TensorFlow Estimators

TensorFlow versions: 1.2.*, 1.3

Estimators provide a high-level interface to TensorFlow. They are heavily inspired by the scikit-learn API.

What are they good for?

  1. Wrapping your model up in an Estimator gives you off-the-shelf between-graph replication for your training jobs through Experiment (which encapsulates the process of training a model) and learn_runner (which actually handles the replication). This makes it particularly easy to take advantage of the scaling functionality on Cloud Machine Learning Engine, for example.

  2. Using the Estimator interface makes it easy to save and restore your trained models, which has generally been something of a stumbling block when it comes to using TensorFlow.

  3. TensorFlow has a number of canned Estimators -- LinearClassifier, LinearRegressor, DNNClassifier, DNNRegressor, DNNLinearCombinedClassifier, DNNLinearCombinedRegressor. Moreover, it is recommended that model definitions be wrapped up inside estimators. This means that more and more people are going to be using estimators. Defining your models within Estimators allow them to be dropped in with minimal fuss in place of existing Estimators within particular workflows. This allows not just you, but all potential users of your estimator to iterate painlessly.

  4. If you are interested in (eventually) training your model on TPUs, wrapping it in an Estimator will go very far towards making sure that it is truly leveraging the power of the TPU. This is because TensorFlow uses the interface to determine optimal placement of operations on devices.

A note on Estimator versions

TensorFlow currently contains two different Estimator interfaces:

  1. tf.estimator.Estimator

  2. tf.contrib.learn.Estimator

tf.estimator.Estimator is the current interface, and is the one that we will be using in this notebook. However, we will also be using some utilities that make it easier to work with estimators (like experiments), which have not yet been ported over to the tf.estimator module. This will require some rather hacky modifications to certain tf.contrib.learn concepts. As TensorFlow improves the situation with tf.estimator, we will reflect those changes here.


We will describe the interface and implement a lightweight Estimator to perform logistic regression.

In this initial example, we will be storing all our data in memory. However, this is not the typical use case for TensorFlow training. So we will, in a bonus section, extend our example to read data from files. This extension is intended to highlight good practices, and the intention is that you be able to paste the input function we produce into your own code and instantly benefit from its performance advantages over manually feeding data into your model.

We will set up an Experiment to manage model training and export.

In [ ]:
from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf


Documentation, Code

This class defines the higher-level TensorFlow estimator interface.

If you want to construct your own estimator, you must define a function which constructs the appropriate TensorFlow model (graph + operations). The estimator is then constructed by initializing a tf.estimator.Estimator by passing your model function as the model_fn argument and, optionally:

  1. model_dir -- Directory in which to save information about the model.

  2. config -- RunConfig to be used when running the estimator, describing properties extrinsic to the model like the cluster specification, checkpointing strategy, etc.

  3. params -- Dictionary of model hyperparameters.

The bulk of the work is in implementing your model_fn.

A short note on RunConfig

There are two different versions of RunConfig:

  1. tf.estimator.RunConfig

  2. tf.contrib.learn.RunConfig

We will use tf.contrib.learn.RunConfig in this notebook because tf.estimator.RunConfig breaks compatibility with tf.contrib.learn.Experiment, which is a very useful utility that we will discuss below.


  1. features -- Input to the model. Either a single tensor or a dictionary of labelled (by the string key) tensors.

  2. labels -- Labels corresponding to the provided features (in PREDICT mode, this is guaranteed to be None). This can be a single tensor or, in the case of a multi-headed model (multiple heads at output layer), this can be a dictionary of tensors. (In the multi-headed model case, it is not clear what the keys have to be. Presumably they have to match the head variable names?)

  3. mode -- The mode in which the model is to be run.

  4. params -- This is where the hyperparameters passed to the Estimator upon instantiation are used. They are used transparently.

  5. config -- RunConfig passed to the Estimator upon instantiation is made available to the model_fn here.


An EstimatorSpec. This is what allows constructed model to play nicely with the TensorFlow Estimator interface.

Running an estimator

An Estimator has three methods that qualify as a run: evaluate, predict, and train. Each of these methods accepts as its first argument an input function, input_fn.

The input_fn should be callable with no arguments and should return an ordered pair of features and labels with each being either a tensor or a string-keyed dictionary of tensors.

When you call the evaluate, predict, or train method of an estimator:

  1. input_fn is called to produce features and labels.

  2. These are passed to the model_fn the Estimator was instantiated with.

  3. The resulting model instance has its variables populated from a checkpoint in the model directory that was specified to the Estimator upon instantiation. If no checkpoint is specified, the latest one is used. If no checkpoint exists, the variables are initialized.

  4. Depending on the mode, the appropriate operations are run in a TensorFlow MonitoredSession. The results of these operations are yielded back to the caller.

Example: Logistic Regression

Let us implement an estimator which performs logistic regression and uses it for classification purposes.


Our classifier will perform a logistic regression on a single feature. Let us say that there are two latent classes, $0$ and $1$, corresponding to this feature.

Within class $0$, the values for the feature are distributed as the square of a normally distributed random variable with mean $m$ and variance $\sigma^2$.

Within class $1$, the values for the feature are exponentially distributed with rate $\lambda$.


The following functions allow us to sample from each of these two classes of distributions:

In [ ]:
def sample_from_normal_distribution(n, mu, sigma):
    return np.square(np.random.normal(mu, sigma, n))

In [ ]:
MU = 10
SIGMA = 0.25

In [ ]:
example_0 = sample_from_normal_distribution(20, MU, SIGMA)


In [ ]:
def sample_from_exponential_distribution(n, rate):
    return np.random.exponential(float(1)/rate, n)

In [ ]:
RATE = 1

In [ ]:
example_1 = sample_from_exponential_distribution(20, RATE)


Input functions

We can use these samplers to make input functions for our estimator.

It is generally good practice to wrap up our inputs into a TensorFlow queue to produce the appropriate tensors in our graph, so let us do that. The nice thing about this is that we can use the queue itself to shuffle up our data rather than having to do it ourselves.

In the generate_input_fn below, we produce our input data as a numpy ndarray. We then use the tf.train.input_producer as the entry point into the TensorFlow framework.

The BATCH_SIZE parameter determines how many data points we feed to our estimator at a time.

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
def generate_input_fn(distributions, num_samples, num_epochs=None, shuffle=True, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE):
    assert len(distributions) == len(num_samples)
    components = len(distributions)
    samples = np.expand_dims(np.concatenate([distributions[i](num_samples[i]) for i in range(components)]), 1)
    labels = np.concatenate([np.full((num_samples[i], 1), i, dtype=np.float64) for i in range(components)])
    stack = np.stack([samples, labels], axis=1)
    def input_fn():
        q = tf.train.input_producer(stack, shuffle=shuffle, num_epochs=num_epochs)
        top = q.dequeue_up_to(batch_size)
        # Split up the features and the labels (in that order).
        raw_features, labels = tuple(tf.unstack(top, axis=1))
        # Wrap the features inside a dictionary
        return {'inputs': raw_features}, labels
    return input_fn


Let us turn our attention to the estimator definition.

Model function

As we discussed above, everything hinges on our model function definition.

In [ ]:
MODES = tf.estimator.ModeKeys

def model_fn(features, labels, mode, params=None, config=None):
    print(features, labels)
    # Default learning rate is 0.1
    if params is None:
        params = {'learning_rate': 0.1}
    inputs = features.get('inputs')
    if inputs is None:
        raise ValueError('Input "features" did not define a "feature" key')

    # We logistically estimate the probability of each sample belonging to the class labelled 1
    weight = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1,1], dtype=tf.float64), name='weight')
    bias = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1,1], dtype=tf.float64), name='bias')
    logit = tf.add(tf.matmul(inputs, weight), bias, name='logit')
    logistic = tf.sigmoid(logit, name='logistic')

    loss = None
    train_op = None

    if mode in (MODES.TRAIN, MODES.EVAL):
        loss = tf.reduce_mean(
            tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logit, labels=labels, name='loss')
        tf.summary.scalar('loss', loss)        

    if mode == MODES.TRAIN:
        learning_rate = params.get('learning_rate')
        global_step = tf.train.get_global_step()
        train_op = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate).minimize(
            loss, global_step=global_step)

    prediction_output = tf.estimator.export.PredictOutput({'class_1_probability': logistic})
    return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec(
        export_outputs={tf.saved_model.signature_constants.DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY: prediction_output}

Creating an estimator from the model function

With the model_fn defined, we can now instantiate an estimator.

We will store details about the model in MODEL_DIR. You can change the location by updating the variable below. The cool thing about it is that MODEL_DIR can even be a Google Cloud Storage bucket.

We will use the LEARNING_RATE variable to specify a value for the learning rate of the trainer used by our estimator. Please edit this as you please.


In this tutorial, you will have to specify a few different directories for use with various estimators and (later) to store some data. You should specify fresh directories. To make sure that everything is set up as intended, the function below will accept a directory path from you and:

  1. Ensure that a fresh directory is created along that path.

  2. Raise errors if there is already something at that path.

  3. Act as a marker for the cells in which you should add directories. Simply do a CTRL+F for "setup_directory" and (excluding this cell and the one below it) you will find the cells that you should modify.

In [ ]:
import os

def setup_directory(directory_path):
    return directory_path

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
run_config = tf.estimator.RunConfig().replace(save_summary_steps=10)
regressor = tf.estimator.Estimator(model_fn, model_dir=MODEL_DIR, params={'learning_rate': LEARNING_RATE},


Before we move onto training, evaluation, and prediction, it is worth pausing to discuss how the estimator allows for model reuse (for example, making use of previous training). Generally, in TensorFlow, there are two different means of storing and restoring the state of a TensorFlow graph:

  1. TensorFlow's checkpointing mechanisms

  2. SavedModelBuilder -- This is particularly useful when you want to create a prediction service using your trained model.

The beauty of using the Estimator is that it handles checkpointing by itself and completely under the hood, so our only relationship to it here was specifying the MODEL_DIR into which we wanted our checkpoints (and metagraph information) to be stored. Checkpoints are automatically stored and loaded when you call any of the Estimator methods.

Moreover, note that the EstimatorSpec that we return from our model_fn contains an export_outputs dictionary. This dictionary is used to provide information to the SavedModelBuilder when we want to export our graph using the Estimator's export_saved_model() method. We will see this in action after we cover training, evaluation, and prediction.

Training the estimator

Let us begin by specifying our classes:

In [ ]:
distributions = [lambda n: sample_from_normal_distribution(n, MU, SIGMA),
                 lambda n: sample_from_exponential_distribution(n, RATE)]

To begin with, let us train our estimator on a data set of 1000 samples from each distribution:

In [ ]:
regressor.train(generate_input_fn(distributions, [100000, 100000]), steps=200)

Evaluating the trained estimator

In order to perform evaluation for one batch of inputs:

In [ ]:
regressor.evaluate(generate_input_fn(distributions, [1000, 1000]), steps=20)

Making predictions with the trained estimator

In order to perform prediction for a single batch of inputs:

In [ ]:
list(regressor.predict(generate_input_fn(distributions, [1, 1], num_epochs=1, shuffle=False)))

Exporting the model

The Estimator exposes its export_savedmodel method, which is a very convenient way to manage a TensorFlow model, especially for serving purposes (either on your own or using the Cloud ML Engine Prediction service).

When you use this export_savedmodel method, you will specify the following things:

  1. export_dir_base -- This is the base directory into which all the exports should go. The exports will be stored under a subdirectory of export_dir_base labelled by the timestamp at which the export took place.

  2. serving_input_receiver_fn -- A function which creates a ServingInputReceiver object. This object specifies the inputs expected by the prediction server and how the features to be passed to the Estimator should be extracted from them.

  3. assets_extra -- Use this only if you need to provide extra assets with your SavedModel. We won't demonstrate this here. Set to None by default.

  4. as_text -- If you set this to True, the SavedModel will be exported in text format rather than as a .proto file. Set to False by default.

  5. checkpoint_path -- Here, you can optionally specify exactly which checkpoint you want to have exported from your MODEL_DIR. If you leave this with its default value of None, the most recent checkpoint will be used.


We are pretty far down the rabbit hole now, but let's just focus on the interfaces before us. This is supposed to be a function with no arguments, which produces a ServingInputReceiver. A ServingInputReceiver is instantiated with two arguments -- features, and receiver_tensors. The features represent the inputs to our Estimator when it is being served. The receiver_tensors represent inputs to the server.

In our case, we will expect inputs to any server serving our model to be exactly the features that we feed the model.

In [ ]:
def serving_input_receiver_fn():
    feature_tensor = tf.placeholder(tf.float64, [None, 1])
    return tf.estimator.export.ServingInputReceiver({'inputs': feature_tensor}, {'inputs': feature_tensor})
Calling export_savedmodel

Now that we have a valid serving_input_receiver_fn, let us export the model into a designated export directory.

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
regressor.export_savedmodel(BASE_EXPORT_DIR, serving_input_receiver_fn)

Serving a model

(A brief aside on serving TensorFlow models.)

Your best option if you want to serve a TensorFlow model that you have trained is to use TensorFlow Serving. This is basically an application which serves your TensorFlow models through a gRPC API. It makes use of the SavedModels exported by the Estimator's export_savedmodel method to do so.

The ML Engine on Google Cloud Platform offers a prediction service which manages TensorFlow Serving for you. All you have to do is provide it with versioned exports of your TensorFlow model, and it handles the serving portion for you. If you are interested in this, check out the ML Engine Prediction Overview.

For an example of how to use TensorFlow Serving in the real world, have a look at this blog post by Wai Chee Yau, who actually added multiple version serving functionality to the module!

(Note: TensorFlow Serving does not integrate directly with Google Cloud Storage in the same way that TensorFlow does. You will have to download your exported SavedModels to the server on which you intend to run TensorFlow Serving.)


tf.contrib.learn.Experiment is a very useful aid in managing training and evaluation of a model. The class was originally designed for use with tf.contrib.learn.Estimator, but has been extended to work also with tf.estimator.Estimator. There are some nuances to making it work with tf.estimator.Estimator, however. We shall cover them in this section.


Unfortunately, the integration with tf.estimator.Estimator is buggy. The source of the bug is essentially that the Experiment still wants the Estimator to be instantiated with tf.contrib.learn.RunConfig whereas a tf.estimator.Estimator is typically instantiated with a tf.estimator.RunConfig.

Thankfully, the attributes on a tf.estimator.RunConfig instance are a subset of those on a tf.contrib.learn.RunConfig instance, so we can simply use a tf.contrib.learn.RunConfig in place of what we had before. In the case of our regressor, we were using the default RunConfig. To make a regressor which works with Experiment, we simply add the config argument as below:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
experiment_compatible_regressor = tf.estimator.Estimator(model_fn, model_dir=NEW_MODEL_DIR, params={'learning_rate': LEARNING_RATE},

Export strategies

Another notion to consider when dealing with Experiments is that of ExportStrategy. These dictate to the Experiment how to export various versions of the estimator for serving with even potentially different signatures as it performs (potentially continuous) training and evaluation.

When working directly with an estimator, we would manually make calls to the export_savedmodel method with specific checkpoints and with specific serving_input_receiver_fns in order to ahieve a similar effect.

Now, there is a pretty useful utility for generating export strategies when you are using tf.contrib.learn.Estimator -- tf.contrib.learn.make_export_strategy. However, this utility will not work for us because it requires an old-style serving_input_fn, which returns an InputFnOps object as compared to a ServingInputReceiver object.

Nevern mind, though, because it is quite easy for us to define our own export strategies very directly. The first thing to do is to export our export logic into an export_fn as follows:

In [ ]:
def export_fn(estimator, export_path, checkpoint_path=None):
    return estimator.export_savedmodel(export_path,

For more information on export_fns, you can refer directly to the ExportStrategy docs.

The TL;DR version of it is that we can create an export strategy for use with our experiment as follows:

In [ ]:
export_strategy = tf.contrib.learn.ExportStrategy('default', export_fn)


We can define our experiment:

In [ ]:
experiment = tf.contrib.learn.Experiment(experiment_compatible_regressor,
                                         train_input_fn=generate_input_fn(distributions, [10000, 10000]),
                                         eval_input_fn=generate_input_fn(distributions, [10, 10]),

By specifying train_steps=100, we are saying that our experiment will only consist of training up to a global_step of 100. This is very significantly distinct from saying that we will train for 100 more global_steps. If we had already surpassed global_step 100, running train on this experiment would achieve no results!

If we wanted to train forever, we would pass train_steps=None, which is actually the default.

Now, we can train our estimator, evaluate it, and export the saved model for serving all with one command:

In [ ]:

Note: The saved models generated by train_and_evaluate are stored into the exports subdirectory of the regressor's model_dir. If you want to explicitly provide some other location, you can make the appropriate change to the export_fn above.

As a sanity check, let us check on the performance on this new regressor:

In [ ]:
    generate_input_fn(distributions, [1, 1], num_epochs=1, shuffle=False)

Bonus: Reading from the filesystem

In the example above, we were generating all of our data (training, evaluation, and prediction) in memory. Although pedagogically convenient, this is practically useless to us in our everyday lives.

In this section, we will rewire the whole example to read its training and evaluation data from disk. The beauty of it is that we will only need to make some very minor changes to our input_fn generator.

First, we should produce our input files. We will write labelled data to 2-column CSV files in which the first column contains the label and the second column contains the number that was sampled from the distribution corresponding to the label.

We will create NUM_FILES in DATA_DIR, each one having SAMPLES_PER_FILE points of training data.

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
def create_labelled_data_file(filename, distributions, labels):
    labels_list = list(labels)
    samples_list = [item[0] for item in map(lambda i: distributions[i](1), labels)]
    rows = [','.join([str(entry) for entry in row]) for row in zip(labels_list, samples_list)]
    content = '\n'.join(rows)
    with open(filename, 'w') as f:

In [ ]:
filenames = tuple(['{}/tf-estimator-data-{}.csv'.format(DATA_DIR, i) for i in range(NUM_FILES)])

In [ ]:
for i in range(NUM_FILES):
    # Generate SAMPLES_PER_FILE labels at random with each label having probability 0.5
    labels = (np.random.uniform(size=SAMPLES_PER_FILE) > 0.5).astype(int)
    create_labelled_data_file(filenames[i], distributions, labels)

Now that the files have been created, we can define an input_fn generator which produces an Estimator input function that reads data from those files.

This construction basically follows the Reading Data section of the tensorflow.org Programmer's Guide. However, the comments in the code block below may be of some value to you if you could not go smoothly through the steps in the Reading Data guide.

In [ ]:
def generate_file_input_fn(filenames, num_epochs=None, shuffle=True):
    def input_fn():
        filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(filenames,
        file_reader = tf.TextLineReader()
        _, csv = file_reader.read(filename_queue)
        # The record_defaults specify not only the defaults, but they also tell the decoder what
        # schema to expect in the rows.
        # The valid dtypes for record_defaults are tf.int32, tf.int64, tf.string, tf.float32.
        # Since tf.float64 is not allowed and since our model_fn expects the inputs and the labels
        # to have dtype=tf.float64, we will have to recast later.
        record_defaults = [tf.constant([0], dtype=tf.float32),
                           tf.constant([0], dtype=tf.float32)]
        labels, raw_features = tf.decode_csv(csv, record_defaults=record_defaults)
        # Not only do we have to recast our features and labels to tf.float64, but we also
        # have to explicitly specify the shape of each column. If we did not do this, TensorFlow
        # would error out at graph construction time because it would not be able to validate
        # the shapes of the tensors used in its operations.
        # When designing your own estimator for release, it would be advisable to put this kind
        # of code in your model_fn, making it easier for your users to provide custom input_fns.
        processed_labels = tf.reshape(tf.cast(labels, tf.float64), [-1, 1])
        processed_features = tf.reshape(tf.cast(raw_features, tf.float64), [-1, 1])
        return {'inputs': processed_features}, processed_labels
    return input_fn

Let us now use this to continue training our experiment_compatible_regressor. All we have to do is make a new Experiment!

(This really highlights the utility of tf.contrib.learn.Experiment.)

In [ ]:
train_from_file_experiment = tf.contrib.learn.Experiment(experiment_compatible_regressor,
                                                         eval_input_fn=generate_input_fn(distributions, [10, 10]),

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
    generate_input_fn(distributions, [1, 1], num_epochs=1, shuffle=False)

And we're done!


Don't forget to delete the directories you created through the course of this tutorial!

I do not provide a way of deleting them here because too many things could go wrong deleting directories from a Jupyter notebook.

These are the directories you should delete when you're done:

In [ ]:
print('REMOVE THESE DIRECTORIES:\n1. {}\n2. {}\n3. {}\n4. {}'.format(MODEL_DIR, NEW_MODEL_DIR, BASE_EXPORT_DIR, DATA_DIR))

Copyright 2017 Google, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.