The WMAP posterior chains are useful for a number of tasks. First, they are useful for generating a prior distribution on LCDM parameters when running a chain on a new data set. Also, the covariance matrix of the LCDM chain from WMAP can be used as a proposal distribution that has the correct degeneracies.
All the WMAP posterior chains are available online here. There are a few chains to choose from (depending on which parameters are allowed to vary and which data sets to include in the likelihood). If you want Julia to automaticall download the basic LCDM chain just uncomment the download
and run
commands below.
In [6]:
link = ""
# download(link, "wmap_lcdm_wmap9_chains_v5.tar.gz")
# run(`gunzip wmap_lcdm_wmap9_chains_v5.tar.gz`)
wmap_path = "/Users/ethananderes/Dropbox/Courses/STA250CMB/data/wmap_chain"
# run(`tar -xf wmap_lcdm_wmap9_chains_v5.tar --directory $wmap_path`)
# run(`rm wmap_lcdm_wmap9_chains_v5.tar`)
Once the download is finished (and the files are in the right place as determined by wmap_path
) we can take a peak at what the files look like and count how many samples we have.
In [7]:
run(`head $wmap_path/omegach2`)
nlines = countlines("$wmap_path/omegach2")
These chains are really long. Since we don't need all the iterations for this notebook I will only load in 100,000 of them from the standard 6 parameters.
In [8]:
nchain = 100_000
omega_b_chain = readdlm("$wmap_path/omegabh2")[1:nchain,2]
omega_cdm_chain = readdlm("$wmap_path/omegach2")[1:nchain,2]
tau_reio_chain = readdlm("$wmap_path/tau")[1:nchain,2]
theta_s_chain = readdlm("$wmap_path/thetastar")[1:nchain,2]
A_s_109_chain = readdlm("$wmap_path/a002")[1:nchain,2] # <-- 10⁹ * A_s
n_s_chain = readdlm("$wmap_path/ns002")[1:nchain,2]
# note: kstar here is 0.002
full_chain = hcat(omega_b_chain, omega_cdm_chain, tau_reio_chain, theta_s_chain, A_s_109_chain, n_s_chain)
names_chain = [:omega_b, :omega_cdm, :tau_reio, :theta_s, :A_s_109, :n_s]
Now compute the approximated posterior covariance matrix of the LCDM parameters and the best fit.
In [11]:
Σwmap = cov(full_chain)
wmap_best_fit = vec(mean(full_chain,1))
[names_chain wmap_best_fit]
Lets take a look at a trace plot of some of the iterations
In [12]:
using PyPlot
plot(omega_b_chain[1:100:end], label = "omega_b_chain")
plot(theta_s_chain[1:100:end], label = "theta_s_chain")
plot(n_s_chain[1:100:end], label = "n_s_chain")
We will use pypico for computing the tempurature spectral density.
In [14]:
using PyCall
@pyimport pypico
picodata_path = "/Users/ethananderes/Dropbox/Courses/STA250CMB/data/pypico/pico3_tailmonty_v34.dat"
const picoload = pypico.load_pico(picodata_path)
# -------- wrap pico
function pico(x)
omega_b = x[1]
omega_cdm = x[2]
tau_reio = x[3]
theta_s = x[4]
A_s_109 = x[5]
n_s = x[6]
plout::Dict{ASCIIString, Array{Float64,1}} = picoload[:get](;
:re_optical_depth => tau_reio,
symbol("scalar_amp(1)") => 1e-9*A_s_109,
:theta => theta_s,
:ombh2 => omega_b,
:omch2 => omega_cdm,
symbol("scalar_spectral_index(1)") => n_s,
:massive_neutrinos => 3.04,
:helium_fraction => 0.25,
:omnuh2 => 0.0,
symbol("scalar_nrun(1)") => 0.0,
:force => true
clTT::Array{Float64,1} = plout["cl_TT"]
ells = 0:length(clTT)-1
clTT .*= 2π ./ ells ./ (ells + 1)
clTT[1] = 0.0
return clTT
Now we can define the loglikelihood as it depends on the bandpowers, the noise level σ² and the beam full width at half max b²
In [15]:
function loglike(x, bandpowers, σ², b²)
ell = 0:length(bandpowers)-1
cldd = pico(x) + σ² * exp(b² .* ell .* (ell + 1) ./ (8log(2)))
rtn = 0.0
@inbounds for l in ell[2:end]
rtn -= log(cldd[l+1]) * (2l+1) / 2
rtn -= (bandpowers[l+1] / cldd[l+1]) * (2l+1) / 2
return rtn
In your homework 2 assignment I will ask you to run MCMC chains for generating posterior draws from this fake data. The LCDM parameter vector I will use for this fake data is a random draw from one of the iterations of the WMAP chain.
The noise level and beam I'm using to generate the fake data are defined as follows.
In [16]:
# beam and spectral density are set to somewhat resemble WMAP
const σ² = (10.0/3437.75)^2 # <---10μkarcmin noise level converted to radian pixels (1 radian = 3437.75 arcmin)
const b² = (0.0035)^2 # <-- pixel width 0.2ᵒ ≈ 12.0 armin ≈ 0.0035 radians
Now we randomly choose a LCDM parameter vector and save it to disk so we can check how your MCMC worked
In [18]:
using HDF5
lcdm_sim_truth = full_chain[rand(1:nchain),:]
h5write("/Users/ethananderes/Dropbox/Courses/STA250CMB/lectures/julia_lecture5_LCDM_MCMC/lcdm_sim_truth.h5", "lcdm_sim_truth", lcdm_sim_truth)
Now we generate the spectral densities and simulate fake bandpowers (which are also saved to disk in the homework 2 directory)
In [19]:
clTT = pico(lcdm_sim_truth)
ell = 0:length(clTT)-1
cldd = clTT + σ² * exp(b² .* ell .* (ell + 1) ./ (8log(2)))
bandpowers = Array(Float64, length(cldd))
for l in ell
bandpowers[l+1] = abs2( √(cldd[l+1]) * randn() )
for m in 1:l
bandpowers[l+1] += 2abs2( √(cldd[l+1]/2) * randn() )
bandpowers[l+1] += 2abs2( √(cldd[l+1]/2) * randn() )
bandpowers[l+1] ./= (2l + 1)
h5write("/Users/ethananderes/Dropbox/Courses/STA250CMB/homework/homework2/bandpowers.h5", "bandpowers", bandpowers)
Here is a plot of the bandpowers compared to the signal spectral density and the noise
In [27]:
semilogy(ell[2:5:2000], bandpowers[2:5:2000], label="bandpowers")
semilogy(ell[2:5:2000], clTT[2:5:2000], label="temp spectrum")
semilogy(ell[2:5:2000], cldd[2:5:2000], label="data spectrum")
semilogy(ell[2:5:2000], (cldd-clTT)[2:5:2000], label="noise spectrum")
NLopt is a high quality optimization package ported to Julia. I highly recommend it. Usually, when optimizing a function you want to include gradient calculations. However, in the CMB case these are complicated. In NLopt you can choose from a collection of non-gradient optimization algorithms. We will use the one called LN_BOBYQA
In [28]:
using NLopt
# here are some optimization algorithms that do not require gradient calculations
# see for a reference
llmin(x, grad) = loglike(x, bandpowers, σ², b²)
NLopt expects that the function your trying to optimze takes two arguments: the variable x
is the one your optimizing over and a variable grad
which, when the funtion is called, over-writes grad
with the gradient of the objective function at x
. In this case we don't do anything to grad
since we are only using non-gradient based algorithms.
The following code sets up the optimzation object.
In [29]:
#dx = eig(Σwmap) |> x -> 0.01*x[2]*√(x[1]) # <--- start direction
opt = Opt(algm[1], 6)
#initial_step!(opt, dx)
upper_bounds!(opt, [0.034, 0.2, 0.55, .0108, exp(4.0)/10, 1.25])
lower_bounds!(opt, [0.018, 0.06, 0.01, .0102, exp(2.75)/10, 0.85]) # <-- pico training bounds
maxtime!(opt, 5*60.0) # <--- max time in seconds
max_objective!(opt, llmin)
Note: I set the upper and lower bounds to the bounding box constraints used for training pypico.
Now we tell NLopt to optimize it.
In [30]:
optf, optx, ret = optimize(opt, wmap_best_fit)
The variable optf
gives the objective value at the maximum, optx
gives the optimal lcdm parameters and ret
contains comments.
Lets take a look at the fitted values compared with the simulation truth and the WMAP best fit.
In [31]:
hcat(names_chain, optx, lcdm_sim_truth, wmap_best_fit)
Let's make sure optx
is at a higher likelihood.
In [37]:
@show llmin(optx, 0);
@show llmin(lcdm_sim_truth, 0);
@show llmin(wmap_best_fit, 0);
When programing MCMC chains the package Distributions
is useful for generating proposals and for computing ratios of proposal densities. Here is how to define a Gaussian symmetric proposal. Note: I'm classifying it as constant as to give the type inference a guarentee that it will not change type withing the MCMC algorithm.
In [40]:
using Distributions
const lcdm_proposal_RV = MultivariateNormal(zeros(6), Σwmap)
generate_lcdm_prop(lcdm_curr) = rand(lcdm_proposal_RV) + lcdm_curr
Now I can generate proposals as follows
In [42]:
lcdm_curr = copy(optx)
lcdm_prop = generate_lcdm_prop(lcdm_curr)
is a great python package used for visualizing MCMC chains. Here is a link to the package and here is a link to some documentation.
I'm using Anaconda for python on my machine. I was able to easily install getDist
with the following command at the terminal:
sudo pip install getdist
Just to give you a short demo of using it in Julia, the following code makes 1sigma and 2sigma contours of the WMAP chain on the 6 LCDM parameters we are interested in.
In [43]:
using PyCall, PyPlot
@pyimport getdist
@pyimport getdist.plots as plots
samples = getdist.MCSamples(samples=full_chain, names=names_chain)
g = plots.getSubplotPlotter()
g[:triangle_plot](samples, filled=true)
# g[:export]("output_file.pdf") # <---use this if you want to save the image to disk
You can even compair two chains easily.
In [47]:
wider_chain = 1.5*(full_chain[1:10_000,:].-wmap_best_fit.') .+ optx.'
samples1 = getdist.MCSamples(samples=wider_chain, names=names_chain)
samples2 = getdist.MCSamples(samples=full_chain[20_000:50_000,:], names=names_chain)
g = plots.getSubplotPlotter()
g[:triangle_plot]([samples1, samples2], filled=true)
In [ ]:
mcmc_runs = 2_000
mcmc_thin = 5
mcmc_burn = 300
# ------ choose a proposal distribution
const β_proposal_RV = Normal(0.0, 0.2 )
const lcdm_proposal_RV = MultivariateNormal(zeros(lcdm_wmap), abs2(0.5) * lcdm_wmap_cov)
prop_β(β_curr) = rand(β_proposal_RV) + β_curr
prop_lcdm(lcdm_curr) = rand(lcdm_proposal_RV) + lcdm_curr
function mcmc_chain(numruns, thin, burn, lcdm_start, β_start)
lcdmmat = Array(Float64, 6, numruns)
βmat = Array(Float64, numruns)
lcdmmat[:,1] = copy(lcdm_start)
βmat[1] = copy(β_start)
curr_ll = loglike_bin(bin_pico(lcdm_start) + β_start*X_on_bin)
# curr_ll += logpdf(β_proposal_RV, β_start)
curr_ll += logpdf(lcdm_wmap_RV, lcdm_start)
for j = 2:numruns
lcdm_prop = prop_lcdm(lcdmmat[:,j-1])
β_prop = prop_β(βmat[j-1])
prop_ll = loglike_bin(bin_pico(lcdm_prop) + β_prop*X_on_bin)
#prop_ll += logpdf(β_proposal_RV, β_prop)
prop_ll += logpdf(lcdm_wmap_RV, lcdm_prop)
prob_accept = min(1.0, exp(prop_ll - curr_ll))
if j % 250 == 1
@show prob_accept
if rand() < prob_accept
lcdmmat[:,j] = copy(lcdm_prop)
βmat[j] = copy(β_prop)
curr_ll = prop_ll
lcdmmat[:,j] = copy(lcdmmat[:, j-1])
βmat[j] = copy(βmat[j-1])
return lcdmmat[:,burn:thin:end], βmat[burn:thin:end]
# ----- run the mcmc
@time lcdmmat, βmat = mcmc_chain(mcmc_runs, mcmc_thin, mcmc_burn, lcdm_binβ[1:6], lcdm_binβ[7])