Multi-Layer Perceptron Inpainting with MNIST

In the MLP demo, we saw how to use the multi-layer VAMP (ML-VAMP) method for denoising with a prior based on a multi-layer perceptron. We illustrated the method on synthetic data generated from a random MLP model. Here we will repeat the experiment with the MNIST data. Specifically, we consider the problem of estimating an MNIST digit image $x$ from linear measurements $y$ of the form, $$ y = Ax, $$ where $A$ is a sub-sampling operation. The sub-sampling operation outputs a subset of the pixels in $x$ corresponding to some non-occuluded area. This problem of reconstructing an image $x$ with a portion of the image removed is called inpainting. Inpainting requires a prior on the image. In this demo, we will use an MLP generative model for that prior.

Importing the Package

We first import the vampyre and other packages as in the sparse linear inverse demo.

In [1]:
# Add the vampyre path to the system path
import os
import sys
vp_path = os.path.abspath('../../')
if not vp_path in sys.path:
import vampyre as vp

# Load the other packages
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

We will also need other packages including tensorflow.

In [2]:
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import scipy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pickle

from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data

Loading the MLP model of MNIST

There are several widely-used methods for learning generative MLP models for complex data. In this demo, we will simply load the model in the save parameter file. The model was trained using a so-called variation auto-encoder method by Kigma and Welling. You can recreate the model yourself by running the program

In [22]:
# Load the VAE model
if not os.path.exists('param.p'):
    raise Exception("The parameter file, param.p, is not available.  "+
        "Run the program to build the vae model and save the"+
        " parameters")
[Wdec,bdec,Wenc,benc]  = pickle.load(open("param.p","rb"))

print("Model successfully loaded.")

Model successfully loaded.

In [ ]:

Create a Sub-Sampling Transform

In this demo, the measurements $y$ will be a sub-set of the pixels in the image $x$. Thus, the estimation problem is to recover $x$ from an occluded image. We set the vectors Ierase and Ikeep as list of pixels to erase and keep.

In [4]:
npix = 784
nrow = 28
row0 = 10   # First row to erase
row1 = 20   # Last row to erase
Ierase = range(nrow*row0,nrow*row1)
Ikeep = np.setdiff1d(range(npix), Ierase)

We obtain a set of test images, and erase the pixels

In [5]:
# Load MNIST
if not 'mnist' in locals():
    mnist = input_data.read_data_sets('MNIST')

# Batch size to test on
batch_size = 10

# Get the test images and load them into the final layer
xtrue, labels = mnist.test.next_batch(batch_size)
xtrue = xtrue.T

# Erase the pixels
y = xtrue[Ikeep,:]

# Create the erased image
xerase = np.ones((npix,batch_size))*0.5
xerase[Ikeep,:] = y

Successfully downloaded train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz 9912422 bytes.
Extracting MNIST\train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz
Successfully downloaded train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz 28881 bytes.
Extracting MNIST\train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz
Successfully downloaded t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz 1648877 bytes.
Extracting MNIST\t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz
Successfully downloaded t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz 4542 bytes.
Extracting MNIST\t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz

We will use the following function to plot the images

In [6]:
def plt_digit(x):
    Plots a digit in the MNIST dataset.
    :param:`x` is the digit to plot represented as 784 dim vector
    nrow = 28
    ncol = 28
    xsq = x.reshape((nrow,ncol))
    plt.imshow(np.maximum(0,xsq), cmap='Greys_r')

We plot a few examples of the original image and the occuluded image. The occlusion is shown as the gra

In [7]:
nplot = 5      # number of samples to plot
nrow_plot = 2  # number of images per row
for icol in range(nplot):
    if (icol == 0):
    if (icol == 0):

Represent the MLP model for ML-VAMP

We next model the MLP as a multi-layer network for ML-VAMP. One slight complication for the MNIST model is that in the VAE model, the final output stage is modeled as a logistic function which is difficult to capture in ML-VAMP (it does not have a simple analytic denoiser). So, we replace it with a probit output with the probit variance set to match the logistic variance.

In [8]:
def logistic_var():
    Finds a variance to match probit and logistic regression.
    Finds a variance :math:`\\tau_w` such that,
        :math:`p=P(W < z) \\approx \\frac{1}{1+e^{-z}},`
    where :math:`W \\sim {\\mathcal N}(0,\\tau_w)`.
    z = np.linspace(-5,5,1000)      # z points to test
    p1 = 1/(1+np.exp(-z))           # target probability
    var_test = np.linspace(2,3,1000)
    err = []
    for v in var_test:
        p2 = 0.5*(1+scipy.special.erf(z/np.sqrt(v*2)))
    i = np.argmin(err)
    wvar = var_test[i]
    return wvar

# Since the logistic loss is not easily modeled in ML-VAMP, we replace
# the logistic loss with an approximate probit loss.  TO this end, we find
# a variance wvar such that the probit and logistic loss match.
wvar = logistic_var()
z = np.linspace(-5,5,1000)
p1 = 1/(1+np.exp(-z))
p2 = 0.5*(1+scipy.special.erf(z/np.sqrt(2*wvar)))

plt.plot(z, np.log10(1-p1), linewidth=2)
plt.plot(z, np.log10(1-p2), linewidth=2)
plt.legend(['Logistic loss','Probit loss'])

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x2c5bcc167f0>

We next create the network to represent the MLP model for ML-VAMP. This is identical to MLP demo where we create one estimator and message handler for each stage.

In [13]:
# Construct the first layer which is a Gaussian prior
batch_size = 10
n0 = Wdec[0].shape[0]
est0 = vp.estim.GaussEst(0,1,shape=(n0,batch_size),name='Gauss input')
est_list = [est0]

# To improve the robustness, we add damping and place a lower bound on the variance 
damp = 0.75
damp_var = 0.5
alpha_max = 1-1e-3     
rvar_min = 0.01

# Loop over layers in the decoder model
nlayers = len(Wdec)
msg_hdl_list = []
ind = 0
for i in range(nlayers):
    # Get matrices for the layer
    Wi = Wdec[i].T
    bi = bdec[i]
    # On the final layer, perform the erasing and add noise
    if (i < nlayers-1):
        wvari = 0
        Wi = Wi[Ikeep,:]
        bi = bi[Ikeep]
        wvari = wvar            
    n1,n0 = Wi.shape
    zshape0 = (n0,batch_size)
    zshape1 = (n1,batch_size)
    name = 'Dense_%d' % ind            
    Wiop = vp.trans.MatrixLT(Wi,zshape0)
    esti = vp.estim.LinEstTwo(Wiop,bi[:,None],wvari,name=name)
    # Add the nonlinear layer    
    if (i < nlayers-1):
        name = 'ReLU_%d' % ind 
        # For all but the last layer, this is a ReLU
        esti = vp.estim.ReLUEst(zshape1,map_est=False,name=name)
        # For the final layer it is a hard threshold        
        esti = vp.estim.BinaryQuantEst(y,zshape1,name='Quantize')

    # Add the message handlers    
    msg_hdl = vp.estim.MsgHdlSimp(shape=zshape0,damp=damp,damp_var=damp_var,\
    msg_hdl = vp.estim.MsgHdlSimp(shape=zshape1,damp=damp,damp_var=damp_var,\
    ind += 1
# For further robustness, we limit the variance ratio in layer 1 (the ReLU layer)
msg_hdl_list[1].alpha_max = 0.95

Reconstruct the MNIST data

To solve for the unknown pixels, we first create a solver.

In [14]:
# Create the MLVamp solver
nit = 50
solver = vp.solver.MLVamp(est_list,msg_hdl_list,comp_cost=True,\

We can print the summary of the model. Notice that the final layer, which corresponds to the measurements, has 504 pixels which are the observed pixels.

In [16]:

Layer | Estimator                      | shape      | var_axes
  0   | Gauss input (GaussEst)         | (20, 10)   | (0,)    
  1   | Dense_0 (LinEstTwo)            | (400, 10)  | (0,)    
  2   | ReLU_0 (ReLUEst)               | (400, 10)  | (0,)    
  3   | Dense_1 (LinEstTwo)            | (504, 10)  | (0,)    
  4   | Quantize (BinaryQuantEst)      |            |         

Now, we run the solver. This should take just a few seconds.

In [23]:

Extract the final reconstruction. We can do this by extracting the estimate for the second last stage zhat[-2] and then passing it through the final linear stage.

In [20]:
zhat = solver.zhat

Wi = Wdec[nlayers-1].T
bi = bdec[nlayers-1]
zfinal =[-2]) + bi[:,None]

xhat = 1/(1+np.exp(-zfinal))

Plot the Reconstruction

In [24]:
ncol = 10
nrow = 3
for icol in range(ncol):
    if (icol == 0):
    if (icol == 0):
    if (icol == 0):

In [ ]: