PHYS366: Statistical Methods in Astrophysics

Lesson 3: Inference in Practice: PDF Characterization

Goals for this session:

  • Linear problems: General solution + short cuts. When and why do these short cuts work?
  • Introduction to Monte Carlo Methods
  • Convergence tests

Adapted from straight line notebook by Phil Marshall and Dustin Lang

  • Ivezic Ch. 8.1, 8.2, 8.8
  • MacKay Ch. 12

The Data Set

Today we will explore different methods to fit a model to data, and when these methods break.

The latter will require us to vary the input, e.g. re-running the same method with different error bars. I don't want to instruct you to tweak the error bars of an astronomical data set, so today we'll just load a synthetic set of points.

In [33]:
import numpy as np
from straightline_utils import *
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib import rcParams
rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 100
(x,y,sigmay) = get_data_no_outliers()
plot_yerr(x, y, sigmay)

Bayesian Solution: Posterior distribution of model parameters

This looks like data points scattered around a straight line,

$y = b + m x$.

If the error distribution in $y$ is Gaussian, the data likelihood for a specific linear model $(m,b)$ is given by

$P(\{x_i,y_i,\sigma_{y_i}\}|(m,b)) = \Pi_i\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma_{y_i}} \exp[-1/2(y_i-(b+m x_i) )^2/\sigma_{y_i}^2]$.

Assuming a flat prior PDF for the model parameters, the posterior PDF of model parameters $(m, b)$ is directly proportional to the data likelihood. We can test this model by determining the parameter log-likelihood

$\ln(L((m,b)|\{x_i,y_i,\sigma_{y_i}\})\propto \sum_i -1/2(y_i-(b+m x_i) )^2/\sigma_{y_i}^2$

on a parameter grid, which captures the uncertainty in the model parameters given the data. For simple, 2-dimensional parameter spaces like this one, evaluating on a grid is not a bad way to go.

In [30]:
def straight_line_log_likelihood(x, y, sigmay, m, b):
    Returns the log-likelihood of drawing data values *y* at
    known values *x* given Gaussian measurement noise with standard
    deviation with known *sigmay*, where the "true" y values are
    *y_t = m * x + b*

    x: list of x coordinates
    y: list of y coordinates
    sigmay: list of y uncertainties
    m: scalar slope
    b: scalar line intercept

    Returns: scalar log likelihood
    return (np.sum(np.log(1./(np.sqrt(2.*np.pi) * sigmay))) +
            np.sum(-0.5 * (y - (m*x + b))**2 / sigmay**2))
def straight_line_log_prior(m, b):
    return 0.
def straight_line_log_posterior(x,y,sigmay, m,b):
    return (straight_line_log_likelihood(x,y,sigmay, m,b) +
            straight_line_log_prior(m, b))

In [34]:
# Evaluate log P(m,b | x,y,sigmay) on a grid.
# Set up grid
mgrid = np.linspace(mlo, mhi, 100)
bgrid = np.linspace(blo, bhi, 101)
log_posterior = np.zeros((len(mgrid),len(bgrid)))
# Evaluate log probability on grid
for im,m in enumerate(mgrid):
    for ib,b in enumerate(bgrid):
        log_posterior[im,ib] = straight_line_log_posterior(x, y, sigmay, m, b)
# Convert to probability density and plot
posterior = np.exp(log_posterior - log_posterior.max())
plt.imshow(posterior, extent=[blo,bhi, mlo,mhi],cmap='Blues',
           interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', aspect=(bhi-blo)/(mhi-mlo),
           vmin=0, vmax=1)
plt.contour(bgrid, mgrid, posterior, pdf_contour_levels(posterior), colors='k')

i = np.argmax(posterior)
i,j = np.unravel_index(i, posterior.shape)
print 'Grid maximum posterior values:', bgrid[i], mgrid[j]

plt.title('Straight line: posterior PDF for parameters');
#plt.plot(b_ls, m_ls, 'w+', ms=12, mew=4);

Grid maximum posterior values: 27.0 2.28888888889

Short Cut #1: Linear Least Squares

An industry standard: find the slope $m_{\mathrm{LS}}$ and intercept $b_{\mathrm{LS}}$ that minimize the mean square residual $S(m,b) = \sum_i[y_i-(b+m x_i)]^2/\sigma_{y_i}^2$:

$\frac{\partial S}{\partial b}|_{b_{\mathrm{LS}}} =0 = -2\sum_i[y_i-(b_{\mathrm{LS}}+m_{\mathrm{LS}} x_i) ]/\sigma_{y_i}^2$,
$\frac{\partial S}{\partial m}|_{m_{\mathrm{LS}}} = 0 = -2\sum_i [y_i-(b_{\mathrm{LS}}+m_{\mathrm{LS}} x_i )]x_i/\sigma_{y_i}^2$.

Derive the solution for homoscedastic (i.e. $\sigma_i = \sigma$) data

  • What are the expressions for the fit parameters?

  • How about the parameter uncertainties?

Since the data depend linearly on the parameters, also the heteroscedastic least squares solution can be found by a matrix inversion and multiplication, this is conveneniently packed in numpy.linalg.lstsq (though this doesn't include parameter uncertainties).

In [35]:
# Linear algebra: weighted least squares
N = len(x)
A = np.zeros((N,2))
A[:,0] = 1. / sigmay
A[:,1] =  x / sigmay
b = y / sigmay
theta,nil,nil,nil = np.linalg.lstsq(A, b)
plot_yerr(x, y, sigmay)
b_ls,m_ls = theta
print 'Least Squares (maximum likelihood) estimator:', b_ls,m_ls
plot_line(m_ls, b_ls);

Least Squares (maximum likelihood) estimator: 34.8459413134 2.23253621695

Similarly, one can derived expressions for the uncertainty for of the least squares fit parameters, c.f. Ivezic Ch. 8.2. These expressions can be thought of as propagating the data error into parameter errors (using standard error propagation, i.e. chain rule).

The linear least squares estimator is a maximum likelihood estimator for linear model parameters, based on the assumption on Gaussian distributed data.

Short Cut #2: Laplace Approximation (Blackboard)

MacKay Chapter 12;

Approximation to

Monte Carlo Sampling Methods

In problems with higher dimensional parameter spaces, we need a more efficient way of approximating the posterior PDF - both when characterizing it in the first place, and then when doing integrals over that PDF (to get the marginalized PDFs for the parameters, or to compress them in to single numbers with uncertainties that can be easily reported). In most applications it's sufficient to approximate a PDF with a (relatively) small number of samples drawn from it; MCMC is a procedure for drawing samples from PDFs.

In [36]:
def straight_line_posterior(x, y, sigmay, m, b):
    return np.exp(straight_line_log_posterior(x, y, sigmay, m, b))

In [37]:
def run_MC(m, mstep, b, bstep, nsteps, burn_in = 0):
  chain = []
  probs = []
  naccept = 0
  print 'Running MH for', nsteps, 'steps'

  # First point:
  L_old    = straight_line_log_likelihood(x, y, sigmay, m, b)
  p_old    = straight_line_log_prior(m, b)
  log_prob_old = L_old + p_old

  for i in range(nsteps+burn_in):
    # step
    mnew = m + np.random.normal() * mstep
    bnew = b + np.random.normal() * bstep

    # evaluate probabilities
    # prob_new = straight_line_posterior(x, y, sigmay, mnew, bnew)

    L_new    = straight_line_log_likelihood(x, y, sigmay, mnew, bnew)
    p_new    = straight_line_log_prior(mnew, bnew)
    log_prob_new = L_new + p_new

    if (np.exp(log_prob_new - log_prob_old) > np.random.uniform()):
        # accept
        m = mnew
        b = bnew
        L_old = L_new
        p_old = p_new
        log_prob_old = log_prob_new
        if (i > burn_in): #measure acceptance rate after burn-in only
            naccept += 1
        # Stay where we are; m,b stay the same, and we append them
        # to the chain below.

  print 'Acceptance fraction:', naccept/float(nsteps)
  return chain[burn_in:]

# initial m, b
m0,b0 = 0., 450.

# step sizes
mstep, bstep = 0.1, 10.
# how many steps?
nsteps = 5000

chain = run_MC(m0, mstep, b0, bstep, nsteps)

Running MH for 5000 steps
Acceptance fraction: 0.288

In [38]:
# Pull m and b arrays out of the Markov chain and plot them:
mm = [m for b,m in chain]
bb = [b for b,m in chain]
# Plot trajectory of chain in (b,m) plane
plt.plot(bb, mm,linestyle='-',alpha=0.5)
#add labels to track early progress
for n in range(0,250,50):
#overplot posterior contours from grid based estimate
plt.contour(bgrid, mgrid, posterior, pdf_contour_levels(posterior), colors='k',linewidth = 3)

Observation: Early parts of the chain depend strongly on starting point. Discard them!

  • Use optional burn_in = n argument to remove first $n$ steps from chain.

In [39]:
#Run chain again, now with burn_in = 1000
chain = run_MC(m0, mstep, b0, bstep, nsteps, burn_in = 1000)

# Redo the same plotting as before
mm = [m for b,m in chain]
bb = [b for b,m in chain]
# Plot trajectory of chain in (b,m) plane
plt.plot(bb, mm,linestyle='-',alpha=0.5)
for n in range(0,250,50):
#overplot posterior contours from grid based estimate
plt.contour(bgrid, mgrid, posterior, pdf_contour_levels(posterior), colors='k',linewidth = 3)

Running MH for 5000 steps
Acceptance fraction: 0.3012

In [40]:
# 1 and 2D marginalised distributions:
import triangle
triangle.corner(chain, labels=['b','m'], range=[(blo,bhi),(mlo,mhi)],quantiles=[0.16,0.5,0.84],
                show_titles=True, title_args={"fontsize": 12},
                plot_datapoints=True, fill_contours=True, levels=[0.68, 0.95], color='b', bins=40, smooth=1.0);

Convergence tests

We expect our chains to eventually converge to the stationary distribution, which is also our target distribution. However, there is no guarantee that our chain has converged after nsteps draws.

How do we know whether our chain has actually converged?

We can never be sure, but there are several tests we can do, both visual and statistical, to see if the chain appears to be converged.

In [41]:
# Traces, for convergence inspection:
plt.plot(mm, 'b-')
plt.plot(bb, 'b-')

For comparison, run a second chain with different step sizes:

In [42]:
m0 = 1.0
b0 = 0.0
chain2 = run_MC(m0, mstep/10., b0, bstep, nsteps,burn_in = 1000)    
mm2 = [m for b,m in chain2]
bb2 = [b for b,m in chain2]
# Scatterplot of m,b posterior samples
plt.contour(bgrid, mgrid, posterior, pdf_contour_levels(posterior), colors='k')
plt.plot(bb, mm, 'b.', alpha=0.1)
plt.plot(bb2, mm2, 'r.', alpha=0.1)
# Traces, for convergence inspection:
plt.plot(mm, 'b-')
plt.plot(mm2, 'r-')
plt.plot(bb, 'b-')
plt.plot(bb2, 'r-')

Running MH for 5000 steps
Acceptance fraction: 0.5102

Chain with smaller step size does not look stationary yet, but exhibists features comparable to chain length.

How about a longer chain?

Easy test - as long as running longer chains is cheap.

In [43]:
chain3 = run_MC(m0, mstep/10., b0, bstep, nsteps*10,burn_in = 1000)    
mm3 = [m for b,m in chain3]
bb3 = [b for b,m in chain3]
# Scatterplot of m,b posterior samples
plt.contour(bgrid, mgrid, posterior, pdf_contour_levels(posterior), colors='k')
plt.plot(bb3, mm3, 'k.', alpha=0.1)
plt.plot(bb2, mm2, 'r.', alpha=0.1)
# Traces, for convergence inspection:
plt.plot(mm3, 'k-')
plt.plot(bb3, 'k-')

Running MH for 50000 steps
Acceptance fraction: 0.50568

Diagnostic 1: Autocorrelation

One common way to asses convergence of a chain is by assessing the autocorrelations between draws of the parameter chain $\left\{\theta_i\right\}$:

The lag $k$ autocorrelation $\rho_k$ is the correlation between every draw and its $k$th lag:

$\rho_k = \frac{\sum_{i = 1}^{\mathrm{nsteps}-k}\left(\theta_{i} - \bar{\theta}\right)\left(\theta_{i+k} - \bar{\theta}\right)}{\sum_{i = 1}^{\mathrm{nsteps}}\left(\theta_{i} - \bar{\theta}\right)^2}$

One expects the $k$th lag autocorrelation to decrease as $k$ increases. If $\rho_k$ is still relatively high for high $k$ values, this indicates a high degree of correlation across the chain and slow mixing.

In [44]:
def autocor (chain, kmax):
    x = chain - np.mean(chain)
    cor = np.zeros(kmax)
    cor[0] =1.0
    for k in range(1,kmax):
      cor[k] = np.sum(x[0:-k]*x[k:])/np.sum(x*x)
    return cor

kmax = 500
plt.plot(autocor(bb,kmax), 'b-', label = "chain1")
plt.plot(autocor(bb2,kmax), 'r-',label = "chain2")
plt.plot(autocor(bb3,kmax), 'k-',label = "chain3")
plt.xlabel('lag [steps]')

What's wrong with chain3?

  • Running a longer chain does not reduce correlation as a function of lag
  • But it does reduce correlation accross chain:

In [45]:
def autocor_scaled (chain, kmax):
    x = chain - np.mean(chain)
    cor = np.zeros(kmax)
    cor[0] = 1.0
    for k in range(1,kmax):
      cor[k] = np.sum(x[0:-k]*x[k:])/np.sum(x*x)
    return np.arange(0,kmax)/float(len(chain)),cor

kmax = 500
r, cor = autocor_scaled(mm,kmax)
plt.plot(r,cor, 'b-', label = "chain1")
r, cor = autocor_scaled(mm2,kmax)
plt.plot(r,cor, 'r-', label = "chain2")
r, cor = autocor_scaled(mm3,10*kmax)
plt.plot(r,cor, 'k-', label = "chain3")
r, cor = autocor_scaled(bb,kmax)
plt.plot(r,cor, 'b-')
r, cor = autocor_scaled(bb2,kmax)
plt.plot(r,cor, 'r-')
r, cor = autocor_scaled(bb3,10*kmax)
plt.plot(r,cor, 'k-')
plt.xlabel('lag [chain length]')

Diagnostic 2: Gelman-Rubin (1992) Statistic

This diagnostic uses multiple chains to check for lack of convergence, and is based on the notion that if multiple chains have converged, by definition they should appear very similar to one another; if not, one or more of the chains has failed to converge. It compares the between-chain variance, $B$, and within-chain variance, $W$, and assesses whether they are different enough to worry about convergence.

  • 1) Run $M\ge 2$ chains of length n with different starting points
  • 2) Calculate the within-chain variance $W$, and between-chain variance $B$
  • 3) Calculate the estimated variance of the parameter as a weighted sum of the within-chain and between-chain variance
  • 4) Calculate the potential scale reduction factor $\hat{R}$

In detail:

  • 2a) $W = \frac{1}{m}\sum_{J=1}^{M} s_J^2$ with $s_J^2= \frac{1}{n-1}\sum_{i=1}^n\left(\theta_{iJ}- \bar{\theta}_{J}\right)^2$ the (0-lag) variance in each chain
  • 2b) $B = \frac{n}{m-1}\sum_{J=1}^{M}\left(\bar{\theta}_{J} -\bar{\theta}\right)^2$
  • 3) $\hat{\mathrm{Var}}(\theta) = \frac{n-1}{n} V +\frac{1}{n}B$. This overestimates the true variance if the starting values are overdispersed, but is unbiased if the starting distribution equals the stationary distribution.
  • 4) $\hat{R} = \sqrt{\frac{\hat{\mathrm{Var}}(\theta)}{W}}$

$\hat{R}$ is an estimate of the potential reduction in the scale of $\theta$ as the number of simulations tends to infinity. In practice, we look for values of $\hat{R}$ close to one (say, less than 1.1).

In [46]:
def gelmanrubin(chains):
    M = chains.shape[0]
    N = chains.shape[1]
    thetaJ = np.mean(chains,axis =1)
    thetabar = np.mean(chains)
    sJ = np.zeros(M)
    for i in range(0,M):
        sJ[i] = 1./(N-1.0)*np.sum(np.power(chains[i,:]-thetaJ[i],2.))
    W = 1./float(M)*np.sum(sJ)
    B = float(N)/(M-1.)*np.sum(np.power(thetaJ-thetabar,2.0))
    vartheta = float(N-1)/float(N)*W +B/float(N)
    return np.sqrt(vartheta/W)

In [47]:
M = 10
burnin = 1000
nsteps = 1000

chains_m = np.zeros((M,nsteps))
chains_b = np.zeros((M,nsteps))
for J in range(0,M):
    m0  = 5.*np.random.uniform()
    b0  = 500.*np.random.uniform()
    chaini = run_MC(m0, mstep, b0, bstep, nsteps, burn_in = burnin)
    chains_m[J,:] = [m for b,m in chaini]
    chains_b[J,:] = [b for b,m in chaini]

print "\n\nR(m) = %f" %(gelmanrubin(chains_m))
print "R(b) = %f" %(gelmanrubin(chains_b))

Running MH for 1000 steps
Acceptance fraction: 0.288
Running MH for 1000 steps
Acceptance fraction: 0.279
Running MH for 1000 steps
Acceptance fraction: 0.297
Running MH for 1000 steps
Acceptance fraction: 0.296
Running MH for 1000 steps
Acceptance fraction: 0.264
Running MH for 1000 steps
Acceptance fraction: 0.288
Running MH for 1000 steps
Acceptance fraction: 0.315
Running MH for 1000 steps
Acceptance fraction: 0.29
Running MH for 1000 steps
Acceptance fraction: 0.311
Running MH for 1000 steps
Acceptance fraction: 0.253

R(m) = 1.050041
R(b) = 1.051543
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp

In [ ]:
As a test, add in one chain with smaller step sizes which is unlikely to be converged:

In [48]:
chain = run_MC(m0, mstep/10., b0, bstep/20., nsteps, burn_in = burnin)
chains_m[M-1,:] = [m for b,m in chain]
chains_b[M-1,:] = [b for b,m in chain]
print "\n\nR(m) = %f" %(gelmanrubin(chains_m))
print "R(b) = %f" %(gelmanrubin(chains_b))

Running MH for 1000 steps
Acceptance fraction: 0.867

R(m) = 1.627902
R(b) = 1.671437

In [ ]: