In [1]:
# Makes print and division act like Python 3
from __future__ import print_function, division

# Import the usual libraries
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches

# Enable inline plotting at lower left
%matplotlib inline

from IPython.display import display, Latex, clear_output
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages

In [2]:
import pynrc
from pynrc import nrc_utils
from pynrc.nrc_utils import S
from pynrc.obs_nircam import model_to_hdulist, obs_coronagraphy
from pynrc.obs_nircam import plot_contrasts, planet_mags, plot_planet_patches

from pynrc.speckle_noise import offset_bar
pynrc.setup_logging('WARNING', verbose=False)

from import (fits, ascii)

Observation Definitions

Functions to create and optimize a series of observation objects stored as a dictionary.

In [3]:
def make_key(filter, pupil=None, mask=None):
    """Create identification key (string) based on filter, pupil, and mask"""
    mask_key = 'none' if mask is None else mask
    pupil_key = 'none' if pupil is None else pupil
    key = '{}_{}_{}'.format(filter,mask_key,pupil_key)
    return key

In [4]:
def model_info(source, filt, dist):
    base_dir  = '/Volumes/NIRData/Andras_models_v2/'
    model_dir = base_dir + source + '/'
    # Match filters with model
    filt_switch = {'F182M':'F210M', 'F210M':'F210M', 'F250M':'F250M',
                   'F300M':'F300M', 'F335M':'F335M', 'F444W':'F444W'}
    filt_model = filt_switch.get(filt, filt)
    fname = source + '_' + filt_model +'sc.fits'

    bp = nrc_utils.read_filter(filt_model)
    w0 = bp.avgwave() / 1e4

    # Model pixels are 4x oversampled
    detscale = (nrc_utils.channel_select(bp))[0]
    model_scale = detscale / 4.
    # File name, arcsec/pix, dist (pc), wavelength (um), flux units
    args_model = (model_dir+fname, model_scale, dist, w0, 'Jy/pixel')

    return args_model

In [5]:
def obs_wfe(wfe_drift, filt_list, sp_sci, dist, sp_ref=None, disk_mod=True, fov_pix=None, verbose=False):
    For a given WFE drift and series of filters, create a list of 
    NIRCam observations. This function will calculate PSFs out to 320 pixels. 
    For the case of SW+MASK335R, we also assume that the subarray size matches 
    that of a simultaneous LW observation (320x320).
    if sp_ref is None:
        sp_ref = sp_sci

    fov_pix_orig = fov_pix

    obs_dict = {}
    for filt, mask, pupil in filt_list:
        if verbose: print(filt, mask, pupil)

        # Disk Model
        if disk_mod:
            # Convert to photons/sec in specified filter
            args_disk = model_info(, filt, dist)
            hdu_disk = model_to_hdulist(args_disk, sp_sci, filt, pupil=pupil, mask=mask)
            hdu_disk = None
        # Create identification keys
        key = make_key(filt, mask=mask, pupil=pupil)
        # Define the subarray readout size
        # Set the PSF size and oversampling amount
        bp = pynrc.read_filter(filt)
        subsize = 640 if bp.avgwave()/1e4 < 2.4 else 320
        #fov_pix = subsize+1 if fov_pix is None else fov_pix
        oversample = 2
        # Initialize and store the observation
        # A reference obseration is stored inside each parent obs_coronagraphy class.
        obs_dict[key] = pynrc.obs_hci(sp_sci, sp_ref, dist, 
                                      disk_hdu=hdu_disk, wfe_ref_drift=wfe_drift,
                                      filter=filt, mask=mask, pupil=pupil, 
                                      oversample=oversample, fov_pix=fov_pix,
                                      wind_mode='WINDOW', xpix=subsize, ypix=subsize,
        fov_pix = fov_pix_orig
    return obs_dict

In [6]:
def obs_optimize(obs_dict, sp_opt=None, well_levels=None, tacq_max=1800, **kwargs):
    Perform ramp optimization on each science and reference observation
    in a list of filter observations. Updates the detector MULTIACCUM
    settings for each observation in the dictionary.
    snr_goal = 5
    snr_frac = 0.02
    tacq_max = 1400
    tacq_frac = 0.01
    nint_min = 15
    ng_max = 10

    # A very faint bg object on which to maximize S/N
    # If sp_opt is not set, then default to a 20th magnitude flat source
    if sp_opt is None:
        bp_k = S.ObsBandpass('k')
        sp_opt = pynrc.stellar_spectrum('flat', 20, 'vegamag', bp_k)

    # Some observations may saturate, so define a list of  maximum well level
    # values that we will incrementally check until a ramp setting is found
    # that meets the contraints.
    if well_levels is None:
        well_levels = [0.8, 1.5, 3.0, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0, 100.0, 150.0, 300.0, 500.0]
    filt_keys = obs_dict.keys()
    print(['Pattern', 'NGRP', 'NINT', 't_int', 't_exp', 't_acq', 'SNR', 'Well', 'eff'])
    for j, key in enumerate(filt_keys):

        obs = obs_dict[key]
        sp_sci, sp_ref = (obs.sp_sci, obs.sp_ref)
        # SW filter piggy-back on two LW filters, so 2 x tacq
        is_SW = obs.bandpass.avgwave()/1e4 < 2.5

        sci = obs
        ref = sci.nrc_ref

        # Ramp optimization for both science and reference targets
        for obs2, sp in zip([sci, ref], [sp_sci, sp_ref]):
            i = nrow = 0
            while nrow==0:
                well_max = well_levels[i]
                tbl = obs2.ramp_optimize(sp_opt, sp, well_frac_max=well_max, tacq_max=tacq_max, **kwargs)
                nrow = len(tbl)
            # Grab the highest ranked MULTIACCUM settings and update the detector readout
            v1, v2, v3 = tbl['Pattern', 'NGRP', 'NINT'][0]
            vals = tbl[0].as_void()
            strout = ', '.join(map(str, vals))

            # SW filter piggy-back on two LW filters, so 2 x tacq
            is_SW = obs.bandpass.avgwave()/1e4 < 2.5
            if is_SW: v3 *= 2
            # Coronagraphic observations have two roll positions, so cut NINT by 2
            if obs.mask is not None: v3 = int(v3/2) 
            obs2.update_detectors(read_mode=v1, ngroup=v2, nint=v3)

Plotting contrasts and planet magnitudes

Functions to plot simulated images and contrast curves

In [7]:
def plot_planet_patches(ax, obs, age=10, entropy=13, mass_list=[10,5,2,1], av_vals=[0,25]):
    """Plot exoplanet magnitudes in region corresponding to extinction values."""
    import matplotlib.patches as patches
    xlim = ax.get_xlim()
    cols =,1,10))
    dist = obs.distance
    pmag = planet_mags(obs, age, entropy, mass_list, av_vals)
    for i,m in enumerate(mass_list):
        pm_min, pm_max = pmag[m]
        label = 'Mass = {} '.format(m) + '$M_{\mathrm{Jup}}$'
        rect = patches.Rectangle((xlim[0], pm_min), xlim[1], pm_max-pm_min, alpha=0.2,
                                 color=cols[i], label=label, zorder=2)
        ax.plot(xlim, [pm_min]*2, color=cols[i], lw=1, alpha=0.3)
        ax.plot(xlim, [pm_max]*2, color=cols[i], lw=1, alpha=0.3)

    entropy_switch = {13:'Hot', 8:'Cold'}
    entropy_string = entropy_switch.get(entropy, lambda: "Warm")
    ent_str = entropy_string + ' Start'
    #ent_str = '{} Start'.format(entropy_string)

    av_str = '$A_V = [{:.0f},{:.0f}]$'.format(av_vals[0],av_vals[1])
    age_str = 'Age = {:.0f} Myr; '.format(age)
    dist_str = 'Dist = {:.1f} pc; '.format(dist) if dist is not None else ''

    ax.set_title('{} -- {} ({}{}{})'.format(obs.filter,ent_str,age_str,dist_str,av_str))

In [8]:
from copy import deepcopy

def plot_images(obs_dict, hdu_dict, filt_keys, wfe_drift, fov=10, save_fig=False):
    nfilt = len(filt_keys)
    ext_name = ['Model', 'Sim Image (linear scale)', 'Sim Image ($r^2$ scale)']
    nim = len(ext_name)

    fig, axes = plt.subplots(nfilt, nim, figsize=(8.5,6.5))
    #axes = axes.transpose()
    for j, k in enumerate(filt_keys):
        obs = obs_dict[k]
        hdu_mod = obs.disk_hdulist
        hdu_sim = hdu_dict[k]

        # Make r^2 scaled version of data
        hdu_sim_r2 = deepcopy(hdu_sim)
        data  = hdu_sim_r2[0].data
        header = hdu_sim_r2[0].header
        rho = nrc_utils.dist_image(data, pixscale=header['PIXELSCL'])
        data *= rho**2

        # Max value for model
        data_mod   = hdu_mod[0].data
        header_mod = hdu_mod[0].header
        rho_mod    = nrc_utils.dist_image(data_mod, pixscale=header_mod['PIXELSCL'])
        data_mod_r2 = data_mod*rho_mod**2
        vmax  = np.max(data_mod)
        vmax2 = np.max(data_mod_r2)

        # Scale value for data
        mask_good = data_mod>(0.1*vmax)
        scl1 = np.median(hdu_sim[0].data[mask_good] / data_mod[mask_good])

        # Scale value for r^2 version
        mask_good = data_mod_r2>(0.1*vmax2)
        scl2 = np.median(hdu_sim_r2[0].data[mask_good] / data_mod_r2[mask_good])

        vmax_vals = [vmax,vmax*scl1,vmax2*scl2]
        hdus = [hdu_mod, hdu_sim, hdu_sim_r2]
        for i, ax in enumerate(axes[j]):
            hdulist = hdus[i]
            data = hdulist[0].data
            header = hdulist[0].header

            pixscale = header['PIXELSCL']
            rho = nrc_utils.dist_image(data, pixscale=pixscale)

            rad = data.shape[0] * pixscale / 2
            extent = [-rad, rad, -rad, rad]

            ax.imshow(data, vmin=0, vmax=0.9*vmax_vals[i], extent=extent)

            if i > 0: ax.set_yticklabels([])
            if j < nfilt-1: ax.set_xticklabels([])
            if j==nfilt-1: ax.set_xlabel('Arcsec')
            if j==0: ax.set_title(ext_name[i])

            if i==0: ax.set_ylabel(obs.filter)

            if fov>2*rad:
                xlim = [-rad,rad]
                ylim = [-rad,rad]
                xlim = [-fov/2,fov/2]
                ylim = [-fov/2,fov/2]

            ax.xaxis.get_major_locator().set_params(nbins=9, steps=[1, 2, 5, 10])
            ax.yaxis.get_major_locator().set_params(nbins=9, steps=[1, 2, 5, 10])

            ax.tick_params(axis='both', color='white', which='both')
            for k in ax.spines.keys():

    texp = obs_dict[filt_keys[-1]].multiaccum_times['t_exp']
    texp = round(2*texp/100)*100
    exp_text = "t_exp = {:.0f} sec".format(texp)
    wfe_text = "WFE Drift = {} nm".format(wfe_drift)
    fig.suptitle('{} ({}; {})'.format(name_sci, exp_text, wfe_text), fontsize=16);
    fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05, top=0.9, bottom=0.1)
    #fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.1, hspace=0.1, top=0.9, bottom=0.07 , left=0.05, right=0.97)
    fname = "{}_images.pdf".format(name_sci.replace(" ", ""))
    if save_fig: 

Functions to init, optimize, and plot

In [9]:
# Generate initial observations for each filter (no WFE drift)
def do_init(disk_mod=True, fov_pix=None, verbose=True):
    wfe_drift = 0
    obs_dict = obs_wfe(wfe_drift, args_list, sp_sci, dist_sci, sp_ref=sp_ref, 
                       disk_mod=disk_mod, fov_pix=fov_pix, verbose=verbose)
    return obs_dict

In [10]:
# Optimize observations
def do_opt(tacq_max, **kwargs):
    sp_opt = pynrc.stellar_spectrum('flat', 20, 'vegamag', bp_k)
    obs_optimize(obs_dict, sp_opt=sp_opt, tacq_max=tacq_max, **kwargs)

In [11]:
# For each filter setting, generate a series of contrast curves at different WFE values
def do_contrast(wfe_list, filt_keys, nsig=5, roll_angle=None, **kwargs):
    kwargs to pass to calc_contrast() and their defaults:

    exclude_disk = True
    exclude_planets = True
    exclude_noise = False
    opt_diff = True
    contrast_all = {}
    for i, key in enumerate(filt_keys):
        obs = obs_dict[key]

        filt, mask, pupil = args_list[i]
        if roll_angle is None:
            roll_angle = 0 if mask is None else 10

        # Stores tuple of (Radial Distances, Contrast, and Sensitivity) for each WFE drift
        curves = []
        for wfe_ref_drift in wfe_list:
            obs.wfe_ref_drift = wfe_ref_drift
            result = obs.calc_contrast(roll_angle=roll_angle, nsig=nsig, **kwargs)

        contrast_all[key] = curves
    return contrast_all

In [12]:
def do_plot_contrast(obs_dict, contrast_dict, wfe_list, nsig, age, xlim=[0,10], ylim=[24,8], save_fig=False):

    fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(13,4.5))
    #entropy_vals = [13,8]

    for j, ax in enumerate(axes):

        obs = obs_dict[filt_keys[j]]
        curves = contrast_dict[filt_keys[j]]

        plot_contrasts(curves, wfe_list, ax=ax)
        plot_planet_patches(ax, obs, age=age, entropy=13)

    for ax in axes.flatten():
        ax.set_xlabel('Distance (arcsec)')
        ax.set_ylabel('{}-sigma Sensitivities (mag)'.format(nsig))


    t_exp = obs.multiaccum_times['t_exp']
    t_exp = round(2*t_exp/100)*100
    fig.suptitle('{} (t_exp = {:.0f} sec)'.format(name_sci, t_exp), fontsize=16);
    fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.1, hspace=0.1, top=0.85, bottom=0.1 , left=0.05, right=0.97)
    fname = "{}_contrast.pdf".format(name_sci.replace(" ", ""))
    if save_fig: 

In [13]:
def do_gen_hdus(obs_dict, wfe_ref_drift, verbose=False, **kwargs):
    kwargs to pass to gen_roll_image() and their defaults:
    PA1 = 0
    PA2 = 10
    zfact         = None
    oversample    = None
    exclude_disk  = False
    exclude_noise = False
    opt_diff      = True
    hdulist_dict = {}
    for key in filt_keys:
        if verbose: print(key)
        obs = obs_dict[key]
        obs.wfe_ref_drift = wfe_ref_drift
        hdulist = obs.gen_roll_image(**kwargs)
        hdulist_dict[key] = hdulist
    return hdulist_dict

Science spectral model

In [14]:
def func_model(x, sp):
    return x[0]*sp

def func_resid(x, sp_phot, sp_star, xmin=0.1e4, xmax=30e4):
    sp_model = func_model(x, sp_star)
    wvals = sp_phot.wave
    ind = (wvals > xmin) & (wvals < xmax)
    wvals = wvals[ind]
    yvals = sp_phot.flux[ind]
    mod_interp = np.interp(wvals, sp_star.wave, sp_model.flux)
    return 1e15*(mod_interp - yvals)

In [15]:
from scipy.optimize import least_squares
def gen_sp_sci(i, robust=False, return_ax=False, plot=True, do_ref=False,
               wmin=0.1e4, wmax=10e4):
    if do_ref:
        name_obj, spt_obj, kmag_obj, w1_obj, w2_obj = ref_sources[i]
        name_obj, dist_sci, fov, age, spt_obj, vmag_sci, kmag_obj, w1_obj, w2_obj = args_sources[i]
    vot = votdir + name_obj + '.vot'

    # Import source SED from VOTable
    from import parse, parse_single_table
    table = parse_single_table(vot)
    freq = table.array["sed_freq"] * 1e9 # Hz
    isort = np.argsort(1/freq)

    # Sort flux monotomically with wavelength
    freq = freq[isort]
    flux = table.array["sed_flux"][isort]
    eflux = table.array["sed_eflux"][isort]

    # Average duplicate data points
    ufreq, ucnt = np.unique(freq, return_counts=True)
    ufreq = ufreq[::-1]
    ucnt = ucnt[::-1]

    uflux = []
    for i, f in enumerate(ufreq):
        ind = (freq==f)
        flx = np.median(flux[ind]) if ucnt[i]>1 else flux[ind][0]
    uflux = np.array(uflux)

    # Photometric data points
    sp_phot = S.ArraySpectrum(ufreq, uflux, waveunits='Hz', fluxunits='Jy')

    # Stellar spectrum normalized at V-Band
    sp_star = pynrc.stellar_spectrum(spt_obj, kmag_obj, 'vegamag', bp_k)

    x0 = [1]
    loss = 'soft_l1' if robust else 'linear'
    res = least_squares(func_resid, x0, bounds=(0,np.inf), loss=loss, 
                        args=(sp_phot, sp_star), kwargs={'xmin':wmin, 'xmax':wmax})
    out = res.x
    sp_sci = func_model(out, sp_star) = name_obj

    if plot:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(8,5))
        ax.loglog(sp_star.wave/1e4, sp_star.flux, lw=1, label='Photosphere')
        ax.loglog(sp_sci.wave/1e4, sp_sci.flux, lw=2, label='Model Fit')
        ax.loglog(sp_phot.wave/1e4, sp_phot.flux, marker='o', ls='none', label='Photometry')
        ax.set_xlabel('Wavelength (microns)')
        ax.set_ylabel('Flux ({})'.format(sp_sci.fluxunits))
        if return_ax:
            return (sp_sci, (fig,ax))
            return sp_sci
        return sp_sci

Define Source and their Reference Counterparts

In [16]:
#                source,    dist,  fov, age, sptype, vmag, kmag
args_sources = [('HD10647',  17.43, 14, 1000, 'F9V', 5.52, 4.34, 4.24, 3.66),
                ('HD107146', 27.50, 14,  150, 'G2V', 7.01, 5.54, 5.54, 5.46),
                ('HD181327', 51.80,  7,   12, 'F6V', 7.04, 5.91, 5.88, 5.79),
                ('HD61005',  34.50,  7,  100, 'G8V', 8.22, 6.45, 6.43, 6.44),
                ('HD32297',  113.0,  7,   30, 'A0V', 8.14, 7.59, 7.60, 7.63)]

ref_sources  = [('iotHor',   'F8V',  4.1, 4.06, 3.61),
                ('HD111398', 'G5V',  5.5, 5.46, 5.41),
                ('HR7297',   'F7V',  5.1, 5.13, 4.81),
                ('HD56161',  'G5IV', 4.9, 4.84, 4.56),
                ('HD31411',  'A0V',  6.4, 6.48, 6.40)]

In [17]:
# List of filters
args_list = [('F182M', 'MASK335R', 'CIRCLYOT'),
             ('F210M', 'MASK335R', 'CIRCLYOT'),
             ('F250M', 'MASK335R', 'CIRCLYOT'),
             ('F300M', 'MASK335R', 'CIRCLYOT'),
             ('F335M', 'MASK335R', 'CIRCLYOT'),
             ('F444W', 'MASK335R', 'CIRCLYOT')]

args_list = [('F335M', 'MASK335R', 'CIRCLYOT'),
             ('F444W', 'MASK335R', 'CIRCLYOT')]

filt_keys = []
for filt,mask,pupil in args_list:
    filt_keys.append(make_key(filt, mask=mask, pupil=pupil))

In [18]:
# Various Bandpasses
bp_v = S.ObsBandpass('v')
bp_k = pynrc.bp_2mass('k')
bp_w1 = pynrc.bp_wise('w1')
bp_w2 = pynrc.bp_wise('w2')

In [19]:
#outdir  = '/Volumes/NIRData/Andras_obs_v3/'
import os
cwd = os.getcwd() + '/'

votdir = cwd + 'votables/'
outdir  = cwd + 'Debris/'

HD 10647

In [20]:
i = 0

name_ref, spt_ref, kmag_ref, w1_ref, w2_ref = ref_sources[i]
sp_ref = pynrc.stellar_spectrum(spt_ref, kmag_ref, 'vegamag', bp_k) = name_ref

name_sci, dist_sci, fov, age, spt_sci, vmag_sci, kmag_sci, w1_sci, w2_sci = args_sources[i]
vot = votdir + name_sci + '.vot'

wmin = 1e4 if i==4 else 0.1e4
sp_sci, (fig,ax) = gen_sp_sci(i, robust=True, return_ax=True, wmin=wmin)

ax.plot(sp_ref.wave/1e4, sp_ref.flux, lw=1, label='PSF Reference')

fname = "{}_spectra.pdf".format(name_sci.replace(" ", ""))

Warning, 1 of 43 bins contained negative fluxes; they have been set to zero.
[ 1.0819397]

In [21]:
obs_dict = do_init(verbose=True)

Generating background PSF coefficients...
Generating oversampled PSFs...
Generating PSFs for disk convolution...
Updating NIRCam reference coefficients...
Creating NIRCam reference class...
Generating background PSF coefficients...
Generating oversampled PSFs...
Generating PSFs for disk convolution...
Updating NIRCam reference coefficients...
Creating NIRCam reference class...

In [180]:
# Optimize readout parameters
tacq = 4200
#do_opt(tacq, patterns='MEDIUM8', ng_min=8, ng_max=8, tacq_frac=0.1, well_levels=[2], even_nints=True)
for key in filt_keys:
    obs = obs_dict[key]

    ng, nint_sci, nint_ref = (8,20,20)
    if obs.bandpass.avgwave()/1e4 < 2.5: 
        nint_sci *= 2
        nint_ref *= 2
    obs.update_detectors(read_mode='MEDIUM8', ngroup=ng, nint=nint_sci)
    obs.nrc_ref.update_detectors(read_mode='MEDIUM8', ngroup=ng, nint=nint_ref)

    #_ = obs.sensitivity(nsig=5, units='vegamag', verbose=True)

In [181]:
# Max Saturation Values
dmax = []
for k in filt_keys:
    obs = obs_dict[k]
    ng = obs.multiaccum.ngroup
    im_sat1 = obs.saturation_levels(ngroup=ng)
    im_sat2 = obs.nrc_ref.saturation_levels(obs.sp_ref, ngroup=ng)
    print(im_sat1.max(), im_sat2.max())

0.853411546715 0.987461985913
0.644993023804 0.744255836158

In [182]:
# Disk Images
wfe_drift = 5
hdu_dict = do_gen_hdus(obs_dict, wfe_drift)

In [183]:
plot_images(obs_dict, hdu_dict, filt_keys, wfe_drift, fov=fov, save_fig=True)

In [184]:
# List of WFE drifts to check
wfe_list = [0,2,5,10][::-1]
nsig = 5

# Get contrasts for each WFE drift
contrast_dict = do_contrast(wfe_list, filt_keys, nsig=nsig)


In [185]:
do_plot_contrast(obs_dict, contrast_dict, wfe_list, nsig, age, save_fig=True)

HD 107146

In [218]:
i = 1

name_ref, spt_ref, kmag_ref, w1_ref, w2_ref = ref_sources[i]
sp_ref = pynrc.stellar_spectrum(spt_ref, kmag_ref, 'vegamag', bp_k) = name_ref

name_sci, dist_sci, fov, age, spt_sci, vmag_sci, kmag_sci, w1_sci, w2_sci = args_sources[i]
vot = votdir + name_sci + '.vot'

wmin = 1e4 if i==4 else 0.1e4
sp_sci, (fig,ax) = gen_sp_sci(i, robust=True, return_ax=True, wmin=wmin)

ax.plot(sp_ref.wave/1e4, sp_ref.flux, lw=1, label='PSF Reference')

fname = "{}_spectra.pdf".format(name_sci.replace(" ", ""))

[ 0.98976865]

In [219]:
obs_dict = do_init(verbose=False)

In [220]:
# Optimize readout parameters
tacq = 4200
#do_opt(tacq, patterns='MEDIUM8', ng_min=8, ng_max=8, tacq_frac=0.1, well_levels=[2], even_nints=True)
for key in filt_keys:
    obs = obs_dict[key]

    ng, nint_sci, nint_ref = (10,17,15)
    if obs.bandpass.avgwave()/1e4 < 2.5: 
        nint_sci *= 2
        nint_ref *= 2
    obs.update_detectors(read_mode='MEDIUM8', ngroup=ng, nint=nint_sci)
    obs.nrc_ref.update_detectors(read_mode='MEDIUM8', ngroup=ng, nint=nint_ref)

    #_ = obs.sensitivity(nsig=5, units='vegamag', verbose=True)

In [221]:
# Max Saturation Values
dmax = []
for k in filt_keys:
    obs = obs_dict[k]
    ng = obs.multiaccum.ngroup
    im_sat1 = obs.saturation_levels(ngroup=ng)
    im_sat2 = obs.nrc_ref.saturation_levels(obs.sp_ref, ngroup=ng)
    print(im_sat1.max(), im_sat2.max())

0.325667951135 0.343551029124
0.244410475394 0.256151707936

In [222]:
# Disk Images
wfe_drift = 5
hdu_dict = do_gen_hdus(obs_dict, wfe_drift)

In [223]:
plot_images(obs_dict, hdu_dict, filt_keys, wfe_drift, fov=fov, save_fig=True)

In [224]:
# List of WFE drifts to check
wfe_list = [0,2,5,10][::-1]
nsig = 5

# Get contrasts for each WFE drift
contrast_dict = do_contrast(wfe_list, filt_keys, nsig=nsig)


In [225]:
do_plot_contrast(obs_dict, contrast_dict, wfe_list, nsig, age, save_fig=True)

HD 181327

In [194]:
i = 2

name_ref, spt_ref, kmag_ref, w1_ref, w2_ref = ref_sources[i]
sp_ref = pynrc.stellar_spectrum(spt_ref, kmag_ref, 'vegamag', bp_k) = name_ref

name_sci, dist_sci, fov, age, spt_sci, vmag_sci, kmag_sci, w1_sci, w2_sci = args_sources[i]
vot = votdir + name_sci + '.vot'

wmin = 1e4 if i==4 else 0.1e4
sp_sci, (fig,ax) = gen_sp_sci(i, robust=True, return_ax=True, wmin=wmin)

ax.plot(sp_ref.wave/1e4, sp_ref.flux, lw=1, label='PSF Reference')

fname = "{}_spectra.pdf".format(name_sci.replace(" ", ""))

[ 1.01995423]

In [195]:
obs_dict = do_init(verbose=False)

In [196]:
# Optimize readout parameters
tacq = 4200
#do_opt(tacq, patterns='MEDIUM8', ng_min=8, ng_max=8, tacq_frac=0.1, well_levels=[2], even_nints=True)
for key in filt_keys:
    obs = obs_dict[key]

    ng, nint_sci, nint_ref = (10,10,15)
    if obs.bandpass.avgwave()/1e4 < 2.5: 
        nint_sci *= 2
        nint_ref *= 2
    obs.update_detectors(read_mode='MEDIUM8', ngroup=ng, nint=nint_sci)
    obs.nrc_ref.update_detectors(read_mode='MEDIUM8', ngroup=ng, nint=nint_ref)

    _ = obs.sensitivity(nsig=5, units='vegamag', verbose=True)

Point Source Sensitivity (5-sigma): 21.38 vegamag
Surface Brightness Sensitivity (5-sigma): 22.37 vegamag/arcsec^2
Point Source Sensitivity (5-sigma): 21.27 vegamag
Surface Brightness Sensitivity (5-sigma): 22.53 vegamag/arcsec^2

In [197]:
# Max Saturation Values
dmax = []
for k in filt_keys:
    obs = obs_dict[k]
    ng = obs.multiaccum.ngroup
    im_sat1 = obs.saturation_levels(ngroup=ng)
    im_sat2 = obs.nrc_ref.saturation_levels(obs.sp_ref, ngroup=ng)
    print(im_sat1.max(), im_sat2.max())

0.23962145586 0.493854737971
0.181762445284 0.373458930021

In [198]:
# Disk Images
wfe_drift = 5
hdu_dict = do_gen_hdus(obs_dict, wfe_drift)

In [199]:
plot_images(obs_dict, hdu_dict, filt_keys, wfe_drift, fov=fov, save_fig=True)

In [200]:
# List of WFE drifts to check
wfe_list = [0,2,5,10][::-1]
nsig = 5

# Get contrasts for each WFE drift
contrast_dict = do_contrast(wfe_list, filt_keys, nsig=nsig)


In [201]:
do_plot_contrast(obs_dict, contrast_dict, wfe_list, nsig, age, save_fig=True)

HD 61005

In [202]:
i = 3

name_ref, spt_ref, kmag_ref, w1_ref, w2_ref = ref_sources[i]
sp_ref = pynrc.stellar_spectrum(spt_ref, kmag_ref, 'vegamag', bp_k) = name_ref

name_sci, dist_sci, fov, age, spt_sci, vmag_sci, kmag_sci, w1_sci, w2_sci = args_sources[i]
vot = votdir + name_sci + '.vot'

wmin = 1e4 if i==4 else 0.1e4
sp_sci, (fig,ax) = gen_sp_sci(i, robust=True, return_ax=True, wmin=wmin)

ax.plot(sp_ref.wave/1e4, sp_ref.flux, lw=1, label='PSF Reference')

fname = "{}_spectra.pdf".format(name_sci.replace(" ", ""))

[ 0.92729964]

In [203]:
obs_dict = do_init(verbose=False)

In [204]:
# Optimize readout parameters
tacq = 4200
#do_opt(tacq, patterns='MEDIUM8', ng_min=8, ng_max=8, tacq_frac=0.1, well_levels=[2], even_nints=True)
for key in filt_keys:
    obs = obs_dict[key]

    ng, nint_sci, nint_ref = (10,12,15)
    if obs.bandpass.avgwave()/1e4 < 2.5: 
        nint_sci *= 2
        nint_ref *= 2
    obs.update_detectors(read_mode='MEDIUM8', ngroup=ng, nint=nint_sci)
    obs.nrc_ref.update_detectors(read_mode='MEDIUM8', ngroup=ng, nint=nint_ref)

    #_ = obs.sensitivity(nsig=5, units='vegamag', verbose=True)

In [205]:
# Max Saturation Values
dmax = []
for k in filt_keys:
    obs = obs_dict[k]
    ng = obs.multiaccum.ngroup
    im_sat1 = obs.saturation_levels(ngroup=ng)
    im_sat2 = obs.nrc_ref.saturation_levels(obs.sp_ref, ngroup=ng)
    print(im_sat1.max(), im_sat2.max())

0.13262971476 0.616310485922
0.0996979063706 0.431691803452

In [206]:
# Disk Images
wfe_drift = 5
hdu_dict = do_gen_hdus(obs_dict, wfe_drift)

In [207]:
plot_images(obs_dict, hdu_dict, filt_keys, wfe_drift, fov=fov, save_fig=True)

In [208]:
# List of WFE drifts to check
wfe_list = [0,2,5,10][::-1]
nsig = 5

# Get contrasts for each WFE drift
contrast_dict = do_contrast(wfe_list, filt_keys, nsig=nsig)


In [209]:
do_plot_contrast(obs_dict, contrast_dict, wfe_list, nsig, age, save_fig=True)

HD 32297

In [226]:
i = 4

name_ref, spt_ref, kmag_ref, w1_ref, w2_ref = ref_sources[i]
sp_ref = pynrc.stellar_spectrum(spt_ref, kmag_ref, 'vegamag', bp_k) = name_ref

name_sci, dist_sci, fov, age, spt_sci, vmag_sci, kmag_sci, w1_sci, w2_sci = args_sources[i]
vot = votdir + name_sci + '.vot'

wmin = 1e4 if i==4 else 0.1e4
sp_sci, (fig,ax) = gen_sp_sci(i, robust=True, return_ax=True, wmin=wmin)

ax.plot(sp_ref.wave/1e4, sp_ref.flux, lw=1, label='PSF Reference')

fname = "{}_spectra.pdf".format(name_sci.replace(" ", ""))

[ 0.93762494]

In [227]:
obs_dict = do_init(verbose=False)

In [228]:
# Optimize readout parameters
tacq = 4200
#do_opt(tacq, patterns='MEDIUM8', ng_min=8, ng_max=8, tacq_frac=0.1, well_levels=[2], even_nints=True)
for key in filt_keys:
    obs = obs_dict[key]

    ng, nint_sci, nint_ref = (10,15,15)
    if obs.bandpass.avgwave()/1e4 < 2.5: 
        nint_sci *= 2
        nint_ref *= 2
    obs.update_detectors(read_mode='MEDIUM8', ngroup=ng, nint=nint_sci)
    obs.nrc_ref.update_detectors(read_mode='MEDIUM8', ngroup=ng, nint=nint_ref)

    #_ = obs.sensitivity(nsig=5, units='vegamag', verbose=True)

In [229]:
# Max Saturation Values
dmax = []
for k in filt_keys:
    obs = obs_dict[k]
    ng = obs.multiaccum.ngroup
    im_sat1 = obs.saturation_levels(ngroup=ng)
    im_sat2 = obs.nrc_ref.saturation_levels(obs.sp_ref, ngroup=ng)
    print(im_sat1.max(), im_sat2.max())

0.0461637589057 0.147949087583
0.0358018725406 0.111992213168

In [230]:
# Disk Images
wfe_drift = 5
hdu_dict = do_gen_hdus(obs_dict, wfe_drift)

In [231]:
plot_images(obs_dict, hdu_dict, filt_keys, wfe_drift, fov=fov, save_fig=True)

In [232]:
# List of WFE drifts to check
wfe_list = [0,2,5,10][::-1]
nsig = 5

# Get contrasts for each WFE drift
contrast_dict = do_contrast(wfe_list, filt_keys, nsig=nsig)


In [233]:
do_plot_contrast(obs_dict, contrast_dict, wfe_list, nsig, age, save_fig=True)

In [ ]: