In this demo, we illustrate how to use the multi-layer VAMP (ML-VAMP) method for denoising with a prior based on a multi-layer perceptron. To describe the problem, consider the classical linear estimation of a vector $x$ from linear measurements,
y = Ax + w, \quad w \sim {\mathcal N}(0,\tau_w I),
where $w$ is AWGN noise. The reconstruction of depends on our knowledge of $x$. In Bayesian settings, this is formulated via a prior $p(x)$. For example, in the sparse linear inverse demo, we specified a simple sparse prior. Here, we will show how to use the vampyre
package to describe a more complex prior via a multi-layer perceptron (MLP).
An MLP model is based on recursions of the form, $$ z_{2m+2} = \sigma(z_{2m+1}),\quad z_{2m+1} = W_m z_{2m} + b_m, \quad m=0,...,M-1, $$ where, $M$ is the number of layers and, in each layer $m$, $W_m$ is a weight matrix, $b_m$ is a bias term and $\sigma(\cdot)$ is an activation function. In this demo, we will use the ReLU activation function $\sigma(z) = \max(0,z)$. The data is modeled as the final output of this recursion $x=z_{2M-1}$ and the initial conditions of the recursions $z_0$ have some prior $p(z_0)$. The intermediate variables $z_0,\ldots,z_{2M-2}$ are called hidden units. In this demo, we will build on the sparse probit demo, to recover $x$ from $y$. This demo will create a simple MLP model using randomly generated weights. We will look at real data in the next demo.
We first import the vampyre
and other packages as in the sparse linear inverse demo.
In [1]:
# Add the vampyre path to the system path
import os
import sys
vp_path = os.path.abspath('../../')
if not vp_path in sys.path:
import vampyre as vp
# Load the other packages
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
# Dimensions
nin = 20 # dimension of the latent variables, dim(z0)
nhid = [100,500] # dimension of the hidden units in the subsequent layers, dim(z_1)=dim(z_2)=100, dim(z_3)=dim(z_4)=500,
nx = 784 # dimension of the unknown signal, dim(x)=dim(z_5)
ny = 300 # number of measurements = dimension(y)
# Other parameters
ns = 10 # Number of samples to generate
snr = 30 # SNR in dB
# Set random seed for reproducibility
Next, we create a random matrices using the randmlp
module which contains a RandomMLP
class. That class generates random weights and bias for given dimensions. The weights and biases are selected to meet a certain sparsity target level at each layer, meaning a desired fraction of the hidden unit that are non-zero. It is assumed that the hidden units, $h_0$, of the first layer are have $N(0,1)$ components.
In [3]:
import randmlp
# Sparsity target levels
sparse_tgt = [0.4,0.4]
# Generate a random network
mlp = randmlp.RandomMLP(nin,nhid,nx,sparse_tgt=sparse_tgt)
# Extract the weights and biases
Ws = mlp.Ws
bs =
Next, we generate random samples from the MLP. When we run the mlp
object it creates a list zs=[z[0],...,z[2M+1]]
In [4]:
# Generate random samples
mlp.ns = ns
zs =
# Get the unknown vector x from the final layer of the MLP
x = zs[-1]
Finally, we create noisy version of the values from the final output layer. Note that the SNR is measured on the signal after subtracting out the bias in the final layer.
In [5]:
# Get bias in final layer
nlayer = mlp.nlayers
bout = bs[nlayer]
# Generate a random sensing matrix
A = np.random.normal(0,1,(ny,nx))/np.sqrt(nx)
# Compute the noise variance. For the noise variance we remove the bias
y0 =[:,None])
wvar = 10**(-0.1*snr)*np.mean(y0**2)
# Add noise
w = np.random.normal(0,np.sqrt(wvar),(ny,ns))
y = + w
The MLP can be naturally modeled as a multi-layer network. Recall that $z_0,\ldots,z_L$ represents the intermediate variables in the MLP with the final stage is the data $z_L=x$. We can thus write the joint density of the measured data $y$ and hidden variables $z_0,\ldots,z_L$ as a product: $$ p(y,z_0,\ldots,z_L) = p(z_0)p(z_1|z_0)\cdots p(z_L|z_{L-1})p(y|z_L) $$ To represent this in ML-VAMP, we create one estimator for each term on the right-hand side:
In [15]:
# Create estimator list
est_list = []
# Initial estimator
est0 = vp.estim.GaussEst(0,1,zs[0].shape,name='Gauss input')
ind = 0
for i in range(mlp.nlayers):
# Get shape
zshape0 = zs[2*i].shape
zshape1 = zs[2*i+1].shape
# Add linear layer
Wi = mlp.Ws[i]
bi =[i]
Wiop = vp.trans.MatrixLT(Wi,zshape0)
name = 'Dense_%d' % ind
esti = vp.estim.LinEstTwo(Wiop,bi[:,None],name=name)
# Add the ReLU layer
name = 'ReLU_%d' % ind
esti = vp.estim.ReLUEst(zshape1,name=name)
ind += 1
# Add the final linear layer with measurement
i = mlp.nlayers
zshape0 = zs[2*i].shape
Wi = mlp.Ws[i]
bi =[i]
Wiop = vp.trans.MatrixLT(,zshape0)
name = 'Dense_%d + AWGN out' % ind
esti = vp.estim.LinEst(Wiop,[:,None]),wvar,name=name)
Next, we create the list of message handlers.
In [16]:
# Create the msg handlers
nvar = 2*mlp.nlayers+1
msg_hdl_list = []
var_scale = 1
for i in range(nvar):
msg_hdl = vp.estim.MsgHdlSimp(shape=zs[i].shape,damp=damp)
We next create the ML-VAMP solver. This is similar to the sparse probit demo.
In [17]:
# Number of iterations
nit = 50
# Create the MLVamp solver
solver = vp.solver.MLVamp(est_list,msg_hdl_list,comp_cost=True,\
We can next print a summary of the model. We see the five layers with alternating dense and ReLU layers.
In [18]:
Finally, we run the solver.
In [19]:
# Run the solver
Extract the estimates in each iteration
In [20]:
# Extract the estimate
zhatvar = solver.hist_dict['zhatvar']
zhat = solver.hist_dict['zhat']
We will measure the mean squared error as a function of the iteration. As in the sparse probit demo, we will measure the Debiased-MSE as computed with the following method.
In [21]:
def debias_mse(zhat,ztrue):
tol = 1e-8
zcorr = np.abs(np.mean(zhat.conj()*ztrue,axis=0))**2
zpow = np.mean(ztrue.conj()*ztrue,axis=0)
zhatpow = np.mean(zhat.conj()*zhat,axis=0)
if np.any(zpow < tol) or np.any(zhatpow < tol):
dmse = 0
rho = 1-zcorr/zpow/zhatpow
dmse = 10*np.log10(np.mean(rho))
return dmse
The debiased MSE is then compared to the predicted value from ML-VAMP. We see that we obtain a very accurate estimate and the predicted and actual MSE match well for each stage.
In [22]:
# Compute the powers
zpow = np.zeros(nvar)
for i in range(nvar):
zpow[i] = np.mean(zs[i]**2)
nit2 = len(zhat)
mse_act = np.zeros((nit2,nvar))
mse_pred = np.zeros((nit2,nvar))
for it in range(nit2):
for i in range(nvar):
zhati = zhat[it][i]
zerr = np.mean(np.abs(zhati - zs[i])**2)
mse_act[it,i] = debias_mse(zhati,zs[i])
mse_pred[it,i] = 10*np.log10(np.mean(zhatvar[it][i])/zpow[i])
mse_actf = mse_act[-1,:]
mse_predf = mse_pred[-1,:]
print("stage MSE-actual MSE-pred")
for i in range(nvar):
print("{0:d} {1:7.2f} {2:7.2f}".format(i,mse_actf[i],mse_predf[i]))
We can also plot the results per iteration.
In [23]:
t = np.array(range(nit2))
i = 0
plt.plot(t, mse_act[:,i],'-o')
plt.plot(t, mse_pred[:,i],'-s')
plt.legend(['actual', 'pred'])
plt.xlabel('Half iteration')
plt.ylabel('Normalized MSE (dB)')
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