This time we will be working with real data: daily (Tmin, Tmax) temperature series from 36 weather stations spanning 50 years. It is to be noted that a pretty good predictor model already exists for temperatures: the average of temperatures on the same day of the year in N previous years. It is not clear if RNNs can do better but we will see how far they can go.
In [ ]:
import math
import sys
import time
import numpy as np
sys.path.insert(0, '../temperatures/utils/') #so python can find the utils_ modules
import utils_batching
import utils_args
import tensorflow as tf
from import file_io as gfile
print("Tensorflow version: " + tf.__version__)
In [ ]:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import utils_prettystyle
import utils_display
In [ ]:
gsutil -m cp gs://cloud-training-demos/courses/machine_learning/deepdive/09_sequence/temperatures/* $DOWNLOAD_DIR
In [ ]:
NB_EPOCHS = 5 # number of times the model sees all the data during training
N_FORWARD = 1 # train the network to predict N in advance (traditionnally 1)
RESAMPLE_BY = 1 # averaging period in days (training on daily data is too much)
RNN_CELLSIZE = 80 # size of the RNN cells
N_LAYERS = 1 # number of stacked RNN cells (needed for tensor shapes but code must be changed manually)
SEQLEN = 32 # unrolled sequence length
BATCHSIZE = 64 # mini-batch size
DROPOUT_PKEEP = 0.7 # probability of neurons not being dropped (should be between 0.5 and 1)
ACTIVATION = tf.nn.tanh # Activation function for GRU cells (tf.nn.relu or tf.nn.tanh)
JOB_DIR = "temperature_checkpoints"
DATA_DIR = "../temperatures/data"
# potentially override some settings from command-line arguments
if __name__ == '__main__':
JOB_DIR, DATA_DIR = utils_args.read_args1(JOB_DIR, DATA_DIR)
ALL_FILEPATTERN = DATA_DIR + "/*.csv" # pattern matches all 1666 files
EVAL_FILEPATTERN = DATA_DIR + "/USC000*2.csv" # pattern matches 8 files
# pattern USW*.csv -> 298 files, pattern USW*0.csv -> 28 files
print('Reading data from "{}".\nWrinting checkpoints to "{}".'.format(DATA_DIR, JOB_DIR))
In [ ]:
all_filenames = gfile.get_matching_files(ALL_FILEPATTERN)
eval_filenames = gfile.get_matching_files(EVAL_FILEPATTERN)
train_filenames = list(set(all_filenames) - set(eval_filenames))
# By default, this utility function loads all the files and places data
# from them as-is in an array, one file per line. Later, we will use it
# to shape the dataset as needed for training.
ite = utils_batching.rnn_multistation_sampling_temperature_sequencer(eval_filenames)
evtemps, _, evdates, _, _ = next(ite) # gets everything
print('Pattern "{}" matches {} files'.format(ALL_FILEPATTERN, len(all_filenames)))
print('Pattern "{}" matches {} files'.format(EVAL_FILEPATTERN, len(eval_filenames)))
print("Evaluation files: {}".format(len(eval_filenames)))
print("Training files: {}".format(len(train_filenames)))
print("Initial shape of the evaluation dataset: " + str(evtemps.shape))
print("{} files, {} data points per file, {} values per data point"
" (Tmin, Tmax, is_interpolated) ".format(evtemps.shape[0], evtemps.shape[1],evtemps.shape[2]))
In [ ]:
# You can adjust the visualisation range and dataset here.
# Interpolated regions of the dataset are marked in red.
WEATHER_STATION = 0 # 0 to 7 in default eval dataset
START_DATE = 0 # 0 = Jan 2nd 1950
END_DATE = 18262 # 18262 = Dec 31st 2009
visu_temperatures = evtemps[WEATHER_STATION,START_DATE:END_DATE]
visu_dates = evdates[START_DATE:END_DATE]
utils_display.picture_this_4(visu_temperatures, visu_dates)
In [ ]:
# This time we ask the utility function to average temperatures over 5-day periods (RESAMPLE_BY=5)
ite = utils_batching.rnn_multistation_sampling_temperature_sequencer(eval_filenames, RESAMPLE_BY, tminmax=True)
evaltemps, _, evaldates, _, _ = next(ite)
In [ ]:
# display five years worth of data
WEATHER_STATION = 0 # 0 to 7 in default eval dataset
START_DATE = 0 # 0 = Jan 2nd 1950
END_DATE = 365*5//RESAMPLE_BY # 5 years
visu_temperatures = evaltemps[WEATHER_STATION, START_DATE:END_DATE]
visu_dates = evaldates[START_DATE:END_DATE]
plt.fill_between(visu_dates, visu_temperatures[:,0], visu_temperatures[:,1])
In [ ]:
# The function rnn_multistation_sampling_temperature_sequencer puts one weather station per line in
# a batch and continues with data from the same station in corresponding lines in the next batch.
# Features and labels are returned with shapes [BATCHSIZE, SEQLEN, 2]. The last dimension of size 2
# contains (Tmin, Tmax).
ite = utils_batching.rnn_multistation_sampling_temperature_sequencer(eval_filenames,
# load 6 training sequences (each one contains data for all weather stations)
visu_data = [next(ite) for _ in range(6)]
In [ ]:
# Check that consecutive training sequences from the same weather station are indeed consecutive
utils_display.picture_this_5(visu_data, WEATHER_STATION)
In [ ]:
def model_rnn_fn(features, Hin, labels, step, dropout_pkeep):
print('features: {}'.format(features))
X = features # shape [BATCHSIZE, SEQLEN, 2], 2 for (Tmin, Tmax)
batchsize = tf.shape(X)[0] # allow for variable batch size
seqlen = tf.shape(X)[1] # allow for variable sequence length
cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.GRUCell(RNN_CELLSIZE)
Hr, H = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell,X,initial_state=Hin)
Yn = tf.reshape(Hr, [batchsize*seqlen, RNN_CELLSIZE])
Yr = tf.layers.dense(Yn, 2) # Yr [BATCHSIZE*SEQLEN, 2] predicting vectors of 2 element
Yr = tf.reshape(Yr, [batchsize, seqlen, 2]) # Yr [BATCHSIZE, SEQLEN, 2]
Yout = Yr[:,-N_FORWARD:,:] # Last N_FORWARD outputs. Yout [BATCHSIZE, N_FORWARD, 2]
loss = tf.losses.mean_squared_error(Yr, labels) # labels[BATCHSIZE, SEQLEN, 2]
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=0.01)
train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss)
return Yout, H, loss, train_op, Yr
In [ ]:
tf.reset_default_graph() # restart model graph from scratch
# placeholder for inputs
Hin = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, RNN_CELLSIZE * N_LAYERS])
features = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, None, 2]) # [BATCHSIZE, SEQLEN, 2]
labels = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, None, 2]) # [BATCHSIZE, SEQLEN, 2]
step = tf.placeholder(tf.int32)
dropout_pkeep = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
# instantiate the model
Yout, H, loss, train_op, Yr = model_rnn_fn(features, Hin, labels, step, dropout_pkeep)
In [ ]:
# variable initialization
sess = tf.Session()
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()[init])
saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=1)
You can re-execute this cell to continue training.
Training data must be batched correctly, one weather station per line, continued on the same line across batches. This way, output states computed from one batch are the correct input states for the next batch. The provided utility function rnn_multistation_sampling_temperature_sequencer
does the right thing.
In [ ]:
losses = []
indices = []
last_epoch = 99999
last_fileid = 99999
for i, (next_features, next_labels, dates, epoch, fileid) in enumerate(
NB_EPOCHS, tminmax=True)):
# reinintialize state between epochs or when starting on data from a new weather station
if epoch != last_epoch or fileid != last_fileid:
batchsize = next_features.shape[0]
H_ = np.zeros([batchsize, RNN_CELLSIZE * N_LAYERS])
print("State reset")
feed = {Hin: H_, features: next_features, labels: next_labels, step: i, dropout_pkeep: DROPOUT_PKEEP}
Yout_, H_, loss_, _, Yr_ =[Yout, H, loss, train_op, Yr], feed_dict=feed)
# print progress
if i%20 == 0:
print("{}: epoch {} loss = {} ({} weather stations this epoch)".format(i, epoch, np.mean(loss_), fileid+1))
if i%10 == 0:
# This visualisation can be helpful to see how the model "locks" on the shape of the curve
# if i%100 == 0:
# plt.figure(figsize=(10,2))
# plt.fill_between(dates, next_features[0,:,0], next_features[0,:,1]).set_alpha(0.2)
# plt.fill_between(dates, next_labels[0,:,0], next_labels[0,:,1])
# plt.fill_between(dates, Yr_[0,:,0], Yr_[0,:,1]).set_alpha(0.8)
last_epoch = epoch
last_fileid = fileid
# save the trained model
SAVEDMODEL = JOB_DIR + "/ckpt" + str(int(time.time()))
tf.saved_model.simple_save(sess, SAVEDMODEL,
inputs={"features":features, "Hin":Hin, "dropout_pkeep":dropout_pkeep},
outputs={"Yout":Yout, "H":H})
In [ ]:
plt.ylim(ymax=np.amax(losses[1:])) # ignore first value for scaling
plt.plot(indices, losses)
This is a generative model: run an trained RNN cell in a loop. This time, with N_FORWARD>1, we generate the sequence by blocks of N_FORWAD data points instead of point by point. The RNN is unrolled across N_FORWARD steps, takes in a the last N_FORWARD data points and predicts the next N_FORWARD data points and so on in a loop. State must be passed around correctly.
In [ ]:
def prediction_run(predict_fn, prime_data, run_length):
H = np.zeros([1, RNN_CELLSIZE * N_LAYERS]) # zero state initially
Yout = np.zeros([1, N_FORWARD, 2])
data_len = prime_data.shape[0]-N_FORWARD
# prime the state from data
if data_len > 0:
Yin = np.array(prime_data[:-N_FORWARD])
Yin = np.reshape(Yin, [1, data_len, 2]) # reshape as one sequence of pairs (Tmin, Tmax)
r = predict_fn({'features': Yin, 'Hin':H, 'dropout_pkeep':1.0}) # no dropout during inference
Yout = r["Yout"]
H = r["H"]
# initaily, put real data on the inputs, not predictions
Yout = np.expand_dims(prime_data[-N_FORWARD:], axis=0)
# Yout shape [1, N_FORWARD, 2]: batch of a single sequence of length N_FORWARD of (Tmin, Tmax) data pointa
# run prediction
# To generate a sequence, run a trained cell in a loop passing as input and input state
# respectively the output and output state from the previous iteration.
results = []
for i in range(run_length//N_FORWARD+1):
r = predict_fn({'features': Yout, 'Hin':H, 'dropout_pkeep':1.0}) # no dropout during inference
Yout = r["Yout"]
H = r["H"]
results.append(Yout[0]) # shape [N_FORWARD, 2]
return np.concatenate(results, axis=0)[:run_length]
In [ ]:
# Try starting predictions from January / March / July (resp. OFFSET = YEAR or YEAR+QYEAR or YEAR+2*QYEAR)
# Some start dates are more challenging for the model than others.
RMSELEN=3*365//(RESAMPLE_BY*2) # accuracy of predictions 1.5 years in advance
In [ ]:
# Restore the model from the last checkpoint saved previously.
# Alternative checkpoints:
# Once you have trained on all 1666 weather stations on Google Cloud ML Engine, you can load the checkpoint from there.
# SAVEDMODEL = "gs://{BUCKET}/sinejobs/sines_XXXXXX_XXXXXX/ckptXXXXXXXX"
# A sample checkpoint is provided with the lab. You can try loading it for comparison.
# You will have to use the following parameters and re-run the entire notebook:
# SAVEDMODEL = "temperatures_best_checkpoint"
predict_fn = tf.contrib.predictor.from_saved_model(SAVEDMODEL)
In [ ]:
for evaldata in evaltemps:
prime_data = evaldata[OFFSET:OFFSET+PRIMELEN]
results = prediction_run(predict_fn, prime_data, RUNLEN)
utils_display.picture_this_6(evaldata, evaldates, prime_data, results, PRIMELEN, RUNLEN, OFFSET, RMSELEN)
In [ ]:
rmses = []
bad_ones = 0
for offset in [YEAR, YEAR+QYEAR, YEAR+2*QYEAR]:
for evaldata in evaltemps:
prime_data = evaldata[offset:offset+PRIMELEN]
results = prediction_run(predict_fn, prime_data, RUNLEN)
rmse = math.sqrt(np.mean((evaldata[offset+PRIMELEN:offset+PRIMELEN+RMSELEN] - results[:RMSELEN])**2))
if rmse>7: bad_ones += 1
print("RMSE on {} predictions (shaded area): {}".format(RMSELEN, rmse))
print("Average RMSE on {} weather stations: {} ({} really bad ones, i.e. >7.0)".format(len(evaltemps), np.mean(rmses), bad_ones))
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.