An RNN for short-term predictions

This model will try to predict the next value in a short sequence based on historical data. This can be used for example to forecast demand based on a couple of weeks of sales data.

Things to do:
  1. Run the notebook. Initially it uses a linear model (the simplest one). Look at the RMSE (Root Means Square Error) metrics at the end of the training and how they compare against a couple of simplistic models: random predictions (RMSErnd), predict same as last value (RMSEsal), predict based on trend from two last values (RMSEtfl).
  2. Now implement the DNN (Dense Neural Network) model [here](#assignment1) using `tf.layers.dense`. See how it performs.
  3. Swap in the CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) model [here](#assignment2). It is already implemented in function CNN_model. See how it performs.
  4. Implement the RNN model [here](#assignment3) using a single `tf.nn.rnn_cell.GRUCell(RNN_CELLSIZE)`. See how it performs.
  5. Make the RNN cell 2-deep [here](#assignment4) using `tf.nn.rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell`. See if this improves things. Try also training for 10 epochs instead of 5.
  6. You can now go and check out the solutions in file [00_RNN_predictions_solution.ipynb](00_RNN_predictions_solution.ipynb). Its final cell has a loop that benchmarks all the neural network architectures. Try it and then if you have the time, try reducing the data sequence length from 16 to 8 (SEQLEN=8) and see if you can still predict the next value with so little context.

In [ ]:
import numpy as np
import utils_datagen
import utils_display
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import tensorflow as tf
print("Tensorflow version: " + tf.__version__)

Generate fake dataset

In [ ]:
DATA_SEQ_LEN = 1024*128
data = np.concatenate([utils_datagen.create_time_series(waveform, DATA_SEQ_LEN) for waveform in utils_datagen.Waveforms])
utils_display.picture_this_1(data, DATA_SEQ_LEN)


In [ ]:
NB_EPOCHS = 5       # number of times the data is repeated during training
RNN_CELLSIZE = 32   # size of the RNN cells
SEQLEN = 16         # unrolled sequence length
BATCHSIZE = 32      # mini-batch size

Visualize training sequences

This is what the neural network will see during training.

In [ ]:
utils_display.picture_this_2(data, BATCHSIZE, SEQLEN) # execute multiple times to see different sample sequences

The model definition

When executed, these functions instantiate the Tensorflow graph for our model.

In [ ]:
# three simplistic predictive models: can you beat them ?
def simplistic_models(X):
    # "random" model
    Yrnd = tf.random_uniform([tf.shape(X)[0]], -2.0, 2.0) # tf.shape(X)[0] is the batch size
    # "same as last" model
    Ysal = X[:,-1]
    # "trend from last two" model
    Ytfl = X[:,-1] + (X[:,-1] - X[:,-2])
    return Yrnd, Ysal, Ytfl

In [ ]:
# linear model (RMSE: 0.36, with shuffling: 0.17)
def linear_model(X):
    Yout = tf.layers.dense(X, 1) # output shape [BATCHSIZE, 1]
    return Yout

**Assignment #1**: Implement the DNN (Dense Neural Network) model using a single `tf.layers.dense` layer. Do not forget to use the DNN_model function when [instantiating the model](#instantiate)

In [ ]:
# 2-layer dense model (RMSE: 0.15-0.18, if training data is not shuffled: 0.38)
def DNN_model(X):
    # X shape [BATCHSIZE, SEQLEN]
    # --- dummy model: please implement a real one ---
    # to test it, do not forget to use this function (DNN_model) when instantiating the model
    Y = X * tf.Variable(tf.ones([]), name="dummy1") # Y shape [BATCHSIZE, SEQLEN]
    # --- end of dummy model ---
    Yout = tf.layers.dense(Y, 1, activation=None) # output shape [BATCHSIZE, 1]. Predicting vectors of 1 element.
    return Yout

**Assignment #2**: Swap in the CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) model. It is already implemented in function CNN_model below so all you have to do is read through the CNN_model code and then use the CNN_model function when [instantiating the model](#instantiate).

In [ ]:
# convolutional (RMSE: 0.31, with shuffling: 0.16)
def CNN_model(X):
    X = tf.expand_dims(X, axis=2) # [BATCHSIZE, SEQLEN, 1] is necessary for conv model
    Y = tf.layers.conv1d(X, filters=8, kernel_size=4, activation=tf.nn.relu, padding="same") # [BATCHSIZE, SEQLEN, 8]
    Y = tf.layers.conv1d(Y, filters=16, kernel_size=3, activation=tf.nn.relu, padding="same") # [BATCHSIZE, SEQLEN, 8]
    Y = tf.layers.conv1d(Y, filters=8, kernel_size=1, activation=tf.nn.relu, padding="same") # [BATCHSIZE, SEQLEN, 8]
    Y = tf.layers.max_pooling1d(Y, pool_size=2, strides=2)  # [BATCHSIZE, SEQLEN//2, 8]
    Y = tf.layers.conv1d(Y, filters=8, kernel_size=3, activation=tf.nn.relu, padding="same")  # [BATCHSIZE, SEQLEN//2, 8]
    Y = tf.layers.max_pooling1d(Y, pool_size=2, strides=2)  # [BATCHSIZE, SEQLEN//4, 8]
    # mis-using a conv layer as linear regression :-)
    Yout = tf.layers.conv1d(Y, filters=1, kernel_size=SEQLEN//4, activation=None, padding="valid") # output shape [BATCHSIZE, 1, 1]
    Yout = tf.squeeze(Yout, axis=-1) # output shape [BATCHSIZE, 1]
    return Yout

**Assignment #3**: Implement the RNN (Recurrent Neural Network) model using `tf.nn.rnn_cell.GRUCell` and `tf.nn.dynamic_rnn`. Do not forget to use the RNN_model_N function when [instantiating the model](#instantiate).

**Assignment #4**: Make the RNN cell 2-deep [here](#assignment2) using `tf.nn.rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell`. See if this improves things. Try also training for 10 epochs instead of 5. Finally try to compute the loss on the last n elemets of the predicted sequence instead of the last (n=SEQLEN//2 for example). Do not forget to use the RNN_model_N function when [instantiating the model](#instantiate).


In [ ]:
# RNN model (RMSE: 0.38, with shuffling 0.14, the same with loss on last 8)
def RNN_model(X, n=1):
    X = tf.expand_dims(X, axis=2) # shape [BATCHSIZE, SEQLEN, 1] is necessary for RNN model
    batchsize = tf.shape(X)[0] # allow for variable batch size
    # --- dummy model: please implement a real RNN model ---
    # to test it, do not forget to use this function (RNN_model) when instantiating the model
    Yn = X * tf.ones([RNN_CELLSIZE], name="dummy2") # Yn shape [BATCHSIZE, SEQLEN, RNN_CELLSIZE]
    # TODO: create a tf.nn.rnn_cell.GRUCell
    # TODO: unroll the cell using tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(..., dtype=tf.float32)
    # --- end of dummy model ---
    # This is the regression layer. It is already implemented.
    Yn = tf.reshape(Yn, [batchsize*SEQLEN, RNN_CELLSIZE])
    Yr = tf.layers.dense(Yn, 1) # Yr [BATCHSIZE*SEQLEN, 1] predicting vectors of 1 element
    Yr = tf.reshape(Yr, [batchsize, SEQLEN, 1]) # Yr [BATCHSIZE, SEQLEN, 1]
    # In this RNN model, you can compute the loss on the last predicted item or the last n predicted items
    # Last n with n=SEQLEN//2 is slightly better. This is a hyperparameter you can adjust in the RNN_model_N
    # function below.
    Yout = Yr[:,-n:SEQLEN,:] # last item(s) in sequence: output shape [BATCHSIZE, n, 1]
    Yout = tf.squeeze(Yout, axis=-1) # remove the last dimension (1): output shape [BATCHSIZE, n]
    return Yout

In [ ]:
def RNN_model_N(X): return RNN_model(X, n=SEQLEN//2)

In [ ]:
def model_fn(features, labels, model):
    X = features # shape [BATCHSIZE, SEQLEN]
    Y = model(X)

    last_label = labels[:, -1] # last item in sequence: the target value to predict
    last_labels = labels[:, -tf.shape(Y)[1]:SEQLEN] # last p items in sequence (as many as in Y), useful for RNN_model(X, n>1)

    loss = tf.losses.mean_squared_error(Y, last_labels) # loss computed on last label(s)
    optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=0.01)
    train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss)
    Yrnd, Ysal, Ytfl = simplistic_models(X)
    eval_metrics = {"RMSE": tf.sqrt(loss),
                    # compare agains three simplistic predictive models: can you beat them ?
                    "RMSErnd": tf.sqrt(tf.losses.mean_squared_error(Yrnd, last_label)),
                    "RMSEsal": tf.sqrt(tf.losses.mean_squared_error(Ysal, last_label)),
                    "RMSEtfl": tf.sqrt(tf.losses.mean_squared_error(Ytfl, last_label))}
    Yout = Y[:,-1]
    return Yout, loss, eval_metrics, train_op

prepare training dataset

In [ ]:
# training to predict the same sequence shifted by one (next value)
labeldata = np.roll(data, -1)
# slice data into sequences
traindata = np.reshape(data, [-1, SEQLEN])
labeldata = np.reshape(labeldata, [-1, SEQLEN])

# also make an evaluation dataset by randomly subsampling our fake data
joined_data = np.stack([traindata, labeldata], axis=1) # new shape is [N_sequences, 2(train/eval), SEQLEN]
joined_evaldata = joined_data[np.random.choice(joined_data.shape[0], EVAL_SEQUENCES, replace=False)]
evaldata = joined_evaldata[:,0,:]
evallabels = joined_evaldata[:,1,:]

def datasets(nb_epochs):
    # Dataset API for batching, shuffling, repeating
    dataset =, labeldata))
    dataset = dataset.repeat(NB_EPOCHS)
    dataset = dataset.shuffle(DATA_SEQ_LEN*4//SEQLEN) # important ! Number of sequences in shuffle buffer: all of them
    dataset = dataset.batch(BATCHSIZE)
    # Dataset API for batching
    evaldataset =, evallabels))
    evaldataset = evaldataset.repeat()
    evaldataset = evaldataset.batch(EVAL_SEQUENCES) # just one batch with everything

    # Some boilerplate code...
    # this creates a Tensorflow iterator of the correct type and shape
    # compatible with both our training and eval datasets
    tf_iter =, dataset.output_shapes)
    # it can be initialized to iterate through the training dataset
    dataset_init_op = tf_iter.make_initializer(dataset)
    # or it can be initialized to iterate through the eval dataset
    evaldataset_init_op = tf_iter.make_initializer(evaldataset)
    # Returns the tensorflow nodes needed by our model_fn.
    features, labels = tf_iter.get_next()
    # When these nodes will be executed ( in the training or eval loop,
    # they will output the next batch of data.

    # Note: when you do not need to swap the dataset (like here between train/eval) just use
    # features, labels = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator().get_next()
    # TODO: easier with tf.estimator.inputs.numpy_input_fn ???
    return features, labels, dataset_init_op, evaldataset_init_op

Instantiate the model

In [ ]:
tf.reset_default_graph() # restart model graph from scratch
# instantiate the dataset
features, labels, dataset_init_op, evaldataset_init_op = datasets(NB_EPOCHS)
# instantiate the model
Yout, loss, eval_metrics, train_op = model_fn(features, labels, linear_model)

Initialize Tensorflow session

This resets all neuron weights and biases to initial random values

In [ ]:
# variable initialization
sess = tf.Session()
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

The training loop

You can re-execute this cell to continue training

In [ ]:
count = 0
losses = []
indices = []
while True:
    try: loss_, _ =[loss, train_op])
    except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: break
    # print progress
    if count%300 == 0:
        epoch = count // (DATA_SEQ_LEN*4//BATCHSIZE//SEQLEN)
        print("epoch " + str(epoch) + ", batch " + str(count) + ", loss=" + str(loss_))
    if count%10 == 0:
    count += 1
# final evaluation
eval_metrics_, Yout_ =[eval_metrics, Yout])
print("Final accuracy on eval dataset:")

In [ ]:
plt.ylim(ymax=np.amax(losses[1:])) # ignore first value(s) for scaling
plt.plot(indices, losses)

In [ ]:
# execute multiple times to see different sample sequences
utils_display.picture_this_3(Yout_, evaldata, evallabels, SEQLEN)

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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.