This IPython Notebook is for performing a fit and generating a figure of the spectrum of sample VG02, in a region demonstrating a good contacting, with negligible bond gap.

The filename of the figure is VG02.pdf.

Author: Michael Gully-Santiago,

Date: January 25, 2015

In [ ]:
%pylab inline
import emcee
import triangle
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from astroML.decorators import pickle_results

In [2]:
sns.set_context("paper", font_scale=2.0, rc={"lines.linewidth": 2.5})

Read in the data. We want "VG02_pos2" or "VG02_pos3"

In [3]:
df = pd.read_csv('../data/cln_20130218_cary5000.csv', index_col=0)

Baseline 100%T Baseline 0%T VG05 VG01 VG06 VG02 VG02_pos2 VG02_pos3 VG02_pos4 VG03_pos1 VG03_pos2 VG04_pos1 VG04_pos2 VG06_post Baseline 100%T.1 Baseline 0%T.1 VG05_post
2500 7.427119 -0.001234 53.442204 53.466736 53.262798 36.737545 52.972309 53.064991 33.512653 38.421932 52.000980 25.861622 54.211266 53.938526 7.585160 0.000067 53.521866
2490 7.814320 -0.001347 53.430767 53.484589 53.288322 36.678280 53.001614 53.104568 33.588028 37.254417 52.001225 25.784100 54.293777 53.990936 7.991349 0.000207 53.393871
2480 8.378716 -0.000838 53.504936 53.481739 53.299366 36.473946 53.025131 53.119553 33.557705 36.035366 51.969082 25.835318 54.253708 53.963161 8.566405 0.000034 53.493465
2470 8.825397 -0.001670 53.377266 53.474129 53.299530 36.204262 53.002007 53.103672 33.459511 34.838486 51.941597 25.706764 54.266666 53.970634 9.022456 -0.000127 53.406708
2460 9.592031 -0.001384 53.376835 53.469803 53.290367 35.955139 53.008461 53.092026 33.415165 33.569817 51.898754 25.675592 54.245071 53.950542 9.799633 -0.000737 53.352882

In [4]:
df = df[df.index > 1250.0]

Import all the local models, saved locally as See the paper for derivations of these equations.

In [5]:
from etalon import *
np.random.seed(78704) #My old zip code

Determine the individual measurement uncertainty by taking the standard deviation of four mean-substracted reference measurements.

In [6]:
arr = np.vstack([df.VG05-df.VG05.mean(axis=0),

In [7]:
arr = np.vstack([df.VG05-df.VG05.mean(axis=0),

print arr.shape
arr_norm = arr - arr.mean(axis=0)
er = np.std(arr_norm, axis=0)/100.0
print er.shape

(4, 125)

In [8]:
# Introduce the Real data
x = df.index.values
N = len(x)
# Define T_DSP for the model
T_DSP = T_gap_Si(x, 0.0)
n1 = sellmeier_Si(x)

# Define uncertainty
yerr = er# 0.0002*np.ones(N)
iid_cov = np.diag(yerr ** 2)

# Select the spectrum of interest
# Normalize the spectrum by measured DSP Si wafer.
y = df.VG02_pos3/(0.25*(df.VG05+df.VG05+df.VG06+df.VG06_post))

In [11]:
plot(x, er)

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1099cd150>]

In [12]:


In [42]:
#np.savetxt("hetroscedastic.txt",er, delimiter=',', header='x, y')

In [13]:
errorbar(x,y, yerr=er)
plt.ylim(0.98, 1.01)

(0.98, 1.01)

Define the likelihood.

In [14]:
def lnlike(d, f, lna, lns):
    a, s = np.exp(lna), np.exp(lns)
    off_diag_terms = a**2 * np.exp(-0.5 * (x[:, None] - x[None, :])**2 / s**2)
    C = iid_cov + off_diag_terms
    sgn, logdet = np.linalg.slogdet(C)
    if sgn <= 0:
        return -np.inf
    r = y - T_gap_Si_withFF_fast(x, d, f, n1)/T_DSP
    return -0.5 * (, np.linalg.solve(C, r)) + logdet)

Define the prior.

In [15]:
def lnprior(d, f, lna, lns):
    if not (0 < d < 100 and 0.0 < f < 1.0 and -12 < lna < -2 and 0 < lns < 10):
        return -np.inf
    return 0.0

Combine likelihood and prior to obtain the posterior.

In [16]:
def lnprob(p):
    lp = lnprior(*p)
    if not np.isfinite(lp):
        return -np.inf
    return lp + lnlike(*p)

Set up emcee.

In [17]:
def hammer_time(ndim, nwalkers, d_Guess, f_Guess, a_Guess, s_Guess, nburnins, ntrials):
    # Initialize the walkers
    p0 = np.array([d_Guess, f_Guess, np.log(a_Guess), np.log(s_Guess)])
    pos = [p0 + 1.0e-2*p0 * np.random.randn(ndim) for i in range(nwalkers)]
    sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, lnprob)
    pos, lp, state = sampler.run_mcmc(pos, nburnins)
    pos, lp, state = sampler.run_mcmc(pos, ntrials)
    return sampler

Set up the initial conditions.

In [18]:
ndim, nwalkers = 4, 32
d_Guess = 15.0
f_Guess = 0.95
a_Guess = 0.0016
s_Guess = 500.0
nburnins = 300
ntrials = 9000

Run the burn-in phase. Run the full MCMC. Pickle the results.

In [19]:
sampler = hammer_time(ndim, nwalkers, d_Guess, f_Guess, a_Guess, s_Guess, nburnins, ntrials)

@pickle_results: using precomputed results from 'SiGaps_13_VG02_noGap-sampler.pkl'

Linearize $a$ and $s$ for easy inspection of the values.

In [20]:
chain = sampler.chain
samples_lin = copy(sampler.flatchain)
samples_lin[:, 2:] = np.exp(samples_lin[:, 2:])

Inspect the chain.

In [21]:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(4, 1, figsize=(5, 6), sharex=True)
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, bottom=0.1, right=0.96, top=0.98,
                    wspace=0.0, hspace=0.05)
[a.plot(np.arange(chain.shape[1]), chain[:, :, i].T, "k", alpha=0.5)
 for i, a in enumerate(axes)]
[a.set_ylabel("${0}$".format(l)) for a, l in zip(axes, ["d", "f", "\ln a", "\ln s"])]
axes[-1].set_xlim(0, chain.shape[1])

Make a triangle corner plot.

In [22]:
fig = triangle.corner(samples_lin, 
                      labels=map("${0}$".format, ["d", "f", "a", "s"]), 
                      quantiles=[0.16, 0.84])

[(0.16, 9.2917942238417428), (0.84, 40.707619886479556)]
[(0.16, 0.064084108048825791), (0.84, 0.73836476641700866)]
[(0.16, 0.0026176884201528023), (0.84, 0.0042281955289535707)]
[(0.16, 123.1130532646567), (0.84, 143.9008012107891)]

In [23]:
fig = triangle.corner(samples_lin[:,0:2], 
                      labels=map("${0}$".format, ["d", "f"]), 
                      quantiles=[0.16, 0.84])

[(0.16, 9.2917942238417428), (0.84, 40.707619886479556)]
[(0.16, 0.064084108048825791), (0.84, 0.73836476641700866)]
/Users/gully/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/ FutureWarning: comparison to `None` will result in an elementwise object comparison in the future.
  different = bool(ours != theirs)

Calculate confidence intervals.

In [24]:
d_mcmc, f_mcmc, a_mcmc, s_mcmc = map(lambda v: (v[1], v[2]-v[1], v[1]-v[0]),
                             zip(*np.percentile(samples_lin, [16, 50, 84],
d_mcmc, f_mcmc, a_mcmc, s_mcmc

((17.593240091088759, 23.114379795390796, 8.3014458672470166),
 (0.31743369524697829, 0.42093107117003037, 0.25334958719815248),
 (0.0032783203320604086, 0.00094987519689316213, 0.00066063191190760635),
 (133.09601972805291, 10.804781482736189, 9.9829664633962096))

In [25]:
print "{:.0f}^{{+{:.0f}}}_{{-{:.0f}}}".format(*d_mcmc)
print "{:.3f}^{{+{:.3f}}}_{{-{:.3f}}}".format(*f_mcmc)


Overlay draws from the Gaussian Process.

In [30]:

for d, f, a, s in samples_lin[np.random.randint(len(samples_lin), size=60)]:
    off_diag_terms = a**2 * np.exp(-0.5 * (x[:, None] - x[None, :])**2 / s**2)
    C = iid_cov + off_diag_terms
    fit = T_gap_Si_withFF_fast(x, d, f, n1)/T_DSP
    vec = np.random.multivariate_normal(fit, C)
    plt.plot(x, vec,"-b", alpha=0.06)

plt.step(x, y,color="k", label='Measurement')
plt.errorbar(x, y,yerr=er, color="k")
fit = T_gap_Si_withFF_fast(x, d_mcmc[0], f_mcmc[0], n1)/T_DSP
fit_label = 'Model with $d={:.0f}$ nm, $f={:.3f}$'.format(d_mcmc[0], f_mcmc[0])
plt.plot(x, fit, '--', color=sns.xkcd_rgb["pale red"], alpha=1.0, label=fit_label)
plt.plot([-10, -9], [-10, -9],"-b", alpha=0.45, label='Draws from GP')
plt.plot([0, 5000], [1.0, 1.0], '-.k', alpha=0.5)
plt.fill_between([1200, 1250], 2.0, 0.0, hatch='\\', alpha=0.4, color='k', label='Si absorption cutoff')

plt.xlabel('$\lambda$ (nm)');
plt.xlim(1200, 2501);
plt.ylim(0.96, 1.019);
plt.legend(loc='lower right')
plt.savefig("VG02_noGap.pdf",  bbox_inches='tight')

The end.

In [ ]: