Analyzing the Philadelphia Data Science Scene with Python


  • The latest version of this notebook can always be found and viewed online here. It's strongly recommended that you view the online version of this document.
  • Instructions for setting up Jupyter Notebook and the required libraries can be found online here.
  • The repo for this project can be found and forked here.


DataPhilly is a local data meetup group I started back in 2012. I had attended a few data science conferences and I was really disappointed about the lack of a local meetup group for people interested in data science. And so DataPhilly was born!

Jupyter Notebook

The Jupyter Notebook is a web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and explanatory text. Uses include: data cleaning and transformation, numerical simulation, statistical modeling, machine learning and much more.

Through Jupyter's kernel and messaging architecture, the Notebook allows code to be run in a range of different programming languages. For each notebook document that a user opens, the web application starts a kernel that runs the code for that notebook. Each kernel is capable of running code in a single programming language and there are kernels available in the following languages

The default kernel runs Python code. The notebook provides a simple way for users to pick which of these kernels is used for a given notebook.

Jupyter examples and tutorials can be found in the Jupyter github repo here.

The task

The task I'll be walking you through today will demonstrate how to use Python for exploratory data analysis. The dataset I'll use is one I created by querying the Meetup API for the DataPhilly meetup. I'll walk you through using Jupyter notebook (The webapp we're using now), Pandas (an excel like tool for data exploration) and scikit-learn (a Python machine learning library) to explore the DataPhilly dataset. I won't go in depth into these tools but my hope is that you'll leave my talk wanting to learn more about using Python for exploratory data analysis and that you'll learn some interesting things about DataPhilly in the process.

Initializing our environment

First let's start off by initializing our environment

  • %matplotlib inline initializes matplotlib so that we can display graphs and charts in our notebook.
  • import seaborn as sns imports seaborn a graphing library built on top of matplotlib.
  • import pandas as pd imports pandas a tool I'll explain in the next section.

Hint: If you've installed Jupyter Notebook and you're running this on your machine, you can use the run button in the toolbar at the top of the page to execute each cell

Click on the cell above and the cell below. You'll notice that the cell above is Markdown. You can edit it by double clicking on it. The cell below contains Python code which can be modified and executed. If the code has any output it will be printed out below the cell with Out [n]: in front of it.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import rcParams

# Modify aesthetics for visibility during presentation
sns.set_style('darkgrid', {'axes.facecolor': '#C2C2C8'})

# Make everything bigger for visibility during presentation
rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 20, 10
rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 'xx-large'
rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 'x-large'
rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 'x-large'
rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 'x-large'
rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 'xx-large'
rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 4.0
rcParams['grid.linewidth'] = 2.0

# Hide warnings in the notebook
import warnings


Pandas is a library that provides data analysis tools for the Python programming language. You can think of it as Excel on steroids, but in Python.

To start off, I've used the meetup API to gather a bunch of data on members of the DataPhilly meetup group. First let's start off by looking at the events we've had over the past few years. I've loaded the data into a pandas DataFrame and stored it in the file events.pkl. A DataFrame is a table similar to an Excel spreadsheet. Let's load it and see what it looks like:

DataPhilly events dataset

In [2]:
events_df = pd.read_pickle('events.pkl')
events_df = events_df.sort_values(by='time')

created name rating time waitlist_count yes_rsvp_count id
0 1351948193000 Meet and greet {u'count': 3, u'average': 5} 1352934000000 0 17 89769502
1 1357781071000 DataPhilly January 2013 Meetup - An Introducti... {u'count': 6, u'average': 4.17000007629} 1359588600000 0 61 98833672
2 1359732939000 DataPhilly February 2013 Meetup - Data Science... {u'count': 5, u'average': 5} 1361316600000 0 47 102502622
3 1361647778000 DataPhilly March 2013 Meetup - Data Analysis u... {u'count': 8, u'average': 5} 1364423400000 0 62 106043892
4 1362506708000 DataPhilly April 2013 Meetup - Machine Learnin... {u'count': 7, u'average': 4.57000017166} 1366151400000 2 54 107740582
5 1369104714000 DataPhilly June 2013 - Hadoop: BigSheets & Pig {u'count': 4, u'average': 3} 1370471400000 5 41 120425212
6 1375999505000 DataPhilly August 2013 - Data Science with R {u'count': 11, u'average': 4.55000019073} 1377037800000 0 77 133803672
7 1378332108000 DataPhilly September 2013 - Data Storytime {u'count': 9, u'average': 5} 1380234600000 0 64 138415912
8 1381360216000 DataPhilly October 2013 - Data Science Tools a... {u'count': 11, u'average': 4.73000001907} 1382565600000 0 50 144769822
9 1383762778000 DataPhilly November 2013 - Data in Practice {u'count': 3, u'average': 4.67000007629} 1384815600000 0 67 149515412
10 1389631621000 DataPhilly January 2014 - Two Hours of Lightni... {u'count': 6, u'average': 4.82999992371} 1391036400000 0 69 160323532
11 1393608501000 DataPhilly March 2014 - Interactive Data Visua... {u'count': 9, u'average': 4.67000007629} 1394661600000 0 69 168747852
12 1396956902000 DataPhilly April 2014: Art and Data {u'count': 4, u'average': 4.75} 1397685600000 0 39 175993712
13 1400001749000 DataPhilly May 2014: Data Discovery {u'count': 7, u'average': 5} 1400709600000 0 60 182860422
14 1410488369000 Explore All the Data! {u'count': 2, u'average': 5} 1412719200000 0 44 206754182
15 1414103507000 Explore All the Data! {u'count': 3, u'average': 4} 1415314800000 0 41 215265722
16 1417659431000 DataPhilly - December 2014 {u'count': 5, u'average': 5} 1418770800000 2 68 219055217
17 1421280214000 DataPhilly & GeoPhilly: Open Data Day Meetup {u'count': 4, u'average': 4.5} 1424386800000 83 57 219840555
18 1423955223000 DataPhilly: March Meetup {u'count': 3, u'average': 4.67000007629} 1426802400000 0 114 220526799
19 1426720048000 DataPhilly: April; Philly Tech Week Edition {u'count': 9, u'average': 5} 1429221600000 19 115 221245827
20 1442763491000 DataPhilly October {u'count': 6, u'average': 4.82999992371} 1445551200000 7 139 225488147

You can access values in a DataFrame column like this:

In [3]:

0      17
1      61
2      47
3      62
4      54
5      41
6      77
7      64
8      50
9      67
10     69
11     69
12     39
13     60
14     44
15     41
16     68
17     57
18    114
19    115
20    139
Name: yes_rsvp_count, dtype: int64

You can access a row of a DataFrame using iloc:

In [4]:

created                                               1362506708000
name              DataPhilly April 2013 Meetup - Machine Learnin...
rating                     {u'count': 7, u'average': 4.57000017166}
time                                                  1366151400000
waitlist_count                                                    2
yes_rsvp_count                                                   54
id                                                        107740582
Name: 4, dtype: object

We can view the first few rows using the head method:

In [5]:

created name rating time waitlist_count yes_rsvp_count id
0 1351948193000 Meet and greet {u'count': 3, u'average': 5} 1352934000000 0 17 89769502
1 1357781071000 DataPhilly January 2013 Meetup - An Introducti... {u'count': 6, u'average': 4.17000007629} 1359588600000 0 61 98833672
2 1359732939000 DataPhilly February 2013 Meetup - Data Science... {u'count': 5, u'average': 5} 1361316600000 0 47 102502622
3 1361647778000 DataPhilly March 2013 Meetup - Data Analysis u... {u'count': 8, u'average': 5} 1364423400000 0 62 106043892
4 1362506708000 DataPhilly April 2013 Meetup - Machine Learnin... {u'count': 7, u'average': 4.57000017166} 1366151400000 2 54 107740582

And similarly the last few using tail:

In [6]:

created name rating time waitlist_count yes_rsvp_count id
18 1423955223000 DataPhilly: March Meetup {u'count': 3, u'average': 4.67000007629} 1426802400000 0 114 220526799
19 1426720048000 DataPhilly: April; Philly Tech Week Edition {u'count': 9, u'average': 5} 1429221600000 19 115 221245827
20 1442763491000 DataPhilly October {u'count': 6, u'average': 4.82999992371} 1445551200000 7 139 225488147

We can see that the yes_rsvp_count contains the number of people who RSVPed yes for each event. First let's look at some basic statistics:

In [7]:
yes_rsvp_count = events_df['yes_rsvp_count']
yes_rsvp_count.sum(), yes_rsvp_count.mean(), yes_rsvp_count.min(), yes_rsvp_count.max()

(1355, 64.523809523809518, 17, 139)

When we access a single column of the DataFrame like this we get a Series object which is just a 1-dimensional version of a DataFrame.

In [8]:


We can use the built-in describe method to print out a lot of useful stats in a nice tabular format:

In [9]:

count     21.000000
mean      64.523810
std       28.212797
min       17.000000
25%       47.000000
50%       61.000000
75%       69.000000
max      139.000000
Name: yes_rsvp_count, dtype: float64

Next I'd like to graph the number of RSVPs over time to see if there are any interesting trends. To do this let's first sum the waitlist_count and yes_rsvp_count columns and make a new column called total_RSVP_count.

In [10]:
events_df['total_RSVP_count'] = events_df['waitlist_count'] + events_df['yes_rsvp_count']

0      17
1      61
2      47
3      62
4      56
5      46
6      77
7      64
8      50
9      67
10     69
11     69
12     39
13     60
14     44
15     41
16     70
17    140
18    114
19    134
20    146
Name: total_RSVP_count, dtype: int64

We can plot these values using the plot method

In [11]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1045c68d0>

The plot method utilizes the matplotlib library behind the scenes to draw the plot. This is interesting, but it would be nice to have the dates of the meetups on the X-axis of the plot.

To accomplish this, let's convert the time field from a unix epoch timestamp to a python datetime utilizing the apply method and a function.

In [12]:

created name rating time waitlist_count yes_rsvp_count id total_RSVP_count
0 1351948193000 Meet and greet {u'count': 3, u'average': 5} 1352934000000 0 17 89769502 17
1 1357781071000 DataPhilly January 2013 Meetup - An Introducti... {u'count': 6, u'average': 4.17000007629} 1359588600000 0 61 98833672 61

In [13]:
import datetime
def get_datetime_from_epoch(epoch):
    return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(epoch/1000.0)

In [14]:
events_df['time'] = events_df['time'].apply(get_datetime_from_epoch)

0    2012-11-14 18:00:00
1    2013-01-30 18:30:00
2    2013-02-19 18:30:00
3    2013-03-27 18:30:00
4    2013-04-16 18:30:00
5    2013-06-05 18:30:00
6    2013-08-20 18:30:00
7    2013-09-26 18:30:00
8    2013-10-23 18:00:00
9    2013-11-18 18:00:00
10   2014-01-29 18:00:00
11   2014-03-12 18:00:00
12   2014-04-16 18:00:00
13   2014-05-21 18:00:00
14   2014-10-07 18:00:00
15   2014-11-06 18:00:00
16   2014-12-16 18:00:00
17   2015-02-19 18:00:00
18   2015-03-19 18:00:00
19   2015-04-16 18:00:00
20   2015-10-22 18:00:00
Name: time, dtype: datetime64[ns]

Next let's make the time column the index of the DataFrame using the set_index method and then re-plot our data.

In [15]:
events_df.set_index('time', inplace=True)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x109664550>

We can also easily plot multiple columns on the same plot.

In [16]:
all_rsvps = events_df[['yes_rsvp_count', 'waitlist_count', 'total_RSVP_count']]
all_rsvps.plot(title='Attendance over time')

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10993a890>

DataPhilly members dataset

Alright so I'm seeing some interesting trends here. Let's take a look at something different.

The Meetup API also provides us access to member info. Let's have a look at the data we have available:

In [17]:
members_df = pd.read_pickle('members.pkl')
for column in ['joined', 'visited']:
    members_df[column] = members_df[column].apply(get_datetime_from_epoch)

anon_id anon_name bio city country gender hometown joined lat lon membership_count state topics visited
0 0 James NaN Philadelphia us male Philadelphia 2015-10-10 21:43:33 39.94 -75.23 0 PA [{u'name': u'Poker', u'urlkey': u'poker', u'id... 2015-10-10 21:43:33
1 1 Vijay java software developer in center city philly Philadelphia us male Philadelphia 2013-11-22 22:32:04 39.96 -75.20 0 PA [] 2015-04-13 20:20:24
2 2 Justin NaN Philadelphia us male NaN 2015-06-10 16:18:43 40.00 -75.14 63 PA [{u'name': u'Extreme Programming', u'urlkey': ... 2015-10-22 15:42:23

You'll notice that I've anonymized the meetup member_id and the member's name. I've also used the python module SexMachine to infer members gender based on their first name. I ran SexMachine on the original names before I anonymized them. Let's have a closer look at the gender breakdown of our members:

In [18]:
gender_counts = members_df['gender'].value_counts()

male             716
andy             257
female           175
mostly_male       91
mostly_female     35
Name: gender, dtype: int64

Next let's use the hist method to plot a histogram of membership_count. This is the number of groups each member is in.

In [19]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10b34a990>

Something looks odd here let's check out the value_counts:

In [20]:

0    124
2    105
1     96
3     86
5     77
Name: membership_count, dtype: int64

Okay so most members are members of 0 meetup groups?! This seems odd! I did a little digging and came up with the answer; members can set their membership details to be private, and then this value will be zero. Let's filter out these members and recreate the histogram.

In [21]:
members_df_non_zero = members_df[members_df['membership_count'] != 0]

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10b534bd0>

Okay so most members are only members of a few meetup groups. There's some outliers that are pretty hard to read, let's try plotting this on a logarithmic scale to see if that helps:

In [22]:
ax = members_df_non_zero['membership_count'].hist(bins=50)
ax.set_xlim(0, 500)

(0, 500)

Let's use a mask to filter out the outliers so we can dig into them a little further:

In [23]:
all_the_meetups = members_df[members_df['membership_count'] > 100]
filtered = all_the_meetups[['membership_count', 'city', 'country', 'state']]
filtered.sort_values(by='membership_count', ascending=False)

membership_count city country state
301 1838 Berlin de NaN
25 816 San Francisco us CA
141 651 Jerusalem il NaN
67 303 Philadelphia us PA
420 295 Baltimore us MD
1178 278 Princeton us NJ
257 241 New York us NY
223 207 Scarsdale us NY
150 197 Philadelphia us PA
174 166 Philadelphia us PA
86 166 West Chester us PA
449 146 Exton us PA
154 119 San Francisco us CA
1158 119 Philadelphia us PA
1022 113 Levittown us PA
868 106 Seattle us WA
987 102 San Francisco us CA

The people from Philly might actually be legitimate members, let's use a compound mask to filter them out as well:

In [24]:
all_the_meetups = members_df[
    (members_df['membership_count'] > 100) & (members_df['city'] != 'Philadelphia')
filtered = all_the_meetups[['membership_count', 'city', 'country', 'state']]
filtered.sort_values(by='membership_count', ascending=False)

membership_count city country state
301 1838 Berlin de NaN
25 816 San Francisco us CA
141 651 Jerusalem il NaN
420 295 Baltimore us MD
1178 278 Princeton us NJ
257 241 New York us NY
223 207 Scarsdale us NY
86 166 West Chester us PA
449 146 Exton us PA
154 119 San Francisco us CA
1022 113 Levittown us PA
868 106 Seattle us WA
987 102 San Francisco us CA

That's strange, I don't think we've ever had any members from Berlin, San Francisco, or Jerusalem in attendance :-).

The RSVP dataset

Moving on, we also have all the events that each member RSVPed to:

In [25]:
rsvps_df = pd.read_pickle('rsvps.pkl')

102502622 106043892 107740582 120425212 133803672 138415912 144769822 149515412 160323532 168747852 ... 206754182 215265722 219055217 219840555 220526799 221245827 225488147 89769502 98833672 member_id
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 151
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 370
2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 157

3 rows × 22 columns

We can utilize the pandas merge method to join our members DataFrame and our rsvps DataFrame:

In [26]:
joined_with_rsvps_df = pd.merge(members_df, rsvps_df, left_on='anon_id', right_on='member_id')

anon_id anon_name bio city country gender hometown joined lat lon ... 206754182 215265722 219055217 219840555 220526799 221245827 225488147 89769502 98833672 member_id
0 4 Edward NaN Downingtown us male Philadelphia 2015-05-20 05:24:59 40.02 -75.71 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4
1 8 John CTO as SnipSnap, the coupon app Woodbury us male NaN 2013-01-29 22:49:12 39.83 -75.13 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
2 11 John Founder and CEO of Azavea, a firm that builds ... Philadelphia us male NaN 2012-11-06 12:18:12 39.95 -75.16 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 11

3 rows × 36 columns

In [27]:

Index([         u'anon_id',        u'anon_name',              u'bio',
                   u'city',          u'country',           u'gender',
               u'hometown',           u'joined',              u'lat',
                    u'lon', u'membership_count',            u'state',
                 u'topics',          u'visited',        u'102502622',
              u'106043892',        u'107740582',        u'120425212',
              u'133803672',        u'138415912',        u'144769822',
              u'149515412',        u'160323532',        u'168747852',
              u'175993712',        u'182860422',        u'206754182',
              u'215265722',        u'219055217',        u'219840555',
              u'220526799',        u'221245827',        u'225488147',
               u'89769502',         u'98833672',        u'member_id'],

Now we have a ton of data, let's see what kind of interesting things we can discover. Let's look at the some stats on male attendees vs. female attendees:

First we can use the isin method to make DataFrames for male and female members.

In [28]:
male_attendees = joined_with_rsvps_df[joined_with_rsvps_df['gender'].isin(['male', 'mostly_male'])]

anon_id anon_name bio city country gender hometown joined lat lon ... 206754182 215265722 219055217 219840555 220526799 221245827 225488147 89769502 98833672 member_id
578 1261 Tom NaN Philadelphia us male NaN 2015-10-06 17:50:59 39.96 -75.20 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1261
579 1262 Daniel NaN Philadelphia us male NaN 2015-10-07 15:48:58 39.97 -75.17 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1262
583 1271 Chris NaN Philadelphia us male NaN 2015-10-20 15:00:55 39.96 -75.20 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1271

3 rows × 36 columns

In [29]:
female_attendees = joined_with_rsvps_df[joined_with_rsvps_df['gender'].isin(['female', 'mostly_female'])]

anon_id anon_name bio city country gender hometown joined lat lon ... 206754182 215265722 219055217 219840555 220526799 221245827 225488147 89769502 98833672 member_id
580 1265 Erin NaN Philadelphia us female NaN 2015-10-13 18:13:37 39.95 -75.16 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1265
581 1268 Anne NaN Philadelphia us female Philadelphia 2015-10-18 15:29:42 39.96 -75.20 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1268
582 1269 Stacey NaN Philadelphia us female NaN 2015-10-20 09:55:35 39.96 -75.20 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1269

3 rows × 36 columns

Next we can use the sum method to count the number of male and female attendees per event and create a Series for each.

In [30]:
event_ids = [
    '102502622', '106043892', '107740582', '120425212', '133803672', '138415912', '144769822', '149515412',
    '160323532', '168747852', '175993712', '182860422', '206754182', '215265722', '219055217', '219840555',
    '220526799', '221245827', '225488147', '89769502', '98833672'

102502622    30
106043892    35
107740582    33
dtype: float64

We can then recombine the male and female Series' into a new DataFrame.

In [31]:
gender_attendance = pd.DataFrame({'male': male_attendees[event_ids].sum(), 'female': female_attendees[event_ids].sum()})

female male
102502622 2 30
106043892 6 35
107740582 3 33

And then we can use merge again to combine this with our events DataFrame.

In [32]:
events_with_gender_df = pd.merge(events_df, gender_attendance, left_on='id', right_index=True)

created name rating waitlist_count yes_rsvp_count id total_RSVP_count female male
2012-11-14 18:00:00 1351948193000 Meet and greet {u'count': 3, u'average': 5} 0 17 89769502 17 1 8
2013-01-30 18:30:00 1357781071000 DataPhilly January 2013 Meetup - An Introducti... {u'count': 6, u'average': 4.17000007629} 0 61 98833672 61 1 36
2013-02-19 18:30:00 1359732939000 DataPhilly February 2013 Meetup - Data Science... {u'count': 5, u'average': 5} 0 47 102502622 47 2 30

The we can plot the attendance by gender over time

In [33]:
gender_df = events_with_gender_df[['female', 'male']]
gender_df.plot(title='Attendance by gender over time')

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10c19f290>

This might be easier to interpret by looking at the percentage of females in attendance. We can use the div (divide) method to calculate this.

In [34]:
female_ratio = gender_df['female'].div(gender_df['male'] + gender_df['female'])
female_ratio.plot(title='Percentage female attendance over time', ylim=(0.0, 1.0))

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10c8e5110>

The members DataFrame also has some other interesting stuff in it. Let's take a look at the topics column.

In [35]:

[{u'id': 254, u'name': u'Poker', u'urlkey': u'poker'},
 {u'id': 21067, u'name': u'Collaboration', u'urlkey': u'collaboration'},
 {u'id': 15167, u'name': u'Cloud Computing', u'urlkey': u'cloud-computing'},
 {u'id': 10333, u'name': u'Parents', u'urlkey': u'parents'},
 {u'id': 553, u'name': u'Dungeons & Dragons', u'urlkey': u'dnd'},
 {u'id': 4377, u'name': u'Politics', u'urlkey': u'politics'},
 {u'id': 15992, u'name': u'Games', u'urlkey': u'games'},
 {u'id': 9696, u'name': u'New Technology', u'urlkey': u'newtech'},
 {u'id': 19585, u'name': u'Board Games', u'urlkey': u'board-games'},
 {u'id': 48471,
  u'name': u'Computer programming',
  u'urlkey': u'computer-programming'},
 {u'id': 19197, u'name': u'Activism', u'urlkey': u'activism'},
 {u'id': 226, u'name': u'Acting', u'urlkey': u'acting'},
 {u'id': 17558, u'name': u'Performing Arts', u'urlkey': u'performing-arts'}]

Let's see if we can identify any trends in member's topics. Let's start off by identifying the most common topics:

In [36]:
from collections import Counter

topic_counter = Counter()
for m in members_df['topics']:
    topic_counter.update([t['name'] for t in m])

[(u'Big Data', 528),
 (u'Data Analytics', 492),
 (u'Computer programming', 473),
 (u'New Technology', 450),
 (u'Open Source', 381),
 (u'Data Mining', 372),
 (u'Software Development', 366),
 (u'Startup Businesses', 359),
 (u'Technology', 314),
 (u'Python', 285),
 (u'Technology Startups', 278),
 (u'Web Development', 277),
 (u'Entrepreneurship', 265),
 (u'Data Visualization', 264),
 (u'Mobile Technology', 227),
 (u'Big Data Analytics', 210),
 (u'Predictive Analytics', 202),
 (u'Mobile Development', 190),
 (u'Web Design', 182),
 (u'Outdoors', 182)]

Next let's create a new DataFrame where each column is one of the top 100 topics, and each row is a member. We'll set the values of each cell to be either 0 or 1 to indicate that that member has (or doesn't have) that topic.

In [37]:
top_100_topics = set([t[0] for t in topic_counter.most_common(100)])
topic_member_map = {}
for i, m in members_df.iterrows():
    if m['topics']:
        top_topic_count = {}
        for topic in m['topics']:
            if topic['name'] in top_100_topics:
                top_topic_count[topic['name']] = 1
        topic_member_map[m['anon_id']] = top_topic_count
top_topic_df = pd.DataFrame(topic_member_map)

0 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 11 12 ... 1261 1262 1264 1266 1267 1268 1269 1271 1272 1273
20's & 30's Social NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
Adventure NaN NaN NaN 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
Art NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

3 rows × 1088 columns

Okay for what I'm going to do next, I want the rows to be the members and the columns to be the topics. We can use the T (transpose) method to fix this.

In [38]:
top_topic_df = top_topic_df.T

20's & 30's Social Adventure Art Bicycling Big Data Big Data Analytics Board Games Book Club Business Intelligence Business Strategy ... Watching Movies Web Design Web Development Web Technology Wellness Wine Women in Technology Writing Young Professionals iOS Development
0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1 NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN 1 1 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1
3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

3 rows × 100 columns

Next we can use the fillna method to fill in the missing values with zeros.

In [39]:
top_topic_df.fillna(0, inplace=True)

20's & 30's Social Adventure Art Bicycling Big Data Big Data Analytics Board Games Book Club Business Intelligence Business Strategy ... Watching Movies Web Design Web Development Web Technology Wellness Wine Women in Technology Writing Young Professionals iOS Development
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 rows × 100 columns

Next let's use a clustering algorithm to see if there are any patterns in the topics members are interested in. A clustering algorithm groups a set of data points so that similar objects are in the same group. This is a classic type of unsupervised machine learning. Below you can find visualisations of how different clustering algorithms perform on various kinds of data:

Kmeans clustering is quick and can scale well to larger datasets. Let's see how it performs on our dataset:


We'll use a python machine learning library called scikit-learn to do the clustering.

In [40]:
from sklearn.cluster import MiniBatchKMeans as KMeans
X = top_topic_df.as_matrix()
n_clusters = 3
k_means = KMeans(init='k-means++', n_clusters=n_clusters, n_init=10, random_state=47)

array([2, 1, 2, ..., 2, 0, 2], dtype=int32)

We've grouped our members into 3 clusters, let's see how many members are in each cluster

In [41]:

[(2, 637), (1, 293), (0, 158)]

Next let's see which topics are most popular in each cluster:

In [42]:
from collections import defaultdict

cluster_index_map = defaultdict(list)
for i in range(k_means.labels_.shape[0]):

for cluster_num in range(n_clusters):
    print 'Cluster {}'.format(cluster_num)
    f = top_topic_df[top_topic_df.index.isin(cluster_index_map[cluster_num])].sum()
    f2 = f[f > 0]
    f3 = f2.sort_values(ascending=False)
    print f3[:10]

Cluster 0
Outdoors                   104
Live Music                  98
Dining Out                  93
Hiking                      86
Fitness                     84
Travel                      77
Watching Movies             60
Adventure                   58
New Technology              57
Intellectual Discussion     54
dtype: float64

Cluster 1
Computer programming    248
Open Source             236
New Technology          231
Software Development    231
Technology              214
Web Development         211
Big Data                190
Startup Businesses      177
Data Analytics          166
Mobile Technology       158
dtype: float64

Cluster 2
Big Data                291
Data Analytics          286
Data Mining             201
Computer programming    171
New Technology          162
Data Visualization      148
Startup Businesses      130
Python                  130
Open Source             123
Big Data Analytics      115
dtype: float64

So it looks like our biggest cluster (#2) contains members whose primary interest is data science.

The second biggest cluster (#1) contains members whose primary interests are technology, and data science just happens to be one of those interests.

The smallest cluster (#0) contains members whose primary interests are around socializing.

Based on this information we might be able to engage members in the "social" (#0) cluster by having more socially oriented events. We might be able to engaged with the members in cluster (#1) by having more events geared toward beginners.


Hopefully you learned a little bit about DataPhilly and doing exploratory analysis in Python. There's tons of extra data in our datasets that I don't even have time to get into today. If you feel like you missed anything and would like to revist it, you can find this Notebook and instructions for how to use it in my github repo If you find something interesting in the data and you'd like to share it with me I'm @beckerfuffle on Twitter, and you can always contact me through the DataPhilly Meetup page.

In [ ]: