In [1]:
# autoreload reloads modules automatically before entering the execution of code typed at the IPython prompt.
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
In [2]:
%pylab inline
import skrf as rf # scikit-rf : object-oriented approach to microwave engineering
In [3]:
import matplotlib.pylab as pylab
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 16, 8 # increase the default image size
Importing home-made classes.
In [5]:
import sys
from WEST_design.antenna.conjugate_t import ConjugateT
from WEST_design.antenna.resonant_loop import ResonantDoubleLoop
from WEST_design.antenna.topica import TopicaResult
We import the three devices of our electric circuit: the bridge, the impedance transformer and the window. As the default frequency range defined in skrf is the GHz, we set the frequency unit to MHz (this is only in order to have nicer plot after).
In [5]:
bridge = rf.Network('../WEST_design/data/Sparameters/WEST/WEST_ICRH_bridge.s3p', f_unit='MHz')
impedance_transformer = rf.Network('../WEST_design/data/Sparameters/WEST/WEST_ICRH_impedance-transformer.s2p', f_unit='MHz')
window = rf.Network('../WEST_design/data/Sparameters/WEST/WEST_ICRH_window.s2p', f_unit='MHz')
In [6]:
Here we connect a TOPICA coupling matrix to two resonant loops. Pay attention to the way TOPICA indexes the straps.
2 & | & 1 \\
4 & | & 3
cf figure below
In [7]:
def TOPICA_plasma(s4p_filename, frequency):
Returns a skrf Network from a Touchstone file which contains TOPICA plasma simulation.
The S-parameters are repeated for all frequencies for compatibility with skrf.
ntwk = rf.Network(s4p_filename)
ntwk.frequency = frequency
ntwk.s = np.tile(ntwk.s, (len(frequency), 1, 1)) # could use to_frequency()
ntwk.z0 = ntwk.z0#np.tile(ntwk.z0, (len(frequency),1))
return ntwk
In [8]:
f_match = 55e6 # matching frequency
Z_match = [30+1j*0, 30+1j*0] # matching impedance
power_in = [1, 1] # input wave powers [watts]
phase_in = [0, pi] # input wave phases [radians]
plasma_profile_nb = 3 # 1 to 8 for Tore Supra L-mode plasma density profiles measured in 2007.
filename = '../WEST_design/data/Sparameters/WEST/plasma_from_TOPICA/S_TSproto12_55MHz_Profile{}.s4p'\
In [12]:
plasma_TOPICA = TOPICA_plasma(filename, bridge.frequency)
CT1 = ConjugateT(bridge, impedance_transformer, window)
CT2 = ConjugateT(bridge, impedance_transformer, window)
RDL = ResonantDoubleLoop(CT1, CT2, plasma_TOPICA)
In [15]:
sol_TOPICA = RDL.match(power_in, phase_in, f_match, Z_match)
For the same set of capacitor values found, we vary the plasma loads (from plasma reference indexes 1 to 8) and plot scattering parameters and VSWR
In [16]:
# 8x2=16 subplots : left column are Sii and right are active Si
f, axarr = plt.subplots(8, 2, sharex=True, sharey=True)
# make subplots clSose to each other and hide x ticks for all but bottom plots.
plt.setp([a.get_xticklabels() for a in f.axes[:-2]], visible=False)
# titles and axes labels
axarr[0,0].set_title('S11 and S22')
axarr[0,1].set_title('S1active and S2active')
axarr[7,0].set_xlabel('f [MHz]')
axarr[7,1].set_xlabel('f [MHz]')
# let's go Marco !
for id in range(8):
RDL.plasma = TOPICA_plasma(\
'../WEST_design/data/Sparameters/WEST/plasma_from_TOPICA/S_TSproto12_55MHz_Profile{}.s4p'.format(int(plasma_profile_nb)), \
# S11 and S22
axarr[id, 0].plot(RDL.get_f()/1e6, RDL.get_network().s_db[:,0,0], lw=2)
axarr[id, 0].plot(RDL.get_f()/1e6, RDL.get_network().s_db[:,1,1], lw=2)
axarr[id, 0].grid(True)
axarr[id, 0].set_ylabel('[dB]' )
# Sactive1 and Sactive2
Sact = RDL.get_s_active(power_in, phase_in)
axarr[id, 1].plot(RDL.get_f()/1e6, 20*np.log10(np.abs(Sact[:,0])), lw=2)
axarr[id, 1].plot(RDL.get_f()/1e6, 20*np.log10(np.abs(Sact[:,1])), lw=2)
axarr[id, 1].grid(True)
In [17]:
for id in range(1, 9):
RDL.plasma = TOPICA_plasma(\
VSWR_active = RDL.get_vswr_active(power_in, phase_in)
plot(RDL.get_f()/1e6, VSWR_active[:,0] , lw=2)
title('"Active" VSWR Port 1')
plot(RDL.get_f()/1e6, VSWR_active[:,1] , lw=2)
title('"Active" VSWR Port 2')
At a given frequency, we sweep over the eight plasma profiles. For each plasma profile, we seek for the match point and store the match points found. The match points vs the plasma profile are then plot.
In [18]:
f_match = 55e6 # matching frequency
Z_match = [30+1j*0, 30+1j*0] # matching impedance
power_in = [1, 1]
phase_in = [0, pi]
In [19]:
CT1 = ConjugateT(bridge, impedance_transformer, window)
CT2 = ConjugateT(bridge, impedance_transformer, window)
C_vs_plasma_profile = np.zeros((8,4)) # 8 profiles, 4 capacitor values
for id_profile in range(1, 9):
filename = '../WEST_design/data/Sparameters/WEST/plasma_from_TOPICA/S_TSproto12_55MHz_Profile{}.s4p'.format(id_profile)
print('========== '+filename)
plasma_TOPICA = TOPICA_plasma(filename, bridge.frequency)
RDL = ResonantDoubleLoop(CT1, CT2, plasma_TOPICA)
sol_TOPICA = RDL.match(power_in, phase_in, f_match, Z_match)
C_vs_plasma_profile[id_profile-1, :] = sol_TOPICA.x
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
plot(range(1,9), C_vs_plasma_profile/1e-12, 'o', markersize=14 )
title('Capacitor values (1st solution found) vs plasma profile \n'
'f_match='+str(f_match/1e6)+' MHz \n'
'Excitation: a='+str((power_in, phase_in)), fontsize=16 )
xlabel('L-Mode Plasma profile', fontsize=16)
ylabel('Capacitor value [pF]', fontsize=16)
legend(('C1H', 'C1B' , 'C2H', 'C2B'), loc='best')
axis([0.2, 8.8, 20, 100])
In this section we explore the currents and voltages at the capacitors for a prescribed input.
In [ ]:
I, V = RDL.get_currents_and_voltages(power_in, phase_in)
In [ ]:
plot(RDL.get_f()/1e6, abs(I), lw=2)
xlabel('f [MHz]')
ylabel('Capacitor Currents [kA]')
plot(RDL.get_f()/1e6, abs(V), lw=2)
xlabel('f [MHz]')
ylabel('Capacitor Voltages [kV]')
In [ ]: