In [1]:
import arcpy as ARCPY
import arcgisscripting as ARC
import SSDataObject as SSDO
import SSUtilities as UTILS
import WeightsUtilities as WU
import numpy as NUM
import scipy as SCIPY
import pysal as PYSAL
import os as OS
import pandas as PANDAS
Use the Auto-Model Spatial Econometric Tool to identify the appropriate model
Regressing the growth rate of incomes on the log of starting incomes
The percentage of the population w/o a high school education and the population itself are the other exogenous factors.
In [2]:
inputFC = r'../data/CA_Polygons.shp'
fullFC = OS.path.abspath(inputFC)
fullPath, fcName = OS.path.split(fullFC)
ssdo = SSDO.SSDataObject(inputFC)
uniqueIDField = "MYID"
fieldNames = ['GROWTH', 'LOGPCR69', 'PERCNOHS', 'POP1969']
ssdo.obtainData(uniqueIDField, fieldNames)
df = ssdo.getDataFrame()
In [3]:
import pysal2ArcUtils as PYSAL_UTILS
swmFile = OS.path.join(fullPath, "queen.swm")
W = PYSAL_UTILS.PAT_W(ssdo, swmFile)
w = W.w
kernelSWMFile = OS.path.join(fullPath, "knn8.swm")
KW = PYSAL_UTILS.PAT_W(ssdo, kernelSWMFile)
kw = KW.w
In [5]:
import AutoModel as AUTO
auto = AUTO.AutoSpace_PySAL(ssdo, "GROWTH", ['LOGPCR69', 'PERCNOHS', 'POP1969'],
W, KW, pValue = 0.1, useCombo = True)
ARCPY.env.overwriteOutput = True
outputFC = r'../data/pysal_automodel.shp'
In [7]:
In [9]:
In [ ]: