
There are many libraries for plotting in Python. The standard library is matplotlib. Its examples and gallery are particularly useful references.

Matplotlib is most useful if you have data in numpy arrays. We can then plot standard single graphs straightforwardly:

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

The above command is only needed if you are plotting in a Jupyter notebook.

We now construct some data:

In [2]:
import numpy

x = numpy.linspace(0, 1)
y1 = numpy.sin(numpy.pi * x) + 0.1 * numpy.random.rand(50)
y2 = numpy.cos(3.0 * numpy.pi * x) + 0.2 * numpy.random.rand(50)

And then produce a line plot:

In [3]:
from matplotlib import pyplot
pyplot.plot(x, y1)

We can add labels and titles:

In [4]:
pyplot.plot(x, y1)
pyplot.title('A single line plot')

We can change the plotting style, and use LaTeX style notation where needed:

In [5]:
pyplot.plot(x, y1, linestyle='--', color='black', linewidth=3)
pyplot.title(r'A single line plot, roughly $\sin(\pi x)$')

We can plot two lines at once, and add a legend, which we can position:

In [6]:
pyplot.plot(x, y1, label=r'$y_1$')
pyplot.plot(x, y2, label=r'$y_2$')
pyplot.title('Two line plots')
pyplot.legend(loc='lower left')

We would probably prefer to use subplots. At this point we have to leave the simple interface, and start building the plot using its individual components, figures and axes, which are objects to manipulate:

In [7]:
fig, axes = pyplot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(10,6))
axis1 = axes[0]
axis1.plot(x, y1)
axis2 = axes[1]
axis2.plot(x, y2)

The axes variable contains all of the separate axes that you may want. This makes it easy to construct many subplots using a loop:

In [8]:
data = []
for nx in range(2,5):
    for ny in range(2,5):
        data.append(numpy.sin(nx * numpy.pi * x) + numpy.cos(ny * numpy.pi * x))

fig, axes = pyplot.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=3, figsize=(10,10))
for nrow in range(3):
    for ncol in range(3):
        ndata = ncol + 3 * nrow
        axes[nrow, ncol].plot(x, data[ndata])
        axes[nrow, ncol].set_xlabel(r'$x$')
        axes[nrow, ncol].set_ylabel(r'$\sin({} \pi x) + \cos({} \pi x)$'.format(nrow+2, ncol+2))

Matplotlib will allow you to generate and place axes pretty much wherever you like, to use logarithmic scales, to do different types of plot, and so on. Check the examples and gallery for details.


The logistic map builds a sequence of numbers $\{ x_n \}$ using the relation $$ x_{n+1} = r x_n \left( 1 - x_n \right), $$ where $0 \le x_0 \le 1$.

  • Write a program that calculates the first $N$ members of the sequence, given as input $x_0$ and $r$ (and, of course, $N$).
  • Fix $x_0=0.5$. Calculate the first 2,000 members of the sequence for $r=1.5$ and $r=3.5$ Plot the last 100 members of the sequence in both cases. What does this suggest about the long-term behaviour of the sequence?
  • Fix $x_0 = 0.5$. For each value of $r$ between $1$ and $4$, in steps of $0.01$, calculate the first 2,000 members of the sequence. Plot the last 1,000 members of the sequence on a plot where the $x$-axis is the value of $r$ and the $y$-axis is the values in the sequence. Do not plot lines - just plot markers (e.g., use the 'k.' plotting style).

In [9]:
def logistic(x0, r, N = 1000):
    sequence = [x0]
    xn = x0
    for n in range(N):
        xnew = r*xn*(1.0-xn)
        xn = xnew
    return sequence

In [10]:
x0 = 0.5
N = 2000
sequence1 = logistic(x0, 1.5, N)
sequence2 = logistic(x0, 3.5, N)
pyplot.plot(sequence1[-100:], 'b-', label = r'$r=1.5$')
pyplot.plot(sequence2[-100:], 'k-', label = r'$r=3.5$')

This suggests that, for $r=1.5$, the sequence has settled down to a fixed point. In the $r=3.5$ case it seems to be moving between four points repeatedly.

In [11]:
# This is the "best" way of doing it, but we may not have much numpy yet
# r_values = numpy.arange(1.0, 4.0, 0.01)
# This way only uses lists
r_values = []
for i in range(302):
    r_values.append(1.0 + 0.01 * i)
x0 = 0.5
N = 2000
for r in r_values:
    sequence = logistic(x0, r, N)
    pyplot.plot(r*numpy.ones_like(sequence[1000:]), sequence[1000:], 'k.')

The first transition from fixed point to limit cycle is at $r \approx 3$, the next at $r \approx 3.45$, the next at $r \approx 3.55$. The transition to chaos appears to happen before $r=4$, but it's not obvious exactly where.