We all know the famous Netflix challenge, where people competed to build the best recommendation engine for movie ratings. Luckily for us, the data are available, so we all can have a bit of fun.
In this notebook, I will approach the problem in two ways:
The idea is to build and compare the two methods. There are many great articles about the algorithms, use-cases and explanations, hence I will omit those and focus only on the methods and caveats I encountered.
Regarding the evaluation, three methods will be used: (i)RMSE, (ii)top-n movies users liked and we think he/she will like and (iii)most similar movies. I have chosen those three because they complement each other. RMSE gives one easily comparable number, whilst the other two show the usefulness in practice.
Only explicit ratings are used.
The analysis is done using Python 2.7 (Anaconda distribution). The data are available here:
Sources I have used:
The first thing is to load the data and modify them a bit. The item dataset contains dummy columns for each type of genre, so I convert those into one column describing the movie.
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import pairwise_distances
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error as MSE
from scipy.sparse.linalg import svds
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
#Make the print nice
pd.set_option('display.height', 1000)
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 500)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500)
pd.set_option('display.width', 1000)
np.set_printoptions(linewidth=100, precision=4,suppress=True)
header = ['user_id', 'item_id', 'rating', 'timestamp']
df = pd.read_csv('C:/Users/Honza/Desktop/Projects/Rec_engine/ml-100k/', sep='\t', names=header)
header_movies = ['movie id','movie title','release date','video release date',
'IMDb URL','unknown','Action','Adventure','Animation','Childrens',
df_movies = pd.read_csv('C:/Users/Honza/Desktop/Projects/Rec_engine/ml-100k/u.item', sep='|', names=header_movies)
Create new column which shows genre(s) of the movie
#Replace 1/0 with genre name
genre_headers = header_movies[5:]
for genre in genre_headers:
df_movies[genre] = np.where(df_movies[genre] == 1,genre + str(','), '')
#Concatane all the genre columns
df_movies['genre'] = df_movies[genre_headers].astype(str).sum(axis=1)
#Remove the last comma
df_movies['genre'] = df_movies['genre'].str[:-1]
print df_movies[['movie id','movie title','release date', 'genre']].head(n=5)
Let's start with a quick look at the data. This dataset is only a sample of the data used for the competition (if I recall correctly, there was about 100M ratings). I also need to transform the data into user-item matrix.
In average, a user gave 106 ratings. When we have a look at the distribution, most people have rated something under 100 movies. Which is not much, considering there are 1682 movies. This is called sparsity problem. In our dataset, 93.7% ratings are missing.
In [2]:
def createUserItemMatrix(X):
Creates user-item matrix
X: pd DataFrame with input data
n_users = X.user_id.unique().shape[0]
n_items = X.item_id.unique().shape[0]
ratings = np.zeros((n_users, n_items))
for row in X.itertuples():
ratings[row[1]-1, row[2]-1] = row[3]
return ratings
ratings = createUserItemMatrix(df)
print 'Data sample:'
print df.head(n=5)
print '\n'
n_users = df.user_id.unique().shape[0]
n_items = df.item_id.unique().shape[0]
print 'Number of users: {}.'.format(n_users)
print 'Number of movies: {}.'.format(n_items)
print 'Average number of ratings per user: {}'.format(round(np.mean(df.groupby(['user_id'])['rating'].count()),2))
print 'Sparsity: {}%'.format(round(1.0-len(df)/float(n_users*n_items),3)*100)
sns.kdeplot(df.groupby(['user_id'])['rating'].count(), shade=True, color="r")
sns.plt.title('Distribution of number of ratings')
In this part, we built and test a Collaborative Filtering algorithm. After some experiments, this is the final equation for ratings prediction:
$$ \hat{r}_{i,k} = \overline{R}_{i} + \frac{\sum_{j}(sim(u_{i},u_{j})C_{i,j})(R_{j,k} - \overline{R}_{j})}{\sum_{j}|(sim(u_{i},u_{j})C_{i,j})|} $$Legend: $i$ is user, $k$ is item and $j$ is another user/item.
Ok, so first, we calculate the similarity between each user/item ($ sim(u_{i},u_{j})$). We also have to divide it by the same absolute similarity measure in order to normalize it.
Moreover, the weight $C_{i,j}$ is added. It decreases the similarity measure in case two users have a number of co-rated items lower than a certain threshold. The idea behind is that if two users have very few commonly rated items, the recommendation based on only those could be misleading. If $C_{i,j}$ is greater than or equal to the threshold, the similarity measure remains intact.
Lastly, I incorporated a bias of the users. This is because every user gives ratings on a different scale (4 for me can be 2 for someone else). So $\overline{R}_{i}$ is the mean user rating and $(R_{j,k} - \overline{R}_{j})$ the difference from a user's average rating.
Note that the algorithm works in both ways - for the user and the item.
To be able to test the performance, we split the user-item matrix into a train and test set. 10 ratings are removed from each user and put aside, into the test matrix.
In [3]:
def trainTestSplit(ratings, test_size):
Split data into train and test set
ratings: user-item matrix
test_size: how many ratings per user should be removed and put into test set
test = np.zeros(ratings.shape)
train = ratings.copy()
for user in xrange(ratings.shape[0]):
test_ratings = np.random.choice(ratings[user, :].nonzero()[0],
train[user, test_ratings] = 0.
test[user, test_ratings] = ratings[user, test_ratings]
# Test and training are truly disjoint
assert(np.all((train * test) == 0))
return train, test
Below are the rest of the functions to calculate and evaluate the predictions.
The calculation of coRatedWeights is somewhat confusing. I converted the code from an iterating to a vectorized solution using broadcasting (thanks StackOverflow!), which was at the cost of readability.
In [4]:
================================= CALCULATION ==============================
def similarity(ratings, distance, direction='user'):
Calculates distnaces in the ratings matrix. Matrix is returned
ratings: user-item matrix
distance: distance metric
#Transpose if necessary
if direction == 'user':
ratings_ = ratings
if direction == 'item':
ratings_ = ratings.T
#Calculate distance matrix
if distance == 'correlation':
sim_matrix = 1 - pairwise_distances(ratings_, metric=distance)
sim_matrix[np.isnan(sim_matrix)] = 0.
return sim_matrix
sim_matrix = pairwise_distances(ratings_, metric=distance)
sim_matrix[np.isnan(sim_matrix)] = 0.
return sim_matrix
def coRatedWeights(ratings, n_rated=25, direction='user'):
Calculates number of co-rated items between two users as a weight
ratings: user-item matrix
n_rated: number of co-rated items
If # of corated items >= n_rated then weight is 1, otherwise (# of corated items)/n_rated.
This is based on numpy broadcasting.
if direction == 'user':
ratings_aux = ratings > 0
if direction == 'item':
ratings_aux = ratings.T > 0
mask = ratings_aux[None,:,:] == ratings_aux[:,None,:]
mask &= (ratings_aux != False)[None,:,:] & (ratings_aux != False)[:,None,:]
co_rated_aux_out = mask.sum(2) # or np.count_nonzero(mask,axis=2)
co_rated_out = np.where(co_rated_aux_out <=n_rated, co_rated_aux_out/float(n_rated),1)
return co_rated_out
def predictCF(ratings, similarity, co_rated, direction='user'):
Predicts rating of item or user
ratings: matrix with ratings
similarity: similatiry matrix
co_rated: number of common items rated together as a weight matrix
direction: user or item based
if direction == 'user':
#The mean is calculated only from ratings > 0
mean_user_rating = np.true_divide(train.sum(1),(train!=0).sum(1))
mean_user_rating = mean_user_rating[:,np.newaxis]
ratings_diff = (ratings - mean_user_rating)
pred = mean_user_rating + (similarity*co_rated).dot(ratings_diff)/np.array([np.abs(similarity*co_rated).sum(axis=1)]).T
if direction == 'item':
pred =*co_rated)/np.array([np.abs(similarity).sum(axis=1)])
return pred
================================= VALIDATION ===============================
def evaluate(pred, true):
Evaluate the prediction - RMSE
pred: predicted ratings
true: true values (test set)
pred = pred[true.nonzero()].flatten()
true = true[true.nonzero()].flatten()
return np.sqrt(MSE(true, pred))
def topMovieRecommendation(prediction, ratings, movies, user, top_n=5):
Gives top-n movies user liked with ratings and genre
and top-n movies we predicted he/she would have liked with ratings and genre
prediction: user-item matrix with predictions
ratings: user-item matrix
movies: DataFrame with movie title and id
user: user idx (not ID!)
top_n: how many top movies/predictions should be shown
#Top-n movies the user liked
top_true = np.argsort(ratings[user,:])[:-top_n-1:-1]
df_true = pd.DataFrame(movies[['movie title', 'genre']].iloc[top_true])
df_true['rating'] = ratings[user,top_true]
#Top-n predicted movies the user would like
top_pred = np.argsort(prediction[user,:])[:-top_n-1:-1]
df_predict = pd.DataFrame(movies[['movie title','genre']].iloc[top_pred])
df_predict['predicted rating'] = prediction[user,top_pred]
print 'Top {} movies user {} liked:'.format(top_n, user)
print df_true
print '--------------------------------------------'
print 'Top {} predictions for user {}:'.format(top_n, user)
print df_predict
def mostSimilarMovies(similarity, movies, movie_idx, k=5):
Gives top-k most similar movies
similarity: matrix of item similarity
movie_idx: index of movie to which I want to find most similar ones
movies: DataFrame with list of index and movies
k: top-k most similar items
WATCH OUT! Similarity matrix starts with 0, df_movies with 1.
I am using index, not movie id!
top_k = np.argsort(similarity[movie_idx,:])[:-k-1:-1]
print 'The most similar movies to {} are:'.format(movies['movie title'][movies['movie id'] == movie_idx+1].item())
return movies['movie title'][movies['movie id'].isin(top_k)]
Finally, let's call the functions and see how we do! Here, I calculated the predictions for both user and item-based Collaborative Filtering.
Prior to this, I did quite some testing, so here are the parameters that give the best results. Sadly, the co-rated weight did not help whatsoever (the higher the weight the higher the RMSE). Anyway, I decided to keep it for educational purposes, and it seems to me that it gives better recommendations.
In [5]:
================================= CALCULATION ==============================
ratings = createUserItemMatrix(df)
train, test = trainTestSplit(ratings, 10)
similarity_user = similarity(train, distance='correlation', direction='user')
similarity_item = similarity(train, distance='correlation', direction='item')
corated_user = coRatedWeights(train, n_rated=1, direction='user')
corated_item = coRatedWeights(train, n_rated=1, direction='item')
prediction_user = predictCF(train, similarity_user, corated_user, direction='user')
prediction_item = predictCF(train, similarity_item, corated_item, direction='item')
So what do we see? Item-based Collaborative Filtering is doing much worse based on RMSE. Also the value of 2.8 is quite high, considering the fact that the Netflix challenge was won with an RMSE of ~0.8.
The second part shows the top five favourite items of user 0, and below that, the top five items we would recommend. Firstly, one movie, Raiders of the Lost Ark, is in the movies user 0 really liked. Good! There are also two other Star Wars movies. However, when we look at the genre, the Silence of the Lambs and Fargo seem a bit far from the taste of the user.
But note the low predicted ratings - even for the one common movie. They are quite off!
The third part visualizes if the engine can recommend similar movies. The answer? It cannot! I do not think Toy Story and Striptease are similar! Quite the opposite. And they said it would be easy.
In [6]:
================================= VALIDATION ===============================
print 'User RMSE is {}'.format(evaluate(prediction_user, test))
print 'Item RMSE is {}'.format(evaluate(prediction_item, test))
print '\n'
print '===================================================='
topMovieRecommendation(prediction_user, ratings, df_movies, 0)
print '\n'
print '===================================================='
print mostSimilarMovies(similarity_item, df_movies, movie_idx=0)
In the second part, we will use matrix factorization method, concretely SVD. Below brief recap how SVD works: $$ X = U \times S \times V^T $$
Matrix $X$ can be vectorized into $U$, $S$ and $V^T$. $U$ represents the user vector, $S$ is diagonal matrix with singular values of $X$ and $V^T$ represents the item vector.
The predictions can be calculated by taking the dot product of $U$, $S$ and $V^T$ with defined number of latent factors.
Again, after quite some experiments, this is the final equation:
$$ \hat{r}_{i,k} = \mu + b_{i} + b_{k} + \sum_{j}USV^T $$Legend: $i$ is user, $k$ is item, $j$ is index of each element in SVD calculation
Now, the prediction would work only with the matrix factorization term: $\sum_{j}USV^T$ - I got RMSE of 2.5, which is improvment, but we can do better. To improve the predictions, I have added global and local biases. $\mu$ is global bias, it is the average rating of all movies. $b_{i}$ is rating deviation of user $i$ and $b_{k}$ is rating deviation of item $k$.
Below I defined another predict function, the others can be reused.
In [7]:
def predictMF(ratings, k=20):
Predict ratings for every user
ratings: user-item matrix
k: number of latent factors
#Calculates user and movie biases
overall_mean = np.mean(ratings[np.nonzero(ratings)])
mean_user_rating = np.true_divide(ratings.sum(1),(ratings!=0).sum(1))
mean_user_rating = mean_user_rating[:,np.newaxis]
mean_movie_rating = np.true_divide(ratings.T.sum(1),(ratings.T!=0).sum(1))
mean_movie_rating = mean_movie_rating[:,np.newaxis]
user_deviation = mean_user_rating - overall_mean
movie_deviation = mean_movie_rating - overall_mean
#Matrix Factorization
u, s, vt = svds(ratings, k)
latent_factor =, s_diag_matrix), vt)
pred = overall_mean + user_deviation + movie_deviation.T + latent_factor
#Fill nan if any and transform to 0-5 scale
pred[np.isnan(pred)] = 0.
mx = np.amax(pred,axis=1)
pred = pred/mx[:,np.newaxis] * 5
return pred, u, s, vt
Here we are, the second method. Note that the train and test set are identical to the previous part, so we can do straight comparison between the two approaches.
Strangely, the output must have been transformed to 1-5 point scale, because the predicted ratings were outside the boundaries.
Below I tried to find best value of k, number of latent factors. As you can see, the smaller the amount of the latent factors, the lower the RMSE. However, when I looked at the usefulness of the predictions, I saw that the lower the k is, the more general the predictions are. Therefore, I decided to use 20, which seems to be reasonable compromise between RMSE and usefulness.
In [8]:
score = []
for factor in range(1,101):
pred, u, s, vt = predictMF(train, factor)
rmse = evaluate(pred, test)
plt.scatter(range(1,101), score)
plt.suptitle('Size of RMSE by number of latent factors')
plt.xlabel('number of factors')
In [9]:
================================= CALCULATION ==============================
pred, u, s, vt = predictMF(train, 20)
The first measure, RMSE, shows value of 1.25, which is significantly better than Collaborative Filtering. And quite close to what you see on the internet and in the Netflix challenge.
The second measure shows again the user 0, so the first part is same as in the previous chapter. The predicted movies are the same except two (there is now Monthy Python and Blade Runner instead of Raiders of The Lost Ark and Return of The Jedi). When we look at the genre, the two different movies seems to suit the user more. Also, the predicted ratings seem more reasonable now.
The third measure describe the most similar movie. Given the Toy story (again), the machine thinks that Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil is very similar. Nope.
In [10]:
================================= VALIDATION ===============================
print 'RMSE is {}'.format(evaluate(pred, test))
print '\n'
print '===================================================='
topMovieRecommendation(pred, ratings, df_movies, 0)
print '\n'
print '===================================================='
sim = pairwise_distances(vt[:19,:].T, metric='euclidean')
print mostSimilarMovies(sim, df_movies, movie_idx=0)
With the Matrix Factorization technique and latent factors, we can plot the movies which the machine thinks are similar. In order to do so, I used the first two latent factors to plot 30 random movies. The closer they are, the more similar they supposed to be.
Even though the Star Trek movies are quite close, I think that overall the model is not doing well
In [11]:
df_lv = pd.DataFrame(vt[:2,:].T, columns=['factor_1','factor_2'])
df_lv = pd.merge(df_lv, df_movies, how='left', left_index=True, right_index=True)
df_lv['movie title'] = df_lv['movie title'].map(lambda x: str(x)[:-7])
df_lv = df_lv[['factor_1','factor_2','movie title']].iloc[200:230]
plt.scatter(df_lv['factor_1'], df_lv['factor_2'],
c='white', marker='.',
for label, x, y in zip(df_lv['movie title'], df_lv['factor_1'], df_lv['factor_2']):
xy=(x, y), xytext=(-1, 1),
textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='bottom',
In [12]:
#Let's recalculate the predictions
prediction_CF = predictCF(train, similarity_user, corated_user, direction='user')
prediction_MF, u, s, vt = predictMF(train, 20)
User 56 - the both methods offer same movies except one - Fargo vs. Independence Day. Since the user likes more drama movies, Fargo could be a better choice. Hence CF seems better, but MF more reasonable ratings.
The winner? Collaborative Filtering.
In [13]:
print 'Collaborative filtering:'
topMovieRecommendation(prediction_CF, ratings, df_movies, 56)
print '\n'
print 'Matrix Factorization:'
topMovieRecommendation(prediction_MF, ratings, df_movies, 56)
User 873 - Both methods have three movies in common: Fargo, The Godfather and The English Patient. The Godfather was a correct match, but the rating from MF is much more closer. The other two movies seems like a reasonable prediction for this user.
Regargding the Collaborative Filtering, the user did not like any Sci-Fi movie, hence I think that Star Wars and Contact should not be recommended.
In the Matrix Factorization, The Full Monty is a Comedy, which the user might like based on top five movies and L.A. Confidential was a match with rating close to the true value.
The winner? Matrix Factorization.
In [14]:
print 'Collaborative filtering:'
topMovieRecommendation(prediction_CF, ratings, df_movies, 873)
print '\n'
print 'Matrix Factorization:'
topMovieRecommendation(prediction_MF, ratings, df_movies, 873)
User 431 : Here, both methods recommended Star Wars, which is not close to what the user likes.
The rest of the movies recommended by Collaborative Filtering the user might enjoy, but only because those movies are popular in general. However, they are not close to the taste of this particular user.
Matrix Factorization offers some Action or Horror movies, which are closer to the taste of this user. The movie Scream was a correct prediction with rating again close to the true.
The winner? Matrix Factorization.
In [15]:
print 'Collaborative filtering:'
topMovieRecommendation(prediction_CF, ratings, df_movies, 331)
print '\n'
print 'Matrix Factorization:'
topMovieRecommendation(prediction_MF, ratings, df_movies,331)
To wrap it up, we saw how Collaborative Filtering and Matrix Factorization behave. I like Collaborative Filtering, because is straightforward and the implementation is not difficult. I tried to improve it with co-rated weights, but without success. Even though the performance is quite low, judging by RMSE or usefulness of predictions, the method has its place. Plus being sort of white-box model can be seen as another advantage.
The Matrix Factorization performed significantly better in both RMSE and usefulness of prediction. Thanks to the numpy implementation, the model is built pretty quickly. I also tried to improve the model by adding global and local biases, which was successful - plain Matrix Factorization gave RMSE of 2.5, whilst the improved version yielded RMSE equal to 1.2. When looking for the best value of number of latent factors, the smaller the value, the lower the RMSE. However, then the predictions are less personalized and show mostly popular movies. The sweet spot seems to be somewhere around 20.
When both methods were compared by usefulness of prediction, Matrix Factorization always offered better recommendations (at least by me). I saw that Collaborative Filtering often recommended the most popular movies, whilst the second method is a bit more personalized. Interestingly, both models failed to predict item similarity. Lastly, I had to transform the ratings in Matrix Recommendation to 1-5 scale, which also improved the RMSE. Nevertheless, when I did the same in Collaboratiove Filtering, there was no effect.
As it always is, there is so much more I did not take into account. That is why I added a few bulletpoints of ideas, which I believe can improve the performance and overall usefullness of the model.