In [1]:
#!python -m pip install google-cloud-bigquery
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
PROJECT='cloud-training-demos' # CHANGE THIS
We believe that if someone rents a bicycle for less than 10 minutes and returns the bicycle to the same station that they rented it at, it is likely that the bicycle has a problem. We'll call this a "bad" trip.
We want to send a crew out to examine a few of the stations that had lots of bad trips to see if there are any systemic problems.
In [3]:
%%bigquery badtrips --project $PROJECT
SELECT *, bad_trips / num_trips AS fraction_bad FROM (
, SUM(IF(duration < 600 AND start_station_name = end_station_name, 1, 0)) AS bad_trips
, COUNT(start_station_name) as num_trips
FROM `bigquery-public-data`.london_bicycles.cycle_hire
WHERE EXTRACT(YEAR FROM start_date) = 2015
GROUP BY start_station_name
HAVING num_trips > 10
ORDER BY fraction_bad DESC
In [4]:
Looks like the fraction_bad ranges from 0 to 0.4, but is not clear how relevant this ratio is because the stations also vary quite dramatically. For example, the number of trips ranges from 11 to 95740. A 0.4 fraction_bad is not terrible if num_trips=11.
Let's look at a scatter plot to see if there is any clear trend here.
In [5]:
badtrips.plot.scatter('num_trips', 'fraction_bad');
Let's zoom in a bit and add a line of best fit
In [6]:
import seaborn as sns
ax = sns.regplot(badtrips['num_trips'],badtrips['fraction_bad']);
ax.set_ylim(0, 0.05);
Indeed, we see that higher fraction_bad are associated with lower num_trips. We need to use the fraction_bad carefully.
In [7]:
stations_to_examine = []
import pandas as pd
for band in range(1,5):
min_trips = badtrips['num_trips'].quantile(0.2*(band))
max_trips = badtrips['num_trips'].quantile(0.2*(band+1))
query = 'num_trips >= {} and num_trips < {}'.format(min_trips, max_trips)
print(query) # band
stations = badtrips.query(query)
stations = stations.sort_values(by=['fraction_bad'], ascending=False)[:5]
print(stations) # 5 worst
Notice how, by banding, we are able to use lower thresholds for the busier stations. Had we chosen a single threshold, our crew would have not get to look at a diverse set of stations.
In [8]:
stations_to_examine = pd.concat(stations_to_examine)
In [ ]:
!pip install pyarrow
In [11]:
from import bigquery
bq = bigquery.Client(project=PROJECT)
table_id = '{}.ch05eu.bad_bikes'.format(PROJECT)
job = bq.load_table_from_dataframe(stations_to_examine, table_id)
job.result() # blocks and waits
print("Loaded {} rows into {}".format(job.output_rows, table_id))
Add latitude and longitude through a join
In [12]:
%%bigquery stations_to_examine --project $PROJECT
start_station_name AS station_name
, num_trips
, fraction_bad
, latitude
, longitude
FROM ch05eu.bad_bikes AS bad
JOIN `bigquery-public-data`.london_bicycles.cycle_stations AS s
ON bad.start_station_name =
In [13]:
!pip install folium
In [14]:
import folium
map_pts = folium.Map(location=[51.5, -0.15], zoom_start=12)
for idx, row in stations_to_examine.iterrows():
folium.Marker( location=[row['latitude'], row['longitude']], popup=row['station_name'] ).add_to(map_pts)
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