key in filt_keys:
obs = obs_dict[key]
ng, nint_sci, nint_ref = (10,15,20)
if obs.bandpass.avgwave()/1e4 < 2.5:
nint_sci *= 2
nint_ref *= 2
obs.update_detectors(read_mode=read_mode, ngroup=ng, nint=nint_sci)
obs.nrc_ref.update_detectors(read_mode=read_mode, ngroup=ng, nint=nint_ref)
#_ = obs.sensitivity(nsig=5, units='vegamag', verbose=True)
In [49]:
# Saturation Levels
# Only want F444W
#obs = obs_dict[filt_keys[-1]]
#sat_rad = do_sat_levels(obs, plot=True)
# Max Saturation Values
dmax = []
for k in filt_keys:
obs = obs_dict[k]
imsci = obs.gen_slope_image(exclude_noise=True, quick_PSF=True)
imref = obs.gen_slope_image(exclude_noise=True, quick_PSF=True, do_ref=True)
ng1 = 2
ng2 = obs.multiaccum.ngroup
sci_sat1 = obs.saturation_levels(ngroup=ng1, image=imsci)
sci_sat2 = obs.saturation_levels(ngroup=ng2, image=imsci)
ref_sat1 = obs.saturation_levels(ngroup=ng1, image=imref, do_ref=True)
ref_sat2 = obs.saturation_levels(ngroup=ng2, image=imref, do_ref=True)
print('Max Sat NG={}: {:.2f} {:.2f}; Max Sat NG={}: {:.2f} {:.2f}'\
In [50]:
# Disk Images
wfe_drift = 5
hdu_dict = do_gen_hdus(obs_dict, wfe_drift, opt_diff=False)
In [51]:
save_fig = True
if len(obs_dict)==2:
plot_images(obs_dict, hdu_dict, filt_keys, wfe_drift, fov=fov, save_fig=save_fig)
plot_images_swlw(obs_dict, hdu_dict, filt_keys, wfe_drift, fov=fov, save_fig=save_fig)
In [52]:
# Determine contrast curves for various WFE drift values
wfe_list = [0,2,5,10]
nsig = 5
roll = 10
# (Roll1 - Ref) + (Roll2 - Ref)
curves_dict = do_contrast(obs_dict, wfe_list, filt_keys[-1:], nsig=nsig, roll_angle=roll, exclude_disk=False)
curves_F444W = curves_dict[filt_keys[-1]]
# Roll1 - Roll2
curves_dict = do_contrast(obs_dict, wfe_list, filt_keys[-1:], nsig=nsig, roll_angle=roll, exclude_disk=False,
curves_F444W2 = curves_dict[filt_keys[-1]]
In [53]:
sat_rad = 0
obs = obs_dict[filt_keys[-1]]
do_plot_contrasts(curves_F444W, curves_F444W2, obs, save_fig=True, xr=[0,5], xr2=[0,5])
In [54]:
# Fit spectrum to SED photometry
from pynrc.nrc_utils import source_spectrum
name_sci, dist_sci, age, spt_sci, Teff_sci, feh_sci, logg_sci, mag_sci, bp_sci, fov = args_sources[i]
vot = votdir + name_sci.replace(' ' ,'') + '.vot'
args = (name_sci, spt_sci, mag_sci, bp_sci, vot)
kwargs = {'Teff':Teff_sci, 'metallicity':feh_sci, 'log_g':logg_sci}
src = source_spectrum(*args, **kwargs)
src.fit_SED(use_err=False, robust=True, wlim=[1,4])
# Final source spectrum
sp_sci = src.sp_model
In [55]:
# Do the same for the reference source
name_ref, spt_ref, Teff_ref, feh_ref, logg_ref, mag_ref, bp_ref = ref_sources[i]
vot = votdir + name_ref.replace(' ' ,'') + '.vot'
args = (name_ref, spt_ref, mag_ref, bp_ref, vot)
kwargs = {'Teff':Teff_ref, 'metallicity':feh_ref, 'log_g':logg_ref}
ref = nrc_utils.source_spectrum(*args, **kwargs)
ref.fit_SED(use_err=True, robust=True)
# Final reference spectrum
sp_ref = ref.sp_model
In [56]:
# Plot spectra
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(14,4.5))
src.plot_SED(ax=axes[0], xr=[0.5,30])
ref.plot_SED(ax=axes[1], xr=[0.5,30])
axes[0].set_title('Science Specta -- {} ({})'.format(, spt_sci))
axes[1].set_title('Refrence Specta -- {} ({})'.format(, spt_ref))
#for ax in axes:
# ax.set_xscale('linear')
# ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator())
fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.85, bottom=0.1 , left=0.05, right=0.97)
fig.savefig(outdir+'{}_SEDs.pdf'.format(name_sci.replace(' ','')))
In [57]:
# Plot the two spectra
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(8,5))
xr = [2.5,5.5]
for sp in [sp_sci, sp_ref]:
w = sp.wave / 1e4
ind = (w>=xr[0]) & (w<=xr[1])
ind2 = (w>=3.9) & (w<=4.1)
f = sp.flux / np.mean(sp.flux[ind2])
ax.plot(w[ind], f[ind], lw=1,
ax.set_ylabel('Flux (Jy) normalized at 4 $\mu m$')
ax.set_xlabel(r'Wavelength ($\mu m$)')
ax.set_title('{} Spectra'.format(
# Overplot Filter Bandpass
bp = pynrc.read_filter(*args_filter[-1])
ax2 = ax.twinx()
ax2.plot(bp.wave/1e4, bp.throughput, color='C2',' Bandpass')
ax2.set_ylabel('Bandpass Throughput')
ax.legend(loc='upper left')
ax2.legend(loc='upper right')
fig.savefig(outdir+'{}_2SEDs.pdf'.format(name_sci.replace(' ','')))
In [58]:
# Create a dictionary that holds the obs_coronagraphy class for each filter
wfe_drift = 0
obs_dict = obs_wfe(wfe_drift, args_filter, sp_sci, dist_sci, sp_ref=sp_ref,
wind_mode='WINDOW', subsize=subsize, verbose=False)
In [59]:
# Optimize readout parameters
tacq = 4200
#do_opt(tacq, patterns='MEDIUM8', ng_min=8, ng_max=8, tacq_frac=0.1, well_levels=[2], even_nints=True)
In [60]:
for key in filt_keys:
obs = obs_dict[key]
ng, nint_sci, nint_ref = (10,15,20)
if obs.bandpass.avgwave()/1e4 < 2.5:
nint_sci *= 2
nint_ref *= 2
obs.update_detectors(read_mode=read_mode, ngroup=ng, nint=nint_sci)
obs.nrc_ref.update_detectors(read_mode=read_mode, ngroup=ng, nint=nint_ref)
#_ = obs.sensitivity(nsig=5, units='vegamag', verbose=True)
In [61]:
# Saturation Levels
# Only want F444W
#obs = obs_dict[filt_keys[-1]]
#sat_rad = do_sat_levels(obs, plot=True)
# Max Saturation Values
dmax = []
for k in filt_keys:
obs = obs_dict[k]
imsci = obs.gen_slope_image(exclude_noise=True, quick_PSF=True)
imref = obs.gen_slope_image(exclude_noise=True, quick_PSF=True, do_ref=True)
ng1 = 2
ng2 = obs.multiaccum.ngroup
sci_sat1 = obs.saturation_levels(ngroup=ng1, image=imsci)
sci_sat2 = obs.saturation_levels(ngroup=ng2, image=imsci)
ref_sat1 = obs.saturation_levels(ngroup=ng1, image=imref, do_ref=True)
ref_sat2 = obs.saturation_levels(ngroup=ng2, image=imref, do_ref=True)
print('Max Sat NG={}: {:.2f} {:.2f}; Max Sat NG={}: {:.2f} {:.2f}'\
In [62]:
# Disk Images
wfe_drift = 5
hdu_dict = do_gen_hdus(obs_dict, wfe_drift, PA1=-5, PA2=5, use_cmask=True, opt_diff=False)
In [63]:
save_fig = True
if len(obs_dict)==2:
plot_images(obs_dict, hdu_dict, filt_keys, wfe_drift, fov=fov, save_fig=save_fig)
plot_images_swlw(obs_dict, hdu_dict, filt_keys, wfe_drift, fov=fov, save_fig=save_fig)
In [64]:
# Determine contrast curves for various WFE drift values
wfe_list = [0,2,5,10]
nsig = 5
roll = 10
# (Roll1 - Ref) + (Roll2 - Ref)
curves_dict = do_contrast(obs_dict, wfe_list, filt_keys[-1:], nsig=nsig, roll_angle=roll, exclude_disk=False)
curves_F444W = curves_dict[filt_keys[-1]]
# Roll1 - Roll2
curves_dict = do_contrast(obs_dict, wfe_list, filt_keys[-1:], nsig=nsig, roll_angle=roll, exclude_disk=False,
curves_F444W2 = curves_dict[filt_keys[-1]]
In [65]:
sat_rad = 0
obs = obs_dict[filt_keys[-1]]
do_plot_contrasts(curves_F444W, curves_F444W2, obs, save_fig=True, xr=[0,5], xr2=[0,5])
In [66]:
# Fit spectrum to SED photometry
from pynrc.nrc_utils import source_spectrum
name_sci, dist_sci, age, spt_sci, Teff_sci, feh_sci, logg_sci, mag_sci, bp_sci, fov = args_sources[i]
vot = votdir + name_sci.replace(' ' ,'') + '.vot'
args = (name_sci, spt_sci, mag_sci, bp_sci, vot)
kwargs = {'Teff':Teff_sci, 'metallicity':feh_sci, 'log_g':logg_sci}
src = source_spectrum(*args, **kwargs)
src.fit_SED(use_err=False, robust=True, wlim=[1,4])
# Final source spectrum
sp_sci = src.sp_model
In [67]:
# Do the same for the reference source
name_ref, spt_ref, Teff_ref, feh_ref, logg_ref, mag_ref, bp_ref = ref_sources[i]
vot = votdir + name_ref.replace(' ' ,'') + '.vot'
args = (name_ref, spt_ref, mag_ref, bp_ref, vot)
kwargs = {'Teff':Teff_ref, 'metallicity':feh_ref, 'log_g':logg_ref}
ref = nrc_utils.source_spectrum(*args, **kwargs)
ref.fit_SED(use_err=True, robust=True)
# Final reference spectrum
sp_ref = ref.sp_model
In [68]:
# Plot spectra
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(14,4.5))
src.plot_SED(ax=axes[0], xr=[0.5,30])
ref.plot_SED(ax=axes[1], xr=[0.5,30])
axes[0].set_title('Science Specta -- {} ({})'.format(, spt_sci))
axes[1].set_title('Refrence Specta -- {} ({})'.format(, spt_ref))
#for ax in axes:
# ax.set_xscale('linear')
# ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator())
fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.85, bottom=0.1 , left=0.05, right=0.97)
fig.savefig(outdir+'{}_SEDs.pdf'.format(name_sci.replace(' ','')))
In [69]:
# Plot the two spectra
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(8,5))
xr = [2.5,5.5]
for sp in [sp_sci, sp_ref]:
w = sp.wave / 1e4
ind = (w>=xr[0]) & (w<=xr[1])
ind2 = (w>=3.9) & (w<=4.1)
f = sp.flux / np.mean(sp.flux[ind2])
ax.plot(w[ind], f[ind], lw=1,
ax.set_ylabel('Flux (Jy) normalized at 4 $\mu m$')
ax.set_xlabel(r'Wavelength ($\mu m$)')
ax.set_title('{} Spectra'.format(
# Overplot Filter Bandpass
bp = pynrc.read_filter(*args_filter[-1])
ax2 = ax.twinx()
ax2.plot(bp.wave/1e4, bp.throughput, color='C2',' Bandpass')
ax2.set_ylabel('Bandpass Throughput')
ax.legend(loc='upper left')
ax2.legend(loc='upper right')
fig.savefig(outdir+'{}_2SEDs.pdf'.format(name_sci.replace(' ','')))
In [70]:
# Create a dictionary that holds the obs_coronagraphy class for each filter
wfe_drift = 0
obs_dict = obs_wfe(wfe_drift, args_filter, sp_sci, dist_sci, sp_ref=sp_ref,
wind_mode='WINDOW', subsize=subsize, verbose=False)
In [71]:
# Optimize readout parameters
tacq = 4200
#do_opt(tacq, patterns='MEDIUM8', ng_min=8, ng_max=8, tacq_frac=0.1, well_levels=[2], even_nints=True)
In [73]:
for key in filt_keys:
obs = obs_dict[key]
ng, nint_sci, nint_ref = (10,16,20)
if obs.bandpass.avgwave()/1e4 < 2.5:
nint_sci *= 2
nint_ref *= 2
obs.update_detectors(read_mode=read_mode, ngroup=ng, nint=nint_sci)
obs.nrc_ref.update_detectors(read_mode=read_mode, ngroup=ng, nint=nint_ref)
#_ = obs.sensitivity(nsig=5, units='vegamag', verbose=True)
In [74]:
# Saturation Levels
# Only want F444W
#obs = obs_dict[filt_keys[-1]]
#sat_rad = do_sat_levels(obs, plot=True)
# Max Saturation Values
dmax = []
for k in filt_keys:
obs = obs_dict[k]
imsci = obs.gen_slope_image(exclude_noise=True, quick_PSF=True)
imref = obs.gen_slope_image(exclude_noise=True, quick_PSF=True, do_ref=True)
ng1 = 2
ng2 = obs.multiaccum.ngroup
sci_sat1 = obs.saturation_levels(ngroup=ng1, image=imsci)
sci_sat2 = obs.saturation_levels(ngroup=ng2, image=imsci)
ref_sat1 = obs.saturation_levels(ngroup=ng1, image=imref, do_ref=True)
ref_sat2 = obs.saturation_levels(ngroup=ng2, image=imref, do_ref=True)
print('Max Sat NG={}: {:.2f} {:.2f}; Max Sat NG={}: {:.2f} {:.2f}'\
In [75]:
# Disk Images
wfe_drift = 5
hdu_dict = do_gen_hdus(obs_dict, wfe_drift, opt_diff=False, ref_scale_all=False, oversample=2)
In [76]:
save_fig = True
if len(obs_dict)==2:
plot_images(obs_dict, hdu_dict, filt_keys, wfe_drift, fov=fov, save_fig=save_fig)
plot_images_swlw(obs_dict, hdu_dict, filt_keys, wfe_drift, fov=fov, save_fig=save_fig)
In [77]:
# Determine contrast curves for various WFE drift values
wfe_list = [0,2,5,10]
nsig = 5
roll = 10
# (Roll1 - Ref) + (Roll2 - Ref)
curves_dict = do_contrast(obs_dict, wfe_list, filt_keys[-1:], nsig=nsig, roll_angle=roll, exclude_disk=False)
curves_F444W = curves_dict[filt_keys[-1]]
# Roll1 - Roll2
curves_dict = do_contrast(obs_dict, wfe_list, filt_keys[-1:], nsig=nsig, roll_angle=roll, exclude_disk=False,
curves_F444W2 = curves_dict[filt_keys[-1]]
In [78]:
sat_rad = 0
obs = obs_dict[filt_keys[-1]]
do_plot_contrasts(curves_F444W, curves_F444W2, obs, save_fig=True, xr=[0,5], xr2=[0,5])
In [79]:
In [ ]: